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Soaked! NIS Northeast

Conference Junior High Event!




Bible Presentation Sunday

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Dear Fellow Millennials (and everyone else),  

Talking about money is the worst.  This is my first stewardship             campaign as a pastor and I’ll admit, I did not an cipate people’s                   hesitancy to talk about finances.  In fact, studies have shown that church members would rather their pastors talk about sexuality or poli cs before money; we have made finances the ul mate taboo.  

And the truth is, I get it.  It’s tricky for me, too.  It’s tricky because I understand the shame around finances, par cularly among people of my genera on and younger.  On the one hand we have a workforce that all but demands higher educa on for a livable wage while at the same  me providing few resources to obtain those degrees without taking on substan al debt.  On the other hand, we are a genera on that has faced wage stagna on, recession, fewer well‐paying jobs, and a massive concentra on of wealth in the hands of a minority.   Despite the “kids these days” complaints of some older folk, this isn’t about a genera onal defect or laziness.  In fact, according to a recent study in the Harvard Business Review and counter to the stereotype, Millennials (the genera on born 1981‐1997) are more produc ve than previous genera ons and more likely to work longer hours and forego available vaca on  me than older genera ons.   

So, how can I honestly talk about money in such an economic                reality?  Firstly, because as a pastor, I am concerned with your            spiritual wellbeing and I know that a life of sharing and stewardship of resources is part of our calling as Disciples of Jesus Christ.                         Secondly, giving is a spiritual prac ce that pulls us out of our                  personal anxie es and helps us be er understand our broader           connec on to the community in pursuit of a common goal.                         And, finally, generosity is a counter‐cultural correc ve to the                    extreme consumerism that suggests we are what we purchase.  So now the part the stewardship commi ee may not like!  I am  more interested in you prac cing generosity than fundraising for      the church.  As your pastor I am more interested in your spiritual  

(con nued)



(Keeping In Touch ‐ con nued)

wellbeing than the finances.  It is my responsibility to clarify and demonstrate that the mission of Salem Lutheran is a worthy                 investment for your hard‐earned money.  I believe we are on the edge of something great in this community, witnessing to Christ’s radical love and inclusion like few churches in the area.  We are growing and making a difference!  But, if I have not convinced you of that mission, then I pray that you find an organiza on you do believe in and start dona ng to them.   

Don’t get me wrong, Salem could use the cash!  If you currently don’t give at all, star ng to give just a small amount a week could drama cally enhance our shared ministry.  Start small and see how  it feels.   

Above all, know that we value your presence, your volunteerism and your contribu ons to the community.  We are happy you are here!   

Pastor Preston

THANK YOU  for volunteering  

to weed, trim and mulch planted areas around               the church and mow.    

Steve Safford / Mike Gilmore / Bill & Lorna Schmidt Gary & Joan Hansen / Cindy Graves / Liz Ezell

Jim Sauber / Steve Feuerbach / Roger Primm / Dale Swedberg

CONFIRMATION Please join us on October 21             at the 10:30 worship service             

as we celebrate the  Rite of Confirma on  

for eleven of our youth! 




Living In and Living Out God’s Grace

Kick‐Off Weekend for Salem’s stewardship                  

emphasis program was            the weekend of                         

September 22/23.  

It will culminate on the weekend of November 10/11                             with Celebra on and Faith Promise Weekend.  

Are you a disciple?  Are you a steward? The simple but resounding answer is yes!  As a child of God and follower of Christ, you are called to be a disciple and steward.  Disciple and Steward.                      These two words have tremendous importance in one’s life of           faith.   

This year’s stewardship program emphasizes Six Faith and  Discipleship Prac ces.  On each weekend during the six weeks of Salem’s stewardship program, each prac ce will be highlighted by members of a Salem group or commi ee. 

PRAY ‐ September 22/23   Members of Salem’s Prayer Chain Ministry will highlight how prayer is meaningful to individuals as well as members of a group and how Salem’s prayer chain func ons.   

When do you pray?  Why do you pray?  What is it that you pray for?  Who do you pray for?  When one thinks about life as a disciple and steward, prayer is a founda onal faith and discipleship prac ce as           it encompasses all of life.  Prayer by simple defini on is one’s                conversa on with God.  

