8 lhulll :'llli .. u ttnn uuurunttlt!tl. -' it 'n ii ·...

Post on 22-Aug-2020






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t*~*t~*.*t*t'~t*** •• ,t Licensed AUi:tion~!,:! \ ! Parties,wishing to dispose of' 'l ir ;: ,,.., prOiJerty will SAVE 1IIONE'S' y.

3 first seeillg ,or drl1ppiug a Ii'~' 0 It -' . .. T. J. Olbbo;'s - Rath' t"' '" Ii 'W ,e;: 1t oII ••• ~¥ .. .n ••••••••• ". ~ 'n ,..,


. "

ut , ,

Treherne.· Mani1:obla 191:2


'. . u*,*~ .. **** ...... et •• ~ •• ~."~

i .. ',\.~,~':.,!.~,!~~!~~~~,,,~,,,u ~ but lutell{1 Clifr)-III" till III)· \lIdwlI BUtllll., .. M • throlluh lhu t;uUJltrl', C· l'UtnltHH will leech., •

.. l)Wl1Illt At ulIllull h) wriliu/of mu III tl1~ IIr6lmllt


luhJrulIt! ur rllllut< :4llt1l hrl10k :!:,i tIll ruvortoO cllf'ck. ! Prlcolli .\8 lhUlll :'llLI .. u ttnn Uuurunttlt!tl. ' . ..

! II. WILSOII. M.A.A., • : '89 tangs/do Sf.. W/nnlll8f1' . ¥ ....................... .

"10 •• p.

, YOU DON'T BUY r" : • -, ... rn Ii II II Ii II!!I ::;11 Ij ru

.~. After the Fire .~ Disastr 11S • HA'RNEssl I. re . EVERY ~AY I


How About , Buying

A C-LOCK m rn

Something that "ou do every day becomes HO familiar that it gets cl)ntemptible. Buying R harness is ~ BB ~

~ We want to thank every person \,:"f!.. willingly assisted Eight Places of Business· in Treherne Burned to the

something lh1t n man doe~'l1ot do every rlav all(llhal's \Vh" he takts ~Ollle tillie in selecling 1\ harness.


on tbe night of the fire, nnd blso to tbn. ,'.Jur many customers

for their liberal patronage up to ~,he time of the fire. We hope

, m' to be ready for business witb all entirely new stock ill from two ~ ill' to fonr we~ks, and will appreciale the opportunity to again scrve ill ~ th' poopt, 'f ,'reb,,"' ,,,' d;:, ~

The Bakery Departme~t is still going ~ and llread, pastry, etc., can be bought, ill

at our West End Fruit Store. ill m ~ . m

~.. .' ~ m Fire Sale Starts on Saturday , ~ ill M:ay. 4th., in,"Staples' ',H all ill rn " m


.. m PHONENO.l0 ' ',lm ilk I 'Iill '" HEI' " H3' ' '19" ,~


Ground on the. NighLof Monday, April ,29th. ' \ 1

Fire was Discovered in Roux's Butcher Shop about' 9 o'clock. .... , • .t~ •

Flames Marched Steadily Eastward in Splte ~of Contrary Wind . i

aop, Efforts of -;the Fire. Fighters: I


, " Oright of Fire' U,hknow,n and' Likely

to Remai~ a ,Mystery. • l.


At times du'ring the. night grave fears wereibntertaitled as to the' safety \ of Smith's Livery

and the Bllsiness Bl1il~ing~ we~t of B·~!Ja~\vay. - Smith's team drew several tanks " of water fr~111 C; P .. It,titllk, . One of the horses got badly bmned' '

, ' , OJl 'the head. ,"A ,gr~at dea , water was cat'ried from wells.

. ' '

Ne'edhl~tn. re~pfcth'ely. 'l'rowsdale & McDonald'~ general ~U'~\I~rson's store stock" stock of $10,000 00' with an

neaTly all enrire exception of five barrels of salt, articles b"ing re- entirely destroyed. $12,000.00 in-

S~udt:r'son hnd just fin- snrance was carried on tbe stock, , j , •

'enlaTiling aud reruoddl- 1'he bnilding the v occupied was .l~ .. '~'ago. by ~:L Calvel t. of Victoria,


Repniring Promptlv Done.

Whips, Rugs, Etc.


D. S. HARVn~ B,roadway • • Treherne

\Vl! hav~ tho!m ill Alarm.

'Cnbil\~l, i\1 anti" :tllll A ntiqllc dcstglls. :\t prices th~t arc the lowe> t.

You c,an also get your gld clocks repaired no matter

what make.

I t r I


........... .-....."."", ..............

',- "~-.".-',I"'~ .. ''R''n'fI~~,,,~e::-~ ~~I;r:;f~_~I~~~:~:~~~~~~~;t~~r~~~~~:\:i~f;!.E~u1~t: Hot'Air, ~~r!n:jr.~ .~~~~::~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~

Lighle<1'by Electricity LOWfI'ATEs' AND sPEciAL INOUCE- had sOllie sv;;tem of' high pressure C. ROllx carried a policy of ."

and was \'alued at $2,'\00.00.

Speci.1 AUenlion I. Ibe Commercial Tude M~NT& f&oTRU~~~.;::~SIDENT out at .the back of lhe water fire protection !hat tbe fire $1000.00 ou' his building and a Sample: Rooms ,in c,onncction ' shop and lil'spi.te of the efforts of could 'ha,e been controlled' Iie,fore of ofI050·oo on his stock of W~ITE rDA ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET i'

G : D CI 1.r, the 'crowd that was quickly all- amo'ging C. W. Barkwell's store meats. I

f"'O arl~ I\:.J_Mllh. F.W.Horrhon,B.A. bl' A'd' &' ' , I < J.' . Sue, olS.hool B08rd Principal sem 109 Rlr, Son's implement, to any extent. but an Im·organized Adair, & Son's impement ware-........ ' •• , •• ,..............' bri~ade. no m:Jtter ho\v will.' house valued at, $1200.00 carried Phone No. 1 6 Propl'ictor ,-' '

- "I

lovely- White.Jeeth ,.

.ing.p~oplt; might be to help. can: $800.00 _in~l1rance. SI,OCK to tbe t enough, ~ater, and ~ witb value of $700.00 wns, destroyed I.y

tstlttil:iellt'force to be of any benefit. fire but .... ·as fully insured. They ~IIS burning on' telld rebuilding.

. . C •. ,W., Barkw~\1's stock' 'valued lit $15'.000.00 was onlv insured f('r $.;000.00. A.bollt. f;:iooo.oo' wortb of stock wa~ removed trom the

" -,""

DO YOU 'WANT' 'TO SELL ? If you have a farm or allY pl:operty fOI: sale or' rl:.nt

list it with liS imnledia~cly. 'vVe have busincss I:Ollnec­tions with firms ill, about fifteen different poil\ls in Ontario" and we ,,\xpect a number of mcn to 1:01lle west shortly looking for loc,ations: 'vVc walh to keep as many as possible.of. these men i,n the Trcherne dislril:t .1Ild will pl~obabl)' be able to get YOll a good buyer or tenant.


STA,PLES BROS. 1IJI1lJIIJlng before it \VIIS destroyed.

bUildill'g ~a's \:alued at l>35co was insured for $2600.00. Mr.' we'il's' , ,hollse' '; furmture

~~e\lityjtel{!pbloll'~S.~Dlf~bci.{I:re~ei.ile IJ'Wellrlltl! apparel\, were '.t9tall V deS_I~;;=P:,H:O=N;E~,;: ~5;9;;;;:;._===;;;;;;;=;;=;T=R:E;H:E=R;N;E==~. They \veni irisured for I ' '

- .

I<. Wt'" intends bui1d~ •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••

!_' __ '-:;';bi:'.avvay;'and a'c,illD' into bu~~ • . I - • ~, "," , . " . iSti'aiJbc:'s:'!;ard\\,are stock: Corne in and Let Us Show'You Our:

d~st~oy'ed, Mr. '.' , . '" " ,.' ~ :

iil'lti\'; TlitirSda~y,,'lIig.b·t;IStrallbe\.stPltes th'at·,after makinj(a ' • ·C.olt1Iplefed?)o saii~f.aCi(;rV'si~ttle"'1It :nt $I~IS insttr-l· '13·tJ 0:.6 I E 5 " ' \, '. -i.

e "H~ri~t'eBayne,'s 'B~.ggi,e.~, one -B~st Mal{es ,i'n Canada ..

• 1 ,


,I ,

lot""''''' W'\ V Ii<.j "-

Natu·al Fe OU1;ceo; Department of CPR Las Adopted Fn'!' Reachmg Scheme to Encourage Settlement




MOORE DENIES FAILURE ThomP .. Gon Sons &. Co Grain Mer

I chants Winnipeg TO H EED FLASH \\ heal-During lhe pasl eel< lhe


\ he Il rna kels ho. e beel I nlher mix The Mount Temple was not lhe Ves ed In tha course Ule~ 11a C III 1"

sci that Sailed Within Five M Ie of Immense damn);e lo the Inlel Jhenl the Tltanlc-Messagea Received on CIOI III sevenl In pOltanL sect ons I the EVentful Night II e Un led States hns a!Tected I It I

gl cat emphasis the Chicago market especially it the Mil> fl tile In thal mRl kel II hlle Mlnnel lolls nnd D lulh hn e to a II" ge exlent sho n I dl!!erenee to II e da 11 go rei orls I he I res?nt co I lIt10n of lind tho IlrOSI eels (01 the 01 teo ne of Ihe Un It I Stlltes \\ Intel I hOllt crop are of

grent Iml 0 InI ce I I theIr bell I Il Ices of 'llmt fOl the bnl

.. ce of I Ie present C101l )ear rl ere Is lin COl t nlltel) 10 doubt no\\ U nt all II Is 1,1 Y UI ge percellla"e at the crop so , In U e st;l.tes or III, ols :\1 18S0 III Indlanll and Ohio I ns been or Is beIng P 0\ eo liP lind III be (Iunte 1 Itll oats lind corn In t1 e r IrU er I cst at Ltes Neb nskll J{, I "'M nn I Okluhoma t1 01 e Is a ao so, e damnge I It probabl, not mOl e than la ,al bit 01 er the laic I I , leI heu t I rell t e crop experts III C

begll nlllg lo estll ate lhe acreage to be p 01 cd I I at 4000000 leres \s Ihe \ IlIler \\ henl arc' pI nted Inst [, I II I 8 ~st mllted to be 2 000 000 acres less tl nn t I as tI c prevIous ) 0111 It en I be In aglned tI al tho pro duct 01 or I Intel 1 .al I I tl e U ,It ed Stlltes , 1)1. 'Ill be the smallesl I I ccent) e Ira lor besides the acre age noll nil ubllnoOl ed there Is s e lo be a grelt den lert to gro, that Is so much I Into killed as to gil e 0111) 1 sm I I ) 01 I A 10 ~ condItion of I e CIOII I, A P II s Iggasts I rther dcterlorntlor. III Mil) lind June Cor as a friend of "II. P ta It I" h story o[ othel dum age ) curs II ( Ie ltes thllt a crop hlel at ,rts , Ith t olble III cal till Ie In II ouble 0 I side or thIs smlo 1M ClOP damage II ero Is les" cle 1I an I lell lIte eV dence of II bullish SltllltiO tI al II ere II ns some ,eeks Igo lleeR Ise the statist Icul posl Ion las COl tin led to grow mOl e bearish It tl e Ullted St Les tI e I Isllie s ppl) nlthough It hnd , dem Cllse or 1 so 000 b IS last I oek still stllnds ns Ilg, ns 47960000 b 's comp Ire I I I bo It 11409000 bus Illst en r II e I Inntlt~ 0' ocelln pllssage I nh beell Inere Ising steadily nil I Is no v 64 024 000 bl B ,glllnst 69 fi1G 000 bus a) e Ir ugo The E Iropean I Is ble 8 pply Illsi wcel< III crensc I 1684000 bl s ngal st a de eronse of 1 00 000 b IS PlIlIle ,colt ast ) ea and It no s(nnds nt 90

124 000 b IS agalnsl 112100000 b 18 n dlUe ence of 21 976000 or lIst) ellr 8 IlIIntlt)

whl e 01 Iy four veeks ago the short nge compnred ,,11I1 Sllme dnte last year" liS 35 GOO 000 bus 1 hese SIal StiCH don t seem te' Cavor the Ilea of

Bcnrcl y of \ lent or h gl er prices for \I especially as Ilrlces al present I e tlom 10c a 2"e hlghCl than they I ere !\ , ear IIgo No etthelesB there Is the sentiment thllt the sit la lion Is IJ Illlsl The visible s Ipply II the Unlte<1 St ,tes I. deCl easing fllster I III It did II ) ear ngo lind thel e Is a I ell 1(110 ,n shortage III nl ssln Argentino lind AI strl1l1n vhlch vlll prevent In II e noxt three months slIch Illrge veell) w~rld 8 shipments/as took place a ) ear I1go rl e COl dlt ons " IrrOl ling L1 0

LO'rm'\'lrll" erop~ othe II an the Ullited \\ Inter \ heat II e gellornlly

fa 011 ble At the preBent tin el ery countr~ In E Irope can give [all aeeo lOt of Its gro vlng crop In the aT ring , I el1t counlr) of the Un Ito I Stntes nnd ,\ csle n Can a 111 tho BeB ling o[ llc 10 I ClOP has bee slartcd and s procee iiI g \II der mllll, fill 0 able conoltlOlls Tn Srn hpi III II I esola and So Ith Dn kotll .heat seeding Is "01 a h anced E ulther nortl the seaBon Is some wI nt latc! I I e subsoil Is 101 sup plied \ Itll molslnre this yenl al d the 0 Is nothlt g to mllr a fnlr pros pect nt plcsent --'-'----

2026 Luk.


lean Ollt of the" Indo\\ to brenthe

IN TlitE

BALANCE lhe II esh sweot!lless of the June ev r.nlns rnr nwa~ aCloss the park the chulch cl09k chimed six and at the MORE HONORS FOR GIN PILLS same moment Oorolh> caught sight HoI) 01(0, Mass US !I. 0' her hUHband s ngmc walking slow- 'IInvlng t"I,~n t\\O boxes or \Ollr Iy Ull lhe n'enlll' He \~nlkClI 60,C'''''"'''00L GIN PII,I,S, the\ IPII(!\ell slo" Iy nml \\ Ilh "uch an air o[ doJce me so lilt\{ 1\ lhnt I 11m quite ~aLlsn,.1 lion 01 fatlgu< she cOllld not nt a ,lth tho le~ultM I gU\~ an Dldol tl) dlslanco tell which that sbe hUirled Ill) dlllggist aIJ WI 'Ince WQ,'k. ago rlOm he, boudoir nnd Into the garden to selld me somo 111019 N"tlJllIg hn~ to meet hllll-all her drenms and come )et and I had to "arlo ... a box rancles "mlshlng III the womanly lIolll 1\ Indy fllen,l \\ h.) Is nl~o using longing to help and comiort u tired ("1'\ }'ILI,S I hn, c nonc lef. nnd am

By l. G. MOBERLY Author of

IUDen Ind Another,' 'A T.ngled Web II "Sln of Alllo,' e,er­

lng,' etc. etc

Inan sending vou $150 for three boxes 'I saw )OU cnmlng she said to ',hlch I \lollid aslt you to scnll at

him, slipr.lng her hand through hla ollce DS I alii not (ltlite so 'Hli "h~n nrm \'ihen tho:.' met 'I thought I I an, without GIN PIl,LS"

WARD L.O~K .. CO, L.IMITED Londcl", Melbo.Jrno and TorontO.

