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N2 CMS Developer Documentation

AboutN2 CMS is a Web Application that simplifies the task of developing and managing web sites. The intended audience is professional web developers and non-technical web managers.

The first version was published in 2006. Since then 45 versions have been released. The latest version, 2.1, was published in October 2010.


System Requirements............................................................................................................................5

Operating System...............................................................................................................................5

Web Servers.......................................................................................................................................5

.NET Framework.................................................................................................................................5


Wildcard mapping (IIS 5-6.1)..............................................................................................................5

Visual Studio Development................................................................................................................6

Shared Hosting...................................................................................................................................6

Links and Resources...............................................................................................................................6

Official Links.......................................................................................................................................6

Developer documentation resources.................................................................................................6

Management documentation resources............................................................................................6


N2 CMS 2.x Source Code....................................................................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x ASP.NET MVC Templates Pack........................................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x ASP.NET WebForms Templates Pack...............................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x MVC Minimal Example....................................................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x C# Minimal Example........................................................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x Visual Basic Minimal Example.........................................................................................7

N2 CMS 2.x Compiled Framework and Management UI....................................................................7


Web Platform Installer (WPI)..............................................................................................................7

Installing N2 CMS from Microsfot Web Platform Installer..............................................................7

Installing N2 CMS from Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager...........................................16

Installing N2 CMS from Microsoft WebMatrix..............................................................................21

Installing not yet published releases using WPI............................................................................22


Installing ASP.NET Template Pack from zip..................................................................................25

Changing databases..........................................................................................................................28

Using IIS............................................................................................................................................29

Using Visual Studio Integrated Development Server........................................................................29

Installing Code Snippets...................................................................................................................29

Installing Visual Studio Item Templates............................................................................................30

Installing Intellisense Documentation for Visual Studio...................................................................30

Software Architecture..........................................................................................................................30

CMS Framework vs. Web Application...............................................................................................30

Web Application Architecture..........................................................................................................31

CMS Framework Architecture..........................................................................................................31

WebForms vs. MVC..........................................................................................................................32

Routing to content with ASP.NET MVC.........................................................................................32

Development topics.............................................................................................................................34

Converting the project to Visual Studio 2010...................................................................................34

Creating a content page controller in ASP.NET MVC........................................................................36

Creating Content Page Template in WebForms...............................................................................44

Content Type Development.............................................................................................................47

WebForms ASPX Pages.....................................................................................................................49

ASP.NET MVC View Helpers.............................................................................................................50

Defining editors................................................................................................................................50

Parts on WebForms..........................................................................................................................52

Parts on ASP.NET MVC.....................................................................................................................54

Integrating with Existing ASP.NET MVC Application.........................................................................57

Integrating with Existing WebForms Application..............................................................................65

What, where and by whom?............................................................................................................65


Creating custom editors...................................................................................................................68

Organizing the editor interface........................................................................................................70

Finding content................................................................................................................................72

Finding details..............................................................................................................................74

Filtering content...............................................................................................................................74


Configuring permission.................................................................................................................76

Authorizing users..........................................................................................................................76

Membership & Roles....................................................................................................................76

Manipulating content.......................................................................................................................76

Creating content...........................................................................................................................77

Relations between items..................................................................................................................78

Multiple sites....................................................................................................................................78

Content Globalization.......................................................................................................................78



Global Events....................................................................................................................................78

Management Plugins........................................................................................................................78



Page complexity...........................................................................................................................79

Number of client requests............................................................................................................79

Number of queries.......................................................................................................................79

Database index tuning..................................................................................................................79

Replacing core services....................................................................................................................79

Building (unit) testable controllers...................................................................................................79


Using the trunk.................................................................................................................................79

Deployment & Shared Hosting.............................................................................................................79




Model changes.................................................................................................................................79

Template Packs....................................................................................................................................79

ASP.NET MVC...................................................................................................................................79




Frequently Asked Questions.................................................................................................................80

Where is the documentation?......................................................................................................80

Medium Trust...............................................................................................................................80

Wildcard Mapping........................................................................................................................80

Common Exception Types............................................................................................................80


Fine-tune authorization........................................................................................................................81

Add new roles to the content role provider.....................................................................................81

Configuring role to manage site area...........................................................................................82

Training videos.................................................................................................................................84

System Requirements

Operating SystemAny OS capable of running .NET framework such as:

Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Windows 2008 Windows 7 Windows 2008 R2

Web Servers IIS 5-7.5 ASP.NET Development Server WebMatrix

.NET Framework .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 .NET Framework 4.0

N2 CMS 1.5 can also run on .NET Framework 2.0.

DatabasesSupported databases include:

SQL Server 2008 * SQL Server 2008 Express * SQL Server 2005 * SQL Server 2005 Express * SQL Server 2000 SqlCe MySQL * SQLite * Firebird Jet DB2 Oracle9i Oracle10g

* A connection string example can be found in web.config

Wildcard mapping (IIS 5-6.1)On IIS 5 to IIS 6.1 wildcard mapping can be enabled to support “extensionless urls” (no ending .aspx on each page address). To enable this use IIS Manage.


Visual Studio DevelopmentVisual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010 (needs project upgrade) are recommended for site development with N2 CMS. Visual Studio Express can also be used.

Shared HostingSome users report no problems running in shared hosting under medium trust, others have had problems. N2 CMS has been tested on unmodified medium trust. It’s recommended you ask the hosting provider before you buy a long-term plan. Find more info online:


Links and Resources

Official Links Web site: http://n2cms.com/ Downloads: http://n2cms.codeplex.com/releases Forum: http://n2cms.codeplex.com/discussions/ Bug tracker: http://n2cms.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic Source code: http://code.google.com/p/n2cms/source/checkout Demo site: http://demo.n2cms.com/

Developer documentation resources http://n2cms.com/Documentation.aspx http://api.n2cms.com/ http://code.google.com/p/n2cms/wiki/Welcome http://n2cms.com/wiki.aspx http://n2cmstutorial.blogspot.com/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/n2 http://jamesbroo.me/tag/n2-cms/ http://martinondotnet.blogspot.com/search/label/n2cms http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/86664/N2CMS-Forum-Addon-Fixing-the-Theme.aspx http://interferencelogik.com/docs/N2CMS_TheLittleHandbook.pdf

Management documentation resources http://training.lithe.net.au/

DownloadingThe latest versions are available for download on Codeplex:


N2 CMS 2.x Source CodeThis package reflects the N2 CMS framework development environment and contains both template packs and all examples along with the framework source code. For site development it’s recommended to start from one of the template packs, or examples.