STUDY – September 29/30 Youth and Family members of Salem will share the importance of the study of God’s word and how it helps one’s understanding of what God asks of us as a disciple and steward.  The ways Salem helps provide for study at Salem is highlighted.  

(con nued)



(Stewardship ‐ con nued)

For growing disciples and stewards, the faith/discipleship prac ce of study and immersion into God’s word is essen al. Through the study of God’s word, we are engaged in God’s presence and grace through scripture. Study enables us to deepen our rela onship with God.  

WORSHIP – October 6/7 Members of Salem’s Worship Commi ee will encourage all Salem’s members to regularly a end worship services and the reason               why that is important to members of God’s family.  They will also illustrate the ways the Commi ee helps to provide support for           worship at Salem. 

In worship, we are nurtured by the word of God and the                     proclama on of God’s life – giving grace in Christ.  In worship,              we gather together as a family at the table where we receive God’s meal of grace. Worship is not just receiving but also the giving of ourselves in response to God’s grace. 

INVITE – October 13/14 Members of Salem’s Witness Commi ee will discuss ways Salem is an invi ng congrega on and what things Salem is doing to help        accomplish this.  

As we think about what it means to live out God’s grace in Christ,  we begin with the faith/discipleship prac ce of Invita on and        Hospitality.  It is what Jesus calls upon his disciples to do.  All we say and do can be an act of invita on and hospitality to another into the joy and delight of God’s rich grace in Christ. 

SERVE – October 20/21 Members of the Salem Congrega on Council will share with us what it means to them to serve as a leader in Salem’s congrega on and how the du es of a Council member are important to Salem.  

The ques on before a disciple is how to respond to God’s wonderful gi  of grace.  Serving God, His congrega on at Salem, and Salem’s neighbors is one such response. Very o en, the one who is serving comes away from the experience blessed in many ways.  

(con nued)



(Stewardship ‐ con nued)

GIVE – November 3/4  Members of Salem’s Stewardship Commi ee will discuss the                  importance of giving in one’s faith journey.  They will illustrate           ways that the giving of a disciple’s abili es,  me, spiritual gi s,            and financial resources will support and grow the ministries at               Salem that God is asking of us.  

The basic founda onal reason for giving, whatever the gi  may be,  is from a heart filled with joy and gra tude for all of God’s abundant gi s.  The giving of one’s whole self is how a disciple lives in and lives out God’s grace.  As one lives in the midst of God’s grace each day, to “give” is both a joy and a duty for the disciple.  The giving is not a short term specific fund appeal topic.  It is a way of life for a disciple.  

CELEBRATION AND FAITH PROMISE WEEKEND – November 10/11 Members of Salem’s Execu ve Commi ee will share the importance of “giving” in one’s faith journey.  They will illustrate ways that members’ gi s can be used to accomplish the mission that God has given to each member of Salem.  

Disciples/Stewards of Salem will come forward to commit to share their gi s of  mes, abili es, spiritual gi s, and financial resources to support and grow the many ministries of God’s church at Salem.  

Tackle a Tab! One way we are addressing        our budget shor all in giving       is to invite people to “Tackle a Tab.”  Each weekend we will post a few bills in the narthex 

and ask members to consider picking up the tab on these essen al items.  Simply pick a bill to sponsor, write a check to Salem Lutheran Church, and return the check and         invoice in the envelope provided.  These dona ons will          be added to your giving record. 



Put Your Arms Around the World

and SING!

Add your song to Salem’s new Creative

Arts Season

Wednesday Rehearsals & Thursday Rehearsals

5:30 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:15 p.m. Puppets

        [Age 4 thru 5th Grade]              [5th Grade thru Adults]               Choir Room                                                   Choir Room 

7:00 p.m. Celebration Voices 7:30 p.m. Handbells [Part‐Singing SATB]             [6th Grade thru Adults]               Choir Room                                                     Balcony 


All are welcome whether you can par cipate for                           a few weeks or a season—come when you can.                            

Choirs and Puppets support Sunday worship services                   once or twice a month and seasonal Fes val services.   

