a priori error estimates for space-time finite element

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A Priori Error Estimates forSpace-Time Finite Element Discretization ofParabolic Optimal Control Problems

Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Abstract. In this article we summarize recent results on a priori error esti-mates for space-time finite element discretizations of linear-quadratic para-bolic optimal control problems. We consider the following three cases: prob-lems without inequality constraints, problems with pointwise control con-straints, and problems with state constraints pointwise in time. For all cases,error estimates with respect to the temporal and to the spatial discretizationparameters are derived. The results are illustrated by numerical examples.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 35K20, 49J20, 49M05, 49M15, 49M25,49M29, 49N10, 65M12, 65M15, 65M60.

Keywords. optimal control, parabolic equations, error estimates, finite ele-ments, control constraints, state constraints, discretization error.

1. Introduction

In this paper we summarize our results mainly taken from [21, 23, 24] on a priorierror analysis for space-time finite element discretizations of optimization problemsgoverned by parabolic equations. We consider the state equation of the form

∂tu−∆u = f + q in (0, T )× Ω,

u(0) = u0 in Ω,(1.1)

combined with either homogeneous Dirichlet or homogeneous Neumann boundaryconditions on (0, T ) × ∂Ω. The control variable q is searched for in the spaceQ = L2((0, T ), L2(Ω)), whereas the state variable u is from X = W (0, T ), seeSection 2 for a precise functional analytic formulation. The optimization problemis than given as

Minimize J(q, u) subject to (1.1) and q ∈ Qad, u ∈ Xad, (1.2)

2 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

where J : Q×X → R is a quadratic cost functional (see Section 2) and the admis-sible sets Qad and Xad are given through control and state constrains, respectively.In this paper we consider the following three situations:

(I) problems without constraints, i. e., Qad = Q, Xad = X.(II) problems with control constraints, i. e., Xad = X and

Qad := q ∈ Q | qa ≤ q(t, x) ≤ qb a.e. in I × Ω , (1.3)

with some qa, qb ∈ R, qa < qb,(III) problems with state and control constraints, i. e., Qad as in (II) and

Xad :=

u ∈ X

∣∣∣∣ ∫Ω

u(t, x)ω(x) dx ≤ b for all t ∈ [0, T ]


with ω ∈ L2(Ω) and b ∈ R.

While the a priori error analysis for finite element discretizations of optimalcontrol problems governed by elliptic equations is discussed in many publications,see, e.g., [1, 5, 11, 13, 14, 25], there are only few published results on this topic forparabolic problems.

Here, we use discontinuous finite element methods for time discretization ofthe state equation (1.1), as proposed, e.g., in [9, 10]. The spatial discretization isbased on usual H1-conforming finite elements. In [2] it was shown that this typeof discretization allows for a natural translation of the optimality conditions fromthe continuous to the discrete level. This gives rise to exact computation of thederivatives required in the optimization algorithms on the discrete level. In [22] aposteriori error estimates for this type of discretization are derived and an adaptivealgorithm is developed.

Throughout, we use a general discretization parameter σ consisting of threediscretization parameters σ = (k, h, d), where k corresponds to the time discretiza-tion of the state variable, h to the space discretization of the state variable, andd to the discretization of the control variable q, respectively. Although the spaceand time discretization of the control variable may in general differ from the dis-cretization of the state, cf. [23, 24], we consider here the same temporal and spatialmeshes for both the state and the control discretization, i. e., d = (kd, hd) = (k, h).The aim of the a priori error analysis is to derive error estimates for the errorbetween the optimal solution q of (1.2) and the optimal solution qσ of its discretecounterpart in terms of discretization parameters k and h.

For some results on the problem without inequality constraints (I) we referto [20, 31] and a recent paper [6]. Our a priori error estimates for this case from [23]are summarized in Section 5.1. In this case, the regularity of the solution is limitedonly by the regularity of the domain and the data. Therefore higher order errorestimates can be shown, if using higher order discretization schemes, see [23].Here, we present estimates of order O(k+h2) for piecewise constant temporal andcellwise (bi-/tri-)linear spatial discretization, see the discussion after Theorem 5.1.

For the problem in the case (II), the presence of control constraints leadsto some restrictions of the regularity of the optimal control q, which are often

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 3

reflected in a reduction of the order of convergence of finite element discretizations,see [17, 19, 28] for some known results in this case. In [24] we extended the state-of-the-art techniques known for elliptic problems to the problem under consideration.As in [24], we discuss here the following four approaches for the discretization ofthe control variable and the corresponding error estimates:

1. Discretization using cellwise constant ansatz functions with respect to spaceand time: In this case we obtain similar to [17, 19] the order of convergenceO(h + k). The result is obtained under weaker regularity assumptions thanin [17, 19]. Moreover, we separate the influences of the spatial and temporalregularity on the discretization error, see Theorem 5.2.

2. Discretization using cellwise (bi-/tri-)linear, H1-conforming finite elements inspace and piecewise constant functions in time: For this type of discretization

we obtain the improved order of convergence O(k+h32− 1

p ), see Theorem 5.5.Here, p depends on the regularity of the adjoint solution. In two space dimen-sions we show the assertion for any p <∞, whereas in three space dimensionsthe result is proved for p ≤ 6. Under an additional regularity assumption,one can choose p =∞ leading to O(k + h

32 ). Again the influences of spatial

and temporal regularity as well as of the spatial and temporal discretizationsare clearly separated.

3. The discretization following the variational approach from [14], where noexplicit discretization of the control variable is used: In this case, we obtainan optimal result O(k + h2), see Theorem 5.6. The usage of this approachrequires a non-standard implementation and more involved stopping criteriafor optimization algorithms (see a recent preprint [15] for details), since thecontrol variable does not lie in any finite element space associated with thegiven mesh. However, there are no additional difficulties caused by the timediscretization.