N2 CMS 2.x ASP.NET MVC Templates PackThis is the source code of the MVC template package along with a compiled version of the framework. Use this package to develop your own site with existing functionality using ASP.NET MVC.

N2 CMS 2.x ASP.NET WebForms Templates PackThis is the source code of the WebForms template package along with a compiled version of the framework. Use this package to develop your own site with existing functionality using ASP.NET WebForms.

N2 CMS 2.x MVC Minimal ExampleThis package contains a simple example site along with a compiled version of the framework. Use this package to understand the basics of ASP.NET MVC + N2 CMS or if you don’t need existing templates.

N2 CMS 2.x C# Minimal ExampleThis package contains a simple example site along with a compiled version of the framework. Use this package to understand the basics of WebForms/C# + N2 CMS or if you don’t need existing templates.

N2 CMS 2.x Visual Basic Minimal ExampleThis package contains a simple example site along with a compiled version of the framework. Use this package to understand the basics of WebForms/Visual Basic + N2 CMS or if you don’t need existing templates.

N2 CMS 2.x Compiled Framework and Management UIThis is the N2 CMS framework compiled and zipped for upgrade of a previous version, or integration with an existing site.

InstallingTo install N2 CMS in a development environment unzip one of the template packs or examples, open the solution file within with visual studio and run (Ctrl+F5). This will start a site using SQLite embedded database and the visual studio integrated web server.

Web Platform Installer (WPI)The same WPI package can be installed from the “Microsfot Web Platform Installer”, from “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” or from “Microsoft WebMatrix”.

Installing N2 CMS from Microsfot Web Platform InstallerMake sure WPI is installed and start it. You can download WPI from:


Locate N2 CMS in Web Applications / CMS / N2 CMS 2.x MVC Edition and check it and click Install.

Click I Accept to accept the LGPL license agreement.

This installs N2 CMS as an application in a virtual directory, i.e. http://localhost/N2CMS/. Use the Web Site drop down to change this.

Most users will want to Create new database. The Database Administrator is used to create the database and requires elevated permissions. The Database User is used by the web site to store and read content during operation (this user needs to be permitted to create tables in the database). The

database password must be at least 8 characters, contain lower- and uppercase characters and numbers. The database server is the name of the SQL Server instance. The database name is the name of the database which is created. The web administrator password is the password for the “admin” user when managing the web site online. Fill the blanks and click Continue.

Lean back and wait while the site is deployed.

Click on the Launch N2 CMS 2.x MVC Edition link to continue on the web based setup wizard. The online setup wizard can be reached at any time from the “/n2/installation/” path.

Click on please help me install on a new site.

The username is “admin”. Use the password you chose previously and click Log in.

Click Create tables, and advance to step to by clicking on “step 2”.

Select a theme of your liking and click “Please import this”. Advance to step 3.

Click on restart, then click on managing.

Congratulations. The site is installed. When you return to it you can access this management UI from the /N2/ path.

Installing N2 CMS from Internet Information Services (IIS) ManagerYou can download a template pack from Codeplex and install it using IIS manager.

Right-click on a web site, Deploy / Import Application…

Select the package you downloaded from Codeplex and click Next.

Click Next.

Select “Create new database” and click Next.

From now on it’s the same as “Installing N2 CMS from Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Continue reading there.

Installing N2 CMS from Microsoft WebMatrix

Install Site from Web Gallery. Select CMS / N2 CMS 2.x MVC Edition and click Next.

From now on it’s the same as “Installing N2 CMS from Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Continue reading there.

Installing not yet published releases using WPIOften there is a newer version available than the one in Application Gallery.

Click Options in the lower left corner.

Write http://n2cms.com/wpi.xml in “Display additional scenarios” and click Add feed, and then OK.

Select the N2 CMS tab, click on Customize and check the release you want to install. The installation procedure is the same as in the previous tutorials.

UnzipThe template packs and examples can run straight from unzip. The steps to follow are roughly the same as “ASP.NET MVC template pack”.

Installing ASP.NET Template Pack from zip

Download ASP.NET MVC template pack (or WebForms) and unzip.

Find the solution file within, and open it.

Visual Studio may ask permission to configure IIS. Choose YES.

To use SQLite database copy [ziproot]\Libraries\System.Data.SQLite.dll to [ziproot]\N2CMS\bin

To start the site, press Ctrl+F5.

Voila! You can access the management UI from the URL /n2/ with the username/password admin/changeme. You can change the password in web.config.

Changing databasesN2 supports several kinds of databases. To configure another database open web.config in the site’s root directory and find the <connectionStrings> section.

<!-- Some connection string examplesSQLite: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\n2.db;Version=3;New=True;" providerName="System.Data.SQLite"/>SQL Server 2005: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Server=(local);Database=N2_Templates;Integrated Security=SSPI"/>SQL Express 2005: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\N2.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>SQL Server 2000: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=SQLServer2000;Database=SQLDatabase2000;User Id=SqlUser2000;Password=SqlPassword2000;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>MySQL: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=MySQLServer;Database=MySQLDatabase;User Id=MySQLUser;Password=MySQLPassword;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>-->

<!-- Please not that you need to configure another database and remove \bin\system.data.sqlite.dll if you run in medium trust --><add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\n2.sqlite.db;Version=3;New=True;" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" />

N2 supports several kinds of databases. To configure another database open web.config in the site’s root directory and find the <connectionStrings> section. Remove the existing connection string and update the most relevant template to your database’s settings.

Using IISThe most easy way to configure IIS is to let WPI or visual studio configure the web application for you. Doing this manually means creating a web site or a web application below a site (not virtual directory) and setting the path to the unizipped site’s root directory.

