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Ab initio theoretical investigation of Phthalocyanine-Semiconductor hybrid systems.

G. Mattioli,1, 2 F. Filippone,2 P. Giannozzi,3 R. Caminiti,1 and A. Amore Bonapasta2

1Dept. of Chemistry, Universita’ di Roma ”La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy2Istituto di Struttura della Materia (ISM) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,

Via Salaria Km 29.5, CP 10, 00016 Monterotondo Stazione, Italy∗3Dept. of Physics, University of Udine and DEMOCRITOS National

Simulation Center, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy

In the present study, an extensive investigation of the molecule-surface interaction in hybridsystems formed by phthalocyanines (Pcs) and inorganic semiconductors (IS) has been performed byusing ab initio theoretical methods. Aim of this study is to provide a framework to design effectivelycoupled Pcs-IS systems, assumed here to be characterized by the formation of chemical bondsbetween the two components and by a molecule-surface charge-transfer involving the π-electronclouds responsible of the Pc optical and transport properties. The achieved results strengthen acrucial point for designing coupled Pc/IS structures, that is, the occurrence of a universal alignmentof the Pc electronic levels with respect to the semiconductor band structure, previously suggestedonly on the ground of a limited set of results. Present results also confirm that an effective organic-inorganic coupling can be achieved through a careful choice of the Pc-substrate system and thesemiconductor doping. In this regard, they trace also novel routes for designing hybrid Pc/ISsystems by showing that the degrees of freedom for reaching an effective coupling can be increasedby modifying the molecular architecture. Finally, present results predict that XPS measurementscan give an experimental evidence of molecule-surface charge-transfer processes occurring in coupledPc/IS systems.


Phthalocyanines (Pcs) present several properties of po-tential interest for technological applications. The struc-ture of these molecules is characterized by one or moremacrocyclic ligands carrying clouds of delocalized π elec-trons, and by a central metal or group, e.g., Cu, Zn, Pb,Fe, Sn, TiO, Ru2, Si(OH)2, etc.. Almost all of the metalsappearing in the periodic table have been used to synthe-size different kinds of Pc molecules where they generallyplay the role of electron donors to the ligands. In a shortresume, the following Pcs properties may be related tosuch a peculiar structure:

• The delocalized π clouds show a high-order po-larizability and a marked nonlinear optical (NLO)activity.1 Thus, Pcs films are suitable to be em-ployed as limiting optical devices or photoniccrystals for second and third harmonic frequencygeneration.1–3

• Oxidized4 and reduced5 Pc crystals are semicon-ducting. They show indeed high carrier mobilitiesthat can reach the value of 1 cm2 V−1 s−1.6–8 Pcscan be used as components of organic electronic de-vices like OFETs (organic field-effect transistors)and OLEDs (organic light-emitting devices).4,7,9,10

• High absorption coefficients have been measuredin the visible light range for π → π⋆ electronictransitions. Pc molecules can be used thereforeas dye-sensitizers for hybrid organic-inorganic so-lar cells1,11.

• Transition metals with d electrons arranged in un-paired high-spin configurations (e.g., Fe, Co, Ni,

Mn, Ru, V, etc.) induce local magnetic momentsin Pc molecules12. In this regard, recent studiesindicate that magnetic molecular films coupled toactive substrates may open the way for a new classof electronically-controlled magnetic devices13–15.

The ZnPc molecule is often chosen as a model becauseit shows most of the basic features of the Pc molecules asillustrated in Figure 1. Basically, the metallo-organic Pccomplex is built by two units: 1) an organic macrocyclicligand, schematically divided in an outer part formed byfour benzene rings and an inner (pyrrole) part formedby a 16-atom closed C-N chain (see Figure 1 (A)); and2) a central metal (or group) in a typical (2+) oxidationstate. According to the 4n+2 Huckel rule, the macrocyclestructure could not be considered aromatic (it contains40 π electrons). However, two electrons transferred fromthe central metal to the ligand make the metallo-organiccomplex an aromatic molecule. Valence electrons aretypically arranged in groups of molecular orbitals (MOs)that can be ordered by following their increasing energies,as shown by the plot of the total density of states (DOS)in Figure 1 (D). A first group of MOs is related to theskeletal σ bonds. They are formed indeed by linear com-binations of C 2s, N 2s, C 2pxy and N 2pxy orbitals (thez direction is perpendicular to the macrocycle plane), asshown by their projections over a basis of atomic orbitals(not reported here). At higher energies there is anothergroup of MOs related to the aromatic π bonds; actually,they are formed by linear combinations of C 2pz and N2pz atomic orbitals. At the top of the valence MOs thereis the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), whichis followed by the doubly degenerate lowest unoccupiedmolecular orbital (LUMO). The HOMO and LUMO, πand π∗, electronic clouds are shown in Figures 1 (B) and




Energy (eV)





Zn DOStotal DOS

Zn N






−25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0

FIG. 1: (A) Top view of a ZnPc molecule. The orange andblue lines identify the inner pyrrole system and one of theouter benzene rings, respectively. (B) Electron density iso-surface of the π highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO).(C) Electron density isosurface of the doubly degenerate π⋆

lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). (D) Total den-sity of states (DOS) for the valence molecular orbitals (redzone). Some relevant features of the DOS are labelled: theregion of σ bonds, formed by linear combinations of C 2s, N2s, C 2pxy and N 2pxy atomic orbitals; the region of π bonds,formed by linear combinations of C 2pz and N 2pz atomic or-bitals; the HOMO and LUMO molecular orbitals. The greenzone represents the projection of the total DOS over the 3d

Zn atomic orbitals.

(C), respectively. These two highly delocalized orbitalsare responsible of most of the Pc properties mentionedabove. Finally, the Zn contribution to the DOS of Figure1 is basically given by its filled d shell, which is deeplyembedded within the lower part of the π zone of the DOS(see the major green feature in Figure 1 (D)). This factis consistent with the formation of a Zn+2 ion as wellas the mentioned statement that, at least in this simplecase, the metal atom acts as a mere electron provider tothe ligand, playing a minimal role in the above molecularproperties.