4. The post-processing strategy extending the technique from [25] to parabolicproblems: In this case, we use the cellwise constant ansatz functions with re-spect to space and time. For the discrete solution (qσ, uσ), a post-processingstep based on a projection formula is proposed leading to an approxima-

tion qσ with order of convergence ‖q − qσ‖L2((0,T ),L2(Ω)) = O(k + h2− 1p ), see

Theorem 5.7. Here, p can be chosen as discussed for the cellwise linear dis-cretization. Under an additional regularity assumption, one can also choosep =∞ leading to O(k + h2).

The main difficulty in the numerical analysis of optimal control problems ofthe kind (III) with state constraints is the lack of regularity caused by the factthat the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the state constraint (1.4) is a Borelmeasure µ ∈ C([0, T ])∗. This fact affects the regularity of the adjoint state andof the optimal control q. Especially the lack of temporal regularity complicatesthe derivation of a priori error estimates for finite element discretizations of theoptimal control problem under consideration.

4 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

The main result of [21] summarized in Section 5.3 is the estimate

‖q − qσ‖L2((0,T ),L2(Ω)) ≤ C(



) 12k

12 + h

, (1.5)

see Theorem 5.8. One of the essential tools for the proof of this result are errorestimates with respect to the L∞((0, T ), L2(Ω)) norm for the state equation withlow regularity of the data, see Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4. The derivation ofthese estimates in [21] is based on the techniques from [18, 26].

To the authors knowledge the result (1.5) from [21] is the first published errorestimate for the optimal control problem in the case (III). For an optimal controlproblem with pointwise state constraints in space and time of the form

u(t, x) ≤ b for all (t, x) ∈ [0, T ]× Ω (1.6)

the estimates of order |lnh| 14 (h12 + k

14 ) in 2d and h

14 + h−

14 k

14 in 3d are derived

in [8].

The paper is organized as follows: In the next section we introduce the func-tional analytic setting of the considered optimization problems and describe neces-sary and sufficient optimality conditions for the problems under consideration. InSection 3 we present the space time finite element discretization of the optimiza-tion problems. Section 4 is devoted to the analysis of the discretization error of thestate equation. There, we present a priori error estimates for the solution of the un-controlled state equation in the norms of L2((0, T ), L2(Ω)) and L∞((0, T ), L2(Ω)).In Section 5, we present the main results of this article, which are estimates forthe error between the continuous optimal control and its numerical approximationfor the three considered problem classes (I), (II), and (III). In the last section wepresent numerical experiments for the three considered problem classes substanti-ating the theoretical results.

2. Optimization problems

In this section we briefly discuss the precise formulation of the optimization prob-lems under consideration. Furthermore, we recall theoretical results on existence,uniqueness, and regularity of optimal solutions as well as optimality conditions.

To set up a weak formulation of the state equation (1.1), we introduce thefollowing notation: For a convex polygonal domain Ω ⊂ Rn, n ∈ 2, 3 , we denoteV to be either H1(Ω) or H1

0 (Ω) depending on the prescribed type of boundaryconditions (homogeneous Neumann or homogeneous Dirichlet). Together withH =L2(Ω), the Hilbert space V and its dual V ∗ build a Gelfand triple V → H → V ∗.Here and in what follows, we employ the usual notion for Lebesgue and Sobolevspaces.

For a time interval I = (0, T ) we introduce the state space

X :=v∣∣ v ∈ L2(I, V ) and ∂tv ∈ L2(I, V ∗)

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 5

and the control space

Q = L2(I, L2(Ω)).

In addition, we use the following notations for the inner products and norms onL2(Ω) and L2(I, L2(Ω)):

(v, w) := (v, w)L2(Ω), (v, w)I := (v, w)L2(I,L2(Ω)),

‖v‖ := ‖v‖L2(Ω), ‖v‖I := ‖v‖L2(I,L2(Ω)).

In this setting, a standard weak formulation of the state equation (1.1) forgiven control q ∈ Q, f ∈ L2(I,H), and u0 ∈ V reads: Find a state u ∈ X satisfying

(∂tu, ϕ)I + (∇u,∇ϕ)I = (f + q, ϕ)I ∀ϕ ∈ X,u(0) = u0.


For simplicity of notation, we skip here and throughout the paper the dependenceof the solution variable on x and t.

It is well known that for fixed control q ∈ Q, f ∈ L2(I,H), and u0 ∈ V thereexists a unique solution u ∈ X of problem (2.1). Moreover the solution exhibitsthe improved regularity

u ∈ L2(I,H2(Ω) ∩ V ) ∩H1(I, L2(Ω)) → C(I , V ).

To formulate the optimal control problem we introduce the admissible setQad collecting the inequality constraints (1.3) as

Qad := q ∈ Q | qa ≤ q(t, x) ≤ qb a.e. in I × Ω ,where the bounds qa, qb ∈ R ∪ ±∞ fulfill qa < qb.

Furthermore, we define for ω ∈ H the functional G : H → R by

G(v) := (v, ω).

The application of G to time dependent functions u : I → H is defined by thesetting G(u)(t) := G(u(t)). The state constraint (1.4) can then be formulated as

G(u) ≤ b in I (2.2)

for b ∈ R ∪ ∞.Introducing the cost functional J : Q× L2(I,H)→ R defined as

J(q, u) :=1

2‖u− u‖2I +


2‖q‖2I ,

the weak formulation of the optimal control problem (1.2) is given as

Minimize J(q, u) subject to (2.1), (2.2), and (q, u) ∈ Qad ×X, (2.3)

where u ∈ L2(I,H) is a given desired state and α > 0 is the regularization param-eter.