,.ould m~l)t )0. nnrl-" h)-Miles AGATHE VANESSE wllnt Is It· 'au don't (~cl III do) on. CUn Pills must be goort when Jleopl denr?' III ~lnssnchllSE' ta s~nd all the \\11) to

Ilor sentonce brolle orf thns ab 'Ioronlo to got th""' 1 here Is notl) ruplly us her eyes ran 0' er his fnc" Ing IIll" Gin Pills-nothing jus' the and Lhe obs.!r\ ed Its curious pnllor snllIe or Junt as good Don t accell'


CHAPTEf( Xli nnd n certain stlnlned look In his substitutes If lOU ,"Iue 'our henlth eycs Ile \I'iS breathing n little hea and want to be ell red of I':ldoel nnd

Dorothy Ilernealey Sit alono In her vll~ too, ao tr aftcr grent exertion Blnddel Iiollbio _or Rhellmntislll In­boudoir Th'e [pu table wns beshlo or mentnl emotion nnd'Ds her hnnll .Ist on hn>lng Gin Pills fOc it box, r­her, but she,. hnll waited 10 pour alit touched his she found It cold liS Ice fOI $260 Sumple free It )011 \\ rita tho tea until Milos CDIIlO In froll1 his 'Is IInythlng lIw maller? ahe silid National Dlllg & Chemical Co ot Cun­silting to ~Ir Bevnn \\ hlch lVas to \\ hen he did nol nt first nns\\ 01, bllt ada 1,llIIlte<l Dept N 11 TOlOnto g2 llllve leen follo\\((1 b) n \ Islt to one slood stili on lhe gralellod drive look ___________ _ or his ollll) IlIg (nrm. untl Dorolll), Ing nt her \\ 1111 dazed eyes as It she absorbed In n 'bool, did not notlco were a stra Igor ()r the IIlsl pClson 1101' timc Wll. plI~Blng until lhe little he Illld e.pacted 10 sec III tlmt pillce cloclt on Iho 1II111.leplece cblmed Doroth) he sr.ld llftm tbllL-h,df pnst fI, C mont s Stl lingo nxed StUI e

• Miles Is Inte she tHollghl 01 clos sOlll'tblng IJ the mattel ' f~;r.;i:i;hill: Ing tho hooll lind (hlllll",; lhe tea table to spell It rllilldh, aim noaror tu hOI chair I", "lIa so sllro artel the IIr~t hesltatlllg s 01 helng 11lI,1( to l"n but something hurdly talum In )ot wbat a dltter~1I must hal c d"[alnClI hllll I wI8h"- It Is gain Lo make-It s come sho dre\\ hel IHOWS togelhcr lind her sllch rn IIncxpoctcc. blow" • efes InstillcLIl ely turnml towllllls III What hns cOllie ns nn unexpected Juno sk) soen lill ough tho open win- blow" DOl othy s \ alee \'i ns dOli - 'I \1 Ish he w ouldn l \\ enr him qulel, thel e "as a soolh Ing note selr OUt oVer the estate I hellm e he ILs gentlo toneo "Hns somelhlng 1111 thinks I \lnnt him tu \Veal hlmselr set IOU dear? Tell Illi' nil nhout It" to denlh" Sho pushcd all IY her IIcr cllim mnnner IIIP. g~lIl1one's hllir finished Clip of tel nnd Hut baclt of her voice and cXllclly the IlglIt III her chair ogaln nIIJ)\\lng hOI ,freet IIpon the IIlUIl s excltcment­thoughts to ronlll mer fhc past tew fOl lhat ho wns labouring IInder somp woeks nnd !Il1ther stilI to those Intense oxcltenwlIt ""a pOlfectl) oil othcr lIeeks Ihat hnd COIllO bufore vlolls to his wife-lind he aus\\orcd ber lIeddlng, berore tho strange dny her In more natllrnl tones, \\ hllst they \\hell oho hlld plomlBod 10 bo 1II11es' wnll,ed slowly together to\\alllo the wire houso ,

l,ooklng rOlllld her pretty luxllrl I reel as If I hnd deceived )011 ously (urnlshed room It \\IIS dllllcllit he exclnlmed "thnt Is "hat worllcs to think hersclf hncl( Into tho dn)s me mosL '

,.I·"A Ihe dreary lodging house \\ hen 'J)ecelved me~' Dorothy looked ~::::=::::--:::;;;~ "JI-,ul II 01 kod hard, the days when Into his disturbed rnce II Ith n audtien

sho hnd been the sule slIpport nlld wonder whether his disease hnd Ink prote<'lOJ of the lather nnd 11Iotb~r ~Il n neW ,I'I cction aiul waH afl'ectlng "ho hnd lennt lipan her so heal Ill' hi- blain 'I don t Illlderstnnd what It waR hnrd to tietOlmlne which WUJ YoJU mEtlln How could )OU hn," d~ tho most dream IIIte-t1l1lt time of cclved me?' monGtonoUR sLlugllle or 1191 new eJ( 'At nny rale It "ns an lin Intention Istellce sheltered rrom every ,Jlnlcul III deceit' he paid 1\ Itll a short IDII~h ly \II ~ pped round by M lies' III uteet "God lmows when I nskClI lOll-1ng enle shllt nl\n) Into II \\orld 01 when I forcel )011 to be m} "Ire, I lleace flOm ,III flot nnd <llstillbllnco thougl,t I \las offering you something

Ilow good he hnd been to her! thnt wns at least my O\\n I uever 1 hnt. II II. lho PI edomlnntlng rellec (Ircnmt thnt Lhel e I\ns any Insecll"t) lion or ~lIbs II Ife ho" Infinitely pa In my position-I never dl eamt of the Iiont nml good he had beon, facing possibility of "ha has hallpenml lhe rutllre with a Quiet cOllinge to 'Bllt what has happened' Dora \1111<1" \\hlch hel whole 80111 108e UP th) questioned, her guiding hand on In passionate admlrntlon, domnndlng her husband's III III drllwlng 111m to rrom hel no more of tenderness than IInrtls the ollen wlndm of the lib she' "'IJ~"\Vllllng to give, nC\CI fnll rnl), 'rcmember I n/,ll stili III the Ing to m,<1(O her his first tholl/;hl hi. Illlrl( I don't knOll II hat ) ou mean Ilrst c~IlSI~elntlon \\Ilen YOll alk 01 Insecurll) nntl of e,l h~1 s, If 10 look what has happened Hns something hpl""I! thlillt of 011 haPllcncd to day·' all.v,uf thlH anOiIlOOn, wal ng I am a hrute to come and sml tle MilCH In tho lose Bconted frnglanee yau like thls-)oll look quite white or ltor pretty room Ollvel B faco rose nnd l\'lghtened," ~lIIoB nllS\\ 81 ed lIuL· Bu{llhmly uoloro her-Ol ','"~''''' ",mo: .11 er Inlo a big almehah b) tho Illal Miles -sldo by side, nnd stnndlng hlmselt Just Juxtnposltlon II was nlmost II coul,l see out across the tllO men nctlllllly 'atbod thtfro, fair outlook OVer gl\ldon Ill\(\ Jlal k

tho o~ os or hor mlntl 'Tho thing upset mo II good bit Ill)

blitll"""Mllos strong soIr 1,lIt I 'e no business to come and

;;:~e~:~~f\:~'I~II.fi!~::~1~~.J' ent III~ won los on you ' 'No buoilles8 to Ict YOU I "Ifo shnlc 1111 thnt IIllBets ~ ou '" DOl oth) IIIlS WCI cd gently, II Ith the smile thnt

•~f~~I~!~~;~;f1~re~~'1 Miles lovod to cnll liP on lIe! face (~!~r;ii1~!~~~;:~~~~I!~'/!~ 'I shou1d Il~ very nngl y with lOU tl really \ ery nngl), If ) Oll did not bllng

nil lOllr troubles to me little anel big And this-Is something big· sue added, laying her hand on hIs

met me he II anted to speak to me 1II0St III gentl) I was n bit sur~ Ised -the fellow's IIInnner W liS so famll IIlI-nnd 1m alrald I stiffened UP a 1Itt1~ aud 8nhl I was In a hurl y rlud going 011 to Hnebllrn's fal m alHI all thnt SOl t or thlul,; you kno\I, 001 oth} I can't stand lhnt sort 01 bounder"

Doroth) smUed "Thnt Hart of bounder and 1IIIIes

II ere sllch poles nsunder tha~ sho It lias not stllprlslng her hilS

should lind It dlmcult to beal fa larlty f:'OlII n man of Denis 'rrlt lOll'S '~PI

(To be Continued)

DC<lfnc,s ~annot r;c Cured bl Joc!\1 161 pllnliol" 115 11 ry rRnnot r~u('h IhB flit.' MJlr.d purtlr 1 (I til fOnr III rt1 I" Ollf ulle way ta 1:1 ro denhl YIA AI 1 lhlll 14 by ~lltlHtlLlItlolial rcnll~c..lIt!:A I \rmrnCM ht CI\'l1'Iltl b, 11.11 Illllnmcd ('0' dillo 1 or thl! m\lcDud 1I1111:C ur the IIIHtdchtll.1l lubo \\holl U Is tubn I~ 'uname I y m h:u 0 a. r nnblln\( MI n I or lin pnrCcct hrarlnJ{ 111 tI wlaen II. l:t onUrcly !.'It lied Dcaf ~ ~ ttlO re~u t alii 1II1lcM tho II tlnQI1II/\l!tm ['Iln be oakl!li 01 L nlul Iia tubo mllured to lUI I urlllal condl lion I parln" \' III tID dmtru~cd fur~v('r nine '!4CC8 out ul lOll atf! ca leed by Cl\tarrh "'ltI~i, IA II( thing: but an Jnnl\rn~1 cnlldiliun of the mucn UI In rlnee"

We will ~lve 0. c Ilundre I Dollar" for any CIlM De6r IC~ ((,.,11"",1 by ciloturrh) tJ nl. C/U 110\ bt. by Hall, CI\la rl1 Cure Htmd ror clrculBt1I free

I J elll NI \: «CO l'oh~do So 'I Dr Ilnllt'llfttJl ho uke Hall II F'll !Iv Pili! lor con~lpllllon

An Adverttslng Genlu8 ( IT~ \las all old merchllnt who had

built up II big bllslnesa by Ino;

"Jolin,' said his wife "what do you \I ant on YOII tomh.tollo?'

, Oh he anstrel cd It Isn t Important what the text Is so long ns It gets good space nllcl Is well dis Illa)ed' •

1, he I III 1l0l t ilion of nOI elgn ,u;loves to the Unltod lungololl1 \\ns fOlblddclI until ]~25

cant sleeve

'Vel Y hlg," he allS\I erou gllmly \,~~f~~~~rii~l~~~~~1~~~~~~~t~irf~}fTI[t nnd the look In h Is eyes 118 thoy met herB stnrtled her, "look here delll

bush I 8hould hllvo made rI Sorr) sorL or dl can't brealt bad



White Worn for Part of the Cere many, But for a Stranlle ReaBan

HildeR In Jnpnn fo'iow Lhe same cuslom "hie prevllils In the Wosteln "orhl I bat or "earlng white at the II eliding ceremony at least durlnt:: a part ot It But tno significance at lacbed to tbe ~holco of this color Is quite dllYerent on the two sides of IhR ~ orld

The Tapanese brldl' Is dre.sed first In I e"pl~cdent garments of whlto silk Iha sleeves or the costume usunlly b~lng about thl ee feet In len/1:lh \lhlla tbe sr •• h, an Inlportllnt fenture, measure" sbout 11 leet In length

i3ut white, as the Oriental Review "xpl~ Ins Is 1Jlo mourning color In Japan ILIld the bride lell\ Int:: har pal ent: house, considers herself deau In th~ >lense that she II III neler tllrn nlll e preferring death to dl Yorce, lint! In consequence wcurln/1: a white costu me

Aftci the exchnnge' of CliPS of sake "Ith the bridegroom, w hlcb Is tho most hl)portant part of the wed

ng ceremon) tho bridge changes hOI costl1m" to a red one This Is r.alled II omaoshl (chllnglng col0l1 Hed Is supposed to have a purlrvlng po" 01, '1nd perhaps clears the minds or the parties of all assoclntion of m~lIrnlng

, his Is the origin .of the Japanese ollstom or using whit" costume at II edllings bot lIIan~ people In mod ~rn Tapan do r,ot nn) langei have

~ to bother tholr honds with these qllest ons ot calm and slmpl) go nhcnll nnd mnrl y according to tho ae cepte,l Justom, with \10 thought of II hat the colors signify

The Prlmltlv~ Kubu! A r.eollie '" Ithout nn' (orm of rell

glon, without SlIpel stltlon, devoid of IlUV thought of the fllture Htate haR b"en rOllnd In the Intel lor forests or Sumatrn according to Dr Wilhelm Valez, the geologist of the .Unlverslty of Breslau who has made extenslv~ JOlll ne) s through tho Island

~ hel e ho (OUllet the I< ubus as hp n Imod them wlto are selllcel~ to 1111 ,il.tJngulshcd rrom the small manllltA ape ot the Indo Maln~nn 'countrles I hey are \\ anderors through the ror est seeltlng food they have no prp perty They are not hunters, but slm pi' collaetOls They scel( meroh sumr:,ent nuls, flliits and other edlblp gro>. Ihs to Iteep thelll alII"

I he 1~llhll" wage leI y little war filiO upon the small amount of animal I!fe In their sllAnt and sombre 'r 10 only notion that Plof Valoz could get from them ot a tilrrerence I' \leen a IIYe and n/dead person wns Ihat tbe dend do 1I0t brenthe lie I"rels that they llIe Immoasurnbly Illrer or to the palcollthlc man of En lope ,ho fnshloned tools nlld hunt cd bl!; gllme Wltll his filnt tipped nr r ,wand Imlfe Intellectlllli atrophy IA the ri>sult of rlw Kubns environ ment '1 he II 01 ds the) know alO nl

the Ideas they tl y to ,oxpI:ess.',-l,on,dOlt Globe


I nventlon Being Perfected Telephone Users Will Other

by Which see Each

Though thm e III estill mun) dim cultles to be rOI1lOl ed before ~celn~ on tho telephone ceases to be II prob lem the I cali~lItlon b\ no means seems to be vcr~ rar IIhand

PlOfessor Rosing of the Techno loglcu I Institute of St Pete! sbU! g Illklnl' IH!> nn'age of tho light Impi os slhllltJ of n photo electric element discovered by him hilS 1111 ellled \lhnt he cnlls a "pitas telephonic's) s tam (fJ Oln tho, Greek WOI d "phos," meunlng Ih;ht) \llIlch Is a remark nble npproxlnllltion to the 11Iml lie hlevoment

Two oth~1 sclelltists DIS Llstl'r nnd Geltel hm e e\ en gone u stOll (\lither fOl they hnH discovered an element which, nppnrentl) Is mOl e susceptlblo to the Improsslons of IIghL Ihan Dr ROBing. "Ilhos elce tllc element COlIsldellng these fuets It is not tlllle,t.~onnble to eXjll'( .. the last lind clo\\nlng snccess "IUlln a comparatively short time

When n person stllnds beforo Pro COSSOI Rosing s InstrulIlent lind opens the ell cult by taldng the rc celv",r 01T the hcolt II smnll luminous pencll.beglns to dmw his IlIwucss on a dark screen and In the 'twinkling oC an eye the \Iork Is complele

IUs visible cOlintCI pllrt Is there nnd Is r:.pldl) tl nnslllitted to tho sight of the person with "hom he Is speaking So It Is \\ Ith Iho Iler"On at the other end, his Imngo Is traccd 011 a screen nnd Is trllnsmlLted to lin

slIIall 8cr~en w Is this done· '1 "0 syslems

oC mlrrOl s nre moving In s~clt n \lay as La cast the Image upon the phos electric olement Inside tho transmit tor An Ingeniously. made 'Ieuum tube sends out fine lays not seen b) the eye

