a seventh day adventist rejection of the trinity doctrine: flee out of the midst of babylon

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine:

    Flee out of the midst of Babylon (Jeremiah !:"#

    To obey $od in these last days %e must: Reject the Trinity


    &The deceptive errorsthat are %ides'read and that are leadin) the %orld

    ca'tive are to be unveiled*+ ,-T ./.*01


    Messengers Preface: We understand that is impossible to teach the Truth concerning Who the

    Holy Spirit is without coming into direct confrontation with this image of jealousy which the

    SDA denomination has placed at the gate of entry: at the top of our 2 !undamental "eliefs

    Therefore by decree of heaven we were compelled to meet it and make this important message

    one of the 7 seven present truth messages flowing from the ision of !hrist revealed through

    Habakkuk the prophet"

    #ut this message is not only in e$posing the S%& Trinity doctrine as error' in the second half of

    the study the focus shifts to the ad#ancing $ight from the sanctuarywhich the Trinity

    doctrine has effectively hidden from us' though the things brought forth have been right before

    us in the %ay of &tonement chapter( $e#iticus %&'

    This is a long message" )ray and take time' maybe studying the first part e$posing the deception

    of the Trinity and why it forbids the acceptance of the messages heaven has bidden us to give*

    then after proper contemplation' read through and consider the +atter ,ain message of the

    second half( $ight from the sanctuary( considering how these Present )ruth messages are

    taught in type( in the ser#ices of the Day of Atonement in $e#iticus chapter %&'2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    3avin) stated the 'ur'ose of this 'articular study before )oin) into the

    'rinci'les it is im'ortant to state %hy in $od4s order this is necessary* 5any %ho

    have any 6no%led)e of the subject of the Trinity 6no% this issue as a 78R9 divisive

    issue and most havin) that 6no%led)e may feel inclined to stay a%ay from

    discussion concernin) this* e 'ray that you %ould tarry and consider %hat %e say;

    for this is an issue %hich must be addressed*

    e %ill no% state the reasons %hy in $od4s order %e must seriously address

    the Trinity doctrine before the end come: &The Lord's time to set things in orderhas fully come*+ ,.!5R //

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    .*# >n doin) so the church has &set up false standards+ (or )iven false%itness#; the church has allo%ed &the banner (to#be lo%ered+ because its doctrinal

    committees have &abandon(ed# their 'osition and join(ed# the ran6s of the

    o''osition By uniting with the world+* 3o% has the SDA church as a ?or'orate

    denomination come to see vital doctrines such as the $odhead (@ . of .t is not as if it %as necessaryto acce't a version of the Trinity to e'ress

    the Truth about $od* The SDA church did not confess a Trinity as lon) as 8$ %as

    alive and she %rote much in the %ay of doctrine and the 6no%led)e of $od* SDA4s

    used terms li6e &The *odhead+ or &a 5eavenly Trio+ or a unity of &three Civin)

    Iersons+ to describe the three Iersons of the $odhead* SDA4s )ave a clear %itness

    that %e are not in harmony %ith ?atholic thou)ht that the Bible and the Bible alone

    is our )uide and foundation of all of our doctrines* But no% %e have changed and

    have ta6en a 'osition that ma6es our %itness to the %orld more indistinct and dullsthe line of demarcation bet%een the SDA ?or'orate ?hurch and Rome*

    >t seems as thou)h the %ay the ?or'orate SDA ?hurch has chosen to e'ress

    their belief in the Trinity is such that they can 'retend to a)ree %ith ?atholics and

    8van)elicals if threatened %ith bein) called a &cult+ or heretics for not believin) the

    orthodo conce'tion of $od in the Trinity %hile at the same time claim that their

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    belief in the Trinity is in line %ith the Bible and true to the %ritin)s of 8$ called

    &the S'irit of Iro'hecy+But is the latter su''osition true

    Three issues still to address

    Oo% let us consider the follo%in) three items before movin) on to discussthe sanctuary li)ht %hich the Trinity doctrine has been bloc6in):

    = the Trinity error the ?or'orate SDA ?hurch at 'resent time clearly acce'ts

    = the lethal consePuences of acce'tin) and promotingerror

    = ho% rejection of li)ht and acce'tance of error in its 'lace %ill ultimately aLect

    our stance on the Sabbath*

    The Trinity error which is universal to any version accepted

    hile it cannot be clearly demonstrated %hether the ?or'orate SDA ?hurch

    believes in a ?onsubstantial Trinity as do the ?atholics (as %e e'lained earlier the

    %ordin) in the full e'lanation tet in the .< fundamental beliefs body for the Trinity

    is not denitive as %hether they acce't or reject a ?onsubstantial Trinity# %e %ill

    no% sho% %hat error is still clearly acce'ted* To be sure this error is ubiPuitous to

    anybelief in the Trinity no matter %hat version of it one es'ouses* 8very version of

    the Trinity doctrine teaches that $od the Father Jesus the Son and the 5oly &pirit