Throughout, we assume the following Slater condition:

∃q ∈ Qad : G(u(q)) < b in I (2.4)

where u(q) is the solution of (2.1) for the particular control q.

6 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Remark 2.1. Because of the prescribed initial condition u0 ∈ H, the conditionG(u0) < b is necessary for the assumed Slater condition.

By standard arguments, the existence of the Slater point q ensures the exis-tence and uniqueness of optimal solutions to problem (2.3).

As already mentioned in the introduction, we consider three different variantsof the considered optimization problem (1.2):

(I) without constraints: qa = −∞, qb = b =∞,(II) with control constraints: b =∞,

(III) with state and control constraints: −∞ < qa, qb, b <∞.

As discussed in [21, 23, 24], the optimal solutions of these problems exhibit thefollowing regularities:

(I) q ∈ L2(I,H2(Ω)) ∩H1(I, L2(Ω)),(II) q ∈ L2(I,W 1,p(Ω))∩H1(I, L2(Ω)) with p <∞ for n = 2 and p ≤ 6 for p = 3,

(III) q ∈ L2(I,H1(Ω)) ∩ L∞(I × Ω).

To formulate optimality conditions, we employ the dual space of C(I) denotedby C(I)∗ with the operator norm ‖µ‖C(I)∗ and the duality product 〈·, ·〉 between

C(I) and C(I)∗ given by

〈v, µ〉 :=


v dµ.

Proposition 2.2. A control q ∈ Qad with associated state u is optimal solution ofproblem (2.3) if and only if G(u) ≤ b and there exists an adjoint state z ∈ L2(I, V )and a Lagrange multiplier µ ∈ C(I)∗ with µ ≥ 0 such that

(∂tϕ, z)I + (∇ϕ,∇z)I = (ϕ, u− u)I + 〈G(ϕ), µ〉 ∀ϕ ∈ X, ϕ(0) = 0 (2.5)

(αq + z, q − q)I ≥ 0 ∀q ∈ Qad (2.6)

〈b−G(u), µ〉 = 0 (2.7)

The variational inequality (2.6) can be equivalently rewritten using the point-wise projection PQad

on the set of admissible controls Qad:

q = PQad

(− 1


). (2.8)

Remark 2.3. This proposition reflects the general situation. In the absence of thestate constraint (case (II)), the Lagrange multiplier µ vanishes and the adjoint statepossesses the improved regularity z ∈ L2(I,H2(Ω))∩H1(I, L2(Ω)). If additionallythe control constraints are not present (case (I)), the variational inequality (2.6)becomes an equality.

3. Discretization

In this section we describe the space-time finite element discretization of the op-timal control problem (2.3).

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 7

3.1. Semidiscretization in time

At first, we present the semidiscretization in time of the state equation by discon-tinuous Galerkin methods. We consider a partitioning of the time interval I = [0, T ]as

I = 0 ∪ I1 ∪ I2 ∪ · · · ∪ IM (3.1)

with subintervals Im = (tm−1, tm] of size km and time points

0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tM−1 < tM = T.

We define the discretization parameter k as a piecewise constant function by settingk∣∣Im

= km for m = 1, 2, . . . ,M . Moreover, we denote by k the maximal size of the

time steps, i.e., k = max km. Moreover, we assume the following two conditions onthe size of the time steps:

(i) There are constants c, γ > 0 independent of k such that


km ≥ ckγ .

(ii) There is a constant κ > 0 independent of k such that for all m = 1, 2, . . . ,M−1


κ≤ kmkm+1

≤ κ.

(iii) It holds k ≤ T4 .

The semidiscrete trial and test space is given as

Xrk =

vk ∈ L2(I, V )

∣∣∣ vk∣∣Im ∈ Pr(Im, V ), m = 1, 2, . . . ,M.

Here, Pr(Im, V ) denotes the space of polynomials up to order r defined on Im withvalues in V . On Xr

k we use the notations

(v, w)Im := (v, w)L2(Im,L2(Ω)) and ‖v‖Im := ‖v‖L2(Im,L2(Ω)).

To define the discontinuous Galerkin (dG(r)) approximation using the spaceXrk we employ the following definitions for functions vk ∈ Xr

k :

v+k,m := lim

t→0+vk(tm+t), v−k,m := lim

t→0+vk(tm−t) = vk(tm), [vk]m := v+

k,m−v−k,mand define the bilinear form B(·, ·) for uk, ϕ ∈ Xr

k by

B(uk, ϕ) :=


(∂tuk, ϕ)Im + (∇uk,∇ϕ)I +


([uk]m−1, ϕ+m−1) + (u+

k,0, ϕ+0 ).

(3.2)Then, the dG(r) semidiscretization of the state equation (2.1) for a given controlq ∈ Q reads: Find a state uk = uk(q) ∈ Xr

k such that

B(uk, ϕ) = (f + q, ϕ)I + (u0, ϕ+0 ) ∀ϕ ∈ Xr

k . (3.3)

The existence and uniqueness of solutions to (3.3) can be shown by using Fourieranalysis, see [30] for details.

8 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Remark 3.1. Using a density argument, it is possible to show that the exact solu-tion u = u(q) ∈ X also satisfies the identity

B(u, ϕ) = (f + q, ϕ)I + (u0, ϕ+0 ) ∀ϕ ∈ Xr

k .

Thus, we have here the property of Galerkin orthogonality

B(u− uk, ϕ) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ Xrk ,

although the dG(r) semidiscretization is a nonconforming Galerkin method (Xrk 6⊂


Throughout the paper we restrict ourselves to the case r = 0. The resultingdG(0) scheme is a variant of the implicit Euler method. Because of this, the nota-tion for the discontinuous piecewise constant functions vk ∈ X0

k can be simplified.We set vk,m := v−k,m.Then, this implies v+

k,m = vk,m+1 and [vk]m = vk,m+1 − vk,m.

