8.30am service

Post on 31-Dec-2021






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Pastoral Staff Rev Lee Kien Seng Mobile: 9815 2589 / Ext 104 kienseng@trueway.org.sg Rev Edwin Wong Mobile: 9477 0727 / Ext 115 edwin@trueway.org.sg Pr George Ang Mobile: 9657 4460 / Ext 105 george@trueway.org.sg Pr Loliro Sani Worship Director Mobile: 9129 7546 / Ext 116 loliro@trueway.org.sg Pr Png Eng Keat Mobile:9819 8901 / Ext117 keat@trueway.org.sg Ms Chan Suet Fong Children Ministry Director Mobile: 9870 6048 / Ext 112 suetfong@trueway.org.sg Ms Suttiporn Radeerat Thai Service Mobile: 8862 3457 / Ext 111 suttiporn@trueway.org.sg Church Manager Mr Ray Hsu Tel: 6474 3527 / Ext 122 ray@twpc.org.sg Facility Coordinator Mr Chee Hock Guan Tel: 6474 3527 / Ext 122 Fax: 6474 6572 hockguan@twpc.org.sg Administrative Assistant Mr Alvin Yip Tel: 6474 3527 / Ext 114 Fax: 6474 6572 alvinyip@trueway.org.sg

November Memory Verse

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:12-17 (ESV)

15 Nov 2020 8.30am Service &

11am Online Service

22 Nov 2020 8.30am Service &

11am Online Service

Sermon The Equalizer Colossians 3:18-4:1 Pr Png Eng Keat

Sermon The Art Of Living Colossians 4:2-18 Eld Lee Chung Horn

Worship Leader Benjamin Jonathan Tan

Worship Leader Kevin Chua

Support Singers Jasper Lim/Keith Wong/ Chan Li Yan

Support Singers Jasper Lim/Keith Wong/ Chan Li Yan

Band Tang Ern Chi/James Fu/ Linus Lee/Benjamin Liu

Band Tang Ern Chi/James Fu/ Linus Lee/Benjamin Liu

Holy Communion Servers Eld Chan Kin Ming Eld Eddy Teo Eld Chong Yoke Fooi Eld Peter Goh

Holy Communion Servers Eld Chng Say Tiong Eld Florence Chua Eld Lek Siang Hwa Eld Chng Chee An

Count Offering Eld Chan Kin Ming Eld Eddy Teo

Count Offering Eld Chng Say Tiong Eld Florence Chua

PA Crew Soh Lay Suan/Tony Cheung

PA Crew Ang Lay Choo/Alvin Chia

Computer Amy Tan

Computer Tong Kai Loong

Live-Streaming Crew Amos Hoe/Evan Lim/ Jeremy Goh

Live-Streaming Crew Evan Lim /Jonathan Tham

Ushers Theresa Ong/Phoebe Ng Dn Charles Lee/Christabel Lee

Ushers Claire Chai/Kwek Lee Lee Eld Chng Chee An/Chng Chu Lan

Temperature taking Dn Andes Poh/Yvonne Tan

Temperature taking Dn Chen Liqun/Alvin Chia

15 Nov 2020 Ordinary 24 8.30am Service & 11am Online Service

GATHERING TO WORSHIP Prelude Entry of the Word / Call to Worship Opening Song: All Praise To Him* Prayer of Praise & Confession* Song of Praise & Adoration: O Lord My Rock And My Redeemer* PROCLAIMING THE WORD Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 15:12-17 Sermon: The Equalizer Colossians 3:18-4:1 Affirmation of Faith Sacrament of Holy Communion RESPONDING TO THE WORD Time Of Sharing Intercessory Prayers Offertory / Doxology* Offertory Prayer* Announcement SENDING FORTH INTO THE WORLD Closing Song: Turn Your Eyes* Benediction & Threefold Amen* Postlude * Please stand as you are able

ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome We welcome all our worshippers who have tuned in. 100 pax 8.30 AM Worship Service in Church We are currently holding a service for 100 congregants at 8.30 AM every Sunday in Sanctuary 1 (Chinese Church sanctuary). Do take note of the physical distancing instructions given in the advisory video on the Service Registration webpage https://truewaypc.com/2020/07/05/ticketing-for-8-30-am-sunday-service/. You are required to make reservations through the webpage if you wish to attend the service. Live Streaming of 8.30 AM Worship Service We have begun live streaming the 8.30AM service since 8 Nov. This means those who are unable to attend the 8.30 AM service in person can still worship along in real time. The recording of the 8.30AM service will then be made available for the 11AM Online Service.

Therefore, there will be changes in the order of worship: there will be the Communion segment where you can quietly meditate on the significance of the Lord's Supper; and there will no longer be a segment for individuals or families to pray on their own.