In the last years, much experimental work has beendevoted to the investigation of the Pcs interaction withdifferent inorganic substrates in order to clarify themorphology, order and assembly of deposited molec-ular films. Recent experimental studies have con-cerned also the properties of organic-inorganic hybridinterfaces16–19. Generally, these studies have shown thatthe Pc-semiconductor interaction is quite weak (see, e.g.,Refs. 20–22 and most of the cases reported in Ref. 16)although, in some promising cases involving In-rich InAs

or InSb surfaces,16,18,23–26 stronger organic-inorganic in-teractions have been observed. These experimental re-sults have inspired a previous theoretical study27 wherewe have investigated the properties of some selectedphthalocyanine-inorganic semiconductor (Pc/IS) systemswith the aim of identifying Pc/IS structures showingan effective organic-inorganic coupling, that we have as-sumed to be characterized by the occurrence of two mainconditions:

1. the formation of appreciable surface-moleculechemical bonds (possibly inducing an assemblingof ordered interfaces due to a template effect of thesurface structure).

2. the occurrence of a molecule-surface charge-transfer involving the π-electron clouds responsibleof the Pc NLO and transport properties.

Such conditions have been chosen because their fulfill-ing would give access to novel, hybrid organic-inorganicheterostructures where a tuning of the properties of theorganic molecules (e.g., of NLO properties) could bedriven by their interaction with the inorganic semicon-ductor, thus leading to a new class of functional materi-als.

The mentioned, previous study has improved our un-derstanding of the Pc/IS charge-transfer mechanisms,suggested a universal alignment of the Pc electronic lev-els with respect to the semiconductor band gap and pre-dicted the occurrence of an effective organic-inorganiccoupling in the case of a peculiar Pc/IS system, i.e., aTiOPc molecule adsorbed on the anatase TiO2 surface(hereafter referred to as a TiOPc/TiO2 system). In thissystem, a molecule to surface charge-transfer was pre-dicted which agrees with the donor character generallyshown by the Pc molecules. A procedure for designingeffectively coupled hybrid interfaces was also suggested.

The present study extends the previous one to a wideset of Pc/IS systems different for the molecular architec-ture and/or the semiconductor properties. More specifi-cally, the investigation has been extended to Pc moleculeshaving different central metals or central groups or amacrocycle structure modified through the introductionof peripheral acceptor (aza) groups. Regarding the inor-ganic semiconductor, novel doping conditions have beenconsidered for, e.g., the GaAs substrate. Moreover, thewurtzite GaN (0001) surface, which presents quite pecu-liar electronic properties, has been considered in additionto the previously investigated GaAs, InAs, and TiO2 sur-faces. The achieved results strengthen those of our previ-ous study and show that both the molecular architectureand the semiconductor properties can play a significantrole in the tuning of the Pc/IS interaction. In detail,present results: i) confirm a universal alignment of the Pcelectronic levels; ii) indicate further Pc/IS systems show-ing an effective organic-inorganic coupling; iii) indicatethat the direction of the Pc/IS charge-transfer, from themolecule to the substrate, can be reversed by inducing


an acceptor behavior of the Pcs, through a modificationof the molecular architecture, and by realizing a suitabledoping of the semiconductor. This result significantly in-creases the degrees of freedom for designing effectivelycoupled hybrid interfaces; iv) give theoretical estimatesof the XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) C(1s)chemical shifts for some selected Pc/IS systems, whichsuggest that surface-molecule charge-transfer processescan be revealed by this spectroscopic technique.


The Pc-semiconductor systems have been investigatedby using ab initio Density Functional Theory methods inthe generalized gradient approximation and a supercellapproach.28 Total energies have been calculated by us-ing ultrasoft pseudopotentials,29 plane-wave basis sets,and the PBE gradient corrected exchange-correlationfunctional.30 Satisfactorily converged results have beenachieved by using cutoffs of 25 Ry on the plane wavesand of 150 Ry on the electronic density as well as the Γpoint for the k-point sampling of the Brillouin zone.

Surface supercells have been modeled from bulk struc-tures by adding an adequate portion of empty space(≈ 15 A) to a crystal slab. This implies the presence of apossibly reconstructed (upper) surface interacting with agiven molecule and an opposite (lower) surface. Two dif-ferent ways have been chosen to arrange the atoms of thislatter surface in order to avoid the appearance of spuri-ous surface electronic states in the semiconductor energygap. In the case of III-V semiconductors, which gener-ally undergo severe surface reconstruction, the atoms ofthe lower surface have been initially located in their un-relaxed bulk positions and saturated by H atoms. Onceoptimized, this saturated atomic layer has been kept fixedin further calculations. On the other hand, the surfacesof TiO2 slabs, which generally don’t undergo any recon-struction, don’t need saturation layers. Once optimized,the corresponding lower surfaces have been simply keptfixed in their relaxed configuration. The GaAs and InAssurface supercells have been modeled by adding emptyspace to a 4×4 crystal slab, formed by 8 atomic layers ofbulk GaAs or InAs cut along the (001) crystal axis (i.e.,supercells of 128 atoms). The GaN surface supercellshave been modeled by adding empty space to a 6×5 or-thorombic crystal slab, formed by 6 atomic layers of bulkGaN cut along the (0001) crystal axis, plus a Ga adlayer(i.e., supercells of 210 atoms). The 3d shells of Ga atomshave been explicitly considered as valence electrons inall of the calculations involving a GaN substrate, as sug-gested in Ref. 31. The same shells have been insteadincluded into the Ga pseudopotential in the calculationsinvolving a GaAs substrate. The TiO2 surface super-cells have been modeled by adding empty space to a 4×4crystal slab, formed by 6 atomic layers of bulk TiO2 (i.e.,supercells of 192 atoms) cut along the (101) crystal axis.The above supercells have been used to investigate the

properties of molecule-surface hybrid systems.Geometry optimization procedures have been per-

formed by fully relaxing the positions of all of the atomsin a supercell, except for the atoms of the bottom layerof the semiconductor slab. The electronic propertiesof the molecule-surface systems, considered as a whole,have been investigated by analyzing the electronic eigen-values calculated at the Γ point. The strength of amolecule-substrate bonding, i.e., the molecular adsorp-tion energy, has been estimated by the total energy dif-ference Eads =E[Pc/IS]−E[Pc]−E[IS]. Difference elec-tron density (ρdiff) maps have been analyzed to un-ravel the formation of chemical bonds and the occur-rence of charge transfer processes. For example, inthe TiOPc/anatase system, ρdiff [TiOPc/anatase] is givenby ρ[TiOPc/anatase] − (ρ[TiOPc] + ρ[anatase]) whereρ[TiOPc/anatase] is the electron density of a supercellcontaining the molecule-semiconductor system, ρ[TiOPc]is the electron density of the same supercell with themolecule only, and the analogue for the ρ[anatase] den-sity. Thus, a ρdiff [TiOPc/anatase] map indicates thecharge displacements induced by the interaction betweenthe molecule and the surface.