Since uk ∈ X0k is piecewise constant in time, the state constraint G(uk) ≤ b

can be written as finitely many constraints:

G(uk)∣∣Im≤ b for m = 1, 2, . . . ,M. (3.4)

The semi-discrete optimization problem for the dG(0) time discretization has theform:

Minimize J(qk, uk) subject to (3.3), (3.4), and (qk, uk) ∈ Qad ×X0k . (3.5)

Remark 3.2. Note, that the optimal control qk is searched for in the subset Qad

of the continuous space Q and the subscript k indicates the usage of the semidis-cretized state equation.

Similar to the continuous setting, we can formulate the following optimalitycondition:

Proposition 3.3. A control qk ∈ Qad with associated state uk is optimal solutionof problem (3.5) if and only if G(uk)

∣∣Im≤ b for m = 1, 2, . . . ,M and there exists

an adjoint state zk ∈ X0k and a Lagrange multiplier µk ∈ C(I)∗ given for any

v ∈ C(I) by

〈v, µk〉 =




v(t) dt with µk,l ∈ R+ (l = 1, 2, . . . ,M) (3.6)

such that

B(ϕ, zk) = (ϕ, uk − u)I + 〈G(ϕ), µk〉 ∀ϕ ∈ X0k (3.7)

(αqk + zk, q − qk)I ≥ 0 ∀q ∈ Qad (3.8)

〈b−G(uk), µk〉 = 0 (3.9)

Similar to the discussion in Remark 2.3, these optimality conditions can besimplified in the absence of constraints.

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 9

3.2. Discretization in space

To define the finite element discretization in space, we consider two or three dimen-sional shape-regular meshes, see, e.g., [7]. A mesh Th = K consists of quadri-lateral or hexahedral cells K, which constitute a non-overlapping cover of thecomputational domain Ω. Here, we define the discretization parameter h as a cell-wise constant function by setting h


= hK with the diameter hK of the cell K.We use the symbol h also for the maximal cell size, i.e., h = maxhK .

On the mesh Th we construct a conform finite element space Vh ⊂ V in astandard way:

V sh =v ∈ V

∣∣ v∣∣K∈ Qs(K) for K ∈ Th


Here, Qs(K) consists of shape functions obtained via (bi-/tri-)linear transforma-

tions of polynomials in Qs(K) defined on the reference cell K = (0, 1)n, where

Qs(K) = span



∣∣∣∣∣∣ αj ∈ N0, αj ≤ s


To obtain the fully discretized versions of the time discretized state equa-tion (3.3), we utilize the space-time finite element space

Xr,sk,h =

vkh ∈ L2(I, V sh )

∣∣∣ vkh∣∣Im ∈ Pr(Im, V sh )⊂ Xr

k .

The so called cG(s)dG(r) discretization of the state equation for given controlq ∈ Q has the form: Find a state ukh = ukh(q) ∈ Xr,s

k,h such that

B(ukh, ϕ) = (f + q, ϕ)I + (u0, ϕ+0 ) ∀ϕ ∈ Xr,s

k,h. (3.10)

Throughout this paper we will restrict ourselves to the consideration of (bi-/tri-)li-near elements, i.e., we set s = 1 and consider the cG(1)dG(0) scheme. The stateconstraint on this level of discretization is given as in Section 3.1 by

G(ukh)∣∣Im≤ b for m = 1, 2, . . . ,M. (3.11)

Then, the corresponding optimal control problem is given as

Minimize J(qkh, ukh) subject to (3.10), (3.11), and (qkh, ukh) ∈ Qad ×X0,1k,h.

(3.12)The optimality conditions for this problem can directly be translated from

the time-discrete level by replacing X0k by X0,1

k,h and zk by zkh fulfilling

B(ϕ, zkh) = (ϕ, ukh − u)I + 〈G(ϕ), µkh〉 ∀ϕ ∈ X0,1k,h (3.13)

3.3. Discretization of the controls

In this section, we describe four different approaches for the discretization of thecontrol variable. Choosing a subspace Qd ⊂ Q, we introduce the correspondingadmissible set

Qd,ad = Qd ∩Qad.

10 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Note, that in what follows the space Qd will be either finite dimensional or thewhole space Q. The optimal control problem on this level of discretization is givenas

Minimize J(qσ, uσ) subject to (3.10), (3.11) and (qσ, uσ) ∈ Qd,ad ×X0,1k,h . (3.14)

The optimality conditions on this level of discretization are formulated similar asabove, cf. [21].

3.3.1. Cellwise constant discretization. The first possibility for the control dis-cretization is to use cellwise constant functions. Employing the same time parti-tioning and the same spatial mesh as for the discretization of the state variablewe set

Qd =q ∈ Q

∣∣∣ q∣∣Im×K ∈ P0(Im ×K), m = 1, 2, . . . ,M, K ∈ Th


The discretization error for this type of discretization is analyzed for the problemclasses (I) and (II), and (III) in the Sections 5.1.1, 5.2.1, and 5.3, respectively.

3.3.2. Cellwise linear discretization. Another possibility for the discretization ofthe control variable is to choose the control discretization as for the state variable,i.e., piecewise constant in time and cellwise (bi-/tri-)linear in space. Using a spatialspace

Qh =v ∈ C(Ω)

∣∣ v∣∣K∈ Q1(K) for K ∈ Th

we set

Qd =q ∈ Q

∣∣∣ q∣∣Im∈ P0(Im, Qh)


The state space X0,1k,h coincides with the control space Qd in case of homogeneous

Neumann boundary conditions and is a subspace of it, i.e., Qd ⊃ X0,1k,h in the

presence of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.The discretization error for this type of discretization is analyzed for the

problem classes (I) and (II) in the Sections 5.1.2 and 5.2.2, respectively.