We still strongly encourage all to take turns attending the 8.30AM live service where we physically gather to worship God and partake of the Lord’s Supper. Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (ECM) on 13 Dec via Zoom Communicant members will receive the ECM notice and the proposed budget for 2021 today via email. If you don’t find the materials in your email, please check your junk mail. By Wednesday, if you still have not received anything concerning the ECM, do inform Alvin.

For those who requested hard copies of the materials for the ACM, we will send you the hard copies again for this ECM.

Please look through the budget carefully and write to me by next Sunday (15 Nov) the questions that you have concerning the budget. There will be a day set aside before the ECM to address your questions so that you can vote wisely for the acceptance of the budget.

Do refer to the timetable laid out for you in the ECM notice and we will follow the timelines accordingly. YZ Camp 2020 Family Night YZ Camp will be held from 17 to 19 December 2020. As part of the Camp’s activities, a Family Night will be held on the evening of 18 December. The objective of Family Night is for Church members and YZers to get to know each other better by sharing a meal and spending a night together.

As such, we are appealing to Church members who are willing to open up their homes to YZers from 6pm on 18 December to 11am on 19 December. Please be ready to provide the following for a group of 5 youths (will all be of the same gender):

1) space for worship message discussion (over zoom) 2) floor space to sleep (YZers to bring own sleeping bags) 3) internet & tv for screening worship + sermon

We will be subsidising dinner on 18 December to be shared by your family and the YZers. If interested, please contact Ps Edwin (9477 0727), Darrell (9369 0258) or Arika (8683 9277). Volunteers Needed - Angel Tree Project 2020 The Angel Tree Hamper Project is an annual project by Prison Fellowship Singapore. Each year, more than 1000 Singapore prison inmates write letters to their family members before the Christmas season.

This year True Way has once again partnered with Singapore Prison Fellowship to support the project, with the commitment to deliver 20 gift cards (instead of hampers) and letters to the families of the inmates. We are praying for volunteers to help distribute gift cards and letters, and by God’s grace, make friends with their family members. The gift cards and letters is to help mend and restore relationships between the inmates and their families.

To qualify as a volunteer, you will need to 1) NOT have any ministry or work-related activities with Singapore Prison, 2) Have at least one other adult partner to go along with delivering the gift card and letter, 3) Attend a compulsory volunteer briefing via zoom on 19th Nov - 8to9 pm, 4) collect and distribute the gift card and letter between 24th Nov till 24th Dec 2020, 5) Complete and return the feedback form.

Please register through google form link: https://forms.gle/PsKbXSteMnCSQgxd8

You may contact Richard Chua at 98786216 for additional enquiries. Do register early as the gift card distribution is based on first come first serve basis.

Webinar on “Discipling the Young in Today's Gadget World” Date: 29 November (Sun) Time: 2.30pm to 4pm (inclusive of Q&A) Speakers: Dr Benson & Mrs Josephine Goh This webinar is suitable for parents with preschoolers to teenagers. Please register with Alvin Yip at <alvinyip@trueway.org.sg> with your full name and email so that he can send you the Zoom link closer to the event date. Synopsis of the Webinar Faced with prevalent use of devices drawing our children and youths into a virtual world, how can we harness the advantages and deal with the potential dangers of excessive usage? What are the effects of excessive screen time on children before age 5? How could we help our young people overcome tech obsession and learn practical ways to help them connect with God and family? Biodata of the Speakers Dr Benson graduated with PhD in Bible Studies and Josephine with MA in Spiritual Formation and Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary. In their past 25 years of ministry together, they have been passionate about discipling people to love and follow Christ. They have served in the family life ministry of Covenant Evangelical Free Church in the past 10 years. They have 3 lovely children; Samuel (went home to be with the Lord), Joy (17) and Benny (14). The family’s favourite pastimes are long evening walks together, board games and fun at the beach! Are You a Newcomer at True Way? If you are a newcomer who has just started tuning in to our 11am online service or attended our 8.30am live service, we would like to connect with you. Do contact Ps George at george@trueway.org.sg and he will get in touch with you. Looking for a Discipleship Group (DG) If you have been worshipping with us for a while, we would like to encourage you to join a Discipleship Group (DG). For more information, please email Pr George Ang at <george@trueway.org.sg>. Change of Email Address If you have changed your email address, kindly inform the church by sending an email to both Mr Alvin Yip <alvinyip@trueway.org.sg> and Pr George Ang <george@trueway.org.sg>. Online Outreach Resources For online outreach resources, you are encouraged to go to the TWPC-English Congregation website https://truewaypc.com/online-outreach-resources/ and click here for online outreach resources, to look for suitable materials for your personal evangelistic efforts. Digital Giving of Tithes & Offerings There are 3 ways to give our tithes and offerings: 1) PayNow - Launch your mobile banking app

- Scan the QR code using the app or key in UEN: T12SS0173B - Indicate whether it is ‘tithe’ or ‘offering’ in the narrative field “Enter UEN / Bill Reference No.”