Using Visual Studio Integrated Development ServerTo use the integrated web server right-click on the templates project, choose project properties, select the Web tab and select Visual Studio Development Server.

Installing Code SnippetsThe downloadable packages on Codeplex contains a number of templates and snippets which are useful when developing N2 sites.

Snippets are copied to [Documents]\Visual Studio 20xx\Code Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets. Once the snippets have been placed here they can be invoked from visual studio by their name and tapping tab twice (e.g. n2propfta [tab] [tab]). This will expand a property with an editable attribute. Available snippets:

n2prop.snippet n2propcb.snippet n2propenum.snippet n2propfta.snippet

n2propimage.snippet n2proptb.snippet n2propuc.snippet n2propurl.snippet

Installing Visual Studio Item TemplatesThe snippets folder also contains some Visual Studio Item Templates that appears when adding new items in Visual Studio. Copy them from the Snippets folder in the template package zip to [Documents]\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#. The item templates creates a content class and a corresponding template or controller. Available templates:

N2 Item Template.zip N2 Page Template.zip N2 Page Controller.zip

Installing Intellisense Documentation for Visual StudioCheck for /bin/N2.xml. This enables code documentation during intellisense operations and hovering in Visual Studio.

Software ArchitectureAn N2 CMS web site is layered into two parts. One part is a CMS Framework and another other part is the Web Application.

CMS Framework vs. Web ApplicationThe framework is represented by N2.dll, N2.Security.dll and N2.Management.dll as well as all files below the /N2/ folder. These reflect upon the application to create a UI where the site’s structure and content is managed. The framework provides tools the application can use to create a navigable web site.

The application references N2.dll and uses API:s in the N2 namespace to model content items so they can be managed from the management UI. The application contains the external shape of the site including master pages, style sheets and application logic. The application is developed with ASP.NET MVC or WebForms, either way they use the same version of the N2 CMS framework.

N2 Framework- Base classes- Web Controls- Declarations

Web Application- Application logic

- Layout- Style

N2 Management- Expose framework features to managers

.NET Framework

Web Application ArchitectureThe N2 framework has only one requirement on the application. There must be a class inheriting from N2.ContentItem. Instances of this class represent the pages managed in the UI. It’s a good idea to use multiple classes for different kinds of pages, and use inheritance to share common properties.

Each content class is related to one or more ASPX templates, or views which display the user managed content in a shared layout. The framework provides base classes and controls to simplify placing content, creating navigation and more.

When a page instance is created in the UI it is assigned a name which gives this page an URL from which it can be accessed. Assuming the start page has the path “/”, a page named “hello” will be accessible from the path “/hello/”. The framework is responsible for mapping this logical path to the ASPX template or view.

CMS Framework ArchitectureThe N2 CMS Framework uses Inversion of Control to compose all of the CMS’ functionality. During initialization a set of services are constructed and exposed through a singleton context located at N2.Context.Current. Many helper methods such as N2.Find.Items access this context to do their job.

Most of the interaction with N2 CMS is done through inheritance of classes or usage of attributes. During the initialization phase N2 analyzes the application and learns how to connect the content in the database with the application code.

It’s also possible to inject or replace services in N2 to bend the CMS’ behavior beyond recognition.

WebForms vs. MVCRegardless of application technology content items are defined using classes and instances of these are created and organized though a management UI. Each instance is given a name which is used to construct the page’s logical URL.

In the WebForms application content classes define a path to an ASPX template which is used to render that particular type of item. When a page instance’s logical URL is accessed the framework executes this template.

In the MVC application a controller defines what types of content item it controls. When a page instance of this type is accessed the control is executed and it determines what action to perform (e.g. render a view).

Url Routing

Url Rewriting



Content Types Classes inheriting from N2.ContentItem

These classes look the same between MVC and WebForms

ControllerGathers the data to be rendered

ViewShow data with Html helpers

ASPX TemplateUses web controls to display content

Pages that are outside a start page, e.g. pages in trash can also be accessed but not via a friendly url.

Pages handled by an MVC controller are accessed via an url that corresponds to “/{controller}/{action}/?page={id}”.

Pages that are handled by a webforms page are accessible via “/{path-to-aspx-template}?page={id}”.

Routing to content with ASP.NET MVCAn example for an application using the ContentRoute and MVC. Model:

[PageDefinition]public class ContentPage : PageModelBase{}


[Controls(typeof(Models.ContentPage))]public class ContentPagesController : ContentController<Models.ContentPage>{}

And the following incoming URL:


This URL is based on each page’s name and the names of the ancestors leading up to the start page. In this case the page “N2 CMS 2.1.1 released” is placed below the page “News” which is directly below the start page.

When a request arrives routes are asked in order if they can handle it. Since the URL maps to a content item the ContentRoute will respond with route data containing controller and referencing to the item.

Path segments immediately after a path leading to a controller are mapped as actions if there is a corresponding method on the controller. E.g. if there was an action “Comment” on the ContentPages controller the following url would lead to that action:


The following URL would also lead to this item and would be generated for pages that aren’t within a start page (e.g. if they have been thrown in the trash):


Development topics

Converting the project to Visual Studio 2010

Start Visual Studio 2010 and open the solution file.

Click Finish.

Click Yes.

Open web.config, find the <system.web> and the following comment:<!--Uncomment for .NET 4 <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>-->And uncomment it:<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

Compile and run

Creating a content page controller in ASP.NET MVCThis tutorial assumes you have added the visual studio item templates. How to do this is documented in the Installation section of this document.


Right-click on the project, select and add a new N2 Contet Controller.2.

The item template includes a content page class. Take note of these traits shared by most content items:

a. It’s attributed by [PageDefinition]b. It inherits from N2.ContentItemc. It’s enriched by attributes with an editable title, name (url segment), and free text


A content controller is also generated. It shares some traits in common with most content controllers:

a. It [Controls] a type of content item (the one that was generated).b. It inherits from ContentController<T>. The generic argument gives strongly typed

access to CurrentItemc. It has an Index action.


There is no view yet, but this is easy enough to generate. Right-click in the Index action method, and Add View…

5.Create a strongly typed view by setting the view data class to the generated model class.


