55th anniversary banquet

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五十五周年院慶餐舞會 55th Anniversary Banquet

To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College, the College Alumni Association and the College Staff Association have jointly organised a banquet on 30 March 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin. The Organising Committee used “半百晉五迎韶華”

as the theme of the 55th anniversary banquet, intending to bring together members of the College and their friends to march forward with United College. (P. 4)


五十五周年院慶餐舞會已於 2012 年 3 月 30 日假香港



聯合書院一起向前邁進。 (P. 4)

P. 6

洽蕙藝文 訪問學人活動 Hop Wai Visiting Fellow in Art and Culture 2011-2012 Activities

P. 5

南北果洲香港地質公園海上遊 Boat Trip to Hong Kong GeoPark—Ninepin Islands

P. 10

高爾夫球基礎班 Basic Golf Class

第三十四卷第十期 2012 年 5 月 15 日 No. 10 Volume 34 15 May 2012


學生消息 Student News

本院學生榮獲 2011 至 2012 年度傑出學生服務獎 United College Students Won the Hong Kong Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2011-2012 8

本院學生勇奪全國英語演講比賽亞軍 College Student Won First Runner Up in National English Speaking Competition 8

本院同學獲特區政府獎學金 UC Students Receive HKSAR Scholarships 9

本院女子划艇隊奪冠 College Women’s Rowing Team Won Championship 9

聯合書院國際演講會 United College Toastmasters Club 9

粵語辯論隊獲中大五角賽亞軍 Cantonese Debate Team Won First-runner-up Title in the Pentagonal Debate Competition 10

高爾夫球基礎班 Basic Golf Class 10

書院院隊運動員周年聚餐 UC Annual Dinner for College Sports Teams 10

考試期間送贈生果 Fresh Fruit for UC Students 10

2012 年書院畢業同學惜別會 2012 Graduation Class Farewell Assembly 11

語文改善計劃——「實用廣東話」課程 Language Improvement Project—Course on Practical Cantonese 11

順風計劃——宿生退宿義載服務 Hitch-offer Campaign—in aid of residents moving out of student hostels 11

學生宿舍 2011 至 2012 年度住宿期終結 End of 2011-2012 Hostel Residence 12

書院環保學會退宿回收大行動 UC Environmental Protection Society—Recycling Programme for Residents Moving out of the Hostels 12

2012-2013 年度聯合書院住宿獎學金申請 UC Hostel Residence Scholarships Application 2012-2013 12

聯合書院儲物箱 Lockers at United College 13

思源文娛中心考試期間特別優惠 Special Promotion of Si Yuan Amenities Centre During Examination Period 13

教職員消息 Staff News

書院午餐講座 College Luncheon Talk 13

教職員太極及健身氣功班 (陳式太極及八段錦氣功)UC Staff Taichi and Qigong Course (Chen-style Taichi & Baduanjin Qigong) 13

禮任 Courtesy Appointments 14

升任 Advancement 14

大學長期服務獎 The University’s Long Service Award 2012 14

2012-2013 年度學生校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃 (修訂申請日期:2-18/5/2012) Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme for 2012-2013 (Revised application period: 2-18/5/2012)


本院成員獲頒國家教育部獎項 College Member Received Award from Ministry of Education 15

本院成員的研究計劃獲撥款 College Member Received Research Grants 15

本院成員獲研究所獎學金 College Member Awarded Fellowship 15

校友消息 Alumni News

聯合書院校友會會員招募 United College Alumni Association: Call for Membership 15

海外校友回歸團 Overseas Alumni Tour 16

校友宿舍生活重溫營 Alumni Homecoming Camp 16

聯合書院舊校遊 Visit to United College Old Campus 17

服務消息 Service News

思源文娛中心暫停開放 Si Yuan Amenities Centre Closed for Maintenance 17

書院膳堂管理委員會特別通告 Special Notice from the College Canteen Management Committee 17

下期《聯合動態》截稿日期 Next Issue of United News 17

書院生活預覽 College Event Calendar 15/5/2012 – 15/7/2012 18

光輝聯合人︰聯合校友歐錦豪先生 Glorious United Man: Mr Au Kam-ho, United College Alumnus 19

校園消息 College News

校董會會議消息 News from the College Board of Trustees 3

第一百一十二次院務委員會會議 112th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows 3

署理院長任命 Appointment of Acting Head 3

余濟美教授獲薦出任聯合書院院長 Professor Jimmy C M Yu is recommended to be the Head of United College 3

聯合書院五十五周年院慶餐舞會 United College 55th Anniversary Banquet 4

書院聚會:學苑紅豆粵曲欣賞會 College Assembly: Cantonese Operatic Songs Performance 4

書院聚會:「下一站:牛津——羅德學人在聯合」College Assembly: "Next Station is Oxford—Rhodes Scholars at United College" 5

南北果洲香港地質公園海上遊 Boat Trip to Hong Kong GeoPark—Ninepin Islands 5

本院藝術顧問獲大學頒授榮譽院士 College Art Advisor Was Conferred CUHK Honorary Fellowship 6

洽蕙藝文訪問學人活動 Hop Wai Visiting Fellow in Art and Culture 2011-2012 Activities 6

書院校董到訪書院 College Trustee Visited United College 7

青島職業技術學院訪問聯合書院 Qingdao Technical College Visited United College 7

上海大學社區學院訪問聯合書院 Shanghai University Residential College Visited United College 7

思源文娛中心消息——香檳及汽酒工作坊 Si Yuan Amenities Centre—Workshop on Champagne and Sparkling Wine 7

本院學生及校友榮獲尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金 College Students and Alumni Received Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships & Scholarships 8

聯合書院官方臉書專頁 Official Facebook Page of United College 8




校董會會議消息 News from the College Board of Trustees 書院校董會第七十一次會議將於 2012 年 6 月 7 日(星期四)下午 5 時 30 分假聯合書院曾肇添樓二樓校董會議室舉


The 71st Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday, 7 June 2012 at 5:30 pm at the College Board

Room, 2/F, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College.

署理院長任命 Appointment of Acting Head

院長馮國培教授於 2012 年 4 月 30 日休假,上述期間由副院長兼通識教育副主任張雙慶教授出任署理院長。

Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, was on leave on 30 April 2010. Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate College Head and Associate Dean of General Education, was the Acting Head during the above period.

第一百一十二次院務委員會會議 112th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows 第一百一十二次院務委員會會議將於 2012 年 5 月 18 日(星期五)上午 11 時假聯合書院曾肇添樓二樓校董會議室舉


The 112th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows will be held on Friday, 18 May 2012 at 11:00 am in the College Board

Room, 2/F, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College.

余濟美教授獲薦出任聯合書院院長 Professor Jimmy C M Yu is recommended to be the Head of United College 現任聯合書院院長、生物醫學學院馮國培教授的任期將於 2012 年 7 月 31 日屆滿,根據《香港中文大學條例》規程九



會推薦聯合書院副院長兼通識教育主任及化學系余濟美教授,於 2012 年 8 月 1 日起繼馮國培教授出任聯合書院院長。

余濟美教授將於 5 月下旬起分別與學生、教職員、校友及校董公開會面,詳情如下:

The current term of office of Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Professor in the School of Biomedical Sciences, as Head of United College will expire on 31 July 2012. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Statute 9 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, Professor Fung has served as Head of United College for three consecutive terms with an aggregate period of ten years and is not eligible for re-appointment. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Statute 9, a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor and consisting a representative of United College Board of Trustees and six Fellows elected by the Assembly of Fellows, shall recommend Professor Jimmy C M Yu of Department of Chemistry, Associate Head and Dean of General Education of United College to succeed Professor Fung Kwok-pui to be the Head of United College from 1 August 2012.