3.3.3. Variational approach. Extending the discretization approach presented in [14],we can choose Qd = Q. In this case the optimization problems (3.12) and (3.14)coincide and therefore, qσ = qkh ∈ Qad.

We use the fact that the optimality condition can be rewritten employing theprojection (2.8) as

qkh = PQad

(− 1



and obtain that qkh is piecewise constant function in time. However, qkh is ingeneral not a finite element function corresponding to the spatial mesh Th. Thisfact requires more care for the construction of algorithms for computation of qkh,see [14, 15] for details.

The discretization error for this type of discretization will be analyzed forthe problem classes (II) in Section 5.2.3.

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 11

3.3.4. Post-processing strategy. The strategy described in this section extendsthe approach from [25] to parabolic problems. For the discretization of the con-trol space we employ the same choice as in Section 3.3.1, i.e., cellwise constantdiscretization. After the computation of the corresponding solution qσ, a betterapproximation qσ is constructed by a post-processing step making use of the pro-jection operator (2.8):

qσ = PQad

(− 1


). (3.15)

Note, that similar to the solution obtained by variational approach in Section 3.3.3,the solution qσ is piecewise constant in time and is general not a finite elementfunction in space with respect to the spatial mesh Th. This solution can be simplyevaluated pointwise, however, the corresponding error analysis requires an addi-tional assumption on the structure of active sets, see the discussion for the problemclasses (II) in Section 5.2.4.

4. Analysis of the discretization error for the state equation

The goal of this section is to provide a priori error estimates for the discretizationerror of the (uncontrolled) state equation.

Let u ∈ X be the solution of the state equation (2.1) for q = 0, uk ∈ Xrk be the

solution of the corresponding semidiscretized equation (3.3), and ukh ∈ Xr,sk,h be the

solution of the fully discretized state equation (3.10). To separate the influences ofthe space and time discretization, we split the total discretization error e := u−ukhin its temporal part ek := u− uk and its spatial part eh := uk − ukh.

The proof of the following two theorems can be found in [23]:

Theorem 4.1. For the error ek := u − uk between the continuous solution u ∈ Xof (2.1) and the dG(0) semidiscretized solution uk ∈ X0

k of (3.3) with q = 0, wehave the error estimate

‖ek‖I ≤ Ck‖∂tu‖I ≤ Ck‖f‖I + ‖∇u0‖


where the constant C is independent of the size of the time steps k.

Theorem 4.2. For the error eh := uk − ukh between the dG(0) semidiscretized

solution uk ∈ X0k of (3.3) and the fully cG(1)dG(0) discretized solution ukh ∈ X0,1


of (3.10) with q = 0, we have the error estimate

‖eh‖I ≤ Ch2‖∇2uk‖I ≤ Ch2‖f‖I + ‖∇u0‖


where the constant C is independent of the mesh size h and the size of the timesteps k.

The following two theorems providing error estimates in the L∞(I, L2(Ω))norm are proved in [21]:

12 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Theorem 4.3. For the error ek := u − uk between the continuous solution u ∈ Xof (2.1) and the dG(0) semidiscretized solution uk ∈ X0

k of (3.3) with q = 0, wehave the error estimate

‖ek‖L∞(I,L2(Ω)) ≤ Ck(



) 12‖f‖L∞(I,L2(Ω)) + ‖∆u0‖


Theorem 4.4. For the error eh := uk − ukh between the dG(0) semidiscretized

solution uk ∈ X0k of (3.3) and the fully cG(1)dG(0) discretized solution ukh ∈ X0,1


of (3.10) with q = 0, we have the error estimate

‖eh‖L∞(I,L2(Ω)) ≤ Ch2 lnT


‖f‖L∞(I,L2(Ω)) + ‖∆u0‖


5. Error analysis for the optimal control problem

In this section, we present the main results of this article, namely the estimates ofthe error between the solution q of the continuous optimal control problem (2.3)and the solution qσ of the discretized problem (3.14) for the three consideredproblem classes (I), (II), and (III).

Throughout this section, we will indicate the dependence of the state andthe adjoint state on the specific control q ∈ Q by the notations introduced inSection 2 and Section 3 like u(q), z(q) on the continuous level, uk(q), zk(q) on thesemidiscrete and ukh(q), zkh(q) on the discrete level.

5.1. Problems without constraints

In the case (I) with no constraints, the following error estimate was proved in [23]:

Theorem 5.1. The error between the the solution q ∈ Q of the continuous op-timization problem (2.3) and the solution qσ ∈ Qd of the discrete optimizationproblem (3.14) can be estimated as

‖q − qσ‖I ≤C

αk‖∂tu(q)‖I + ‖∂tz(q)‖I


αh2‖∇2uk(q)‖I + ‖∇2zk(q)‖I


2 +C



pd∈Qd‖q − pd‖I ,

where q ∈ Q can be chosen either as the continuous solution q or as the solutionqkh of the purely state discretized problem (3.12). The constants C are independentof the mesh size h, the size of the time steps k and the choice of the discrete controlspace Qd ⊂ Q.

To concertize the result of Theorem 5.1, we discuss two possibilities for thecontrol discretization, cf. Section 3.3:

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 13

5.1.1. Cellwise constant discretization. In the case of discretizing the controls bycellwise constant polynomials in space and time (cf. Section 3.3.1), the infimumterm of the error estimation from Theorem 5.1 has to be taken into account leadingto the discretization error of order

‖q − qσ‖I = O(k + h).

