8.882 lhc physics experimental methods and measurements introductory lecture [lecture 1, february 4,...

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8.882 LHC PhysicsExperimental Methods and Measurements

Introductory Lecture[Lecture 1, February 4, 2009]

‘09The Physics Colloquium Series

Thursday, February 5 at 4:15 pm in room 10-250

Paul CanfieldIowa State University

"Ending of the Tyranny of Copper:  Intermetallic Superconductivity in the Post Copper-oxide Age"


For a full listing of this semester’s colloquia,

please visit our website at web.mit.edu/physics

Colloquium SeriesPhysics

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 3

Lecture OutlineIntroduction of Course Personnel

Objective of this Course

Organization of the Lectures● Prerequisites● Schedule: lectures and recitations● Course grade

Course Content Overview

Overview of LHC Project and Physics

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 4

The LecturerChristoph Paus physics career

started PhD 1992 at L3 (e+e--, LEP, CERN) in 1998 moved to CDF (pp, TeVatron, FNAL) since 2006 mostly CMS (pp, LHC, CERN)

physics measurements precision electroweak (Z boson mass & width, EWK parameters) B physics directly related to CKM matrix (Standard Model) Standard Model Higgs boson search contact interactions, magnetic monopoles, pentaquarks, excited


C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 5

Objective of this Course - 8.882Course focus introduce experimental methods perform typical measurements at the LHC and TeVatron

Not the purpose of this course provide fully fledge theoretical background

quantum field theory courses good for that also nuclear and particle physics standard g raduate courses

provide in depth discussion of how detectors work nuclear and particle physics standard graduate courses maybe specialized course for detector design and construction

Goal in practical terms learn how to do research as an experimentalist at LHC be prepared to go to CERN and start an analysis .. or at least know how experimentalists try to do their job

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 6

Organization of the CoursePrerequisites

● special relativity, quantum physics● good to have heard particle physics 1+2 but not needed

Dates● Monday,Wednesday 1:00pm – 2:30pm (Kolker room)

● it seems Monday/Wednesday 2:00pm – 3:30pm fits better● recitation to be arranged with recitation instructor, TBA● office hours to be arranged (appointment per e-mail)● video office hours very useful and easy to setup

Execution● most lectures will be taught over video

● third time done at MIT, nevertheless nothing is set in stone● open to changes of course setup according to your comments

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 7

Organization of the Course

Execution continued● participation from outside MIT/CERN welcome (see

FNAL)● lecture slides will be available from the Web● core of the course are four analyses, performed by you

● 3 use real CDF data (Ebeam

= 1 TeV)● 1 uses Monte Carlo simulation of CMS detector (E

beam= 5-7 TeV)

● recommended to pair up and work together● analyses have to be handed in as short notes● conference at the end of the course, one topic per


Course grade● basis: 3 analyses notes and final project presentation

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 8

TechnicalitiesAccess to computers get account at MIT Tier 2 center request account: http://www.lns.mit.edu/compserv/cms-acctappl.html

Access to course documentation and “log book” we use a TWiki to run and document the course try it as your personal “log book” example: user = ChristophPaus (yours will be equivalent)

Video tools for remote participants: use EVO at evo.caltech.edu register and follow instructions to start EVO tools

before we used VRVS, EVO is still new, but worked quite well details explained on the course TWiki

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 9

Course ContentFive big blocksintroduction and overviewcharged track multiplicity measurementupsilon cross section measurementB meson lifetime measurementStandard Model Higgs searches

Lecture plan not exactly cast in stoneif you have special wishes let me know

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 10

Course Content: First Block• Introduction and overview

introductory lectureacceleratorsparticle detectors overview

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 11

Course Content: Second Block• Charge track multiplicity measurement

heavy ion physics overviewcharge multiplicity measurementsdata analysis strategies and essentialsdetectors: trackingtrack reconstruction and fittinganalysis tips – charge multiplicity

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 12

Course Content: Third Block• Upsilon cross section, production fractions

onia as probes in heavy ion physicssecondary particle productiondetectors: electrons, muons and particle Idanalysis tips – bottomonia cross sectionresonances production, decay and reconstruction

search strategies and observationsefficiency and acceptance

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 13

Course Content: Fourth Block• B meson lifetime measurement

high energy physics overviewb hadron lifetimes and other essentialsB physics trigger studiesproper time reconstructionsophisticated selections: likelihood/neural networks

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 14

Course Content: Fifth Block• Standard Model Higgs searches

Higgs search and other essentialsdetectors: calorimetryjets and missing energyB taggingreview

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 15

Interesting MaterialVideos: academic lectures and presentations CERN: http://webcast.cern.ch/home/pages/archive_cds.php SLAC: http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssi FNAL: http://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/ check the archives

Wikipedia LHC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider CMS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_Muon_Solenoid CDF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collider_Detector_at_Fermilab also try google, YouTube etc. fantastic documentation on the Web though, read with care