Professor Jimmy C M Yu will meet with students, staff, alumni and trustees respectively in open forums from late May. Details are as follow:

與學生公開會面 Open forum with students 日期 Date: 2012 年 5 月 23 日(星期三) Wednesday, 23 May 2012

時間 Time: 3:00 pm

地點 Venue: 聯合書院陳震夏宿舍十樓大堂 10/F Lobby, Chan Chun Ha Hostel, United College

與教職員公開會面 Open forum with staff

日期 Date: 2012 年 5 月 23 日(星期三) Wednesday, 23 May 2012

時間 Time: 5:00 pm

地點 Venue: 聯合書院張祝珊師生康樂大樓三樓文怡閣 Staff Common Room, 3/F, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building, United College

與校友公開會面 Open forum with alumni 日期 Date: 2012 年 6 月 2 日(星期六) Saturday, 2 June 2012

時間 Time: 11:30 am

地點 Venue: 聯合書院曾肇添樓四樓 405 室校友室 Alumni Room, Room 405, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College

與校董公開會面 Open forum with trustees

日期 Date: 2012 年 6 月 7 日(星期四) Thursday, 7 June 2012

時間 Time: 6:30 pm

地點 Venue: 聯合書院曾肇添樓二樓校董會議室 College Board Room, 2/F, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College



聯合書院五十五周年院慶餐舞會 United College 55th Anniversary Banquet


舞會已於 2012 年 3 月 30 日假香港沙田凱悅酒店舉行。今年籌委會以










To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College, the College Alumni Association and the College Staff

Association have jointly organised a banquet on 30 March 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin. The Organising Committee used “半百晉五迎韶華” as the theme of the 55

th anniversary banquet, intending to bring

together members of the College and their friends to march forward with United College. Dr Vincent H C Cheng, Chairman of the Council of CUHK and Professor Joseph J Y Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, were the Honorary Patrons of the event. Also gracing the occasion were Dr Thomas H C Cheung, Acting Chairman of the College Board

of Trustees and Chairman of the College 55th Anniversary Banquet

Organising Committee; Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Head of United College; former Vice-Chancellors of CUHK including Professor Charles K Kao, Professor Arthur K C Li, Professor Lawrence J Lau; former Heads of United College including Professor Chen Tien-chi, Professor Lee Cheuk-yu, Professor Wong Kwan-yiu; and over 200 guests including trustees of the College, officers of the University, alumni as well as friends of the College. Participants enjoyed the Q&A game that brought memorable moments of the College’s history over the past 55 years. Ms Elisa Chan, the celebrated songstress was also invited to perform on this special occasion. All guests had enjoyed a grand night of joyous wining, dining and dancing.

書院聚會:學苑紅豆粵曲欣賞會 College Assembly: Cantonese Operatic Songs Performance


校友會於 2012 年 4 月 17 日書院聚會時間假邵逸夫堂合辦「學苑紅豆粵





To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United

College, the College and the College Alumni Association jointly organised the Cantonese Operatic Songs Performance at the College Assembly at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 17 April 2012. Professor Andrew C F Chan, Head of Shaw College, and College alumni, Ms Lina H Y Yan, Ms Cheng Fung-ping, Mr Nelson S H Yip, Mr Yau Ying-sum and Mr Henry Luk performed several Chinese operatic songs. Professor Yu Siu-wah, Department of Music, and Professor Andrew C F Chan led the audience to appreciate the beauty of Cantonese operatic songs. This activity also helped to raise funds for “Fund for Art and Culture Immersion” for the development on the art and cultural activities of the College.



書院聚會:「下一站:牛津——羅德學人在聯合」 College Assembly: "Next Station is Oxford—Rhodes Scholars at United College"




書院於 2012 年 4 月 19 日在大學邵逸夫堂舉行書院聚會,








在書院時間環節中,院長馮國培教授致送致賀狀予以下獲獎老師及同學,包括翻譯系鄭善群教授榮獲英國杜倫大學高級研究硏究所獎學金、潘慧儀同學榮獲 2011-2012 傑出學生服務獎、張浣琪同學榮獲國際演講會嘉許及翁臧曄同學榮


The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest and one of the most prestigious international fellowships. Thirteen CUHK graduates were awarded the Scholarship and furthered their studies at the University of Oxford, making CUHK the local university with most Rhodes Scholars. Seven of them are graduates of United College.

A College Assembly was held on 19 April 2012 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the University. The topic of the College Assembly was “Next Station is Oxford—Rhodes Scholars at United College”. The College was honoured to have Professor Jeremiah Wong, Senior College Tutor (right picture: far left), to be our guest moderator. Three United

College Rhodes Scholars, Mr William Wong (right picture: 2

nd left), Ms Amanda Lee (right picture: 2

nd right) and Ms

Evelyn Chan (right picture: far right), shared with the audience how they equipped themselves in their undergraduate studies, their first-hand experiences as Rhodes Scholars in Oxford University, their career development and life path, etc. The sharing was well received by over five hundred staff and students of the College.

At the “College Session” of the Assembly, Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, congratulated on stage Professor Cheng Sin-kwan of the Department of Translation, a recipient of the “Institute of Advanced Study Fellowship” of Durham University, UK; Miss Poon Wai-yi Joanna, a recipient of the “Outstanding Service Award for Tertiary Students 2011-2012”; Miss Cheung Hon-ki Viola, a recipient of “Competent Communicator Award” from Toastmasters International; and Mr Weng Zang-ye, a recipient of “The 9

th CU Speech

Contest Champion (Non-Native Cantonese Section)”.

南北果洲香港地質公園海上遊 Boat Trip to Hong Kong GeoPark—Ninepin Islands




遊」已於 2012 年 4 月 1 日舉








Co-organised by the College Staff Association, College Life Committee, and College Alumni Association, a one-day boat trip to Hong Kong GeoPark (Ninepin Islands) was held on 1 April 2012. The tour was well-received by 125 staff members, alumni and their families. College member, Professor Lam Kin-che, Department of Geography and Resource Management, was the honorary leader. The participants cruised around the South and North Ninepin Islands by boat to appreciate the spectacular jagged rocks of the islands. After enjoying a rich seafood lunch at Po Toi O, Sai Kung, participants boarded the Tung Lung Chau to appreciate the stunning natural environment and tasted delicious local food.



本院藝術顧問獲大學頒授榮譽院士 College Art Advisor Was Conferred CUHK Honorary Fellowship

本院藝術顧問利漢楨教授獲頒授香港中文大學第十一屆榮譽院士,頒授典禮已於 2012 年 5 月

14 日下午 5 時假大學利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳舉行。書院同仁謹致衷心祝賀!

Professor Hon-ching Lee, Art Advisor of the College, was conferred CUHK’s Honorary Fellowship in recognition of his significant contributions to the University and College as well as his other outstanding achievements. The Conferment Ceremony was held on 14 May 2012 at 5:00 pm in Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building. Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Lee!