The view uses all regions from the master page. Usually MainContent is enough and the others can be removed.

7. Tweaking the view a bit will reveal content managed from the UI:

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <%= Html.DisplayContent("Title") %> <%= Html.DisplayContent("Text") %></asp:Content>


A quick compile (F6 in visual studio) makes the page available in the management UI.


This is the editing form generated from that model.


And this is how the page looks in the end.

Creating Content Page Template in WebForms1.

Right-click on the project node and Add / New item… Select N2 Page Template and Add.


A content item class is generated.


A page template is generated.


The page template is given a code-behind inheriting from ContetPage<T>




Content Type DevelopmentThe N2 programming model requires each type of content to have a class that is compiled into the application. Instances of this class are later used from a template, controller or view.

Consider the following content class:

[PageDefinition("TutorialPage")][WithEditableTitle, WithEditableName]public class TutorialPage : ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea("Text", 100)]public virtual string Text{

get { return (string)(GetDetail("Text") ?? string.Empty); }set { SetDetail("Text", value, string.Empty); }


Ever since N2 CMS 2.1 it’s possible to get rid of the bulky getters and setters:

[PageDefinition("TutorialPage")][WithEditableTitle, WithEditableName]public class TutorialPage : ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea("Text", 100)]public virtual string Text { get; set; }

}A common pattern is using an abstract base class for re-use across multiple types:

[WithEditableTitle, WithEditableName]public abstract class ContentPageBase : ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea("Text", 100)]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


[PageDefinition("Tutorial Page")]public class TutorialPage : ContentPageBase{}

[PageDefinition("Example Page")]public class ExamplePage : ContentPageBase{}

Both TutorialPage and ExamplePage will have an editable title, name and text.

When developing an ASP.NET MVC application the content item doesn’t know which template will use it (the controller defines which content item it controls). When using WebForms however, TemplateUrl is used:

/// <summary>/// This is WebForms' style of content item declaration./// </summary>[PageDefinition("WebForm Page",

TemplateUrl = "~/Path/To/My/Template.aspx")]public class WebFormPage : ContentPageBase{}

Most of these attributes have additional properties that can be configured. Use visual studio intellisense to discover these.

WebForms ASPX PagesN2 CMS provides a number of web controls for creating UI with WebForms:

<n2:ControlPanel – renders the control panel <n2:Display – displays content from the current page <n2:HasValue – a placeholder that is displayed when a property has a value <n2:Repeater - a repeater with support for no results <n2:SlidingCurtain – creates a sliding box around the control panel <n2:Tree – creates a tree structure <n2:Zone – renders parts in a zone <n2:ItemDataSource – binds items to grids and repeaters and navigation controls

There are also a number of base classes which helps accessing the current item and integrate witch caching:

ContentPage – a page base class with access to the current page ContentPage<T> - a page base class with strongly typed access to the current page ContentUserControl – a user control base class with access to the current page ContentUserControl<TPage> - a base class with strongly typed access to the current page ContentUserControl<TPage, TPart> - a base class used for parts with access to page and part

Look at the WebForms template pack for examples on how to use these controls and base classes. This project provides more web controls and TemplatePage<T> and TemplateUesrControl<T> with additional functionality.

ASP.NET MVC View HelpersWhen developing an ASP.MVC view there are some view helpers that can be useful:

Html.BeginAsyncAction Html.HasValue Html.ValueEquals Html.ResolveService<T> Html.CurrentPage Html.CurrentPage<T> Html.CurrentItem Html.CurrentItem<T> Html.Detail Html.DisplayContent Html.RenderDisplay Html.DroppableZone Html.ActionLink Html.Zone Html.RenderZone


<% using (Html.BeginAsyncAction("lazy", new { partial = true })){ %><%= Html.ActionLink("Loading expensive content", Html.CurrentPage(),

"lazy", …<% } %>

The example shows a link while the lazy action is being retrieved asynchronously from the client.

Defining editorsEditors are defined using attributes on content item classes or properties.

WithEditableChild – Adds an edit for form a child item resolved by its name WithEditableDateRange – Adds a date range editor WithEditableName – Adds editing of the item’s name (url segment) WithEditablePublishedRange – Adds editing of the items publishing range WithEditableTitle – Adds editing of the item title EditableCheckBox – Adds editing of a Boolean property EditableChildren – Adds editing of a collection of children EditableDate – Adds editing of a date EditableEnum – Adds editing of an enum EditableFileUpload – Adds file upload and store a link to the uploaded file EditableFreeTextArea – Adds a WYSIWYG editor EditableImage – Adds an image picker EditableImageSize – Adds an image size drop down EditableItem – Adds an editable child item EditableLanguagesDropDown – Adds a drop down with languages EditableLink – Adds a link picker EditableTextBox – Adds a text box

EditableUrl – Adds an text box with link picker EditableUserControl – Adds a custom user control

This is an example of a content item with too many editors defined:

[WithEditableChild][WithEditableDateRange][WithEditableName][WithEditablePublishedRange][WithEditableTitle]public abstract class ContentPageBase : ContentItem{

[EditableCheckBox][EditableChildren][EditableDate][EditableEnum][EditableFileUpload][EditableFreeTextArea][EditableImage][EditableImageSize][EditableItem][EditableLanguagesDropDown][EditableLink][EditableTextBox][EditableUrl][EditableUserControl]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


Parts on WebForms1.

Right-click on the project, Add, New item… , select N2 Item Template and Add.


Use the n2propfta to add a free text area snippet. Give the property the name Text.3. Edit TutorialPart.ascx and add a display control:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TutorialPart.ascx.cs" Inherits="N2.UI.TutorialPart" %>

<div style="border:solid 10px red"><n2:Display runat="server" propertyname="Text" />



Compile and Voila! Select “Organize parts” and drag TutorialPartItem into a zone to see it in action.

Parts on ASP.NET MVC1.