'rhese I al s, (ailing all tho screen, cuuse a certnln pnl t to nppear ~ el y blight-that part \\ hm 0 the Imnge Is -nnd nn electric CUI rent lIallsmlts the Image to tbe screen of the sec ond OJlrSOIl II hero\ 01 lhal POI 80n may be He secs tho suddell bright neSR on lhe SCI een lind IIlso I he lire 111(0 photoglaph-the mlnilltme at

[h'e person to whom he Is "llOaldng The manner In II hlch the mlrlors

move mnst be tllken Into account By their 010\ ement they cnuse tbe light on lhe setecn to IIccord exactJ) II It It the light Ill) s refiectml CIOIII the s'peakel's body The Image Is thus trnnstd'led bl the mirrors to the ph as electric element, In II hlch Is thm oby excited an electric CIII

tb"t cnrrles the Imnge to the sereoll ef the second Il,crsoll

All this Is done Instantnneollsl), lind being continuously I epellted, enuses the photograph to remain all the "CI een until Lhe speakor with dla,\s, In the same 'lay as moving plctlll es al e possible tin ougl1 the clnematoglnph

As \the Hosing npl)(\latlls Is yet"" Its Infancy, only 'eJ l small objects can be secn w!tll It But con sideling tho Idea behind the Inven tlon lind In view 01 the favorable opinion 01 n colebrated eXJlert, \\0 \IIay reasonably expect to have the filial happy I esult at no dlstnnt date

'ro see a person \\ hlle spenltlng to all the telephone will soon bc a

verJ rlllllllinl clrcumstllnce Its utility Is obvlolls Convelsatlon Is not only calfled 011 by the lips b) the 0) es Unconsciously rend n speal(er's lips and thnt Is of the I easons why phone tall(s

11~lri~\i~'l:b~~f~~CLI~ labol ed-one of the scnscs Is p holes In all' from a fUllcuon ,~hlch It

two sOllses to perre!cc~tinOl'ti,~~:H:: altpl essloll Is ~ ery I: versatlon 1 he new 'telel,ihl)n;y." will I cllledy all this

New ' 01lean8 expects tCi bo tho I A IIlXIlIIOIlHI) IJllC~-;'lIlC--;;u.-!or centro of the IlcheRt cOlllltl y In tUl' l,IB 11.0 01 blldnl nlld t hl IIlre pllltes world when tho pill IS fOI I eclalmlng Is malutllluetl hl lh~ COil I' "" \\ hlcll the e:.tremelv fertile lauds III that ra ICOllliOIS I olldon s sllNt 1111\1 I) S)" glon nre carried 0111 tem

. ,- ... , .' , "~ I ., "i' -, ;--. 1



3 DAYS at the Neal InstItute will abs(,I­lIteJy cure the excesshe Dnnkcr of all cravmg and deSire for u\o::oholic drmk m an~ form, and thiS WIthout the use of hypoder­mic InJectiom_ 1"here are no bad uftc.!r·effects Booklet and com­plete mformation on request.

1 \

The Neal Institute Co., Ltd. 502 Sevcrtoenth Ave


CALGARY 403 Broadw3V

WINNIPEG 2211 SmIth Street



1 per c(!nt. gun.rlllltetHl anti a IfIHUOiI In {\II the. prout ..

The above .acurlty 11 the beat In. .. dUHtrlnl A\er orrcred In Cnnndn

V. rltt! nt nr.('f' (or PRrtl IIllroa National Securlllc:s CorpoJ 4'tJon Lt:j contedcl ntlon Lito Bldl;" '101 on to


> ." The ,Trehel'ne ·Times



, 1 wk. 1 mho '3 mlill. t ),1'. One CnhUtlll ........... &,.00 'Ir"oo ~O.OO $100.00 ., hIfIlQ.f.lultr1..,r Col .... o 371. 12.r.o :i2.00 _ ~.OO It Rtf Cul ... -: ........... \ '2.[,0 g,ro 20.00 60.00 q..lKrtM <;.}I, .... oa o. It •••• ..~ :,,00 '2.00 ~.OO 1,.I~h'h 1.01............. .,,' 3,00 K.un ~.OO Ou .. Inoh................ "I,ro '10.00

Tbo abon rhtc. lin nul "I,ply to auction !lalol, aotArtalnrnolJh. tendo,.. mootlll"I.ICg,,1 DOUCO" or .D)'tblulII of It t.rltullitory D.ALUra. Lt,,~.lllud M\1Dlo(ln~ "tlvartl.'oK, Un" lu.artloD,12 conti • Hlle. auwotJuout. inllortlon. H conti 0 lIuo. !-iotlcM nt IOMt, Rtrayod. found. wloc.ed tt\' t~IU("nDl' ftret Inlnrtlnn. or thrllf' h'lftrthml rur ,I tlO, ..... eU1'r '"r chulU"I' nt nth·8rtl,,,. "lttlU,. utll.'-l,n rn'· ... vn,l IltlL l""~r UUUI "11"1.1_1 I,unu. • ' t


FRllJAY. MAY H. 1\112. " . ,- - ---- ~ -- - -----

'f,~~e.r~e Market Rep~rt" --' , ,

Fol1owing is a report of' market prices ill 'rrcherne, corrected 10

Fridn)', ~lny 31l1.

Potatoes. per- hll~hel " Eggs, ,per do)(en . Rlltler, per lh... . HOil:~, dresfed .• Hogs, live weil:ht Cbicken,dle.sed,'per lb.


. . .18 • 30

.09 .07'Yf

.10 .13

"h would surpris~ YOIl to know. of the great good that is being clone"Jw 'Chnlllherlain's Tuhlets, Darills Done)', of ~el\'berg June', 1 '1 I N J' wrl' tA~ II M . f 1 ' 01, J ,J., ~'" I r.WI <! las beeu'DSiul!' Chnmh"rlain' s 1'lthl"is and finds them very t'ffeclu'al and doin'g, b~r lots of goods." If YOII

lia\'c'l\II)' troultle with) our' 5t0Il1' ncb o'r .bowels gh'e Ibem II Irllli.

For :I,ale by all fea It'Ts. .

YOII miss thelll when they ale gone-,the eleclric Ii~bts and the

.)Telep)l.oqcs. ;,,'

, "


'Co' P.· R •. Tiffif.:Table ',' '~-.' '

CONDENSED, ADVERliSEMEHTS I' ,Fqunci ' I .:-.,. ___ -~--'--.--_I "-: '

E,ip~ess Dnily Except Sllnd:lV, I A Silm flf 1lI0il~Y, The own~r 'can bayc ,the same loy pro\'ing, his

\V ,wr;iouNn-Lv. '\Vil1nip~g 9':40. Horses for Sale

- '

Lv: Ratbwell 'I::: .2. Ly. Tre', heme 12 :30, -

I h:lve on my farm sOUle good young horses' for sRI~.

EASTBOUND-L.V. :rreberne V,. RatllWeU'-i9 :oo. Ar.

I.S:4 7., Wilii, 25 If.

D, McI.AREN, Treherne.

peg 21: I.~. ---'-'-,-'-

r::II11e haA is 1tl'llAlly ~nt;Red by , .., ,~

Pigs for: Sale.,

rbchllllltblll of .the nlliscles' of the hnck, for which YOII lI'ill,fll;t1noth, ing:betfer lhon Cb:llDbe'riitin's r)it:

, ].ilt!'r of 7 pUTe bred pecligreed Yorkshire pigs. hoth sexet;. Sow farrowed March 30th.. For. pari­

~ , iculnrs apply to " imenL' For salt! hy 'all'dealers'-,

• ' r "

-' >, • r'. 1 .... >+·: .. -: •• :..:.-: • .e .. : .. x.·X.c .. : .. :M)(H)

\\' ALl.ACI> DRllW \ N. 'V. 27'10

'.: ,Bruna wick ; Hote/.·,t. (. 67 i MAIN STREET, WPG. ~: 6 , •


Cow for Sale .' ' . .) Remodelled and newly furnished .... :· t New fire proof annex containing ~ , 30 additional single rooms, At, 1:

tractIve dining room. e)(cellent e.-

I table, morc popular th." ever. ~. 52.00 per d.:lY:: :~ee B~s. ".: ',f. '!~.!.!:'~_~ . WIIllllIIfI,,_ ..

Cood, yonng- milch cow· for sale, frcshcnpcl 1\13 y 15t, (:!t1d. calf). Will sell' wilh or withoUI .. calf. .A pp!,\' to '

, .... ................. . 32 ·t.f: • D. l\-\CLARHN,

'rrebernl'. " ' \ '

~, ., , .

Th,e ,Provin,clttfMlitual' Hail ,_ ,~ \' 4

'I,nsurance C~mp8ny.of 'Ma~ito .,.~, \ ; ~. ' -

, , ' 'INCORPORATED 1891· '

~-----,S E A S q N 1 9 1 2-~ 'I' , •••• ,'. ....

THE company has b~en ill ot>craticHl for :11 yenl's: it~ I'ecord is a remarkahly good one. FOI' less lhan yo (89 2'i) per cent of

its premium notes ollr com p:l n)" has paid,an aycwg-e,of $5.32 p~r acre .011 it~ lo,scs l1uring' 21 ycars vf ils ('peratiolls., The total Rlllount paid lor losses being- i\:240,952.8S,· jllst I~OI'dcring on the HlIartel' lIlillion Illark. For,the~past ycar, 1911, we were enahled t("'rcturn '40, Per Cent. of the premiulll notes, being- only 15 cents'lier acre for insurance. .. . , ',Joint, Stock Companies' Irever returil any'premiums ttl Ill' surers. : No other cOll)pany. p~y~ $6.00 an acre'iildeninit), lor loss. ',~bc cost' cannot cxceed twcnt)',five cents p'cr acre. ' ,

" ',Strictl),'n Farmers' Com'pan)", managed by Farmers only, , :\1:<1 slill "THE OLD HELIABLE"., . {. ~ \ .,'


,W,. HAVS, Oak Ril'er, . ;, .... Preside·ilt.\':" .

I -, , ,JAS, RIDDELL, Mun,lger, Sec'y,1'reasllrer: ,

... I I. I ~ ., HEAD OFFICE

Ro~m) I 0 Biilldars',Exchange, ,3'33 ~ Portage AY~nUa, 674 ' .. c" , .',' .' WINNIPEG, MAN,

claim and npply!ng to , . J. N. LEE, '

32. tf. \ :rreherne, , '

, . House to Let

-'-Th'e Hannah property on . Boyt;e

street.. Tbis is n ·.·very , desirable cottage and' immediate entry call be h au. A ppl V tb .

32 - t L

• ANDRHWS &:ANnlir.\\'~,

ilani:;tcrs, etc., 'l'reherne. •

'\0- ,

For Sale' , '

Lots '15 and i 6 in !,lock, I, on Griffin St., Treherne, large fralllc house"I'~ storey; log stahle: good well with pump, For terms It'pply , ~. -.

J. S. PAUlP,R, Treherue . . '

FOI' Sale 01', Rent

N. E, U to-8-10, 2 miles . from ,'l'reherne, for sale ,or rent. For particulars', :lpply ,

J:; S. -PAl.MER, 31.tf. ' Trcherne.

FOI' Sale'

North Yf Sec. 19,89: good frallle hOllse, granaries ani:! stable: DOYlle river" rUli~ tbrough 'j)fOpert)': alJout ;;.'i0 acres broken: 3;'luiles north of Treherne. For lerms, etc.,' opplv

3 1• t f.

J.,S. P,ILMltR, . 'l'rchcrnc,

I •

N. YfSect. 2,~·8·1O,3 lIJiles north, of 'rreherile. 225 acres linder, oulti· vation: Frame lionse with spruce driveway, and other trees: granary 26x40 ,with c:levalor, !;tablilll!' for 1 S head. qoo,~1 wat~r: ' '

• ,; j W. H.,MAl,r.Opll. 26 If. . Trehern'e.

, Farm For Sale .'


WIR , .





- .~ -.. " " ,

,I 1?l!


• ,

, ' \ . -".'

'(I , , .


, ' .


urne . ,

, ,



\.FRAIICIS ,THORIM Broadway,' .• :.' "TI~EIH'E,RI~E'(OI .. "., . \,

,:East Yf Sec. 31~S:9" About' 200 aerell broken, 10 acres wood,':i, buodance' of first'c1ass water; rYf sto'rev frame house on stone.follud, ation, good frame stables and grilli' aries: . about 100, acres ,ready for wheat. In'the fall1ou's· Matcheft, ville. distridt - go:6d c'rops every

. 6 nliles fl'om' 'l'rehernc. For : l, .

'.' .



IIF.ri .... o', etc,,'apply~,i.i:~::~:: :,. ,: '~:',:. _.",.

J:S.~AUIRR" "~~~.~"~5~~~;~~~:=~~~'~'~·~·~~~'~5"~'~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ". , 'l'rehern~. " ,,,",

, , . ,

' . .:i ': .,,_

. 'Se~ 9leadq for ;J pring

Let U5 repair ycur 'machinery

now and yon will be able

1':0 ahead wilh )'onr spring

the minute the

. weather permits,


Tire Setting Horse Shueing Gene.raf Jobbing



You Talk Rhoot hliorlDg but Lhls fA llio l,lRee whom tailoring tD" all he br8Doho. 18 dOllo. No "sornl.rond)"" horo ~r slup work; An high·

'ollula work. 'l'rirwR rrolll $!!2.00 up to ~.OO, SaUII.ltoUon Kunrantuod.

Agent for the Crown Tailoring Co"

of Toronto ., • l'

T. c. ,Delgaty TREHERNE -



'EMP'IRE Canad;a's~

,;t,;"!,\,;~,,,,-,;,,,,:~~~~~ Stand~l7d W'~ite'r $60;00 $so.obc


, "


..... ".

\ )

. '

~ .. *................. .. ..•....... ~ ...... ~~ I.RlibSOtJ'sLUmber Yard·1

.'TAKE NoTle.E,! i Mrs. Wm. Headers ~pell't from Friday to Monday ill Winnipe~.

Thcr~ nrc' people who think that an ,ndv~rtiscment 10 n. local I· it , CI HJ. l::ousc left on TlIesday' ev-n.ewspaper is of little: vahle. Our ~xperiei1ce- has been different it nnd wc notice that our last ad. in The Treher'nc Times for some i ening to take' a trip to York ton,

~ ,'J. odd lots has resulted in neally ':\ clean-up of t~c' material advertiseu : Sask~ .

i. • " Miss Annie Ferris has taken • position as clerk ill tbe .Treherne • Post Office. • • . Spring Stock

Our ~tock is now just as complete, ~s we. can m~ke it in ncarly a'1l lin~s. N otc some of our ,stock-

= . Miss Graee House retu;ned fr~m : Winnipeg on Tuesday a(ter a visit ; of a couple of \veeks'. . ,: . '40,000 feet Clear B, C. Spruce Siding, the Best Value 0'" the Mnrket.

" Natlv,e Spruce Siding at $10 less thn" the nbove. Carload of Kirkpatrick's XXX Shingles, Best Make in British Columbin

Carload of Boards, Good Width and Thickness

, \ Sunday, Mav.. 5tlt. being ,tbe

2 Carloads of Dimensio~, 1\150' Cement, Snsh, Do~rs, Mouldings and Jubilee Tn. Paper. ~


, .

TREHERNE J. K. ROBSON ............................................ ~


The Corona ,

Lumber Co. . .

Now is the Time

to Get Your

·Fence Posts ,...---

We 'ha\'e just unloaded u"car of Splendid Boards which we are selling' at :;24.00. This is a money saver for yOll, and you do not need anything better for :;bceting, roofing or ordinary usc.