2) Internet Transfer to DBS 1629002650. Kindly indicate your name and purpose (tithes offerings) while making the transfer.

3) Write a cheque payable to "TWPC - English Congregation". Kindly indicate your name, contact number and purpose (tithes/offerings) behind the cheque. Mail the cheque to 156B Stirling Road Singapore 148947.

Go Light Your World

What comes to mind when you hear or see the word – light?

Depending on how we are raised, we will associate light with different things.

When I was younger, light was something that comes and goes off

frequently. When there is no electricity, we burn candles. For outdoor

events, we often use petromax lamps. We also make bonfires in the night to

celebrate different events. To me, light is associated with electricity, candles,

lamps and fire. To some, it means the moon, the sun, fireworks, clarity,

wisdom, understanding etc.

This weekend, the Indian festival Deepavali will be celebrated by many

around the world. It is also called the Festival of Lights. If you go to Little

India this weekend, you will see the street lit up with colourful lights. Their

homes would be decorated too. The traditional ones will use the typical

lamps made of clay which can hold oil to fuel the fire. A cotton wick is placed

into the lamp and lighted.

It is celebrated to signify ‘victory over evil, good over evil and

knowledge over ignorance’. This thought is not unique to the Hindus. Other

religions also have this idea and is celebrated in their own ways. When we

want to celebrate, lights and fireworks have a way of displaying it. Last week

in UK, they were celebrating Bonfire Night and some thought it was in

celebration of the US election.

Something that comes close to us believers is Christmas - but on a

much larger and grander scheme of things. During Christmas, we also see

lights being put up in the streets and homes too. Although over the years, it

has become commercial, there is still this practice of lighting up the place to

celebrate Christmas. The prophet Isaiah cries out in chapter 9 verse 2, The

people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who lived in

a land of deep darkness-on them light has shined.

In the ancient world, there were no light bulbs and decorations as we

understand light today. To them, light would be associated with fire- fueled

by oil, wood or something else. In order to keep the fire burning, they would

need to refuel the oil or wood. The parable of the ten virgins tells of how the

oil can run out.

When Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12) and “You

are the Light of the world” (Matthew 5:14-16), I wonder how the early

ordinary people understood these words. For us today, we know that the

incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate victory

over evil, the sins of the world.

Jesus is the ultimate light which needs no refueling because He is the

Light. With His incarnation, he become like one of us and dwelt among us

and is with us today. When we believe and accept Him as our Lord and

Jesus Christ, we become one with Him and He lives in us. It means that we

can also have that Light in us- the source of that Light is not going to run dry!

This is comforting and amazing because that means we need not depend on

ourselves or other sources to keep this light shining or fire burning. The Lord

is our light and salvation (Psalm 27:1).

Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a

hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket,

but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your

light shine before others, so that[a] they may see your good works and give

glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

I asked my children what Jesus might be saying when He said “You

are the light of the world” and they replied that it means we are to be models

of Jesus for others to see. Indeed, we are commanded to be models of

Jesus, to give light to those around us. It is interesting to note that lamps are

not lighted and placed under a basket. Every year during Deepavali, there

are stories of houses been gutted because lamps were not placed properly.

Lamps are meant to be put on a stand for a reason – to give light in the dark.

After this weekend, what remains will perhaps be only the memory of

how the festival was celebrated. How it impacts those who celebrate it and

how they are to live their lives as a result of this ‘victory’ is hardly talked

about. Not so for us believers of Jesus Christ. As a result of what Christ has

done, we are to bear witness to His grace and stand out where we can shine

His light for those who are in the dark and ultimately to bring glory to our

Father in heaven. There is a purpose for us!

Christmas is round the corner and as we look at the world, we can all

concur that this year has been exceptionally challenging and difficult at

many levels. Many are living in dark times and going through pain and

suffering. We can take courage in knowing that Christmas is a reminder of

how light has dawned upon the dark and sinful world. Christ, the Light of the

world has come and saved us from the ultimate darkness and that we need

not face it alone. He has given us His light so that we may also shine it for

others to see. The lamp shines best when the darkness is darkest.

The Lord is our Light and we can cling on to Him and go out into the

dark world to shine for His glory. May we go out and tell the good news that

Christ has won the ultimate victory by paying the price for us all. We have

been saved to shine for Him so let us go and light our world.

Go Light Your World

By Chris Rice

There is a candle in every soul

Some brightly burning, some dark and cold

There is a Spirit who brings a fire

Ignites a candle and makes His home


Carry your candle, run to the darkness

Seek out the helpless, confused and torn

And hold out your candle for all to see it

Take your candle, and go light your world

Take your candle, and go light your world

Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to

Light his own candle some other way

See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to

Still holds a candle without a flame

'Cause we are a family whose hearts are blazing

So let's raise our candles and light up the sky

Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus

Make us a beacon in darkest times.

Pr Loliro Sani

15 November 2020

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