Right-click on the project, Add, New item… N2 Content Controller2. Change [PageDefinition] to [PartDefinition] and remove the attributes [WithEditableTitle] and

[WithEditableName]on the TutorialPart class. Move it to the Models.Parts namespace:

namespace N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Parts{

[PartDefinition("TutorialPart")]public class TutorialPart : ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea("Text", 100)]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


3. Change TutorialpartController to use the correct namespace and make it return a PartialView:

[Controls(typeof(Models.Parts.TutorialPart))]public class TutorialPartController : ContentController<Models.Parts.TutorialPart>{

public override ActionResult Index(){

// Right-click and Add View..return PartialView(CurrentItem);



4. <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Parts.TutorialPart>" %>

5.6. <div style="border: solid 10px red">7. <%= Model.Text %>8. </div>

9.Right-click in the action, Add View…, check Create a partial view (.ascx), and Add.

10. Add some markup:

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Parts.TutorialPart>" %>

<div style="border: solid 10px red"><%= Model.Text %>



Compile and Voila! Choose “Organize parts” on a page and drag TutorialPart onto a zone.

Integrating with Existing ASP.NET MVC Application1.

This tutorial is based on the default MVC application created by the visual studio project template.


Grab the latest version of “N2 CMS 2.x Compiled Framework and Management UI” and copy the Bin and N2 folders to the application root folder.

3. Open up web.config and add the following sections:

<!-- add n2 section group --><configSections>

<sectionGroup name="n2" type="N2.Configuration.SectionGroup, N2"><section name="host" type="N2.Configuration.HostSection, N2"

requirePermission="false" restartOnExternalChanges="true"/><section name="engine" type="N2.Configuration.EngineSection, N2"

requirePermission="false" restartOnExternalChanges="true"/><section name="database" type="N2.Configuration.DatabaseSection,

N2" requirePermission="false" restartOnExternalChanges="true"/><section name="edit" type="N2.Configuration.EditSection, N2"

requirePermission="false" restartOnExternalChanges="true"/></sectionGroup>


<!-- merge n2 connection string --><connectionStrings>

<!-- Some connection string examplesSQLite: <add name="N2CMS"

connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\n2.db;Version=3;New=True;" providerName="System.Data.SQLite"/>

SQL Server 2005: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Server=(local);Database=N2_Templates;Integrated Security=SSPI"/>

SQL Express 2005: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\N2.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

SQL Server 2000: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=SQLServer2000;Database=SQLDatabase2000;User Id=SqlUser2000;Password=SqlPassword2000;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

MySQL: <add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=MySQLServer;Database=MySQLDatabase;User Id=MySQLUser;Password=MySQLPassword;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>


<!-- Please not that you need to configure another database and remove \bin\system.data.sqlite.dll if you run in medium trust -->

<add name="N2CMS" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\n2.sqlite.db;Version=3;New=True;" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" />


<!-- add n2 config section --><n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3">

<host/><engine/><database /><edit/>


<system.web><!-- Allow posting html content --><httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

<!-- merge authentication section (switching to membership providers as soon things are running is recommended)--> <authentication mode="Forms">

<forms loginUrl="n2/login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30000" path="/">

<credentials passwordFormat="Clear"><!-- WARNING: Change this default password. Please do

it now. --><user name="admin" password="changeme" />



<!-- merge the pages section --><pages>

<controls><add tagPrefix="n2" namespace="N2.Web.UI.WebControls"

assembly="N2" /></controls><namespaces>

<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc"/><add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax"/><add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html"/><add namespace="System.Web.Routing"/><add namespace="System.Collections.Generic"/><add namespace="N2.Web.Mvc.Html"/>


<!-- merge httpHandlers & httpModules (IIS5-6+WebDev) --><httpHandlers>

<add path="*.n2.ashx" verb="*" type="N2.Web.AjaxRequestHandler, N2" />


<add name="n2.initializer" type="N2.Web.InitializerModule, N2" />


<!-- merge modules & handlers (IIS7) --><system.webServer>

<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/><modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">

<add name="n2.initializer" type="N2.Web.InitializerModule, N2" />


<add name="n2.ajax" path="*.n2.ashx" verb="*"type="N2.Web.AjaxRequestHandler, N2" />



Add references to bin/N2.dll and bin/N2.Extensions.dll.5. Update Global.asax.cs:

protected void Application_Start(){


// add the content route before other routesvar engine = MvcEngine.Create();engine.RegisterControllers(typeof(MvcApplication).Assembly);RouteTable.Routes.MapContentRoute("Content", engine);


6. Add a HomePage content item:

namespace VanillaApplication.Models{

[N2.PageDefinition]public class HomePage : N2.ContentItem{}


7. Update the HomeController:

[N2.Web.Controls(typeof(Models.HomePage))][HandleError]public class HomeController : Controller{

public ActionResult Index(){

ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

return View();}


Compile and run, you should be redirected to the N2 installation9. Click on help me install a database for a new site10. Log in using the username and password you pasted into web.config (admin/changeme)


Click to create tables (now is the good time to update the connection string to another database if you don’t want to use SQLite)


On step 2. Content Package go to Manually insert nodes and insert a “Root Page (fallback)” and HomePage and click Add two separate nodes.


Scroll down and click Update web.config


On the finishing touches heed the advice and update the password in web.config. You pasted this earlier so it should be easy to find. Click on managing.


The integration should be working but you might want to update update the model and view a bit.

16. Update the model to contain some editable stuff:

[N2.PageDefinition][WithEditableName, WithEditableTitle]public class HomePage : N2.ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


17. Update /Views/Home/Index.aspx:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <h2><%= Html.CurrentPage<VanillaApplication.Models.HomePage>().Title %></h2> <%= Html.DisplayContent("Text") %></asp:Content>

18. Update /Views/Shared/Site.master:

<body><%-- just within <body> --%><n2:SlidingCurtain runat="server">

<n2:ControlPanel runat="server"/></n2:SlidingCurtain>

<%-- Replace the hard-coded navigation --%><div id="menucontainer">

<ul id="menu"><li>

<%= Html.ActionLink(N2.Find.StartPage) %></li><%= N2.Web.Tree.From(N2.Find.StartPage, 2).ExcludeRoot(true) %>



Congratulations, your site is now content enabled. Integrating the template pack requires more work, but understanding the basics is an important step.

Integrating with Existing WebForms ApplicationTODO

What, where and by whom?It’s possible to use attributes to define which types of items can be created below another type, and who can create.

