50 inspirational positive quotes that make you think at goal setting college

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By Ellesse

I’ve always have this penchant for inspirational positive quotes. It’s amazing what those mere strings of words can do. Seemingly simple. Yet interestinglyprofound.

If you’ve some time today, I invite you to join me in this self discovery journey as we go through this 50 wonderful inspirational positive quotes.

Indulge in the tranquil moment as you read with both your eyes and heart.

Remember, eyes may provide sight. But it’s the heart which gives insight.


“Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.”- Henri L. Bergson

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do thesomething that I can do.”

– Hellen Keller

“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.”- Josh Billings

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”- Will Rogers

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by reallybecoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

1 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

the beginning.”- Mahatma Gandhi

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”- Christopher Columbus

“To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his left and right hand. He uses both.”- St Catherine of Siena

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up forus”

- Helen Keller

“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.”- Talmund

“Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.”- Norman Vincent Peale

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”- Dr Wayne Dyer

“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”- Theodore Rubin

“Pessimist : A person who says that O is the last letter of ZERO, instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY.”- Anonymous

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison

“Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting”- Elizabeth Bibesco

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”- B. Olatunji

“When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on.”- Franklin D Roosevelt

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”- Zig Ziglar

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”- Winston Churchill

“The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”- Dennis Green

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have theskill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”

- Muhammad Ali

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”- Dale Carnegie

“So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”- Christopher Reeve

“Hard work spotlights the character of people. Some turn up their sleeves. Some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.”- Sam Ewing

“There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Gointo the third category because there’s virtually no competition.”

- Steven J Ross

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”- Confucious

“Many of life’s failures are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up.”- Thomas A Edison

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”- Stephen Covey

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

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“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”- Peter Drucker

“Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!”- Donald Gardner

“Success is what you attract by the person you become.”- Jim Rohn

“You have to ‘Be’ before you can ‘Do’ and ‘Do’ before you can ‘Have’.- Zig Ziglar

“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people to get what they want.”- Zig Ziglar

“The test we must set for ourselves is not to march alone but to march in such a way that others wish to join us.”- Hubert Humphrey

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus when the limo breaks down.”- Oprah Winfrey

“Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.”- Jim Rohn

“It isn’t what the book costs. It’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it.”- Jim Rohn

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”- Mahatma Gandhi

“The future has several names. For the weak, it is the impossible. For the fainthearted, it is the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant, it is the ideal.”- Victor Hugo

“There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.”- Po Bronson

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”- Waldo Emerson

“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”- Henry van Dyke

“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”- Bertrand Russell

“History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.”- Winston Churchill

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life’s about creating yourself.”- George Bernard Shaw

“Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes areto be observed from each new vintage point.”

- Harold B Melchart

“The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach.”- Benjamin Mays

“More often in life, we end up regretting the chances in life that we had, but didn’t take them, than those chances that we took and wished we hadn’t.”- Anonymous

“An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.”- Pope John Paul I

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for morewisdom.”

- Earl Shoaf

That’s all from me. Do you have other inspirational positive quotes that you’ll like to share? Let me know in the comments!

** Photo by Aussiegall positive quotes

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

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430 Responses to “50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think”

Julia Malik at 10:08 am



Ellesse at 11:25 am

Hey Julia, thanks for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed reading them…


Kamil Burzynski at 1:17 pm

Excellent list!


March at 1:24 pm

Cool!! This is really good!! Thank you.


Christian Dior Butor at 1:54 pm

thanks for this one..lovely!

It’s like an instant motivation tool for everyone who’s lazy like me..

Now i’m gonna do my courseworks..I’m still in highschool. lol



Ritu at 2:05 pm

Hey Ellesse, this is awesome . I love to read quotes as they convey so much in so little. Thanks for compiling these quotes. I know where to turnwhen I need a quote now .

Here is one from me ” Everybody needs to fall every once in a while. If you never fall you never learn to get back up. ”


Ellesse at 2:17 pm

@Kamil & March, thanks for the kind words!

@Christian, definitely! Actually these quotes are stored on my hard drive and everytime I need a boost, I’ll refer to them. Glad to share with youall! And boy, the response was amazing. Thank you!

@Ritu, how true. It’s through falling down that we get to see things from a different level. My major setback was my Preuniversity saga. But thatmade me what I am today. I’m very very grateful for that!


viv King at 2:35 pm

These are so good I printed them out and put them on my ridge door – thank you ELLESE


Matthew Megan at 2:39 pm

thanks to stumble upon and you.!!!!

Im more inspired to kick ass for the rest of the day.!!!


jessica gonzales at 2:50 pm10.

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50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

4 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

I thought these quotes were amazing very inspirational. Loved it! Here goes another one for ya .


