a2 media studies - genre research

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Word cloud - Hip hop

The word cloud that I have constructed is implemented to highlight key terms that can be associated with the hip hop music genre. The structure that the words mask is that of an American dollar sign. In which, the hip hop music genre originated within America, moreover the ideals of money is emphasised throughout the genre via music video visualisation or via lyrical reference.

The colour selection green, suits the American dollar mask, which the currency is predominantly green (paper form). In addition, the colour green can be associated with drugs, more commonly marijuana which is used as a stimulant, to achieve the state of being ‘high’ which encourages relaxation. Notably, drug handling and consumption is also made reference too within the music genre, in which constructs relations between a wealthy lifestyle (consisting of sexualised women, expensive cars, properties and clothing).

History of the hip hop genre


1970’s - Hip Hop formed due to the young African-American and Puerto Rican people living amongst rural districts within New York City. Most unemployed, few working as DJ’s at discos and neighbourhood parties. Which, DJ’s would typically ask someone to become their MC (Microphone Controller), introducing the DJ and encouraging a positive vibe. Additionally, few MC’s spoke in sync with music patterns rhythmically, to suit the means of being entertaining. The genre emerged as a form of expression of the urban black and Latino youth. DJ Clive “Kool Herc” Campbell was recognised as a highly influential figure within the creative development stages(pioneering) of the Hip Hop genre; DJ Kool Herc constructed the foundation of the genre, which he made advancements of the Jamaican tradition of ‘toasting’. The role of the MC had developed also, whereby the MC was initially intended for introducing the music and artist to the audience, in attempt to make the audience feel excitement. However, their role transitioned to speaking over soundtracks, encouraging dancing and creating jokes(essentially accompanying the audience). Eventually, founding rapping. DJ Kool Herc further developed upon break-beat deejaying, which consisted of isolating and looping the breaks within funk music; purposed for all-night dance parties. Soon after other DJ’s began to refine and developed the use of break beats, in the form of cutting and scratching. In later years of the decade, DJ’s were releasing records where they were rapping to the beat.

1979 - Hip Hop had become a mainstream genre. Hip Hop single: Rapper’s Delight was released by The Sugarhill Gang, becoming a top-ten single on a global scale. After such release, inspired many other Hip Hop records to be published.

History of the hip hop genre


1980’s (Golden Age) - Rappers began to integrate memorable melodies into hip hop singles. Hip hop beats were becoming made in studios with musical instruments such as drum machines, synthesizers and audio samples of older funk and disco records. Politically styled hip hop become apparent, which popular groups began to demand for political alternation; discarding injustice and racism. Additionally, hip hop integrated the creation of rhythm via using the human body in the form of beatboxing(a form of vocal percussion). Artists such as Doug E. Fresh and Biz Markie could utilise ‘beatboxing’ to imitate and replace the need for instrumental sounds.

1982 - Hip Hop as a culture become further defined. Afrika Bambaataa and the Soulsonic Force released an electro-funk music single “Planet Rock”, the soundtrack utilised electronic sounds; alternating from simply rapping over music instrumentals. Such sounds were created via a continually improving drum machine, using synthesized technologies. The music single is recognised as a revolutionary point., merging electro music with hip hop. Additionally, another vastly recognised hip hop single is: The Message was released by Grandmaster Flash and Furious Five. Which, was based upon socially conscious hip hop; highlighting social issues such as poverty and crime. Such issues have since been reinforced into other artists music, up until the modern day.

History of the hip hop genre


1990’s - Hip Hop producers began to incorporate audio editing software and digital effects; forming alternations of Hip Hop such as Jazz Rap. Furthermore, rapping figures began to construct socially conscious Hip Hop, featuring political and social problems; rapped over music played by Jazz and Funk musicians. Notably, hardcore rap, gangsta rap and G-Funk were the most successful music styles. Los Angeles gangsta rap had developed via various rapping artists, whom began to induce funk rhythms whilst rapping about the consequences of crimes, drugs and leaving school. Whereby, their lyrics incorporated into the music featured explicit language, controversially attracted media attention; such albums were apparent to be top of the charts. The rapping figures: hardcore, gangsta and G-Funk adopted gangster ideals and appeals, including explicit language and disrespect to women within their music. Which, many teenaged boys become fond of such style, enough to become a representative of mainstream Hip Hop.