[WithEditableName, WithEditableTitle]public abstract class PageBase : N2.ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea]public virtual string Text { get; set; }

}Base classes can use and be referenced for restrictions.

[N2.PageDefinition][ItemAuthorizedRoles(new string[0])] // allow no onepublic class HomePage : PageBase{}

ItemAuthorizedRoles prevents this page from being created in the UI.

[N2.PageDefinition][RestrictParents(typeof(HomePage))] // allow sections immediately below

home page[ItemAuthorizedRoles("Administrators")] // only admins can create this

pagepublic class SectionPage : PageBase{}

RestrictParents make so this can only be created below a certain type. ItemAuthorizedRole restricts who can create it (but not delete, move or edit).

[N2.PageDefinition][RestrictChildren(typeof(NewsPage))] // prevent TextPage to be allowedpublic class NewsContainer : PageBase{}

RestrictChildren make so only the referenced types can be created below. By default all types are allowed.

[N2.PageDefinition][RestrictParents(typeof(NewsContainer))] // allow only below news

containerpublic class NewsPage : PageBase, ICommentable{}

Removing RestrictParents would make it possible to create this type below other types than NewsContainer.

[N2.PageDefinition][RestrictParents(typeof(PageBase))] // allowed below any page inheriting

from PageBasepublic class TextPage : PageBase, ICommentable{}

RestrictParents can use a baseclass to restrict to a larger number of types.

[PartDefinition]// allowed in any zone on any pagepublic class FooterPart : ContentItem{}

By default all parts are allowed in any zone.

It’s optional to define on the pages which zones are available. The benefit of declaring with [AvailableZone] is that parts can be added from the management UI without using drag and drop.

public interface ICommentable{}

Interfaces can be referenced for restrictions.

[PartDefinition][RestrictParents(typeof(ICommentable))] // allowed only below commentable

items[AllowedZones("Comments")] // allowed only in comments zonepublic class CommentPart : ContentItem{}

This part can only be created below types implementing ICommentable. Additionally only the zone “Comments” is allowed.

CachingBy default url-to-item mapping is enabled. Second level cache (generic database entity cache) and output cache can be enabled via configuration. The caches are invalidated when content is changed.

Enable output cache for any controller implementing ContentController<> and any page implementing ContentPage<>:

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3"><host rootID="1" startPageID="2">

<!-- output cache caches the rendered page and is invalidated when a page is published --><outputCache enabled="true" duration="10"/>

</host><engine/><database /><edit/>


To disable url-to-item mapping cache:

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3">

<host rootID="1" startPageID="2"><web>

<!-- Disable url caching will make the system traverse children for each request --><urls enableCaching="false" />

</web></host><engine/><database /><edit/>


To enable second level cache (generic database entity cache):

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3"><host rootID="1" startPageID="2"/><engine/><!-- Other cache providers are also available --><database caching="true"

cacheProviderClass="NHibernate.Caches.SysCache2.SysCacheProvider, NHibernate.Caches.SysCache2"/>


Creating custom editorsThe included editable attributes are build using the same system you can use to build your own.

1. Create a class inheriting from AbstractEditableAttribute, let visual studio generate the abstract methods:

using N2.Details;using System.Web.UI;

namespace VanillaApplication.Models{

public class EditablePageDropDownAttribute : AbstractEditableAttribute{

protected override Control AddEditor(Control container){

throw new NotImplementedException();}

public override void UpdateEditor(N2.ContentItem item, Control editor)

{throw new NotImplementedException();


public override bool UpdateItem(N2.ContentItem item, Control editor){

throw new NotImplementedException();}


2. Implement AddEditor:

protected override Control AddEditor(Control container){

// here we create the editor control and add it to the pageDropDownList list = new DropDownList();list.ID = Name;list.DataTextField = "Title";list.DataValueField = "ID";list.DataSource = N2.Find.Items

.Where.AncestralTrail.NotLike("Trash%") // exclude trash

.MaxResults(1000) // keep a reasonable result size

.Filters(new AccessFilter()) // don't reveal secrets

.Select();list.DataBind();container.Controls.Add(list);return list;


3. Now the available pages show up find but we need to persist what the manager selects:

public override void UpdateEditor(N2.ContentItem item, Control editor)

{// here we update the editor control to reflect what was savedContentItem selectedItem = item[Name] as ContentItem;if (selectedItem != null){

DropDownList list = editor as DropDownList;list.SelectedValue = selectedItem.ID.ToString();


public override bool UpdateItem(N2.ContentItem item, Control editor){

// here we update the item from dropdown selectionDropDownList list = editor as DropDownList;int selectedID = int.Parse(list.SelectedValue);

ContentItem previouslySelected = item[Name] as ContentItem;if (previouslySelected != null && previouslySelected.ID ==

selectedID)// no changereturn false;

item[Name] = Engine.Persister.Get(selectedID);return true;


4. Let’s use the editable on some properties:

public class HomePage : PageBase{

[EditablePageDropDown]public virtual ContentItem AboutPage { get; set; }

[EditablePageDropDown]public virtual ContentItem CookiePage { get; set; }



There they are.

Organizing the editor interfaceWhen adding [Editable…] attributes on content classes you are defining what the editor interface will look like. It’s possible to fine-tune how this interface will appear using “containers”. An example:

[TabContainer("content", "Content", 0)][WithEditableName(ContainerName = "content"),

WithEditableTitle(ContainerName = "content")]public abstract class PageBase : N2.ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea(ContainerName = "content")]public virtual string Text { get; set; }

}Adds title, name and text editing to a tab “Content”.

[N2.PageDefinition][TabContainer("advanced", "Advanced", 10)]public class HomePage : PageBase{

[EditableImage(ContainerName = "content")]public virtual string ImageUrl { get; set; }

[EditablePageDropDown(ContainerName = "advanced")]public virtual ContentItem AboutPage { get; set; }

[EditablePageDropDown(ContainerName = "advanced")]public virtual ContentItem CookiePage { get; set; }

}Adds image picker to the Content tab defined in the base class, and an “Advanced” tab with two drop down editors. The advanced tab is sorted after the content since it’s sortOrder property is greater (10 > 0).