洽蕙藝文訪問學人活動 Hop Wai Visiting Fellow in Art and Culture 2011-2012 Activities

國際著名畫家 Robert R Dozono 先生應聯合書院及崇基學院邀請,擔任 2011

-2012 年度洽蕙藝文訪問學人,已於 2012 年 4 月 21 至 5 月 13 日到訪書院,

展開一連串的活動,包括 Robert R Dozono 先生繪畫示範及藝術中與西──


由聯合書院、崇基學院及文物館合辦的「Robert R Dozono 素描繪畫展」已

於 2012 年 4 月 26 日假崇基學院行政樓大堂舉行開幕禮。當日蒙訪問藝術家

Robert R Dozono 先生、兩院藝術顧問利漢楨教授、聯合書院院長馮國培教




由書院生活委員會及文化藝術委員會合辦的午餐講座已於 2012 年 5 月 10 日

假文怡閣舉行,Robert R Dozono 先生以「為什麼我會以廢物作畫?」為題,



United College and Chung Chi College jointly invited Mr Robert R Dozono to be the Hop Wai Visiting Fellow in Art and Culture 2011-2012. A series of art activities had been organised during his visit from 21 April to 13 May 2012, which included drawing and water color workshops of Art East and West—Portrait (II) and demonstrations on drawing given by Mr Robert R Dozono.

The exhibition “Drawings & Paintings by Robert R Dozono”, co-organised by United College, Chung Chi College and Art Museum of the CUHK, was also officially opened on 26 April 2012. Mr Robert R Dozono, Hop Wai Visiting Fellow in Art and Culture 2011-2012, Professor Lee Hon-ching, Art Advisor of United College and Chung Chi College, Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Head of United College, Professor Leung Yuen-sang, Head

of Chung Chi College, Professor Lam Yip-keung, Director of Art Museum and Professor Leung Yee, Chairman, Chung Chi College 60

th Anniversary

Organising Committee, officiated the opening ceremony. It was delighted to have officers of the University and College, as well as alumni to be the guests of the ceremony.

Co-organised by College Life Committee and Task Force on Arts and Culture, the College Luncheon Talk was held on 10 May 2012 at the College Staff Common Room. Mr Robert R Dozono delivered a talk on “Why I Paint on Trash Items? ”.

The activities are sponsored by Hop Wai Arts and Cultural Development Fund.

Robert R Dozono 先生於展覽開幕禮致辭。 The address by Mr Robert R Dozono at the opening ceremony of exhibition.

Robert R Dozono 先生於工作坊內向

參加者講解水彩顏色的運用。 Mr Robert R Dozono briefed the participants on the use of watercolor during the workshop.

Robert R Dozono 先生(前排


合照。 Mr Robert R Dozono (6th right, front row) and Professor Lee Hon-ching (7th left, front row), Art Advisor of United College, pose a group photos with colleagues of the College.

Robert R Dozono 先生主講午餐講座。 A snapshot of the luncheon talk.



青島職業技術學院訪問聯合書院 Qingdao Technical College Visited United College

青島職業技術學院姜福金教授(左二)率領的訪問團於 2012 年

4 月 11 日到訪本院,了解書院制度及宿舍管理工作,由助理


The delegation of Qingdao Technical College, led by Professor Jiang Fujin (2

nd left), visited the College to learn

about the collegiate system and hostel management on 11 April 2012. Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary (centre), received the delegation.

書院校董到訪書院 College Trustee Visited United College 本院校董吳朱蓮芬女士(中)及嘉賓丁健華先生(右三)

和江慶恩先生(左二)於 2012 年 4 月 24 日到訪書院,




College Trustee, Mrs Ng Chu Lien-fan (centre), and guests Mr Francis Ting (3

rd right) and Mr Alex Kong


left), visited the College on 24 April 2012. Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head; Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate College Head and Associate Dean of General Education; Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary; and Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary, received them and led them to tour around the campus.

聯合書院思源文娛中心會所管理委員會於 2012 年 4

月 12 日舉辦香檳及汽酒工作坊,由思源文娛中心會



United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Club Management Committee organised a Workshop on Champagne and Sparkling Wine on 12 April 2012. Professor Eliza C Y Tse, Chairlady of the College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Club Management Committee cum Professor of the School of Hotel & Tourism Management, conducted the workshop. Over 30 students, staff and alumni attended.

思源文娛中心消息——香檳及汽酒工作坊 Si Yuan Amenities Centre—Workshop on Champagne and Sparkling Wine

上海大學社區學院訪問聯合書院 Shanghai University Residential College Visited United College


於 2012 年 5 月 8 日到訪本院,由副院長兼通識教育



The delegation of Shanghai University Residential College, led by Ms Wu Quoqin (4

th right), visited the

College on 8 May 2012. Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate College Head and Associate Dean of General Education (4

th left), and

Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary (far right), received the delegation.




本院學生及校友榮獲尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金 College Students and Alumni Received Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships & Scholarships

本院四名學生和兩名校友榮獲 2011 至 2012 年度尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金及研究生獎學金。黃蘇晗同學(內外全科醫




Four College students and two alumni were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships and Fellowships in year 2011-2012. College students, Ms Wong Suhan Emily (MEDU/5), Ms Kong Wan-yiu Michel (COMM/2), Ms Cheung Hiu-hung (SOCI/1) received Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships, while Ms Ma Yuet-kwan (PSYC/2) received Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships for Disabled Students. College alumni, Mr Lien Feng Pierre (10/ENG) and Ms Tam Chor-wing Jacqueline (09/BCHE), were awarded Sir Edward Youde Memorial Honorary Fellowships and Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships for Disabled Students respectively. Our heartfelt congratulations to all of them!

本院學生勇奪全國英語演講比賽亞軍 College Student Won First Runner Up in National English Speaking Competition

本院學生葉浩朗同學(計量金融學/四)於 2012 年 4 月 8 日參加由中國日報社及二十一世紀英文報系


College Student, Mr Yip Ho-long (QFIN/4) won the first runner-up in the “21st Century” National

English Speaking Competition, co-organised by China Daily and 21st Century English

Newspapers, on 8 April 2012. Our heartfelt congratulations to Mr Yip!

聯合書院官方臉書專頁 Official Facebook Page of United College

聯合書院官方臉書(Facebook)專頁由 2011 年 3 月啟用以來,至今已獲一千八百四十五個臉書用戶的支持。歡迎聯合

書院同學、教職員及校友瀏覽臉書專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UnitedCollege,並按「讚」,以收取更多聯合書


Since the launch of official facebook page of United College in March 2011, 1845 facebook users showed their support to the page. All United College students, staff and alumni are welcome to visit the page at: http://www.facebook.com/UnitedCollege, and click “Like” to get more information of the College activities.

本院學生榮獲 2011 至 2012 年度傑出學生服務獎 United College Students Won the Hong Kong Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2011-2012 本院學生潘慧儀同學(法學/一,左)及葉梓聰同學(環球商業學/二,右)榮獲

由香港學生事務協會及香港傑出專上學生服務協會合辦的 2011 至 2012 年



Two United College students, Miss Poon Wai-yi (LAWS/1; left) and Mr Yip Tsz-chung (GBS/2; right), won the Hong Kong Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2011-2012 administered by the Hong Kong Student Services Association and the Hong Kong Outstanding Tertiary Students’ Services Association. Professor Stephen H S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students (centre), attended the award presentation ceremony and congratulated the students. Our heartfelt congratulations to them!