'R. F. Steele AGENT

Broadway Treherne -

. 0 P E·N A G A IN. . .. On Friday, May 3

\Ve are opening our shC'p on I~ road IV:!y ~i nce }the '.'lire oalid·, you will find us next' door south of Harvie's H aru ware.

Big Redu~tions' on~Alr Our Stock' •

, .

. MrS. R. J. Moort TREHERNE ' . ':

Millinery ,-

~. "

" .......................... .. , , . A. E. NELSON TURNBULL :

WINNIPEG .. : : Teacher of. Pianoforte,' • " Organ, Theory, 'Etc. i·

Will be' pleased to tllke pupil.s : all Saturdays llnd Monday~.


• • • • •• • • • C:l1I at Drug' Store, Tr:ehe.rne :

,-, '. . ..... , .... ~4~~4~.4 ••••••••••• , ~ ' ...

first Sunday in the ul'lnth, service will be held in,St. Mark's chur<;h, . . . Treherne, fit 7 p.m.


Mrs. W. D. Staples and family are spending' some time in Trehl!rne at present. Mr. Staples was also in towu on ,Monday and. Tl1l1rsdliy.

, R. A. Sanderson intends openin

np' n confectionery store and ice cream' oarlour in a few days in the Ccntral Ilotcl. " .

A. G. V~nahle5, of the Bank COnlmerce stalT. a rri ved ,hol11e, 'l'l;esc'ay lifter'takini{ three weeks holiday~. and to the surprise" many sbe didn't.

AI bert Fo~te~., ,vho had been emplo),ed in Trowsdale &~McDon­aid's !>tore lip to the time _of the fire, left 011' \Vednesday's 110011 , traill enroute to Calgarv, Al ta.

Mrs. Kinds left on Tuesday c\,, cniug for Saskatoon, .Sask:, after a stay of sel'eral months in '1.'rch~rne. Siic was o('companied as f~j.: ",iinnipeR' bv \ her d:ll1ghter . M~s.

ohn.Coultcor... \~ . Monclal', M~y 6 th;, is

'Day nud according ·to proclamation is a pllblic holiday,._set apart to plant trees, shrnhs, or to do nuy· thing to beautify 'the community 'fhe Treh~rneSchools will be closed.

, '

'G. H 'Ha7.lewood was a pas~ell' ger' to Willllipegpn Thursd~)' ~·\'~n· ing's train.

Mrs. T. H. F ;rgmion and c h i1J. t:en arrived iu Treherne.'on Thurs· day for a few days visit •. ",

~ . :.,

'We,have a'l;ice window displ;y of j l1gs. They' Are in sets' pf 3: b'u t will be sold sil1gl y as well as·.in sets.

, • y ';

. G. McGowan & Co. ,', • - , t' '

Mr. and Mrs: ,C.JV: :B~rkwel1 , • i'

have taken the suite of rOOUlS over the Times Offi~~' '.vac~ted .'by Mr. and Mrs. McCallsland.

H. R. H. tlle'..buke'of Can· naught, Governor General 'o'f Can, ada, celebrated his' .6:!Ud. ~,birthday 011 Wednesday 'May '[st., -.,'



They ~re the stand~rd of excellence. . These Shoes a re wort b b'pcause they are real

'money to value to

v')u .-

the ~·ea-rer. : .. Any up-to.date, boy' must have a pair of the Bov SCOl1t Shoes.

• ' J p" J. , • • • I.

,Haye,You T. ied a Pair o(Our Men's Mule~hin ,.,F.rlll Boots at $1.75, or.:"for Boys' al $1.50?

Have. you seen our Soli9, Nickel NIou,oterI Buggy Harn'ess? 'IT IS A SPLENDID VALUE


.1. R. SCOTT ., 'Phon .. 60 TREHF..RNE :,~ \. ~.n\.'

'Geo. Bury:, v.ice·presi<tent ,of tbe C. P. R., pa~seL1_'th;ough l'reheru! oll:a_spednl:-'t'rain. 9~:'rhl~rsday, Illakin~ a tour ,o'f-iil.SP!ctiot;l of the

- ~ ~-----.- --' ------_.

t"itie. 1~1 •

, . ' Owirlg 10,'IlI;' ac~ld.mtai, ureak­

he lilach·j'ne~y.!t \V~S (Iiipossible • • I \'

to prin~ thii \\cek's issue of The 'rreherne Tillw!; UII tIl late on Fti7 day evening.

. ,

A gang'of men from the C.P.R. tele~raph dt'partmellt made "fre­henie their h~adqu:!rtc'rs for a f~w

ys . this \\'e~k· while making repairs to t.he line.

There was not. IlIlIch !land ng around the May Pole in Trehert:e on Wednesilav. Ma)' Day was celebrated by \'iewillg the. ruins , " lind wacling tbrongh mul. . ,

" . . W. A.' McGowan, of Kendal,

Sask .. formerly of Treherne, was a visitor ill Treherne between trains on Wednesday. He was acco'u:~ panied by his sister·in·law, Miss' Maude Roney.

Por Up-to-date Millinery viSit

, ·1Vll-,s. Smith R.AILWAV AVE. , .

Now is the tilllc to gel ri(1 of .. " v;lIr rheumotism. Y~u cnn do it LIVERY STABLE ~r,. applying! C!lamberlain's Lini, , _ ule'lIt and lIIassaging the p' arts freely A Ii ' " ".-, ,"; . lrst class hl'ery'and,' feed :busi-

applicatio'u. For sale by nes~; good r~liab'le horses; !ot'yli'~h-dealers. ' , rig-~-everythin~ up,to-date. . ,

Prompt an,d obliging sel'l'ice. 'braying ami teaming.' Special attention to Comlllerciais. Automobile tor,Hire. , , -

Phon~ 17.: '~J: H. 'SMITH , .


'JZl1h.t4'!'i~tQJ.'t'l}u.~.a;G 'b;.WW' ?!~currwSEL~

"T~ UAUTY STORE: ---'- ==-:::-==~-===:=7"'=======

c Uur'stock of all idnd~ of Men's Shoes

'is now 6)mplete, including the cele· ~ 1 . ...

brated UHartt Shoe", which "ve a·re , ~

. ,showing in'· the following, styles :--.

Style 437 . ~alf Bluclicl' wi'th hig'h toc, a shoc fllll of

SatisfaClol'Y Servjce.' J\ l a -i)opulal'

•• $5.DO

a vcr" styli?h summer shoe At, per pail' S4,50

1. •

,yith heavy Goddycal' sole .'! I

. "eiT stylish lasts. Per . , ". . $5,00 .. ,


v,P,R, CALGARY SHOPS -, ---Grc..t Car Shqps'to be Erected by the

C.P.R. :It Calg:lry, to b~ Known as The Og~en Shops,


Sudden Cnange Many Colds


Stag, !

The gloat car ~llnpn which tlle Can· I And Colds arc the Starting P"ln' of adlall Pacific . Hallwuy Go. Is erecting I aorlou5 Diseases,

Undoubtprll~' the 10ngest,IIved ani· mnl un earth Is th~ "ihtle, Its spon or ~xlsten"e being cstln.ated by Cul"el' nt 1,000 yeal s The next lalgesL anlmul, :Ile elephllnt, will, III"I~I la\· 011l1.1~ conditions, live ·IIJO ye,u's, ncnr CalgalY, Alberta, will lank am·

ongst the' biggest lIndertn1t1ngs at Canada'a-gleaL lJ.1I15conlinento.l rOlld You Can Make Short Work of a Co'd 'l'hr'y arc hal,pll~ numed tho "Ogden by Using

\Vl1en Alexandel th~ GrenL COil· quel'NI POI'IIS. 1,111:;( O[ Indlu. he tool.

gleat clellhnnt thot hud fought gal· Shops" Ir honol' of illr I O. Ogden, DR CHASE'S SYRUP one of the, Icc'Rrcsldcnts of the com I· OF

lly fOl' Ihp d"f~are{t Itlng, nnmNI Ajax, dedlcaterl him to the snll fill,l plnccd upon him It motnl bnnd wl:h the 1119crlp>lol1, "Alpxundel', tn" ""n N' ,llIllltel', dedicated Ajax to tl\(>

pany, nnd lhe town I"l1lch will glow I

liP "IOlll1~~ thnrr Is' also to he culled LINSEED AND Ogden, [he HhOIJK UI e or course, to be or lha most lUou<,rll constrllcUon TURPENTINE nnd cql'rp111enL, Ulld w!ll consist oC U group of I wunly buildings, lind OCCII I'Y un OJ ea oC 120 acres or land, the loc01110tl, 0 WOll(" 1I10lle 'coverlng from Hlx tn eight acres 'I'he Ogden shops Itrl) Inletulc" by the C.r.n to proville 101 the replllrs to equipment on Its Wp.stCl II lilies Thllt they will IlIIvc plenly of IIorl< to do Is evldenc· ed tl'om tI,e fnel thnt tho Cnnndian »acltlc Hull\\,l} mlll<08 It a poillt to completely rlVerhu1l1 ILa rolling stock lit I~:tst once a yenl Thl. compuuy deres Ihls sO thai Its equipment may al\Vu: H be In' lho' highest ,llosalblo olnte 01 emclone)' A fell yellrs ago the Angns HhoilS ut ~Iolltreal nnd Lhe 8hops at Wllt'llpeg IIere snlllclcltt ror Ihls worl<, hul lhe C & Pit's equ\J,· Illent has lilel cased so greatiy wlthlll Inst f~w yeul s, that the Olldolt shops arc a ""c"salty Between tllO and lhree thousultu men II III be el\lplo~ed, and 1110\ \\'111 bc systematicallY hOlls, cd 011 u mod"llI plall Ihul will make tho to,', n oC O:;dcn one or the world's mod~1 !lI,'os (,C Inriustry und an ideal r09ld~ntlaJ pineo fOl' Uw \\olklngmlln,

Imn." 'l"he r:lcphb.ht was found ali 2iO )'cars latel' <

Tho n,IOlln/: uC tho .hops nnci ~I I' OguDn Is () 1':LI't!ctllaIlY'hapPY choice IIY Sir Thomatl Shuugiln,,""y, for that I(entiemnn I. 0110 of the real old gil alii ot lho G.P R, a 'ctefan In' d"ed, haVing Cor thll'ty·ono ~ClllB glv. bn'lho hest DC his talollts'to tho com· PIlOY'S SCI vise

A Now YorlrH by' blrlh, bnltlllglng to n family uf IInanclers, h fa falhors hnvlng been hankels, dOll hilS sponl the IlIlIler Ilorlm,vlnI

,his busy lifo hI the nnunce dep,1I t· monts oC lalillays In 1871 he becuJlJo ('llymnstel onu I accountant or I h Chlcngo & Pacltlc Halill ay • nvo ,'enrR later WllS auditor 01 lhat compan)' 'rho high I'elllltntion lie gained" ItI, tne C & PH, Ilttmcted at· tantlon lOllnrds him, nnd nl,the birth otJhe Cunnu!an PaclOc Hnllll'lly'Com· pallY In 1881 ha II au selected 10 tllke charge or tho tlnanccs or tlio WCB t!lvlaJpn of the road. with hea(iolilnr' lerR lit Winnipeg, ''1'''0 yen lent "olk In lho weat was IUIIUW,,"

by hi. ':11 omollOll to the chler IIIlultor at tho enl.ll'e lhe hlgilor title oC "olntl'oll,,,' hestowed upon hllll In 1 ,..",,_, .. 1

honors qlJlcllly folio" cd, 'In he wns mudo ,Ice preSIdent or Compuny, hnvlng. natllrlUly the ances' of tho Inrge corpolatlon


unde his charp;c. nl I hese ,v ..... ·,

ot lhO'~~fJl:~~~2~~;~~il( a !<l\\' ell~hlllea!n: early Imow· lerille c'~n culty I1lr Il lorge part P It

In having' tl](;

SlIdr101l' cllullgei of tempcmture ,The nvel age age (,t cats Is flft('Qn fatnl In 'I'esulta 1 he sboclt lo )!!aJ s, of, sqllhrels, seven or eIght humnn system Is ,1101e .llan most ~ (US, of labblts, < oven; Il hpRr pic cuu slaud, r.nll' <'I<'I),whOle )UU larely (ixceells twent) )CUlS; It wolf, llenl sneczlug Ilnr: coughing. tw~nty, It fnx, founceu to sixteen.

You nl!l)' be Sill e lhat some or Liens III e compllllLtivel)' long·llve(i, lhf'se colds will develop Into IlUeu nstnnces having TJ~ell I cconlml monlu 01' COn8UJII~ lIou OtheJll will "here they reached lhe nge or seven· se:tle (ill the hlr!II~)'s und lesuit In I)' IEnl.. ' sellolls'dlsease or blug on Iheu Pigs have been Imown to JIve to 01' bodll) pllIIIS the, age of twcnl) ~I "ts, allr! hnrso~

Thl" dJlII~"1 Is In '('ttllIl': enl,l" 10 sLoct)', but Ihe a,'elage of till' hOI's' all, Oy beginning I'lompth' wllh Dr. ,'e to lhh',)', Camels Ghllse's SYI'UII of Llnsoed. nnd '1'111, IIl'e to the IIge or one hUll' pontine unr! laldng "mull doses fie. d ~t,,!(" urI' v"l'l'.long·Jtl'ctl, '1IJenlly )OU can Ileeil the cOllgh vlllg beon 11I11~n bv Cliarles ch,>cl( Ihe In!hulllllnt\l.'n and EOon tile fOlosl of S~nlls which bOle the H' sLelll entil ell' or Ihe cold, !t~ neel! a c"llnr Oil ,,,h'ch wn

II the IIILlIlY .posslbtlltles fol' ('ng, al'ed "CILesnr lloc mlill (jonuvlt,' \\'hlch It possesses . Whelhel 01 not lhls stag Illul act

\)on't think tlmt Oil: lhlng Is good ll/ill~ lived slnco the dn) s oC one ~llongh fo. II cold 'I'hele are lols e Caesals It Is- to oC cOlIgh mlxtlll'cs. But IC )011 wallt thc evidence u slnlllim d Incdlelnc or III OVOI\ llIoti EDglcs,'ocCI'isi'n'liul sOlllothlu!!',tllat lCHI CUll' depend nil lilly I'{'ncb Ihe ",,'RCi" lime of slcknesJI, )011 will r,e sutlsfied \,o'''i''·. lind sIIans Wllh DI, ( Chuse s S) lUll of Lillseed thrc~ und 'I'nll'cntine el~;,;;I:liQ~\il~,t~;,n';,e

Chll,lI'en 111(0 it Being composod selell slllll,le lugl edlc'lIts It Is IJ.lrllcllhllly hnve suited to thclt nMus lis eIlOI'I1IOUS Ihe I apldltyi of tile (lllise bent with "'JhlS III (J' e I:s' effectiveness 25 11l1l!;;"vILy, bllt, lIO logical COlICl1l51011 cc'nl. Il bp~tlc, fllmlly size t:O cents, ILL cun be I eacbo'I, IlS will be seoll fl'OIll ~11 dCltll!rs, or Edma"l1,son, Biltes &: fnct tbnt the Ilulse of a lion lIellts Co., J.ill1lted, TOlonlo, " 411 tlm OS a 1111 thal or a tiger, Uf, , .,

Why One Wife Is Enough, . , (

A Swedish \lomall missionary \1rI· Ing fl'011l Chlui1 to her' tilcml. 111

B'Jlo\1e, glYes the' Chllle8e~ oxplrln l lIO,l CO!, Occidental' Illonogn!fl)" b:, I "'ates ·that Sll'" visited n m:llldarlll'~ lamlly IUld tl'nt the Chinese ID,Ij,'~ r,x"mllle" hl\t 1'01 Y ekaely tlnd fln.1

'were horrl!led at· the .Izo or n"l t. .

