a controversy over ritual slaughter

Post on 08-Aug-2018






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  • 8/22/2019 A Controversy Over Ritual Slaughter


    A controversy over ritual slaughter

    POLES are sensitive to the charge they are anti-Semitic. Thats the implication many derived

    from the reaction in Jewish circles to the Polish parliaments decision to reject the

    governments attempt to allow abattoirs to resume the recently banned ritual slaughter of


    In a statement on July 15th, Israels foreign ministry said: Parliaments decision to reject a bill

    allowing kosher slaughter in Poland is totally unacceptable. Polands history is intertwined

    with the history of the Jewish people. This decision seriously harms the process of restoring

    Jewish life in Poland."

    Polands prime minister, Donald Tusk (pictured), said such a reaction was inappropriate. In a

    rare show of solidarity, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of the countrys main opposition party,

    Law and Justice, said today: Its not often I agree with him but here I do, I think that the

    (Israeli) ambassador should be summoned and receive strong instruction.

    Israels reaction followed condemnation of Poland from the Anti-Defamation League and theEuropean Jewish Congress. Polands own Jewish and Muslim communities also criticised the

    MPs decision, while the Polish chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said he would resign if a

    solution were not found. This idea gained popularity in Europe in the 30s of the past century,

    when under the influence of Nazi propaganda, Norway and Sweden banned ritual slaughter.

    Poland will now be the first EU member state in which such a ban will not be the consequence

    of Nazi-era regulations, Rabbi Schudrich and Piotr Kadlcik, the head of the Union of Jewish

    Communities of Poland wrote in a statement.

    On July 16th, Gazeta Wyborcza, a daily, devoted three columns to the issue, one of which was

    headlined, Why such a fuss? In his blog on Monday, Jaroslaw Makowski, a columnist, wrote,I became an anti-Semite. Why? Because I oppose ritual slaughter.

    Anti-Semitism still exists in Poland (as it does in many other European countries) despite the

    fact the Nazis murdered 90% of the countrys Jewish community, which was then the largest

    on the continent, during the Holocaust. Yet on the other hand younger Poles, especially,

    express a growing interest in and nostalgia for the lost Jewish culture.

    Parliamentarians did not use anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim arguments in the debate preceding

    the vote in parliament on July 12th. The few who spoke focused on the governments lust for

    money. Until the ban Polish slaughterhouses earned an estimated 250m ($329m) annuallyexporting kosher and halal meat to the Middle East, overriding a need to prevent cruelty to

    animals. Under Jewish and Muslim law animals have their throats cut, rendering them

    unconscious, before bleeding to death. In most European abattoirs animals are now stunned,

    electrocuted or gassed before being killed.

    The surprising thing about the vote on July 12th is how many MPs supported animal rights.

    Poland is not a country hitherto known for championing animal rights. Hunting of animals for

    sport remains popular. Every December, supermarkets and market stallholders keep carp

    alive in extremely cramped conditions to satisfy the Polish tradition of buying a live fish so

    that it can be freshly slaughtered just before dinner on Christmas Eve.

    More than half, including 37 MPs from Mr Tusks party, Civic Platform, voted against the bill

    that would have restored ritual slaughter for both religious and export purposes.

    Parliamentarians from Mr Kaczynskis party were ordered to vote against the government,

  • 8/22/2019 A Controversy Over Ritual Slaughter


    perhaps sensing an opportunity to embarrass the government, which has fallen behind it in

    recent polls.

    Rejecting the bill, which obviously discriminates against Jews and Muslims, is hypocrisy of

    Himalayan proportions, Konstanty Gebert, a columnist, told Eastern Approaches.

    Mr Tusk admitted ritual slaughter had been a problem for his party, Civic Platform, since the

    beginning. In November last year the constitutional court ruled that a 2004 amendment to aPolish law banning the slaughter of animals without prior stunning was illegal. On January 1st,

    an EU Directive making prior stunning a requirement, came into force, although each member

    state could apply for a derogation in cases of religious slaughter. Poland apparently applied,


    The government then drafted the bill to restore ritual slaughter that was rejected last week.

    To complicate matters, kosher slaughter has not stopped altogether since the ban entered

    into force at the beginning of the year. Polands Jewish community is using a 1997 agreement

    between itself and the state, which allows religious slaughter. The practices legal status

    remains unclear. Mr Tusk said the government would return to the issue on religious, but not

    on trade, grounds. Its likely the constitutional court will be asked to rule on it, but that will

    take months.

    In the meantime, things are likely to remain ugly. Since the fall of communism in 1989 Poland

    has become one of Israels biggest supporters in the EU. This ban will test that friendship.

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