History of the hip hop genre


2000’s - Hip hop become a highly populated genre of music, where singles and albums become to top musical chartings on a global scale. In which, inspired many people to become local hip hop artists in various countries, some now mainstream musicians. Furthermore, hip hop has influenced pop music, whereby many pop songs have integrated hip hop elements into productions.

2010 - Alternations of hip hop and underground rap had been founded by independent music artists, whom utilised social networking to obtain a founding fan base. Furthermore, the image of the modern hip hop music star, is somewhat glorified as being ideal via the means of social media(artificial image). In which, society seeks artists fashion sense as idealistic, becoming trend setting; people conform to being similar to the representation of artists to suit normality and indifference.

Artists that are significant within the development of hip hop

DJ Hollywood (Anthony Holloway) - was the founding figure of the Hip Hop genre, which he distinctively incorporated rhythmical narration with the timing of the mixes beats, in the form of rhyming. Other DJ’s only adopted narration in an emotionless manner, which was not spoken in any rhythmical or systematic manner.

DJ Kool herc (Clive Campbell) - was renowned for originating Hip Hop in New York. His practise consisted of isolating the instrumental sections of hard funk music records. Which, the rhythmical beating pattern become emphasised; easily heard.

Schoolly D (Jesse Bonds Weaver Jr.) - was renowned for being the original creator of gangsta rap, by the publicly proclaimed original creator rapper Ice-T. Whereby, Schoolly D’s lyrics revolved of violence, sexual activities and urban realism; founding the criteria of gangsta rap. Later, Schoolly D introduced an Afrocentric vibe and culture to the Hip Hop genre.

N.W.A. (Niggas Wit Attitude) - was a American Hip Hop group, which were one of few earliest publicising figures of the Hip Hop sub genre: gangsta rap; which has now become mainstream, N.W.A. are considered to be one of the greatest and influential groups within the Hip Hop genre.

Artists that are significant within the development of hip hop

RUN-D.M.C. - is renowned as being one of few most influential acts in the history of the Hip Hop genre and most well-known acts in the 1980’s. Furthermore, alongside LL Cool J, Public Enemy and The Beastie Boys introduced the new addition of ‘new school Hip Hop music’.

The Sugarhill Gang - is an American Hip Hop group, first to release a Rap single (Rapper's Delight) which featured Top 40 within the Billboard Hot 100. Further inspiring other artists to produce and release Hip Hop records.

Grandmaster Flash (Joseph Saddler) - is an American Hip Hop DJ and recording artist, considered as a pioneer within Hip Hop via DJing, cutting and mixing. Moreover, studied the techniques used by previous DJ figures to found what was the three innovations, known to be the basic techniques of DJ’s today which techniques are: quick-mix theory, clock theory and scratching.

How are artists conveyed within the hip hop music genre?

Within the hip hop music genre, artists are conveyed as numerous images which can conform to being idealistic, objectified and the state of being positive or negative role models.

Female representation in regards to objectification -

WIthin modern hip hop music video productions, women are commonly conveyed as sexual objects; this image is created via the exposed clothing styles and sexualised choreography choices within music videos. Furthermore, are seen as being inferior in the presence of male artists. Which is suggestive about women's purpose within music videos; attraction to the male audience, encouraging larger audiences(males may find the female figures appealing). The image of female objectification is shown within hip hop music videos:

How are artists conveyed within the hip hop music genre?

