a medieval castle

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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This is Michael's report for his Medieval Castle project. Michael created a 3D model of a castle.


A medieval castle

Michael Ah Kee - Grade 5I

What is a castle?A castle is like a small town with enourmous walls around it so no intruders get inside. Most of the time the castles would have every thing the people needed to survive.

What is a castle used for?

I think the castle was used for a home for the king & queen or lords & ladies that lived there and he needed all the protection of the knight in shining aroumor.

Who lives there?In the castle there are slaves who worked in the main house, pezents who worked all around the castle, doctors, knights that went to battle in seiges and a king or a lord who is incharge of all the things.

The Pyramid of Importance

What is inside?

Inside a castle there is main house,other smaller houses,a farming area with crops in it. I think theres a stable for horses,there may also be a guilitine and other torturous things.

What is daily life in a castle like?

The peasants work on the farm & serve the King.The Knights protect the King & the castle.The doctor looks after the people.

The End

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