聯合書院國際演講會 United College Toastmasters Club


融/四)於今年完成十個演講項目,並獲得 Competent Communicator 的嘉

許。他們是該會 2005 年成立至今首兩名獲得此殊榮的學生。

Two active members of United College Toastmasters Club, Miss Viola H K Cheung (ELEG/3) and Mr Keith K Y Kan (QFIN/4) completed ten speech projects and became competent communicators (CC) this year. They were the first CCs of the Club ever since its establishment in 2005.

張浣琪同學 Miss Viola Cheung

簡建堯同學 Mr Keith Kan

本院女子划艇隊奪冠 College Women’s Rowing Team Won Championship

聯合書院女子划艇隊於 2012 年 4 月 8 日舉行的 2011-2012 年度書院划艇賽勇奪冠軍。本院同仁謹致賀枕!

United College Women’s Rowing Team won champion at this year’s Inter-collegiate Rowing Competition held on 8 April 2012. Our heartfelt congratulations to the College Rowing Team!

本院同學獲特區政府獎學金 UC Students Receive HKSAR Scholarships

香港特別行政區政府獎學金自 2008 至 2009 學年起頒發,以表揚本地大專院校政府資助副學士或以上程度課程的優異

學生。本年,中大合共一百零二名同學獲頒特區政府獎學金,當中二十七名為聯合書院同學,頒獎禮於 2012 年 4 月

12 日舉行。本院獲獎同學如下:

To recognise the achievements of outstanding students taking publicly-funded sub-degree level or above programmes, the HKSAR Government Scholarships have been awarded annually since the academic year 2008-2009. This year, out of 102 CUHK scholarship recipients, 27 UC students have received the HKSAR Government Scholarships. The presentation ceremony was held on 12 April 2012. The United College awardees are as follows:

Bai Shu-lin 白淑林 PACC/3 會計/三

Cheung Hiu-tung 張曉彤 PHAR/1 藥劑/一

Karen H C Chiu 招曉澄 MEDU/4 醫學/四

Chiu Shing-fung 趙城鋒 GBS/1 環球商貿/一

Stonkute Dovile QFIN/3 計量金融/三

Fong Ho-man 方浩文 GBS/2 環球商貿/二

Kwok Hoi-kit 郭凱傑 GBS/1 環球商貿/一

Lee Chia-hsun 李佳勳 GPAD/3 政政/三

Lee Ka-yan 李嘉欣 COMM/2 新傳/二

Li Chen 李琛 QFIN/1 計量金融/一

Queenie K Y Li 李君兒 GBS/2 環球商貿/二

Li Ming-chi 李明馳 PACC/2 會計/二

Lin Wen-jing 林文婧 IBBA/3 工管/三

Liu Yi 劉毅 MATH/3 數學/三

Lo Ka-ying 羅嘉瑩 MEDU/3 醫學/三

Mak Yiu Ming 麥耀銘 CSCI/3 計算機科學/三

Zoe W Y Ng 吳煒瑩 GBS/1 環球商貿/一

Pang Cho Kwan 彭楚君 NURS/4 護理/四

Pang Tim-yu 彭添裕 GBS/3 環球商貿/三

Dickson C S Pau 鮑卓辰 GBS/1 環球商貿/一

So Hiu-yi 蘇曉怡 MEDU/1 醫學/一

Suzanne S C Yip 葉淑菁 PACC/1 會計/一

Teresa M K Ma 馬敏棋 MEDU/1 醫學/一

Wan Shu-cen 萬書岑 LSCI/2 生命科學/二

Wang Yu 王玉 SCIF/1 科學/一

Vincent C Y Yip 葉松鑫 GBS/1 環球商貿/一

Isla H Y Yu 余煦彥 GBS/1 環球商貿/一



高爾夫球基礎班 Basic Golf Class

聯合書院高爾夫球基礎班已於 2012 年 4 月 2 日及 5 日




United College Basic Golf Class was held on 2 and 5 April 2012 at United College and Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field. Students learned the basic knowledge of golf, as well as experienced the fun of golfing under the guidance of Mr Lo Tak-kai, Senior College Tutor.

粵語辯論隊獲中大五角賽亞軍 Cantonese Debate Team Won First-runner-up Title in the Pentagonal Debate Competition 大學五角辯論比賽的總決賽於 2012 年 4 月 13 日舉行,對賽隊伍為正方的聯合書院粵語辯論隊及反方的逸夫書院辯論



The University’s Pentagonal Debate Competition final match was held on 13 April 2012, and the two teams played were the United College Cantonese Debate Team (pro) and the Shaw College Debate Team (against). The motion was “The Hong Kong Popular Music Market is Difficult to Revive”, and both teams performed well. Shaw College won the match finally, and the College Debate Team gained the title of first-runner-up in the competition. Our heartfelt congratulations to the College Cantonese Debate Team.

書院院隊運動員周年聚餐 UC Annual Dinner for College Sports Teams

書院院隊運動員周年聚餐於 2012 年 4 月 12 日在文










UC Annual Dinner was held on 12 April 2012 at United College Staff Common Room. The function was organised by the College Sports Society under the supervision of teachers of UC PE Unit. The banquets were sponsored by the College, in recognition of the College Teams that outstanding performance achieved in inter-college sports games. There were games for fun and lucky draw at this joyful night. Members of the Sports Society posed a group photo with Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, Professor Stephen H S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students, Professor Jimmy C M Yu, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education, Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary, Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary, Mrs Eastre Chan of Dean of Students’ Office, Dr Chan Tak-yau, College Coordinator of Physical Education Unit, Mr Wong On-tung, Mr Tang Tsz-ming and Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, instructors of Physical Education Unit.

考試期間送贈生果 Fresh Fruit for UC Students

書院學生飯堂於考試期間(2012 年 4 月 25 日至 5 月 12 日)晚巿時段,送贈新鮮生果給書院同學,為同學打氣,費用


Sponsored by the College, the College Student Canteen supplied free fresh fruit to the College students during the examination period from 25 April to 12 May 2012 in the evening time.



語文改善計劃——「實用廣東話」課程 Language Improvement Project—Course on Practical Cantonese

「實用廣東話」課程已於 2012 年 3 月 19 日至 4 月 16 日期間舉





Course on Practical Cantonese was held during 19 March and 14 April 2012. It was the first language course targeted for the international students held by the College. Dr Lee Sui-lun, Section Head, Cantonese Section, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, was invited to be the instructor of the course. He taught the students listening and oral skills on Cantonese through active learning. Participants enjoyed the course very much and learnt Cantonese as well as the Hong Kong culture.