Finally, XPS C1s chemical shifts have been estimatedby total energy differences between “standard” and “corehole” calculations.32,33 In detail, in the case of the lattercalculations, a C ultrasoft pseudopotential containing an1s core hole has been generated and used in place of theregular pseudopotential, one C atom at a time. Then,the energy differences between the standard and core-hole calculations have been compared with an analoguequantity obtained for the C atom of a CO2 molecule em-bedded in the supercell and not interacting with the sur-face or the Pc molecules. The latter quantity is used asa reference C1s chemical shift and assumed to be equiva-lent to the XPS experimental CO2 line observed at 291.90eV.34 Such an approach has given results in a very goodagreement with experimental findings in the case of smallaromatic molecules, like benzene and pyrimidine. Plotssimulating XPS spectra have been obtained by fittingnumerical data with Lorentzian functions peaked on thecore shift values. The functions are written in a standardform:

f(x) =Γ/2

(Γ/2)2+ (x0 − x)2

A Γ parameter of 0.3 eV has been used in all of the plots.


In this study, we have considered Pc molecules havingdifferent central metals (ZnPc,35 CuPc,36 PbPc37), dif-ferent central groups (TiOPc,38 GaClPc39), or a multi-ligand sandwich structure (Ti(Pc)2

40) as well as Pcmolecules modified through the introduction of accep-tor, aza groups in the macrocycle. In the investi-gated Pc/IS systems, these molecules interact with the


(001) As-rich β2(2×4) and Ga-rich ζ(4×2)c(8×2) GaAssurfaces,41,42 the (001) As-rich β2(2×4) InAs surface,43,the (0001) (1×1) GaN surface,31 and the (101) TiO2

(anatase) surface,44 belonging to intrinsic or doped sub-strates (doping conditions have been simulated by suit-able substitutions of host atoms with donor or acceptorspecies). We did not consider the In-rich InAs and InSbsurfaces mentioned above because their reconstructionmodels are still uncertain.45,46

A couple of preliminary remarks should be taken intoaccount when discussing the present results:

• None of the above Pc molecules shows a chemicalaffinity for As-rich surfaces, like the β2(2×4) recon-structed GaAs and InAs surfaces. These surfacesseem characterized indeed by a low reactivity andgive always rise to very weak interactions with allof the above Pcs.

• The formation of appreciable molecule-surfacebonds occurs only when reactive non-metallicatoms (like the O atom of a TiOPc molecule orthe Cl atom of the similar GaClPc molecule) arepresent in the central Pc group and act as bridgingatoms between the Pc molecules and the surfaces.

In the following, first, we focus on the Pc/IS systemswhere our results indicate the occurrence of an effectivecoupling. Then, we discuss some general features of themolecule-surface coupling emerging from present resultslike, e.g., the mentioned universal alignment of the Pcfrontier orbitals, which can play a significant role whendesigning Pc/IS hybrid interfaces. Some results of ourprevious study,27 regarding the interaction of TiOPc withGaAs and TiO2 surfaces, will be reported here with fur-ther details in order to give a comprehensive theoreticalpicture of the Pc/IS interactions.

A. TiOPc Molecule on GaAs surfaces

The ζ(4 × 2)/c(8 × 2) (001) Ga-rich GaAs surface ischaracterized by the formation of surface and subsurfaceGa dimers as well as by the presence of parallel lines ofthree-fold coordinated sp2 Ga atoms.42,47 These surfaceatoms form an in-plane σ structure with three neigh-bouring As atoms which carry dangling bonds pointingupwards in the (001) direction. The TiOPc molecule isstrongly chemisorbed on this ζ surface, the surface sp2

Ga atoms being the preferred adsorption sites, see Fig-ure 2 (A). The molecular O atom forms a stable O-Gabond characterized by a bond length of 1.77 A and anadsorption energy (Eads) of 1.4 eV. As mentioned above,the TiOPc molecule weakly interacts, instead, with theAs-As dimers characterizing the β2(2×4) (001) As-richGaAs surface. Regarding the electronic structure of theseTiOPc/GaAs systems, Figure 3 shows the electronic lev-els of an isolated TiOPc as well as the HOMO and LUMOlocations with respect to the semiconductor band gap






aza N


FIG. 2: Equilibrium geometries and isosurfaces of differenceelectron densities (ρdiff) of: (A) a TiOPc molecule bondedto a ζ(4× 2)/c(8× 2) Ga-rich GaAs surface; (B) a pyrazino-TiOPc molecule bonded to the same reconstructed surfacein the case of n-doped GaAs. ρdiff maps show the displace-ments of electronic charge at the molecule-surface interaction.Red surfaces cover areas where the difference is positive, bluesurfaces where it is negative. The green and yellow stars indi-cate a correspondence between the equilibrium configurationsof the present Figure and the electronic levels of Figure 3.

when the molecule interacts with the two above GaAssurfaces. The weak TiOPc/(As-rich)GaAs interactionleaves the ligand molecular orbitals substantially unper-turbed, see Figures 3 (A) and (C). Noticeably, in the caseof the TiOPc/(Ga-rich)GaAs system, despite of the quitestrong bond forming in this system, the HOMO-LUMOpair is only slightly lowered in energy, see Figures 3 (A)and (D). This supports the description of the metallo-organic Pc complex discussed in section I: the centralmetal or group acts often as a mere electron donor andhas a small influence on the macrocyclic ligand proper-ties. Accordingly, the ρdiff [TiOPc/(Ga-rich)GaAs] mapof Figure 2 (A) shows a charge displacement from themolecular Ti atom and the Ga atom involved in the Ga-O bond toward the bridging O atom and the region wherethe bond forms, thus clearly indicating that only the cen-tral TiO group is involved in the molecule-surface bond-ing and acts as an anchoring group.