    %ere alwaysthree separateIersons from all eternity 'ast even before the

    entrance of sin H %hile simultaneously e'lainin) that they are Gne bein)* These

    t%o 'oints are necessary for any Trinity es'ousal* Biblically s'ea6in) and in the li)ht

    of the S'irit of Iro'hecy these t%o fundamental su''ositions of the Trinity are false*

    hile %e 6no% that certainly the 3oly S'irit eisted for all eternity 5e was notseparate from the Person of ;esus ,hrist until the Incarnation %hen Jesus

    came do%n from heaven and too6 u'on 3im humanity (this %e revie%ed in the

    study on the >ncarnation#*

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    The S'irit of Iro'hecy also reveals to us that:

    &?hrist the ord the only be)otten of $od %as one %ith the eternal

    Father==one in nature in character in 'ur'ose==the onlybeingthat could enterinto all the counsels and 'ur'oses of $od*+ ,Iatriarchs and Iro'hets 'a)e 0/*!1

    8$ declares that Jesus %as &the onlybeingthat could enter into allthe counsels and 'ur'oses of $od+>f the 3oly S'irit %as a se'arate Ierson since

    eternity 'ast %as 3e not admitted into all $od4s counsels and 'ur'oses:

    Jesus and 3is 3oly S'irit %ere not se'arated until the incarnation; the 3oly

    S'irit %as se'arated as an eternal sacrice in consePuence of the entrance of sin

    into $od4s universe* Jesus is called &the Camb slain from the foundation of the

    world+ this re'resents &the 'ain that from its very ince'tion sin has brou)ht to

    the heart of $od+; but in the be)innin) before the ince'tion of sin it %as not so*

    &The ince'tion of sin+ made it necessary &accordin) to the revelation of the

    mystery %hich %as 6e't secret since the %orld be)an+ that the eternal sacrice of

    Jesus em'tyin) 3imself of 3is G%n 3oly S'irit and the creation of the earth andhumans must be accom'lished and because of these thin)s ta6in) 'lace Jesus

    %ould come to earth and die in man4s 'lace as a substitutionary Sacrice*

    &But as for (Cucifer# 3he! thought evil against 3us!= but *od meant it unto

    good( to bring to pass( as it is this day( to save much people alive+


    The belief that the 3oly S'irit has been a se'arate Ierson from Jesus for all

    eternity even before the >ncarnation ecli'ses many revealedTruths %hich are

    necessary to receive advancin) li)ht until 'erfection* The most im'ortant of these

    truths the Trinity hides from vie% is the understandin) %e must have that the 3olyS'irit is )iven to us throu)h Jesus as &the Soul of Hislife+ %hich 3e 'oured out in an

    eternal sacrice so that %e mi)ht receive 3is o%n everlastin) Cife* This the church

    should clearly teach and 'romul)ate and a''ly this understandin) to %hat she

    already 6no%s about the sanctuary and the cleansin) ecacy of Jesus4 blood*

    &piritually lethal conse>uences of rejecting light and accepting error in its


    e no% declare that it %as the SDA church leaders4 rejection of the li)ht in

    the &Justication by faith+ messa)e brou)ht in !

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    >saiah :.=./ &.oe unto them that call evil good( and good evil=

    that put darkness for light( and light for darkness= that put bitter for

    sweet( and sweet for bitter?

    oe unto them that are %ise in their o%n eyes and 'rudent in their o%n


    oe unto them that are mi)hty to drin6 %ine and men of stren)th to min)lestron) drin6:

    hich justify the %ic6ed for re%ard and ta6e a%ay the ri)hteousness of the

    ri)hteous from himQ

    Therefore as the re devoureth the stubble and the Mame consumeth the

    chaL so their root shall be as rottenness and their blossom shall )o u' as

    dust: because they have cast away the law of the L)R# of hosts( and

    despised the word of the "oly #ne of $srael*+

    Said Jesus

    &The li)ht of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be sin)le thy

    %hole body shall be full of li)ht*

    But if thine eye be evil thy %hole body shall be full of dar6ness* $f

    therefore the light that is in thee be dar%ness& how great is that


    (o man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one&

    and love the other; or else he will hold to the one( and despise the

    other9e cannot serve $od and mammon*+ 5att* ":..=./

    And a)ain

    &But in vainthey do %orshi' 5e teaching for doctrines the

    commandments of men*+ 5att*!:-

    8llen $* hite %arns a)ainst acce'tin) the fatal so'histry of Satan4s errors:

    &@very error is sin( and every sin has its origin with &atan* ron)

    'ractices have blinded the eyes and blighted the perceptive facultiesof men

    and %omen* e need no% to be )uarded on every 'oint* * * *+ ,This Day %ith

    $od 'a)e !"0*.1

    &e are livin) in the 'erils of the last days* >t is not safe to be careless and

    indiLerent no%* ith humble hearts and 'erfect submission to the %ill of $od

    %e should 'ray earnestly to be 6e't from error and that %e may be )uided

    into all truth* Truth sancties* @rror corrupts* The soul can be 6e't 'ure and

    stren)thened only by %al6in) in the li)ht as ?hrist is in the li)ht*+ ,R3

    December . !

