9.3: personal selling international marketing pages 218 - 222

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Chapter 9 Slide 3 MARKETING PROMOTION  Promotion: any form of communication that is designed to _____, _____, and _______ customers about a company, its goods, or services Inform, remind, persuade


9.3: Personal SellingINTERNATIONAL MARKETING PAGES 218 - 222

Sales Scenes

9.1: Promotional Strategies Promotion, AIDA, Communication Process, & Developing a Promotional Campaign (7 Steps)

9.2: Ad Campaign Advertising, Publicity, Product Placement, 8 Steps to an ad campaign, & Ad theme

9.3: International Selling Strategies Personal Selling, Sales Process, Sales Commission, Sales Promotion, Electronic Media,

Integrated Marketing Communication

Chapter 9

Slide 3


Promotion: any form of communication that is designed to _____, _____, and _______ customers about a company, its goods, or services

Inform, remind, persuade


All promotional activities are based on the acronym AIDA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4so8UEuZKvY http://study.com/academy/lesson/consumer-awareness-of-promotion-the-aida-acronym.html

9.1: Communication Process

9.1: Promotional Strategies

Sender: Person creating the message Encode: Using language & symbols to design a message Decode: The process of interpreting the message Feedback: The receivers reaction to the message Noise: Anything that interferes with the message


_____________________ is going to come up & act out a word or phrase

Identify the following from the communication process: Sender: Encode: Message Channel Used: Decode: Feedback Noise


_____________________ is going to come up & act out a word or phrase

Identify the following from the communication process: Sender:Person acting out the message Encode:Any actions (body language, context clues, language, etc..)the person used Message Channel Used: Live Decode: The classes process of interpretation Feedback Classes reaction to encoders message. Was ad effective Noise What, if anything, interfered with senders message

9.1 Review: Promotional Campaign Steps7 Promotional Campaign Steps

What does that mean?

1 Identify Target Audiences May have multiple target audiences that are different than American target• 20 – 45, Educated, White Collar, Lives in warm weather near beach•20-35. Highly Skilled, Blue Collar, Lives in Warm weather in Urban area

2 Set Communication Goals What do you want communicated about your product to the target•Reliable, Sporty, Sophisticated, Safe, etc..

3 Develop a Promotion Budget Set your budget based on:What your competition does, % of your sales, Spend as much as possible, or objective & task (ideal)(Predict the amount of promotion needed to reach goal)

4 Develop a Media Strategy Promotional Media are the tools you select to carry your message. Broadcast, print, outdoor, Online, & SMS

5 Select a Promotional Mix Advertising, Personal Selling, Public Relations, & Sales Promos. Use a variety to be effective (Remind, Inform, & Persuade).

6 Implement the Plan May hire local ad agencies for help with media strategies, selecting promotional mix methods, & implementing the plan

7 Evaluate Campaign Effectiveness Use market research to determine effectiveness. May be hard.

9.1 Promo Campaign v. 9.2: Ad Campaign

1. Identify target audience2. Set Communication goals3. Develop Promotional Budget4. Develop media strategies5. Create advertisements6. Media Schedule7. Implement Plan8. Evaluate Plan

1. Identify target audience2. Set Communication goals3. Develop Promotional Budget4. Develop media strategies5. Select a promotional mix6. Implement Plan7. Evaluate Plan

9.3: Selling Process

Personal Selling

Personal Selling: Face-to-face interaction between a buyer and a seller Used for products that involve complex decision making

Cars, jewelry, homes, & electronics Profit margin is large enough to support sales staff Common in industrial sales

International Sales Process Approach: How you initiate the sales process. Includes pre-approach. Sales presentation Any major communication component in the sales process Answer Objections Overcome a buyers reason to not buy Closing the sale Ask the buyer to make a purchase Follow up Post purchase activity aimed at making sure customer is happy. Creates goodwill.

Sales Process

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4phDn0OtzwY Approach Greet Customer Sales Presentation Features / Benefits Objections Customers reason to not buy Close the sale Get the customer to commit to purchase Follow up What you do to stay in touch with customer

Pretty Women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4phDn0OtzwY What steps of the sales process do the sales person complete? What is sales commission

Integrated Sales Management

Managing international sales requires that companies carefully hire and train their sales force Developing countries struggle with advertising options Developing countries can hire sales staff cheaply to complete AIDA process

International Sales Management also requires setting a compensation method A sales commission compensates the sales person based on a percent of sales

Provides an incentive for the salesperson to stay with a company Many companies combine a base salary with sales commission

Sales Promotions

Sales Promotions are incentives, coupons, or premiums used by a company to encourage customer action

Can be viewed as a form of price promotion Larger companies have an advantage over a smaller company offering these Planned locally

Trade Promotions are sales promotions that can be directed to members of the trade or industry as well as to final consumers

Many countries place restrictions on the use of sales promotions Infrastructure in developing countries have a hard time supporting rebates because it requires a

postal system Premiums (free gifts) can be totally restricted or require special government approval

Sales Promotions

Coupon Incentive

Traffic Builder

Factory Pack

Trade In

Coupon PlanRebateLoyalty Program

Electronic Media

Electronic media - used to support sales efforts & to host company/product web sites. Helps create interest & desire

Provides contact information

Allows more information at lower price than traditional media

Companies are shifting promotional budgets so that more money is spent on internet advertising than traditional

Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated marketing communication is the planning process which tries to ensure that all marketing communication efforts send consistent message to customers

Marketers usually set goals & budget

Outsource message design to local market to make sure message is understood

Shark Tank Create the following based on what we view

First Sales Presentation: Coupon or Rebate & Sponsor an Incentive Items Give Away Second Sales Presentation: Traffic Builder & Factory Pack 3rd Sales Presentation: Create a Loyalty Program Card & Explain 4th Sales Presentation Ad Campaign Steps

Target Audience Set Communication Goal Ad Budget Media Strategy Create an Ad using 1 of the 6 themes Develop a Media Schedule for the next 12 months Implement Plan Evaluate Plan

Turned In Paper Will Look Like… Communication Process Defined & Explained (Charades) Identify the following from the communication process:

Sender, Encoder, Message Channel Used, Decoder, Feedback, & Noise

Sales Process Approach, Sales Presentation, Answer Objection, Close Sale, & Follow Up

Shark Tank Sales Promotions

Coupons, Traffic Builder, Factory Pack, & Loyalty Program Ad Campaign Steps Identified

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