The chemical bonding characterizing the TiOPc/(Ga-





Si Ga

Si Ga








3 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)















FIG. 3: DOS and sketched electronic levels of a TiOPc and itspyrazino- derivative as isolated molecules or when interactingwith different GaAs surfaces. All of the levels are aligned to acommon reference. The HOMO and LUMO are representedby full and dashed black lines, respectively. The colour back-ground delimits the valence and conduction band regions rela-tive to the semiconductor electronic structure. Dopant donorlevels are indicated by a red line and a solid circle. (A) iso-lated TiOPc molecule; (B) isolated pyrazino-TiOPc molecule;(C) TiOPc weakly interacting with an As-rich GaAs surface;(D) TiOPc bonded to a Ga-rich GaAs surface; (E) TiOPcbonded to an n-doped Ga-rich GaAs surface; (F) pyrazino-TiOPc bonded to a Ga-rich GaAs surface; (G) pyrazino-TiOPc bonded to an n-doped Ga-rich GaAs surface. Thegreen and yellow stars indicate a correspondence between elec-tronic levels of the present Figure and equilibrium configura-tions of Figure 2.

rich)GaAs system represents a potential condition for theoccurrence of a surface-molecule charge transfer. In thisregard, the electronic levels of Figure 3 (D) show thatthe HOMO falls inside the valence band (VB) while theLUMO is located in the energy gap of GaAs.48 This im-plies that a charge transfer may occur only from an n-doped substrate to the Pc molecule. The n-doping ofGaAs has been simulated by substituting a Ga(III) atomin the supercell with a Si(IV) donor. The introduction ofa shallow donor level has remarkable effects on the elec-tronic structure of the TiOPc/GaAs system, as shownin Figure 3 (E). In fact, the HOMO-LUMO pair rigidlyshifts upwards by leading the HOMO close to the top ofthe VB and the LUMO above the Si donor level, thatis, the Pc molecule responds to the presence of the Sidonor by hindering an electron transfer from the sub-strate. Actually, a ρdiff [TiOPc/n-GaAs] (not reportedhere) is very similar to the ρdiff [TiOPc/GaAs] one shownin Figure 2 (A), thus confirming that the LUMO refusesa charge transfer from the GaAs surface. These resultsindicate that the formation of molecule-surface chemicalbonds is not a sufficient condition to produce an effectivesubstrate-molecule coupling.

Then, we have investigated the influence of the molec-

ular architecture on charge-transfer processes by sub-stituting the TiOPc molecule adsorbed on the Ga-rich GaAs surface with its electron-acceptor pyrazino-

derivative (py-TiOPc). A py-TiOPc molecule is obtainedby substituting two C-H pairs with two N atoms in eachof the outer benzene rings (see the “aza N” label in Fig-ure 2 (B)). The N atoms are more electronegative thanthe C ones, thus they can stabilize electrons on π conju-gated orbitals. The py-TiOPc molecule forms a chemi-cal bond with the Ga-rich GaAs surface similar to thatformed by the TiOPc molecule, with an Eads value of 1.2eV. The HOMO and LUMO positions of the py-TiOPc,both for the isolated molecule and the molecule-surfacesystem are slightly lower than the TiOPc ones (compareFigures 3 (A) and (B) for the isolated molecules, andFigures 3 (D) and (F) for the two molecules interact-ing with the same undoped GaAs surface) in agreementwith the different architectures of the two molecules, seeRef. 39. A remarkable difference between the propertiesof the same two molecules is found instead when theyinteract with the surface of n-doped GaAs (n-GaAs).In fact, at variance with the TiOPc/n-GaAs system, inthe case of the py-TiOPc/n-GaAs the LUMO maintainsa position below the donor-induced level and becomespopulated with some extra electronic density, as shownby the electronic structure of Figure 3 (G) and by theρdiff [py-TiOPc/n-GaAs] map drawn in Figure 2 (B), re-spectively. In the latter Figure, red spots representingan increase of charge appear indeed around the pyrroleN and C atoms on which the py-TiOPc LUMO is mainlylocalized (compare with Figure 1 (C)). This surface tomolecule charge-transfer involves the LUMO π⋆ orbital,thus showing that the py-TiOPc/n-GaAs system satisfiesthe two conditions mentioned above for the achievementof an effective organic-inorganic coupling.

All together, the above results are especially instruc-tive. They show that the usual donor character of Pcsmay represent a trouble for reaching an effective couplingin Pc/IS systems. However, such a trouble can be over-come by modifying the Pc architecture, which permitsto reverse the Pc character from a donor to an acceptorone.

B. TiOPc Molecule on the TiO2 (101) Surface

The (101) anatase surface presents rows of five-foldcoordinated Ti5c atoms, which are under-coordinatedatoms with respect to the six-fold coordinated Ti atomsof the anatase TiO2 bulk. The Ti5c atoms are suitabletherefore for the formation of chemical bonds with the Oatom (Omol) of the TiOPc molecule. A Ti5c-Omol bond49

actually forms in the TiOPc/TiO2 system as indicatedby a bond length of 2.09 A (to be compared with a Ti-Odistance of about 2.0 A measured in bulk anatase andrutile TiO2

44) and by an Eads equal to 1.3 eV. Moreover,the difference density map of Figure 4 (A) shows a dis-placement of electronic charge toward the region of theTi5c-Omol-Ti bridge quite similar to that found in thecase of the TiOPc/GaAs system (cf Figure 2 (A)).