順風計劃——宿生退宿義載服務 Hitch-offer Campaign—in aid of residents moving out of student hostels

書院為協助有需要的宿生退宿,現誠邀書院的教職員於學生宿舍退宿前最後一個週末(2012 年 5 月 26 日及 27 日),上

午 10 時至中午 12 時,為宿生提供義載服務,接載攜同行李的宿生由學生宿舍前往大學港鐵站。

有需要的宿生請於 2012 年 5 月 21 日中午 12 時前在書院網頁 http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/forms/students 登記。

如有查詢,請聯絡本院學生輔導處溫小姐(電話:39431947;電郵: wankawai@cuhk.edu.hk)。

To help students move out of their hostels at the end of the residential term on 31 May 2012, staff members of the United College are kindly invited to avail themselves to ferry students, plus their luggage, from their respective residential halls to the University MTR Station, from 10:00 am-12:00 noon, during the last weekend of May (26 & 27 May 2012).

Students interested in making use of this service please register on-line at the College website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/forms/students before 12:00 noon of 21 May 2012.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Wan Ka-wai of the College Dean of Students’ Office (Tel: 3943 1947; Email: wankawai@cuhk.edu.hk)

2012 年書院畢業同學惜別會 2012 Graduation Class Farewell Assembly

聯合書院本年度的畢業同學惜別會已於 2012 年 4 月 16 日假邵逸夫

堂舉行,逾七百名聯合同學出席。惜別會由 2009 年級社《牽聯社》


A Farewell Assembly organised by the 2009 Class Society to farewell the College graduates was held on 16 April 2012 at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. More than 700 students attended this assembly.



王香生教授(左)代表接受。 Mr Oliver Wong, Chairman of the 2009 Class Society (centre) presented a souvenir on behalf of the 2012 graduates to United College. Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head (right) and Professor Stephen H S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students (left) received the souvenir.



貢獻。 Mr Eric Lau, President of the College Student Union (right), presented a souvenir to Professor Fung Kwok-pui (left), to express appreciation for Professor Fung’s contribution to the College in the last ten years as the College Head.



學生宿舍 2011 至 2012 年度住宿期終結 End of 2011-2012 Hostel Residence 本年度學生宿舍宿期將於 2012 年 5 月 31 日(星期四)中午 12 時終結,各宿生須於當日中午 12 時前遷出宿舍,已與

舍監作出特別安排者除外。將於 2012 年 6 月 1 日往恒生樓入住暑期宿舍的宿生可延遲至 6 月 1 日下午 2 時前退宿。


副本,一併於交還鑰匙時交予宿舍負責人,或於 2012 年 6 月 8 日前交回書院學生輔導處。逾期交回表格者,按金將


The regular-term hostel residence for 2011-2012 will end at 12:00 noon on Thursday, 31 May 2012. All residents should check out by then unless prior arrangements have been made with the wardens. Residents who will be returning for summer residence at Hang Seng Hall beginning 1 June 2012 will be permitted to check out of their hostels at 2:00 pm on 1 June 2012. For refund of hostel deposits, residents should fill in the appropriate application forms obtainable from the enquiry counters of their respective hostels and attach a copy of the bank cards or the page of their bank passbooks with account number for auto-pay purposes. These documents should be returned to their respective hostels together with the room keys. Alternatively, the said documents can be handed in to the College Dean of Students’ Office before 8 June 2012. Late applications will not be entertained.

書院環保學會退宿回收大行動 UC Environmental Protection Society—Recycling Programme for Residents Moving out of the Hostels



日期: 2012 年 4 月 30 日(星期一)至 5 月 31 日(星期四)




United College Environmental Protection Society (UCEPS) and Salvation Army will co-organise a charity recycling programme for residents moving out of the hostels.

Date: 30 April 2012 (Mon) to 31 May 2011 (Thur) Locations: Lobby, G/F of Bethlehem Hall & Chan Chun Ha Hostel, G/F, Hang Seng Hall (near carpark) and G/F, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building Items Collected: clothing, stationery, books (except text books and magazines), small domestic electronic appliances, domestic utensils, etc.

All residents are encouraged to support this environmental friendly initiative.

2012-2013 年度聯合書院住宿獎學金申請 UC Hostel Residence Scholarships Application 2012-2013



計劃公開予所有聯合書院在學同學申請。2012-2013 年度的獎學金每個金額為一千三百元正,申請人全年上、下學期

最多可獲資助兩個獎額($1,300x2 = $2,600)。同學必須獲分配校內宿舍(包括教學醫院宿舍)的宿位方可取得此住宿獎


申請日期為 2012 年 5 月 14 日至 5 月 31 日,申請表格可於書院網頁下載,有興趣申請的同學請填妥申請表並交回書

院學生輔導處。本計劃由書院輔導長主持之工作小組審批。評審主要標準包括:(一)申請人之經濟狀況 ﹔(二)申請人

之學業成績(新生毋須提供)﹔及(三)申請人在 2012-2013 年度欲參與課外活動及/或提升本科學業成績的計劃。

The scheme aimed to enable needy students to have a residential College life, for advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus.

All United College students are welcome to apply for this Scheme. The amount of each scholarship for 2012-2013 is HK$1,300. For every successful applicant, a maximum of two scholarships may be allocated for the 1

st term and 2


term of the academic year. (i.e. HK$1,300 x 2 = HK$2,600). Only applicants being provided a hostel place on the University Campus (including hostels of the teaching hospital) would be eligible to receive hostel scholarships.

Application is open from 14 May 2011 to 31 May 2012. Application forms can be downloaded at College webpage. Completed application forms should be submitted to the Dean of Students’ Office of the College. The selection panel is chaired by the Dean of Students with the following selection criteria: (1) financial situation of applicants; (2) academic performance of applicants (not applicable for new students); and (3) applicants’ plan in participation in extra-curricular activities and in enhancing their academic performance in 2012-2013.





Lockers at United College

由於學期即將完結,畢業班同學須盡快清理儲物箱內所有物件,並在 2012 年 5 月 31 日前,於辦公時間內前往書院學


者,本院將清理箱內物件及沒收按金。查詢請致電 3943 7573 與書院學生輔導處張富恆先生聯絡。

All final-year students holding lockers at United College are required to return the locker keys and complete the deposit refund process at the Dean of Students' Office during office hours on or before 31 May 2012. Locker deposits will be refunded through bank accounts by the Bursary in due course. Failure in returning the locker keys before the deadline will result in deposit forfeiture. Articles inside the locker will also be removed. For enquiries, please contact Mr Henry F H Cheung of the College Dean of Students' Office at 3943 7573.

教職員太極及健身氣功班 (陳式太極及八段錦氣功) UC Staff Taichi and Qigong Course (Chen-style Taichi & Baduanjin Qigong)

書院健康促進小組、書院生活委員會及書院教職員聯誼會於 2012

年 2 月 7 日至 5 月 15 日期間合辦太極班,已圓滿結束,所有參加者


員重視健康的意識,書院將於暑假期間(2012 年 5 月 22 日至 8 月

2 日)舉辦新一期的太極班,學習陳式太極十二式及健身氣功(易筋


3943 1697; 電郵: ilfredchan@cuhk.edu.hk)。

Co-organised by the College Task Force on Health Promotion, College Life Committee and the United College Staff Association, a Taichi Course was held from 7 February to 15 May 2012. In order to promote health awareness, a new Taichi course on Chen-style Taichi 12 Forms and Qigong including “Yi Jin Jing” and “Ba Duan Jin” will be organised from 22 May to 2 August 2012. Please

contact Mr Wilfred W C Chan of the College Dean of Students’ Office (Tel: 3943 1697; email: wilfredchan@cuhk.edu.hk).