Ellesse at 2:54 pm

@Viv, I’m so glad that you loved this so much to reserve a space on your fridge door! You really warmed my heart…

@Matt, I’m so happy that this helped YOU. Simple happiness. Yes, and that’s what life should be!

@Jess. That is a inspirational quote! In fact, it was on my original list that I shortlisted to be in this article. I’ll be happy to do a second series Good recommendation! By the way, if you’re into curiosity, I’m previously written an article on this.


Alex Blackwell at 3:26 pm

Great list of quotes. Thanks for pulling these together.


Jose Juarez at 3:40 pm

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

“The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.” – George Eliot

“Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” LaoTzu

‘Be faithful to that which exists nowhere else except in yourself,thus making yourself indispensable.”-Andre Gilde


Blake Thomas Andrew at 3:47 pm

“If you care very much what other people think, you will find that you are not one of the ones doing the thinking.”

“If women ruled the world everything would be the same, except the guns would suck you in.”

“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hopefully except God.”

(I think poor old God is in one of those nightmare positions of responsibility but no authority.)


ACE-KING at 4:07 pm

Great list , thanks


Gamy Rachel at 4:08 pm

Nice work! Thanks for the effort, Ellesse.



gary smith at 5:06 pm

thanks Ellesse for putting those together..each and every one is a gem. And thanks to stumpleupon yet again


Eric Napier at 6:27 pm

Great work Ellesse. I’m also a quote buff. I built a whole website to house my collection! You might find something you like here:http://www.quotationcollection.com/tag/initiative/quotesor here:http://www.quotationcollection.com/tag/persistence/quotes


Buttoned-Up.com at 6:29 pm

Great list! Here’s another one:

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” –Henry David Thoreau


Arvind at 6:39 pm

These quotes were very nice…I just have one more to add.

“When you help someone up a steep hill, you get nearer the top yourself.”


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

5 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

- Anonymous.

Kamil Burzynski at 6:59 pm

Btw. you may be interested in including those ones:

“If you understood what you are doing, you are not learning anything.”

“There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder whathappened.”

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.”


dave at 7:39 pm

excellent.here’s another……”if i can just get to the stairs,i can get to the stars!”


Janice DeBard at 9:21 pm

This is great stuff. My clients will eat this up. Thanks.



Luke at 1:05 am

I love this list. Excellent stuff!


Ellesse at 1:46 am

You guys and gals rock! And made my start of the year a FABULOUS one…

@Alex, Ace, Gamy, Gary, Luke… thank you so much for your very very kind words. It’s a excellent way to start the new year with these 50 quotesand also receive such heartwarming feedback from all of you…

@Jose, those are some really powerful quotes. Thank you so much for sharing!

@Blake, you’ve absolutely no idea how much I love the first one on your list … really insightful and thought provoking.

@Eric, thanks for the link. Guys and gals, another source for you to check out!

@Button-up.com, how apt! And so very very true. Those who have the time to complain about how busy they were will probably hate Henry DavidThoreau for it… haha.

@Arvind, yes. When you’re helping others, you uplift the state of your life condition, learning more than what others are learning. Gaining morethan what others are gaining. That’s the gift of giving. Thanks, Arvind for affirming that with that wonderful quote…

@Kamil, thanks for coming back to add your very cool quotes to the pool. I simply loved the 2nd one on your list. It’s very very true… and whenyou ask the 3rd group of people what they want in life, they’ll say “I see what comes along”. To them, maybe ignorance is bliss… haha.

@Dave, that must be a flight of stairs to the Universe! Nice one.

@Janice, feel free to share with them this list. Oh boy, seems that you and your husband had great fun last year… continue doing so. Life’s abouttreasuring every moment… and creating yourself in the process!

Have a excellent 2008, everyone!


Nick Grimshawe at 2:12 am

A great mix of fabulous quotes to make you think. I love inspirational quotes because they are like knidling for a fire. Anyone of those quotes arecapable of being the spark to some great adventure, or brilliant idea.



Rick Dekkard at 4:21 am

“Do, or do not. There is no ‘Try’” – Yoda


Ellesse at 5:19 am

@Nick, absolutely. I guess these people of wisdom would be even happier if others were to put their advice to good use. And that’s precisely what Ilove about inspirational quotes too. For they often inspire people to do that difficult step : Action.

@Rick, thanks for your great addition.

Anyone else would like to share?


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

6 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

avi at 7:19 am

u woke me up! thank you… great job:)


Al at 7P at 7:22 am

I really like the quote by Muhammad Ali about the will needing to be stronger than the skill. Let me join the comment-fest with some of myfavorites:

“The reasonable man conforms to the world, while the unreasonable man tries to conform the world to him. Therefore, all progress relies upon theunreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw

“The goal is not to be better than the other man, but to be better than your previous self.” – An old Hindu proverb.

