a handbook of christian symbols & stories of the saints as illustrated in art by clara erskine...

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Here's a Book on Christian Symbols. On this as I like to say a bit abut the book I upload (2 show I've actually read em, LOL) The Pentagram is Often thought of as "Satanic" It not. 1st: The EARLY Christian Church used the Pentagram in it's "normal" position, that is to say it was not "inverted" (more on this) What it represented is, the "Five Point's or Wounds Of Christ!, that is the Hands & the Feet, + the Spear of Longinus (sic) or another named person (depends as to the denomination, thats a GOOD word the Churches Use, kinda like 10's,20's,50's or Denominations LOL) anyhow it was the Deathblow for Him, His Mind Died. Hence the One Point thats the Upward,which is where your Soul will go if your "Good". The ONLY Thing evil about the *Pentagram is when the 2 Points have been mad to look upward, or It's "Inverted" Or the One is now Downward where you go when you're Bad! What one REALLY Needs to wonder is this, Penta = 5 there are five points of the PENTAgram,well when the Penta's are Gone, you have the Pentagon, There GONE! now this Is the same shape as the U.S Military Building the "Pentagon" & MANY Symbols that are in use TODAY by various Multi national Comp. Now....THIS IS ALL *JUST MY "Thought's or Allegory. I could go on more, for example the "Peace Symbol" = the Fall of Christianity! thats the Symbol like the "Mercedes" car symbol, just *missing the Middle Bar where there is Two. Well, That Symbol, *with the Middle Bar = Death, when it's been turned upward it ='s Life *this is Teutonic Runic symbol's. The S.S (Another Runic Symbol) or "Shutz Staffel" in Nazi Germany. They used this symbol on Their MEMBER'S *Gravestones in place of Birth & Death (this is EASILY Verified, the Gravestone part:) but if One Draws a Cross, then beside it draws one so that the "Cross-bars" have Fallen Off = the Teutonic Symbol for Death, to ENCIRCLE IT, is to imply that the World has been or rather CHRISTIANITY Has "Fallen" = the Fall of Christianity! (*this is just Again MY Allegory) BUT THINK OF THAT When you SEE A spray painted Peace Symbol. THATS Much more "satanic" then the Pentagram. & This is JUST So FEW I could expound on JUST That symbol alone. Hope you actually Read this. Thanks & as ALWAYS Enjoy! - Knowledge Born



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Copyright, 1871, 1881, and 1886,

By Clara. Erskine Clement.

All rights reserved.

27U RivtniJe Press, Cambridge, Mass., V S. A.

Triuted by U. 0. llougUtoa & Compauy.





His Grace


Archbishop of Boston





The title of the present work sufficiently indicates its general

scope and purpose. It has been undertaken to satisfy a want

often felt personally by the writer and often expressed to her by

others. Those who go abroad and travel in Christian lands meet

at every step, through town and country, in the broad light of

day and in the mysterious gloom of sacred places, symbolic

forms which are known in a general w^ay to represent the mys-

teries and facts of the Christian faith, but which fail to recall

them to the uninitiated beholder in anything like a distinct and

accurate manner. Churches are dedicated to saints hitherto un-

heard of; and streets, sometimes large cities, bear their names.

Pictures, even of saints best known, are seen, in churches and

art galleries, coupled with incidents and surroundings that

fairly bewilder the mind.

Nor need one go abroad to feel thus puzzled and perplexed.

The very pictures and prints, copied from the Great Masters,

which adorn our own homes, affect us similarly. In the books

which lie on our tables, in the contributions of the art critics to

our newspapers and magazines, we are constantly lighting on

references to names and facts of wliich we want ampler knowl-

edge. They come to us invested with a halo of sanctity and

mystery, and we long to have at hand some book, simple and


accessible, which will tell us all about them ; and this is just

our aim in the following pages.

Though containing much that belongs to history proper, our

book does not profess to be in all respects a true history of

persons and facts. Its purpose is rather to show forth the

conception of them which is embodied and illustrated in art.

History and legend unite in this conception. The artist's indi-

vidual fancy must also be allowed for. It would be extremely

difficult to isolate what is purely historical. It is thus in all

records of the past. The difficulty is still greater in all religious

narratives, save only the Inspired Writings, on account of the

marvellous, which forms a part of them, and which can be

neither wholly accepted nor wholly rejected. Wonders related

in the lives of the saints, which have undoubtedly a basis in

historical fact, have often come down the years exaggerated,

distorted, or invested in " showy human colors,"— as Cardinal

Newman warns us in his consideration of " The Internal Char-

acter of Ecclesiastical Miracles,"— either through the infirmity

of credulous or over-zealous chroniclers or through the malice of

the enemies of the Church.

That some of the miracles attributed to the saints should

have been merely fabled, need not startle nor scandalize even

the Catholic reader, nor excite prejudice against the great mass

which rest on evidence at least as firm as that on which we ac-

cept the records of profane history ; for, to quote again from

the above-named eminent authority, " it as little derogates from

the supernatural gift residing in the Church that miracles should

have been fabricated or exaggerated, as it prejudices her holiness

that within her pale good men are mixed with bad."

An additional difficulty arises from the fact that the origina-

tors of many strange stories— such, for example, as those which


are related of St. Christopher, St. Hilarion, St. Nicholas of Myra,

St. George the Soldier-Saint, etc., and some of the wonder-tales

which have gathered about the records of St. Gregory the Great

— chose, like the Greeks of old, that mythical form of narration

simply to indicate more strongly some moral lesson. Hence

they never appealed to the faith of their hearers ; nor did any

of these, save only the most ignorant, take the stories in their

literal sense. Tor this method of popular instruction we have

even a divine precedent, — Christ himself instructing the

multitude by parables.

The difficulties of the historian, however, are no concern of

ours. We tell in words the story told in art, adding only as

much of real fact as the mind naturally desires to know in con-

nection with the subject. In heroes of the supernatural as well

as of the natural order,—" Our elder brothers, and of one blood," —

we feel, so to speak, a family pride, not alone for their actual

achievements, but even for the fond exaggerations of their

disciples and admirers.

As to what must be set down as unmistakably legendary, in-

dependent of its helping to elucidate the great works of art, it

has often an intrinsic beauty of its own, and is deeply interesting

as illustrative of the religious mind of past ages,— ages of faith

more ardent than our own, which merited and often won open

and extraordinary recompenses.







St. Augustine calls the represen-

tations of art lihri idiotarum (" the

books of the simple "), and there is no

doubt that the first object of Christian

art was to teach; and the aim of the

artist was to render the truth he de-

sired to present without regard to the

beauty of the representation : he ad-

hered to the actual, and gave no play

to imagination or sesthetics. But later

in its history, this art has been influ-

enced by legends and doctrines in the

choice of subjects, and these have been

variously rendered, in accordance with

the character, the aesthetic cultivation,

and the refinement of the artist. But

from its infancy to the present time,

there have been certain characteristic figures, attributes or symbols,

which have made a part of the language of what may be called

Christian Art. These are meaningless— or worse, perhaps a de-

formity— to the eye of one who understands them not ; but they

add much to the power of a representation, to the depth of sentiment

and expression when rightly apprehended. These symbols are used

in two ways,— to express a general fact or sentiment, or as the

especial attribute or characteristic of the person represented. Mypresent limits allow but an imperfect and superficial consideration

of this subject.



The Glory, Aureole, and Nimbus, all represent light or bright-

ness, and are the symbols of sanctity. The nimbus surrounds the

head ; the aureole encircles the whole body, and the glory is the

union of the nimbus and aureole. The nimbus belongs to all holy

persons and saints as well as to the representations of divinity. The

aureble, strictly speaking, belongs only to the persons of the Godhead;

but the Virgin Mary is invested with it, (1) when she holds the

'Saviour in her arms, (2) in pictures of the Assumption, (3) when

she is represented as the intercessor for humanity at the last judg-

ment, (4) when represented as the Woman of the Apocalypse.

The aureole has also been used as a symbol of the apotheosis of holy

persons ; but this is a degeneration from its original design and the

use assigned it in ancient traditions. The glory also belongs espe-

cially to God and the Virgin. The oblong aureole is called, in Latin,

vesica piscis ; in Italian, the mandorla (almond). The cruciform or

triangular nimbus, or the figure of a cross in the nimbus, belongs

properly to the persons of the Trinity; the nimbus of saints and

lesser beings should be circular. A square nimbus is used for

persons still living when the representation was made ; the hex-

agonal nimbus for allegorical personages. These symbols did* not

appear in Christian art until the fifth century, and during the fif-

teenth and sixteenth centuries they disappeared. They are, however,

employed in the present day, although not with the careful distinc-

tion in the employment of the various forms which characterized

their earliest use. The color of these s^^mbols in painting is golden,

or that which represents light ; in some instances, in miniatures or

on glass, they are of various colors. Didron believes these to be

symbolical, but is not sure of the signification of the colors.

The Fish. A fish, most frequently a dolphin, was the earliest

and most universal of the Christian symbols. It has several signi-

fications. The Greek word for fish, IX0Y2, is composed of the

initial letters of the Greek 'It^o-ov? X^io-tos, ©cou Y109, 2(uT7/p, the

Latin translation of which is "Jesus Christus, Dei filius, Salvator,"

— thus forming the initial anagram of this title of Jesus; and these

characters are found in many ancient inscriptions and upon works of

art. The fish is an emblem of water and the sacrament of baptism



of the vocation of the Christian apostle, or " fisher of men," especially

in the hands of St.Peter and others who were eminently successful

in making converts^ it is emblematic of Christians generally, they

being likened to fish in the call of the Apostles (xMatt. iv. 19), and

also typified by the miraculous draught of fishes (John xxi.). But

it is not true that the fish is alwa3's a Christian emblem ; according

to Didron it is never met as such in Greek art, and he believes that

this emblem on the tombs in the catacombs at Rome signified the

occupation of the person buried in them.

The Cross has a deeper meaning than that of other symbols


it is in a certain sense not merely the instrument of the sufferings

of Christ, but himself suffering, — ubi crux est martyr ibi. In

Christian iconography the cross holds a most important place.

According to the tradition or legend of the True Cross, it was co-

existent Tvith the world, and will appear at the last judgment.

Chosroes believed that in possessing the cross of Christ he possessed

the Saviour, and so it was enthroned at his right hand. Thus in

early representations of the three persons of the Godhead the cross

without the figure was considered not only to recall Christ to the

mind, but actually to show him. There are four differently formed

crosses : The Latin, or Roman, Cross

(1) is believed to be like that on

which Christ suffered, and is the

one placed in the hand of a saint.

This cross is in the form of a manwith the arms extended ; the dis-

tance from the head to the shoulders

being less than from the shoulders

to the feet, and the length of the

arms less than that of the whole

figure. The Greek Cross (2) has

four equal branches. The Cross of

St. Andrew (3) is a cross saltier, or an X ; and the Egyptian, or

" Tau," Cross (4) has but three branches, like the letter T. This

last is also called St. Anthony's Cross, because this saint is repre-

sented with a crutch in the shape of the "Tau," and it is embroi-

dered on his vestments. It is also assigned as the cross of the Old

Testament, and the brazen serpent is represented on a pole with this




form. The Patriarchal Cross is of the same shape as the Latin Cross,

but has two horizontal bars. There are numerous varieties of the

Greek and Latin crosses, such as the ^laltese Cross, the Cross of

Dorat, and various others which pertain in some cases to certain lo-

calities. The cross is often interlaced or combined with the first two

letters of the name of Christ in Greek. This monogram itself is called

the Labarum, or the Cross of Constantine, this being the form of the

legendary cross which he saw in the sky, and which was inscribed, ac-

cording to Eusebius, EN TOYTQ NIKA ("Conquer by this"). Fre-

quently, when the cross was made of gold or silver, the five wounds

of Christ were represented by inserting in it as many carbuncles or

rubies, there being one in the centre and one at each extremity.

The Lamb has been an emblem of the Saviour from the earliest

period of Christian art. It w^as the type of him in the Old Testa-

ment, and the name given him by St. John the Baptist (John. i. 28).

"When standing, bearing the cross or a banner, with a nimbus about

the head, it is the Lamb of God, and is frequently inscribed Ucce

Agnus Dei. The Twelve Apostles are represented by as many lambs


while the thirteenth, the symbol of Christ, bears the cross or has a

nimbus about the head, and is frequently larger than the others.

The lamb, called the Apocalyptic Lamb, has seven horns and seven

eyes (Rev. v. 6). The lamb is also a general symbol of modesty,

urity, and innocence, as when made the attribute of St. Agnes.

^HE Lion is another symbol of Christ, the " Lion of Judah," and

is sometimes represented with a cruciform nimbus. According to

an Eastern tradition, the cub of the lion is born dead, and is licked

by its sire until it comes to life on the third (lay.^^ HcJio^ it is sym-

bolical of the resurrection. It is given, to /St. Jerome knd other

hermits as the emblem of solitude ; to those who"pcrished in the

amphitheatre as the symbol of their death ; and is placed at the feet

of some to denote their courage and fortitude under the sufferings

of martyrdom.

The Pelican, who tears open her breast to feed her young with

her blood, is th« emblem of our redemption through the sufferings

of Christ ; it is also a symbol of the Eucharist.

The Dragon is the symbol of Satan and sin. It is represented

as conquered by Christianity, as in the legends of St. Margaret, St.

Michael, St. George, and St. Sylvester. In the legend of St. Martha


it represents a flood and pestilence. The "jaws of hell" are repre-

sented by the open mouth of a dragon emitting flames.

The Serpent, another emblem of sin, is sometimes placed beneath

the feet of the Virgin ; sometimes twined around a globe, to indi-

cate the power of sin over the entire world. In some symbolic

pictures of the Crucifixion the serpent lies dead at the foot of the

cross, " or, if alive, looking impotently up at the second Adam upon

the tree of our salvation, as before, according to art, he looked tri-

umphantly down upon our first parents, from the tree of our fall."

The Hind or Hart is the especial attribute of St. Eustace, i

St. Procopius, St. Giles, an^ ^t. Hubert., It was made the symbol

""^f religious aspiration by the " sweet singer of Israel " (Psalm xlii.),

and is also an emblem of solitude and hermit life.

The Unicorn. This fabulous creature was said to be able to

evade all pursuers except a virgin of perfect purity in heart, mind,

and life. It is given as an attribute only to the Virgin and St. Jus-

tina, and is the emblem of female chastity.

The Peacock is seen on tombs, sarcophagi, and among funereal

emblems. It symbolizes the change from life to immortality. It

was borrowed from pagan art, where it represented the apotheosis of

an empress. It was the bird of Juno, but was not the symbol of

pride until modern times.

The Dove is the emblem of the soul when represented as issuing

from the mouth of the dying ; an emblem of purity when given to

the Virgin and certain female saints ; also the symbol of the Holy

Ghost and of spiritual inspiration. It symbolizes the divine Spirit

when it hovers over holy men, as the emblem of their heaven-sent

inspiration ; and is seen in pictures of the Baptism of Christ, the

Pentecost, and the Annunciation.

The Olive, as the emblem of peace,

is given to the Archangel Gabriel and

to some saints. It is seen upon the

tombs of martyrs, and is sometimes

borne by the angels who announce the


The Palm. The use of the palm

as the symbol of martyrdom is au-

thorized by Scripture (Rev. vii. 9).


It belongs to all the " noble army of martyrs." It is placed in

their hands and carved on their tombs. It is sometimes brought to

them by angels as if from heaven itself. It is very much varied

ill form and size.

The Lily, wherever seen, has but one signification, which is

chastity and purity. It belongs espe-

cially to pictures of the Annunciation

and to St. Joseph, whose rod was said

to have put forth lilies.

Fruit or Flowers, although fre-

quently employed merely as ornaments,

have, under certain circumstances, dif-

ferent significations. As the apple is

an emblem of the fall in Paradise, in many pictures, so when pre-

sented to the infant Saviour, or in his hand, it signifies redemp-

tion. Roses are illustrative of the legends of St. Elizabeth of

Hungary, St. Cecilia, and St. Dorothea, and a type of the Virgin

as the "liose of Sharon." A bursting pomegranate is the symbol

of a liopeful future. Any fruit in the hand of St. Catherine is a

symbol of " the fruit of the Spirit."

The Lamp, Lantern, or Taper is most frequently the symbol of

piety. But the lamp, as the attribute of St. Lucia, signifies heavenly

wisdom, or spiritual light.

Fire and Flames are emblems of zeal and fervor of soul, or of

the sufferings of martydom.

The Flaming Heart is symbolical of fervent piety and spiritual


The Crown, when on the head of the Madonna, makes her the

I Queen of Heaven and Regina Angelorum.

V >/V Y j\ll//y When the attribute of a martyr, it signifies

V^-y^^. ^^^^2^ *^® victory over sin and death, or denotes^ that the saint was of royal blood ; in the lat-

ter case it is usually placed at the feet. Amongthe Jews the crown was tlie ornamenr"'6f a

brfde, and to the present time it is placed on

the head of a nun when consecrated as the Bride

of Christ. For this reasori it is more" frequently

seen on the heads of female saints, while those


of the other\ex hold it in the hand. It is sometimes a mere circlet,

often a chaplet of flowers; and again it is magnificent with gold and

precious jewels.

\The Sword, Axe, Lance, and Club are all symhols of martyr-

dom, and are the attributes of certain saints, and signify the manner

of death they suffered. The sword is also an attribute of the warrior

saints, and sometimes is an emblem of a violent death, without being

the instrument employed.

The Skull and Scourge symbolize penance.

The Shell, pilgrimage.

The Bell signifies the exorcism of evil spirits.

The Anvil is the attribute of St. Adrian, and is the symbol of his


The Arrow is the attribute of St. Sebastian, St. Ursula, and

St. Christina.

The Poniard, of St. Lucia.

The Caldron, of St. Cecilia and St. John the Evangelist.

The Shears and Pincers, of St. Agatha and St. Apollonia.

The Wheels, of St. Catherine.

The Standard, or Banner, is the symbol of victory. It be-

longs to the military saints, and to those who carried the gospel

to heathen lands. It is borne by Christ after the resurrection.

St. Eeparata and St. Ursula are the only female saints to whom it

is given.

The Chalice is the emblem of faith, and is an attribute of

St. Barbara. With a serpent, it is that of St. John the Evangelist.

The Book, in the hand of St. Stephen, is the Old Testament ; in

the hands of the Evangelists it represents their own writings. In

other cases it is the Scriptures, or the symbol of the learning and

writings of the saint who bears it.

The Church, in the hand of St. Jerome, is the symbol of his love

and care for the whole Christian Church. In other cases it is gen-

erally the model of some particular church, and the saint who bears

it was its founder or first bishop.

The Ship. In early times the ark was the symbol of the Chris-

tian Church, but later any ship has had this significance. The boat

of St. Peter, tempest-tossed and guided by Christ, is symbolical of

his watchful care of his Church.


The Anchor is one of the earliest Christian symbols. It is seen

in the cal;acombs and on very ancient gems. It is the emblem of

immovable hope and untiring patience. It is an attribute of some

saints in illustration of their legends, as in the case of St. Clement.

The Symbols of the Passion and Crucifixion are numerous


and although rarely seen in the catacombs and in early sculpture,

they are constantly found in churches. They are, the two swords of

the Apostles, the ear of Malchus, St. Peter's sword, the pillar and

cord, the scourge, the crown of thorns, the three dice, the spear, the

sponge, the nails, the cross, the thirty pieces of silver, the hammer

and pincers, the ladder, the lantern, the boxes of spice for embalm-

ing, the seamless garment, the purse, and the cock. The five wounds

are represented by the hands and feet with a heart in the centre,

each pierced with one wound ; or by a heart alone, with five wounds.

Ears of Corn and Bunches of Grapes were symbols of the. bread

and wine of the Holy Eucharist ; while the representations of the

labors of the vintage were typical of those of Christians in the vine-

yard of the Lord. The vine or vine leaf was an emblem of the

Saviour, the true vine.

The Candelabrum was an emblem of Christ and his Church, the

light of the world. With seven branches it refers to the seven gifts

of the Spirit, or to the seven churches (Rev. i. 20).

Little Naked Bodies are the symbols of the souls of men, and

are seen in pictures of St. Michael when he is represented as the Intro-

ductor of souls. They are also placed in the hand which symbolizes

God the Father.


In ancient art each color had a mystic sense or symbolism ; and

its proper use was an important consideration, and carefully studied.

White is worn by the Saviour after his resurrection, by the Virgin

in representations of the Assumption, by women as the emblem of

chastity, by rich men to indicate humility, and by the judge as the

symbol of integrity. \ It is represented sometimes by silver or the.^ 3

diamond ; and its sentiment is purity, virginity, innocence, faith, joy,

and liglit.

Red, the color of the ruby, speaks of royalty, fire, divine love,

the Holy Spirit, creative power, and heat. In an opposite sense it

^w , __^ i^Ay "y ^^y


symbolized blood, war, and hatred. Bed and black combined were the

colors of Satan, purgatory, and evil spirits. Red and white roses are

emblems of love and innocence, or love and wisdom, as in the garland

of St. Cecilia.

Blue, that of the sapphire, signified heaven, heavenly love and

truth, constancy and fidelity. Chri

blue mantle; St. John, a blue tunic,

Green, the emerald, the color of spring, expressed hope and


ignihed heaven, heavenly love and

u'ist and the Yirgin (Klary wear thti t n^

or of Rnrino" PTnrpsspri }ir>r»P nt1^-^-'

. ELLOW OR Gold was the pmlilpn^ (^f fhff «n^, ^-iTp^g^oj^ogq of God,

marriage, and fruitfulnesSj":''St. Joseph' and(St. Peter' wear yellow.

Yellow has also a bad signifiettttoTrivhen it has a 'dirty, dingy hue,

such as the usual dress of Judas, and then signifies jealousy, incon-

stancy, and deceit.

Violet or Amethyst signified passion and suffering, or love and

truth. Penitents, as the Magdalene, wear it. The Madonna wears

it after the crucifixion, and Christ after the jzesu-rr^atioa*

s. Gray is the color of penance, mourning, humility, or accused


Black with white signified humility, mourning, and purity of life.

Alone, it spoke of darkness, wickedness, and death, and belonged to

Satan. In pictures of the Temptation, Jesus sometimes wears black.


Before the twelfth century there were no portraits of God the

Father, and the symbol used to indicate his presence was a hand

issuing from the clouds. This hand when entirely open is in the act

of bestowing, and has rays from each finger. It was generally repre-

sented in the act of benediction ; and the position showed whether it

belonged to Eastern or Western, or to Greek or Latin art, — for the

benedictory gesture differs in the two churches. " In the Greek

Church it is performed with the forefinger entirely open, the middle

finger slightly bent, the thumb crossed upon the third finger, and the

little finger bent. This movement and position of the five fingers

form more or less perfectly the monogram of the Son of God." TheLatin benediction is given with the third and little fingers closed, the

thumb and the other two fingers remaining open and straight. This


is said to symbolize the three persons of the Trinity by the open

fingers, and the two natures of Christ by the closed. The hand is

frequently surrounded by the cruciform nimbus, wliich in the early

centuries was given to God alone. The hand is most frequently seen

in pictures of the Baptism of Christ; the Agony in the Garden ; in

the Crucifixion, where it is placed on the summit of the cross in the

act of benediction ; and when Jesus is represented as reascending to

heaven after his death, bearing the cross in his hand, the right hand

of the Father is extended to him as if *' in a manner to assist him to

rise." In another representation of the hand of God it is filled with

little naked figures whose hands are joined as if in prayer. These

are the souls of the righteous who have returned to God.

The next symbol of the Father was a face in the clouds, then a

bust; and gradually by the end of the fourteenth century a figure

and distinct characteristics represented the first person of the God-

head. In the besfinninor there was little or no distinction between

the representations of the Father and Son ; but gradually the Father

was made older, while the place of honor, the royal crown on his head,

and the globe in his hand indicated a superior dignity and consider-

ation.^ From this time to that of the Renaissance, however, the

representations of God were but little more than those of a pope or

king ; the triple tiara was indeed increased by the addition of two

more crowns, and when in the garments of a king a nimbus encircled

the crown. With the aesthetic genius and progress of the Renais-

sance, with Michael Angelo, Perugino, and Raphael, came representa-

tions of God that more satisfactorily embody that mental conception

which can never be embodied, — the conception of God, of Jehovah,

the Creator and Ancient of days. But at length it came to be remem-

bered that no personal representation of the Father should ever be

made. No mortal man hath seen or can see him ; and Jesus, being

the Word, was the speech of God, and was the fitting representation

of the Father whenever he had spoken. Since the sixteenth century

the Father has been symbolized by the triangle, which is his linear

emblem, or some other geometrical figure inscribed with his name,

and surrounded with rays of light. Tiiis radiating circle is itself an

emblem of eternity. Sometimes a flood or blaze of light alone is

the symbol of the ** appearance of brightness " which the prophet

^ Christ AH God, equal to the Father ; as man, iuferior to the Father.


describes (Ezek. viii. 2) ; but the triangle became extremely popular

on account of the ideas or teaching which it embodied. Here the

Father, represented by his name, in Hebrew, occupied the centre of

the triangle which symbolized the Trinity, and all was contained in

the circle of Eternity.

This abstruse symbol is often seen in the decorations of the

churches of the present day and upon the vestments of bishops.


The usual symbols of Christ have been mentioned under the head

of general symbols; for they are capable of various significations, and

are employed as attributes of saints or to denote their characteristics.

They are the glory, aureole, or nimbus, the fish, cross, lamb, and

lion. The traditions of the earliest portraits of Christ will be found

by referring to the legends of King Abgarus and St. Veronica. From

the beginning of Christian art, Christ has been represented by por-

traits rather than symbols, and in such a manner as to render them

quite unmistakable. In the earliest representations of the Crucifixion,

it was surrounded with various symbols ; and the aim of the artists

who painted them was to portray the mysterious death which convulsed

Nature, raised the dead, and wrought mighty miracljs^rajtherJhiiiLlh^

mere physical sulFenngs and hTTman death which later art presents.

Among the symbols thus j&sed were jth^^^juji^and moon, repre-

sented by the classic figures of Sol and Luna, with the rays and

ciesceut, ur sealed" m their orbs surrounded "witli clouds, with th eir

right hands~raised to the cheek, an ancientsign of sorrow._ Again,

they bore torches reversed. ^Figures are seen rising from tombs and

~lroin the water, showing that the dead shall rise from sea and land.

Earth and Ocean are also symbolized. In one ancient ivory. Earth

is half nude and sits beside a tree ; in one hand she holds a cornu-

copia, the symbol of abundance, while a serpent nurses at her breast,

the emblem of life nourished by the earth. The ocean is as a river-

_god^iding on a dolphin, or holding a subverted urnTlrom which the

water pours forth. The church and the synagogue are typified by

females ; the one on the right or place of honor, the church, holds a

banner and gazes up at the Saviour, while on the left the synagogue

turns her back as if rebellious. The Virgin and St. John are ever


present at the crucifixion, from earliest to latest time. Their hands

are often raised to the cheek in token of affliction, and the disciple

bears the Gospel in his hand. Angels sometimes hold a crown above

the head of Christ, or hang from the cross in attitudes of anguish.

The presence of the Father is shown by the hand before described,

Iwhich holds the crown or is in the act of blessing. Other sj-mbols

J;Are the serpent twined about the foot of the cross ; the pelican tear-

ing her breast to feed her young, an emblem of redemption, also of

the sacrament of the Eucharist; a female figure crowned with towers

supposed to represent Jerusalem ; a skull symbolizes Adam ; the

sacritice of a heifer t3'pifies the Jewish rites ; and sometimes the

Evangelists are represented writing their Gospels, while their winged

symbols whisper in their ears. These are the most important acces-

sories of the symbolical representations of the Crucifixion ; the histor-

ical easily explain themselves. In many ancient crucifixions the

figure of Christ is clothed in a robe. Some had a drapery from the

hips to the knees. The draped figures are mostly, if not all, of

Byzantine origin ; and there is a legend which is given as a reason

for this mode of representation :" A priest who had exhibited to

the people a figure of Christ only cinctui'ed with a cloth was visited

by an apparition which said, 'All ye go covered w^th various raiment,

and me ye show naked. Go forthwith and cover me with clothing.*

The priest, not understanding what was moant, took no notice ; and

on the third day the vision appeared again, and having scourged

him severely with rods, said, ' Have I not told you to cover mewith garments ? Go now and cover with clothing the picture in

"which I appear crucified.'"


From the sixth century to the present time, the dove has been

the constant and universal symbol of the Holy Ghost. It appears in

illustrations of the Scripture scenes, in which the Holy Spirit is men-

tioned from the "moving upon the face of the waters" to the Day of

Pentecost. There are also many re})rcsentations of his Mppeurance in

historical scenes, and in others which are partly or wliolly legi-ndary.

The dove is often present at the Nativity and the Annunciation : it

issues from the rod of Joseph, thus designating him to be the spouse


of the Virgin ; it hovers above the heads of holy men and saints,

showing that their inspiration is heaven-sent, — among these are

David, St. John the Evangelist, St. Jerome, St. Teresa, and others.

Another representation, intensely symbolical, is that of the Saviour

surrounded by seven doves ; they are of snowy whiteness, and have

the cruciform nimbus ; they are emblems of the seven gifts of the

Spirit with which Christ was endowed, — wisdom, understanding,

counsel, strength, knowledge, piety, and fear (Isa. xi.). These doves

are frequently placed with three on each side and one at the top,

thus forming a kind of aureole. It may not be out of place to

observe that during the Middle Ages seven was esteemed a mystic

number. There were seven gifts of the Holy Ghost ; seven sacra-

ments ; seven planets ; seven days in the week ; seven branches

on the candlestick of Moses ; seven liberal arts ; seven churches of

Asia ; seven mysterious seals ; seven stars and seven symbolic trum-

pets ; seven heads of the Dragon ; seven joys and seven sorrows

of the Virgin ; seven penitential psalms ; seven deadly sins ; seven

canonical hours. Even Mohammed says, in the Koran, that " God

visited the skies, and formed there^ seven heavens" (Koran ii. 27).

Some cathedrals have seven chapels, as those at Eheims and Chartres.

During the tenth century the Holy Ghost was sometimes repre-

sented as a man ; but this representation was never received with as

much favor as the other. He was made of every age, from the

earliest to the latest years of life. As a little child, he floated on the

waters ; as a young child, he was in the arms of the Father ; his age

is according to the fancy of the artist, or the supposed requirements

of the representation. Among the legendary pictures in which he

was thus represented, is that of the reception of Christ in heaven,

after his earthly mission was ended ; the Holy Ghost is seated

by the Father, and has a book, symbolizing wisdom. He blesses

Jesus, as does the Father ; he also assists at the coronation of the

Virgin. In some instances the two representations of the Holy

Ghost were combined by the figure of a man with a dove on his head

or hand. Still another symbol is that of a dove from which ema-

nate rays of light, spreading out in every direction, forming a radi-

ating aureole about it. The dove is also one of the general symbols

of art, and as such is emblematical of purity and innocence, which

signification was made most emphatic by its use as the sacrifice


for purification, under the Jewish law. As before mentioned, it

is the attribute of certain female saints, denoting chastity and



Representations of the Divine Three in One were employed in

art from its earliest ages. It was symbolized by the combination of

three triangles, three circles, three fishes, and many other representa-

tions more obscure in their meanings. In later art the three persons

of the Trinity have been represented by three human figures, each

with its special attribute, that of the Holy Ghost being the dove.

Another mode represents the Father and Son with the dove between

them ; in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the dove was often

seen hovering between the first and second persons of the Trinity,

with the tips of the wings touching the lips of each. This represen-

tation is called the double procession of the Spirit ; illustrative of the

words of the Nicene Creed, " proceeding from the Father and the

Son." This representation belongs to the Latin Church. In these

representations, when the locality is heaven, the figures are always

seated. There is a device called the Italian Trinity, which was pop-

ular from the twelfth to the seventeenth century. In this the Father

holds a crucifix by the ends of the transverse beam, the figure of

Christ hanging between his knees ; the dove proceeds downwards

from the lips of the Father, and touches the head of the Son, or is

merely sitting on the cross. Some attempts have been made to

embody this mystery, by the representation of a body with three

heads, or a head with three faces; but they arc only frightful and



According to Dionysius the Areopagite, there are three divisions

of angels, and these each divided into three classes or choirs, making

nine in all :—

I. Councillors of God, consisting of—1. The SERAriTiM, rcjn-cscntcd as covered with eyes.

2. The Cherubim, rej)rusented with six wings, and usually stand-

ing on wheels, according to the description of Ezekiel. Sometimes


they have an open book. These two orders stand always before God,

praising and adoring him.

3. Thrones are represented carrying a throne or tower, and their

duty is to support the throne of God.

II. Governors.— These rule the stars and regulate the universe.

4. Dominations, represented with a sword, a triple crown and

sceptre, or an orb and cross.

5. Virtues. — These carry a battle-axe and pennon or a crown

and censer, and are in complete armor.

6. Fowlers. — These hold a baton, or are in the act of scourging

or chaining evil spirits.

III. Messengers of God.

7. Princedoms or Principalities.— These are in armor, with

pennons, or holding a lily.

8. Archangels.— Of these, three are universally known by name,

especially venerated, and depicted in Christian Art :—

a. Michael (" like unto God "), captain-general of the host of

heaven, protector of the Hebrew nation, conqueror of the hosts

of hell ; lord and guardian of souls, patron saint and prince of the

Church Militant.

h, Gabriel ("God is my strength"), guardian of the Blessed

Virgin, the bearer of important messages, the angel of the Annun-

ciation, the preceptor of the patriarch Joseph.

c. Raphael (" the medicine of God "), the chief of guardian angels,

the conductor of the young Tobias.

Tradition names four other archangels :—

d. Uriel ("the light of God"), the strong companion, the regent

of the sun, the teacher of Esdras.-^

e. Chamuel (" one who sees God ") is believed by some to be

1 Uriel is represented in Christian Art as holding in his right hand a drawn

sword across his breast, with flames on his left. Another tradition names the

three last-mentioned archangels as follows : Sealtiel, the Praying Spirit, said to

be the angel who appeared to Agar in the wilderness, whom Art dei)icts with face

and eyes cast down, and his hands clasped upon his breast, as if he were a peni-

tent; Jehiulicl, the Eenninerator, supposed to be the angel whom God sent before

the children of Israel, and who in pictures holds a golden crown in his right hand,

and a scourge of three black cords in his left ; Barachiel, the Helper, said to be

the angel who spoke to Abraham, and who rebuked Sara when she laughed, and

who is painted with the lap of his cloak filled with white roses.


the one who wrestled with Jacob, and appeared to Christ during his

agony iu the garden ; but others believe that this was Gabriel.

/. JopniEL ("the beauty of God") the guardian of the tree of

knowledge, and the one who di'ove Adam and Eve from the Garden

of Eden, tlie protector of those who seek truth, the preceptor of the

sons of Noah, the enemy of all who pursue vain knowledge.

g. Zadkiel ("the righteousness of God"). According to some

authorities he stayed the hand of Abraham from sacrificing Isaac


but others believe that this was done by Michael.

The attributes of Michael are the sword and scales ; of Gabriel,

the lily ; of Raphael, the staff and gourd of the pilgrim ; of Uriel,

a roll and book; of Chamuel, a cup and staff; of Jophiel, a flaming

sword ; and of Zadkiel, the sacrificial knife. When represented merely

as archangels and not in their distinctive characters, they are in

complete armor, holding their swords with points upwards, and

sometimes with trumpets.

9. Angels.— Variously represented according to the purpose for

which they are sent forth.

The Greek word for angel signifies literally " a bringer of tidings ;


therefore this term, though applied to all heavenly beings below the

Godhead, belongs most properly to archangels and angels who are

brought into communication with mankind. When Christ is rep-

resented with wings in Greek art, it is as " the great angel of the

will of God." John the Baptist and the Evangelists are angels, also,

inasmuch as they were God's messengers, and they are sometimes

represented with wings.^ A glory of angels is a representation in

which the Trinity, Christ, or the Virgin is surrounded by circles of

angels, representing the different choirs. The interior circles, the

Seraphim and Cherubim, are symbolized by heads with two, four,

or six wings, and are usually of a bright red or blue color. Properly

the Seraph, whose name signifies " to love," should be red ; and the

Cherub, whose name signifies " to know," should be blue. Angels

should always be young, beautiful, perfect, but so represented as to

seem immortal rather than eternal, since they are created beings.

In early art they were always draped ; and although all colors are

employed in the drapery, white should be the prevailing one. Wings

1 See the Angels, or Bishops, of the Seven Churches, in the Apocalypse, or

Revelations, of St. John.


are seldom wanting, and the representation of them as the attribute

of celestial beings did not originate in Christian art. This symbol

of might, majesty, and divine beauty is found in the remains of

Egypt, Babylon, and Nineveh, as well as in Etruscan art.


Among the symbols of the Blessed Virgin, the titles by which

she is known, and from which certain pictures and effigies are named,

are by no means the least interesting, showing as they do the esti-

mation in which she is held, and the tenderness, as well as sacred-

ness, of the love she engenders in the hearts of her faithful clients.

As the protector of the afflicted she is represented with her robe so

spread out as to cover the votaries who pray for her gracious aid.

In this character she has several titles, such as—Santa Maria di Misericordia, Our Lady of Mercy; and by this

title, Nuestra Seiiora de la Merced, she is known as the patroness

of the Spanish Order of Mercy. When painted for their institutions,

she frequently holds a badge of the order on a tablet.

Santa Maria del buon Consilio, Our Lady of Good Counsel.

S. M. della Grazia, Our Lady of Grace.

S. M. Auxiliuni Afflictorum, Help of the Afflicted.

S. M. del Pianto, del Dolore, Our Lady of Lamentation, or Sorrow.

S. M. del Soccorro, Our Lady of Succor, or of the Forsaken.

S. M. de buon Cuore, Our Lady of Good Heart.

S. M. Consolatrice, della Consolazione, or del Conforto, Our Lady

of Consolation.

S. M. Refugium Peccatorum, Refuge of Sinners.

S. M. della Speranza, Our Lady of Hope.

She is invoked by women in travail as—S. M. del Parte, Our Lady of Good Delivery.

Again, by the people, as—S. M. della Pace, Our Lady of Peace.

S. M. del Popolo, Our Lady of the People.

S. M. della Vittoria, Our Lady of Victory.

By students she is invoked as—S. M. della Sapienza, Our Lady of Wisdom.

S. M. della Perseveranza, Our Lady of Perseverance.



When painted for colleges and institutions of learning, she fre-

quently holds a book.

By prisoners she is called,

S. M. della Liberta, or Liberatrice, Our Lady of Liberty.

S. ^L della Catena, Our Lady of Fetters.

There are also many titles derived from the circumstances of her

life, or from certain accessories of the representation, as—S. M. della Cintola, Our Lady of the Girdle, when she gives her

girdle to St. Thomas.

S. M. del Libro, when she holds the book of AVisdom.

S. M. del Presepio, Our Lady of the Cradle, when in a Xativity.

S. M. della Lettera, the Madonna of the Letter, which illustrates

the legend that she wrote a letter, a. d. 42, from Jerusalem to the

people of Messina. This is her title as protectress of that city.

S. M. della Scodella, when with a cup she dips water from a


S. M. della Rosa, Our Lady of the Rose, when she holds a rose.

S. M. della Spina. This is her title as protectress of Pisa, when

she holds the crown of thorns.

S. M. de Belera, Our Lady of Bethlehem. "With this title she is

the patroness of the Jeronymites.

S. M. di Loretto, Our Lady of Loretto. See legend of the Santa


S. M. del Pillar. This is her title as protectress of Saragossa.

According to the tradition, she descended from heaven, standing on

a marble pillar, and appeared to St. James when he was preaching

in Spain. This legend is often seen in Spanish pictures, and the

pilhir is preserved in the cathedral of Saragossa.

S. M. del Carmine, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, under which title

she is the protectress of the Carmelites.

S. M. della Neve, Our Lady of the Snow. See legend of Santa

Maria Magt^iore.

S. M. del Rosario, Our Lady of the Rosary. See the Rosary.

S. M. della Stella, Our Lady of the Star, when the star is embroi-

dered on her mantle as an attribute.

S. M. del Fiore, Our Lady of the Flower. This is her title as

protectress of Florence.

Certain prophets are sometimes represented as attending on Mary


and the infant Jesus. They are those who have referred especially to

the Incarnation. They are :—

Moses, because he beheld the burning bush.

Aaron, whose rod blossomed miraculously.

Gideon, whose fleece was wet with dew when it was dry all around.

Daniel (Dan. ii. 45).

David, both prophet and ancestor.

Isaiah, who prophesied that a virgin should conceive and bear a son.

Ezekiel (Ezek. xliv. 2).

Frequently the figures of these prophets are omitted, and symbols

of them introduced, as the burning bush for Moses, the dewy fleece

for Gideon, the rod for Aaron, etc.

Certain women, too, are regarded as types of Mary, and are often

seated at her feet, or otherwise represented near her, as—Judith and Esther, who were emblems of the Virgin, in having

brought deliverance to Israel.

Euth, because she was the ancestress of David.

Bathsheba, because she sat on the right hand of her son.

Abishag, who was " the virgin who was brought to the king."

There are certain general symbols which are also given to Mary,

with peculiar significations.

The Apple, when in the hand of the infant Saviour, signifies the

sin in Paradise, which made his coming necessary ; but in the hand

of the Virgin, it designates her as the second Eve.

The Seepent, the general emblem of Satan and sin, has a pecu-

liar meaning when placed beneath the feet of the Virgin, and is illus-

trative of the prophecy, Ipsa conteret caput tuum (" She shall bruise

thy head ").

The Globe, beneath the Virgin and entwined by a serpent, is the

symbol of her triumph over a world fallen through sin.

The Pomegranate, the emblem of hope, is frequently given to

the Virgin by the child Jesus.

Birds, in ancient pictures, figured the soul, or the spiritual,

as the opposite of the material. Thus the dove is the Holy Spirit

hovering above her; while the seven doves, which typify the gifts

of the Spirit, when surrounding the Virgin, make her the Mater Sa-

pientiae, or the Mother of Wisdom. When doves are near her while

she reads or works, they express her gentleness and tenderness.


The Book in the hand of Mary, if open, represents the book of

Wisdom ; if closed or sealed, it is a mystical symbol of the Virgin,

which will be further explained.

Flowers were consecrated to the Virgin; and Fruits signify "the

fruits of the Spirit,— jo}^ peace, and love."

Lastly, there are many symbols of the Virgin, derived from the Can-

ticles and the Litanies of the Virgin, and which belong especially to her :

The Lily. " I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valley"

(Cant. ii. 12).

The Rose is one emblem of love and beauty, and especially dedi-

cated to Mary. A plantation or garden of roses is often represented.

The Enclosed Garden (Cant. iv. 12).

The Star is often embroidered on her veil or mantle. When she

has a crown of twelve stars it is illustrative of the description in

the Revelation. She is also called Stella

Maris, the Star of the Sea ; Stella Jacobi,

the Star of Jacob; Stella non Erratica,

the Fixed Star ; and Stella Matutina, the

Morning Star.

The Sun and Moon refer to her as

the woman of the Apocalypse : "Awoman clothed with the sun, having the

moon under her feet, and on her head

a crown of twelve stars."

The Stem of Jesse is represented as a

green branch twined with flowers (Isa.

xi. 1).

The Porta Clausa, or Closed Gate

(Ezek. xliv. 4).

The Well, Fountain, City of Da-

vid, Temple of Solomon, and Tower

OF David are all symbols borrowed

from the Canticles.

The Olive, the Cypress, and the

Palm are all emblems of the Virgin. The

first signifies peace, hope, and abun-

dance ; the second points to heaven, and

Tetramorph. the third speaks of victory.


The Cedar of Lebanon, by its height, its perfume, its heahng

quahties, and its incorruptible substance, symbohzes the greatness,

goodness, and beauty of the Virgin.

The Sealed Book, in the hands of the Virgin, alludes to the text,

" In that book were all my members written," and also to the sealed

book described by Isaiah (xxix. 11, 12).

The Mirror is borrowed as an emblem from the book of Wis-

dom (vii. 25) : Specula sine maculd.

The explanation of the seven joys and the seven sorrows of the

Virgin, as well as that of the mysteries of the Rosary, will be found,

by reference to them in their alphabetical order, in the next division

of this book.


"When the Evangelists are represented together, it is in their char-

acter of witnesses, upon whose testimony the truth of Christianity

rests ; when they are single, they are usually presented as teachers or

patrons. The earliest sym-

bol of the Evangelists was

a Greek cross, with a scroll

or book in each angle,—emblems of the writers of

the four Gospels. The sec-

ond symbol was that of the

four rivers which rise in

T) J- c i.- -i-u^ (Mosaic.) St. Mark.Paradise. Sometimes the

Saviour with a lamb, or the symbolic Agnus Dei, was represented on

an eminence, with the four streams, symbolizing the Evangelists,

flowing from beneath him. Their next

symbol was the four fiery creatures of

Ezekiel's vision (Ezek. i. 5). These

were interpreted by the Jews, as rep-

resenting the archangels ; also the

prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,

and Daniel ; but the early Christians

explained them as emblems of theSt. Mark. Tr« t .


The four " beasts " of the Apocalypse received the same explana-


tion, and in the seventh century they had become the distinctive

symbols of these inspired witnesses.

St. Jerome explains the indivi-

,v^ ,., ,, , dual application of these symbols

^ , /^^^J<^^ thus:-1. The Cherub, which most re-

sembles a human being, was given

to St. Matthew, because he speaks

jv v^_,..-^ more of the human than of the

l^ -^J^ divine nature of our Saviour.

2. The Lion symbolizes St. Mark,(Mosaic, 5th century.) St. Lute.

^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ . _a. He commences his epistle with the mission of St. John the

Baptist, ''The voice of one crying in the wilderness."

b. The king of beasts

is a type of the royal dig-

nity of Christ, which St.

Mark makes so apparent.

c. According to an

Oriental tradition, the

young lions are born dead,

and after three days are

made alive by the breath

or the roar of the sire


thus they are an emblem of the Resurrection, of which St. Mark is

called the historian.

3. The Ox was given to St. Luke because he especially sets forth

the priesthood of Christ, and the ox is

symbolical of sacrifice.

4. The Eagle was given to St. John

as an emblem of the lofty flights of his


Others regarded these ** beasts" as shad-

owing forth the Incarnation, Passion, Resur-

rection, and Ascension of Jesus ; and they

arc also believed to represent the fourfold

character of Christ as man, king, high-(Mosaic, A. D. 750.) St. Luke.

, ^ ,

» o' o

priest, and God.

These symbolic creatures were always represented as winged. The

(Jlosaic, 11th Century.) St. John.


union of all four "beasts" forms that mysterious emblem called the

Tetramorph. In another symbol a woman represents the new Law,

or the Church. She is crowned and seated on a creature who has

the four heads of these symbolic beasts, the body of a horse, and

four feet, embracing one of each of the four creatures. Again the

Church is in a triumphal chariot, driven by a cherub or angel,

and drawn by the lion, ox, and eagle. The next advance was the

combination of the human form with the heads of these mystic beasts.

Eigr.res formed in this way were sometimes represented alternately

with the figures of the prophets, all forming a circle. These ideas

seem to have been borrowed from the winged bulls, with humanheads, found at Nineveh.

At length the only symbol retained in the representations of the

Evangelists was the wings. These were attached to the human form


they bear their books, and the

symbolic creatures were repre-

sented near them or at their feet.

The Evangelists were often

represented together, with four

prophets, thus symbolizing the

old and new law ; or with four

doctors of the Church, as wit-

nesses to, and interpreters of

the truth.

In later art, the Evange-

lists appear without emblems

or attributes ; sometimes with

their names inscribed above or

beneath their representations.

In speaking of the different

stages of this symbolism, Mrs.

Jameson says :" It will be in-

teresting to pause for a moment and take a rapid, retrospective

view of the progress, from first to last, in the expression of an idea

through form. First, we have the mere fact,— the four scrolls, or

the four books. Next, the idea,— the four rivers of salvation, flowing

from on high to fertilize the whole earth. Thirdly, the prophetic

symbol,— the winged cherub of fourfold aspect. Next, the Christian

(Fra Angelico.)

-2Sk_(Fra Angelico.)


symbol, — the four beasts in the Apocalypse, with or without the

ant'el-win^s. Then the combination of the emblematical animal with

the human form. Then the human personages, each of venerable

or inspired aspect, as becomes the teacher and witness ; and each

attended by the Scriptural emblem,— no longer an emblem, but an

ji attribute marking his individual vocation and character. And lastly,

the emblem and attribute both discarded, we have the human being

only, holding his gospel,— that is, his version of the doctrine of

Christ." 1


The earliest purely symbolic representation of the Twelve

Apostles was that of twelve sheep surrounding Christ, the good

ffL- M vK^ ^ ^ Shepherd, while he bore a lamb in his arms;^

or again, Jesus, as the Lamb of God, is on an

eminence, from which flow the four rivers of

Paradise, while on one side six sheep leave

Jerusalem, and on the other side the same

number leave Bethlehem. They were very

rarely represented by doves. The next ad-

vance was to represent them as men, and all

bearing sheep ; or in

place of sheep, scrolls,

and distinguished from

each other by the in-

scription of their names

above them.

According to tradi-

tion, the Apostles, be-

fore separating, com-

posed the Apostles'

Creed, of which each

one furnished a sen-

tence or article. These

are inscribed on their scrolls as follows : St. Peter, — Credo in DeumPatrem omnipotentem, creatorem coeli et terrse ; St. Andrew,— Et in

Jesum Christum Filium ejus unicum, Dominum nostrum; St. James

* Sacred and Legendary Art.

St. John. (Ilans Bcham.)


Major,— Qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natiis ex Maria Vir-

gine ; St. John,— Passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortims et

sepultus; St. Philip, — Descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit

a mortuis ; St. James Minor,— Ascendit ad ccelos, sedet ad dexteram

Dei Patris omnipotentis ; St. Thomas, — Inde venturus est judicare

vivc3 et mortuos ; St. Bartholomew, — Credo in Spiritum Sanctum;

St. Matthew, — Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam, sanctorum commu-

nionem ; St. Simon, — Remissionem peccatorum ; St. Matthias, —Carnis resurrectionem ; St. Thaddeus,— Et vitam aeternam. From

the sixth century every one of the Apostles had his especial attribute,

which was taken from some circumstance of his life or death, and

which will be found in their respective legends. These attributes are

as follow :—

St. Peter, the keys or a fish.

St. Andrew, the transverse cross which bears his name.

St. James Major, the pilgrim's staff.

St. John : the chalice with the serpent is the proper attribute of

this Apostle ; but the eagle, which is his attribute as an Evangelist,

is sometimes seen when he is with the Apostles.

St. Thomas, generally, a builder's rule ; rarely,

a spear.

St. James Minor, a club.

St. Philip, a small cross on a staff or crosier,

surmounted by a cross.

St. Bartholomew, a knife.

St. Matthew, a purse.

St. Simon, a saw.

St. Thaddeus, a halberd or lance.

St. Matthias, a lance.

Sometimes St. Paul, St. Mark, and St. Luke

are represented with the Apostles, and some others

are left out, as the number is always twelve. In

such cases, St. Paul bears either one or two swords.

The Apostles have also been represented seated

on clouds, surrounding the Saviour, as they are

supposed to be in heaven. Later art has not only distinguished each

of the Apostles by his own attribute, it has also attempted to rep-

resent the character of each in the face and bearing ; and the illus'



tration of the legends which develop the characteristics drawn from

the Scripture history enables the artist to accomplish this object,

sometimes with wonderful eflfect.


To a student or lover of art there is a world of interest connected

with the monastic orders, with their founders, their artists, their

pictures. While they instituted schools, built cathedrals, and founded

Hospitals, they were the most munificent patrons of art the world

has ever seen. To them we are indebted for many of the rarest

gems of painting. Intended for the seclusion of church and cloister,

they novj belong to all the world; for who that has gazed on the

Madonna di San Sisto, on the spirit-moving pictures of Angelico

the Blessed, and many, many others, does not feel that he has a

possession in them ; that they have imparted something to him that

was /a'5, — something intended for him, and held in trust until he

came to claim his own ] There are certain peculiarities in what maybe called monastic pictures, which were most fitting when these were

in their proper places, but which seem incongruous when these pic-

tures appear in tlie galleries of art or on the walls of palaces. I

refer especially to the representation of the personages, and the

peculiar habits and symbols of the different orders for which the pic-

tures were painted. For instance, in pictures of the Annunciation,

and other scenes from the life of the Virgin or the Saviour, we see

the founders of orders and institutions in their distinctive dress ; and

until we consider that the pictures were painted for these orders,

and in honor of these very founders and saints, we wonder at, and are

disturbed by the seeming inappropriateness of the representations.

That these things are so, makes it a necessity that some attention

should be given to these symbols and habits. A knowledge of them

enables one to decide for what order a picture was intended, and

explains much of its import and purpose.

Tliere are certain general symbols which have a peculiar signifi-

cance in monastic pictures :—

The Nimbus is given only to a canonized saint, never to a heato ;

sometimes the picture is painted before canonization, and the nimbusadded afterwards.


The Infant Christ is often placed in the arms of a saint ; or, in

some pictures of the Virgin, she bends down and places the child in

the arms of holy men and women. These are generally repre&eiita

tions of visions which these saints have had, or have arisen from

legends like that of St. Anthony of Padua, which relates that the

Saviour came in this form, and stood on his book while he preached

the Gospel.

The Standard, surmounted by the cross, belongs especially to

such as were missionaries and apostles, and carried the Gospel to

heathen nations. It is also an attribute of the warrior saints con-

nected with the monastic orders.

The Crown at the feet of saints indicates that they were of royal

birth, or resigned their kingdoms for the monastery. If they re-

tained their rank until death, they wear the crown ; and female

saints of royal blood frequently wear the diadem outside the veil.

A Seraph distinguishes the saints of the Seraphic Order.


The Stigmata, or Similitude of the Wounds of Christ, belong

properly to St. Catherine of Siena and St. Francis alone, but are

sometimes given to St. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi.

The Book in the hand has the general signification of the Gospel


but accompanied by the pen or ink-horn, it indicates that the saint

was an author, and the book is sometimes lettered with the proper

titles of his works. The open book in the hand of a founder is the

symbol of the rule of his order, and is often inscribed with the first

sentence of the rule.

The Crucifix in the hand signifies a preacher; it is also an

emblem of penance and faith.

The Flaming Heart is an emblem of divine love. It is given

to St. Augustine. The heart crowned with thorns belongs to St.

Francis de Sales. The heart inscribed with I. H. S. is given to

Jesuit saints, to St. Teresa, St. Bridget of Sweden, and St. Maria

Maddalena de' Pazzi.

The Crown of Thorns on the head or in the hands is the

symbol of suffering for Christ's sake.

The Palm is not a general symbol for the monastic saints, but is

given to St. Placidus, St. Boniface, and St. Thomas a Becket, of the

1 The Order of St. Francis.


Benedictines ; to St. Angelas and St. Albert, of the Carmelites, and

to St. Peter Martyr, of the Dominicans, and but few others.

The Scourge is the symbol of self-inflicted penance.

Walking on the Sea represents a miracle attributed to the saint

who is so painted.

The Cardinal's Hat is given to St. Bonaventure. He is dis-

tinguished from St. Jerome by the Franciscan girdle.

The Mitre and Pastoral Staff belong to abbots and bishops.

The staff without the mitre is proper only to abbesses.

Slaves with Broken Chains, as well as beggars, children, and

lepers at the feet of a saint, signify beneficence.

Posp:s are significant of the name of the saint, or are connected

with some circumstance in their lives, as with St. Elizabeth of

Hungary, and St. Dorothea.

The Lily is an emblem of purity and chastity, and of very general

use; but it belongs especially to St. Clara, St. Anthony of Padua,

St. Catherine of Siena, as well as to those who made vows of celi-

bacy, like St. Casimir and others. The crucifix twined with lilies

belongs to St. Nicholas of Tolentino. The lily also belongs to such

as devoted themselves especially to the Blessed Virgin.

The Star over the head or breast expresses the divine attesta-

tion to the sanctity of the saint.

The Sun on the breast is the symbol of the light of wisdom.

The Dove is the emblem of the direct inspiration of the Holy-


The Fish, as the emblem of baptism, belongs to some early-

missionaries and to such as converted the heathen.

The Lamb is proper to St. Francis as the symbol of meekness.

Wild Beasts at the feet of a saint signify that he cleared a

wilderness or founded a convent in a solitude.

The Hind or Stag is the emblem of solitude.

The Dragon at the feet is sin conquered ; but chained to a rock

or led by a chain, it is heresy vanquished.

Tiie habits and special symbols of dificrcnt orders are important.

First, the Benedictines, with St. Benedict as their general patriarch,

embrace,—The Camaldolesi, founded by St. Romualdo


The Vallombrosians, founded by St. John Gualberto;


The Carthusians, founded by St. Bruno;

The Cistercians, founded by St. Bernard of Clairvaux


The Olivetani, founded by St. Bernardo Ptolomei


The Cluniacs, founded by St. Peter of Clugny


and some other less important branches which are governed by the

Rule of St. Benedict.

The color of the habit is not especially determined in the Bene-

dictine Rule. In the early pictures of St. Benedict he wears black


but in some pictures painted for the reformed Benedictines, he is in

a white habit. The black habit is given to St. Scholastica and the

pupils of St. Benedict, St. Maurus, and St. Placidus, and to St.

Flavia; also to St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany; St. Bennett,

Bishop of Durham ; St. Benedict of Anian ; St. Dunstan of Canter-

bury ; St. Walpurgis of Eichstadt ; St. Giles of Languedoc ; St. Ilde-

fonso of Toledo ; St. Bavon of Ghent ; and to nearly all Benedictines

who lived before the year 1020.

The Camaldolesi and their founder wear white.

The Vallombrosians, gray or ash color.

The Cluniacs, black.

The Cistercians, white. Their habit is long and loose, with very

wide sleeves.

The Carthusians, white.

The Olivetani, white.

These orders furnished the earliest artists and architects of Europe.

The monastery of Monte Cassino was founded by St. Benedict. Its

church and cloisters contain many works of art, and among them

the statues in marble of the most noted members and benefactors

of the community. The cave at Subiaco, the Sacro Speco, is of great

interest, and painted with very ancient frescos. They were done

in 1219, and are important in the history of art. Among the finest

edifices of the Benedictines may be mentioned the Basilica of San

Paolo (fuori-le-mura) at Rome, San Severino at Naples, San Giustina

at Padua, the monastery of Bamberg in Germany, St. Maur, Mar-

moutier, and Fontevrauld in France. For their convent at Piacenza,

the Madonna di San Sisto was painted ; for that at Grotta Ferrata,

the life of St. Nilus by Domenichino ; at San Severino, the life of

St. Benedict by Antonio lo Zingaro. For the Vallombrosians,

Perugino painted the Assumption. Taddeo Gaddi painted many


pictures for the Camaldolesi ; and for different Benedictine orders,

Ghirlandajo and Andrea del Sarto painted some of their finest

pictures. The Certosa di Pavia is unequalled in many points, and

has works of Luini, Borgognone, and many other famous masters.

This is a Carthusian monastery, as is also the Certosa at Rome,

built by Michael Angelo. Zurbaran and Carducho painted for the

Spanish Carthusians, and Le Sueur the life of St. Bruno for those

at Paris.

The Cistercians have many pictures of the Blessed Virgin, as

they especially honor her and dedicate their churches under her


The beautiful church of San Lorenzo in Cremona, and that of

Santa Maria in Organo at Verona, belong to the Olivetani, whose

artists excelled in Tarsia or Intarsiatura, a beautiful style of in-

laid work. In England many of the finest cathedrals were Bene-

dictine foundations, and the word " abbey " belongs especially to

this order.

The Augustines.

These orders reverence St. Augustine of Hippo as their general

patriarch and founder. They embrace, —The Servi, founded by St. Philip Benizi


The Order of Mercy, founded by St. Peter Nolasco


The Brigittines, founded by St. Bridget of Sweden.^

The Augustinians reverence St. Joseph, the husband of the Virgin

Marv', as their patriarch and patron saint. The habit of the Augus-

tinians is black. St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monica, are the

principal personages in the pictures of the order. St. Joseph and all

the events of his life are also favorite subjects ; and the earliest mar-

tyrs and bishops, though common to all orders, are especially honored

by the Augustinians. The primitive hermits, St. Anthony and St.

Paul, also receive much veneration; but their chief saint is Nicholas

of Tolentino. The most important churches of the Agostini in Italy

are the Sant' Agostino at Pavia, which contains the magnificent shrine

of their founder, which has in all two hundred and ninety figures

worked in marble. Tiie principal events of the life of St. Augustine

1 Some otlior orders of nicu and women follow the Rule, or a modiGcation

of the Rule, of St. Augustine.


are represented, and there are also statues of the Evangelists, Apostles,

and many saints. The Sant' Agostino at Rome is tlie church for

which the Isaiah of Raphael was painted. The Eremitani at Padua

and the San Lorenzo of Florence are rich in works of art. Tlie ca-

thedrals at Cologne, Strasbourg, and Mayence belong to the Augus-

tinians; and there are many churches, dedicated to St. Lawrence,

St. Sebastian, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Antonio Abbate, minis-

tered to by priests of this order.

The Franciscans.

With St. Francis at their head, this order embraces—The Capuchins


The Observants;

The Conventuals, and

The Minimes.

These monks, as well as the Dominicans, are called /rati, or "broth-

ers," instead of padri, or "fathers;" and the humility of St. Francis

caused him to add the word minori, or " lesser," to his community.

The habit of the Franciscans was first gray, and remained so for two

centuries, when it was changed to dark brown. It is a plain tunic

with long full sleeves, but not as ample as those of the Benedictines.

This tunic is bound about the waist with a knotted cord, which is

the emblem of a beast subdued ; and this was the light in which St.

Francis considered the body when subjected to the spirit. A scanty

cape hangs about the shoulders, to which is attached a hood to be

drawn over the head in cold weather. The nuns wear the same dress,

with a veil in place of the hood. The third order of St. Francis is

distinguished by the cord worn as a girdle. The Franciscans are bare-

footed or with a sandal known in Italy as the zoccolo ; hence the

name Zoccolanti, by which these friars are sometimes called. TheMinimes are distinguished by a scapulary which hangs a little below

the girdle in front and is rounded at the ends ; to this is attached a

small round hood, while that of the Capuchins is pointed. TheFranciscans aspired to extreme sanctity, and were greatly beloved bythe people. They have several royal saints ; but first are their eight

principal saints, called / Cardini deW Ordine Serajico ("the chiefs

of the Seraphic Order").


1. St. Francis, Padre Serafico, patriarch and founder.

2. St. Clara, Madre Serafica, first Franciscan nun and foundress

of the Povere Donne, or Poor Clares.

3. St. Bonaventura, il Dottore Serafico, the great prelate of the


4. St. Antony of Padua, who is, next to St. Francis, the saint

most renowned in the order for miracles.

5. St. Bernardino of Siena, their great preacher and reformer.

6. St. Louis, King of France.

7. St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse.

8. St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Then follow St. Margaret of Cortona, St. Rosa di Viterbo, St. FclLx

de Cantalicio, and a host of others.

The churches of the Franciscans have been magnificently adorned.

The parent convent and church at Assisi was three hundred years in

the hands of the greatest artists of Italy. Raphael, Pinturicchio,

Giotto, Taddeo and Angelo Gaddi, Giottino, Luca della Robbia, and

Benedetto da Maiano, all contributed to the decoration of Franciscan

edifices. The St. Antonio-di-Padova is filled with art treasures. It

has bronzes of Donatello and Andrea Riccio;pictures by many of

the great painters of Upper Italy, and marbles of Lombardi, San-

sovino, and Sammichele. Murillo painted many of his wonderful

pictures for this order in Spain.

The Dominicans.

These are called the Preaching Friars, and have St. Dominick at

their head. They wear a white woollen habit, fastened with a white

girdle ; over this a white scapular, which hangs to the feet from the

neck, both before and behind, like a long apron ; over all a black

cloak with a hood. The scapular of the lay brothers is black.

The Dominicans always wear shoes. Their traditions teach that

this habit was adopted in accordance with the directions of the

Blessed Virgin. The white symbolizes purity ; the black, mortifica-

tion and penance. Their four principal saints are St. Dominick,

St. Peter Martyr; St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor; and

St. Catherine of Siena. The Dominicans have embraced some of the

most splendid artists and patrons of art. The shrine of St. Dominick


is in the church of his order at Bologna. It is called, in Italy, the

Area di San Domenico. Niccolo Pisano built the church and exe-

cuted the shrine, but the church has been rebuilt in modern style.

At Rome the Santa Maria-Sopra-Minerva is their most important

church ; and here sleeps Angelico da Fiesole, " II Beato," and Leo X.,

with Cardinal Howard, Cardinal Bembo, and Durandus. This church

is filled with beautiful pictures, and here is Michael Angelo's statue

of Christ. At Florence the Dominicans have the Santa Maria

Novella; in this church is the Chapel Dei Spagnuoli, painted by

Taddeo Gaddi and Simone Memmi ;— the Strozzi Chapel, by Andrea

Orcagna ; and here is the Madonna and Child, by Cimabue.

In Florence is the convent of St. Mark, in which lived and painted

Fra Angelico and Fra Bartolomeo. The first of these entered this

convent when twenty years old, and passed the remainder of his long

life in painting the spiritual conceptions of his devout and gentle

mind. He believed that God granted him his benediction on his

labors ; and so impressed was he with the religious importance of

them, that he is said to have painted much upon his bended knees,

as if performing an act of devotion. His principal works are in his

own convent, in the church of Santa Maria Novella, and in the

Chapel of Nicholas V., in the Vatican. Fra Bartolomeo is also

called Baccio della Porta and II Frate.

At Siena the Dominicans have the Madonna by Guido da Siena,

and the frescos of Razzi. For this order Leonardo da Vinci painted

his Last Supper, and Titian his San Pietro Martire.

Their churches were built without aisles, having a nave only, in

order that the preaching, which was their especial duty, might be

heard in every part ; this form of edifice was very advantageous also

for the setting forth of their pictures.

The Carmelites.

This order claims the prophet Elijah as its founder, and also that

Mt. Carmel has been inhabited by a direct succession of hermits

ever since the time of that prophet. The members wear a brown

tunic with a white mantle, and are also called White Friars. Their

most interesting church is the Carmini at Florence, in which is the

Brancacci Chapel, which was painted by Masaccio, Filippino Lippi,

and Masolino. As an order, the Carmelites are not important in



The Jeroxymites.

These monks claim St. Jerome as their founder, and adorn their

edifices largely with pictures of that saint, and scenes from his life.

The Escuriul and the monastery of St. Just, in Spain ; the monastery

of Belem, in Portugal ; and that of St. Sigismond, near Cremona, in

Italy, — all belong to this order, which is remarkable for the mag-

nificence of its edifices.

The Jesuits.

The members of this order are not easily distinguished in art.

They wear the black frock buttoned to the chin, which is so unfavor-

able for a picture that they are often represented in the priestly vest-

ments, as in the case of St. Ignatius Loyola and St. Fiancis Xavier;

or in cassock and surplice, as in the case of St. Aloysius and St.

Stanislaus Kostka. If tiie head is covered, it is by a square black

cap. The Jesuits did not appear to value art as highly as many of

the older orders. They lavished large sums of money on tlieir

churches ; but it was spent in brilliant decorations of gold and

silver, rare marbles, and even jewels, rather than in pictures and

statues ; and yet the}'^ were (after some royal personages) the chief

patrons of Rubens and Van Dyck, who decorated the splendid church

of their order at Antwerp.


There are larire numbers of what are known as votive pictures,

which are painced in fulfilment of a vow, in gratitude for some signal

blessing, or to avert some anticipated danger. Many commemorate

a recovery, or escape from sickness or accident. The donor, and

sometimes his entire family, are seen in the picture, and are fre-

quently represented as grouped about the Madonna and Child. In

early art the donor or votary was represented as very dimiiuitive,

to express humility ; but in later times they appear of a natural size.

The figiu'e of a bishop kneeling, while all others stand, signifies that

he is the person who presents the picture ; when he stands it is

difficult to determine who ho may be, for there are hundreds of

bishop-martyrs and patrons who are thus represented.

In many works of art there is an apparent anachronism in the

choice of the persons represented ; as, for instance, when the Virgin


is surrounded by those who lived either centuries before or after her-

self It must be borne in mind that sucli pictures were not intended

to represent physical facts, but are devotional in their character and

meaning. And if the persons represented are not living, they know

no more of time ; for them it no longer exists, and that which at a

careless glance appears to be the result of ignorance or bad taste is,

in fact, a spiritual conception of the "communion of saints," who

belong no more to earth. When thus considered, there appears no

incongruity in these representations, of which the Correggio at Parma

is a good illustration. In it St. Jerome presents his translation of

the Scriptures to the infiint Christ, while an angel turns the leaves,

and Mary Magdalene kisses the feet of Jesus. Neither is the group-

ing in many pictures strictly in accordance with what might be

termed propriety. The Sibyls dancing around the cradle of Jesus,

and the representations of Greek poets and philosophers in ecclesi-

astical art, are explained by the fact that everything was regarded

in but a single aspect, — that is, in its relation to Christ and his

Church. All those who preceded him foreshadowed him, and prophe-

sied of his coming. Therefore these Greeks sometimes bear scrolls

inscribed with sentences from their writings which are interpreted

as relating to the Saviour. In the examination of large numbers of

religious pictures, chronology should be entirely forgotten, for time

was not thought of in their arrangement, and many other consid-

erations determined the artist in his association of persons. Certain

saints are brought together, because they are joint patrons of the

place for which they were painted, as in the Venetian pictures of

St. Mark, St. George, and St. Catherine. Again, they are con-

nected by the same attributes, or similar events, in their lives, as is

the case with St. Roch and St. Sebastian, — the first having tended

the sick who suffered from the plague, and the last being a pro-

tector against it. Or they were friends on earth, as St. Cyprian

and St. Cornelius; or they rest together in death, as St. Stephen and

St. Laurence. Some of these, or other like reasons, which were good

and sufficient to the minds of artists and their patrons, always ex-

plained the apparent inconsistencies of these pictures, and were per-

fectly understood in the age to which they belonged. Again, somesaints are so much more frequently represented than others as to

occasion surprise and remark. This may be explained in part by


the fact that some saints were universal patrons honored throughout

Christendom, while the veneration for others was confined to special

localities or to certain orders. St. Joseph, St. George, St. Sebastian,

St. Christopher, St. Cosmo, St. Damian, St. Roch, St. Nicholas,

St. Catherine, St. Cecilia, St. Barbara, St. Margaret, and St. Ursula

are of the former class.

In particular schools of art this frequent representation of certain

personages is governed by the locality in which they were painted,

or that for which they were intended. A Florentine artist would

introduce St. Donato and St. Romulo; a Neapolitan, St. Januarius;

a Frenchman, St. Denis, etc.; or as in an existing picture, St. Peter,

St. Leonard, St. Martha, and St. Mary Magdalene are united to

indicate that the society for which it was painted redeemed prisoners,

ransomed slaves, labored for the poor, and converted the fallen and


Thus it is apparent that it is for the advantage of the careful

observer to consider that however bizarre a picture may appear,

there is some reason for its arj-angement, which, if understood and

appreciated, adds meaning to it, helps to discern its intention and

sentiment, and shows that what seems at first to be the result of

chance, or an ignorance of the fitness of things, is in truth that of

deep and earnest thought, of delicate and poetic conceptions, and

a lofty desire to teach grand and holy truths as well as to give

pleasure and delight the eye.

Badge of tbo Order of Meroj.



St. Abbondio was born at Thessalonica. He was the fourth

Bishop of Como, in the time of Leo I. He is represented in the

cathedral of Como, and is the apostle and patron saint of that por-

tion of Italy.

Abgarus, King. The apocryphal gospel spoken of by Euse-

bius, and called " Christ and Abgarus," begins with " A Copy of

a Letter written by King Abgarus to Jesus, and sent to Him by

Ananias, his Footman, to Jerusalem, inviting Him to Edessa." This

letter opens with greetings to the Saviour, and goes on to urge him

to go to Edessa, to cure the king of a serious disease. It adds :

" My city is indeed small, but neat, and large enough for us both."

Jesus returned an answer that he could not go, as he must fulfil his

mission at Jerusalem, but promised that after his ascension he would

send a disciple, who would cure the king and give life to him and

to all who were with him. This account ends here ; but up to the

tenth century there were a variety of additions made to it, until

then it had assumed the following form :" Abgarus, King of Edessa,

suffering from the twofold infliction of gout and leprosy, withdrew

from the sight of men. Ananias, one of his servants, returning from

a journey to Egypt, tells him of the wonderful cures by Christ, of

which he has heard in Palestine. In the hope of obtaining relief,

Abgarus writes to Christ, and charges Ananias, who was not only a

good traveller but a skilful painter, that if Christ should not be able

to come, he should at all events send him his portrait. Ananias


finds Christ as he is in the act of performing miracles, and teaching

the multitude in the open air. As he is not able to approach him

for the crowd, he mounts a rock not far oft*. Thence he fixes his

eyes upon Christ, and begins to take his likeness. Jesus, who sees

him, and also knows in spirit the contents of the letter, sends

Thomas to bring him to him, writes his answer to Abgarus. and gives

it to him. But seeing that Ananias still lingers, Jesus calls for

water, and having washed his face, he wipes it on a cloth, on which,

by his divine power, there remains a perfect portrait of his features


this he gives to Ananias, charging him to take it to Abgarus, so that

his longing may be satisfied, and his disease cured. On the wayAnanias passes by the city of Hierapolis, but remains outside the

gates, and hides the holy cloth in a heap of freshly made bricks.

At midnight the inhabitants of Hierapolis perceive that this heap

of bricks is surrounded with fire. They discover Ananias, and he

owns the supernatural character of the object hidden among the

bricks. They find not only the miraculous cloth, but more still;

for, by a mysterious virtue, a brick that lay near the cloth has

received a second impress of the divine image. And as no fire is

discoverable, except the light that proceeds from the picture, the

inhabitants keep the brick as a sacred treasure, and let Ananias go

on his way. He gives King Abgarus the letter and the cloth, whois immediately healed." This last legend was edited by the Em-peror Constantiue Porphyrogenitus, and in his time the original nap-

kin was at Constantinople ; two others at Rome and Genoa, while a

false copy had been sent to the King of Persia. The brick, too, had

remained in its first cit}-, but had furnished images to other cities. In

fact, the Roman one still exists in the church of San Silvestro. But

Constantino has given a third version, which is that Christ, on the

way to Calvary, wiped his fiice on a piece of linen on which the impress

of his countenance was left, and gave it to Thomas, commanding that

after his ascension Thaddcus should take it to Abgarus in order to ful-

fil the promise which Jesus had made. This was done ; but Thaddcus

first goes to the house of a Jew in Edessa, determined to do some

miracles which shall attract the attention of the king. And he heals

the sick, until Abgarus hears of him and sends for him, hoping that

he is the disciple whom Christ iiad promised him should come. AsThaddcus enters the room, ho lifts up the i)icture ; and so great a


light proceeds from it, that Abgarus springs from his bed, forgetting

all his lameness, and goes to receive the picture. He touches with

it his head and limbs, and receives strength. The leprosy disappears

except from his forehead. He is converted ; and when he is baptized,

even the last marks of the leprosy disappear. This legend has been

often represented in painting.

St. Achilleus and St. Nereus. These are Roman saints, and

the church dedicated to them is near the Baths of Caracalla. They

were chamberlains of Flavia Domitilla. They persuaded her not to

marry Aurelian, the son of the consul, to w^hom she was betrothed,

because he was an idolater. For this they were beheaded. Flavia

Domitilla was the grand-niece of the Emperor Domitian. Her par-

ents had been martyred because they were Christians. She also

suffered death for the same cause, at Terracina. Nereus and Achil-

leus are represented in secular habits, standing on each side of

Domitilla. She is dressed as a princess. They all bear palms.

May 12.

St. Adelaide, or Alice, of Germany was the daughter of

Ealph II. of Burgundy. Her father died when she was six years old,

and at sixteen she married Lothaire, King of Italy. Her husband

did not live long ; and after his death Adelaide w^as imprisoned at

Pavia, by Berengarius III. She at length escaped, and fled towards

Germany. She was met by the Emperor Otho I., who was marching

with his army to release her. Otho made a treaty with Berengarius,

and married Alice. But the treaty was soon broken, when Otho sent

Berengarius a prisoner to Germany, and he himself was crowned

emperor at Rome. Adelaide made use of her rank and power to do

good, and educated her son Otho II. with carefulness. The emperor

died after a reign of thirty-six years ; and his son suffered himself to

be influenced by evil advisers, and especially by his second wife,

Theophania, so that he banished his good mother from the court.

But being overtaken by misfortune, he recalled her and attempted

to atone for his wicked cruelty. He died after a reign of nine years,

and his wife, so long as she lived, insulted St. Adelaide by the most

disrespectful treatment; but she soon died also, and Adelaide became

regent. From this time she devoted herself to good works, and built

many religious edifices. The people, who loved her, were guided by

her into virtue and piety. She died at Salcis, when on a journey.


A part of her relics are preserved in a shrine in Hanover. Decem-

ber 16, A. D. 999.

St. Adelaide was the wife of St. Lupo, and the mother of St.

Grata, who together with St. Alexander the martyr, are saints be-

longing especially to Bergamo, the last two being the patron saints

of that city. St. Grata, after the death of her husband, became a

Christian, and converted her father, who was Duke of Bergamo, and

her mother, St. Adelaide, to the same faith. Through the influence

of St. Grata, St. Lupo founded the cathedral at Bergamo. After the

death of her parents Grata governed Bergamo, and founded three

churches and a hospital, where she herself ministered to the sick.

St. Alexander was a soldier of the Theban Legion, and was beheaded

outside Bergamo. Grata wrapped the head in a napkin, and gave

honorable burial to the remains. St Adelaide is represented with a

crown and a long veil, St. Lupo with a royal crown, St. Alexander

as a Roman warrior with a palm, and St. Grata as carrying the head

of Alexander.

St. Adrian (Gr. "Ay.. 'A8ptavo9 ; Lat. S. Adrianus ; Fr. St.

Adrien ; Ital. Sant' Adriano) was a military saint, and for ages was

considered next to St. George in Northern Europe. In the North

of France, Flanders, and Germany, he was the patron saint of sol-

diers, and protector against the plague. He is also the patron of

Flemish brewers. He was a noble lloman, son of Probus. At the

time of the tenth persecution of the Christians at Nicomedia, a city

of Bithynia (a. d. 290), he served in the guards of the Emperor

Galerius Maximian. He was less than thirty years old, and was

married to Natalia, who was a Christian secretly. She was exceed-

ingly virtuous and beautiful. The imperial edict was torn down by

St. George, which so infuriated the emperor that thirty-four Chris-

tians were sentenced to the torture at one time. It fell by lot to

Adrian to superintend the execution of the sentence. When he saw

the manner in which the Christians suffered for their faith, he was

suddenly converted, and seating himself in their midst, exclaimed,

" Consider me also as one of ye ; for I too will be a Christian." Howas immediately imprisoned. Natalia, hearing this, was full of joy,

and going to him encouraged him to suffer for Christ. Adrian was

soon condemned to die; and the night before his execution, ho bribed

his jailer to permit him to visit Natalia. She, hearing that her


husband had left his prison, was in great sorrow, and tearing her gar-

ments threw herself down, saying, " Alas ! miserable that I am ! I

have not deserved to be the wife of a martyr ! Now will men point

at me and say, Behold the wife of the coward and apostate, who for

fear of death hath denied his God." But Adrian, who had now come,

hearing these words, said, " thou noble and strong-hearted woman !

Oh, bless God that I am not unworthy of thee ! Open the door that

I may bid thee farewell before I die." Joyfully she opened the door

and embraced him, and returned to prison with him. The next day

Adrian was scourged and tortured, and sent back to prison. The

tyrants, hearing of the devotion of Natalia, ordered that no womanshould be admitted to the prison. She then cut off her beautiful

hair, and dressed as a man, and so gained admission to Adrian. She

found him torn and bleeding. She took him in her arms, and said,

** light of mine eyes and husband of mine heart ! Blessed art

thou, who art called to suffer for Christ's sake!

" Thus she so

strengthened his heart that he was able to endure to the end. The

next day his limbs were struck off on an anvil, and he was beheaded.

Natalia supported him in his sufferings, and he expired in her arms

before the last blow. Kissing him, she took one of his hands, which

she wrapped in linen with spices and perfumes, and placed it at the

head of her bed. His body was taken by Christians to Byzantium,

since Constantinople. There is a tradition that in the ninth century

it was removed to the convent which bears his name, at Grammont,

in Flanders. After this the emperor threatened to marry Natalia to

a tribune of the army. She fled to Argyropolis, near Byzantium, and

passed her life near the tomb of Adrian. He often appeared to her

in visions, and asked her to follow him, which she soon did ; and

when she died, Adrian with rejoicing angels met her, and together

they entered the presence of God. An anvil is the attribute of

Adrian, and is represented at his feet or in his hand. His sword

was long kept as a relic, at Walbeck, in Saxony ; but the Emperor

Henry II. (St. Henry) girded it on himself when preparing to go

against the Turks and Hungarians, a. d. 290.

St. Afra was the daughter of St. Hilaria, and is the patroness

of Augsburg. She was for a long time a courtesan in that city, and

had three maidens as dissolute as herself, — Digna, Eunomia, and

Eutropia. At length Narcissus, a holy man fleeing from persecution.


came to her house, not knowing her character. When she found he

was a priest, she was overcome with fear, and for the first time was

ashamed of her life of sin. He told her of Christ, and at length she

besought him to allow her to be baptized. He, knowing that Christ

did not reject even the greatest sinners, baptized her and assured her

of forgiveness. By her aid Narcissus escaped to his native Spain.

Through her influence her mother and the three maidens were also

converted. Afra was seized, and accused of having assisted Narcissus

to escape and of being herself a Christian. The judge, Gains, who

had known of her former life, was amazed at her modesty, and the

firmness with which she acknowledged her new faith, and asked her

how one so vile could expect to be received by Jesus. To which she

replied, " It is true I am unworthy to bear the name of Christian;

nevertheless. He who did not reject Mary Magdalene wlien she

washed his feet with her tears, will not reject me." She was burned

alive ; and as she prayed in the midst of the fire, angels bore her

spirit to heaven. Shortly after, her mother and the three maidens

were executed for their faith, and sufi"ered with constancy. August 5,

A.D. 304.

St. Afra, patroness of Brescia, is supposed to have been of

noble family. She was converted by the works of San Faustino

and San Giovita (Faustinus and Jovita), and suffered martyrdom

with Calocerus. The church dedicated to her is one of the finest

ornaments of Brescia.

St. Agatha {Lat. Sancta Agatha; Fr. Ste. Agathe; Ital. Santa

Agata ; Ger. Die Heilige Agatha), virgin and martyr;patroness of

Malta and Catania, also protectress against fire and all diseases of

the breast. The Emperor Decius strangled his predecessor, Philip;

and desiring to make it appear that he did this because Philip

was a Christian, and not for his own advancement, he instituted

great persecutions of the Christians throughout his empire. Hemade Quintianus king of Sicily. Here, at Catania, dwelt Agatha,

a maiden of great beauty, whom Quintianus tcmj)ted with presents,

flattery, and promises, without success. He then gave her to Fron-

disia, who was a courtesan with nine daughters, all as wicked as

possible, and promised her great riches if she would subdue Agatha

to his wishes. Frondisia attempted to influence Agatha by every

means in her power for thirty-three days ; but she remained fixed


in her purity, and her faith in Jesus. At the end of that time

Frondisia said to Quintianus, "Sooner shall that sword at thy side

become like liquid lead, and the rocks dissolve and flow like water,

than the heart of this damsel be subdued to thy will." Then Quin-

tianus in fury commanded her to be brought, and attempted to

move her by threats ; but she said, " If thou shouldst throw meto the wild beasts, the power of Christ would render them weak

as lambs ; if thou shouldst kindle a fire to consume me, the angels

would quench it with their dews from heaven ; if thou shouldst

tear me with scourges, the Holy Spirit within me would render

thy tortures harmless." Then the tyrant ordered her to be beaten,

and her bosom to be torn with shears. After that she was thrown

into a dark dungeon. At midnight there came an aged man bearing

a vase of ointment, and a youth with a torch. It was St. Peter

and an angel, but Agatha did not know them ; and the light which

filled the dungeon so frightened the guards that they fled, leaving

the door open. Then one said to the maiden, "Arise and fly."

But she replied, " God forbid that I should fly from my crown of

martyrdom, and be the occasion that my keepers should suflfer,

for my flight, tortures, and death ; I will not fly." Then St.

Peter healed all her wounds with celestial ointment, and vanished

from her sight. The rage of Quintianus not being satisfied, he sent

for her again, and was astonished at the wonderful cure of her

wound^f. "Who hath healed thee]" asked he; she replied, "He,

whom I confess and adore with my heart and with my lips, hath

sent his apostle, and healed me, and delivered me." Then Quin-

tianus ordered her to be burned ; and as she was thrown in the

fire, a great earthquake shook the city, and the people ran to the

palace, crying, " This has fallen upon us because of the sufferings

of this Christian damsel;" and they threatened to burn Quintianus

if he did not desist. So he ordered her to be taken from the flames,

and she was borne again to prison, scorched, and in great agony.

Here she entreated God to release her and take her to heaven


which prayer was heard, for immediately she died. The Christians

embalmed her body, and placed it in a tomb of porphyry. Near

to Catania is a volcano which the people call Mongibello (Mt. ^tna),

and about a year after the death of Agatha this mountain opened

and sent forth streams of fire. When the fire had almost reached


the city, the people took the veil of Agatha from her tomb, and

placing it on a lance bore it in procession towards the fire, and

when they came to it the fire was stayed and the city saved. Whenthe heathen saw this miracle, they were all converted and baptized.

There is in Malta a subterranean chapel dedicated to St. Agatha.

It is cut out of the rock, and the walls are frescoed. Tradition

asserts that the ground once belonged to the family of the saint.

St. Agatha is usually represented with a palm in one hand and a

salver in the other, on which is the female breast. Sometimes the

shears are beside her. She wears a long veil. February 5, a. d. 251.

St. Aglae {Gr. 'Ay. "AyAat?) was a Greek by birth, and lived with

her lover, Boniface, in sin and luxury for many years. In the time

of the last persecution of the Christians, they were both converted

from their sins, and became followers of Christ. Aglae sent Boniface

with great treasures to assist the martyrs and to bury their remains.

In his zeal, he exposed himself and suffered martyrdom. His body

was brought to Aglae. She built, on the western side of the Aven-

tine, an oratory, wherein she placed the remains of Boniface, and she

spent the remainder of her life in prayers and penitence. May 14.

Boniface died, about 307 ; Aglae, fifteen years later.

St. Agnes (Za^. Sancta Agnus; Ital. Sant' Agnese ; Sp. Santa

Inez ; Fr. Ste. Agnes). St. Agnes was a Roman maiden of great

beauty, and a Christian from her infancy. She was not more than

thirteen years old when the son of the prefect Sempronius saw her,

and so loved her that he sought her for his wife. But she refused

his reqiiest, saying that she was already affianced to a husband whomshe loved, meaning Jesus. The young man knew not to whom she

referred ; and his jealousy and disappointed love made him sick,

almost unto death. Then the physicians said, "This youth is sick

of unrequited love, and our art can avail nothing." AVhen the pre-

fect questioned his son, he told his father of his love for Agnes, and

that unless she would be his wife ho must die. Then Sempronius

begged of Agnes and her parents that she should marry his son ; but

she replied, as before, that she preferred her betrothed to the son of

the prefect. "When he had inquired her meaning, and found that she

was a Christian, he was glad ; for there was an edict against the Chris-

tians, and he felt she was in his power. lie then ti)ld her that since

she would have no earthly husl^nd, she must become a Vestal Virgin.


But she refused with scorn the worship of vain images, and declared

that she would serve none but Jesus. Sempronius then threatened

her with the most horrid death, and put her in chains, and dragged

her to the altars of the gods. But she remained firm. Then he

ordered her to be taken to a house of infamy, to suffer the most fear-

ful outrages. The soldiers stripped off her garments ; but when she

prayed, her hair was lengthened till it was as a cloak about her,

covering her whole person, and those who saw her were seized with

fear. So they shut her in a room ; and when she prayed to Christ

that she might not be dishonored, she saw before her a shining white

garment, which she put on with joy, and the room was filled with

great light. The son of the prefect, thinking she must be subdued,

now came to her. But he was struck blind, and fell in convulsions.

Agnes, moved by his sufferings and the tears of his friends, prayed

for his recovery, and he was healed. When Sempronius saw this, he

wished to save her; but the people said, "She is a sorceress; let her

die." So she was condemned to be burned; but the flames harmed

her not, while her executioners were consumed by them. Then they

cried out the more, " She is a sorceress : she must die." Then an

executioner was commanded to ascend the pile, and kill her with the

sword. This he did ; and gazing steadfastly towards heaven, she fell

dead upon the pile. She was buried on the Via Nomentana, and the

Christians were accustomed to visit her tomb to weep. But she ap-

peared to them, and forbade that they should sorrow for one who was

happy in heaven. St. Agnes is a favorite saint of the Roman, and,

in general, of young Catholic women. There is one church dedicated

to her, on the Piazza Navona, on the spot where stood the house of

infamy to which she was carried ; and another of great interest be-

yond the Porta Pia, said to have been built by Constantino, at the

request of his daughter, Constantina, to commemorate the burial-

place of St. Agnes. Next to the Evangelists and Apostles, there is

no saint whose images are older than those of St. Agnes. She is

most frequently represented with a lamb. January 21, a. d. 304.

She is one of the four great virgin martyrs of the Latin ChUrch.

St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano. Tiiis saint was remarkable

for her piety from her very infancy. At nine years of age she was

placed in a nunnery, and at fifteen was made prioress of a new con-

vent at Procino, of the Dominican Order. She slept on the ground


with a stone pillow, and lived on bread and water for fifteen years,

until she was obliged to diminish her austerities on account of her

health. At length the people of Monte Pulciano, being desirous that

she should return to her native town, built a convent on a spot where

they had destroyed a lewd house; of which convent St. Agnes became

the superior. She had the gifts of miracles and prophecy, and was

greatly beloved. St. Catherine of Siena made a pilgrimage to the

tomb of St. Agnes with two of her nieces, who took the veil on that

occasion. She is greatly venerated in Tuscany. April 20, a. d. 1317.

St. Alban was the first saint and martyr in England, on which

account the Abbot of St. Alban's had precedence over all others.

This saint was a native of Verulam. He lived in the time of Aure-

lian, and went to Rome. While still an idolater, he was noted for his

hospitality, charity, and many virtues, as well as for his great learn-

ing. When the persecution of Diocletian invaded Britain, St. Alban

gave shelter to a priest, who was the means of his conversion, and

baptized him. When the priest was pursued to his house, St. Alban

put on his long robe and gave himself to the soldiers to save his

guest. He was condemned to death, as he would neither worship idols

nor surrender the priest. He was first tortured, and then led out

for execution. It was necessary to cross the river Coin to reach the

place where he was to suffer. The crowd was great, and the bridge

BO narrow that they could not pass ; but when the saint said a short

prayer, the waters were divided, and all went over dry-shod. W^hen

on the hill of execution, he prayed for water to quench his thirst and

a spring gushed out at his feet. He was beheaded. His burial-place

was forgotten, but disclosed in 793 by a miracle. An angel com-

manded King Offa in a vision that he should find the remains of this

saint, and secure to them the veneration of the people. He found

them at Verulam, and built a church for them, near which arose a

great Benedictine monastery and the town of St. Alban's in Hertford-

shire. His attributes are the sword and a fountain springing at his

feet. June 22, a. d. 305.

St. Albert {Lat. S. Albertus ; Ital. Sant' Alberto) was Bishop of

Vercelli and Patriarch of Jerusalem. He is reverenced as the founder

of the Order of the Carmelites. He was murdered at Acre, whenembarking to attend a coiuicil at Rome. At the cathedral at Cre-

mona is a vessel in which, tradition savs, St. Albert kneiulod bread


for the poor. He is represented in his episcopal robes, and carries

the pahn.

Albertus Magnus, sometimes called Sant' Alberto Magno, was

a teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas, and is represented in art in com-

pany with that saint,

St. Alexander {Ital. Sant' Alessandro; Fr. St. Alexandre).

March 18, a, d. 251. See St. Adelaide.

St. Alexis {Lat. S. Aletius ; Ital. Sant' Alessio ; Fr. St. Alexis;

Ger. Der Heilige Alexius). In the time of Pope Innocent I. and the

Emperor Honorius, there lived on the Gcelian Hill a man of great

rank and wealth, named Euphemian. His wife was called Aglse.

For many years they had no child, and on this account prayed ear-

nestly to God, until at length they had a son, whom they called

Alexis. From his childhood he devoted himself to the service of God,

and wore beneath his rich clothing a shirt of hair, and when in his

own chamber bewailed his sins and those of the whole w^orld, and

made a vow to serve God alone. At length Euphemian selected a

beautiful maiden of noble rank to be the wife of Alexis. When he

saw the loveliness of his bride and remembered his vow, he trembled.

He did not dare to disobey his father, and the wedding was cele-

brated with great pomp. Then Alexis went to the chamber of his

bride, and gave her a gold ring, a girdle of precious stones, and a

purple veil, and bade her farewell, and was seen no more. His

mother and his wife passed their time in the deepest grief, while his

father sent through all the wcH'ld to find him. Alexis, disguised as a

pilgrim, reached the mouth of the Tiber in a small boat, and sailed

from Ostia for Laodicea. Thence he w^ent to Edessa, in Mesopota-

mia, where he dwelt, ministering to the poor and sick, until the peo-

ple called him a saint. Fearing popular favor, he sailed for Tarsus

to pay his devotions to St. Paul. But the vessel in a storm was

driven to Ostia. So, then, Alexis went to his father's house, and

begged that he might live upon his charity. Euphemian, not recog-

nizing him, thought upon his son, that he too might be poor and in

need, and gave orders that he should be provided for. But the ser-

vants ill-treated him, and gave him no lodging but a hole under the

marble steps of the house. But the hardest thing he had to endure

was to hear his wife and mother constantly lamenting for him and

complaining of his absence. By this was he sorely tempted, but he

yielded not. Thus passed many years, till at length he knew that he


Diust die. Then he asked for pen and ink, and wrote an account of

all his life, and put it in his bosom, Kow, on a feast day, as Pope

Innocent was singing high mass, the Emperor Honorius present, and

Euphemian was standing by the latter, a voice cried out, " Seek the

servant of God, who is about to depart from this life, and who shall

pray for Rome." And the people fell on their faces, and another voice

said, ** Where shall we seek himV And the answer was, "In the

house of Euphemian the patrician." So they all went instantly, and

Euphemian led the way ; and as he came near home, they told him

that the beggar had died, and they had laid him on the steps before

the door. When he uncovered the face, it was as the ftice of an angel,

and a great glory of light shone from it. Then he said, " This is the

servant of God, of whom the voice spoke just now." And the pope

took the letter from the dead hand of Alexis, and read it aloud.