times, or a 0 limes; or a wolf,> <iG 4a times: of a benl', 33 or un eagle, 1 ao times In<l,oHs\ b Ie (0 COIII.t lh" nn el~\IhIJnt's 11(Jlse. bul butleilly G,l times to the Anlnlllis

According Mnlliloba UnlvP,r.llh' 1'1111111111 hus Welliles ns to the nge 01 Lord Kelvin, who COllllllllcd .'m'lh wus twenty milliOn ypals cecl,l'ed thnl uI'll6S some no!'" 11Ioclllcing h .... t 111 the earth's coulel lie round, his elllclllnllons COI'l eet


worl{~ nt the foothills oC ,tn'~'~mronolatll:"Alll'e:.d~ Hocleles nnmed aller him, Is pnld p, justly desel ved t"bute-a trUluto nono tho leas to his mllllY ex­cellent ~lIa1lt les ot henrI nnd heart thlln to his great financial genius Ilnd to hlo 10llg years or loynlly and faith· fulneES lo lh" great corporation with \I hlch he hus been associated tlOm Its Inrancy and with which he has grown to see It tnlce the fO! ('most plnce nm· ongst the gl ent transllortntlon panics of the world

Mothf'r Ornves' Worm Extermlnalor will ,!I'lv(' worms from tho s~'st'~J1I wltholl: Injun to til(> "hlld, Its octlOll, Willie tully effective, 111 !ld

, When Oranges Were Taboo In Hoi· , land,

Orallp;os were fot' Rome yenl's a hlblto(1 frull In 1I0JJand, When the Datavlaa republic "as ostnbllshed lhe liadgc and color' of tho Stadholder's family becalDa so haleCul to the popu· lar \Iarty that 1I0l sallstled with ex' pelllng their prince, they pllBsed a law forbidding the sale ot oranges Ilnd car-rots, lind crdCl'ln ali persons who grew lilies 01 In their gardens to pluck up

, destroy them, Tbls , mnlnet! In force until

~ f • II ,-

.> .,'. ,





Thousands of peoplo all over W c:stcrn C,macia are letting MOONEY make their biscuits, \

They have found that MOONEY'S BISCUITS are just II

little crisper, just a lIttle cfCamier, just a little thinner, just II littlo more appetizing,

MOONEY'S BISCUITS arc just good enough to take the place of the product of th[) home oven I Uso



Mado in the big sanitary fnctory in Winnipeg,

The biscuit that's good for every meal of evcry day, proof packages or saaled tins.

In air tight, dust proof, damp i

A lll'o[essol rebul{cd the hlrlcboUJl'1 glallllllal'lnll at II dhlllel with a .tUl ,.

'A lad),," he salll, "had [J IULlH\1 rllssllJated husband, and one ~I'enlllg she sllld to n fllolld -

" '1 wish I hllew whel c· Oeol g(~ wns!'

The [rlelH), a pror,..s"or'; Wife. sillcl, Jllllllly,-'

'''1 d presume, en .. , ,~ou Inenn you "Ish yuu I(new wluwci"' 11('1 tHO,

"No, 1 uon l,' BIlla th~ ldd~. I.now whe, e be la. He is llilstnirs In oed with blnodsllOt E'~'Os "uri Il t '1'1 inc heu,laohe I wnnt to hnow whm e he he l'tns!'"

'1'0\\ ne-The NeUJ Ilches ha"e a butltIT, and he's a l110St remnrknble

IV Il,a-Why, ) understanil he I cglliation English III tlcle,

wne-Yes, bllt, his name Isn't nnil he doesn't speak II Ith a

'oe,ol.eI' ey nccent -'I'he Catholic Stan· dat d nlld 'J'imes,

" Clear Skln,":"The Itlon of the 111'01 I egulatcs lhe

cOlldltlon of the blood, A disordered liver callsea 11II111111t1es 111 th~ hloo(1

these sho wthcmselves In hlolll 011' the sldn IPal mclee's Vege·

e Pl1Js ,In acting' upon the Jlver act IIp,,n the ,blood nnrl 0 cle.ll llenlth)' 'silin ,,:ill follow Illtelligent use of this stand,lrd medlcjne, Ladles;' who will fully apPI'eclal e this prime quallty of those pills, cnn use thelli v,ltl! the cQHaill ty thal the effect w 1\1 be 1IIoSt gralli ylllg I

, '

Red SIIOl> IS orten seen In Spllng at lh~ l,~nd of Alpine gillclers. Sci· entlsts used to believe thnt the hue wns due to Ihe presonce ot Innumer· able lillY reddlah Insects: bnt It Is now known to be caused by a micro· scopical plant, which Is pink "hen p:rolVlllg and !l., deep CI'lmsoll whell 111 a stnte o! mall!l'lt)'

M Inards Liniment ff)- aale everywhere

Matching Them Up Mrs De Style-"ill nl'lo I shall tuke

one of tbe children to ChllJ ch with Ine ,.

The J\ilald-flYes'm n

lIlrs De Slyle-' Which one 11'111 go best with my P,tlI pie gal> n ?"-Alls' werE!

Tile ,Tap~~"'omen'; Educat'Jon Socloly, which I. 11011' nenrlv 26 yenrs old, has done more lhnn' any other one organization 111 ,Ta· pall to I promote educlttlon It· mong women 1'l1e society has Its own bullllings and pub. lIshes It moathly magltzille Its monthly lectures. glvon Ill' dlstlng. uished tea~hel B, III e largely ntlcllded and have Inspirited lIIallY. to 1\ orle to uttend the Japauese Women's Unl. vel sltl', This l:nlverslt\, which IS ten years old, now has 13CO sluuents 800 o· whom bonrd In lhe unlvers ' buildings,

'rho skeletoll 'alone of IIIl nverage whale weighs t\\enty·nve tons

IIrp unsightly blemishes, nnd al e 1mlnCuI growths Hal.

COIn Cure Will remo,'e them

again! I shollid thinl! yonl' money nnd \Irepute

Ie"', ',-_ rainy day I" '~~:~~~rl~~' what I'm (\olllg Whnt lIO

r, "t(lcj"Sililjl,'sPOse I bought all these sutt ~ for?"

When You Buy Matches, , Ask for

I:l\lN /?edBi

Ilia"'" They have a true safety base head, with silent tip, Will

never explode if Stepped on. Erld) 's Matches have satisfied CUll·

adlans slnco 1851-accept no other.,

The E. B. Eddy Company, Hull, Canada


Washb~ards, Wood eails and Fibre Pails and Tubs.


Baby's Own Tnblets are a safe me· dlclne for all little OIlCS, 'rbey are gunranleed by It government anulyst to be absolutely freo from opiates Illlll olher harmful drugs-that Is why so many 1II0lhel B will give tholl' baby nothing elso In the WILY of 1II00\lclne COllc~tr:jng thenl 1Il1 s ,Tolln Thomp· son .. Coutts, Alta" snys: "I have gl.en my baby, when needed, Bab) 's Own 'rablets and thlllk they nro the best I emedy for constipation I have ever used, I would not bo wIthout them In the honse" Tho Tablets UI e Bold by medicine dealers 01' by mall

25 cents a box from The Dr WH· il-ledlclnG Co" Iirocltvlllfl, Out

Couldn't Help It, Simeon l~ord waa tnlklng to a New

re~OI·ter about the bl cltkages

~How do I know that Wlnd.or Tabl. Salt I. pure 7 l'lhhow you.

III.ook nt the snit Jt~t"1f-q~e llr)\\I' dent" nurl trafl!>p:areut Bnd perfect the: f tl~t.l\I" Ill\,;­&parkliuJ.; like little dlllllond ..

II No\v tlltile tbew-DoliCt! thnt they (lIssohe inlitnlltl).

Ma'nm-Il'! Ule on tv f:nll we: r~conllnr:ml for table usc anu forcooL:lIl~ ,



happen In IlOtels. ave, age nmouut ot breallUges ---- --- - - .

oon't mind," he said, "but now then you happen on a walter or

whose bl enkuges 1111 bOllnds or rellBolI," ~'ord then recounted the bl'eall'

achIeved II< OIlB day by a etllllll. beirmilid of lhls stamp ..

out after she left," he ond she wasu't n genuine cham· at all" She was un cIet·

trainer really, but she had compelled to give up that pro·

CANCER Old Sort'll. Lumr,' in Breast, GrOWl II removed an 1 heal. ed by a .rmpl" Home Trealmenl

No pain. Dcac:rlbo tho trouble, we will send. book and testimonials frco. "DE CAr4ADA CANCER UISTITUTC, L,mned

10 Cl.urchUl Ave .• ToroDto.

Inherits a Million·

110leol\ mnde hr'nlll,,;,'" of Holian CI'lfo:nlcln,': !

il:m~iii~~~~~i~!,~~~r' ... nn becauso she couldn't handle' I'llce GOOdlll1l BenlUII Is lho 1I<lmO i~'~:,}ti\]~1~~~~~rt~~ti~~j'~~~~. elellh~LIIts; without breaking their of a farm laborer, III 131'CCOIISIlIIO, ,U1B"'. York Press 'Vales, I>ho Is acclalme.1 as tho hell' e,ngq.~s}F ' 10 £200,OOO-0Ilu mlllluJl dolllll~-

left to him by his lather, lllchlllU Ooodwln, who died III T~"1tS six IVee". ago, 'J'lte ra, m InhOl or 11<1" 1'1111l10;,o,1 a soUcltor of 1.:1l1dl'lll"O" "'eils to (Ie' vote Ills lime to sCCllllllg IIle Inherl· tance, and PIf"" Goorlwln Ben'lln 1m. lett the fal'm Ilt Llw) nfilly, exchulIg· Ing his slouch hilt, COI'(\1I1 lI),s 1111.1 gaiters fOI Il new blacl( slIlt alld har,l (elt bat HellHlII Is now beln!; Mlng ed with hUDd.eds or begging ICUm s and letters' .uggesl!lIg Investn,ents (or his money, iJcsldes I which hA Is r,skerl to contl'lutlte to SCOI'OS or bOI,e. ,nleDt nnd chlllch projects,


A Wonderful Discovery An cmbcllt Eclclllisl Ihe olher un),

P:1l.\C his Onlldoll that the most "on oorful c11~cll\ur) of recent Jears "ns tbe cll'coVClY oC )lam Buk Just Ihlnhl As Eoonln. n single thin In)"r or Zr, n Buk I. applied to n \\ ound or ~ BOIre, 811' h 1I1jUI' Is IUBmCII n ... "lust !t'ood polson I Not one Alleele. at Inlcrol1o hns heen round that Zam· Bilk dnes not kill'

'rhpn "~lIln As soon nB )lam Bilk 1M 11 ('IJIiml to n Bore, or n cut or to .llln 1'lseosc 't slops lho smarting 1'hnl Is" hy children nre slich rllenus o( Znrn Illlit ·1 hey COl e nothing (or the [cI~nee Of th .. thing All they I,now 18 Ihat Zam nuk stops their I'll In ~I')thers IIhould nover (orgel lIlls

Agnln J~' flOon nR Znm Dllk Is np plied to a \\ (Jllnd or 10 n IIIRensed port, the cells I cnenth the Sllill s sur rnce ora so stlmlliated Ihat new henlth~ tI"~n' Is ~lIlckly (ormed This lormlng or rrcRh hcnlth~ tlRRIIO Irom 1,,10\\ Is 7.,1111 nnll" secret of heRllns 1 he lISijllO Ih,'a formed Is worked lIr 10 lhe AU"rnCr. nnrl IIteTlIIl, cnsts ort Ih" ,II., asP(1 tlsRlle ahol Po It This Is \\ hy Zall1 nllk cllres arn permllllnnt

Onlv 1111 olher da) ~Ir ~lnr8h of lOl 11.lorlll1ler II, 0 Monlrcal cnlled npoll til .. 7.am Bilk Co nnd lolll Ihem Ihnl ror OV'I t\\cnt) O'e yenrs ho had heen a IIIart) r 10 cr.. cOIn IIIH h HulR "PIll Hi olle limp RO co\!cl"cl \\ Ith Ror(O" th It he hnel to slc( 11 In ~Iovc" I ollr I enrs ngo Zam Bill! wna ntrolllll cd III him, Imd I- tL Ie"

months ,t CII"'" him rodnY-OIer lllrt:!(., ) (",II R arl~r hlK cure or n. dis (aSH 111 hlut ror lWfAnfy fh e ) enrs­t,e Is HI III 'III cd 11111 hnA hnd no tror,) or allv Ip.lurn or lIu flczemu'

All drllggl tA s,,11 7.1111 IJllk nt 50c hox I r "" "Ilt Rcnd Irpo tllal box It ) "II S( nd tlll~ IHI V('rtiR' nIent und n lr. Rtllmp (to puy retllrn pORtase) Addres8 ZIlIll Buk Co 101 onto

The Word "Strike" 'f hi' (11I11i~tlt URO or lhe l\ord

strllte III IIw SClIS" of Rlopplng \\ork OCCIII" III Lonclon Chronicle ror Rel,lemtJ", 176r, 111 connecllon \\ Ilh Il cnlll strillo This publlclltlon re ports n J.:r~1I t ""splnslon 01 Inbor In the NflIlhunllll rlllll!1 conlOelds nnd till loilims Ille RtulCflto hnvo strll!l< ollt' 'Ill 11 hh;hcl ll!lllnly berore elltm IlIg Inln 1I1IIr 11911nl ye Irly boncl" Th(' t II11!'-hoIlOi ("I Illustrotion o( pro fitt'M luhor CI.lII) Ing COllis to Ne\\ (nstle IlIlIenr. to hllvc roccl'ed lIs 11131 vlllll In thu fllco durlllg this slrlko 111c Chronicle rOllorts lhlll

SO" I nl IHlkes of COlli woro brollght from Dill hlllll lo Nel\cusllo by ono of the I om man c lrrlers, nnd sold on lh .. salldhlll for 9d 11 POlIO, hy which he clelll 0(1 011 u lloke -London Chron Iele

Cautbn A commercial tlnveller "t n rnll\\nv

rest,lIlrnnt In one of ollr sOllthern to\\ liS IlIclllded, In his ordel ror broall fUKI ~l\0 IlOlied eggs 'I h. old dnrlwy who servcd him brollght three

111H 10 s,lld the tllll oiling mun, 1\ hl III tile \\orlll IIld yon bring mo

1111 Ot! boiled eggs? I only ordered tv. 0 "

"os sir:' snl<l the old darl<ey, bo\\ ll1g nuu smiling 'I Imow I YOll <lId order two, Klr, bllt I brou!;hl three oecnlwo I JUG lIlturnlll lelt dnt one 01 (Iem might fult ) OU, sir '-Hnr pcr'~ Wcoilly

- - Lady Smuggler'. Ingenult'7.y:"".--One at the Illost Illg~nlolis ot mod

ern Rmug,.;lels hns been trllilped A IlldY "ho tTn \(!lIed (If qllell t1~ flcross lire AtI.lIllic hnd n Belgian dog which '\tiS alw.llS "Ith Iwr

Not until mnny I rillS had beall mnd~ did tbo Custom officlalsl discover thn' In 11Iitlilion to the shngln cout pro 'Ided fOf It b) naturc Ihe dofl' hnd been fUlnlslled b~ Its ownci with n 100coII(1 sl"l1 formmly lhe cOlclllIl: of n IIlI gOI alllmu.1 UndcI Its 1\1 tUlclal cant the dog ellilled Il smnll lortllne In dlnmoll!ls c,cry lillie It Innded In Ne\, YOl h ...


Tells How She Keeps H. Health - Happineu F~

Those Who Take Her Advice.