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    5any have %ondered ho% it could ever be true that the ?or'orate SDA

    ?hurch %ill eventually due to 'ressure bein) a''lied from the %orld and Babylon

    )ive u' Sabbath and join the enemy in 6ee'in) Sunday* 9es this is in fact

    'ro'hesied to ha''en by the S'irit of Iro'hecy:

    &hen the reli)ion of ?hrist is most held in contem't %hen 3is la% ismost des'ised then should our eal be the %armest and our coura)e the

    most unMinchin)* To stand in defense of truth and ri)hteousness when the

    ma,orityforsake us to )ht the battles of the Cord when championsare few==thiswill be our test* At this time %e must )ather %armth from

    the coldness of others coura)e from their co%ardice and loyalty from their

    treason* The nation %ill be on the side of the )reat rebel leader*

    The days of 'urication of the churchare hastenin) on s'ace*$od %ill have a 'eo'le 'ure and true* >n the mighty sifting soon to take

    place %e shall be better able to measure the stren)th of >srael* The si)ns

    reveal that the time is near %hen the Cord %ill manifest that 3is fan is in 3is

    hand and that 3e soon will thoroughly purge "is oor*+ ,The Revie%and 3erald article titled &Gur Iresent Duty and the ?omin) ?risis+ January

    !! !

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    $ also will choose their delusions& and will bring their fears upon

    them; because when I called( none did answer= when I spake( they

    did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes and chose that in which

    I delighted not*

    3ear the %ord of the CGRD ye that tremble at his %ord; 9our brethren that

    hated you that cast you out for 5y OameKs sa6e said Cet the CGRD be)loried: but 3e shall a''ear to your joy and they shall be ashamed+*** >sa*


    $ Latter Rain message ('art . of this messa)e#

    e %ill no% turn our attention to fundamental 6no%led)e concernin) the

    Final Atonement ta6in) 'lace in the sanctuary in heaven %hich is necessary to our

    receivin) the nal act of cleansin) %hen our sins are to be blotted out &when the

    times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the +ord+* >t is these

    very truths %hich the church should have been advancin) unto; %hich the doctrineof the Trinity has eLectively hidden from vie% for too many years no%*

    The %hole messa)e of the SDA church yea the %hole 'ur'ose for the SDA

    church to eist is to 'romul)ate the truths and im'art the li)ht %e have received by

    understandin) ?hrist4s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary* This is %here the entirety

    of our %hole %or6 'roceeded from (the Three an)els %ho carry the last threefold

    messa)e of mercy are sent forth from the heavenly sanctuary H see 8arly ritin)s

    'a)es ./=.

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    con)re)ation of >srael* So %ill Satan be forever banished from the 'resence of

    $od and 3is 'eo'le and he %ill be blotted from eistence in the nal

    destruction of sin and sinners*+ ,S'irit of Iro'hecy 7olume / 'a)e .""*.01

    Thus is brou)ht to our vie% the time since ?hrist entered into the 5ost 3oly

    Ilace of the heavenly sanctuary until the nal e'ulsion of sin and the close of the$reat ?ontroversy* First %e are told that the li)ht %hich brou)ht SDA4s this

    6no%led)e is &advancinglight+* >t doesn4t rest* The li)ht doesn4t sto' advancin)

    until the 'eo'le of $od have their sins blotted out; the Ci)ht advances until 3e

    becomes in us 3imself the full measure 'oured out in the latter rain of ?hrist4s


    $dvancing Light from the &anctuary in 5eaven% 0The virtue of the blood of

    the 3*reat! sin oDering1

    The rest of our study %ill focus on another 'oint brou)ht out in the Puote;

    s'ecically this &by virtue of the bloodof the sin-oering removed the sins from

    the sanctuary+ e need to study more about the EIRTF@of the blood of the sin

    oLerin) by follo%in) in advancin) li)ht* Cisten to %hat 8$ had to say further about

    )ro%in) s'ecically in T3>S understandin):

    &0e need to %eep ever before us the e)cacy of the blood of esus *

    That life=cleansin) life=sustainin) blood a''ro'riated by livin) faith is our

    ho'e* e need to grow in appreciationof its inestimable value for

    it spea%s for us onlyas %e by faith claim its virtue 6ee'in) theconscience clean and at 'eace %ith $od*+ ,SDA Bible ?ommentary 7olume E'a)e -/E*!!1