This year’s Fes val of Carols date is Sunday, December 9.  Choral rehearsals will be held Sunday evenings at 6:00 begin‐

ning November 4th.  Extra singers invited. 

Salem’s Crea ve Arts schedule through December                         is available at  www.slcsycamore.org  


“Praise the Lord all Na ons; Praise God all Peoples!” (Psalm 117: 1)

carla@slcsycamore.org   ron@slcsycamore.org 



Food Pantry Requests for the month of October:

Plain Macaroni / Bar Soap. 

FUNDRAISER The High School 

Youth Group will be running a Yankee Candle fundraiser as we did last year 

in the fall.   

Proceeds will go towards a mission trip next summer.             The sale will run from October 12 to October 26.                   

Please contact Nicole with any ques ons:                              nicole.erickson@slcsycamore.org    

Communion Assistants Needed . . .

Communion Assistants are needed for all 3 of Salem’s services. Serve as a couple, or as a single assistant. All are welcome and encouraged to contact Kristin Gehrig at kristingehrig@gmail.com or sign up using Sign‐Up Genius: https://goo.gl/YdCDBJ

All Ministry Groups and Committees will be meeting

at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall on the first Tuesday of each month.

If you would like to know more about the groups, please come

and visit. See you there! team 



Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third. - Marge Piercy-

Will You Find Your Way Out???

Calling all middle school and high school

students – an A-MAZE-INGLY good time awaits you and your friends at

Johnson’s Corn Maze on Sunday,

October 14th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Please bring $5 for hot dogs,

s’mores, and admission to the maze. Download the permission slip from Salem’s website

(www.slcsycamore.org) or email Brenda Jones at the email below. Friends welcome – EVERYONE

attending must have a permission slip (that means friends too). Please RSVP to SalemSycYouth@gmail.com by 10/12/2018.

The Weekend of October 27/28 there will be a Saturday 5:00 p.m. 

service and a Sunday 8:00 a.m.               service.   There will be NO Sunday 

School  and NO 10:30 service. 



Yt|à{ exyÄxvà|ÉÇá Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you. You are not your own, you were bought at a

price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Blessing of            Pets/Animals 

and those who care for them October 13/14 

Services Bring a photo of your 

pet or livestock or bring a stuffed animal in   

honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint 

of animals.   Salem Puppet Praise Team will add to the   

                                                               celebra on! 

Before entering the sanctuary for worship, those who have signed up for Simply Giving, but s ll want to have something to put in the            offering plate, are invited to take a Simply Giving coaster from the            basket in the Narthex and put it in the offering plate when it is passed to symbolize their online gi . 



In the Hospital? If you would like to have a visit from Pastor Preston 

or from Deacon Carla Vana a while you are                   in the hospital, please tell the hospital on  

admission or tell a nurse that you are a  SALEM member and you would like a visit.   

Have them no fy the church office (815/895‐9171).  

The St. Olaf Band of St. Olaf College   of Northfield, MN  

 Coming to DeKalb on Thursday, October 18 ‐ 7:00 p.m. 

DeKalb High School  

Dubbed “one of America’s preeminent bands.” ‐ The New Yorker

Tickets: $10 adults / Free for Students  stolaf.edu/ ckets   800‐363‐5487 

Pie Time !!! The holidays are right around the corner. Are you prepared? What if you get unexpected company?

Thankfully, Salem’s Confirmation program has got you covered!! Fruit pies, cream pies, cheesecake – don’t they all sound delicious? Here’s an easy dessert to prepare and serve during the holidays. Salem’s Confirmation students are asking for your support. Funds raised from pie sales support the Confirmation program each year – it covers learning materials, retreats, and other special events. Stop by the Welcome Center before or after services now through October 28, 2018 to order your pies. The pies will arrive November 17, 2018. Contact Brenda Jones at 815-970-1318 or

SalemSycYouth@gmail.com with any questions or to place an order if you can’t locate a student. The Confirmation students and guides thank you!!



Enjoy a fun evening with family and friends connecting Halloween,

Dia de los Muertas (Day of the Dead), and All Saint’s celebrations.