A A P McDOWELL. London hn.5 50 t,1 entl es IIcensoo fnr 'ho perlormance of stngo pIal S,

"Ith spat,ng onpn( ltv fOI GO 843 1101 II A P ~lcDo" ell publisher of lhe sons nnd 18 music nails enlmUle of

Press nt DIl)sland Alberta Is n nn Milling US,i83 I tI,,, of O'llurlo, havlns been born at I ' 'rlllsonburs In 1866 Shprtlv nfler the publication of the 1,lberal beS,lIl.1 11 e Idea tillt ha'istorms clin be,

T',." e 1& \VEAL TH In yO\.l1 LJoll lim Il


I" l)r~sser &; ~lcGulrc, the subject ,llTeVented 01 controllcd stili perslsL, ot thIs sketch began the mastcry 01 III FI nnC!) anu 1tall, In silite of thn tho Ilrillterr.' art, und \\hen Wlllinm I fn II til es 01 the past hXIl IlllleltlH McGuire assumed cnllle chnrge DC "Ith elrclllclli mast!; one h1l11l1led leet the Liberal remained ,\lIh him put hl(;h have bOen m;"I~ by l\l de Bcnu ting In lIIore than rour \eAIS In on. chumll omce lItl WBH uft01\1nlds emplo~

cd on the '1'lIIsonburg Observel, JUST ONE MORE spent some time on the Paeillc Const

[;':;~f~: \~~l~l~~fuace}~~PI~'~leli:I~;'~~~~: SPLENDID CURE tho job depnrtment In the office oC tho H~veille but ga' 0 UII lhe posl I lion to retnrn 1010ntnrio just pre I RHEUMATISM WAS VANQUISHED ,lolls to his mothor's d"ath In the BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS tall o( 1889 In 18'10 ancl 1891 Ire SCI' cd aJ 101 eman In the olllee DC the IINult1 Remr,l nt Wnllncpblllg Amable L3marche Tells How His Kid Ont then" enl to Michigan, Ilccept ney DI.eas! Developed an'd How he Inl; n position on the Enterprise at Got Relief When hc Used the One In"" City allel In the rollol Ing ~elr Sure Cure. bm Ing a hulf Interent III lhat (Japer Letal, re Ont, (Special) -Another In 1804 ho became Rolr. 0\\ ner 01 lhe slliendid CUI e by Dodd's Kldne, 1'1115 enterprise nnd conllnued as snch 1111. I" the talk or this vlll(\ge Mr Am til tho spring of 1906, \\h('n he sold nble !,nmnlobe Is tho person cllled his buslncss Interests to n comlletl nlld the cllre Is vOllehed for by his tor nnll came to Albertn lie nt nllmelOUS friends firHt accepted a position In the omce 'It was n sprain and n cold that of the Edmonton Bu' otln Orst In II as the beglnnlllS or my troublo' tho np" s room ,.nd Intor In tho job ~Ir Lamarche sn) s In telling his deparln :;nt In the fnll o[ 1906 he slolY I could not sleep, m:' appetite lIellt ns roremull In file omce of lhe lias I1trul nnd I felt henvy ~nd sleepy ~Inll (no" ddunct) at (' lllliose re niter meal" [IInA alll"Ys lhlrsty lIIallllnl; until lho sIlllng of 1'101 "heu had n biller tnste In my lIIolltll and III· 10cntl'II Ih D l\ sland nnd com men 'pr-rAj) red (reely ~Iy IIl11bs \\ ere I cd tho jlubllcntlon of thc Press, hen\y nnd I hnd a rtragglng sensa thml Ihe only Iinper bet\\ecn (nm tlon lcrOSS lhe 101118 r08" r'lnd Saskatoon, either all t he "When my s~ rr.ptoms developed C I' R or the G'I' P Nolwlthstnnd Inlo rheumatism I I eal1zed thnt my IhS tho rnet thut nOI\ nenrly everv eya 'I ero the calise or tho trou tO\\ n 011 both lhose lines of rolhlllY hie And I starled to tnke Dond's Kid hns a IInller of Ita own, the PreBs ne) nils 81 boxes made me n \\ ell contihlle" to hold a good plltronal~e mnn nnll has mOl cd to, C1 ~ deslroblp. 1{"lney tr~lIble quickly develops quarters of Its 0\\ II, on one 01 tiro Into painful and often fatnl dlsenses ,or) bORt cornors In town I his 10 ensure good health cure the Hrst h lS onl} been possible becnuse at S) mptoll s with Dodd's 1~ldne~ Pills till' ellltOl B high Idenls 01 jOllrnallsm 'rhey never fall nnd his ,lotermlnntlon to elm y them ---:------out ns far os enn be mnde practical A strango discover> latelY mnde In In so slllnil a to"n In so nell Il dis the '\I1l1.s of the old paine.:. 01 the lrlct 1l Is genemlly recosnlzell as sholls thnl relnrorced con being Olin of tho !Jest locnl \\oeklles e WIIS by no menns nnlolO"n In In Alberta Pnrls as fnr bncll "8 Ihe slxteenl"

It Is snlrl tlln.t lhe oltlest Invest III"IIt secllIlt) Is the renl lStlltn mOl t anf';!?, III""Cl II II Ing bo"" lOll lied un lanel In Bllb, Ion as 10llg agn as rour thoUSlllld ~ efils aso

Tho nmoullt of nbsilltile consumetl In l'I n lice rose from 15 021 heeto 1111 e8 In 1870 to 238,000 heclolilres In 1900

No U nusuat Sight Mr NewlHlch ('I ho hIlS at las'

manoell' red his rubj IIIIS under lhr. e~es of the Sl""t foreign balllwr)­A h ba I all, J see' ou \ e at last. nollced 1m bellultrul rubles l

I he Bnron ts.tdly-Ach, ,es' Del mnl,,· rne thlnll "r hOllle I hat a lDant lepl olh of dom del e -8lwtch

"I hll' e nlwnys wondel ed," said newly al rived mlsslollUl y to the Inl cnllnlbal "" hat becnme of my PI edecossor ..

"Oh he:' returnelT lhe cnnnibal-"he has gone Inlo the Interior'

"DI<I ) ou helll nbout Plcklcham?' uNo" 'He ".:.nt home IILst night and

brolte up Lho fill nltlll c nnd 11 lot of dishes nnd chased his wife out Into thc streot '

'Whal II 1\5 lhe mailer with him?' "Why, sOIllO worn un In olle Of thesH

suffra.;e meetings alluded to him !IS n model hllsbnnd '-Cle, elnnd Pllliu Dealer

"My <lnd Imo\\ s mor 11 George Wash Ingtoll Ilid' snld tho smnll bo,

lIow's that? Quelled tllO glOcer 'Lnst nlsht:' contlllued the slllall

ho\, "hml I told <lad I hadn't bOl'n al,nlln' he said he hilI!" 11 bctter Ill! "Imllle 1\ IIclda rer Iylll' CCOI so W((shlngtoa cOllldn ~ tell n lie but lind Itln t~1I ani! the IIIlnute Itel he!)1 S It "-Chicago Soclnllst

pnpel s, <lnll)

celltlll}, \lhen the building 01 Ihe Louvre \I ,IS lIn"eltal<~n In that In dusilious hulldpi 1'"1 anels T 'rh~ BlIl1del states thnt \\hen execllilng \lorlls In connoction \I Ith the nppllc!l lion at n moclelll lilt, the \\ OrlllllN' IlIlplo) ed fOllnd It IwceSSnl Y to elll thlollgh ROllle 01 ti~1' old ".111", "hleh "cJ(.", n Ilpnl rtIU,', of c1H'!5SC cI 1110son f\ Bllt to fhe ""lllrI90 or the Call tlnctOls, ,t IVas fOllllll that 1I e stolle \Ins nothing bllt the ou'el ,hell or C01Jl:tlllr.tiOI1 1ftl,;ph cOlllpuc:e-d of :t I"ml o! IdllfOlced conclete III view 01 th" genelnlll elltel tn ned belle th"t this 19 nn eSRelltiolly 1110,10110 lIulety Dr sllUcluruJ IIlnlellal the plool ot Its elllplo) mCllt bet'l eell I'llee hundr,,1 alld fOlll hllndl"d ) I' 11 8 ago Is ,1I3tlll"tly( Intel es Ill!;

Internally and Externally Good -'I he crowlling 111 opel II 'rhomas' EI<,e'rlc on I. thnt It uscd Intel nail)' for lIIanl 11" well ns externnll) FOI thront CI OUll, whoopIng cough, In the chest colic, all,limnnv Illnd aliments II hns clIlutive quolltles 11\" UIISlll pussed A boWe of eos ~ hUio alHl tllere ts 110 108S III al \la)5 h.lIll1S It ot humt --

Nephew (just retlll ned rlOlI1 ahrDllfl)-'J'hls fl,mc IIlece, nllnt, I got In rllils

Allllt Ileps\-! \ IslI, nepno\\ you" rpleh hom€ olle of them Latht qunl leis thov tnlll so much nbout -Chi cal;o 111!Julle

Turkl.h Women A notice w hlc~ I

01 the theal! es of Constnntinol)le ef rP."tlv~,y soil es the ploblcm of Ileo IIle at the bnck obtnlnlns n clear view and Is very much more rndlctLl than the polite request mndo In Ellg !Ish am' Flenc!:: theatres that ladles sholll<l not mllr the view 01 lho stnse "Ith huge hats

'rhe notice reads 'In order to ren ,Ier the pellormance agreeable to all Iho8~ present the mllnngoment oC the theatre he., ueclded that Ule spect" tors of the Orst three rows should ro cline those at the next Ulree rows he on their knees and ull the otbelB be st3ndln.; liP In lhut way \every body will be nble to enjoy llie pin) ..

'I'hls nollce Is (0110\\ ed bv a sngges· tlon 'mphlng the 'l'urldsb II0m'lIlB Inck of romance 'It Is slrlcll~ for bhlden to laugh tor It Is Il trogedy lhnl Is being perrormed '-I,e Monde "rUste

All electllcalll driven machine that ',"I"lls Il"s thun Hfll I]()\ll\(h~ hns be!.,., Illvelltrd !Q scrllb lIorll" ,

A melal box In wh{<:h nn Incnmles COllt IlImp Call bc InseJtccl fOl \\Ulm In~ n beel hus been pn!~lIted by all 1<1l1ho mUll ,

A relic of Ihe <la,s gr-;-error In thl! re.olulloll whf'n the n\ 18toci nts \\ C1 e strullg IIJl to Inlllellis In the Pllrls .tlcets, hns c1lsllJlpellred _ Ulltfl u re,\ dn) s ngo lhe Illst of these olel Ian lElllS which wer e 1I1111ed IIJl nnll dOli II all n p1llle~ to II gallo\\s shapecl 11011 rod .1111 hung opposite lIle Holel de Lansnnne 011 the QUill des Celestlns Sume necessal Y repnil s to the QUll' lIIuI1e It Imllerallve to 111111 do\\ II ",(, \\ nil nllli the lantel n has been Hent to t11f' Musee Cnlllll\llle' It \\118 lhe IllSt 011 IUlIlp III the Pnll" slrl'l'ts IIlId liP to this lime \\llS 1111('11 and lighted t very e\ enl"g -Purls I.e Solr


Men promlncnt In Halhl al Unnh lag lind Conllnel clal cll cks hll 1(' been lI(h ISing tho Wast to adopl mixed fm mlng It Is enB) to give advice Hnd Ilequently thoso \\ho Ilre so Iree Ie hnndlng Ollt ndvlce do 90 II Ilhout huvlng compre hensh e kno" ledge or tu~ dubjjcct

which theh all.tce Is ten<lelOri It Is not to be wondered at that I those In charse or O\(, 11111 IVU\ ~ .houlll seel' menns to dlVl'lt the Cll I leB rl('m themselles When ,Ill ,s "aid II nd doneJ how c, cr, It II ()uld a ~ pear thnt mell chnrsed II Ith the COil duct of 1m go opellltl)nB and II ho"c ~\ICC(!SS depends lIPOII Ule cOlllldenc "hleh they :lIe able to Inslll III the Ilnbllc, II 0111<1 1)1' cilrellli berol C " 11Icssing tholl ,lows on anl snbjoct publlC'lv ,

It will be conceded that nil parls DC onr North Weat III e 1I0t e~u,,111 Hult nble tor mixed (almlns '1'he

PUI t oC the North West IlOw elCI Is putlrel) suitable lO'lnlslng ot cnttle, hogs and hOI ses

At the !Jutset, It might he out thnt this )ellr, \\ hilI' tho 1I111Ullnt ot grain shipped from SOllthern AI !Jeltn II hlch Is ulmost "1101I~ gr.111I rnlslng has been til" timeR liS ","ch as It was last) car, tltc CI edit In thnt ccllon of the country Is not ns gomt

It Is In Northel n A Ibel ta, whop mixed Inlmlng Is the lulu E'~r slQce the 111111111)8 filst pent'

It ated the West, the people huv" .houled ever) fall fDi C,llS tu shlIJ out the grain, bllt nol\\ Ithstandlns thnt lhollslll11ls 01 IlIlies of I 11I1\l1\S hll\p I been buill, no gl en I 1'1 III 01101 tlon "r gllllll h IS been shlpp~d oul oefOl,' the close ot nUIlgntion tltall In e011 Il'l ~ I'll' 8 It We 11 hi seel1l t hn t 110 nllltlel \\ hat Is dOli I' the musl thnt call "Vel be expected Is lhnt slxt} per eenl or the \\ heat, lOp will be shli' pod nefore the CIORO at navlgnllon,

Sick head~cheo-neural glc headaches-.pllttlng, blinding headaches-all v:mlsh when you take

Na-Dru-Co Ueadaclle Wafers They do nol contain phenacetin acetanilid morphine, opium or any other dangerous dru&, 25c a box at your Druggist s t 2~

N .. TIO ..... L OAUC &. CMEM eAr.Co Oll'C .. ' .... D ... LlMITCD

---------- - -- - - -- -- ----

EUREKA Harness Oil

Keops your HarnflSs SOFT AS A GLOVE TOUGH ASA WillE, BLACKASA COAL Sold by Dealers Everywhere.