    So let us %ith fear and tremblin) study %hat is no% revealed concernin) the

    &virtue of blood of the sin oLerin)+*

    Leviticus chapter 6G% The #ay of $tonement

    >n )oin) bac6 to Ceviticus cha'ter !" to revie% %hat the Bible teaches about

    the Day of Atonement %e %ill learn somethin) very si)nicant %hich must be

    considered if %e are to )ro% in our a''reciation of &the virtue of the blood of the

    sin o2ering+* e learn there that the 3i)h Iriest on the Day of Atonement actually

    ma6es twosacrices %hich are both called a 0sin oDering1

    Leviticus 6G%H% &And he shall ta6e of the con)re)ation of the children of

    >srael t%o 6ids of the goats for a sin o2ering+

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    Leviticus 6G%9% &Thus shall Aaron come into the holy 'lace: %ith a young

    bullockfor a sin o2ering+

    Two 0types1 of blood used to cleanse the sanctuary

    Gnce these t%o beasts %ere slain the blood of -)T5%as used to s'rin6le

    u'on the mercy seat and ma6e atonement for the sins of >srael*

    Leviticus 6G%64/6G: &And he shall ta6e of the blood of the bulloc% and

    s'rin6le it %ith his n)er u'on the mercy seat east%ard; and before the

    mercy seat shall he s'rin6le of the blood %ith his n)er seven times*

    Then shall he 6ill the goat of the sin oDering that is for the 'eo'le and

    bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with

    the blood of the bulloc% and s'rin6le it u'on the mercy seat and before

    the mercy seat:

    And he shall ma6e an atonement for the holy 'lace because of the

    uncleanness of the children of >srael and because of their trans)ressions in

    all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the con)re)ation that

    remaineth amon) them in the midst of their uncleanness*+

    After this the blood of the t%o sin oLerin)s %as to be used to cleanse the


    Leviticus 6G%67(6: &And he shall )o out unto the altar that is before the

    CGRD and ma6e an atonement for it; and shall ta6e of the blood of the

    bullock andof the blood of the goat and 'ut it u'on the horns of thealtar round about*

    And he shall s'rin6le of the blood u'on it %ith his n)er seven times and

    cleanse it and hallo% it from the uncleanness of the children of >srael*+

    >t is no% manifest that for us to )ro% in a''reciation for the &inestimable

    value+ of the blood of Jesus and to &by faithclaim its virtue+ %e need to

    a''ro'riate all the li)ht and 6no%led)e $od is 'leased to )ive u'on this subject* Cet

    us loo6 at ho% ?hrist fullls the full ministry of these t%o ty'es re'resented by the

    sin oLerin) of the bulloc6 and of the Cord4s )oat*

    &$nd what was done in type in the ministration of the earthly

    sanctuary is done in reality in the ministration of the heavenly

    sanctuary*+ ,The $reat ?ontroversy 'a)e /.*.1

    5ow ;esus fulJlls the two sin oDerings from the typical service

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    First the youn) bulloc6 %hich the 3i)h Iriest slays %e are told in Ceviticus

    the 'ur'ose of this sin oLerin):

    &And Aaron shall oLer his bulloc6 of the sin oDering %hich is for himself

    and ma6e an atonement for himself and for his house*+ Cev* !":"

    hile Jesus unli6e the 3i)h Iriest on earth does not need to ma6e anatonement for 3imself; 3e still fullls the ty'e in that the bulloc6 re'resents the

    atonement &for 3is house+* ?hrist4s church the 'eo'le of $od is &3is house+ even

    as Aaron the rst 3i)h 'riest of the earthly tabernacle made an atonement for his

    house &the house of Aaron+:

    &And ye shall be unto 5e a kingdom of priests and an holy nation*+

    8odus !-:"

    &But ?hrist as a Son over 3is G%n house; whose house are we if %e

    hold fast the condence and the rejoicin) of the ho'e rm unto the end*+

    3eb* 0:"

    The youn) bulloc6 re'resents the &sin oLerin)+ %hen ?hrist too6 u'on

    3imself humanity and 'artoo6 of Mesh and blood that 3e mi)ht be a faithful and

    merciful 3i)h Iriest*

    &herefore in all thin)s it behoved him to be made li6e unto his brethren

    that he mi)ht be a merciful and faithful hi)h 'riest in thin)s 'ertainin) to

    $od to ma6e reconciliation for the sins of the 'eo'le*+ 3eb .:!E

    The blood of ?hrist4s 'erfect humanity %as necessary for to be s'rin6led u'on

    the 5ercy Seat in the antity'ical Day of Atonement in 3is ministry of FinalAtonement in the heavenly sanctuary %hen our sins shall be blotted out* This %as

    re'resented by the blood of the youn) bulloc6*

    The Lord+s goat and the scapegoat

    As %e turn our attention to the oLerin) of the Cord4s )oat %hich %as also for

    a sin oLerin) many hidden truths are revealed* >t is si)nicant that in the ty'ical

    service t%o )oats %ere brou)ht before the Cord and lots %ere cast to determine

    %hich one %ould be the Cord4s )oat and %hich the sca'e)oat* e believe this is notmeant to teach that in the anti=ty'e they are ePual but to focus our attention on

    the fact that in some %ays the Cord4s )oat and the sca'e)oat %ere at one time

    very much in lea)ue %ith each other*

    e 6no% that the sca'e)oat re'resents Cucifer and the Cord4s )oat

    re'resents ?hrist* They are obviously not ePual but let us consider ho% they %ere

    in lea)ue in some %ay in 3eaven before sin*

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    The two $3a!rchangels

    &Cucifer Nson of the mornin)N %as rst of the coverin) cherubs holy and

    undeled* 5e stood in the presence of the great ,reator and the ceaseless

    beams of )lory enshroudin) the eternal $od rested u'on him*+ ,Iatriarchs andIro'hets 'a)e 0*!1

    e 6no% from the earthly sanctuary %hich stands as an &eam'le and

    shado% of heavenly thin)s+ that there are t%o coverin) cherubs %hich veil the

    )lory of $od in the 5ost 3oly Ilace* 8$ states that Cucifer %as the rstof these


    also consider these si)nicant revelations )iven the Testimony of Jesus:

    &?hrist 3imself called him forth to life* Satan the tem'ter had claimed the

    body of 5oses because of his sin; but ?hrist the Saviour brou)ht him forth

    from the )rave* Jude -*+ ,The Desire of A)es 'a)e /.!*01

    Jude 9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the deil he dis!uted

    a"out the "ody of Moses, durst not "ring against him a railing accusation, "ut said, The

    #ord re"u$e thee.%

    &5ichael or ?hrist %ith the an)els that buried 5oses came do%n from

    heaven after he had remained in the )rave a short time and resurrected him

    and too6 him to heaven*+ ,Story of Redem'tion 'a)e !E0*.1

    The Bible reveals that ?hrist4s 'osition before 3is incarnation %as as an

    Archan)el in heaven; no% behold %hat is revealed about Cucifer4s 'osition as

    &coverin) cherub+:

    &Rebellion ori)inated %ith Satan* Oot%ithstandin) the e4alted position

    %hich he occu'ied amon) the heavenly host he became dissatised because

    he %as not accorded su'reme honor* 3ence he Puestioned $odKs 'ur'oses

    and im'u)ned his justice* 3e bent all his 'o%ers to allure the an)els from

    their alle)iance* The fact that he was an archangel )lorious and

    'o%erful enabled him to eert a mi)hty inMuence* 3is com'laints a)ainst

    $odKs )overnment at rst met %ith no favor; yet bein) ur)ed a)ain and

    a)ain they %ere nally acce'ted by those %ho had before been loyal and

    ha''y subjects of the in) of 3eaven* There %as not the shado% ofjustication or ecuse for disaLection; but envy and jealousy once cherished

    )ained a 'o%er that 'aralyed reason and destroyed honor and loyalty* As

    the result Satan and all his sym'athiers %ere cast out of 3eaven*+ ,Si)ns

    of the Times Se'tember !/ !

  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    e believe that ?hrist condescended to the 'osition of an Archan)el as is in

    harmony %ith 3is character of mee6ness and humility and in $od4s counsel made

    necessary because 3is %ere the hands %hich created the an)els* Jesus %as called

    &the An)el of the CGRD+ and (still is called# the &Gnly Be)otten Son of $od+;

    accordin) to 3is %onderful character 3e comes very near to 3is created family

    members 3e calls them sons and d%ells amon) them as a brother* >t seems thateven thou)h $od made Cucifer eceedin)ly beautiful and more ealted than all the

    other createdan)els 3e suLered a test to come u'on Cucifer after he cherished

    envy in 3is heart for ?hrist* That test %as that after Cucifer indul)ed in envy of

    ?hrist $od the Father o'enly conferred (restated surely made clear# su'reme

    authority u'on Jesus ho had condescended even to ta6e a role or 'osition as an

    Archan)el %hich %as the same 'osition Cucifer occu'ied*

    8$ declares by the S'irit of Iro'hecy that Cucifer made this revealin)


    &Satan %ho %as once an honored an)el in 3eaven had been ambitiousfor the more ealted honors %hich $od had besto%ed u'on 3is Son* 3e

    became envious of ?hrist and re'resented to the an)els %ho honored him as

    covering cherub that he had not the honor conferred upon him which

    his position demanded3e asserted that he should be e4alted eual in

    honor%ith $od*+ ,The Revie% and 3erald February ./ !

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    "on of God condescended to take the same position as an #rchangel* Still Cucifer

    understood that Jesus %as ta6en into councils %hich he %as not 'ermitted to* This

    maddened him and tested his loyalty to $od the Father and to the Son* >nstead of

    bein) reconciled to the fact that this %as by $od4s arran)ement Cucifer rebelled

    and incited rebellion amon) the an)els because &they could not penetrate

    6God7s8 unsearchable counsels; they %ere dissatised %ith 3is 'ur'ose inealtin) ?hrist*+

    &>n all the councils of $od $hrist was a participant! while +ucifer was

    not permitted thus to enter into the divine purposes* NhyN

    Puestioned this mi)hty an)el Nshould ?hrist have the su'remacy hy is 3e

    thus honored above CuciferN ,!he Great 9ontroversy'a)e /-*!1

    These t%o A(a#rchan)els are re'resented in the earthly ty'e of the Day of

    Atonement service as the t%o )oats %hich are brou)ht before the Cord* As thesca'e)oat re'resents Satan %ho %as an archan)el %ho is a s'irit bein) so also The