Pastor Preston will teach us. We need 3-4 families to help plan

and host - let us know asap if that sounds like fun to you! Watch for

a sign-up soon so we know what size space we need.

Plot: Aspiring musician Miguel teams up with                       charming trickster Hector on an extraordinary                        

journey through the Land of the Dead.

Scene #1: Dia de los Muertes celebrates return of the dead

This showing of the Disney Coco movie is permitted according to Salem’s Church Video License, CVLI no. 502681470

Friday, November 2   6:00 p.m. ‐ Fellowship Hall 

Bring the whole family and your own supper!  

Popcorn provided  at Intermission. 



Anniversary Blessings to the following Salem couples celebra ng wedding anniversaries of 25 years or more.

Birthday Gree ngs to the following Salem members celebra ng life for 65 years or more! 

01  Claudia Hoffman 06  Linda Peterson 08  Beverly Riebe 09  Karen Hagen 09  James Reuter 10  Craig Popp 12    Jack Gustafson 13   Bruce Johnson 14  Janet Nelson 16  Janet Gustafson 

“The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life,                the clearer we should see through it.”  

                         ‐ Jean‐Paul Sartre ‐  

05  Kenneth & Sonja Haeffner 06  Donald & Jean Paulsen 10    Larry & Debra Griebenow 10  Dan & Jan Kuntz 18  Jim & Bev Riebe 


18  Paul Brescia 19  Jim Graves 20  Charleen Hupy  22  Rebecca Jamison 22  Janet Peterson 22  Carma Tucker 24  Jim Riebe 26  Norma Wildenradt 30   Rhonda Woodrick 

19  Michael & Tammy Pieroni 22  David & Dianne Benson 24  David & Dawn Marx 25  Brian & Brenda Jones 29  Wally & Judy Sundberg 



Consider moving to an electronic means of sharing your offering.   

Simply Giving forms are available on the credenza in the Narthex. Please return 

the completed form to the office in the  

envelope  provided.   

Simply Giving 


October 15

Thank You  

Warm thanks to Salem Summer Choir singers and our Installation Choir as well as these musicians who shared their gifts of music for Salem’s worship:

Kjelden Breidenbach - cello Justin Hammes - guitar/voice Jenna Hoffman - cello Mike Kasper - horn Kirk Lundbeck - trombone Dave Lundberg - voice Cristy Meyer - voice.

Each gift of time and talent is appreciated! Carla & Ron Vanatta Ministers of Music

Dear Carla, Thank you so much for the lovely altar flowers you sent home with Gordon. They are so pretty and cheerful. I smile every time I see them. God’s Peace, Ginny Rasmussen

Salem Food Pantry would like to thank the Sycamore Elks, DeKalb Elks, and the Sycamore Lions Clubs for supporting the pantry in recent months. Liz Ezell Food Pantry Director



    Approved a Line of Credit Agreement to be presented at the      September 23 Special Congrega onal Mee ng. 

    Approved the Youth Group request for a Yankee Candle                 Fundraiser to begin in October.   

    Discussion on church growth and programming for the future. 

September Council Highlights

Prayers . . . for the family of Wayne Schmidt at his death on                

August 24.  

Baptized . . . on September 1 at the 5:00 service, John Robert Warfield.                    His parents are Robert & Chris ne Warfield.  His sponsors are               Alysha Olson and Michael Foltz. 

on September 2 at the 10:30 service, Tory Briana Brown. 

on September 2 at the 10:30 service, Sophia Lillian King.                    Her parents are Tory Brown and Lawrence King.                     Her sponsors are Kelly King and Chris an King. 

on September 22 at the 5:00 service, Jaylin Grace Lucas. Her parents are Jason Lucas and Jolene King.  Her sponsors   are Nicole Tkachuck and Tim Charlton.  

  Parish Records 

  We would love to have photos from      the events at Salem.  If you take any                  

pictures, please send them to:  lynn@slcsycamore.org   

for use in the newsle er.   We would appreciate it!   