The father was overwhelmed with grief. The wife and the mother

rushed out and threw themselves on the dead body. Seven days they

watched beside it, and many sick and infirm were healed by touching

the holy remains of Alexis. He is the patron of pilgrims and beg-

gars, and on the spot where stood his father's house is now the

church of St. Alexis. The marble steps beneath which he lived and

died are preserved in the church ; and a statue of the saint, in the

dress of a pilgrim with a staff beside him, and a letter in his hand,

is extended beneath them. Cardinal Wiseman wrote a charming

drama on the story of St. Alexis, entitled " The Hidden Gem."

July 24, A. D. 400.

St. Alphege was an English nobleman. He was a most holy

man, and was made Archbishop of Canterbury in lOOli. Six years

later the Danes took the city and cathedral of Canterbury. They

l)ut the people to death and burned the city. St. Alphege was kept

seven months in prison, and then stoned to death because he refused

to pay a large ransom for his life. The place where he met his death

was at Greenwich, and the same as that on which the parish church

now stands. It is said that ten years after death his boily was found

entire and incorrupt. It was removed from St. Paul's to the Canter-

bury Cathedral, and enshrined near the high altar. He is represented

with lii.s chaKublo full of stones. April 19, a. D. 1012.

St. Ambrose {Lat. S. Ambrosius ; ItaL Sant' Ambrogio ; Fr.

St. Ambrose ; 6Vr. Dor Heiligo Ambrosius). St. Ambrose is one

of the Fathers of the Church. He was born at Treves, a. d. 340,


and was a son of a prefect of Gaul of the same name. He studied

at Rome, and being at length appointed prefect of Emilia and Ligu-

ria (Piedmont and Genoa), he resided at Milan. He was very elo-

quent ; and the same story that is told of Plato and Archilochus is

told of him,— namely, that when an infant in his cradle a swarm of

bees alighted on his mouth without injuring him. This was thought

to indicate his future eloquence. Shortly after his going to Milan

the bishop died ; and a great dispute arose between the Catliolics and

Arians concerning the succession, when Ambrose by his eloquence

quieted them. In the midst of it a voice like that of a child cried

out, "Ambrose shall be bishop." To this he greatly objected, espe-

cially as he was only a catechumen. But the people would not listen

to this refusal ; and being baptized, in due time he was consecrated

Bishop of Milan. He first gave all his property to the poor, and then

devoted himself to such studies as would fit him for his office. St.

Ambrose was an eloquent advocate of the advantages of celibacy for

both sexes, and of the supremacy of the Church above all other pow-

ers. He had no fear of man, forbidding even the Emperor Theodosius

to enter the Church until he had atoned for his sin in permitting the

massacre of seven thousand men at Thessalonica, by public penance.

He founded the Basilica of Sant' Ambrogio Maggiore at Milan in 387,

and dedicated it to all the saints. He is the patron saint of Milan.

There are many wonderful and miraculous circumstances related in

his life ; and at his death it was said that Christ visited him, and that

he ascended to heaven in the arms of angels. He is represented as

a mitred bishop with the crosier ; sometimes with a beehive at his

feet ; but his usual attribute is a knotted scourge with three thongs.

April 4, A. D. 397.

St. Anastasia {Fr. Ste. Anastasie ; Gr. *Ay. 'kvaa-raairj) . Just

under the Palatine Hill is the church dedicated to this saint, who,

while she has great fame among Greek Christians, was a Roman lady.

She was condemned to the flames in the persecution of Diocletian.

She suffered greatly at the hands of her husband and family because

she openly professed Christianity. St. Chrysogonus (Grisogono) is

chiefly celebrated for his influence over Anastasia and for the courage

with which he inspired her. He was slain by the sword and thrown

into the sea. They are said to have suff'ered at lllyria ; but Anastasia

was buried by ApoUina in her garden, near the Circus Maximus, where



her church now stands. It is said that St. Jerome once celebrated

mass in this church. There is also a beautiful church at Verona

dedicated to St. Anastasia. The church of Chrysogonus in the Tras-

tevere, built in 599, was rebuilt in 1G23 by Scipio Borghese, CardiuaJ

of S:m Griso^^ono. December 25, a. d. 304.

St. Andrea of Corsini was born in 1302. He was of the Cor-

sini family of Florence. He was extremel}^ wild until he was sixteen

years old, when his mother, in despair, told him of a dream which

she had before his birth, in which she dreamed of giving birth to

a wolf; but this wolf on entering a church was changed to a lamb.

This greatly affected Andrea, and he went to a Carmelite church to

pray, where such a change was begun in him that at seventeen he

became a friar. He was Bishop of Fiesole. The Florentines attrib-

uted to the protection of this saint their victory of the battle of

Anghiari. Februarj' 4, a. d. 1373.

St. Andrew (^Lat. S. Andreas; Ital. Sant' Andrea ; Fr. St. Andre;

Gr. "Ay. "Ai/^pctti). St. Andrew was the first called to be an Apostle.

He "was the brother of Simon Peter. Very little is said of him

in Scripture. Legends tell that he travelled into Scythia, Cappa-

docia, and Bithynia, and converted multitudes by his preaching.

The Russians believe that he preached to the Muscovites in Sarmatia.

He returned to Jerusalem, and after visiting Greece came to Pati-as,

a city of Achaia. Here, among many others, he converted Maximilla,

wife of iEgeus, the proconsul. He also persuaded her to make a

public confession, which so enraged her husband that he condemned

St. Andrew to be scourged and crucified. There is a variet}^ of opin-

ions as to the form of the cross on which he suffered ; but the one

called by his name is generally believed to be like, that on which he

died. It is said that he was fjistened with cords rather than nails.

When he approached his cross, he venerated it as having been sanc-

tified by Jesus. He was gloriously triumphant in his death. In the

fourth century a part of the relics of St. Andrew were taken to Scot-

land, since which time he has been the patron saint of that country

and of its first order of knighthood. He is the patron of the Order

of the Golden Fleece of Burgundy, as well as of Russia, and of its

great order of the Cross of St. Andrew. He is represented leaning

on his cross, the Gospel in his hand ; his Imir and beard are silvery

white, and his beard divided. November 30, a. d. 70.


St. Angelus, the Carmelite, c^me from the East, and preached

in Palermo and Messina. There was a certain Count Berenger, who

led an openly shameful life with his own sister. Being rebuked by

Angelo, he commanded him to be hung upon a tree and shot with

arrows. The legend, and in fact the very existence of this saint, have

been disputed ; but pictures said to represent him are seen at Bologna.

May 5, A. D. 1225.

St. Anianus, or Annianus. In the Acts of St. Mark we are

told that this saint was a shoemaker whom St. Mark healed when

he first entered the city of Alexandria. He became so zealous a

convert, and learned so rapidly, that St. Mark made him bishop

during his absence. He governed the church at Alexandria four

years with St. Mark, and eighteen years after his death. There was

a church in that city dedicated to him. April 25, a. d. 86.

St. Anna, the mother of the Blessed Virgin, whose name signi-

fies " gracious," is much honored in the Church, and numerous miracles

have been attributed to her intercession. About 550 Justinian I.

built a church at Constantinople, and dedicated it to St. Anna. Her

body was removed from Palestine to Constantinople in 710. July 26.

See St. Joachim.

St. Ansano of Siena. This saint was a Roman, Ansanus Tran-

quillinus. His nurse, a Christian woman, named Maxima, had him

secretly baptized. His faith was not disclosed until he was nineteen

years old, when he began to preach with great success. He suffered

much during the persecution of Diocletian, and was at last beheaded

on the banks of the river Arbia. St. Ansano w^as, until the end of

the thirteenth century, the great patron of Siena; and there is, in the

Duomo of that city, a fine statue representing him as baptizing the

Sienese converts.

St. Anthony {Ftal. Sant' Antonio Abbate, or I'Eremita ; Fr.

St. Antoine I'Abbe ; Ger. Der Heilige Anton, or Antonius). St.

Anthony, an Egyptian, was born at Alexandria. At eighteen

years of age he was left an orphan, with one sister. He had great

rank and wealth. Thoughtful from childhood, he feared the tempta-

tions of the world. Entering a church one day, he heard these

words :" Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or

sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for myname's sake, shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall inherit ever-


lasting life;" and at another time, ''If thoa wilt be perfect, go,

sell all thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have

treasure in heaven." lie was so impressed by these things that

he took them as a warning from God. He divided his wealth

with his sister, gave all his share to the poor, and joined a

company of hermits in the desert. Here he lived so pure a life

as to arouse the hatred of Satan, who sent demons to tempt and

torment him. They whispered to him of all he had left be-

hind, and pictured before his mind the attractions of the world.

But he prayed until great drops stood on his brow, and the

demons despaired. They then placed delicious food before him,

and, assuming the forms of lovely women, tempted him to sin.

Again he resisted all their arts with prayer; but he suffered so

much that he determined to go yet farther into the desert, and

he found a cave where he thought Satan could not discover him.

But here the demons came, and tortured him with all kinds of

horrible pains, and tore him with their claws, till a hermit who

carried him food found him lying as if dead. He bore him to his

cell ; but as soon as Anthony revived, he insisted upon returning

to his cave, and when there he cried out, " Ha ! thou arch tempter


didst thou think I had fled 1 Lo, here I am again ; I, Anthony !

I have strength to combat still!

" Then was Satan furious, and

he set his demons to try all their powers to overcome him. They

surrounded him with lions, tigers, serpents, scorpions, and all the

horrible shapes they could conceive, and they were roaring and hiss-

ing all around him. But in the midst of all this came a great light

from heaven, and the beasts vanished ; while Anthony, looking up,

cried out, " Lord Jesus Christ ! where wert thou in those mo-

ments of anguish?" And Christ said gently, "Anthony, I was here

beside thee, and rejoiced to see thee contend and overcome. Be of

go(jd heart ; for I will make thy name famous through all the world."

Then he resolved to go even farther into the desert. As ho trav-

elled he saw heaps of gold and silver, but ho knew they were the

temptations of Satan; and when he looked away, they disappeared

in the air. Ho was now thirty-five years old, when he shut himself

in a cavern for twenty years, and saw no one, neither was he seen

of any ; but when he came forth, all could see that ho had been

miraculously sustained, for he was not wasted or changed, except


that his hair was white and his beard long. And now he preached

the love of God to all men; comforted the sick and afilicted, and

expelled demons, over whom he had gained great power. Multitudes

were converted and came to the desert, until there were five thou-

sand hermits in the caves and ancient tombs, and St. Anthony did

many miracles. At length, when he had lived in the desert seventy-

five years, he began to be proud of his life of self-denial, and a voice

said to him in a vision, " There is one holier than thou art, for Paul

the hermit has served God in solitude and penance for ninety years."

So he resolved to seek Paul ; and as he journeyed he met a centaur,

who pointed the way to him ; and again a satyr, who besought him

to pray for him and his people. The third day he came to the cave

of Paul. At first Paul would not receive him ; but at length, moved

by his prayers and tears, he admitted him. Then they held com-

munion together ; and as they sat, a raven brought them a loaf of

bread, when Paul blessed God and said, " For sixty years, every

day, hath this raven brought me half a loaf; but because thou art

come, my brother, lo ! the portion is doubled, and we are fed as

Elijah was fed in the wilderness." And they ate and returned

thanks. Then Paul said, " My brother ! God hath sent thee here

that thou mightest receive my last breath and bury me. Go,

return to thy dwelling; bring here the cloak which was given to

thee by that holy Bishop Athanasius, wrap me in it, and lay me in

the earth." Then Anthony wondered, for the gift of the cloak was

unknown to all. But he kissed Paul, and hastened to bring the

cloak; for he feared he should not reach him again before his death.

Eeturning, when he was about three hours from his cave he heard

heavenly music, and looking up saw the spirit of Paul, as a star,

borne by prophets, apostles, and angels to heaven. Then Anthony

lamented, and went with haste to the cave where Paul was dead,

in the attitude of prayer. Then he wept ov^er him and recited the

office for the dead, and he thought how he could bury him, for he

had not strength to dig a grave. Then came two lions across the

desert, roaring as if in sympathy, and with their paws they dug a

grave, in which Anthony laid Paul, wrapped in the cloak of Atha-

nasius. When he had returned to the convent, he told all these

things, which were believed by the whole Church, and Paul was

canonized. Fourteen years after, Anthony, being one hundred and


four years old, felt that he must soon die ; and after going to a

lonely place with a few brethren, he charged them that they should

keep secret the place of his burial. Gently his spirit passed away,

and angels conveyed it to heaven. St. Anthony is represented

with various attributes. He wears a monk's habit, as the founder

of Monuchism. In Greek pictures the letter is on the cope on

the left shoulder, and always in blue. It is the first letter of ©co'?,

God. The crutch is a symbol of his age and feebleness. The bell

signifies his power to exorcise evil spirits, as a bell which has been

blessed is used in exorcisms. The asperges, or rod for sprinkling

holy water, is a symbol of the same idea. The hog represents the

sensuality and appetites which he conquered. Flames of fire under

his feet, or a city or house burning, signify that he is a protector

against fire in this world and the next also. Paul is represented as

old, meagre, half clothed in palm-leaves, his hair long and white,

seated on a rock in meditation, and a palm-tree near him. St.

Anthony, January 17, a. d. 357.

St. Antonio, Archbishop of Florence, was a native of Florence.

He was born about 1384. His thoughtfulness and studiousness

caused his friends to regard him as fitted for a religious life. He

went to Fiesole, and asked admission to the Dominican Convent at

fifteen. The prior, after talking with him, told him that when he

had learned perfectly the Book of Decrees, he would receive him.

This he did in one year, and then was sent to Cortona to pass his

novitiate in study. He took his vows at Fiesole, and there formed a

tender attachment to the wonderful painter-monk, Fra Giovanni,

called II Beato and Angelico. It is believed that the great learning

of Antonio was of advantage to the heavenly mind of Angelico, and

that their communion was not without its effects upon the latter's

pictures. The Archbishop of Florence dying, the pope wished to

give the office to Angelico ; but he begged that Antonio should

have it instead, which the pope granted. This greatly pleased the

Florentines, as he was not only much beloved, but a native of their

city. He died at the age of seventy, thirteen years after he was

made archbishop, during wliich time ho was distinguished for his

"wisdom and holiness. He is always represented as an archbishop,

and wears the pallium over the habit of the Dominicans. May 10,

A. D. 1461.


St. Antony of Padua {Lat. S. Antonius Thaumaturgus


Ital. Sant' Antonio di Padova, II Santo ; Sp. San Antonio de Padua,

Sol brillante de la Iglesia, Gloria de Portugal, etc.). This saint was

a Portuguese by birth. He became a Franciscan, and stands in

that order next to its founder. After the martyrdom of the first

missionaries in Morocco, Antony determined to be himself a mis-

sionary and martyr, and went to convert the Moors. But he was

seized with an illness that compelled him to return to Europe. Hewas driven by the winds to Italy, and came to Assisi, where St. Francis

was holding the first chapter of his order. St. Francis found him a

valuable assistant, and he preached at the universities of Padua, Bo-

logna, Paris, and Toulouse, but at length he preached to the people.

He did much good in Italy as a preacher. His imagination was vivid,

and his language effective. His similes were very beautiful. Hedied at thirty-six, after a ministry of ten years. Great honors have

been paid his memory, and the church of Sant' Antonio at Padua is

wonderfully rich in adornments of both ancient and modern art. Heperformed many miracles, which are represented in pictures in various

churches and convents, especially in Italy and Spain. One of these is

thus related. When preaching at the funeral of a very rich man, he

denounced his Ipve of money, and exclaimed, "His heart is buried in

his treasure-chest;go seek it there, and you will find it." The

friends of the man broke open the chest, and to their surprise found

the heart; they then examined his body, and found that his heart was

indeed wanting. His attributes are the lily and crucifix. He is young,

and wears the habit and cord of St. Francis. June 13, a. d. 1231.

St. Apollinaris of Ravenna {Ital. Sant' Apollinare ; Fr. St.

ApoUinaire). This saint came with the Apostle Peter from Antioch

to Rome; and Peter, having laid hands on him, sent him to preach in

the east of Italy. He became the first Bishop of Ravenna, and per-

formed such miracles, and so preached, as to convert multitudes. At

length he was seized and imprisoned. His jailer allowed him to es-

cape ; but his enemies pursued him, beat him, and wounded him so

that he died. The Basilica of Apollinaris-in-Classe is on the spot

where he was martyred. July 23, a. d. 79.

St. Apollonia of Alexandria {Fr. Ste. ApoUino). The parents

of Apollonia were heathens, and had no children, though they con-

stantly prayed the gods to grant them a child. Her father was a


magistrate. At length there came three pilgrims to Alexandria,

begging in the name of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin. The wife of

the magistrate, hearing tliem, asked if the Virgin could grant her

prayer for a child. Being told of her great power, she gave the pil-

grims food and money, and, full of faith, invoked Mary's intercession,

who answered the prayer by the birth of Apollonia. She was very

beautiful ; and as her mother constantly told her the story of her birth,

she grew up a Christian, and sought St. Leontine that he might baptize

her. As soon as he did so, an angel appeared with a garment daz-

zlingly white, which he threw over her, saying, "This is Apollonia,

the servant of God ! Go now to Alexandria and announce the faith

of Christ." She obeyed, and converted many; but others accused her

to her father, who gave her to the heathen governor. He commanded

her to worship the idol of the city. But she made the sign of the

cross before the idol, and commanded its demon to depart. The de-

mon broke the statue and fled, crying, " The holy virgin Apollonia

drives me forth." Then they bound her to a column, and drew her

teeth out one by one with pincers, and then, kindling a fire, they

burned her. She is the protector against toothache, and all diseases

of the teeth. Her attributes are a pair of pincers with a tooth, and

the palm ; sometimes a golden tooth suspended on her neck-chaio.

February 9, a. d. 250.

St. Athanasius {Gr. "Ay. *A0ava(rio<5 ; Lat, S. Athanasius, Pater

OrthodoxiiC ; Ital. Sant' Atanasio ; Fr. St. Athanase). This saint,

best known by the creed which bears his name, was an xYlexandrian,

and a pupil of St. Anthony. He first studied science and litera-

ture ; and, being converted, he was ordained deacon. His oppo-

sition to Arius at the Council of Nice gained for him the title of the

" Father of Orthodoxy." He became Bishop of Alexandria, and dur-

ing the great heresy of his age materially aided by his perseverance

in the victory of the Catholic Church. He was bishop forty-six

years, but he was in exile during twenty years of that time. ^lay

2, A.D. 373.

St. Augustine, or St. Austin {Lat. S. Augustinus ; Ital. Sant'

Agostino ; J'r. St. Augustin). The father of St. Augustine was a

heathen ; his mother, Monica, was a Christian. He was born in

Tagaste, Xumidia. In his youth he was so devoted to pleasure that

hia mother feared the destruction of his character, and in her sorrow


sought advice of the Bishop of Carthage. He comforted her with

the assurance that her prayers would be answered at last. At length

Augustine went to Rome, and became famous as a lawyer. But he

was restless and unhappy. He went to Milan, and was there con-

verted by the preaching of St. Ambrose, who baptized him in the

presence of his mother. The " Te Deum," it is thought, was com-

posed for this occasion. St. Augustine and St. Ambrose recited it

as they approached the altar. He was Bishop of Hippo ; and after

thirty-five years Hippo was besieged by the Vandals, and St. Augustine

perished at the age of seventy-five. It is said that his remains were

removed to Pavia. He was the third doctor of the Church, and his

writings are celebrated. One of the scenes in his life most fre-

quently illustrated in art is that of a vision, related by himself, and

which he saw while writing his Discourse on the Trinity. He was

walking on the sea-shore, lost in meditation on his great theme, when

he saw a little child bringing water and endeavoring to fill a hole

which he had dug in the sand. Augustine asked him the motive of

his labors. The child said he intended to empty all the water of the

sea into this cavity. " Impossible," exclaimed St. Augustine. "Not

more impossible," answered the child, " than for thee, Augustine,

to explain the mystery on which thou art now meditating." He is

the patron of theologians and learned men. August 28, a. d. 430.

St. Augustine of Canterbury is believed to have introduced the

Benedictine Order into England. He was sent from Rome as mission-

ary to Britain, by St. Gregory. Fearing the dangers represented to

exist in England at that time, he and his companions were seized with

dread, and Augustine went to beg the pope to recall his command.

This Gregory refused to do. He made Augustine bishop over those

who should be converted. They landed in Kent, where there was

great hatred of Christianity ; but Queen Bertha was a Christian, and

for her sake King Ethelbert permitted them to enter Canterbury,

which they did, singing praises, and carrying the image of Christ.

Ethelbert and his people became Christians, and were baptized in a

little chapel which Bertha had built near Canterbury, and, being a

French princess, had dedicated to Martin of Tours. St. Augustine

desired greatly to see the ancient Britons, Christians whom the Eng-

lish had driven into the mountain regions of Wales, reclaimed from

certain abuses which had crept in among them. He also wanted their


assistance in his missionary work among the English. But the Brit-

ons' hatred of their oppressors sadly obstructed St. Augustine's pious

and pacific wishes. In virtue of his authority as Papal Legate, he

visited all the British bishops ; and these willingly responded to his

invitation to a conference at Ausric, on the edge of Worcestershire,

near Herefordshire, a place later called Augustine's Oak. Augus-

tine required of them aid in converting the pagan English ; con-

formity to the custom of the Universal Church as to the time of

celebrating Easter, and as to the manner of administering baptism.

These things they refused, because of their hatred of their national

enemies. Whereupon St. Augustine prophesied that "if they would

not preach to the English the way of life, they would fall by their

hands under the judgment of death." This prediction was ful-

filled after the death of St. Augustine, when Ethilfrid, king of the

pagan Northern English, mightily overthrew the Britons at Chester,

and slew twenty-two hundred of the British monks of Bangor, who

prayed in sight of the battle-field for the victory of their countrymen.

Those who account St. Augustine instigator of this massacre, which

took place years after his death, know not his tender charit}^ whose

only weapons against sinners w^ere prayers for their conversion. Heshould be represented in the Benedictine habit, with the staff and the

Gospel, or as bishop with pallium, cope, and mitre, a. d. 604.

St. Balbina was the daughter of the prefect Quirinus, and dis-

covered the lost chains of St. Peter. The church dedicated to her

at Rome is very ancient. She is represented veiled, with chains in

her hand or near her.

St. Barbara (Ttal. Santa Barbara ; Fr. Ste. Barbe). This

saint was of the East, and daughter of Dioscorus, who dwelt in Heli-

opolis. He was rich and noble, and loved his only daughter so fondly

that he shut her up in a high tower lest she should attract suitors

by her beauty. Here she passed her time in study, and while watch-

ing the wonders and beauties of the heavens, felt that the idols could

not be gods, or the creators of the world. But she had heard of no

other God. At length the fame of Origen reached her from Alexan-

dria, and she sent him a letter by a trusty servant, asking that he

should teach her. He sent a disciple disguised as a physician, who

instructed her, and, after her conversion, baptized her. Her father

had set workmen to make a bathroom in her tower ; and when they


had made two windows, she desired them to add another. They

were afraid to do this, but she insisted ; and w^hen her father asked

the cause, she said, " Know, my father, that through three windows

doth the soul receive light, — the Father, the Son, and the Holy

Ghost ; and the three are one." Then her father would have killed

her with his sword ; but she fled to the top of the tower, and angels

concealed her and bore her away to a place of safety. A shepherd

betrayed where she was hidden, and her father dragged her by the

hair and put her in a dungeon. He then delivered her to the pro-

consul Marcian, who scourged and tortured her, but she did not

yield ; and at last her father carried her to a mountain near the city,

and himself beheaded her. Immediately a great tempest arose, and

the lightning entirely consumed the father. St. Barbara is the

patroness of Ferrara, Mantua, and Guastala ; also of fortifications

and fire-arms, as well as of armorers and gunsmiths. She is also

invoked as a protector against lightning and the explosions of

gunpowder. A tower with three windows is her peculiar attribute.

She also has the book, palm, and sword. She is further invoked by

all who desire the sacraments of the Church in their dying hours.

December 4, a. d. 303.

St. Barnabas {Ital. San Barnaba ; Fr. St. Barnabe). Thename of Apostle is also given this saint ; and if not fully entitled

to it, he is at least next in holiness to the Apostles with whom he

labored. He was a native of Cyprus, — a Levite, and a cousin of

St. Mark. He labored with Paul at Antioch and Lystra ; and the

legends tell us that he was of so noble a presence that he was called

Jupiter, while Paul was styled Mercurius. At length, on account of

aMifference concerning Mark, they separated ; and Barnabas preached

in Italy as well as in Asia Minor and Greece, and it is said he was

the first Bishop of Milan. Tradition says he preached from the

Gospel of St. Matthew, written by the Evangelist himself, which he

carried always with him, and that it had power to heal the sick

when laid upon their bosoms. He was at last seized by the Jews

and cruelly martyred, while preaching in Jud?ea. Mark and other

Christians buried him, and in the time of the Emperor Zeno his

resting-place was revealed in a vision to Antemius. He was found

with the Gospel in his bosom. This was taken to Constantinople,

and a church was built under the invocation of the saint. June 11.


St. Bartholomew {Lat. S. Bartholoineus ; Ital. San Bartolomeo;

Ft. 8t. liartliclemi). The origin of this saint is doubtful, it being

disputed whether he were the son of a prince, Ptolomeus, or of a

hushiindman. After the ascension of our Lord, he travelled through

India, carrying the Gospel of St. Matthew. He preaclied in Armeniaand CiHcia. He suffered a horrible death at Albanopolis, being first

flayed, and then crucitied. His attribute is a large knife. Some-times lie has his own skin hanging over his arm. August 24.

St. Basil the Great (6V. "Ay. /Jao-iAeios ; Lot. S. Basilius Magnus


ItaL Sun Basilio Magno ; Fr. St. Basile). This saint is the second

in honor in the Greek Church, as well as the founder of the Basilians,

almost the only monastic order known in that church ; for the Order

of St. Anthou}' has but a few houses at Sinai and Lebanon, and bythe shores of the lied Sea. He was born at Csesarea, in Cappadocia,

in 328, and was of a family of great sanctity,— his grandmother,

father, mother, two brothers, and a sister all being saints. He wrote

many theological works. He attributes his early education to his

grandmother, St. Macrina. He studied at Constantinople and at

Athens, where he was associated with both St. Gregory of Nazianzen

and with Julian, afterwards the Apostate. His great talents at one

time so aroused his pride that but for the influence of St. Macrina,

his sister, he would have perilled his salvation. He was then about

twenty-eight, and after this gave himself entirely to religion, — pass-

ing some years in the desert as a hermit, where he lost his health,

from the austerity of his living. He was made a priest in 362, and

eight years after Bishop of Cicsarea. The 14th of June, the day of

his ordination, is a great feast in the Greek Church. He lived with

the same abstinence on the throne as in the desert. He vigorously

opposed the Arian heresy ; and when the Emperor Valcns required

him to communicate religiously with the Arians, he refused. The

emperor threatened him, even with death, without effect. At length

he thought to awe Basil by coming to church in great state, with all

his court and soldiers. It was on the day of the E[)iphrtny. Instead

of overawing the saint, he was himself overawed by the piety of the

congregation and the angelic devotion of the great bishop. The em-

peror afterwards conferred with Basil ; and though he remained un-

converted, he made some concessions to the Catholics. It is related

of Basil, as of two other saints, that while he preached, the Holy


Ghost, in the form of a white dove, rested on his shoulder, to inspire

his words. June 14, a. d. 380.

St. Bavon (Flem. St. Bavo, or St. Baf ; Ital. San Bavone). Hewas born a noble-man ; some authorities claim, Duke of Brabant. Hewas converted from idolatry by St. Amand of Belgium, first Bishop

of Maestricht. Bavon was then nearly fifty years old, a widower, and

had led a dissipated life. He gave all his riches in charitj'-, and was

placed by St. Amand in a monastery in Ghent ; but he left that, and

lived a hermit in the forest of Malmedun. His shelter was a hollow

tree, and he subsisted on herbs. It is related of him, that after

becoming a Christian he met one who had been his slave and cruelly

treated. Bavon besought him to bind and beat him, and cast himin prison, as he had formerly done to him. This was of course re-

fused ; but the saint so insisted that finally it was done, and while

in prison he passed his time in doing penance for his former sins.

He is the patron of Ghent and Haerlem. His attribute is a falcon;

he is sometimes represented as a hermit, and sometimes in his ducal

robes. October 1, a. d. 657.

St. Bede the Venerable was born at Jarrow, in Northumber-

land, in 673. He was eminent for his learning and piety, and some

even thought him superior in eloquence to St. Gregory. He died

dictating the last words of a translation of the Gospel of St. John.

He was called *' the Venerable," and was known by this name at a

Council at Aix-la-Chapelle. There is a legendary account of the way

in which he received this title. It says that, his scholars wishing to

put an inscription on his tombstone, one of them wrote :—

" Hac sunt in fossa

Bedse ossa,"

leaving the blank as above, because no suitable word occurred to him.

He fell asleep thinking of it ; and when he awoke, " venerabilis " had

been inserted by an angel's band. There are other ways of account-

ing for the title, but this is the favorite one. Bede's works are extant,

and his " Ecclesiastial History " is the only authentic record we have

of the early English Church. May 27, a. d. 735.

Bel and the Dragon. "When Cyrus was King of Babylon, and

Daniel was his friend, and gi'eatly honored by him, the Babylonians

had an idol called Bel, to whom were given every day " twelve great

measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and six vessels of wine." And


the number of the priests who attended him were threescore and ten,

and they had wives and children. Now Cyrus worshipped Bel, but

Daniel worshipped his own God ; and when Cyrus demanded the

reason of this, Daniel replied that he could not " worship idols made

with hands, but the living God," who had created all men and the

world in which they lived. Then Cyrus asked Daniel if Bel were not

living, and reminded him of how much he ate and drank every day.

Then said Daniel, " king, be not deceived ; for this is but clay

within and brass without, and did never eat nor drink anything." So

the king was wroth, and said to the priests, ** If ye tell me not who

this is that devoureth these expenses, ye shall die. But if ye can

certify me that Bel devoureth them, then Daniel shall die : for he

hath spoken blasphemy against Bel." And Daniel replied, " Let it

be according to thy word." Then the priests said to the king, "Lowe go out, but thou, king, set on the meat, and make ready the

wine, and shut the door fast, and seal it with thine own signet ; and

to-morrow when thou comest in, if thou findest not that Bel hath

eaten up all, we will suffer death ; or else Daniel, that speaketh

falsely against us." Now they did this because they had an entrance

which was hidden under the table, and by that they could go out

and in as they liked. Then the king set the food before Bel, as the

priests had said ; and Daniel commanded the servants to bring ashes,

and he strewed them upon the floor ; and when all was ready they

closed the temple, and the king sealed it with his own seal. Then in

the night the priests came with their wives and children, as they

were accustomed to do, and consumed all that had been provided.

Now in the morning the king came with Daniel, and they found the

seals whole, and they broke them and went in. And when the king

saw that the food was gone, he cried out, *' Great art thou, Bel, and

with thee is no deceit at all!

" Then Daniel laughed, and said to the

king, "Behold now the pavement, and mark well whose footsteps are

these," So when the king saw the footsteps of men, women, and

children, he was angry, and took the priests with their wives and

children, and these showed him the door where they had gone in and

out. Then the king slew them, and gave the idol Bel to Daniel, and

he destroyed both the god and his temple. Now in the same place

was a great dragon, which was also worshij)j)ed by tlio Babylonians;

and the king said to Daniel, '' Wilt thou also say tliat this is of brass 1


Lo, he livethj he eateth and drinketh : thou canst not say that he is

no living God ; therefore, worship him." But Daniel declared that he

would not worship him, and that he could slay him without sword or

stave. And the king gave him leave. Then Daniel took pitch and

fat and hair, and made lumps of it, and put them in the dragon's

mouth, until he burst asunder. Then the people were filled with

indignation, and they came to the king, and demanded that he should

deliver Daniel to them, or they would destroy him and his house.

Then the king, being sore pressed, gave up Daniel, and they threw

him into the lions' den, where he remained six days. Now there

were seven lions in the den, and each day they had given them two

carcasses and two sheep, but now they gave them nothing, so that

they might devour Daniel. There was in Judsea a prophet whose

name was Habakkuk ; and he had made him a mess of pottage, and

had put bread in a bowl, and was about to give it to the reapers in

the field ; but the angel of the Lord came to him, and commanded

that he should carry it to Babylon, and give it to Daniel, who was in

the lions' den. Tlien Habakkuk said, " Lord, I never saw Babylon;

neither do I know where the den is." Then the angel of the Lord

took Habakkuk by the hair of his head, and set him in Babylon over

the lions' den ; and Habakkuk cried, saying, " Daniel, Daniel,

take the dinner which God hath sent thee." Then Daniel thanked

God that he had not left him to perish, and arose, and ate the food

which the prophet had brought, and the angel set Habakkuk again in

his own place. Now, upon the seventh day, the king came to the den

to bewail Daniel, and he found him alive. Then cried the king, " Great

art thou, Lord God of Daniel, and there is none other beside thee."

Then he took Daniel out of the den, and cast in those who had

accused him, and they were devoured in a moment, before his face.

St. Benedict {Hal. San Benedetto; Fr. St. Benoit ; Sp. San

Benito). This saint was the founder, the patriarch, and the first

abbot of the great order of the Benedictines. He was of noble birth,

and a native of Norcia, in the duchy of Spoleto. He studied at

Rome, but soon wearied of the profligacy of those about him ; and

imbibing the ideas of St. Jerome and St. Augustine in favor of soli-

tude^ at fifteen he became a hermit. His nurse, who loved himextremely, followed him into his retirement, and ministered as muchas possible to his comfort. But he, regarding this as a drawback to


perfect holiness, fled from her to Subiaco, a wilderness forty miles

from Rome. Here he lived for three years, entirely unknown, except

to Romano, another hermit, who shared with him his bread andwater. Here he was greatly tempted by the recollections of the

world he had left, and especially, at one time, by the remembrance of

a beautiful woman he had seen at Rome, when, to overcome his great

desire to return to her, he flung himself into a thicket of briers andthorns, and rolled himself therein until he was torn and bleeding.

At tlie monastery of Subiaco they show roses, said to have been pro-

pagated from these briers. The fame of his sanctity at last brought

great crowds to him, who begged his prayers, and that he would heal

their diseases ; and a company of hermits near by requested that hewould be their head. But when they saw the severity of his life,

they attempted to poison him. When he made the sign of the cross

before the poisoned cup, it fell to the ground in fragments. He then

returned to his cave and again dwelt alone. But so many hermits

came to Subiaco and lived in huts and caves, that at length, for the

sake of order, Benedict commanded them to build twelve monasteries,

and he placed twelve monks in each. Two senators of Rome brought

to him their sons, Maurus and Placidus, to be educated as Christians.

They were but twelve and five years of age, and they became the

special charge of Benedict. But Satan, much troubled at all this,

put it into the heart of a priest, Florentius, to traduce the character

of St. Benedict, and to poison him with a loaf of bread. These plans

ftxiling, he at last brought seven young women into one of the monas-

teries to try the chastity of the monks. Then Benedict left Subiaco,

and immediately Florentius was crushed to death beneath a falling

gallery in his own house, Benedict even wept for his fate, and im-

posed a penance on Maurus when he rejoiced at it. There still re-

mained at this time, on Monte Cassino, a temple of Apollo. Thither

Benedict went, and by his miracles and ])reaching converted the

idolaters, so that they broke the statue and altar, and burnt the

grove. The saint then built up two chapels, and dedicated them to

St. John the Baptist and St. Martin of Tours. On the summit of this

mountain he founded the monastery which has always been regarded

as tlje parent of all otiiers of the Benedictine Order. Hence he

])roinulgated the rules of his order. His sister Scholastica followed

him to Monte Cassino, and he visited her once a year during the last


years of his life. In 540 Totila, King of the Goths, visited Benedict,

and entreated his blessing. The saint reproved him for his past life,

and it was tliought that after this the Goth was less ferocious. Be-

fore his death monasteries of his order were instituted in all parts of

Europe. He was at last seized with fever, and on the sixth day he

ordered his grave to be dug, and after standing upon the edge of it,

supported by his disciples, and in silent contemplation, he was borne

to the altar of the church, and receiving the last sacraments there

died. March 21, a. d. 543.

St. Benedict of Anian (Fr. St. Benoit d'Aniane). This saint

was page and cup-bearer at the court of Pepin-le-Bref, and a distin-

guished commander in the army of Charlemagne. He was born at

Maguelonne, in Languedoc, and his original name is unknown. Hehad an extremely narrow escape from drowning, after which he en-

tered on a religious life. He w^ent first to the abbey of St. Seine ; but

disapproving of the habits of the monks, he dwelt a hermit on the

banks of the Anian. At length, a number of hermits having joined

him, he founded a Benedictine monastery, with great severity of rule.

He was called to Aix-la-Chapelle by Louis-le-Debonnaire. Here he

founded another monastery. He presided at a council for the refor-

mation of the monastic orders. William, Duke of Aquitaine, was a

great warrior, and had vanquished the Saracens in the south of

France. He was converted by St. Benedict, and built a monastery,

in which he lived and died a monk. St. Benedict conferred upon

William the monk's habit. February 12, a. d. 821.

Benedict, Bennet Biscop, or St. Bennet of Wearmouth,did much for art as well as for piety in England. He was of a noble

Northumbrian family. He founded the monasteries of St. Peter's at

Wearmouth and St. Paul's at Jarrow. He had a cultivated taste,

and went five times to France and Italy. He brought to England

stone-warkers and glaziers to introduce a new style of building. Hebrought, too, many books and pictures, and also a certain John,

Abbot of San Martino, who was a teacher of music, and who intro-

duced chanting into English cathedrals. St. Bennet wrote many

books of instruction for monks, and died at an advanced age, cele-

brated for piety and munificence. January 12, a. d. 703.

St. Benno is noted especially for his connection with the Em-

peror Henry lY. He was a German Benedictine, and Bishop of



Meissen; and when Henry, after being excommunicated, attempted

to enter the cathedral, Benno locked the doors and threw the key

into the river Elbe. He then went to Rome. On his return to Meis-

sen, he ordered a fisherman to cast his net into the river, and a

fish was taken, in which was found the key. His proper attribute is

a fish with a key in its mouth.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Lat. S. Bernardus, Doctor melli-

fluus ; Ital. San Bernardo di Chiaravalle, Abbate ; Ger. Der Heilige

Bernhard ; Fr. St. Bernard) was a man of great power and impor-

tance. He was born in 1190, at Fontaine, near Dijon. He was the

son of a noble ; and his mother, Alice, was a remarkable woman.

She had a large number of children, all of whom she nursed at her

own breast, as she believed that infants imbibe with the milk the

temperament of the nurse. According to all authorities she gave

her son his early education. From the age of fifteen he practised

great self-denial, and from it his health suffered. He had great per-

sonal beauty. After studying at the University of Paris, he entered,

at twenty, the Benedictine monastery of Citeaux. He resisted all

temptations ; and it is related of him that, finding himself gazing on

a beautiful woman with a feeling of pleasure, he rushed into a half-

frozen pool and remained there until nearly frozen himself. The

abbey of Citeaux became so crowded that Bernard was sent at

twenty-five to found another monastery. He went with twelve com-

panions to what was then called the " Valley of Wormwood," and

there founded the abbey of Clairvaux. In a few years Bernard

became famous, and his abbey very much crowded. He was con-

sidered an authority in matters of law as well as of religion. Hewas judge between Anacletus and Innocent II., deciding in favor of

tlic latter, to the satisfiiction of the whole Church. He also reconciled

the disputes between the clergy of Milan and Rome. He preached

a second Crusade, succeeded in rousing the people to great enthu-

siasm, and was invited to assume the command. He was also the

adversary of Abelard and Arnold de Brescia. St. Bernard is one of

tlie Fathers of the Church. In his writings he sets forth with great

power the perfections of the Blessed Virgin, especially in the " Missus

Est ;" and it was believed that she a])pearod to him twice : once, when

ill and unable to write, she restored him by her presence ; and again

she moistened his lips with the milk of her bosom, so that his


eloquence was irresistible. His health suffered greatly from his labors

and fasts, and he died at sixty-three. His attributes are the demon

fettered behind him ; three mitres on his book or at his feet, emblems

of three bishoprics which he refused ; the beehive, a symbol of elo-

quence. The mitre and crosier, as Abbot of Clairvaux, are given him

but rarely. August 20, a. d. 1153.

St. Bernard of Menthon was by birth a noble Savoyard. In

his youth he was serious and studious, showing such traits of charac-

ter as indicated a religious vocation. His father wished him to marry


but he preferred to study, and put himself under the teaching of

Peter, Archdeacon of Aoust. In 966 Bernard was made archdeacon,

which was at that time a responsible and laborious office, as its duties

comprised the whole government of the diocese. By great devotion

and constant preaching for forty-two years, he did much good in the

dioceses of Aoust, Sion, Geneva, Tarantaise, Milan, and Novara. He

destroyed an idol on a mountain in the Walais, and exposed the

deception of the heathen priests. He founded two roads and two

monastic hospitals, the Great and Little St. Bernard, the former of

which was near the site of the heathen idol before spoken of. At these

hospitals the monks, assisted by their dogs, search out and care for

travellers who are lost in the passes of the mountains, where the

storms are severe and the cold intense. St. Bernard died at Xovara,

at eighty-five years of age. His body is in the monastery at Novara,

and his head is shown in a rich case at the monastery of Monte-Joye,

in the diocese of Aoust. May 28, a. d. 1008.

St. Bernardino da Feltri shares the honor of having founded

the " Monts-de-Piete." He was a most eloquent man, and preached

at the church of Santa Croce in Florence, against Jews and usurers,

and on the necessity that the poor should be protected from them.

It is certain that the two Bernardinos labored in this matter, but not

easy to decide to which belongs the greater honor.

St. Bernard Ptolomei {Ital. San Bernardo dei Tolomei). Hewas of an illustrious family of Siena ; born in 1272. He distinguished

himself as a lawyer ; but at length, seized with the religious passion

of the age, he went into a mountain, called the Mount of Olives,

about ten miles from Siena. Here he formed the order called " Oli-

vetani." They followed the Eule of St. Benedict, and wore a white

habit. August 21, a.d. 1348.


St. Bernardino of Siena. This saint was of the family of

Albizeschi. He was bom at Massa, a Sienese town, in 1380, Hismother dying, he was educated by an aunt, whose influence devel-

oped not only his talents, but great purity of character also. Atseventeen he joined a brotherhood whose members wore devoted to

the service of the hospitals. A pestilence soon broke out, whichdestroyed great numbers, and among them physicians and priests.

For four months Bernardino with twelve others cared for the inmates

of the plague hospital. His health suffered greatly from his labor.

He became a Franciscan at twenty-three. He was a celebrated

preacher, and went all over Italy. He endeavored to reconcile the

Guelphs and Ghibellines. He was offered three bishoprics, which

he refused. The Duke of Milan, offended at his preaching, threat-

ened him in vain ; he then sent him money, with which he went to

the prisons and liberated poor debtors. He founded the order called

in Italy " Osservanti," and in France " Freres de I'Observance," be-

cause they observe strictly the Rule of St. Francis, going barefoot andkeeping strictly the vow of poverty. AVheu preaching, he held in

his hand a tablet on which was the name of Jesus in a circle of golden

rays. A man who had lived by making cards and dice complained to

the saint that on account of the reforms in religion, his occupation

was gone. Bernardino advised him to carve tablets like his, to sell

to the people. He did so ; and a peculiar blessing being attached

to them, he sold large numbers, and made a fortune in this way.

St. Bernardino is said to have founded those institutions called still

in France " Monts-de-Pietd," where money is loaned on pledges. In

the commencement they were entirely charitable and for the benefit

of the poor. He died at Aquila, in the Abruzzi, where his remains

are preserved in a silver shrine in the church of San Francisco.

May 20, a. d. 1444.

St. Bibiana was a Roman lady, who, together with her father,

mother, and sister, suffered martyrdom in the reign of Julian the

Apostate. She was scourged and then pierced with a dagger. The

church dedicated to her is between the Santa Croce and the Porte

Maggiore. The column to which she was bound is shown within the

churc;h. December 2, a. i>. 3G2.

St. Blaise of Sebaste {Gr. "Ay. BXato-os ; Ital. San Biagio


.Fr. St. Blaise; Ger. Der Heilige Blasius : signification, "crooked").


This holy man was bishop over the Christians at Sebaste, in Cappa-

docia, and in the time when Agricolaus was governor, was obhged to

flee to the mountains to escape persecution. There were great num-

bers of wild beasts there, but instead of harming the saint, they came

to him in numbers every morning to receive his blessing ; and when

Agricolaus sent to obtain beasts for the amphitheatres, the hunters

found St. Blaise surrounded with them. He nursed the sick ones,

reproved the ferocious, and gave his benediction to all. The hunters,

amazed at this, seized him and took him to the governor. As they

went, they met a woman whose child was choking from a bone stuck

in its throat. The mother cried out, " servant of Christ, have mercy

on me !" He laid his hand on the throat of the child and prayed, and

it was healed. Again, they met a woman whose pig had been carried

off by a wolf; and as it was all she had of worldly goods, she was in

much distress. St. Blaise commanded the wolf to bring back the

pig unharmed, which was done. The governor sentenced him to be

scourged and imprisoned without food ; but the poor woman had

killed her pig, and brought a part, with bread and fruit, to the holy

man. A second time the governor tortured him by tearing his flesh

with iron combs, such as are used to card wool ; when, as he still

remained firm in his faith, he was beheaded. He is the patron of

Ragusa, also the patron of wool-combers, of those who suffer from

throat diseases, and of wild animals. He is a popular saint in France

and England, and especially in Yorkshire, where once in seven years

a festival is held in his honor. The iron wool-comb is his proper

attribute. February 3, a. d. ^16.

St. Bonaventura was the great prelate of the Seraphic Order,

and was styled " il Dottore Serafico." His fame is not confined to

his order, as he is considered one of the brightest lights of the

whole Church. His name was Giovanni Fidanga, and he was born

at Bagnarea, in Tuscany, in 1221. In his infancy he was so ill

that his life was despaired of, and his mother took him to St.

Francis to be healed. When the saint saw him he exclaimed, '' 0,

buona ventura!" whereupon his mother dedicated him to God by the

name of Bonaventura. His progress in study was amazing ; and at

twenty-two he became a Franciscan, and went to Paris to study

theology. He soon became celebrated ; but his humility was so great

that he felt unworthy to receive the Holy Communion, and legends


tell us that the Host was presented to him hy angels. Louis IX.

(St. Louis) greatly honored him while at Paris, and he was chosen

General of his order at tliirtj-five. He was appointed Archbishop of

York, but declined the honor. At length he was made Cardinal and

Bishop of Albano. When the pope's nuncios carried him the cardi-

nal's hat, they found him in the garden of a convent, near Florence,

washing the plate from which he had just eaten ; and he requested

them to hang the hat on a tree until he could take it. In 1274,

when a council was held at Lyons to reconcile the Greek and Latin

cliurches, he, being one of the most distinguished of preachers, first

addressed the assembly. The fjxtigues of his labors here brought on

a fever, of which he died, being fifty-three years old. He was buried

in the church of the Franciscans at Lyons ; but the Calvinists, in

1562, broke open his shrine and threw his ashes into the Saone.

July U, A. D. 1274.

St. Boniface, martyr (Za^. and Ger. S. Bonifacius ; Ital. San

Bonifaccio). The history of St. Boniface is one of the most authen-

tic, as well as beautiful, of the legends of his age. Justice can by

no means be done to his character in the space allotted him here.

His name was Winfred, and he was born of a noble family at Credi-

ton, in Devonshire. He taught literature and the Holy Scriptures

at the Benedictine abbey of Nutsall, or Nuscella, near Winchester,

until he was thirty-six years old. For some years he had not been

happy in his quiet vocation, but was constantly haunted by a desire

to preach the Gospel in Germany. He went first to Friesland, but it

was in the days of Charles Martel, and a time when he could hope

for no results from his labors ; so he returned to Nutsall, but. soon

left England for the last time, and went to Rome to entreat the

aid of the pope in his German labors. It is said to have been at

this time that he changed his name. Receiving a commission from

the pope, he now travelled through Bavaria, Thuringia, Saxony,

and Friesland, preaching with great success. In 732 he was made

Archbishop and Primate of all Germany; and soon after, King Pepin-

le-Bref, whom Boniface had anointed, named him the first Bishop

of Mayence. But when seventy-four years old, he gave up all his

honors, and frirding on the plain habit of a Benedictine monk, do-

voted himself aj^ain to missionary labors. At length, while in his

tent, on the banks of a small river in Friesland, where he awaited a


company of proselytes, to -whom he was about to administer the sac-

rament of confirmation, he was attacked by a band of pagans who

had sworn to murder him. He always carried in his bosom a copy

of the " De Bono Mortis " of St. Ambrose. This was stained with

his blood, and was preserved as a sacred relic at Fulda. In 1835

King Louis of Bavaria, in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of

his marriage, founded a magnificent basilica, and consecrated it to St.

Boniface. In it are fine frescos, representing the various scenes in

the life of this wonderful man. June 5, a. d. 755.

St. Boniface. See St. Aglae.

St. Brice {Lat. S. Britius) was Bishop of Tours and successor

to St. Martin. He is represented with coals in his hands, which he

carries unhurt, to prove himself innocent of false accusations made

against him ; and again he carries a child in his arms. November 13,

A. D. 444.

St. Bridget of Ireland. Although nearly every vestige of this

saint is gone, she still lives as their patroness in the hearts of the

Irish people. Her mother was very lovely, and the captive, taken in

war, of a powerful chieftain. His wife, being jealous of her, turned

her away before the birth of Bridget. But two disciples of St. Pat-

rick took pity on them, and baptized the mother and child. Bridget

grew up with such beauty of mind and person that she became

famous, and her father desired to have her, and to marry her to a

chief. But Bridget devoted herself to God*s service, especially to the

instruction of women. She received the veil at the hands of St.

Patrick. She went to Kildare, " the cell or place of the oak," and

not only taught, but performed miracles. Her fame drew about her

many women who lived in huts, and from this arose the first religious

community of women in Ireland. The convent and city of Kildare

were afterwards both flourishing and famous. Here was preserved

unextinguished, for many centuries, the sacred lamp which burned

before her altar, —"The bright lamp that shone in Kildare's holy fane,

And burned through long ages of darkness and storm.

February 1.

St. Bridget of Sweden was the founder of the Order of the

Brigittines, or Brigitta, and is one of the patron saints of Sweden.

She was of royal blood, and married to the Prince of Norica, named


Ulpho. She was very devout, and influenced her husband and their

eight children to live religiously. After the death of Ulpho she built

monasteries at Wastein for monks and nuns, respectively, and hand-

somely endowed both. Their rule was principally that of St. Augustine,

though modified by directions Bridget received in visions, of which

she had many. Her order was approved by the pope, under the

title of the " Rule of the Order of our Saviour." She made many

pilgrimages to Rome and Compostella.

St. Bruno was the founder and first abbot of the Carthusian

Order. He was of a noble family of Cologne, and on account of his

great talents was sent to Paris to study theology under Raymond.

He afterwards taught in the school at Rhoims ; but, after long reflec-

tion, determined on a monastic life. With six companions he went to

Grenoble, when Hugo, the bishop, having been warned in a dream of

their coming, gave them some barren land at Chartreux. Here Bruno

founded his first monastery, and his order was confirmed by the pope.

The robes and hoods of the Carthusians are white, and their whole

heads shaven. Urban II. had been a pupil of Bruno at Rheims, and

when he became pope, sent for him to aid him in his great cares, and

desired to make him Archbishop of Reggio. But this Bruno refused,

and not liking the life at court, retired to Calabria, where he founded

another monastery. He died in 1200. The order which he established

is of great interest. It is among the most severe in its rule of all

the monastic orders, and adds almost perpetual silence to the usual

vows. Only once a week can these monks talk together. They never

taste flesh, and make but one meal a day of pulse, bread, and water,

and this is eaten separatel3\ They labor, too, with great diligence,

and their discipline has been described as most fearful in its severity.

In spite of all this, they have an extreme love of the beautiful, and

have done much for art. Their churches and gardens were wondrous

in their perfection ; and their pictures at the Chartreuse of Paris

(now in the Louvre), in the Chartreuse of Santa Maria de las Cuevas

near Seville, at Paular, and other places, possess a world of interest.

July 18.

Csedmon the Poet lived in the monastery of the Abbess Hilda,

as a servant, until past middle life. He knew nothing of literature

or poetry ; and when it came his turn to sing at table, ho went away.

Onco as he did this, and went to the stable to care for the horses,


he fell asleep, and an angel came in a dream and told him to sing.

He answered that he could not sing, and for that reason had left

the table. But the angel said, "You shall sing, notwithstanding;"

and when he asked what he should sing, the reply was, " Sing the

beginning of created beings." Then Csedmon began to sing praises

to God : and when he awoke he remembered all he had suno;, and

was able to add more also. When he told this to Hilda, she believed

him to be inspired, and received him into a monastery whose monks

were under her jurisdiction. He was instructed in Scripture ; and as

he read, he converted it into verse. His paraphrase of Scripture is

still preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. He died peacefully,

while making the sign of the cross.

St. Casimir, patron saint of Poland, was the son of Casimir IV. of

Poland and Elizabeth of Austria. From his childhood he participated

in none of the pleasures of his father's court ; and as he grew up he

composed many hymns. He refused the crown of Hungary, and lived

more and more secluded, devoting himself to religious pursuits, until

his death in 1483. March 4.

St. Cassian {ItaL San Casciano) was a schoolmaster of Imola;

and being denounced as a Christian, the judge who condemned him

to death allowed his scholars to be his executioners. They hated

him on account of his severe discipline, and they tortured him most

cruelly, by piercing him with the iron styles used in writing. He is

the patron saint of Imola. August 13.

St. Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr {Lat. Sancta

Catharina ; Ital. Santa Catarina dei Studienti, or Santa Catarina

delle Ruote ; Fr. Madame Ste. Catherine ; Sp. Santa Catalina ; Ger.

Die Heilige Katharina von Alexandrien). This saint was the daughter

of Costis (half-brother to Constantino the Great) and Sabinella,

Queen of Egypt. Before the birth of Catherine her mother was

prepared by a dream to find her a remarkable child ; and at the

moment of her birth a halo of light played about her head. Heracquirements and her wisdom were most wonderful, and the phi-

losophy of Plato was her favorite study while a child. She had

seven learned masters, and chambers fitted with everything to aid

her in her studies. Her father died when she was fourteen, leaving

her heiress to the kingdom. She gave herself up to study and

retirement, which displeased her subjects and they begged her to


marry. They said she was possessed of four notable gifts,— that

she was of the most noble blood in the world, and that she surpassed

all others in wealth, knowledge, and beauty ; and they desired that

she should give them an heir. She replied that as she had four

gifts, so he whom she would marry must likewise be of such noble

blood that all would worship him ; and so great as not to be indebted

to her for being made a king, richer than any other; so beautiful

that angels should desire to see him ; and so benign as to forgive

all offences. Such an one only could she marry. Then Sabinella

and the people were sorrowful, for they knew of no such man. But

Catherine would marry no other. Now a hermit who dwelt in a

desert not far from Alexandria was sent by the Blessed Virgin, who

appeared to him, to tell Catherine that her Son was the husband she

desired to have, for he possessed all the requirements, and more;

and the hermit gave Catherine a picture of Mary and Jesus. "When

she gazed on his face she loved him, and could think of nothing else,

and her studies became dull to her. That night she had a dream in

which she went with the old hermit to a sanctuary on a high moun-

tain ; and when she approached it angels came to meet her, and she

fell on her face. But an angel said, "Stand up, our dear sister

Catherine; for thee hath the King of glory delighted to honor."

Then she stood up and followed them, and they led her to a chamber

where the queen was, surrounded by angels, saints, and martyrs, and

her beauty none could describe. The angels presented Catherine to

her, and besought her to receive her as her daughter. The queen

bade her welcome, and led her to our Lord. But the Lord turned

away, saying, "She is not fair and beautiful enough for me." At

these words Catherine awoke, and wept till morning. She called the

hermit, and demanded what would make her worthy of her celestial

Bridegroom. He, perceiving the darkness of her mind, instructed

her in the true faith ; and she, and also Sabinella, were baptized.

That night, as Catherine slept, the Virgin and her Son, attended by

many angels, appeared to her; and Mary again presented her to Jesus,

saying, " Lo, she hath been baptized, and I myself have been her

godmother." Then Christ smiled on her, and plighted his troth to

her, and put a ring on her finger. And when she awoke the ring was

still there ; and from that time she despised all earthly things, and

thought only of the time when she should go to her heavenly Bride-


groom. At length the good Sabinella died. At this time Maximin

came to Alexandria, and declared a great persecution against those

who did not worship idols. Then Catherine came forth to the temple,

and held an argument with the tyrant and confounded him. Hethen ordered fifty learned men to come from all parts of the empire

to dispute with her; but she, praying to God, overcame them all,

so that they too declared themselves Christians. Then Maximin,

enraged, commanded them to be burned; and Catherine comforted

them when they could not be baptized, saying that their blood should

be their baptism, and the flames glorious crowns for them. Then the

emperor, admiring her beauty, tried to overcome her virtue ; and

when he could not do this, and was about to go to war, he com-

manded Porphyry, his servant, to cast her into a dungeon and starve

her. But angels came to feed her; and when, after twelve days,

they opened the dungeon, a bright light and a fragrance filled all the

place. Then the empress and Porphyry, with two hundred others,

fell at the feet of Catherine, and declared themselves Christians.

When Maximin returned, he put the empress and all to death,

and admiring Catherine's beauty still more than at first, offered her

to be mistress of the world if she would listen to him. When she

still rejected his offers, he ordered the most dreadful tortures for

her,— wheels revolving in different directions, that should tear her

in many pieces. When they had bound her to these, an angel came

and consumed the wheels in fire, and the fragments flew around,

and killed the executioners and three thousand people. Eut again

Maximin ordered her to be scourged and beheaded. Then angels

came and bore her body to the top of Mt. Sinai, and there it rested

in a marble sarcophagus. In the eighth century a monastery was

built over her burial-place, and her remains are still greatly vener-

ated. It is said by some that Maximin was consumed by an inward

fire ; by others, that wild beasts devoured him. Catherine is patron-

ess of education, science, and philosophy, of all students, and of

colleges. As patroness of eloquence, she was invoked for all dis-

eases of the tongue. She is also patroness jaf Venice, and a favorite

saint of ladies of royal birth. She is represented as richly dressed;

and her peculiar attribute is the wheel, either whole or broken. She

has also the martyr's palm, the crown of I'oyalty, the book which

expresses her learning ; and frequently she tramples on the head of


Maximin, thus symbolizing the triumph of her Christian faith over

paganism and cruelty. The marriage of St. Catherine to the Saviour

is a favorite and extremely beautiful subject of art. November 25,

A. D. 3U7.

St. Catherine of Bologna, or Santa Caterina de' Vigri, has

been greatly venerated in her own city for about four centuries. She

was of noble familv, and for a time a maid of honor at the court

of Ferrara. She entered a convent of Poor Clares, and became dis-

tinguished as a painter. There are said to be several pictures of

hers in Bologna. Her remains, dressed in brocade and jewels, are

to be seen in her convent at Bologna. March 9, A. D. 14G3.

St. Catherine of Siena {Lat. Sancta Catharina Senese, Virgo

adniiral)ilis, et gloriosa Sponsa Christi ; Ital. Santa Caterina di

Siena, la Santissima Vergine). She was the daughter of a dyer

who dwelt near the Fonte-Branda, at Siena; his dwelling is now

the Oratory of St. Catherine. She dedicated herself to a religious

life as early as in her eighth year, and prayed Christ to be her

Bridegi'oom, as he was that of Catherine of Alexandria. Her

father and mother were angry at her refusal to marry, and greatly

persecuted her, putting the most menial labors upon her and treat-

ing her with great harshness. But at length her father saw her at

prayer with a white dove resting upon her head, of whose presence

she seemed unconscious. From this time she was allowed to choose

her own course in life. She never entered a convent as a professed

nun, but she made a vow of silence for three years, and led a life of

the greatest self-denial. She went every day to the convent of St.

Dominick to pray, and there she had many wonderful visions. She

was greatly tempted of Satan ; she inflicted upon herself the most

severe penances, and Christ came to her in visible presence to con-

sole her. She nursed the sick, even those who had the most loath-

some diseases. Her fame spread through all Tuscany and to Milan

and Naples. At length the Florentines, having rebelled against the

Holy See, were excommunicated by the pope, and they sent Cath-

erine to him as their mediator. The ])Ope, then at Avignon, was so

much ] (leased with Catherine that he left her to decide the terms of

peace between himself and tlie Florentines.^ Catherine felt it to bo a

^ St. Catlierine lecoiiuiled the Florentines to the Uoly See, in 137S, during

the Pontificate of Urban VI.


gi'eat cause of misrule in the Church, that the popes were absent

from Eome, and she used all her powers to persuade Gregory XI. to

return to the Lateran, which he did. In the great schism which fol-

lowed the death of Gregory, Catherine took the part of Urban VI.,

who appointed her ambassadress, with St. Catherine of Sweden, to

the court of Joanna II. of Sicily, who had sided with the anti-pope,

Clement. But her failing health prevented her from fulfilling the

mission. Catherine died at thirty-three, after great physical suffer-

ing,— still full of zeal and faith. She was one of the most noted of

female saints, and is known at Siena as " la Santa." The facts of her

history render her life interesting in many ways. She is represented

in pictures in the habit of the Dominican Order, with the stigmata,

which she is said to have received. April 30, a. d. 1380.

St. Cecilia {Fr. Ste. Cecile). She is supposed to have lived

in the third century, and the honor paid to her can be traced to

that time. She was the daughter of a noble Roman, who, with his

wife, had secretly become Christians. Cecilia was in childhood re-

markably serious and pious. She early made a vow of chastity, and

devoted herself to a religious life. She always carried a copy of the

Gospels in her robe. She especially excelled in music, and composed

and sung hymns so sweet that angels came to listen to her. But

the instruments employed in secular music were insufficient to ex-

press the music of her soul, and she invented the organ, and conse-

crated it to God's service. Her parents desired her, when sixteen

years old, to marry Valerian, a rich young noble. She did so ; but

beneath her bridal robes she wore a garment of penance, and remem-

bering her vow prayed God to help her to preserve her chastity.

He so answered her prayer that when she told Valerian of her faith,

he became converted, and was baptized, and respected her vow.

Cecilia had told Valerian that she had a guardian angel ; and when

he returned from his baptism, he heard sweet music, and saw the

angel standing near her with two crowns, made of the immortal

roses which bloom in Paradise. Cecilia and Valerian knelt, and

the angel crowned them with the flowers, and told Valerian that

because he had listened to Cecilia and respected her vow, whatever

he most desired should be granted him. Then Valerian said, " I

have a brother, named Tiburtius, whom "I love as my own soul;

grant that his eyes also may be opened to the truth." This request


was pleasing to God ; and when Tiburtius entered soon after and per-

ceived the fragrance of the roses, he was surprised, for it was not the

time of flowers. Then Cecilia told him of their faith, and he too was

converted and baptized. They then gave themselves up to a religious

life, and did much good to the poor and persecuted Christians. But

the prefect, Almachius, commanded them to worship Jupiter; and

when tiiey would not, he cast the brothers into prison, and gave

them a keeper, called Maximus, and he also became a Christian.

This 80 enraged the prefect that he commanded the three to be

beheaded. Cecilia cared for, and buried their remains in the ceme-

tery of Calixtus. Desiring to have her great wealth, the prefect then

commanded Cecilia to worship Jupiter, and threatened her with fear-

ful tortures. She only smiled her scorn. He then commanded her

to be thrown into her bath, filled with boiling water. This did not

hurt her at all ; so he then sent an executioner to slay her with the

sword. His hand trembled, so that he inflicted three wounds on her

neck and breast, and yet did not kill her. She lingered three days.

She gave her money to the poor, and desired that her house should

be made a church. She died sweetly singing, and was buried beside

her husband. In the ninth century, when Paschal repaired her

church, he had a vision of St. Cecilia, in which she told him her

burial-place. Her body was found, and also the bodies of Valerian,

Tiburtius, and Maximus. They were placed in her church, nowcalled St. Cecilia-in-Trastevere. Her bathroom is a cha{)cl, and

the stones and pipes for heating the bath still remain. In the six-

teenth century the church was again repaired, and her coffin opened,

when the celebrated statue of " St. Cecilia lying dead " was made,

which represents her as she appeared in the coffin. Slie is the patron-

ess of music and musicians. Her proper attribute is the organ and

a roll of music. She also has the crown of roses, and an attendant

angel. She is richly dressed, and often has jewels. November 22,

A. D. 280.

St. Celsus {Ital. San Cclso). This was a young disciple of St.

Nazarius, who was a converted Jew. Together they travelled through

Gaul as missionary preachers. At Genoa the people threw them into

the sea; but they were miraculously saved, and came at last to Milan,

wlierc Protasius and Gorvasius had become Christians, whom they

strengthened. Both Celsus and Nazarius were beheaded at Milan,


where there is a beautiful church, San Nazaro Maggiore. There is

also at Ravenna the remarkable Byzantine church of SS. Nazaro-e-

Celso. They are always represented together, and bear the swords

and palms of martyrs. Nazarius is old and Celsus quite young.

July 28.

St. Cesareo, or Csesarius. The veneration of this saint seems

to be confined to Home. He perished at Terracina because he opposed

the worship of Apollo. He was famous both in the East and West in

the sixth century. The church of San Cesareo in Eome is also called

" in Palatio," from its situation near the ancient palace and baths of

Caracalla on the Via Appia, not far from the Porta St. Sebastiano.

He was put into a sack, and cast into the sea, together with a priest

named Lucian. November 1, a. d. 300.

St. Chad of Lichfield became, in 659, abbot of the Priory of

Lastingham, w^hich had been founded by his eldest brother, Cedd.

He was famous for his religious life, and being made bishop of the

Mercians and Northumbrians, he preached as a missionary through

all the country. He had his episcopal see in Lichfield, " the field

of the dead;" and there he built a habitation where he lived with a

few brethren, and a church where he baptized his converts. After

living in this way more than two years, he had a vision in which

he was warned of his death. He saw his brother with a troop of

angels. They sang and called him to follow them to God, and

still sweetly singing ascended to heaven. He advised the brethren

how they should live, and soon died. His church may be considered

the origin of the cathedral of Lichfield, where the shrine of St.

Chad was deposited in 1148, and is greatly venerated. March 2,

A.D. 673.

Chantal, la Mere. Ste. Jeanne-FranQoise de Chantal was the

grandmother of Madame de S^vigne. She was devoted to the Faith

even in childhood, and would not receive a gift from a Calvinist. In

obedience to her parents, she married Baron Chantal, but made a vow

to dedicate herself to a religious life if she should ever be a widow.

Her husband died w^hen she was twenty-nine, and for ten years she

devoted herself to her children and to the preparation for the fulfil-

ment of her vow. She assisted St. Francis de Sales to establish the

Order of the Visitation, and assumed the direction of it, as "la ^lere

Chantal." Her children loved her passionately, and sought to keep


her with them ; but she remained firm in her determination. At the

time of her death, in 10-41, there were seventy-five houses of her

order in France and Savoy. She was canonized in 17G9. August

21, A. D. 1G41.

St. Charlemagne ^— whose history as Charlemagne the Great»

Emperor of France, Italy, and Germany, is so familiar to all— stands at

the head of royal saints in the countries over which he ruled, although

if a strict chronology w^ere observed, St. Clotilda and St. Sigismond

would precede him. He is frequently represented with a book, in

remembrance of his having caused the Scriptures to be correctly

translated and widely promulgated, January 28, a. d. 814.

St. Charles Borromeo {Ital. San Carlo). This saint was of one

of the noblest families of Lombardy. Being the second son, he was

early dedicated to the Church. At twelve years of age he received

the revenues of a rich Benedictine monastery, but would only reserve

a mere pittance for himself, devoting the remainder to charity. Attwenty-three he was made cardinal and Archbishop of Milan, by his

uncle Pius IV. His elder brother died when Charles was twenty-six.

He went at once to take possession of his diocese and estate. His

incomes he dedicated to public uses, only spending for himself enough

to buy his l9read and water, and straw on which to sleep. He sent

missionaries to preach in every part of his diocese, and went also

himself to see that his people were cared for. In public he lived as

became his rank, and gave feasts of which he never partook. His

charities were most munificent. At the time of the plague at Milan,

he went into the city, when all others fled, and tended tlie sick and

performed all the duties pertaining to his oflRce. His example inspired

twenty-eight priests to join him, all of whom with St. Charles esca])ed

unhurt. He lived in a time when the clergy had fallen into great

laxity of discipline, and he may be regarded as a powerful instrument

in restoring them to zeal for the duties of their vocation. He was

hated by those priests who had been in the habit of using the reve-

nues of the Church for their own indulgence ; and one, Fra Farina,

attempted to kill him by firing upon him while he was celebrating

the evening service. He finished the prayer, although he believed

himself mortally wounded, and the people considered him to bo mirac-

1 Hh is not mentioned in tlio Catholic Calendar of Saints, save as Blessed. His

feast, January 28, has been kept by the Germans and French only since I486.


ulously healed. He died K'ovember 4, 1584, and with his last breath

exclaimed, "Ecce venio." His remains repose in a rich shrine at

Milan. He is represented in cardinal's robes and barefooted, a rope

about his neck and one hand raised in benediction, with a book in the

other. ISTovember 4, a. d. 1584.

St. Cheron was a disciple of St. Denis, and was Bishop of

Chartres. He was attacked by robbers, and his head was struck off,

when on his way from Chartres to Paris to visit St. Denis. Taking

his head in his hand, he continued his journey. One of the windows

in the cathedral of Chartres represents the history of St. Cheron.

St. Christina {ItaL Santa Cristina ; Fr. Ste. Christine). She is

supposed to have been born at Tiro, a town on the borders of Lake

Bolsena, which has since been swallowed up in the lake. The legend

of this saint has been rejected by the Church, but she is celebrated in

central and northern Italy. She was the child of a Eoman patrician

who governed the city. She called herself Christina because she had

been converted to the doctrines of Christ. As she stood, one day,

watching those who begged alms, and had nothing to give, she thought

of the golden idols of her father, and she broke them in pieces and

gave them to the poor. Her father was furious, and ordered his

servants to beat her and throw her into a dunsreon. Here angels

came and healed her wounds. Her father then commanded her to be

thrown into the lake with a mill-stone tied to her neck. But angels

bore her up, and God clothed her with a white robe and led her

safely to land. She was then thrown into a fiery furnace, wherein she

remained unharmed five days and sung God's praises. Her father then

ordered her head to be shaved, and that she should be taken to the

temple of Apollo to sacrifice ; but when she came there the idol fell

down before her, which so frightened her father that he died. But

Julian, hearing that she sang in her prison, sent orders that her

tongue should be cut out, when she still continued to sing, to the

amazement of all. She was next shut up with poisonous reptiles, but

she was not harmed. At last, in despair, he commanded her to be

bound to a post and shot with arrows till she died. Thus was she

martyred, and angels bore her soul to heaven. On an island in the

lake of Bolsena, which few travellers visit, is a church dedicated to

St. Christina, the paintings in which are attributed to the C^racci.

The cathedral of Bolsena is consecrated to her,— patroness of Bolsena



and the Venetian States. Her proper attribute is the mill-stone


but she sometimes has arrows alone, when she might be mistaken for

St. Ursula. She has also the martyr's palm and crown. July 24,

A. D. I'll").

St. Christopher {Lat. St. Christophorus ; Ital. San Cristofero,

or Cristofauo ; Fr. St. Christophe, or Cristofle ; Ger. Der lieilige

Christophj. St. Christopher might well be called the giant saint.

He was of the land of Canaan, and before performing the deeds

which won him saintly renown, was called Offero, which signifies

" the bearer." He was proud of his vast size and strength ; but in

spite of this, his poverty compelled him to become a servant. So he

resolved that the most powerful monarch of the earth alone should

be his master, and he went to seek him. At length, after many days

of wandering, he came to the court of a king said to excel all others

in power and wealth, and to him he offered his services. The king

accepted him gladly, for no other monarch of all the earth could

boast of such a sei'vant. Now Offero knew nothing of the power of

Christ or Satan, and supposed his master to be afraid of no one, since

he was the greatest monarch of the earth ; but one day, as he stood

beside him, a minstrel who was singing mentioned frequently the

name of Satan, and every time he did so the king trembled and

crossed himself. Offero asked the meaning of this ; and when the

king did not answer, he said, "If thou dost not answer me this, I

leave thee." Then the king said, " I make this sign that Satan mayhave no power over me ; for he is veiy mighty, and as wicked as

strong, and I fear lest he shall overcome me." Then Offero felt

himself deceived, and said, "Since there is one whom thou fearest,

him will I seek and serve ; for my master must fear no one." So he

wandered again, seeking Satan ; and crossing a great desert, he saw

a terrible being with the ai)pearance of great power, marching at the

head of an armed legion. He did not seem to notice the great size

of Offero, and with an air of authority said, " Whither goest thou,

and for what dost thou seek?" Then said Offero, "I wish to find

Satan; for I have heard he is the most powerful of all the earth, and I

would have him for my master." Satan, well pleased, replied, ** I amhe, and your service shall bo an easy and pleasant one." Offero then

bowed before hira, and joined his followers. After a time, as they

journeyed on, they came to a cross, erected by the wayside, "where


four roads met. AVhen the Devil saw this he turned with great

haste and fear, and went a long distance out of his way to avoid the

cross. Then said Olfero, "Why is thisl What is this cross, and

wherefore dost thou avoid iti" But Satan spoke not. Then said

Otfero, "Except thou tellest me I must leave thee." Being compelled,

the wicked one replied, " I fear the cross, because upon it Jesus died


and when I behold it I fly, lest he should overcome me." Then said

Offero, " Tell me who is this Jesus ; for since thou fearest him, he is

more powerful than thou, and him will I seek and serve." So he left

Satan, and wandered many days in search of Christ. At length he

came to a hermit, whom he entreated to tell him where Christ could

be found. Then the hermit, seeing that he knew nothing of Jesus,

began to teach him, and said, " Thou art right in believing that Christ

is the greatest king ; for his power extends over both heaven and

earth, and will endure throughout eternity. But thou canst not serve

him lightly ; and if he accepts thee, he will impose great duties upon

thee, and will require that thou fast often." Then said Offero, "Iwill not fast, for it is my strength that makes me a good servant :

why should I waste it by fasting % " " And besides, thou must pray,"

said the hermit. " I know not how to pray, neither will I learn.

Such a service is for weak ones, but not for me," said the proud giant.

Then said tlie hermit, " If thou wilt use thy strength, knowest thou a

deep, wide river, that is often swollen with rains, and sweeps away in

its swift current many of those who would cross itV Offero said, "Iknow such a stream." " Then go there," said the hermit, " and aid

those who struggle with its waves ; and the weak and the little ones

bear thou from shore to shore, on thy broad shoulders. This is a good

work ; and if Christ will have thee for this service, he will assure thee

of his acceptance." Then was Offero glad, for this was a task which

suited him well. So he went to the river and built upon its bank a

hut of the boughs of trees. And he aided all who came ; and many he

bore upon his shoulders, and was never weary by day or night in

assisting those who crossed the river. And after he began his work,

not one perished, where before so many had been swept away. For

a staff he used a palm-tree which he pulled up in the forest, and it was

not too large for his great height and strength. As Jesus beheld this

he was well pleased with Olfero and his labor ; for though he would

neither fast nor pray, yet had he found a way to serve him. At length,


after Offero had spent a long time and did not weary of his toil, as he

rested one night in his hut, he heard a voice like that of a weak child,

and it said, ** Offero, wilt thou carry me over?" And he went out

quickly, but he could find no one. But when he had again lain down,

the same voice called as before, and at the third call he arose and

sought with a lantern. At last he found a little child who besought

him, " OUero, Otfero, carry me over to-night." He lifted him up, and

carrying his staff, began to cross the stream. Immediately the winds

blew, the waves were tossed, and the roar of the waters was as many

thunders, and the little child grew heavy and more heavy, until

Otfero feared he should himself sink, and both be lost. But with the

aid of his palm staff, at length he crossed and put his burden safely

down upon the other side. Then he cried out, " Whom have I borne ]

Had it been the whole world, it could not have been more heavy !


Then the child replied, " Me thou hast desired to serve, and I have

accepted thee. Thou hast borne not only the whole world, but Himwho made it, on thy shoulders. As a sign of my power and of myapprobation of thee, fix tliou thy staff in the earth, and it shall grow

and bear fruit." Offero did so ; and the staff" was soon covered with

leaves, and the dates hung in huge clusters upon it. But the wonder-

ful child was gone. Then Offero knew that it was Christ whom he

had borne, and he fell down and worshipped him. After that, Offero

went to Samos, where there was a great persecution of Christians, and

in spite of his great strength a heathen struck him, when he said,

"Were I not a Christian, I would take vengeance on thee." He

permitted himself to be bound and taken to Dagnus, the King of

Lycia, in which country was Samos. At the sight of the giant the

king fainted. When he was himself again, he said, " Who art thou 1"

and the giant answered, " My first name was Offero, the Bearer, but

now I serve Christ, and have borne him on my shoulders ; for this I

am now called Christ Offero, the bearer of Christ." Dagnus sent him

to prison, and tried to seduce him to idolatry by sending beautiful

women to him, who urged him to sin. But Cliristopher was faithful,

and by his influence the women became Christians, and suffered death,

because they, too, worshipped Jesus. Then Dagnus tortured him

greatly, and commanded him to bo beheaded. When they led him

to execution, he kneeled down and prayed that all who beheld him

and believed in Christ should be delivered from earthquake, fire, and


tempest. It was believed that his prayer was effectual, and that all

who piously invoke St. Christopher are safe for that day from all dan-

gers of earthquake, flood, or fire. The sight of him is thought also

to impart strength to the weak and weary, which idea is expressed

in many inscriptions more or less similar to the following one, which

accompany his pictures :—

" Cbristopliori Sancti speciem quicumque tuetur,

Illo namque die nullo languore tenetur."

("Whoever shall behold the image of St. Christopher shall not

faint or fail on that day.") July 25, a. d. 364.

St. Chrysanthus {Ital. San Grisante). This saint came to

Rome from Alexandria, and St. Daria came from Athens. They

were betrothed, but Chrysanthus persuaded Daria that a state of

virginity was more favorable to a religious life than that of mar-

riage. They were remarkable for their devotion to the Faith,

They were at length accused and martyred, — in the reign of JSTa

merian, according to some; but Baillet believes, in the persecution

of Valerian. It is said that soon after their burial a large number

of Christians who were praying at their tomb were walled up in the

cave, and thus buried alive. The part of the catacombs where they

were interred was long called the cemetery of SS. Chrysanthus and

Daria. The Greek Church honors them on March 19 and October 17;

the Latins, October 25. a. d. 237.

St. Chrysogonus {Ital. San Grisogono). See St. Anastasia.

St. Clair {Lat. S. Clarus) is one of the beheaded saints. He

was an Englishman of noble extraction, and lived and labored in

the county of Vexin, in France. He preached with great faithful-

ness, and was murdered at a village which bears his name by rufiians

hired by a lewd woman who could not overcome his chastity. This

village is between Rouen and Pontoise. His shrine is greatly ven-

erated and vjsited by pilgrims. He is represented on a window at

St. Maclou in Rouen. November 4.

St. Clara {Lat. Sancta Clara ; Ital. Santa Chiara ; Fr. Ste.

Claire). Clara d'Assisi was the daughter of a nobleman, Favorino

Sciffo ; her mother was named Ortolana. Her beauty and the great

wealth of her family caused her to receive many offers of marriage.

She had early dedicated herself to a religious life, and went to


St. Francis to ask his advice. He encouraged her to renounce the

world, and appointed Palm Sunday as the day for her to make her

profession. She went to church with all her family richly attired,

as was the custom on that day. When the others approached the

altar she remained afar off; and St. Francis, admiring her humility,

came down from the altar to give her the palm-branch. At evening

she concealed herself in a veil, and escaped to the Porzioncula, where

St. Francis dwelt. She was conducted to the altar, where St. Francis

cut off her hair with his own hands, and she, putting off her rich

garments, was covered with the personal penitential robes of Francis,

which he threw over her. Thus she became his disci[)le, and the

*' Madre Serafica," or the foundress of the Order of Franciscan Nuns,

or, as they are better known, the " Poor Clares." The rules of her

order were severe in the extreme. Clara went, by the wish of St.

Francis, to the convent of St. Paolo. Her family and friends tried

every means to induce her to return to them without effect ; and in

a short time she was followed by her sister Agnes, only fourteen

years old ; by many ladies of rank, among whom were three of the

house of Ubaldini ; and, at length, by her mother. Clara so strictly

adhered to the rules of her order as to injure her health, and for a

long time she was bedridden. On one occasion when the Saracens,

to whom Frederick had given the fortress of Xocera, came to rav-

age her convent of San Damiano, she arose from her bed, where she

had so long been confined, and placing the Pyx which contained the

Host upon the threshold, she kneeled down and began to sing, when

the infidels threw down their arms and fled. Innocent IV. visited

her and confirmed her order ; and before her death it had spread

throughout Christendom, and many noble ladies had joined it. She

died at sixty in a rapturous trance, believing herself called to

heaven by angelic voices. Her sister Agnes succeeded her as ab-

bess. When the nuns removed from San Damiano to San Giorgio,

they bore her remains with them. The latter is now the cliurch of

Santa Chiara d' Assisi, and is the most famous one of her order.

St. Clara is a favorite saint all over Europe, but especially so in

Spain. Her proper attribute is the Pyx containing the Host. She

wears a gray tunic, and the cord of St. Francis, with a black veil.

She also bears the lily, the cross, and the palm. August 12,

A. D. 1253.


St. Clara of Monte-Falco. This saint was of the Augus-

tinian order. In her own country ^he is called St. Clara; she was

canonized December 8, 1881, by Pope Leo XIII. Her birth took

place in 1268, and she lived quietly in her own city, which from

its height overlooks the Umbrian valleys. The fame of her mir-

acles and the sweetness of her life were well known through all the


St. Clement {Ital. San Clemente) is supposed to be spoken

of by the Apostle Paul (Phil. iv. 3). He was the third pope

and bishop of Rome. During the many years of his episcopate

he made numerous converts, among whom was Domitilla, the niece

of the Emperor Domitian ; and by her influence he was protected

during the reign of her uncle. In the persecution under Trajan,

the prefect who governed Kome in the absence of the emperor

commanded Clement to worship the idols ; and when he would

not, he banished him to an island where there were large stone

quarries worked by convicts. Many Christians had been sent

there before him, and others went with him to share his exile.

Clement found those on the island suffering for want of water;

he knelt and prayed, and looking up saw a lamb on the summit

of a hill, which was invisible to all others. He knew it to be the

Lamb of God. He went to the spot where he had seen it, and

upon digging found a large, clear spring of water. After this mir-

acle, he was condemned to be cast into the sea, bound to an anchor.

But when the Christians prayed, the waters were driven back for

three miles, and the}^ saw a ruined temple which the sea had cov-

ered, and in it was found the body of the saint with the anchor

round his neck. For many years, at the anniversary of his death,

the sea retreated for seven days, and pilgrimages were made to this

submarine tomb. At one time a woman was praying there, and her

child had flillen asleep, when the waters arose and she fled, for-

getting the child in her fear. The next year the boy was found

quietly sleeping as she had left him. The church of San Clemente

in Rome is of remarkable interest, and the scenes of his life are

represented in paintings of the twelfth century. According to tra-

dition, the relics of the saint are now here, and also those of St.

Ignatius of Antioch. His proper attribute is the anchor. Novem-

ber 23, A. D. 100.


St. Clotilda {Fr. Ste. Clotilde). St. Clotilda was a Burgun-

dian princess, and the wife of Clovis. She is famed as having

Christianized France. Her husband, after long resisting her at-

tempts for his conversion, called upon the God of Clotilda in the

midst of an unfortunate battle. Immediately the fortunes of his

arms were changed ; and by this he was converted, and was bap-

tized by St. Remi. At his baptism it is said that the oil was

brought from heaven by a dove ; and tradition says that an angel

came down bearing three lilies, which he gave to St. Rerai, and he

in turn gave them to Clotilda, and at this time the arms of France

were changed from the three toads (crapauds) of earlier days, to

the fleurs-de-lys, the emblems of purity and regeneration. June 3,

A. D. 54:5.

St. Cloud was a grandson of St. Clotilda, who when his broth-

ers were murdered escaped to a convent, and became a monk of the

Benedictine Order. September 7, a. d. 5 GO.

Constantine, Emperor. Constantine, while still an idolater

and a persecutor of the Christians, was afflicted with a leprosy.

The priests of the idols prescribed that he should bathe in children's

blood. Three thousand children were collected to be slain ; but as

the emperor rode to the place where they were, the mothers of the

children so entreated him that he stopped his chariot and said, " Far

better is it that I should die, than cause the death of these inno-

cents." He then commanded the children to be restored to their

mothers, to whom he gave large gifts to compensate for their sufferings.

That night in his sleep, St. Peter and St. Taul appeared to him, and

told him that Christ had sent them to him because he had spared

the innocents. They told him to send for Sylvester, who would show

him a pool in which he could wash and be clean, and that from that

time he should cease to persecute the Christians, and himself wor-

ship their God. Now Sylvester was the Bisliop of Rome, who had

hid away from the cruelties of Constantine and was in a cave near

Monte Calvo. The emperor sent for him ; and when the soldiers

found liiin and led him away, he tiiou<,dit it was to his execution.

They took him to the emperor, who asked him who the two gods

were who had appeared to him the previous night. Sylvester re-

plied that they were not gods, but the apostles of Jesus. Constan-

tine then desired to see the effigies of these apostles. Sylvester


showed him some pictures of Peter and Paul, and Constantino saw-

that they were like those whom he had seen in the vision. Sylves-

ter then baptized him, and he came oat from his baptism cured of

his disease. The next day, Constantine commanded that Christ

should be worshipped in all Rome as the only God ; the next day,

that those who blasphemed against Him should lose their lives ; the

third day, that any one who insulted a Christian should forfeit half

his goods ; the fourth day, that the Bishop of Rome should be the

first bishop of the world ; the next day, he gave the privilege of

sanctuary to the Christian churches ; the sixth, he ordered that no

churches should be built without the consent of the bishop ; the

seventh, that the tithes of the domains of Rome should belong to

the Church ; and the eighth day, he founded the Lateran, by digging

himself and carrying on his shoulders twelve hodfuls of earth and

laying the first stone. Another account of the manner of his con-

version to Christianity, and one frequently illustrated in art, is that

during the campaign of 312, while on his march to Rome, he saw a

luminous cross in the sky, with the inscription, " By this conquer,"

and that on the night before his last battle with Maxentius, he was

commanded in a vision to inscribe the sacred monogram of the nameof Christ upon the shields of his soldiers. Three different localities

claim the honor of having been the place where Constantine beheld

the cross ; these are Autun, Andernach, and Verona. But to these

miraculous directions and the success which followed his obedience

to them is -attributed his belief in Christianity. The Empress

Helena told him that it would have been better to become a Jewthan a Christian. So he wrote her to bring to dispute with Sylves-

ter the most learned of the Jews. She came to Rome with one

hundred and forty doctors of the law. A day was appointed for

the discussion ; and Zeno and Crato, Greek philosophers, were ap-

pointed arbitrators. Then Sylvester, praying for wisdom, utterly

defeated these learned Rabbis. Then one of them, Zambri, who

was a magician, desired that a fierce bull should be brought, and

said that when he should speak in his ear the name of his God, he

should fall dead. The bull was brought ; and as the magician had

said, he fell dead at his feet as soon as he had whispered to him.

Then Sylvester was attacked with fury ; the arbitrators were as-

tonished, and Constantine was shaken in his faith, but Sylvester said


that the name he had spoken was Satan's, for Christ did not destroy

but gave life. He desired that Zainbri should restore the bull to

life. This he could not do ; but Sylvester made the sign of the

cross, and commanded him to rise, when the bull obeyed and rose up

as gentle as before he had been fierce. Then all who saw this be-

lieved and were baptized. Awhile after this, it was told the emperor

that since his conversion, the dragon which dwelt in the moat had

killed three hundred persons daily, by his poisonous breath. Then

Sylvester went down to the dragon, and exorcised him in the name

of Christ, and bound up his mouth with a thread, and sealed it with

the sign of the cross. Sylvester also gave aid in his house to a Chris-

tian who was afterward slain for his faith. The governor believed

that Sylvester had riches which belonged to the martyr, and threat-

ened him with tortures if he did not give them up. Sylvester told

the governor that his soul should be in torments that night ; and as

he ate his dinner he was choked to death. There is no need to remind

one that history and the legends greatly differ regarding Constantine.

As for Sylvester, he was at the great Nicene Council, and after gov-

erning the Church for nearly twenty-four years, he died and was

buried in the cemetery of Priscilla at Rome. The proper attribute

of St. Sylvester is the bull ; sometimes the portraits of St. Peter and

St. Paul. His fesdval is December 31, and he died in 335.

St. Cosmo and St. Damian {Lat. SS. Cosmus et Damianus;

Ital. SS. Cosimo e Damiano gli santi medici Arabi ; Fr. SS. Come et

Damien). These brother saints are seldom separated in thought or

representation. They were Arabians, but dwelt at ^Egae, in Cilicia.

Their father died early ; and their mother, Theodora, trained them in

Christian virtue. Their charities were extensive ; and thc}^ studied

medicine for the purpose of relieving suftering, and refused all com-

pensation for their labors. They did not refuse to relieve even ani-

mals, when in their power. They became most skilful physicians.

In the time of Diocletian they wei'e seized by the proconsul Lyciaa,

and thrown into the sea, but were saved by an angel. They were

also put in the fire, which would not burn them, and bound to

crosses and stoned ; but none of the stones reached them, so that

at last they were beheaded. They were patrons of medicine, and

succeeded to the honors of ^sculapius among the Greeks. They

have also the title of Anargyres ("without fees"). They were patrons


of the Medici family, as is seen on the coins of Florence. September

27, A. D. 301.

St. Costanzo, Bishop of Perugia. Nothing is known of this

saint but that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Marcus

Aurelius. The country between Perugia and Foligno is called the

Strada di Costanza, and he is much venerated in that portion of


St. Crispin and St. Crispianus {Ital. San Crispin© e San Cris-

piano ; Fr. SS. Crespin et Crespinian). These saints were brothers,

who went with St. Denis from Rome to preach in France. They

supported themselves by making shoes, and were supplied with leather

by angels to make shoes for the poor. Being denounced as Christians,

they were cruelly tortured, and then beheaded at Soissons. The

Roman tradition fixes their death in a. d. 300, but other authorities

give the date thirteen years earlier. Their proper attributes are the

awl and shoemaker's knife. October 25.

St. Cunegunda. March 3, a. d. 1040. (See St. Henry of


St. Cunibert, to whom one of the most ancient churches of

Cologne is dedicated, was bishop of that city. He was the adviser

of King Dagobert and some of his successors, and an intimate friend

of Pepin d'Heristal. He held his diocese thirty-seven years. Accord-

ing to the legend, St. Cunibert was directed by a dove to the spot

where St. Ursula and her companions were buried. He is represented

in the episcopal dress, holding in his hand the model of a church.

The dove is his attribute. November 12, a. d. 660.

St. Cuthbert of Durham was a shepherd in his youth, in the

valley of the Tweed. In his childhood an angel appeared to him and

urged him to a pious life. He was instructed at a monastery near his

home, where St. Aidan was the prior. One night, as Cuthbert tended

his flocks, he saw a dazzling light, and looking up beheld angels bear-

ing St. Aidan to heaven. He then entered the monastery, and soon

became a noted preacher. He not only made converts, but he

preached much to such Christians as lived unworthy lives. It was

said tliat when he appealed to them an angelic brightness shone in

his face, and none could deceive him or conceal the sin of their hearts.

He wandered among the mountainous regions, and preached in

villa'>;es considered almost inaccessible. He later dwelt on an island


on the coast of Northumberland, called afterwards Holy Island, in

memory of iiis sanctity. Here he supported himself upon what he

raised by his own labor, and it is said that angels brought him bread

from Paradise. He was afterwards Bishop of Lindisfarne. Miracu-

lous things are told of him during his life, and of his relics after

his death. His shrine became a place of pilgrimage. His relics

are now in the cathedral of Durham. His attribute is the head

of St. Oswald, buried in the tomb of St. Cuthbert, when the former

was slain in battle. He also has the otter, which was said to have

licked him into life when he had almost perished from cold and expo-

sure. March 20, a. d. 687.

St. Cyprian, and St. Justina of Antioch {Ital San Cipriano

il Mago e Santa Giustina ; Fr. St. Cyprien le Magicien et Ste.

Justine). The histories of these saints cannot be separated. Saint

Justina was an exceedingly lovely and virtuous Christian maiden of

Antioch. Her father was a priest of the idols, but she converted both

him and her mother to 'her own fiiith. A nobleman named Aglaides

sought her love in vain, and at length he applied to the famous

magician Cyprian, for his aid in winning her heart. Now Cyprian

was very learned in astrology and necromancy, and doubted not hia

power to overcome all obstacles. But when he saw Justina, he also

loved her and determined to win her for himself. He sent demons

to her to fill her mind with unchaste and voluptuous images, but she

remained unaffected. At length he sent the prince of evil spirits to

tempt her, but all without success. Then Cyprian was so astoiwshed

at the power of her virtue that he resolved to serve the God of this

pure maiden. So he went to her filled with repentance, and confessed

himself a Christian. Justina, in her joy at so great a victory for

Christ, cut off her beautiful hair, and made of it an oflering to the

Virgin. Cyprian was soon baptized, and became as famous for his

piety as he had before been for his wickedness. AVhcn the last perse-

cution of the Christians broke out, the Governor of Antioch com-

manded those saints to be thrown into boiling pitch, which, by a

miracle, had no power to harm them. He then sent them to Diocle-

tian at Nicomedia, who ordered them to be instantly beheaded.

Septeuiber 20, a. d. 1^0 1.

St Cyprian of Carthage, and archbishop of that place, per-

ished in the persecution of Valerian. His martyrdom is one of the


most authentic in history. He is very rarely represented in works of

art; and perhaps the picture by Paul Veronese, in the Brera at Milan,

is the only one likely to come within the observation of the traveller.

September 16, a. d. 258.

St. Cyril {Lat. S. Cyrillus; Ital. San Cirillo ; Fr. St. Cyrille).

This saint was Patriarch of Alexandria from the year 412 to 444. Hewrote much upon theology, and was earnestly engaged in the contests

of the early Church. Some non-Catholic writers have sought to

connect him with the terribly cruel murder of Hypatia, the female

mathematician and philosopher.^ He is as highly venerated in the

Greek as in the Latin Church, and is the only bishop whom they

represent with his head covered. January 28, a. d. 444.

