6 unit 3 language in use. language practice it allows people to get closer to them. we all need to...

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Unit 3 Language in use

Language practice

It allows people to get closer to them.

We all need to help animals live in peace.

Let’s find out what else we can do to save

as many animals as possible.

In order to protect pandas in the wild,

the government is setting up nature


1 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 They let the elephants...

2 We want the animals…

3 We should not allow the situation…

4 Help us…

5 They came here…

a)… to help.

b)… to become


c)… plant more


d)…live in the nature


e)…to be safe






2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

develop feed make save telldevelop feed make save tell

They are working hard to make a better life for


1.The government is trying__________ plans to

protect animals in danger.

to develop

2. He sent an email __________ people what

was happening.

3. In order_________ pandas, people will grow

more bamboo in the mountains.

4. The zoo asks us not __________the animals.

to tell

to save

to feed

3 Complete the sentences. How many different sentences can you make?

1. I went to the nature park to…

2. They asked the children…

3. Let’s help them…

4. We want..

Pair work

4 Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.

a) Shall we meet d) to see a filmb) to ask me e) will it startc) to protect them

a) Shall we meet d) to see a filmb) to ask me e) will it startc) to protect them

Tony: Hi, Tony speaking.Daming: Hi, Tony. It’s Daming. Do you want (1) ___ this evening?Tony: Oh, it’s very nice of you (2) ______. What’s the film about?


Daming: It’s about animals in danger, and what the government is doing (3)_______ .Tony: Oh, I’d like to see it. I’m doing my homework about that. What time (4) _____?Daming: At eight O’clock.Tony: So what time (5) _________?Daming: At half past seven, outside the school gate.Tony: Ok. See you then.Daming: See you.

Then act it out in pairs.




6 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

believe make protect stop think believe make protect stop think

Tigers are beautiful animals,

but they are in danger. It is

hard (1) _________that there

are only about one hundred

South China tigers left on earth

- and few live in the wild. Why is the situatio


to believe

so serious? What should we do (2) ________ th

e tigers? People need (3) ________about these q

uestions carefully.

(4)_________ it easier for the tigers to live, we

should protect their homes in the wild. We shou

ld work hard (5) __________people killing tiger

s. If we can do these things well, there will be m

ore tigers on earth.

to protect

to think

To make

to stop

7 Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

in danger in order to in peace in the wildin danger in order to in peace in the wild

1. Animals in many places around the world


2.We can help animals live safely ___________.

3. Let’s leave the animals in nature


4. We must try hard __________ save animals.

in danger

in the wild

in peace

in order to

8 Listen and complete the poster. Wildlife Club 1 We started this club because we want to . 2 We started this club in order to . 3 We would like more students to . 4 We want to decide . 5 We need to tell people about .

help animals in danger

get more ideas

come to our meetings

which kind of animal to help

animals in danger

9 Read the email and choose the correct answer. FROM: Sally TO: Ms. Jones SUBJECT: My summer holiday in England Dear Ms. Jones, How are you? I hope you are having a good summer. I am having a great time here in the south of England. Yesterday, we visited Marwell Wildlife - a zoo near the south coast. The zoo helps wild animals in danger. We saw many kinds of animals there. There are giraffes and elephants.

They even have penguins.

There are lots of scientists working at the zoo.

They do important research to find out the

best ways to protect animals. They also

develop plans to help animals in danger.

I will tell you more about it when I see you

after the holiday.



1 Sally is writing to her ________.

a) aunt b) teacher c) friend

2 Marwell Wildlife helps _________.

a) animals in danger b) scientists c) visitors

3 Scientists do research about _______.

a) feeding

b) working with animals

c) protecting animals




Animals in danger Many animals around the world are in danger. Here are two examples.The blue whale lives in oceans around the world. It is the largest animal in the world but it feeds on one of the smallest animals. Some people kill the whales. There may be only 3,000 blue whales left.

The wild Bactrian camel lives in Mongolia

and the northwest of China. It is a large

camel, and the only kind of camel in the

world with two humps. There are only about

1,000 Bactrian camel left in the wild.驼峰

blue whale 蓝鲸

wild Bactrian camel 野生双峰驼

10 Work in groups. Discuss what you want

people to know about the wildlife club:

what animals you are going to help

when you are going to meet

what you are going to do

where you are going to meet

Module task Making a plan to set up a wildlife club

11 Make a poster about your wildlife club.

12 Pair work. Find out about the animals you want to help and add the information to the poster to make it more interesting.

You can refer to the following information:

Name Asian elephant 亚洲象

homelive in India, also in other countries as well ( 也 )

Quantity / Number

might be 35,000

relationship ( 关系 ) with people

many elephants work for people

1.I am having a great time here in the south

of England.

我现在在英格兰南部玩得很开心。 having a great time “ ”玩的开心,过得愉快 同义词还有: have a good time, have fun,

enjoy oneself.

e.g. The children are having a great time playing

games in the park.

孩子们在公园里玩的很开心 !

Language points

2. Many animals around the world are in danger. 全世界的很多动物都濒临灭绝。 around the world 译为“环游世界;世界 各地;全世界”。 同义表达有: all over the world. e.g. If he made a lot of money, he will to travel around the world. 如果他赚了很多钱 , 他就会去周游世界。 He said he expects a series of fiscal crises to hit around the world. 他说 , 他预计全世界将发生一连串的财政危机。

一 . 将下列句子变成完整的句子。e.g. it / good / read / that /.

1. it / nice / see / her /.

2. it / bad / say / that /.

It is good to read that.

It is nice to see her.

It is bad to say that.


3. I / sad / find out / about the panda /.

4. he / happy / see / pandas/.

5. we / surprised / learn that /.

6. I / sad / not / know / about the

panda /.

I am sad to find out about the panda.

He is happy to see pandas.

We are surprised to learn that.

I am sad not to know about the panda.

feed kill make see show stop tell

They are working _______ a better

life for the panda.

1. We are trying _____ people about

animals in danger.

2. He is making a poster _______ people

about animals in danger.


to make

to show

to tell

3. People will grow bamboo in the forests

______ panda.

4. A plan _______ people killing

pandas in now ready.

5. They want people not ______


6. Lingling’s school had a trip _____


to feed

to stop

to kill

to see

1. 我们需要更好地学习。 We need _____________. 2. 多些阅读是有好处的。 It’s good ______________.3. 保护动物是重要的。 It’s important ________________.4. 我希望看见大熊猫。 I hope ________________.5. 他有许多事要做。 He has _________________.

to study better

to read more

to protect animals

to see pandas

many things to do



Work with your classmates and

make plans to set up a club to

protect the wild animals.

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