The IMPE.RIAl OIL CO" Limited

WOllE~J m.mED Ai HeME '" omen 8 dlROJ dCI R t\hva. .. R vl .. hl

frollt tho vut y hcglnnt ~2' oC tile. treatment to the IlltlcJ bill nrr@c tlH nellon or Orange Lily 'Ylthln two or. lIlIe~ dn}!\ Ilflcr ((\l11rnerclnl' Ito ll'0I0 the lf11l1rOVllnlt!lIt h(('OI1ft~ nollc~uble Anet thin I~DIOVCll1enl conlinue!'! until thl pRtlen! I~ 10m plelely cured Orange lolly Ie Itn upplhHt or 10 nJ lroatment nnd .&.el" dlre( tly on the wornatlly (lll;l1n8 rtt· mo,lnl{ tho congesUun lUlluJC Rllfl ~trPJlJ{thnnlnl: the ner\f')!1 nnd rtf­fl:torlnA' pP.1 (ret r.lrl ula"~n In th&

dtsensed pftrts Tn ort1Dr to com:lncc alt fmrrt'!rlns:: wOIllt!n or the vlllC of thl. r~rnedY i will Rf!nd n 3fi-<p.nl hox ellouKh to" hn cJnys trl"R.tml'nl nb~olutf'lV F'HE1'l 10 each Iadv .,;undhul' rna her &ddrNlI MRS FRANCES E CURRAH Wll"d •• r, Onl.. II

SHIPPING FEVER Innuenza pInk eye eplJlootto c!latempp.r and an no"" an« throat dilleaael cured l a.nd 0.11 other8., no mo.ttllr how ex­pORed t kept from na\ Ing any ot thel"ll'l dlllen .. l!cr'J with SPOHN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE Thr •• to atx do ••• otten cure a CBlIU One (sO-oent bottle lUarn.nteed to dQl 80 BeAt th1nc r,1r blood mare. Act!! on the blood bOo and $1 • bottle U and '11 8. 40zen bottlca Druiglat. nnd harne ••• hop.. DI.trlbutor. - ALL WIIOLE~ALII DRUOGlSre ... OHN MEDtCA L CO. Ch.ml.to, a •• h.n, IndIana, U 811.

and the amollnt lhut '\111 be shipped ~:::::=r=~============================c,: Wouldn t toe Cheated flom the close to the opeiling or - I ------ ------ -- -- - - ----An old north(ollnhy rlumer visit the sevp.llt~ or thp \I'o,llel .. hleh u~ JllIIIlY 'eurs IISO, nlHI IS In opernllol I thollght thut III IIflecfl lears of

IlIg I,ondon Pllt up nl Olle of tho big lie 11110" I" c, Y Ullcel ( lin to <Ial Follow alit lhls SCIH me altd my III IIct Ice of Ilwdlcln, "Illd the hotels Be had harely turned In all B the fmllleis II ollid hll \C mOIlPY III phl slclan I hlld IInSIVOI ell IlIIIW"t

.. lit, nssllmtllg tllllt the nll'\ln.3 til'· blllll! nil tllc 'ear 10111111 01111 1"1 I II I tl I t lhe first Illght ,Ihen the buttons II el built ttl tl ~ , el ell rJ()SH u e 00 S I QlII8 on HI II I I j 0 a I aIlSI)OI Ie gll,11n liS " 0111(1 1),1' cnsll for ft, "I \ tllill" tile) tl rushed Into the room and Sll tc Ie' fast a It I I ,. I! t I ' " " M ncw aile \I 118 HllTlIll!; Oil IlIt' recen y

S COU I uC 111111 e N 8 ex neerloll HII(I gftl 1\ SII"st!lllllal c11" • I It I 1 011 lhe electric light, exclnlmlns ,,"I, PI I • lIt f tl C U <. " 'ollng nllin 0.\1110 n IV I lin n , e 0 l\ n gJ 0\\ ng JPS 01 Ie tount 011 thnh Pili cllasc" Ilall1o,l r J 0 fl'r " hlr II I l,rC"' rll'''' 'Mnlle hnste, sir' Get III)' The fnln, n I f II t""1 co" r

er nl or Ie COIIII I ~ ,1(' It II oultl be n "I.e eXI endllllre tr liniment _ 10 h" ,II op"~fl Into the e~ Q

hotel Is all lite" !clston of the \\011,1 sholls thlll l.lllu thl' ,,00ernmellt \\(,Ie to Imllolt til" 1I11ee tlnle. ",In\ Ii" lell Ih" HlIr '1'lro old man slo\\ I'· In Ised hlmselt calillot b' 0 I II I It I c" , " "1 ppel call nuous l IV I best breeds ot dairy cnllle and estnb ge" hill 1~("I'le I III ;l fow 1I111ll1t<'"

on one elbow nnd ftxlnl( the boy 0111 deslro)lng Its felllllt~ nlHI lIln' Iisil II <Inll' faint ns 1111 ubjeeL lessoll polled IllS "tlHI Ifl tile dor\\al, lind \\ It it a determined look, I ell1llrked artor a tlmo the, Itnilly of the soli to lhe dal~) men 'J he Inci !'ose 01 n~I<p'I-

'Mlncl )0 If 1 do I wlnna puy ior hos to be lestOlE'd tltlouf;h fllllll1.elu the held cOllld bo solll lo the IlIllpII- • Shall I c1rop lhls In lhe e)e b ... tho bed' -'lIt Bits lire amount of money spent In lars of 11I1\ote dairy fllrms, nt U len lore ml',ll~ or IIftel

J~lIroJ)e und elso\\here for fcrllllr.elR sonablo pllce A Cheerful Patient of ull Illnds le.lcites a rOlt) 'elliS Rgo Denmnll, buttel

A persistent Ilnglng nL the door BI~ll II as IInl<1lown In Innl;lnll!l hilt ut the bell blousht the slel'pY Illl,"lcl1111 ,Ve 1m ow Ihat tilP aH!lnge IIllmber lu,·p'''·nt time It Is lc1molllellgecl <0 be !lawn 10 hh, dODl III U hUll) of busht;lls 01 gllli n I,llsul IlCI aC! e e bl'Ht 'IlInllt), 'Ollllllnl1llM lhe

Well what 110 }Oll "ant?' he {le In :he United States has Rlelllll" t PI Ice ami Is In grrnt r10mnnrl Illllluled, os 1\ dilapidated 1 "uilt <\topped orr \Va nlso kno" that III who prerel (he fucto" ")8 ed III lind Illnntell himself In ,0'II1'':''llhe older parts or Manltobn the Ilvel could ullite 11111 estnbllsh C1elm

"I'r,"tmpnt Doc nlld laIn t sol nge IIl1mber of uRhels of gl,lin lalbsel ami cheese inctolles on the (ent, 1111" the n""Ollllcoment I.el nere Is steadily dln1[1I18hlnl; un J PIIIIClplcs alld opcluta them In

• Well let s hn\c It OHI \lllh 1 we all renllr.e thlll It "III be bill n e WD\

"nllt to r;et bach lo bed \Vhat s th~ COll1pnl atll ely ~horl time When the heneflts rEsultlllg from dllirl tlonble \11th )Oll?' ~ame thing \'111 Ilnpl)~n III the newel Ilg wOllld be tnllntrcRt on "'01)

'Srtnlle bite, Doc, nnd tlH' nnllc1ot' pori Ions of tho NOIlh West of fll,m It ,wuld InCiense thft Is "hlsllV'''-NOImllll E 1I11ICt<'8 Na 'Vo IIlllst n~: onll 10011 to the PIC- II, 01 the soli, Illlt! th .. e Is 110 tional Monthly s"nt bllt fo tht flltllle A Goel fenl. blallch of the fllllllers cniling thllt

In ~ mnll "ho IF. tlllil Ii: the "011 loolls 'Ionld give beter roturns on the capl to tho tlm~ ,\hen he \\111 be snc nnd Inhor IIIIe8toli ,'Ihe hrm<i ceelled by Ills chlhhell, lind he ShOllld alld I,'Uenlns or \101;" In COTlIlOC Illeselle lo these cillinen their bhlh with the IIoIIl11I1; Industry lIolild

t, Illslo Id of wnsltllg It nlso bo a sOl1rce or Inrgo revelllles It not a sh Ime \I hen [II 1"ldllion to 10llnllll; monO) to fill

t.h·lrollgh the coulIll~ III the fnll to ntHl dnlrllllen, the GOIel1l1lle1l1 0111 \1 hule Nor th We"t lighted 'III flllllish Cllilltni til assist In lh~

lit \lIght rlom b1l1nlllS stili" "tll\\\ erection and equll,ment of flotll mills that might be used to feed cllllle, beel and Ilor I! Pllclllllg hOllB~S heet "Illch \\ r,lIl11 bllng n hnndsome sngllr fnetOl [cs and 0 hm 01 sanl"cd

."""""tllrn to fllelt o"nCI Inllnsllies 10 help fllrlll~l" til dlspusf' 'Ve must Iccognlso Ille fact their 1I10d11ct8 In n COllcelltllltcri

:",''''·,1 101 III B) thlo .means, farmers InOle 01 leKS ellJ}ltnl Is leqlllted be Pllcolllagcri to glDw Icss "Ille SIlP-CISS In til clllill tllli nnd direct their ntltnlion to BOllowll1S mane) at 10 to 25 hranches or ngrlcul'lIle Is 011 of the qllosllon \ the establishment of nnh I

Industlles would lesson the aereaga de, otcd lo whent Ilti"lng and thlls

IIlIn··" les, nnd tend [Q pre, elll !"'~d".l'n··prhlcIDI the pressure on the tTlluspor

compllnles, nnd tend to PI e snch n '1IIeat blocltade ns the

II 88teln farmci Is nolV surferlng rrom

May AdoDt :rhe Metric System, '] he civilized wurld hns only ono

unit ot mensllremeut III c0I11I11(JII·-1 time The second Is based UpOll n

'·.tea,:n'l OOth part of a 60th part 01 a 21th wiri~li~I~:'ri~~~:~~ri~ part of lho time It takcs the earth to .. ' re,olve Othel

FUTURE SAILINCS Summer 5ervrt.c

Montroal Quebec Llvel pool Empl e ... or Brltllin l"'rldoy May :I Lake Cho.mp'llln .'1 hUla :\\a.)" ~ l ... mpn 88 of III IUlld )"Ild \) May 17 1 ako Munltohu IltlH tI AI lY .. 3 Empi eM of nlll aln I"J lday May Jl and 'Wl:ekly Ulel entler

Rates Emprc5scs $02 ~o Silicon $5375 Se

cOIHl ~ t_ f,O J hit d l IllS

Other ShlpJ3 $riU 00 H .... ~olHl ;:11 :!j T1 Illl

nu:er\ RHo"" nne! dl"fnl1. trom .ru Rnlt"t1' At: nt nr "rllr

J S CARTgR Oel1l Aat 210 POI tnrle A\lt! Wlnnl"~('!


Special Notice Agents wanted to buy Junk for

B. SHRAGGE Cor King ~ Sutherland, Winnipeg,


Maypole Soap CLEANS


colon bdeleas la lun or Iuds Dycs cotton, Illk, wool or fntxlUret U.e tt_ youflC"lf .t home No trouble-no mUll 24 colora-WIll give any .h.de Colo .. I Oc,bl.ck 15<, at your dealer, or pO'lpa,d wllh bookie! "How 10 Dy." 110m \ 106

f. L BENEDICT & CO. Monlreal

WANTED Cor our spacial Ie

your 10IVn Then ohn Dnw60D, Lt~

I .


, ,-


,::==_~=~~====~======~~====~======~~~~~~~~~~r~H~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====._=_~_ .• _ _ __ ••••• && •••• :. j,"(>.9<1'~ 1> BOYNE FLATS 1 ..... - ...... ~ .................. I·liI----· .... ----.... ----........................... , ......... ~ ....... ,-...... -. -·-·-~·1liI I • • ~ 0. • ~ ~ :. Correspon,uence._: Ed Kii'K i-; pulling in thl! La I: l'!_ath well Locals ! t ~~ .' •• Roque furtn this senson.· ---. • • _ • Intorosting ltOln8 nhont Pcnplo nuci.Jo:y· •

~ L' n ('" •• • outs III Hnt.h\\'f}llllncl Dl8tril!t. • : rltO)l 'RTItICT _OItR.R'·O",,,.TR. • Pllrvis BroR. have finished the.. •

J ••• 0 ...... 00....... excavation 01 the cellar for ,lhe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 f new hOllRe ard are expecting the -

j re ~ 800 k About ManIiltot~]a BOYNE CREEK Itlllln(.S~Owll·e5e'tk~.P\lt ill the stolle work \Yeatlier unchanged. '" .. J Rc\·. J. Alldcrfon is III the city F',ct footed rlriver~ were milch this 'vcek.

ill (>lllll1illfl1Ce in Ihis distdd the Seedillg is no\\" in filII sl\inl<,

The IJepnltlllcnt o. Agrlrllltl1te ~lIcl Tl11l11igr~l'oll ill' in''; the co opCl[l'ioll of nil the re<ldclllS of the l'ro\·j,·cc in ils efi'olh to S~Cllr" lor ~[aniluba n Inir' sl nit: uf lhe neW sdtltr,; whu are COil ill~ lnH. \Vn .. le,n Cfl1wdn.

night o£ the town Iile. nnd it is pCGlllinr to sre thr(;,RI}in~ going on at the ~allle tillle. _ Then' arc three threshing outfits !>till

A liulc faster next tillle "Jim" and ),Otl will catch it.

'['his I'nJ\'lllcc huld,; lIlIparalleled 0pportllnitie,; £0: \!Iell 0 f cn­t:rgy alld Ilillhillto'i. Then.: [,re tl]r,n,nllol< tot IICles of goUtI lnlld 1I0W ""ell for nOllle,tear! clltry LeHIc1es 1.Irge trllcth \\'hll:h can be hUII~ht at low prices. ,

, Nlllllh .. rs of ~pl"l1rlid ;mprn\'nl 1,lrl11" art· 1\\'ail"l>l" for Pl'" hn<e nt reasulllhl" 'HIt·~", !Il\{lolher, la ,y IJ~ hold either lor ca,h relll,lls or £(Or " \ ent II ,hare of the no". -. Th~ opnorllllrilie' cll ~lallitobU'nre flilh' described in" new book

1,1l,'ly i-',lI~d hI' the iJ:!I'"ttl!1cllt nf Agti':lIltllre ami 111\lni~r.l1ion. whit'h 1\ ill lot' ~"lIt tlce 10 HilI' person dC'slrilig it.

I-:I'ct) 1',,',011 'lItcr~-t"d ill lile futllre nl ~1.lIIito\l<l shnll!d send copie, of thi, br>ok I" his III, urI, III lite old 1IOIllC. wllh a lelltr 1cllill:': rtf hi; Oil''' t'Xl'l'\'I~'I~<" . Such lettcr< nceollllllllirc1 hy the bonk ahnnt "l'ro"l'<!r()l1~ Mallitoba" \\,11 1111111,( the a("'antage, uf th" I'rllv!nrc hallie tt'l llirJl\slllHls of pro'l'ectil'" setllers.

Write tn d,I\' til tbe l(lHlersi~lIed, t1l1d 11 copy 01 tht: hook will be sell I.

J. J. GOLDEN, ))'~pl\t)' 1,littiskr of r\gncullllre allli jlllllli!;ratioll, """1 II II ip,cg

JAS HARTNEY, 77 YOlk St., 'l'orOllto, Onto JOSEPH BURKE, 17S. Cogan AI'e , Wlllllip~g', :o.lnl1.

I J F. TENNANT, C;'lltIW. ~Iani.tobn. l \Iv. W. UNSWOH rH, Elllel'''0I). ~Iallitobn ; nlld ,,\1 I),Jlllin-1 i)l\ (iO\'crnlllclIt 11IIl1ligrntl f )1\ Agt'IICit'H uhland.


~ Quality in I I W a II Pap e rs I'

. -... - - ----- ..

Synopsis of Canadian North-West lB~d Regulations, \

'['0 ,~a'e \'en' little seeding has been dOtH' ill t'bis dbtrict. hut all are ~al,gllin a~ to the results,

Jllhn Cooper and familv Idt 011

't'lI~sr\:'v Inqt for IIlno,c J a IV. S .sk" th~ pla~e of there fut me abodc.

E,I. King' And ftllllily art! 1II00·ing 10 whnt is klW\\'1I lOCAlly os thc Batter's farm. 50lllC six l1lile~ gouth cast of Holland.

Oll, 1 sny. you fellow don't ~ncerj I know yun li\'t! dellccdly lIear.

Bllt II V ao; VOll would, I don't think YOII coul,l

G~' ohend of VOL 1'3 truly ill a year. , .


A. Culhert, of Rosendale. was a Indianfo'rd visitor last Sunday.

\VIII. Lowery, of cently a rri\'cd amI is

ll[li n tances.

Torollto, rc­Icnewin!.:' ac-

\VOIk 011 lhe fields slow, The wellthcr \Ilall ta k iug a ho1idn \',

iq Inther \II list be

i\liss E IIlcIlllli~s wa~ 0 'Winlli­p~g "i~i LOr pal t of la: t week, rc­turning'on Frici'I),.