St. Cyril and St. Methodius. St. Cyril was a philosopher,

and St. Methodius an artist. They were of the Order of St. Basil, and

were sent by the Patriarch of Constantinople as missionaries to the

people who lived on the borders of the Danube. Bogaris, the King

of Bulgaria, desired Methodius to paint a picture in the hall of his

palace that should impress his subjects with awe. Methodius painted

the "Last Judgment," with Christ enthroned and surrounded with

angels ; also the happiness of the blessed and the miseries of the lost.

When finished, the king desired an explanation of this terrible picture;

and Cyril gave it with such power that the monarch, and all who

listened, were converted. So they labored among the neighboring

nations with success. Methodius painted, and Cyril so explained his

pictures as to convince large numbers of the truth of the Christian

faith. St. Cyril also learned their languages, made an alphabet for

them, and translated a part of the Gospels. He obtained, too, the

1 The Rev. Alban Butler, in his sketch of St. Cyril's life, touching on the

deplorable murder of Hypatia, says :" She was much respected and considered

by the governor, and often visited him. The mob, which was nowhere more

unruly or more fond of riots and tumults than in that populous city, the second

in the world for extent, upon a suspicion that she incensed the governor against

their bishop, seditiously rose, pulled her out of her chariot, cut and mangled her

flesh, and tore her body in pieces in the streets, to the great grief and scandal of

all good men, especially of the pious bishop, Cyril." And the same authority

adds ;" It is very unjust in some moderns to charge him [Cyril] as conscious of

so horrible a crime, which shocks human nature. . . . The silence of Orestes and

of the historian Socrates, both his declared enemies, suffices to acquit him."


privilege of celebrating mass in the Sclavonic tongue. These saints

are generally represented together ; St. Cyril with a book and St.

Methodius with a tablet on which is a picture. The Greeks honor

St. Cyril March I), and St. Methodius May 11 ; the Latins, both

on March 9. They are honored as the apostles of the Sclavos. Their

millenary was lately celebrated with great splendor.

Dale Abbey, the legend of. This legend is represented in five

pictures. In the first the abbot shoots the deer with a cross-bow,

because it had eaten his wheat. In the second the foresters com-

plain of hira, and the king commands him to be brought before him.

In the third and fourth he is in the presence of the king, who grants

Ijim as much land as he can encircle by a furrow from sun to sun


the plough to be drawn by two wild stags from the forest. In the

fifth he plouLchs with the stags.

St. Damian. See St. Cosmo.

St. Daria. See St. Chrysanthus.

Dead Nuns, the legend of. There were two noble ladies who

joined the sisterhood of St. Scholastica. They were fond of scandal

and vain talk. St. Benedict, hearing of this, reproved them, and sent

them word that unless they reformed he would punish them. For

a while they remembered the admonition, but relapsed again, and so

died. They were buried in the church near the altar. One day, as

Benedict celebrated mass, when the deacon said, "Let those who are

in penance and forbidden to partake, depart and leave us," these nuns

arose from their graves, and with sad appearance left the church. This

occurred every time the mass was celebrated there, until St. Benedict,

pitying them, prayed for their souls, and they rested peacefully.

St. Delphine. See St. Eleazar de Sabran.

St. Denis of France {Lat. S. Dionysius ; Ital. San Dionisio

or Dionigi ; />. St. Denis). The truth of the legend which makes

St. Denis the same with Dion3'sius the Arcopagite will not be con-

firmed upon a critical examination of facts ; but as they are thus

represented in works of art, it must be given to make the repre-

sentations of them understood. Dionysius was an Athenian phi-

loso))l)er. He was a judge of the Areopagus, and for his wisdom in

heavenly things was called Oeo'oro^o?, Thuosophus. He went to Kgypt

to study astrolc^ry, and was at Ilciiopolis at the time of the crucilixion

of our Lord. He was greatly troubled at the darkness which endured


for three hours, because he could not understand it. He was con-

verted at Athens by St. Paul, and became first bishop of that city.

In his letters he tells of his visit to the Blessed Virgin at Jerusalem;

his astonishment at the dazzling* light which surrounded her, and his

presence at her death and burial. He went to Rome and attended St.

Paul at his martyrdom. He was then sent by Pope Clement to preach

in France with two deacons, Rusticus and Eleiitherius. After his

arrival in France he was called Denis. He found Paris a beautiful

city, seeming to him like another Athens. Pie dwelt here, and by his

preaching converted many. He sent missionaries to all parts of

France and to Germany. At length he was accused of his faith to the

Roman Emperor, who sent Fescennius to Paris to seize him, with his

companions. They were all condemned to death. At the place of ex-

ecution St. Denis knelt dowai and prayed, and the deacons responded

in a loud Amen. Their bodies were left as usual, to be devoured by

wild beasts. But St. Denis arose, and taking his head in his hands

walked two miles, to the place now called Mont Martre, the augels

singing as he went. This miracle converted many, and among them

Lactia, wife of Lubrius, who was afterwards beheaded also. The

bodies of St. Denis and his deacons were buried, and a church erected

over them by St. Genevieve ; but in the reign of Dagobert they were

removed to the abbey of St. Denis. He is the patron saint of France,

and his name the war-cry of its armies. The oriflamme, the standard

of France, was consecrated on his tomb. When Stephen II. became

pope, the name of this saint began to be venerated in all Europe.

Stephen had been educated at the monastery of St. Denis. There is

a beautiful life of the saint in the royal library of Paris, with a

large number of exquisite miniatures. His attribute is the severed

head. October 9.

St. Diego d'Alcala was an humble Capuchin brother in a con-

vent of Alcala. It is said that the infant Don Carlos was healed

through his intercession, when severely wounded. Philip II. pro-

moted his canonization on this account.-' About IGOO a wealthy

Spaniard residing at Rome dedicated a chapel to this saint in the

church of San Giacomo degli Spagnuoli, which was painted by Anni-

1 Other wonders were also wrought through St. Diego's intercession ; for, as

our readers know, three miracles of the first class are required for the canoniza-

tion of a saint.


bal Caracci and Albano, who was then his pupil. These frescos were

transferred to canvas. There are also pictures of St. Diego by

Murillo, the most important being in the Louvre.

St. Digna. See St. Afra of Augsburg, whose handmaiden she


St. Dominick {Lat. S. Dominions, Pater Ordinis Pra^dicatorum


Jtal. S;m Domenico, San Domeuico Calaroga ; Fr. St. Dominique,

Fondateur des Fr^res Precheurs ; Sp, San Dt>mingo). This saint

was a Castilian of noble descent, of the house of Guzman.^ His

mother dreamed, before his birth, that she had brought forth a dog

with a torch in his mouth. At his baptism a star descended from

heaven to crown his brow. He studied at Valencia, and became, at

the instance of the Bishop of Osma, a regular canon of St. Augus-

tine at the age of twenty-eight years. When thirty years old he

went to France, and being shocked at the heresies of the Albigenses,

he preached with such effect as to convert many. He went the

second time to France with his bishop to conduct to Castile the

young princess who was to espouse Prince Ferdinand. Her death,

just as he arrived, was a great shock to him ; and thenceforth his zeal

and religious devotion were greatened. He obtained permission from

the pope in 1207 to preach to the Albigenses in the Vaudois. Hewrote out the articles of faith ; and it is said that when this book

was tlirown in the fire it would not remain, but leaped out uninjured.

As the heretical books were burned, this miracle had the effect to

convince and convert many. As to the persecution of the Albigenses,

it is certain that he was extremely earnest in his prayers and endeav-

ors to secure the triumph of the Church.'^ He united witli several

priests, who went about to preach barefoot. From this arose his

order, which was confirmed in 1216. St. Dominick, by heavenly

inspiration, instituted the devotion of the rosary. A rosary should

have fifteen large, and one hundred and fifty small beads. The large

represent the Paternosters, and the small the Ave-Marias. Tiiis use

of the rosary was a great assistance to St. Dominick in his labors.

1 The ex-Empress Eugenie of France is a seion of the house of Guzman.2 St. Dominick maintained that to labor with success anionff these heretics,

persuasion and good example should be employed, and by no means terror.

Himself knew no other arms than those of instruction, jiatience, penance, fasting,

watching, tears, and prayer. He was a zealous advocate of popular education.


In 1218 St. Dominick was commissioned by the pope to reform the

nunneries at Rome. From this originated the Order of the Domini-

can Nuns, for whom he made a rule, which they adopted. Hefounded many convents in the principal cities of Europe, none of

which are more famous than the splendid one of his order in the

Rue St. Jacques at Paris. It is from the situation of this convent

that the Dominicans were called Jacobins in France. At length he

returned to his convent at Bologna, where he died of a fever, brought

on by his arduous labors. Two years after his death he was canon-

ized, and his remains placed in the magnificent Area di San Do-

menico at Bologna. It is said his true portrait was brought from

heaven by St. Catherine and St. Mary Magdalen to a convent of Do-

minican nuns. His attributes are, the dog by his side ; the star, on

or above his head ; a lily in one hand and a book in the other. There

are many interesting legends of his wonderful miracles. At one time,

it is said, he restored to life the young Lord Napoleon, nephew of

Cardinal Stephano di Fossa-Nova, when he had been killed by a fall

from his horse. When, at the convent of St. Sabina, they had not

sufficient food, St. Dominick pronounced the blessing upon the little

they had, and immediately two angels appeared with bread and wine,

which was celestial food, and sweeter than any of earth. St. Domi-

nick had a vision, in which he saw the Saviour with the arrows of

divine wrath in his hand. The Virgin asked him what he would do


and when he replied that he would destroy the earth on account

of its wickedness, she besought him to wait, and presented to him St.

Francis and St. Dominick, saying that they would traverse the whole

earth and subdue it to Christ. August 4, a. d. 1221.

St. Donate of Arezzo {Lat. S. Donatus ; Fr. St. Donat). This

saint was of noble birth, and in childhood a companion of the Em-

peror Julian. Julian, after his apostasy, put many Christians to

death, and among them the father of Donatus. Donatus then fled

from Rome to Arezzo, and had for his companion the holy monk

Hilarion. They preached, and performed many miracles. At one

time a tax-gatherer of the province went on a journey, and left the

money which he had with his wife, Euphrosina. Slie died suddenly,

and told no one where she had hidden the treasure. When her

husband returned he was in great distress ; and fearing to be pun-

ished as a defaulter, he appealed to Donatus, who went to the tomb




and called upon Euphrosina to tell him where the money was. She

answered him, and this was heard by many. Donatus was made

Bishop of Arezzo ; and as he celebrated the Holy Mass, the cup

which held the wine, and which was of glass, was broken by some

idolaters. When Donatus prayed, it was made whole, and not a

drop of wine spilled. This miracle was the cause of the conversion

of so many that the pagans, in their rage, tortured and beheaded

him. Hilarion was scourged to death, and with Donatus is interred

beneath the hi^h altar of the cathedral of Arezzo. August 7.

St Dorothea of Cappadocia, virgin and martyr {Ital. Santa

Dorotea ; Fr. Ste. Durothee). She was a noble virgin, and the

most beautiful of the city of Cajsarea. She was a Christian, and

devoted to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Sapritius or Fabricius,

the governor, hearing of her beauty, sent for her, and threatened her

with death if she would not worship the idols. She depicted to him

the joys of heaven, and declared that she preferred the death which

would give her these to a life of idolatry. She was taken to prison;

and two sisters, Calista and Christeta, who had renounced Christian-

ity through fear of torture, were sent to induce Dorothea to follow

their example. But she so influenced them that they left her, declar-

ing themselves again Christians. Then Fabricius commanded the

sisters to be burned, and Dorothea to witness their sufferings. She

encouraged them through all, and was then condemned fo be tor-

tured and beheaded. She endured the tortures with great courage.

As she was led to execution, a young law^-er, called Theophilus, jeered

her, and asked her to send him fruits from the gardens to which slie

was going. She told him that his request should be granted. AVhen

at the place of execution, she knelt and prayed ; and suddenly there

was beside her a beautiful angel with a basket, in which were three

roses and three apples. She commanded him to take them to Theo-

philus, and tell him she had sent them, and should await him in the

gardens from which they came. Then she was beheaded. WhenTheophilus received the fruit and tasted of it, he too became a Chris-

tian, and at last suffered martyrdom. Her attributes are roses in

the hand or on the head, or a basket with three apples and three

roses held by an attendant angel. February 0, a. d. 303.

St. Dunstan was born in 925. He became a monk at (Glaston-

bury. He was a fine scholar, a remarkable musician, a painter, and


a worker of metals. He went to court when quite young, and was a

great favorite of King Edmund, who admired his musical talents. Hehad such an influence over the king that he was accused of sorcery and

driven from the court. One day, as the king Wcis liunting the stag,

his dogs leaped down a fearful precipice. The king feared that he

could not rein in his horse and must follow to death. He praved,

and thought of his cruelty to Dunstan. The horse stopped on the

bank. The king then begged Dunstan to return to liim. It is related

that as the saint labored one night at his forge, the Devil came to

tempt him in the form of a beautiful woman. Dunstan seized the

Devil by the nose with his red-hot tongs. One day his harp hanging

on the wall played to him the hymn, " Gaudete animi." Dunstan

w\as made the king's treasurer and Abbot of Glastonbury ; but when

Edwin came to the throne and lived a shameless life with Elgiva, he

drove Dunstan again from court. When Edgar was king, the saint was

again honored. He was made Bishop of Worcester, and then Arch-

bishop of Canterbury. In 960 he went to Rome, and received great

honors as Primate of the Anglo-Saxon nation. On his return he

founded numerous schools and monasteries. He relates in his writ-

ings a vision in which he beheld his mother espoused to Christ while

angels sang around them. One of the angels asked Dunstan whyhe did not sing ; and when he replied that he was ignorant and

could not sing, the angel taught him the hymn, and the next day

he could sing the same to his monks. May 19, a. d. 988.

Duns Scotus was a Franciscan, and a rival in theological con-

troversy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Their opinions gave rise to the

parties called Thomists and Scotists. He was one of the most zealous

defenders of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. He was an

Englishman, and went to Paris about 1304, where he wrote his com-

mentaries. He was sent to Cologne in 1308, where he was received

with great honor ; and there he died in the same year. There was

a fable of his having been buried alive, which is disputed by good


St. Ebba of Coldingham. This saint was abbess of the largest

monastery which existed in her time, and had monks as well as

nuns under her rule. About the j^ear 870 there was an incursion of

Danish pirates, and St. Ebba was alarmed for her chastity and that

of her nuns. She assembled them in the chapter-house and made an


appeal to them ; she tlieu took a razor and cut off her nose and upper

lip. Her example was followed by the whole community ; and when

the pirates came, the frightful spectacle the nuns presented protected

their virginity. The pirates in their disappointment set fire to the

monastery, and the nuns perished in the flumes. April 2.

St. Edith of Wilton, daughter of King Edgar. Her mother

was a beautiful nun, AVilfrida, whom the king took from her convent

by force. As soon as she could escape from him she returned, and

Edith was born in the nunnery. She refused to go to court, and was

celebrated for her sanctity, learning, and beauty. She spent the for-

tune her father gave her in founding a nunnery at Wilton, which has

since become the seat of the Earls of Pembroke. Edith was remark-

able for the costliness and elegance of her attire ; and when she

was rebuked for it by St. Ethelwold, she insisted that this was of no

importance, for God regarded the heart alone, and that he could read

beneath any garment. *'For," answered she, "pride may exist under

the garb of wretchedness ; and a mind may be as pure under these

vestments as under your tattered furs." ^ She died at the age of

twenty-three. She lived to see the consecration of the church she

had built in honor of St. Denis, but died forty-three days after. St.

Dunstan was warned of her approaching end, while celebrating mass

on tlie occasion of the consecration. September 16, a. D. 984.

Edith of Polesworth. See St. Modwena.

St. Edmund, king and martyr. The ecclesiastical legend of

King Edmund is this : Ragnar Lodbrog was a Dane of royal blood.

He went out fowling in a small skiff, and, a storm coming on, he was

driven upon the English coast in Norfolk. He was taken to King

Edmund, who much admired the strength of the Dane and his skill

as a huntsman, while Lodbrog was dazzled by the accomplishments

of the young king and the splendor of his court. The huntsman of

Edmund became jealous of the Dane, and killed him. A dog wliich

Lodbrog had reared watched over his body until it was discovered.

The huntsman confessed his crime, and as a punishment was put

1 So far the lepjend, on which some poems have been made. But, as our

readers know, tlie dress of nuns of every order is rcgulat*^! by a strict rule ; and

the legendary answer of the nun Editli to St. Ethelwold, thou^di embodying an

unquestioned truth, is not in accordance with the humble submission of Christian

virgins to the authorities of the Church.


'",i >i i

,^ • JOl

adrift in the same boat which had brought Lodbrog to England. He

was carried to the home of the Dane, where his two sons seeing

the boat of their father and supposing him to be murdered, were

about to kill the huntsman. But he told them that Edmund had

done the deed. Then they swore vengeance, and collecting a great

fleet, went to invade England. They landed in Northumbria, and

destroyed everything within their reach as they advanced to the

territory of Edmund. They demanded of him one half his kingdom.

He took counsel with Bishop Humbert, and determined never to

submit to a heathen power. He then prepared for battle, and met

the Danes near Thetford, where they fought. King Edmund was

surrounded by his enemies, and with Humbert took refuge in the

church. They were dragged out, and the king was bound to a tree

and scourged ; his body was then filled with arrows from the Danish

bows, and finally he w^as beheaded. Humbert also was martyred. At

length, when the Christians who had hidden came forth, they found

a large gray wolf watching the head of the king. This they buried

in a spot whereon were afterwards built a church and monastery,

and then a town, which was called in memory of the king, Bury St.

Edmunds, which name it still retains. November 20, a. d. 870.

St. Edward the Martyr was the son of King Edgar. One

day when he was hunting he went to Corfe Castle, where his step-

mother, Elfrida, was living with his brother Ethelred. His mother

received him kindly, but commanded one of the servants to stab

him in the back as he was drinking. He, finding himself wounded,

rode away and died in the forest. Elfrida and her son gave him

a shameful burial, and instituted rejoicings at his death. But God

shed a celestial light on his grave, and those who came to it were

healed of all infirmities. Multitudes made pilgrimages to his grave;

and when St. Dunstan reproved Elfrida as a murderess, she was

struck with remorse, and desired herself to go there. But when she

mounted her horse for the jom-ney he would not move, and no

power could make him ; so Elfrida, perceiving the will of God in

this, walked barefooted to the place. His remains were removed with

great honors to the nunnery at Shaftesbury, which Alfred the Great

had endowed. March 18, a. d. 978.

St. Edward, king and confessor. This saint was son of King

Ethelred, who had before his birth two other sons. But when it was


near the time for this third one to be born, Ethelred called upon his

council to decide who should succeed to the throne. St. Dunstan

was present, and he prophesied the early death of those already bom;80 the council decided in favor of the expected prince, who was after-

wards the saint of whom we speak. All the nobles took the oath

of fealty to him dans le sein de sa mere. The coronation of Edward

waii on Easter Day, 1043. He freed his subjects from the tax called

Danegelt, because when a large sum of this tribute was brought to

the palace, and the king was called to look at it, he beheld a rejoic-

ing demon dancing upon the money. This saint had many visions

during his life, and also possessed miraculous powers of healing. His

history is told in bas-reliefs in his chapel in Westaiiuster Abbey.

January 5, a. d. 106G.

St. Eleazar de Sabran was a Franciscan. His mother was a

woman of remarkable character and great piety. He was early

married to Dolphine, heiress of Glendenes. She was as pious as

her husband ; and they were both enrolled in the Third Order of

St. Francis. As Count of Sabran, he administered his affairs with

great ability and justice. He died at twenty-eight. St. Delphine

then resided for some time with Sancha, Queen of Naples, but at

last withdrew to perfect seclusion. St. Eleazar is represented in art

holding a package of papers to commemorate a noble act of his life.

After the death of his father he found papers which had been written

to induce his father to disinherit him, and which attributed to him

all manner of evil. Instead of taking revenge on the writer of these

calimmics, he sent for him, and burned the letters in his presence.

He til us made of his bitter enemy a devoted friend.

St. Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist {Lat. Sancta Elisa-

betha ; Ital. Santa Elisal)eta ; Sp. Santa Isabel ; Ger. Die Heilige

Elizabeth). The Hebrew signification of this name is " worshipper

of God," or "consecrated to God." The Gospel describes Elisabeth as

walking in all the commandments of the Lord blameless ; a woman"well stricken in years" when she was "exalted to a miraculoiis

motherhood," and chosen for high honors by God. She should not,

however, be represented as decrepit and wrinkled, but as elderly,

dignified, and gracious. She appears as an important personage in

art, and yet in most cases as the accompaniment to tliose of still

greater importance. She is first seen in pictures of the Visitation or


Salutation, when with prophetic utterance she exclaims, " Whenceis this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"Then in the representations of the birth of John the Baptist, and in

various scenes from his life ; one of which illustrates the legend

that as Elisabeth fled from the massacre at Bethlehem, a huge rock

opened and received her and St. John, whom she bore in her arms,

into its bosom, where they were concealed until the danger waspast. Again St. John is taking leave of his parents to go away into

his life in the desert. But the Holy Families in which St. Elisabeth

appears are far more numerous than any other representations of

her, and are by far the most pleasing. Elisabeth is frequently pre-

senting her child to the Saviour, and teaching him to kneel and fold

his hands as if in worship. The matronly age, the dark complexion,

and coifed head of Elisabeth are in beautiful contrast with the virgin

bloom, the abundant hair, and the youthful grace of the Madonna.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary {Lat. Sancta Elizabetha, Mater

Pauperum ; Ital. Santa Elisabeta di Ungheria ; Fr. Madame Ste.

Elisabeth ; Sp. Santa Isabel ; Ger. Die Heilige Elizabeth von Un-

garn, or von Hessen ; Die liebe Frau Elizabeth). This legend is

almost entirely historical, with just enough of the marvellous to

entitle it to a place in "legendary lore." She was the daughter of

the King of Hungary, and was born in 1207. The year of her birth

was full of blessings to her country, and from her earliest days she

was regarded as an especial favorite of God and one who should

bring good to her people. The first words she uttered were those

of pra^-er, and at three years old she showed her charity by giving

her toys and garments to those less fortiuiate than herself. "When

Herman of Thuringia heard of these things, he desired this princess

as a wife for his son. Prince Louis, and sent an embassy to solicit

her of her father. His ambassadors were of great rank; and with

them went the noble Bertha of Beindeleben, with a train of knights

and ladies, and many rich presents. Their request was granted,

and the little Elizabeth, only four years old, was given to them.

Her father gave her a silver cradle and bath, a rich wardrobe and

a train of twelve maidens. He also sent to Herman and his wife

Sophia many splendid and precious things which he had obtained

from Constantinople. The princess was received at the castle of

Wartburg, at Eisenach, with great and imposing ceremony. The


next day she was betrothed to Louis ; and being laid in the same

ciadle, tliey smiled and played in such a manner tljat, it was con-

sidered an omen of a happy marriage. From this time they were

never separated, and grew together in perfect love, Elizabeth was

soon seen to be very different from all other children ; her mind

was devoted to heavenly things, and charity was her chief charac-

teristic. As long as Herman lived, Elizabeth was happy, and he

was her true friend and father; but after his death, which happened

when she was nine years old, the mother and sister of Prince Louis

did all they could to prevent the marriage, because they did not like

her devotion and piety. But although she suffered many insults,

she never resented them, and Louis remained true to her in spite of

all. Sometimes he feared she was too pure and holy to be any other

than the bride of Heaven ; but at length when he was twenty the

marriage took place. They lived a life of most perfect love, but

she continued all her religious penances. Louis sometimes remon-

strated, but he secretly felt that he and his people should receive in

some way great blessings from the sanctity of his wife. Her con-

fessor had told her that the imposts for the support of the royal

table were unjust, and from that time, while others feasted, she ate

bread and drank^only water; but one day Louis took the cup from

her hand and tasted, and he thought he drank wine more delicious

than he had ever had before. He questioned the cup-bearer, who

declared he had given Elizabeth only water. Louis said nothing, for

he believed that angels attended her. At another time, when Louis

entertained a company of princes, he desired Elizabeth to dress mag-

nificently. When she was attired and about to enter the apartment

of Louis, a wretched beffgar soufdit her charitv. She told him she

could not attend to him then, but he entreated her in the name

of John the Baptist. Kow this was her patron saint, and she could

not refuse what was asked in his name ; so she tore off her costly

mantle and gave the beggar, and sought her chamber fearing what

her husband might say. Just then Louis came to seek her, and as

he hesitated whether to blame or praise her, a servant brought the

mantle, saying she had found it hanging in its place. Then Louis

led her forth to his guests with his heart full of love and wonder;

and a bright light was about her, and the jewels on her mantle

glowed with celestial brilliancy. Tradition tells us that the beggar


was none other than our Blessed Lord. Another time, when visiting

the poor of Eisenach, she found a leprous child whom none would

care for. She carried him in her arms and laid him in her own hed.

This enraged the mother of Louis ; and when he returned she told

him what sort of person was in his bed in his absence. Almost out

of patience, he went to see ; and, behold ! when he looked he found

a sweet infant, and as he gazed it vanished away from his sight.

This, too, was believed to have been Jesus. When Louis was absent,

Elizabeth spent all her time in visiting the poor ; and as she one

day descended to Eisenach carrying food in her robe, she met her hus-

band. The path was icy, and she bent with the weight of her burden.

When Louis demanded what she did, she did not like to show him,

and pressed her robe more firmly together. He insisted, and opened

her mantle, when he saw only red and white roses, more lovely than

the earthly roses of summer; and this was in winter. Then he. was

about to embrace her ; but such a glory seemed to surround her that

he dared not touch her, but he put one of the roses in his bosom

and went on, thinking of all these wonders. In 1226 Louis went to

Italy with the Emperor Frederick II. A great famine afflicted all

Germany, but especially Thuringia. Elizabeth was untiring in her

charities and labors. The famine was followed as usual by a plague;

and again she labored, with her own hands tending the sick. She

founded several hospitals, and went constantly from one to the other.

She exhausted the public treasury, and gave away her own robes

and jewels. When Louis returned, his counsellors made great com-

plaints of Elizabeth; but he, only thankful that she was still spared

to him, said, "Let her do as she will." But she, kissing him many

times, said, " See ! I have given to the Lord what is his, and he has

preserved to us what is thine and mine!" The next year Louis

went to the Crusades. The grief of the hearts of this husband and

wife at parting was such that Elizabeth was carried home more dead

than alive ; for she had journeyed two days with him before she

could find strength to leave him. It was their final parting; for

Louis died in Calabria, in the arms of the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

He commanded his retainers to carry his body to his wife, and to

defend her and his children, even with their lives, from all wrong.

Her grief was so great that God alone could sustain her by miracu-

lous comfort. The brother of Louis, Henry, now drove her forth


with her children, and took possession of the Wartburg. It was

winter time; slio carried her newly born baby in her arms, and

was followed by her three other children and her women. It is

said that she fell, and that one whom she had cared for in the

hospital mocked at her. She found a shelter for her children, and

supported herself by spinning wool. But when the knights returned

with the body of Louis, they obliged Henry to accept the office of

regent until her son Herman could reign ; and Elizabeth received

as her dower the city of Marbourg. And now she gave herself up

to the direction of her rigid confessor, Conrad. She lived a life of

penitential humiliation, and even separated herself from her children

lest she should love them too well. She drank the very dregs of the

cup of penance, and clothed in rags and mocked by the children in

the streets as a mad woman, she spun wool until she had no strength

remaining. It is said that she was comforted by celestial beings,

and that even the Blessed Virgin talked with her. When dving she

sang sweet hymns, and at last she said, " Silence," and died. Tra-

dition says that angels bore her spirit to heaven, and as they as-

cended were heard to chant, " Regnum mundi contempsi." She was

twenty-four years old, and Louis had been dead three years and a

lialf. She was canonized four years after her death. Her shrine in

the church at Marbourg, which bears her name, was visited by

pilgrims, and its stone steps worn away by their knees. In the

Reformation so-called, this shrine was desecrated, and her remains

scattered, no one knows where. The shrine is still preserved as a

curiosity in the sacristy of the church. The castle of Wartburg is

in ruins. There are many pictures of this lovely saint ; but the most

celebrated was painted l)y Murillo for the church of the Caritad, at

Seville. November 10, a. D. 1231.

St. Elizabeth of Portugal {Sp. Sant* Isabel de Paz). This

Elizabeth was the daugiiter of the King of Arngon, and the grand-

niece of I'^lizabeth of Hungary. She was married to Dionysius, King

of Portiigal. He was most faithless and cruel as a husband, but a

good king to his subjects. After forty years of great domestic trials

she was left a widow. She died at sixty-five, and can bo distinguished

from the other St. Elizal)eth of whom we have sjxtken, by her age,

as the former is always represented as yoiujg, while this t)no is old

and venerable. She was so patient, and so often reconciled the


troubles of her family, as to acquire in Spain the title " Sant' Isabel

de Paz." She is the heroine of Schiller's "Fridolin," though the

scene is in Germany, and her name "Die Gratin von Savern," July

8, A. D. 133G.

St. Eloy of Noyon {Lat. S. Eligius ; Eng. St. Loo ; Ital. Sant'

Alo, or Lo ; Sant' Eligio). This saint was born at the village of

Chatelas. He was of humble origin. He was at school at Limoges,

and there learned the trade of a goldsmith, in which he so excelled

that when he went to Paris he attracted the attention of the treas-

urer of the king, Clotaire IL The king desired to have a throne of

gold set with jewels, and it was important to find a skilful and an

honest man. Eloy vras selected, and of the material furnished him

for one throne he made two. The king was so pleased with the

beauty of the work and the probity of the workman, that he from

that time employed him in State affairs. His successor, Dagobert,

made Eloy Master of the Mint. He cut the dies for the money, and

there are known to be thirteen pieces bearing his name. He was at

length, after the death of Dagobert, made Bishop of Noyon. He was

remarkable for his eloquence, and was sent to preach in Belgium ; and

by some he is believed to have been the first to carry the Gospel

to Sweden and Denmark. Before his Episcopal consecration, while

holding a high place at court, he still labored as a goldsmith, and

made many beautiful shrines for saints, and holy vessels for churches.

The Devil tempted St. Eloy, as he did so many of the saints ; and it

is said of him, as of St. Dunstan, that he seized the Devil's nose with

his hot tongs. One of the miracles attributed to this saint, and rep-

resented on the exterior of Or-San-Michele at Florence, is that a horse

being brought to him to be shod, which was possessed by the Devil,

he cut off the leg and quietly put on the shoe ; this being done, he

made the sign of the cross, and replaced the leg, to the great astonish-

ment of all. He is patron of Bologna and Noyon, of goldsmiths and

all other meta-1-workers, and of farriers and horses. December I,

A. D. 659.

St. Elphege. See St. Alphege.

St. Enurchus, or Evurtius, was sent into France by the pope,

to attend to the redeeming of captives. The people were electing a

Bishop of Orleans. A dove alighted twice upon the head of Enurchus


and this was considered as showing so remarkable sanctity in him


thiit lie was made bishop, which office he lield more tlian twenty

veins. i)\ni of the luiracles which he did, was this : wl»en laying tlie

foundations of his Church of the Holy Cross, he directed the men to

dig in a certain place, and they there found a pot of gold which was

enough to pay for the church. September 7, a. d. 310, or about that


St. Ephesus and St. Potitus are represented on the walls of

the Campo Santo at Pisa, and seem to belong especially to that city.

St. Ephesus was an officer under Diocletian, and was sent to destroy

all the (christians in Sardinia. But he was so warned by a dream

that he himself became a Christian, and turned his arms against the

pagans. He suffered martyrdom with his friend Potitus.

St. Ephrem of Edessa, who on account of his writings is one

of the Fathers of the Greek Church, was a hermit of Syria. He is

represented in a very curious Greek picture, called the "Obsequies of

St. Ephrem," which is one of the best representations of hermit life.

Greek festival, January 28 ; Latin, February 1, about 378.

St. Erasmus of Formia {Ital. Sant' Elmo, or Erasmo ; Sp.

St. Ermo, or Eramo ; Fr. St. Elme). This saint suff'ered a most hor-

rible martyrdom under Diocletian at Formia, now Mola di Gaeta.

He so withstood all common tortures that he was cut open and his

entrails wound oft' like a skein of silk on wheels. He was a bishop,

and is represented as such, with the im})lement of his torture in his

hand. There is an altar dedicated to him in St. Peter's, over which

a mosaic represents his death. It is a copy of a picture by Poussin.

St. Erasmus is invoked, under the name of Elmo, by the mariners on

the shores of the Mediterranean, in Spain, Sicily, and Calabria, and

is believed to have power over the tempests. At Naples a monastery

and fortress bear his name. June 3, a. d. 29G.

St. Ercolano (Herculanus) was Bishop of Perugia at the time of

the invasion of the Goths under Totila. He labored hard and encour-

aged the people through the siege of Perugia ; and when the city was

taken, i)y order of Totila, he was beheaded on the ramparts. He was

thrown into the ditch, and was found lying beside a dead child, whowas buried in the same grave with the saint,

St. Ethelberga. Of this saint there is little known but the one

fact that she was the abbess of the first P>enedictiue nunnery in

England, which was at Barking, in Essex. October 11.


St. Ethelreda. This saint is also called St. Audrey. She was

the foundress of the magniiicent cathedral of Ely. Her father was

Ina, King of the East Angles ; and when she married Toubert, or Tou-

berch, Prince of the Gervii, the isle of Ely was her dowry. She had

a second husband, Egfrid, King of Northunibria ; but after living with

him in a state of continency for twelve years, she took the veil at

Coldingham, with his consent. King Egfrid later repented his com-

plaisance, and attempted to drag her from the convent. She fled to a

rocky point called St. Ebb's Head. Egfrid pursued her ; but the tide

suddenly rose, and made the rock inaccessible. He married 'another

wife. St. Ethelreda crossed the Humber with two virgins, who

watched beside her while she slept, and had a miraculous dream, in

which she thought that her staif, being stuck in the ground, had put

forth branches and leaves, and become a large tree. A miracle was

w^rought through her intercession about four hundred years after her

death. A wicked man, Britstan, being very sick, repented, and

desired to dedicate himself to God in the monastery at Ely ; but on

his way thither he was arrested and imprisoned. He implored the

aid of St. Ethelreda ; and at night she, with St. Benedict, came to

him, and when she touched his fetters they fell from his feet. After

being buried sixteen years in the common cemetery, she was placed

in a beautiful sarcophagus of marble, which was probably a relic of

the Eomans, but the people believed it to have been wrought for the

saint by angels, June 23, a. d. 679.

St. Eugenia was the daughter of Philip, Proconsul of Egypt in

the reign of Commodus. She was very learned. She was converted

to Christianity, put on the attire of a man and became the monk

Eugenius. She went to Rome, and was put to death in the time of

the Emperor Severus. December 25.

St. Eulalia of Merida, The story of this saint is told by Pru-

dentius. Eulalia was but twelve years old at the time of the publi-

cation of the Edict of Diocletian. She went to the prefect who judged

the Christians, and reproached him for his cruelty and impiety. The

governor immediately seized her, and placed on one side of her the

instruments of torture, and on the other the offerings for the idol.

She trampled the offerings under her feet, threw down the idol, and

spat at the judge. She was then tortured to death; and as she died,

a white dove issued from her mouth and flew to heaven. She is much


venerated in Spain, and is buried at Merida. Another St. Eulalia is

buritMj at Barcelona. December 10.

St. Eunomia. See St. Afra, of Augsburg.

St. Euphemia of Chalcedonia (6V. 'Ay. Ev^ry/xia; significa-

tion, "prai.se;" Jtal. Sant' Kufemia; Fr. Ste. Eupht-mie). She was a

Greek saint, and in the Eastern Church is styled Great; for such was

the fjime of her beauty and her courageous endurance. There is a

homily upon St. Euphemia among the writings of Asterius, who wrote

about 400. She suffered death not far from Byzantium, about 307.

She was very beautiful in person. After suffering many tortures she

was thrown to the lions, who licked her feet, and refused to do vio-

lence to her. Priscus, her judge, was so enraged at this that one of

the soldiers, who desired to please him, killed the maiden with his

Bword. "Within a century from the time of her death there were many

churches dedicated to her, both East and West. In Constantinople

alone, there were four. Leo the Iconoclast ordered her relics to be

cast into the sea, but they appeared again in the island of Lemnos.

Hence different portions of her remains were carried to many places.

September 16, a. d. 307.

St. Eustace {Lat. S. Eustatius ; Ital. Sant' Eustachio ; Fr. St.

Eustache). Before his conversion this saint was called Placidus.

He was captain of the guards of the Emperor Trajan. He was a

lover of hunting; and one day when in the forest, he pursued a

white stag, which fled and ascended a high rock. As he looked, he

saw between the horns of the stag a radiant cross, and on it an

image of Jesus. He fell on his knees ; and the ffgure on the cross

spake, announcing itself as the image of the lledeemer, and demand-

in;^ of Placidus that he should believe. lie answered, ** Lord, I

believe." He was then told that he should suff'er much for Christ,

but i)e declared himself ready to do so. He returned to his home,

and was baptized, together with his wife and two sons, and was called

Eustace. Misfortune soon came. His property was taken by robbers,

and his wife carried away by pirates, and he wandered in poverty with

his sons. One day he wished to cross a stream, and swam over with

one child, whom he left on the bank, while he returned for the otjjer.

But when he was in the midst of the river, there came on one side a

lion, and on the other a wolf, which beasts carried off' the two boys.

He went to a village where ho labored for his support for lifteeu


years. Then the Emperor Adrian required the services of Placidus,

and searched for and found him. He was put again at the head of his

troops, and his honors restored to him with new power and riches.

But his heart was lonely, and he mourned for his wife and sons. Nowthese had been rescued from their dangers, and at last they were all

again restored to the husband and father. Then Eustace believed

that his troubles were ended ; but soon Adrian ordered a great sacri-

fice to the gods, and when Eustace refused to join in it with his

household, he and they were shut up in a brazen bull, and a fire

kindled beneath it. September 20, a. d. 118.

St. Eutropia. See. St. Afra of Augsburg.

St. Ewald the Black and St. Ewald the Fair. These

saints were twins, and Saxons. They left England in the days of

St. Boniface, and went to Ireland to study. They then went through

Friesland to Westphalia, where they were to preach. Here they

sought out the prince of the country, and asked permission to preach;

but they were murdered hj the barbarians and their bodies thrown

into the river. A light was seen above the spot where they sank,

and their remains were recovered and carried to Cologne, and buried

in the church of St. Cuthbert. They are patron saints of Westphalia.

October 3, a. d. 695 or 700.

St. Fabian was made Bishop of Rome in a. d. 236. Eusebius

says he was chosen because a dove alighted on him while the people

and clergy were choosing a pope. At the time he was a stranger to

all present. He died a martyr in the persecution of Decius. January

20, A. D. 250.

St. Faith {Lat. Sancta Fides) was born at Agen, in Aquitaine. She

had great beauty, but from her youth was insensible to the pleasures

of tlie world. Because she refused to sacrifice to Diana, while still

•very young, Dacian, the Prefect of the Guards, subjected her to the

most fearful tortures. She was beaten with rods, then half roasted on

a brazen bed, and at length beheaded. The crypt of old St. Paul's in

London was dedicated in the name of this saint. October 8, a. d. 290.

St. Faustinas and St. Jovita {Ital. San Faustino and San

Giovita). These were brothers who were converted by the preaching

of St. Apollonius, at Brescia. They preached, ministered to the poor,

and zealously devoted themselves to a Christian life. By the com-

mand of Adrian they were seized and thrown into the amphitheatre.


The beasts did not attack them, aud they were afterwards beheaded

outside the walls of Brescia, of which city they are the patrou saints.

February 15, a. d, 121.

St. Felicitas and her seven sons (Ital. Santa Felicity, Fr. Ste.

Felicitcj. Tliis saint was of an illustrious Roman family. A widow,

she devoted herself to the care of her children and to pious works

of charity. She had great riches, which made her enemies anxious

to accuse her as a Christian, so that they might share the spoils


and her influence having converted many to her religion, gave them

a i)0wcrful plea against her. It was in tlie time of the great persecu-

tion of the Emperor ^larcus Aurelius Antoninus. She was called

before Publius, a prefect of Home, who commanded her to sacrifice

to the gods she had rejected. This she refused ; and when reminded

of the dangers which threatened her children no less than herself,

she replied that they knew how to choose everlasting life in prefer-

ence to eternal death. She witnessed the tortures and death of her

sons, never ceasing to exhort them to remain true to their faith.

Januarius, the eldest, was scourged with thongs loaded with lead.

Felix and Philip were beaten with clubs. Sylvanus was thrown from

a rock. Alexander, Vitalis, and Martial were beheaded. After they

had all thus suffered martyrdom, Felicitas praised God that she had

been the mother of seven sons whom he had deemed worthy of being

siunts in Paradise. Her only desire was that she might quickly

follow them. But she was kept four months in jDrison, with the hope

that this prolonged agony would destroy her faith and strength. But

at length she was tortured and killed. Some say she "was beheaded,

and others that she was thrown into a caldron of boiling oil. In

art she is represented as hooded or veiled like a widow, with the

martyr's palm, and surrounded by her sons. The representations of

this Roman family are sometimes confounded with those of the Seven

Maccabees and their heroic mother. The only guide by which to

distinguish them is that St. Felicitas was not recognized in the East.

In Byzantine art, seven young martyrs with their mother probably

represent the Jewish rather than the Roman saints. St. Felicitas is

the patroness of male heirs. November 23, a. d. 173. Festival of

the sons, July 10.

St. Felix de Valois. Kovember 20, a. d. 1212. See St. John

de Matha.


St. Felix de Cantalicio. This saint was a native of Citta Du-

cale in Umbria. He was born in 1513. His parents were very poor.

He entered a Capuchin monastery as a lay brotlier. Later, he was

appointed qiiestor of a community of the Capuccini at Rome. Here

for forty-five years he daily begged the bread and wine for his con-

vent ; and such an abundance of these articles was never known there

as during his time. On this account he is represented in the habit

of his order, with a beggar's wallet, which has two ends like a purse

thrown over his shoulder,- to contain the alms begged for his convent.

The extreme devotion of his life won the admiration not only of the

brotherhood to which he belonged, but of all who saw^ him. It is

told of him that as he went out on a stormy night to beg, he met an

angelic child, who gave him a loaf of bread and a benediction, and

then vanished from his sight. He w^as the first saint of the Order of

the Capuchins. May 21, a. D. 1587.

St. Felix, or Felice. July 12. See St. Nabor.

St. Ferdinand of Castile {Sp. El Santo Rey, Don Fernando,

in.). This great king, warrior, and saint was the eldest son of

Alphonso, King of Leon, and Berengaria of Castile. His parents were

separated by the pope, because being within the prohibited degrees

of consanguinity they had married without a dispensation. Their

children were, however, declared legitimate. Berengaria returned to

her father's court and lived in retirement. The influence she had over

Ferdinand was extraordinary, and endured throughout his life. Be-

rengaria, when she came into possession of Castile, gave up her rights

to her son ; and when at his father's death he succeeded to the throne

of Leon, the two kingdoms were united. Ferdinand was married to

Joan, Countess of Ponthieu, who was as obedient and loving to Beren-

garia as was her husband. Ferdinand fought bravely against the

Moors, and expelled them from Toledo, Cordova, and Seville. It is

related that, at the battle of Xeres, St. lago appeared at the head of

the troops, conducting the fight. Thousands of Moors were slain ; but

there was only a single Christian killed, and he was one who had gone

into battle refusing to forgive an injury. At the time of his death,

Ferdinand w\as planning an expedition to Africa. In the " Annals of

the Artists of Spain" we are told that he founded the cathedral of

Burgos, " which points to heaven with spires more rich and deli-

cate than any that crown the cities of the Imperial Rhine. He also



begun to rel)uiKl the cuthedral of Toledo, wliere duriug four hundred

years artists swarmed and labored like bees, and splendid prelates

lavished their princel}' revenues to make fair and glorious the temple

of God intrusted to their care." When urged to tax his people, in

order to recruit his army and fill his empty coffers, he made a reply

which rellocts more glory upon his character than his victories or his

cathedral foundations can give. "God," he replied, "in whose cause

I fight, will supply my need. I fear more the curse of one poor old

woman than a whole army of Moors !" He died as a penitent, with a

cord about his neck and a crucifix in his hand. His daughter, Elenora,

was married to Edward I. of England. She possessed the piety and

courage of her father. It was she who sucked the poison from her

husband's wound. When the decree of Ferdinand's canonization

reached Seville, the greatest religious festival ever held there took

place. He was buried in the cathedral of Seville. There is a por-

trait of St. Ferdinand, thought to be authentic, in the convent of San

Cleniente at Seville. May 30, a. d. 1152.

St. Filomena {Lat. Sancta Philumena ; Fr. Ste. Philom^ne).

Within the ])ast half-century this saint has gi'own in the popular

veneration. ^V'e know but little of her history. In the beginning

of the present century a sepulchre was discovered in the Catacomb

of Priscilla at Rome, in which was the skeleton of a young girl.

It was adorned with various rudely painted symbols, and a portion

of an inscription, the beginning and end of which were gone. It

was,——lumena pax te cum fi

Those remains, supposed to be those of a martyr, were placed in the

treasin-y <if relic-? in tlic Lateran. When Pius VII. returned from

France, a Neapolitan prelate was sent to congratulate iiim. One

of the priests in his train begged for some relics, and the remains

described above were given him. The inscription was translated,

"Saint Philomena, rest in peace. Amen." Another priest had a

vision, in which St. Filomena appeared with great glory, and revealed

that she had K'.jffered death for preferring the Christian faith and

her vows of chastity to marriage with the emperor, who wished to

make her his wife. Afterwards a young artist was told in a vision

that this emperor was Diocletian ; but it is also thought to have


been Maximian. The priest, Francesco da Lucia, carried the relics

to Naples. They were inclosed in a case made in the form of a

human body. It was dressed in a crimson tunic and a white satin

petticoat. The face was painted, a garland of flowers put upon the

head, and a lily and a javelin, with its point reversed, emblematic

of her purity and her martyrdom, were put in her hand. She was

placed, half sitting, in a sarcophagus with glass sides. After lying

in state in the church of Sant' Angiolo, she was carried in proces-

sion to Mugnano, amid the acclamations of the people, miracles being

wrought through her intercession on the way. Jewels of great value

now decorate her shrine. Her image is found in Venetian churches,

in Bologna and Lombardy. At Pisa, in the church of San Francisco,

and at Paris, in the churches of St. Gervais and St. Merry, there are

chapels dedicated to St. Filomena. August 10, a. d. 303.

St. Fina of Gemignano. This saint was not a martyr, but

received the honor of canonization on account of her patience and

cheerfulness during long and fearful sufferings from disease. She

labored as long as was possible for the relief of all the poor and

wretched within her reach. She is scarcely known outside of the

little town where she dwelt ; but there her name is typical of pa-

tience, fortitude, and charity. She was warned of her death by

a vision of St. Gregory, whom she especially honored, and at the

moment of her decease all the bells in San Gemignano were miracu-

lously tolled. As her body was borne to the grave, she raised her

hand as if to bless her aged nurse, who from that time was healed of

a troublesome disease. The life of this saint is beautifully painted

on the chapel dedicated to her in the cathedral of San Gemignano.

March 12, a. d. 1253.

St. Flavia was the dausfhter of a Ptoman Senator, and sister of

St. Placidus, who was taken by his father at the age of five years to

Subiaco to be educated by St. Benedict. Flavia followed her brother

to Sicily, whither he was sent by his superior; and she, with Placidus

and thirty of their companions, was slain by the barbarians outside

of their convent near Messina. This narrative is not considered

authentic by later Benedictine writers. October 5, a. d. 540.

St. Florian is one of the guardian saints of Austria. He was a

lioman soldier, who, on account of his Christian faith, was put to

death in the reign of Galerius. A millstone was tied round his neck,


aud lie was thrown into the river Enns. Many miracles were attrib-

uted to him, one of which was that with a single pitcher of water he

extinguished a large conflagration. Representations of this saint are

frequent in Austria and JJohemia, and often adorn pumps and foun-

tains. A magnificent monastery bearing his name commemorates

his life and its painful end. A picture of St. Florian by Murillo is in

St. Petersburg. May 4.

St. Francesca Romana. The church dedicated to this saint

in Home was the scene of her fasts and vigils, and is now called by

her name rather than that of Santa Maria Nuova, which it formerly

bore. In the Torre de' Spechi is her convent, which has been the

best school in all Rome for the girls of the higher classes. Her

father was Paolo di Bassi. She was born in 1384:. She was ex-

tremely pious from her childhood, and would have preferred the

veil of the nun to that of a bride; but her father married her to

Lorenzo Penziano, a rich nobleman. She shunned the society and

pleasures belonging to her station, and devoted herself as far as pos-

sible to a religious life. Every day she recited the entire Office of

the Virgin, and went in disguise to her vineyard beyond the gate of

San Paolo to gather fagots, which she brought on her head into the

city, and distributed to the poor. During the lifetime of her hus-

band she collected the company of women whose superior she

became after his death. Their principal labor was teaching the

young, but the}' took no vows. She spent so much time in prayer

that she was frequently interrupted by the demands of her family.

Once it happened that while reciting the Office of Our Lady she

was called away by her husband four times at the same verse


when she returned the fifth time, she found this verse written on

the page in golden letters. This was done by her guardian angel,

who attended her in visible form. Many wonderful works are at-

tributed to her : the raising of a dead child to life, the staying of

an epidemic by her prayers, and the increasing of bread by prayer,

when there was not enough for the inmates of her convent, are

some of the most important evidences of her favor with Heaven.

She died of a fever at the house of her son, whom she had gone to

comfort on the occasion of some affliction. Her fame was not by

any means confined to Rome, but was great in all Italy. March 9,

A.D. 1440.


St. Francis of Assisi (Lat. S. Franciscns, Pater Seraphicus;

Ital. San Francisco di Assisi ; Fr. St. Frangois d'Assise). St.

Francis— called "the Seraphic," from the fervor of his love of God—was the founder of the Franciscans, one of the three Mendicant

Orders of Friars. His father, Pietro Bernardone, was a rich mer-

chant. His baptismal name was Giovanni, but he acquired the

title of Francisco (the Frenchman) from the fact that his father

had him early instructed in French as a preparation for business.

In his early years Francis was beloved for his generous and com-

passionate heart, and remarkable for his prodigality and love of

gay pleasures. In a quarrel between the inhabitants of Assisi

and those of Perugia, Francis was taken a prisoner, and held for

a year in the fortress of Perugia. On reaching home he was very

ill for months, and it was during this sickness that his thoughts

were turned to the consideration of the wicked uselessness of the

life he had lived. Soon after his recovery he met a beggar, in

whom he recognized one who had formerly been known to him as

rich and noble. Francis exchanged garments with him, putting on

the tattered cloak of the mendicant, and giving him the rich clothes

in which he was dressed. That same liight, in a vision, he thought

himself in a splendid apartment, filled with all kinds of arms and

many rich jewels and beautiful garments, and all were marked with

the sign of the cross. In the midst of them stood Christ, and he

said, " These are the riches reserved for my servants, and the

weapons wherewith I arm those who fight in my cause." From this

Francis thought that he was to be a great soldier, for he knew not

as yet of the spiritual weapons Christ gives his disciples. After-

wards, when he went to pray in the half-ruined church of San

Damiano, as he knelt he heard a voice say, " Francis, repair myChurch, which falleth to ruin." Taking this in its most literal sense,

he sold some merchandise, and took the money to the priests of San

Damiano for the repairing of their church. His father was so angry

at this that Francis hid himself many days in a cave in order to

escape from his wrath. When he returned to the city he was so

changed, so haggard, and so ragged that he was not recognized, and

the boys hooted him in the streets. His father believed him insane,

and confined him ; but his mother set him at liberty, begging liim

at the same time to return to his former mode of life, and not to


provoke his father and dis;,'race them all by his strange conduct. At

length his futlier took him to the bishop, to be advised by him.

Wlien Francis saw the holy man, he threw himself at his feet ; he

abjured his former life, and throwing his garments to his father said,

*' Henceforth I recognize no father but Him who is in heaven.'*

The bishop wept with joy and admiration ; and taking a coarse cloak

from a beggar who stood by, he gave it to Francis, who gladly

received it as tlie first fruits of the poverty on which he was

resolved. He was now twenty-five years old. The first labor he

performed was that of caring for the lepers in a hospital ; and this

was considered the more meritorious from the fact that before this

he could not lo(^k on a leper without fainting. The next years of

his life were passed in prayer and penitence. He wandered among

his native mountains, begging alms, every penny of which that could

be spared, after supplying the imperative wants of nature, was given

for the reparation of churches. He dwelt in a cell near the chapel

of Santa Maria degli Angeli ; and several disciples, attracted by the

fame of his piety, joined him here. Poor as he was, his attention

was attracted to the text, "Take nothing for your journey, neither

staves, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money, nor two coats ;" and he cast

about him to see if he had any superfluous comfort. He could find

nothing that he could spare, save his leather girdle ; and casting that

away, he used instead a rope of hemp. This has also been adopted

by his followers, from which peculiarity they are called Cordeliers.

He preached with marvellous effect, and soon had many followers.

Among his female converts none are of greater note than the first,

Clara d' Assisi, the beautiful " Gray Sister," the foundress of the

order of the " Poor Clares." The vow of poverty, the most com-

plete and absolute, was insisted upon by St. Francis in liis order.

One of tlie Franciscan legends is that as he journeyed to Siena,

"St. Francis was encountered by three maidens in poor raiment,

and exactly resembling each other in age and appearance, who

saluted him with the words, 'Welcome, Lady Poverty!' and sud-

denly disappeared. The brethren not irrationally concluded tliat

this apparition imported some mystery pertaining to St. Francis, and

that by the three poor maidens were signified Chastity, Obedience,

and Poverty, the beauty and sum of evangelical perfection; all of

whicli shone with equal and consummate lustre in the man of God,


though he made his chief glory the privilege of Poverty." This

legend has been illustrated by various pictures ; and Giotto made

Poverty the bride of St. Francis, who did indeed woo the sufferings

which she brought with a more devoted ardor than that with which

most lovers seek the sweet and sometimes glittering rewards of more

attractive mistresses. At length Francis went to Rome to obtain

the confirmation of his order. At first the pope, Innocent III., con-

sidering him as an enthusiast, repulsed his suit. That night in a

vision the pope saw the walls of the Lateran tottering, and only

kept from flilling by the support of the very man to whom he

had refused his aid. He immediately sent for Francis, and granted

him the privileges he desired for his order, and full permission to

preach. The saint then built cells for his disciples near his own, and

gave his brotherhood the name of " Fratre Minori," to signify that

humility should be their chief attribute, and that each should strive

for the lowest rather than the highest place ; while in his own eyes

he was himself the basest of men, and he desired to be tljus con-

sidered by all. His fear that his disciples should seek any other

than the deepest poverty. led him to forbid the building of any con-

vent, and he commanded that the churches built for them should be

the plainest and most inexpensive. Another marked peculiarity of

this holy man was what is termed the "gift of tears." He wept

and prayed continually, on account of his own sins and those of the

whole world ; and he resolved to go to preach to the heathen, and

indulged the hope that God would grant him the great glory of

martyrdom. He attempted at different times to go to Syria and

Morocco ; but he was driven back by a storm the first time, and the

second, was arrested by sickness. But he did many miracles, and

founded convents in Spain. Ten years after the establishment of

his order he held the first general chapter, at which there assembled

five thousand friars. They seemed to be thoroughly inspired with

the spirit of their leader, and even he found it necessary to caution

them against an excess of austerities and penances. From this

assembly he sent forth missionaries to other countries, and again

started himself to preach in Egypt and Syria. He succeeded only

in reaching Damietta, where he was taken before the sultan, who

would neither allow him to preach nor to suffer martyrdom in his

territory, but sent him back to Italy, looking upon him with Oriental


regard and kindness as one insane or wanting in mental capacity.

A few yeai-s later, having obtained from Pope Honorius the con-

tirmation of his order, he resigned his office as its head, and retired

to a cave on Mt. Alverna. Hero he had many trances and vis-

ions of our Saviour and his Blessed Mother ; and it is said that

the saint was sometimes raised into the air in ecstatic raptures of

devotion. Here it was that he had the wonderful vision, and

received the especial marks of the favor of God, which obtained for

him the title of "the Seraphic." "After having fasted for fifty days

in his solitary cell on Mt. Alverna, and passed the time in all the

fervor of prayer and ecstatic contemplation, transported almost to

heaven by the ardor of his desires ; then he beheld as it were a

seraph with six shining wings, bearing down upon him from above,

and between his wings was the form of a man crucified. By this

he imderstood to be figured a heavenly and immortal intelligence,

subject to death and humiliation. And it was manifested to him

that he was to be transformed into a resemblance to Christ, not by

the martyrdom of the flesh, but by the might and fire of Divine

love. When the vision had disappeared and he had recovered a

little from its effect, it was seen that in his hands, his feet, and

side he carried the wounds of our Saviour." It is piously be-

lieved that these wounds were really impressed by a supernatural

power. Francis in his humility desired to conceal the great favor

and honor he had received ; but notwithstanding his endeavors, tliey

were seen by many. His last days were full of suffering. As death

apf)roached, he commanded those about him to place him on the

earth. He attempted to repeat the 141st Psalm, and at the last

verse, " Bring my soul out of prison," he breatlied his last. He had

requested that his body should be buried with those of the malefiic-

tors, at a place called the Colle d' Inferno, outside the walls of his

native city. This request was fulfilled ; and as his body was borne

past the church of San Damiano, Clara and her nuns came out to

take a farewell of all that remained of him who had shown her the

way of religious perfection. Only two years passed before his ca'non-

ization, and the beginning of the church wliich covers his remains.

These are still entire and unviolated in their tomb, which is in a

hollow rock. Tliere are numberless legends connected with St.

Francis, a vast number of which are written iu picture history.


Many of them are illustrative of his love for all lower animals and

even insects ; for he felt that love of Christ in our hearts should fill

US with sympathy for everything th?tt can suffer pain or be bene-

fited by kindness. When in Rome, he had always with him a pet

lamb. One instance of his tenderness is thus given :" One day he

met a young man on his way to Siena to sell some doves which he

had caught in a snare ; and Francis said to him, ' good young man


these are the birds to whom the Scripture compares those who are

pure and faithful before God ; do not kill them, I beseech thee, but

give them rather to me;' and when they were given to him he put

them in his bosom and carried them to his convent at Ravacciano,

where he made for them nests, and fed them every day until they

became so tame as to eat from his hand. And the young man had

also his recompense ; for he became a friar and lived a holy life

from that day forth." There is in the church at Assisi a picture of

St. Francis, painted soon after his death, under the oversight of those

who had known him well. It has almost the value of a portrait.

October 4, a. d. 1226.

St. Francis de Paula. This saint, though a native of Paola, a

small city of Calabria, is more important in France, and in connec-

tion with French history, than in his own country. It was for this

saint that Charles VIII. founded the church of the Trinitk-di-Monti

at Rome. At the age of fifteen he went with his parents to the shrine

of St. Francis at Assisi. On his return he became a hermit and lived

in a cave near Reggio. His fame drew disciples about him, for whom

the people built cells and a little chapel. He called his little baud

Minimes, or the Hermits of St. Francis, for they followed the Fran-

ciscan Rule, adding to it even greater austerities than it already pre-

scribed. They kept Lent all the year ; and they called themselves, as

their title indicated, the least of all the disciples of the Church. King

Louis XL of France had heard of the many wonderful cures performed

for the sick by St. Francis de Paula, and sent for him to come to him

at Plessis-le-Tours, where he was dying. The saint felt that he had

not been summoned in the right spirit, and refused to go, when Louis

applied to Sixtus IV. for aid in the matter. At the command of the

pope, Francis went ; and he was received at Amboise, by the dauphin

and court, with all the honors possible. When he arrived at the

castle, the king knelt to him, and prayed him to obtain from God the


return of health and a longer life. Francis rebuked him, and remind-

ing him thut God alone could give life or death, and that submission

to his will was man's first duty, he performed for him the last offices

of religion. Francis was kept in France by Charles VUI. uii<l Louis

XII., and his influence was very great. The courtiers gave him the

title of " Le Bon-homme," in derision of his mode of life ;but this

became the title of his order in France, where his disciples became

very popular, and were to the people *' Les Bons-hommes " in every

good sense of the term. Francis was godfather to Francis I., and they

are frequently represented together in pictures. Before the Revolu-

tion the effigies of Francis de Paula were very common in France.

His tomb was broken open by the Huguenots in 1562, and his remains

burnt. He died at Plessis, and Louise d'Angoideme prepared his

winding-sheet with her own hands. April 2, a. d. 1507.

St. Francis Borgia stands as the third among the saints in

the Jesuit Order. He belonged to a Aimily much less illustrious in

their lives than in their rank. In youth he was surrounded with

all that would seem to make life desirable and happy, — wealth,

station, and power,— while he was fondly in love with his beautiful

wife, and had a large family of promising children. But he was

thoughtful and melancholy, and cherished in his heart deep religious

feeliuir. Circumstances combined to strengthen these emotions. His

friend Garcilasso de la Vega the poet died ; he was himself more

than once brought near to death by severe sicknesses. At length,

when the Empress Isabella died, it was his duty to raise the winding-

sheet from her face at the moment the body was to be buried, and to

swear to the identity of the remains. He did so, and took the oath,^

and at the same moment made another vow to forsake the service of

the kings of earth, and from that hour to serve only the King of

Heaven. But this he could not fulfil literally at once. He was

Governor of Catalonia, and administered the affiiirs of the province

with great care and faithfulness ; but through the acquaintance of a

Jesuit named Aroas, he became a disciple of Loyola, and corresponded

with him. His wife died, and he then resolved that after providing

for his children in the best manner, he would renounce the world and

^ " Francis, not knowing the face, would only s\\ ear it wns the body of tlie

empress, because, from the care he had taken, he was sure no one could have

changed it upon the road." — The Rev. Alban Butler.


every human affection. For six years he devoted himself to settling

his affairs, and then went to Rome and became an humble Jesuit.

He gave all his life and energy to perfecting the system of education

of his order. For seven years he was general of his society, being tlie

third who had held that high position. He died at Rome, and was

buried in the Gesu, near Loyola; but his grandson, the Cardinal Duke

of Lerma, removed his remains to Madrid. October 10, a. d. 1572.

St. Francis de Sales. This saint is famous for his religious

and devotional writings, which are held in great esteem by Protes-

tants as well as by those of his own church. He was also known as

very charitable, tolerant, and gentle towards those who disagreed

with him, as well as to those who lived wicked lives. When others

remonstrated against his charitable tenderness, he would reply,

" Had Saul been rejected, should we have had St. Paul ] " He was

made Bishop of Geneva in 1602. He was very remarkable for his

personal beauty and the almost angelic expression of his f\ice. Janu-

ary 29, A. D. 1622.

St. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit, the friend and disciple of Igna-

tius Loyola, and was sent by him as the leader of a band of mission-

aries to the Indies. He was of an illustrious fiimily, and was born at

a castle in the Pyrenees. He studied at Paris. When young he was

gay and enthusiastic in his temperament, and it was not until after

many struggles that he was able to take the vow of obedience ; but

having once done so, he was more ardent in the pursuit of his duties

than he had ever been in seeking the accomplishment of his owndesires and ends. He was thirty-five years old when he went to the

East, and most of the remainder of his life was spent in Japan. His

self-denial and sufferings were very great. He conferred the sacra-

ment of baptism upon an almost innumerable host. He appointed

other teachers over their churches, and saw the crucifix erected in

many homes, as a token of the results of his labors, and of the

conversion of the heathen to the religion of Christ. He would have

hailed the martyr's death with joy ; but his end, though a painful one,

was not brought about by the violence of his enemies. He attempted

to go to China. He had succeeded in reaching the island of Sancian,

where be was seized with fever and died. He suffered very greatly

for want of shelter and care. He regretted that he must die a natural

death, but at length experienced a willingness to depart in God's way,


aud renounced his desire for martyrdom, since it was not according

to the Divine will. His body was interred near the shore, where

there is still a cross to mark the spot ; but his remains were carried

to Malacca and finally to Goa, where a magnificent church has been

built to the honor of this great missionary saint. December 3,

A. D. 1550.

St. Frediano of Lucca {Lat, S. Frigdianus). This saint

was a native of Ireland. He was made Bishop of Lucca, to which

place he had gone, in 5G0. The principal occurrence in his life which

is reprrsented in art is his turning the course of the river Serchio,

when it threatened to deluge Lucca. This he did by drawing a

harrow along the ground, and the river followed the course he thus

mai-ked out. His whole history is painted in a church at Lucca

called V)v his name.

St. Gabriel {Gr. "Ay. Fa^piTJA ; Lat. S. Gabriel; ItaL San Gabri-

cllo, San Gabriele, L' Angelo Annunziatore ; Fr. St. Gabriel). This

saint, whose name signifies "God is my strength," is the second

in rank among the archangels, or the seven who stand befoi'e God

(liev. viii. 2). His name is mentioned four times in the Bible (twice

in Daniel, viii. 16 and ix. 21 ; twice in Luke, i. 19, 26), and always

as a messenger bearing important tidings. First, he announces to

Daniel the return of the Jews from their captivity, and then makes

him understand the vision which shows forth the future of the nations;

next he tells Zacharias of the child that should be born to his old

age ; and lastly he comes to tell the mother of our Lord that she is

the one highly favored and blessed among women. These four authen-

ticated acts make him of such importance as to command our deepest

interest in all relating to him ; and in addition to these, he is believed

to have foretold the birth of Samson and that of the Virgin Mary. Heis venerated as the angel who especially watches over cluldbirth. The

Jews believe him to be the *' chief of the angelic guards " and the

keeper of the celestial treasury. The Mohammedans regard him as

their ])atron saint, as their prophet declared hini to be his inspiring and

instructing angel. Thus is he high in the regard of Jews, Christians,

and the followers of Islam. It is iis the angel of the Anniniciation

that he is most frequently and beautifully rej)resented. The sjiirit in

which these pictures are painted has varied with the spirit in which

the individual artist has contemplated the mystery. In the earlier


ones both the angel and the Virgin are standing, and the manner of

the Virgin is expressive of hiimihty and of reverence for a superior

being. She has been painted as kneehng ; but after the thirteenth

century she becomes the one to be exalted. She is from this time

most frequently depicted as the Kegina angelorum ; and as his queen,

Gabriel often kneels before her. His attributes are the lily ; a scroll

inscribed "Ave Maria, Gratia Plena;" a sceptre; and sometimes an

olive branch, typical of the *' peace on earth" that he announced.

March 18.

St. Gaudentius of Novara was the bishop, and is now the

patron saint, of that city.

St. Gaudenzio {Lat. S. Gaudentius) was one of the early bish-

ops of Rimini. His e'^gy is found on its coins. He was scourged

and then stoned to death by the Arians. He is patron saint of

Rimini. October 14, a. d. 359.

St. Geminianus (Ital. San Geminiano). This saint was Bishop

of Modena in the middle of the fifth century'. So great was the

fame of his miracles that he was sent for to go to Constantinople

to heal the daughter of the emperor, who was possessed of an evil

spirit. It is supposed to have been the Princess Honoria. (See

Gibbon, 35th chapter.) When Modena was threatened with de-

struction by Attila, King of the Huns, it was spared on account

of the intercession of Geminianus ; and after his death he preserved

the catliedral from destruction by a flood. He is represented on the

coins of Modena, and honored as the patron saint and especial

protector of that city.

St. Genevieve of Brabant. The story of this saint has fur-

nished the subject for poems, plays, and pictures which are anything

but religious in their character. But there are many representations

in art of her romantic life and sufferings. She was the wife of Count

Siegfried, who was led by his steward to believe her to be wanting in

fidelity to himself and her marriage vows. He ordered her to be

executed, but those charged with the task of putting her to death

left her alone in the forest. She gave birth to a child, which was

nursed by a white doe. A number of years having passed, her hus-

band, while hunting, came to her abode. Explanations made plain

her innocence. The steward was really put to death, while the wife

was restored to her home and happiness. There is a picture by


Albert Diirer, which is sometimes called by the name of Genevieve of

Brabimt, but it is in truth the " Penance of St. John Chrysostom."

St. Genevidve of Paris (J^ng. ; Ger. -, Ital. Santa Genoveva).

This saint is essentially French, and is of very great importance and

interest among those of mediaeval times. The village of Nanterre

was her birthplace, and during her childhood she tended a flock of

sheep. When she was about seven 3'ears old, St. Germain spent a

niirht at Nanterre. The inhabitants flocked to receive his benedic-

tion. When his eyes rested on the little Genevieve, he was made

aware, by inspiratiun, of the sanctity of her character, and the glory

for which God had chosen her. He talked with her; and with a

manner which at her age showed her to be the especial child of God,

she declared her wish to be the bride of Christ. The bishop hung

round her neck a coin marked with the cross, and blessed her as one

consecrated to God's service. From this time she felt herself sepa-

rated from all worldly, and devoted to all heavenly interests. There

are man}' wonderful stories told of her childhood. On one occasion

her mother struck her in a fit of anger. She was struck blind, and

remained so for two months, when Genevieve made the sign of the

cross above the water with which she bathed her mother's eyes, and

her sight was restored. Genevieve remained with her parents during

their lives, and then went to a relative in Paris. Although she did

not enter a convent, she vowed perpetual chastity at fifteen years of

age. It was many years before God gave any public and unmistak-

able ])roof of his approbation of Genevieve. During this time, while

some venerated her for the holiness of her life, others regarded her

as a pretender and hypocrite. She was tormented, too, by demons,

who, among other things, constantly blew out the tapers she had

lighted for her nightly vigils. But she was able to relight tlicin by

faith and prayer. At length Attila threatened the destruction of Paris,

and the people in their alarm would have fled from the city ; but

Genevi6ve addressed them, begged them to remain, and assured them

that God would not allow this ])agan to overcome his followers. Ac-

cording to her prediction, Attila suddenly chanjjed the course of his

march, probably by directing it to Orleans. And again, when Chil-

deric took possession of Paris, and the people suflered from want of

food, Genevic've took command of the boats which went to Troyes for

aid; a tempest arose, which was calmed by her prayers, and the pro-


visions they had received were brought safely to the sufferers. Chil-

deric respected the saint; and Clovis, even before ho thought of being

a Christian, venerated Genevieve, and granted any requests she made

of him. She influenced liis own mind and that of his queen, Clotilde,

so that the first Christian church was erected, and the pagan worship

forbidden in the city of Paris. The church was that which is nowknown by her name. Ever after the miraculous manifestation of her

power in the deliverance of Paris from Attila, her prayers were sought

by^l the people, whenever they were afflicted, and the miracles attri-

buted to her intercession are both wonderful and numerous. One of

these was the staying of a j^lague called the mal arde)Lt. Until 1747

there was a little church called Ste. Genevieve des Ardents, which

was on the site formerly occupied by the house of the saint. She was

eighty-nine at the time of her death. She was buried beside King

Clovis and his wife. St. Eloy made a magnificent shrine for the

remains of the saint ; but in the Kevolution it was destroyed, and

the relics burned in the Place de Greve. January 3, a. d. 509.

St. George of Cappadocia {Lat. S. Geoigius ; Ital. San

Giorgio ; Fr. St. Georges, le tres-loyal Chevalier de la Chretiemiet^


Ger. Der Heilige Jorg, Georg, or Georgius). The legend of this

saint, as most frequently represented in art, makes him a native of

Cappadocia. His parents were of the nobility, and Christians. Hewas a tribune in the army, and lived in the time of Diocletian. There

is a disagreement as to the scene of his most wonderful conquest of

the dragon. By some it is believed to have been Selene in Libya;

by others, Berytus, or the modern Beyrout, of Syria; but the story is

ever the same. Being on his way to join his legion, he came to a

city whose inhabitants were in great terror on account of a terrible

dragon who lived in a marsh near the walls. This fearful monster

had devoured all the flocks and herds ; and the people, having retired

into the city, gave him daily two sheep until all they had were gone.

Then, in order to prevent his approaching the city, they commenced

to send out daily two children to be devoured by this insatiable

monster. Terrible as this was, it was better than that he should

come near them ; for his breath poisoned the air for a great distance

about him, and all who breathed it perished from its pestilential

effects. The children were chosen by lot, and were less than fifteen

years old. Now the king had a daughter, named Cleodolinda, whom


he loved exceedingly. At length the lot fell to her. The king offered

all he possessed, even to the half of the kingdom, that she might be

spared; but the people said that as it was by his own edict that their

children had been sacrificed, there was no reason for allowing him to

withhold his own, and they threatened to take the princess by force,

if she was not delivered to them. Then the king asked that she

might be spared to him eight days longer. This was granted, and at

the end of that time Cleodolinda went forth to tiie sacrifice, clothed

in her royal robes, and declaring herself ready and willing to dio^for

her people. She moved slowly towards the place where the dragon

came daily for his victims, and the way was strewed with the bones

of those who had already perished. Just then St. George came to the

place ; and seeing her tears he stopped to learn the cause of her

sorrow. When she had told him, he said, "Fear not, for I will

deliver you !" but she replied, " noble youth ! tarry not' here, lest

thou perish with me! but fly, I beseech thee!" Then St. George

answered, "God forbid that I should fly ! I will lift my hand against

this loathly thing, and will deliver thee through the power of Jesus

Christ !" Even as he spoke, the dragon approached them. Then the

princess again entreated him, " Fl}^ I beseech thee, brave knight, and

leave me here to die ! " But St. George, making the sign of the cross,

rushed to combat with the monster. The struggle was terrible, but

at lungtli the dragon was pinned to the earth by the lance of the

brave knight. He tlien bound the dragon with the girdle of the

princess ; and giving it to her, she was able to lead the conquered

beast like a dog. In this manner they approached the city. The

people were filled with fear; but St. (ieorge cried out, "Fear noth-

ing; only believe in the God through whose might 1 have conquered

this adversary, and be baptized, and I will destroy him before your

eyes." And in that day wore twenty thousand people baptized.

After this St. George slew the dragon and cut off his head. Then

the king gave him great treasures ; but he gave all to the poor, keep-

ing absolutely nothing for himself, and he went on his way towards

Palestine. This was the time of the publication of the Edict of Dio-

cletian, which declared the persecution against the Christians. All

who read it were filled with terror, but St. George tore it down and

trod it into the dust. For this he was carried before the proconsul

Dacian, and condemned to eight days' torture. He was first bound


to a cross, and his body torn with sharp nails ; next he was burned

with torclies, and then salt rubbed into his wounds. Seeing that all

these horrible and devilish cruelties had no power to vanquish the

spirit of the saint, Dacian sent for an enchanter, who invoked the aid

of Satan, and then poisoned a cup of wine which St. George drank.

Before doing so, however, he made the sign of the cross, and the

poison had no effect on him. The magician was converted to Chris-

tianity by this miracle, and upon his declaring the fact, was imme-

diately beheaded. St. George was next bound upon a wheel tilled with

sharp knives, but two angels descended from heaven and broke it in

pieces. They then put him in boiling oil. Believing that he must be

now subdued, he was taken by the judges to assist at the sacrifices in

the heathen temple. Crowds came to witness his humiliation. But the

saint knelt down and prayed, and instantly there came thunder and

lightnings from heaven. The temple was destroyed ; the idols were

crushed ; while the priests and many of the people perished. Now at

last Dacian commanded him to be beheaded. He met death with joy

and courage. The story of St. George bears great resemblance to

those of Apollo, Bellerophon, and Perseus, while the destruction of

the temple and his persecutors is very like that of the Philistines

when they called Samson out of his prison-house to make sport for

them. The Greeks give St. George the title of the Great Martyr,

and his veneration is very ancient in the East. In Europe he was

but little honored until the Crusades, when the aid he obtained for

Godfrey of Boulogne made Christian soldiers seek his patronage.

When Richard I. made holy war, he placed his army under the pro-

tection of St. George, and from this time he has been patron saint of

England. His feast was ordered to be kept through all England

in 1222, and the Order of the Garter was instituted in 1330. April

23, A. D. 303.

St. Gereon, one of the commanders of the Theban legion. AVhen

St. ]\Iaurice and the greater part of the legion were at Aganum (now

St. Maurice), Gereon with his command reached Cologne. Verus, tlie

prefect, by order of the Emperor Maximin, commanded them to re-

nounce Christianity. Upon their refusal, Gereon and many of his

soldiers were put to death and thrown into a pit. The veneration

of this saint extends back to the fourth century, but he is little heard

of outside the part of Germany which was the scene of his sufferings.



Many of the representations of St. Gereon are in sculpture, and upon

the stained <ilaas in the oldest of the German churches.

St. Gervasius and St. Protasius (Ital. Gervasio e Protasio


Ir. St. Gervais et St. Protais). These were twin brothers who suf-

fered martyrdom in the time of Nero. They were sent bound to

Milan, together with Nazarius and Celsus. They were brought to

Count Artesius, who bade them sacrifice to the idols. They refused;

and Gervasius was condemned to be beaten to death with scourges

loaded with lead, and Protasius to be beheaded. A man named

Philip obtained their bodies and buried them in his garden, where

they remained until the place of their burial was revealed in a vision

to St. Ambrose. It happened after this wise. When Ambrose built

the church at Milan (a. d. 387), the people were anxious that it should

possess holy relics. While Ambrose was much engaged in thought of

this, and very anxious to please his people, he went to the church of

Sts. Nabor and Felix to pray; while there a trance came over him,

and in it he beheld St. Paul and St. Peter ; and with them were

two' young men, clothed in white and of wonderful beauty. It was

revealed to Ambrose that these were two martyrs who had been

buried near the spot where he was. Assembling his clergy, he made

search, when the two bodies were found. Tlrey were gigantic in size.

The heads were separate from the bodies, and in the tomb was a

writing which told their story. These sacred relics were carried in

procession to the basilica ; and those sick ones who could touch them

as they passed along the street were instantl}^ healed. Among these

was a man named Severus, who had been many years blind. As he

touched these bones his sight was restored. This miracle was seen

by so many of the people that it established beyond a question the

great efficacy of these relics. St. Ambrose, as he laid them beneath

the altar, blessed God and cried out, " Let the victims be borne in

triumph to the place where Christ is the sacrifice : he upon the altar,

who suffered for all ; they beneath the altar, who were redeemed by

his suffering." The enemies of Ambrose accused him of duplicity in

this matter, and even said that Severus was bribed to play a part


but the authority of the father was sufficient to inspire confidence

in spite of all, and the church was dedicated to SS. Gervasius and

Protasius. Since the death of St. Ambrose this church, which is

one of the most wonderful and famous in the world, is called Sant*


Ambrogio Maggiore. The veneration of these saints was introduced

into France, where they became very popular, by St. Germain iu

560. He carried some part of the relics to Paris. Many cathedrals

and parish churches have been dedicated to them. It would be

natural to expect their pictures to represent their vast size, but this

is not the case. There are few Italian and many French paintings of

them. June 19, a. d. 69.

St. Giles (Gr. "Ay. FtAXo?; Lat. S. ^gidius ; Ital Sant' Egi-

dio; Fr. St. Gilles ; S}^. San Gil) was an Athenian of royal blood-

Some miracles which he performed— one of which was throwing

his mantle over a sick man, and thus healing him— had gained

for him the veneration of the people. St. Giles left his country and

became a hermit. After Ions: wanderinofs he came to a cave in a forest

near the mouth of the lihone, about twelve miles south of Nismes.

Here he subsisted upon herbs and wild fruits and the milk of a hind.

This gave rise to his attribute of a wounded hind; for it came to pass

that as a party, said by some to be that of the King of France and

by others the King of the Goths, were hunting, this hind was pursued

by the dogs. It fled to the cave and nestled in the arms of the saint.

A hunter sent an arrow after it ; and when they came to look in the

cave, they found the holy man wounded by the arrow. Tiieir sorrow

was great, and they entreated his forgiveness even on their knees.

He resisted all their endeavors to draw him out of the cave, and

there he soon died. Above this cave was built a magnificent monastery.

A city sprung up about it bearing the name of the saint, and the counts

of that district were called Comtes de Saint-Gilles. The church,

which still remains upon the spot, is an extraordinary remnant of the

Middle Ages. It is covered with bas-reliefs on the outside, and has

a remarkable staircase in the interior. Queen Matilda dedicated a

hospital, which she founded outside of London, to St. Giles. This

was in 1117; and the name now belongs to an extensive parish. In

Edinburgh, too, the parish church, founded in 1359, bears his name.^

He is patron saint of Edinburgh, of Juliers> in Flanders, and of the

woodland everywhere. September I, a. d. 725.

Glastonbury, Abbey of. The origin of this famous abbey is

lost in antiquity ; but the legend connects it with the introduction

of Christianity into England. The w^ondrous story tells that when

1 St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, is one of the very few that escaped the fury

of the so-called Reformers in Scotland.


Philip, who was one of the twelve Apostles, came to France, he sent

Joseph of Arimathea with his sou and eleven other disciples to Britain.

King Arviragus so admired the beauty of their lives, and so appreci-

ated the dangers wliich they had overcome in their long journey from

Palestine, that he gave them an island called Avalon. Here they

built a church by twining wands, and consecrated a place of burial.

They limited their number to twelve, and lived in imitation of the

Master and his disciples. By their preaching many Britons were

converted. It is a wonderful old place. It is here King Alfred found

a refuge from his Danish foes. Here King Arthur was buried ; and

here ever bloomed the "mystic thorn" at the feast of the Nativity.

It was upon the strength of this legend that the kings of England

claimed precedence of the kings of France in the religious councils of

Pisa, Constance, Siena, and Basle. They declared that Joseph of

Arimathea came to England in the fifteenth year after the assump-

tion of tlie Virgin Mary, and tliat France received not the religion of

Christ until the time of St. Denis; and that for this reason they

did "far transcend all other kings in worth and honor, so much as

Christians were more excellent than pagans."

Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine, was born in

Brabant about lOGO. As the eldest son of the Count of Boulocrne,

he succeeded to the government of the duchy in 1076. Godfrey

served with gallantry in the armies of Henry IV., and his fame

was such tliat when the Crusades broke out he was appointed to the

command of the principal army, and started for the Holy Land, with

his brothers Eustace and Baldwin. The united armies numbered six

hundred thousand men, but in two years were reduced to forty thou-

sand. In the sieges of Nice and Antioch, and in all encounters with

the enemy, Godfrey bore his full share, and at the taking of Jeru-

salem, in 1099, was proclaimed king. He declined this title, saying,

" I will never accept a crown of gold where my Saviour wore a

crown of thorns." He called himself the " Defender and Guardian

of the Holy Sepulchre." A little later, Godfrey defeated the Sara-

cens in the plain of Ascalon, thus possessing himself of all Palestine.

He labored to organize a State, but died in July, 1100, justly

lamented for his piety, valor, and kingly virtues. An equestrian

statue of Godfrey do Bouillon stands in a square of Brussels. Tasso

sang his praises in "Jerusalem Delivered;" and history declares

him to have been ot " first rank both in war and council."


St. Grata. See St. Adelaide.

St. Gregory, or Gregory the Great {Lat. S. Gregorius Mag-

nus ; Ital, San Gregorio Magno or Papa ; Fr. St. Gregoire ; Ger. Der

Heilige Gregor; signification, "watchman"), was born at Rome in

540. His father, Gordian, was a senator. His mother, Sylvia, was a

•woman of remarkable character ; and like many of the mothers of

that time who bore sons destined to act a great part in the world,

she had a vision, while he was but a baby in her arms, in which

St. Antony revealed to her that this son should be the head of the

Church on earth. When grown, he studied and practised law, and

was prsetor of Eome for twelve years. His character w^as, however,

always deeply religious ; and the piety of the mother seemed to have

descended to, and become intensified in, the son. On the death of his

father he devoted his wealth to religion and charity. He made his

home on the Celian Hill a hospital and monastery, and dedicated

it to St. Andrew. He then took a cell within it, and taking the

habit of a Benedictine devoted himself to studies which fitted him for

his duties in later life. This monastery is now the church of San

Gregorio. When a fearful plague broke out in Rome, Gregory de-

voted himself to the nursing of the sick. One of the victims of the

pestilence was Pope Pelagius. The people desired to have Gregory

as his successor ; but he shrank from the office, and even entreated

the emperor not to assent to the wishes of the people. When finally

his election was confirmed, he hid himself in a cave away from Rome.

Those who sought for him were led by a celestial light about the

place where he was hidden, and he was brought again to Rome.

He soon proved that the choice of the people had been a wise one.

He was the most humble of men, and was the first to call himself

"servant of the servants of God." He reformed the Church music,

composing what is called from him the Gregorian Chant. He showed

a spirit of toleration and charity far in advance of his time ; disap-

proved all persecution ; ^ restored the synagogues of Terracina and

Cappadocia to the Jews, from whom they had been taken ; liberally

redeemed captives out of his own means, and further, authorized the

sale of the sacred vessels for their redemption ; and was so moved

1 St. Gregory said that conversions to the faith should not be forced, but won

by meekness and charity.


at the sight of some wretched British captives who were to be

sold in Rome that he sent missionaries to England. He had a

special devotion to the souls in Purgatory ; and set the example

of a trental <jf masses, or masses on thirty successive days, for the

faithful departed. St. Gregory always zealously asserted the obliga-

tion of celibacy among the clergy, extending this law to the sul>-

deacons, who had before been ranked among the clergy of the minor

orders. He felt the responsibilities of his office so much as to con-

sider himself literally the father of each individual of the Church;

and on one occasion he fiisted, and interdicted himself from any

sacerdotal function for several days, because a beggar had died in

the streets of Home. His charities were boundless. AVhen a monk,

a beggar asked alms at the monastery, and receiving something came

again and again, until Gregory had nothing to give him but a silver

porriuLicr wliich Sylvia had sent to her son, and this he did not

withhold. When pope, he had twelve poor men to sup with him each

eveniuLT. One night he saw thirteen at his table, and calling his

steward he demanded the reason of this. The steward replied, after

counting, '* Holy Father, there are surely twelve only!

" Gregory

said no more, but at the end of the meal he asked the uninvited

one, " Who art thou 1 " and he said, " I am the poor man whom thou

didst formerly relieve ; but my name is the Wonderful, and through

me tliou shalt obtain whatever thou shalt ask of God." Then Gregory

believed him to be an angel, and some say, Christ himself. The

painting of this legend is called the " Supper of St. Gregory." John

the Deacon, who was his secretary, has left an account in which he

declares that he has seen the Holy Spirit seated on his shoulder in

the shape of a dove while he wrote. This explains why the dove is

BO frequently' one of his attributes. " The Mass of St. Gregory," so

often painted, is founded upon a legend that as the saint was offi-

ciating some one doubted the real presence in the elements. The

saint prayed, and instantly a vision was revealed of the crucified

Saviour, surrounded with all the instruments of his passion, upon

the altar.

Another painting represents the miracle of the Brandeum. Tlie

Empress Constantia sent to Gregor}', desiring a portion of the relics

of St. Peter and St. Paul. Gregory replied that he dared not dis-

turb the holy remains, and sent her tlie Brandeum, or a part of a


consecrated cloth which had enfolded the remains of St. John the

Evangelist. The empress, disappointed, rejected this gift with scorn.

Then Gregory, wishing to show that it was not so much the relics

themselves as the faith of the believer which worked the miracles,

placed the cloth upon the altar, and after praying pierced it with a

knife, and blood flowed from it as from a living body. A legend

popular in the Middle Ages, but quite unauthorized by the Church,

and contrary to Catholic faith and the Scriptures,— " out of Hell

there is no salvation,"— recounts the manner in which St. Gregory

released Trajan from torment. It is said that on one occasion, when

that emperor was leading his soldiers to battle, he was stopped by

a poor widow who threw herself before his horse and demanded

vengeance for the death of her son, who had been killed by the son

of Trajan. The emperor promised that on his return he would at-

tend to her request. " But, sire," replied the widow, " should you be

killed in battle, who then will do me justice*?" "My successor,"

said Trajan. Then she replied, " What will it signify to you, great

emperor, that any other than yourself should do me justice"? Is it

not better that you should do this good action yourself than leave

another to do if?" Then the emperor alighted, and listened to her

story, and finally gave his own son to her, and bestowed upon her a

large dowry. Now, as Gregory was one day thinking of this story,

he became greatly troubled at the thought that so just a man as this

should be condemned as a heathen to eternal torments, and he

entered a church and prayed most earnestly that the soul of the

emperor might be released from suffering. While still at prayer,

he heard a voice saying, *' I have granted thy prayer, and I have

spared the soul of Trajan for thy sake ; but because thou hast sup-

plicated for one whom the justice of God had already condemned,

thou shalt choose one of two things : either thou shalt endure for

two days the fires of purgatory, or thou shalt be sick and infirm for

the rest of thy life." This is given as the explanation of the great

weakness and the many infirmities suffered by Gregory ; for he chose

the sickness in preference to the two days of purgatory. St. Greg-

ory's health was always frail, but the last two years he lived he was

not able to leave his couch. His bed and a scourge with which he

kept his choristers in order are still preserved in the church of the

Lateran. March 12, a. D. 604.


St. Gregory Nazianzen {Gr. "ky. Tprjyopio} &€ok6yo<: ; Lai.

Sanctus Grcgoriua Nazianzenus ; Itcd. San Gregorio Xazianzeno


Fr. St. Gr^goire de Naziance ; Ger. S. Gregor von Nazianz) was

born about 328. His father, St. Gregory, waa Bishop of Naziauzum.

St. Nonna was his mother, and St. Gorgonia and St. Cesarea his

sisters. While a boy, he had a dream which in a great measure

influenced all his course in life. He thought there came to him

two celestial virgins of dazzling beauty. They took him in their

arms and kissed him. He asked who they were, and whence they

came ; and one said, " I am called Chastity, and my sister here is

Temperance. We come to thee from Paradise, where we stand con-

tinually before the throne of Christ, and taste ineffable delights.

Come to us, my son, and dwell with us forever." When this was

said, they flew into heaven. He stretched out his arms to them and

awoke. This dream was to him like a direct command from God,

and he took vows of perpetual continence and temperance. He

studied in Athens, where St. Basil and Julian, who, though a Ca?sar,

is only known as the Apostate, were his fellow-students. He was

not baptized until almost thirty years old. He devoted himself to

religious studies, and to austerities which he declared were ever

most repugnant to him ; but their virtue was increased by this fact.

He was ordained priest by his father, became his coadjutor, and suc-

ceeded to his bishopric in 362. He was invited to preach against

the Arians at Constantinople. The disputes ran very high, and

were carried on by all classes, and even by the women, who argued

in public as well as at home. Gregory was small in stature, and

every way insignificant in his appearance. At first he was stoned

by the Arians and ApoUinarists when he attempted to speak ; but

his earnest eloquence overcame all obstacles, and though he at

length gave up the bishopric of Constantinople, to which Theodo-

sius had appointed him, intent thus to promote peace in the Church,

yet he had gained the respect of enemies and the confidence of

friends. Leaving Constantinople, he lived on a small estate of his

father's in great strictness and self-denial. St. Gregory Nazianzen is

the earliest Christian poet of whom we have any knowledge. In

his retirement he wrote hymns and lyrics which express all the strug-

gles and aspirations of his naturally intense and imaginative nature.

May 9, A. D. 390.


St. Gudula (called in Flemish Sinte-R-Goelen, and in Brabant

St. Goule or Ergoule) is tlie patroness of the city of Brussels. She

was daughter of Count Wittiger. Her mother was St. Amalaberga,

and St. Gertrude of Nivelle, her godmother. She was educated

by the latter. There are many miracles told of her, but that of her

lantern is the one best known and oftenest painted. It was her cus-

tom to go to the church of Morselle in the night, to pray. It was a

long distance, and she carried a lantern. Satan was very envious

of the influence she gained by her piety, and frequently put out her

light, hoping that she might be misled. Whenever this was done,

Gudula immediately relighted it by her prayers. January 8 ; about

A. D. 712.

St. Guthlac of Croyland. The legend relates that "at the

time of his birth a hand of ruddy splendor was seen extended from

heaven to a cross which stood at his mother's door." Although

this was thought to indicate future sanctity in the child, he grew up

wild and reckless, and at the age of sixteen organized a band of rob-

bers, and was their leader ; but " such was his innate goodness that

he always gave back a third part of the spoil to those whom he

robbed." He lived thus eight years, when lie saw the sinfulness of

his life, and the remainder of it was devoted to penance and repara-

tion. At the monastery of Bepton he learned to read, and studied

the lives of the hermits. He went at length to a wilderness, where

he encountered evil spirits as numerous as those which tormented

St. Anthony. St. Bartholomew was the chosen saint of Guthlac,

and he often came to his rescue and drove the demons into the sea.

The place of his retreat was a marsh. At first a little oratory was

built, and at length a splendid monastery was raised on piles, and

dedicated to St. Bartholomew. The marshes were drained, and la-

bor and cultivation changed the appearance of the place, and put to

flight the demoniac inhabitants of the former solitude. The ruins of

Croyland Abbey cover tw^enty acres. The country is again neglected,

and an unhealthy marsh. The remains of a beautiful statue said to

be St. Guthlac may still be seen. St. Pega, the sister of St. Guth-

lac, gave to the monastery the whip of St. Bartholomew. April 11,

A.D. 714.

St. Helena. It is admitted, by all authorities, that St. Helena

was born in England ; but the exact location of her birthplace is a


matter of dispute and doubt. She married Constantius Chlorus ("the

Pale "), and was the mother of Coustantine the Great. When her

son embraced Christianity, she was much distressed, and declared

that it would have been better to be a Jew than a Christian. Wlieu

she at length became a convert, her wonderful zeal and the great in-

fluence she had over the mind of her son conduced to the rapid

growth and strength of the Church. In 32G she made a journey

to Palestine ; and when she arrived at Jerusalem, she was inspired

with a strong desire to discover the cross upon which Christ had

suffered. The temple of Venus stood upon the spot supposed to be

the place of the crucifixion. She ordered this to be taken down,

and after digging very deep, three crosses were found. Tliere are

two accounts given of the manner in which the true cross was se-

lected. Some say the crosses were all applied to a sick person, —the first two without effect, while the third caused an instantaneous

cure. Others say that they were carried to a dead person, and that at

the application of the third, life was restored. Constantino erected a

basilica upon the spot where the crosses were found, and it was con-

secrated September 13, a. d. 335. The following day was Sunday,

and the Holy Cross was elevated on high for the veneration of the

people. It is with the "Invention [Finding] of the True Cross," as it

is called, that St. Helena is most frequently considered ; but she did

many other things which either in themselves or in their effects still

speak of her active zeal for the Church. The Church of the Nativity

at Bethlehem was erected by her in 327, and is tlie oldest church

edifice in the world. August 18, a. d. 327.

