6th gargoyle

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Objectives:I can:1. Understand the significance of gargoyles and their relationship to architecture, symbolism and art

history. 2. Create a clay gargoyle with realistic and/or imaginary animal features. 3. Construct a clay sculpture using a variety of hand building techniques 4. Demonstrate skill and craftsmanship in working with clay and glazing. 5. Exhibit problem solving skills- plan and execute plan for animal with minimal assistance. 6. Write artist’s statements explaining their artistic decisions and creative processes.

"Legend has it that gargoyles ward off evil spirits - are any protecting your castle and loved ones?"

Protectors from Evil in an Imperfect Man-Made World

Gargoyles & Grotesques

Originally a gargoyle was a water spout and directing water away from a building so that the water would not erode the mortar. Over time the word gargoyle became the term used to describe any and all the fantastic creatures on a cathedral or other building.

After the introduction of the lead drain in the16th century, gargoyles primarily serve a decorativepurpose. This guy — on a church in the South of France —is a truegargoyle. One can see how the waterWould leave the building and travel along the gargoyle and out the mouth.


Folklore held that gargoyles are good luck and frightened away evil spirits — while serving its practical function of carrying rain water away.

"One can think of wyverns (a two legged winged dragon of medieval legend) as sort of 'holy pit bulls,' whose job is to dispel the evil forces, lightning, plague, war, and other calamities that may threaten the cathedral and the city.

They are often a fantastic display of inhuman birds, impossible animals, and half-human mammals that are crouching, grimacing, and ready to spring into space and pounce upon the world!

What You Do: You are to create your own gargoyle designs. You have to draw sketches of your creations,

then you have to hand sculpt your forms in clay.

Jim Henson’s Muppets Jim Henson used different ideas

to make each muppet character individual

Some characters are based on animals, monsters, made-up creatures, and even humans!

Who did these sketches become?

Bert & Ernie!

Working With Clay: Clay artists throughout the ages have

invented many ways to shape things out of clay.

PINCH - Use your fingers to pinch and poke a single lump of clay into any shape.

SLAB - Roll the clay into flat sheets (like a pie crust) to cut apart and assemble.

COIL - Roll out long snakes of clay and twist them into coils and shapes.

WHEEL - Spin clay on a potter's wheel to form pots and vases.

What To Do: Clay is a wonderful sculpting material and

experiment w/a small piece of clay before you begin your sculpture.

Different techniques to use: coils, slabs, pinch etc. Build the clay up slowly using small bits and

adding more and more clay. Moisten the clay when it starts to get a little dry.

Using your fingers, popsicle sticks, plastic forks etc. details can be added like a nose, eyes, mouth etc. (Did you include some of the following: tongues sticking out, horns coming out of heads and huge eyes! )

Studio TO DO:1. Create 2 sketches/possibilities for your clay gargoyle/monster

2. Begin working with clay using different handbuilding techniques to create your gargoyle

3. Build the body using two joined pinch pots or joined coils

4. Use slabs, pinched clay or coils for the arms/legs

5. Shape the face using your fingers & clay tools

6. Texture, Texture, Texture: wings, scales, fur, etc…

Some Tools to Use When Working with Clay:

Your fingers Rolling pins and canvas Popsicle sticks and toothpicks Plastic bags Sponges Various carving tools, nuts and bolts,

forks, old toothbrushes and anything else you can get your hands on that will create texture in the clay

Gargoyle Goals:

Create a gargoyle= INSIDE must be EMPTY/Hollow!

Use 1 piece of clay for the body. Get a 2nd piece of clay for the head,

wings/arms/fangs/horns etc

Make sure you SMOOTH the attached pieces together. (Ex: if add horns – smooth onto the body)

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