Male representation in regards to objectification -

Within modern hip hop music video productions, unlike women, men are uncommonly conveyed as sexual objects; this image is created via the lack of clothing of upper regions of the male physique and sexualised choreography choices within music videos; similarly alike the sexualised appeal of women. However, males usually maintain superiority in relation to women, however are perceived as being somewhat vulnerable. Which is suggestive about males sexuality, which is conveyed as women being significant to male pleasures. Like females however, the sexualised man is also used as a device of audience attraction, but from a female perspective. The image of male objectification is shown within hip hop music videos:

How are artists conveyed within the hip hop music genre?

Fashion representation in relation to hip hop artists -

Modern hip hop artists highlight fashion as being significant to the identity of people, suggesting that identity is constructed and is further artificial. Within media texts, hip hop artists are perceived as being fashion icons in which many people conform to their image; seeking for idealism. From an audience's perspective, fashion provides a sense of normality and indifference to society. The ideals of fashion are heavily constructed via artist image, shown throughout various media texts. Whereby, artists act as commodities, and possess brand affiliation; as artists have large audience spans, encourages trends to be created as fans of artists would copy their image. Through the means of brand promotion.

How are artists conveyed within the hip hop music genre?

Negative representation in relation to hip hop artists -

Some hip hop artists are represented as negative figures, who propose to be perceived as non-idealistic figures to audiences. Within the hip hop music genre, non-idealistic figures are commonly represented via the artist's interaction with drugs and violence. Such interactions are generally highlighted through social media and lyrics within music productions. Disregarding idealism, artists that appeal to negativity are inevitably influential to audiences; encouraging audiences of the artist(s) to partake in similar interactions. Artists that make numerous references to drug and violent related activities within the hip hop music genre are: Lil Wayne and Rick Ross. Both embrace elements of drug consumption and violence in their lifestyles.

Positive representation in relation to hip hop artists -

Some hip hop artists are represented as positive figures, who propose to be perceived as idealistic figures to audiences. Within the hip hop music genre, the image of the idealistic artist is commonly represented via an artist highlighting social issues that typically involve drugs and violence within their productions; which conclude that such interactions are corrupt and negatively impacting. Based on such perception, idealistic artists do not intervene with the issues they highlight; which being a hypocrite, can engage hatred from fans. Moreover, an artist that suits the role of idealism, is generically seen to be in a relationship with another positively portrayed person. An example of such description is that of: Mac Miller. Who highlights social issues, does not engage in the social issues and further has a relationship with another hip hop artist(Ariana Grande). Their images as a couple and as individuals are depicted as being admirable.

What main ideologies are represented withincurrent hip hop music videos?

Within hip hop music videos, the ideology of realism is made reference to throughout music videos of various hip hop artists. In which through visual and lyrical content, each artist describes themselves to be unique in variations of lifestories that they incorporate into their music productions. In which, entails how the artist became apart of the genre and their successes, failures and emotionally engaging events that they intervened with. In which their purpose of implementing such events into their productions is to encourage a sense of equality; whereby provides hope to any individual(inspiration) to become like them(idealism). Notably, people who share similarities of life events can establish relations, and oversee an artist to be a definitive inspiration; utilised to overcome failure(s). An example of a hip hop artist that conforms to an inspirational figure: 50 Cent. 50 Cent, experienced his mother's death at the age of eight years old, and more recently was shots numerous times at close range, luckily he survived. He highlights such stories within many of his music productions, providing people with hope. Specifically those who can make relations between his scenarios and their own; one that has lost a family figure at a young age or who has been physically harmed.

Meanwhile, the ideology of wealth is commonly related to within hip hop music videos. Whereby, the ideology of wealth within hip hop, suits the means of encouraging drug consumption, drug handling and violent behaviours that ignite the existence of rivalries. Which, is notably related to gang culture. The culture is commonly shown and suggested within music videos within the genre, and is mostly conveyed as an aspiration to what people within the audience should conform to be like and do. Inevitably, it is a controlling aspect of media texts which targets the youth.