Heliodorus. This narrative is found in the third chapter of

the second book of Maccabees.* It is frequently illustrated in art,

and is as follows. When Onias was high-priest at Jerusalem and

all was prosperous there, a certain Simon, governor of the temple,

became disaffected toward Onias on account of some trouble in tlio

city. So he went to Apollonius, the governor of Cocle-Syria, and

told him "that the treasury in Jerusalem was full of infinite sums

of money, so that the multitude of their riches whicli did not pertain

to the account of the sacrifices, was innumerable, and that it was

possible to bring all into the king's hand." When Apollonius told

1 The Catholic Church includes the Books of Maccabees among the inspired



this to the king, he sent his treasurer Heliodorus, with commands to

bring to him this mone3\ When Hehodorus came to Jerusalem, he

was courteously received by Onias; and when he told him what they

had heard, anJ demanded if it was true that so much money was

there, the high-priest told him that much money was indeed there,

but that it was laid up for the relief of widows and orphans. Some

of it belonged to Hircanus the son of Tobias, and it did not in truth

belong to the treasury, as the wicked Simon had said. Onias said

that the sum was four hundred talents of silver and about two hun-

dred talents of gold, and " that it was altogether impossible that

such wrong should be done unto them that had committed it to the

holiness of the place, and to the majesty and inviolable sanctity of

the temple, honored all over the world." But Heliodorus said that the

king had given him commands that in any wise it should be brought

into the treasury. So a day was set when he should receive the

treasure. Xow the whole city was in agony, and the priests pros-

trated themselves before the altars and entreated God that this

should not be allowed, and called unto Him that the law which he

had made should be kept, and the money preserved for those who had

committed it to their care. " Then whoso had looked the high-priest

in the face, it would have wounded his heart ; for his countenance and

the changing of his color declared the inward agony of his mind. For

the man was so compassed with fear and horror of the body, that it

was manifest to them that looked upon him what sorrow he had now

in his heart. Others ^an flocking out of their houses to the general

supplication, because the place was like to come into contempt. And

the women girt with sackcloth under their breasts, abounded in the

streets, and the virgins that were kept in, ran, some to the gates,

and some to the walls, and others looked out of the windows.

And all holding their hands toward heaven made supplication.

Then it would have pitied a man to see the falling down of the

multitude of all sorts, and the fear of the high-priest being in such

an agony. But in spite of all, Heliodorus went to the temple to

execute his intentions. Now, as he was there present himself with

his guards about the treasury, the Lord of spirits and the Prince of

all power caused a great apparition, so that all that presumed to

come in with him were astonished at the power of God, and fainted

and were sore afraid. For there appeared unto them an horse with


a terrible rider upon him, and adorned with a very fair covering,

and lie ran tiercely and smote at Ileliodorus with his fore feet, and

it seemed that he that sat upon the horse had complete harness

of gold. Moreover, two other young men appeared before him, nota-

ble in strength, excellent in beauty, and comely in apparel, who

stood by him on either side, and scourged him continually, and gave

him many sore stripes. And Heliodorus fell suddenly unto the

ground, and was compassed with great darkness; but they that

were with him took him up and put him into a litter. Thus him,

that lately came with a great train and with all his guard into the

said treasury, they carried out, being unable to help himself with

his weapons ; and manifestly they acknowledged the power of God.

For he by the hand of God was cast down, and lay speechless with-

out all hope of life. But they praised the Lord that had miracu-

lously honored his own place ; for the temple, which a little afore

•was full of fear and trouble, when the almighty Lord appeared was

filled with joy and gladness. Then straightway certain of Heliodo-

rus' friends prayed Onias, that he would call upon the Most High

to grant him his life, who lay ready to give up the ghost. So the

high priest, suspecting lest the king should misconceive that some

treachery had been done to Heliodorus by the Jews, offered a sacri-

fice for the health of the man. Now, as the high-priest was making

an atonement, the same young men in the same clothing appeared

and stood beside Heliodorus, saying, 'Give Onias, the high-priest,

great thanks, insomuch that for his sake the Lord hatli granted

thee life. And seeing tli;\t thou hast been scourged from heaven,

declare unto all men the mighty power of God.' And when they

had spoken these words, they appeared no more. So Heliodorus,

after he had offered sacrifice unto the Lord, and made great vows

unto him that had saved his life, and saluted Onias, returned with

his host to the king. Then testified he to all men the works of the

great God, which he had seen with his eyes. And when tlio king

asked Heliodorus who might be a fit man to be sent yet once

again to Jerusalem, ho said :* If thou hast any enemy or traitor,

send him thitlicr, and thou shalt receive him well scourged, if he es-

cape with his life ; for in tiiat place no doubt there is an especial

power of God. For He that dwelleth in heaven hath his eye on

that place and defendeth it, and he beateth and destroyeth them


that come to hurt it.' And the things concerning Heliodorus and

the keeping of the treasury fell out on this sort."

St. Henry of Bavaria was born in 972. Ho married Cune-

gunda, daughter of tSiegfried, Count of Luxembourg. Both are

saints, and both obtained that glory by their perfect and entire de-

votion to the Church, This was so marked a feature of Henry's

character and reign that it caused a revolt among the princes of

his empire, as they thought he had no right to lavish so muchtreasure in the service of religion. Henry was no less a soldier

than a Christian. After defeating the seditious nobles, he restored

to them their possessions and treated them as if nothing had oc-

curred. When he went to war to subject and convert Poland and

Sclavonia, he put himself and his army under the protection of SS.

Laurence, George, and Adrian. He girded on the sword of the last-

named, which had long been preserved in Walbeck Church. The

legend relates that the three saints were visible, fighting by the side

of Henry, and that through their aid he conquered. The church of

Merseberg was built to commemorate this victory. He also fought

in Italy, and drove the Saracens from Apulia. Henry had an especial

veneration for the Virgin ; and when on his expeditions, upon entering

a place, always repaired first to some church or shrine dedicated to

her. On one occasion, at Verdun, he was seized with such a dis-

gust and weariness of his imperial life and duties that he desired

to become a monk. The prior told the emperor that his first

duty would be obedience. When Henry declared himself ready

to obey, the prior commanded him to retain his office and dis-

charge its duties. Henry and Cunegunda together founded and

richly endowed the cathedral and convent of Bamberg in Fran-

conia, as well as many other religious edifices in Germany, and

also in Italy. After they had been united several years, during

which time, by mutual consent, they lived in the strictest continence,

Cunegunda was suspected of unfaithfulness to her husband. Henry

believed in the purity of his wife, and she would have looked upon

these reports as trials sent from heaven to test her patience, but she

felt that her position demanded her justification, and she asked to be

allowed the trial by ordeal. She walked over burning ploughshares

uninjured. Henry tried to make amends to her by showing her the

greatest respect and tenderness, but she preferred to retire to the


cloister; to wliich he consented. Henry died in 1024, and was buried

in the cathedral of liauiberg. His wife then took the Benedictine

habit, and led a life of incessant prayer and labor, working with her

hands for the poor and sick. She died in 1040, and was interred

by the side of Henry. Festival of Henry, July 14. Cunegunda,

March 3. For St. Henry, see also St. Laurence.

St. Herman-Joseph was a native of Cologne. His mother was

very poor, but brought up her son piously. It was his custom every

day, when on his way to school, to go to the church of St. Mary, and

repeat his prayers before the image of Our Lady. One day, when an

apple was all he had for his dinner, he offered it humbly to the Vir-

gin ; and the legend says that this so pleased " Our Blessed Lady,

that she put forth her hand and took the apple and gave it to our

Lord Jesus, who sat upon her knee ; and both smiled upon Herman."

AVhen still young, Herman took the habit of the Premonstratensians.

He had many beautiful visions, in one of which tlie Virgin descended

from heaven, and putting a ring on his finger called him her espoused.

From this vision he acquired the additional name of Joseph. April 7,

A. D. 1236.

St. Hermengildus was the son of King Leovigild, and during

the contest between the Catholics and Arians he was put to death

by his father for relinquishing the Arian faith. He is one of the most

famous Spanish martyrs. The chef-cVoeuvre of Herrera is the apothe-

osis of this saint. He is carried into glory, while St. Isidore and St.

Leander stand on each side, and the young son of Hermengildus

gazes upwards as his father is borne to heaven. The saint holds a

cross, and wears a cuirass of blue steel and a scarlet mantle. April

13, A. D. .^jSG.

St. Hilarion. See St. Donato of Arezzo.

St. Hilary {Itnl. Sant' Ilario ; Fr. St. Ililaire) was Bishop of

Poitiers. Although French, he is greatly reverenced in Italy, and

is one of the patrons of Parma, where it is said a part of his relics

repose. January 14, a. d. 303.

St. Hilda of Whitby was the great-granddaughter of King

Edwin. She was abbess of Whitby, and celebrated for her piety and

learning, and the excellent training which she gave all under lier

charge. Si.\ bishops were elected out of the monastery of men, at

Streaneshaleli, which was under her jurisdiction. She attended a


council held at her monastery. Her wisdom was so great that kings

and princes sought her guidance. She was venerated by the people,

and many wonderful miracles are attributed to her. Fossils having

the shape of coiled serpents have been found which were beheved to

have been venomous reptiles changed by the prayers of St. Hilda.

Bede thus tells of lier death :" xA.nd in the year of the incarnation of

Our Lord, 680, on the 17th of November, the abbess Hilda, having

suffered under an infirmity for seven years, and performed many

heavenly works on earth, died, and was carried into Paradise by the

angels, as was beheld in a vision by one of her own nuns, then at a

distance, on the same night: the name of this nun was then Bega;

but she afterwards became famous under the name of St. Bees."

November 18, a. d. 680.

St. Hippolytus {Ital Sant' Ippolito ; Fr. St. Hyppolyte ; Gr.

"Ay. 'l7r7roAi;ro<> : signification, "one who is destroyed by horses," of

which animal this saint is the patron). There is great obscurity in

the legends of Hippolytus. He was a Roman soldier, and was ap-

pointed a guard over St. Laurence. He became a Christian from the

influence of his prisoner, and his entire family were also converted.

After the fearful martyrdom of St. Laurence, Hippolytus took the

body and buried it. On account of this he was accused of being a

Christian, which he denied not, but declared himself ready to meet

any death rather than deny his Saviour. He saw nineteen of his

family suffer death, among whom was his aged nurse, Concordia, who

was so bold in declaring her faith that she was scourged to death,

while the others were beheaded. Hippolytus was tied to the tails

of wild horses, and thus torn to pieces. The Brescians claim that his

relics repose in the convent of Santa Giulia. The legends also say

that in the eighth century his remains were carried from Rome to

the cliurch of St. Denis, and on this account he is a popular saint

in France. August 13, a. d. 258.

Holofernes. See Judith.

St. Hubert of Liege was a very gay nobleman. He was of

Aquitaine, and lived at the court of Pepin d'Heristal. He partici-

pated in all the pleasures of the court, but was especially fond of the

chase, and even hunted on the days appointed by the Church for

fasting and prayer. As he hunted in the forest of Ardennes one

day in Holy "Week, there came to him a milk-white stag, with a


crucifix between his horns. Hubert was overcome with awe and

surprise. lie became sensible of the wickedness of his Hfe, and hved

a hernut in the very forest where he had so often sought his amuse-

ment. Tiiere were bands of robbers, and large numbers of idolaters in

and around the forest of Ardennes; and to them St. Hubert preached

Christianity, and also introduced social reforms and civilization

among them. At length he studied with St. Lambert, and liccamc

a priest. He was afterwards bishop of Liege. He requested that he

might be buried in the church of St. Peter at Liege. Thirteen years

after his death his remains were found to be perfect, and his robes

unstained. The Benedictines of Ardennes desired to have his body,

and it was removed to their abbey church about a century after his

death. St. Hubert is patron of the chase and of dogs, and chapels

are erected to him in the forests where the devout huntsman may

pray. Bread blessed at his shrine is believed to cure hydrophobia.

November 3, a. d. 727.

St. Hugh of Grenoble. This saint was Bishop of Grenoble at

the time when St. Bruno founded the first Chartreuse. Hugh often

retired to the monastery, and devoted himself to the life of the most

humble and penitent brother. One of the miracles related as being

performed by him is the changing of fowls into tortoises, when his

Carthusian brethren could eat no flesh and could obtain no fish. It

is said that Satan tempted Hugli forty years, by whispering continu-

ally in his ear doubts of God's Providence, on account of his permit-

ting sin in the world. The saint fasted and did penance continually

on account of this temptation, and it never obtained dominion over

him sufficiently to weaken his faith in God. April 1, a. d. 1132.

St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, was also a Carthusian, IJe

was sent to Kngland in 112(5, and made Bishop of Lincoln. The

cathedral, which had been destroyed by an earthqiuike, was rebuilt by

St. Plugh. It is a fine specimen of the best Gothic architecture. Of

all the munificent gifts of its founder, the only one remaining is the

glass in one window, which is painted with scenes from his life. His

pr()i)er attribute is a swan, typical of solitude, which was his delight.

Xovombor 17, A. n. USD.

St. Hugh, Martyr. Tiio legend connected with this martyr

relates that this child, who is represented as about three years old,

was stolen by the Jews and crucified by them in ridicule of the


Saviour of the Christians, and in revenge for the cruelties which the

Jews suffered in Christian countries. There are three other saints

who have been canonized on account of having suffered the same

martyrdom : St. WiUiam of Norwich, a. d. 1137 ; St. Richard of Pon-

toise, A. D. 1182; and St. Simon of Trent, a. d. 1472. The date of

St. Hugh's death is in 1255, August 27.

St. Hyacinth belonged to the family of the Aldrovanski, one of

the most noble in Silesia. .He was educated in Bologna, and was

distinguished not only for his intellectual superiority, but for his

piety, and his prudence and judgment in everything he attempted to

do. Soon after the completion of his studies, with his cousin Ceslas,

he accompanied his uncle Ivo, who was Bishop of Cracow, to Rome.

There they listened to the preaching of St. Dominick, which so moved

the heart of Ivo that he besought the saint to send one of his order

on a mission to his far-off and half-heathen country. But Dominick

had no disciple to send, as all were engaged elsewhere. Then the

young Hyacinth declared his intention to become a monk, and to

preach to his ignorant and barbarous countrymen. Ceslas joined

him, and they took the vows and the habit of the Dominicans in

the church of St. Sabina at Rome. For forty years Hyacinth jour-

neyed and preached in all the northern countries. It is said that

his travels extended from Scotland to the Chinese boundaries. Hefounded various monasteries; and it is related of him that, his con-

vent in Kiov in Russia being sacked, he escaped, bearing the Pyxand the ifnage of the Virgin, which he had taken from the altar.

He reached the banks of the Dniester, pursued by the Tartars. Theriver was much swollen ; but being determined to preserve the pre-

cious objects from desecration by the pagans, he prayed to Heaven,

and plunged into the river. The waters sustained him, and he walked

over as on dry land. He died at his monastery in Cracow, to which

he returned woni out by his labors and exposures. Anne of Austria,

after her marriage, requested the King of Poland to send her some

relics of St. Hyacinth. This he did, and they were placed in the

Dominican Convent at Paris. From this time the saint became an

object of veneration in France, where many pictures of him are seen.

September 11, a. d. 1257.^

1 St. Hyacinth, with his brother, St. Protus, is mentioned in the Liberian

Calendar as having suffered martyrdom under Diocletian, A. d. 304.



St. Ignatius of Antioch {Lat. S. Ignatius ; Ital. Sant* Igiiazio


Fr. 6t. i^uacu ; (Jtr. iJcr licilige Igiuiz, His Greek title is 0€o<f>6po^,

" iuspired "). Tradition says that this Ignatius is tiie same whomJesus presented, wJicii a child, to his disciples, with the words, "Who-soever shall receive one of such chddren in my name, receiveth me."

He was a disci])le of St. John the Evangelist, and the dear friend of

Polycarp. It is also said that on account of his perfect purity of

thought and life, he was permitted to hear the music of the angels,

and that from the angelic choirs he Icjirned the singing of God's

praises in responses, which he introduced into his church after he

was Bishop of Antioch. The Emperor Trajan, after one of his vic-

tories, commanded sacrifices to the gods in every province of his

empire. The Christians refused to obey. Trajan came to Antioch,

and sending for Ignatius charged him with the perversion of the

hearts of his people, and promised him great favors if he would sacri-

fice in a pagan temple. But Ignatius scornfully refused, and said he

would worshi[) only the tr\ie and living God. Then Trajan asked

how he could call Him living who had died upon a cross. But Igna-

tius spurned the idea of any God but the Lord, and Trajan com-

manded him to be imprisoned, and reserved for the amphitheatre at

Rome. Ignatius rejoiced in his sentence, and set out on his journey

with great courage. At Smyrna he saw Polycarp and other Christians,

whom he encouraged to labor for the Church, and if need be to die

for it. Arrived at Rome, on a feast day he was set in the midst

of the amphitheatre. He addressed the people thus :" Men and

Romans, know ye that it is not for any crime that I am placed here,

but for the glory of that God whom I worship. I am as the wheat

of his field, and must be ground by the teeth of the lions, that I may

become bread worthy of being served up to him." According to one

tradition lie fell dead before the lions reached him, and his body was

not touched by them. Another says that they tore him and devoured

him, leaving only a few bones. Whatever remained of him was car-

ried by his friends to Antioch ; and it is said his relics were brought

ngain to Rome, an<l placed in the church of St. Clement in 540, or

near that time. FeViruary 1, a. d. 107.

St. Ignatius Loyola, who was the founder of the Order of the

Jesuits, was in his youth a page in the court of Ferdinand the

Catholic ; and later, a brave and gay soldier. His family was one of


the most noble, and Ignatius was filled with pride of race, and was

vain of his handsome person. At Pampeluna, when thirty years old,

he was wounded in both legs ; and the most torturing operations

which he endured in order to prevent lameness were in vain. While

confined by these sufferings, he read the Life of Christ and other

books, which resulted in his resolving to devote himself to the service

of the Blessed Mother of God, and that of her Son, whose soldier he

would be. As soon as possible he laid his sword and lance upon the

altar of Our Lady of Montserrat, and went to Manresa. Here he

was subject to great temptations, and Satan so tormented him with

doubts as to make him almost a maniac ; but at length by celestial

visions he was restored to hope and confirmed in faith. He then

attempted to go to Jerusalem, but was prevented, and obliged to

remain in Spain. Xot being allowed to teach on account of his

ignorance of theology, he submitted to a tedious course of study.

After a time he went to Paris, where he made the acquaintance of

five men who sympathized with his views, and who, with a few others,

formed themselves into a community under his direction. In addi-

tion to the usual monastic vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience,

they promised unreserved obedience to the pope, and to go to any

part of the globe whither he should send them. There were three

especial duties belonging to this order, which was called the " Com-

pany of Jesus : " first, preaching ; second, the guidance of souls in

confession ; and third, the teaching of the young. It was three years

before Ignatius obtained the confirmation of the order of which he

was the first General. He had many visions ; he suffered great

temptations, and performed severe penances. Numerous miracles

have been wrought through his intercession. On his way to Eome,

it is said the Saviour appeared to him, bearing his cross and saving,

" Ego vobis Eomse propitius ero," and again an angel held before

him a tablet thus inscribed, " In hoc vocabitur tibi nomen." July

31, A. D. 1556.

St. Ildefonso or Alfonso {Ger. Der Heilige Ildephons). This

saint was one of the first Benedictines in Spain. He devoted himself

to the service of the Blessed Virgin, and wrote a book to prove her

perpetual virginity. He had two remarkable visions. In one St.

Leocadia, to whom he had vowed particular devotion, rose out of her

tomb to assure him of the favor of the Virgin, and of the approval of


his treatise in her praise. The saint wore a Spanish mantilla, and

Iklefouso cut oft' a corner of it, which was preserved in her chapel at

Toledo. Again, as he entered his church at midnight, at the head

of a procession, he saw a great light about the high altar. All were

alarmed save himself. Approaching, he beheld the Virgin seated on

his ivory throne, surrounded by angels, and chanting a service. HeJ?owed before her, and she said, " Come hither, most faithful servant

of God, and receive this robe, which I have brought thee from the

treasury of my Son." Then she threw over him, as he knelt, a

cassock of heavenly texture, and the angels adjusted it. From that

time he never occupied the throne or wore the gai-ment. Archbishop

Sisiberto died on account of his presumption in endeavoring to wear

the robe and sit on the throne. Ildefonso was the archbishop, and is

the patron saint of Toledo. January 23, a. d. 667.

Innocents, The Massacre of (Ital. Gli Innocent! Fanciulli

Martiri, I >S;uiti Bambini Martiri ; Fr. Les Innocents; Ger. Die Un-

schiildigen Kindlein). These murdered infants are regarded with

• especial honor by the Church, as being the first Christian martyrs


and in a sense they are so. While we connect willingness to suffer

for Christ with martyrdom, still it is true that unconsciously these

children suffered for him, since it was on account of his birth that

they were destroyed. They are represented with martjTs' palms.

Sometimes they sustain the cross and the instruments of torture


again they surround the Madonna and Child, or are received into

heaven by the Infant Saviour.

St. Isabella of France, who founded the convent at Long-

champs, was sister to the saintly King Louis. She was educated

with her brother by their mother, Blanche of Castile. She dedicated

her convent to the "Humility of the Blessed Virgin," and gave to it

all her dowry. As long as the convent existed, the festival of this

saint was celebrated with great splendor. February 22, A. D. 1270.

St. Isidore the Ploughman (Ital. Sant' Isidoro Agricola ; *^;>.

San Isidro el Labrador). Tlie Spanish legend tells us that this saint

could not read or write. His father was a poor laborer, and he him-

self was the servant of a farmer, named Juan de Vargas. Isidore

spent much time in prayer, and his master went one day to the field

determined to forbid what he considered a waste of time. As he

came near he saw two angels guiding the plough, while the saint


knelt at his devotions near by. One day when his master thirsted,

Isidore struck a rook with his goad, and pure water flowed out. He

restored a child to life by his prayers, and performed various other

miracles. May 10, a. d. 1170.

St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville, is styled the " Egregius Doctor

Hispanise." His brother Leander, who preceded him in his bishopric,

is called the " Apostle of the Goths," and they are both distinguished

for their opposition to the Arian heresy. In Spanish pictures they

are represented with Ferdinand of Castile and St. Hermengildus.

In the church of St. Isidore, at Seville, is a magnificent picture (El

Transito de San Isidore), which represents him dying on the steps of

the altar, having given all his property to the poor. Both these

brothers are patron saints of Seville. April 4, a. d. 606.

St. Ives of Bretagne {Ital. Sant' Ivo ; on account of his pro-

fession, he is styled ''Saint Yves-Helori, Avocat des Pauvres"). He

belonged to a noble family, and from his mother, Aza du Plessis who

conducted his early education, he derived his remarkable piety. As

a boy he had an ambition to be a saint. He was but fourteen when

he went to Paris, and here and afterwards at Orleans he devoted him-

self to legal studies. It has been said that lawyers have chosen him

as their patron rather than pattern, as he was distinguished for

his love of justice and its vindication under all circumstances. All

through his years of study he gave many hours to religious duties,

and especially to the labors of charity. He also at this time made

a vow of celibacy. After returning home he studied theology. At

the age of thirty he was made judge advocate. He always at-

tempted to reconcile contending parties without resorting to law, and

was always ready to plead for the poor without recompense. At

length he entered the priesthood. Before assuming his priestly gar-

ments he gave those he had worn to the poor, and went out from

the hospital where he had distributed them with bare head and feet.

When a priest, he continued to be the Advocate of the Poor, and his

double duties wore on his health. He died at the age of fifty. Heis the patron of lawyers in all Europe. May 19, a. d. 1303.

St. James the Great {Lat. S. Jacobus Major ; Ital. San Gia-

como, or Jacopo, Maggiore ; Fr. St. Jacques Majeur ; Sp. San Jago,

or Santiago, El Tutelar). St. James, called the Major, the Great,

or the Elder, is presented to us in two very different characters


each being important and full of interest. First, in the Gospels

as the brother of the Evangelist, and a near kinsman and favorite

disciple of our Lord. He was much with Jesus, and present at many

of the most important events in his life, such as his transfiguration

and the agony in the Garden. Still, after the Saviour's ascension,

nothing is told of him save that he was slain by Herod. But in his

second character, as patron saint of Spain, we can make no com-

plaint of the meagreness of the writings concerning him. The

legends of him and his works would till a volume ; and he is said to

have appeared after death at the head of the Spanish armies on

thirty-eight different occasions. The Spanish legend, while it makes

Santiago the son of Zebedee and a native of Galilee, does not repre-

sent him as a poor fisherman who followed that vocation for a live-

lihood, but as a nobleman's son who accompanied his father and

brother in a boat, attended by servants, merely for pastime and sport.

But so heavenly-minded was this young nobleman, that he was

greatly attracted to Jesus, and chose to follow him in all his labors,

witnessing his wonderful miracles and imbibing his spirit and teach-

ing. After the ascension of Christ, James preached first in Judaea,

and then, travelling as a missionary to bear the news of the Gospel

to all the earth, came at last to Spain. Here he made few converts

on account of the dreadful ignorance and idolatry of the people.

At length, as he was standing one day on the banks of the Ebro,

the Virgin appeared to him, and commanded him to build there a

church under her patronage, assuring him that in the future this

pagan land should devoutly worship her divine Son and honor her-

self. He obeyed ; and having estal)lished the fixith in Spain, he

returned to Judaea, where he preached until his death many years

after. The Jews were very bitter in their persecutions of James


and one Hermogenes, a sorcerer, especially opposed him. He sent

one of his pupils, Philetus, to oppose him in argument. James sig-

nally defeated the Jew, and moreover converted him to the Christian

Faith. This greatly enraged Hermogenes, who in revenge bound

Philetus by his spells, and then told him to let his new teacher

deliver him. IMiiletus sent his servant to James, who, when he

heard his story, sent his cloak to his new disciple ; and as soon as

Pliiletus touched it ho freed himself and went to James with haste.

Hermo<;cnes then sent a band uf demons with orders to bind both


James and Philetus and bring them to him ; but on the way they

met a company of angels, who punished them severely. St, James

then ordered the demons to bring Hermogenes bound to him. They

obeyed, and besought him, as they laid the sorcerer at his feet, that

he would be revenged for them and himself on a common enemy.

But James assured them that his Master had taught him to do good

for evil, and so released the prisoner. Hermogenes cast all his books

into the sea, and entreated James to protect him from the demons

who had been his slaves. The Apostle gave him his own staff ; and

from that time the persecutor became the earnest and faithful dis-

ciple, and preached the Faith with great fruit. At length the Jews

were determined to destroy him, and sent to drag him before Herod

Agrippa. His gentleness, and the miracles which he did on the way,

so touched the soul of one of his tormentors that he begged to die

with him. James gave him a kiss, saying " Pax vobis;

" and from

this arose the " kiss of peace," which has been used as a benediction

in the Church from that time.

The saint and his last convert were then beheaded. The legend

of the dead body of James is far more wonderful than any of his life.

His disciples took his body, but, not daring to bury it, put it on a

ship at Joppa. Many accounts are given of this miraculous vessel.

Some say it was of marble, but all agree that angels conducted it to

Spain. In seven days they sailed through the Pillars of Hercules

and landed at Iria Flavia, or Padron. They bore the body on shore

and laid it on a large stone, which became like wax and received the

body into itself. This was a sign that the saint desired to remain

there. But the country w^as ruled by a very wicked queen, who

commanded that they should place the stone on a car and attach

wild bulls to it, thinking that they would dash it in pieces. But tlie

bulls gently drew the car into the court of Lupa's palace. Tlien she

was converted, and built a magnificent church to receive the body ot

James. Afterwards the knowledge of his burial-place was lost until

the year 800, when it was revealed to a priest. The remains were

removed to Compostella, which became one of the most fomous ot

shrines, on account of the miracles wrought there. The Order of St.

Jago was instituted by Don Alphonso for its protection, and was one

of the most honorable and wealthy in all Spain. The fame of the

shrine of Compostella spread over Europe, and in some years it was


visited by a hundred tlioiisand pilgrims. One of the most curious

of the legends of this saint, and one frequently treated in art, is con-

nected with three of these pious pilgrims. A German with his wife

and sou made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James, and lodged

at Torlosa on the way. The son was a handsome youth, and the

daughter of the Torlosa innkeeper conceived a wicked passion for

him. He, being a virtuous young man, and moreover on a pious

pilgrimage, repulsed her advances. She determined to revenge this

slight to her charms, and hid her father's silver drinking-cup in liis

wallet. As soon as it was missed, she directed suspicion to the

young pilgrim. He was followed, and the cup found in his sack.

He was then taken to the judge, who sentenced him to be hung; and

all that the family had was confiscated. The afflicted parents con-

tinued on their pilgrimage, and sought consolation at the altar of

Santiago. On their return they stopped at the gibbet where their

son had hung for thirty-six days. And the son spoke to them and

said, " ray mother ! my father ! do not lament for me ; I have

never been in better cheer. The blessed apostle James is at my side,

sustaining me, and filling me with celestial comfort and jo}'." The

parents, being amazed, hastened to the judge. He was seated at the

table. The mother rushed in, and exclaimed, " Our son lives !" The

judge mocked them, and said, "What sayest thou, good woman 1

Thou art beside thyself! If thy son lives, so do those fowls in mydish." He had hardly spoken when the two fowls, which were a

cock and a hen, rose up feathered in the dish, and the cock began to

crow. The judge called the priests and lawyers, and they went to the

place of execution, and delivered the young man to his parents. The

cock and hen thus miraculously resuscitated were placed nnder the

protection of religious, and their posterity preserved for a long time.

The most notable occasion upon which St. James appeared to lead

the soldiers of Spain was in the year 939, when King Ramirez deter-

mined not to submit longer to the tribute of one hundred virgins,

which was annually paid to the Moors. He defied Abdolraman to a

battle which took place on the plain of Alveida, or Clavijo. After

a furious contest the Christians were driven back. That night St.

James appeared to Kamirez, and promised to bo with him the follow-

ing day, and give him the victory. The king related this to his

ofhcers, and also to his soldiers when they were ready for the lieKl.


He recommended them to trust to the heavenly aid which had been

promised. The whole army caught the spirit of their king, and

rushed to battle. Immediately St. James appeared at their head on

a milk-white charger, waving a white standard. He led them to

victory, and sixty thousand Moors were left dead on the field. From

that day " Santiago!

" has been the Spanish war-cry. In early

works of art St. James is usually, if not always, represented with the

other Apostles, and may be known by his pl,ace, which is the third.

But later he has been portrayed in all the different scenes of his life,

and very frequently as a pilgrim of Compostella. In this character

he bears the pilgrim's staff and wallet, the cloak and shell, while his

hat is often on his shoulder. The most effective representation of

this that I have seen is the statue by Thorwaldsen in the Church

of Our Lady at Copenhagen. July 25, a. d. 44.

St. James Minor {Fr. St. Jaques Mineur ; Ital. San Jacopo or

Giacomo Minore ; Lat. S. Jacobus Frater Domini ; Gr. ^khck.(^66eo<ij

"brother of the Lord"). This saint has another most honorable

title of " The Just." He was the son of Cleophas and Mary, the

sister of the Virgin Mary ; in reality cousin-german to the Saviour,

but often styled "the Lord's brother." The epistle which he wrote

beautifully speaks the piety and love for which he was venerated.

He is distinguished as the first Christian Bishop of Jerusalem. The

Jews threw him down from one of the terraces of the Temple ; and

as he fell his brains were beaten out with a fuller's club, which

instrument of his death is his proper attribute in works of art.

When the Apostles are all represented, St. James the Less is the

ninth in order. The legends relate that James bore a striking resem-

blance to Jesus, so much so that they were at times mistaken for

each other, and that it was this circumstance which made necessary

the kiss of Judas. James made a vow that he would not eat bread

from the time that he partook of the Last Supper until he should

see Jesus raised from the dead. Soon after his resurrection the

Saviour went to show himself to James, and asked for a table and

bread. He blessed the bread, and gave it to James, saying, "Mybrother, eat thy bread ; for the Son of man is risen from amongthem that sleep." May 1.

St. Januarius {Ital. San Gennaro ; Fr. St. Janvier). This saint,

who was Bishop of Benevento, came in the tenth persecution to


Naples with six of his disciples, to comfort and cheer the Christians.

The}' were seized and thrown to the beasts of the amphitheatre, but

these would not harm them. Jauuarius was then thrown into a fiery

furnace, wliich hurt him not; and at last he was beheaded. He is

represented as a bisiiop with the palm, and usually with Mt. Vesuvius

in the distance ; for he is the patron saint of Naples, and its pro-

tector from the fearful eruptions of the volcano. The miracle of the

blood of Januarius is too well known to need description here. Sep-

tenil)er 1 9, a. d. 305.

St. Jerome {Lat. S. Hieronymus; Ital. San Geronimo or Giro-

lamo ; Fr. St. Jerome, Hiurome, or Geroisme ; Ger. Der Ileilige

Hieronimus). St. Jerome has universal importance and consideration

on account of " The Vulgate," his translation of the New Testament

into Latin, and also that which his wonderful piety and learning

must inevitably command ; but in the Catholic Church he is ad-

ditionally venerated for his advocacy of the Virginal Life for men

and women. ^ He was the son of Eusebius, a rich Dalmatian of

Stridonium, and was born about 342. Being a scholar of more than

usual promise, he was sent to Rome to complete his studies. There

for a time he led a life of pleasure ; but at length he became distin-

guished as a lawyer, and especially so on account of his eloquence in

pleading his cause. At about thirty years of age he was baptized,

and at the same time took a vow of celibacy. After having journeyed

into Gaul, he went in 373 to the East, to gratify an insatiable desire

to live among the scenes where Christ had dwelt. He became so

enamoured of the hermit life, which was then so common in the

Orient, that he retired to a desert in Chalcis, where he passed four

years in study and seclusion. But this time was not without its

recollections of another life, and longings for both the sins and pleas-

ures of the past. He says :" Oh, how often in tlic desert, in that vast

solitude which, parched by the sultry sun, ailords a dwelling to the

monks, did I fancy myself in the midst of the luxuries of Home ! I

sat alone, for I was full of bitterness." But one thing which catised

him severe trials was his love of learning and his appreciation of all

that was elegant and beautiful in the ancient classics. This gave him

a disgust fur the crudcness of the Christian writers, and it was a fciir-

1 St. Benedict, however, ia regarded as the father of Monasticism \\\ the West.


fill struggle for him to master the Hebrew. All this appeared to him

as great imperfection. He says that he fasted before he read Cicero,

and he describes a vision which these mental struggles undoubt-

edly caused. He thought he heard the last trumpet sounded, and

that he was commanded to appear before God for judgment. ''Who

art thou I " was the first question. Jerome replied, " A Christian."

Tiien came a fearful reply :" 'T is false ! thou art no Christian


thou art a Ciceronian. Where the treasure is, there will the heart

be also." After ten years of heart-rending temptation and struggle,

of weary controversy and labors, he returned to Eome. Here he

l)reached with all the enthusiastic eloquence he could command,

against the luxury of the Roman clergy and laity, and maintained

the necessity of extreme self-denial and abstinence. He especially

influenced the Roman women, some of the most distinguished becom-

ing converts to his preaching of Christ crucified, and ready to follow

him in any self-sacrifice. Paula, a descendant of the Scipios and

Gracchi, whose cell is shown in the monastery at Bethlehem, was

perhaps the most celebrated of these converts, but Marcella is an-

other name handed down to us with his. She is by some held to be

the first who founded a religious community for women, while others

give this high honor to St. Martha. Jerome remained but three

years in Rome, when he returned to his monastery at Bethlehem.

Here he died ; and when he knew that death was approaching, he

desired to be borne into the chapel, where he received the last rites

of the Church, expiring soon after. He left many epistles and con-

troversial writings, and the cell in which he wrote at Bethlehem is

regarded with great veneration. The Jeronymites were distinguished

for the magnificence of some of their churches and convents. The

Escurial was theirs, as well as the Monastery of Belem, in Portugal,

and that of St. Just, to which Charles V. retired when he gave up his

throne. The proper attributes of St. Jerome are books, illustrative

of his writings, and the lion, which is emblematic of the boldness and

watchfulness of the saint ; but there is also a legend which accounts

for the association of the lion with the holy man. One evening he

was sitting at the gate of his monastery when a lion entered, limp-

ing, as if wounded. The monks fled, terrified, except Jerome, who

went to meet the lion. Tlie poor beast lifted his paw, and in it

Jerome found a thorn, which he extracted, and then tended the wound


till it was healed. The lion remained with the saint, and he made it

the duty of the beast to guard an ass which brought wood from the

forest. One day, while the lion slept, a caravan of merchants passed,

and they stole the ass and drove it away. The lion returned to the

convent with an air of shame. Jerome believed that he had eaten

the ass, and condenmed him to do the work, of the ass, to which the

lion quietly submitted, until the ass was a^ain discovered by himself

in the following manner : One day after his task was ended, he saw

a caravan approaching, the camels of which (as is the custom of the

Arabs) were led by an ass. The lion immediately saw that it was

his stolen charge ; and he drove the camels into the convent, whither

the ass gladly led them. The merchants acknowledged the theft,

and St. Jerome pardoned them for it. Hence the lion is so often

associated with the saint ; but its appropriateness as a type of his

wilderness life and his zealous and vehement nature is a more satis-

factory thouglit than the fanciful wildness of this legend can give.

The introduction of the cardinal's hat into the pictures of this saint

is a glaring anachronism, as there were no cardinals until three cen-

turies later than that in whicli he lived. St. Jerome, as a penitent,

is the subject of numberless pictures, and his Last Communion by

Domenichino (Vatican) is one of the most celebrated of all pictures.

St. Jerome is the special patron of students in theology. September

30, A. D. 420.

Jew, The Wandering. See Wandering Jew.

St. Joachim {/tal. San Gioacchino ; Fr. St. Joakim) was the

husband of Anna, and the father of the Blessed Virgin. He was of

Nazareth, and his wife of Bethlehem, and both of the royal race of

David. Joachim was rich, and an extremely devout man. He was

childless ; and it happened tliat on a certain feast-day when he

brought his offering to the Temple it was refused by Issachar, the

high-priest, who said, "It is not lawful for thee to bring thine offer-

ing, seeing that thou hast not begot issue in Israel." Joachim went

away sorrowful; and searching the registers of Israel, he found that

he alone, of all the righteous men, was childless. And he went

away and would be seen by no one, and built a hut, and fasted

forty days and nights, saying, ** Until the Lord look upon me merci-

fully, jmiyer shall 1)0 my meat and my drink." And Anna mourned

grievously for her barrenness and for the absence of her husband.


At length her handmaid, Judith, wished to cheer her, and tried to

persuade her to array herself and attend the feast. But Anna

repulsed her in such a way that Judith was angry, and told her

mistress that she could wish her nothing worse than that which God

had sent her, since he had closed her womb, that she could not be a

mother. Then Anna arose and put on her bridal attire, and went

forth to her garden, and prayed earnestly. And she sat beneath a

laurel-tree, where a sparrow had a nest, and Anna said :'' Alas ! and

woe is me ! Who hath begotten me 1 Who hath brought me forth,

that I should be accursed in the sight of Israel, and scorned and

shamed before my people, and cast out of the temple of the Lord


Woe is me ! to what shall I be likened 1 I cannot be likened to the

fowls of heaven ; for the fowls of heaven are fruitful in ^thy sight,

Lord ! Woe is me ! to what shall I be likened % Not to the unreason-

ing beasts of the earth ; for they are fruitful in thy sight, Lord !

Woe is me ! to what shall I be likened 1 Not to these waters ; for

they are fruitful in thy sight, Lord ! W^oe is me ! to what shall I be

likened % Not unto the earth ; for the earth bringeth forth her fruit

in due season, and praiseth thee, Lord !

" And immediately she

beheld an angel standing near her. And he said, ''Anna, thy prayer

is heard ; thou shalt bring forth, and thy child shall be blessed

throughout the whole world." And Anna replied, "As the Lord

liveth, whatever I shall bring forth, be it a man child or maid, I will

present it an offering to the Lord." And another angel came to tell

her that Joachim was approaching ; for an angel had also spoken to

him, and he was comforted. Then Anna went to meet her husband,

who came from the pasture with his flocks. And they met by the

Golden Gate, and Anna embraced him, and hung on his neck, saying,

" Now know I that the Lord hath blessed me. I who was a widow

am no longer a widow. I who was barren shall become a joyful

mother." Then they returned home together; and when her time

was come, Anna brought forth a daughter, and she called her Mary,

which in Hebrew is Miriam. March 20.

St. John the Baptist {Ital. San Giovanni Battista ; Fr. St.

Jean Baptiste ; Ger. Johann der Taufer). In Scripture this saint,

the herald of Christ, is presented in three characters ; as Preacher,

Prophet, and Baptist. Parts of his story are given by all the Evan-

gelists, from the miraculous circumstances attending his birth to the


awfully sinful horrors of his death. To these, tradition has added his

miraculous deliverance from the assassins of Herod, by being enclosed

with his mother in a rock, when she fled from the massacre with him

in her arms. Art has represented him as leaving his home, while yet

a child, to begin his desert life. Legends tell that the scene of his

death was the royal fortified palace of Macheronta, near the Dead

Sea, on the river Jordan; that he was buried at Sebaster, and that his

head was brought to Europe in 453. He is venerated almost uni-

versally, and is the connecting link between the Old and New Dispen-

sations, being the last prophet of the former and the first saint of

the latter. The most ancient pictures represent him as meagre and

wasted, with unshorn beard and hair. This would seem the true

way ; but often in later times he is made beautiful, and even dressed

in rich mantles which cover the garment of camel's hair. Whenpainted as the Messenger, he wears the hairy garment, and bears a

cup, a reed cross, and a scroll with the inscription, "Vox clamantis

in deserto," or ** Ecce Agnus Dei !" The Greek signification of " Mes-

senger" is "Angel;" and this is rendered in Byzantine art by painting

him with wings. As a witness to the divinity of Christ, he is repre-

sented at various ages. He is introduced into Holy Families in this

character in many different positions, all expressive of worship to the

Holy Child. He is patron of all who are baptized, and also patron

saint of Florence. In baptisteries he is very frequently represented

in sculpture. In the historical pictures of this saint, which easily

explain themselves, there is but one peculiarity to be noticed. That

to which I refer is the representation of the legend that Mary

prolonged her visit to Elizabeth until the birth of the child. In

these pictures !Mary usually receives or holds the babe, and is

known by the glory alxnit lier head. The Greek legends say that

his death took place two years before that of Christ, and that he

descended to Hades to remain until the Saviour's death should give

him deliverance. He bore to the departed spirits the tidings of

the approaching redemption, at which they all rejoiced, while the

devils were filled with fearful rage. Nativity of St. John the

Baptist, June 24.

St. John the Evangelist (Greek title, ^coXoyo^, " "Word of

God;" Lat. S. Johannes; Ital. San Giovanni Evangelista ; Fr. St.

Jean, Messire St. Jehau; Ger. Der Heilige Johann). More is known


of this " disciple whom Jesus loved " than of the other Evangelists.

He was son of Zebedee, and brother of James the Great. His life

seems to have been almost inseparable from that of the Master,

ever after his call to follow him. He saw the Transfiguration. He

leaned on the bosom of Our Lord at the Last Supper. He stood by

the cross, and received the charge of Jesus concerning the Virgin

Mary, and he laid the body of the Saviour in the tomb. He went

with Peter through Judaea, to preach the Gospel, after the death of

Mary. He then went to Asia Minor, living chiefly at Epbesus, and

founding the seven churches. During the persecution of Domitian

he was taken, bound, to Rome ; and the Catholic traditions tell that

he was thrown into a caldron of boiling oil without injury. The

scene of this miracle w^as outside the Latin Gate, and the chapel of

San Giovanni in Olio commemorates the event. Being afterwards

accused of magic, he was exiled to Patmos, where he is believed to

have written his Revelation. Upon the death of Domitian, he was

allowed to return to his church at Ephesus. Here, when ninety years

old, he is said to have written his Gospel. He died at Ephesus, at

the age of one hundred and twenty years.'^ The Greek tradition is

that he died without pain, and immediately arose again without

change, and ascended to heaven to rejoin Jesus and Mary. The

legends of the life and miracles of this saint are extremely interest-

ing. St. Isidore relates that at Rome an attempt was made against

the life of John, by poisoning the sacramental cup. When he took

the cup, the poison came forth in the form of a serpent, and he drank

the wine unhurt, while the poisoner fell dead at his feet. It is said

to have been done by order of Domitian. Another account says that

he w^as challenged to drink of a poisoned cup, in proof of the author-

ity of his mission, by Aristodemus, the high-priest of Diana at Ephe-

sus, and that while John was unhurt, the priest fell dead. Clement

of Alexandria relates that when John was first at Ephesus, he took

under his care a young man of great promise. When he was taken

away to Rome he left this youth to the care of a bishop. But the

young man became dissipated in his life, and at length was the leader

of a band of robbers. When John returned, he asked of the bishop

an account of his charge; and when he knew the truth, he blamed the

1 The tradition that he never died exists, but has no ground in CathoHc belief.


unfaithful o^uardian, and suffered great grief on account of the young

man. He then went in search of liis ward ; and wlien he reached his

abiding-place, the captain of the rohbers tried to avoid his old friend.

But John prevailed on him to listen to his words. As John talked

to him, he tried to conceal his hand, which had committed manycrimes. But John seized it, and kissing it, bathed it with his tears.

He succeeded in reconverting the robber, and reconciled him to

God and to himself. Again, two rich young men sold their pos-

sessions to follow the Apostle. Afterwards they repented, seeing

wliich John sent them to gather stones and fagots, and changed these

to gold, saying, "Take back your riches, and enjoy them on earth,

as you regret having exchanged them for heaven." AVhen John

returned to Ephesus from Patmos, he met a funeral procession as

he approached the city. "When he asked whose it was, and heard

it was Drusiana's, he was sad ; for she had been rich in good works,

and John had dwelt in her house. He ordered the bearer to put

down the bier, and he prayed earnestly to God, who restored the

woman to life ; she arose, and John returned with her, and dwelt

again in her house. Two wonderful miracles are related of John, as

being performed after his death. King Edward the Confessor rever-

enced John next to the Saviour and the Virgin Mother. One day

he attended a mass in honor of St. John; and, returning, he met a

beggar, who asked him an alms in the name of God and St. John.

The king drew from his finger a ring, and gave it to the man, un-

known to any one beside. When Edward had reigned twenty-four

years, two Englishmen, who had been pilgrims to the Holy Land,

met on their return a man, also in the garb of a pilgrim. He asked

them of their country, and said, " When ye shall have arrived in

your own country, go to King Edward, and salute him in my name.

Say to him that I thank him for the alms which he bestowed on mein a certain street in Westminster ; for there, on a certain day, as I

begged of him an alms, he bestowed on me this ring, which till now

I have preserved, and ye shall carry it back to him, saying that in

six months from this time he shall quit the world, and come and

remain with me forever." Then the pilgrims said, **Who art thou,

and where is thy dwelling-place?" And he replied, "T am John the

Evangelist. Edward, your king, is my friend, and for the sanctity of

his life I hold him dear. Go now, therefore, deliver to him this


message and this ring, and I will pray to God that ye may arrive

safely in your own country." Having said this, St. John gave them

the ring, and vanished out of their sight. Then thanking God for

this glorious vision, the pilgrims kept on their way, and went to King

Edward, and delivered the ring and the message. He received them

gladly, and entertained them as royal guests. He also made prepa-

rations for death, and gave the ring to the Abbot of Westminster, to

be forever preserved as a holy relic. This legend is represented in

sculpture in the chapel of Edward the Confessor. Again, in a. d. 425,

when the Empress Galla Placidia returned to Ravenna from the

East, she encountered a fearful storm. She vowed to St. John ; and

being safely landed, she built in his honor a splendid church. After

it was done she was greatly desirous of having some relics of the

saint to consecrate the sanctuary. One night as she prayed earnestly,

the saint appeared to her ; and when she threw herself down to kiss

his feet, he vanished and left his sandal in her hand, — a relic

long time preserved. The church of Galla Placidia at Eavenna,

though gi'eatly changed, yet remains; and on it may be traced, in

sculpture, both the storm, and the empress making her vow, and the

miracle of the slipper. St. John is represented in art as an evangelist,

an apostle, and a prophet. The Greeks represented him, whether

apostle or evangelist, as an old, gray-bearded man ; but in Western

art he is never beyond middle age, and often young. As a prophet,

and the instrument of the Eevelation, he is an aged man, with flow-

ing beard. The scene is a desert with the sea, to represent Patmos,

while the eagle is beside him. His proper colors are a blue or green

tunic, with red drapery ; and his attributes, beside the eagle, are the

pen and book, and the cup either with the serpent or the consecrated

wafer, which latter typifies the institution of the Eucharist. Some-

times the eagle has a nimbus or glory. This figures the Holy Ghost,

as the Jews made the eagle a symbol of the spirit. When the Baptist

and Evangelist are introduced in the same picture, as frequently

occurs, the latter may be known from his more youthful look as well

as by the above attributes. When associated with the other Apostles,

he is distinguished by his youth and flowing hair, or by his nearness

to the Saviour, and frequently by some token of peculiar love in the

position or aspect of the Master. On great occasions, at the church of

the Santa Croce, at Rome, a cup is exhibited as that from which John,



by command of Domitiau, drank poison without injury. December

27, A. D. 09.

St. John Capistrano was a Franciscan friar, who after the

capture of Constantinople b}^ the Turks, was sent out to preach a

crusade for the defence of Christendom. At the siege of Belgrade, in

1456, when Mohammed was repulsed by the Hungarians, this saint

was seen, with his crucifix in hand, in the midst of the battle encour-

aging and leading on the soldiers. He died the same year, and in

1090 he was canonized. His attribute is the crucifix, or the standard

with the cross. A colossal statue of him is on the exterior of the

cathedral at Vienna. He has a Turk under his feet, while he bears

in one hand a standard, and in the other a cross. October 23,

A. D. 145G.

St. John Chrysostom {Lat. S. Johannes Chrysostom ; Ital. San

Giovanni Crisostomo, San Giovanni Bocca d' Oro ; Fr. St. Jean Chry-

sostome). This saint is always called by his Greek appellative, which

signifies, "of the golden mouth." He was born at Antioch in 344.

He was of an illustrious family. His father died while he was still

young, and his mother, Arthusia, remained a widow that she might

devote herself entirely to her son. At twenty he had won renown

by the eloquence of his pleas, for he was an advocate, but he greatly

desired to retire from the world as a hermit. The entreaties of his

mother prevented this until he was about twenty-eight, when in spite

of all he fled to the wilderness near, and led a life of such rigor as to

destroy his health and oblige him to return to Antioch. Soon after

this, Flavian ordained him a priest; and tradition declares that at

the moment of his ordination a white dove descended on his head.

This signified his especial inspiration from the Holy Spirit; and truly

thereafter, he seems, as a Christian orator, to have been assisted of

God. Only Paul is ranked above him. He saved the people of his

native city by his eloquence, when they had so offended the Emperor

Theodosius that he had threatened them with dreadful punishment.

So much was he V)eloved at Antioch, that when chosen Patriarch of

Constantinoyne he had to go away secretly before the peoj)le could

interfere to retain him. At Constantinople he lived a life of humble

self-denial, b\it entertained the stranger and the j)<)or witli kind

hospitality. His enthusiasm, his ])()otic imagination, his elegant

scholarship, added to his great earnestness, caused him to speak as


one inspired ; and he preached so fearlessly against the irregular-

ities of the Empress Eudoxia, of the monks, and all the customs

of the court, that he was banished from the city. The people

obliged the emperor to recall him ; but again he was inexorable in

his denunciations, and again was sent into exile. His guards treated

him so cruelly that he perished from exposure and fatigue. He

was sixty-three years old, and had been bishop ten years. It was

thirty years after his death when his remains were removed to

Constantinople, and the Emperor Theodosius, advancing as far as

Chalcedon to meet them, fell prostrate on the coffin and implored

the forgiveness of the saint in the names of Arcadius and Eudoxia,

his guilty parents. St. John Chrysostom died September 14, a. u.

407. The Greeks keep his festival November 13, and the Latin

Church, January 27.

St. John Gualberto (Ital. San Giovanni Gualberto ; Fr. St.

Jean Gualbert, or Calbert) was born at Florence. His family was

rich and noble, and he received an education befitting his rank. He

had but one brother, Hugo, whom he passionately loved. While John

was still young, Hugo was slain by a gentleman with whom he had a

quarrel. John, with the consent and encouragement of his parents,

determined to pursue the murderer to the death. It happened that

on Good Friday, at evening, as John left Florence for his father's

country-house, he took the road which leads to the church of San

Miniato-del-Monte. In ascending the hill he met his brother's assas-

sin, and drew his sword to kill him, feeling that a just God liad thus

delivered his enemy into his hand. The wretched man fell on his

knees, imploring mercy. He extended his hand in the form of a cross,

and reminded John that Jesus had died on the cross praying for

pardon for his murderers. John felt himself moved by a great strug-

gle ; and the conflict between his desire for revenge and his wish to

act as a Christian was so great that he trembled from head to foot.

But at length, praying to God for strength, he lifted his enemy; and

embracing him, they parted. John, overpowered with emotion, had

scarcely strength to enter the church, where he knelt before the

crucifix at the altar. Here he wept bitterly, and all the horror of

the crime he had been about to commit was vividly impressed on his

mind. He prayed for pardon ; and as he raised his eyes to the face

of Jesus, he beheld the holy head bowed in sign of forgiveness. This


miracle completed the great change already begun in liim, and he

determined to leave tlje world. He took the Benedictine habit, and

entered the monastery of San Miniato. When the abbot died, John

was elected to succeed him ; but he would not accept the office, and

leaving the convent, retired to the Yallombrosa, in the Apennines,

about twenty miles from San Miniato. At first he had but two com-

panions in his retreat, but the fame of his sanctity attracted numbers

to him ; and thus originated the Order of Vallombrosa, of which this

saint was the founder. They adopted the Rule of St. Benedict, but

revived some of the severities which had fallen into disuse, and insti-

tuted others, especially that of silence. The pope confirmed this new

order, and before the death of the saint twelve houses were filled

with his followers, in different places. The Church of the Trinita at

Florence belonged to them, and in it is preserved the miraculous

crucifix before which John knelt on that memorable Good Friday

night. The ruins of the monastery of Salvi, near Florence, which

was of the Vallombrosa, show by their extent what its importance

must have been. John was most strict in his humility and simpli-

city, and was so shocked at the way in which his disciples at !Moscetta

embellished their convent that he prophesied some fearful punishment

for them. Shortly after, an inundation destroyed a large part of their

buildings. He was also distinguished for his determined opposition to

the practice of simony, by which many ecclesiastics dishonored the

Church in his time. Pietro di Pavia had purchased the archbishopric

of Florence. He was a man of notoriously bad character. John

denounced him publicly. Pietro sent soldiers to burn and pillage

San Salvi, and several monks were murdered. Still Gualberto would

not be silent ; and it is probable that his order would have been

destroyed by the powerful wickedness of Pietro, had not one of the

monks, called Peter Igncus, demanded the ordeal by fire. He stood

the test triumphantly, and the archbishop was deposed. Several mir-

acles, like that of multiplying the food when the monks were in want,

are attributed to this saint. The Vallombrosians had fine libraries

and many works of art, before they were despoiled. These pictures

are now scattered in galleries. Cimabue painted his famous Madonna

for them, and Andreii del Sarto his Cenacolo. (Hiall>erto meeting the

murderer is represented in a little tal)ernacle which has been erected

on the spot where the encounter took place. July 12, a. d. 1073.


St. John de Matha {Sp. San Juan de Mata) was a native of

Faucon, in Provence. He was born in 1154, and his parents were of

noble family. Like so many saints, he was consecrated to God by

his mother, whose name was Martha. He was a student in the Uni-

versity at Paris, and after becoming famous for his piety was ordained

a priest. The first time he celebrated the mass he had a vision of an

angel, whose hands crossed over each other rested on the heads of

two slaves who knelt on each side of him. On the breast of the

white robe which tlie angel wore, was a cross of red and blue. Felix

de Valois, another holy man, was a friend of the saint ; and when

John had told him the vision, and that he regarded it as an inti-

mation from heaven that he was to labor for the relief of prisoners

and captives, the two determined to found a new order having this

labor for its object. It was called "The Order of the Holy Trinity

for the Redemption of Captives." John and Felix went to Rome for

the confirmation of their w'ork, and were most kindly received ; for

the pope had also had a vision of an angel with two captives chained,

one of whom was a Moor, the other a Christian, which taught that

all races and religions were to be benefited by this new brotherhood.

The parent institution of the order w^as that of Cerfroy, but they

were called Mathurins, and had a monastery in Paris near the street

still called by their name. At Rome they were given the church and

convent on Monte Celio, so beautifully situated, and from the ancient

barque in front of it called Santa Maria della Xavicella. Having

obtained followers and money, John sent his disciples, and went him-

self to various places in Africa and Spain, and exchanged and ransomed

prisoners and brought them home. This was a most noble work ; for

no class of Christians so needed assistance as those who had been

made prisoners and then slaves during the fierce wars of those times.

He had delivered hundreds, when, being about to sail with one hun-

dred and twenty slaves, the infidels became furious and tore up his

sails and broke his rudder. But he used his mantle and those of his

disciples as sails, and praying God to be his pilot, the ship was quietly

wafted to Ostia. But the health of the saint was so feeble that he

was not able to go even to Paris, and after two years of suffering he

died at Rome. February 8, a. d. 1213.

St. John Nepomuck {Ital. San Giovanni Nepomuceno ; Ger.

Heil. Johannes von Nepomuk ; Sp. San Juan Nepomuceno). This


saint was the confessor of the good and beautiful princess Joan of

Bavaria, who was unfortunately married to the cruel Wenceslaus IV.

of Germany. John knew there was no earthly recompense for such

woes as his empress endured, and he earnestly endeavored to so lead

her religiously that she might suffer with patience the hardness of

her life. At length Wenceslaus commanded him to reveal the con-

fession of the empress. This the saint refused to do, and imprison-

ment and torture failed to break his silence. At length the empress

by prayers and tears obtained his release. She dressed his wounds

and nursed him with her own hands. Then he returned to court and

preached as usual ; but, knowing the uncertainty of his life, he first

chose the text, " Yet a little while and ye shall not see me." Heendeavored to prepare himself and all who heard him for death. Not

long after, as he approached the palace, the emperor saw him from

the window, and being seized with one of his tempers, he ordered him

to be brought before him. Again he demanded the confession of the

empress. The saint kept perfect silence. Then the emperor com-

manded the guards to throw him over the parapet of the bridge into

the Moldau. Tiic legend relates that, as he sank, five stars hovered

over tlie spot, which, when the emperor saw them, so distracted him

tliat he fled and hid for some time in the fortress of Carlstein. The

empress greatly mourned, and the people carried his body in proces-

sion to the Church of the Holy Cross. When Prague was besieged

in 1G20, it is believed that St. John Nepomuck fought with his

people. The empress did not long survive her faithful friend nnd

confessor. He was a canon regular of St. Augustine. He is patron

saint of bridges and running water in Austria and Bohemia. His

statue stands on the bridge at Prague on the very spot whence he

was thrown down. Five stars are his proper attribute. Sometimes he

has his finger on his mouth ; sometimes a padlock on his mouth or in

liis hand in token of silence. He is patron of discretion and silence,

and protoftor against slander. May 10, a. d. 1383.

St. John and St. Paul were brothers and Roman officers in the

service of Constantia. Tlioy were put to death by Julian the Apos-

tate. Their church on the brow of the Coelian Hill is on tlie spot

where their house stood, which is one of the most lovely in ancient

Home. It has existed since 490. Tlio church at Venice which

bears their name was built by colonies from the convent of St. John


and St. Paul at Rome. It is filled with most interesting monuments,

but none exist in honor of these saints. In art they are always

represented together, and their attributes are the military dress with

the sword. June 2G, about 3G2.

St. Joseph {Lat. S. Josephus ; Ital. San Giuseppe ; Fr. St.

Joseph ; Ger. Der Heilige Josef). Joseph was always honored among

the saints, but signally so since the sixteenth century. The great

honor which God conferred upon him in selecting him to be the

guardian of the Virgin and her Divine Son is sufficient proof that

he was a holy man. The Scripture account leads us to conclude that

he was gentle and tender as well as just. He was of the lineage of

David and the tribe of Judah, — a carpenter, and dwelt in Nazareth.

This is the sum of the positive knowledge we have of him. Legends

are the source of all other opinions concerning him. In these there

is great difference regarding his age. Many think that he was a wid-

ower when he espoused Mary.^ In early art he was made very old,

and some monks averred that he was more than fourscore at the time

of his marriage to Mary. In later years he has been represented of

mature middle-age, strong and able to fulfil the duty of providing for

his charge. One attribute of age has however been handed down from

the earliest time, the crutch or cane, and is seldom omitted. The

legend of the marriage of Mary and Joseph is given in the Protevan-

gelion and History of Joseph, in these words :" When Mary was

fourteen years old, the priest Zacharias (or Abiathar, as he is else-

where called) inquired of the Lord concerning her, what was right

to be done ; and an angel came to him and said, ' Go forth and call

together all the widowers among the people, and let each bring his

rod (or wand) in his hand ; and he to whom the Lord shall sliow a

sign, let him be the husband of Mary.' And Zacharias did as the

angel commanded, and made proclamation accordingly. And Joseph

the carpenter, a righteous man, throwing down his axe, and taking

his staff in his hand, ran out with the rest. When he appeared be-

fore the priest, and presented his rod, lo ! a dove issued out of it,—a dove dazzling white as snow, and after settling on his head, flew

toward heaven. Then the high-priest said to him, *Thou art the

person chosen to take the Virgin of the Lord, and to keep her for

1 St. Jerome asserts that he was always virgin.


Him.' And Joseph was at first afraid, and drew back, but afterward

he took her home to his house, and said to her, ' Behold, I have

taken thee from the Temple of the Lord, and now I will leave thee

in my house, for I must go and follow my trade of building. I will

return to thee, and meanwhile the Lord be with thee and watch

over thee.' So Joseph left her, and Mary remained in her house."

Jerome makes a difference which artists have followed. He relates

that among the suitors for Mary was the son of the high-priest, and

that they all deposited their wands in the Temple over night. Kext

morning, Joseph's rod had blossomed. The others, in their dis-

appointment, broke their wands and trampled on them ; while one,

Agabus, who was of noble race, fled to Mt. Carmel and became an

anchorite. In many pictures the espousals take place in the open

air, and various places outside the Temple, having no appearance of

the sacrament of marriage. This is explained by the fact that among

the Jews marriage was a civil contract rather than a religious cere-

mon}'. Joseph's next appearance, in the legends, is on the journey to

Bethlehem. The way, so long and weary to the suffering Virgin, is

described, and the Protevangelion tells that " when Joseph looked

back, he saw the face of Mary, that it was sorrowful, as of one in

pain ; but when he looked back again she smiled. And when they

were come to Bethlehem there w-as no room for them in the inn,

because of the great concourse of people. And Mary said to Joseph,

'Take me down, for I suff'er.'" Another legend relates that Joseph

sought a midwife, but when he returned with her to the stable Mary

was sitting with her infant on her knees, and the place was filled

with a light far brigliter than that of noonday. And the Hebrew

woman in amazement said, " Can this be true 1 " And Mary replied,

"It is true: as there is no child like unto my son, so there is no* woman like unto his mother." Four times God sent angelic mes-

sengers to guide Joseph in the execution of his important mission.

First, he assured him of the purity of Mary, and tliat he need fear

notliing in taking her to wife. The legends say tliat after waking

from this vision, he " entreated forgiveness of Mary for having

wronged her even in thought." The second dream commanded him

to fleo into Egypt. The pictures of the Flight, and of the Repose,

which is an incident of the flight, represent the watchful care of

Joseph. The duration of the sojourn in Egypt is differently given,


and ranges from two to seven years. The third vision told Joseph

to return to Judaea, and a fourth guided him on the journey. After

the return to Nazareth, Joseph is associated only with a quiet, indus-

trious life, and the training of his foster-son to the trade of a car-

penter. The time of Joseph's death is also a disputed point. Someassert that it occurred when Jesus was eighteen years old, while some

make it nine years later. One of the most interesting accounts of

this event is found in an Arabian history of Joseph the Carpenter.

Jesus is supposed to relate it to his disciples. He tells that Joseph

acknowledged him as the "Redeemer and Messiah," and speaks thus

of Mary : " And my mother, the Virgin, arose, and she came nigh

to me and said, '0 my beloved Son, now must the good old man die!


And I answered, and said unto her, ' my most dear mother, needs

must all created beings die ; and Death will have his rights, even over

thee, beloved mother : but death to him and to thee is no death, only

the passage to eternal life ; and this body I have derived from thee

shall also undergo death.' " Then after giving an account of the

death scene, he says, "I and my mother Mary, we wept with them,"

alluding to the sons and daughters of Joseph who were about him

weeping. Then follows an account of a struggle between good and

bad spirits for the soul of Joseph ; but at last Gabriel comes to clothe

it with a robe of brightness and bear it to heaven. On account of

this triumphant end, Joseph came to be invoked as the patron of

death-beds. His death is often represented in family chapels which

are consecrated to the dead. The 20th of July had been observed

in the East with great solemnity as the anniversary of Joseph's

death for many years before he was popular in the West. It was the

custom to read publicly homilies upon his life and death ; and manyof them are very curious and ancient, dating from the fourth century

in some cases. There is great significance in the different modes of

representing this saint, and in the attributes given him. He regards

Mary with veneration mingled with tender care and thoughtfulness.

In the pictures of the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, and in

many Holy Families, he is in an attitude of quiet and contemplative

admiration ; and while treated with dignity is never made an important

point in the picture. In the flight, and in the repose in Egypt, he is

the care-taker and guide, and the importance of his trust is made ap-

parent. He sometimes holds the Infant, or bears him in his arms.


in token of his high office of providing for him ; and at the same time

carries a hly, the emblem of chastity, or his budded rod, in token of

the purity of the rehition between himself and ^Mary. Sometimes he

gathers dates, leads the ass which bears the Virgin and Child, and

carries the wallet and staff of the pilgrim. When he kneels before

the Infant and presents a flower, it is an act of homage on the part

of the saint. His dress should be a gray tunic and a saffron-colored

mantle. March 19.

St. Jovita or Giovita. See St. Faustinus.

St. Juan de Dios was the founder of the Order of the Hospi-

tallers, or Urothers of Charity ; in fact, he may be said to be the

founder of the same class of institutions in all countries ; — of

our own hospitals and asylums for the poor, the " Maisons de

Charite " of France, the " Barmherzigen Briider " of Germany, the

*' Misericordia " of Italy, and the "Caritad" of Spain. He was the

son of poverty, born in Monte-Mayor, Portugal, in 1495. He had

no education, but was piously reared by his mother. "When Juan

was but nine years old, he was so charmed by the stories of a priest

who was entertained by his parents, and who had travelled far and

wide, that he went awa}'^ with him without the knowledge of his

family. Ttie priest for some reason left him utterly alone in Oropesa,

a village of Castile. He entered the service of a shepherd, where he

remained until he entered the army. He was reckless and dissipated

as a soldier, and yet at times was greatly moved by recollections

of the piety of his mother and the lessons of his childhood. He met

with many adventures, and narrowly escaped death from wounds and

accidents. Being set to guard some booty taken from the enemy, he

fell asleep, and the prize was carried off. His commanding officer

ordered him hanged on the spot ; but after the rope was around his

neck, a superior officer who chanced to pass, released him on the con-

dition that he should leave the camp. He returned to his old occu-

pation in Oropesa ; but his restless mind gave him no peace, and in

1532 he joined the troops raised for the Hungarian war. At the

end of the strife, he returned to his native place, making a pilgrimage

to Compostella on his way. Here lie was so seized with remorse,

when he learned that his parents had died of grief for his desertion

of them, that his reason was impaired. Having no money, he became

the shepherd of a rich lady near Seville. Hero he gave much time


to meditation and prayer, and determined to do some good in order

to atone as much as possible for his past sins. He rememi)ered tlie

sad and wretched condition of the poor, and of captives and prisoners,

of whom he liad seen many dnring his wanderings. At length he

determined to devote himself to their relief, and even, if possible, to

be a martyr. He went to Gibraltar, and there saw a Portugnese

noble, who, with his family, was exiled to Ceuta, in Africa. Heentered the service of these distressed people. They suffered much

from sickness and poverty, and Juan became their only support. Hehired himself as a laborer, and toiled for them until they received aid

from other sources. Then returning to Spain he travelled about,

selling religious books and pictures, and doing all in his power for

the poor until he was told in a vision, " Go, thou shalt bear the cross

in Granada." The miraculous bearer of this message was a radiant

child who held a pomo-de-Granada (pomegranate) in his hand. Juan

came into Granada at the time of the celebration of St. Sebastian's

festival. He was already much excited in mitid ; and the exhorta-

tions of the famous preacher, St. John of Avila, roused in him such

sorrow for his sins that he seemed as one bereft of his senses. Hewas talien to a mad-house, and, as the custom was, scourged every

day until the blood flowed freely from his wounds. The same

preacher referred to was filled with pity for him, and by patient

attendance restored him to reason and liberty. John obtained a little

shed for his home, and here founded the first Hospital of Charity


for he began the practice of bringing here the most wretched ones

he could find, and of begging for their support. At first he could

provide for but two or three, but would himself lie outside on

the ground for the sake of sheltering an additional one. Soon he

succeeded in obtaining a large circular building, in the centre of

which was kept a great fire ; and here he often gathered two hundred

homeless wretches. He gave up the idea of martyrdom, and devoted

himself with wonderful zeal to the relief of the misery about him.

He made no rules for any order, and does not appear to have con-

templated the establishment of one, and yet he " bequeathed to

Christendom one of the noblest of all its religious institutions." In

France he has the title of 'Me bienheureux Jean de Dieu, Pere des

Pauvres." His proper attributes are the pomegranate and cross.

Often he is painted with a beggar kneeling before him. " The Charity


of San Juan de Dios," painted by Murillo for the Church of the

" Caritad " at ^Seville, represents him staggering beneath the burden

of a dying beggar, whom he is bearing through a storm to his hospital.

It is said that few behold this picture without tears. March 8,

A. I). 1")")0.

St. Juan de la Cruz. He is mentioned by Mr. Stirling as "a

holy man who was frequently favored with interviews with our

Saviour, and who, on one of these occasions, made an uncouth

sketcii of the Divine apparition, which was long preserved as a

relic in the convent of the Incarnation at Avila." He was the first

barefooted Carmelite, and is famous for his terrible austerities and

penances. He was the ally of St. Teresa in all her reforms, and

is frequently represented with her. Books with the titles of his

writings are often introduced into lus pictures. November 24,

A. D. 1591.

Judas Iscariot {Ital. Giuda Scariota ; Fr. Judas Iscariote).

The silence of the Gospel concerning the life of Judas before he

became a disciple is more than filled by the legends of the Middle

Ages. They relate that he was of the tribe of Keuben, and that his

mother dreamed before his birth that he would murder his father,

commit incest with his mother, and betray his God for money. Hor-

rified at this prospect, his parents determined that he should not

live to fulfil such prophecies ; so they put him in a chest and threw

it into the sea, but the chest was washed on shore, and the child taken

by a certain king and reared as his son. This king had a son whomJudas hated from the natural ugliness of his disposition. At length

he killed him in a quarrel, and fled to Juda-a and was employed

as a page by Pontius Pilate, who was attracted by tlie comeliness

of his person. In course of time, he fulfils the dreadful prophecies

regarding his parents, and at length learns from his mother the

secret of his birth. He is filled with horror of himself, and having

heard of the power of Christ to forgive sins, he seeks to become his

follower. Jesus receives him, knowing all. Judas now adds avarice

to his other vices, and becomes so completely corru})t as to fit

liim for the awful destiny foreshadowed for him. The bribery,

betrayal, r(q)entance, and death follow according to the Scri])ture

account. His repentance is in some cases most vividly portrayed.

Eemorse is made a real person, "who seizes and torments him until


he invokes Despair, who brings to him all kinds of implements of

death and bids him choose from them. He is represented, too, with

an imp upon his shoulder, figuring the Satan that entered into him.

The Mohammedans believe that Christ ascended alive into heaven,

and that Judas was crucified in his likeness. But his death has been

variously represented in art. Those who have painted him as hang-

ing with his bowels gushing out have seemingly made a mistake.

The more reasonable version is, that having hanged himself he fell,

and from the fall he " burst asunder." One tradition is that he was

found hanging, and thrown over the parapet of the Temple and dashed

in pieces. Expression has been given to the wildest imaginations

concerning him. An old miniature makes demons toss his soul from

hand to hand like a ball. The horror of this restlessness is a fearful

thought. The "bursting asunder" was considered a special judg-

ment, in order that his soul should escape from his bowels, and not

be breathed out through the lips that had betrayed Christ. The

idea is represented by a demon taking the soul, in the usual form of

a little child, from the bowels. The ugliness of person and expression

given to Judas in pictures appeals to our feeling, although not in

harmony with the legend ; and it does not seem that such a man would

have been allowed in the company of the twelve. The proper color

for him is a dirty yellow. At Venice the Jews w^ere formerly com-

pelled to wear hats of this Judas color, while in Spain and Italy

niialefactors and galley slaves are clothed in it.

St. Jude. See St. Simon.

Judith and Holofernes. In the seventeenth year of the reign

of Nabuchodonosor, King of Nineveh, he went out to battle with King

Arphaxad of Ecbatane ; and he sent to all the people round that they

should join his army and help him to conquer the Modes. But the

people scorned the commands of Nabuchodonosor, and did not join his

army. Then was he wroth, and he swore to destroy those nations

which would not acknowledge him for the king of the whole earth.

So he sent Holofernes, who was the chief captain of the army of the

Assyrians, and gave him commands to go forth and destroy the cities

and exterminate the people who had scorned his authority. Holo-

fernes did so ; and when he came to the city of Bethulia, he sat

down before it to besiege it. He was advised not to attack the city,

which was so high up in the mountains as to be almost impregnable,


but to seize the fountain outside the city and thus cut off their water,

80 that the people of Bethulia would fall dead in their own streets

from thirst. Holofernes received this advice, and seized the fountain.

Now, when all the water in the city was gone, the women and children

began to drop with faintness, and the men were ready to perish ; then

came they to Ozias, the chief of the city, and they said, " It is better

that we deliver us up to the Assyrians than that we die thus;" and

Ozias reasoned with them that God would deliver them, but they

would not hearken. Then Ozias said, " Let us wait five days ; and if

God does not send rain to fill our cisterns, neither deliver us in any

other way, then we will deliver us up to the enemy." Now there

was in Bethulia a widow, Judith, and she was exceeding beautiful

and very pious. She had been a widow three years and four months,

and she had " fasted all the days of her widowhood, save the eves of

the Sabbaths and the eves of the new moons, and the feasts and the

solemn days of the house of Israel." She was, moreover, very rich

in lands and servants, cattle and money, and beautiful apparel and

jewels. Now she was thought very wise, and her opinion greatly

esteemed. She did not approve of the decision of the people, and told

Ozias and the other chief men that they had done wrong ; that God

was not a man that his counsels should be limited or a time set for

him to deliver them ; and she said she would go forth out of the city

with her waiting-woman, and that before the time they had promised

to deliver up the city should come, God would give their enemies into

her hand. So she went, and prayed God to be with her, to allow her

to sway the heart of Holofernes by the pleasant words she would speak

and by the sight of her beauty. Then she put off her widow's gar-

ments, and she dressed herself in the apparel which she wore in the

days of Manasses her husband ; she plaited her hair, and put a tire

upon it,** and she took sandals upon her feet, and put about her her

bracelets and her chains and her rings and all her ornaments, and

decked herself bravely, to allure the eyes of all men that should see

her." And when she had taken wine and figs and bread and parched

corn, she put them in a bag and gave to her waiting-woman, and

they proceeded to the gate of the city ; and Ozias and all who saw

her wondered at her great and dazzling beauty. So went she forth


and when she was come to the camp of Holofernes, those who saw her

admired her greatly, and they took her to their captain with great


honor. Now, when Holofernes saw her, from that moment he desired

to have her ; but he questioned her of herself, and why she had thus

come. Then she told him that her people were wicked in that they

did not submit to his command, and that to this sin they were about

to add that of drinking the wine which had been kept for the use of

the Temple, and that she, foreseeing the destruction which must come

for all this sin, had sought his presence. She added that she would

remain with him, going out every night into the valley to pray ; and

that when the wicked designs of her people were accomplished she

would tell him, and then he could go forth with his array and con-

quer them without difficulty. So she remained, and Holofernes

offered her food ; but she said, " I will not eat thereof, lest there be

an offence ; but provision shall be made for me of the things that I

have brought." And when he said, " If thy provision should fail ]


she answered, ''As thy soul liveth, my lord, thine handmaid shall

not spend those things that I have, before the Lord work by mine

hand the things that he hath determined." So he gave her a tent


and she and her waiting-woman dwelt there, going out every night

into the valley. Now on the fourth day Holofernes made a feast for

his own servants, and called none of his officers to it. And he sent

Vagao, the eunuch who had charge of all that he had, to invite Judith

to this feast; and she arose and decked herself and went. "Now,

when Judith came in and sat down, Holofernes his heart was ravished

with her, and his mind was moved, and he desired greatly her com-

pany; for he waited a time to deceive her, from the day that he had

seen her." Then Holofernes urged her to eat and drink, which she

did, such things as her maid prepared for her ; and she said, " I will

drink now, my lord, because my life is magnified in me this day,

more than all the days since I was born." Holofernes took great

delight in her, and drank much more wine than he had ever drank

at any time before in one day. At last, when evening was come the

servants retired, and Vagao shut the tent, and Judith was alone with

Holofernes, and he was drunk with the wine. Then Judith, praying

to God to assist her, took down his sword which was at his head,

and she took hold of the hair of his head and said, " Strengthen me,

Lord God of Israel, this day." And she smote him twice upon his

neck, and took away his head. Then she pulled down the canopy,

and went forth and gave the head to her maid, who put it in her


meat-bag, and they went forth into the valley, as was their custom.

But now they kept on till they came to Bethulia ; and Judith called

to the watchman when they were still afar otf. And when her voice

was heard, all the city hastened to hear what news she might bring.

And she commanded them to praise God, and showed them the head

of Ilolofcrnes and the silken canopy. Then Judith gave an order

that they should hang the head on the highest i»art of the wall, and

when the morning should come every man should take his weapon

and go forth as if to battle ; then the Assyrians would go to the tent

of Holofernes, and fear should fall upon them, and they would flee

before the men of Bethulia. And it was all as she said. Now, when

Vagao knocked at the door of the tent, he had no answer, — he went

not in, for he thought that Holofernes had slept with Judith,— but

when he could hear no one he entered, and found the body from which

the head had been cut away. Then was the Assyrian camp filled with

dismay, and they fled into every way of the plain and of the hill coun-

tr3\ And the children of Israel fell upon them, and smote them, and

chased them beyond Damascus. And the tent of Holofernes with all

its rich appointments was given to Judith ; and the men of Bethulia

spoiled the camp of the Assyrians. Then Judith sang a song of tri-

umph ; and she went to Jerusalem, and gave the tent and all its

belongin^xs to the sanctuary, and they feasted there for three months.

And Judith lived to be one hundred and five years old; but she

would not marry, though many desired her. And the people of

Israel esteemed her according to her worth ; and when she died they

of Bethulia mourned her seven days, and buried her by the side of

her husband, Manasses.

St. Julia (/>. Ste. Julie ; Ital. Santa Giulia) was a noble virgin,

who is often represented with the Brescian saints. She was martyred

at Corsica, and her relics carried to Brescia, where a church and con-

vent were dedicated to her. She is painted young, lovely, and richly

attired. She died in tlie fifth century. May 22.

Julian the Apostate. Julian, Flavins Claudius, Emperor of

Rome, nephew of Constantino the Great. Famous for his attempt

to re-establish paganism. Born at Constantinople in 331, died of a

wound received in battle near Ctesiphon, when fighting against Sapor,

King of Persia, being thirty-two years old. Wiien young, he was kept

in obscurity by his cousin Constantius, from jealousy. He was first


taught by Christian bishops, and was then a pupil of the school at

Atheus, and intimately associated with men distinguished for wonder-

ful piety and learning. His defenders plead that he revolted from

the Church on account of its intolerance of philosophy. But if he

hated intolerance, how must he have hated himself; for he persecuted

those he called persecutors, and became a fanatic in his opposition to

religion. For the legend of his death, see St. Mercurius.

St. Julian Hospitator [Ital. San Giuliano Ospitale ; Fr. St. Ju-

lien I'Hospitalier) was a count, and lived in great state. He hunted

and feasted continually. One day, as he pursued a deer it turned on

him and said, " Thou who pursuest me to the death shalt cause the

death of thy father and thy mother !

" He stopped affrighted, and

resolved to flee from his parents in order not to fulfil the prophecy.

So he went into a far country. The king of this country received

him kindly, and gave him a rich and lovely widow for his wife, with

whom he lived so happily as to forget his home and the prophecy.

But his ftither and mother had put on the attire of pilgrims, and set

out to find their son. Now, while Julian was absent at court, they

arrived at his house, and Basilissa, his wife, showed them every kind-

ness, and put them in her own bed to sleep. The next morning,

while she was gone to church to thank God for having brought them

to her, Julian returned. He entered his chamber, and in the dim

light saw two people in bed, and one of them a bearded man. Seized

with furious jealousy, he drew his sword and slew them both. Rush-

ing out, he met his wife. Astonished, he asked who was in his bed,

and hearing the truth was as one dead. He then wept bitterly, and

exclaimed, *'Alas! by what evil fortune is this, that what I sought

to avoid has come to pass 1 Farewell, my sweet sister ! I can never

again lie by thy side, until I have been pardoned by Christ Jesus for

this great sin!" But she replied, "Nay, my brother, can I allow

thee to depart, and without me ? Thy grief is my grief, and whither

thou goest I will go." So they travelled till they came to a stream

swollen by mountain torrents, in which many who tried to cross were

drowned. Here Julian built a cell for himself and a hospital for the

poor ; and he constantly ferried the travellers over the river without

reward. At length, one stormy night in winter, when it seemed that

no boat could cross the stream, he heard a sad cry from the opposite

bank. He went over, and found a youth who was a leper dying from



cold and weariness. In spite of his disease he carried hira over and

bore him in his arms to his own bed, and he and BusiUssa tended hira

till morning, when the leper rose np, and his face was transformed

into that of an angel, and he said, "Julian, the Lord hath sent me to

thee ; for thy penitence is accepted, and thy rest is near at hand."

And he vanished from sight. Then Julian and his wife fell down, and

praised God for his mercies ; and soon they died, for they were old, and

full of good works. He is patron saint of ferr^'men and boatmen, of

travellers and of wandering minstrels. His dress should be that of a

hermit ; his attribute a stag, which may be distinguished from that

of St. Hubert by the absence of the crucifix between the horns.

January 9, a. d. 313.

St. Julian of Rimini was of Cilicia ; and but little is known of

him l)eyund the fact tiiat he endured a prolonged martyrdom with

unfailing courage. Of this St. Chrysostom writes. He is represented

as young and graceful, but melancholy. He is richly dressed, and

caiTies the palm, the standard of victorj'', and the sword. March 16.

Julian. There are twelve saints of this name ; but the two given

above are the most important, and most frequently represented in art.

St. Justa, or Justina, and St. Rufina, patronesses of Seville.

These were the daughters of a potter of Seville. They sold earthen-

ware, and gave away all they made after supplying their bare neces-

sities. Some women went to buy of them vessels to be used in the

worship of Venus. The saints answered that they would sell nothing

for that purpose ; whereupon the women broke all tlieir ware, and

the populace seized them and bore them to the prefect. But first,

the saints destroyed the image of Venus. The}" were condemned to

the torture. Justa died on the rack, and Rufina was strangled. The

Giralda is their especial care, and it was believed tiiat this beautiful

tower was preserved by them in the terrible thunder-storm of 1504.

They are sometimes painted as muchachas (or of the humbler class),

and sometimes beautifully attired. They always bear palms and

alcarrazaif, or earthen pots. July 19, a. d. 304.

St. Justina of Antioch. See St. Cyprian. September 26,

A.D. 301.

St. Justina of Padua {Lat. Sancta Justina Patavina Urbis Pro-

tectrix ; Ital. Santa Giustina di Padova ; Fr. Ste. Justine de Pa-

doue) was a daughter of King Vitalicino, who was a Christian, and


brought up his child in the same faith. After the death of her father

she was accused before the Emperor Maximian, who ordered her death

by the sword. She opened her arms, was pierced through the bosom,

and died. She is patroness of Padua and Venice ; and in the former

city there is a sumptuous church in her honor, which was founded in

453, and rebuilt in the sixteenth century. Her proper attribute is

the sword transfixing her bosom. Sometimes the unicorn, which be-

longs to Justina of Antioch, is also given to this saint, which causes

confusion between the two. The unicorn attending a female is also

the emblem of chastity; when it accompanies Justina of Padua, the

Venetian costume, or Venice itself, or else St. Mark in the distance,

will usually decide ; but when the female is alone or with a company

of martyrs and the unicorn, it is Justina of Antioch. October 7,

A. D. 303.

St. Lambert of Maestricht {Ital. San Lamberto ; Fr. and

G€7\ Lambert, Lanbert, or Landbert). This name signifies, " illustri-

ous with landed possessions." He was Bishop of Maestricht, but was

exiled and recalled in 677. It is said that when an acolyte he car-

ried burning coals in the folds of his surplice to kindle the incense


this typifies his fervor. The cause of his death is given in two ways.

One account is that two brothers who had robbed the church of

Maestricht were slain without the knowledge of the bishop, and

their kinsmen in revenge entered the house of Lambert, and mur-

dered all within. He was killed w4th a dart or javelin. The other

story is that, having boldly reproved Pepin d'Heristal for his love of

his mistress, the beautiful Alpaide, the grandmother of Charlemagne,

one of her relatives entered his dwelling and slew him. His attributes

are the palm and javelin September 17, a. d. 709.

Lamech. There is a Jewish tradition that after Lamech becameblind, he was hunting in a forest where Cain had concealed himself,

and mistaking the vagabond for a wild beast, he slew him with an

arrow, and afterwards killed his son, Tubal-Cain, who had pointed

out to him the thicket in which Cain had been. This is said to

explain Gen. iv. 23, " For I have slain a man to my wounding,

and a young man to my hurt." This legend has been illustrated

in an engraving by Lucas von Leyden, and in sculpture in the

cathedrals at Amiens and Modena as well as in the Campo Santo at



Last Supper (Ital. II Cenacolo, LaCena; Fr. La C^ne ; Ger.

Das Abeiuliiiai]! Christi). This subject occupies a most important

place in art when iUustratiug the history of Christ as the Redeemer.

It has been treated in two distinct modes, — first, as a mystery, the

institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist ; again as illustrative

of the detection and exposure of Judas. Keeping this distinction

in mind will help to explain the differences in trea,tmeiit of the

various artists, and will influence the judgment in deciding points

connected with them ; as what seems irreverent and out of place in

a religious and devotional picture is quite admissible in one that

is barely historical.

St. Laurence {Lat. S. Laurcntius; Fr. St. Laurent; Ifal. and

Sp. San Lorenzo ; Ger. Der Heilige Laurentius, or Lorenz). Histori-

cally, but little is known of this saint. Even the time and place of

his birth are matters of doubt ; but that he existed, and was martyred

according to the general belief, is undoubtedly true. His legend re-

lates that he was a Spaniard, and a native of Osca, or Huesca, in

Aragon, where his parents are honored as SS. Orientius and Patienza.

He went to Rome when quite young, and by his exemplary life so

pleased Sixtus IL, then Bishop of Rome, that he made him his arch-

deacon, and gave the treasures of the Church into his care. When Six-

tus was condemned to death as a Christian, St. Laurence clung to him,

and desired to accompany him, saying, among other things, " St. Peter

suffered Stephen, his deacon, to die before him ; wilt thou not also

suffer me to prepare thy way?" Sixtus assured him that in three

days he would follow him, and that his sufferings would be far the

greatest, because, being younger and stronger, he could longer endure.

He also commanded Laurence to distribute the property of the Church

to the poor, so that the tyrant should never possess it. So Laurence

took the treasures, and sought through all Rome for the poor ; and he

came at night to the Ccclian Hill, where dwelt Cyriaca, who was a

devout widow, who often concealed the persecuted Christians and

cared for them. She was sick, and St. Laurence healed her by laying

his hands on her, and also washed the feet of the Christians in the

house, and gave them alms. Thus from house to house he dispensed

his charities, and prepared for his hastening martyrdom. The tyrant,

learning that the treasures were in his hands, ordered him to be

brought to the tribunal. He was required to tell where the treasures


were; but this demand he refused, and was put into a dungeon under

the care of Hippolytus, whom he converted to Christianity with his

whole family, so that they were baptized. Being questioned again by

the prefect concerning the treasures, he promised that in three days

he would show them. The time arriving, he gathered the poor ones

to whom he had given aid together, and showed them to the tyrant,

saying, " Behold, here are the treasures of Christ's Church ! " The

prefect then ordered him to be tortured until he should tell what he

wished to know. But no horrors could subdue the saint ; and the

prefect ordered him to be carried by night to the baths of Olympias,

which were near the villa of Sallust, and a new torment inflicted on

him, which was that he should be stretched on an iron bed made of

bars like a gridiron, and roasted over a fire kindled beneath. This

was done; and all who saw were filled with horror of the tyrant

who could conceive such cruelty, and condemn so gentle and comely

a youth to such suffering. But Laurence was still unsubdued, and

cried out, "Assatus sum; jam versa et manduca" ("1 am done or

roasted ; now turn me and eat me "). And all were confounded by

his endurance. Then he looked to heaven, and said, " I thank thee,

my God and Saviour, that I have been found worthy to enter into

thy beatitude !" and so he died. The prefect and executioners went

away, and Hippolytus took the body and buried it in the Via Tibur-

tina. For this the tyrant commanded him to be tied to the tail of a

wild horse, and so he was martyred. Soon after, this prefect, as he sat

in the amphitheatre, was seized with pangs of death, and cried out to

St. Laurence and Hippolytus, as he gave up the ghost. In Rome six

churches have been dedicated to St. Laurence; in Spain, the Escurial;

in Genoa, a cathedral ; and in England, about two hundred and

fifty churches, besides many others in all Christendom. St. Laurence

is connected with the death of the Emperor Henry IL by the follow-

ing legend. One night, as a hermit sat in his hut he heard a sound

as of a host rushing past. He opened his window, and called out to

know who they could be. The answer came, "We are demons.

Henry the Emperor is about to die at this moment, and we go to

seize his soul." The hermit then begged that on their return they

should tell him the result of their errand. This they promised, and

after a time that same night they came again and knocked at the

window. When the hermit questioned of their success, the fiends


swore that all had gone ill ; for they arrived just as the emperor ex-

pired, and were about to seize his soul when his good angel came to

save him. After a long dispute the Angel of Judgment (St. Michael)

laid his good and evil deeds in the scale, and the latter descended

and touched the earth, and the victory was to the demons, when, lo !

the roasted fellow (for so he wickedly called the saint) appeared, and

threw into the other scale the holy cup, which changed the balance

and defeated the fiends. But the demon had avenged himself by

breaking the handle off the cup, and this he gave the hermit. In

the morning the hermit hastened to the city and found Henry dead,

and one handle gone from the cup he had given the Church, and this

had disappeared in the night. St. Laurence is usually painted in the

rich dress of an archdeacon, bearing the palm and la graticola, or grid-

iron. But sometimes he carries a dish full of money, and the cross,

to signify his office of treasurer to the Church, and also of deacon, for

deacons bore the cross in processions. The gridiron varies in form

and size. Sometimes it is embroidered on his robe, suspended round

his neck, or borne in his hand ; and again he puts his foot on it in

triumph. Patron of Nuremberg, the Escurial, and Genoa. August

10, A. D. 258.

St. Lazarus {Lat and Ger. same as Eng. ; Fr. St. Lazare ; Ital.

San Lazarro ; Sp. San Lazaro, Lazarillo : signification, "God will

help"). This saint is venerated as the first bishop of ^Marseilles.

When seen in any pictures other than those of his resun-ection,

he wears, in common with many other saints, the bishop's dress ; but

as he is most frequently associated with Mary and Martha, he is not

easily mistaken. In rare instances a bier is seen in the background.

September 2.

St. Leander. Febn^ary 27, a. d. 596. See St. Isidore.

St. Leocadia was a native of Toledo. She was thrown into

prison during the persecution of Diocletian. "While there she was

told of the death of St. Eulnlia, who was her friend, and she ear-

nestly prayed that death might reunite them. Her i)rayer was soon

answered, and she died in prison. Another legend relates that she

was thrown down from a height of rocks, and a chapel was built on

the spot where she fell, and in it she was buried. "When St. Ilde-

fonso had written his treatise defending the doctrine of the porpctnal

virginity of the Motlicr of God, angels rolled the stune from the tomb


of St. Leocadia, and she went to St. Ildefonso to tell him of the ap-

probation of his work in heaven. Before she could disappear he cut

a piece from the mantilla which she wore, and this relic was pre-

served as one of the Church treasures. She is patroness of Toledo,

and her statue surmounts the gate (Puerta del Cambron). She is

seen only in Spanish pictures. December 9, a. d. 304.

St. Leonard {Lat. S. Leonardus ; Ital. San Leonardo ; Fr.

St. Leonard, or Lionart : signification, " brave as a lion ") was a

courtier of the court of King Theodobert, and was much beloved by

the king for his cheerfulness and amiability. He was a Christian,

and especially delighted in visiting and relieving prisoners and cap-

tives ; and oftentimes the king pardoned those for whom he pleaded.

At length, weary of the court, he retired to a desert near Limoges,

and became a hermit. One day, as the king and queen, with all the

court, rode to the chase, the queen was seized with the pains of child-

bearing, and seemed likely to die. The spot where they were was

near the house of Leonard ; and he, hearing of this distress, came and

prayed for the queen, and she was soon safely delivered. Then the

king gave St. Leonard a portion of the forest, and he founded a re-

ligious community, but he would never accept any office above that

of deacon. His dress is that of a Benedictine or of a deacon, and his

attribute a chain. Sometimes he bears a crosier as founder of a com-

munity, and often slaves or captives are near him. November 6,

A. D. 559.

St. Leopold of Austria {Ger. Der Heilige Leopold, Luitpold,

or Leupold : signification, " bold for the people "). Leopold, Margrave

of Austria, was born in 1080. At twenty-six he married Agnes,

widow of Frederic, Duke of Suabia. She bore him eighteen chil-

dren, and eleven of them were living at his death. He founded the

splendid monastery of Kloster-Neuberg, on the Danube. The legend

relates that soon after his marriage he stood with Agnes on the bal-

cony of his palace of Leopoldsberg. They regarded the extensive view

before them, with Vienna near by ; and hand in hand, they vowed to

build and endow an edifice for the service of God in gratitude to Himwho had blest their love. Just at that moment the wind lifted, and

bore away the bridal veil of Agnes. Eight years from this time,

when hunting in a forest near by, Leopold found this veil on a

tree. He remembered his vow, ordered the forest cleared, and


built the monastery of Kloster-Neuberg. A flourishing town was

built around it, and some of the finest vineyards in Austria were

here. The whole life of Leopold was that of a virtuous and just

man. He is one of the patron saints of Austria, and is represented

in armor. Sometimes he has a rosary in his hand. November 15,

A. D. 113G.

St. Lieven, or Livin, was a poet and a Benedictine missionary.

He was born in Ireland, and educated in the schools of that country,

famous in those days for their superiority. While pursuing his la-

bors near Ghent, he was cruelly martyred. His tongue was pulled

out, and then his head cut off. The mother of St. Brice had been

his hostess, and both she and her son were killed with St. Lieven.