5.1.2. Cellwise linear discretization. Here, the control is discretized using piece-wise constants in time and cellwise (bi-/tri-)linear functions in space, cf. Sec-tion 3.3.2. In this case, the infimum term in the estimate of Theorem 5.1 vanishessince Qd ⊃ X0,1

k,h. Thus, Theorem 5.1 implies for the discretization error to be oforder

‖q − qσ‖I = O(k + h2).

5.2. Problems with control constraints

In this section we provide a priori error estimates for the case (II) of purely controlconstraint problems when discretizing the control by one of the different discretiza-tion approaches described in Section 3. The proofs of the presented theorems canbe found in [24].

5.2.1. Cellwise constant discretization. In this subsection we provide an estimatefor the error ‖q − qσ‖I when the control is discretized by cellwise constant poly-nomials in space and time, see Section 3.3.1.

Theorem 5.2. Let q ∈ Qad be the solution of the optimal control problem (2.3),qσ ∈ Qd,ad be the solution of the discretized problem (3.14), where the cellwiseconstant discretization for the control variable is employed. Then the followingestimate holds:

‖q − qσ‖I ≤C

αk ‖∂tq‖I + ‖∂tu(q)‖I + ‖∂tz(q)‖I


αh‖∇q‖I + ‖∇z(q)‖I + h

(‖∇2uk(q)‖I + ‖∇2zk(q)‖I

)= O(k + h).

5.2.2. Cellwise linear discretization. This subsection is devoted to the error anal-ysis for the discretization of the control variable by piecewise constants in timeand cellwise (bi-/tri-)linear functions in space as described in Section 3.3.2.

The analysis is based on an assumption on the structure of the active sets.For each time interval Im we group the cells K of the mesh Th depending on thevalue of qk on K into three sets Th = T 1

h,m ∪ T 2h,m ∪ T 3

h,m with T ih,m ∩ T jh,m = ∅ fori 6= j. The sets are chosen as follows:

T 1h,m := K ∈ Th | qk(tm, x) = qa or qk(tm, x) = qb for all x ∈ K T 2h,m := K ∈ Th | qa < qk(tm, x) < qb for all x ∈ K T 3h,m := Th \ (T 1

h,m ∪ T 2h,m)

Hence, the set T 3h,m consists of the cells which contain the free boundary between

the active and the inactive sets for the time interval Im.

14 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

Assumption 5.3. We assume that there exists a positive constant C independentof k, h, and m such that ∑

K∈T 3h,m

|K| ≤ Ch

separately for all m = 1, 2, . . . ,M .

Remark 5.4. A similar assumption is used in [3, 25, 29]. This assumption is validif the boundary of the level sets

x ∈ Ω | qk(tm, x) = qa and x ∈ Ω | qk(tm, x) = qb consists of a finite number of rectifiable curves.

Theorem 5.5. Let q ∈ Qad be the solution of the optimal control problem (2.3),qk ∈ Qad be the solution of the semidiscretized optimal control problem (3.5) andqσ ∈ Qd,ad be the solution of the discrete problem (3.14), where the cellwise (bi-/tri-)linear discretization for the control variable is employed. Then, if Assumption 5.3is fulfilled, the following estimate holds provided zk(qk) ∈ L2(I,W 1,p(Ω)) for n <p ≤ ∞:

‖q − qσ‖I ≤C

αk‖∂tu(q)‖I + ‖∂tz(q)‖I



(1 +




+ h2‖∇2zk(qk)‖I + h32− 1

p ‖∇zk(qk)‖L2(I,Lp(Ω))

= O(k + h

32− 1

p ).

In the sequel we discuss the result from Theorem 5.5 in more details. Thisresult holds under the assumption that zk(qk) ∈ L2(I,W 1,p(Ω)). From the stabilityresult in Proposition 4.1 from [24] and the fact that qk ∈ Qad, we know that

‖zk(qk)‖L2(I,H2(Ω)) ≤ C.By a Sobolev embedding theorem we have H2(Ω) → W 1,p(Ω) for all p < ∞ intwo space dimensions and for p ≤ 6 in three dimensions. This implies the order

of convergence O(k + h

32− 1


for all 2 < p < ∞ in 2d and O(k + h


)in 3d,

respectively. If in addition ‖zk(qk)‖L2(I,W 1,∞(Ω)) is bounded, then we have in both

cases the order of convergence O(k + h



5.2.3. Variational approach. In this subsection we provide an estimate for the error‖q− qσ‖I in the case of no control discretization, see Section 3.3.3. In this case wechoose Qd = Q and thus, Qd,ad = Qad. This implies qσ = qkh.

Theorem 5.6. Let q ∈ Qad be the solution of optimization problem (2.3) and qkh ∈Qad be the solution of the discretized problem (3.12). Then the following estimateholds:

‖q − qkh‖I ≤C

αk‖∂tu(q)‖I + ‖∂tz(q)‖I


αh2‖∇2uk(q)‖I + ‖∇2zk(q)‖I

= O(k + h2).

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 15

5.2.4. Post-processing strategy. In this subsection, we extend the post-processingtechniques initially proposed in [25] to the parabolic case. As described in Sec-tion 3.3.4 we discretize the control by piecewise constants in time and space.To improve the quality of the approximation, we additionally employ the post-processing step (3.15).