The electronic structures of the isolated molecule, of


a TiOPc molecule weakly interacting with the anatasesurface (i.e., having the O atom pointing upwards) andof the same molecule bonded to the surface are sketchedin Figures 5(A), 5(B) and 5(C), respectively. In the caseof the weakly interacting molecule, the HOMO-LUMOlevels are still quite aligned with the ones found for anisolated molecule. In the case of the bonded molecule,they are just slightly lowered in energy by the formationof the Ti5c-Omol bond. Moreover, the bonded molecule(see Figure 5 (C)) is characterized by a HOMO located inthe TiO2 band gap50 and a LUMO placed above the min-imum of the conduction band (CB). Such a configurationappears suitable therefore for an electron transfer fromthe molecule to a p-type doped anatase. Then, an unoc-cupied, shallow acceptor level has been introduced in theanatase band gap by substituting a Ti(IV) atom with aCa(II) atom. As found in the case of the TiOPc/GaAssystem, the introduction of a dopant level has relevanteffects on the positions of the molecular levels by leadingto a downward rigid translation of the HOMO-LUMOpair, see Figure 5(D). However, in the present case, theHOMO looses its electrons by remaining located above afully occupied acceptor level, that is, a charge transfer oc-curs from the molecule to the p-doped substrate. Accord-ingly, the difference density map of Figure 4(B) clearlyshows that electronic charge moves from the molecularorbital involving C atoms of the macrocyclic ligand (i.e.,the HOMO π orbital) to surface atoms, that is, electronsare transferred from the orbital most affecting the molec-ular properties to the substrate. This realizes again aneffective Pc-semiconductor coupling.

The above results and those achieved for the TiOPc/n-GaAs system indicate that a surface-molecule chargetransfer actually occurs only if allowed by the correspond-ing energy balance given, e.g., in the TiOPc/p-TiO2 sys-tem, by the sum of the energies paid to remove an elec-tron from the molecule and gained by adding an electronto the semiconductor. In the TiOPc/p-TiO2 system, afavorable energy balance is induced by the usual donorcharacter of Pc molecules,1,39 while, in the TiOPc/GaAssystem, an opposing energy balance leads to the transla-tion of the molecular levels in order to hinder the surfaceto molecule charge transfer. In the latter case, the en-ergy balance can be inverted and a charge transfer pro-cess from the surface to the molecule takes place onlywhen the TiOPc architecture is modified in order to in-duce an electron-attractive behavior of the molecule, asin the case of the TiOPc pyrazino-derivative,.

C. GaClPc and TiOPc Molecules on the (0001)GaN Surface

GaN and its (0001) surface have been considered in thepresent study due to their peculiar properties. At vari-ance with GaAs, GaN is indeed a wide-band gap III-Vsemiconductor (the Eg value is 3.46 eV) characterized bya lower energy value of the VB maximum and a higher






FIG. 4: Equilibrium geometries and isosurfaces of differenceelectron densities (ρdiff) of: (A) a TiOPc molecule bonded tothe (101) anatase surface; (B) a TiOPc molecule bonded to ap-doped anatase surface. ρdiff maps show the displacementsof electronic charge induced by the molecule-surface interac-tion. Red surfaces cover areas where the difference is positive,blue surfaces where it is negative. The blue and red squaresindicate a correspondence between the TiOPc/anatase con-figurations of the present Figure 4 and the electronic levels ofFigure 5.

one of the CB minimum.51 Thus, in a hybrid junction,n- and p-type doped GaN may represent in principlea stronger donor and a stronger acceptor, respectively,than the correspondingly doped GaAs materials. More-over, several GaN surface reconstructions present veryspecial features which may introduce further degrees offreedom when designing hybrid interfaces. For instance,in the (1×1) reconstruction of the (0001) GaN surfaceconsidered here, the presence of a metallic overlayer ofGa atoms, single bonded to the N atoms of an underlyingplane heavily affects the surface properties.31,52 These Gaatoms are indeed close enough each other to share theirvalence electronic levels, thus giving rise to a partiallyfilled metallic band spanning the entire energy gap.53

Two different Pc molecules, the already discussedTiOPc molecule and the alogenide GaClPc one, togetherwith their pyrazino-derivatives, have been consideredhere in order to investigate the effects of the peculiarproperties of the (0001) GaN surface on the Pc/IS inter-











Ca Ti


(A) (B) (C) (D)













FIG. 5: DOS and sketched electronic levels of a TiOPcmolecule interacting with the (101) anatase surface. All ofthe levels are aligned to a common reference. The HOMOand LUMO are represented by full and dashed black lines,respectively. The colour background delimits the valence andconduction band regions relative to the semiconductor elec-tronic structure. A dopant acceptor level is indicated by ared line and an empty circle. (A) isolated TiOPc molecule;(B) TiOPc weakly interacting with the anatase surface (i.e.,with the O atom pointing upwards); (C) TiOPc bonded tothe anatase surface; (D) TiOPc bonded to a p-doped anatasesurface. The blue and red squares indicate a correspondencebetween the electronic levels of the present Figure and theequilibrium configurations of Figure 4.

actions. Both molecules are characterized by a (metal)-(non-metal) pair as a central group. Moreover, the cor-responding Pc/GaN systems present quite similar prop-erties. Thus, in the following, we will discuss in detailonly the GaClPc/GaN case.

The GaClPc molecule forms a strong molecule-surfacebond (Eads equal to 2.1 eV) characterized by the Cl atomplaced in a triangular surface site54 and arranged in a dis-torted tetrahedral configuration ClGa4, see Figure 6 (A).The chemisorbed GaClPc molecule undergoes relevantchanges in its axial structure. The Ga-Cl bond length isstretched indeed from the value of 2.21 A, calculated foran isolated molecule, to the value of 2.43 A (10% larger),while the four Ga-N molecular bonds are shortened fromthe value of 2.03 A to the value of 1.99 A. Such strongmolecular modifications are accompanied by the massivedisplacement of the charge density shown in Figures 6(A) and (B) where, for the sake of clearness, the negativeand positive charge displacements are separately shown,respectively. These figures show a displacement of theelectronic charge from the molecular Ga-Cl bond region(the big blue spot in Figure 6 (A)) to the Cl atom and thenew Gasurf -Cl bonds (see the red zones in Figure 6 (B)).The same figures show also that the charge displacementinvolving the central group is accompanied by a rear-rangement of the electronic charge inside the macrocyclewhich leads to a piling up of electronic charge on the N