思源文娛中心考試期間特別優惠 Special Promotion of Si Yuan Amenities Centre During Examination Period


Supported by the College, Si Yuan Amenities Centre is now offering a special promotion to all students during examination period. Selected tea sets are available from HK$10 only.

書院午餐講座 College Luncheon Talk

由書院生活委員會及健康促進小組合辦的午餐講座於 2012 年 4

月 27 日假書院文怡閣舉行,主講嘉賓為藥劑學院李詠恩教授,


Co-organised by College Life Committee and Task Force on Health Promotion, the College Luncheon Talk was held on 27 April 2012 at the College Staff Common Room. Professor Vivian W Y LEE, School of Pharmacy, delivered a talk on “Drugs and You”.



禮任 Courtesy Appointments

1. 本院成員陳毅恒教授獲禮任為系統工程與工程管理學系教授,由 2012 年 1 月 1 日生效。

2. 本院成員李柏晴教授獲禮任為信息工程學系助理教授,由 2012 年 1 月 1 日生效。

3.. 書院副院長兼通識教育主任余濟美教授獲禮任為電子工程學系教授,由 2012 年 1 月 1 日生效。

1. College member, Professor Chan Ngai-hang, has been appointed (by courtesy) as Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, with effect from 1 January 2012. 2. College member, Professor Lee Pak-ching, has been appointed (by courtesy) as Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, with effect from 1 January 2012. 3. Associate College Head and Dean of General Education, Professor Jimmy C M Yu, has been appointed (by courtesy) as Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, with effect from 1 January 2012.

升任 Advancement

以下書院成員獲升任,由 2011 年 8 月 1 日起生效:

The following College members have been advanced with effect from 1 August 2011:


Our warmest congratulations to all of them!

Mr Chan Chi-leung


Instructor I, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre


Professor Janita P C Chau


Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing


Professor Cheung Chi-keung


Professor, School of Life Sciences


Professor Helene H L Fung


Professor, Department of Psychology


Professor Hugh Simon H S Lam


Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics


Dr Tao Kwok-cheung


Senior Instructor, Department of Philosophy


大學長期服務獎 The University’s Long Service Award 2012 本院成員及校友分別獲 2012 年度大學長期服務獎,頒獎典禮已於 2012 年 5 月 11 日舉行。名單如下:

College members and alumni received the University’s Long Service Award 2012 on 11 May 2012. They are:


Our heartfelt congratulations to all of them!

服務滿三十五年 Staff with 35 years’ full-time service

書院院長暨生物醫學學院生物化學講座教授馮國培院長(73/化學) Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Head of United College and Professor of Biochemistry, School of Biomedical Sciences (73/CHM)

服務滿二十五年 Staff with 25 years’ full-time service

本院校友中國文化研究所朱國藩博士(84/中文) College Alumnus, Dr Chu Kwok-fan, Institute of Chinese Studies (84/CHI)

本院學生輔導處何永雄先生 Mr Anthony W H Ho, Dean of Students’ Office, United College

本院學生宿舍張許健卿女士 Mrs Cheung Hui Kin-hing, Student Hostel, United College

本院成員兼校友資訊科技服務處蘇伯祥先生(86/電子) College member and College alumnus. Mr Roger P C So, Information Technology Services Centre (86/ELE)

本院成員生命科學學院王保強教授 College member, Professor Wong Po-keung, School of Life Sciences

本院學生宿舍余何麗玲女士 Mrs Yu Ho Lai-ling, Student Hostel, United College




本院成員獲研究所獎學金 College Member Awarded Fellowship


College member, Professor Cheng Sin-kwan, Department of Translation, was awarded the Institute of Advanced Study Fellowship by the Institute of Advanced Study of Durham University. Our warmest congratulations to Professor Cheng!

本院成員的研究計劃獲撥款 College Member Received Research Grants


College member, Professor Lee Pak-ching, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, recently received funding from Innovation and Technology Fund from HKSAR government for his research project. Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Lee!

本院成員獲頒國家教育部獎項 College Member Received Award from Ministry of Education

本院成員外科學系劉潤皇教授與三位教授於 2012 年 3 月 29 日獲國家教育部獲頒發 2011 年高等學校科學研究優秀成


College member, Professor Lau Yun-wong, Department of Surgery, and three other faculty members received second-class award in technology advancement of the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education on 29 March 2012. Our warmest congratulations to Professor Lau!

2012-2013 年度學生校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃 (修訂申請日期:2-18/5/2012) Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme for 2012-2013 (Revised application period: 2-18/5/2012)

2012-2013 年度(7/2012–6/2013)書院學生校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃第一輪撥款將接受申請。該計劃旨在協助學生獲得

經濟奬勵及工作經驗。書院學生輔導處現提前於 2012 年 5 月 2 日寄發申請資料予本院教職員。

如有查詢,請致電 3943 8657 或 3943 1948 與學生輔導處陳鄧翠怡女士或余慧儀女士聯絡。截止申請日期亦提前至

2012 年 5 月 18 日,結果將於 6 月底前知會各申請人。

Applications will be invited for the first-round allocation of the UC Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme for 2012-2013 (7/2012–6/2013). The Scheme aims to provide financial assistance to UC students and award them some working experience. Application materials will be dispatched to College members on 2 May 2012.

For further information, please contact Mrs Eastre Chan or Ms Maggie W Y Yu of the Dean of Students' Office at 3943 8657 or 3943 1948. Completed application forms should be submitted by 18 May 2012. (Please note the deadline is revised.) Applicants will be notified of the application result by the end of June 2012.


United College Alumni Association: Call for Membership 2011 至 2012 年度應屆畢業同學倘於 2012 年 12 月 31 日期間加入聯合書院校友會,即可享終身會籍半價優惠(即港

幣二百五十元正),機會難逢,入會從速。入會表格可於以下校友會網頁下載: http://www.ucaa.org.hk

查詢請致電 3943 8654 或 3943 7582 與本院學生輔導處陸敏兒女士或吳寶珊女士聯絡。

Students of 2011-2012 graduating class who join the College Alumni Association on or before 31 December 2012 can enjoy a 50% discount on the life membership fee (i.e. HK$250). Application forms are downloadable from the webpage of United College Alumni Association: http://www.ucaa.org.hk

For details, please contact Ms Amy M Y Luk at 3943 8654 or Ms Iris P S Ng of the College Dean of Students’ Office at 3943 7582.




Alumni Homecoming Camp

為慶祝書院五十五周年,書院及校友會將於 2012 年 7 月 14 至 15 日合辦「校友宿舍生活重溫營」,好讓聯合校友能






只參與 7 月 14 日活動),每位港幣$150,大小同價;三歲以下小童免費。名額有限,報名從速。

有興趣報名的校友,請登入聯合書院網頁: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/forms/application,並以「網上登記」報名,


3943 8654 / 3943 1948 與本院陸敏兒女士或余慧儀女士聯絡。

To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College, the College and College Alumni Association will organise an

Alumni Homecoming Camp on 14-15 July 2012 for the alumni to return to alma mater and enjoy the hostel life. All UC alumni and their families are welcome!

Programmes include academic lecture by Professor Chen Tien-chi, former College Head, sports activities, children art & craft activities, variety show, Woodball Experience Workshop, Campus Tour, etc. For details and programme rundown, please visit the special website of the camp: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/AlumniCamp2012/ .

