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Post on 30-Jul-2020






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It’s March. The winter snows, the dust in the wind, the pelting rains, the air debris from the traffic passing the house all have contributed to the film buildup on our windows. We’ve begun to think that a little cloud over our viewing is normal- but…it’s time for springtime window washing so that we can see out clearly. We wonder if sometimes the activities, interactions, busyness of life, the choices of our heart, mind and bodies have created a film over our spiritual windows causing us to have clouded spiritual vision? Sometimes we have come to see our own distorted views as ‘normal’. Maybe this is a good time to take a look at some inner-heart’s-window-cleaning? As we look out at the church building from our eastern windows, we desire that our church congregation/family be a praying Body who sees things as God does. We will not be in the middle of God’s Will without seeking it. You can begin by praying for the church staff, the congregation, the community, the nation, yourself and others. There is a prayer ‘chain’ and groups of people praying. An updated prayer list is published each week for you to use as a prayer guide. Use the news in your own life, the community, the nation and the world as a prayer list guide. God is alive. He is in control. He desires that His People pray. He answers. During March and April the emphasis in the worship services will be on prayer. Prayer is a way of life not just sermon-topic material. Let’s get praying and go deeper in relationship with Him and together we’ll see things more clearly. Ron and Phyllis

• Children and Youth

• Missions

• Holy Week Guide

• Adult Spiritual


April Sermon Series:


May Sermon Series:

Dealing with



First United Methodist Church 504 E. Highway 50 O’Fallon, IL. 62269 Phone: 618-632-2354 Fax: 618-632-4159 Website: www.offumc.org Office Hours: M-TH-9-4:30 FRI- 9-12 E-Mail: offumcoffice@ofallonmethodistchurch.org



TACOS FOR TOTS A HUGE SUCCESS One of the fundraisers that we did to raise money for the playground is Tacos for Tots. A group of women got together at 6:00 in the morning on 2 Sundays and made breakfast burritos stuffed with sausage, bacon, eggs, potatoes and cheese that were served from 8:00 am – 11:30 am. Others donated delicious homemade breads to be served with the tacos along with yogurt, fruit, and juice. It was a delicious breakfast that was enjoyed by all. The cost was a donation toward the purchase of the playground. Tacos For Tots raised over $4000 for the playground purchase. Both mornings were fun and enjoyable!! The 3 and 4 year old Children’s Sunday School Class came down to assist with the Tacos For Tots fundraiser by passing out napkins and helping where they could. Thank you to all for your time and dedication toward Children’s Ministries. Children are precious in Jesus’ sight and an important part of this church!!


Very satisfying!!! Breakfast tacos hit the spot!!

Rebecca Hopkins and Dana Key are hard at work in the kitchen.

Wednesday, April 20th

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Kids up through 6th grade Pizza, Games, Egg Hunt, New Veggie Tales Movie

Fun event for the entire family!!

Plastic eggs and candy donations are needed and can be dropped off in the

Church Office.

The Playground Is Coming!!! The playground is on its way. It won’t be long before the children can play. They will climb and slide and run. Playing on the playground will be so much fun. The children will have so much to do. This is all possible because of you. You kindness, your love, your grace will be reflected on each child’s face. The children will know that they are loved. Not only by this church, but also from God above. Construction is scheduled for 4/15 and 4/16. Contact Valerie Rice at 632-2354 if you can help, or sign up on the Sunday Connect Card.

GREAT TIMES AT THE Potato Luncheon AND 3o HOUR FAMINE! The Potato Luncheon was a great time and is always looked forward to each year. A total of $678 was raised for student accounts. The 30 Hour Famine was a wonderful weekend and great success with $7,700.00 raised to save starving children. Thank-you so much for your caring and generosity.

Kaiden D. and Alex R. earning their $!!