Word cloud - Hip hop subgenres

The word cloud that I have produced illustrates the many subgenres of the hip hop music genre. The structure that the words mask is that of headphones. In which, headphones are suggestive as being a modern form of audio peripheral, reflecting the hip hop music genre and its subgenres as a modern influence; in sense fashionable(trend-setting).

The various selection of colours, suits the concept that all the subgenres are unique. Furthermore, illustrates that hip hop as a music genre has developed and expanded vastly. Additionally, the various colours denote vibrance, in context to the hip hop music genre, vibrancy can relate to the energetic environment of music videos. Moreover, is reflected via fast paced motions and shot transitioning; which is generic within existing music videos of hip hop and its sub genres.

Music videos considered to be the generic Hip Hop music video

Hip hop music videos are generally focused upon the wealth and dominant aspects of people and artists, furthermore reference social issues in relation to their impacts. In which, wealth is generally portrayed via the implication of brand-expensive clothing, jewelry, new technological devices and money in a paper-form. In addition, dominance in a general perspective is usually illustrated via camerawork or mise-en-scene in terms of lighting sufficiency(where the artist is generically the focus). Moreover, ideals of dominance can be concluded via character positioning in relation to the gender and culture of actors. And highlights the intended dominant figure(s). Social issues are inevitably a focus of the genre, in which most artists tend to make references to life events of a corrupt nature; due to social issues and their impacts on publicity. Hip hop music videos that provide a generic concept of the conventions that are implemented into the genres productions are:

Record labels that are significant to the hip hop genre

Def Jam Recordings - Def Jam Recordings is an American record label which focuses upon the hip hop and urban genres of music. In which, the label has experienced early hip hop founding, Hip Hop dominance within commercialisation and popularised to become a mainstream music genre.

Cash Money records - Cash money records is an American record label which is recognised for associating with popular hip hop artists. Cash Money records experienced a sudden success within 1998, whereby signed a $30 million pressing and distribution deal with Universal, in addition to the $3 million contract advancement. Cash Money records obtained 85% of Universals royalties and was further entitled to possess all their published work and 50% of their publishing revenue. In following of success, Cash Money’s release of the album ‘400 Degreez’ in 1998 enhanced the labels appeal as a Hip Hop label upon a national scale. Furthermore, numerous publishings of albums within 1999 allowed the label to become reputable, via their publishings chart status.

Hip hop genre research in relation to myown media production

In consideration of my genre research, has enabled me to think of the numerous ways in which hip hop artists are represented and how they are defined by what they do, say and how they influence other people. Moreover, I have discovered the generic media language that is utilised within modern hip hop music videos, where I can adopt features from existing videos for my own music video production.

In terms of my proposed artist, I have considered my artist to be a device which will highlight the social issues of his nature and the culture of the hip hop genre(relations to drugs, hegemonic social groups, wealth and violence). In addition, will be suited to wearing generic clothing styles that existing hip hop artists associate with, but in consideration of my target audience, will appeal to the youthful figures. In attempt to enhance the recognition of my artist; expanding audience span. The promotion of clothing will define my artist to be a commodity, nevertheless.

In terms of my proposed music video production, I have considered the various content within media language that is generic to the hip hop music genre, so that the production can be identified as a hip hop music video. In regards to camerawork and lighting(mise-en-scene), my artist will maintain a centralised frame focus, high-key lit areas, the most frame time and incorporate numerous camera angles and movements to convey the ideology of dominance(such as low-angle shots, tilt and pan movements). In further advancement of camerawork, within the post-production stages of my production, I propose to achieve fast paced transitioning; enhancing the energetic mood the song(Mac Miller - Senior Skip Day) attempts to create, and maintain the generic transitioning of existing hip hop music videos. To enhance lyrical meaning, suitable props will be allocated to visualise the content that is being discussed within the lyrics accordingly. As previously mentioned, my characters appeal will consult to generic hip hop related clothing(targeting the youth as promotion).

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