Theorem 5.7. Let q ∈ Qad be the solution of the optimal control problem (2.3), qk ∈Qad be the solution of the semidiscretized optimization problem (3.5), and qσ ∈Qd,ad be the solution of the discrete problem (3.14), where the cellwise constantdiscretization for the control variable is employed. Let, moreover, Assumption 5.3be fulfilled and zk(qk) ∈ L2(I,W 1,p(Ω)) for n < p ≤ ∞. Then, it holds

‖q − qσ‖I ≤C


(1 +



)k‖∂tu(q)‖I + ‖∂tz(q)‖I



(1 +



)h2‖∇2uk(qk)‖I +


α‖∇zk(qk)‖I +

(1 +






(1 +



)h2− 1

p ‖∇zk(qk)‖L2(I,Lp(Ω)) = O(k + h2− 1


The choice of p in Theorem 5.7 follows the description in Section 5.2.2 requir-ing zk(qk) ∈ L2(I,W 1,p(Ω)). Due to the fact that ‖zk(qk)‖L2(I,H2(Ω)) is boundedindependently of k, the result of Theorem 5.7 holds for any n < p < ∞ in

the two dimensional case, leading to the order of convergence O(k + h2− 1

p). In

three space dimensions, we obtain p = 6 and therefore O(k + h


). If in addi-

tion ‖zk(qk)‖L2(I,W 1,∞(Ω)) is bounded, then we have in both cases the order of

convergence O(k + h2).

5.3. Problems with state and control constraints

In this section, we consider the full problem (2.3) with state and control con-straints, i. e., case (III). Compared to the cases (I) and (II) which were analyzedin the sections before, the order of convergence of the discretization error is re-duced here due to the lack of regularity of the adjoint state. This is caused by theLagrange multiplier corresponding to the state constraint which vanishes in thecases (I) and (II). Employing the estimates in the L∞(I, L2(Ω)) norm for the stateequation from Section 4, we obtain the following result which is proved in [21]:

Theorem 5.8. Let q ∈ Qad be the solution of the optimal control problem (2.3) withoptimal state u ∈ X and qσ ∈ Qd,ad be the solution of the discrete optimal control

problem (3.14) with discrete optimal state uσ ∈ X0,1k,h. Then the following estimate


√α‖q − qσ‖I ≤ C





) 14

+ h(



) 12


16 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler

6. Numerical Results

6.1. Problems without constraints

In this section, we validate the a priori error estimates for the error in the controlvariable numerically. To this end, we consider the following concretion of the modelproblem (2.3) with known analytical exact solution on I×Ω = (0, 0.1)×(0, 1)2 andhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The right-hand side f , the desiredstate u, and the initial condition u0 are given for x = (x1, x2)T ∈ Ω in terms ofthe eigenfunctions

wa(t, x) := exp(aπ2t) sin(πx1) sin(πx2), a ∈ Rof the operator ±∂t −∆ as

f(t, x) := −π4wa(T, x),

u(t, x) :=a2 − 5

2 + aπ2wa(t, x) + 2π2wa(T, x),

u0(x) :=−1

2 + aπ2wa(0, x).

For this choice of data and with the regularization parameter α chosen as α = π−4,the optimal solution triple (q, u, z) of the optimal control problem (2.3) is givenby

q(t, x) := −π4wa(t, x)− wa(T, x),

u(t, x) :=−1

2 + aπ2wa(t, x),

z(t, x) := wa(t, x)− wa(T, x).

We validate the estimates developed in the previous section by separatingthe discretization errors. That is, we consider at first the behavior of the errorfor a sequence of discretizations with decreasing size of the time steps and a fixedspatial triangulation with N = 1089 nodes. Secondly, we examine the behavior ofthe error under refinement of the spatial triangulation for M = 2048 time steps.

As throughout this article, the state discretization is chosen as cG(1)dG(0),i.e., r = 0, s = 1. For the control discretization we use the same temporal andspatial meshes as for the state variable and present the result for two choicesof the discrete control space Qd: cG(1)dG(0) and dG(0)dG(0). For the following

computations, we choose the free parameter a to be −√

5. For this choice theright-hand side f and the desired state u do not depend on time what avoids sideeffects introduced by numerical quadrature.

The optimal control problems are solved by the optimization library RoDoBo[27] using a conjugate gradient method applied to the reduced version of the dis-crete problem (3.14).

Figure 3(a) depicts the development of the error under refinement of thetemporal step size k. Up to the spatial discretization error it exhibits the provedconvergence order O(k) for both kinds of spatial discretization of the control space.

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 17





100 101 102 103


constant controlbilinear control


(a) Refinement of the time steps for N =1089 spatial nodes

101 102 103 104






constant controlbilinear control


(b) Refinement of the spatial triangula-tion for M = 2048 time steps

Figure 1. Discretization error ‖q − qσ‖I

For piecewise constant control (dG(0)dG(0) discretization), the spatial discretiza-tion error is already reached at 128 time steps, whereas in the case of bilinearcontrol (cG(1)dG(0) discretization), the number of time steps could be increasedup to M = 4096 until reaching the spatial accuracy.

In Figure 3(b) the development of the error in the control variable under spa-tial refinement is shown. The expected order O(h) for piecewise constant control(dG(0)dG(0) discretization) and O(h2) for bilinear control (cG(1)dG(0) discretiza-tion) is observed.

6.2. Problems with control constraints

As in the previous section, we validate the a priori error estimates for the error inthe control variable using a concrete optimal control problem with known exactsolution on I ×Ω = (0, 0.1)× (0, 1)2 with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condi-tions. The right-hand side f , the desired state u, and the initial condition u0 aregiven for x = (x1, x2)T ∈ Ω in terms of wa defined above as

f(t, x) := −π4wa(t, x)− PQad

(−π4wa(t, x)− wa(T, x)


u(t, x) :=a2 − 5

2 + aπ2wa(t, x) + 2π2wa(T, x),

u0(x) :=−1

2 + aπ2wa(0, x),

18 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler





100 101 102 103


constant controlbilinear control


(a) Refinement of the time steps for N =1089 spatial nodes

101 102 103 104






constant controlbilinear control


32 )

(b) Refinement of the spatial triangula-tion for M = 2048 time steps

Figure 2. Discretization error ‖q − qσ‖I

with PQadgiven by (2.8) with qa = −70 and qb = −1. For this choice of data and

with the regularization parameter α chosen as α = π−4, the optimal solution triple(q, u, z) of the optimal control problem (2.3) is given by

q(t, x) := PQad

(−π4wa(t, x)− wa(T, x)


u(t, x) :=−1

2 + aπ2wa(t, x),

z(t, x) := wa(t, x)− wa(T, x).