He had written a hymn in honor of St. Bavon, within whose church

at Ghent he was buried ; and there his relics still repose. He is

sometimes painted holding his tongue with tongs. Eubens painted

this martyrdom with terrible truthfulness. November 12, a. d. G56.

St. Lioba. This saint was the most distinguished companion

of St. Walburga. She was a poet, and very learned for the time in

which she lived. Charlemagne and his Empress Hildcgarde were

very fond of Lioba, and would gladly have kept her with them as a

companion and counsellor, but she preferred her convent life. She

was buried at Fulda by the side of St. Boniface. September 28,

A.D. 779.

St. Longinus {Ital. San Longino ; Fr. St. Longin, Sainct

Lougis). This saint is known as being the " first fruits of the Gen-

tiles." He is said to be the centurion who pierced the Saviour's

side. The legend relates that soon after this act he touched his

eyes with his blood-stained hands, and instantly the weakness of

sight or Vilindness from which he had long suffered was cured.

^. He then sought the Apostles, and was baptized. After this he

preached in Ca^sarea, and converted numbera ; and being com-

manded to sacrifice to the pagan deities, he refused. Longinus was

desirous of the martyr's crown, and assured the governor, who was

blind, that after his own death the governor's sight should be re-

stored. Upon this ho was beheaded, and immediately the governor

was healed, and became a Christian. This legend is repudiated

by the Church, but the knowledge of it explains the importance

given to tlie centurion in many works of art. His dress is that


of a Eoman soldier, and his attribute a spear or lance. He has

been patron saint of Mantua since the eleventh century, when his

rehcs were said to have been brought to that city. His statue is

under the dome of St. Peter's in Rome, because tradition says that

his lance or spear is still among the treasures of the Church.

March 1 5, a. d. 45.

St. Lorenzo Giustiniani was a Venetian of noble family. Hewas born in 1380, and from his youth was enthusiastic in his piety.

Quirina, his mother, though young and beautiful, remained a widow

that she might devote herself to her son. At nineteen he believed

that he was called to a religious life by a miraculous vision. His

family desired him to marry, but he retired to the cloister of San

Giorgio-in-Alga. He came to his mother's palace to beg, " per i

poveri di Dio." She filled his wallet, and hid herself in her cham-

ber. He became so distinguished for his piety that he was made

Bishop of Castello. When the patriarchate of Grade was removed

to Venice, Lorenzo was the first to fill the office. The people so

revered him that they believed his prayers had saved them from

war, famine, and plague ; and his memory received general and en-

thusiastic homage long before he was canonized by Alexander VIII.

September 5, a. d. 1455.

St. Louis Beltran, or Bertrand {IfaLSan Ludovico Bertrando),

was born at Valencia. He became a celebrated Dominican, and was

a missionary. He lived in the sixteenth century. He was a friend

of St. Teresa. Feeling called to preach to the heathen, he went to

Peru ; but he declared that he encountered greater trials from the

wickedness of the Christians than from the ignorance of the hea-

then. He has no especial attribute ; but Peruvians or Peruvian

scenery often determines his personality. Espinosa placed himself

and his family under the care of this saint during the plague in

Valencia in 1647; and in consideration of their protection from

harm he painted a series of pictures, and placed them in the chapel

of the saint in the convent of San Domingo at Valencia. October 9,

A. D. 1581.

St. Louis Gonzaga, or St. Aloysius, was born in 1568. Hewas the oldest son of the Marchese di Castiglione. He entered the

Society of Jesus when not yet eighteen years old. He became emi-

nently distinguished for his learning, piety, and good works, and died


at Rome in 1591 of fever, which he contracted while nursing the sick.

He has no particiUar attribute, but his youth distinguishes him from

most saints of his order, a. d. 1501.

St. Louis, King of France (Lat. S. Ludovicus Rex ; Ital.

San Luigi, Re di Francia). Son of Louis VIII. and Blanche

of Castile. Boni in 1215 at Poissy. The holiness of Louis, his

talents and virtues, combined to make him respected and beloved

by all ; and even Voltaire said of him, " II n'est guere donne a

I'homme de pousser la vertu plus loin ! " The Franciscans claim

that lie put on their habit before embarking on his first crusade,

and that in it he died. He was a great collector of relics, for which

he had an extreme veneration. Baldwin IL secured his aid by sur-

rendering to him the crown of thorns ; and when it was brought from

Constantinople Louis carried it from Sens to Paris, barelieaded and

barefooted. Having also a piece of the " True Cross," he built the

beautiful chapel. La Sainte Chapelle, in honor of these precious relics.

In 1247, being very sick, he lay in a trance for hours. When he

awoke he exclaimed, *'La Lumiere de I'Orient s'est repandue du haut

du ciel sur moi par la grace du Seigneur, et m'a rappele d'entre les

morts ! " He then called the Archbisliop of Paris, and in spite of all

remonstrance from his priests and friends he commanded the cross of

the crusade to be affixed to his dress. The archbishop obeyed with

tears and sobs. As soon as his health allowed, he sailed for Egypt.

His wife and brothers went also ; and his arm}- of fifty thousand menembraced the flower of the French nobility. After many disasters,

Louis was made prisoner. But his zeal never cooled, and he re-

garded all his soldiers who perished as martyrs of a noble type.

When ransomed, he spent tliree years in Palestine, and returned

to France, wliere he remained sixteen years. He was a wise ruler,

and repaired his losses and enlarged his kingdom. At the end of

this time he set out on a second crusade. Those whom he left as

children when he went at first, now made his army. After more

trials by disease and suffering, he died in his tent, lying upon ashes,

and wearing the dress of a penitent. A portion of his relics were

taken to Palermo, and placed in the church of Monreale. The re-

mainder were laid in St. Denis, but did not escape the destroyers in

the first revolution. His proper attributes are the crown of thorns,

his kingly crown and sword. August 25, a. d. 1270.


St. Louis of Toulouse {Ital. San Ludovico Vescovo) was the

nephew of the kist-named saint, son of the King of Naples and

Sicily. Like his kingly uncle-saint, he was piously reared by his

mother. When he was but fourteen, his father, being made prisoner

by the King of Aragon, gave Louis and his brothers as hostages. Hebecame wearied of everything but religion, and in 1294, when he was

made free, he gave all his royal rights to his brother Robert, and

became a monk of the Order of St. Francis. He was then twenty-

two years old. Soon he was made Bishop of Toulouse ; and he set

out, barefooted and clothed as a friar, to take his new office. Hewent into Provence on a charitable mission, and died at the castle of

Brignolles, where he was born. He was first buried at Marseilles,

then removed to Valencia, where he was enshrined. His pictures

represent him as young, beardless, and of gentle face. He has the

fleur-de-lys embroidered on his cope or on some part of his dress.

The crown which he gave away lies at his feet, while he bears the

mitre of a bishop. August 19, a. d. 1297.

Soeur Louise de la Misericorde, who was first the lovely

Louise de la Valliere, was never canonized as a saint, except in the

hearts of those to w^iom her sorrow and suffering, her repentance

and charities, have made her martyr and saint. She became a Car-

melite nun at thirty years of age, in 1674. She commanded Le Brun

to paint " Mary Magdalene Renouncing the World," as an altar-piece

for her convent. It has been thought a portrait of her ; but manybelieve that another Magdalene by the same artist, which is in

Munich, is probably the best likeness of La Valliere.

St. Lucia {Eiig. St. Lucy, or Luce; Fr. St. Luce, or Lucie).

W^hen Diocletian was emperor and Pascasius was governor of Sicily,

this saint dwelt in Syracuse. She was a nol^le and virtuous maiden.

Her mother was named Eutychia. Lucia, without the knowledge of

her mother, had made the vow of chastity ; but her friends had her

betrothed to a rich young man who was not a Christian. Eutychia

being ill, her daughter persuaded her to visit Catania to pay her devo-

tions at the shrine of St. Agatha. While Lucia knelt beside the tomb

she had a vision of the saint, who addressed her thus, " my sister

handmaid of Christ," and assured her that her mother was healed,

and that, as Catania had been blessed by Agatha, so Lucia should

obtain the favor of Heaven for Syracuse. Now, when her mother was


healed, Lncia persuaded her to allow that she should remain single,

and wished her dowry to give to the poor. Her mother feared lest

she hhojild he a beggar before she died, and hoped to die soon if Lucia

thus distributed Ijer wealth. But the daughter so entreated and

argued that at length Eutychia consented willingly. Then Lucia

gave to the poor:»all she had. This so enraged the young pagan to

whom she was betrothed that he accused her to Pascasius as a

Christian. She was taken to this cruel governor, who ordered her to

sacrifice to the gods ; and when she would not, he condemned her to

be taken to a vile place and treated with indignity. She assured him

that he could not make her sin, although he could control her bodyj

for tliat was not sin to which the mind did not consent. Then the

tyrant in fury commanded her to be taken away ; but when they tried

they could not move -her. Then they fastened ropes to her, and

pulled her, but still she remained fixed. All the magicians and

sorcerers were brought, but their spells had no power on her. Then

they kindled a great fire about her; but she prayed that these

heathens might be confounded, and the fire did not harm her. At

this Pascasius was so enraged that a servant, in order to please him,

murdered her by piercing her throat with a poniard. Her body was

buried by the Christians on the very spot where she died ; and not

long after a church was erected there, and dedicated in her name.

This legend, which is one of the most ancient, does not speak of the

loss of her eyes, but more modern ones relate the following additional

story. There dwelt in Syracuse a youth, who having seen her but

once was so enamoured of her that he took every means to woo her,

and constantly protested that it was her wonderfully beautiful eyes

which so haunted him and possessed his soul that he could not rest.

Whereupon Lucia, considering the Scripture saying, " If thine eyo

offend thee, pluck it out," took out her eyes and sent them to the

young man on a dish, with this message, "Here hast thou what thou

hast so much desired ; and for the rest, I beseech thee, leave me now

in ])oa('e." Tlic young man was so affected by this that he became* a

convert to Christianity and an example of virtue and cliastity. But

Lucia did not remain blind ; for as she was one day praying, her eyes

were restored and were more beautiful than at first. The legend

advises those who doubt this to consult the writings of various learned

men, where they will find these facts related. There is another legend


which makes the loss of her eyes a part of her martj^rdom, but there

is httle authority for this. Her attributes are a hght, which is the

signification of her name ; her eyes on a dish, with or without an awl

by which they were bored out ; and a poniard as the instrument of

her death. Sometimes light proceeds from wounds in her neck, and

again she is being pulled by men and oxen, with no effect. In her

apotheosis an angel carries her eyes to heaven, while others bear the

saint. Patroness of Syracuse;protectress against all diseases of the

eye;patroness of the laboring poor. December 13, a. d. 303.

St. Ludmilla was the grandmother of St. Wenceslaus, or Wenzel,

who is venerated in the north of Germany. Ludmilla was converted

by the preaching of St. Adelbert, and she educated her grandson in

the Christian faith. His brother Boleslaus w^as a pagan, and instructed

by his mother, Drahomira. Bohemia at length became divided between

Christians and pagans ; and Boleslaus and his mother determined to

kill Ludmilla, who protected the Christians. They hired assassins

who strangled her with her veil when she was praying in her oratory.

Wenceslaus was then persuaded to visit his mother, and was slain by

his brother when he too was in the act of paying his devotions at the

altar. Ludmilla was the first martyr saint of Bohemia. September

16, A. D. 927.

St. Luke {Lat. S. Luca ; Ital. San Luca ; Fr. St. Luc). We are

told but little of St. Luke in the Gospel. It would seem that he was

not converted until after the Ascension of our Lord. He was a

disciple of Paul, and was with him until his death. Some say he was

crucified at Patras, and others that he died a peaceful death. That

he was a physician may be inferred from the fact that Paul speaks of

him as " Luke, the beloved physician ; " but the general belief that

he was an artist rests on Greek traditions, and can only be traced to

the tenth century. A picture of the Virgin found in the Catacombs

with an inscription to the import that it is " one of seven painted

by Luca," is regarded as a confirmation of this belief concerning the

Evangelist Luke.

Tradition relates that he carried always with him two portraits,

one of the Saviour and the other of Mary. He made many con-

verts by displaying these faces, which inspired those who saw them

with devotion. ^Moreover, in his hands, they became the instruments

of miracles. In the church of Santa Maria, in Via Lata at Rome,


a small chapel is shown as tliat in which Luke wrote his Gospel

and niiiltiplied images of the Virgin, which it was his deliglit to do.

From these legends he has been chosen the patron saint of artists and

academies of art. He is often represented as painting the Virgin.

His attributes are the ox, given him because he wrote especially of

the priesthood of the Saviour, and the ox is the emblem of sacrifice


the book, signifying his writings, and a portrait of the Virgin placed

in his hand. Sometimes the ox has wings ; and again the head of an

ox is placed on the figure of a man as a symbol of this Evangelist.

In the church of San Domenico and San Sisto at Rome, there is a

tablet which is inscribed thus :" Here at the high altar is preserved

that image of the most blessed Maiy which being delineated by St.

Luke the Evangelist, received its colors and form divinely. This is

that image with which St. Gregory the Great (according to St. An-

tonine), as a suppliant, purified Rome ; and the pestilence being dis-

pelled, the angel messenger of peace, from the summit of the castle

of Adrian, commanding the Queen of Heaven to rejoice, restored

health to tlie city." Another picture in the Ara Coeli claims to be

the one which was thus honored. Both of them are dark and far

from beautiful ; and if they are the work of St. Luke, I would much

prefer the word-picture of Mary which he gives in his Gospel to those

of his brush. October 18.

St. Lupo. See St. Adelaide.

St. Macarius (of Alexandria) was one of the most famous hermit

saints of Egypt. He is represented in the great fresco by Pietro

Laurati in the Campo Santo at Pisa. He is in the centre, looking

down at a skull which he touches with his staff. This is exj)lained by

the following legend : As Macarius was wandering among the Egyp-

tian tombs he saw a skull of a mummy. He turned it over, and asked

to whom it belonged. It answered, *' To a })iigan." He tlicn said,

" Where is thy souir* And the skull replied, " In hell." Macarius

then said, " How deep ? " " The (le])th is greater tlian the distance from

heaven to eartli," answered the skull. Tlien Macarius asked, "Are

there any dee])er than thou art 1 " and the skull re])lied, *' Yes, the Jews

are deeper still." And a^Min the hermit said, "Are there any deeper

than the JewsV' " Yes, in sooth !" replied the skull ;

" for the Chris-

tians whom Jesus Ciirist hath redeemed, and who show in their actions

that they desj)ise his doctrine, are deeper still !" January 2, a. d. 31)4.


Madonna, La, or Our Lady {Fr. Notre Dame ; Ger. Unsere

liebe Fran; Eng. The Virgin Mary; Lat. Virgo Gloriosa, Virgo

Sponsa Dei, Virgo Potens, Virgo Veneranda, Virgo Prtedicanda, Virgo

Clemens, Virgo Sapientissima, Sancta Virgo Virginum ; Ital. La

Vergine Gloriosa, La Gran Vergiue delle Vergini ; Fr. La Grande

Vierge ; Gr. ©eoroKr)).

Taking the legends connected with the life of Mary in order, the

first is the legend of Joachim and Anna (Ital. La Leggenda di Saiit'

Anna Madre della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, e di San Gioacchino).

See St. Joachim.

The next historical picture is The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

(Fr. La jSTaissance de la S. Vierge ; Ital. La Xascita della B. Ver-

gine ; Ger. Die Geburt Maria). As tradition tells that Joachim

and Anna were " exceedingly rich," the room in which the birth is

represented is usually rich in furniture and decorations. A glory

sometimes surrounds the head of the child. Most artists have also

painted attendants, and a number of friends and neighbors who have

come to rejoice with St. Anna that her prayers are answered and a

child born to her, while she herself reclines on her bed and receives

the attentions of the handmaidens and the congratulations of her

friends. September 8.

The Presentation of the Virgin (Ital. La Presentazione, ove nostra

Signora piccioletta Sale i gradi del Tempio ; Ger. Die Vorstellung

der Jungfrau im Tempel, Joachim imd Anna weihen ihre Tochter

Maria im Tempel). The legend says :" And when the child was

three years old, Joachim said :' Let us invite the daughters of

Israel, and they shall take each a taper or a lamp, and attend on

her, that the child may not turn back from the temple of the Lord.'

And being come to the temple, they placed her on the first step, and

she ascended alone all the steps to the altar; and the high-priest

received her there, kissed her, and blessed her, saying, ' Mary, the

Lord hath magnified thy name to all generations, and in thee shall

be made known the redemption of the children of Israel.' And

being placed before the altar, she danced with her feet, so that all

the house of Israel rejoiced with her, and loved her. Then her

parents returned home, blessing God because the maiden had not

turned back from the Temple." There are various pictures of the

life of Mary in the Temple. She is represented as instructing her


companions, as spinning, and as embroidering tapestr}'. She is some-

times attended by angels ; and tradition declares that her food was

supplied by them, and tliat Mary had the privilege, which none

other of her sex ever had, of going into the Holy of Holies to pray

before the ark of the covenant. Presentation of B. V. November 21.

The Marriage of the Virgin {Ital. II Sposalizio ; Fr. Le Ma-nage de la Vierge; Ger. Die Trauung Mariii). When fourteen years

old, Mary was told by the high-priest that it was proper for her to

be married. But she replied that her parents had dedicated her to

the service of the Lord. Then the high-priest told her of a vision

he had had concerning her, and she submitted herself to the Lord's

appointment with sweet humility. The manner in which her hus-

band was selected is told in the legend of St. Joseph. In the rep-

resentations the Virgin is attended by a train of maidens, and the

disappointed suitors are often seen. The priest joins her hand to

that of Joseph, or Joseph is placing the ring on her finger. Joseph

frequently carries his blossomed wand, while the other suitors break

or trample on theirs. The cathedral of Perugia is said to contain

among its relics the nuptial ring of the Blessed Virgin. The return

of Joseph and Mary to their house is also a subject of art ; andLuini represents them as walking hand in hand, Joseph regard-

ing her with veneration, and she looking down, modestly serene.

January 23.

The Annunciation (Fr. La Salutation Angelique, L'Annonciation;

Ger. Die Verkiindigung, Der englische Gruss ; Ital. L'Annunciazione,

La B. Vergine Annunziata). In addition to the Gospel account of

this event, artists have been influenced by legends. One relates

that as Mary went forth at evening to draw water, she heard a

voice which said, "Hail, thou that art full of grace!" but she could

see no one. Being troubled, she returned to her house and her

work, which is said to have been purple and fine linen. St. Ber-

nard relates the event in this wise : Mary was studying the book

of Isaiah, and as she read the verse, " Behold, a Virgin shall con-

ceive and bear a son," she thought within lierself, " How blessed

the woman of whom these words are written ! Woulil I might bo

but her handmaid to serve her, and allowed to kiss her feet!" Andinstantly the angel ajipcared to her, and in her the proi)hccy wasfulfilled. The time is sometimes just at evening, in reference to


which belief that hour has been consecrated as the " Ave Maria."

But others beheve it to have been midnight, and that Christ was

born at the same hour the following December. The place is

usually within the house and rarely by a fountain, as the legend

presents it. Sometimes Gabriel flies in from above, or is borne by a

cloud. Sometimes he walks, but is always young, beautiful, and yet

thoughtful in look. He has wings, and in the early pictures full

drapery. He either bears the lily (Fleur de Marie), or it is in

some other part of the picture. Sometimes he has the olive, typical

of peace, or a sceptre with a scroll inscribed "Ave Maria, gratia


" Very rarely he has the palm. The Holy Spirit, as a

dove, is sometimes poised over the head of Mary, sometimes hovers

toward her bosom, or enters the room through the window. A less

agreeable introduction is that of the Eternal Father above the sky,

surrounded by a glory and sending forth celestial light. The spirit

or sentiment of the picture depends in a great measure upon the

age in which it was painted. Before the fourteenth century Mary

is usually represented as humble and submissive, as if listening

to the mandate of God, and that from the lips of a superior being.

But after that time the increased veneration of the faithful to the

Virgin pictures her as she was,— the superior being ; and her aspect

befits the " Regina angelorum." The work-basket, typical of the

industry of Mary, is seldom omitted ; and to express her temperance,

a dish of fruit and a pitcher of water are frequently introduced.

There are certain mystical or allegorical representations of the An-

nunciation difficult to be understood. One represents a unicorn

taking refuge in the bosom of the Virgin : an angel near by winds

a hunting-horn, while four dogs crouch near him. Its signification is

given thus in an ancient French work. The fabulous unicorn, who

with his single horn was said to wound only to free the part

wounded from all disease, is an emblem of Jesus, the great physician

of souls. The four dogs represent jNfercy, Truth, Justice, and Peace,

as the four considerations which influeuced the Saviour to undertake

the salvation of men. The remainder of the explanation is so pecu-

liar that no translation can give the exact idea. It is thus :" Mais

comme c'etoit par la Vierge Marie qu'il avoit voulu descendre parmi

les hommes et se mettre en leur puissance, on croyoit ne pouvoir

mieux faire que de choisir dans la fable, le fait d'une pucelle pouvant



seule servir de piege a la licorne, eu I'littirant par le charme et

le parfuin de son sein virginal qu'elle lui preseiitoit— enfiii laii'T'e

Gabriel concouraut au mystere etoit bien reconnoissable sous les

traits dii veneiir aile laii9ant les levriers et enibouchant la trom-

pctte." Another mode of representation is that of Mar}-, standing

with her hands folded over her breast and her liead bowed. She is

beneath a splendid portico. Gabriel kneels outside and extends the

lily. Above, the Padre Eterno appears and sends forth the Saviour,

who is in the form of the Infant Christ bearing his cross, who floats

downward toward the earth, preceded by the Holy Spirit in the form

of the Dove. These ideal pictures usually, if not always, date earlier

than the seventeenth century. March 25.

The Visitation {Fr. La Visitation de la Vierge ; ItaL La Visi-

tazione di Maria ; Ger. Die Heimsuchung Mariii). This scene,

which represents the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, is also called

" The Salutation of Elizabeth." This picture is not easily mistaken,

however painted ; sometimes the scene is in the garden of Zacha-

rias, where the legend relates that Mary often retired to meditate

upon the great honor God had bestowed upon her. It is told that

one day while in this garden the Virgin touched a flower which

before had no perfume, but since that time its odor is delicious.

Again tlie two favored women meet at the entrance of the dwelling

of Elizabeth. She is of course much older than Mary, but should

not be feeble and wrinkled. Her manner befits one who recoi;-

nizes the Mother of her Lord, with glad humility, but shows also a

certain dignity, since she herself is appointed by God to an exalted

motherhood. Zacharias and Joseph as well as servants are fre-

quently introduced, and sometimes the ass on which Mary has rid-

den. Zacharias is robed as a priest, and Joseph as a traveller.

Sometimes Elizabeth kneels as if to make more impressive her

words, "And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord

should come to meT' July 2.

The Nativity (Fv. La Nativitr ; Ital. II Presepio, II Nascimonto

del Nostro Signoro ; Ger. Die Geburt Christi). An ancient legend,

relates that about the same time that Csesar Augustus decreed " timt

all the world should be taxed," he was warned by a sibyl of the birth

of Jesus. The j)ictures and sculptures re})resenting this legend are

not improperly considered in connection with those of the Nativity, to


which they so distinctly point. The legend relates that the emperor

consulted the sibyl Tiburtina, to know if it were right that he should

accept the divine honors which the Senate had decreed to him. The

sibyl, after meditating some days, took the emperor alone, and showed

him an altar. Above this altar the heavens opened, and he saw a

beautiful virgin bearing an infant in her arms, and he heard a voice

saying, " This is the altar of the Son of the living God." Then Caisar

Augustus erected on the Capitoline Hill an altar, and inscribed it

" Ara primogeniti Dei." The church called the Ara-Coeli stands on

the same spot as that on which the altar was built ; and in it is a

bas-relief representing this legend, to which a very great antiquity is

attached by the Church. There are other paintings of the same sub-

ject. The Nativity, when treated as an historical event, is represented

in a stable, at midnight, and in winter. The earlier pictures give

Mary an appearance of suffering, but from the fourteenth century it

is not so. Sometimes she kneels by the child, or points to the manger

in which he lies, or bending over him is bright with the light which

comes from the child, and which, according to the legend, illuminated

the place with supernatural light. Joseph is sitting, or leaning on his

staff, and frequently holds a taper or other light to show that it is

night. The angels who sang the " Gloria in Excelsis " were at first

represented as three, but in later pictures their number is larger, as

of a chorus. The ox and the ass are invariably seen. The old monks

had various ideas associated with these animals. They regarded them

as the fulfilment of prophecy (Habakkuk iii. 4), and as typical of the

Jews and Gentiles, — the ox representing the former and the ass the

latter; and one old writer relates that they warmed the heavenly

babe with their breath. Sometimes the ass is with open mouth, as

if proclaiming in his way the light that had come to enlighten the

Gentiles. The shepherds are frequently in the background. • Whentreated as a mystery, the Virgin adores the child who is her son and

her God. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between this and

a " Madre Pia," but usually something is introduced to denote the

Nativity. The babe lies in the centre with his finger on his lip, as if

to say, " Verbum sum," and looks upward to the angels, who in the

heavens sing his glory. His hand sometimes rests on a wheat-sheaf,

emblem of the bread of life. Mary kneels on one side, and Joseph,

if present, also kneels; and often angels adore and sustain the child. ^.^



WlieD other figures are introduced, they are saints, or votaries for

whom the picture was painted. December 25.

The Adoration of the Shepherds (Fr. L'Adoration des "Bergers;

Ger. Die Anbetung der Ilirten ; Ital. L'Adorazione dei Pastori).

The shepherds present their offerings of fruits, lambs, or doves, and

with uncovered heads show their devotion with rude simplicity.

AVomen, dogs, and sheep sometimes accompany them ; and there is

a legend that the Apostles Simeon and Jude were of their number.

Sometimes the child sleeps, and the Virgin or Joseph raises the

covering to show him to the shepherds. When angels scatter flowers,

they are those gathered in heaven.

The Adoration of the Magi {Ger. Die heilige drei Konigen ; Die

Anbetung der Weisen aus dem Morgenland ; Ital. L'Adorazione de'

Magia; L'Epifania; i^r. L'Adoration des Rois Mages). This picture,

while it makes one of the historical series in the life of the Virgin,

has another deep interest in the consideration that it is the ex-

pression of the Epii)hany, — of the manifestation to the Gentiles of

God made man. The legend follows the Scripture account, and the

reasonable inferences to be deduced from it, more closely than manyothers. It is that these Magi were not men who knew the arts of

magic, but wise prmces of some eastern country. The prophecy of

Balaam had been held in remembrance by their people, " I shall see

him, but not now ; I shall behold him, but not nigh : there shall

come a Star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel,"

and when they saw a star differing from those which as learned

astronomers they had studied, they recognized it as the star of the

proj)hecy, and at once followed whither it led. It has been said that

the star when first seen had the form of a child bearing a sceptre or

cross. The wise men said farewell to their homes and friends, and

took numerous attend.'mts for their long journey. After many perils,

the climbing of mountains, the crossing of deep streams, and manydifficulties, they came to Jerusalem. On inquiry for the King they

sought, they were directed to Bethlehem, and asked by Herod to

bring him news on their return of where the child could be found,

that he too might worship him. At length the star stood still over

the lowly place where Jesus was. No matter how different mayhave been their previous imaginations from the reality they found,

their faith was equal to the demand upon it; and they bowed down.


thus giving themselves first, and then presented the gold, which

signified that Jesus was king; the frankincense, that he was God;

and the myrrh, that he was suffering man, and must yield to death.

In return for their gifts Christ gave them charity and spiritual riches

in place of gold; perfect faith for their incense; and for myrrh truth

and meekness of spirit. The Virgin gave them, as a precious memo-

rial, one of the linen bands in which she had wrapped the divine

child. Being warned in a dream, they returned not to Herod, but

went another way. There is a legend that their homeward journey

was made in ships; and in a commentary of the fifth century on the

Psalms it is said that when Herod found that they had escaped

from him " in ships of Tarsus," he burned all the vessels in the port.

But however they returned, the legend relates that the star guided

them to the East as it had led them from it, and they reached their

homes in safety. They never again assumed their former state, but

in imitation of their new sovereign they gave their w^ealth to the

poor, and went about to preach the new gospel of peace. There is

a tradition that after forty years, w^hen St. Thomas went to the

Indies, he met there these wise men and baptized them ; and after-

wards, as they continued to preach, they went among barbarians and

were put to death. Long after, their remains were found, and the

Empress Helena had them removed to Constantinople. During the

first Crusade they were carried to Milan, and lastly the Emperor

Barbarossa placed them in the cathedral at Cologne, where they

remain in a costly shrine whereat many wonderful miracles have been

wrought. The names of these three " Kings of Cologne," as they are

often called, are Jasper, or Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. In the

pictures they are of three ages : the first, Jaspar, very old, with gray

beard ; Melchior of middle age ; and Balthasar always young, and

sometimes a Moor or black man, to signify that he was of Ethiopia,

and that Christ came to redeem all races. Sometimes this idea is

manifested by making Balthasar's servant black. Their costumes, at-

tendants, and various appointments vary with the time in which the

pictures were painted, and with the nationality of the artist. Xowthey have all the usiial paraphernalia of royalty as seen in the conti-

nental capitals ; again the knowledge acquired in the Crusades was em-

ployed, and all about them is Oriental in style ; and elephants, leopards,

and even monkeys are introduced into the scene. The holy child is


sometimes held bj his mother, and sometimes sits alone, but usually

raises his hand as if in blessing, lu early days Joseph was seldom

present ; but as devotion to him increased in the Church, he was

more frequently made an actor in this scene : he sometimes only

looks on quietly; again he receives the treasure, and in some in-

stances the Magi seem to congratulate him. The various modesof representing this inexhaustible subject would if described fill a

volume. January G.

The Purification of the Virgin ; The Presentation of Christ in the

Temple {Ital. La Purificazione della B. Vergine ; Ger. Die Dar-

bringung im Tempel). The Virgin, after the birth of her son,

complied with all the requirements of the law, and the scene in

the Temple is sometimes called the Purification, but more fre-

quently it is regarded as referring especially to the Saviour ; andmany representations present the prophecy of Simeon as the impor-

tant event in the scene. It is also considered as the first of the

seven sorrows of the Virgin ; and the words, " Yea, a sword shall

pierce through thy own soul also," may well have saddened the

heart of Mary, and given her a warning of all the glorious sorrows

which were before her. The legend of Simeon is so closely con-

nected with this scene as to be better given here than elsewhere.

Two hundred and sixty years b. c, Ptolemy Philadelphus requested

the high-priest of the Jews to send him scribes and interpreters to

translate for him the Hel)rew Scriptures, so that he might place themin Ills library. Six learned Rabbis from each tribe were sent, seventy-

two in all ; and among them Simeon, who was full of learning. His

j)()rtion was tlie book of Isaiah ; and when he came to the sentence,

" liohcjld a Virgin shall conceive," he feared tlie translation might

offend the Greeks, and after much consideration he rendered it a

young woman, l)ut when- it was written, an angel effaced it, and

wrote the word Virgin as it should be. Then Simeon wrote it again

and again, and every time it was changed. When this was done

three times, he was confounded ; and as he meditated on this, it was

revealed to him that the prophecy should not only be fulfilled, but

that he "should not see death till he had seen the Lord's Christ."

So he lived until these things came to pass, and then he was led

to tlje Temple on the very day when this Virgin Mother came to

present there her Divine Son. And there it was that he exclaimed,


when his prophecy was ended, " Lord, now lettest thou thy servant

depart in peace according to thy word." Anna the prophetess has

her part in this picture. She prophesied of him who should bring

redemption to Israel, but she did not take the child ; from this she

has been regarded as an image of the synagogue, which had prophe-

sied much of the Messiah, but failed to embrace him when he came.

This picture is frequently called the Niuic Dimittis, which is its title

in Greek art. February 2.

The Flight into Egypt {Ital. La Fuga in Egitto; Fr. La Fuito

de la Sainte Famille en Egypte ; Ger, Die Flucht nach Aegypten).

There are various legends connected with this journey of the Holy

Family which have been illustrated by artists. One is that when,

escaping, and fearing lest they should be overtaken by the officers of

Herod, they came to a place where a man was sowing wheat. Mary

said to him, " If any shall ask you whether we have passed this way,

ye shall answer, ' Such persons passed this way when I was sowing

this corn.' " And then, by a miracle of the infant Jesus, the corn

grew in one night so as to be fit for the harvest. Next day the offi-

cers did indeed come ; and the man, who was cutting his wheat in

great wonder and thankfulness, answered as he had been instructed,

and the pursuers turned back. Another legend relates that the

Holy Family encountered a band of robbers, of which there were

large numbers in that country in those days. One of the robbers

was about to attack them when another said, " Suffiar them, I beseech

thee, to go in peace, and I will give thee forty groats, and likewise mygirdle." This offer the first robber accepted. The second then took

the travellers to a safe place, where they passed the night. The Virgin

said to him, " The Lord God will receive thee to his right hand, and

grant thee pardon of thy sins !" And this was done ; for (according to

the legend) these were the two thieves who, were crucified w^ith Jesus,

and the merciful one was the same who went with Christ to Paradise.

Another popular incident of this journey in legendary writings is

that the palm-tree bent its branches at the command of the child, to

shade the Blessed Virgin. It is also related that a tree which grew

at the gate of Heliopolis and was venerated as the home of a god, bowed

itself at the approach of the Saviour, and that all along the route

of the Holy Famil}^, wherever there were idols, these fell on their

faces and were broken in fragments. This is assented to by religious


antliorities as well as by writers of legends. There are many ways of

representing tlie three travellers on this remarkable journey, but all

are easily recognized. There are a few in which they are either em-

barking or are in a boat crossing one of the streams or lakes which in-

tercepted the course of their journey. Sometimes an angel assists the

Vir"-in to enter, and sometimes steers the boat. See, also, St. Joseph.

The iiepose of the Holy Family (Ital. II Riposo ; Ger. Die Kuhe

in Aegypten ; Fr. Le llepos de la Saiute Famille). The subject of

this picture is really an incident of the Flight ; but it is not found

in very early art, — rarely, if at all, before the sixteenth century.

When other figures than those of the Virgin and child with Joseph

are introduced, it is not a Riposo, but a Holy Family. The legend

states that the Holy Family reposed beneath a sycamore grove near

the village of Matarea, and that near the same village a fountain

sprang forth miraculously for their refreshment. This gave a reli-

gious interest to the sycamore, and the Crusaders brought it to Eu-

rope ; and this same " Fountain of Mary " was shown me by the Arab

guides, a few miles from Cairo. Mary is sometimes painted dipping

water, and again washing linen in this fountain, which the legend

also tells that she did. In pictures of the Repose, angels often

minister to the comfort of the travellers, in various ways and with

beautiful propriety. There is a wild ballad legend, which probably

originated in tlie East, which gives an account of the meeting of Mary

and a Zingara, or gypsy. The gypsy crosses the palm of the child

and tells his future, according to their customs. Her prophecy of

all his sutFerings quite overcomes the Virgin ; but the Zingara con-

soles her with the assurance of the redemption of mankind through

all tliese sorrows, and ends by asking forgiveness of her sins, instead

of the usual gold or silver piece the gypsies love so well. This af-

fords a fine subject for art, and has been painted. When tljc Holy

Family are seen as on a journey, and the Saviour represented as

walking, it is the return from Egypt that is intended.

The Holy Family (Fr. La Sainte Famille ; Hal. La Sacra Famiglia,

La Sacra Conversazione). From the return to Nazareth until Jesus

is twelve years old, the Gospels record no events of tlie life of the

Virgin or her Son. Under the title of Holy Family, there are hun-

dreds of pictures representing the imaginary life of these exalted

ones, whose every act was full of interest to all the world. The


simplest form is that of two figures, the Virgin and Child ; and fre-

quently she is nursing the babe, sometimes kisses him, or amuses him

with playthings, and again watches him asleep, and ponders in her

heart upon her wonderful child ; which last are called " II Silenzio,"

or •' Le Sommeil de Jesus." Where there arc three figures it is gen-

erally St. John who is added, but sometimes St. Joseph makes the

third. Four figures include either St. John and St. Elizabeth or

more rarely St. Joseph and St. John. Five figures include all who

have been named, and Zacharias sometimes makes the sixth. More

than these are unusual, although there are pictures in which large

numbers surround the Holy Family proper, and are supposed to rep-

resent the relatives of the Saviour, especially those who were after-

wards to be his disciples and followers. But any description of these

pictures would fill volumes. Many of them are designated by some

prominent peculiarity, and bear such names as "La Vierge aux Cerises,"

"La Vierge a la Diademe," "La Vierge a I'Oreiller Verd," "La Ma-

donna del Bacino," " Le Menage du Menuisier," " Le Raboteur," etc.

The Dispute in the Temple {Ital. La Disputa nel Tempio ; Fr.

Jesus an milieu des "Docteurs). While this is the representation

of a very important act in the life of Jesus, it is quite as frequently

made one of the series from the life of the Virgin. And in regarding

these pictures it will aid one to consider whether it is the wonderful

knowledge of Jesus or the grief of Mary which is the more forcibly


The Death of Joseph {Ital. La Morte di San Giuseppe ; Fr. La

Mort de St. Joseph ; Ger. Josefs Tod). See St. Joseph.

The Marriage at Cana in Galilee {Ital. Le Nozze di Cana; Fr.

Les JSToces de Cana ; Ger. Die Hochzeit zu Cana). Although Jesus

performed his first miracle at this marriage feast, it was not a fa-

vorite subject in early art. It is accounted greatly to the Virgin's

honor that this miracle was done at her request. His answer, that

his hour had not yet come, and his performing the miracle imme-

diately after, is construed to mean that although the period had not

fully arrived for the use of his power, still, out of regard to his mother

and her wishes, the power was put forth. In some pictures the bride

is dressed as a nun about to make her vows ; and an ancient legend

declared that this was the marriage of St. John the Evangelist with

Mary Magdalene, and that immediately they separated, and led


chaste and austere lives, dcvotin;^ themselves to Christ's service.

After this marriage the Virgin is scarcely mentioned in the Gospels

until the time of the Crucifixion.

In the liosarj two scenes from the Passion of Our Lord make

two of tlie mystical sorrows : the Procession to Calvary, or " II Por-

tamento della Croce," and the Crucifixion. It was in the Via

Dolorosa, through which Christ bore his cross, that ^lary is said

to have fainted at the sight of his sufferings, and this incident is

frequently a subject of painting. The celebrated " Lo Spasimo di

Sicilia" of Eaphael represents Mary as " Notre Dame du Spasnie,"

or "du Pamoison," as the French call the mournful festival which

they keep in Passion Week to commemorate this event. The

Italians call these representations "II Pianto di Maria," or "LaMadonna dello Spasimo." But in all these pictures and those of

the Crucifixion, Mary is a prominent figure. There has been muchsaid and written upon the impropriety of representing the Virgin as

too greatly overcome with her grief, as it is thought to detract from

the grandeur of her character ; and it would seem that although the

time had come when Simeon's prophecy was fulfilled, yet her heaven-

given patience and hope should have sustained her, and she should

have endured where any other mother might have fainted.^ The

legend relates that in the Descent from the Cross, when Joseph of

Arimathea and Nicodemus removed the nails from the hands of the

Saviour, St. John took them away secretly, that Mary might not see

them ; and while Nicodemus drew forth those which held the feet,

Joseph so sustained the body that the head and arms of Jesus hung

over his shoulder. Then Mary arose, and kissed the bleeding hands

of her beloved Son, and clasping them tenderly, sank to tlie earth in

anguish ; and tliis action is usually represented in pictures of the

Descent from the Cross. In the Deposition, or the act" of laying

down the body of Clirist, the Virgin supports her Son, or bends ten-

derly over him. In older pictures she is fainting here, which docs

not meet with the same censure from critics in this case as in the

Procession to Calvary. The Virgin is also seen in the representa-

tions of the Entombment, although this is not painted in the series

of the Life of the Virgin ; and in this, as in the others, her sorrow is

often expressed by fainting. The next subject in course is, John

^ "Now, there stood by the Cross of Jesus, his Mother." — John xix. 25.


conducting the Virgin to his Home, which, beautiful as it is, did not

appear in works of art until the seventeenth century, so that it is

not frequently seen. Although not recorded in Scripture, the tradi-

tions tell that Jesus appeared first of all to his mother, and the

story is thus told : After all was finished, Mary retired to her cham-

ber, and waited for the fulfilment of the promise of Christ's resur-

rection. And she prayed earnestly :" Thou didst promise, my

most dear Sou, that thou wouldst rise again on the third day.

Before yesterday was the day of darkness and bitterness ; and be-

hold, this is the third day. Return then to me, thy mother. mySon, tarry not, but come ! " And while she prayed, a company of

angels surrounded her, and they waved palms, and joyously sang

the Easter hymn, " Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia!

" Then Christ

entered, bearing the standard of the cross, and followed by the

patriarchs and prophets whom he had released from Hades. All

knelt before Mary, and thanked her because their deliverance had

come through her. But she greatly desired to hear the voice of

Jesus, and he raised his hand in benediction, saying, " I salute thee,

O my mother!" And she fell on his neck, exclaiming, "Is it thou,

indeed, my most dear Son 1 " Then he showed her his wounds, and

bade her be comforted since he had triumphed over death and hell.

Then Mary on her knees thanked him that she had been his mother,

and they talked together until he left her to show himself next to

Mary Magdalene. The representations of the Apparition of Christ

to the Virgin are in the most matter-of-ftict style, and poorly portray

the spirit of this beautiful legend. The Ascension of Christ is the

seventh of the mystical sorrows of the Virgin, for by it she was left

alone. The legends say that she was present, and gazing at the

departing Saviour, prayed, "My Son, remember me when thou

comest to thy kingdom. Leave me not long after thee, my Son !


Mary, when represented in the pictures of the Descent of the Holy

Ghost, is placed in the centre or in front, as Regina et Mater Apos-

tolorum. It has been objected that as Mary was Wisdom, or the

Mother of Wisdom, she needed no accession of understanding. But

if the testimony of Scripture is taken, it would seem proper that

she should be represented here (Acts i. 14 and ii. 1). There is no

authoritative record of the life of Mary after the ascension of Jesus


but there are many legends which speak of circumstances of her life,


and a very curious one of her death and assumption. One which has

heen the subject of pictures is the Communion of Mary, in which she

receives the Sacrament from the hand of St. John. The traditions

relate tliat when the persecution began at Jerusalem, the Virgin went

with St. John to Ephesus, accompanied by Mary Magdalene ; also,

that she dwelt on Mt. Carmel in an oratory which the prophet Elijah

had built, and from this she became the patroness of the Carmelites,

and the sixteenth day of July is set apart by the Church as that of

the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel.

7yie Death and Assunij)tioii of the Virgin (Lat. Dormitio, Pausatio,

Transitus, Assumptio, B. Virginis ; Ital. II Transito di Maria, II Sonne

dclla Beata Vergine, L'Assunzione ; /"r. La Mort de la Vicrge,

L'Assomption; Ger. Das Absterben der Maria, Maria Himmelfahrt).

Sometimes these two events are represented together, the death

making the lower, and the apotheosis the upper portion of the picture.

But so many circumstances of the legend are jjortrayed in these pic-

tures that they cannot be well understood without a knowledge of it.

It is thus given by Mrs. Jameson in the " Legends of the Madonna :


" Mary dwelt in the house of John upon Mt. Sion, looking for the

fullilment of the promise of deliverance ; and she spent her days in

visiting those places which had been hallowed by the baptism, the

sufferings, the burial and resurrection of her divine Son, but more

particularly the tomb wherein he was laid. And she did not this as

seeking the living among the dead, but for consolation and for remem-brance. And on a certain day the heart of the Virgin, being filled

with an inexpressible longing to behold her Son, melted away within

her, and she wept abundantly. And, lo ! an angel ap])eared before

her clothed in light, as with a garment. And he saluted her, and

said, ' Hail, Min*y ! blessed by Him who hath given salvation to

Israel ! I bring thee here a branch of i)alm gathered in Paradise;

command that it be carried before thy bier in the day of thy death


for in three days thy soul shall leave thy body, and thou shalt enter

into Paradise, where thy Son awaits thy coming.' Mary, answering,

said :* If i have found grace in thy eyes, tell mo first what is thy

name; an<l <rrant that tlio Apostles, my brethren, may be reunited

to me before I die, that in their presence I may give up my soul to

Cod. Also, I j)ray thee that my soul, when delivered from my body,

may not be allrighted by any spirit of darkness, nor any evil angel


be allowed to have any power over me.* And the angel said, ' Whydost thou ask my name 1 My name is the Great and the Wonderful.

And now doubt not that all the Apostles shall be reunited to thee this

day ; for He who in former times transported the prophet Habakkukfrom Judaea to Jerusalem by the hair of his head, can as easily bring

hither the Apostles. And fear thou not the evil spirit ; for hast thou

not bruised his head, and destroyed his kingdom 1' And having said

these words, the angel departed into heaven ; and the palm branch

which he had left behind him shed light from every leaf, and sparkled

as the stars of the morning. Then Mary lighted the lamps and pre-

pared her bed, and waited until the hour w^as come. And in the same

instant John, who was preaching at Ephesus, and Peter, who was

preaching at Antioch, and all the other Apostles, who were dispersed

in different parts of the w^orld, w^ere suddenly caught up as by a

miraculous power, and found themselves before the door of the habi-

tation of Mary. When Mary saw them all assembled round her,

she blessed and thanked the Lord ; and she placed in the hands of

St. John the shining palm, and desired that he should bear it before

her at the time of her burial. Then Mary, kneeling down, made her

prayer to the Lord, her Son, and the others prayed with her ; then

she laid herself down in her bed, and composed herself for death.

And John wept bitterly. And about the third hour of the night, as

Peter stood at the head of the bed, and John at the foot, and the

other Apostles around, a mighty sound filled the house, and a

delicious perfume filled the chamber. And Jesus himself appeared,

accompanied by an innumerable company of angels, patriarchs,

and prophets ; all these surrounded the bed of the Virgin, singing

hymns of joy. And Jesus said to his mother, 'Arise, my beloved,

mine elect ! come with me from Lebanon, my espoused ! receive

the crown that is destined for thee !' And Mary, answering, said,

* My heart is ready ; for it was written of me that I should do thy


' Then all the angels and blessed spirits who accompanied

Jesus began to sing and rejoice. And the soul of Mary left her

body, and was received into the arms of her Son ; and together they

ascended into heaven. And the Apostles looked up, saying, * most

prudent Virgin, remember us when thou comest to glory !' and the

angels who received her into heaven sung these words, * Who is this

that Cometh up from the wilderness leaning upon her Beloved ] She


is fjiirer than all the dau<:htcrs of Jerusalem.' But the body of Mary

reniaiued upon the earth ; and three among the vir;,ans prepared to

wash and clothe it in a shroud ; but such a glory of light surrounded

her form, that though they touched it they could not see it, and no

human eye beheld those chaste and sacred limbs unclothed. Then

the Apostles took her up reverently, and placed her upon a bier, and

John, carrying the celestial joalm, went before. Peter sung the 114th

Psalm, 'In exitu Israel de Egypto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro,*

and the angels followed after, also singing. The wicked Jews, hearing

these melodious voices, ran together ; and the high-priest, being seized

with fury, laid his hands upon the bier, intending to overturn it on

the earth ; but both his arms were suddenly dried up, so that he

could not move them, and he was overcome with fear ; and he prayed

to St. Peter for help, and Peter said, * Have faith in Jesus Christ

and his Mother, and thou shalt be healed ; ' and it was so. Then

they went on, and laid the Virgin in a tomb in the Valley of Jehosha-

phat. And on the third day Jesus said to the angels, ' What honor

shall I confer on her who was my mother on earth, and brought meforth ]

' And they answered, ' Lord, suffer not tliat body which was

thy temple and thy dwelling to see corruption ; but place her beside

thee on thy throne in heaven.' And Jesus consented ; and the

Archangel Michael brought unto the Lord the glorious soul of our

Lady. And the Lord said, ' liise up, my dove, my undefiled, for

thou shalt not remain in the darkness of the grave, nor shalt thou

see corruption ;* and immediately the soul of ^lary rejoined her body,

and she arose up glorious from the tomb and ascended into heaven,

surrounded and welcomed by troops of angels, blowing their silver

trumpets, toucliing their golden lutes, singing and rejoicing as tiiey

sung, * Wi)o is she that riseth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear

as the sun, and terril)le as an ai-iny with banners?' (Cant. vi. 10.)

But one among the Apostles was absent ; and wlien he arrived soon

after, he would not believe in the resurrection of the Virgin (and

tl)is Apostle was the same Thomas who had formerly been slow to

believe in the resurrection of the Lord) ; and he desired that the

tomb should be opened before liini, and when it was opened it was

found to be full of lilies and roses. Thou Tliomas, looking \\\) to

heav(.'n, beljold the Virgin bodily, in a glory of light, slowly mounting

towards the heaven; and she, for the assurance of his faith, flung


down to him her girdle, the same which is to tliis day preserved in

the cathedral of Prato. And there were present at the death of the

Virgin Mary, besides the twelve Apostles, Dionysius the Areopagite,

Timotheus, and Hierotheus ; and of the women, Mary Salome, Mary

Cleophas, and a faithful handmaid whose name was Savia." The

French legend gives Mary Magdalene and Martha among those who

witnessed the Virgin's death. The full illustration of this legend

re(iuires seven different scenes; namely, (1) The Angel announces her

Death, and presents the Palm; (2) She takes leave of the Apostles


(3) Her Death; (4) The Bearing to the Sepulchre

; (5) The Entomb-

ment; (6) The Assumption; (7) The Coronation in Heaven. Fre-

quently two or three of these scenes are represented together ; as, the

Death below, and the Assumption above, and sometimes the Corona-

tion above all. The angel who announces the death frequently

presents a taper to the Virgin. It is customary to place a blessed

taper in the hand of one dying. The death of the Virgin is sometimes

called the Sleep (II Sonno della Madonna), as in early times a belief

existed that she only slept before her assumption. This belief has

since been declared heretical. There are two modes of treating the

Assumption : one represents the assumption of the soul, and in- this

Christ receives the spirit, standing near the death-bed of the Virgin.

The other portrays the union of the soul to the body, when it rises

from the tomb, and leaving earth and all earthly things, the Mother

soars to meet the Son, and to share his glory and his throne for-

evermore. She is represented in a mandorla, or aureole, crowned or

veiled (sometimes both), her dress spangled with stars, and surrounded

by angels. These are the more ideal or devotional pictures. The

strictly historical ones have the wondering Apostles, the doubting

Thomas, and the blossoming tomb below ; while Marj', " quasi aurora

consurgens " is borne towards heaven. The Legend of the Holy Girdle

belongs properly to the consideration of the pictures of the Assump-

tion of the Virgin. It is of Greek origin, and relates that St. Thomas,

when about to go to the far East, gave the girdle to one of his disci-

ples for safe keeping. The girdle remained for a thousand years

guarded from profane eyes, and was in the possession of a Greek

priest, to whom it had descended from a remote ancestry. He had

one daughter, dearly beloved, to whom he gave the care of the sacred

girdle. It happened that Michael of Prato, who had gone on the


Crusade of 1096, had remained in Jerusalem after the war was ended,

and lodged in the house of this priest. He loved the daughter, too,

and wished to marry her, but the father would not consent. Then

the mother assisted the lovers to be married, and gave them the

precious girdle as a dowr}'. They fled, and embarked for Tuscany.

They landed at Pisa, and sought the home of Michael at Prato, bear-

hig always with them the casket which held the sacred relic.

Michael so venerated his treasure, and so feared lest he should be

robbed of it, that he every night lighted a lamp in honor of it, and

besides placed it beneath his bed for safety. Now, although he did

this without knowing that thus he was wanting in resfject to so

holy a relic, it displeased his guardian angel, who every night lifted

him out of his bed, and laid him on the bare earth. At length

Michael fell sick, and knowing that he was near death he delivered

the girdle to P>ishop Uberto, commanding him to preserve the girdle

in the cathedral of Prato, and ordain that from time to time it

should be shown to the people. This injunction Uberto obeyed, and

he carried the girdle in a solemn procession to the church. There it

remained until 1312, when an attempt was made to carry it awayand sell it to Florence. This attempt was discovered, and Muscia-

tino, the would-be thief, was put to death. Then the people of Prato

erected a shrine for the safe keeping of the girdle ; and the chapel

containing it is painted to represent all the circumstances of this


T/ie Coronation of the Virgin is not always easily distinguished fromthe allegorical picture called the " Incoronata." When the historical

scene is intended, the last of the life of ^lary, the death-bed, the

tomb, the Apostles, and weeping friends are seen on the earth, while

above the Saviour crowns his Mother, or she is seated beside him onhis throne.

Having thus briefly considered the historical pictures of OurLady, the mystical, allegorical, or strictly devotional ones remain.

These are :— "*

The Virgin Alone (Lat. Virgo Gloriosa ; Ital. La Vergine Gloriosa;

Fr. La Grande Vierge). Pictures representing the Virgin Maryalone, and placing her before us as an object of religious veneration,

are painted in a variety of ways, and to illustrate the diflerent

attributes which are accorded to her by the Church. When she


stands alone, with saints or apostles apparently subordinate to her,

she is The Woman ; the Mother of Humanity, a second Eve ; and

the Virgin of Virgins. When she has a book, she is the represen-

tation of Heavenly Wisdom,— Virgo Sapientissima. When she

has a sceptre, or wears a crown over her veil, or is enthroned alone,

she is the Queen of Heaven,— Regina Cceli. When represented

as above, and sun-ounded by worshipping angels, she is Queen of

Angels, — Regina Angelorum. When veiled, with folded hands,

and a face full of purity, sweetness, and all imaginable beauty, she is

the Madonna, the Blessed Virgin, — Santa Maria Vo'gine.

VIncoronata,— The Coronation of the Virgin {Lot. Coronatio Beatae

Marise Virginis ; Ital. Maria Coronata dal divin suo Figiio ; Fr. Le

Couronnement de la Sainte Vierge ; Ger. Die Krbnung Maria). This

jDicture is entirely different in its spirit and object from the historical

coronation of the Virgin before described. That picture makes the

closing scene in the life of Mary, and, as before remarked, has the

Apostles, the tomb of flowers, and the death-bed to distinguish it.

But the intent of the devotional coronation is to represent the Virgin

as the type or emblem of the Spiritual Church. She is received into

glory and exalted above all created beings, angels and men, as

the Espoused, the Bride of Christ, — the Church. Frequently the

Saviour has an open book with the inscription, " Veni, Electa mea,

et ponam te in thronum meum," etc., — ** Come, my Chosen One, and

I will place thee upon my throne." Many chapels are dedicated to

the Virgin in this character, "Capella dell' Incoronata." The dress

of the Virgin is most beautiful, and frequently embroidered with

sans, moons, and golden rays, recalling the " woman clothed with the

sun," which John describes (Rev. xii. 1). When Mary holds the

child and is crowned, it is not a coronation, but a representation of

her as the Mother of God.

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Lat. Regina sine labe

originali concepta ; Fr. La Conception de la Vierge Marie ; Ital. La

Madonna Purissima ; *S;:>. Nuestra Sefiora sin pecado concebida. La

Concepcion ; Ger. Das Geheimniss der unbefleckten Empfangniss

Maria). This picture is unknown in the early days of art, but has

been almost miraculously multiplied since the beginning of the

seventeenth century, when Paul V. instituted the office for the com-

memoration of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, and forbade



teaching or preacliing the oi)posite belief. The question had been

in agitation a decade of centuries,^ and in the fifteenth century the

Sorbonne liad dechired in its f\ivor. The Immaculate Conception of

the Mother of God was defined as an article of faith by Pope Pius IX.

in 1854. Tlie model for the Virgin in this representation is the wo-

man of the Apocalypse. She is young, about twelve or fourteen;

her robe of wliite, with blue mantle; her hands folded as if in prayer;

her beauty, " all that painting can express;

" the sun, a vivid light,

about her, the moon beneatli her, and a starry crown above her

head. Sometimes the same idea of the Madonna Purissima is repre-

sented by the head alone. It is painted very young, with white

vesture and flowing hair. Before the definition of the doctrine of the

Immaculate Conception, there was another mystical representation

of Mary, which might be confounded with those of the Madonna

Purissima. It is the embodiment of the idea that the redemption

of the human race existed in the mind of tlie Creator before the

beginning of the world. And tliis is expressed by the Virgin sur-

rounded by the same attributes as in the Conception, and sometimes

setting her foot on the serpent. Mary, made thus a second Eve, is

sometimes painted as an accompaniment to the picture of Eve hold-

ing the apple. The date of the picture will decide the question

between tliese subjects. December 8.

The Mater Dolorosa {Ital. La Madre di Dolore, L'Addolorata ; Fr,

Notre Dame de Piti6, La Vierge de Douleur ; Sp. Nuestra Senora de

Dolores; Cer. Die Schmerzhafte Mutter). There are three distinct

modes of representing the " Mourning Mother," to whom the afflicted

of the Catholic world address their prayers, feeling that she has felt

tlie deepest pangs of earthly sorrow. As the Mater Dolorosa, she is

alone, seated or standing, and frequently only a head or half figure;

of middle age, with bowed head, clasped hands, sorrowful fiice, andstreaming eyes. Often the bosom is pierced with one, and sometimeswith seven swords. As the Stabat Mater, she stands on the ri«dit

of the cnicifix while St. John is on the left. The wliole figure ex-

presses intense sorrow. She is usually wrapped in a dark violet or

blue mantle. La Pieth, the third Sorrowing Mother, when strictly

rendered, consists only of the Virgin and the dead Christ. Occa-

^ Tliough, for the honor of her Son, the Immaculate Conception of the BlessedVirgin was generally believed from the beginning.


sionally lamenting angels are introduced. This representation has

been varied in every possible way whicli could express sorrow, resig-

nation, tenderness, love, and dignity. But usually the Son is in the

arms, on the lap, or lying at the feet of the Mother.

21ie Virgin of Mercy, Our Lady of Succor {Ital. La Madonna di

Misericordia ; Fr. Notre Dame de Mis^ricorde ; Sp. Nuestra Sefiora

de Gracia ; Ger. Maria Mutter des Erbarmens). This picture repre-

sents the Virgin as the Merciful Mother of Humanity. In it she

sometimes stands with outstretched arms, crowned or veiled ; her

ample robe extended by angels, over kneeling votaries and wor-

shippers. Sometimes these embrace all ranks and ages, and again

those of some particular order who seek her aid. But these instances

are rare, as she usually bears the child in her arms, signifying that

from her maternity itself a large portion of her sympathy is derived.

In pictures of the Day of Judgment, the Virgin is also represented

as Our Lady of Mercy. She is on the right hand of the Saviour,

while John the Baptist kneels on the left. Mary is usually a little

lower than the Saviour, but has been represented in ancient pictures

seated by his side. She appears as a mediator and intercessor for

mercy, whatever her position. In one instance this inscription is

painted beneath her :" Maria Filio suo pro Ecclesia supplicat."

The Virgin and Child Enthroned [Lat. Sancta Dei Genitrix, Virgo

Deipara ; Ital. La Santissima Vergine, Madre di Dio ; Fr. La Sainte

Vierge, Mere de Dieu ; Ger. Die Heilige Mutter Gottes). The very

title of these pictures, which are numberless, explains their significa-

tion. They are devotional, and represent the mother and child in

various positions, and with such differences of expression and senti-

ment as must inevitably result from the vast number of artists who

have treated this subject. Its beauties are inexhaustible as they

are indescribable, and there are few hearts that have not been filled

with emotion and admiration by some of these representations of

what is j)urest and holiest in woman.

In addition to the IMadonnas already mentioned, there are numer-

ous votive Madonnas both public and private. Their titles usually

indicate the objects for wdiich they were painted, as those painted

for the Carmelites, which are called "La Madonna del Carmine."

Others denote especial acts, as " La Madonna della Vittoria," or de-

liverance from dangers, such as pestilence, floods, fire, and tempests,


as the " Madonna di San Scbastiauo," which was an offering of the

city of Modeua against the ])lague. P'amily votive Madonnas usu-

ally bear the name of those who offer them, as the " ^ladonna di

Foligno," which was presented by Sigismund Couti, of Foligni, in

fulfilment of a vow made when in danger from a severe storm.

There is scarcely a church or a religious institution of the Catholic

Church which does not possess at least one votive Madonna.

The Mater Amabilis {Hal. La Madonna col Bambino; Fr. La

Yierge et I'eufant Jesus; Ger. Muria mit dem Kind). This is the

representation of the Virgin as The Mother alone; and its exquisite

beauty and feeling, when painted as it should and may be, is only to

he felt, it cannot be told. Here "she is brought nearer to our sym-

pathies. She is not seated in a chair of state with the accompani-

ments of earthly power; she is not enthroned on clouds, nor glorified

and star-crowned in heaven ; she is no longer so exclusively the

Yergine Dea, nor the Yirgo Dei Genitrix ; but she is still the

Alma Mater Redemptoris, the young and lovely and most pure

mother of a divine Christ. She is not sustained in mid-air by angels;

she dwells lowly on earth, but the angels leave their celestial home

to wait upon her." A version of this Madonna is styled the " Madre

Pia," and represents the Yirgin as acknowledging the divinity of her

Son. The spirit of these pictures is the same as that of some

^Nativities where the Yirgin adores the babe, but the accessories

determine the difference between them. And lastly there are the

Pastoral Madonnas, in which numerous persons, such as the relatives

of the Yirgin or St. Joseph, the saints and holy personages, are in-

troduced as participating with the Yirgin in the adoration of the


La Madonna della Sedia. The pretty and poetical legend of this

famous picture relates that centuries ago there dwelt among the

Italian hills a venerable hermit, whom the people called Father Ber-

nardo. He was renowned for wisdom and holiness, and many visited

him for advice and consolation. He often remarked that though his

solitude was deep, yet he was not entirely alone, for he had two

daughters, one that spoke to him and one that was dumb. Now the

first was the daughter of a vine-dresser, named Mary, who dearly

loved the old man and often brought him little presents of such

things as would add to his comfort; while she cheered him with


loving words and caresses. But his dumb daughter was a " brave old

oak," that grew uear his hut and sheltered it with its branches. This

tree old Bernardo greatly loved, and in the heat of summer he brought

water to its thirsty roots, and tended and talked to it as if it could

hear and feel. At morning and evening he fed the birds which lived

in its branches, and in return was cheered by their songs. Many

times some woodman had desired to cut down this oak, but the

prayers of the old man deterred him from the deed. There came

at last a terrible winter when the mountains were laden with heavy

snow, and then the sun shone warm, and fearful freshets came down

like torrents, and swept away flocks and trees and even hamlets in

their course. After the worst had subsided, Mary and her father

went to see how it had fared with the good hermit, fearing that he

had perished. But his dumb daughter had saved his life ; for when

the thaw came on he had sought the roof of his hut, but he was soon

convinced that there was no safety for him there ; and as he lifted

his eyes in prayer it seemed that the limbs of the oak beckoned him

to come to them. Then he climbed with confidence among: its

branches, and there he stayed three days. While below him his hut

and everything else was swept away, still his dumb daughter stood

firm. But he only had a few dry crusts to eat ; and when Mary arrived

he was fainting and ready to die from cold and exposure. Then this

talking daughter comforted him, and took him to her home until his

hut could be rebuilt. And now with great fervor* Bernardo thanked

God for his preservation, and called down blessings upon his two

children who had both been instruments in his deliverance; and he

prayed God to distinguish them in some way from the other works

of his hand. Years passed on, and the hermit was laid to rest ; his

hut was in ruins forever, and the oak was converted into wine-casks

for Mary's father. One day, one of these casks was in an arbor where

Mary, now a wife and mother, sat with her two boys. As she

pressed her baby to her breast and watched the elder one at play,

she thought of the old hermit, and wondered if his blessing would

ever be fulfilled in her or these children. Just then the older child

ran towards her with a stick to which he had fastened a cross ; and

at the same time a young man approached, whose large dreamy eyes

were such as feast on beauty, but his air was that of one restless

and weary. And so he was ; for he had long been seeking a model


which could be used to assist liiin in painting a picture of the Blessed

Virgin and her .Son which floated before liis vision, just real enough

to haunt his thoughts continually, and just unreal enough to refuse

to be rendered by his brush. This was Raphael Sanzio d'Urbino.

;Now at last, as he gazed on Mary, the wish of his heart was realized.

But he had only a pencil! On what could he draw? Just then the

smooth cover of the huge wine-cask presented itself to him, and

eagerly he drew upon it the outlines of Mary and her babe. This

he took away with him, and rested not till with his very soul he had

painted his wondrous "Madonna della Sedia." Thus was the bless-

ing and desire of the old monk realized, and together his two daughters

were distinirnished for all time.

St. Marcella is represented with Lazarus and his sisters. All that

is known of her is that she accompanied these saints from the East,

wrote the life of Martha, and announced the Faith in Sclavonia.

St. Marcellinus. See St. Peter Exorcista.

St. Margaret {Ital. S. Margarita; Fr. Ste. Marguerite; Cer.

Die lleilige Margaretha ; Gr. "Ay. MapyapLT7)<; : signification, "a

pearl"). This saint was the daughter of a pagan priest of Antioch.

She w^as a delicate child, and was therefore sent to a nurse in the

country. This woman was a Christian, and brought Margaret up in

her own faith. She was seen one day by Olybrius, who was governor

of Antioch ; and her beauty so impressed him that he commanded

she should be brought to his palace, and he determined to marry her

if he should find that she was free born. But Margaret declared her-

self a Christian, to the great horror of the governor and her relatives.

The latter deserted her, and Olybrius attempted to subdue her by

torments of so fearful a nature that he could not endure the sight of

her agony. Still she yielded not. She was then imprisoned, and in

her dungeon Satan ai)peared to her in the shape of a hideous dragon,

and endeavored to confound her with fear. But Margaret held up

a cross and he fled from her; or (as another legend teaches) he

swallowed her, and instantly burst asunder, and she remained un-

hurt, lie then came in the form of a man, to tempt her still further


but she overcame him, and j)laced her foot upon his head, and com-

pelled him to confess liis vile purpose and to answer her questions.

Again she was taken before the governor and tortured ; but her firm-

ness was so great that she not only remained true to Christ herself,


but she converted many who witnessed her devotion, so that in one

day five thousand converts were baptized. Then it was determined

that she should be beheaded ; and as they led her away to death she

prayed that in memory of her deliverance from the womb of the

dragon, all who called on her in childbirth should be safely delivered,

and a heavenly voice assured her that her prayer should be granted.

The attributes of Margaret are the palm and the dragon. She is

young and girlish, and is thus easily distinguished from St. Martha,

who also has the dragon. Sometimes she has pearls around her head,

and rarely the daisy or marguerite, which is so named in memory of

her. She is especially the tj^pe of maiden innocence and humility.

** Si douce est la Marguerite."

In the picture by Lucas v. Leyden, she is rising from the back of

the dragon, while a piece of her robe remaining in his mouth indicates

that he had swallowed her. She is the patroness of women in child-

birth, and patroness of Cremona. July 20, a. d. 306.

St. Margaret of Cortona, whose church is on the highest part

of the hill upon which that city is built, was the Magdalene of that

locality. She was born in Alviano in Tuscany. Her mother died

when she was still in infancy, and the cruelty of a step-mother and

the unkindness of her father drove her to desperation, and she led

an evil life for several years. One of her lovers was assassinated

when returning from a visit to her. A little dog which was with

him returned to Margaret, and attempted to lead her to the body of

his master, by pulling at her robe and piteously whining. Wonder-ing at length that her lover returned not, she went with the dog,

and was horrified to find the murdered body of him she sought.

She was overcome with terror and repentance, and went to her

father's house. But the step-mother persuaded her father to refuse

to admit her. She then retired to a vineyard near by, and here in

her lonely wretchedness she was tempted to return to her sinful life.

But she prayed God to be to her more than all earthly friends could

be, and while so praying she had a revelation that her prayer was

answered, and she was directed to go to the Franciscan convent at

Cortona. This she did, and entering barefooted and with a cord

about her neck, she threw herself before the altar and begged to be

admitted to the order as a humble penitent. She was refused


this privilege until she should prove her penitence by a more wor-

thy life. But at length she took the habit of St. Francis in 1272.

Tradition relates that as she knelt one day before the crucifix, Christ

bowed his head in answer to her prayers, and from that time she was

held in great reverence by the people of Cortona. She is painted

young and beautiful, her dress not always that of the nun, but usu-

ally with the cord for a girdle, which indicates the Third Order of

St. Francis. Her attribute is a dog, which is seldom omitted.

February 22, a. d. 1297.

Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi was of the noble Floren-

tine family whose name she bears. She was a Carmelite nun. Herlife was one of extreme sanctity and humility, yet comparatively

uneventful. May 27, a. d. 1607.

Maria Maggiore, Santa. This splendid church at Rome is

said to owe its origin to a vision related in a legend called that

"of the Snow,"— in Italian, "della Neve." Giovanni Patricio, a

Homan who was rich and childless, prayed the Virgin to direct himhow he should dispose of his wealth. On the 5th of August, a. d. 352,

Mary came to him in a dream, and commanded him to build a

church in her name on the spot w^here he should find snow the next

morning. His wife and the Pope Liberius each had the same vis-

ion ; and early next day they all went to the Esquiline, where they

found miraculous snow, in spite of the heat of the season. Liberius

traced upon it, with his crosier, the plan of the church, and here the

church was built. Murillo painted two beautiful pictures of this

legend, called, in Spanish, S. Maria la Blanca.

St. Marina. The sad story of this saint presents a touching

illustration of self-sacrifice and unbounded humility, for which she

was greatly revered. Her father was an Eastern hermit ; and whenhe first went to the desert he so longed for his daughter whomhe had left, that he dressed her in male attire, and charged her

never to reveal her sex. He then took her with him to his retreat,

and there she grew up as Brother Marinus. She was frequently

sent to the shores of the Red Sea with a wagon and oxen to get supplies for the monks. The man to whom she went had a daughter

who was found to be with child, and who wickedly accused Marinus

of being her seducer. Marina did not deny the charge, and the

abbot ordered her to be scourged and driven out of the walls of


the monastery; and the wicked woman came with her child, and

putting it in the arms of Marina, said, " There, as you are its father,

take care of it." Then Marina cared for the child. She remained

outside the gate of the convent and begged a support, which was

given her with many insults, as to a vile sinner. But when she

died and the truth was discovered, there was great mourning on

account of all she had endured, and she was honored for her

humility. She is represented with the dress of a monk and the

face of a beautiful woman, with a child in her arms. June 18.

Eighth century.

St. Mark {Lat S. Marcus; Ital. San Marco Evangelista; Fr,

St. Marc ; Ger. Der Heilige Marcus). This Evangelist was not an

apostle, but a convert and beloved disciple of St. Peter, according to

the tradition of the Catholic Church. He journeyed with Peter even

to Eome, where he wrote his Gospel ; and many believe it to have

been dictated by St. Peter. He went afterwards to preach in Egypt,

and after spending twelve years in Libya and the Thebais, he founded

the church at Alexandria. On account of his miracles the heathen

accused him of being a magician ; and at length, when celebrating

the feast of their god Serapis, they seized St. Mark and dragged

him through the streets with cords until he died. Then imme-

diately there fell a storm of hail, and a tempest of lightning came

with it which destroyed his murderers. The Christians buried his

remains, and his tomb was greatly venerated. But in a. d. 815

some Venetian merchants despoiled the tomb of its sacred relics,

and took them to Venice, where the splendid cathedral of San

Marco was erected over them. There are many legends of this

saint which have afforded subjects for representations in art. One

day as he walked in Alexandria, it is said that he saw a poor cobbler

who had wounded his hand so severely with an awl that he could no

longer support himself. St. Mark healed the wound, and the man,

who was called Anianus, was converted and afterwards became Bishop

of Alexandria. The famous legend of the preservation of Venice is

thus related: It was on the 25th of February in 1340. The

waters had been rising for three days ; and on this night there was

a fearful storm, and the height of the w^ater was three cubits more

than ever before. An old fisherman with difficulty reached the

Riva di San Marco with his little boat, and determined to wait


there for the ceasing of the tempest. But there came to him a

man who entreated him to row him over to San Giorgio Maggiore.

After great persuasion, the fisherman, believing it to be the will of

God, consented. Having arrived at San Giorgio, the stranger landed

and commanded the fisherman to await his return. The former came

back bringing with him a young man, and told him to row again to

San Niccolo di Lido. The fisherman doubted his ability to do this


but his passengers assured him he might row boldly, and strength

would be given him. They came at last to San Niccolo di Lido, where

the two men landed. When they returned to the shore there was a

third one also. They ordered the fisherman to row beyond the two

castles. AVhen they came to the sea, they saw a barque filled with

frightful demons rapidly approaching. These were coming to over-

whelm the city with water. Then the three men in the boat made

the sign of the cross and bade the demons depart. Instantly the

barque vanished, the sea became calm, and the watei*s began to

subside. Then the men commanded the boatman to land them at

the places whence they had come. He did -so, but in spite of the

great wonder he had seen he demanded of the third that he should

pay him. Then the man replied: "Thou art right; go now to the

Doo^e and to the Procurator! of St. Mark ; tell them what thou hast

seen, for Venice would have been overwhelmed had it not been for

us three. I am St. Mark the Evangelist, the protector of tliis city


the other is the brave knight St. George ; and he whom thou didst

take up at the Lido is the holy bishop St. Nicholas. Say to the

Doge and to the Procuratori that they are to pay you ; and tell them

likewise that this tempest arose because of a certain schoolmaster

dwelling at San Felice, who did sell his soul to the devil and after-

wards hanged himself." The fisherman answered that his story

would not be believed. Then St. Mark took from his finger a ring,

and gave it to the man, saying, "Show them this, and tell them

when they look in the sanctuary they will not find it." And lie

disa])peared. The next morning the fisherman did as he had been

commanded. It proved as he had been told, and the ring was not

found. Then the man was paid, a procession was ordained with

great solemnity, and the citizens gave thanks to God and the three

saints for their miraculous di'liverance. The fisherman received a

pension, and the ring was given to the Procuratori, who replaced it


in the sanctuary. Another legend relates that a certain slave whose

muster resided in Provence, persisted in going to the shrine of St.

Mark to pray, for which he was condemned to be tortured. As the

sentence was about to be executed, St. Mark descended to save his

votary. The executioners were confounded, and the instruments of

torture broken and made unfit for use. The tradition which makes

St. Mark the amanuensis of St. Peter is frequently illustrated in

paintings. The attribute of St. Mark is the lion, either witli or

without the wings, but generally with them. This enables one to

distinguish him from St. Jerome, who has the lion un winged. Heoften wears the robes of a bishop. April 25, a. d. G8.

St. Martha (7^^/. Santa Marta, Vergiue, Albergutrice di Christo;

Fr. Ste. Marthe, la Travailleuse). St. Martha is highly venerated

on account of having persuaded her sister Mary to listen to the words

of Jesus, thus becoming the instrument of her conversion. Tlie old

story in " II Perfetto Legendario " goes on to say of this, " Which

thing should not be accounted as the least of her merits, seeing that

Martha was a chaste and prudent virgin, and the other publicly

contemned for her evil life ; notwithstanding which, Martha did not

despise her, nor reject her as a sister, Ijut wept for her shame, and

admonished her gently and with persuasive words, and reminded her

of her noble birth, to which she was a disgrace, and that Lazarus,

their brother, being a soldier, would certainly get into trouble on her

account. So she prevailed, and conducted her sister to the presence

of Christ ; and afterwards, as it is well known, she lodged and enter-

tained the Saviour in her own house." The Provengal legends relate

that Martha was the first who founded a convent for her own sex,

and the first one after the Blessed Virgin who consecrated her virgin-

ity to God. While Mary Magdalene made converts in Marseilles,

Martha made known the Faith at Aix. In those days there was

a fearful dragon who inhabited the river Rhone, and ravaged the

country by night. He was called the Tarasque, and on the scene of

his life the city of Tarascon now stands. Xow Martha sprinkled this

monster with holy water and bound him with her girdle, and then

he was speedily killed by the people. When after many years of

labor, death approached, she desired to be borne to some spot where

she could see the sun in the heavens. She wished the story of the

Passion of Our Lord to be read to her; and as she died she said,


" Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." Her attribute is

a dragon ; and she may be known from St. Margaret by the pot of

holy water, while the latter has the cross. St. Martha also bears

SDmetimes a cooking utensil. Patroness of cooks and housewives.

June 29, a. D. 84.

St. Martial was Bishop of Limoges. St. Valerie, or Valere, was a

beautiful virgin who was converted by his teaching. She refused to

listen to the addresses of the Duke de Guyenne. This so enragi'd

the duke that he "luy fit trancher la teste, couronnant sa virginite

d'un martyre bien signale, car a la venue d'un chacun elle prit sa

teste, et la porta jusques au pied de I'Autel ou S. Marcial disect

la messe ; le bourreau, la suivant pas-a-pas, mourut dans TEglise,

aprcs avoir clairement proteste qu'il voyoit les anges a I'entour de

son corps." This legend is illustrated in the cathedral of Limoges.

She is represented with a streak around the neck. Her festival is

December 10.

St. Martin of Tours {Lat. S. Martinus; /tal. San Martino)

was one of tlie most popular saints of the Middle Ages. He was

born at Saberia, in Pannonia, in the time of Constantine the Great


and tradition relates that on one occasion the Empress Helena, who

was the daughter of a wealthy lord of Caernarvonshire, prepared for

him a supper with her own hands, and waited on him while he ate

it, like tiie humblest servant ; and at the end gathered up the

cruml)s, esteeming them more precious than any meal she could

eat at the emperor's board. From a child St. ^Martin was of a

religious disposition, but he became a sc^ldier before he was bap-

tized. In the army he won the love and respect of his comrades,

by the great excellences of his character and the purity of his life.

He was especially noted for his benevolence and charity to the

poor. The winter of 332 was so severely cold that large numbers

perished in the streets of Amiens, where the regiment of St. Martin

was quartered. One day he met at the gate a naked man, and tak-

ing ])ity on him he divided his cloak (f(>r it was all he had), and gave

half to tlie beggar. That night in a dream Jesus stood before him,

and on his shoulders he wore the half of the cloak that Martin had

given the beggar. And he said to the angels who attended him,

"Know ye who hatli tluis arrayed me? My servant Martin, though

yet unbaptized, hath done this." Then Martin was immediately


baptized ; being at the time twenty-three years old. At forty years

of age, he desired to leave the army that he might devote all

his time to God's service. Then the legend tells that Julian the

Apostate, now emperor, accused him of cowardice, saying that

he wished to be dismissed to avoid a coming battle. But Martin

replied, he would be set naked in the front of the fight, armed only

with the cross, and not fear to meet the enemy. Then the emperor

commanded men to guard him and see that this was done ; but be-

fore the time of battle peace was made, and it was not attempted.

After leading a religious life for years he was made Bishop of Tours

in 371. He did many miracles, healing the sick, and even restoring

to life the son of a poor widow. One day, as he celebrated mass in

his cathedral, he asked his deacon to clothe a naked beggar before

him. The deacon did not comply readily, and St. Martin took off

his priestly robe and gave it to the wretched man ; and while he

officiated at the altar a globe of fire was seen above his head, and as

he elevated the Host, his arms (being exposed on account of the

absence of the garment) were covered, by a miracle, with chains of

gold and silver, which angels fastened upon them. His evenness of

temper was an especial virtue, and he was never angry, neither spoke

he ever unkindly. In spite of all, he was often greatly tempted, and

Satan one day ridiculed him because he so soon received the sinful

who repented. St. Martin replied, " most miserable that thou art


if thou also couldst cease to persecute and seduce wretched men, if

thou also couldst repent, thou also shouldst find mercy and forgive-

ness through Jesus Christ !

" It is due to the wonderful energy of

St. Martin that paganism was rooted out of that portion of Gaul in

which he ruled the Church. He destroyed temples, demolished the

images of the gods, and was impervious to all the threats and dangers

which he incurred by so doing. The demons whom he thus dis-

enthroned often appeared to him, sometimes in hideous forms and

again with all the beauty of Venus ; but he overcame all fear and all

temptation, and steadfastly served God. At length he wearied of

the people who thronged about him, and he built himself a cell

away from Tours, between the rocks and tlie Loire. From this the

monastery of Marmoutier arose. St. Martin not only opposed hea-

thenism, he battled against blind superstition as well. There was

near Tours a chapel where the people venerated a martyr, as they


believed ; but Martin thought them mistaken. He went and stood

on the sepulchre, and prayed that it might be revealed to him if any

martyr rested there. Soon a dark form appeared, and told St. Martin

that he was a robber whose soul was in hell, and whose body rested

beneath him, where he stood. Then the saint destroyed the chapel

and altar, as he did those of the pagans. He was once invited to sup

M'ith the emperor. The cup was passed to Martin, before his majesty

drank, with the expectation that he would touch it to his lips, as was

the custom. But a poor priest stood behind Martin, and to the sur-

prise and admiration of all, the saint presented the full goblet to

him, thus signifying that a servant of God deserved more honor,

however humble his station, than any merely earthly potentate.

From this legend he has been chosen the patron of all innocent con-

viviality. It is said that on an occasion when St. Martin sought an

interview with the Emperor Yalentinian, his majesty did not rise

from his chair as the saint approached, whereupon the chair took fire

beneath him, and necessity compelled him to do what reverence had

no power to effect. This unique legend has been represented in art.

St. Martin died after being bishop more than thirty years, and many

heard the songs of the angels who bore him to Paradise. From the

time of his death he has been an object of extreme veneration. In

art he is usually represented with a naked beggar at his feet. Agoose when introduced alludes to the season of his feast, which

occurs at the time when geese are eaten, and is called, in Eng-

land, Martinmas-tide. In France this festival was kept like the

last day of the Carnival, — a time of feasting. November 11,

A. D. 397.

St. Martina was a Roman virgin. A church dedicated to her

stands at the foot of the Capitt)line Hill. It is on the left as we

descend to the Forum from the Ara Coeli. Here from very ancient

times there was a chapel where the people venerated this saint, who

was martyred in the time of Alexander Severus. In 1G34, when

repairing this chapel, a sarcopliagus was discovered built into the

foundations, wViich contained the body of a young woman, while the

head was in a separate casket. This, being regarded as the body of

the saint, called tlie attention of all Rome to the place, and even the

pope was filled with enthusiasm at the discovery. Cardinal Fran-

cesco Barberini undertook to rebuild the church, and Pietro da


Cortoiia very solemnly dedicated his talents to the work of adorning

the same. The church was given to the Academy of Painters, and con-

secrated to St, Luke, their patron. It now bears the name of "San

Luca e Santa Martina." Pietro da Cortona left all his fortune to the

chapel of St. Martina, which he himself had painted. She is repre-

sented as young and beautiful, with different instruments of torture,

signifying the manner of her death. January 30.

St. Mary of Egypt (Ital. Santa Maria Egiziaca Penitente


Fr. Ste. Marie I'Egyptienne, La Gipesienne, La Jussienne), The

legend of this Mary Egyptiaca is much older than that of Mary

Magdalene. It was in a written form, and fully believed in the sixth

century; for a very ancient tradition stated that a female hermit had

dwelt for years in Palestine, and there died. The legend as now

given rests on the authority of St. Jerome, and relates that a woman

named Mary, whose wickedness far exceeded that of the Magdalene,

dwelt in Alexandria. After seventeen years of abandonment to

sin, in the year 365, as she walked one day near the sea, she saw

a vessel about to depart well filled with pilgrims. On inquiry she

found that they were going to Jerusalem to keep the feast of the

true cross. She was seized with anxiety to go also, but had no

money to pay her passage. Then she sold herself to the sailors and

pilgrims, and so accomplished the journey. Arriving at Jerusalem,

she thought to enter the church with the others; but when she

reached the entrance some invisible power held her so that she could

not go in, and as often as she tried to cross the threshold, so often

was she driven back. Then a sense of all her sins came over her,

and she was overcome with sorrow, and prayed to God for grace and

pardon; whereupon the restraining power was taken away, and she

entered the church on her knees. She then bought three loaves of

bread and went into the desert, even beyond Jordan. Here she

remained in deepest penitence. She drank only water, and subsisted

on roots and fruits, and her three loaves, which were constantly

renewed by a miracle. Her clothing wore out and dropped from

her ; then she prayed God to clothe her, and her prayer was an-

swered, for her hair became a cloak about her, or, as others say, a

heavenly robe was brought her by an angel. She had lived thus

forty-seven years when she was found by Zosimus, a priest. She

begged him to keep silence concerning her, and to return at the end


of a year and bring with him the Blessed Sacrament, that she mi"'ht

conless her sins and receive communion before her death. Zosimus

compHed with her desires and returned to her in a vear. He was

not able to cross the Jordan, and Mary was miraculously assisted

to cross to him. After receiving the Sacrament she requested iiim to

leave her again to her solitary life, and to return at the end of an-

other year. When the year was passed and he went again to meether, he found her lying dead, with her hands folded as in prayer.

And upon the sands these words were written : "0, Father Zosimus,

bury the body of the poor sinner, Mary of Egypt! Give earth to

earth, and dust to dust, for Christ's sake ! " When he endeavored to

do this, he found he had not sufficient strength, for he was an old

man. Then a lion came and assisted him, digging with his paws;and when the body of Mary was in the grave the lion w^ent quietly

away and Zosimus returned home, praising God for the mercy he

had shown to the penitent woman. She is represented in art as old,

worn, and wasted, with long hair, and three loaves of bread in her

hand. When united with Mary Magdalene, the contrast of age,

appearance, and dress is very striking. The pictures of her penance

are sometimes mistaken for the Magdalene ; but if the vase, skull, andcrucifix are wanting, it is the Mary of Egypt, A chapel in the church

of St. Meiry in Paris is painted with scenes from her life. April 9,

A. D. 433.

St. Mary Magdalene {Lat S. Maria Magdalena; Fr. La Made-leine, La Sainte Demoiselle pecheresse ; Ital. Santa Maria Maddalena


Sp. Santa Maria Magdalena). The writings which would fill volumes,

the numberless sermons which have exhausted the talents of the

preachers and the patience of the hearers, the learned arguments of

tongue and pen, and the wild, imaginative legends which have each andall essayed to give and establish the truth about this saint, have left

her, in the heart of the world, what the Gospel alone and unaided

makes her, — the first sinning and repenting woman forgiven through

the love of Jesus, a glorious beacon of hope, shining down through all

ages, silently saying to all other Magdalenes, " Go and sin no more."

It has never been decided whether she was differently spoken of as

" Mary of Bethany," the " woman who was a sinner," and she " out

of whom Jesus cast seven devils," or whotlier slio was but one of

these; but the legend, as it is generally represented in Western art,


is as follows : Mary Magdalene was the daughter of noble, if not royal

parents, and the sister of Martlia and Lazarus. Syrus, their father,

had vast riches, and at his death these were divided equally amongthe three. The castle of Mary, called Magdalon, was in the district

of Magdala on the shore of the sea of Tiberias. Lazarus was by

profession a soldier. Martha w\as virtuous and discreet ; but IMary,

giving herself up to luxury and idleness, became at length so wicked

as to be called " The Sinner." Martha, loving her sister and filled

with sorrow by her sinful life, continually rebuked her, and finally

persuaded her to listen to the teachings of Jesus. The seven evil

spirits w^hich Jesus cast out were the seven deadly sins, to which she

had been subject before her conversion. The entertainment of the

Saviour at the house of Martha, the supper at the house of Simon

the Pharisee, the devotion of Mary to Jesus, and the scenes con-

nected with his death and resurrection, are given in the legend as in

the Gospels. It then adds that after the ascension of Christ, Lazarus

and his sisters with their handmaid Marcella, Maximin who had bap-

tized them, and the blind man to whom Jesus had given sight, called

Cedon, were placed in a boat with no rudder to steer and no oars nor

sails to speed them, and set adrift. This was done by the heathen.

They were carried by winds and waves to a harbor which proved

to be that of Marseilles. The people of tliat place were also heathen,

and they refused to give the castaways food or shelter. Tlien these

found a resting-place in the porch of a temple, and Mary began to

tell of Christ and to urge the people to forsake their idols ; and

both the sisters did such miracles that many were converted and

baptized. When Maximin was dead, Lazarus was made first bishop

of Marseilles. But Mary desired to live in solitude, and retired to

a frightful wilderness, where she lived thirty years a life of penitence

and sorrow for the sins she never ceased to regret and bewail. It

was supposed she was dead ; but at length a hermit whose cell was in

the same desert as her own saw a miraculous sight which disclosed

the truth that she still lived. It appears that often in her hunger

and exhaustion angels had ministered to her, and during the last

years of her life they bore her, every day, up into regions where she

could hear celestial harmonies, and see the glory prepared for those

who repent and believe in God. It was this daily ascension that the

hermit saw ; and he hastened to the city to relate the wonderful



vision. Legends disagree concerning the place and manner of her

death. iSoiiio relate that it occuned in the desert, where angels

watched over her and cared for her, while others say she died in a

church, after receiving the last sacraments from St. Maximin. The

scene of her solitary penance is said to be the site of the monastery of

La Sainte Beaume, or the Holy Cave, between Marseilles and Toulon.

In the thirteenth century some remains, believed to be those of

St. Lazarus and St. Mary Magdalene, were found about twenty miles

north of Toulon, at a place called St. Maximin. Here a church was

built in 1279 by Charles, Count of Provence, brother of St. Louis,

King of France. A few years later, Charles was made pris<jner by the

King of Aragon ; and he ascribed the praise of his liberation to Mary

Magdalene, who was his chosen protectress. Many miracles were

wrought through her intercession, one of which has been frequently

represented in pictures. A certain prince of Provence came to Mar-

seilles with his wife to sacrifice to the pagan gods. They listened to

the instructions of Mary, and were persuaded to leave the service of

tlie idols. One day tlie husband told Mary of his strong desire to have

a son. Mary asked him if he would believe if his prayer were heard.

He promised that he would believe. Not long after, this prince de-

cided to go to Jerusalem to see St. Peter, and to ascertain if what

Magdalene told him agreed with the preaching of that saint. Thewife determined to go also, but he said, " How shall it be possible,

seeing that thou art with child, and the dangers of the sea are very

great 1" But she so entreated him that he granted her request, and

they departed. After a day and night had' passed, a terrible storm

arose. Tlie pains of childbirth came upon the woman, and in the

midst of the tempest the babe was born and the mother died. Thesailf)rs wished to throw the body into the sea, believing that the storm

would not cease wliile it remained in the ship; but the prince per-

suaded them with entreaties and raoncv to retain it awhile. Soon

they arrived at an island, where he laid his wife on the shore, andplacing tlie babe on her breast he covered them with his cloak andwept bitterly, and said, "0 Mary Magdalene ! to my grief and sorrow

didst thou come to Marseilles ! Why didst thou ask thy God to give

mo a son only that I might lose both son and wife together?

Maiy Magdalene ! have pity on my grief, and if thy prayers mayavail, save at least the life of my child!" Then he proceeded to


Jerusalem, and remained there two years. He was instructed by

St. Peter, and saw the places which had been hallowed by the life

and death of the Saviour. Now on his return he landed at the island

where he had left the body of his wife, that he might weep at her

last resting-place. Who can tell his surprise when he saw his child

running about on the shore 1 And when the infant saw the strange

man he was afraid, and bid beneath the cloak that covered his dead

mother. Then when the father approached, the mother also opened

her eyes and smiled, and put out her arms to embrace her husband.

Then did the prince greatly rejoice, and they all returned to Mar-

seilles, and threw themselves at the feet of the Magdalene and were

baptized. There are legends (though never accepted by the Church)

which relate that an attachment existed between St. John the

Evangelist and Mary Magdalene ; and even that the feast which

Jesus attended at Cana of Galilee was on the occasion of the mar-

riage of these two saints. Donatello's famous statue, carved in wood,

stands above her altar in the baptistery in Florence. It represents

her as the wasted, sorrowing penitent, and is strangely in contrast

with the loveliness of many representations of her. Her proper

attribute is the jar of ointment. This signifies either the ointment

which she brake upon the feet of the Saviour, or that which she

prepared for the anointing of his crucified body. It varies in size and

form ; is usually either in her hand or standing near her, though some-

times borne by an attending angel. The colors of the dress of the Mag-

dalene are red, expressing love ; violet, penitence and mourning; and

blue, constancy. Sometimes she w^ars a violet tunic and red mantle.

Some Spanish pictures represent her with dark hair; but it should

be luxuriant, fair, and golden. Patroness of frail and penitent

women; of Provence and Marseilles. July 22, a. d. 68.

St. Mary the Penitent (Ital. Santa Maria Penitente ; Fr. Ste.

Marie, la Penitente). This Mary was the niece of the hermit Abra-

ham, and her life was mostly spent in the deserts of Syria. She too

was a sinner and became a penitent, to whose prayers God granted

miraculous answers. Her father had large riches and lived in splen-

dor. When he died, the daughter was carried to her hermit uncle

to be religiously instructed. She was seven years old when taken

to the desert. Abraham built a cell close to his own and opening

into it by a window, and there placed the child. Here he taught


her to pray, to sing praises, to recite psalms, and to despise the

pleasures (jf the world. Thus Mary lived until she was twenty years

old. At this time there came a young hermit to the cell of Abraham

to receive his instructions. The beauty of the face which he beheld

by chance through the window, and the music of the voice which

chanted lioly praises so near him, inflamed his heart with love for

tlie maiden ; and he tempted her to sin, forgetting his vows. Whenshe at length reflected on what she had done, she so feared her uncle

that she fled from his sight, and went to a remote place, where for

two years she lived a shameless life of sin. Now on the very night

that she fled, Abraham dreamed that a hideous dragon came to his

cell and found there a white dove and took it away with him. Whenhe awoke the dream troubled him. Again when he slept he saw the

same dragon ; and he crushed its head with his foot, and took the dove

from its maw and put it in his bosom. Then the dove came to life,

and spreading its wings, flew to heaven. Then the hermit knew that

this dream referred to his beloved Mary. He took his staff and went

forth, seeking her through all the land. After a long time he found

her; and when she was overcome with shame and sorrow he encour-

aged her, and promised himself to do penance for her. Then she

cried ' out, " my father ! if thou thinkest there is hope for me, I

will follow thee whithersoever thou goest, and kiss thy footsteps which

lead me out of this gulf of sin and death ! " Then he comforted her,

and leaving behind all her jewels and gay attire, she returned with

him to the cell in the desert. Here she ministered to her aged uncle,

and lived a life of contrition and penance. For many years after

his death she still continued the same life ; and so great was the

virtue of her prayers that the sick who were brought to her were

cured when she prayed. When she died she was bonie by angels to

paradiso. Conversion of Mar}' the Penitent, October 29.

St. Matthew {Lat S. Mattheus; Ger. Der Heilige Matthiius;

Fr. St. Matthieu ; Ital. San !Matteo). Among the Evangelists St.