This is the previously defined editor interface.

It’s also possible to nest containers:

[TabContainer("content", "Content", 0)][FieldSetContainer("meta", "Meta attributes", 0,

ContainerName = "content", SortOrder = 100)][WithEditableName(ContainerName = "content")][WithEditableTitle(ContainerName = "content")]public abstract class PageBase : N2.ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea(ContainerName = "content")]public virtual string Text { get; set; }

[EditableTextBox(ContainerName = "meta")]public virtual string MetaDescription { get; set; }

[EditableTextBox(ContainerName = "meta")]public virtual string MetaKeywords { get; set; }


The resulting interface after the changes above.

These are the built-in containers:

[ExpandableContainer] [FieldSetContainer] [Separator] [TabContainer]

To build your own extend from N2.Definitions.EditorContainerAttribute.

Finding contentThere are multiple ways of finding content stored in the database:

The finder fluent API (N2.Find.Items…) Traversing the content tree (N2.Find.StartPage.GetChildren()…) LINQ (using N2.Linq; Engine.QueryItems()) Using NHibernate query options (hql, criteria, raw SQL, LINQ)

public ActionResult QueryForProperty(){

ViewData["foundItmes"] = FindRecentlyPublishedWithFinder();ViewData["traversedItmes"] = FindRecentlyPublishedWithTraversion();ViewData["linqedItems"] = FindRecentlyPublishedWithLINQ();

ViewData["hqledItems"] = FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHHql();ViewData["criteriaItems"] =

FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHCriteria();ViewData["nhlinqedItems"] = FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHLINQ();

return View();}

The MVC action above invokes multiple ways of finding content which will be analyzed in further detail below.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedWithFinder(){

// this will create a hql expression behind the scenes and run itvar recentlyPublishedItems = N2.Find.Items


.Filters(new AccessFilter())

.Select();return recentlyPublishedItems;

}This is example usage of the finder fluent API.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedWithTraversion(){

// this will force all contnet items in the database into memoryvar recentlyPublishedItems = Find.EnumerateTree(Find.RootItem)

.Where(ci => ci.Published > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1))

.Where(new AccessFilter().Match)

.ToList();return recentlyPublishedItems;

}This is example usage of traversing the complete content hierarchy using a helper method. This method will force all content to be loaded into server memory and isn’t optimal when there is a lot of content.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedWithLINQ(){

// the linq support is not fully functional in N2 2.1 betavar recentlyPublishedItems = Engine.QueryItems()

.Where(ci => ci.Published > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1))

.Where(new AccessFilter().Match)

.ToList();return recentlyPublishedItems;

}This example uses the N2 LINQ wrapper around NH LINQ for finding items.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHHql(){

// use NHibernate hql api for querying// will include previous versions by defaultvar recentlyPublishedItems =

Engine.Resolve<ISessionProvider>().OpenSession.Session.CreateQuery("from ContentItem ci where ci.Published

> :minDate").SetParameter("minDate", DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)).Enumerable<ContentItem>().Where(new AccessFilter().Match).ToList();

return recentlyPublishedItems;}

This example falls back to the NHibernate hql API for querying. The results are not filtered for previous versions In this case. This is used behind the hood when using the N2 finder API.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHCriteria()

{// use NHibernate criteria api for querying// will include previous versions by defaultvar recentlyPublishedItems =


DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1))).List<ContentItem>().Where(new AccessFilter().Match).ToList();

return recentlyPublishedItems;}

This example uses the NHibernate Criteria API for querying. The results are not filtered for previous versions.

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedItemsWithNHLINQ(){

// use NHibernate linq api for querying// will include previous versions by defaultvar recentlyPublishedItems =

Engine.Resolve<ISessionProvider>().OpenSession.Session.Query<ContentItem>().Where(ci => ci.Published > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)).Where(new AccessFilter().Match).ToList();

return recentlyPublishedItems;}

This example uses the NHibernate LINQ API for querying. The results are not filtered for previous versions. This is used behind the hood when using the N2 LINQ API.

Finding detailsDetails are stored in a separate detail table. Querying for details means asking the database to do a sub-select.

private object FindTextContainsWithFinder(){

// this will cause a sub-selectvar itemsWithSomestring = N2.Find.Items


.Filters(new AccessFilter())

.Select();return itemsWithSomestring;


Filtering contentA very common operation is filtering of lists. To simplify this there is a concept of filters. These are the filters available by default:

AccessFilter – removes items not authorized by the user CompositeFilter – is composed of other filters, removes items not authorized by all of these

NavigationFilter – is composed of a page, visible, published and access filter CountFilter –skip and takes a number of items, needs to be reset after each use DelegateFilter – encapsulates an action that does the filtering DuplicateFilter – removes duplicates, needs to be reset after each use InverseFilter – contains another filter which behavior is inversed NullFilter – doesn’t filter PageFilter – allows only pages (not parts) ParentFilter – removes anything not structured below a parent PublishedFilter – removes unpublished and expired items TypeFilter – removes items not deriving from a certain type VisibleFilter – removes non-visible items ZoneFilter – removes items not in a given zone

Example, filtering found items:

private IEnumerable<ContentItem> FindRecentlyPublishedWithFinder(){

var recentlyPublishedItems = N2.Find.Items.Where.Published.Gt(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)).Filters(new AccessFilter()).Select();

return recentlyPublishedItems;}

The GetChildren method without parameters uses AccessFilter. When filtering children remember to include an access filter. Example, filtering out child pages that are accessible:

public ActionResult FilteringChildPages(){

ViewData["childPages"] = CurrentPage.GetChildren(new CompositeFilter(

new AccessFilter(), new PageFilter()));

return View();}

The filter can also be invoked directly. Calling filter will remove entries from the list.

public ActionResult FilteringLists(){

var children = CurrentPage.GetChildren();var filter = new PublishedFilter();// filtering a list will remove entries from the listfilter.Filter(children);

return View();}

Without changing the list, it’s possible to call Pipe which returns the matching items.

public ActionResult PipingEnumerations(){

var children = CurrentPage.GetChildren();var filter = new PublishedFilter();// piping will return a filtered enumeration without changing the


var filteredChildren = filter.Pipe(children);

return View();}

SecurityN2 allows administrators to set specific permissions for content the role level. The available permissions are Read, Write, Publish and administer. The roles are retrieved from the configured roles provider.