Again, we validate the developed estimates by separating the discretizationerrors using the cG(1)dG(0) discretization for the state variable. For the controldiscretization we use the same temporal and spatial meshes as for the state variableand present results for cG(1)dG(0) and dG(0)dG(0) control discretization. The free

parameter a is here as before chosen as −√


The optimal control problems are solved by the optimization library RoDoBo[27] using a primal-dual active set strategy (cf. [4, 16]) in combination with a conju-gate gradient method applied to the reduced version of the discrete problem (3.14).

Figure 2(a) depicts the development of the error under refinement of thetemporal step size k. Up to the spatial discretization error it exhibits the provedconvergence order O(k) for both kinds of spatial discretization of the control space.For piecewise constant control (dG(0)dG(0) discretization), the spatial discretiza-tion error is already reached at 128 time steps, whereas in the case of bilinear

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 19

control (cG(1)dG(0) discretization), the number of time steps could be increasedup to M = 1024 until reaching the spatial accuracy. This illustrates the con-vergence results from the Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 with respect to the temporaldiscretization.

In Figure 2(b) the development of the error in the control variable under spa-tial refinement is shown. The expected order O(h) for piecewise constant control

(dG(0)dG(0) discretization) andO(h32 ) for bilinear control (cG(1)dG(0) discretiza-

tion) is observed. This illustrates the convergence results from the Sections 5.2.1and 5.2.2 with respect to the spatial discretization.

6.3. Problems with state and control constraints

In this section, we validate the a priori error estimates for the error in the controlvariable for the considered optimization problem with state and control constraints(case (III)). To this end, we consider the following concretion of the optimal controlproblem (2.3) with known exact solution on I × Ω = (0, 1)× (0, 1)2 and homoge-neous Dirichlet boundary conditions. For the parameters γ ∈ (0, 1) and λ := 2π2,the right-hand side f , the desired state u, and the initial condition u0 are givenfor x = (x1, x2)T ∈ Ω in terms of the functions

ε(t, x) :=(e−

λ2 − e−λt

)sin(πx1) sin(πx2),

a(t, x) :=eλ2−λt

2ε(1, x)1−γ , and c(t, x) :=


2λε(1, x)1−γ


f(t, x) :=1


(eλ(t−1) − 1

)sin(πx1) sin(πx2)


λ(1− γ)

λ(a(t, x)t+ c(t, x)− a(t,x)

2 ) + a(t, x) t ≤ 12

ε(1, x)1−γ − ε(t, x)1−γ t > 12


u(t, x) := sin(πx1) sin(πx2)

− eλt

λ(1− γ)


2λε(1, x)1−γ − a(t, x)t− c(t, x) + a(t,x)2 t ≤ 1


0 t > 12


u0(x) := − 1

λ(1− γ)


2λε(1, x)1−γ − c(0, x) +

a(0, x)



Furthermore, we choose the regularization parameter α as α = 1, the weight ωin the definition of the constraint G as ω(x) := sin(πx1) sin(πx2), and the upperbound b = 0.

20 Dominik Meidner and Boris Vexler



100 101 102 103



12 )


(a) Refinement of the time steps forN = 1089 spatial nodes

101 102 103







(b) Refinement of the spatial triangula-tion for M = 2048 time steps

Figure 3. Discretization error ‖q − qσ‖I

For this choice of data, the optimal solution triple (q, u, z) of control problem(2.3) is given by

q(t, x) := − 1


(eλ(t−1) − 1

)sin(πx1) sin(πx2)

− eλt

λ(1− γ)

ε(1, x)1−γ t ≤ 1


ε(1, x)1−γ − ε(t, x)1−γ t > 12


u(t, x) := u(t, x)− sin(πx1) sin(πx2),

z(t, x) := −q(t, x),

and the Lagrange multiplier µ associated with the state constraint is

µ(t) :=

0 t ≤ 1


λ2 − e−λt

)−γt > 1



The state discretization is again chosen as cG(1)dG(0), whereas the controlvariable is discretized by piecewise constants on the same temporal and spatialmeshes as used for the state variable. For the following computations, we choosethe parameter γ to be 0.6.

The optimal control problems are solved by the optimization library RoDoBo[27] using an interior point regularization for the state constrained problem (3.14)and Newton’s method combined with an inner conjugate gradient method to solvethe regularized problem.

Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 21

Figure 3(a) depicts the development of the error in the control variable un-der refinement of the temporal step size k. Up to the spatial discretization error itexhibits at least the proved convergence order O(k

12 ). The observed better conver-

gence behavior of approximately O(k0.85) may be due to the constructed problemdata which do not exhibit the full irregularity covered by our analysis derived inSection 5.3.

In Figure 3(b) the development of the error in the control variable underspatial refinement is shown. The expected order O(h) is observed.


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Finite Elements for Parabolic Optimal Control 23

Dominik MeidnerLehrstuhl fur Mathematische OptimierungTechnische Universitat MunchenFakultat fur MathematikBoltzmannstraße 385748 Garching b. MunchenGermanye-mail: meidner@ma.tum.de

Boris VexlerLehrstuhl fur Mathematische OptimierungTechnische Universitat MunchenFakultat fur MathematikBoltzmannstraße 385748 Garching b. MunchenGermanye-mail: vexler@ma.tum.de

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