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something greater than fear.” – Ambrose Redmoon


Lawrence Cheok at 12:56 pm

Great list of quotes, Ellesse. I have bookmarked and will be referencing it often



Jane Cosnowsky at 4:22 pm

Thank you for the “positive food” Here are my contributions:

Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’~ Lao Tzu

“Bear in mind, if you are going to amount to anything, that your success does not depend upon the brilliancy and the impetuosity with which youtake hold, but upon the ever lasting and sanctified buldoggedness with which you hang on after you have taken hold.” Dr. A. B. Meldrum

“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crackshowing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it – but all that had gone before.” – JacobRiis

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit.When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” – Art Turock

Best to you, Ellesse


james f. lobedica at 10:33 pm

i am truly enthralled at the deepness of the thoughts and the simplicity of the words conveyed in the quotes.


Tezza at 1:00 am

A wonderful collection of quotes. Great Job!


kirsten at 3:02 am

Ellesse, what a terrific list! Thanks for providing so many great quotes in one post.

Here are some more:

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which youthink you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.”–Napoleon Hill

“Fortune sides with those who dare.”– Virgil



-Life is like a puzzle and the only hint is your dreams which is at the finish end!-There are two side to everything in life, you got good and bad things, a point A and point B, a positive and negative and a up or down, but tosucceed is up to you to balance them.


Ellesse at 3:17 am

@Avi, Lawrence, James, Tezza… thank you so much for your kind words… Indeed these wise people have not only left their legacy of great deedsand works, they’ve also left us lingering thoughts to ponder about. Sometimes it makes me wonder, what things have I left for the next generation?

@Al, haha. What a coincidence… A few of yours were on my shortlisted quotes too. Thank you so much for frequenting Goal Setting College andcommenting… I really really really appreciate that!


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

7 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

@Jane, wow. those are really profound words! Thank you so much for your contribution!

@Kirsten, Ah… Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady! I’ve always loved her quotes. Another favourite of mine is this “The future belong to those whobelieve in the beauty of their dreams.” Good stuff! And Napolean Hill’s quote… used that a lot in my articles… Good recommendations!

@Alfredo, how true. 2 side of things. And that’s what positivity is all about.. looking at the bright side while taking heed of the bad. A fact of life!

Hey, everyone, just want to let you guys know how much I treasure your comments and feedback. Goal Setting College was like a quiet forestbefore this. But with all your wonderful chatter, this is really becoming the beautiful woods I’ve always wished for!

Thank you, thank you everyone…

Ron Tocknell at 3:52 pm

The difference between being on an unknown journey and being lost is simply a matter of viewpoint.

Opportunity is always knocking at the door……… but with a feather.

Democracy is the objective of those who aspire to power….and a stone-in-the-shoe for those who have it.

He who sees wealth as having everything will never be wealthyHe who sees wealth as needing nothing will never be poor

To consider is to unlock doorsTo believe is to open one doorTo accept is to open all doorsTo surrender is to pass through

A lifetime of study and learning cannot alter the inevitability of surrendering to the unknown.

Just a few more to consider.


Doug Manning at 7:26 pm

As a fan of inspirational quotes, you’ll enjoy the Reel Life Wisdom site. There are over 1,400 inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from themovies on this site.


Jason @ LiveLoaded.com at 8:26 pm

Thanks for the great collection of quotes, you’ve really put together an inspiring list. I’ve even decided to incorporate several of them into my dailyblog.

I love motivational quotes – the simplicity and elegance of a powerful quote sets off an internal spark like few other things in life can. I find it to begreat for motivation and goal setting to have them everywhere. I have posters and images all over my office with some of my favorite quotes. WhenI’m feeling down or lacking vision, sometimes a quick glance is all it takes to get my act together.

Thanks again, and keep up the good work!


Ellesse at 4:09 am

@Ron, nice additions. I especially loved the 3rd one. Wealth is a very much misunderstood thing and I’ve seen so many people give up their healthfor their wealth only to use their wealth for their health later. Ironic.

@Doug, thanks for leading me to the site. I googled it and found it to be a treasure trove of quotes. For the benefit of everyone, here’s the linkhttp://www.reellifewisdom.com/. Enjoy people…

@Jason, thank you very much for your kind words. I see that you’ve already used some of the quotes on your blog. Thank you! Share them!Showcase them! and inspire more people…


JJ at 6:35 am

and the Greatest quote of all…………………………..Who can be against you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,when GOD is with you


Ellesse at 9:15 am

@JJ, Thank you for adding a nice spiritual touch to the list of quotes suggested!


Jimmy at 12:50 am

Greetings from Ireland.Brilliant!Well done.So refreshing.


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

8 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Will come back to it often.Wish you the very best.

Ellesse at 2:30 am

Hey Jimmy, welcome to Goal Setting College. Good to have you with us. And please, come back often and join in the chatter!