Matthew holds the first place on account of having written his Gospel

first. In representations of the disciples he is the seventh or eighth,

lie has not been a popular subject of art. The Scripture account

tells only that his name was Levi, and his office that of tax-gatherer;

a Hel)rew by birth. When Christ called him, he immediately left

all else to obey ; and he also made a great feast in his house, at


which Jesus with his disciples sat with publicans and sinners— to the

horror of the Jews. After the separation of the Apostles, Matthew

preached twenty-three years in Egypt and Ethiopia. At the capital

of Ethiopia he was honorably entertained by that eunuch whom

Philip had baptized. He raised the son of the King of Egypt from

the dead, and cured his daughter, called Iphigenia, of leprosy, and

placed her at the head of a society of young maidens, dedicated to

the service of God. A heathen king determined to take her away

from this community; for which impiety, his palace was burned,

and he became a leper. When this saint was in Ethiopia a terrible

fear was over the people, on account of two skilful magicians who

put many under their spells, and afflicted them with dreadful dis-

eases. St. Matthew overcame these sorcerers, and ended their power

by baptizing the people. All this is related in the " Perfetto Legen-

dario." The manner of his death is doubtful. The Greek legend

says he died a peaceful death, but the Western traditions declare that

he suffered martyrdom in the time of Domitian. His proper attributes

are the purse, when represented as an Apostle ; the pen and book,

with an attendant angel, when the Evangelist. The angel holds

the inkhorn or the book, or points to heaven, or dictates. Greek

pictures of his death show him dying peacefully, while an angel

swings a censer; other representations give the martyrdom by the

sword. September 21, a. d. 90.

St. Matthias {Ital. San Mattia ; Fr. St. Mathias ; Lat. S. Mat-

thseus) was the last apostle, chosen to take the place made vacant

by the treachery of Judas. St. Denis relates that he was selected

by the Apostles on account of a beam of divine splendor which

pointed to him. This has been represented in art. He preached

in Judsea, and was martyred by the Jews. His attribute is a lance

or an axe. February 24.

St. Maurelio, or Maurelius, was the first bishop, and is the

patron saint of Ferrara and Imola. His image is on the coins of

Ferrara. He was beheaded.

St. Maurice {Lat. S. Mauritius; Ital. San Maurizio; Ger. Der

Heilige Moritz ; Fr. St. Maurice). The legend of St. Maurice and

the Theban Legion is one of the most ancient of all legends, and has

been so received as to have almost the importance of a strictly

historical fact. The Theban Legion was so called because levied


iu the Thebaid. It was composed of 6,GGG men, a]\ of whom

were Christians. It was commanded by Maurice, who was of ilhis-

trious descent. This legion was so characterized by valor, piety, and

fidelity, that it had received the title of Felix. "When Maximin was

about to enter Gaul, he ordered this legion to accompany him thither.

AVlien thev had passed the Alps the legion was divided : a part went

to the Kliine, and tlie remainder halted on the banks of Lake (Jeneva.

Here Maximin ordered a great sacrifice to the gods, with all the

games and festivities which accompanied the pagan rites. There,

Maurice and his soldiers separated themselves from the army, and

pitched their camp at a place now called St. Maurice, but then

Aganum. Maximin then made it known that the purpose of his

expedition was the extermination of the Christians, and threatened

the Theban Legion with his vengeance if they did not join in the

sacrifices. They steadfastly refused to do so, or to assist iu the per-

secution of the Christians. Then Maximin commanded the men to

be deciniated. Those to whom the lot fell rejoiced in being thus

chosen to testify to their faith, and those who were left were still so

determined that they were decimated the second time. Even when

the third summons came, Maurice replied, "0 Ctesar ! we are thy

soldiers, but we are also the soldiers of Jesus Christ. From thee we

receive our pay, but from him we have received eternal life. To

thee we owe service, to him obedience. We are ready to follow thee

against the barbarians ; but we are also ready to suffer death, rather

than renounce our faith or fight against our brethren." Then Maxi-

min commanded that the rest of the army should surround these

men, and murder every one with the sword. He was obeyed, — not

one was left alive. But some were trampled to death, some hanged,

and some shot with arrows. Maurice knelt down and was belieaded.

At Cologne, and in other places, many more who belonged to tlie

Theban Legion suffered martyrdom. Savoy, Piedmont, and parts of

Germany abound in these soldier saints. The name of Maiu-ice

signifies "a Moor," and he is represented as one in some pictures.

He is dressed in armor, and bears the standard nnd the palm. In

Italian pictures he wears a red cross on his breast, <^hich is the badge

of the Sardinian Order of St. Maurice. September 22, a. d. 280.

St. Maurus was the son of a Roman senator, and was placed

under the care of St. Benedict at Subiaco, when only tNselve years


old. He became one of the most famous disciples of his great master.

At one time Maurus expressed his satisfaction at the death of one

Florentius, who had attempted to poison St. Benedict, and had com-

mitted many crimes which disgraced his office (for he was a priest)


this expression so shocked his teacher that he commanded him to

atone for his sin by a severe penance. After the death of Bene-

dict, Maurus introduced the Benedictine Order into France, and

founded the monastery of St. Maure-sur-Loire (then called Glanfeuil),

where he died. His attribute is the book or censer. January 15,

A.D. 584.

St. Mercuriale was the first Bishop of Forli in the second cen-

tury. His attribute is a dragon, representing sin, which the saint

had vanquished. He is patron saint of Forli.

St. Mercurius {Gr. "Ay. 'Ep/x^? : signification, "God's messen-

ger"). The representations of this saint belong especially to Greek

art. He was an officer whom Julian the Apostate put to death on

account of his Christian faith. When Julian afterwards fought

against the Persians, St. Basil had a vision in which he saw a woman

seated on a throne and surrounded by angels. To one of these she

said, "Go forthwith, and awaken Mercurius, who sleepeth in the

sepulchre, that he may slay Julian the Apostate, that proud blas-

phemer against me and against my Son ! " As soon as the vision

had passed, Basil went to the tomb of Mercurius, but neither the

body nor the armor which had been buried with him were in the

tomb. But the next day the body of the saint and all the armor

was as before, except that the lance was stained with blood. "For

on the day of battle, when the wicked emperor was at the head

of his army, an unknown warrior, bareheaded, and of a pale and

ghastly countenance, was seen mounted on a white charger, which

he spurred forward ; and brandishing his lance, he pierced Julian

through the body, and then vanished as suddenly as he had

appeared. And Julian being carried to his tent, he took a handful

of the blood which flowed from his wound, and flung it into the

air, exclaiming with his last breath, ',Thou hast conquered, Gali-

lean ! Thou hast conquered !

' Then the demons received his part-

ing spirit. But Mercurius, having performed the behest of the

Blessed Virgin, re-entered his tomb, and laid himself down to sleep

till the Day of Judgment."


St. Methodius. See St. Cyril.

St. Michael {Lat. S. Michael Angelas ; Fr. Monseigneur St.

Michel; Ital, San Michele, Sammichele; "Ay. Mi;^ay/A). St. Michael,

whose name signifies " like unto God," or Michael the Archangel, is

regarded as the first and mightiest of all created spirits. He it was

: whom God commissioned to expel Satan and the rebellious angels

from heaven. His office now is believed to be twofold, — including

that of patron saint of the Church on earthy and Lord of the souls of

the dead; presenting the good to God, and sending the evil and

wicked away to torment. It is believed to have been St. Michael

who appeared to Hagar (Gen. xxi. 17), to Abraham to forbid the

sacrifice of Isaac (Gen. xxii. 11) ; who brought the plagues on Egypt,

led the Israelites on their journey, contended with Satan for the body

of Moses (Jude 5), put blessings instead of curses in Balaam's mouth

(Num. xxii. 35), was with Joshua at Jericho (Josh. v. 13), appeared

to Gideon (Judges vi. 11), brought the pestilence to Israel (2 Sam.

xxiv. 16), destroyed the Assyrian army (2 Chron. xxxii. 21), deliv-

ered the three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace (Dan. iii. 25),

and sent Habakkuk to feed Daniel in the lion's den (Bel and the

> Dragon, 32). The legends also relate that St. Michael appeared

to the Blessed Virgin to announce to her the time of her death,

and that he received her soul and bore it to Jesus. And again,

during the sixth century, when a fearful pestilence was raging in

Rome, St. Gregory advised that a procession should be made, which

should pass through the streets singing the service which since then

has been called the Great Litanies. This was done for three days,

and on the last day, when they came opposite to the tomb of Ha-

drian, Gregory beheld the Archangel Michael hovering over the city;

and he alighted on the top of the Mausoleum and sheathed his sword,

which was dripping with blood. Then the plague was stayed, and

the Tomb of Hadrian has been called the Castle of Sant* Angelo

from that day, and a chapel was there consecrated, the name of

which was Ecclesia Sancti Angeli usque ad Ccclos. St. Michael is

also said to have appeared to ct)nmiand the building of two churches.

The first was on the eastern coast of Italy, and was called the church

of Monte Galgano. The legend relates that in the fifth century

there dwelt in Siponte a man named Galgano, who was very rich in

herds which were pastured on the mountain. At one time a bull


strayed away, and Galgano took his servants and went to find him,

and when seen he was on the very summit of the mountain,

near the mouth of a cave. Galgano was angry with the bull, and

ordered a servant to kill him ; but the arrow came back to the

bosom of him who sent it, and killed him instantly. Then Galgano,

being troubled, sent to the bishop to know what he should do. Then

the bishop fasted and prayed for three days, at the end of which

time St. Michael appeared to him and told him that the spot where

the bull had been seen was especially sacred to him, and he could not

permit it to be violated by blood, and he commanded that a church

should be built there under his patronage. When they entered

the cave they found a stream of water running from the rock, which

cured all manner of diseases; and three altars were already built

there, and one was covered with a rich cloth embroidered in crimson

and gold. So the fame of this vision spread through all Europe, and

the church which was there built became a place of pilgrimage.

Again, in the reign of Childebert II., St. Michael appeared to St.

Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, and commanded that a church should

be built on the summit of a rock in the Gulf of Avranches, in

Normandy. This rock is inaccessible at high water, and has been

celebrated as an impregnable fortress. The bishop was also told

that a bull would be found concealed there and a spring of pure

water, and the church should be made to cover as much ground

as the bull had trampled. St. Aubert considered this as but a

dream ; but it was repeated again and again, and the third time the

Archangel pressed his thumb upon the head of the bishop and left

there a mark which never disappeared. After this a small church

was built which was afterwards replaced by a magnificent abbey,

begun by Richard, Duke of Normandy, and completed by William

the Conqueror. Mont-Saint-Michel became one of the most cele-

brated places of pilgrimage, as it is one of the most picturesque

in scenery ; but this legend seems only a poor repetition of that of

Monte Galgano. From this time St. Michael was greatly venerated

in France. He was selected as patron saint of the country and of

the order which St. Louis instituted in his honor. An old French

writer also makes him the angel of good counsel, and says, " Le vrai

office de Monseigneur St. Michel est de faire grandes revelations

aux hommes en bas, en leur donnant moult saints conseils," and


particularly " sur le bon noiirissement qne le pere et la m^re donnent

a leiirs eufuus." St. Michael is always represented as young aud

beautiful. As patron of the Church Militant lie is " the winged

saint," with no attribute save the shield and lance. As conqueror

of Satan, he stands in armor, with his foot upon the Evil One, who

is half human or like a dragon in shape. The angel is about to

chain him or to transfix him with the lance. But the treatment of

this subject is varied in many ways, all however easily recognized.

As lord of souls St. Michael is unarmed ; he holds a balance, aud in

each scale a little naked figure representing the souls ; the heaio

usually joins the hands as in thankfulness, while the rejected one

expresses horror in look aud attitude. Frequently a demon is seizing

the fulling scale with a Plutonic hook or with his talons. In these

pictures the saint is rarely without wings." When introduced in

pictures of the Madonna and Child he presents the balance to Christ,

who seems to welcome the happy soul. Wliether witli or without

the balance, he is always the lord of souls in pictures of the death,

assumption, or glorification of the Blessed Virgin; for tradition says

that he received her spirit and cared for it until it was reunited to

her body and ascended to her Son. The old English coin called an

angel was so named becausFSi^)oretlifi..^image of this archangel.

September 29. Apparition of St. Michael, May 8.

St. Miniato,^ Mmias. The Florentine legend relates that

this saint was an Armenian prince who belonged to the Roman

army and served under Decius. When that emperor was encamped

outside the city of Florence, Miniato was denounced as a Christian

and condemned to be thrown to the beasts of the amphitheatre. Apanther was first set upon him, but the saint was delivered from

him in answer to his prayers. He was then hanged, put in boiling

oil, and stoned without being destroyed ; for an angel descended to

comfort him, and clothed him in a garment of light. Finally he

was beheaded. It is said that this occurred in 254. He is repre-

sented dressed as a prince with a scarlet robe and a crown. His

attributes are the palm, the lily, and javelins.

St. Modwena was an Irish virgin who had power to heal dis-

eases. King Egbert had a son who was epileptic, and no physician

of his court could heal him. Now the king, hearing of the power of

Modw^ena, sent his son over seas to her with many aud rich gifts.


The virgin refused the presents, but she healed the sick boy. Then

the king* sent for her to come to England. Ho was surprised at lier

learning and piety; and ho built for her a convent at Polesworth, in

Warwickshire, and gave his daughter Edith into her care. This

Edith of Polesworth, as she is called, became a holy nun, and was

canonized. St. Modwena is represented in the black habit of a Bene-

dictine nun, with a white veil; in one hand a crosier, as hrst abbess

of her monastery, and in the other a book. July 5, a, d. 1387.

St. Monica {Fr. Ste. Moniqne) was the mother of St. Augus-

tine and a Christian, while his father was a heathen. Monica was

sorely troubled at the dissipated life of her young son ; she wept

and prayed for him, and at last sought the advice and aid of the

Bishop of Carthage. He dismissed her with these words :" Go in

peace ; the son of so many tears will not perish." At length she

had the joy to behold the baptism of St. Augustine by the Bishop

of Milan, in which city it took j)lace. She is venerated as the great

patroness of the Augustinian nuns. She is represented in many of

the pictures illustrative of the life of St. Augustine. Her dress is a

black robe, with veil or coif of white or gray. In one picture in Flor-

ence she is seated on a throne and attended by twelve nuns or saints.

May 4, a. d. 387.

Moses, The Patriarch. There are some legends concerning

Moses so entirely outside all connection with the Scripture account

of him, that the pictures which are painted to represent them are

quite incomprehensible without the traditions. According to these

the daughter of Pharaoh Valid went to the Xile in order to heal

some disease from which she suffered, by the use of its waters.

And when Thermutis (for so she was called) touched the babe, she

found she was immediately well. One legend relates that the king

had seven daughters, all of them lepers, and tliat ;ill were madewhole by the touch of the infant; and that therefore the king al-

lowed them to rear the child in the palace. But art represents the

first version ; and the legend goes on to say that Thermutis, having

no children, grew so fond of the boy that she desired that he shonld

succeed to the throne of Enypt. Xow, when the cliild was tliree

years old, she brought him to the king, who caressed him, and spor-

tively placed the crown on his head. Moses pulled it off, and dashed

it to the ground, it is said, because it was engraved with the figures


of idols, which even then ^^es abhorred ; again it is said that

it was tlie covering of the king's beard that he pulled otf and threw

down, iiut be it as it may, tliose who stood by looked upon it as

a bad omen, and advised the king that the boy should be slain; but

others said lie was too young to know right from wrong ; while

others still thought there was something very uncommon in the

babe. Then the third counsellor said, " Let a ruby ring and a burn-

ing coal be set before him; if he should choose the ring it will

show that he knows right from wTong, and so let liim be slain ; but

if he choose the coal it will show he is too young to distinguish the

right, and so let him live." Then this was done ; and the ring was

the kiui^'s siy:net, which was laro;e and shininoj. Then at first the

child reached out for the ring; but the angel Gabriel, who took the

form of one of the attendants, turned his hand aside, so that he

took the coal and put it into his mouth, and his tongue was

so burned that he could never speak distinctly while he lived,

but his life was spared. This appears in art from the fourteenth


St. Nabor and St. Felix. Little is known of these two saints

beyond the fact that they were Christians, and were martyred on

account of their faith in the reign of Diocletian. They suffered at

Milan, and were buried by a Christian named Philip. A chapel

was built over their remains, and it was in this church that St. Am-brose prayed when he had the vision which led to the discovery of

the relics of SS. Gervasius and Protasius. They are represented in

art botli in armor and in secular costume. July 12.

St. Narcissus. See St. Afra of Augsburg.

St. Natalia. See St. Adrian.

St. Nazarius {Ital. San Nazaro). See St. Celsus.

St. Neot was the preceptor as well as the kinsman of King Al-

fred. He was a very learned monk of Glastonbury. It is said that

he journeyed to Rome seven times. He is described as " humble to

all, affable in conversation, wise in transactinsf business, venerable

in aspect, severe in countenance, moderate even in his walk, upright,

calm, totnperatc, and charital)le." He dwelt at one time in a wild

8olitud»3 m ('(ii-invMll. lie died in 878. Two towns in England

bear his name. Uis attributes are the pilgrim's stalf and wallet.

October 28.


St. Nereus {Ital. San Nereo). See St. Achilleus.

St. Nicaise {Lat. S. Nicasius) was bishop of lilieims, and was

famed for the success of his preaching. When Rheims was besieged

in 400 by the Vandals, St. Nicaise went forth to meet them,

attended by his clergy and singing hymns. A barbarian soldier

struck off the upper part of his head ; but still the saint marched on

and continued to sing, until after a few steps he fell dead. He is

represented in his bishop's robes, carrying a part of his head, upon

which is the mitre. December 14.

St. Nicholas of Myra [Lat. S. Nicholaus; Ital. San Niccolo

or Nicola di Bari ; Ger. Der Heilige Nicolaus, or Niklas). Very

little of historical fact is known of this saint. There was a bishop

of this name much venerated in the East as early as the sixth cen-

tury ; a church was dedicated to him in Constantinople about a. d. 560;

in the Greek Church he ranks next to the great Fathers. He began

to be reverenced in the West in the tenth century, and since the

twelfth has been one of the most popular of all saints in Russia, as well

as in Italy, and in all Catholic Europe. But what history does not tell

is more than supplied by tradition. The stories of St. Nicholas are

numberless, and many of them have been treated in art. According

to these legends Nicholas was born of illustrious Christian parents,

after they had been many years married without having children;

and it was thought that this 'son was given by God as a reward for

the alms which they had bestowed upon the Church and the poor, as

well as for the praj^ers they had offered. Their home was in Pan-

thera, a city of Lycia in Asia Minor. The very day of his birth this

wonderful child arose in his bath, and joining his hands, praised God

that he had brought him into the world. And from the same day he

would take the breast only once on Wednesday and Friday ; thus

knowing how to fast from the time that he knew hunger. On

account of his holy dispositions his parents early dedicated him to

the service of the Church. While still 3'oung, Nicholas lost both

father and mother ; and he regarded himself as but God's steward

over the vast wealth of which he was possessed. A certain nobleman

of Panthera, who was very rich, lost all his property, and became so

destitute that he could not provide for his three daugliters, and he

feared that he should be driven to sacrifice their virtue for money

to keep them from starvation. The daughters were filled with gi'ief,


and having no bread knew not where to look for aid. Xow Nicholas

heard of this, and resolved to relieve them. So he took a good sum

of gold, and tied it in a handkerchief, and went to the house by night

to try how he could give it to them and not be himself seen. As he

lino-ered near tlie dwelling, the moon shone out briglitly and showed

an open window. Then >«'icholas threw the gold inside the house

and hastened away. The money fell at the feet of the unhappy

father; and with it he portioned his eldest daughter, and she was

married. Again Nicholas did the same, and the second daughter

received this sum. But now the nobleman resolved to watch, in

order to know who was thus kind to him; and when Nicholas went

the third time, he seized him by his robe, saying, " Nicholas


servant of God! why seek to hide thyself?" Then Nicholas made

him xjromise that he would tell no man. This was but one of

the many charities which he did in Panthera. At length he deter-

mined to go to Palestine. On the voyage a sailor fell overboard and

was drowned, but St. Nicholas restored his life ; and when a storm

arose, and they were about to perish, the sailors fell at his feet and

implored him to save them ; and when he prayed the storm ceased.

After his return from Palestine Nicholas dwelt in the city of Myra,

where he was unknown, and he lived in great humility. At length

the Bishop of Myra died ; and a revelation was made to the clergy

to the effect that the first man who should come to the church the

next morning would be the man whom God had chosen for their

bishop. So when Nicholas came early to the church to pray, as was

his custom, the clergy led him into the church and consecrated him

bishop. He showed himself well worthy of his new dignity in every

way, but especially by his charities, which were beyond account. At

one time a dreadful famine prevailed in his diocese ; and when ho

heard that ships were in the })ort of Myra laden with wheat, he re-

quested the cai)tains to give him a hundred hogsheads of wheat

out of each ve^:scl. But they dared not do this ; for the grain was

measured at Alexandria, and would be again measured at Constanti-

nople, where they were to deliver it. Then Nicholas said that if they

obeyed him, it would happen by the grace of Cod that their cargoes

should not bo diminished. So they complied ; and when they were

arrived at the granary of the emperor they found as much wheat in

their ships as when they left Alexandria. And moreover that which


the}'- gave St. Nicholas was miraculously increased ; for lie fed the

people so that they had enough to eat, and still sufficient remained

to sow their fields for the next year. During tiiis time of hunger,

as St. Nicholas was travelling through his diocese, he did one of his

greatest miracles. He slept in the house of a man wlio was a most

loyal son of Satan ; for in this time of want he was accustomed to

steal children, to kill them and serve them up as meat to those who

stopped at his inn. Now Nicholas no sooner had this abominable

dish placed before him than he knew what it was, and understood

the horrible wickedness of the man. Then he accused the host, and

went to the tub where the children were salted down, and made the

sign of the cross over it, when, lo ! three children rose up whole and

well. All the people were struck dumb at this miracle, and the three

children were restored to their mother, who was a widow. At one

time Constantine sent certain tribunes to put down a rebellion in

Phrygia. On their journey they stopped at Myra, and Nicholas

invited them to his table ; but as they w^ere about to sit down, he

heard that the prefect of the city was preparing to execute three

innocent men, and the people were greatly moved thereat. Then

Nicholas hastened to the place of execution, followed by his guests.

When they arrived the men were already kneeling, with their eyes

bound, and the executioner was ready with his sword. St. Nicholas

seized the sword and commanded the men to be released. The

tribunes looked on in wonder, but no one dared to resist the good

bishop. Even the prefect sought his pardon, which he granted after

much hesitation. After this, when the tribunes went on their way,

they did not forget St. Nicholas; for it happened that while they

were absent in Phrygia their enemies poisoned the mind of Constan-

tine against them, so that when they were returned to Constantinople

he accused them of treason and threw them into prison, ordering

their execution on the following day. Then these tribunes called

upon St. Nicholas, and prayed him to deliver them. That same

night he appeared to Constantine in a dream, and commanded him

to release those whom he had imprisoned, and threatened him with

God's wrath if he obeyed not. Constantine not only released them,

but he sent them to Myra to thank St. Nicholas, and to present him

with a copy of the Gospels which was written in letters of gold and

bound in covers set with pearls and rare jewels. Also certain sailors


who were in danger of shipwreck on the ^Egean Sea called upon

Jesus to deliver them for the sake of St. Nichohis ; and immediately

the saint appeared to tliem, saying, " Lo, here 1 am, my sons ! put

your trust in (jod, whose servant I am, and ye shall be saved." Andthe sea was calm, and he took them into a safe harbor. Now, the

fame of these miracles so went abroad through the world, that since

that time those who are in peril invoke this saint and find aid in

him. And so his life was spent in doing all manner of good works


and when he died it was in great peace and joy, and he was buried

in a magnificent church in Myra, The miracles attributed to St.

Nicholas after his death are quite as marvellous as those he did

while yet alive. A man who greatly desired to have a son made a

vow that if this wish were realized, the first time he took his child

to church he would give a cup of gold to the altar of St. Nicholas.

The son was granted, and the father ordered the cup to be made ; but

when it was finished it was so beautiful that he decided to retain it for

his own use, and he had another less valuable made for St. Nicholas.

At length he went on the journey necessary to accomplish his vow,

and while on the way he ordered the little child to bring him water

in the cup which he had taken for himself. In obeying his father,

the boy fell into the water and was drowned. Then the fi^ther

repented sorely of his covetousness, and repaired to the church of

St. Nicholas and offered the second cup ; but when it was placed upon

the altar it fell off and rolled on the ground, and this it did the second

and third time ; and while all looked on amazed, behold, the drowned

child stood on the steps of the altar with the beautiful cup in his

hand ; and he told how St. Nicholas had rescued him from death and

brought him thither. Then the joyful father made an offering of both

cups, and returned home full of gratitude to the good St. Nicholas.

This story has often been told in prose and poetry, as well as repre-

sented in art. Again, a Jew of Calabria, having heard of all the

wonderful deeds of St. Nicholas, stole his image from the church and

set it up in his house. Whenever he left his house he put the caro

of his goods in the hands of the saint, and threatened that if anything

should befall thcui in his absence he would chastise the Baint on his

return. One day the robbers came and stole his treasures. Then

the Jew beat the image and cut it also. That night St. Nicholas

appeared to the robbers all wounded and bleeding, and commanded


them to restore what they had stolen ; and thej, being afraid at the

vision, did as he bade them. Then the Jew was converted by this

miracle and was baptized. Another rich Christian merchant who

dwelt in a pagan country had an only son who was made a captive,

and was obliged to serve the king of the country as cupbearer. One

day, as he filled the king's cup, he remembered that it was St. Nich-

olas' day, and he wept. Then the king demanded the cause of his

grief; and when the young man told him, he answered, *' Great as is

thy St. Nicholas, he cannot save thee from my hand ! " And instantly

the palace was shaken by a whirlwind, and St. Nicholas appeared

and caught the youth by the hair, and set him in the midst of his

own family with the king's cup still in his hand. And it happened

that the very moment when he came there was that in which his

father was giving food to the poor, and asking their prayers for his

captive son. It is necessary to keep these traditions in mind when

regarding the pictures of St. Nicholas ; for in two different pictures

there appears a boy with a cup, so that it is important to distinguish

them by the accessories. Sometimes it is a daughter who is rescued

from captivity. The tomb of St. Nicholas was a famous resort for

pilgrims for centuries. In 807 the church was attacked by Achmet,

commander of the fleet of Haroun Al Raschid. But the watchfulness

of the monks prevented him from doing any harm ; and putting to

sea, he and his whole fleet were destroyed in punishment for their

sacrilegious attempt. The remains of the saint rested in Myra until

1084, although several attempts were made by different cities and

churches to possess themselves of these holy relics. At length, in

the year mentioned, some merchants of Bari who traded on the coast

of Syria resolved to obtain these remains, of which they had heard

so great wonders. At this time Myra was desolated by the Sara-

cens, and the ruined church was guarded by three monks. Tlie

remains were taken without difficulty and carried safely to Bari,

where a splendid church was erected for their resting-place. The

Venetians, however, claim that they have the true relics of St. Nich-

olas, brought home by Venetian merchants in 1100. But the claims

of Bari are generally acknowledged, and the saint is best known as

St. Nicholas of Bari. In Greek pictures he is dressed like a Greek

bishop, with no mitre, the cross in place of the crosie?', and the em-

blems of the Trinity embroidered on his cope. In Western art he has



tlie bishop's dress, the mitre, the cope very much ornamented, the

crosier, and jewelled gloves! His attributes are three bulls, which

are on the book, at his feet, or in his lap. They are said to represent

the three purses of gold which he threw into the window of the poor

nobleman ; or three loaves of bread, emblematic of his feeding the

poor; or again, the persons of the Trinity. The first interpretation

is the most general. He is chief patron of Russia, patron of Bari,

Venice, and Freiberg, as well as of many other towns and cities,

numbers of them being seaport places. He is protector against

robbers and losses by violence. He is patron of children and school-

boys in particular; of poor maidens, of sailors, travellers, and/

merchants. December 6, a. d. 326.,^ ^^— ' "~ '

St. Nicholas of Tolentino was born in the little town of

St. Angelo, near Fermo, in 1239. His parents had prayed earnestly

to St. Nicholas for a son ; and as they believed that this son was given

to them through the intercession of this saint, they named him

^Nicholas, and dedicated him to the service of the Church. At an

early age he took the habit of an Augustine friar ; and so great was

the austerity of his life that it has been said that "lie did not live,

but languished through life." He was siiccessfnl as a preacher, and

his miracles and visions are numberless. He never allowed himself

to taste animal food ; and when he was very weak he refused a dish

of doves that h's brethren brought him, and waved his hand above

the dish, when the doves rose up and flew away. Tradition relates

that at the hour of his birth a brilliant star shot through the heavens

from Sant' Angelo, where he was born, and rested over the city of

Tolentino, where he afterwards lived. In the year 1G02 a plague

visited the city of Cordova ; and according to the legend the governor

caused the image of St. Nicholas of Tolentino to be carried through

the city, in solemn processi(^n, on the day which was observed as the

festival of that saint. Father G. de Uavas, bearing a crucifix, met

the prcH-ession, when the figure of Christ stooped from the cross and

embraced that of St. Nicholas, and immediately the ])lagiie was

stayed. He is also represented in art as restoring a cliild to life,

and doing many other miracles. He is painted in the Mack habit

of his order, with a star on his breast ; he often bears a criuitix

wreathed with lilies, tyi)ical of the purity and austerity of his life.

September 10, a. d. 1309.


St. Nilus of Grotta Ferrata {Ital. San Nilo ; Fr. St. Nil le

jeiiiie). St. Nilus was connected with many interesting events in

Roman history in life, and since his death is associated with art in

an interesting manner. He was a Greek, born near Tarentuui. It

was not until after the loss of his wife, whom he loved devotedly,

that he embraced a religious vocation. He took the habit of the

Greek Order of St. Basil, and was soon made the superior of his com-

munity on account of his worth and learning. The chances of war

drove him to the west of Italy ; and he fled to the convent of MonteCassino at Capua, which was of the Benedictine Order. He was

received with great kindness, and a small convent as'signed to himand his followers by the abbot. At this time Capua was governed

by Aloare, who was the widow of the Prince of Capua, ancj reigned

in the name and right of her two sons. This wicked mother had

influenced her children to murder their cousin, who was a powerful

and worthy nobleman. Now she was seized with the agony of re-

morse, and sought St. Nilus to confess her crime, and entreated

absolution at his hands. He refused this, except upon condition that

she should give up one of her sons to the family of the murdered

man, to be dealt with as they saw fit.^ This she would not consent

to do. Then St. Nilus denounced her unforgiven, and told her that

what she would not give, Heaven would soon exact of her. She

offered him large sums of money, and begged him to pray for her


but he threw down her money in scorn and left her. Not long after

this the younger son killed the elder in a church, and for this double

crime of fratricide and sacrilege he was put to death by command of

Hugh Capet. Nilus afterwards went to Rome, and lived in a con-

vent on the Aventine, where large numbers of sick people visited

him, and he did many and great miracles. Among others, his cure

of an epileptic boy forms a subject for art. Crescent ius was consul

at this time, and had set up Philagatus, Bishop of Placentia, as

anti-pope, against Gregory V., with the title of John XYI. Then

Otho TIL came to Rome to expel the anti-pope, and laid siege to the

castle of St. Angelo, to which Crescentius had retired. After a short

siege the castle was given up on honorable terms ; but not heeding

1 This incident is not mentioned in the Rev. Alban Butler's sketch of the

saint ; and the pledge exacted of the mother comports not with the Christian



these, Otho ordered that Crescentius should be thrown headlong

from the walls, and Stephanie, his wife, given up to the outrages

of the soldiers. So great was the influence of Nilus in Rome at this

time, that he interceded, to good effect, with both Pope and Emperor,

in behalf of the anti-pope, claiming that he should be treated with

mildness, as he was a bishop. The saint then left Home, and went

first to a cell near Gaeta, but soon after to a cave near Frascati,

called the Crypta, or Grotta Ferrata. Otho went on a pilgrimage to

Monte Galgano. When returning, he visited Nilus, and on his knees

besought his prayers. He offered to erect a convent and endow it

with lands, but this Nilus refused ; and when Otho demanded what

boon he could grant him, the saint stretched out his hand, and replied,

" I ask of thee but this : that thou wouldst make reparation for thy

crimes before God, and save thine own soul!

" Soon after Otho

returned to Rome he was obliged to fly from the fury of the people,

and was poisoned by Stephanie, the widow of Crescentius. WhenSt. Nilus died, he desired his brethren to bury him immediately, and

to keep secret the place where they laid him. This they did ; but

his disciple, Bartolomeo, built the convent which Nilus had not

wished to do, and received the gifts he had refused. The magnificent

convent and church of San Basilio of Grotta Ferrata was built, and

St. Nilus is regarded as its founder. The rule is that of St. Basil,

and the priests say mass in Greek, but they wear the Benedictine

habit as a dependency of Monte Cassino. The finest Greek library

in all Italy was here, and is now in the Vatican ; and Julius II.

changed the convent to a fortress. In IGIO Domenichino was

employed by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese to decorat-e the chapel of

St. Nilus, which he did, with paintings from the life of the saint.

September 26, a. d. 1002.

St. Norbert (Ital. San Norberto, Fondatore de' Premostratesi


Ger. Stifter der Pramonstratenser-Orden). This saint was a relative

of Henry IV. He was born at Cologne, and early dedicated to the

Church. But he led a dissolute life as a young man. At last, as he

was one day riding, he was overtaken by a tempest, and a ball of fire

fell from heaven and, exploding at the feet of his horse, sank into the

earth. He was terrified when he reflected upon what his state would

have been had he been killed by it, and he resolved to lead a difter-

ent life from that time. He bestowed his money on the poor, and


determined to be a missionary. He only reserved a mule to carry

the sacred utensils for the altar and the vestments, and ten marks of

silver. He dressed himself in skins, with a cord as a girdle, and thus

he went forth to preach. After preaching for some years there were

many who desired him to form a community, and lead them in a life

of austerity and severe discipline. He prayed to the Blessed Virgin

for direction, and she pointed out to him a spot called Prc-montre

(Pratum Monstratum), in the valley of Coucy, where he should

establish his monastery. The Virgin also directed what habit his

monks should wear ; that it should be a coarse black tunic, with a

white woollen cloak, in imitation of angels, who are clothed in white


and a four-cornered cap of white also, but in form like the beret of the

Augustinian canons. The rule was that of Augustine in extreme

severity. St. Norbert was made Bishop of Magdeburg, and before

his death his order embraced twelve hundred souls. According to

the legend, one day when he had consecrated the holy wine, and was

about to drink it, he saw a large and poisonous spider in the cup.

For a moment he hesitated ; but he reflected that he could not

spill the consecrated wine, — it would be sacrilege ; so he drank it,

and remained unharmed. This was considered a miraculous rec-

ompense of his faith, and is often represented in art. When at

Antwerp, there was one Tankelin who preached most heretical doc-

trines, saying that the sacraments were unnecessary, the priesthood

a cheat, and a community of wives as well as goods the true doctrine.

St. Norbert confronted this heretic, opposed him, and triumphed over

him with great honor. He wears in pictures the dress of an arch-

bishop, with mitre, crosier, and cope. Sometimes he bears the sacra-

mental cup, over which is a spider. He also has, in some instances,

a demon at his feet, representing the sin and error which he had

overcome. May 6, a. d. 1134.

St. Omobuono was a citizen saint of Cremona. He was a mer-

chant, and married to a good and prudent wife ; so, though a saint,

he was not monk or priest.^ From his youth all his affairs prospered

greatly, and his wealth was equalled only by his charity. He not

only fed and clothed but he comforted the poor, and tried to encour-

age the erring ones to repent and lead virtuous lives. His wife often

feared lest his generosity should make his children poor, but his

1 Sanctity, even in a heroic degree, is attainable in every state of life.


mouey seemed to be miraculously increased ; and it is related that

being on a journey with liis family, he gave all the wine and bread

he had provided for their use to some poor pilgrims whom he met;

but when he took his wine-flasks to a spring and tilled them with

water, most excellent wine was poured from them, and his bags were

filled with bread by angels. He died peacefully while kneeling be-

fore a crucifix in the church of St. Egidio, just as the choir sang the

"Gloria in Excelsis." He is represented clotlied in a loose tunic and

a cap, both of which are trimmed with fur. He usually distributes

alms to tlie poor ; wine-flasks stand near him.

St. Onuphrius (Onofrio, Hcniofrio, Onuphre) was a hermit. He

went out from Thebes and passed sixty years in the desert, during

which time he never uttered a word except in prayer, nor saw a

human face. His clothing was of leaves, and his hair and beard were

uncut. He was thus seen by Paphnutius, who when he first saw him

was filled with fear, believing him to be some strange wild beast


but when he saw that it was a man, he fell at his feet filled with

reverence for his sanctity. Then Onuphrius recounted all he had

endured in his solitude : how he had been tempted ; had suffered

from cold, heat, hunger, thirst, and sickness ; and how God had sent

angels to comfort, strengthen, and minister unto him. Then he

begged Paphnutius to remain with him, as he was near to death. It

was not long before he died, and Paphnutius covered his remains

with one half of his cloak. Then he had a revelation that he should

go into the world and make known the wonderful life and merits of

him who had died. Many convents where silence and solitude are

especially practised are placed under the protection of this saint.

Tasso died and is buried in the convent of St. Onofrio in the Traste-

vere in Rome. St. Onuphrius is represented as meagre and old ; a

stick in his hand, and a branch with leaves twisted about hitn. In

many old pictures he looks more the beast than the man. Sometimes

money is lying at his feet to signify his scorn of it. June 12.

Ordeal. The trial by ordeal was used for the decision of cases

where the oath of the accused person was not considered worthy of

reliance. It was called the great purgation. The word ordeal is

from two Saxon words,— or, great; and deal, judgment. There were

three tests used in these trials: (1) By red-hot iron; this the person

held in the hand, or walked on barefoot. (2) By boiling water; the


person dipped the hand to the wrist or the arm to the elbow, and took

out a stone. (3) By cold water, or compelling persons to swim ; this

was chiefly used f )r detecting witches, and was also employed not

only by judges, but at length by the people and especially by foresters,

to discover criminals. These tests had their origin among the

northern nations, but were condemned at Rome, whenever any notice

of them reached there. Where certain bishops sanctioned these trials,

exiimples are recorded of God's fsivor shown to the good faith and

piety of the innocent ; as, for instance, in the case of the monk Peter,

SLirnamed Igneiis, at Florence, in 1067.

St. Oswald. This king, being moved with a desire to live a

truly Christian life, asked that a teacher might be sent to instruct

him and his people. The first man who was sent was severe in

disposition, and had no success with the unlearned. Then Aidan

came, and by means of his mildness and great discretion, he had

much influence with the king and his people. Aidan w^as afterwards

prior of JMelrose. According to the legends, it happened that as

Oswald sat at dinner one Easter Day with Aidan by his side, he was

told that there were those at his door who begged for bread. Nowthere was before him a silver dish filled with delicate and savory

meat. Oswald told the servant to give the beggars the meat, and

then to break the dish and divide it among them. Then Aidan took

his right hand, saying, " May this hand never wither!

" And his

prayer was granted ; for at Oswald's death his heathen enemies cut off

his head and hands, and set them on stakes ; but his head was taken

to the church of Lindisfarne, and buried in St. Cuthbert's tomb, be-

tween the arms of that saint : his right hand was carried to Bara-

borough Castle, where it was a long time preserved, free from decay.

At one time Oswald was driven from his throne by Cadwallader. At

length he determined to regain his kingdom. He raised an army;

and when in sight of his enemies he ordered his men to make a large

wooden cross, and himself helped to place it in the ground. Then

he cried out, " Let us all kneel down and beseech the living God to

defend us from the haughty and fierce enemy, for he knows that we

have undertaken a just war for the safety of our nation." And when

they fought, Oswald was victorious. The greatest proof of his charity

of heart is shown in the fact that as he died he prayed for those who

killed him. " May God have mercy on their souls, as Oswald said


when he fell," was a proverb for many years in England. And the

le'^end tells that "in the place where he was killed by the pagans,

ti"'htin«' for his country, iutirrn men and cattle are healed to this

day ; nor is it to be wondered at, that the sick should be healed in

the place where he died, for whilst he lived he never ceased to pro-

vide for the poor and infirm, and to bestow alms on them and assist

them." His remains were carried to Eardney in Lincolnshire by

Osthrida, and afterwards to St. Oswald's in Gloucestershire by

Eifleda, the daughter of King Alfred. Pie is dressed as a king,

in his pictures; he wears a crown and carries a cross. August 5,

A. D. G42.

St. Ottilia was the blind daughter of the Duke of Alsace. Her

father, who was a pagan, commanded that on account of her infirmity

she should be left out, and exposed to death. Her nurse then lied

to a monastery with the child. Then Erhard, a bishop of Bavaria,

was told in a vision that he should go to a certain monastery, where

he would find a little girl of noble birth who was blind. He was

commanded to baptize her and call her name Ottilia, and promised

that her sight should be given her. All this was done according to

the vision. Her father repented of his wickedness before his death,

and gave her all his wealth. Then Ottilia, knowing that for his

cruelty her father was tormented in purgatory, determined to deliver

him by prayers and penance. She built a convent at Hohenburg, of

which she was abbess, and there she gathered one hundred and thirty

nuns. She is represented in the black Benedictine habit. Her attri-

butes are the palm or crosier, and a book upon which are two eyes.

She is patron saint of Alsace, and especially of Strasburg. She is

also protectoj- of all who suffer with diseases of the eye. December

13, A. D. 7-20.

St. Pancras (Ital. San Pancrazio ; Fr. St. Pancrace). This

saint, when only fourteen years old, died a martyr's death. He

boldly defended the Christians and their faith before Diocletian, and

was beheaded. His remains were buried by Christian women. His

church at Rome, near the gate which bears his name, was built in

the year 500. French kings formerly confirmed their treaties in hia

name ; for he was regarded as the avenger of false swearing, and it

was believed that all who swore falsely in his name were immediately

and visibly punished. May 12, a. d. 304.


St. Pantaleon of Nicomedia {Ital. San Pantaleone; Cr. "Ay.

HavTokiuiv) was born (according to tradition) at IS'^icomedia in Bithynia.

He was remarkable for his personal beauty and elegant manners, on

account of which, after completing the study of medicine, he became

the favorite physician of the Emperor Galerius Maximian. Thefather of Pantaleon was a pagan, and his mother a Christian ; but at

the heathen court the sou forgot all the instructions that his mother

had carefully given him. At length he heard a priest, Hermolaus,

preach, and was converted. When the persecution broke out, he

knew he could not conceal himself, and he prepared to suffer a cruel

martyrdom. He went about to the sick and needy, and well earned

the title of the " all-merciful," which is the Greek signification of his

name. When accused before the emperor, he was condemned to be

beheaded, together with the aged and venerable Hermolaus, who was

apprehended at the house of Pantaleon. The latter was bound to an

olive-tree, and as soon as his blood flowed to the roots of the tree it

burst forth wnth leaves and fruit. He is especially venerated at

Venice. There have been some who doubted his existence, and be-

lieved his name to have been derived from the war-cry of the Vene-

tians,— Pianta Leone (Plant the Lion)! But Justinian erected a

church under his patronage in Constantinople, and he was celebrated

in the Greek Church at that time when Venice would have been

more likely to introduce his veneration from the East than to have

originated it in any other way. Patron of physicians. He is repre-

sented as young, beardless, and handsome. As a martyr he is bound

to an olive-tree, with his hands nailed to it above his head, a sword

at his feet. Without observation he might be mistaken for St.

Sebastian. When he is painted as patron, he wears the physician's

robe and bears the olive or palm, or both. July 27. Fourth


St. Patrick {Lat. S. Patricius) was the son of Christian parents.

He was carried a captive to Ireland when a boy, and tended the

herds of his master. He was greatly moved at the ignorance and

heathenism of the people about him ; and when at last he made his

escape and returned to his home, he had visions in which it appeared

that the cliildren of Ireland not yet born stretched forth their hands

to him and cried for salvation. Patrick resolved to become a mis-

sionary, and prepared himself for his labor, He received his mission


from Pope Celestine, and returned to Ireland. He labored there

forty years. He gained many disciples, and preached with the

greatest success. He baptized the kings of Dublin and Munster,

and the seven sons of the King of Connaught. Having found Ireland

uudor the spiritual sway of the Druids, he loft it Cliristianizcd ; with

schools wliich became fi\mous, and sent forth many learned scholars.

The familiar story of the exi»ulsion of the reptiles from Ireland, by this

saint, has the meaning of many other legends and allegories, and fig-

ures probably the triumph of good over evil. He died and was buried

at Down, in the province of Ulster. His resting-place is still vene-

rated by the people, and his remains were preserved man}" years;

but his church at Down was destroyed in the reign of Henry VI 1 1.,

and such relics of him as remained were scattered either by the sol-

diers of Elizabeth or by those of Cromwell. When represented as

bishop, he wears the usual dress with the mitre, cope, and crosier,

while a neophyte regards him with reverence. As the Apostle of Ire-

land he should wear a hooded gown and a leathern girdle. The staff,

wallet, standard with the cross, and the Gospel are all his proper

attributes. Serpents are represented as running from him at the

motion cf his cn^sier. March 17, a. d. 4G4.

St. Paul (Lett. S. Paulus ; ItaL San Paolo ; Sp. San Pablo ; Fr. St.

Paul ; Gr. "Ay. UavXo^). St. Paul and St. Peter occupy the tirst place

among the Apostles. St. Peter more especially represented the con-

verted Jews, and St. Paul the Gentiles ; together they represent the

Universal Church. There are few legends connected with St. Paul,

but the scenes of his life as given in the Gospel have furnished

inexhaustible subjects for the illustrations of art. St. Paul is so often

represented with St. Peter that it is necessary to be able to distin-

guish the one from the other. Augustine and other early writers

allude to portraits of St. Paul as existing in their time; and it is

sujiposed that the traditionary picture of him which is so strictly

followed had its origin in those portraits. lie is small of stature,

with high forehead, sparkling eyes, and aquiline nose. His hair and

beard are brown, and the latter long and flowing. Later artists have

varied the head of St. Paul more than that of St. Peter, but the most

ancient j)ictures are exact in these jjarticulars. When the two Apostles

are together, their proper place is on ea(;h wide of the Saviour, (tr of

the Virgin enthroned. Their pictures should be placed on each side


the altar, or of the arch over the choir. The dress is the same for

both,— a bhie tunic and white mantle in Greek pictures, a blue or

green tunic and yellow mantle in later works of art. Paul bears the

sword in a double sense, signifying his spiritual warfare and the

manner of his death. He also has a book or scroll, and sometimes

twelve rolls, representing his epistles. When he leans on his sword,

it is his death which is represented; when he holds it aloft, it signifies

the "good fight" which he fought. If two swords are given him,

both the manner of his death and that of his life are sij^nified. The

events in the life of this Apostle are so well known to all that they

are easily recognized in art. The church called " San Paolo delle

Tre Fontane," near Rome, is built over three fountains which are

said to have sprung up at the three places where the head of St. Paul

fell and bounded, after being cut off by the executioner. It is said

that the fountains vary in the warmth of the water, — the first, or

the cne where the head fell, being the hottest ; the next, or that of

the first bound, cooler ; and the third still cooler, — but probably time

has equalized the temperature, for I could not distinguish the dif-

ference. Formerly a magnificent monastery existed here ; but three

old churches and ruins, with a few sickl^^-looking monks, are the

only remains of its former splendor. The body of St. Paul wixs

interred where the church of San Paolo-fuori-le-mura stands, be-

tween the Ostiau Gate and the Aqua Salvias ; but traditions relate

that they were removed with those of St. Peter to the Catacombs,

and laid in the same tomb, during the reign of Heliogabalus. Twohundred years later the Oriental Christians endeavored to possess

themselves of them ; but the Western Christians contended for them

with success, and they removed them to tho church of the Vatican,

and placed them together in a magnificent shrine. St. Peter and

St. Paul, June 29. Conversion of St. Paul, June 30. See also

St. Peter.

St. Paul. Hermit. See St. Anthony.

St. Paul and St. John. See St. John and St. Paul, brothers.

St. Paula {Gr. "Ay. Hav'Aa) was a noble Roman matron, a pupil

and disciple of St. Jerome. Though descended from the Scipios and

the Gracchi, and accustomed to luxurious self-indulgence, she pre-

ferred to follow her saintly teacher to Bethlehem and devote herself

to a religious life. The church dedicated to St. Jerome at Rome is


said to be upon the spot where tlie house of Paula stood, in which

slie entertained that holy man during his stay in Rome, a. d. 382.

She stuilied Hebrew in order to understand the Scriptures better.

Slie built a monastery, an hospital, and tliree nunneries at Beth-

lehem. Her daughter St. Eustocliium was with her. The rule for

these convents was very strict, and her own austerities so severe that

she was reprimanded for them by St. Jerome. Her granddaugh-

ter Paula was sent to her at Bethlehem to be educated, and suc-

ceeded her as superior of the monastery. The elder Paula died

making the sign of the cross on her lips, and was buried in the

church of the Holy Manger, where her empty tomb is now seen

near that of St. Jerome. Her relics are said to be at Sens. Jan-

uary 2G, A. D. 404.

St. Paulinus of York was sent from Rome to England in GOl,

to assist St. Augustine in his mission. He became the first Primate

of York, where he founded the cathedral. Wordsworth gives a

word-picture of him thus :—

" Of shoulders curved, and stature tall,

Black hair and vivid eye, and meagre cheek,

His prominent feature like an eagle's beak."

By the preaching of Paulinus, Coifi, the Druid and high-priest of

Thor, was converted. King Edwin had renounced idolatry, and

given Paulinus license to preach. When the king asked Coifi who

would destroy the idols, the priest answered, " I ! for who can more

properly than myself destroy those things which I worshipped through

ignorance !" It was not lawful for the high-priest to ride, except on

a mare, or to bear arms ; but now he asked Edwin to give him a horse

and a sword. This was done, and he rode to the temple and thrust

his spear in, and commanded the temple and idols to be burned.

Paulinus is often seen in pictures of St. Augustine. October 10,

A. D. G44.

St. Perpetua was one of the martyrs who suffered at Carthage

during the persecution of Severus. This saint manifested miracu-

lous fortitude in submitting to her fate. She was tossed by a wild

cow in the amphitheatre, but was not qiiite killed, and after great

tortures was put to death in the spoliarium, or ]dace where the

wounded were despatched by the gladiators. She had a vision of a


narrow ladder which reached to heaven, beset with spikes, and a

dragon lay at the bottom, on whose head she must tread in order to

mount the first step. One scene from her life, represented in modern

art, is her farewell to her infant child. There are many incidents

in her story which would be most interesting subjects for the artist,

that as yet remain without representation. In her pictures a cow

stands by her side or near her. March 7, a. d. 203.

St. Peter {Lat. S. Petrus; Ital San Pietro or Piero; Fr. St.

Pierre; Sp. San Pedro: signification, "a rock"). St. Peter and St.

Paul are so associated in history that it is quite impossible to sepa-

rate them in our minds, or entirely to do so in descriptions of them


and in works of art they are constantly associated. St. Peter is a

strong man, old, with gray hair, and curling, silvery beard, a broad

forehead, and an expression of courage and confidence. Sometimes

he is bald ; there is a legend that the Gentiles shaved his head in

mockery, and that from this originated the tonsure of the priests.

His dress is a blue tunic and white mantle in the oldest pictures and

mosaics, but in later art it is a blue or green tunic with a yellow

mantle. In the earliest pictures Peter bears only a scroll or book,

and there is nothing to distinguish him from Paul except the dif-

ference in the head and features. The kej^s are not assigned as his

attribute until the eighth century. He has usually two keys, one

golden and one silver ; they are interpreted as signifying his power

to bind and to loose ; or again, one as the key of heaven, the other

of hell, when the first is of gold and the second iron, and sometimes

a third is added to express dominion over earth also. When the

traditional differences in the two men are well represented, the con-

trast is marked and impressive. In some early representations, from

the middle to the end of the fourth century, Peter bears a cross and

stands on the left of Christ, with Paul on the right. This cross is

said to be the emblem of the death he should die. When St. Peter

and St. Paul occur together in strictly devotional pictures, they are

represented as the founders of the Universal Church. The Church

reveres St. Peter as its visible head, and St. Paul as the Apostle of

the Gentiles. When St. Peter is represented in company with all

the Apostles, he frequently has a fish, which is the symbol of liis

early avocation ; but if the fish is given him when alone, it is

symbolical of Christianity and the Sacrament of Baptism. When


represented as the Head of the Church, he is seated on a throne,

one hand raised in benediction, while in the other he holds keys,

and often a book or scroll inscribed " Thou art Peter, and on

this rock have I built my Church." Sometimes he wears the papal

tiara. When another saint without attributes is seen with Peter, it

is Mark, wlio was his interpreter and amanuensis at Rome ; and a

tradition relates that St. Mark's Gospel was written after the dic-

tation of Peter. The historical pictures, or those which represent

scenes in the life of Peter, are of great interest and almost number-

less, but all easily recognized. Of the legendary j)ictures those con-

nected with Simon Magus are important. The story is, that Simon

was a magician of great fame among the Jews. He did wonderful

things at Jerusalem, and greatly astonished the people ; but the

miracles of Peter far excelled the inventions of the sorcerer. Then

Simon endeavored to buy from the Apostles the secret by which

these miracles were done. These offers much enraged Peter, who

rejected them with great indignation. Simon then threw away his

wand, and casting his books into the Dead Sea, he fled to Rome,

where he became a favorite of Claudius, and again of Nero. Peter

also came to Rome, and afterwards Paul. Simon asserted that he

was a god and could raise the dead. Peter and Paul challenged him

to prove his skill before the emperor. His arts failed ; and not only

then, but many times he was vanquished by the Apostles. At last

Simon attempted to fly to heaven in the sight of the emperor and

all Rome. He was crowned with laurel and supported hy demons,

and thus preci])itated himself from a tower. He appeared to fl(^at

in the air for a time ; but Peter knelt and commanded the demons

to let go their hold of him, when he fell to the earth, was severely

hurt, and died a few days later in rage and confusion. This legend*

is not without solid foundation in history, as there existed a Samari-

tan magician by that name who,assumed to be God. Irena:us calls

him the father of all heretics. He carried about with him a beau-

tiful woman called Helena, who was, he said, the first conception

of his divine mind. He presented her as being the resuscitation of ^

^ It rests on the testimony of Christian Fathers, as Sis. Justin, Anihrose,

Cyril, of Jerusiilcin, Angiistini*, Pliilastrius, Isidore of relubiuui, TheoJorct, etc.;

and of tlie pagan writer, Dion Chrysostomus.


Helen of Troy. In the church of St. Francesca Romana at Rome,

there are two stones let into the wall, bearing a double depression,

made, it is said, by St. Peter's kneeling on them when Simon Magus

was attempting his heavenward flight. Another legend relates that,

after the burning of Rome, Nero accused the Christians of having

fired the city. This was the origin of the first persecution. The

Christians besought St. Peter to save himself by flight, which he at

length consented to do. He departed by the Appian Way, and when

about two miles from the city he met a vision of Our Saviour. Peter

exclaimed, "Lord, w^hither goest thou?" Looking sadly upon him,

Christ replied, " I go to Rome to be crucified a second time." Peter

understood this as a warning that he ought to return to Rome, which

he did. This is called the " Domine, quo vadis?" when illustrated.

In the little church erected on the spot sanctified by this miracle, is

shown a slab containing footprints, said to be those made by the feet

of Christ, as he talked with Peter. After Peter's return to Rome he

preached and labored as usual, until he was seized with St. Paul and

thrown into the Mamertine Prison. Here the centurions who guarded

them. Processus and Martinian, and many prisoners, were converted.

When St. Peter wished to baptize them and there was no water, he

prayed to God and a fountain sprung up from the stone floor,

which may still be seen. It was not long till the two Apostles were

martyred. The traditions disagree in regard to the place where St.

Peter suflTered. According to one, he w^as crucified with his head

downward in the courtyard of a military station on the summit of

Mons Janicula, where the church of San Pietro in Montorio now

stands; but according to another, his crucifixion took place in the

Circus of Caligula, at the foot of the Vatican. The legends make

St. Peter the keeper of the entrance to Paradise. The church of

San Pietro in Vincoli at Rome was built by Eudoxia, wife of Valen-

tinian III., and in it were preserved the chains with which St. Peter

was bound at Jerusalem. The chains are preserved in a bronze

tabernacle in the sacristy, and are shown to the people on the festival

of St. Peter in Vinculis on the first of August. St. Peter and St.

Paul, June 20.

St." Peter of Alcantara was not canonized until 1G69. Accord-

ing to the legend, he walked on the sea by faith. In a picture in the

Munich Gallery, he not only walks himself, but a lay brother goes


with liim, whom Peter seems to eucourage bj pointing to heaven.

October 19, a. d. 15G2.

St. Peter Exorcista and Marcellinus (Ifal. SS. Pietro e

MarccUino). Tliese saints are always represented together. Ac-

cording to the legend, tiiey were imprisoned dnring the last persecu-

tion of Diocletian. Their jailer, Artemius, had a danghter, Paulina,

wlio was sick. Peter promised to restore her to health if Artemius

would believe in God. Then Artemius ridiculed him, saying, " If I

put thee into the deepest dungeon, and load thee with heavier chains,

will tliy God then deliver theeT' Then Peter told him that it mat-

tered little to God whether he believed or not; but that Christ might

be glorified, he desired that it should be done. And it was so ; and

in the night Peter and Marcellinus, dressed in shining white gar-

ments, came to Artemius in his own chamber. Then he believed,

and was baptized with all his family and three hundred others.

"When the saints were to die, it was ordered that the executioner

should take them to a forest three miles from Rome, in order that

the Christians should not know of their burial-place. So when they

were come to a solitary place and the executioner pointed it

out as the spot where they were to die, they themselves cleared

a space, and dug their graves, and died encouraging each other.

They are represented in priestly habits, bearing palms. June 2,

about 304.

St. Peter Martyr. St. Peter the Dominican (Ital. San Pietro,

or Pier, jNIartiro ; /V. St. Pierre le Dominicain, Martyr). This

saint is esteemed next to St. Dominick by his order, lie was boru

at Verona about 1205. His parents were of the heretical sect called

Cathari, but Peter went to a Catholic school. He was beaten at

home for reciting the creed. St. Dominick found him a zealous

disciple, when at Verona, and he persuaded him to unite with his

order at the early age of fifteen. Peter was a successful preacher,

and addressed himself earnestly to the conversion of the Cathari.

He was made Inquisitor General under Pope Honorius III. The

Cathari hated hiui, and hired assassins who watched that they

might kill him in a forest where they knew he would i)ass un-

accompanied, save by a single monk. When he appeared one of

the muiderers struck him down with an axe. They tlion ])ursucd

and killed, his attendant. When they returned to St. Peter he was


reciting the Apostles' Creed, or, as others say, was writing it on the

ground with his blood, when the assassins completed their cruel work.

Fra Bartolomeo painted the head of his beloved Jerome Savonarola

as St. Peter Martyr. He is represented in the habit of his order,

and bears the crucifix and palm. His more peculiar attribute is

either the axe stuck in his head, or a gash from which the blood

trickles. April 28, a. d. 1252.

St. Peter Nolasco (*S^;. San Pedro Nolasco) was a convert of

St. John de Matha. When young, he enlisted in the crusade against

the Albigenses. He was the son of a noble of Languedoc, and be-

came the tutor of the young King James of Aragon, or Don Jayme el

Conquistador. But being much moved at the consideration of the

sufferings of captives, he founded a new order called " The Order of

Our Lady of Mercy " (Xuestra Sefiora de la Merced). At first the order

was military, consisting of knights and gentlemen ; and the king placed

himself at their head, and gave them his arms as a device or badge.

The order was very popular, and soon extended itself on all sides.

Peter Nolasco was the superior, and spent his life in expeditions to

the provinces under the Moors, from which he brought back hun-

dreds of redeemed captives. In time the order changed its character

from that of a military to that of a religious institution. Accord-

ing to tradition, when Peter was old, he was taken from his cell

by angels, and borne to and from the altar whore he received

the Holy Eucharist. He is represented as old, with a white

habit and the shield of King James on his breast. January 13,

A. D. 1258.

St. Peter Regalato. This saint appears in the later Italian

and Spanish pictures of the Franciscans, to which order he belonged.

He was especially distinguished for his sublime gift of prayer.

March 30, a. d. 1456.

St. Petronilla {Fr. Ste. Pernelle) was the daughter of St.

Peter. When at Rome with him, she was deprived of the use of

her limbs by sickness. One day, when some of his disciples sat at

dinner with the Apostle, they asked why it was that when he healed

others his own child remained helpless. Peter replied that it wasgood for her to be ill ; but, that the glory of God should be mani-

fest, he commanded her to rise and serve them. This she did, and

•when the dinner was over lay down helpless as before. Years after,



when she had become perfected by suffering, she was made well in

answer to her earnest prayers. Now Petronilla was very beautiful,

and a young noble, Valerius Flaccus, desired to marry her. She

was afraid to refuse him, and promised that if he returned in three

days ho sliould carry her home. Slie then earnestly prayed to be

delivered from this marriage ; and when the lover came with his

friends to celebrate the marriage, he found her dead. Flaccus la-

mented sorely. The attendant nobles bore her to her grave, in which

they placed her crowned with roses. May 31.

St. Petronius was bishop of Bologna, and distinguished himself

by his zeal against the Arian heresy. He was a Roman of an

illustrious family. His pictures are confined to Bologna; and there

is in that city a beautiful church dedicated in his name. He is

represented in episcopal robes, with mitre and crosier. lie has a

thick black beard in an ancient representation, but generally is with-

out it. His attribute is a model of Bologna, which he holds in his

hand. October 4, a. d. 430.

St. Philip {Ital. San Filippo Apostolo ; Fr. St. Philippe). St.

Philip was born at Bethsaida. Beyond the fact that he was the first

called to follow the Saviour, little is told of him in the Gospel. After

the ascension of Christ he preached in Scythia twenty years. Then

going to Hieropolis in Phrygia, he found the people worshipping a

huge serpent or dragon, whom they thought to be a personification

of Mars. Then Philip took pity on their ignorance. He held up

the cross and commanded the serpent to disappear. Immediately it

glided from beneath the altar, and as it moved it sent forth so dread-

ful an odor that many died, and among them the son of the king


but Philip restored him to life. Then the priests of the serpent were

so wrotli with the Apostle that they crucified him, and when he was

fastened to the cross they stoned him. The Scriptures state that

Philip htid four daughters who did prophesy (Acts xxi. 9). St. Ma-

riamne, his sister, and his daughter St. Hermione, are martyrs in the

Greek Calendar. St. Philip is represented as a man of middle age,

scanty beard, and benevolent face. His attribute is a cross which

varies in form, — sometimes a small cross in his hand; again a

high cross in the form of a T, or a staff with a small cross at the

top. It has three significations : it may represent the power of the

cross which he held before the dragon ; or his martyrdom ; or his


mission as a preacher of the cross of Christ. Patron of Brabant andLuxembourg. May 1.

St. Philip, Deacon {Gr. 'Ay. ^iXnnro^). It is necessary to dis-

tinguish him from the Apostle. It was Philip the deacon, who bap-

tized the chamberlain of Queen Candace. This baptism has beenbeautifully illustrated in art. June 6.

St. Philip Benozzi {Ital. San Filippo Beniti, or Benizzi) stands

at tlie head of the Order of the Servi, or Serviti, at Florence. Hewas not the founder of the order, not having joined it until fifteen

years after its establishment, but he is its principal saint. Thehistory of the origin of this order is full of interest, and an outline

of it may be given in few words. It originated about the year 1232.

Seven rich Florentine nobles, in the prime of life, were accustomed

to meet every day in the Chapel of the Annunziata to sing the Ave,

or evening service in honor of the Blessed Virgin, whom they espe-

cially venerated. They became so well known for these pious acts

that the women and children cried out as they passed, " Behold the

servants of the Virgin ! " ('' Guardate i Servi di Maria ! ") At length

they resolved to dispense their goods to the poor and forsake the

world. They retired to Monte Senario, about six miles from Florence,

where they built huts, and lived for the service of the Virgin. Their

first habit was plain white in honor of the immaculate purity of

Mary ; but one of the number was warned in a vision that they

should change it to black, in remembrance of her " maternal sorrow

and the death of her Divine Son." These men, being allied to the

proudest families of Florence, drew much attention to their order,

and the city became proud of them. St. Philip Benozzi had studied

medicine at the Universities of Paris and Padua, and was a very

learned man ; but after receiving his degrees and commencing the

practice of surgery in Florence, he became greatly wearied and

opj)ressed with the sight and knowledge of human suffering. One

day, as he listened to the service in the chapel of the Annunziata, he

w^as impressed by the words, " Draw near, and join thyself to the

chariot." He went home full of thought upon these words, and

when he slept he had a vision of the Virgin seated in a chariot, and

she told him to draw near and join her servants. Then he retired

to Monte Senario ; hut such was his modestv that it was louLr before

the brethren understood the extent of his learning. He diat^gfiifehed


himself as a preacher, but far more as a peacemaker, for he did much

to reconcile the then opposing factions of Tuscany. He obtained the

confirmation of his order, and preached with great success through

Italy and France. He was General of his order at the time of his

death. The pictures of Andrea del Sarto in the cloisters of the

Annunziata at Florence have still further immortalized this saint.

These were painted after his beatification by Leo X., a. d. 1516;

but his canonization did not take place until 1G71. August 23,

A.D. 1285.

St. Philip Neri (Ital. San Filippo Xeri), the founder of the

Order of tlie Oratoriaus, was a Florentine, and born in 1515. His

father was of one of the oldest Tuscan families, and a lawyer. When

eighteen years of age, Philip went to Rome, and became a tutor in

a noble family. By his intellect, eloquence, and purity of character,

he became very influential in the religious movements of his time.

He was the intimate friend and almoner of St. Charles Borromeo, and

in this capacity did much good. He was ever employed in works of

charity, and gathered about him young men, members of the nobility

and of the learned professions, who went about reading and praying

with the sick and needy, founding and visiting hospitals, and doing

various charities. They were bound by no vows, and were not secluded

from the world. They called themselves Oratoriaus, and from them

arose the P^res de I'Oratoire of France.^ St. Philip Neri was the

spiritual adviser of the Massimi fjimily ; and it is related that when

the son and heir of Prince Fabrizio Massimi died of a fever, St.

Philip came into the chamber where the family were lamenting over

his dead body. Philip laid his hand on the head of the boy, and

called his name ; he opened his eyes and sat up. Philip then said,

"Art thou unwilling to die]" "No," replied the boy. "Art thou

resigned to yield thy soul to Godl" " I am." " Then go," said Piiilip;

and the boy sank back and expired with a sweet smile upon his face.

On the IGth of March the Palazzo Massimi at Home is dressed for

a festival in honor of this event, and services are held in the chapel,

at wliich sometimes the Pope officiates. A |)icture illustrative of

this miracle is in the church of S. Maria della Vallicella, which

1 Also, the Oratoriaus of Enj^lund, of \vli()iii tlio late Frctleric Wilfrid Faber,

poet and ascetic writer, was, and Cardinal Newman is, a devoted member.


was given to the Oratorians when their order was confirmed. In

this church a chapel was dedicated to St. Philip Neri, and a mosaic

copy of Guido's picture of this saint was placed there by Nero de'

Neri of Florence. The bed, the crucifix, the books, and other reHcs

of the saint are preserved in the oratory. May 2G, a. d. 1595.

St. Phocas of Sinope (Ital. San Foca). This saint lived in

the third century. He had a cottage and garden near the Gate of

Sinope, in Pontus. His cottage was open to all who needed shelter

and lodging, and the produce of his garden was distributed to the

poor after his own slight wants were supplied. As he sat at supper

one night, some strangers knocked at his door. He asked them to

enter, gave them water to wash, and set food for them. Later in the

evening they told him they had been sent to find Phocas, who had

been accused as a Christian, and they had been commanded to kill

him wherever he should be found. Tlie saint betrayed no emotion,

and gave them a chamber in which to sleep. When all were at rest,

he went to his garden and made a grave among the flowers he loved.

In the morning he announced that Phocas was found. The guests

rejoiced, and said, "Where is hel" But when he answered, "I amhe," they were unwilling to betray their host. Then he said, " Since

it is the will of God, I am willing to die in his cause." Then they

beheaded him on the border of the grave, and buried him. This

saint is represented only in Bj'zantine art. He is in the garb of a

gardener, and has a spade as his attribute. Patron of gardens and

gardeners. July 3, a.d. 303.

St. Placidus was the son of Tertullus, a Roman Senator, whoplaced this child under the care of St. Benedict, at Subiaco, whenonly five years of age. Placidus was sent by his superior to preach

in Sicily when he was still quite yonng. According to tradition his

sister Flavia and two young brothers joined him, and they dwelt in

a convent near Messina. Tliis was attacked by brigands, who mas-

sacred Placidus and Flavia, with thirty of their companions. The

later Benedictine writers do not believe the account of this massacre.

He is represented in the black habit of his order, or with the rich

dalmatica above a black tunic. The palm is his attribute. January

15, A. D. 584.

Plautilla, though not a canonized saint, is seldom omitted in rep-

resentations of the martyrdom of St. Paul. According to the legend,


she was a Roman matron, and one of the converts of St. Peter and

St. Paul. She phiced herself on the way by which she knew that

St. Paul would j)ass to his martyrdom, in order to see him for the

last time. When he came, she besought him to bless her, and wept

greatly. Then Paul seeing her faith asked her to give him her veil,

that he might bind liis eyes with it when he was beheaded, and

promised that he would return it to her after his death. Then all

who heard mocked at this promise, but Plautilla gave him the veil


and after his death St. Paul did indeed appear to her, and gave her

again the veil, which was stained with his blood.

St. Potitus of Pisa (/A//. San Potito). See St. Ephesus.

St. Praxedes nnd St. Pudentiana {ItaL Santa Prassede e Santa

Pudenziana; Fr. Ste. Prassede et Ste. Potentienne). When St. Peter

came to Rome, he dwelt in the house of Pudens, who was a patrician of

great wealth. Not long after the coming of the Apostle, Pudens and

Sabinella, his wife, with Novatus his son, and his two daughteis,

Praxedes and Pudentiana, were all converted and baptized. Soon

after, the parents and brother died ; and the sisters, left alone, inherited

all the riches of the family. They had houses and public baths at

the foot of the Esquiline. Then began the first great persecution,

in which St. Peter perished. Ivovv the sisters determined to devote

themselves to the relief and care of the suffering Christians and to

the burying of the bodies of such as were slain. They had the assist-

ance of a holy man named Pastorus, who was devoted in their service.

They shrank from nothing that came in the way of their self imposed

duties. They sought out and received into their houses such as were

torn and mutilated by tortures. They visited and fed such as were

in prison. They took up the bodies of the martyred ones which

were cast out without burial, and carefully washing and shrouding

them, they laid them reverently in the caves beneath their houses.

All tlie l)l()od they collected with sponges, and dcjiosited in a certain

well. Thus boldly the}' showed forth the faith which was in them;

and yet they escaped persecution and martyrdom, and died peacefully

and were buried in the cemetery of Priscilla. Pastorus wrote a history

of their deeds and virtues. Their house, which was made holy not

only by their lives but by the preaching of St. Peter, was consecrated

as a ])lacc of Christian worship by Pope Pius I. Their churches are

among the interesting remains of ancient Rome. In the nave of the


church of Santa Prassede is a well in which she was said to have

put the blood of those who suffered on the Esquiline, while the

holy sponge is preserved in a silver shrine in the sacristy. In the

church of St. Pudentiana there is a well, said to contain the relics

of three thousand martyrs. These sisters are pictured as richly

draped, and the sponge and cup are their especial attributes. July 21

and May 19, a. d. 148.

St. Prisca. The church of this saint, at Rome, on the Aventine,

is supposed to occupy the spot on which stood the house of Aquila

and Priscilla, where St. Peter lodged ; which site was thought to be

also that of the Temple of Diana, founded by Servius Tullius. Andhere is shown the font in which St. Peter baptized the earliest con-

verts in Rome, and among others St. Prisca. According to the

legend, she was a virgin of illustrious family, and was exposed to the

beasts of the amphitheatre when but thirteen years of age. A fierce

lion, who was let loose upon her, humbly licked her feet, to the joy of

the Christians. She was then beheaded, and an eagle watched over

her body until it was buried. She is represented bearing a palm with

the lion beside her, and sometimes the eagle, thus being honored by

the kings of both beasts and birds, as the legend remarks. The

name of St. Prisca is retained in the Anglican calendar, January 18,

A. D. 275.

St. Procopius was King of Bohemia. He relinquished his crown

and became a hermit. Many years passed without his being known


but at length, as a certain Prince Ulrich was hunting, he pursued a

hind, which fled for safety to the arms of St. Procopius, and so

the saint was discovered. On account of the similarity of the attri-

bute, his pictures are sometimes mistaken for those of St. Giles.

July 8, A. D. 303.

St. Proculus is the military patron of Bologna. In the time

of the tenth persecution a cruel man named Marinus was sent to

Bologna to enforce the edict of the emperor. Proculus was so filled

with indignation, which might perhaps be called holy, that he entered

the house of Marinus and killed him with an axe, which axe is the

attribute given the saint in art. He sometimes carries a head in his

hands, which may be either that of Marinus or his own.^

St. Protasius of Milan. See St. Gervasius.

* This legend of St. Proculus is among the unauthorized legends.


St. Pudentiana {Ital. Santa Pudenziana; Fr. Ste. Potentienne).

See St. Praxedes.

Quattro Coronati, or the Four Crowned Brothers. According

to tradition tliese were four Christian brothers, workers in wood and

stone, who dwelt in liome in the time of Diocletian. They refused

to employ their art in fashioning gods or building temples for them,

and for this suftered martyrdom. Some were scourged, some be-

headed, and some put in iron cages and cast into the sea. The

"Cinque Martiri" were also of the same trades, and their fate the

same. The names of the Coronati are given as SS. Carpophorus,

Severus, Severianus, and Victorianus. The church dedicated to them

is on that part of the Coelian Hill which extends from the Lateran to

the Coliseum. It is said that their remains were found here during

the fourth century. Their title of Coronati alludes to the crown of

martyrdom. The five martyrs (I Cinque Martiri) are honored at

the same time and place with the Coronati, and they are represented

in art with the implements of their trade, — the mallet, chisel,

square, and rule, bearing palms and wearing crowns. Kovember 4,

A. D. 400.

St. Quintin was the son of Zeno. He became converted, and

gave up a high command which he held in the Roman army in order

to preach. He labored especially in Belgium and at Amiens. He

was accused before the prefect Kictius Varus, and suffered death by

being impaled on an iron spit. This instrument of his torture is his

attribute, which is not always represented. October 31, a. d. 287.

St. Quirinus was a soldier in the army of Aurelian. He became

a Christian, and preached so openly as especially to exasperate his

officers, who were pagans. His martyrdom was extreme in cruelty.

His tongue was first taken out and thrown to a hawk. He was then

dra^^ged to death by horses. He is represented in armor, with a horse

and a hawk and a shield, with nine balls as well as the martjVs


St. Quirinus, Bishop of Sissek in Croatia. He was martyred by

being drowned with a millstone about his neck. One of the eight

guardian saints of Austria. June 4, a. d. 309.

St. Radegunda was the daughter of the King of Thuringia,

Bcrthairo, and tlio wife of Clothairc V. of France, who first carried

her captive with all her family, and afterwards married her. This


queen was devoted to prayer and almsgiving, and often wore beneath

her royal garments a robe of penitential luiir-clotli. One day, as slie

walked in her garden, she heard the prisoners, who were separated

from her only by a wall, weeping and imploring pity. She tliought

of her own sorrows in the past, and she prayed earnestly for tiiem,

not knowing how else to aid them ; and as she prayed their fetters

burst asunder and they were freed from captivity. Later in life

Radegunda took the religious habit, and founded a monastery at

Poitiers. She is represented with the royal crown, and beneath it a

long veil. A captive kneels before her with his broken fetters in his

hand. August 13, a. d. 587.

Ragnar Lodbrog. See St. Edmund.

St. Ranieri {Ital. San Ranieri; Fr. St. Regnier). The whole

life of this saint was full of poetry and mystery. He was born in

or about the year 1100. His family was that of the Scaccieri of

Pisa. In his youth an eagle appeared to him bearing in his beak a

blazing light, and said, " I come from Jerusalem to enlighten the

nations." But Ranieri lived a life devoted to pleasure. At length,

as he one day played the lyre surrounded by beautiful damsels, a

holy man passed by who turned and looked on Ranieri ; and there

was so 'much of sorrow in his gaze that the young man threw

down his lyre and followed the man of God, bewailing and weeping

his own sins and his wasted life. Soon he embarked for Jeru-

salem, where he took off his own garments and w^ore the schiavina,

or slave-shirt, and this he wore ever after for personal humiliation.

He lived the life of a hermit, in the deserts of Palestine, for twenty

years. During this time he had numerous visions. On one occa-

sion he felt his vows of abstinence to be almost more than he could

keep. He then had a vision of a golden vase set with precious

stones and full of oil, pitch, and sulphur. These were kindled to fire,

and none could quench the flames. Then there was put into his

hands a small ewer of water, and when he turned on but a few drops

the fire was extinguished. This vision he believed to signify the

human passions, by the pitch and sulphur ; but the water was the

emblem of temperance. He then determined to live on bread and

water alone. His reverence for water was very great ; and most of his

miracles were performed through the use of it, so that he was called

San Ranieri dell' Acqua. But when he tarried with a host who


cheated his guests by putting water in his wine, the saint did not

hesitate to expose the fraud ; for he revealed to all present the tigure

of Satan sitting on one of the wine-casks in the form of a huge cat

with the wings of a bat. He did many miracles after his return to

Pisa, and made converts by the sanctity of his life and example.

When he died, many miraculous manifestations bore witness to his

eminent holiness. All the bells in Pisa were spontaneously tolled, and

the Archbishop Villani, who had been sick in bed for two years, was

cured to attend his funeral. At the place in the Requiem Mass

where it is the custom to omit the " Gloria in Excelsis," it was sung

by a choir of angels above the altar, while the organ accompanied

them without being played by any perceptible hands. The harmony

of this chant was so exquisite that those who heard it thought the

very heavens were opened. He was buried in a tomb in the Duomo.

After the plague in Pisa in 1356, the life of this saint was painted in

the Campo Santo by Simone Memmi and Antonio Veneziauo. These

frescos are most important in the histor}' of art, and consist of eight

scenes from the life of St. Ranieri : (1) His Conversion; (2) He em-

barks for Palestine: (3) He assumes the Hermit's Dress; (4) He has

many Temptations and Visions in the Desert; (5) He returns to Pisa


(G) He exposes the Fraud of the Innkeeper; (7) His Death and Funeral


{><) His Miracles after Death. July 17, a. D. 11 Gl.

St. Raphael, the Archangel (Lat. S. Raphael; Ital. San

RafFaello ; Fr. St. Raphael ; Ger. Der Heilige Rafael : signification,

" the medicine of God "). Raphael is considered the guardian angel

of humanity. He was sent to warn Adam of the danger of sin and

its unhappy consequences.

** Be strong, live happy, and love ! but first of all

Him whom to love is to obey, and keep

Ilis great command ; take heed lest passion sway

Tliy judgment to do aught which else free-will

Would not admit ; thine, and of all thy sons

The weal or woe in thee is placed ; beware !



He was the herald who bore to the shepherds the ** good tidings of

great joy which shall be for all people." He is especially the pro-

tector of the young, the pilgrim, and the traveller. In the Scripture *

1 The Church includes the Book of Tobias among the inspired writings.


his watchful care of the youn,<jc Tobias during his eventful journey-

is typical of his benignity and loving condescension towards those

whom he protects. His countenance is represented as full of

benignity. Devotional pictures portray him dressed as a pilgrim,

with sandals ; his hair bound with a diadem or a fillet ; the staff in

his hand, and a wallet or 2>cLnetiere hung to his belt. As a guardian,

spirit he bears the sword and a small casket or vase, containing the

" fishy charm " (Tobit vi. G) against evil spirits. As guardian anger

he usually leads Tobias. The picture of Murillo in the Leuchtenberg

Gallery represents him as the guardian angel of a bishop who appears

as a votary below. September 12.

St. Raymond {Sp. San Ramon). On account of the circum-

stances of his birth this saint is styled Nonnatus. He belonged to

the Order of Mercy, and labored for the captives among the Moors.

By the Mahometans, among whom he was long a captive for the

ransom of his Christian brethren, his lips were bored through with a

red-hot iron and fastened with a padlock. He later was made a

cardinal, and the General of his order. He presided at a chapter

held at Barcelona. Pope Gregory IX. and King James of Aragon

assisted at his funeral obsequies. August 31, a. d. 1240.

St. Raymond of Penaforte was born at the castle belonging

to his family at Pefiaforte in Catalonia. He was allied to the royal

house of Aragon, and his family were of Barcelona. He early en-

tered upon a religious life, and became a model in his zealous devo-

tion to the Church and his charity to the poor. He assumed

the Dominican habit, and was the third General of that order.

His zealous preaching against the Moors was thought to be the

first cause of the final expulsion of the infidels from Spain. Amiracle which he is said to have performed, and which is attested to

in the bull of his canonization, is related thus : Raymond was the

spiritual director of King James of Aragon (el Conquistador). This

king was an accomplished gentleman, and did not incline to allow

his confessor to interfere with his pleasures. Now he was greatly in

love with a beautiful woman of his court from whom Raymond

vainly attempted to separate him. The king summoned the priest to

attend him to Majorca, but he refused to go unless the lady remained

behind. James affected to comply, but the lady accompanied him

in the dress of a page. Raymond soon discovered the deceit, and


remonstrated severely with the king, who was very angr}'. The

priest threatened to return to Spain, but James forbade any vessel to

leave the port, and passed sentence of death upon any who should

aid Raymond to go away. St. Raymond then said, *' An earthly

king has deprived us of the means of escape, but a Heavenly King

will supply them." Then walking up to a rock which projected into

the sea, he spread his cloak on the waters, and setting his staff

upright and tying one corner of the cloak to it for a sail, he made the

sign of the cross, and boldly embarked in this new kind of vessel. Hewas wafted over the surface of the ocean with such rapidity that in

six hours he reached Barcelona. This miracle was attested to byfive hundred persons, who saw him land at Barcelona and take uphis cloak perfectly dry from the water and wrap it round him, andthen with great humility retire to his cell. Don Jayme, overcome

by this miracle, repented of his obstinacy and afterwards governed

his kingdom and his life by the advice of St. Raymond. He is rep-

resented in the habit of his order, and kneels on his mantle while

he is borne over the sea, or else the miracle is represented in the

back;_,Tound. January 23, a. d. 1275.

St. Regulus was an African bishop. He fled from his diocese

in the time of the contentions between the Arians and the Catholics.

He came to Tuscan}^ and lived the life of an anchoret. In the in-

vasion of Totila he was beheaded. According to tradition he took

up his head and proceeded two stadia, when he sat down. Beingfound thus by two of his disciples, he gave them his head, and they

buried him there with great reverence and (what is not strange)

with iinspeakable aive.

St. Reparata was a virgin of Cesarea in Cappadocia. In the

persecution under Decius she was martyred, though only twelve

years old. As she died her spirit was seen to issue from her mouthin shape like a dove, and to fly to heaven. This saint was for six

hundred years the chief patroness of Florence, and the Duomo wasdedicated in Ixr name ; but it was re-dedicated to Santa Maria-del-

Fiore. She is represented in various colored robes, and bears thecrown, ]>!ilin, book, and a banner with a red cross on a white ground.

St. Roch {Lai. S. Rochus; Ital. San Rocco ; Fr. St. Roch or

Roijue) was tiie son of noble i)arents. iMontpelier, in Languedoc,was his birthplace. When he was born, there was a small red cross


on his breast. His mother interpreted this as a sign that he should

be consecrated to God's service, and she educated him with great care.

The saint too was of the same mind; but he inclined to follow the

example of Jesus,— to go about doing good, — in preference to that

of many holy men, who flee from the world to serve God. His par-

ents died when he was less than twenty years old, and left him vast

estates. He sold all, and gave the money to hospitals and to the

poor. He then went on foot to Rome in the garb of a pilgrim.

When he arrived at Aquapendcnte, a terrible plague was raging there.

St. Roch offered to attend, the sick in the hospitals. He was espe-

cially successful in his care of the plague-stricken, and it appeared

that some peculiar blessing attended him ; so prevalent was this idea

that, considering his youth and gentleness, the people were ready to

believe him an angel, and he himself was not without the thought

that a special blessing was on his efforts. He then went to Cesena

and Rimini, where he labored in the same manner; and then he ar-

rived at Rome in the rnidst of a fearful pestilence, and for three years

more devoted himself to the most hopeless cases. He constantly

prayed that God might find him worthy to die as a martyr to

this care for others. Years passed thus, and he went from city to

city, wherever he heard of any dreadful disease and suffering. At

length at Piacenza he was himself struck down by an unknown

epidemic then raging there. One night he sank down in the hospital,

weary with nursing, and fell asleep. When he awoke he found him-

self plague-stricken with a horrible ulcer on his thigh, the pain of

which compelled him to shriek aloud. Ho feared lest he should

disturb others, and crawled into the street ; but he was not allowed

to remain there. He then dragged himself to a wood outside the

city, and lay down to die. But a little dog which had attended him

in all his wanderings now cared for him, and brought him every day

a loaf of bread. According to the legend, an angel also dressed his

wound and cared for him ; but this is questioned, and it is stated

that a man named Gothard did this for him ; but be this as it may,

as soon as the saint was able he set out for his home. When he

arrived at a little village near Montpelier, where the land belonged

to his estates, and the people were the vassals of his family, no one

knew him, and they regarded him so suspiciously that they took him

before the judge as a spy. The judge was his uncle, but even he did


uot recognize liim, and condemned him to be imprisoned. St. Roch

reo-arded all this as the will of God, and said nothing, desiring that

all should be as Providence should direct. So he was cast into a

duno-eon. There was no one to plead for him, and he adhered to his

resolve of silence; thus he remained five years. One morning when

the jailer went to his cell it was filled with a glory of light, and the

prisoner lay dead with a paper beside him, which told his name, and

these words also: "All those who are stricken by the plague, and

who pray for aid through the merits and intercession of St. Koch, the

servant of God, shall be healed." Then the judge, when he saw this

paper, wept and was filled with remorse. The saint was honorably

buried midst the prayers of the whole city. Nearly a century elapsed

before St. Roch was heard of outside his native city, where he was

held in the greatest possible veneration. But at the time of the

great church council at Constance, the plague broke out in that city,

and priests and people were in consternation, when a German monk,

who had been in France, advised that the power of St. Roch should

be tested in this emergency. His counsel was followed, and the

image of the saint was borne through the city accompanied by a

solemn procession, with prayers and litanies. Then the plague ceased,

and to this the increased veneration of St. Roch may be traced.

Towards the close of the fifteenth century the Venetians, who were

especially exposed to the plague from their commercial intercourse

with the East, resolved to possess, if possible, the relics of St. Roch.

The men appointed to accomplish the purpose went to Montpelier as

pilgrims. They succeeded in carrying away the sacred remains, and

were received with joy by all Venice, from the Doge down to the

poorest beggar. Then the splendid church of San Rocco was built

under the auspices of a society which already existed in Venice for

the care of the sick, and which had been formed under his protection.

In this society many of the nobility enrolled themselves. Many

votive pictures are seen of this saint, in which he is represented as

interceding for the sick person, who is introduced in the painting.

In devotional pictures, St. Roch is represented as a man in middle

age, of refined and delicate features, with an expression of benevolence

and kindness. He is dressed as a ])ilgrim, with the cockle-shell on

his hat, the staff in his hand, and the wallet at his side. With one

hand he points to the plague spot on his side, or lifts his robe to


show it. His dog also attends him. Patron of all who are in prison;

of all sick persons in hospitals, but especially of those afflicted by the

plague. August 16, a. d. 1327.^

St. Romain, whose whole history is painted on the windows

of the catliedral of Rouen, was bishop of that city in the time of

Clovis I. He is considered as the great apostle of Normandy, for he

preached there with remarkable zeal and overthrew paganism. TheSeine at one time so overflowed its banks as to threaten the destruc-

tion of the city. St. Romain commanded the waters to retire, but

of the slime and mud which remained a poisonous dragon was born,

called by the French " la Gargouille." This monster spread conster-

nation all along the shores of the river. Then the saint, by the aid of

a wicked murderer, went forth and slew the beast. From this time

it was the privilege of the chapter of Rouen to pardon a criminal

condemned to death ; and this was so until the time of the Revolu-

tion. February 28, a. d. 639.

St. Romualdo w^as born at Ravenna, of the noble family of the

Onesti, about the year 956. He was trained like other young noble-

men, and loved the chase ; but often as he rode on the hunt in the

forests of Ravenna, he was soothed and charmed by the beauty of

the scenery, and would slacken his pace, and become absorbed in the

thought of the quiet peace of those w^ho dwelt alone with Xature.

Then he would breathe a prayer, and return to his busy life of

pleasure. But his father, Sergius, was a man of very difterent

mettle. He was proud and self-willed, and could brook no opposi-

tion. Having disagreed with a relative concerning the succession

of a certain pasture, he challenged him to combat and slew him.

Romualdo was present at the time, and was so overpowered with

horror that he believed it his duty to expiate his father's crime.

He retired to a monastery near Ravenna, Sant' Apollinare in Classe,

and assumed the habit of the Benedictines. But his enthusiastic

and sensitive temperament suffered much from the irregularities of

certain monks; and he conceived the idea of establishing new monas-

tic institutions, according to the pure spirit which he felt should

control them, and of reforming the old ones and raising them to the

same standard. Henceforth his life was a continuous battle. He

1 There are no authentic acts of the life of St. Roch.


was hated and reviled bj unworthy monks everywhere, and even his

life was in danger from the bitterness of their enmity to him. But

he scorned all danger, and despised all persecution, and fought most

bravely by prayer and labor for the cause he had undertaken to

maintain. His first monastery was founded near Arezzo in the

Apennines; in a glen called Campo-Maldoli, from the name of the

family to whom it belonged. From this the new order was called

that of the Camaldoli. The members of this order are consecrated

to perpetual service to God ; they strictly practise solitude, silence,

and contemplation ; they do not even eat together, but every one

lives in a separate hut with his own garden, in order to comply

witii the requirements for manual labor. The Camaldolesi are amongthe most severe of all monks, and are, in fact, hermits in societies.

According to the legend, the color of the habit of his order was

changed in this wise : Not long before his death the saint fell asleep

beside a fountain not far from his cell, and he beheld a vision of a

ladder reaching from earth to heaven, on which the brethren of his

order ascended by twos and threes, and all dressed in white. So he

immediately changed the color, which had been black ; and white has

ever since been worn by the Camaldolesi. Thirty years after his

secession from his first convent he had become famous throughout

the north of Italy, and had communities of reformed monks number-

ing hundreds. He is represented with a loose white habit, and a full

beard which falls to his girdle ; he leans upon a crutch. February 7,

A. D. 1027.

St. Romulo {Lat. S. Romulus) was a noble Roman, whom,according to the legend, St. Peter sent to preach to the people of

Fiesole, which was then a most important Etruscan city. After thus

being the apostle he became the first bishop of Fiesole. He was at

length accused before the praetor, as a Christian, and was sentenced

to suller death. This was in the time of Nero. After suffering the

most cruel tortures, he was slain with a dagger. The old cathednUof Fiesole is dedicated to St. Romulo. He is represented in theepiscopal robes, and bears the palm. July 23.

Santa Rosa di Lima was born at Lima in Peru, and is the only

cahouizt'd fenialu saint of the New World. She was distinguished byher extreme hatred of vanity. The severities of her life, also, werevery great. She was especially beautiful in her complexion ; hence


her name. She rejected many suitors, and at last destroyed her

great charm with a compound of pepper and quicklime. When her

mother commanded her to wear a wreath of roses, she so arranged it

that it was in truth a crown of thorns. Her food was principally

bitter herbs. She was a model of filial devotion, and maintained her

parents by her labor after they had become poor, toiling all day in

her garden, and all night with her needle. She took the habit of

the Third Order of St. Dominick. The Peruvian legend relates

that when Pope Clement X. was asked to canonize her, he refused,

exclaiming, "India y Santa! asi como Uneven rosas!" ("India and

saint ! as likely as that it should rain roses ! ") Instantly a shower

of roses commenced in the Vatican, and did not cease till the Pope

acknowledged his mistaken incredulity. Stirling's "Artists of Spain,"

thus speaks of Santa Rosa :" This flower of Sanctity, whose fra-

grance has filled the whole Christian world, is the patroness of

America, the St. Teresa of Transatlantic Spain." In a picture by

Murillo, she is represented with a thorny crown ; holding in her

hand the figure of the Infant Saviour, which rests on full-blown

roses. August 30, a. d. 1617.

St. Rosa di Viterbo was a member of the Third Order of St.

Francis. She lived in the thirteenth century, and was remarkable

for the influence she exercised in Viterbo, as well as for her extensive

charities and the eloquence of her speech. She lived a life of great

austerity. She is now the patroness of that city, to which while

living she was a benefiictress. She is represented in a gray tunic,

with knotted girdle, and a chaplet of roses. May 8, a. d. 12G1.

St. Rosalia of Palermo, whose statue towers upon tiie sum-

mit of Monte Pellegrino, overlooking the Mediterranean, and cheer-

ing the mariners, who consider her their protectress, was a Sicilian

virgin of noble birth. When scarcely sixteen years old, she with-

drew from her home and friends secretly, and lived in a cave in

Monte PellegTino, near the summit. She had rejected many suitors,

and longed for the solitude where nothing could distract her mind

from the service of God. She died without having been discovered


and twice after she had ascended to her heavenly bridegroom, she

interceded for Palermo and saved it from the ravages of the pesti-

lence. At length her remains were discovered lying in her cave ; and

such was the purity of this unsullied virgin that they remained



uncorriipteil even in deatli. Her name was inscribed above her in

the rock, and on her head was a crown made of the roses of Paradise,

and placed there by angels. Her cave has become a chapel to which

pilgrims resort. She is usually represented reclining in her cave,

which is bright with celestial light; angels crow^n her with roses, and

she holds a crucifix upon her breast. Again, she is seen standing

and inscribing her name upon the rock. She wears a brown tunic,

sometimes ragged, and her hair is loose about her. September 4,


Rosary, The. The beads used by Catholics and called by this

name are so often represented in art that an explanation of their

use and signification will not be out of place. The use of beads to

assist the memory in regard to the number of prayers recited is of

very ancient date and of Eastern origin. They were employed by

the ancient anchorites, and also by the Benedictines before their

use became general in the Church. The rosary in its present ac-

cepted form was instituted by St. Dominick. He invented a new

arrangement of the beads, and dedicated it to the Blessed Virgin.