\Von't the new hridgcg all the As~il1nboille hI! grenl boom to those whtl hal'\! to make hurried trip, to e,cape the toll nftcr ro o'clock. t PIli)" t1 \pf\'llIllll1rtlluL pnlL III hNlllt.l· ,

, r~ l111t tlill hUll!\!, '1'IIllIIII,uh~' in J'1II1·1rO' I " IlIIp"r~ JI1nl..~tI lill'lll IliFf IOIl,ll,,·r, IIllil i l 'hCl IHn .. o I1II1Cl1Il UIltlcr. tno, 111111 tllC'Y

IIII\~ ... fllt II hCIIIHtlrul tHIn (·lIlorhl~K. AI'l'tll1/.l0 tu ~u I hilln .Ilul tlflll'('t, lflllr ]

,\.':iY IIBrsou who is Lhl) wlu heRtl hr 1\ rll lid I)' rl. ur !tH)' IIInlu {H'llr IX )1JI11'Ii 111l1,1II1l}, JIOI1lU'

_ Imliunford sports are doing good work wilh the rifle, IJllt it is hoped Ihat RathlVcll WOlI't be discouraged for there is always roo!n at thc lop

l l)flllllrrl' I~ \\IH bl, III ~'IIII' '1,hIlUI II IJ U t.o I t ,tlo to" a nd ) uU \\ i 'I n llYn) II 1>0 ullLIl ) CHI (lid.

of' ,-

ruulling in this di~tT1Ct.

'fbe Bec Farmer h35 given np his pill peddling business and IS l~oil'g to try hi~ hand at breaking ill hishcrse~. It is hoped he will b~ ~lIcces.fnll in hi~ allel1lpts and will train them not to gallop o,'cr hay stocks and piles of oak po!>ts.

, ,



Johl1 Plnxton started up his steam pluwing outfit last week.

Robt. hortie

P. R. ~l (' Lach lUll wns a Stock ton visilor on \Ycdnesday.

Mis3 Jean Forhe~ retul'!led from \Yih\lipe~ on Monrlal·.

O. l~ow. of Purtage 1.1 l'rniri~, "isited 11\ town this week.

J. Cameron was a Holland "isitor between trains 011 Monduy.

1'he ncw hntcher shop on M\lin street is nearill~ completioll.

A Ford automobile wa~ ulIlonded here this week for Alex. McCreery.

Rcv. F. Halliw~ll, of Elm Creek, wa~ a Rathwell \'isilor on Tueoday.

Oscar Lounsbury ond Johuson each lOot !\ valuable recently. Adam FOI bes was [I visitor in

Norman Martin started r.lowing Glenboro ou'ruesday between trains with hi~ Oil Pull engine on Man, \ day at Syh'cster Oarlrng's. The lumber is on the grollnd for

hfr. and Mrs. Tho~. Lounsbury left for Winnipcg la~t weck, Mr. LOlll1~bt1l y goillg to o\.Jtain expcrt medical advice.

There has been a blillch of callIe rllnnlng' 100se III this'district much to the nn\lOV,UlCe of 1I101lY. Otle lI1al1 has lost a stack of oat sheaves b\, thell1. '1'here i~ n herd Inw ill this llIunicipality blllthrol1gh some I,txity it is not beiug cuforced.

~eanery Meetings at Elm Creek

new !>idewalks; 110t before they arc needcd.

H. P. Bir::b hn~ Regist ratioll Clerk stituellcv. •

l,eel1 appointed for this con-

Mrs. Dave Caswell nnd lIliss Kathleen Caswcll wcre 'l'rcherne visi tors last Th nrsdn \'.

I 1Iliss McInnis returned this week

frolll an exteudeCl visit with fricnds in Winnipeg and Kenora.

The following officers were elect­ed at the tennis meeting last wcek: J. 0, Spence, president; i\!iss H. Grimes, sccretary; C. n. Hntchin· son, t reasu rer; Mes:.;rs. Spence, Thompson and Rogers. grol1l1d committce: ?llr. Cameron, Dr, Molt and :::vrisscs K. Caswell and E. A. Hanson, schednlc commitleej Mrs. Aitken and lI!issrl\; Eo Mott, Alice

He's Got

and yO\l bet he has good stuff in it for it is ,)nr PURITY l'ATI~NT Plolli' - th" finest ever l11il led 11nd ma.le intc' brend. It \I'ill 110t only pro­duce far beller Bleod, Rolls and Biscuits, but also goes lal'liler and mal,es more or them. For household LIse it

• cnnllot he equ.lllcd, and if YOli onct! try it you "'ill a\l\l\ys preler it. The price i, 110

higher t han is ask,'ci fat' inf~ri.:)r 11"llr,;.

the Sacl\ !


When You Buy This Flour

, c. Wiechman

TRE.tiER.NE MANITOBA ~---.-----~--~.~--~--~1 .. .-~a •• ~ ______ ~ __ ~4_~. _____ ._. ___ ,~.~, ••

iou waste III \ookhlK up du-nlCi:tlc Jo:!.!l;J COU:,] b:.: !1!".vcd by ::;i:nply inscrtia:; u II l :011' Wanted" a:1.1:1 o·.lr CI::ssliicd Columns. Our paper 15 rend OJ the dcsirl.lbte c1Z!G5, !tnt' t:oes Intn hundred!! of hOJ:les

, ~:l.J.f :;et no (.ther. 1 . ." .... -' .~" .... ., •••• h

PROFESSIUNAl CAROS ~ ---------------------



M. n" C.M. U'dvorslty or llnhituhn. II IIlInli I' 6:rlulllnto.

Olllcc nutl rosf.lellac, Bo),uQ St. rlmun 2t,

OI(S. DUKDAS AND 11[0']"1'

MORDAUN'j' n. nUi\:1) \S, :\1. n, l! It.C tI. li:NO • I. H,.\. 1.0:"'.

Corouor. Olllco nml Hc~lttolicU (lrll11n Strflflt.


ontco Hourtl: - ~ 9 to 11 Il 111 - ~ tn:1 II 11\,

W. A. ~IO']"I', ~1. 1>. Brontlwny • • • Ibtll\Hdl. Mllu.


GnA))tJ.\TI~ ~ 11ItSI~. ~11·t1h.·I\I, f,urJ/'lcnl, mil· tnl'III\.) 1L!.'I.Ii.l nlHi mllt-lIatl-C, 011011 ror

jlrtlrCSP\OlluloUlln":III1HlUlS, l"'\UI111I1llO IIr. Dun· tlllll, or u<lll rou ell ro or ~I r ,J. O. 1'u rll hl111.

~ H. fiJ CfiERT l

lhOU41 U lluurtnr litmtloll t,r 1l\1\l1,,\)lo 1)00

minion iuull III :-1 II II I ttJlJII. tilu;KIILcl.6WItIl .)r t,lboILn, 'j ho U(I/lIlCH.Ilt. IlIl1st"lIJIH~Ur 111 I)ort\OU lit. IIIU llomluiuu .. I,-[)cl~ AU'olle)' lIl' buh'.\f.::81IC)' I(Jr' t.lw dl~t.rict.. gllt.I'Y lW )Jr41:t)' IIIll)' hu !Undo III. "U~ Rij'OIlU). OIJ rei Lulu coudilllHlH. h) CULhor. lIIf1thur ... on, tll\1UchttH. UlhllllH or Blatfn' uf lutUJhliul.( hUI\lIj14tlliUII.JI',

Dut.11.I8--H!x mOIlt.lu;' f4.'slduncltupnu lind cui· tl\!l\~IIIU of tllIJ luuCl 111 utlch of lilru(l l UIl18 1\ hUllluIILnlllllr 1l11l)' thlJ \\It-Idu IIII1U 1I1I1Ui! ur h1s IHItIUHllllIul tlU 11 [ul'm o[ Ilt Joust ul/.fIIlY acrt'!;. b()luly 0\\ nod Ilud VCOLlfllOIl by hltn nr IJ~ IllS [1\ tilul • lIIoL 110 r. lUI 11. tJuuRh lOt:, bru tlll.u· n r tllt'tor.

Rev Aitken prcached nn appro· priate alill touching sermon 01\

Apr, 21st. basing bw IC\l1urks on thc wreck of the'Titnllic. Tbe sacrament of the I,ord'R Supper was dispcllt'cd in the l'rchhyterran Church last Sl1llday by Rev. i'ilkcn.

The meetings of the Chapter of the Rural Deancry oE DuITeril1 Bnd toe Ruridecauill Sunday School A5suciation \\ ere hcld ill Holy Trinity Church, Elm Creek, all Monday, Tuesday and 'Veduesday, April 22ud. to :24th. Clergy pres­ent were as follolV8, Rev's. Rural D~nn Anderson, B . .1\., of Ratl!­well; J. F. Cox, Belmont; Robert MartIn, M. A., of Somerset; \V. Clarkc,Miami, II.Hamilton Bro\\'n, M. A., Carlllan and F. Halliwell,

Forbes and K. Caswell, refresh- - OrilHn ~tllll't. Trul1llrnc.

KANE ~ 1'110Nl; 64 l ~ TREtIERNE, ,: MAN. ,I ~~~_~~'It#IfttI. .... n-J ---- - - ~----

,. I. (. l' .. to .. I. (. Lie Jnsed (-I.. ~.----:-..... -~-; (.

I' \. ,~

!: 'RATHWEl.L,

lu cflrtniu'ditltrlcttl It- hnlllf!Hloudur in f,:()Oft i\I II Iltllill.! I1llll liro·om,It U AI II II r{ 0 r·ttuc tf 011 It h)[I&~· .lIdu 11111 hUIlIO!oOttlUd. Ilricu~S UO pornoro. Dnt.l's "'-.'I\Utlt rUdhlu IIlx n\(HJths ill OI\('h or six )'onrtl [rom ,'ntu of hUlllu~t.ulUl 0111,1) \lnoludiulf tllu tllll(l roqulrmllo WlI'U hOIHCbL(lIli IIHLI!IIL) IIml cnllhulo hrt) IU.!IIlQ uxtill. •

A hOlUostuntlor wl.u IJl\~ ('X1UHlltOllldll homo· al.mul Ilgh~ null CI\IIUlIl u11LI\lu n IJlC·UIIII1t.I(IU lUll) t.nku " Jlurr'luu:lUtl IUllIHlhlUIHI III COlllliu tllstrlntH l'I'It·o $:1.UII pOl' ut'ru. !Jutloy-tluKt rmddo lUX 1110111.118 In Qllch ur t.hrcu yt'Ur8, cultl· vntl) fHt) ucrutl !Iud orueL H hCJIllw worth ;S:IUO.lXl.

(~ (!),!. !I'?"!J!J l !,:e!l! >!o~~$',,!~.~~~,!!-!,>!o~!o!'.!to}.

I rcprcscll t I he Ha111il~oll, 0111.,

I Elm Creek. •

'I'll;> COII'C~pontlellt begs 10 apolo­gize for 'he Inck of lIews of latl!, bll~ lay the blome 1I10stly on the fact of there l1-.t ll~ing II rnrul \U

delivery. Being'sc far from the post or town and v«:ry fe." making tile Tbe \l1e~tillgs were also fal',oured trip, ncws is often stoic before It- by the presence of tile Diocesan reaches t,he pa PCI'. Field Secretary, Rev. VI,!. A. FV Ics,

George 13owlI1an. ICt nrned last III. A. week fr01l1 the 'l'oronto Veterinary On Monday evcuing, Rev. \\7. Co\legf', where he has been taking A. Fyles gave I1n illustrated Il!cture his 2nd year conrse and has taken on "Enrly Days of BritiRh Christi­Dr. Kellehc!'5 practice in ~'n:hcrn auit' I •• He h~ndled his subJ'cct ill fol' n few days, when he WIll pra Y.,

with Dr. Brac1$hnw, of Portage au adulllable mauner Ilnd was at-rairie, dUring the SlIml1l"r. telllively lbtencd to by )'utlllg and

old. 011 .Tuesday at 8 a 111. H.tHhl Andcrson cclebrated .the

ment co:nwiltee; Rev. G. Aitken, PAUL Cbhplain. . J. J.

sec-olld, "Rt:adiug thc Church Ser­vices", by RCI·. J. P. Cox; and third, "'1'he Church Catechism, its Importancc and how to Teach it", by Rural Dean Anderson. At S p. 111. the Challter meeting -of the Deancry w~s held.

Iu the' evening ot 8 o'clock a SCI vice was held, all the clergy be­ing robel!' '1'hc service was taken by Re,·s. J. P. Cox and F. Halli-

and nn addre~s WAS givcn by Re\'. W. A" Pyles on "The latest phascs of Sunday School Work". His address was inspiring and most

pfu!. 'I'he closin~ session began au erJnesday morning at '8 a. 111 •

was a celebration of tbe Holy IUlIlnoion by Re\', J. F. Cox,

ass!sted by Rev. R. Martill. Rev. W. Clarke gavc a devotional ad­dress,lmsilig his rell1arks 011 P sahn: 73'28-"It is good for me to draw , near to God~'.


vg1'1.:nlNAI:Y SUIHH~ON 111\11 Dnlltll;t· or· nco III SIJ)I~h'8 IJl\ury :U II hlt'tI , UrolHIWll).

'Phonu No. 17. TRlllltUSI .. ",nf!

Will IIIJ nt Drill.: Sloro, HnllH\ull, own ~~rlda3·.

D1:NTAL Jo_ ~ellernl filllll!cial busine5s call- , r1ucted. Money to loall 011 real\...:...----------------------properly at lowest rutcs. IlIst1r- DR. A. W. MYJ.HS al1ce and real estale agent. Re- D"1Otlot. D. n.s. L.IJ.8, Oilleo 110 Stnul". "resellt!"g nil tile best 10'lll nll(l I'll Block. Tlohnrnu. HourI!: - \1 h) 1~ !t.1II : I 'SO r- ';'1 .. ,.... to 6 p. rn •• o\'lJlliu~1! IUlit HUlllill) H hl' uppoh:\.· surance c0l11pnnies. mont.., Will 110 I\WI\) UI)prC1XlIlllltuh Lhll f\rllt

wllltk III Ullt'h nWlIlh.

Tlte Subscription List Has bcen corrected to April Wth. Look at lhe label on your poper and if thcre orc all)' errors please 1I0tify TIIl~ TIMES.




OFF1CJ~S Hnll\\ny ,\vn ,1'rohurnu, ttillTl1tulm. Solloltor!! ror tho t!IlIHulinn Bank of eom o

moref), Hlwk or llamlholl, I\lId ror MutilchudlLy of 80uth Norrolk,


ATTOUNBY N.r [u\ W. OU1eo nL A blnrlfll'l1 ,'gflI1CI, UrmU1Wll) I Trohoilltl.

ALI'RRD I\!ARTIN , Fln}~, n"lI, Llro nud AcclclonL IU8l1rnnco·

AlCon". Mortg[lKU Hud HUIlI B"Ln~o. Ollie..., ')11 Brollcl\\'1l3', ']'ruhuTuo: hourH.1I LillI" Cum­mhalollor tor lnklul( AlIltlnvlll!.

11. tl. l'OR'I'IN

NOTARY PUULTO ,NOTAIRE I'UBf.lC ole. nuni Kstntc, Mnnoy lu LOllI! : PJ'l.lllHlr ill.

Argout, Acilotour ot. Vondcmr do "!'orrofl.

ST. Cl •. ,unl~, M.\N


PnOTOORI\PIIUn, TrohoTno. Stndlo "IU "0 closud durlo!! Lho l'UUlIl\Ur mOIlLhtt.



bloole Frldo)" on or buforo t.ho (nllmonn,in Lim ~llu,onlo Hl\lI, Trohuru,,~ n.ILlllK brlJthrev c(lrillnlb' Wl)icolllo.

nro J. Coulttlr, Boc

. BOYNE L. 0, L. No. t1;iO, 'maDta on TUoRciay over nlng' OIJ or buforo ~lle rull of ~b. moon, io ROla' n .. u. VI.hin. br~~hrou aiwny. welcome.

\y, II,Splnk •• R,S, . 000. EI StllPles, W.d.

top related