7 tips of happiness (aclao and antipolo)

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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7 Tips on How to be HAPPY

BY: Aclao & Antipolo


1. Let go of negativity. Love yourself first.

Be optimistic.Learn to forgive and forget.


2. Serve and be kind to others.Be careful with your words.Respect others and their free will.Truly listen to others.


Don’t replay negative events or worry about the future.

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3. Live in the present.


4. Choose a healthy lifestyle.

Get enough sleep.Eat properly. Exercise daily.Laugh more.

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5. Take care of your spirit.Surrender to the Universe Divine.Get creative.Strive to always learn new things.


6. Be inwardly free.Live minimally and simply.

De-clutter your home to de-clutter your mind.Go without certain things you think you need.


7. Reconnect with Nature.Observe the natural beauty.Take some time every week to recharge your body battery. Take some time to be silent.


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