YOUTHful Views

Confirmation Sunday is scheduled April 10. The entire

congregation is invited to join us for a reception in Fellowship Hall following the 10:45 service. We have a wonderful mission day event coming up April 16 called “1 By Youth”. We will be joining hundreds of youth gathering in St. Louis to do mission projects and make an amazing difference working together on improvements all over the area. May 11 will be a Mexican Meal served by the group going to Africa this June. We hope you will all join us for this delicious evening. May 13 is a much requested second Trivia Night!!!!! We will have some new items for prizes instead of the silent auction, but the questions are coming together and the time is here to get your teams together and reservations made. May 22 is the High School Graduates Breakfast. This meal is during Sunday School 9:30-10:30 in the Fellowship Hall. This is for the whole family including relatives visiting for the great event of graduation. Save a date on your calendars for a LUAU on June 5 for the whole church. The youth will be cooking a great meal and games will follow.

This June, a group of 4 girls

from the church accompanied by Celeste Lynam will be joining 13 others from around the country on a mission trip with World Servants to Kenya. The goal of this trip is to build a center for small business loans and training for women in a village outside of Nairobi. The team will get a chance to not only join in this construction project, but also visit the villagers’ homes and schools as they help with Vacation Bible Schools, discipleship programs, and witnessing. While in Kenya, the group will also get a chance to visit some local markets, tour Nairobi, and experience an African safari. As always, we greatly appreciate the prayers and support of the church.

Youth on Facebook Take a look at our new facebook page for the youth group! It will have pictures and information changing often. Just pull up www.facebook.com/thenamepage. Click on Like and become a member!

Dakota S. helps serve Doug R.

at the Potato Luncheon.

The Japan Crisis and You

By Ron Fontenot

Missions/Outreach Coordinator

On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 p.m. a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred near the northeastern coast of Japan, creating an extremely destructive tsunami which hit Japan just minutes after the earthquake. The tsunami trigged evacuations and warnings across the Pacific Ocean. The earthquake and tsunami have caused extensive and severe damage in Northeastern Japan, leaving thousands of people confirmed dead, injured or missing, and millions more affected by lack of electricity, water and transportation. Here is how you can help. First and foremost please keep our friends in Japan in your prayers. Secondly, the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC) is collecting health kits. Health kits provide basic hygiene necessities to people who have been forced to leave their homes. The kit contains such toiletries as soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a washcloth. If one chooses to send a monetary donation, please indicate health kit/Japan relief on checks. MMDC will keep United Methodists up to date on the progress and what the needs are in the coming days. In the meantime, MMDC asks everyone to pray for those in Japan and to pray for those with loved ones in Japan that have been affected by this disaster.

Please check MMDC's website at www.midwestmissiondc.org or its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/midwestmission for updates.

Here is what goes into a health kit:

• 1 Hand Towel (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", no kitchen towels)

• 1 Washcloth • 1 Comb (large & sturdy, not

pocket size or pic) • 1 Nail file or Fingernail

Clipper (no emery boards or toenail clippers)

• 1 Bath-size Bar of Soap (3 oz. or larger in original wrapper)

• 1 Toothbrush (single brushes only-in original wrapper, no child-size brushes) (no multiple packs) (no dentist name or phone number)

• 1 Tube of Toothpaste (6.4 oz. or larger. Check expiration dates-must be at least ONE YEAR ahead. You may leave out and send $1.)

• Adhesive Plastic Strip Sterile Bandages (regular size and wrapped in a rubber band)

Wrap all the items in the hand towel and place in a new, one gallon plastic zip closure bag. Please make sure all items are correct sizes. If they are not the correct size, they are unusable. In addition, health kit items in bulk are very desirable as well.


Easter’s meaning In a 2010 Barna Group survey, two-thirds of Americans knew that Easter is a religious holiday. But only 42 percent connected its meaning to Jesus’ resurrection. And only two percent of adults said they would describe Easter as the most important holiday of their faith. Not everyone who connects Easter to religion has the facts straight. Two percent of Americans said Easter is about Jesus’ birth. Another two percent said it’s about Jesus’ “rebirth.” And one percent said it’s a celebration of his second coming. Another three percent described Easter as a celebration of spring or a pagan holiday. In the same survey, 31 percent of active churchgoers said they’d definitely invite an unchurched friend to worship with them on Easter weekend. This Easter, share the truth and joy of the holiday with someone

