a2 advance portfoilio evaluation

Post on 28-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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A2 Advance Portfoilio Evaluation


  • 1. EVALUATIONBy Warren Joseph

2. IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCTS USE,DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OFREAL MEDIA PRODUCTS?Conventions of the HorrorConventions of the HorrorConventions of the Horrorgenre - Trailergenre - Magazine genre - PosterAlways will be a murderer Black, red and white colours Name of the movie and usedcharacters includedAlways will be black, red and white Mid-Shot or Long shot photo Release date of character from main movieAlways will be scary, dark Gloomy look but still stands advertised (usually villain) music leading to faster paceout epic music More famous movies or Quote from magazine or celebrities includedAlways will be people newspaper frightened and screaming Gimmicks Images (usually terrified facialA disturbance in theexpression) equilibrium 3. POSTER Title is in black and red and distinctive to suite the typical conventions of the horror genre. The connotations behind this convey blood, darkness and evil ideas. Location is dark woods, with the three main characters walking into the distance. Release date of the film to inform the audience when they can watch it. In addition Friday 13 th has evil connotations associated with it therefore, fulfilling the audiences expectations that this is a horror film. The users and gratifications apply to ensuring the audience get what they are expecting. Cast written at the bottom in the typical format. Reference to Facebook, YouTube and film company is presented so that the audience can access the film trailer through a variety of web.20 sites. Hero vs Villain (Claude-Levi Strauss theory) Age certification is 15 and over: according to the BBFC. Quote from the Guardian Newspaper. 4. Poster Similarties 5. PLANNINGTRAILER Storyboard guided from ourpreliminary task. Wrote a script because a lot ofdiagetic and non-diageticdialogue was used- Dialogue used atbeginning to reveal plota little.- Dialogue usedthroughout fast edits tomake it sound morehectic. 6. TRAILER Begins with equilibrium then disturbed by disequilibrium (Tzvetan Todorovs linear narrativetheory). It starts with everything being as it should be where there is mid shit of Muaadhand I talking about the camping assignment give by our work this is disturbed when Robertis violently dragged and the fast pace edits and intense epic music follows as he is a mainprotagonist the audience realises the disturbance. We challenge Todorovs theory byfollowing codes and conventions of all trailers and left it on a cliff-hanger where the cameragets close to me as Im struggling to get in a car and then the screen goes black anddiegetic sound is used where I scream and the audience doesnt know what happened tome which is also an enigma code which links with Roland Barthes theory. Props: Murder Weapons such as a knife, Several frightened facial expressions (Close-Ups) -- Starts with slow spooky music, switches to fast paced edits with faster music, usuallytrailers use rock music but we used fast paced epic music. It is made obvious there is a killer by all the attacks but you dont get to see even a glimpseof the killer Cliffhanger Our main target audience was older teenagers males and females, we targeted them by using blood and violent attacks which may interest males more additionally we included things jumping out in the trailer which would make this movie suitable for couples. Females MAY! have an oppositional reading (Stuart Halls theory) of the movie as there are only males in the trailer they may feel like this is unfair and biased. 7. MAGAZINE Title stands out in black and red in creepy, spooky font. Gimmicks used Celebrity endorsements used (Two Step Flow theory) The Hero of our movie used for the main mid-shot photo challenges the conventions. 8. How effective is thecombination ofyour main productand ancillary texts?Killer is not shown in trailer but is compensated being shown in trailer.Poster and Magazine used same image.Where the quote from The Guardian on the poster supports the caption on the magazine Blockbuster of the year 9. WARREN JOSEPH I was in charge of directing and editing thetrailer. I found it easier to tell the group what Iwanted when shooting because I had avision for what I wanted when editing. Everyone who was involved were easy tocommunicate with, sometimes had to raisemy voice but that helped us get the shots weneeded to get so people took it seriously. Every time I came up with an idea whenfilming I referred to Muaadh to see if heagrees it should be included. Me and Muaadh could communicate throughour blogs additionally the blog helped keeptrack of our work as a result I was able to bevery effective, making improvements. Following our storyboard 10. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM YOURAUDIENCE FEEDBACK? To find out if we attracted our target audience we created a questionnaire to those whohave seen our trailer, magazine and poster. These were the results for one question. 11. CHANGES MADE AFTER AUDIENCE FEEDBACK After the first draft, people on Facebook commented on the fact Muaadh had a torch in broad daylight, so we had to re-film it. At the start we changed the knife scene which slightly disturbs disequilibrium because it didnt look authentic.Poster Added image of the killer to work with the trailer and makeposter more appealingMagazine Too much text, added more images. 12. MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES USED 13. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING. Warren Joseph.

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