9 steps to effective home page design

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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The purpose of a website’s home page is to make a good first impression on visitors and to do everything possible to see that they will return. Designing an effective website home page requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of the website’s purpose. Your website will be a direct reflection of your business. For your website to be effective, it must be visually appealing, informative, and easy to use. The website doesn’t necessarily have to be “pretty”. There are many pretty websites that seem to be totally worthless. The choice of color, text that can be easily read, and meaningful graphics are very important to your small business web design. You must make people feel welcome and to be glad they came.


9 Important Steps To Effective

Home PageDesign

Clear GoalEffective homepage design can only begin by having a clear understanding of the website’s purpose. Is the purpose of the website to sell a product or service or provide educational material on a certain topic? It is important to understand here that the purpose of a website’s homepage may not be the same purpose as that of the overall website.


A homepage layout can be custom designed or templates may be used. Most of the templates use a light color page with a darker background. The actual content of the homepage should be contrasted from its background and surrounding elements and there should be plenty of white space.

2Page Layout

Content must be scanable. Sentences and paragraphs should be short and concise. Contentmust be original, relevant, and current.

3Web Page Content

People are looking for information and they want it quickly. Navigation links must be obvious and easyto use. Identify links clearly.

Navigation Menus4

Along with good design comes a good user interface. The user interface is the foundation of any good functional web site. When designing a site, you’ll need to take into consideration your average user. Adding a site search element will make it easierfor visitors to find the information they want.

5Site Search

Keep in mind that loading a web page with graphics doesn’t make an effective website design. Sometimes graphics are necessary to a website’s purpose, but oftentimes they are simply used for decoration. Graphics can be important for social sharing.

6Proper Use of Graphics

Social sharing buttons or links should be readilyavailable for visitors to share your website. This cannot only promote your brand, but can help buildcredibility for your business.

7Social Media

People like to know that they can get in touch with a real person. Complete contact information shouldbe readily available. If there is a call to action, it mustbe honest and transparent.

Contact Info8

Clutter can turn off the visitor, make things hard to find and slow down the loading time of your homepage. Include only those elements that make the homepage more “usable” for the visitor.

9Avoid Clutter

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