9.2 group 5 apps for good competition 2015

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Ezra Charles, Cole Martins, Marcin Zjawiony &

Thomas Van Willingh

Helping Hands

Mini Elevator Pitch

We are developing an app to help the family and

friends of someone with autism to help deal with

what goes through their minds in situations and

how to respond. It also gives information about the

different types of autism and how it may mature.

The Reasons for Our App

Autism is a serious case for some, and can

become very hard for the carers as well as the

person diagnosed with autism. We are aware how

challenging it can be and decided to help. We

created our app because we want people who are,

or care for autistic people to have an easier time.

Some Problems

The problems are that many people treat autism as a taboo

subject, mental illness is something which a lot people deal

with on a daily basis, and to be precise, 20% of the world’s

children and adolescents have to as well whether they care or

are autistic.

Target Audience and there Feedback

We conducted a survey and the results showed that 75% knew someone

who was autistic and all wanted to help them. As well as this we found that

most people believe our app should be free and that it is a good idea. We

received a lot of feedback, mostly suggestions of references and ideas.

These consisted of books and films that may help. Our target audience is

someone who knows and wants to helps someone who is autistic

What problems are we addressing?

When the family's or friends of an autistic person are feeling lost and

stressed, our app is designed to help them through that time. To guide

people in how different ways help and other references. Not just that but

we are aware how hard it can be and think we can help.

How do we know we are solving a problem?

We know we are solving a problem because we know people who are

experience in working with autism and we have collected techniques and

ideas from them. We know it works because it does with them and also

we have a range of different ways to help.

Other apps similar to ours

There are no apps on the market that are the same

as us but there are apps for autism. However they do

not do what our app does and specialises in certain

things e.g. learning

Flow Chart of Our App


References SupportInformation






We believe our app will be feasible because it is quite easy to

make and also we believe it will be successful due to the high

amount of help needed now and how helpful it can be. Also it

is easy to make as there is no complexity to it.

Customer Feed back and pledges

We made a survey and people said that our app was a good idea but it could be more

developed. You can view our survey here.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is that our app will be very helpful and user

friendly. Also it will have useful and appropriate references.

Our Website

Our website will be made soon.

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