The festival of the Eosary was instituted by Gregory XHI. after the

battle of Lcpanto, a. d. 1571 ; and from this time it became popular

as a subject of art, and there are large numbers of pictures which

relate to its institution. A complete rosary has one hundred and fifty

small beads and fifteen larger ones. The latter represent the Pater-

nosters, and the former the Ave-Marias. The large beads divide the

rosary into fifteen decades, each one consisting of ten Ave-Marias,

preceded by a large bead, or Pater-noster, and all concluded with a

Gloria Patri. Five decades make a chaplct, which is a third part

of a rosary. To these beads a crucifix is added. The " ^Mysteries of

the Rosary " consist in the assigning of a certain event in the life

of the Virgin or in the life of the Saviour to each decade. There

are five joyful mysteries, which arc, — the Annunciation, the Visita-

tion, the Nativity, the Purification, and Christ found in the Temple;

five dolorous or sorrowfid mysteries, — Our Lord in the Garden

of Gethsemane, the Flagellation, Christ Crowned with Thorns, the

Procession to Calvary, and the Crucifixion ; five glorious mysteries,—the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Ghost, the

Assumption of our T.ady, and her Coronation. Tlio rosary in the hand

or about the person of a saint signifies that they obtained aid " per


intercessione dell' Sacratissimo Rosario." When held before the

Madonna, it indicates that by the use of it she is to be honored ; in

short, the rosary was intended to excite and assist devotion in vai-ious

ways, and its representations illustrate the same idea. Festival of the

Rosary, first Sunday in October.

St. Rufina. See St. Justina of Seville.

St. Sabina, to whom a church is dedicated at Rome, was a noble

matron who suffered martyrdom during the reign of Hadrian. The

church, which dates from the early part of the fifth century, is said to

occupy the site of her house, and the altar-piece represents a soldier

dragging the saint up the steps of a temple, with a sword in his

hand. With her Seraphia, a Greek slave, who had converted Sa-

bina, was also executed. Her attribute is the palm. August 29,

second century.

Santa Casa. This is the title given to the house in which the

Blessed Virgin was born at Nazareth. According to the legend, this

house was threatened with profanation or destruction at the time of

the invasion of the Saracens, when four angels took it and bore it

over sea and land to the coast of Dalmatia ; but there it was not

safe, and the angels again removed it to a spot near Loretto ; but

here the brigands invaded it, and it was again removed to the

spot where it now remains,— said to have been done in 1295.

The Madonna di Loretto is represented as holding the Infant Sav-

iour, and seated upon the roof of a house which is borne by

four angels. Loretto became one of the most celebrated places of

pilgrimage, and many chapels have been dedicated to Our Lady of


St. Scholastica. Very little is known of this saint. She was the

sister of St. Benedict, and followed him to Monte Cassino, and there

gathered about her a small community of nuns. Benedict visited

her but once every year. At one time, when he arose to take leave

of her, she begged him to remain longer, and when he refused she

bent her head and prayed that God would interfere to detain her

brother with her. Then immediately a furious storm arose, and he

was forced to remain for several hours. This was their last parting


for two days after St. Scholastica died, and Benedict saw her soul

ascend to heaven in the form of a dove, while he was praying in his

cell. She is represented in a black habit, with a dove at her feet or


pressed to her bosom, aud a lily in her hand. February 10,

about 543.

St. Sebald is one of the most distinguished among the early Ger-

man saints, and is especially venerated in Nuremberg. The legends

relate that he was the son of a Danish king, and left England with

St. Boniface. His name in English is Seward, Siward, or Sigward.

He travelled through the north of Germany, preaching as a mission-

ary, and at last lived permanently in Nuremberg. While he dwelt

in a cell not far from the city, he went there almost daily to teach

the poor. He was in the habit of stopping to rest in the hut of a

cartwright. One day, when it was very cold, he found the family in

the hut nearly frozen, and they had no fuel. Then Sebald commanded

them to bring in the icicles which hung from the roof and use them

to feed the lire. They obeyed, and w^ere thus miraculously warmed.

Again the saint desired fish for a fast-day, and sent the same cart-

wright to buy it. Now the Lord of Nuremberg had commanded that

no person should buy fish until the castle was supplied ; so the poor

man was punished by having his eyes put out. But St. Sebald re-

stored his sight. His wonderful shrine in the church at Nuremberg

was made, according to its inscription, by Peter Vischer and his five

sons. These sons with their families all dwelt with the father Peter,

and shared alike his labors, his rewards, and his fame. It was com-

menced in 1508, finished in 1523, and remains undisturbed. The

saint is represented, in his statue by Peter Yischer, as a pilgrim with

shell in hat, rosary, staff, and wallet. He holds in his hand a model

of his church. About a. d. 770.

St. Sebastian {Lat. S. Sebastianus ; Ital. San Sebastiano or

Bastiano ; Fr. St. Sebastien ; Sp. and Ger. Sebastian). The legend

of this saint, though very old, has the advantage of being better

authenticated by history than many antique traditions. Sebastian

was descended from a noble fixmily which had been honored with

high offices in the empire. He was born at Narbonne, and when still

quite young was made commander of a company of the Prjvtorian

Guards, and was thus always near the emperor, Diocletian, with

whom he was an especial favorite. Now Sebastian was secretly a

Christian, and while from this very fact he conscientiously fulfilled

all his duties to the emperor, ho also protected the Christians, and

endeavored to make converts; and in this last he was very successful


Among those whom he had thus influenced were two young soldiers,

of noble family, called ^larcus and Marcellinus. They were accused

as Christians and condemned to the torture ; this they firmly endured,

and were led out for execution. Then their families, their wives and

children, besought them to recant and live. That which the tortures

could not effect, these pra3'ers and tears were about to do,— they

wavered ; then Sebastian, regardless of himself, rushed forward and

eloquently exhorted them that they should not betray their Re-

deemer. So earnest was he, and so great was his power, that the

two soldiers went boldly to their death, while their friends, many of

the guards, and even the judge himself, were also converted and

secretly baptized. Now Sebastian's time had come ; but before his

public accusation, the emperor so loved him that he sent for him to

see if privately he could not influence him to save his life. And he

said, " Have I not always honored thee above the rest of my officers 1

Why hast thou disobeyed my commands, and insulted my gods 1"

Then answered the young saint, with courage, but also with meek-

ness, " C?esar, I have ever prayed, in the name of Jesus Christ, for

thy prosperity, and have been true to thy service ; but as for the

gods whom thou wouldst have me worship, they are devils, or, at

best, idols of wood and stone." After this, Diocletian ordered that

Sebastian should be bound to a stake, and shot to death with arrows,

but that it should be inscribed on the stake that he had no fault but

that of being a Christian. Then the archers did their duty, and he

was left for dead, being pierced with many arrows. At night, Irene,

the widow of one of his friends who had been martyred, came with

her companions to take his body away to burial. And, lo ! it was

found that he was still alive, for none of the arrows had entered a

vital part. Then Irene took him home, and carefully tended him

until he was well again. When his friends saw him they begged

that he would fly from Rome and save his life ; but Sebastian went

to the palace and stood where he knew the emperor must surely see

him, and he pleaded for certain condemned ones, and plainly told

the emperor of his cruelty and wickedness. Then Diocletian, being

amazed, exclaimed, "Art thou not Sebastian]" And he said, "I amSebastian, whom God hath delivered from thy hand, that I might

testify to the faith of Jesus Christ and plead for his servants." Then

was Diocletian doubly infuriated ; and he commanded that Sebastian


should be taken to the circus and beaten to death with clubs, and

his body thrown into the Cloaca Maxima, and thus hidden from his

friends. But in spite of all this, a lady named Lucina, who was a

Christian, found means to obtain his remains, and they were laid with

reverent care in the Catacombs at the feet of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Apollo was the heathen god who* it was believed afllicted men by

the plague; and he it was whom men invoked against it, and the

arrow was the emblem of pestilence. It would seem that from the

association of the arrow with St. Sebastian the belief arose that he

was especially powerful to obtain aid against this curse ; for there

are, according to tradition, many cities which have been saved from

the plague by his intercession. A century after the great plague in

the time of Gregory the Great, another fearful pestilence ravaged

Rome. In the church of San Pietro-in-Vincoli is an ancient mosaic

of St. Sebastian, and on a tal)let the following inscription in Latin :

" To St. Sebastian, Martyr, dispeller of the pestilence. In the year

of salvation G80, a pernicious and severe pestilence invaded the city

of Ptome. It was of three months' duration, — July, August, and Sep-

tember. Such was the multitude of the dead, that, on the same

bier, parents and children, husbands and wives, with brothers and

sisters, were borne out to burial-places, which, everywhere filled

with bodies, hardly sufficed. In addition to this, nocturnal miracles

alarmed them; for two angels, one good and the other evil, went

through the city ; and this last, bearing a rod in his hand, as many

times as he struck the doors so many mortals fell in those houses.

The disease spread for a length of time, until it was announced to a

holy man that there would be an end of the calamity, if, in the

church of St. Peter ad Vincula, an altar should be consecrated in

the name of Sebastian the Martyr ; which thing being done immedi-

ately, the pestilence, as if driven back by hand, was commanded to

cease." From this time Sebastian became the universal })atron

against pestilence, which honor he has shared in later years with

St. Koch. The pictures of St. Sebastian are innumerable and un-

mistakable. Ho is young, beautifid, without drapery, bound to

a tree, and pierced by arrows. He looks to heaven, whence de-

scends an angel with palm and crown. lie is the favorite saint

of Koman women, and indeed of the women of all Italy. .Tauuary

20, A. D. 288.


St. Secundus, especially venerated at Asti, is one of the saints

of the Tliebaii legion. See 8t. ^Maurice.

Seven Joys, The, and The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed

Virgin, are often represented in series of pictures. The subjects

of the seven joys are: (1) The Annunciation; (2) The Visitation;

(3) The Adoration of the I\Iagi; (4) The Presentation in the Temple


(5) Christ found by Mary, disputing with the Doctors; (G) The

Assumption; (7) The Coronation. The seven sorrows represent


(1) The Prophecy of Simeon; (2) The Flight into Egypt

; (3) Christ

lost by his Mother; (4) The Betrayal of Christ; (5) The Crucifixion

(only St. John and the Virgin present); (6) The Taking down from

the Cross; (7) The Ascension of Christ, leaving Mary on earth.

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, The {Ital. I Sette Dormienti


Fr. Les Sept Dormants, Les Sept Enfants d'Eph^se ; Ger. Die

Sieben Schlafer). This tradition is of great antiquity. Gibbon

says it can be traced to within fifty years of the time of the miracle

it relates. There is scarcely a written tongue in which it is not

found. Syriac, Latin, and Scandinavian relate it, and the writer

of the Koran has given it a place. In the time of the persecution

of Decius there dwelt in Ephesus seven young men who were Chris-

tians. Their names were Maximian, Malchus, Marcian, Dionysius,

John, Serapion, and Constantine. Having refused to offer sacrifice

to the gods, they were accused before the tribunal. They fled to

Mt. Ccelian and hid in a cave. They were pursued and discovered.

Then it was ordered that great stones should be rolled against the

mouth of the cave, and they should thus be left to die of starvation.

They resigned themselves to this dreadful f\\te, and embracing each

other went to sleep. Time rolled on until one hundred and niuety-

six years had passed. Then, in the reign of Theodosius, a heresy

arose denying the resurrection of the dead. The emperor, greatly

afflicted at this, retired to his palace, and dressed himself in sackcloth,

and sprinkled ashes on his head ; and God for his sake restored

these seven sleepers. For a certain man of E[)hesus went to Mt.

Ccelian to build him a stable, and he discovered this cavern and

rolled the stones away. When the light entered there, the sleepers

awoke, and thought they had slept but for a night. Then it was

determined that Malchus should venture into Ephesus to obtain

food. He went with fear and caution, and was surprised to find the


gates of the city surmounted by crosses. Theu when he entered

within the walls he heard the name of Christ, which he had been

accustomed to sigh forth only with his breath, boldly spoken every-

where. He believed himself in a dream. He entered a baker's shop,

and in payment for his loaf he offered a coin of the time of Decius.

He was regarded with great astonishment, and suspected of having

robbed some hidden treasure. When accused he knew not what to

say, and he was dragged to the bishop with contumely and reproaches.

When the bishop had' talked with him, the truth was discovered.

Then went out the emperor, the governor, the bishop, and hosts of

the people, and the six other sleepers were found in the cave. Then

when the emperor was come, one of them said, " Believe in us,

Emperor ! for we have been raised before the Day of Judgment, in

order that thou mightest trust in the resurrection of the dead !


Then they all bowed their heads and gave up the ghost. Repre-

sentations of this legend are very common among works of art of the

thirteenth and fourteenth century, in glass, miniatures, and sculpture.

They are usually extended in their cave side by side. Their names

are inscribed above their heads, and they have the martyrs palm.

June 27.

Sibyls, The, were prophetesses, who foretold the coming of

Christ to the Gentiles as the prophets did to the Jews. They are,

in the art of the Latin Church, what the sages of antiquity were to

the Greeks, and are, in fact, a kind of witnesses to the truth of Chris-

tianity. It may be shown that the Church made use of the witness

of the sibyls by an extract from the hymn " Dies Ine," said to

have been written by Pope Innocent III. It is translated thus in

the English version of the Missal :—

" The dreadful day, the da}' of ire,

Shall kindle the avenging fire

Around tlie expiring world;

And Earth, as Sibyl said of old,

And as the prophet king foretold,

Shall be in ruin hurU'd."

Their origin was obscure ; they were regarded as holy virgins, who

lived in caves and grottos. They were believed to have the power

to read the future, and were interrogated by their votaries upon im-

portant matters, and their answers were considered authoritative.


Varro, who wrote about one hundred years b. c, gives their number

as ten, and their names as taken from the locahties of their habita-

tions : The Sibylla Persica from Persia; the Sibylla Libyca from

Libya; the Sibylla Delphica from Delphi; the Sibylla Erythrsea

from Erythrsea; the Sibylla Cumana from Cuma) ; the Sibylla Saniia

from Samos ; the Sibylla Cimmeria from the Black Sea ; the Sibylla

Tiburtina from Tivoli ; the Sibylla Hellespontina from the Hellespont


the Sibylla Phrygia from Phrygia. Two others called the Agrippa,

or the Hebraica, and the Europa were added in later times, as well

as others seldom referred to. Sometimes the Queen of Sheba is

represented as one of these wonderful beings. There have been

serious disagreements in the opinions of the Fathers of the Church

regarding the sibyls and the worth of their prophecies. Some

of the early Fathers considered them agents of Beelzebub, while

others, including St. Jerome and St. Augustine, believed them to be

inspired of God. The two most interesting traditions of the sibyls

in this connection are those of the Cumrean and Tiburtine Sibyls,

who appeared to King Tarquin and -the Emperor Augustus. The

first, the Cumsean, presented herself to Tarquin with nine books

which she desired to sell him. They contained Sibylline Oracles.

Tarquin refused her request. She went away and buraed three of

them and returned with six. Again he refused ; again she burned

three, and again returned with the three remaining. Then Tarquin

sought the advice of the soothsayers, and they assured him that the

destinies of the world depended upon the preservation of these oracles.

So they were bought, and for centuries after were consulted on all

great emergencies of the Roman nation. They were preserved in the

Capitol under the care of priests, but during the wars of Marius and

Sylla they perislied. Then messengers were sent far and wide all

through the empire to collect the scattered Sibylline leaves, and as

many as were found were again carefully preserved. The idea of the

ancient Romans, as recorded by Tacitus and Suetonins, that those

who should rule the world should come out from Juda}a, is believed

to have been derived from these Sibylline leaves. Again, when the

Roman Senate decreed divine honors to Augustus, he consulted the

Tiburtine Sibyl whether he ought to receive them. She replied that

it was more becoming for him whose power was declining to go away

from her silently, for a Hebrew child would be born who would


reign over the gods themselves; or that a king would come from

heaven whose kingdom would never end. Another version relates

that the heavens were opened, and a vision of the Virgin with the

Infant Saviour in her arms, standing on an altar, was shown him, and

a voice was heard saying, ** H?ec ara filii Dei" (This is the altar of

the Son of God). The emperor adored the vision, and reported it to

the Senate. And in remembrance of it he erected upon the Capitol

an altar inscribed " Ara primogeniti Dei." On this spot stands the

church of Santa Maria in Capitolio, or the "Ara cseli." A passage of

Virgil, who wrote forty years B. c, is also quoted as proving that the

advent of Christ was foretold in Sibylline prophecy. It is thus

translated :" The last age of the Cumseau song now approaches ; the

great series of ages begins again ; now returns the Virgin (Astraea),

now return the Saturnian kingdoms, now a new progeny is sent from

high heaven. Be but propitious, chaste Lucina, to the boy at his

birth, through whom the iron age will first cease, and the golden age

dawn on the whole world." The Sibyls do not aj)pear in the earliest

art. Tliey were not represented in the Catacombs. In the four-

teenth century the vision of Augustus was employed as a symbol

of the appearing of the star to the Magi, or the manifestation of

Christ to the Gentiles. They were emjjloyed in the cyclical decora-

tions of churches with the prophets. Often they were about the

principal entrance, or, if inside, near the door ; their position being

typical of their having been "forerunners of the Lord." Their

number varies. In the Eastern Church there is but one " la sage

Sihylle.'' They should be recognized by their scrolls ; but the in-

scriptions have been so varied that they are not always guides. The

sibyls of Michael Angelo, on the ceiling of the Sistine Cliapel, are too

well known to need any description ; and it has been said that these

representations are "the highest honor that art has rendered to the

sibyls." Their various attributes, dress, and age, as nearly as it is

possible to give them, are as follows:—The Sihi/lla Ptrsica was supposed to be a daughter-in-law of

Moses. She predicted the coming of the Messiah. She is old ; and

her attributes are a serpent beneath her feet, and a lantern in her


The Sibylla Lihyca prophesied the manifestation of Christ to the

Gentiles. She is twenty-four years old, and bears a lighted torch.


The S'hijHa Eryt'unjea is the prophetess of Divine vengeaiico.

She predicted the Trojan War; in this character slie iiolds a naked

sword. But it is ako said that she foretold the Annunciation, and

in this representation she has a white rt)se. !She is old.

The Sibylla Delphica. Her attributes are a horn, or the crown of


IVie Sibylla Samia. Attributes, a reed, or a cradle. She lived, it

is supposed, in the time of Isaiah.

The Sibylla Cimmeria prophesied the Crucifixion. She is eighteen,

years old, and has a cross or a crucifix.

The Sibylla Cumana is fifteen years old ; and her attribute is a

manger, she having foreseen the Nativity in a stable.

The Sibylla Hellesjjontiaa, prophesied the Incarnation and also the

Crucifixion. Her attributes are the crucifix and a budding rod.

The Sibylla Phrygia prophesied the Resurrection. Attributes, a

banner and a cross.

The Sibylla Tiburtina symbolizes the mocking and the flagellation

of Christ. She is dressed in skins, and bears a rod.

The Sibylla Acjrippa. Attribute, 9, scourge ; fifteen years old.

The Sibylla Europa prophesied the Massacre of the Innocents.

Attribute, a sword ; fifteen years old. Sometimes all the sibyls have

books in which they read ; or they bear torches or lanterns ; and

some have a sun on the iiead.

St Sigismond of Burgundy {Ital. San Gismondo) was the

son of Gondul)ald and the cousin of St. Clotilda, wife of Clovis, Kin<r

of France. Gondubald was an Arian, and had murdered the parents

of Clotilda. Sigismond was a devout Catliolic ; but he fell into

grievous sin by putting to death his eldest son on the accusation

of his second wife, who hated and falsely accused tlie son of her

predecessor. Sigismond later was seized with remorse, and sorely

repented liis crime. He prayed that his deserved punislmient might

be inflicted in this world rather than in the next, and his prayer was

granted ; for Chlodomir, the barbarous king of the Franks, invaded

his kingdom, took him prisoner, and finally drowned him in a well at

Columelle, four leagues from Orleans. His body was at length fotmd,

and removed to the convent of St. Maurice. In a chapel dedicated

to St. Sigismond, in Cremona, Francesco Sforza was married to

Bianca Visconti ; and in witness of his love and gratitude he adorned


tills chapel with great beauty. St. Sigismond is rei)resented in the

splendid altar-piece, by Giuliu Campi. He is patron saint of Cremona.

May 1, A. D. 52.3.

Simeon, The Prophet. See the Madonna. The Presentation

in the Temple.

St. Simon Zelotes, or The Zealot ; St. Jude, Thaddeus,

or Lebbeus {Ital. San Simoiie, San Taddeo ; Fr. St. Simon le Zi h-,

St. Tiiaddee ; Ger. Judas, Thaddaus). St. Simon is snrnamed the

Canansean, or Canaanite, and Zelotes, or the Zealot, to distinguish

him from St. Peter, and from St. Simeon, the brother of St. James

the Less. The name '* Cananaean *' has, in Syro-Chaldaic, the same

meaning which the word ''Zelotes" bears in Greek. St. Luke trans-

lated it ; but the other Evangelists retained the original name, for

Canath, in Syro-Chaldaic, or modern Hebrew, signifies "zeal." St.

Jude is distinguished from the Iscariot by the surname of Thaddeus,

and also by that of Lebbeus. He was brother to St. James the Less,

also to St. Simeon of Jerusalem, and a certain Joses; all of whom

were kinsmen of Christ, their mother being the sister of the Blessed

Virgin. St. Jude wrote a Catholic, or general, epistle to all the

churches of the East. We have no authentic record of the laboi-s

of these Apostles, nor of the manner of their martyrdom. It is

thought that St. Simon was sawn asunder, and St. Jude killed

with a halberd. They therefore bear the saw and halberd as their

attril»utes. They are sometimes represented as young, and again as

old, according to the tradition which the artist follows. In Greek

art, Jude and Thaddeus are different persons, Jude being young and

Thaddeus old. They have rarely been represented as members of the

Sacra Famiglin, and when so introduced have their names in the

glories altout their heads. Both saints are honored on October 28.

St. Siro, or Syrus, whose statue is in the cathedral of Pavia,

was first bishop of that city, and governed the church fifty-six years.

His f'ffigv appears on the coins of Pavia.

St. Stanislas Kotzka, a young Polish nobleman, was among

the earliest ])upils of the Jesuits. He was distinguished for his

piety as a child. His mother educated him until he was fourteen,

when he went to Vienna. He entered the Society of Jesus through

the influence of Francis Borgia. He died at Kome when but seven-

teen. Once he fell sick at Vienna, and being apparently near death,


desired the Viaticum. The landlord, a Lutheran, would not suffer it

to be brought publicly to tlie house, whereupon the saint seemed

in a vision to receive communion at the hands of an angel. He is

represented in art on a couch with an angel at his side. lie is one

of the patron saints of Poland, and as such his attribute is the lily.

November 13, a. d. 1589.

St. Stephen, Protomartyr {Lat. S. Stephanus ; Ital. San Ste-

fano; Fr, St. Etienne ; Ger. Der Heilige Stefan). Little has been

added to the Scripture account of this holy deacon by tradition or

the fancy of his votaries. His name is significant of faith, devotion,

zeal, and enduring love ; it commands the veneration of the world,

standing as it does at the head of the great and ''noble army of

martyrs." He was chosen deacon during the first ministry of Peter,

and did great wonders and miracles. He was falsely accused of

speaking blasphemously of the Temple and the Jewish law. For

this he was condemned to death, and stoned by the people outside

of the gate at Jerusalem, now called by his name. The legend con-

cerning his relics relates that it was not known for four hundred years

what had become of his body. Then a certain priest of Carsagamala in

Palestine, named Lucian, had a vision in which Gamaliel, the same

who had instructed Paul in all the learning of the Jews, appeared to

him, and revealed the burying-place of Stephen. Gamaliel himself

had taken up the body and had placed it in his own sepulchre, where

he had also interred Nicodemus and other holy men and saints. This

dream or vision was repeated a second and third time. Then Lucian,

with the sanction of the bishop, dug in a garden that had been

pointed out, and found the relics of St. Stephen, and their wonderful

sanctity was proved by many miracles. They were first placed in the

church of Sion at Jerusalem ; then carried by Theodosius to Con-

stantinople ; and lastly by Pope Pelagius to Rome, where they were

deposited in the same tomb with those of St. Laurence. The legend

adds that when the sarcophagus was opened to receive these sacred

remains, St. Laurence moved to the left, thus giviusj the honorable

right hand to St. Stephen. On this account St. Laurence is called

by the populace of Ptome "II cortese Spagnuolo " ("the courteous

Spaniard"). St. Stephen is represented as young and beardless,

in the dress of a deacon. The dalmatica is square and straight at

the bottom, with large sleeves and heavy gold tassels hanging from


the shoulders ; it is crimson and richly embroidered. He has the

palm almost always, and the stones are his special attribute, and

when given to him it is impossible to mistake him ; but when they

are left out, he is like St. Vincent. December 26.

St. Stephen of Hungary was the son of Duke Geysa. His

father and mother were baptized late in life by St. Adelbert, the North-

umbrian missionary. They gave their son the name of the Proto-

martyr. Stephen was thus the first Christian king of Hungary. Hefound his country in ignorance and heathenism ; he not only Chris-

tianized it, but he subdued other pagan nations about him and

brought them also into the Church. He sent to Rome requesting

the pope to grant him the title of king and to give him his benedic-

tion. The pope sent him a crown, and a cross to be borne before his

army. !Maria Teresa was crowned with this diadem, which was pre-

served at Presburg. St. Stephen married the sister of St. Henrycalled Gisela. No child survived him, and his son St. Emeric is

associated with him in the veneration of the Hungarians. He is rep-

resented in armor with his crown. As apostle of Hungary he bears the

standard with the cross and the sword. September 2, a. d. 1038.

Sudarium. See St. Veronica.

St. Susanna was the daughter of Gabinius, brother of Pope

Caius, and nearly related to the Emperor Diocletian. She was re-

markable for her beauty, but more so for her learning. Diocletian

desired her as a wife for his adopted son Maximns. She had made

a vow of chastity, and refused even this tempting offer. Then

Diocletian desired his empress, Serena, to try her influence with the

maiden. Put Serena was herself a Christian, and sympathized with

Susanna in her determination. At length Diocletian became exas-

perated at her firmness, and sent an executioner who killed her in

her own house. Her attributes are the sword and palm. August 11,

A. D. 200.

Susanna. The illustrations of the history^ of Susanna are often

seen among works of art ; indeed, ** Susanna at the Path " is seen

at least once in almost every picture gallery of any size. She was

of Pabylon, the daughter of Chelcias, and of exceeding beauty. She

1 The Catliolic f'lmrcli incliules tlie Book of Daniel, in which this history is

given, among the inspired writings.


was married to Joacim, a very rich man, and greatly respected ; and

unto his liouse all the Jews resorted. There was a fair garden

adjoining this house, and there Susanna was often seen walking with

her maids. Now there were two judges, elders of tlie people, and

both wicked men, who came each day to Joacim's house ; and they

both desired to possess tSusanna, for her beauty had intlamed their

hearts. So it happened that one day, when all the people departed

at noon, they departed also, but they both returned and went into

the garden to watch for Susanna ; and when they met there, being

surprised, they each questioned the other of what he sought. Then

they acknowledged their wicked purposes, and agreed together that

they would hide, and wait for the coming of the woman. Then came

Susanna with two maids, and it was warm, and she thinking the

garden empty save of herself, sent her maids to bring oil and wash-

ing balls, that she might bathe there. So they left her to bring these

things, and they shut the door of the garden, as she had also told

them. Then the two judges laid hold of her, and they told her their

wicked designs upon her, and they said, " If you consent not unto us,

we will accuse you, and say that we saw a young man with you here,

and the doors were shut, and the maids sent away." Then Susanna

sighed, and said, ''I am straitened on every side: for if I do this

thing, it is death unto me ; and if I do it not, I cannot escape j'our

hands. It is better for me to fall into your hands and not do it, than

to sin in the sight of the Lord.'' Then she cried out, and the elders

cried out against her, and they opened the door, and the servants of

the house rushed in ; then the elders declared against her, and all

were sorrowful, "for there was never such a report made of Susanna."

Now the next day, when all the people were assembled, these elders

came ; and they called for Susanna, and Joacim was there, and his

wife came with her children, and her parents and friends. Then the

elders made accusation against her that they had seen her with the

young man, and that he had escaped, but her they had retained.

And they compelled her to raise her veil, and expose her beauty to

the people. Now the assembly believed the accusation, and she was

condemned to death, and all her friends were weeping and filled with

grief; but she raised her eyes to heaven, and cried, "0 everlasting

God ! that knowest the secrets, and knowest all things before they

be ; thou knowest that they have borne false witness against me, and


behold, I must die, whereas I never did such things as these men

have maliciously invented against me." Then the Lord heard her

cry, and there arose a young man called Daniel, and cried out, " I

am clear from the blood of this woman." Then the people asked -the

meaning of his words, and he declared that it was not just to con-

demn a daughter of Israel without examination, and he begged them

to return again to the place of judgment. So they returned ; and

Daniel desired that the elders might be separated that he might ques-

tion first one, and then the other. And it was so ; and taking them

separately, Daniel asked them of the place where they had seen that

of which tliey accused Susanna. And they contradicted each other;

for one said it was beneath a mastic tree, and the other said the tree

was an holm. Then Daniel said that having thus lied, they could

not be trusted, and the whole accusation was false, and he desired

that they might be punished for their false witness according to the

law of Moses. So they were put to death, even as they had intended

to kill Susanna. Then the family of the woman and Joacim, her

husband, rejoiced greatly because there was no dishonesty found in

her, and Daniel from that day forth had great reputation in the sight

of the peopjlc.

St. Swidbert, who was a Benedictine monk, left England to lead

the life of a missionary in Friesland and the Duchy of Berg. He

built a large monastery in Kaiserwerdt (about six miles below Dus-

seldorf) on the Rhine. He is represented as a bishop holding a

star, which probably signifies the rising light of the Gospel which he

preached to the pagans. March 1, a. d. 713.

St. Swithen was associated with St. Neot in educating Alfred

the Great. He was Bishop of Winchester. It is told of him that

when superintending the building of a bridge near Winchester, a

poor woman complained to him that a workman had broken the eggs

in her basket, whereupon St. Swithen made the eggs whole. He

went to lioine with Alfred. He desired that his body should be

buried with the poor people, outside the church, " under the feet of

tlie passengers, and exposed to the droppings of the eaves from

above." When the clergy attempted to remove his body to a more

honorable tomb inside the church, there came on a storm of ruin,

which prevented their doing so ; and this continued forty days until

the project was abandoned. It would seem that there could have been


no necessity for suffering from want of rain in Winchester in those

times. St. Swithen is represented as a bishop. July 2, a. d. 862.

St. Sylvester, Pope {Ital. San Silvestro ; Fr. St. Silvestre).

He is represented in pontifical robes, with the plain mitre, or the

triple tiara, with the book and crosier as bishop. His proper attribute

is the bull, which crouches at his feet; his dress distinguishes him

from St. Luke, who has the ox. Sometimes he holds the portraits

of St. Peter and St. Paul. December 31, a. d. 335.

For legends, see Constantino, Emperor.

St. Teresa {Ital. Santa Teresa, Fondatrice dei Scalzi ; Fr. Ste.

Therese de Jesus des Carmes-Dechausses ; Sp. La Xuestra Serafica

Madra Santa Teresa de Jesus). The father of this saint was Don

Alphonso Sanchez de Cepeda, and her mother was named Beatrix.

She herself is called Teresa d'Avila, on account of the place of her

birth, which was Avila, in Castile. She was born March 28, 1515,

and was one of twelve brothers and sisters. Her father was ex-

exceedingly pious, and her mother extremely romantic. Under these

two influences the character of the saint was formed. Among her

brothers was one of ardent temperament, sympathetic with her own,

whom she dearly loved. They especiall}'- delighted in reading the

lives of the saints and martyrs, and they/ conceived a passionate

desire to obtain the crown of martyrdom themselves. When but

eight or nine years of age, they sought to go into the country of the

Moors, hoping to be taken and sacrificed by the infidels. They were dis-

appointed in this project, and then resolved to become hermits, but were

prevented from thus pleasing themselves. But they bestowed all their

pocket-money in alms ; and whenever they played with other chil-

dren, they always took the characters of monks and nuns,— walked

in processions and sang hymns. When Teresa was twelve years old,

her mother died. During her girlhood she seems to have forgotten

her religious impressions, and to have given herself up to dress and

pleasure, pride of position, and self-love. She ardently longed to be

loved, and admired. Her father saw the dangers which surromided

her, and placed her in a convent, commanding that she should be

strictly secluded from the world. Again her i-eligious nature was

aroused, and she felt that a convent was her only haven of peace

and safety. A marriage which was disagreeable had been pro-

posed to her. The conflict between her diflering tastes and incliua



tions was so serious that she fell ill. Ajj^ain, on her recovery, the

struggle was renewed, and a second time she was prostrated by sick-

ness. All this shows the extreme sensitiveness and ardor of her na-

ture. At length the writings of St. Jerome decided her to lead a

religious life. Her fjitlier consented ; but again her mental sufferings

on parting from her family nearly cost her her life. She entered

the convent of Carmelites at Avila at the age of twenty. Here her

mind became more settled, though not at rest, and her health was

long enfeebled. She herself writes that for twenty years she did

not find the repose for which she had hoped. But she adds, "Atlength God took pity on me. I read the ' Confessions of St. Au-

gustine.' I saw how he had been tempted, how he had been tried,

and how he had at length conqnered." From this time there was

a change in her life and feeling. About the year 1561 Tei-esa set

her mind upon reforming the Order of Mount Carmel. From the

people of Avila she obtained money, and there she founded her con-

vent. She dedicated it to St. Joseph, whom she had chosen for her

patron saint. "When she entered her convent she had but eight

nuns with her ; before her death there were thirty convents estab-

lished according to her rule. She met with great difficulties, but

she overcame them ; and during the later years of her life she

travelled fiom convent to convent, promulgating the reformed rules

of her order, and settling all points of difficulty. Her labors were

not for nunneries alone ; she also effected changes in monasteries, and

indeed founded fifteen convents for men. It was she who made the

Carmelites go barefoot or sandalled. Hence arises the term " Bare-

foot Carmelites." In Italy they are called *'Scalzi" ("the Unshod")

and also " Padri Teresiani." St. Teresa wrote many essays and ex-

hortations for her nuns ; some mystical and poetical writings, and

a history of her life, at the command of her spiritual directors.

She never recovered tlie perfect use of her limbs after the repeated

sicknesses of her youth, and with years her infirmities increased.

She was attacked witii her last illness at the palace of the Duehess

of Alva. She desired to be removed to her own convent of San Jos^.

In her last moments she repeated the text from the Miserere, *'A

broken and contrite heart, Lord, thou wilt not despise." Her shrine

at Avila in the church of her convent is a very holy place, and manypilgrims visit it. The nuns of the convent always sit on the steps


and not on the seats of the choir, because there is a tradition that

the angels occupied these seats whenever St. Teresa attended mass.

She is represented kneehng ; and a flame-tipped arrow pierces her

breast, — a symbol of the fervor of Divine love which possessed her

soul. Sometimes she is gazing upwards towards the holy dove, a

symbol of inspiration,— a divine gift never claimed by St. Teresa.

Philip III. chose her for the second patron saint of Spain, ranking

her next to Santiago. The Cortes confirmed his choice. October 15,

A.D. 1582.

St. Thecla {Ital. Santa Tecla; Fr. Ste. Thkle; Ger. Die Hcilige

Thekla). Although more especially honored by the Greeks, Thecla lias

also been accepted and reverenced in the Latin Church. St. John pro-

nounced the book called the "Acts of Paul and Thecla" to be spurious


but in the earliest days of the Church it was thought the highest praise

of any woman to compare her to St. Thecla. The legend relates

that when St. Paul preached in the house of Onesiphorus at Iconiura,

Thecla could hear his sermons in her own house, by sitting at the

window, and she became so entranced by what she heard that she

would not turn her head or leave the window for any purpose. Nowshe was betrothed to Thamyris, who loved her with great devotion.

Her mother, Theoclea, sent for the youth, and told him how intent the

maiden was upon the words of Paul ; that she would neither eat nor

drink, and seemed to care for nothing but what she heard from the

Apostle. Then Thamyris also entreated her with words of love, but

she would not heed him. Then he complained to the governor, and

the governor imprisoned Paul, until he should have time to hear him

in his own defence. But Thecla went to the prison, and bribed the

turnkey with her earrings, and the jailer with a silver looking-glass,

and so gained admission to Paul. She sat at his feet and listened

to his instructions, and kissed his chains in her delight. When the

governor heard all this, he commanded that Paul should be scourged

and driven out of the city, and that Thecla should be burned. So

the young people of the city gathered wood for the burning of Thecla,

and she was brought naked to the stake, where her beauty moved

the hearts of all, and even the governor wept at the thought of the

death she was to suffer. But when the fire was kindled, although

it was very large, the flames did not touch her, and she remained in

the midst of it uninjured. At length the fire was extinguished, and


she made her escape. Then Paul took her to Antioch, where she

was au:ain accused before the governor, who condemned her to be

thrown to the beasts of tlie amphitheatre. When this sentence was

known, it created great indignation, and the people cried out, saying,

" The judgments declared in this city are unjust." But Thecla sub-

mitted without reproaches, only asking of the governor that her

chastity might be respected until the time of her martyrdom. Now,

when the time arrived, the amphitheatre was crowded with spectators.

Thecla was deprived of her garments, and a girdle fastened about

her waist, and the beasts were let in upon her. Murmurs of rage

and disapprobation arose from the populace. The women cried out,

" unrighteous judgment ! cruel sight ! The whole city ought to

suffer for such crimes !

" and a woman named Trissina wept aloud.

But a fiei'ce lioness bounded towards Thecla, and when she reached

her lay down at her feet ; all the bears and the lions also stretched

themselves out as if asleep. Then the governor called Thecla and

asked, *' Who art thou, woman, that not one of the beasts will touch

thee?" And Thecla replied, *'I am a servant of the living God,

and a believer in Jesus Christ his Son." And tlie governor ordered

that her garments should be brought, and saying to her, " Put on

thy apparel," he released her. Then Trissina took Thecla to her

own home. But Thecla desired much to see Paul, and determined

to go in search of him. Trissina gave her much money and clothing

for the poor, in order that Paul might be aided in his work. Thecla

found him at Myra in Lycia, where he preached and labored for the

conversion of the people. Tliecla returned to Iconium, and after

years spent in the service of Christ, she was led by the Spirit to

retire to a mountain near Seleucia, where she lived in solitude and

was beset witli great temptations. AVhile she lived in this mountain,

she wrought many miraculous cures ; so that when the sick were

brought to her cave the}' w^ere healed, and the physicians of Seleucia

were of no account. Then they consulted and said, ** This woman

must be a priestess of Diana. It is by her chastity she does tliese

cures. If we could destroy that, her power would be overthrown."

So they sent evil men to do her violence. And Thecla ran from

them, praying for aid from Heaven ; and lo ! a great rock opened be-

fore her, leaving a space large enough for her to enter; and when she

went in, it closed and she was seen no more, but her veil, which one


of the men had seized, remained in his hand. The legend adds


" Thus suffered the blessed virgin and martyr Thecla, who came from

Iconium at eighteen years of age, and afterwards, partly in journeys

and travels, and partly in a monastic life in the cave, lived seventy-

two years,, so that she was ninety years of age when the Lord trans-

lated her." Thecla is honored as the first female martyr in the Greek

Church. St. Martin of Tours greatly venerated her, and greatly

promoted devotion to her in the Latin Church. She is represented

in brown or gray drapery, and bears the palm. Wild beasts are about

her. Patroness of Tarragona. September 23. First century.

St. Theodore {Lat. S. Theodorus ; Ital San Teodoro ; Ger. Der

Heilige Theodor). This is a warrior saint. He held a high rank

in the army of Licinius. He was converted to Christianity, and set

on fire the temple of Cybele. Some legends state that he was burned

alive ; others, that he was beheaded. He is represented in armor,

with a dragon beneath his feet. He was patron saint of Venice

before St. Mark. There is another St. Theodore sometimes repre-

sented in Greek art, called St. Theodore of Heraclea. He is painted

as an armed knight on horseback. The Venetian saint is represented

in the more ancient pictures as young and beautiful, and often in

company with St. George. January 11, a. d. 300.

St. Theonestus was one of the saints of the Theban Legion.

See St. Maurice.

St. Theophilus (C'r, "Ay. 0eo<^iXo? ; Lat S. Theophilus; Ital.

and Sp. San Teofilo ; Ger. Der Heilige Theophilus, Gottlieb ; Fr. St.

Theophile: signification, "a lover of God"). See St. Dorothea.

St. Thomas {Ital. San Tommaso ; Sp. San Tom6) was a Gali-

lean fisherman ; he is called Didymus, the twin, and is the seventh

in the ranks of the Apostles. From the Scripture his character ap-

pears to be affectionate and self sacrificing : ''Let us go also, that we

may die with him." But so great was his incredulity that he has

always been remembered for that rather than for his other charac-

teristics. According to tradition he travelled very far into the East;

founded a church in India, and met the three jNIagi, whom he bap-

tized. The legend, called that of " La Madonna della Cintola," re-

lates that when the Virgin ascended to heaven, Thomas was not

present with the other Apostles. Three days later, when he re-

turned, he could not believe their account, and desired her tomb to


be opened. It was empty ; then the Virgin, that he might be satis-

fied, dropped her girdle to him from the heavens. (See also the

Madonna; the Assumption.) According to another legend, when

Thomas was at Caesarea, he had a vision in which Christ appeared

and told him that Gondoforus, the king of the Indies, had sent his

provost to find an architect to build him a palace more gorgeous

tiian that of the Koman Emperor. And Jesus desired St. Thomas to

go and undertake this labor. Then Thomas went, and Gondoforus

gave him much treasure, and commanded the building of the mag-

nificent palace, and went to a distant country and remained two

years. Thomas budt no palace, but gave all the riches with which

he had been intrusted to the poor and sick. AVhen the king re-

turned he was very wroth, and ordered that St. Thomas should be

cast into prison, and reserved for a terrible death. Now at this time

the brother of the king died, and four days after his death he sat

upright, and spoke to the king, saying, *' The man whom thou wouldst

torture is a servant of God : behold, I have been in Paradise, and

the angels showed to me a wondrous palace of gold and silver and

precious stones ; and they said, ' This is the palace that Thomas

the architect hath built for thy brother. King Gondoforus.' The

king ran to the prison to liberate Thomas. Then the Apostle said,

"Knowest thou not that those who would possess heavenly things

have little care for the things of this earth 1 There are in heaven

rich palaces without number, which were prepared from the begin-

ning of the world for those who purchase the possession through

faith and charity. Thy riches, king, may prepare the way for

thee to such a palace, but they cannot follow thee thither." Ac-

cording to tradition the Portuguese found at Meliapore an inscription,

saying that Thomas was pierced with a lance at the foot of a cross

which he had erected in that city, and that his body had been re-

moved to Goa in 1523. When represented as an Apostle, his

attril)utc is the builder's rule or square. As a martyr, he bears

the lance. The two principal scenes in which he is represented,

"The Incredulity of Thomas" and the "Madonna della Cintola," are

easily recognized. Patron of Portugal and Parma. December 21.

St. Thomas k Becket, St. Thomas of Canterbury (Lat. S.

Thomas Kpisc. (Jaiituaiionsis et Martyr; ltd/. i>iu\ Toinniaso Can-

tuuriense ; /V. St. Thomas de Cantorbcri). Mrs. Jameson, in her


"Legends of the Monastic Orders," gives a summary of the principal

events in the Hfe of this saint, which is at once so concise and so

comprehensive that I cannot do better than to quote it :" Tlie

whole of liis varied hfe is rich in materials for the historical painter,

oftering all that could possibly be desired, iu pomp, in circumstance,

in scenery, in costume, and in character. What a scries it would makeof beautiful subjects, beginning with the legend of liis motlier, the

daughter of the Emir of Palestine, who, when his father, Gill)ert a

Becket, was taken prisoner in the Crusade, fell in love witli him,

delivered him from captivity, and afterwards followed him to Eng-

land, knowing no words of any Western tongue, except * Gilbert ' and

'London,' with the aid of which she found him in Cheapside ; then

her baptism ; her marriage ; the birth of the future saint ; his intro-

duction to the king; his mission to Rome; his splendid embassy to

Paris; his single-handed combat with Engleran de Trie, tlie French

knight ; the King of England and the King of France at his bed-

side, when he was sick' at Rouen ; his consecration as archbishop


his assumption of the Benedictine habit ; his midnight penances,

when he walked alone in the cloisters bewailing his past sins ; his

washing the feet of the pilgrims and beggars ; his angry conference

with the king ; their reconciliation at Friatville ; his progress tlirough

the city of London, when the grateful and enthusiastic po(jple flung

themselves in his path, and kissed the hem of his garment ; his

interview with the assassins; his murder on the steps of the altar;

and finally, the proud king kneeling at midnight on the same spot,

submitting to be scourged in penance for his crime." His mar-

tyrdom made him a saint ; it gives him also a place in art. Whenhe was made archbishop he ceased to be chancellor, and became

a different man, especially in his relations to Henry IL He main-

tained his rank as spiritual father of the king and people with

great determination. Henry was at last desperate at the continued

opposition of the courageous priest, and in a moment of more than

usual temper exclaimed, " Of the cowards that eat my bread, is tlicre

none that will rid me of this upstart priest ? " This was enough, — as

powerful as a death-w\arrant,— and four Xormans, attendant upon the

king, bound themselves b}^ oath to murder the archbishop. They

went to Canterbury ; and from the time of their appearance before

him, he divined their awful errand. At first they were not armed



he spoke to them with great spirit, and declared that he feared not

their swords, and wouki die sooner than retract what he had said

or done. This enraged them, and they rnshed ont to summon

their followers. Then was heard the singing of the Vespers, and

his friends urged Becket to go into the cliurch as a place of safety.

He ordered the cross of Canterbury to be borne before him, and

passed through the cloister into the church. His friends barred the

gates behind him, but he commanded them to be reopened, saying

that God's house should never be fortified as a place of defence. As

he ascended the steps of the choir, the four knights witli twelve at-

tendants, all armed, burst into the church. "Where is the traitor?"

demanded one of the number. All was silent. " Where is the arch-

bishop 1 " asked Keginald Fitzurse. Then Becket replied, " Here I am;

the archbishop, but no traitor ! Reginald, I have granted thee many

favors ; what is thy object now 1 If thou seekest my life, let that suf-

fice ; and I command thee, in the name of God, not to touch one of

my people." He was then told that he must absolve the Archbishop

of York and the Bishop of Salisbury, whom he had excommunicated.

" Till they make satisfaction, I will not absolve them," he firmly

answered. "Then die!" said Tracy. The first blow aimed at his

head was broken in its force by his cross-bearer, so that he was but

slightly wounded. Feeling the blood on his face, he bowed his head,

and said, " In the name of Christ, and for the defence of his Church,

I am ready to die." The assassins then wished to remove hitn from

the church, in order to lessen the horrible sacrilege they were com-

mitting ; but Becket said, " I will not stir ;do here what yon please,

or are commanded." He added, " I humbly commend my spirit to

God, who gave it ;" and instantly he was struck down, and was soon

dead ; but so many blows were lavished on him that his brains

strewed the pavement before the altar. His monks buried him in

the crypt at Canterbury. According to tradition, as they bore him

to the tomb, angels were heard singing the beginning of the Service

of the Martyrs, " Laetabitur Justus," The monks were for a moment

amazed ; they ceased their funeral hymn ; then, as if inspired, they

joined their voices with tlie angelic hymn, and bore the great bishop

in triunii)h to his grave. In due time he was canonized. Ilis remains

wore enclosed in a splendid shrine, and votaries from all parts of the

TTorld made pilgrimages to the scene of his martyrdom. But later,


the power of the kings of the earth burned his relics, and threw the

ashes into the Thames. Thomas a Becket was fifty-two years old

when he was martyred. He is represented as a bishop, with the

crosier and the Gospels in his hand ; as a martyr, he is without the

mitre and a sword or axe is struck into his head, or the blood trickles

from a wound over his face. December 29, a. d. 1170.

St. Thomas Aquinas (Ital. San Tommaso di Aquino, Dottore

Angelico) was born at Belcastro in the year 1226. His father was

Count of Aquino, Lord of Loretto and Belcastro. Tliomas was grand-

nephew of Frederick I., and a kinsman of the emperors Henry VI.

and Frederick II. The sweetness of temper for which as a child

he was remarkable, he preserved through life. When ten years

old, the teachers at Monte Casino declared they could instruct him

no further, so great was his learning. His mother, the Countess

Theodora, desired that he should have a private tutor, but his father

placed him at the University of Naples. His own inclination and

his mother's counsels kept him free from the temptations around him.

At seventeen he assumed the Dominican habit at Naples. His

mother hastened to persuade him not to take the final vows. Fear-

ing he could not resist her appeals, he fled towards Paris : but his

brothers, Landolfo and Rinaldo, seized him near Acquapendente;

they tore off his monk's habit, and took him to his father's castle of

Rocca-Secca. Then his mother came ; and when her entreaties

would not prevail, she had him guarded, and allowed no one to see

him save his two sisters, who were instructed to persuade him to

give up the idea of a religious life. The result was that Thomas so

influenced his sisters that they sympathized with him, and aided him

to escape. He was lowered from a window in a basket ; some monkswaited for him below, and not a long time elapsed before he took his

final vows. He was as eminent for his humility, and the simplicity

of his manners, by which he concealed his acquirements, as for his

learning. He was surnamed Bos, the Ox. On one occasion when

it was his duty to read in the refectory, the superior corrected him,

and told him to read a word with a false quantity. St. Thomas knew

that he was right and the superior wrong, but he did as directed

instantly. Being told that he should not have yielded, he replied,

"The pronunciation of a word is of little importance, but humility

and obedience are of the greatest." Pope Clement IV. desired to make


him an archbishop, but he decHned all preferments. He was the

most learned man of his time^ in the Church. Being sent on a mis-

sion to Naples, he was taken ill at Fossa-Nova, on his journey. He

was carried to a Cistercian abbey, where he died. Before extreme

unction was administered to him, he requested to be laid on ashes on

the floor. He is represented in the Dominican habit. His attributes

are : a book or books ; the pen or inkhorn ; the sacramental cup, on

account of his having composed the Office of the Blessed Sacrament;

on his breast a sun, and sometimes an eye within it ; frequently he

looks up at a dove, or writes. March 7, a. d. 1274.

St. Thomas of Villanueva, surnamed the Almoner. He was

born in 1488. His parents were of moderate fortune, but dis-

tinguished for their charities. They supplied seeds for the fields of

the poor, and lent their money without interest. The son inlierited

their charity to an intense degree. As a child he would take off his

own clothes to giv^e away to children in the street. He showed from

his infancy a singular fitness for the ministry of the Church. Hestudied fourteen years at Alcala and Salamanca, and entered the

Augustiuian Order at thirty years of age. In his life it is related

that he pronounced his vows in the self-same hour in which Luther

publicly renounced his. He passed two years in penance and prayer,

and thefi became an eloquent and distinguished preacher. Charles V.,

the Emperor of Spain, held St. Thomas in great veneration ; and

when he would not listen to the entreaties of friends or the requests

of his son Don Philip, ho yielded to St. Thomas, saying that lie con-

sidered his request as a divine command. In 1544 Charles named

Thomas Archbishop of Valencia. He reluctantly accepted the office,

and arrived in Valencia so poorly clad and provided for, that his

canons sent him four thousand crowns to buy him an outfit ; he

thanked them, and sent it to the hospital for the sick ; and this,

when his only hat had been worn twenty-six years! His whole life

was but a gi'and series of beneficent deeds. He divided the poor

into six classes: (1) The bashful poor, who had been independent,

and were ashamed to beg; (2) The poor girls, whose poverty exposed

them to temptation, to sin and shame; (3) The poor debtors; (4)

1 Liitor times ]mvo not produced liis pqunl, nuich less his 8U])('rior ; niid his

Holiness Pope Leo XIII. ur|,'(»s on all ecclesiastics the study of the works of tho

Angelic Doctor St. Thoinua Aquinas.


Orphans and foundlings; (5) The lame, sick, and infirm

; (6) Stran-

gers and travellers who came to the city without the means to pay

for food and lodging. For these he had a large kitchen, always open,

where they could have food ; rooms where they could sleep; and in

addition a small sum of money when they went on their way. Amid

all these cares, he did not forget his duties as a spiritual teacher.

When the hour of his death came, he had given away everything

except tlie pallet on which he lay, and this was to be given to a jailer

who assisted him in executing his benevolent designs. So strange

was it, that, in spite of all he had given away, he still left no debts,

that it was believed that his money had been miraculously increased

according to his wants. Thousands of poor people followed him to

his grave. "When he was beatified it was also decreed that he should

be represented with an open purse, in place of the crosier; but the

latter is not always omitted. He is usually surrounded by poor

people, kneeling. The finest pictures of this saint are Spanish. One

of Murillo's, of great beauty, represents him as a child dividing

his clothing among four ragged little ones. The one called the

"Charity of San Tomas de Villa Nueva," Murillo called "his own

picture," and preferred it to all his other works. In this the saint

stands at the door of his cathedral, relieving a lame beggar kneeling

before him. September 17, a. d. 1555.

St. Tibertius. April 14. See St. Cecilia.

Tobias, the Son of Tobit. The pictures of the Archangel

Raphael are so often illustrative of his journey with the young Tobias,

that the story of their companionship rightly belongs here. XowTobit was a rich man and just: and he and his wife Anna were car-

ried away into captivity by the Assyrians. He then gave alms to all

his brethren that he could help, and lived a just life, not eating the

bread of the Gentiles. But in one wa}'' and another his misfortunes

were increased, and he became blind ; and nothing was left to him

but his wife and his son Tobias. And he was so afflicted that he

prayed for death. At this same time there dwelt in the city of

Ecbataue a man called Raguel, and he had an only daughter, Sara,

who had had seven husbands, and they were all killed b^' the evil

spirit Asmodous, as soon as they were married to her. Iler maid

reproached her, and said she had strangled her liusbauds. Sara was

BO wretched at this that she too prayed for death, that she might


he at peace. So God sent his augel Rjaphael, that he might take

away the hliiiduess of Tohit aud the reproach of this unhappy woman.

Then 'J'obit remembered that he had given to Gabael, in Media, ten

talents in trust, and he determined to send Tobias to ask for this

money. So he called him, and gave him directions concerning it.

Then Tobias said, " But how can I receive the money, seeing I know

him not ] " Then Tobit gave him the handwriting, and commanded

him to seek for a guide who would show him the way. So Tobias

sought a guide, and Raphael offered to go with him; and it happened

that Tobias knew not that his guide was an angel. So he took him to

his father, and they agreed upon the wages of the guide; and Tobit

gave directions for their journey, and they departed. Anna was much

grieved to part from her son Tobias. At evening the angel and Tobias

came to the river Tigris, and lodged thereabout; and when the latter

went to wash himself, a fish leaped out at him. And the angel told

him to take the fish, and take out the heart and the liver and the gall

and preserve them carefully. This Tobias did, and they roasted the

fish and ate it. Then Tobias asked the use of the parts they had

kept ; and the angel said the heart and the liver would cure any one

vexed with an evil spirit, if a smoke were made of them before the

person, and the gall would take away blindness from one who had

whiteness in the eyes. Now, when they were come near to Rages, the

angel said, " Brother, to-day we shall lodge with Raguel, who is thy

cousin ; he also hath one only daughter named Sara ; I will speak

for her that she may be given thee for a wife." And he added that

according to the laws she belonged to Tobias, and as she was fair and

wise, he could marry her on their return. Then Tobias said he had

" heard that she had been married to seven husbands, who all died

in the bridal chamber ; and he feared that he too should die and thus

bring his parents to their grave in sorrow, since he was their only

son." But Raphael assured him that she was the wife intended for

him by the Lord, and he should be preserved if when he came into

the marriage chamber he should make a smoke with the heart and

livtM- of the fish, for at the smell of it tlie devil would flee away

forever. "Now, when Tobias had heard these things, lie loved her,

and his heart was effectually joined to her." So when tiie}' were

come to Kcbatano they met Sara, and she took them to the house of

Raguel her father; and when they made themselves known unto him,


he rejoiced to see them, and wept to hear of the blindness of his

cousin Tobit; and Edna his wife and Sara wept also. And they killed

a ram of the flock, and prepared a supper ; but Tobias said unto

Eaphael, " Speak of those things of which thou didst talk in the way,

and let this business be despatched." So they asked Raguel for Sara,

that he should give her to Tobias as his wife. Then Raguel answered

and told of the fate of the seven husbands she had had already ; but

he could not deny the request of Tobias, for by the law of Moses,

Sara belonged to him. And so it was settled before they did eat to-

gether, and Raguel joined their hands and blessed them. Then Edna

prepared the marriage chamber and brought her daughter in thither,

and Sara wept; but her mother comforted her and blessed her. Then

when Tobias went in, he took heed to make the smoke with the heart

and liver of the fish, as Raphael had directed ; and when the evil

spirit perceived the odor thereof, he fled away to return no more.

Then Tobias and Sara knelt down, and Tobias prayed as Raphael had

commanded him, and Sara said Amen. And in the morning Raguel

went out and dug a grave ; for he counted Tobias as one dead, and

he desired to bury him quietly, that none should know what had taken

place. And he sent a servant to see if he were dead ; and the servant

found him and Sara quietly sleeping. Then did Raguel and Edna

rejoice, and they prepared to keep the marriage feast of their daughter.

And this feast lasted fourteen days. Meanwhile the angel went to

Gabael, and received from him the money that Tobit had left with

him. And when the feast w^as ended, Tobias with Sara and the angel

departed to go to his father. And Raguel and Edna blessed them,

and gave them half of their goods, servants, cattle, and money.

Now, as they approached to the city of Nineveh, the angel said to

Tobias, "Let us haste before thy wife and prepare the house, and

take in thine hand the gall of the fish." So they went, and the little

dog which they took away went with them, Now Anna was watch-

ing for them ; and when she saw them she told Tobit that they were

coming, and they were exceeding glad ; for they had both been

troubled at their long absence, and feared lest some evil had over-

taken them. Then said Raphael to Tobias, " I know that thy father

will open his eyes ; therefore anoint thou his eyes with the gall, and

being pricked therewith, he shall rub and the whiteness shall fall

away and he shall see thee." Then Tobias did so, and it was as the


angel said, and the sight of Tobit was restored to him. Then they

all rejoiced and blessed God, and Tobias recounted what had hap-

pened to him. And they went out to meet Sara and the servants

and all that he had brought with him. And the people wondered

when they saw that Tobit was no longer blind. And they brought

in Sara, and made a feast which they kept for seven days. Then

Tobit said to his son, "See that the man have his wages that went

forth with thee, and thou must give him more." And Tobias an-

swered, " father ! it is no harm to me to give liim half of those

things which I have brought ; for he hath brought me again to thee

in safety, and made whole my wife, and brought me the money, and

likewise healed thee." And Tobit said, " It is due unto him." So

they called Raphael, and made known unto him their intentions.

Then told he them to praise God, and glorify him for all this good.

And he told Tobit that all his acts and his goodness had been known

in heaven, and his weariness of life and his desire for death ; and also

those of Sara, who had so great troubles. Then he said, " And now

God hath sent me to heal thee, and Sara thy daughter-in-law. I am

Ra[)hael, one of the seven holy angels, who present the prayers of

the saints, and who go in and out before the glory of the Holy One."

Then were they both troubled and fell upon their faces ; for they

feared. But he said unto them, " Fear not, for it shall go well

with you; praise God therefore." After a few more words he van-

ished, and when they arose they could see no one. From this time

forth all did go well with Tobit and Anna his wife, with Raguel

and Edna his wife, and with their children. And while they lived

they never ceased to praise God for all the wonderful things he had

showed them. And when Tobit and Anna were dead, Tobias took his

wife and children and went to Ecbatane to Raguel, his father-in-law.

AVhon Ra<j;iR'l died, Tobias inheiited his riches and abode in honor;

and lived to hear of the destruction of Xincvch, and died at Ecbatane,

beinix an hundred and seven and twentj^ years old.

St. Torpd, or Torpet, is a Pisan saint. According to the

legend he was a Roman, and served in the guards of Nero. He was

converted by St. Paul. He was V)chcaded. When there was no water

in the Arno and all were suficring for want of rain, the head of the

saint was carried in procession; and so effectual was his intercession

that the rain fell in floods aud swept away a portion of the procession,


and, mirabile dictu, the head of the saint also ! The people knew

not what to do, when two angels appeared, dived beneath the water,

and brought again the head of the saint and gave it to the archbishop.

St. Torp^ was the patron of Pisa before St. Kanieri. For a time the

latter saint was the more popular, but St. Torpe's fame revived in

the seventeenth century. He is represented as a Roman soldier, and

bears a white banner with a red cross.

True Cross, History of the. A long time after Adam was

driven out of Paradise, he grew so weary of his life of toil and hard-

ship that he longed for death, and he sent his son Seth to the angel

who guarded the Tree of Life to ask him to send him the oil of mercy

which God had promised him when he was driven out of Paradise.

After his father had pointed out the way, Seth went ; and when he

asked the angel for the oil, the latter replied, " The oil of mercy wliich

God promised to Adam can only be given after five thousand five

hundred years shall have elapsed ; but take these three seeds, they

will bear fruit for the good of mankind." Then he gave him three

seeds, believed to have been from the same tree of which Adam had

eaten. And the angel told Seth that his father should die after three

days, and commanded that after his death these seeds should be put

under his tongue. Then Adam was joyous, for he much desired to

die. And on the third day he died, and Seth buried him in the

Valley of Hebron, and the three seeds were under his tongue. These

seeds soon sprung up ; and the three saplings thus formed united

into one, thus becoming a symbol of the Trinity. It was with a

part of this tree that Moses sweetened the waters of Marah ; and with

it also he struck the rock without calling on God ; for which fault he

was forbidden to enter the Promised Land. David also did miracles

•with this tree, and at last brought it to Jerusalem, and placed it in

his garden, and built a wall about it. When Solomon was building

the Temple, he saw that this tree was good and strong, and it was

cut down for a beam ; but the workmen could never make it fit in

any place : sometimes it was too long, and again too short, so at last

it was given up and thrown aside. After some years a woman,

Sibylla, sat down upon it, and immediately her clothes took fire ; and

she prophesied concerning it, that it would be for the destruction of

the Jews. Some men who were near by cast it into a pond, and it

rose to the surface of the water, and formed a bridge upon which


many passed. But when the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon,

as she ueared this bridge she hud a vision of its future, and she

would not step upon it, but knelt down and venerated it; and she

took off her sandals and walked through the stream, and she told

Solomon that One should hang on that tree who would redeem the

human race. Then Solomon took it, and cased it in silver and gold,

and put it above the door of the Temple, that all who came in might

bless it. But when Abijah, the son of Rehoboam, reigned, he desired

the gold and silver, and he took them away and buried the wood deep

in the earth. Now after a time a well was dug over the spot where

tlie Tree of Mercy was buried, and its waters were powerful to heal

the sick, and it was called the Pool of Bethesda. As the time for the

death of Jesus drew near, this beam was cast up to the surface of the

waters, and the Jews took it and made from it The Cross ; and so the

tree which had grown from the seeds from Paradise, and which had

been nourished l)y the decaying body of Adam, became at length the

tree of the death of the second Adam. Another legend relates that

the Jews believed that the body of Jesus would hang as long as the

cross would last, and that it was made of four different kinds of wood,

but the stem was of cypress wood, because this would not decay in

earth or water. After the cruciHxion the cross was buried deep in

the earth and there remained for more than three centuries, until

Constantine and his mother, the Empress Helena, were converted to

Christianity ; and the latter made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where

she was seized with an uncontrollable desire to discover the Cross of

Christ. Helena therefore commanded that all the wise men of the

Jews should come to her palace. They were alarmed, and questioned

one with another why this should be. But there was one named

Judas, who said, " Know, my brethren, that the empress hath come

hither to discover the cross on which Jesus Christ suffered. Take

heed that it be not revealed ; for in the hour that the cross comes to

light, our ancient law is no more, and the traditions of our people

are destroyed. My grandfather Zaccheus taught this to my father

Simon, and my fatlior Sinum hath taught it to me. Moreover, lie told

me that his brother Stephen had been stoned for believing in liim who

was crucifiod, and lie bade me beware of blas])hcming Christ or any of

his disciples." The Jews obeyed the injunction of Judas; and when

the empress questioned them they all declared that they knew not


where the cross was hidden. So Helena commanded that they should

all be buried alive. Then were they alarmed^ and they said, " Here

is a just man, and the son of a prophet, who knoweth all things per-

taining to our law, and who will answer all questions." Then she

released the others, but Judas she retained. And when she ques-

tioned him he exclaimed, " Alas ! how should I know of these things

which happened so long before I was born"?" Then the empress

was so filled with wrath that she declared he should be starved to

death, and for that purpose he was cast into a dry well. Here he

endured hunger and thirst for six days ; but on the seventh day he

yielded, and led the empress to the temple of Venus, which Hadrian

had built above the place where the cross was buried. Then Helena

commanded that the temple should be destroyed. After that, Judas

began to dig, and when he had dug twenty feet, he found three

crosses ; but they were all alike, and no one knew which was that

of Jesus. As Helena and Macarius, the Bishop of Jerusalem, were

consulting as to what should now be done, behold, a dead man was

carried past to his burial. Macarius desired that the corpse should

be laid on the crosses, and it was done. Now, when he was put

upon the first and the second he stirred not, but when he was put

upon the third he was restored to life ; and the demons were heard to

lament in the air above because Satan was overpowered and Christ

reigned, while the man raised from the dead went on his way rejoicing.

Then was Judas baptized, with the name Syriacus, or Quiriacus. But

the nails of the cross were still wanting; and when Helena prayed for

them, they appeared on the surface of the earth shining like gold.

Then Helena divided the cross, and left a part at Jerusalem, and a

part she carried to Constantinople. Constantino kept a portion of it,

which was inserted into a statue of himself; and the rest was carried

to Rome, where the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme was

built to receive and preserve it. One of the nails the empress placed

in the crown of Constantino ; another she made into a bit for his

horse ; and a third she threw into a whirlpool in the Adriatic, and

immediately the sea was calm. In the year 615, Chosroes, King

of Persia, came to Jerusalem, and carried away the portion that had

been left there. Then the Emperor Heraclius gathered his army

together and defied Chosroes to battle. When they met, the king

and the emperor decided to settle their difficulties by single combat.



Heraclius overcame Chosroes, and when the latter refused to be bap-

tized, cut oft' his head. Then the emperor returned to Jerusalem

in great triumph, bearing the cross with him ; but when he would,

he could not enter, for the walls were all closed up by a miracle.

He was astonished at this, and an angel came to him and said,

" When the King of Heaven and Earth entered through this gate to

suffer for the sins of the world, he entered not with regal pomp,

but barefoot and mounted on an ass." Then Heraclius wept that

pride should have so blinded him ; and he descended to the earth,

took off' his crown, and also his shoes, and took the royal robes off

even to his shirt. Then he put the cross on his shoulder, and the

wall opened that he might pass in. Then was the cross exalted on

an altar and displayed to the people. There is scarcely a point in

this legend which has not been the subject of art. It is also related

in the legends that The 2'itle of accusation was found and sent to

Rome by St. Helena; that it was placed on an arch in the church

of Santa Croce, and was there found in a leaden box, in 14:92. The

inscriptions in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin were in red letters,

while the wood on which they were painted was white. Since then

it has faded, and the words " Jesus " and '* Judseorum " are eaten away.

The board is now only nine inches long, but was originally about

twelve. The Sponge which was used for the vinegar, to wash the

wounds of ('hrist,^ as was the custom in crucifixions, is preserved

with great veneration at the church of St. John Lateran at Rome.

The Lance which pierced his side is also at Rome, but the point is at

Sainte Cliapellc in Paris. According to various authorities, the lance

was buried with the cross. St. Gregory of Tours and Venerable Bede

agree that in their day this lance was at Jerusalem. In order to

guard it from the Saracens, it was buried at Antioch ; and there it

was found in 1098, when by use of it were wrought many wonderful

miracles. It was then carried to Jerusalem, and thence to Constan-

tinople. Baldwin II. sent the point of it to Venice in order to raise

money for his necessities. St. Louis of France obtained it by paying

the sum lialdwin had received. The rest of the lance remained at

1 " Afterward s, Jcsns . . . said, I thirst. Now there was a vessel set there

full of vine^^nr ; and tliey i»nt n sponrje lull of vinegar about hyssop, and put it to

his nioith. AVhen Jesus tin refure had taken the vinegar, he said, It is cousum*

mated." — St. John xix. 28-30.


Constantinople after it was taken by the Turks until 1492, when

the Sultan Bajazet enclosed it in a beautiful case, and sent an ambassa-

dor with it to Rome to present it to Pope Innocent VIII.

The Crown of Thorns was given to St. Louis by Baldwin, for mo-

tives of gratitude and friendship, and also because Constantinople was

no longer a safe place for it. St. Louis, with his mother-in-law, his

brother, and many priests and members of his court, met the ambas-

sadors who carried it to him five leagues from Sens. St. Louis and

his brother Robert of Artois were barefoot and in their shirts ; thus

they bore the crown of thorns to Sens and to the cathedral of St.

Stephen, where it was received with great ceremony. It was taken

to Paris with equal honor, and St. Louis built for its reception the

Sainte Chapelle, to which was attached a rich foundation for a chapter

of canons. St. Louis also received the portion of the cross which was

at Constantinople, and other relics which St. Helena had given her

son. Some of the thorns from this crown have been given to other

churches, and they have been imitated many times. They are very


The Nails of the cross have already been spoken of. These have

been multiplied by imitation, and many made in this way and touched

to the true nails, are considered holy.

The F'lllar to which Christ was bound to be scourged, or a portion

of it, is preserved at Jerusalem. The inscription above it says that

it was placed there in 1223 by Cardinal Columna.

The Blood of Christ. The Rev. Alban Butler says that this relic,

" which is kept in some places, of which the most famous is that of

Mantua, seems to be what has sometimes issued from the miraculous

bleeding of some crucifix when pierced in derision by Jews or Pagans,

instances of which are recorded in authentic histories." Represen-

tations of all these different relics, of circumstances connected with

their discovery, of the ceremonies which have taken place on their

account, and of the miracles performed through them, are very

numerous in works of art.

St. Umilita, or Humility, was the wife of Ugolotto Cacciane-

mici of Faenza. She was the foundress of the Vallombrosan nuns.

She had desired to remain a virgin, but was compelled to marry on

account of the avaricious interests of her family. Her husband was

also virtuous and pious. Not long after their marriage, Rosane (for


this was her name) thus addressed her husband :" Dost thou not feel

that we can Hnd no real permanent happiness here on earth, and

should we not aspire to that peace and bliss which we can attain iu

heaven ] Let us therefore sejiarate for a while, and in the silence of

some cloister make a sacrifice of ourselves to God, for our countr}',

our kindred, and for all those whom we love. Time fleets by with

lightning speed, and we shall soon be reunited in the kingdom of

heaven, where we shall enjoy all that felicity which has been denied

us here below." Ugolotto consented, and they both lived strict lives

according to the Yallombrosan rule. This legend has been illustrated

iu a series of eleven pictures by Bufalmacco. One of them repre-

sents Rosane persuading her husband to the separation. Her face

is alight with the inspiration of the project of self-sacrifice she has

conceived, while that of Ugolotto is sad at the thought of parting

with her.

St. Ursula, and her Virgin Companions {Lat. Sancta Ursula;

Fr. Ste. Ursule ; Ital. Santa Irsola). This legend, which from its

very improbability and surpassing strangeness is so fascinating, can

be traced to the year 600. All the discussions as to its significa-

tion have not (happily) changed the legend, and the Cologne ver-

sion is the one followed by most painters who have attempted to

depict its wonderful incidents. The manner in which this legend is

told is so charming in its quaintness of thought and expression that

even when I consider the brevity that is here desirable, I cannot find

it in my heart to do otherwise than give it verbatim et literatim.

"Once on a time there reigned in Brittany a certain king whose name

was Theonotus, and he was married to a Sicilian princess whose name

was Daria. Both were Christians, and they were blessed with one

daughter, whom they called Ursula, and whom they educated with

exceeding care. When Ursula was about fifteen, her mother, Queen

Daria, died, leaving the king almost inconsolable ; but Ursula, though

so young, supplied the place of her mother in the court. She was

not only wonderfully beautiful, and gifted with all the external graces

of her sex, but accomplished in all the learning of the time. Her

mind was a perfect storehouse of wisdom and knowledge : she had

read about the stars, and the courses of the winds ; all that had

ever ha|)pened iu the world from the days of Adam she had by

heart; the poets and the philosophers were to her what childish


recreations are to others ; but above all, she was profoundly versed

in theology and school divinity, so that the doctors were astonished

and confounded by her argumentative powers. To these accomplish-

ments were added the more excellent gifts of humility, piety, and

charity, so that she was esteemed the most accomplished princess of

the time. Her father, who loved her as the light of his eyes, de-

sired nothing better than to keep her always at his side. But the

ftxme of her beauty, her virtue, and her wondrous learning was

spread through all the neighboring lands, so that many of the

neighboring princes desired her in marriage ; but Ursula refused

every offer. Not far from Brittany, on the other side of the great

ocean, was a country called England, vast and powerful, but the peo-

ple were still in the darkness of paganism ; and the king of this

country had an only son, whose name was Conon, as celebrated for

his beauty of person, his warlike prowess, and physical strength, as

Ursula for her piety, her graces, and her learning. He was now old

enough to seek a wife ; and his father, King Agrippinus, hearing of

the great beauty and virtue of Ursula, sent ambassadors to demand

her in marriage for his son. When the ambassadors arrived at the

palace of the King of Brittany, they were very courteously received,

but the king was secretly much embarrassed, for he knew that his

daughter had made a vow of perpetual chastity, having dedicated

herself to Christ ; at the same time he feared to offend the powerful

monarch of England by refusing his request ; therefore he delayed

to give an answer, and having commanded the ambassadors to be

sumptuously lodged and entertained, he retired to his chamber, and

leaning his head on his hand, he meditated what was best to be

done ; but he could think of no help to deliver him from this strait.

While thus he sat apart in doubt and sadness, the princess entered,

and learning the cause of his melancholy, she said with a smile,

' Is this all 1 Be of good cheer, my king and father ! for if it

please you, I will myself answer these ambassadors.' And her

father replied, ' As thou wilt, my daughter.' So the next day,

when the ambassadors were again introduced, St. Ursula was seated

on a throne by her father's side, and having received and returned

their salutations with unspeakable grace and dignity, she thus ad-

dressed tliem : 'I thank my Lord the King of England, and Conon,

his princely son, and his noble barons, and you, sirs, his honorable


ambassadors, for the honor ye have done me, so much greater than

mv deserving. I hold myself bound to your king as to a second

father, aud to the jjrince his son as to my brother and bridegroom,

ft»r to no other will I ever listen. But I have to ask three things.

First, he shall give for me as my ladies and companions ten virgins

of the noblest blood in his kingdom, and to each of these a thou-

sand attendants, and to me also a thousand maidens to wait on me.

Secondly, he shall permit me for the space of three years to honor

my virginity, and with my companions to visit the holy shrines

where repose the bodies of the saints. And my third demand is

that the prince and his court shall receive baptism ; for other than a

perfect Christian I cannot wed.' Now you shall understand that

this wise princess, Ursula, made these conditions, thinking in her

heart, 'either the King of England will refuse these demands, or, if

he grant them, then eleven thousand virgins are redeemed and dedi-

cated to the service of God.' The ambassadors, being dismissed

with honor, returned to their own country, where they made such a

report of the unequalled beauty and wisdom of the princess that

the king thought no conditions too hard, and the prince his son was

inflamed by desire to obtain her; so he commanded himself to be

forthwith baptized ; and the king wrote letters to all his vassals in

his kingdom of France, in Scotland, and in the province of Corn-

wall, to all his princes, dukes, counts, barons, and noble knights,

desiring that they should send him the required number of maidens,

spotless and beautiful, and of noble birth, to wait on the Princess

Ursula, who was to wed his heir the Prince Conon ; and from all

parts these noble virgins came trooping, fair and accomplished in all

female learning, and attired in rich garments, wearing jewels of gold

and silver. Being assembled in Brittany, in the capital of King

Theonotus, Ursula received them not only with great gladness and

courtesy, but with a sisterly tenderness and with thanksgiving,

praising (Jod that so many of her own sex had been redeemed from

the world's vanities; and the fume of this noble assembly of virgins

having gone forth to all the countries round about, the barons and

knights were gathered together from east and west to view this

spectacle, and you may think how much they were amazed and edi-

fied by the sight of so much beauty and so much devotion. Now,

when Ursula had collected all her virgins together, on a fresh and


fair morning in the spring-time, she desired them to meet in a

meadow near the city, wliich meadow was of freshest green, all over

enamelled with the brightest flowers ; and she ascended a throne

which was raised in the midst, and spake to all the assembled

virgins of things concerning the glory of God, and of his Son, our

Lord and Saviour, with wonderful eloquence ; and of Christian

charity, and of a pure and holy life dedicated to heaven. And all

these virgins, being moved with a holy zeal, wept, and, lifting uptheir hands and their voices, promised to follow her whithersoever

she should lead. And she blessed them and comforted them ; and

as there were many among them who had never received baptism,

she ordered that they should be baptized in the clear stream which

flowed through that flowery meadow. Then Ursula called for a pen,

and wrote a letter to her bridegroom, the son of the Kino" of Emr-

land, saying, that as he had complied with all her wishes and fulfilled

all her demands, he had good leave to wait upon her forthwith. So

he, as became a true knight, came immediately ; and she received

him with great honor ; and in presence of her father, slie said to

him, 'Sir, my gracious prince and consort, it has been revealed to

me in a vision that I must depart hence on my pilgrimage to visit

the shrines in the holy city of Rome, with these my companions


thou meanwhile shalt remain here to comfort my father and assist

him in his government till my return ; or, if God should dispose of

me otherwise, this kingdom shall be yours by right.' Some say

that the prince remained, but others relate that he accompanied her

on her voyage ; however this may be, the glorious virgin embarked

with all her maidens on board a fleet of ships prepared for them,

and many holy prelates accompanied them. There were no sailors

on board, and it was a wonder to see with what skill these wise vir-

gins steered the vessels and managed the sails, being miraculously

taught; we must therefore suppose that it was by no mistake of

theirs, but by the providence of God, that they sailed to the north

instead of the south, and were driven by the winds into the mouth

of the Rhine as far as the port of Cologne. Here they reposed for

a brief time, during which it was revealed to St. Ursula that on her

return she and her companions should on that spot suffer martyrdom

for the cause of God ; all which she made known to her companions;

and they all together lifted up their voices in hymns of thanksgiving


that they should be found worthy so to die. So they proceeded on

their voyage up the river till they came to the city of Basil ; there

they disembarked, and crossed over the high mountains into the

plains of Liguria. Over the rocks and snows of the Alps they were

miraculously conducted ; for six angels went before them perpetually,

clearing the road from all impediments, throwing bridges over the

mountain torrents, and every night pitching tents for their shelter

and refreshment. So they came at length to the river Tiber, and

descending the river they reached Eome, that famous city wherein is

the holy shrine of St. Peter and St. Paul. In those days was Cyria-

cus Bishop of Rome ; he was famous for his sanctity ; and hearing of

the arrival of St. Ursula and all her fair and glorious company of

maidens, he was, as you may suppose, greatly amazed and troubled

in mind, not knowing what it might portend. So he went out to

meet them, with all his clergy in procession. When St. Ursula,

kneeling down before him, explained to him the cause of her coming,

and implored his blessing for herself and her companions, who can

express his admiration and contentment ! He not only gave them

his blessing, but commanded that they should be honorably lodged

and entertained ; and to preserve their maidenly honor and decorum,

tents were pitched for them outside the walls of the city, on the

plain towards Tivoli. Now it happened that the valiant son of King

Agrippinus, who had been left in Brittany, became every day more

and more impatient to learn some tidings of his princess-bride; and

at length he resolved to set out in search of her, and by a mir-

acle, he arrived in the city of Rome on the self-same day, but by a

different route. Being happily reunited, he knelt with Ursula at the

feet of Cyriacus, and received baptism at his hands, changing his

name from Conon to that of Ethereus, to express the purity and' regeneration of his soul. He no longer aspired to the possession of

Ursula, but fixed his hope on sharing with her the crown of martyr-

dom on earth, looking to a perpetual reunion in heaven, where neither

sorrow nor separation should touch them more. After this blessed

company had duly performed their devotions at the shrine of St.

Peter and St. Paul, the good Cyriacus would fain have detained

them longer ; but Ursula showed him that it was necessary they

should de])art, in order to receive the crown * already laid up for them

in heaven.* When the bishop heard this, he resolved to accompany


her. In vain his clergy represented that it did not become the

pope of Rome, and a man of venerable years, to follow a company

of maidens, however immacidate they might be. Cyriacus had been

counselled by an angel of God, and he made ready to set forth and

embark with them on the river Rhine. Now it happened that there

were at Rome in those days two great Roman captains, cruel hea-

thens, who commanded all the imperial troops in Germania. They,

being astonished at the sight of this multitude of virgins, said one

to the other, ' Shall we suffer this 1 If we allow these Christian

maidens to return to Germania, they will convert the whole nation


or if they marry husbands, then they will have so many children,—no doubt, all Christians,— that our empire will cease ; therefore let

lis take counsel what is best to be done.' So these wicked pagans

consulted together, and wrote letters to a certain barbarian king of

the Huns, who was then besieging Cologne, and instructed him what

he should do. Meantime St. Ursula and her virgins, with her hus-

band and his faithful knights, prepared to embark ; with them went

Pope Cyriacus, and in his train Vincenzio and Giacomo, cardinals


and Solfino, Archbishop of Ravenna; and Folatino, Bishop of Lucca;

and the Bishop of Faenza, and the patriarch of Grado, and many

other prelates ; and after a long and perilous journey they arrived in

the port of Cologne. They found the city besieged by a great army

of barbarians encamped on a plain outside the gates. These pagans,

seeing a number of vessels filled, not with fierce warriors, but beau-

tiful virgins, unarmed youths, and venerable bearded men, stood still

at first, staring with amazement ; but after a short pause, remem-

bering their instructions, they rushed upon the unresisting victims.

One of the first who perished was Prince Ethereus, who fell, pierced

through by an arrow, at the feet of his beloved princess. Then

Cyriacus, the cardinals, and several barons sank to the earth or

perished in the stream. When the men were despatched, the fierce

barbarians rushed upon the virgins just as a pack of gaunt hungry

wolves might fall on a flock of milk-white lambs. Finding that the

noble virgins resisted their brutality, their rage w\as excited, and

they drew their swords and massacred them all. Then was it wor-

thy of all admiration to behold these illustrious virgins, who had

struggled to defend their virtue, now meekly resigned, and ready as

sheep for the slaughter, embracing and encouraging each other ! Oh,


then, had you seen the glorious St. Ursula, worthy to he the captain

and leader of this army of virgin martyrs, how she flew from one to

the other, heartening them with brave words to die for their faith

and honor ! Inspired by her voice, her aspect, they did not quail,

but offered themselves to death ; and thus by hundreds and by thou-

sands they perished, and the plain was strewed with their limbs and

ran in rivers with their blood. But the barbarians, awed by the ma-

jestic beauty of St. Ursula, had no power to strike her, but carried

her before their prince, who, looking on her with admiration, said to

her, ' Weep not ; for though thou hast lost thy companions, I will be

thy husband, and thou shalt be the greatest queen in all Germany.*

To which St. Ursula, all glowing with indignation and a holy scorn,

replied, * thou cruel man ! blind and senseless as thou art cruel


thinkest thou I can weep] Or dost thou hold me so base, so cowardly,

that I would consent to survive my dear companions and sisters'?

Thou art deceived, son of Satan ! for I defy thee, and him

whom thou servest!

' When the proud pagan heard these words,

he was seized with fury, and bending his bow which he held in his

hand, he with three arrows transfixed her pure breast so that she

fell dead, and her spirit ascended into heaven, with all the glorious

sisterhood of martyrs whom she had led to death, and with her

betrothed husband and his companions; and there, with palms in

their hands and crowns upon their heads, they stand around the

throne of Christ, and live in his light and in his approving smile,

blessing him and praising him forever, Amen ! " It has been very

troublesome for the artists who have represented this legend to de-

vise any means by which they could represent the idea of the eleven

thousand virgins ; and in spite of all their ingenuit}^ several thousands

still remain to whom justice has never been done. The attributes

of St. Ursula are the crown of the princess ; the staff of the pilgrim;

the arrow, as a martyr ; the white banner with the red cross, as

the victorious Christian ; and the dove, because a dove disclosed

her burial-place to St. Cunibert. She is frequently represented as

spreading out her broad mantle, underneath which many virgins

cluster. There are many series of paintings giving tlie scenes of her

life. Patroness of all young maidens ; especially of school-girls and

of such women as instruct the young of their own sex.^ October 21.

^ Of the Ursuline nuns, especially.


St. Valerian. See St. Cecilia.

St. Valerie. See St. Martial.

Vera Icon, The. See St. Veronica.

St. Vei'diana is seen in Florentine pictures. She is in the habit

of a Vallombrosan nun, and bears a basliet from which serpents feed.

A. D. 1222.

St. Veronica {Ital. Santa Veronica ; Fr. Ste. Veronique). There

are two quite different legends concerning this saint. The most an-

cient relates that she was the woman who was healed by touching

Christ's garment, and that she greatly desired a picture of his face.

She first took a cloth to St. Luke, and he painted a picture that both

he and Veronica thought to be like Christ ; but when next she saw

him, she found his face quite different. Then the Saviour said to

her, " Unless I come to your help, all Luke's art is in vain, for myface is known only to Him who sent me." Then he told her to go

to her house and prepare him a meal, and before the day ended he

would come to her. Veronica did this joyfully, and when Christ

came he first desired water to wash. Veronica gave him this, with a

cloth whereon to wipe. He pressed the cloth to his face, and his

image remained on it. He then gave it to Veronica, saying, "This is

like nie, and will do great things." About this time the Emperor of

Rome was ill of a dreadful disease. Some say the emperor was Ves-

pasian, and others Tiberius ; that he had worms in his head, or a

wasp's nest in his nose. It Vas a fearful sight. Now he hears that a

great physician performs wonderful cures in Judsea. So he sends his

messengers to Jerusalem, and finds that Jesus, the physician, had been

slain three years before. Then Pilate is filled with alarm, and accuses

the Jews of the deed, while they, in turn, make him responsible for it.

Then the messenger inquires for the followers of Jesus, and at last

Veronica is brought to him. He then desires to see the portrait.

At first she denies havinir it, but at len<rth acknowledges that she

treasures it with great care, and brings it to him. The messenger

desires to take it to Rome, but she will not consent unless she goes

also. They therefni-e depart, and arrive after a very short and pros-

perous voya.L^'e. When all is explained to him of the death of Jesus,

the miracle of the ])icture, and its inherent virtue, the emperor regards

it, believing, and is healed. Pilate, who has been brought to Rome,

is then cast into prison ; he kills himself and his body is thrown into


tlje Tiber, where demons attack it. Then the emperor determines

to avenge the death of Christ upon Jerusalem. He besieges the city,

and so many Jews are slain that they cannot be buried. Captives

are crucified ; the thieves who divided the garments of Jesus are cut

in quarters, and many are sold for thirty pence each. Now this

cloth, which is the subject of this legend, is the " Volto Santo," or

" God's image," and these words were used as an imprecation in the

Middle Ages. Vera Icon, another name for it, signifies " The Sacred

Picture," and is the same as the name of the saint ; and in fact, the

picture is sometimes called " a Veronica." It is well to coaipare this

legend with that of King Abgarus, as they probably came from tlie

same source, and are very likely different versions of one legend.

The later legend of St. Veronica does not make her the healed

woman, but merely a woman of Jerusalem whose house Chri^>t passed

when bearing his cross. Seeing his sufferings, she pitied. him, and gave

him her veil to wipe his brow. When he returned it to her, it was

impressed with the sacred image. This legend is recognized by the

Catholic Church. The house of St. Veronica is shown at Jerusalem on

the Via Dolorosa. This latter legend also takes Veronica to Rome,

but the emperor has died befoi-e her arrival, and she remains with St.

Peter and St. Paul, and at last suffers martyrdom under Nero. Still

another version makes her go to Europe with Lazarus and his sisters,

and suffer death in Provence or Aquitaine. The image is the Vera

Icon, or the true image, and the cloth is the Sudarium {Ital. II

Sudario ; Fr. Le Saint Suaire). A chapel in St. Peter's at Rome is

dedicated to this saint; and therein is the face of Christ impressed on

a linen cloth, the veritable Vera Icon. St. Veronica is unmistakable in

art, as she is represented holding the napkin. The festival of St. Vero-

nica {Fr. La Sainte Face de Jesus Clu'ist) is hold on Shrove Tuesday.

St. Victor of Marseilles [Ital. San Vittore) was a soldier

under Diocletian, and suilered martyrdom in the tenth persecution.

He endured terrible tortures with wonderful strength and devo-

tion. In tlie midst of them a miniature altar was brought him on

wliich to sacrifice to Jupiter and thus save himself, but he daslicd

down the image and destroyed it. lie was tlien cruslied witii a

millstone, and afterwards beheaded. When he died, angels were

heard to sing, " Vicisti, Victor beate, vicisti !" He is represented

as a Roman soldier with a millstone near him. July 21, a. d. 303.


St. Victor of Milan {Ital. San Vittore) was another Romansoldier who suffered also in the tenth persecution. He was a native

of Mauritania, but suffered at Milan, where there is a church dedi-

cated to him. He is the ftxvorite military saint of northern Italy.

It is said that he was thrown into a heated oveU; and an oven with

flames bursting out is sometimes near him in pictures ; but he is more

frequently represented as the Victorious, sometimes on horseback, and

always in the dress of a soldier. May 8, a. d. 303.

St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr {Lat. S. Vincentius Levita


Ital. San Vincenzio Diacono, San Yincenzino ; Fr. St. Vincent). The

principal facts concerning this saint are so established by good

authorities that they cannot be denied ; but imagination has had

great license in the legend, as it is illustrated by those who paint


whether it be with brush or pen, artist or poet. It is as follows :

Vincent was born in Saragossa. At the time of the terrible perse-

cution under Diocletian he was about twenty years old, and already

a deacon. The proconsul Dacian caused all the Christians of Sara-

gossa to be brought together, with a promise of immunity, and then

ordered them all to be massacred. St. Vincent did all in his power

to encourage and sustain the people of God, and at length was him-

self arrested and brought before the tribunal. With him was his

bishop, Valerius. When they were accused, Valerius answered first


but he had an impediment in his speech, and was moreover old and

feeble, so that his answers were almost unintelligible; then Vincent

exclaimed, " How is this, my father 1 canst thou not speak aloud, and

defy this pagan dog 1 Speak, that all the world may hear ; or sufier

me, who am only thy servant, to speak in thy stead ! " When the

bishop therefore gave him leave, he proclaimed his fiiith aloud, and

defied all tortures and sufferings. Then was Dacian very wroth,

and he commanded that the young man should be reserved to the

tortures, but the old man sentenced only to banishment from the

city. The most fearful tortures were invented for Vincent, to which

he submitted with miraculous strength. Prudentius says, in his cele-

brated hymn to St. Lawrence, " When his body was lacerated by iron

forks, he only smiled on his tormentors ; the pangs they inflicted

were to him delights; thorns were his roses, the flames a refreshing

bath ; death itself was but the entrance to life." After his terrible

sufl:erings they laid him on the floor of his dungeon strewed with


potsherds ; but angels came and ministered to him, and when his

jailers looked in they beheld the place filled with celestial light, and

a sweet perfume came out from it; they heard the songs of angels,

in which Vincent joined with thanksgiving; and he called to the

jailers to come in and partake of his bliss. Then these fell on their

knees and were converted. After this, Dacian, being convinced that

tortures could not conquer his spirit, resolved to try the seductions

of luxury. He had the saint placed on a bed strewn with roses;

his friends were admitted, and everything was done to ease his pain.

But no sooner came these seductions than he died, and angels bore

his soul to glory. Then the furious Dacian ordered his body to be

thrown to the wild beasts ; but God sent a raven to guard it, and

it remained untouched for many days. Then the consul commanded

that it should be sewed up in an ox-hide, as was done to the

bodies of parricides, and thrown into the sea. So it was thus pre-

pared, and carried out in a boat, and thrown over with a mill-

stone attached to it ; but lo, when the boatmen readied the shore,

it was returned before them, and lay upon the sands! Then they

ran away terrified ; and the waves hollowed out a grave and buried

it. Here it remained for many years, until at last it was miracu-

lously revealed to certain Christians of Valencia, and they removed

these holy remains to their own city. When the Christians of Valen-

cia fled from tlie jNIoors, they bore with them these blessed relics.

The vessel in which they were was driven upon a promontory on the

coast of Portugal, where they stopped, and interred the body ; and

that point has been called Cape St. Vincent from that day. Here,

too, the ravens guarded the remains ; and a portion of the cape is

called in remembrance of them, "el Monte de las Cuervas." When

in the year 1147 Alonzo I. removed the remains to Lisbon, two

crows accompanied the vessel, one at the prow and one at tlie

stern ; these crows multiplied greatly in Lisbon, until rents were

assigned to 'the chapter for their support. Vincent has been sur-

namcd tlie Invincible^ both on account of his character and the

signiHcation of his name. St. Vincent is represented as young

and beautiful, in a deacon's dress, and his proper attribute is

a crow or raven. Patron of Lisbon, Valencia, and Saragossa ; (^f

Milan ; of Chalons, and many other places in France. January 22,

A. D. 304.


St. Vincent Ferraris was born at Valencia in 1357. His

parents denied themselves greatly in order to educate him and his

brother Boniface. iHe was a Dominican, and took the habit v»hcn

only eighteen. He became one of the most celebrated preachers and

missionaries. He went all through Spain, Italy, and France, and by

invitation of Henry IV. to England. He so moved the hearts of his

hearers that he was often obliged to pause that the sobbing and weep-

ing might subside. He did many miracles ; and it is related that

"when he preached in Latin he was understood by all who heard him,

of whatever nation, learned or unlearned. He spent the last two

years of his life in Brittany and Normandy, and died at Vannes.

Jeanne de France, Duchess of Brittany, washed his body and pre-

pared it for the grave with her own hands. His proper attribute is

the crucifix, which he holds aloft in reference to his labors as mis-

sionary. He sometimes has wings as symbols of his fervor, but

with the Dominican habit they have a strange effect. April 5,

A. D. 1419.

St. Vincent de Paul is loved and venerated not only in his

native France and by Catholics everywhere, but also by the major-

ity of non-Catholics. He was born in 1576, at Puy, in Gascony.

iHis father was a farmer, and Vincent tended the flocks. But his

temper was so sweet, and his mind so active, that his father

desired an education for him ; so he was sent to a convent of

Cordeliers, Franciscan Fathers, at Acqs. After he was well ad-

vanced in his studies, he accepted the place of a tutor, that he

might continue his studies without being burdensome to his poor

parents. He finally attained to the priesthood in IGOO. He went to

iMarseilles, on business, and when returning by sea, was seized by

African pirates and carried into slavery. He remained thus two

years, and had several masters. The wife of the last one pitied

him, and when she spoke to him was charmed by his conversation.