Youth Mentoring The need is great, and we need your help. There are many students in O'Fallon needing a new friend (Mentor) to share some of the problems they might have in their lives. These children, that are considered "AT RISK" could use the help and friendship of an ADULT YOUTH MENTOR. If you would like to find out more about this rewarding program, that only takes one hour per week during school hours, and join the many people from our church and community that are already Mentors, contact Phil Goodwin at 632-790/6632-3600 or pagood1@wisperhome.com

No special talents needed

In a 2010 Barna Group survey, two-thirds of Americans knew that Easter is a religious holiday. But only 42 percent connected its meaning to Jesus’ resurrection. And only two percent of adults said they would describe

Easter as the most important holiday of their faith.

Not everyone who connects Easter to religion has the facts straight. Two percent of Americans said Easter is about Jesus’ birth. Another two percent said it’s about Jesus’ “rebirth.” And one percent said it’s a celebration of

his second coming. Another three percent described Easter as a celebration of spring or a pagan holiday.

In the same survey, 31 percent of active churchgoers said they’d definitely

invite an unchurched friend to worship with them on Easter weekend.

This Easter, share the truth and joy of the holiday with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. News of the resurrection is

too good to keep to ourselves!

Holy Week- Wed. April 20th No Dinner-No Classes -No AWANA

Easter Sunday Guide Sunday, April 24th

Sunrise Service

6:30 a.m. Family Life Center


Easter Breakfast: 7:00 – 8:30 Fellowship Hall (Scrambled eggs, ham, biscuits and gravy, grits, juice, coffee, milk) Prepared and served by United Methodist Men as a mission fund-raising project. 8:30: Casual Worship – Sanctuary 8:33: Contemporary Worship – Gym 9:30: Sunday School 10:45: Traditional Worship – Sanctuary 11:00: Milburn Crossing 11:03: Contemporary Worship – Gym

Maundy Thursday April 21st

7 p.m. – Sanctuary

Coping with Disappointment:

Reflections from the Garden of Gethsemane

The Meaning of Easter

WEDO (Wednesday Evening Dining Out) STILL GOING INTO MAY

The Regular Wednesday Evening Meals (5-6:30 P.M.) will continue through May 4th with the exception of April 20th which is Easter Week. We take this week off to focus on Easter related thoughts and activities. Please remember to sign up on the sheets outside the Sanctuary. There will be special meals May 11th and 18th at the same time.

Pastor Ron will be leading Prayer Walks throughout the community during the WEDO class time starting in April and going through May 4. Wednesday night classes start at 6:15 PM. It is still possible to join the “What Happens When Women Pray” Class which will continue through April. Experiencing God will continue until the course is completed in May. Jim Laing & Justin Klienhoffer, who are professional Fly-Fisherman instructors, will be leading Part 1 and Part 2 sections on Fly-Fishing. Part 1 is an indoor Fly-Fishing Class, April 6th and 13th. Part 2 will be on local waters April 27th, May 4th and May 11th. The suggested donation for Part 1 is $25. The suggested donation for Part 2 is also $25. All donations will go to Habitat for Humanity. Jim is a member of our church and has achieved the status of “Master FlyFisherman.” Only 200 Fly-fishers around the world have achieved this status. Similar classes in other venues would cost more than three times the suggested donation. Please do not let the donation keep you from attending. Talk to Pastor Joel to receive a scholarship. See the class description below:


Sunday June 26: Church and Friends Fun Day on The Milburn Land. Look forward to lots of activities, hayrack rides, food and a great time on the 59 beautiful acres God has blessed us with.

Sunday July 10: Annual Church Boating Outing at Carlyle Lake. Details to be announced later. If you have a boat you can bring, please let Pastor Joel know.

Wednesday, April 27, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM @ The Scottrade Center Get Motivated Seminar featuring: General Colin Powell, Lou Holtz, Laura Bush, Howard Putnam, Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Robert Schuller, Krish Dhunam, & Kurt Warner. Our church has 100 tickets we are giving away to church participants. Please mark your Connect Card if you would like a ticket “ first come, first serve". Also mark your card if you would like to ride to the event in one of church vans (cost $4 to cover parking and gas). We will put coolers in the vans so you can bring a sack lunch if you wish.

