5management system · 2012-12-31 · operations j5 management system oms operations j5 management...

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(C) 2009 St James Software Limited IOM www.s jsoft .com

OMSOperationsManagement Systemj5 OMS

OperationsManagement Systemj5

j5 OMS Specificationsj5 OMS is an Enterprise Application Interface (EAN) that manages the Operations in Industrial Sites.

j5 OMS is the market leader in Operations Management and has been chosen by respected Engineering Companies at facilities such as PDVSA, Siemens, Aramco, Chevron, Cheniere, Calpine, Oklahoma Pipelines, Austra-lian Railways, PetroRabigh and Anglo Platinum.

The j5 system is used by hundreds of companies worldwide, having been deployed in many cases by well respected system integrators such as Invensys, Aspen Technology and other international professional engineering companies.

Due to the industrially robust interconnection standards employed within j5 OMS, a number of 'integrated solutions' have been developed and deployed in many applications. The list of applications is continuously being extended (see www.sjsoft.com for the current comprehensive list) and includes the following: j5 OMS ~ IntelaTrac (Wonderware Mobile Solutions); ArchestrA; Avantis; Maximo; OSISoft PI: SAP; MS Office; and various DCS, Web Service, PLC, OPC devices.

Unlike in-house developed applications using Excel, wikis and generic database programs, the j5 OMS comprises a complete and comprehensive suite of tightly integrated operations applications in an extensible frame-work.

The diagram on the top right shows the major aspects of the j5 OMS offering. A more detailed description of these aspects can be found on the back of this page.

Typical Uses of the j5 OMSThe j5 OMS is used in a wide range of Industrial and General Operations Environments through many types of applications and different users, for example:

Corporate Users develop Enterprise wide j5 applications that overcome the limitations in their spreadsheet based solutions.Industrial Users (for example, in Petrochemical, Power or Utility facilities) use one of the "Off the Shelf" applications in their environ-ment. (See the table of Applications on the right.)Industrial or General users quickly develop a custom application using the powerful tools that are built into the j5 OMS System.

j5 Logbook: Just one of the j5 OMS portfolio of more than 50 ApplicationsThe j5 Logbook is a corporate wide electronic logbook designed for Industrial Operating Conditions. It replaces the paper-based logbook that is typically situated in most control rooms or technical and maintenance workshops.

The j5 Logbook can service many hundreds of users in different areas of the process and will link seamlessly with other j5 OMS applications like the j5 Handover Logs, Shift Reports, Inspection Rounds, Laboratory Records etc.

j5 Specifications

j5 OMS Applications

Example of j5 OMS Logbook Application

stjamessoftwarej(C) 2009 St James Software Limited IOM www.s jsoft .com

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Zero-client (no need to load software on client machines) Intranet and Web Based Enterprise Entry and Distribution of logging information via Web Server Software. (Internal, Apache and IIS)Scalable from single to many hundreds of clients using standard html technology.Hardware (using Stratus) and Software Redundancy Solution including warm and hot switchover support.Sizing depends on numbers of users. Support for multi-processors, VMWare virtual Machines.Windows Variants include XP, Windows 2000, 2003 Server, Vista, Windows 7. Linux systems include Red Hat, Ubuntu.Any hardware that supports IE6 (and later), Firefox or Safari web browsers.Supports MS SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, SQLite(included), PostGreSQL and MySQL. Supports multiple databases simultaneously and also local or remote databases.

Tab based, drill down forms that are 100% con�gurable. I.e. Layout and �elds in the form are easily con�gured to meet the Application Requirement. Summary, Expanded and other formats supported.Options may be con�gured for each �eld, or may be retrieved from a hierarchical database table (e.g. Maximo). Colours and styling may be set per option and options may be user-sensitive. One-touch con�gurable �lters, ad-hoc �lters, hierarchial �lters and role based �lters are supported.Noti�cations via email/sms and also pop-up tabs.Unlimited number of attachments (xls, doc, pdf and graphic �les) per log.Built-in Auditing. Auditing per log and also by Auditing Journal.Logs may have multiple sublogs. (Nested Logs) E.g. Incident Report Log may have multiple Action sublogs.Enforced operations and steps through the built-in Work Flow Management. Flexible control via Scripting.Inbuilt support for multiple languages (e.g. Spanish, Japanese.)

Fast, simple creation of Applications via the built-in, web based "�ll in the blanks" on-line con�gurator. Con�gurator supports user-con�gurable �elds, summary and overview layouts, options, �lters, permissions etc.Pre-con�gured modules to support emailing, options, shift crews, personnel, scheduling, reporting etc.