One day she asked him to sing, and he, bursting into 'tears, sang,

" By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept," and then the

glorious ** Salve Regina." This woman was' converted, and in her

turn instructed her husband, who also received the truth. Then

they all escaped, and came to Aignesmortes. Vincent placed his

companions in a religious house, and went himself to Rome, whence

he was sent by the pope to Paris. This was in 1609. He had been


greatly moved at the sight of the sufferings of the galley slaves. He

had been in captivity. He was not able to do much for them, but

he preached to them and comforted them as much as possible. He

then turned his attention to the Magdaleues of Paris, and founded

the hospital of " La Madaleine.'* He also founded the Congrega-

tion of the Sisters of Charity, and established a foundling hospital.

This is no place wherein to speak of all the good he thus did ; and

indeed, who can tell it 1 He was a friend of Richelieu until his death.

He was called to the side of Louis XIII. in his last moments. Dur-

ing the wars of the Fronde he ministered to the sufferers, and

greatly desired to do something for the Catholics of L'eland, who

were suffering cruel oppression. In short, he has been named by

general consent, " L'Intendant de la Providence et P^re des Pauvres.'*

He died at St. Lazare. He is represented in the clerical cassock,

with a new-born infant in his arms, and a Sister of Charity kneeling

before him. July 19, a. d. 1660.

St. Vitalis of Ravenna was the father of St. Gervasius and

St. Protasius. He was condemned to be buried alive for having taken

up and cared for the body of a Christian martyr. He was a soldier

in the army of Nero, and had been converted by the preaching of

St. Peter. His wife, Valeria, fled with her two sons to Milan. The

church dedicated to him, and erected over tlie spot where he was

buried, is a remarkable monument of Byzantine architecture. The

fame of this saint extended all over Europe. He is represented as a

soldier with the martyr's crown, and sometimes on a white charger,

with the standard of victory. April 28, about 62.

St. Vitus (Ital San Vito ; Fr. St. Vite or St. Guy ; Ger. Der

Heilige Yeit, Vit, or Vitus) was the son of a noble Sicilian, whowas a pagan ; but the r^rse and foster-father of Vitus were secretly

Christians, and they brought him up in the faith, and had him bap-

tized. When only twelve years old, he declared himself a Christian,

which so enraged his father and the governor that they attempted to

compel him to retract. They shut him in a dungeon after beating

him ; but wlien his father looked through the key-hole, he saw himdancing witli seven beautiful angels, and so dazzling was the sight

that the fatlier was made blind, and was restored to sight only through

the intercession of his son. After this, he once more persecuted

Vitus, wlio fled with his nurse and her husband in a boat, which was


steered by an angel, to Italy. But here they were again accused as

Christians, and were thrown into a caldron of boiling oil. He is repre-

sented as a beautiful boy. He has many attributes : the palm ; the

caldron of oil ; a lion, because he was once exposed to lions ; a wolf,

because his remains were guarded by one ; and a cock, the reason of

which is not known, but on accouut of which he is invoked against

drowsiness. He is one of the fourteen Noth-helfers, or patron saints

of Germany. He is patron saint of dancers and actors ; and is

invoked against the nervous disease, St. Vitus' dance. Patron of

Saxony, Bohemia, and Sicily. June 15, a. d. 303.

St. Walburga, whose Anglo-Saxon name is the same as the

Greek Eucharis, and signifies "gracious," is also called Walpurgis,

Walbourg, Valpurge, Gualbourg, and Avangour. When her uncle,

St. Boniface, and her brother, St. Willibald, determined to take a

company of religious women from England to the continent to assist

in teaching the pagans, Walburga left the convent of Winburn,

where she had lived twenty-seven years, and went with ten other

nuns to Mayence. She was afterwards made first abbess of the con-

vent of Heidenheim. After the death of Willibald, on account of

her learning and talents she was called to Eichstadt, and governed

the two communities there,— the monks as well as the nuns. She

wrote a history of her brother in Latin. She had studied medicine,

and did some wonderful cures. After her death she was entombed

in a rock near Eichstadt, from which exuded a wonderful oil. This

was thought to proceed from the remains of the saint ; and it was

called Walpurgis oil, and many remarkable cures were effected

through its use. The cat-e became a place of pilgrimage, and a

church was built on the spot. On the night of her festival, Walpur-

gis' night, the witches were said to hold their orgies at Blocksberg.

The saint's chief festival is on the 1st of May. She is represented

in the Benedictine habit with a crosier, and a flask ; the latter a

symbol of the Walpurgis oil. May 1, about 778.

Wandering Jew, The. This legend is given in several dif-

ferent ways. According to Matthew Paris, an Armenian archbishop

came to England to visit its shrines, and was entertained at the

monastery of St. Albans. He was questioned in regard to his own

country and his travels, and was asked if he had ever known any-

thing of a miraculous person who was present at the crucifixion of



Christ, and who still lived. The archbishop testified that it was true

that such a ruan lived, and that he knew him well. He said he had

been the porter of Pontius Pilate, and was named Cartaphilus. Whenthe Jews were dragging Jesus from the judgment hall, Cartaphilus

struck him with his fist, saying, "Go faster, Jesus, go faster! whydost thou linger ] " Then Jesus turned and said, "I indeed am going,

but thou shalt tarry till I come." Afterwards the porter was con-

verted, and baptized by the name of Joseph, At the end of every

century he foils ill, and is incurable ; at length he goes into an ecstasy,

and when he comes out of it, he is the same age that he was when

Christ died, which was about thirty years. He is a grave and holy

man. He remembers all the circumstances of the crucifixion, the

resurrection, and ascension ; of the composing of the Apostles' Creed,

and the separation of the Apostles when they went forth to preach.

Another legend gives his name as Ahasuerus, and relates that as

Jesus was bearing his cross, he stopped before his door to rest, and

Ahasuerus drove him away with curses. Then Jesus told him that

he should wander until he came to judgment ; and ever since he

wanders, bowed down with grief and remorse, and unable to find a


St. Wenceslaus of Bohemia. See St. Ludmilla.

St. Werburga figures among the early Benedictine saints in

England. She was abbess of Repandum, and had jurisdiction over

monks as well as nuns. She was the niece of St. Ethelreda, and was

brought up with her at Ely. She founded several monasteries, and

had the care of them, besides that of Repton, — Weedon, Trentham,

and Hanbury. The cathedral of Chester was dedicated to her in

800, and a part of her shrine now supports a pew erected for the

An,L;lican bisliop of the diocese. About 708.

St. William of Aquitaine. See St. Benedict of Anian.

St. Zeno of Verona was bishop of that city in the fourth

century, and was remarkable for the wisdom with which he governed

his diocese during those troublous times. He is i-epresented in one

pictiu'e holding a long fishing-rod, and the legend of Verona says

he was fond of fishing in the Adige ; but it is quite probable tliat tlie

fish wiiicli hangs from the lino is symbolical of baptism. It is doubt-

ful whether he was martyred, although he is said to have been, by

Julian the Apostate. It is related that King Pepin desired to bo


buried in the same grave with St. Zeno, so great was his esteem for

him. April 12, a. d. 380.

St. Zenobio of Florence was the son of noble parents, Lucian

and Sophia, but they were pagans. He was born in the last year of

the reign of Coustantine. He was converted while at school, and

succeeded in converting his parents. He lived in Rome, and was

a deacon, and the secretary of Pope Damasus I. He was sent to

Florence in a time of great distraction, but both Catholics and Arians

desired to have him for their bishop. He restored to life a man who

had fallen down a mountain precipice, when on the way to bring

some sacred relics to him, sent by St. Ambrose. A lady on her way

to Rome stopped at Florence, to see this good man of whom she had

heard much, and she left her son in his care until she should return.

The day before her return the child died ; but when she took it and

laid it at the feet of St. Zenobio, he restored it to life. He led a

most holy life, and died in the reign of Honorius. When he was

being borne to his grave, the people so pressed about his bier that

in the Piazza del Duomo his body was thrown against the trunk of

an elm that was withered. It immediately put forth buds and leaves.

He is represented in his episcopal robes; his attribute is frequently

a tree which is putting forth leaves. May 25, a. d. 417.


AAROX, 19.

Abbondio, St., 37.

Abdelraman, 152.

Abelard, 66.

Abgarus, King, 11, 37, 39, 316.

Abiathar, Priest, 167.

Abijah. 304.

Abishag, 19.

Abraham, 15, 16, 227, 232.

Academy of Painters, 223.

Achaia, 50.

Achilleus, St., 39.

Achmet, 241.

Acquapendente, 269, 297.

Acqs, 319.

Acre, 46.

"Acts of Paul and Thecla," 291.

Adam, 266.

Adam and Eve, 16.

Adam and the Tree of Mercy, 303.

Adam, Symbol of, 12.

Adelaide* St., 39, 40.

Adelbert, St., 189, 287.

Adoration of the Magi, 169, 196, 279.

Adoration of the Shepherds, 196.

Adrian, Castle of, 190.

Adrian, Emperor, 111.

Adrian, St., 7, 40, 41, 141.

Adriatic, the, 305.

JE'^ss in Cilicia, 90.

JEgean Sea, 240.

-^geus, 50.

Emilia, 49.

^sculapius, 90.

^tna, Mt. 43.

Afra, St., of Augsburg, 41, 95, 110, 111.

Afra, St., of Brescia, 42.

Agabus, 168.

Aganum, 129, 230.

Agar, 16.

Agatha, St., 7, 42, 43, 44, 187.

Agen, in Aquitaine, 111.

Aglae, Roman lady, 47.

Aglae, St., 44.

Aglaides, 92.

Agnes of Austria, 183.

Agnes of Montepulciano, St., 45.

Agnes, St., 4, 44.

Agnus Dei, 21.

Agostino, Sant', Church of, 30, 31.

Agricolaus of Sebaste, 69.

Agrippa, 151, 281.

Agrippinus, 309.

Ahasuerus, 322.

Aidan, St., 91, 247.

Aiguesmortes, 319.

Aix, 219.

Aix-la-Chapelle, 65.

Aix-la-Chapelle, Council of, 61.

Albano, Cardinal of, 70.

Albano, Painter, 96.

Albanopolis, 60.

Alban, St., 46.

Al ban's, St., in Hertfordshire, 46.

Albert, St., 28, 46.

Albertus Magnus, 47.

Albigenses, the, 96, 257.

Albizeschi. Family of, 67.

Alcala, 95, 298.

Aldrovanski, 145.

Alexander Severus, 222.

Alexander, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Alexander the Martj'r, St., 40, 47.

Alexander VIII., 185.

Alexandria, Bishop of, 56.

Alexandria, City of, 51, 56, 58, 85, 93, 190,

217, 223, 238.

Alexandria, Clement of, 159.

Alexandria, St. Catherine of, 76.

Alexis, St., 47, 48.

326 INDEX.

Alfonso, St., 147.

Allied the Great, 101, 132, 236, 248, 290.

Alice, mother of St. Beniio, 66.

Alice of Germany, St., 39.

All>t<m, Washington, 284.

Almachius, Prefect, 78.

Alonzo I., 318.

Aloysius, St., 34, 185.

Alpaidn, 179.

Alphege, St., 48, 107.

Alphonso, Don, 151.

Alphonso, King of Leon, 113.

Ali^ace, Duke of, 248.

Alva, Duchess of, 290.

Alvare, 243.

Alveida, Plain of, 152.

Alverna, Mount, 120.

Alviano in Tuscany, 215.

Amalaberga, St., 137.

Amand of Belgium, St., 61.

Amboise, Cattle of, 121.

Ambrogio Maggiore, Sant', Milan, 131.

Ambrose, St., 48, 49, 57, 71, 130, 236, 254,


Amethyst, Sj'mbolism of, 9.

Amiens, 179, 264.

Anachronisms, 34.

Anacletus, 66.

Ananias, Servant to King Abgarus, 37.

Anargyres, 90.

Anastasia, St., 49.

Anchor, Symbolism of, 8.

Andernach, 89.

Andrea del Sarto, 30, 164, 260.

Andrea of Corsini, 50.

Andrea Orcaqua, 33.

Andrea Riccio, 32.

Andrew, St., 25, 50, 133.

Andrew, St , Cross of, 3, 50.

Angel of .Judgment, 182.

Angelico da Fiesole, 33.

Angel ico, Fra, 33, 55.

Angelo, Michael, 30.(

Angelo, St., 242.

Angelo, St., Castle of, 243.

Angels, Symbols of, 14.

Angelus, St., 28, 51.

Anghiari, Battle of, 50.

Angiolo, Sunt', Church of, 115.

Angles, the West, 109.

Anian, the, 05.

Anianus, or Annianus. St., 51, 217.

Anna, St., 51, 156, 191,199.

Anne of Austria, 145.

Annunciation, the, 5, 6, 12, 124, 192, 274,

279, 283.

Annunziata, the, 260.

Ansano of Siena, St., 51.

Ansric, England, 58.

Anlemius, 59.

Anthony of Padua, St., 27, 28, 32, 54.

Anthony, St., 30, 51.

Anthony, St., Cross of, 3.

Anthony, St., Order of, 60.

Antioch", 55. 59, 92, 146, 162, 205, 214,292.


Antonio-di-Padova, Church, 32.

Antonio, St., 54.

Antony, St., 133, 137.

Antwerp, 34, 245.

Anvil, Symbolism of, 7.

Aoust, Archdeacon of, 67.

Apocalypse, Woman of the, 210.

Apocalyptic Lamb, 4, 322.

Apollina, 49.

Apollinare in Classe, Sant', 271.

Apollinaris-in-Classe, Basilica of, 55.

Apollinaris of Ravenna, St., 55.

Apollo, 129.

Apollo, Temple of, 64.

Apollonia of Alexandria, St., 7, 55.

Apollonius, 138.

ApoUonius, St., 111.

Apostles' Creed, the, 24.

Apostles, the Twelve, 4, 24, 31, 204.

Apparition of Christ to the Virgin, 208.

Appian Way, 255.

Apple, 19.

Apples, Symbols, 98.

Apulia, 141.

Aqua Salvias, 251.

Aquila, House of, 263.

Aquihi in Abruzzi, 68.

A(|uitaine, 111.

Acjuitaine, Duke of, 65.

Ara Cdli, 190, 195, 222, 289.

Aragon, 180, 187.

Aragon, King of, 106, 226.

Arba, the River, 51.

Archangels, 15, 124.

Archangel Gabriel, 5.

Archangel Raphael, 299.

Archilochus, 49.

Ardennes, Forest of, 143.

Ardents, St. (ienc^vidvc des. 126.

Area di San Domenico, Bologna, 33.

Arezzo, 07, 142, 272.

Arezzo, Cathedral of, 98.

INDEX. 327

Argyropolis, 41.

Arians, the, 60, 125, 258, 268.

Aristodemus, 159.

Arius, 56.

Armenia, 60.

Armor, 16.

Arno, 302.

Arnold de Brescia, 66.

Aroas, 123.

Arphaxad, King, 173.

Arrow, Symbolism of, 7.

Arrows, 82.

Artemius, 256.

Artesius, Count, 130.

Arthur, King, 132.

Arthusia, 162.

Artists of Spain (Stirling), 273.

Artois, Robert of, 307.

Arviragus, King, 132.

Ascension, the, 22, 203, 274, 279.

Ash Color, 29.

Asmodeus, 299.

Asperges, or Rod, 54.

Ass, Symbol, 195.

Assisi, 54, 121.

Assisi, Church at, 32.

Assisi, Clara of, 85.

Assumption, the, 2, 8, 29, 204, 207, 274, 279


Assyrians, 173.

Asterius, 110.

Asti, 279.

Athanasius, St. (Bishop), 53, 56.

Athens, 60, 85, 95, 136, 177.

Attila, King of the Huns, 125, 126.

Aubert, St., 233.

Audrey, St., 109.

Augsburg, City of, 41.

Augustine of Canterbury, St., 57.

Augustine Order, 87, 298.

Augustine, St., 1, 27, 30, 56, 63, 72, 96,

166, 235, 245, 250, 252, 254, 281, 290.

Augustines, the, 30, 33.

Augustus, Emperor, 281.

Aurelian, 39, 46, 264.

Aureole, Symbolism of the, 2.

Austria, 166, 264.

Autun, 89.

Avalon, Island of, 132.

Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, 125.

Ave Marias, 96, 193, 274.

Aventine, the (Rome), 44, 243, 263.

Avignon, St. Catherine at, 76.

Avlia, 289.

Avila, St. John of, 171.

Avranches, 233.

Awl and Shoemaker's Knife, 91.

Axe, Symbolism of, 7.

Aza du Plessis, 149.


Babylonians, the, 61i

Baccio della Porta, 33.

Bagnarea, Tuscany, 69.

Bajazet, Sultan, 307.

Balaam, 196, 232.

Balbina, St., 58.

Baldwin II., 186, 306, 307.

Bamberg in Germany, Monastery of, 29,


Bamborough Castle, 247.

Bangor, 58.

Banner, Symbolism of, 7.

Barachiel the Helper, 15.

Barbara, St., 7, 36, 58.

Barbarossa, Emperor, 197.

Barberini, Cardinal, 222.

Barcelona, 110, 267.

Bardney, 248.

"Barefoot Carmelites," "Scalzi," and" Padvi Teresiani," 290.

Bari, 241.

Barking, in Essex, 108.

Barmherzigen Briider, 170.

B.irnabas, St., 59.

Bartholomew, St., 25, 60, 137.

Bartolomeo, 244.

Bartolommeo, Fra, 3-3.

Basileo, San, Church of, 244.

Basilians, Order of, 60.

Basilica of San Paolo-fuori-le-mura, 29.

Basilica of Sant' Ambrogio Maggiore, 49.

Basilissa, 177.

Basil, St., Order of, 93.

Basil the Great, St., 60, 136, 231, 243.

Basket with Roses, 98.

Basle, 132.

Bassi, Paolo di, 116.

Bathsheba, 19.

Baths of Caracalla, 79.

Bavaria, 70, 248.

Bavon of Ghent, St., 29, 61, 184.

Beasts, the Four, 21.

Beato, II, 55.

Beatrix de Cepeda, 289.

Bede, 143.

Bede the Venerable, St., 61, 306.

Beehive, Symbol, 67.

828 INDEX.

Bees, St., 143.

Bega, 143.

Beggars, 28.

Bel and the Dragon, 61.

Belcastro, 297.

Belem, Monastery of, 34, 155.

Belgium, 364.

Belgrade, Siege of, 162.

Bell, 54.

Bellerophon, 129.

Bell, Symbolism of, 7.

Benibo, Cardinal, 33.

Benedetto da Maiano, 32.

Benedict, Bennet Biscop, or St. Bennet of

Wearniouth, 65.

Benedictine Habit, 58.

Benedictine Order, 57, 63, 64, 88, 231.

Benedictines, the, 28, 274.

Benedict of Anian, St., 29, 65.

Benedict, St., 28, 29, 63, 67, 94, 109, 115,

154, 164, 230, 261, 275.

Benevento, 153.

Benizi, St. Philip, 30.

Bennet Biscop, St., 65.

Bennett, St., 29.

Benno, St., 65.

Berengaria of Castile, 113.

Berengarius III., 39.

Berenger, Count, 51.

Berg, Duchy of, 289.

Bergamo, City of, 40.

Bernardino da Feltri, St., 68.

Bernardino of Siena, St., 32, 67.

Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 28, 66.

Bernard of Menthon. St., 67.

Bernardone, Pietro, 117.

Bernardo Ptolomei, St., 29, 67.

Bernard, St., 192.

Bernard, St., Monasteries of, 67.

Bertha of Beindeleben, 103.

Bertha, Queen of England, 57.

Berthaire, King, 204.

Borytus or Beyrout, 127.

Bethany, Mary of, 224.

Bethesda, the Pool of, 304.

Bethlehem, 24. 138, 155, 156, 168, 196, 251.

Bethsaida, 258.

Bethulia, 173.

Betrayal of Christ, 279.

Bil)iana, St., 68.

Birds, 19.

Bithynia, 40. 50.

Black Sea, 281.

Black, Symbolism of, 9, 29, 30.

Blaise of Sebaste, St., 68.

Blanche of Castile, 148, 186.

Blocksberg, 321.

Blood of Christ, the, 307.

Blue Mantle, 9.

Blue, Symbolism of, 9.

Blue Tunic, 9.

Boatmen, Patron of, 178.

Bodleian Library, Oxford, 73.

Bogaris, King of Bulgaria, 93.

Bohemia, 116. 166, 189, 263.

Boleslaus, 189.

Bologna, 33, 51, 54, 76, 97, 107, 115, 145,

258, 263.

Bolsena, Cathedral of, 81.

Bolsena, Lake, 81.

Bonaventura, St., 28, 32, 69.

Boniface, St., 27, 29, 70, 71, 111, 184, 276,

319, 321.

Boniface (St. Aglae), 44.

Bons-hommes, Les, 122.

Book, 59, 67, 75, 94, 97.

Book of Decrees, the, 55.

Book, Symbolism of, 7, 16, 20, 27.

Book, the Sealed, 21.

Borghese, Scipio, Cardinal, 50.

Borgia, Francis, 286.

Borgognone, 30.

Brabant, 127, 259.

Brabant, Duke of, 61.

Brancacci Chapel, 33.

Brandeum, Miracle of, 134.

Brera, Milan, 93.

Brescia, City of, 42, 111, 176.

Brice, St., 71, 184.

Bride of Christ, the, 6, 209.

Bridget of Ireland, St., 71.

Bridget of Sweden, St., 27, 30, 71.

Brigittines, or Brigitta, Order of, 30, 7LBrignolles, 187.

Britain, 57.

Brown, Dark, 31.

Brun, Le, 187.

Bruno, St., 29, 30, 72, 144.

Brussels, 137.

Bulalmacco, ."^08.

Builder's Rule, 25.

Bull, Symbol, 90.

Burgos, Cathedral of, 113.

Bury St. Edmunds, 101.

Butler, Kev. Allan, 243, 307.

Butler's, Allan, "Lives of the Saints,"


Byzantium, 41.

INDEX. 329


Csedmoii the Poet, 72.

Caernarvonshire, 220.

Cassar Augustus, 194.

Caesarea in Cappadocia, 60, 98, 184, 294.

Cain, 179.

Cairo, 200.

Caius, Pope, 287.

Calabria, 72, 105, 121.

Caldron, Symbolism of, 7.

Calista, 98.

Calocerus the Martyr, 42.

Calvary, Procession to, 274.

Calvinists, the, 70.

Camaldolesi, the, 28-30, 272.

Campo-Maldoli, 272.

Campo Santa, Pisa, 108, 179, 190, 266.

Cana of Galilee, 227.

Candace, Queen, 259.

Candelabrum, Symbolism of, 8.

Candlestick of Moses, the, 13.

Canterbury, 57.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 48, 99.

Canterbury Cathedral, 48.

Capistrano, St. John, 162.

Capitoline Hill, 222.

Cappadocia, 50, 127, 133, 268.

Capua, 243.

Capuccini, the, 113.

Capuchins, the, 31, 113.

Caracalla, Baths of, in Rome, 39, 79.

Caracci, Annibale, 96.

Cardinal's Hat, 28.

Carducho, 30.

Caritad, Church of, Seville, 106.

Caritad, the, 170, 172.

Carlos, Don, 95.

Carlstein, 166.

Carmelite, Barefooted, 172.

Carmelite (St. Angelus), the, 51.

Carmelites, the, 33, 46, 204.

Carmel, Mt., 33, 168, 204.

Carmel, Mt., Order of, 290.

Carmine, Church of, 33.

Carpophorus, St., 264.

Carsagamala, 286.

Cartaphilus, 322.

Carthage, 92, 235, 252.

Carthage, Bishop of, 57.

Carthusians, the, 29, 30, 72.

Casimir, St., 28, 73.

Caspar, 197.

Cassian, St., 73.

Cassino, Monte, 244.

Castello, 185.

Castiglione, Marchese di, 185.

Castile, 148, 170.

Castile and Leon, 113.

Castle of St. Angelo, 232.

Catalonia, 267.

Catalonia, Governor of, 123.

Catania, 42, 187.

Caterina de Vigri, St., 76.

Cathari, the, 256.

Catherine, St., 6, 7, 35, 36, 97.

Catherine of Alexandria, St., 73, 76.

Catherine of Bologna, St., 76.

Catherine of Siena, St., 27, 28, 32, 46, 76.

Catherine of Sweden, St., 77.

Cato, 89.

Cecilia, St., 6, 7, 9, 36, 77.

Cecilia-in-Trastevere, Church of, 78.

Cedar of Lebanon, 21.

Cedd (St. Chad), 79.

Cedon, 225.

Celestine, Pope, 250.

Celsus, St., 78, 130.

Cemetery of Calixtus, Rome, 78.

Centa, 171.

Cerfroy, 165.

Certosa at Rome, 30.

Certosa di Pavia, 30.

Cesarea, 268.

Cesarea, St., 136.

Cesareo, or Caesarius, St., 79.

Cesena, 269.

Cesla.s, 145.

Chad of Lichfield, St., 79.

Chains, 58.

Chalcedon, 163.

Chalcedonia, 110.

Chalcis, 154.

Chalice, Symbolism of, 7.

Chalice, with the Serpent, 25.

Chalons, 318.

Chamuel, the Archangel, 15, 16.

Chant, the Gregorian, 133.

Chantal, la Mere, 79.

Charity, Brothers of, 170.

Charlemagne, 65, 80, 179, 184.

Charles Borromeo, St., 80, 260.

Charles of Provence, 226.

Charles V., 155, 298.

Charles VIIL, 12LChartres, 81.

Charlres, Cathedral of, 13.

Chartreuse, 144.

Chartreuse, La Grande, 72.

330 INDEX.

Chartreux, Monastery at, 73.

Cheron, St., 81.

Cherub, the, 22.

Cherubim, the, 14, 16.

Cheb^ter, 58, 322.

Childeric, 126.

Childibert II., 233.

Children, 28.

China, 123.

Chlodomir, King, 283.

Chosroes, 3, 305.

Christ and Abgarus, 37.

Christ crowned with Thorns, 274.

Christ in the Temple, 274.

Christ lost by his Mother, 279.

Clinst, the Infant, 27.

Christ with the Doctors, 279.

Chnsteta, 98.

Christina, St., 7, 81.

Christopher, St., 3G, 82.

Chrysanthus, St., 85.

Chrysogonus, St., 49, 50, 85.

Chrysostom, St. John, 102, 178.

Church of Santa Croce, Florence, 68.

Church, Symbolism of, 7, 11.

Cilicia, 60, 178.

Cimabue, 33, 164.

Cinque Martiri, 264.

Circus Maximus, 49.

Circus of Caligula, 255.

Cistercians, the, 29, 30.

Citeaux, Monastery of, 66.

Citta Ducale, Umbria, 113.

City of David, the, 20.

Clairvaux, Abbey of, 66.

Clara of Monte Kalco, St., 87.

Clara, St., 28, 32, 85, 118, 120.

Claudius, 254.

Clavijo, 152.

Clement of Alexandria, 159.

Clement, Pope, 95.

Clement IV., Pope. 297.

Clement X., Pope, 273.

Clement, St., 8, 87, 146.

Clemente, San, Church of, 87, 146.

Clement e, San, Convent of, Seville, 114.

Cleodolinda, 127, 128.

Cleophas, 153.

Cloaca Maxima, 278.

Closed Gate, the, 20.

Clotaire II., King, 107.

Clothairc V., of France, 264.

Clotilda, St., 81, 88, 126, 283.

Cloud, St., 88.

Clovis, King of France, 88, 271, 283.

Club, 25.

Club. Symbolism of, 7.

Cluniacs, the, 29.

Coals in Hand, Symbol, 71.

Cock, Svmbolism of, 8.

Coclian Hill (Rome), 47, 133, 166, 180, 264,


Coeli-Syria, 138.

Coifi, 252.

Coliseum, 264.

Colle dlnferno, 120.

Coin, the River, 46.

Cologne, 72, 91, 99, 111, 129, 142, 230, 244,


Cologne, Cathedral of, 31.

Cologne, Kings of, 197.

Colors, Symbolism of, 8.


Columna, Cardinal, 307.

Commod us, 109.

Communion of Mary, 204.

Como, Cathedral of, 37.

Company of Jesus, the, 147.

Compostella, 72, 151, 153, 170.

Comtes-de-Saint-Gilles, 131.

Concordia, 143.

Congregation of Sisters of Charity, 320.

Connaught, 250.

Conon, Prince, or Ethereus, 309, 312.

Conrad, Confessor of St. Elizabeth, 106.

Constance, 132, 270.

Constantia, 45, 134, 166.

Constantine, Cross of, 4.

Constantine, Emperor, 45, 73, 88, 138, 176,

220, 239, 279, 304, 306, 323.

Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Emperor, 38.

Constantinople, 38, 41, 51, 59, 60, 93, 103,

125, 130, 162, 163, 176, 186, 197, 237, 238,

249, 287, 305.

Constantius, 176.

Constantius Chlorus, 138.

Conti, Sigismund, 212.

Conventuals, the, 31.

Cope, the, 58.

Copenhagen, 153.

Cord, Knotted, Symbol, 31.

Cordeliers, the, 118.

Cordova, 113, 242.

Corfe Castle, 101.

Corn, Ears of, Symbolism of, 8.

Cornelius, St., 35.

Cornwall, 236.

Coronati, the, 264.

INDEX. 331

Coronation of the Virgin, 13, 207, 208,


Coronation, the, 274, 279.

Correggio, 35.

Corsica, 17G.

Cortes, the, 291.

Cortona, 55, 215.

Cosmo, St., 36, 90.

Costanzo, St., 91.

Costis, 73.

Coucy, 245.

Councillors of God, 14.

Coventry, 132.

Craco, 145.

Crediton, Devonshire, 70.

Creed of St. Athanasius, 56.

Creed, the Apostles', 24.

Creed, the Nicene, 14.

Cremona, 30, 34, 215, 245, 283.

Cremona, Cathedral of, 46.

Crescentius, 243, 244.

Crescent, Symbolism of, 11,

Crispianus, St., 91.

Crispin, St., 91.

Croatia, 264.

Croce, Santa, Church of, 68.

Cromwell, 250.

Crosier, 25, 67.

Cross, St. Andrew's, 25, 50.

Cross, Symbolism of the, 3, 8.

Cross, the Greek, 21.

Cross, the True, 3, 138.

Crown, 75, 82.

Crown of Roses, Symbol, 78.

Crown, Symbolism of, 6, 27.

Crown of Thorns, Symbolism of, 8, 27.

Crown of Thorns, the, 307.

Croyland Abbey, 137.

Crucifix, the, 27.

Crucifixion, the, 202, 274, 279, 283.

Crucifixion, Symbols of the, 8, 10, 12.

Crutch, 54.

Ctesiphon, 176.

Cuevas, Santa Maria de las, 72.

Cumae, 281.

Cunegunda, St., 91, 141.

Cunibcrt, St., 91, 314.

Cup, the. 16.

Cuthbert of Durham, St., 91, 111, 247.

Cybele, 2:}3.

Cypress, the, 20.

Cyprian, St., 35, 92.

Cyprus, 59.

Cyriaca, 180.

Cyriacus, 312.

Cyril, St., 93, 254.

Cyrus, King of Babylon, 61.

DACIAN, 111, 128.

Dagnus, King of Lycia, 84.

Dagobert, King, 91, 95, i07.

Dale Abbey, 94.

Dalmatia, 275.

Damascus, 176.

Damasus I., Pope, 323.

Damian, St., 36, 90. 94.

Damiano, San, Convent of, 86.

Damiano, San Perugia, 117.

Damietta, 119.

Danegelt, 102.

Daniel, 19, 21, 61, 124, 2-32.

Daniel, the Book of, 288.

Daria. 308.

Daria, St., 85, 94.

David, 13, 19, 303.

David, Race of, 156, 167.

Dead Nuns, Legend of, 94.

Dead Sea, 158, 254.

Death of Joseph, the, 201.

Death of the Virgin, 204.

" De Bono Mortis,'" the, 71.

Decius, p:mperor, 42, 234, 268, 279, 280.

Decius, Persecution of. 111, 279.

Delphi, 281.

Delphine, St., 94, 102.

Demon, the, 67.

Denis, St., 36, 81, 91, 94, 100, 132, 143, 136,


Deposition, the. 202, 279.

Descent from the Cross, the, 202.

Descent of the Holy Ghost, 203, 274.

Diana, 202.

Diana at Ephesus, 159.

Diana. Temple of, 263.

Dice, Symbolism of, 8.

Didron,' 2, 3.

Didymus, 293.

Diego d' Alcala, St., 95.

Dies Irae, 280.

Digna. 41.

Diu:na, St., 95.

Dijon, 66.

Diocletian, 90, 92. 108, 109, 114, 127, 128,

145, 182, 187, 236, 248, 256, 264, 276,

287, 317.

D'ocletian, Persecution of, 46, 49, 51.

Dion Chrysostomus, 254.

332 INDEX.

DJony?ius, 279.

l)i(»iiysiu?-, King of Portuf^l, 106.

Dioiiy.-ius tlie Areopagite, 14, 94, 207.

iJiosc'oru!;;, 58.

Dispute ill the Temple, the, 201.

Dniester, the, 145.

Do;,', Symbol. 97, 216.

Dulpliiii, Symbolism of, 2.

Domatilla, Flavia, 39.

Domenichino, 29, 156, 244.

Domenico, San, 190.

Dominations, the, 15.

Domine quo vadisV 255.

Dominican Nuns, Order of, 97.

Dominican Order, 45, 77, 267.

Dominicans, tiie, 31-33, 55, 145.

Dominick, St., 32, 96, 145, 256, 274.

Dominick, St., Convent, Siena, 76.

Dcminick, St., Order of, 273.

Domitian, Emperor, 39, 87, 159, 162, 229.

Domitilla, 87.

Donatello, 32, 227.

D<inato of Arezzo, St., 97.

Donato, St., 36, 142.

Dorat, Cross of, 4.

Dorothea, St., 5, 28, 98.

Dottore Seralico, II, .32, 69.

Dove, 61, 91, 107, 109, 134, 167.

Dove, Symbolism of, 5, 12, 24, 28.

Down, 250.

Dratcon, Symbolism of, 4, 13, 28.

Drahomira, 189.

Drusiana, 160.

Dublin. 250.

Duns Scot us, 99.

Dunstan, St.. 29, 98, 100, 101.

Durandus, 33.

Durer, Albert, 127.

Durham, Bishop of, 29.

Durham, Cathedral of, 92.

Dusbeldorf, 290.

pAGLE, the, 22, 25, 161.-*--* Ear of Malchus, Symbolism of, 8.

Earth, Symb<tlism of, 11.

Eblia of Coldin^jham, St., 99.

Ebb s Head. St., 109.

Ebro, the, 150.

Erbataiie, 173, 299.

Etic Af/nits Del. 4. 158.

Ecclesiastical History, St. Bede, 61.

Edessa, 37, 38, 47.

Edgar, King, 99-101.

Edinburgh, 131.

Edith of Polesworth, 100, 236.

Edith of Wilton, St., 100.

Edmund, King, 99. 100.

Edna of Ecbatane, 301.

Edward, King and Confessor, St., 101, 114,


Edwin, King, 99, 142, 252.

Egbert, King, 235.

Egfrid, King, 109.

Etiidio, St., 240.

Egregius Doctor Hispaniae, 149.

Egypt, 168, 186, 190, 217, 229.

Egyptian Cross, 3.

Eichstadt, 29, 321.

Eisenach, 103.

Eleazar de Sabran, St., 94, 102.

Elenora of Spain, 114.

Eleutherius, 95.

Eifleda, 248.

Elfrida, 101.

Elgiva, 99.

Elijah, the Prophet, 33, 204.

Elisabeth, St , 102.

Elizabeth, 158, 194, 201, 250.

Elizabeth of Austria, 73.

Elizabeth of Hungary, St., 6, 28, 32, 103.

Elizabeth of Portugal, St., 106.

Elizabeth, Queen, 106.

Elmo, St., 108.

Kloy of Noyon, St., 107. 127.

Eiphege, St., 107.

Ely, 322.

Ely, Cathedral of, 109.

Emeric, St., 287.

Enclosed Garden, the, 20.

England, 181, 182.

Enns, the River, 116.

Entombment, the, 202.

Enurchus, or Evurtms, St., 107.

Ephcsus, 159, 204, 205, 279.

Eplicsus, St., 108.

Ephrem of Edessa, St., 108.

Epiphany, the, 196.

Erasmus of Formia, St., 108.

Krcolano, St., 108.

Eremitani. the, Padua, 31.

Erliard, 248.

Erythnva, 281.

Escurial, the, 34, 155, 181.

Esdras, 15.

Espinosa, 185.

Esquiline, the, 217, 262.

Esther, 19.

INDEX. 333

Ethelberga, St., 108.

Ethelbert, King of England, 67.

Ethelfrid, 58.

Ethelred, 101.

Ethelreda, St., 109, 322.

Ethelwald, St., 100.

Ethiopia, 229.

Eucharist, the Holy, 8, 161, 180.

Eudoxia, Empress, 163, 255.

Eugenia, St., 109.

Eulalia, St., 109, 182.

Eunomia, 41, 110.

Euphemia, St., 110.

Euphemian, 47, 48.

Euphrosina, 97.

Eusebius, 37, 111, 154.

Eustace, St., 5, 110.

Eustochium, St., 252.

Eutropia, St. 41, 111.

Eutychia, 187.

Evangelists, the, 16, 23, 31, 157.

Evangelists, Symbols of, 12.

Eve, 16, 19.

Eve, Second, 210.

Ewald the Black, and Ewald the Fair, Sts.,


Ezekiel, 14, 19, 21.

FABER, Frederic Wilfrid, 260.

Fabian, St., 111.

Fabricius, 98.

Face in the Clouds, Symbolism of, 10.

Faith, St., 111.

Falcon, 61.

Farnese, Cardinal, 244.

Father of Orthodoxy, 56.

Fathers of the Church, the Latin, 48, 66,


Faucon, 165.

Faustinus, St., 42, 111.

Felice, San, 218.

Felicitas, St., 112.

Felix de Cantalicio, St., 32, 113.

Felix de Valois, St., 112, 165.

Felix, or Felice, St., 113.

Felix, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Felix, St., 2.30, 236.

Ferdinand of Castile, St., 113, 149.

Ferdinand, Prince, 96.

Ferdinand, St., 149.

Ferdinand the Catholic, 146.

Fermo, 242.

Ferrara, 59, 96, 229.

Ferrymen, Patron of, 178.

Fescennius, 95.

Festival of St. Blaise in Yorkshire, 69.

Festival of the Rosary, 275.

Fidanga, Giovanni, 69.

Fiesole, 50, 55, 272.

Fiesole, Angelico da, 33.

Filippino Lippi, 33.

Filomena, St., 114.

Fina of Gemignano, St., 115.

Fire, Protector against, 54.

Fire, Symbolism of, 6.

Fish, Symbolism of the, 2, 14, 25, 28.

Fish with Key in its Mouth, 66.

Fitzurze, Reginald, 296.

Five Wounds, Symbolism of, 8.

Flagellation, the, 274.

Flames of Fire, 54.

Flames, Symbolism of, 6.

Flaming Heart, Symbolism of, 6, 27t

Flaming Sword, 16.

Fl.mders, 131.

Flavia Domitella, 39.

Flavia, St., 29, 115, 261.

Flavian, 162.

Flavius Claudius, 176.

Fleur-de-Lys, 187.

Fleur-de-Lys, Symbol, 88.

Fleur de Marie, 193.

Flight into Egypt, 168, 199, 279.

Florence, 31, 33, 50, 55, 68, 70, 91, 107, 158,

163, 164, 208, 227, 234, 235, 259, 261, 268.

Florence, Archbishop of, 55.

Florentius, 64, 231.

Florian, St., 115.

Flowers, Symbolism of, 6, 20.

Foligno, 91.

Fontaine, 66.

Fonte-Branda, Siena, 76.

Fontevrauld, France, 29.

Forli, 231.

Formia, 108.

Forum, the, 222.

Fossa-Nova, 298.

Fossa-Nova, Cardinal di, 97.

Fountain, the, 20.

Fountain of Mary, 200.

Fra Angelico, 33.

Fra Bartolommeo, 33, 257.


Fra Farina, 80.

Francesca Romana, St., 116, 255.

Francis I., 122.

Francis, St., 27, 28, 31, 32, 54, 55, 68, 69,

86, 97, 216.

334 INDEX.

Francis, St., Order of, 102, 187, 273.

Francis Burgia. St , 123.

Francis do Paula, St., 121.

Francis du Sales, St., 27, 79, 122.

Francis of Assisi, St., 117, 121.

Francis Xavier, St., 34, 122.

Franciscans, Founder of, 117.

Franciscans, Order of, 31, 32, 54, 186.

Francisco da Lucia, 115.

Francisco, San, Church of, at Aquila, G8.

Francisco, San, Chui-ck of, at Pisa, 115.

Frascati, 244.

Frati Minori, 119.

Frederick II., Emperor, 105.

Frediano of Lucca, St., 124.

"Fridolin," Schiller's, 107.

Freiberg, 242.

Freres de T Observance, 68.

Friesland, 70, 111, 289.

Frondisia, 42, 43.

Fruit of the Spirit, 6.

Fruit, Symbolism of, 6, 20.

Fulda, 71, 184.

GABAEL, 300.

Gabriel, St., the Archangel, 5, 15, 16,

124, 109, 193, 236.

Gaddi, Taddeo, 29, 32, 33.

Gaeta, 244.

Gains, 42.

Galerius ^laxiraian. Emperor, 40, 11.5, 249.

Galgano, Monte, 232, 244.

Galilee, 150.

Galilee, Cana in, 201.

Galla Placida, Empress, 161.

Gamaliel, 28G.

Garcilasso de la Vega, 123.

Garden of Eden, 16.

Garter, Order of the, 129.

Gaudentius of Novara, St., 125.

Gaudenzio, St., 125.

Gaul, 154, 230.

Gemignano, San, 115.

Geminianus, St., 125.

Geneva, 67.

Geneva, Bishop of, 122.

Geneva, Lake, 230.

Gen^vidve, St.. 95, 125.

Genevieve of Brabant, 127.

Genoa, City of, 38. 49, 78, 181, 182.

George of Cajipadocia, St., 127.

George, St., 4. 35, 36, 40, 141, 218, 293.

Gareon, St., 129.

Germain, St., 125, 131.

Gerirudo of Nirvtlle, St., 137.

Gervais, St., Church of, 115.

Gervasius, St., 78, 130, 230, 320.

Gervii, Prince of the, 109.

Gesu, Church of, Rome, 124.

Gethsemane, Garden of, 274.

Geysa, Duke, 287.

Ghent, 61, 184.

Ghirlandajo, 30.

Ghost, the Holy, 5, 12.

Gibbon, 279.

Gibraltar, 171.

Gideon, 19, 232.

Gilbert a Becket, 295.

Giles, St., 5, 29, 131, 263.

Giorgio-in-Alga, San, 185.

Giorgio Maggiore, San, 218.

Giorgio, San, Convent of, 86.

Giottino, 32.

Giotto, 32, 119.

Giovanni, Fra, 55.

Giovanni in Olio, San, 159.

Giovanni Patricio, 216.

Giovita, St., 42.

Giralda, the, 178.

Giulia, St., 143.

Giulio Canipi, 284.

Ginstina, San, Church at Padua, 29.

Glanfeuil, 231.

Glastonbury, 98, 99, 236.

Glastonbury, Abbey of, 131.

Globe, the,'l9.

Gloria in Exrelsis, 195, 246, 266.

Gloria Patri, 274.

Glory, Symbolism of the, 2.

Gloucestershire, 248.

Goa, 123, 294.

Godfrey of Bouillon, 132.

Godfrey of Boulogne, 129.

God the Father, Symbols of, 9.

God the Son, Symbols of, 11.

Gold Color, Symbolism of, 9.

Golden Fleece, Order of, 60.

Golden Gate, the, 157.

Gondoforus, 294.

Gondubald. 283.

Goose, Symbol, 222.

Gordian, 133.

Gorgonin, St , 136.

Gospel, tile, 58.

Goths, tlie, 149.

Gourd, the, 16.

Governors', the, 15.

INDEX. 335

Gracchi, the, 155, 251..

Grado, 185.

Grammont in Flanders, 41.

Granada, 171.

Grapes, Biiiiclies of, Symbolism of, 8.

Grata, St., 40, 133.

Gray, 2!), 31.

Gray, Symbolism of, 9.

Great Litanies, 232.

Great Martyr, 129.

Greece, 50.

Greek Cross, 3, 4, 21.

"Green, S^Miibolism of, 9.

Greenwich, 48.

Gregorian Chant, 133.

Gregono, San, Church of, 133.

Gregory IX., Pope, 267.

Gregory XI., Pope, 77.

Gregory XIII., Pope, 274.

Gregory, St., 57, 61, 115, 133, 190, 232, 278.

Gregory of Nazianzen, St., 60, 136.

Gregory of Tours, St., 306.

Grenoble, 72.

Greve, Place de, 127.

Grisogono, St., 49.

Grotta Ferrata, 244.

Grotta Ferrata, Convent, 29.

Gualberto, St. John, 163.

Guastala, 59.

Gudula, St., 137.

Guelphs and Ghibellines, 68.

Guido, 261.

Guido da Siena, 33.

Guthlac of Croyland, St., 137.

Guyenne, Duke of, 220.

Guzman, House of, 96.

TTABAKKUK, Prophet, 63, 205, 232.-'--'- Habits of various Orders, 32.

Hades, 158.

Hadrian, 2-32, 275, 305.

Haerlem, 61.

Hagar, 232.

Halberd, the, 25.

Hammer, Symbolism of, 8.

Hanbury, 322.

Hand, Symbolism of, 9.

Hanover, 40.

Haroun al Raschid, 241.

Hart, Symbolism of, 5.

Heart, Flaming, 27.

Heart, Symbolism of, 6, 8.

Hebron, Valley of, 303.

Heidenheim, 321.

Heifer, Sacrilice of. Symbolism of, 12.

Helena, 254.

Helena, Empress St., 89, 137, 197, 220, 304.

Helen of Troy, 255.

Heliodorus, 138.

Heliogabalus, 251.

Heliopolis, 58, 94, 199.

Hellespont, the, 281.

Henry II. of England, 295.

Henry II., St., of Bavaria, 41, 141, 181, 287.

Henry IV., Emperor, 65.

Henry IV., of England, 244, 319.

Henry VIII., 250.

Heracliiis, Emperor, 305.

Herefordshire, 58.

Herman-Joseph, St., 142.

Herman of Thuringia, 103.

Hermengildus. St., 142, 149.

Hermione, St., 258.

Hermits of St. Francis, 121.

Hermogenes, 150.

Hermolaus, 249.

Herod, 150, 158, 196, 199.

Herrera, 142.

"Hidden Gem, The," by Cardinal Wise-man, 48.

Hierapolis, City of, 38, 258.

Hierotheus, 207.

Hilaria, St., 41.

Hilarion, St., 97, 142.

Hilary, St., 142.

Hilda of Whitby, St., 72, 142.

Hildegarde, Empress, 184.

Hind, Symbolism of, 5, 28.

Hippo, Bishop of, 57.

Hippo, St. Augustine of, 30.

Hippolytus, St., 143, 181.

Hircanus, 139.

Hog, Symbolism of, 54.

Hohenburg, 248.

Holofernes, U3, 173.

Holy Cave, 226.

Holy Family, 200.

Holy Ghost] Symbols of, 12, 13.

Holy Island, 92.

Honoria, Princess, 125.

Honorius, Emperor, 47, 48.

Honorius, Pope, 120.

Honorius III., Pope, 256.

Hospitallers, Order of, 170.

Howard, Cardinal, 33.

Hubert, St., 5, 143, 178.

336 INDEX.

Huesca, 180.

Hugh Capet, 243.

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, St., 144.

Hugh of Grenoble, St., 144.

Hugh, St. Martyr, 144.

Hugo, 163.

Hugo, Bishop of Grenoble, 72.

Humbert, Bishop, 101.

Hungarians, the, 162.

Hyacinth, St., 145.

Hydrophobia, 144.

Hypatia, 93.

TAGO, St.. or St. James, 113.-'- Tconium, 291.

Ignatius Loyola, St., 34, 122, 124, 146.

Ignatius of Antioch, St., 87, 146.

I. H. S., 27.

lidefonso, St., 29,147, 182.

lllyria, 49.

Immaculate Conception, Doctrine of, 99.

Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of, 209.

Imola, Patron of, 73, 229.

Ina, King, 109.

Incarnation, the, 19, 22, 283.

Incoronata, the, 208, 209.

Infant Christ, the, 27.

Innocent I., Pope, 47, 48.

Innocent II.. Pope, 66.

Innocent III., Pope, 119, 280.

Innocent IV., Pope, 86.

Innocent YIIL, Pope, 307.

Innocents, Massacre of the, 148.

Intarsiatura, 30.

Invention of the True Cross, 138.

Iphigcnia, 229.

IrenaMis, 254.

Irene, 277.

Iria Flavia, 151.

Isaac, 16, 232.

Isabel de Paz, 106.

Isabella, Empress, 123.

Isabella of France, St., 148.

Isaiah, 19, 21, 192. 198, 283.

IsHiah. Rapha(^rs Picture of, 31.

Isidore. St., Bishop of Seville, 142,149, 159.

I-^idore of I*i'lu>-ium, 254.

Isicb.re tlie Plouglnnan, St., 148.

Mam, 124.

Italian Trinity, the, 14.

Ives of Bretagne, St., 149.

Ivo, 145.

JACOB, 16, 196.

^ Jacobins, the, 97.

Jacques, Kue St., Paris, 97.

Jago, St., Order of, 151.

James Major, St., 24.

James Minor, St., 25, 153.

James of Aragon, King, 257, 267.

James the Great, St., 149, 159.

Jameson, Mrs., 23, 204.

Januarius, St., 36, 153.

Januarius, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Japan, 122.

Jarrow, 61, 65.

Jean de France, 319.

Jehudiel, the Angel, 15.

Jehoshaphat, Valley of, 206.

Jeremiah, 21.

Jericho, 232.

Jerome, St., 4, 7, 13, 21, 28, 34, 35, 50, 63,

154, 168, 219, 223, 251, 281, 290.

Jeronymites, the, 34, 155.

Jerusalem, 50. 138, 147. 153, 196, 204, 206,

208, 223, 226, 254, 265, 287, 303, 306, 316-

Jerusalem, Symbol of, 12, 24.

Jesuit Order,' 123, 146.

Jesuits, the, 34.

Jew, the Wandering, 156.

Jews, 124.

Joachim, St., 156, 191.

Joacim, 288.

Joan, Countess of Ponthieu, 113.

Joan of Bavaria, 166.

Joanna II. of Sicily, 77.

John, 279.

John XVI., 243.

John, Abbot of San Mnrtino, 65.

John, St., 25, 201, 205, 209, 291.

John, St., and St. Paul, 166.

John, St., Gospel of, 61.

John conducting the Virgin to his Home,202.

John de Matha, St., 112, 165, 257.

John of Avila, 171.

John the Baptist, St., 4, 16, 22, 64, 102,


John the Evangelist, St., 7, 9, 12. 13, 22,

25, 135, 146, 158, 201, 202, 204, 227.

Jiilin Cnpistraiio, St., 162.

John Clirvsostom, St., 102.

Jolin Gualberto. St., 28, 103.

John Nepomuck, St., 105.

Jophiel, the Angel, 16.

Joppa, 161.

Jordan, the, 158, 223.


Joseph, St., 6, 9, 12, 30, 36, 167, 192, 194,

196, 201, 290.

Joseph of Arimathea, 132, 202.

Joshua, 232.

Jovita, St., 11], 170.

Joys, Seven, of the Virgin, 13.

Juan de Dios, St., 170.

Juan de la Cruz, St., 172.

Juan de Vargas, 148.

Judaja, 159, 169.

Judah, Tribe of, 167.

Judas, 180, 229.

•Judas, Dress of, 9.

Judas Iscariot, 172.

Judas Syriacus, or Omriacus and the True

Cross, 304.

Jude, St., 173, 196, 284.

Judith, 19, 156.

Judith and Holofernes, 173.

Julia, St., 176.

Julian, 81, 178.

Julian the Apostate, 60, 68, 97, 136, 166,

176, 221, 231, 322.

Julian Hospitator, St., 177.

Julian of Rimini, St., 178.

Juliers in Flanders, 131.

Julius II., 244.

Juno, 5.

Just, St., 34, 155.

Justa, or JCistina, St., 178.

Justin, St., 254, 255.

Justina, St., 5, 178.

Justina of Antioch, St., 5, 92, 178.

Justinian I., 51, 249.


Kent, England, 57.

Keys, the, 25.

Kildare (St. Bridget), 71.

Kiov, in Russia, 145.

Kloster N"euberg, 18XKnife, the, 25, 60.

Knife, the Sacrificial, 16.

Koran, the, 13, 279.

Kostka, St. Stanislaus, 34.

LABARUM, the, 4.

Lactia, wi'c of Lubrius, 95.

Ladder, Symbolsn of, 8.

La Madalcine, the, 320.

"La Madonna della Cintola," Legend of,


Lamb of God, 24.

Lamb, Symbolism of, 4, 24, 28.

Lambert, St., 144.

Lambert of Maestricht, St., 179.

Lamech, 179.

Lamp, Symbolism of, 6.

Lance, the, 25, 306.

Lance, Symbolism of, 7.

Landolfo, 297.

Languedoc, 29, 257, 268.

Lantern, Symbolism of, 6, 8.

Laodicea, 47.

Lastingham, Priory of, 79.

Last Supper, 33, 153, 159, 180.

Lateran, St. John, Church of, 306.

Lateran, the, 77, 89, 114, 119, 135, 264.

Latin Cross, 3, 4.

Latin Fathers of the Church, 48.

Latin Gate, 159.

Laurati, Pietro, 190.

Laurence, St., 35, 141, 143, 180, 287, 317.

Lazare, St., 320.

Lazarus, 214, 225, 316.

Lazarus, St., 182.

Leander, 149.

Leander, St., 142, 182.

Lebanon, 205.

Lebbeus, St., 284.

Legend of the Holy Girdle, 207.

"Legends of the Monastic Orders," by

Mrs. Jameson, 295.

Lemnos, 310.

Leo I., Pope, 37.

Leo X., Pope, 33, 200.

Leo XIII.. Pope, 208, note.

Leo the Iconoclast, 110.

Leocadia, St., 147, 182.

Leofric, Earl of Murcia, 132.

Leon and Castile, 113.

Leonard, St., 36, 183.

Leonardo da Vinci, 33.

Leontine, St., 56.

Leopold of Austria, St., 183.

Leopold sbcrg, 183.

I.eovigild, King, 142.

Lepanto, Battle of, 274.

Lepers, 28.

Lerma, Duke of, 124.

Le Sueur, 30.

Leuchtenberg Gallery, 267.

Levi, 228.

Liberius, Pope, 217.

Libya, 127, 217, 281.

Lichfield, 79.


338 INDEX.

Licinius, 293.

Lifge, 144.

Lieviu, or Livin, St., 184.

Liguria, 4y.

Lily, yi, 125.

Lily, Syuibulism of, 6, 16, 20, 28.

Lima, 27:^.

Limoges, 107, 183, 220.

Lincoln, 144.

Lincolnshire, 248.

Lindisfarne, 92, 247.

Lioba, St., 184.

Lion of Judah, 4.

Lion, Symbolism of, 4, 22.

Lipi)i, rilippino, 33.

Lisbon, 318.

Lodbrog, Ragnar, 100.

Lombardi, 32.

Lombardy, 115.

London, 111, 131.

Longchamps, 148.

Longinus, St., 184.

Lorenzo Giustiniani, St., 185.

Lorenzo, San, in Cremona, 30.

Lorenzo, San, in Florence, 31.

Loretto, 275.

Lothairo, King of Italy, 39.

Louis Yin., 18G.

Louis XL of France, 121.

Louis XIT., 122.

Louis XIII., 320.

Louis Beltran, or Bertrand, 185.

Louis Gonzaga, St., 185.

Louis, King, 148.

Louis. Kin-? of Bavaria, 71.

Louis-le-Debonnaire, 65.

Louis, Prince of Thuringia, 103.

Louis, St., 32, 70, 186, 220, 233, 306, 307.

Louis, St., of Toulouse, 32, 187.

Louise d'Angouleme, 122.

Louise de la Misericorde, Soeur, 187.

Lovola, Ignatius, 34, 122, 133, 146.

Luca della Robbia, 32.

Lucas van Leyden, 179, 215.

Lucca, 124.

Lucia, St., 6, 7. 187.

Ludmilla, St., 181).

Luini, 30, 1!";2.

Luke. St., 22, 25, 124, 189, 223, 290, 315.

Lupa, 151.

Lupo, St., 40. 190.

Luther, 106. 2:)8.

Luxembourg, 259.

Luxembourg, Count of, 141.

Lycia, King of, 84.

Lycias, Procousul, 90.

Lyons, 70.

Lystra, 59.

MACARIUS, St., 190, 305.

Maccabees, Book of, 138.

Maccabees, the Seven, 112.

Macheronta, 158.

Macrina, St., 60.

Madonna, the, 6, 9, 191, 209.

Madonna della Sedin, 213.

Madonna di Foligno, 212.

Madonna di San Sisto, 29.

Madonna Purissima, 210.

Madre Pia, 195.

aiadrc Serafica, 32, 86.

Madrid, 124.

Maestricht, 179.

Maestricht, Bishop of, 61.

Magdala, or Magdalon, 225.

Magdalen, the, 9.

Magdalen, Pictures of the, 187.

Magdeburg, 245.

Magi, Adoration of the, 169.

Maguelonne, Languedoc, 65.

Mahometans, 267, 274.

Maiano, Benedetto da, 32.

Maisons de Charite, 170.

Majorca, 267.

Malacca, 123.

Malchus, 279.

Malmedun, Forest of, 61.

Mai ardent, 126.

Malta, 42, 43.

Maltese Cross, 4.

Mamertinc Prison, 255.

Manasses, 174.

Mandoria, the, 2.

Manresa, 147.

Mantle, Blue, 9.

Mantua, 59, 185, 307.

Marah, 303.

Marbourg, City of, 106.

Marcella, St., 'l55, 214, 225.

Marcellinup, St., 214, 256. 277.

IMarcian, 279.

:\Iarco, San, 217.

Marcus, 277.

Marcus Aurelius, 91. 112.

:\Targaret, St., 4. 3G, 214, 220.

Margaret of Cortona, St., 32, 216.

Maria-del-Fiore, Santa, 268.

INDEX. 339

Maria della Navicella, Santa, 165.

Maria della Vallicella, Santa, 261.

Maria in Capitolio, St., 281,

Maria in Organo, Santa, Church of, 30.

Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi, 27, 216.

Maria Maggiore, Santa, 216.

Mariamne, St., 258.

Maria-Sopra-Minerva, Church, 33.

Maria Theresa, 287.

Marina, St., 216.

Marinus, 233.

IMariiis and Sylla, Wars of, 281.

Mark, St., 22,' 35, 51, 59, 217, 293.

Mark, St., Convent of, 33.

Marmoutier, France, 29.

Marmoutier, Monastery of, 221.

Marriage at Cana, 201.

Marriage of St. Catherine, Legend of, 74.

Marriage of the Virgin, 192.

Mars, 258.

Marseilles, 182, 187, 219, 225, 227.

Martel, Charles, 70.

Martha, St., 4, 36, 155, 214, 219, 225.

Martial, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Martial, St., 220.

Martina, St., 222.

Martinian, 255.

Martinmas-Tide, 222.

Martin of Tours, St., 57, 64, 71, 220,


Mary, 158.

Mary and Martha, 182.

Mary Cleophas, 207.

Mary Magdalene, 35, 36, 97, 201, 203, 207,

219, 223.

Mary, Mother of St. James, 153.

Mary of Egypt, St., 223.

Mary Salome, 207.

Mary the Penitent, St., 227.

Masaccio, 33.

Masolino, 33.

Massacre of the Innocents, 148, 283.

Massa, Town of, 67.

Massimi Family, 260.

Massimi, Palazzo, 260.

Mass of St. Gregory, 134.

Matarea, 200.

Mater Amabilis, 212.

Mater Apostolorum, 203.

Mater Dolorosa, 210.

Mater Sapiential, 19.

Matha, St. John de, 165.

Mathurins, 165.

Matilda, Queen, 131.

Matthew, St., 22, 228, 284.

Matthew, St., Gospel of, 59, 60.

Matthias, St., 25, 22-9.

Maurelio, or Maurelius, St., 229.

Maure-sur-Loire, St., 231.

Maurice, Order of St., 230.

Maurice, St., 129, 229.

Maurisa, 147.

Maur, St., France, 29.

Maurus, St., 29, 64, 230.

Maxentius, 89.

Maxima, 51.

Maximian, Emperor, 113, 129, 179, 230,


Maximilla, 50.

Maximin, 225, 229.

Maximin, Tj-rant, 75.

Maximus, 78, 288.

Mayence, 321.

Mayence, Cathedral of, 31.

Mayence, First Bishop of, 70.

Medici Family, 91.

Meissen, Bishop of, 66.

Meliapore, 294.

Melrose, 247.

Memmi, Simone, 33.

Mendicant Orders, 117.

Mercuriale, St., 231.

Mercurius, St., 177, 231.

Mercy, the Oil of, 303.

Mercy, the Order of, 30, 267.

Mercy, the Tree of, 303.

Merida, 109.

Merry, St., Church of, 115, 224.

Merseberg, Church of, 141.

Mesopotamia, 47, 284.

Messengers of God, 15.

Messina, 115, 261.

Methodius, St., 93, 232.

Michael Angelo, 30, 33, 282.

Michael of Prato, 207.

Michael, St., 4, 8, 182.

Michael, the Archangel, 15, 16. 206, 232.

Milan, 49, 57, 66, 67, 76, 78-80, 93, 130,

197, 235, 236, 318, 320.

Milan, Bishop of, 59.

Milan, Duke of, 68.

Millstone, Symbol, 82.

Miniato-del-Monte, San, 163.

Miniato, or Minias, St., 234.

Minimes, the, 31, 121.

Minstrels, Patron of, 178.

Miriam, 157.

Miserere, 290.

340 INDEX.

Misericordia, the, 170.

Musal, the-, 28 J.

"Missus Est," 6G.

Mitre, 28, 58, 07.

Modona, 125, 179.

Modwena, St., 100, 234.•

Mohammed, 13, 1G2.

Mohammedans, 124, 173.

Mola (li Gaeta, 108.

Moldau, the, 166.

Moiiachism, Founder of, 54.

Monasteries of St. Bernard, 67.

Monastery of Novara, 67.

Monastic Orders, 26.

Mongibello, the Volcano, 43.

Monica, St., 30, 56, 235.

Monreale, Church of, 186.

Mons Janicula, 255.

Monte Calvo, 88.

Monte Cassino, 64, 275, 297.

Monte Cassino, Monaster}' of, 29.

Monte Celio, 165.

Monte-Joye, Monastery of, 67.

Monte-Mayor, 170.

Monte Pellegrino, 273.

Mont Martre. 95.

Montpelier, 268.

Mont-Saint-Michel, 233.

Monts-de-Pi^te, 68.

Montserrat, 147.

Montserrat, Lady of, 147.

Moon, Symbolism of, 11, 20.

Moors, the, 113, 267.

Morocco, 54, 119.

Morsel le, 137.

Moscetta, 164.

Moses, 19, 232, 235, 282, 289.

Moses, the Candlestick of. 13.

Mother of Humanity, 209.

Mother of Wisdom,"l9, 203.

Mount of Olives, near Siena, 67.

Mount Sinai, 75.

Mourning Mother, 210.

Mugnano. 115.

Munich Gallery, 256.

Munster, 250.

Murcia, Leofric, Earl of, 132.

MuriUo, 32, 96, 106, 116, 172, 267, 273,


Musciatino, 208.

Muscovites, the, 50.

Myra, 2-38, 292.

Mysteries of the Rosary, 274.

Mystic Thorn, 132.

'VTABOR and Felix, St., Church of, 13a-L> Nabor, St., 113, 236.

Nabuchodonosor, King, 173.

Nails of tiie Cross, 307.

Nails, Symbolism of, 8.

Naked Bodies, Little, Sj'mbolism of, 8.

Nanterre, 125.

Naples, 29, 76, 115, 153.

Naples and Sicily, 187.

Napoleon, Lord, 97.

Narbonne, 276.

Narcissus, St., 41, 236.

Natalia, Wife of St. Adrian, 40, 41, 236.

Nativity, the, 12, 169, 194, 274, 283.

Nativity, Church of, 138.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 191.

Nr.tivity of John the Baptist, 158.

Navona, Piazza (Rome), 45.

Nazareth, 156, 167, 169, 200.

Nazarius, St., 78, 130, 2o6.

Nazaro-e-Celso, SS., Church of, 79.

Nazaro, San, Church of, Milan, 79.

Nazianzum, 136.

Neot, St., 236, 290.

Nepomuck, St. John, 165.

Ncreus, St., 39, 237.

Nero, 130, 254, 272, 302, 316, 320.

Nero de' Neri, 261.

Neuberg, Kloster, 183.

Newman, Cardinal, 260.

Nicaise, St., 237.

Niccolo di Lido, San, 218.

Niccolo Pisano, 33.

Nice, Council of, 56.

Nicene Council, 90.

Nicenc Creed, 14.

Nicholas V , Pope, 33.

Nicholas of Myra, St., 237.

Nicholas of Tolentino, St., 28, 30, 242.

Nicholas, St., 36, 218.

Nicodemus, 202, 287.

Nicomedia, City of, 40, 92.

Nile, the, 235.'

Nilus of Grotta Ferrata, 243, 244.

Niius, St., Life of, 29.

Nimbus, Symbolism of, 2, 26.

Nineveh, 173, 301.

Nineveh, Winged Bulls, 23.

Nismes, 131.

Noah, Sons of, 16.

Nocera, Fortress of, 86.

Nolasco, St. Peter. 30.

Nomentana, Via (Rome), 45.

Nonna, St., 136.

INDEX. 341

Nonnatus, 267.

Norbert, St., 244.

Norcia, 63.

Norfolk, 100.

Norica, Prince of, 72.

Normandy, 233.

Northumberland, 61.

Northunibria, 100.

Norwich, 145.

Novara, 67, 125.

Novatus, 262.

NoYon, 107.

Numerian, 85.

Numidia, 56.

Nunc Dimittis, 199.

Nuremberg, 182, 276.

Nutsall, or Nuscella, Abbey of, 70.

OAK, Augustine's, 58.

Obsequies of St. Ephrem, Picture of,


Observants, the, 31.

Ocean, Symbolism of, 11.

Offa, King, 46.

Offero, St. Christopher, 82.

Olive Branch, 125.

Olive, Symbolism of, 5, 20.

Olivetani, the Order of, 29, 30, 67.

Olybrius, 214.

Olympias, Baths of, 181.

Omobuono, St., 245.

Onesiphorus, 291.

Onias, the High Priest, 138.

Onuphrius, St., 246.

Oratorians, Order of, 260.

Oratory of St. Catherine, Siena, 76.

Orcagna, Andrea, 33.

Ordeal, Trial by, 246.

Order of Mercy, 30.

Order of Our Saviour, 72.

Order of St. Anthony, 60.

Order of St. Basil, 93.

Order of St. Francis, 102.

Order of the Basilians, 60.

Order of the Benedictines, 63.

Order of the Carthusians, 72.

Order of the Holy Trinity for the Redemp-tion of Captives, 165.

Order of the Hospitallers, 170.

Order of the Olivetani, 67.

Order of the Poor Clares, 86, 118.

Order of the Visitation, 79.

Orestes, 93.

Organ, Symbol, 78.

Orientius, St., 180.

Origen, 58.

Orleans, 126, 149, 283.

Oropesa, 170.

Or-San-Michele, Church of, 107,

Ortolana, St. Clara, 85.

Osca, or Huesca, 180.

Osma, Bishop of, 96.

Osservanti, Order of, 68.

Osthrida, 248i

Ostia, 47, 165.

Ostian Gate, 251.

Oswald, St., 92, 247.

Otho I., Emperor, 39.

Otho III., 243, 244.

Otter, the Symbol, 92.

Ottilia, St., 248.

Our Lady of Mercy, Order of, 257.

Ox, the, 22.

Ox, Symbol, 195.

Oxford Library, 73.

Ozias, 174.

PADLOCK, Symbol, 166.

Padre Serafico, 32.

Padron, 151.

Padua, 29, 31, 54, 179, 259.

Palatine Hill (Ptome), 49.

Palermo, 186, 273.

Palestine, 186, 223.

Pallium, the, 55, 58.

Palm, 56, 59, 75, 82.

Palm, Symbolism of, 5, 20, 27.

Palm Tree and Palm Leaves, 54.

Palm Tree, Legend of, 199.

Pamoisin, Du. 202.

Pampeluna, 147.

Pancras, St., 248.

Pannonia, 220.

Pantaleon of Nicomedia, St., 249.

Panthera, in Lycia, 237.

Paola, 121.

Paola delle Tre Fontane, San, 251


Paolo-fuori-le-mura, San. 29, 251.

Paolo, St., Convent of, 86.

Paphnutius, 246.

Paradise, Rivers of, 21, 24.

Paris, 30, 54, 66, 69, 72, 81, 95, 97, 99, 107,

115, 128, 131, 145, 147, 149, 165, 186, 224,


Paris, Matthew, 321.

Parma, 35, 142.

342 INDEX.

Pascasius, 187.

Paschal, 78.

Passion, Symbols of the, 8.

Passion, the, 22.

Passion Week. 202.

Pastoral Staff, 28.

Pastorus, 262.

Paternosters, 96, 274.

Patienza, St., 180.

Patmos, 159, 161.

Patras, 50, 189.

Patriarchal Cross. 4.

Patrick, St., 71, 249.

Paula, St., 155, 251.

Paular, near Seville, 72.

Paulina, 256.

Paiilinus of York, St., 252.

Paul, St., 25, 30, 47, 59, 87, 88, 90, 95, 130,

134, 162, 189, 250, 253, 262, 286, 290, 291,


Paul, St., and St. John, 166, 251.

Paul's, Old St., London, 111.

Paul's, St., Cathedral of, 48.

Paul's, St., Monastery at Jarrow, 65

Paul the Hermit, 53, 54, 251.

Paul v., 209.

Paul Veronese, 93.

Pavia. 30, 39, 57, 284.

Pax Yobis, 151.

Peacock, Symbolism of, 5.

Peeping Tom of Coventry, 132.

Pepa, St., 137.

Pelagius, Pope, 133, 287.

Pelican, Symbolism of, 4, 12.

Pembroke, Earls of, 100.

Pentecost, the, 5.

Pcn/.iano. Lorenzo, 116.

Pepin d'Heristal, 91, 143, 179.

Pepin, King, 322.

Pepin-le-Rref, King. 65, 70.

P^re des Pauvres, 171.

Porfetto Legendario, II, 219, 289.

Perpetua, St., 252.

Perseus, 129.

Persia, 281.

Peru, 185, 272.

Perugia, 91, 117, 192.

Perugia, Bishop of, 108.

PeriigiiKi, 29.

Peter Exorcista, St., 256.

Peter Iirneus, 164.

Peter Martvr, St., 28, 32. 256.

Peter N<>ln>*co, St.. 30, 2.')7.

Peter of Alcantara, St., 255.

Peter of Clugny, St., 29.

Peter Kegolato, St., 257.

Peter, St., 7, 9, 24, 25, 36, 42, 55, 58, 88,

90, 130, 134, 144, 109, 180, 205, 217, 226,

250, 253, 202, 203, 272, 286, 290, 320.

Peter, St., Sword of, 8.

Petersburg, St., 116.

Peter's, St., 108, 185.

Peter's, St., Monastery at "Wearmouth, 65.

Petronilla, St., 257.

Petronius, St., 258.

Philagatus, 243.

Philastrius, 254.

Philetus, 150.

Philip Benozzi, St., 259.

Philip, Deacon, St., 236, 259.

Philip, Emperor, 42.

Philip IL, King of Spain, 95.

Philip IIP, 291.

Philip Neri, St., 260.

Philip, Proconsul of Egypt, 109.

Philip, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Philip, St., 25, 229, 258.

Philip the Apostle, 132.

Philistines, the, 129.

Phocas of Sinope, St., 261.

Phrygia, 2-39, 258, 281.

Piacenza, 29, 269.

Pianta Leone, "War-cry, 249.

Piazza del Duomo at Florence, 328.

Piazza Navona (Rome), 45.

Piedmont, 49. 230.

Pieta, La, 210.

Pietro da Cortona. 222.

Pietro di Pavia, 164.

Pietro in Montorio, San, 255.

Pietro in Tincoli, San, 255, 278.

Pietro Martire, San, 33.

Pillar, the, 307.

Pillar and Cord. Symbolism of, 8.

Pillars of Hercules, 151.

Pincers, 56.

Pincers, Symbolism of, 7, 8.

Pinturicchio, 32.

Pisa, 108, 115, 132, 179,190, 208, 265, 303.

Pisann, Niccolo, 33.

Pius L, Pope, 263.

Pius TV., Pope, FO.

Pius VII., Pope, 114.

Pius IX., 210.

Placentia, 243.

Plaridus, St., 27, 29, 64, 110, 115, 261.

Pinto. 49. 73.

Plautilla, 262.

INDEX. 343

Plessis-le-Tours, 121.

Poissy, 186.

Poitiers, 142, 265.

Polan.l, 141, 286.

Poland, Patron of, 73.

Polesmarti), 234.

Polycarp, 146.

Pomegranate, 19, 171.

Poniard, Symbolism of, 7.

Pontine u, Joan of, 113.

Pontius Pilate, 172, 315, 322.

Pontoi^^e, 145.

Pontus, 261.

Poor Clares, 32, 76, 117.

Porphyry, 75.

Porta Clkusa, 20.

Porta Pia, Rome, 45.

Porta St. Sebastiano, Rome, 79.

Porte Maggiore, Rome, 68.

Portugal, 34, 155.

Porzioncula, the, 86.

Potitus, St., 108, 262.

Poussin, 108.

Povere Donne, 32.

Powers, the, 15.

Prffitorian Guards, 276.

Prague, 166.

Prassede, Santa, Church of, 263.

Prato, Cathedral of, 207.

Prato, Michael of, 207.

Pratum Monstratum, 245.

Praxides, St., 262.

Preaching Friars, 32.

Prd-Montr^, 245.

Presburg, 287.

Presentation in the Temple, 279.

Presentation of the Virgin, 191.

Princedoms, the, 15.

Principalities, the, 15.

Prisca, St., 263.

PrisciUa, 263.

Prlscilla, Catacomb of, Rome, IJ

Priscilla, Cemetery of, 90, 262.

Priscus. 110.

Probus, 40.

Procession of the Spirit, 14.

Procession to Calvary, 202.

Processus, 255.

Procino, 45.

Procopius, St., 5, 263.

Proculus, St., 263.

Prophecy of Simeon, 279.

Protasius, St., 78, 130, 236, 263, 320.

Protevangelion, the, 167.

Protus, St., 145.

Provence, 165, 187, 227.

Prudeniius, 109, 317.

Psalm, the 114th, 206.

Ptolomeus, Prince, 60.

Ptolemy Philadelphus, 198.

Publius, Prefect, 112.

Pudens, 262.

Pudentiana, St., 262, 264.

Puerta del Cambron, Toledo, 183.

Pulciano, Monte, 46.

Purification of the Virgin, 198.

Purification, the, 274.

Purse, Symbolism of, 8.

Purse, the, 25.

Puy, 319.

Pyx, the, 86, 145.

QUATTRO Coronati, 264.

Queen of Angels, 209.

Queen of Heaven, 6, 209.

Quintianus, King of Sicily, 42, 43.

Quintin, St.. 264.

Quirina, 185.

Quirinus, St.," 264.

Quirinus, the Prefect, 58.

EADCLIFFE, Mrs., 284.

Radegunda, St., 264.

Ragnar Lodbrog, 100, 265.

Raguel of Ecbatane, 299.

Ragusa, Patron of, 69.

Ralph II. of Burgundy, 39.

Ramirez, King, 152.

Ranieri, St., 265, 303.

Raphael, 31, 32, 202, 214.

Raphael, the Archangel, 15, 16, 266.

Ravenna, 55, 79, 161, 271.

Raymond of Peflaforte, St., 267.

Raymond, St., 72, 267.

Razzi, 33.

Red and Black, Symbolism of, 9.

Red, Symbolism of, 8.

Reggio, 121.

Regina Angelorum, 6, 125, 193, 209.

Regina Cocli, 209.

Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia, 263.

Regulus, St., 268.

Rehoboam, 304.

Remi, St., 88.

Repandum, 322.

344 INDEX.

Reparata, St., 7, 268.

Repose ill Egypt, ltJ8.

Repose of the Holy Family, 199.

Repton, ii2'2.

Repton, Monastery of, 137.

Resurrection, tlie,"22, 274, 283.

Reuben, Tribe of, 172.

Rheinis, 237.

Rlieiins, Cathedral of, 13.

Rheims, School of, 72.

Rhine, the, 290.

Rhone, the, 131.

Riccio, Andrea, 32.

Richard I., 129,

Richard of Xorraandy, 233.

Richard, St., 145.

Richelieu, 320.

Rictius Varus, 264.

Rimini, 125, 269.

Riuaklo, 297.

Riposo, a, 200.

Riva di San Marco, 217.

Rivers of Paradise, 21.

Robbia, Luca della, 32.

Rocca-Secca, 297.

Rocco, San, 270.

Roch, St., 35, 36, 268, 278.

Roll of Music, Symbol, 78.

Roll, the, 16.

Romain, St., 271.

Roman Cross, 3.

Romano the Hermit, 64.

Rome, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 45^7, 49, 55,

57, 58, 63, 66, 68, 72, 77-79, 85, 87, 88,

90, 91, 95. 97, 99, 111-114, 116, 119, 121,

124, 133, 145-147, 154, 159, 161, 165, 166,

• 180, 181, 185, 186, 190, 216, 217, 222, 232,

236, 243, 312.

Romualdo, St., 28, 271.

Romulo, St , 36, 272.

Rosa di Lima, Santa, 272.

Rosa di Viterbo, St., 32, 273.

Rosalia of Palermo, St., 273.

Rosary, the, 96, 202, 274.

Rosary, Mysteries of the, 21.

Rose of Sliaron, 6.

Roses, 20, 28.

Roses, Miracle of the, 106.

Roses, Symbols, 98.

Rouen, 271.

Rubens, 34, 184.

Rufina, St., 178, 276.

Rusticus, 95.

Ruth, 19.


Sabina, St., 145, 275.

Sabine, St., Convent of, 97.

Sabineila, 262.

Sabiiiella, Queen of Egypt, 73.

Sabran, Count of, 102.

Sacro Speco, Subiaco, 29.

Sainte Beaume, La. 226.

Sainte ChopcUe, La, 186, 306, 307.

Salamanca, 21)8.

Sales, St. Francis de, 79.

Sallust, 181.

Salutation of Elizabeth, 194.

Salutation, the, 102.

Salvi, Monastery of, 164.

Samia, 281.

Sammichele, 32.

Samos, 84.

Samson, 124, 129.

Sancha, Queen of Naples, 102.

Sanchez de Cepeda, Don Alphonso, 289.

Sancian, Island of, 123.

San Domingo, 185.

San Jos^, 290.

Sansovino, 32.

Santa Casa, 275.

Santa Croce, Rome, 68, 161, 305.

Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 83.

Santiago, 150, 152, 291.

Saone, the, 70.

Sapor, King, 176.

Sapritius, 98.

Sara, 15.

Saracens, the, 65, 141, 241, 276.

Sara of Ecbatane, 299.

Sardinia, 108.

Sardinian Order, 230.

Sargossa, 317, 318.

Sarmatia, 50.

Sarto, Andrea del, 30.

Satan, Black, Symbol of, 9.

Savia, 207.

Savonarola, 267.

Savoy, 230.

Saw, the, 25.

Saxony, 70.

Scaccieri, 265.

Scales, 16.

Sceptre, 125.

Schiller's "Fridolin," 107.

Scholastica, St., 29, 64, 94, 276.

Sciffo Favorino, 86.

Scipios, the, 155, 251.

1 Solavonia, 141, 2U.

INDEX. 345

Scotists, 99.

Scotland, 50.

Scourge, Symbolism of, 7, 8, 28.

Scroll," 125^

Scrolls, Symbolism of, 24.

Scythia, 50, 258.

Sealed Book, the, 21.

Sealtiel, the Praying Spirit, 15.

Seamless Garment, Symbolism of, 8.

Sebald, St., 276.

Sebaste in Cappadocia, 69.

Sebaster, 158.

Sebastian, St., 7, 35, 36, 171, 249, 276.

Secundus, St., 279.

Seine, St., Abbey of, 65.

Selene in Libya, 127.

Seleiicia, 292.

Sempronius, the Prefect, 44, 45.

Senario, Monte, 259.

Sens, 186, 252.

Seraph, the, 27.

Seraphia, 275.

Seraphic Order, 69.

Seraphic, the, 116.

Seraphim, the, 14, 16.

Serapion, 279.

Serapis, 217.

Serena, Empress, 288.

Sergius, 271.

Serpent, the, 25.

Serpent, Symbolism of, 5, 12, 19.

Serracina, 133.

Servi, or Serviti, Order of, 259.

Servi, the. 30.

Servius Tullius, 263.

Seth and the Tree of Mercy, 303.

Seven, the Mystic Number, 13.

Seven Churches, 159.

Seven Joys and Sorrows of the Virgin, 13,


Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin, 279.

Seven Maccabees, 112.

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 279.

Seven Sons of St. Felicitas, 112.

Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, 279.

Severianus, 264.

Severino, San, Church of, 29.

Severus, Emperor, 109, 130, 252, 264.

Sevignd, Madame de, 79.

Seville, 72, 106, 149, 170, 172, 178.

Seville, Cathedral of, 114.

Seville, Isidore of, 149.

Seward, Siward, or Sigward, 276.

Sforza, Francesco, 283,

Shaftesbury, 101.

Shears, Symbolism of, 7.

Sheba, Queen of, 281, 304.

Sheep, 24.

Shell, Symbolism of, 7.

Shepherd, the Good, 24.

Ship, Symbolism of, 7.

Shtaneshalck, 142.

Sibylla, 303.

Sibylla Cimmeria, 281-283.

Sibylla Cumana, 281-283.

Sibylla Delphica, 281-283.

Sibylla Erythraea, 281-283.

Sibvila Europa, 281-283.

Sibvlla Hebraica, 281-283.

Sibylla Hellespontina, 281-283.

Sibylla Libyca, 281-283.

Sibvlla Persica, 281-283.

Sibylla Phrygia, 281-283.

Sibylla Samia, 281-283.

Sibyllr. Tiburtina, 281-283.

Sibylline Leaves, 281.

Sibyls, 35, 280.

Sicily, 77, 187, 261.

Siegfried, Count, 127, 141.

Siena, 33, 67, 118, 132.

Siena, Duomo of, 51.

Sigismond, St., 34, 80, 283.

Silesia, 145.

Silvestro, St., Church of, at Rome, 38.

Simeon, 196, 198, 284.

Simone Memmi, 33, 266.

Simon Magus, 254.

Simon Peter, 50.

Simon, St., 25, 145.

Simon the Pharisee, 225.

Simon Zelotes, or the Zealot, St., 284.

Sinai, Mount, 75.

Sion, 67.

Sion, Mount, 204.

Siponte, 232.

Sisiberto, Archbishop, 148.

Sissek, 264.

Sisto, San, 190.

Sisto, San, Madonna di, 29.

Sixtus IL, 180.

Sixtus IV., Pope, 121.

Skull, Symbolism of, 7, 12.

Slaves with Broken Chains, 28.

Smyrna, 146.

Society of Jesus, 185, 286.

Socrates, 93.

Soissons, 91.

Solomon, 303.

346 INDEX.

Solomon's Temple, 303.

Sophia of Thuniigia, 1(J3.

Sorbonne, the, 210.

Sorrows, Seven, of the Virgin, 13.

Spagnuoli, Chapel of the, 3;J.

Spagnuoli, Sau Giacomo degli, Church of,


Spalatro, the, 284.

Spasimo di Sitilia, Lo, 202.

Spear, the, 25.

Spear, Symbolism of, 8.

Spice, Boxes of, S^'mbolism of, 8.

Spoleto, G3.

Sponge, the, 306, and note.

Sponge, Symbolism of, 8.

Stabat Mater, 210.

Staff, IG, 58.

Staff, Pastoral, 28.

Staff, the Pilgrim's, 25.

Stag, the, 28.

Standard, Symbolism of, 7.

Standard, the, 27.

Stanislaus Kotzka, St., 34, 28^.

Star, Symbol, 97.

Star, Symbolism of, 20, 28.

Stem of .Jesse, 20.

Stephanie, 244.

Stephen II., Pope, 95.

Stephen of Hungary, St., 287.

Stephen, St., 7, 35,' 180, 286, 304, 307.

Stigmata, the, 27, 77.

Stirling, Mr., 172.

Stirling's "Artists of Spain," 273.

Strada di Costanza, 91.

Strasburg, 248.

Strasburg, Cathedral of, 31.

Stridonium, 154.

Strozzi, (?liapel, 33.

Suabia. 183.

Subiaco, G4, 115, 230, 261.

Subiaeo, Cave of, 29.

Sudarium. 287, 316.

Suetonius, 281.

Sueur, i.e, 30.

Sun, Symbolism of, 11, 20, 28.

Susanna, 288.

Susanna, St., 287.

Sweden, 71.

Swp'lon, St. Catharine of, 77.

Swidbort, St., 289.

Swithin, St., 200.

Sword, 59.

Swords of the Apostles, 8.

Sword, Symbolism of, 7, 16.

Sylvanus, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Sylvester, Bishop of Kome, 88, 89, 290.

Sylvester, St., 4.

Sylvia, 133, 134.

Symbolism of Colors, 8.

Symbolism of the Monastic Orders, 25.

Symbols of Angels, 14.

Symbols of God the Father, 9.

Symbols of God the Holy Ghost, 12.

Symbols of God the Son, 11.

Symbols of the Apostles, 24.

Symbols of the Evangelists, 21.

Symbols of the Trinity, 14.

Symbols of the Virgin, 17.

Synagogue, Symbolism of, 11.

Syracuse, 187,' 189.

Syria, 119, 227.

Syro, or Syrus, St., 284.

S'yrus, 225.

Syrus, St., 284.

TABLET, Symbol, 94.

Tacitus, 281.

Taddeo Gaddi, 29, 33.

Tagaste, 56.

Tankelin, 245.

Taper, Symbolism of, 6.

Tarantaise, 67.

Tarascon, 219.

Tarentum, 243.

Tarquin, 281.

Tarragona, 293.

Tarsia, 30.

Tarsus, 47.

Tarsus, Ships of, 197.

Tasso, 246.

Tau Cross, 3.

Tc Dcum, 57.

Templars, the Laws of, 66.

Temple of Solomon, 20.

Temptation, the, 9.

Teresa, St., 13, 27, 185, 273, 289.

Terracina, 39, 79.

TertuUus, 261.

Tetramorph, the, 20, 23.

Thaddeus, St., 25, 38, 284.

Thamyris, 291.

Tluba'is. the, 217, 230.

Theban Legion, 40, 129, 229, 279, 293.

Thebes, 246.

Thecla, St., 291.

Theoclea, 291.

Theodobert, King, 183.

INDEX. 347

Theodora, 90.

Theodore, St., of Heraclea, 293.

Theodore, St., of Venice, 293.

Theodoret, 254.

Theodosius, Emperor, 49, 136, 162, 163,

279, 287.

Theonestus, St., 293.

Theonotus, 308.

Theophania, 39.

Theophilus, St., 98, 293.

Theresa, St., 172.

Thermutis, 235.

Thessalonica, 49.

Thetford, 101.

Thirty Pieces of Silver, Symbolism of, 8.

Thomas a Becket, St., 27^ 294.

Thomas Aquinas, St., 32, 47, 99, 297.

Thomas of Villanueva, St., the Almoner,


Thomas, St., 25, 197, 206, 207, 293.

Thomas, the Disciple, 38.

Thomists, 99.

0, or 0€ds, 54.

Thorwaldseu, 153.

Thrones, the, 15.

Thuringia, 70, 264.

Tiber, the, 47.

Tiberias, Sea of, 225.

Tiberius, Emperor, 315.

Tibertius, St., 299.

Tiburtina, the Sibyl, 195.

Tiburtius, 77.

Timotheus, 207.

Tiro, 81.

Titian, 33.

Title of Accusation, 306.

Titles of the Virgin, 17, 18.

Tivoli, 281.

Tobias, 139, 267, 299.

Toledo, 29, 113, 148. 182, 183.

Toledo, Castle of, 114.

Toothache, Patroness against, 56.

Torches, Symbolism of, 11.

Torlosa, 151.

Torpe, or Torper, St., 302.

Torre de' Spechi, 116.

Totila. King of the Goths, 65, 108, 268.

foubert, or Touberch, 109.

Toulon, 226.

Toulouse, 54, 187.

Tours, 221.

Tours, Bishop of, 71.

Tower, 59.

Towei of David, 20.

Trajan, 87, 110, 135, 146.

Traiiquilliuus, Ausanus, 51.

Transliguration. the, 159.

Trastevere, the (Rome), 50, 246.

Travellers, Patron ot, 178.

Tree of Life, the, 303.

Trent, 145.

Trenthani, 322.

Treves, 48.

Triangle, Symbolism of, 10, 14.

Triuita, Church of the, 164.

Trinita-di-Monti, 121.

Trinity, the, 16, 303.

Trinity, Symbols of the, 10, 14.

Trissma, 292.

Trojan War, 283.

Troyes, 120.

True Cross, the, 186, 303.

Trumpets, 16.

Tubal-Cain, 179.

Tunic, Blue, 9.

Tuscany, 260, 268.

UAVAS, Father G. de, 242.

Ubaldini, House of, 86.

Uberto, Bishop, 208.

Ugolotto Caccianemici, 307.

Ulpho, Prince of Norica, 72.

Ulrich, Prince, 263.

Ulster, 250.

Umbria, Citta Ducale, 112.

Umilita, St., 307.

Unicorn, the, 179, 193.

Unicorn, S3'mbolisra of, 5.

Urban II., Pope, 72.

Urban VI., Pope, 77.

Uriel, the Archangel, 15, 16.

Ursula, St., 7, 36, 82, 91, 308.

T7AGA0, the Eunuch, 175.

Valencia, 96, 185, 187, 298, 318, 319.

Valens, Emperor, 60.

Valentinian, Emperor, 222.

Valentinian III., 255.

Valeria, 320.

Valerian, St., 77, 85, 92.

Val(^rie, or Val^re, St., 220.

Valerius, 317.

Valerius Flaccus, 258.

Valid, Daughter of Pharaoh, 235.

"Valley of Wormwood," 66.

Valli^re. Louise de la, 187.

348 INDEX.

Vallombrosa, Order of, 164.

Vailombrosians, the, 28, 29.

Valois, Felix de, 1(35.

Vandals, the, 57, 237.

Van Dyck, 34.

Vannes, 319.

Varro, 281.

Vatican, Uie, 33, 15G, 244, 251, 255, 264,


Vaudois, the, 96.

Vega, Garcelasso de la, 123.

Veneziano, Antonio, 266.

Venice, 166, 173, 179, 185, 217, 242, 249,

270, 293, 306.

Venice, Patroness of, 75.

Venus, the Temple of, 305.

Venus, "Worship of, 178.

" Verbum sum," 195.

Vercelli, Bishop of, 46.

Verdiana, St., 315.

Verdun, 141.

Verona, 30, 50, 89, 256, 322.

Veronese, Paul, 93.

Veronica, St., 11, 315.

Verulam, 46.

Verue, 129.

Vesica Piscis, the, 2.

Vespasian, Emperor, 315.

Vesuvius, Mount, 154.

Via Appia, Rome, 79.

Via Dolorosa, 202.

Via Nomentana (Rome), 45.

Via Tiburtina, Rome, 181.

Victor, St., of Marseilles, 316.

Victor, St., of Milan, 317.

Vienna, 183, 286.

Vienna, Cathedral of, 162.

Villani, Archbishop, 266.

Vincent de Paul, St., 319.

Vincent Ferraris, St., 319.

Vincent, St., 287, 317.

Vincent, St., Cape, 318.

Violet, Symbolism of, 9.

Virgil, 282.

Virgin Alone, the. 208.

Virgin and Child Enthroned, 211.

Virgin Mary, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 156.

Virgin of Merry, 211.

Virgin of Virgins, 209.

Virgin, Seven .Toys and Sorrows of, 13.

Virgin, Titles of," 17, 18.

Virgo Sapientissima, 209.

Virtues, the, 15.

Vischer, Peter, 276.

Visconti, Bianca, 283.

Visitatii)n, Order of, 79.

Visitation, the, 102, 194, 274, 279.

Vitalicino, King. 178.

Vitalis, Son of Felicitas, 112.

Vital is, St., of Ravenna, 320.

Viterbo, 273.

Vitus, St., 320.

Voltaire, 186.

" Volto Santo,'' or Vera Icon, 316.

Votive Pictures, 34.

Vox clamantis in deserto, 158.

Vulgate, the, 154.

WALAIS. the, 67.

Walbeck Church, 141.

Walbeck in Saxonv, 41.

Walburga, St., 184, 321.

Walking on the Sea, 28.

Walpurgis Night, 321.

Walpurgis Oil, 321.

Walpurgis, St., 29.

Wandering Jew, the, 321.

Wartburg, Castle of, 103, 105.

Warwickshire, 235.

Wastein, Monasteries, 72.

Wearmouth, Monastery of, 65.

Weedon, 322.

Well, the, 20.

Wenceslaus IV., 166.

Wenceslaus, St., 189.

Wenzel, St., 189.

Werburga, St., 322.

Westminster, 160.

Westminster Abbe}', 102.

Westphalia, 111.

Wheels, Symbolism of, 7, 75.

Whitby, 142.

White Friars, 33.

White, Symbolism of, 8, 29, 32.

Wild Beast.s, 28.

Wilfrida, 100.

William, Duke of Aquitaine, 66.

William, St., 145.

William the Conqueror, 233.

WiUibald, St., 321.

Wilton, 100.

Winburn, Convent of, 821.

Winchester, 290.

Wincliester, Abbey of Nutsall, 70.

Winfred, St. Boniface, 70.

Wings, 16, 23.

Wiseman's, Cardinal, "Hidden Gem," 48.

INDEX. 349

"Woman of the Apocalypse, 2.

Wool-comb, Symbol, 69.

Worcester, Bishop of, 99.

Worcestershire, 58.

Work-basket, Symbol, 193.

XAVIER, St. Francis, 34.

Xeres, Battle of, 113.

YELLOW, Symbolism of, 9.

York, 252.

York, Archbishop of, 70.

Yorkshire, Festival, 69.

ZACHARIAS, 124, 167, 194, 201.

Zadkiel, the Angel, 16.

Zambri, the Magician, 89.

Zebedee, 150, 159.

Zeno, 89, 264.

Zeno, Emperor, 59.

Zeno, St., of Verona, 322.

Zenobia, St., of Florence, 323.

Zingara, or Gypsy, the, 200.

Zingaro, Antonio lo, 29.

Zoccolanti, the, 31.

Zosimus, 223.

Zurbaran, 30.


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