atoms involved in the shortened, molecular Ga-N bonds.The above structural and charge-distribution changes in-dicate that the GaClPc/GaN interaction induces a weak-ening of the molecular Ga-Cl bond, an increase of theGaδ+-Clδ− polarization, and a decrease of the electroniccharge on the Pc macrocycle. This last feature accountsfor a marked lowering of the HOMO-LUMO pair of theadsorbed molecule with respect to the isolated one, seeFigures 7 (A) and (D). In detail, the HOMO becomesresonant with the GaN valence band, while the LUMO islocated in the GaN energy gap, just above the filled partof the GaN surface metallic band. Likely, the lowering ofthe HOMO-LUMO pair induced by the interaction withthe GaN surface is affected by the above mentioned donorcharacter of the Pc molecules. Such a character hinders alowering of the LUMO below the top of the surface metal-lic band in order to prevent a surface to molecule chargetransfer.55 Accordingly, even in the case of an n-dopedGaN substrate (obtained once more by substituting aGa atom with a Si atom) the LUMO level stays over theFermi level, i.e., no surface to molecule charge transferoccurs. In both cases, the Pc-GaN interaction seems toinduce a sort of pinning of the LUMO above the top ofthe surface metallic band which may be useful when de-signing hybrid Pc-semiconductor structures. It should bealso noted that a considerable shift of the HOMO-LUMOlevels has been met so far only when a Pc molecule wasbeing adsorbed on a doped semiconductor surface in or-der to induce a charge transfer process. Thus, on onehand, the above results indicate that even in the case ofhighly reactive GaN surfaces, the donor character of thePc molecules can hinder charge transfer processes. Onthe other hand, they show that a particular care has tobe used when designing hybrid Pc/IS interfaces involv-ing such highly reactive GaN surfaces because they canheavily perturb the Pc HOMO-LUMO pair also in thecase of undoped substrates.

Quite similar results have been found for the GaClPcpyrazino-derivative interacting with the same GaN sur-face, see, e.g., Figures 7 (D) and (E). However, at vari-ance with the case of the GaClPc molecule, in the caseof the py-GaClPc/n-GaN system, the LUMO level be-comes degenerate with the Fermi level, see Figure 7 (F),thus permitting a surface to molecule charge transfer.Such a transfer actually occurs, as clearly shown in Fig-ures 6 (C) and (D) which indicate a charge displacementtoward the pyrrole N and C atoms contributing to theLUMO with their 2p atomic orbitals. Thus, once again,a change of the Pc architecture permits to achieve an ef-fective Pc/IS coupling. It may be noted that the Eads

of the py-GaClPc is to 1.5 eV when the molecule inter-acts with the doped surfaces, against a value of 2.0 eVcalculated for the molecule interacting with the intrinsicsurface, likely because some extra charge on the molecu-lar LUMO and the charge related to the surface metal-lic band give rise to a repulsive interaction between themolecule and the topmost surface layer.

As mentioned above, a similar theoretical picture has






aza N





FIG. 6: Equilibrium geometries and isosurfaces of difference electron densities (ρdiff) for a GaClPc molecule and its pyrazinoderivative adsorbed on the (0001) GaN surface. (A) and (B) show the geometry of the GaClPc molecule adsorbed on theGaN surface together with the regions of negative and positive charge density difference, respectively; (C) and (D) show thegeometry of the pyrazino-GaClPc molecule adsorbed on an n-doped GaN surface together with the regions of negative andpositive charge density difference, respectively. The blue and green circles indicate a correspondence between the GaClPc/GaNconfigurations of the present Figure and the electronic levels of Figure 7.

been achieved for the TiOPc and its pyrazino-derivativeinteracting with the same GaN surface, see, e.g., the elec-tronic structure calculated for the pyrazino-derivative,Figures 7 (G) and (H).

D. Calculated XPS spectra and molecule-surfacecharge-transfer processes

Simulations of XPS spectra have been performed in thecases of the TiOPc/TiO2 and py-TiOPc/n-GaAs systemsby focusing on the core shift of the C 1s electrons. In themacrocyclic ligand, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals spanindeed the whole network of the conjugated C (and N)atoms. Thus, surface-molecule charge transfers involvingsuch molecular orbitals are expected to induce apprecia-ble variations of the C 1s core shifts.

In the first Pc/IS system, formed by a TiOPc moleculeinteracting with the (101) TiO2 surface (see sectionIII B), the XPS-C(1s) spectrum has been calculated forthree different molecule-semiconductor configurations.In the first one, the molecule is weakly interacting withthe surface, i.e., turned over with the O atom pointingupwards, see Figure 8 (C). In the second and third con-figurations, the molecule is bonded to the surfaces of in-

trinsic and p-doped TiO2, respectively, see, e.g., Figure8 (D). A clear trend can be recognized by looking atthe C 1s chemical shifts of these three Pc/IS systems,which closely agrees with the corresponding electronicstructures, see Figure 5. In the first configuration, whenthe molecule doesn’t interact with the surface (red curvein Figure 8 (A)), the spectrum is almost identical tothe one (not shown) calculated for an isolated TiOPcmolecule. Such spectrum is characterized by two peakscorresponding to the C 1s binding energies of the car-bon atoms belonging to the pyrrole and benzene rings(see Figure 1), respectively. The pyrrole C atoms corre-spond to the higher energy peak, as expected. Moreover,the two peaks have a distance of 1.3 eV each other, inagreement with a common feature of the XPS spectrameasured in the case of Pc molecules like, e.g., CuPc andPbPc.36,37 In the case of the TiOPc molecule adsorbedon the intrinsic TiO2 surface, a small shift (0.3 eV, seethe blue curve in Figure 8 (A)) towards higher bindingenergies is found due to a slight stabilization of the molec-ular levels induced the formation of a molecule-surfacebond, see also Figures 5 (B) and (C). A more relevantblue-shift (0.9 eV for the pyrrole peak and 0.7 eV for thebenzene peak, see the black curve in Figure 8 (A)) hasbeen calculated instead for the molecule adsorbed on the