Web based Administration of all modules. E.g. Group and User Permissions, Resources, Performance, Licensing, Version control, Logging, Applications etc.Web based Management of Databases. Connections, Table Structures, Data Viewing and Modifying. Importing and Exporting of Data.Access control via Groups at the Application, Forms and Table and Field levels. Support for Active Directory and LDAP. Support for ACL functions via Tokens.Web based Management of Databases, Connection to Real-time systems, Web Services, Emailing, Scheduling, Logging (�lterable via severity.)

Simple, Powerful Scripting Interface that is activated by Events. Scripts are often as small as 2 lines.Custom Graphical Interface and Styling using standard html and templating languages.Comprehensive support for WorkFlow management via the In-built scripting (Python) facility.

j5 Framework supports an unlimited number of plug in modules. In-built connectivity between modules.Third party interaction with the j5 System via standard Web Services. (Simple I/F development with SOAPUI)Connectors to multiple local and remote OPC Interfaces. GUI con�guration support links directly to cells. Direct links to PI, Tango, Wonderware, MacroView and other applications.Tight connectivity solution for Wonderware Intelatrac. Field entered logs connect directly to j5.Support for Importing from Spreadsheets, Connection to Spreadsheets, Export to SpreadsheetsBi-directional data transfer to Enterprise Modules like Maximo, SAP, Planning Applications, LIMS systems etc.

Flat and hierarchial Data Structures. Internal and external (e.g. Maximo, SAP) structures.Fast, simple creation of reports. Scheduling and Emailing of reports in pdf, spreadsheet or html format. Ability to create complex reports. Parameter entry for Reports.Management of Shift Crews, emails, phone numbers, supervisors, positions etc. (These are actively linked through to the di�erent modules.) Managed by Authorized Operating Personnel.In-built Historian and Calculation Engine. (Stores and Manipulates OPC data for reports and specialized custom graphics and dashboards.) Event driven addition of Logs.

Extensive portfolio of more than 50 Business and Process applications available. Pre-packaged applications like Logbook and Handover Reports available as standard.In-built applications that manage scheduling, emails, pdf, reports, personnel, crews, options, opc etc.General Logbooks, Handover Logs, Planning Systems, Oil Movements, Shutdown Management, Pipeline Management, Ship Unloading, Human Resources Manage-ment, Laboratory Management, Operating Procedures, Work Request Management, Incident Reporting, Inspection Rounds, Calibration Records etc.General Logbooks, Handover Logs, Federal Reports, NERC Reports, Maintenance Logs, Incident Reports, Inspection Rounds, Environmental Reports, Shift Reports, Power Dispatching etc.General Logbooks, Shift Reports, Hazard Management, Action Management, Issue Management, Incident Management, Workforce Tracking, Satellite Management, Weather Monitoring, Water/Wastewater applications, Quality Management, Issue Management, Testing Framework, Field Data Collection Systems, Knowledge Systems, Order Books etc.

Fast (within 2 days) prototyping service to evaluate feasibility of proposed systems.Simple speci�cation questionnaires for quick answers. Joint customer/vendor speci�cation services. Rigourous milestone driven sequential project management. Plan follows pre-de�ned phases: User Requirement Speci�cation, Implementation, FAT, SAT, Go Live, Support phases.Follows the Agile Methodology which maintains close, frequent customer interaction check points.Comprehensive, Automated Testing Framework enables daily testing phase. Automated testing at FAT, SAT stages which supports regression testing. (Full Version Control Support). On-line Testing Portal.User Training, Super User Training, Train the Trainer Courses, Con�guration and Administration Training. On-site and WebEX training course o�ered. Types of support, Remote Support, backups, image support, version control, Issue Management and FeedbackUser Manuals, (Tailored to Customer Implementation), Engineering and Administration Manuals (in pdf, doc and mindmap format), Best Practices and Use Case Documents.

Based on (i) The number of concurrent users connected to the system and (ii) the application chosen byt the end user.Based on (i) the number of concurrent users connected to the system and (ii) the applications chosen by the end user and (iii) the customer service requirements.Simple, inexpensive Escrow is available.Isle of Man, USA, UK, South Africa, Australia*, Japan*, India*. (* Indicates Distributors.)


ScalabilityRedundancyServer HardwareServer O/SClient Hardware/SoftwareDatabasesPresentationLayout

Options and Defaults

FiltersNoti�cationsAttachmentsAuditingHierarchial StructureWork Flow ManagementLanguagesCon�gurationQuick Log Con�guration

Pre-con�gured ModulesSystem AdminServer Admin GUIDatabase GUISecurityResourcesDevelopment SystemScripting InterfaceCustom PresentationsCustom Work�owConnectivityModule ScalabilityWebServicesReal-Time Connectors

Mobile ConnectivitySpreadsheetsEnterprise ModulesOther ModulesStandard ModulesOptionsReportingPersonnel

Data Reactor

ApplicationsGeneralStandard ModulesPetrochemical

Power and Utilities


ServicesPrototypingSpeci�cationsProject Management



CommercialLicensingProject PricingEscrowO�ces

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