References will be provided throughout the course

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 16

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)Most important features proton-proton collider E

beam= 7 TeV (TeVatron: 1 TeV)

heavy ion (Pb, Ca) collider Ebeam

= 5.5 TeV instantaneous luminosity: 1034 cm2s-1 (TeVatron: 1032cm2s-1) bunch spacing: 25 ns (TeVatron: 396 ns)

Main physics goals discover the Higgs or falsify the Standard Model search for direct signals of New Physics

LHC party line schedule (delays still quite possible) Aug 2009: single beam run at E

beam = 7 TeV

Sep 2009: first collisions at Ebeam

= 7 TeV, low lumi 15x15 last year: Sep 2008 all was ready but an incident stopped running the machine

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 17

Overview: CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)



Geneva airport

6 miles

Check out fun YouTube: Day to Day Communications (1974) http://youtube.com/watch?v=OymJC9KkWlg


Check out serious YouTube: CERN LHC 2007 http://youtube.com/watch?v=s9XotvwgnaY

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 18

The LEP/LHC Tunnel SetupTunnel is 27 km long

50-150m below ground

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 19

The LEP/LHC Tunnel SetupTunnel is 27 km long50-150m below ground

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 20

LEP Tunnel before LHC

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 21

Empty Tunnel: LEP Disassembled

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 22

The LHC Dipoles

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 23

LHC Pictures: Simulation

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 24

LHC Pictures: Real Dipoles

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 25

LHC Pictures: Tunnel with Beamlines

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 26

LHC Experiments

Two omnipurpose* detectors Atlas CMSOne dedicated B physics experiment LHCbOne dedicated heavy ion experiment Alice

* omnipurpose = do heavy ion and B physics as well

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 27

The LHC Experiments

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 28

Alice: The Mission Statement

• The ALICE Collaboration is building a dedicated heavy-ion detector to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC energies.

• Our aim is to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where the formation of a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon plasma*, is expected.

* today we know the fireball (plasma) behaves more like a fluid than a gas

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 29

Alice: Detector Sketchold L3 magnet

particle physicists do recycle

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 30

Alice: December 2006

April, 2007

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 31

Atlas/CMS Motivation

LHC is a new energy regime: uncharted territory

The guaranteed mission (seek and destroy) find the Standard Model Higgs: completes SM, for now do not find the SM Higgs: falsify the model because

machine fully covers available phase space

The case for beyond the Standard Model new energy regime opens new doors anything beyond the Standard Model is a sensation be it SUSY, extra dimensions, leptoquarks, Z', .... or even

better: the completely unexpected

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 32

Atlas: Detector Sketchthe biggest collider detector ever, by fareye catcher: central air core toroid magnet

light weight construction: if wrapped in plastic it floats on water (22,000 m3)still, weights more than half the Eiffel tower

7,000 ton weight, 25 m diameter, 45 m long

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 33

Atlas: Real Installation

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 34

CMS – Compact Muon Solenoid

compact does not mean smallvolume smaller than Atlas by ~5.6, butweights 30% more than the Eiffel towereye catcher: brilliant design in separately removable slices

12,500 ton weight, 15 m diameter, 22 m long

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 35

CMS: Installation

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 36

LHCb: Mission and Sketch• The Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment• for precise measurements of CP violation and rare decays

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 37

LHCb: At the Interaction Point

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 38

CDF: Sketch

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 39

CDF Detector Pictures




C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 40

CDF: Time Of Flight Detector




scintillation bars


happy MIT folks

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 41

CDF: Central Outer Tracker

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 42

CDF: Central Outer Tracker

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 43

CDF: Silicon Detector

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 44

CDF: Silicon Vertex Detector

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 45

Pointers to Interesting Video MaterialOverview of the engineering design of CMS http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSmedia/CMSmovies.html >> http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSmedia/Movies/CMSTheMovie.mpg >> http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/cmseye/yb0_lowering.htm

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 46

ConclusionsInstructions for course get registered for a user account on the computing center try out your TWiki account think about good time for Recitation Sessions check out the Web site

Course overview it is going to be an exciting course please be interactive the last two years the course was a full success still, we need your help us make it best for this year

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 47

Plan for Next Lecture• Accelerators

basic physics of acceleratorsdesign parameters of acceleratorshadron versus electron collidersexamples of accelerators todaywhat is the future of accelerators?

C. Paus, Lecture 8.882 – LHC Physics: Introductory Lecture 48

Last Year's Recitation InstructorMichael Miller physics career

started at MSU next Yale (heavy ion: RHIC, STAR) now MIT (heavy ion: STAR, neutrino: SNO)

physics measurements jet quenching (STAR) gluon helicity distribution in pp collisions jet cross sections in pp collisions total solar neutrino flux

He is faculty in Seattle now.... if you can find him he is very knowledgeable

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