The camp participants will reside in Adam Schall Residence. Overnight Camp fee for adult & child is HK$350 per person while the fee for children under 3 (no extra bed) is free. The College also provides day camp option (14 July only) for alumni. The day camp fee for adult & child is HK$150 while the fee for children under 3 is free. Quota is limited. Reservation is on a first-come-first-basis.

For reservation, please visit the webpage of United College: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/forms/application. Alumni are welcome to register online and send the crossed cheque, payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” to Ms Maggie Yu, Dean of Students’ Office, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin by mail to secure your reservation. For enquiries, please call Ms Amy M Y Luk or Ms Maggie W Y Yu at 3943 8654 or 3943 1948 for reservation.


Overseas Alumni Tour




見證母校邁向新里程,並已於 2012

年 3 月 28 日至 4 月 1 日為海外校友




書院院長馮國培教授於 3 月 28 日假


書院及校友會亦於 3 月 31 日一同籌辦了舊校遊,安排逾六十位海外及本地校友返回聯合書院位於般咸道的舊校址,懷




To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College, United College invited the overseas alumni to come back to

Hong Kong to join our grand celebrations. The College prepared a series of programmes from 28 March 2012 to 1 April 2012. 16 alumni and their families joined this overseas alumni tour.

Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head hosted a welcome lunch on 28 March 2012 at United College Staff Common Room. Overseas alumni then toured around United College campus and shared the information on the updated development of the college.

The College and Alumni Association jointly organised an Old Campus Tour for more than 60 overseas and local alumni and their families on 31 March 2012. They visited the old campus of United College at Bonham Road, recollecting their good old days and fond memories of college life.

Overseas alumni also actively participated in United College 55th Anniversary Banquet. Finally, United College Staff

Association and Alumni Association also organised a boat trip to Hong Kong GeoPark - Ninepin Islands on 1 April 2012. Altogether 55 overseas and local alumni joined the tour.





Next Issue of United News 下期《聯合動態》將於 2012 年 7 月 16 日出版。歡迎教職員報告研究、著作、出席會議及其他人事動態。稿件請於

2012 年 6 月 22 日或以前送達書院曾肇添樓 201 室或傳真至 2603 5412 或電郵至: unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk。來

稿請以中文及英文撰寫。查詢請致電 3943 1288 與書院學生輔導處周穎姿女士聯絡。


carolchow@eservices.cuhk.edu.hk。《聯合動態》網址: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/UC_NEWS

The next issue of United News will be published on 16 July 2012. Staff members are welcome to report their research, publications, conferences attended as well as other information. Contributions in both Chinese and English should be sent to Room 201, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College or by fax to 2603 5412 or via email to unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk on or before 22 June 2012. For enquiries, please contact Ms Carol W C Chow of the College Dean of Students’ Office at 3943 1288.

United News online version is available at the College website. College members who do not want to receive hard copy newsletter are welcome to send email to carolchow@eservices.cuhk.edu.hk .Website of United News online: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/UC_NEWS


Special Notice from the College Canteen Management Committee 書院與現膳堂承辦商藍海洋飲食管理有限公司的合約將於本年 6 月 1 日起終止,膳堂承辦商會為本院員生提供服務至

本年 5 月 31 日。書院膳堂管理委員會現正就新承辦商進行招標工作,希望能盡快恢復膳堂服務。

The catering contract between the College and the present caterer, Ocean Blue Catering Management Limited, will cease on 1 June 2012. The caterer will continue to provide catering service to the College staff and students until 31 May 2012. Tendering for new caterer is in progress and the Committee hopes that canteen service will be resumed as soon as possible.


Si Yuan Amenities Centre Closed for Maintenance 聯合書院思源文娛中心將於 2012 年 6 月 1 日至 18 日暫停開放,以便作周年檢查及維修。思源文娛中心將於 2012 年

6 月 19 日照常營業。

The College Si Yuan Amenities Centre will be closed from 1 to 18 June 2012 for annual maintenance. The Centre will re-open on 19 June 2012.


Visit to United College Old Campus

聯合書院及聯合書院校友會於 2012 年 3 月

31 日下午合辦舊校遊的活動,逾四十名聯合

校友一同參觀聯合書院於 1962 年 5 月至

1971 年 12 月的舊校址(現址為般咸道官立小






United College and United College Alumni Association jointly organised an Old Campus Visit on 31 March 2012. More than 40 College alumni and their families visited the old campus of United College from May 1962 to December 1971, currently Bonham Road Government Primary School. Participants finally enjoyed the lunch at the Czarina Restaurant, which was the ever popular dining place at their times. Ms Lina Yan, President of United College Alumni Association (69/ENG), and Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate College Head and Associate Dean of General Education (70/CHI), were the honorary leaders of this visit. All alumni were excited to visit the old campus of United College.



書院生活預覽 College Event Calendar 15/5/2012 – 15/7/2012

欲知書院最新消息請瀏覽書院網頁 For the latest news, please visit the College’s website: http://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/

2012 年聯合書院畢業晚宴 2012 United College Graduation Dinner

15/5/2012 6:30 pm



帝苑酒店帝廷廳 The Palace Room, The Royal Garden Hotel, 69, Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

周鍾寶華女士 Mrs Jackie Chow

3943 8655/ 3943 7570

張煊昌博士導修計劃總結分享會 Dissemination of Dr Thomas Cheung Tutorial Scheme

16/5/2012 6:30 pm

思源文娛中心 Si Yuan

Amenities Centre

高榮銘先生 Mr Ken W M Ko

3943 1844/ 3943 7574

書院基金會會議 The College Endowment Fund Committee Meeting

17/5/2012 5:30 pm



太平洋保險有限公司會議室 Conference Room, The Pacific Insurance

Co. Ltd., 22/F, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East, Wanchai,

Hong Kong

李雷寶玲女士 Mrs Christina Li

3943 7577/ 3943 7042

書院院務委員會會議 The College Assembly of Fellows Meeting

18/5/2012 11:00 am

書院校董會議室 College Board Room

李雷寶玲女士 Mrs Christina Li

3943 7577/ 3943 7042 語文改善計劃——英語學習營 Language Improvement Project— English Immersion Camp

18-20/5/2012 香港浸會園 Hong Kong

Baptist Assembly

高榮銘先生 Mr Ken W M Ko

3943 1844/ 3943 7578

語文改善計劃——英語學習營 (只供「語文改善計劃」外地文化及語文研習課程——英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學參加者) Language Improvement Project—English Immersion Camp (Only for the participants of Language Improvement Project – Culture and English Language Programme at University of Edinburgh, UK)

25-27/5/2012 香港浸會園 Hong Kong

Baptist Assembly

高榮銘先生 Mr Ken W M Ko

3943 1844/ 3943 7578/ 3943 7571

語文改善計劃——普通話學習營 Language Improvement Project—Putonghua Immersion Camp

26-28/5/2012 香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營

HKFYG Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp

高榮銘先生 Mr Ken W M Ko

3943 1844/ 3943 7578

校董會會議 The College Board of Trustees Meeting

7/6/2012 5:30 pm

校董會議室 College Board Room

李雷寶玲女士 Mrs Christina Li

3943 7577/ 3943 7584

校友宿舍生活重溫營 Alumni Homecoming Camp

14-15/7/2012 聯合書院校園 United College Campus

陸敏兒女士 Ms Amy M Y Luk

3943 8654/ 3943 1948

聯合書院邁進地球村系列(2012 年暑期) United College GOAL Programme (Summer 2012)