O’Fallon Community Prayer Breakfast

The 17th annual O’Fallon Community Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by the O’Fallon Ministerial Alliance and Mayor Gary Graham, will be held Thursday, May 5,2011 at the Regency Conference Center. The prayer breakfast will start at 7:30 AM.

Tickets for the event go on sale April 7 and cost $13.00.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Mr. John Foppe. Born without arms, John has had to break down and re-think every aspect of day-to-day life. He learned that the inability to do something didn’t rest on the lack of resources or vision. Instead, it has more to do with one’s subconscious perception to meeting a challenge head on.

Adult Spiritual Formation Pastor Joel Catlin


FFF certified casting instructors Justin Klienhoffer and Jim Laing share their fly fishing knowledge and skill in this two part Lyfe Skills class.

Part 1: In a classroom setting you will cover “trout fishing” basics, including discussions on equipment, what fish eat and where to find them. These introductory sessions will include basic knot tying information and a fly tying demo by one of your instructors. Class limit: 10

Part 2: This three week class will focus on fly casting skills. Bring your fly rod for this hands-on class that focuses on fly casting mechanics and a few basic casts including the pick-up/ lay down, roll cast and overhead casts. This class will be located at the new family sports park. Class limit: 6

Since both classes have limited space, registration is required via the Sunday Connect Card.


5/8-Mother's Day Children's Musical

8:30 and 10:45 Service 5/30- Memorial Day


6/13-6/17-Vacation Bible School 6PM, dinner at 5:30 PM

6/17-Relay for Life 7PM


On May 5, Americans observe the National Day of Prayer. Waiting on God is an important component of prayer. It’s hard to understand why God delays when we cry out for help. Why does he allow us to suffer, when he could just say the word and make it all better? Why must we wait? Consider a child whose parents always give her whatever she asks, as soon as she asks for it. That child has little opportunity to learn patience or gratitude. Because she doesn’t know what it’s like to not have, she cannot appreciate the true value of something. God may have some of these things in mind when our prayers go unanswered for a time. As the psalmist exhorts, “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14, NRSV)

On-Line Church Calendar

Please check out the link to our on-line church calendar which shows all activities at the Church.


A weekly calendar is also available in the Sunday Connexion.

Get involved, make new friends, and grow in Christ!!

April 4/10- Book Discussion

7 PM in Library (Heaven is for Real)

4/17-Deadline to order Easter Flowers

4/26- Administrative Council 7 PM

I would like to thank so many people for their sympathy, cards, and visits when my beloved Uncle, Tony Mayer, passed away. Also for our ministers for their thoughts, visits and compassion. I had been his caregiver for close to 10 years now, and he will be missed greatly by myself and my family. Johnnie Goodwin I want to thank everyone who has made it possible for this dream (the Children's Playgound) to be a reality. Thank you to those whom have given memorial money, donations of time and money and helped with the purchase of the playground. Thank you in advance to all of those who will help unload, construct, provide snacks and meals and childcare while the playground is being constructed!! Valerie Rice, Children's Director

Dear friends, Thank you so much for your concern and prayers. We both appreciate your good wishes for healing. We're taking each day as it comes and enjoying each good day. And....we're looking forward to warm weather and some baseball. We pray that all is well with the church and its many mission activities and prayer givers! Fondly, Ken and Dana Emery

The O'Fallon Methodist Men have donated $1270 of God's resources to the following local mission projects: Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House, Caring Hearts, Food Pantry, O'Fallon Area Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, Women's Crisis Center and Youth Mission trips. We thank you all for supporting our mission projects through the Pancake Supper and Easter Breakfast. We look forward to seeing all of you at our Easter Breakfast in April.

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Linda Ivins & family on the death of her daughter, Megan Gates Lucille Borsch and family on the death of her husband, Elmer Mary Jean Sees & family on the death of her mother Un Hui Lindley & family on the death of her mother and brother

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