GaSi GaSie e















FIG. 7: DOS and sketched electronic levels of GaClPc,pyrazino-GaClPc, and pyrazino-TiOPc molecules and of thesame molecules interacting with the (0001) GaN surface. Allof the levels are aligned to a common reference. The HOMOand LUMO are represented by full and dashed black lines,respectively. The magenta colour background delimits thevalence and conduction band regions relative to the semicon-ductor electronic structure. The GaN band gap is filled bya metallic band arising from the Ga overlayer. The occupiedand unoccupied parts of this band are indicated by dark andlight blue colors, respectively. The Fermi energy levels of all ofthe molecule-surface systems are indicated by an orange line.A dopant donor level is indicated by a red line and a filledcircle. (A) isolated GaClPc molecule; (B) isolated pyrazino-GaClPc molecule; (C) isolated pyrazino-TiOPc molecule; (D)GaClPc adsorbed on the GaN surface; (E) pyrazino-GaClPcadsorbed on the GaN surface; (F) pyrazino-GaClPc adsorbedon an n-doped GaN surface; (G) pyrazino-TiOPc moleculeadsorbed on the GaN surface; (H) pyrazino-TiOPc moleculeadsorbed on an n-doped GaN surface. The blue and greencircles indicate a correspondence between present electroniclevels and GaClPc/GaN configurations of Figure 6.

p-doped surface, due to the charge transfer induced fromthe molecule to the surface. Such a shift agrees with areduction of electronic charge on the HOMO orbital alsoresponsible of its lowering in energy, see Figures 5 (C)and (D).

Calculated XPS spectra give clear evidences also of acharge transfer occurring in an opposite way, from thesurface to the molecule, like that predicted here for thesecond Pc/IS system, that is, the py-TiOPc interactingwith a GaAs surface (see section III A). Once again, theXPS-C(1s) spectrum has been calculated for three differ-ent Pc-semiconductor arrangements, that is, a moleculenon-interacting with the surface (i.e., constrained to stayfar from the surface), see Figure 8 (E), and a moleculebonded to the surface of an intrinsic or an n-doped GaAs,see Figure 8 (F). When the molecule doesn’t interactwith the surface (red curve in Figure 8 (B)), the spec-trum is still identical to the one (not shown in the Fig-ure) calculated for an isolated py-TiOPc molecule. Inthis spectrum, the presence of eight extra N atoms in themacrocyclic system leads to a blue shift of both the spec-tral features with respect to the isolated TiOPc molecule(red curve in Figure 8 (A)). Such changes of the spectrum

Energy (eV)In


ity (




















291 289 287 285

FIG. 8: Theoretical spectra of the C 1s core shifts of a TiOPcmolecule adsorbed on the anatase (101) TiO2 surface and ofa py-TiOPc molecule adsorbed on the (001) ζ(4×2)/c(8×2)GaAs surface (left side) are presented together with the corre-sponding equilibrium geometries (right side). (A) XPS spec-tra of: (a) TiOPc weakly interacting with the anatase surface;(b) TiOPc chemisorbed on the anatase surface; (c) TiOPcchemisorbed on a p-doped anatase surface. (B) XPS spectraof: (a) py-TiOPc weakly interacting with the GaAs surface;(b) py-TiOPc chemisorbed on the GaAs surface; (c) py-TiOPcchemisorbed on a n-doped GaAs surface. The P and B labelsindicate peaks assigned to the inner pyrrole and outer benzeneC atoms (see Figure 1), respectively. Stable configurations of:(C) TiOPc weakly interacting with the anatase surface (themolecule has been turned over); (D) TiOPc chemisorbed onthe anatase surface; (E) py-TiOPc weakly interacting withthe GaAs surface (the molecule has been constrained to stayfar from the surface); (F) py-TiOPc chemisorbed on the GaAssurface. The stable configurations of molecules adsorbed ondoped surfaces are not shown because they are very similarto those chemisorbed on undoped surfaces. Stars and squaresindicate a correspondence between XPS spectra and atomicstructures.

are characterized by a larger blue shift of the outer ben-zene peak with respect to the pyrrole one (1.3 vs 0.7 eV,respectively), because the -aza- substitutions affect theirnearest benzene C neighbors more than the inner pyrroleones. These different shifts lead to an energy differencebetween the pyrrole and benzene peaks that shrinks tothe value of 0.7 eV. The spectrum of the non interact-ing py-TiOPc undergoes a small blue-shift (about 0.1 eV,see the blue curve) towards higher binding energies whenthe same molecule is adsorbed on intrinsic GaAs, dueto a slight stabilization of the molecular levels produced


by the formation of a molecule-surface bond. A morerelevant shift towards lower binding energies (0.5 eV forthe pyrrole peak and 0.4 eV for the benzene peak, seethe black curve) is calculated instead for the moleculeadsorbed on the doped surface, due to the charge trans-fer induced from the surface to the molecule. In fact, atvariance with the TiOPc/TiO2 case, the C atoms are nowsurrounded by some extra electronic density belonging tothe LUMO level.

The above results indicate that XPS investigationscan provide an experimental evidence of the molecule-semiconductor charge-transfer processes theoreticallypredicted here for coupled Pc-semiconductor systems.

E. An outlook to molecular layers

An investigation of the horizontal assembling of thefirst molecular layer in a Pc/IS system is somehow outof reach of the theoretical methods used in the presentstudy. Notwithstanding, a glance to the properties ofmolecular layers coupled with semiconductor substrateshas been given here by investigating the properties ofa vertical arrangement of two Pc molecules interactingwith an IS surface see, e.g., the geometries found for thepy-TiOPc/n-GaAs and TiOPc/p-TiO2 systems shown inFigures 9 (A) and (B), respectively.

In detail, in the case of the py-TiOPc/n-GaAs) sys-tem (simulated by substituting two Ga atoms with Siatoms), when a second py-TiOPc molecule is adsorbedupon the first one, the most favorable adsorption sitecorresponds to the formation of an O-Tilower-O-Tiupper

chain where the Ti atom of the lower molecule reaches adistorted octahedral coordination, see Figure 9 (A). Theupper molecule forms a quite stable Ti-O bond with thelower molecule characterized by a length of 2.15 A, andby an Eads of 0.7 eV. Moreover, the ρdiff map in Figure9 (A) indicates the occurrence of a charge transfer pro-cess from the n-doped GaAs to the molecular LUMOs ofboth the adsorbed molecules. Such a charge transfer canbe also deduced by the opposite bending direction of thecorresponding macrocyclic-ligand planes, both carryinga negative charge.