    Cord4s )oat rePuires the sacrice of the Archan)el ho %as also a S'irit Bein) (&$od

    is a S'irit+ John /:./# and 3e %as in the &form of $od+ and ePual to $od the

    Father (Ihil* .:"#*

    &In 5is incarnation 5e had reached the prescribed limit as a

    sacrice but not as a Redeemer*+ ,!.5R /-*!1

    .hat the blood of the Lord+s goat typiJes

    $od said this about the virtue of the )reat &sin oLerin)+:

    Ceviticus !E:!! &For the life of the Mesh is in the blood: and I have given

    it to you upon the altarto make an atonement for your souls: for it is

    the blood that ma6eth an atonement for the soul*+

    >n a &'ainful 'rocess+ $od the Father and Jesus committed Themselves to

    'erform the >ncarnation of Jesus ?hrist at %hich time ?hrist4s very o%n 3oly S'irit

    %as se'arated from Jesus and the 3oly S'irit 3imself caused Jesus to be)in to

    develo' inside of 5ary4s %omb as a human baby* e must needs also ac6no%led)e

    this eternal sacrice %hen %e by livin) faith a''ro'riate the blood of Jesus because

    &it s'ea6s for us onlyas %e by faith claim its virtue+

    The sacrice of the Gne ho %as &in the form of $od+ %as ty'ied in the

    sacrice of the Cord4s )oat* Jesus also shed 3is sacred blood &the Soul of 3is Cife+

    in em'tyin) out 3imself for us 3is o%n 3oly S'irit* This is the meanin) of the

    min)lin) of the blood of the t%o sin oLerin)s in the ty'es of the bulloc6 and the

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    Cord4s )oat in the earthly sanctuary %here both life bloods %ere necessary to obey

    the Cord4s direction in cleansin) the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement*

    Kinal $tonement

    &hen the hi)h 'riest by virtue of the bloodof the sin-oering

    removed the sins from the sanctuary he placed them upon the scape-


    &.hen the times of refreshing shall come from the

    presence of the Lord then the sins of the repentant soul%horeceived the )race of ?hrist and has overcome through the blood of the

    +amb will be removed from the records of heaven and will be placed

    upon atan& the scapegoat& the originator of sin and be remembered

    no more a)ainst him forever* The sins of the overcomers %ill be blotted out ofthe boo6s of record but their names %ill be retained on the boo6 of life*+

    ,The Si)n of the Times 5ay !" !

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    This is re'resented as the 'ardonin) blood

    inseparably connected%ith the resurrection and life of our

    Redeemer illustrated by the ever=Mo%in) stream that

    'roceeds from the throne of $od the %ater of the river of

    life+ (Cetter

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    This act by esus of Final $tone%ent ill close the +reat contro"ersy by finishin+ the or!

    of sanctification in our hearts.

    &e are sanctified by the Spirit of Christ co%in+ into our hearts, e"en as the sap of the 4ine

    is co%%unicated throu+h the fibers into the +rafted in branches... This is sanctification byfaith, Christ li"in+ H5S (5F1 ithin us...

    2ou %i+ht suffer us to spea! so about sanctification because %ost churches do not e"en

    spea! of sanctification these days and e"en less of those ho preach it really understand it

    6truly e spea! of thin+s e !no not, these thin+s are hi+h, ho can attain to it7.. e"en so

    the thin+s of God !noeth no %an, but the Spirit of God...8

    ut hat is prophesied to brin+ a sha!in+ is our focusin+ actually on ustification... hich

    doctrine 14102 Christian church teaches and e"eryone assu%es e understand uite

    ell... %any ould suffer us to spea! on sanctification by the Spirit throu+h Christ's 5nfiniteSacrifice... but is there any a%on+ us ho ould thin! that there is yet i%portant li+ht on

    ustification in li+ht of the hea"enly sanctuary, that Christ has held last as %ost full

    re"elation of Hi%self as the (a%b Slain in hea"en7

    The meaning of the two sin oDerings from the typical service are

    illustrated in 5abakkuk+s vision made plain upon tables for the end time

    The Jrst Table Love to *od Love to man

    The second Table

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    This )reat truth is 'lainly illustrated in the vision %hich 3aba66u6 sa% %hich

    is no% made 'lain u'on the t%o tables of the Ten ?ommandments* 'on the rst

    table is 'ictured ?hrist %ith &bri)ht beams comin) out of 3is side and there is the

    hiding of 5is power+ 3ab*0:/* 'on the second table is 'ictured Jesus u'on the

    ?ross havin) received the cruel %ound in 3is side; and also clearly de'ictin) &from

    the %ound thus made there Mo%ed t%o co'ious and distinct streams one of bloodthe other of %ater*+ ,The Desire of A)es 'a)e EE!*/1 3ere in the vision ordained

    by the Cord for the end time to be an ensi)n unto all nations is made manifest the

    t%ofold min)led &virtue of the blood of the sin oLerin)+: the blood %hich Mo%ed

    from the ?ross (and yet Mo%s from ?hrist4s 'ierced side# and the bri)ht beams of

    ?hrist4s G%n 3oly S'irit = both 'ourin) forth from the heart of our Sacrice

    Redeemer and Cord* Jesus %ould have us &grow in appreciation of its 6"is

    blood7s8 inestimable value+* ?oncernin) this virtue 3aba66u6 %ell said:

