a request for cliven bundy to use his current unrequested position in the spotlight to force media...

Post on 21-May-2017






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A Request For Cliven Bundy To Use His Current Unrequested Position In The Spotlight To Force Media Coverage Of The Release Of The

Findings Of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold-Case-Posse.

By Chris FarrellNOLA, U.S.A., A. D. MMXIV.

After reading the article by Dr. Keyes ‘War In The GOP: Real Or Contrived?

OR IS IT LIKE THE FISHERMAN PLAYING HIS PREY?’ at loyaltoliberty.com, I had to go back and edit my comment under the beautiful and brilliant Barbara Simpson's article at wnd.com, 'We Have Met The Enemy And The Enemy Is U.S.' April 13, 2014, and add a quotation from Dr. Keyes' insightful article published the same day.

Dr. Keyes illuminates the true nature of the deviously deceptive ‘Elitist Faction’ within the G.O.P. that feigns a Conservative worldview but in truth

embraces the same collectivist worldview as the ‘Elitist Faction’ controlling the Democrat Party.

Barbara Simpson and Dr. Alan Keyes.

The Republican and Democrat ‘Elitist Factions’ are two wings of the same predatory political beast attempting to ‘fundamentally change’ the American experiment into another failed Collectivist experiment. They would jointly replace the Liberty metaphorically symbolized in the American Bald Eagle with their vulturously bi-winged Collectivist concepts that amount to nothing less than tyranny under the dictatorship of the Collectivist’s ‘Legislative Leaders,’ as Frederic Bastiat described them in ‘The Law,’ or ‘Community Organizers,’ as they like to describe themselves today.

I would ask Dr. Keyes and Ms. Simpson that if either of them is able to deliver the following message to Mr. Bundy that they would please do so.

It's more than just a comment that I wrote under Ms. Simpson's article, it's a plea to Mr. Bundy to pick up the Colors on the battlefield in the current culture war in which he has been brought unwillingly into the front lines and waive them vigorously that Americans will muster at the upcoming press conference to be held by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold-Case-Posse just like the many armed American Patriots gathered at his ranch to protect his constitutional rights that they might at the very least advance the demand that the findings of the Cold-Case-Posse be honestly reported by the press and as well deliver the demand that those findings be addressed by all those who have taken an oath to defend the Constitution.

Cliven Bundy and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

I wrote the following comment, my plea to Mr. Bundy, under Ms. Simpson’s article at wnd.com:

"Yes, Mr. Bundy is a hero in the never-ending battle for the preservation of the constitutionally protected, God-given Liberty that Americans hold dear.

But now we need you in the front lines Mr. Bundy.

Help us take the battle to the enemy of American Liberty Mr. Bundy. Come to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's upcoming press conference where the findings of his volunteer Cold-Case-Posse's investigation into the fabricated electronic file supposedly representative of an actual Hawaiian birth certificate and forged Selective Service Registration Card will be released.

The investigation has uncovered other 'universe shattering' information on the usurper-in-chief Mr. Barack, or Barry,Hussein, (as in Saddam), Soetoro, Soebarkah, Obama aside from the facts surrounding the fraudulent documentation that the 'Empty Chair' presented the American people as purported authentication of his purported constitutional eligibility.

The biggest crime in American history: The criminal usurpation of the office of the president by fraud and forgery, yet the Liberal infected mainstream media will not fulfill their traditional responsibility as America's Fourth Estate and investigate their "lord and savior Barack Obama," to quote that idiot Jamie Foxx.

The unwanted spotlight in American history that has fallen on you Mr. Bundy affords you the opportunity to force the media to do their job and cover the release of the findings of Sheriff Joe's Cold-Case-Posse.

There is nothing that would infuriate the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa and his minions more than for you to stand up in the Question and Answer segment following the presentation of the findings of the investigation that Sheriff Joe normally has at his press conferences and ask Sheriff Joe or his Cold-Case-Posse Commander Lieutenant Mike Zullo questions surrounding Mr. Obama's criminal usurpation of the presidency.

Barry was illegally elected while in the commission of the crime of fraudulently representing himself as constitutionally eligible to be president.

America presently has NO LEGAL SITTING PRESIDENT.

Yet the 'Empty Chair's' illegal, illegitimate administration is continuing with the persecution you have endured for many years.

You have the window of opportunity to significantly contribute to advancing the fight to have the criminal usurper legally removed from office—if we can force the media and members of Congress do their job—and to have both of his criminal elections and administrations, along with all that has been accomplished retroactively abrogated as having taken place in the commission of a crime.

Please contact Sheriff Joe Mr. Bundy. Please attend the upcoming press conference and force the reporting of the event by a reluctant Obama-worshipping media.

Remember this: US Army surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lee Lakin was court martialed, dishonorably discharged, and imprisoned for simply requesting authentication that his purported commander-in-chief did in fact legally occupy

said position—then Obama released a manufactured electronic file maintaining it was a true representation of an actual document.

And be careful Mr. Bundy! Have you heard of Andrew Breitbart or Loretta Fuddy?

"...the Executive power of the U.S. government is vested in the person who occupies the office of President of the United States. When Eric Holder abuses that power, pursuant to Barack Obama’s purposes, policies and orders, Obama is responsible.

If the abuses involves are impeachable offenses, Obama should be impeached. Focusing on Holder while excluding Obama is like proposing to try a criminal’s hand for theft or murder, while leaving the criminal himself outside the scope of the indictment. How can one establish the criminal intent and responsibility of a person’s hand if the person who moved the hand is not on trial? The very idea is absurd. But since Eric Holder acts at Obama’s behest, impeaching him without impeaching Obama exactly corresponds to that absurdity."—Dr. Alan Keyes, http://loyaltoliberty.com/war, April 13, 2014.”

Likewise Mr. Bundy, If I might re-phrase Dr. Keyes in order to apply his surgical reasoning to your situation, focusing on the BLM while excluding Obama is like proposing to try a criminal's hand for theft or murder, while leaving the criminal himself outside the scope of the indictment.

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