Configuring permissionBy default only read permissions are available to be managed. To enable the other permissions some configuration is required:

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3"><edit>

<!-- setting these roles to dynamic will enable administration -->

<writers dynamic="true"/><editors dynamic="true"/><administrators dynamic="true"/>


Authorizing usersBy default N2 manages the security and throws an exception for unauthorized access. It’s possible to override the default behavior on the content item:

[PageDefinition]public class PerUserSecurable : PageBase{

public override bool IsAuthorized(IPrincipal user){

if (base.IsAuthorized(user))// continue allowing setting permissions via rolesreturn true;

// additionally maintain a list of authorized usersreturn AuthorizedUsers.Contains(

user.Identity.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);


public IList<string> AuthorizedUsers{


return (GetDetailCollection("AuthorizedUsers", /*create*/ false)

?? new DetailCollection()).ToList<string>();}


Membership & Roles Included in N2.Security.dll are membership, roles and profile provider which stores their settings in the content item database. These providers can be replaced by the ASP.NET counterparts. Refer to the ASP.NET documentation for information on how to configure membership providers.

Manipulating contentThis is the content model consumed by the subsequent examples:

public abstract class PageBase : N2.ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


[PageDefinition]public class HomePage : PageBase{

[EditableLink]public virtual ContentItem AboutPage { get; set; }


[PartDefinition][AllowedZones("Comments")] // allowed only in comments zonepublic class CommentPart : ContentItem{

[EditableFreeTextArea]public virtual string Text { get; set; }


Creating contentA few examples performing CRUD operations on a comment:

public ActionResult CreateComment(string text){

// creates a comment below the current pagevar comment = Engine.Definitions

.CreateInstance<CommentPart>(CurrentPage);comment.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(text);// the zone name property determines a part's zonecomment.ZoneName = "Comments";Engine.Persister.Save(comment);

return Redirect(CurrentPage.Url);}

That was an example creating a comment part in the ”Comments” zone.

public ActionResult ReadComment(int id){

var comment = Engine.Persister.Get<CommentPart>(id);

return Content(comment.Text);}

That was an example getting a comment and returning its text.

public ActionResult UpdateComment(int id, string text){

var comment = Engine.Persister.Get<CommentPart>(id);

comment.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(text);Engine.Persister.Save(comment);

return Redirect(CurrentPage.Url);}

That was an example updating the text of a comment.

public ActionResult DeleteComment(int id){

var comment = Engine.Persister.Get<CommentPart>(id);Engine.Persister.Delete(comment);

return Redirect(CurrentPage.Url);}

That was an example deleting a comment.

public ActionResult Create1000Children(){

// this is a way to give your site a good workoutfor (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){

var child = Engine.Definitions.CreateInstance<HomePage>(CurrentPage);

child.Title = "Child page " + i;child.Name = "page" + i;child.Text = "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>";child.AddTo(CurrentPage);

}// saves all the children in one goEngine.Persister.Save(CurrentPage);

return Redirect(CurrentPage.Url);}

Sometimes, it’s useful to create a lot of test data. In such cases this is a way of quickly creating a lot of content.

Relations between itemsTODO

Multiple sitesTODO

Content GlobalizationTODO



Global EventsTODO

Management PluginsTODO



Page complexityTODO

Number of client requestsTODO

Number of queries TODO

Database index tuningTODO

Any Advice On Performance?  

Create Missing Indexes  

MS SQL Server optimization


Replacing core servicesTODO

Building (unit) testable controllersTODO


Using the trunkTODO

Deployment & Shared Hosting




Model changes

Template Packs





Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the documentation?Here.

Medium TrustTODO

Wildcard MappingTODO

Common Exception TypesTODO

ContributorsThe application is released as open source and been improved by a number of contributors, which in order of appearance are:

Cristian Libardo Sten Johanneson Michele Scaramal Martijn Rasenberg Taras Strypko

Geert van Horrik Elizabeth Pedropaf Matthew Magomed Abdurakhmanov Steve Mason Jemerick Tjassim Tonez Stanley Ipkiss Kennet James Crowley Wayne Wong mjwills And Poulsen Paul Knopf

N2 CMS Management documentation

Fine-tune authorization

Add new roles to the content role providerOnly if you use the "ContentRoleProvider" in web.config you can manage roles using the content tree. Other role providers may give you other ways of managing roles.

1. Click "Settings", then "Show non-pages in navigation" and "Save".

2. Right-click on the Users node and choose "Edit", add some roles to the roles text area. One role for each row and "Save and publish".

Enabling Dynamic Permissions (permissions on content) This allows altering permissions on a per-role and per-content item (or hierarchy) basis. In web.config:

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3"><edit>

<writers dynamic="true"/><editors dynamic="true"/><administrators dynamic="true"/>

Adding roles to writers, editors or administratorsBy default N2 recognizes roles Writers, Editors and Administrators and the user “admin”. To add roles to these groups modify web.config:

<n2 xmlns="http://n2cms.com/schemas/configuration/v3"><edit>

<writers dynamic="true" roles="Writers,EnglishWriters" /><editors dynamic="true"/><administrators dynamic="true"/>

In addition to this, roles may have to be authorized to access the management UI. Do this in /N2/web.config:

<authorization><allow users="Admin"

roles="Administrators,Editors,Writers,EnglishWriters"/><deny users="*"/>


Configuring role to manage site areaN2 CMS can be set up separate multiple user roles to manage different areas of the site. To do this add some roles, to your role provider.

Click on the root node to give custom permissions, and change the permissions according to the following image. Right-click on "Save" and click on "Save whole branch".

Click on users in the toolbar, click on new, fill out the form like the image below and "Create user".

Continue to each other security area and change the settings and add users accordingly. If using nested areas first update the page containing the other since saving whole branch will overwrite all settings whithin.

Training videoshttp://training.lithe.net.au/

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