「語文改善計劃」外地文化及語文研習課程——英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學 Language Improvement Project – Culture and English Language Programme at University of Edinburgh, UK

組別一: Group 1:

2-20/7/2012 組別二: Group 2:


英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學 University of Edinburgh, UK

周鍾寶華女士 Mrs Jackie Chow

3943 8655/ 3943 7571

「語文改善計劃」外地文化及語文研習課程——西安陝西師範大學 Language Improvement Project –Culture and Language Programme at Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an

9-23/7/2012 西安陝西師範大學

Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an

薪火計劃:中大聯合‧兩岸清華‧服務學習體驗 “Pass-it-on: Service Learning Programme by United College and Cross-strait Tsinghua”

第一部分 Part I: 15-24/7/2012

(香港 In Hong Kong)

第二部分 Part II: 25/7-3/8/2012

(台灣 In Taiwan)

第三部分 Part III: 4-13/8/2012

(北京 In Beijing)



北京清華大學 United College, CUHK/

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan/

Tsinghua University, Beijing

香港中文大學聯合書院 新華匯富萌芽學者學術交流計劃 Budding Scholars Exchange Scheme with Tsinghua University

29/7-12/8/2012 北京清華大學 Tsinghua University, Beijing

美國首都華盛頓考察團 Travel Study Programme to Washington, DC area

27/5-10/6/2012 美國華盛頓 Washington, USA

周鍾寶華女士 Mrs Jackie Chow

3943 8655/ 3943 7580

暑期法語及文化考察團 French Culture and Language Programme at Lyon, France

4-15/6/2012 法國里昂 Lyon, France

澳洲悉尼大學暑期課程 Summer Programme at the University of Sydney, Australia

1-15/7/2012 澳洲悉尼大學

University of Sydney, Australia

荷蘭烏特勒支大學暑期課程 Summer Programme at Utrecht University, The Netherlands

2-13/7/2012 荷蘭烏特勒支大學 Utrecht University, The Netherlands

暑期文化及英語課程——牛津大學哈特福學院 Culture and English Language Programme at Hertford College, University of Oxford, UK

8-20/7/2012 英國牛津大學哈特福學院

Hertford College, University of Oxford, UK

暑期外地學分進修計劃 Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme


韓國/英國/美國/澳洲/中國 Korea/ UK/ USA/Australia/

China 加州大學柏克萊分校暑期外地學分進修計劃 Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme at the University of California, Berkeley, USA

美國加州大學柏克萊分校 University of California,

Berkeley, USA

加州大學洛杉磯分校暑期外地學分進修計劃 Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA

美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 University of California,

Los Angeles, USA




Mr Au Kam-ho, United College Alumnus


















魔術師能為觀眾帶來甚麼? 魔術像其他表演,可以帶給人娛樂的效果。不過說到其






西班牙的 Juan Tamariz。他愛用紙牌表演,那是最常見

的魔術效果,但即使行家也找不出破綻。Tamariz 為人




















2006 年起當全職魔術師。






















轉載自中大通訊第 393 期 Reprint from CUHK Newsletter No.393

歐錦豪 2001 年畢業於中大自動化與計算機輔助工程學系,曾當全職魔術師,最近改任魔術師中介人及節目統籌。



Mr Au Kam-ho graduated from the Department of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering, CUHK, in 2001. Having been a full-time magician for several years, he recently has been working as an agent for magicians and programme coordinator. How did you become fond of magic and how did you learn it? I didn’t know what magic was about. In primary school, I saw in movies and on television powerful wizards who could produce something from nothing. I began researching the supernatural, keeping clippings and making notes to understand why magic happens. But I couldn’t find the answer. One day in high school, my classmates and I went to Shenzhen where I saw the performance of a magician. I then found out there is ‘learnable magic’. From that time on, I started learning magic from books. Did you perform on or off campus while at CUHK? I was a novice. I wanted to establish a magic club in the University. Though I tried to seek like-minded friends, I could only find two. So my plan fell through. Three years after my graduation, I learnt of a magic society being formed on campus. I never performed on campus as a student. On the contrary, I volunteered to perform magic at community centres to gain more opportunities for practice. Can you define magic? I would say magic is: (1) a performance art; (2) something that cannot be explained by common sense; and (3) man-made. What can a magician bring to the audience? Like other performances, magic entertains. Its uniqueness lies in its putting on display incredible phenomena, through which the magician—the performer, conjures up joy, strangeness, sadness, etc. He can even deliver messages about art. The trick of a magic show is to make people’s mouths drop. ‘How did you do that?’ Is there any master magician that you admire? Spaniard Juan Tamariz. He plays with cards, the most common magic trick. But even magicians can’t understand how he does it. Mr Tamariz is humble, knowledgeable, and has his unique views about dramatic performance. His performance is an art. Did majoring in engineering help you in your designs? I visited CUHK on its open day before enrolling. All the robotics, laser equipments on display at the Engineering Faculty were magical in their own ways. They attracted me to the Faculty. Engineering emphasises logical thinking and applying physics to life. A lot of magic tricks also make use of physics knowledge. My major has been very helpful in enabling me to understand what I read in magic books, and also in trick and prop designs.

Why did you become a full-time magician? I worked at a Taiwanese integrated circuit company responsible for low-end engineering design. The workload was very heavy. It seemed that there was never time for leisure. I was drained. Waking up one morning, my arms and shoulders felt as if they were made of cement. I had to ask my mom to help me get up. That moment I told myself that I did not mind having to toil, but it must be for something worthwhile. But was my job worthwhile? So, I calculated my total living expenses for a year including money for my family. After I had saved the desired amount, I quitted. It’s funny that the pain in my arm went away a week after I left the company. In the following year, I did different types of work, including performing magic, playing the violin, taking part in drama performances, even becoming a delivery worker. In 2006, I finally decided to be a full-time magician as that way, I can take charge of my career doing something I like. How’s the life of a full-time magician? Though I love magic, I was working like a dog and was stressed out. I had to look for clients, negotiate, design, and perform by myself. As every performance is targeted at a different audience, it has to be tailor-made. Once, overworked, I coughed up blood before a show. Is that the reason you became a magician agent? Health problems forced me to contemplate my future. But due to logistic arrangements already made, such as the studio and the props, it would be a waste to give up. Last year, the Fisherman’s Wharf in Macau invited bids for building a haunted house and recruiting artists. I had experience designing a haunted house and doing similar performances for Ocean Park, so I tendered for the contract and was accepted. In the meantime, I also secured a contract for arranging magicians to perform at Galaxy Macau. The idea of being a magician agent and programme coordinator came to my mind. Any advice to your juniors? My advice is to study hard, pull one’s weight, so as to gain people’s confidence that you will overcome any challenges. Don’t be impatient for the outcome. Take my case as an example, my studies helped me a lot in learning and designing magic. I keep detailed records of my performances and present them to my clients whenever necessary. They tend to trust me because I am well-prepared. And never belittle what you’ve learnt. What you’re studying hard for now may come in useful in the future. You never know. So don’t give up any chance to learn.

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