    &and there is the hiding of "is ;ower*+ 3aba66u6 0:/

    The blood was sprinkled to make atonement for transgression of the Law

    of self/sacriJcing love

    $od rePuired the 3i)h Iriest to brin) the blood of the t%o sin oLerin)s into

    the 5ost 3oly Ilace and to then s'rin6le the blood u'on the 5ercy Seat %hich

    covered the Ten ?ommandment Ca% contained in the Ar6 of the ?ovenant* &The

    bro6en la% of $od demanded the life of the trans)ressor*+ ,$? /!t is also called in 8$4s boo6 the Desire of A)es: &the law of lifefor earth and

    heaven+ and the Ca% &self=sacricin) love+: &the love %hich Nsee6eth not her o%nN

    (%hich# has its source in the heart of $od+* >n 3aba66u64s vision of ?hrist4s 'ieced

    side made 'lain u'on the t%o tables of the Ten ?ommandment Ca% illustrate the

    t%o sacrices Jesus made in fulllment of the t%o sin oLerin)s in the ty'ical service

    on the Day of Atonement* The ima)e of the &bri)ht beams comin) out of 3is side+ is

    de'icted on the rst table re'resentin) Cove to $od* Jesus voluntarily consented to

    become &the Cord4s )oat+: the sacrice of the Father This re'resents %hen Jesus

    &em'tied 3imself+ of the form of $od and se'arated 3is o%n 3oly S'irit sent to us

    as &a Io%er that ta6es a%ay sin+* Also in 3aba66u64s vision the sacrice of ?hrist4s

    'erfect humanity u'on the ?ross is illustrated u'on the second table of the Ten

    ?ommandments re'resentin) Cove to man* >n this sacrice ?hrist fullled the reality

    foreshado%ed in the sin oLerin) of the bulloc6 for the family or &house+ of the 3i)h

    Iriest* ?hrist in heaven s'rin6les 3is blood at the mercy seat to transfer our sins to

    the sanctuary even in the services of the Day of Atonement* Then 3e sends us 3is

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    3oly S'irit &the Soul of 3is Cife+ and &a Io%er that ta6es a%ay sin+* This sacrice

    %as re'resented as the Cord4s )oat %ho unli6e the bulloc6 no sins are confessed

    over him before 3e is slain it is 3is blood that cleanses the sanctuary in ty'e and

    Jesus4 S'irit that cleanses our hearts in the divine echan)e %hich cleanses us 3is

    human sanctuaries*

    >n these ima)es of ?hrist made 'lain u'on the t%o Ten ?ommandment

    tables the dual atonement of ?hrist the divine echan)e and &the glory of self-

    sacricing love+ are clearly illustrated*

    $od has ordained that 6"aba%%u% ?:1@8 in the

    last days of earth4s history heraldin) the soon comin) of our Cord and Savior Jesus

    ?hrist* This shall be accom'lished by liftin) u' this mi)hty standard of


    $ revelation of Love that must go to all the world

    This is the 'ur'ose for liftin) u' the vision of Jesus made 'lain u'on tables at

    this time* >t is only by beholdin) ?hrist4s innite sacrice that %e )ain the true

    conce'tion that sin is &eceedin) sinful+ and heinous in character* The %orld must

    be brou)ht understand this so that all may choose ?hrist and 3is li)ht or they shall

    choose to %al6 in dar6ness and then shall the end come* >n liftin) u' the vision of

    ?hrist4s 'ierced side revealed to 3aba66u6 the 'ro'het to be declared in the end

    time $od has commanded that the bri)ht beams of "is character of be shined into our dar6 %orld* The scri'ture declares that &The

    law worketh wrath% for where no law is( there is no transgression*+ Romans

    /:! here there is no clear revelation of the Cove of ?hrist and 3is innite sacricemade in our behalf men are left to feel that &it is ri)ht for every man to follo% the

    de'raved im'ulses of his o%n heart; for there is no standard by which evil can

    be detected*+ ,Si)ns of the Times Gctober . !

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    The Jrst Table of the Law % Love to *od The second Table of the

    Law % Love to man

    Cet us no% behold Jesus4 innite sacrice that our hearts may be melted and

    bro6en at the revelation of 3is love 3e has made 'rovision that %e shall receive

    abundant helpto overcome Satan %ho is re'resented as &the sca'e)oat+ and sit

    do%n %ith Jesus in 3is throne even as Jesus overcame Satan and sat do%n in the

    Father4s throne*

    &The 3oly S'irit==thesoul of "is lifea power that ta%es awaysin> ,The Revie% and 3erald 5ay !- !-/ 'ar* !1

    &!here is power in the blood of 9hrist to remove sin*+ ,The Si)n ofthe Times Au)ust " !

