a tool used to observe very small objects and organisms

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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A tool used to observe very small objects and organisms

A tool used to measure the length of an object or the distance an object may have traveled.

Units = meters, centimeters, or millimeters

An instrument for observing objects too small to be seen with a hand lens

A tool for measuring temperature

Units = Celsius

A tool for measuring the volume of liquid

Units = milliliter (ml)

A tool for measuring the volume of liquid

Units = milliliter (ml)

A tool for protecting eyes during a Science experiment

An apron is used to protect your body and clothes during a Science experiment

It is used to measure the mass of an object.

Unit = Grams

A tool that shows the direction that one is going

A tool that can attract metal, such as iron or steel

A device used to heat up liquids or solutions in a Science classroom.

A tool used to measure intervals of time.

Units = seconds, minutes, or hours

These go on your hands to protect them when you are handling chemicals or touching hot objects.

Tool used for putting out small fires

A source of danger

A measure taken beforehand to prevent harm

A tool used in Science to hold onto hot objects while they are heated.

A procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover something or to test a hypothesis.

An educated guess about how an experiment will turn out.

A hypothesis can be proven right or wrong through an experiment.

A collection of facts or numbers gathered during an experiment.

Usually arranged in a chart or data table.

Trial # Distance

Traveled (cm)

1 10

2 12

3 16

4 17

5 19

A picture used to represent the data collected during an experiment.

There are many types:• Pictographs• Bar graphs• Circle graphs• Line graphs

This is a bar graph.

A visual representation of Science concepts

All models have limitations, this means they are not 100% correct as the real concept they are representing.

A closing statement based upon the data collected during an experiment.

Usually the hypothesis is stated to see if it was right or wrong in the conclusion.

Scientists repeat their experiments many times to make sure the results are valid and reliable.

Reprocessing of materials, such as, plastic, glass, metal, & paper so they can be reused.

The protection, preservation, and wise use of natural resources.

Anything that takes up space (volume) and has mass.

The measure of the amount of matter in an object.

Units:• Grams• Milligrams• kilograms

How much space something takes up

Phase or State of matter that has a definite shape and a definite volume

Phase or State of matter that does NOT have a definite shape, but has a definite volume.

Phase or State of matter that does not have a definite shape or a definite volume.

The temperature at which a substance changes from its solid state into its liquid state.

The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid.

The particular temperature when a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.

A liquid changes phase into a gas.

Opposite of Condensation.

A gas changes phases and turns into a liquid.

Opposite of Evaporation.

Characteristics of matter that can be observed or measured without chemically changing the substance into something new.

Examples:• Magnetism• Color• Density• Texture• Buoyancy

The passing of heat or electricity through a material while the material itself stays in place.

Examples:• Steel• Iron

Material energy (heat or electricity) cannot easily pass through.

Examples:• Plastic• Cloth• Rubber• Wood

A mixture of substances that are blended so completely that the mixture looks the same everywhere.

Example: Sugar water

Sugar is dissolved inthe water.

The process of going into a solution. It becomes disintegrated.

A combination of two or more substances that can keep their own properties and can be separated again

Otherwise known as Electricity.

Flowing of electrons through a circuit to produce a charge.

Contacts, switches or similar devices are not connected thus preventing the flow of electrical current.

An electric circuit providing an uninterrupted, endless path for the flow of current.

Wire coil around a metal core (usually an iron nail) that acts like a magnet when an electric current flows through it

Energy from the Sun. Can be used to make electricity.

A form of energy that travels in waves and can move through empty space where there is no air.

Reflection occurs when light changes direction as a result of “bouncing off” a surface like a mirror.

The bending of light as it passes from one material to another.

Telescope: Light Refraction

Energy that comes from heat.

Energy caused by vibrations that produce waves

A back and forth motion of an object which will create sound.

A push or pull which may result in motion.

The state in which one object’s distance from another is changing

Resources that can be easily remade and usually recycled.

Resources that CANNOT be easily renewed

Fuels formed in the ground from the remains of dead plants and animals

Examples: coal, oil, & natural gas

Resources that can never be used up.