 Join the Holy Grounds Team! Looking for members to host the Holy Grounds Hospitality Hour between services on Sundays. Hosting would be approximately every two months. Coffee is prepackaged, just insert in the

system and pour in the water. Training will be provided. Hosts will brew the coffee, maintain supplies, and clean up. We are also looking for donations of light treats each week for this hospitality hour. Contact Judy Milroy:

815/751-3835 (call or text) or judy.milroy@gmail.com


Genoa Intersec ons is a developing faith community            of the ELCA led by Deacon Carla Vana a of Genoa.    

Please contact her if you are interested  in a ending:  815/895‐8521  or   deacon@genoaintersec ons.org           

www.genoaintersec ons.org 

Fall Small Group Study  “A Faith for All Seasons:

Dealing with Life Changes”

October 1, 15, 29 / November 12, 26 7:00‐8:30 p.m. 

NW Medicine Community Room       599 Pearson Drive ‐ Genoa 

If you would like to be part of a group of Salem members who respond with prayer to requests for prayer support, we would love to have you!  Prayer informa on is of course confiden al.  If you are interested, send your e‐mail address to:       

salem@slcsycamore.org  and request to be added to the Prayer Chain Ministry list. 

Join Salem’s email prayer chain! 



Pastor: Rev. Preston C. Fields Deacon: Carla Y. Vanatta Organist: Ron Vanatta Office Secretary: (Office Hours - Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm) Susan McMillan Financial Secretary: Connie C. Brown Part-Time Secretary: Lynn Buckner Nursery Attendant: (Sunday Mornings) Katy Kingren Youth Leader: Nicole (Erickson) Judkins

President: Cindy Graves (815-593-0957) Vice President: Ken Reinhardt (815-895-6724) Secretary: Sue Hermann (815-751-6741) Treasurer: Brandon Johnson (765-337-7997) Melissa Buys Kathy Cain Cindy Graves Sue Herrmann

Claudia Hoffman Lisa Hohlfeld Brandon Johnson Katy Kingren Ken Reinhardt Wanda Sabin Adam Swedberg Steve Worley Carla Vanatta, Deacon Rev. Preston Fields

Please Note: All Council Members can be reached via e-mail using the following format:

FirstName.LastName@slcsycamore.org Please feel free to share your joys and concerns with Salem’s

Officers or with any Council or Staff Member.


Congregational Council - 2018


Check Out Our Website!

www.slcsycamore.org Salem

FMSC Make A Difference DKC Mobile Pack

What is Feed My Starving Children? Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit, Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. They’ve had a four-star rating (the highest rating given) from Charity Navigator for 13 years running. Children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished kids. The meals are shipped to mission partners for distribution in nearly 70 countries around the world. FMSC volunteers like us are packing over 900,000 meals a day and will continue push forward until all are fed. Salem has been involved in this ministry since 2010.

What is MannaPack Rice? With the input of food scientists FMSC developed MannaPack Rice to create the

nearly perfect food for starving kids. Each bag contains six meals and is designed to be extremely cost efficient, with simple and durable packaging that is economical to ship. The ingredients include:

1. Rice, the most widely accepted grain around the world. 2. Extruded soy nuggets, providing maximum protein at a low cost. 3. Vitamins, minerals and a vegetarian flavoring to give growing children the

critical nutrition they need. 4. Dehydrated vegetables for flavor and, well, vegetables are good for you!

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What is our community Mobile Pack Event? Make A Difference DKC (DKC=DeKalb County) brings in all the ingredients and equipment necessary to pack the meals at The Suter Company on Bethany Road on 11/8-11/11. Over these four days we plan to pack over 1,000,000 meals with the help of 4000 volunteers. We’ll raise $275,000 to fund the ingredients with the generous help of God’s family. Sounds daunting? Consider we’ve packed and paid for 7.7 million meals since 2010. This is an event where the entire community

comes together in a common, selfless purpose to get the job done! Salem Packing Dates are Friday 11/9 and Saturday 11/10 from 6:00-8:00 PM.