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    ow let us turn away from error and walk in the advancing light shining(

    until we receive 5is fullness

    These sanctuary truths %e have been discussin) the doctrine of the Trinity

    ecli'ses from vie% because it hides the fact the Jesus made an eternal sacrice in

    sheddin) 3is o%n 3oly S'irit for us* The Trinity teaches that the 3oly S'irit %as

    al%ays se'arated from Jesus since eternity; thereby denyin) ?hrist4s )reat sacrice

    of 'ourin) out 3is G%n 3oly S'irit for us )iven as a reconcilin) Io%er that ta6es

    a%ay sins in the incarnation*

    Oo% let us reject the Trinity doctrine (?ome out of Babylon error# and as %e

    'ray let us claim the virtue of ?hrist4s blood H believin) and 6no%in) that &the time

    for the unfoldin) of s'ecial truth in relation to the closin) scenes of this earthKs

    history is durin) the last )enerations that shall live u'on the earth*+ ,Testimonies

    7olume . 'a)e "-.*.1 8ven unto the end as %e follo% &advancin) li)ht+*

    &The truth is an advancing truth and %e must %al6 in the increasing light*+

    ,!t is 3is %ill that

    they should be ever movin) for%ard to receive the increased and ever-

    increasing light which is shining for them*+ ,Testimonies 7olume 'a)e


  • 7/31/2019 A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine: Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon


    diine &eing. 'ny and all s!iritualistic inter!retations are sim!ly im!erfect and untrue. They

    wea$en and diminish the diine ma(esty to which no earthly li$eness can "e com!ared. The

    word !erson% is still a !oor way of e)!ressing the reality. Here more than anywhere else in

    theology are we reminded of the !urely hy!othetical character of our s!eculations. Therefore,

    we must confess that the Trinity is one indiisi"le God and that the distinctions of the *ersons

    do not destroy the diine unity. This unity of God is e)!ressed "y saying that He is onesu"stance. +eertheless, in the diine unity there are three coeternal and coe-ual *ersons,

    who, though distinct, are the ne undiided and adora"le God. This is the doctrine of


    The 'recedin) document can be accessed here:



    = 5any call the ?hurch Babylon and leave but )o out and still drin6 the %ine of

    Babylon* ?omin) out of Babylon does not refer to leavin) the ?or'orate SDA

    church* To Mee out of the midst of Babylon means to sto' drin6in) the %ine of

    Babylon %hich is error* >n correctin) error $od4s 'eo'le shall have 'lenty

    enou)h challen)e and s'iritual battle; it is not as easy as to sim'ly sto'

    attendin) a certain ?hurch fello%shi' Jesus and the 'ro'hets )ave no such

    eam'le of leavin) the Moc6 of $od because of their sins and error*

    &The Cord had sent them messa)es of %arnin) and re'roof of consolation

    and 'romise by his 'ro'hets risin) u' early and sendin) them but they had

    beaten one and stoned another and it could not be that a prophet

    should perish outside of erusalem* Finally $od had sent his Son and

    from the hi)hest bou)h to the lo%est he had searched for fruit and had found

    none* For their sa6es he had clothed his divinity %ith humanity made himselfof no re'utation Med before the feet of his accusers and haters and yet

    carried a rebellious 'eo'le u'on his heart* 3e had done all that could be

    done but they turned from him demandin) still more evidence* 3is life %as

    one continual miracle but they 6ne% it not and demanded that he should

    sho% them a miracle* But in the face of their utter rejection of his love their

    unbelief in his mission and divinity %hen he 6ne% that the re'resentative

    men of the nation %ere 'lottin) for his destruction he %e't over the city of

    his love* 3is 'ro'hetic eye read the history of the 'ast and the %oe and the

    )uilt of the future and his heart %as brea6in) %ith a)ony because the 'eo'le

    of $od 6ne% not the time of their visitation* 3ell moved by a 'o%er frombeneath that the )uilty inhabitants of Jerusalem mi)ht carry out the %ill of

    the 'rince of dar6ness* Stirred %ith enmity they %ould yield themselves to

    the control of the mali)nant foe and ma6e the Irince of life their victim*

    ?louds of %rath %ere )atherin) over the doomed city; for they called do%n

    u'on themselves jud)ment cryin) N3is blood be on us and u'on our

    children*N That blood by virtue of which the repentant sinner might be

    forgiven//that blood by which a guilty world might be saved( by

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    which the ;ewish nation might be saved and puriJed( which was paid

    a ransom for the sins of the world( was to them the Jnal guilt in the

    cup of their ini>uity* Jesus 6ne% that his chosen 'eo'le %ere to 'ut him

    the Irince of life and )lory to an i)nominious death* 3e 6ne% %hat %as to be

    their doom* ith 'ro'hetic )lance he sa% the Roman le)ions he heard the

    tram' of armies sa% the city encom'assed and in Mames and the tem'le asmo6in) ruin* The miseries of the 'eo'le %hom he lon)ed to save rose u'

    before him* 3e beholds their )uilt and a)ony but they are as unrelenting

    as was atan in his rebellion against God* ,!n

    their blind unbelief they %ould not 6no% the Irince of life; if they had 6no%n

    him they %ould not have crucied him* ,!

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