Examples: Sunlight & Wind

A force that changes the shape of the Earth surface by making new landforms.

Example: Volcanoes

A force that breaks down earth’s surface.

Example: Earthquake

A large body of moving ice that stays frozen all year.

The breaking down and wearing away of rock.

The carrying away or movement of rock and soil caused by wind, water, and ice.

The dropping of sediments by water, wind, or ice.

Soil, sand, silt, and other pieces of rock which wash from the land into water.

A material made of tiny pieces of rock, minerals, and decayed plant and animal matter.

To hold within; usually dealing with the retention of water in soil.

Ability to transmit fluids through pore spaces.

• The Sun (Star)

• The 8 planets (1) Mercury (2) Venus (3) Earth (4) Mars (5) Jupiter (6) Saturn (7) Uranus (8) Neptune

• And the many other objects that orbit the sun such as, comets, meteors, and


The spinning motion of Earth on its axis.

It takes Earth approximately 24 hours to rotate once on its axis.

The movement or orbit of an object around another object.

It takes the Earth approximately 365 days to revolve around the Sun.

Generally based on broad climatic patterns;

Four seasons: spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter

Caused by the tilt of the Earth on its axis.

A force of attraction, or pull, between any object and other objects around it. Gravity is the force that pulls you down to earth.

Responsible for keeping planets in orbit around Sun.

The path an object takes as it travels around another object.

A natural satellite that orbits around planets.

The different appearances of the moon throughout the month which are also known as the phases of the moon.

Variable width of rings produced by seasonal growth.

The number of rings observed corresponds to the age of the tree.

Helps scientists to figure out what happened in the past. The top layer is the youngest. The bottom layer is the oldest.



The environment where an organism lives.

Polar bears in their habitat.

All the living and nonliving things that interact with each other in an environment.

A part of the ecosystem that is alive.

The part of an ecosystem that is NOT alive.

A major land ecosystem having a distinct combination of plants and animals.

The role that an organism plays in its habitat.



An individual living thing

A group of organisms that share similar characteristics. They can reproduce.

All the organisms of the same species that live in the same place at the same time.

The movement of carbon dioxide and

oxygen between organisms and the air.

A continuous process that renews the fresh water on

Earth. The individual parts are called evaporation,

condensation, precipitation, run-

off, and transpiration.

The process that turns nitrogen gas in the air into usable substances that plants and animals can use.

The stages of development an organism goes through from birth to death.

The first stage of development in many living organisms.

The early immature stage that follows the egg stage in an insect’s life cycle.

The stage that follows the larva in many insect’s life cycle.

The final stage of an insect’s life.

Larva of certain insects like grasshoppers; resembling adult.

The change in shape and form some organisms go through during their life cycle.

A gradual growth of an organism that changes in size, but NOT form.

Changes in body form of insects that involve stages (egg, larva, pupa, adult).

The process by which producers, such as plants, make their own food by using energy from the Sun.

Part of a plant that is found underground. It purpose is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

A slender structure that provides support to a plant.

The part of the plant that performs photosynthesis. Usually the leaf is green.

Colorful part of a plant that produces the seeds.

Substances that

are needed for an organism to live and grow

The path of energy from one organism to another organism.

Most food chains overlap. These Overlapping food chains form a food web.

An animal that only eats other animals.


An animal that eats only plant products.

An animal that eats both plants and animals.

Example: Bears eat fish and berries.

An animal that hunts, catches, and eats another animal.


An animal that is hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal.


An organism that makes its own food.

An organism that gets energy by eating other organisms.

An organism that gets energy by feeding on dead materials and wastes.

A meat-eating animal that feeds on the remains of dead animals.

A relationship between two different kinds of organisms in which one organism is helped and the other is harmed.

The process of making more organisms of the same kind.

New organisms that come from parent organisms.

A behavior or body part that enables an organism to survive in its environment.

A characteristic or feature of an organism.

Example: brown eyes

The changed behavior or characteristic of an organism because of practice or experience.

An animal’s ability to change its color or pattern to help it blend in with its surroundings.


The regular long-distance movement of animals from one region to another

A long period when an animal is not active and all of its body systems slow down.

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