What can I do? Pray, give and sign up to pack. We will have a participation table in the narthex after services on 11/3 & 11/4. If you will not be in attendance then, contact Jim Sauber for donations and sign up. More Information JimSauber@outlook.com (815) 761-5690 www.makeadifferencedkc.com

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

6:00 pm AA Mee ng 6:30 pm Boy Scout Troop #2810

2 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

10:00 am Staff Mee ng


3 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

5:00 pm Finance Commi ee 5:30 pm Children’s Choir 6:30 pm Confirma on ‐ Service Project 7:00 pm Celebra on Voices

4 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

11:30 am Lunch & Learn ‐ C.L. 5:00 pm SHS Sophomore Pasta Dinner for Team ‐ F.H. 6:15 pm Puppet Praise 7:30 pm Sounds of Grace Bells

5 6 Food Pantry Work Day 5:00 pm Worship

7 20th Sunday After Pentecost 8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Educa on Hour 9:15 am Holy Grounds 9:15 am Bibles & Breakfast Bites 10:30 am Worship 3:00 pm Scout Troop #2810 High Adventure ‐ F.H.

8 Native American Day

Columbus Day

6:00 pm AA Mee ng 6:30 pm Boy Scout Troop #2810

9 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

6:00 pm Execu ve Commi ee

10 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

10:00 am Staff Mee ng

5:30 pm Children’s Choir 6:30 pm Confirma on ‐ Prophets 7:00 pm Celebra on Voices

11 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

11:30 am Lunch & Learn ‐ C.L.

6:15 pm Puppet Praise 7:30 pm Sounds of Grace Bells

12 13 Food Pantry Work Day 5:00 pm Worship ‐ Blessing of the Animals and their Caretakers

14 21th Sunday After Pentecost Home Communion

Blood Pressure Checks 8:00 am Worship ‐ Blessing of the Animals and their Caretakers 9:15 am Educa on Hour 9:15 am Holy Grounds 9:15 am 1st Mee ng Inspired Book Group #1 ‐ C.L. 10:30 am Worship ‐ Blessing of the Animals and their Caretakers 11:30 am Confirma on Rehearsal

5:30 pm Johnson Farm Corn Maze


6:00 pm AA Mee ng 6:30 pm Boy Scout Troop #2810 6:30 pm 1st Mee ng Braving the Wilderness Book Group #1 Holy Grounds Coffee Area

16 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

National Boss’ Day

9:30 am NE Conference ‐ Belvidere

6:30 pm Parke Victory 4H 6:30 pm 1st Mee ng Inspired Book Group #2 Holy Grounds Coffee Area 7:00 pm COUNCIL

17 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

10:00 am Staff Mee ng 5:30 pm Children’s Choir 6:30 pm AYSO Board ‐ C.L. 6:30 pm Confirma on ‐ Psalms 7:00 pm Celebra on Voices 7:00 pm 1st Mee ng Inspired Book Group #3 Holy Grounds Coffee Area

18 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

 11:30 am Lunch & Learn ‐ C.L.

6:15 pm Puppet Praise 6:30 pm 1st Mee ng Braving the Wilderness Book Group #2 Holy Grounds Coffee Area 7:00 pm Boy Scout Commi ee 7:30 pm Sounds of Grace Bells

19 20 Food Pantry Work Day

5:00 ‐ 7:00 pm Cub Scout Pack #118

Spaghe Dinner Fundraiser ‐ F.H.

5:00 pm Worship

21 22nd Sunday After Pentecost

8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Educa on Hour 9:15 am Holy Grounds 9:15 am Bibles & Breakfast Bites 10:30 am Worship ‐ Confirma on / GRACE Service 11:45 am Sunday School Decora ng Pumpkins‐F.H.


6:00 pm AA Mee ng 6:30 pm Boy Scout Troop #2810

23 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

10:00 am Staff Mee ng 6:00 pm High School Youth Group

24 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

5:30 pm Children’s Choir 7:00 pm Celebra on Voices

25 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

11:30 am Lunch & Learn ‐ C.L.

6:15 pm Puppet Praise 7:30 pm Sounds of Grace Bells

26 27 Food Pantry Work Day 10:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm Old North Grove School Open House

5:00 pm Reforma on Fes val Worship

28 Reformation Sunday

8:00 am Worship

No Sunday School No 10:30 Worship 


6:00 pm AA Mee ng 6:30 pm Boy Scout Troop #2810

30 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

10:00 am Staff Mee ng

31 Food Pantry Open 9:00‐11:45 am

2018 October

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