Similar results have been obtained when a secondTiOPc molecule is placed upon a first molecule absorbedon the surface of a p-doped TiO2 (simulated by substi-tuting two Ti atoms with Ca atoms), see Figure 9 (B).A somewhat larger charge transfer seems to occur in thiscase than in the GaAs one, compare Figures 9 (A) and(B). A larger polarization of the system can be also appre-ciated by a comparison with the case of a single moleculeadsorbed on the p-doped anatase surface, see the ρdiff

maps shown in Figures 9 (B) and 4 (B) (the displayedisosurfaces have been plotted by using the same value ofcharge density).

In the two Pc/IS systems above, the molecule-semiconductor coupling seems extended to the second-layer molecule, thus suggesting that an efficient organic-








FIG. 9: Stable configurations and isosurfaces of differ-ence electron densities (ρdiff) of: (A) two pyrazino-TiOPcmolecules piled up on an n-doped GaAs Ga-rich surface; (B)two TiOPc molecules piled up on a p-doped anatase surface.ρdiff maps show the displacements of electronic charge at themolecule-surface interaction. Red surfaces cover areas wherethe difference is positive, blue surfaces where it is negative.

inorganic coupling could be achieved in the case of thinPc films deposited on doped semiconductors.

F. Universal alignment of the Pc electronic levels

Figure 10 displays an extensive set of results regardingthe electronic structure of different Pc molecules interact-ing with different semiconductors. These results firmlyconfirm an indication given in our previous study27 re-garding the occurrence of a sort of universal alignment ofthe Pc electronic levels with respect to the band structureof different undoped semiconductors. The different pan-els of Figure 10 show indeed that the HOMO-LUMO pairof different Pc molecules (full and dashed black lines inthe Figure) maintains an almost common alignment withrespect to the band gap of the GaAs, InAs and TiO2 sub-strates, independently on the strength of the molecule-


Ti(Pc)2 Ti(Pc)2

TiO2 TiO2 TiO2 TiO2 TiO2

















ZnPc TiOPc CuPc VOPc py−TiOPcGaRGaAs



















(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N)(F) (G)









FIG. 10: HOMO-LUMO energy levels related to the macrocyclic ligand(s) of different Pc molecules interacting with differentundoped semiconductor surfaces. Filled areas represent semiconductor band structures, separated by an energy gap betweenvalence and conduction band. All of the levels are aligned to a common reference. Different colours indicate different semicon-ductor substrates: (A) Ti(Pc)2 on As-rich GaAs; (B) TiOPc on As-rich GaAs; (C) Ti(Pc)2 on Ga-rich GaAs; (D) Ti(Pc)2 onGa- rich GaAs; (E) VOPc on Ga-rich GaAs; (F) PbPc on As-rich InAs; (G) ZnPc on TiO2; (H) TiOPc on TiO2; (I) CuPc onTiO2; (J) VOPc on TiO2; (K) pyrazino(py)-TiOPc on Ga-rich GaAs; (L) py-ZnPc on Ga-rich GaAs; (M) py-VOPc on Ga-richGaAs; (N) py-ZnPc on TiO2.

surface chemical interaction, more specifically, indepen-dently on the formation of chemical bonds involving themolecular central group. This general property can berelated to the weak effect that the central group involvedin a molecule-surface bond has on the highly delocal-ized π orbitals, as shown by the quite similar HOMO-LUMO electronic transitions and ionization potentialsfound by both present theoretical results and experimen-tal measurements1,39,56–58 for different Pc molecules. Anexception to the above general rule is represented by sys-tems where the molecule is strongly perturbed by an in-teraction with highly reactive surfaces, like the (0001)GaN surface discussed above.

A universal alignment of the Pc HOMO-LUMO repre-sents a key point when designing Pc-semiconductor sys-tems. Such a property implies indeed that, in absence ofa semiconductor doping perturbing the HOMO-LUMOpair, that alignment is basically controlled by the rela-tive positions of the first molecular ionization potential(or the HOMO peak position, depending upon the mea-sure technique; see Ref. 39) and the semiconductor workfunction (or band potential). Thus, as a first step, ion-ization potentials and work functions can be used to se-lect a Pc-semiconductor pair where the HOMO (LUMO)is located in the semiconductor energy gap, which is anecessary, although not sufficient, condition to realize amolecule to surface (surface to molecule) charge-transfer.Then, in a second step, the occurrence of the first con-dition for an effective Pc-semiconductor coupling (seeSection I), represented by the formation of a molecule-surface bond, can be favored by the choice of a Pc cen-tral group having some chemical affinity with a partic-ular semiconductor surface. Such a choice does not af-fect the HOMO-LUMO positions in the semiconductorband gap due to the above universal alignment. Finally,

theoretical calculations can be performed to verify thata p-type (n-type) doping of the semiconductor, possi-bly combined with changes to the molecular architec-ture, can actually induce a molecule to surface (surface tomolecule) charge transfer involving the HOMO (LUMO)orbital, as required by the second condition for an ef-fective Pc-semiconductor coupling. Thus, present resultssignificantly extend the procedure proposed in our pre-vious work for a theoretical design of efficiently coupledorganic-inorganic systems.


In the present study, the interaction of Pc moleculeswith inorganic semiconductors has been extensively in-vestigated by using ab initio DFT methods. The achievedresults strengthen a crucial point for designing Pc-semiconductor hybrid structures, that is, the occurrenceof a universal alignment of the Pc electronic levels withrespect to the semiconductor band structure, previouslysuggested on the grounds of a limited set of results.Present results also predict that the achievement of an ef-fective Pc/IS coupling is not a rare event. In this regard,they trace novel routes for designing hybrid systems byshowing that the degrees of freedom for such a designcan be increased by modifying the molecular architec-ture. Present results predict indeed that a suitable func-tionalization of the Pc molecules permits to realize chargetransfer processes in both directions, from the moleculeto the surface and viceversa, thus involving both theHOMO and LUMO orbitals, respectively. Furthermore,they provide a sound theoretical framework for design-ing effectively coupled hybrid systems. Finally, presentresults predict that XPS measurements can give an ex-


perimental evidence of molecule-surface charge-transferprocesses occurring in effectively coupled Pc/IS systems.


We would like to acknowledge the CASPUR people forgiving access to their computer facilities as well as Gen-

tilina Rossi, Gianna Pennesi, Annamaria Paoletti and G.Pettinari for helpful comments and discussion.

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top related