Chuck at 5:48 am

Very nice collection. And, like Eric, I have a site devoted to hand-selected quotes relating to inspiration and motivation. You might be interested:




Ellesse at 6:24 am

Chuck, Nice one! I popped over and grabbed this quote that’s quite thoughtful : “A man has three names: the name he inherits, the name his parentsgive him, and the name he makes for himself.”

Everyone, another site to take a look…


Alfredo at 7:37 am

hi, once again thanks! for those words of wisdom.– There is no end to Knowledge! Knoledge is like walking on a straight street where all you see is darkness down the road, and it does not matterhow far you walk towards it , you can’t reach it. by: (Alfredo Collado)


Ellesse at 8:17 am

Alfredo, thanks for coming back! Hmm… your own quote. Good insight!


Koosha at 8:18 am

Hi Ellesse,That was really intrestingThat was a really great collection …Many thanks Koosha


Ron Tocknell at 11:47 am

This one has got to be one of my favourites:

When asked what was the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom, a wise man once said: “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit;Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad”


Shane at 12:05 pm

Well done!

I have you bookmarked and will be back often for inspiration.



john at 1:13 pm

hey how did you compile this? great list!very nice!


Ellesse at 1:21 pm

@Koosha, thank you for popping by and dropping a comment… you never fail to make me feel appreciated!

@Ron, haha… that’s a fantastic one!

@Shane, thank you! maybe you can also consider subscribing to Goal Setting College!

@John, alright, I admit it… I scanned through various inspirational quote sites, ebooks, videos and shortlisted about 70. Think I went through crossto 1,500 inspirational quotes . Then I did another check to put in the 50 which I really liked from that list and there it is….


Skerit at 6:57 pm



Alfredo Collado at 9:46 pm56.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

9 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Thanks! Ellesse, yeah is my very own words I love to write word of wisdom. and motivations.

Adam Hevenor at 2:24 am

Wow. A great list.

I like this one:

“We are like the spider. We weave our web and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in that dream. That is truefor the entire universe.” – Upanishads


Ellesse at 3:05 am

@Skerit, thank you!

@Alfredo, transforming our insights into words of wisdom is not only a good brain exercise, it’s also an excellent form of journalizing our thoughtsand reflecting our experiences. Keep up the good work!

@Adam, ah.. I can see the picture vividly. Of webs & dreams. Thank you for sharing!


siddharth at 5:57 am

hey Ellesse, kudos, not just for stringing those quotes, but for making this page a goldmine of inspirational qoutes being sent by everybody. Andhope people keep adding….”it’s never done till it’s done” – Me


siddharth at 6:08 am

ok, here’s one for the thinkers – “knowledge – know and you enter; you know not, know not and you enter; you know”


Ellesse at 11:49 am

Siddharth, thanks for your kind words! I didn’t do much actually… I merely compiled these quotes… it’s you wonderful people who made thispossible! Thank you.

Wow, you’re another insightful one. I like your first quote. The second one seems too beyond me… haha!


Julian's quote pics at 1:39 am

I especially like the Mahatma Gandhi one at the top, it’s as Henry Ford said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”. Thething that most people don’t realise it that it’s not just poetic, it’s how it actually is!


Ellesse at 1:45 am

Absolutely, Julian. Gandhi’s one of my admired heros and being able to showcase his quotes is more than a pleasure. It’s also an honor. And ifpeople start thinking they possess the wonderful trove of potential within them, so much more greater things can be achieved. That’s the beauty andpower of firm belief!


James Newman at 3:50 am

Great Quotes!

“When faced with a tough decision remember, it’s always easier to regret the passive choice because you’ll never know what could have been.” –me

“There are no windows of opportunity. Only walls of opportunity. And then we are given a ladder.” -me

“Material possessions are often like taking a prescription for happiness. They can conceal the symptoms but ultimately won’t cure the disease that isunhappiness.” -me


Ron Tocknell at 10:06 am

“A man sould always think about the source of the water as he drinks it” Yip Man

“A man should always think very carefully about the source of the water BEFORE he drinks it” Ron Tocknell


SJ | RichGrad.com at 2:19 pm

V. nice! =)

I wrote an entry on motivational quotes a short while back and it was also very popular. You may want to have a look:

7 Motivational Quotes To Start Your Day, Everyday!


Mike at 2:34 pm

Wow this is excellent I like it.


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

10 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Ellesse at 1:42 am

@James, I loved the third. It speaks so much of the truth in blindly chasing wealth.

@Ron, your version gives a slightly different twist to it. Yip man’s talking about reflection and gratitude, your’s into decision making. Just a changemakes so much difference.

@SJ, thanks for the link. The quotes on your list are some of the more popular ones I’ve seen. Nice job.

@Mike, thank you very much for your kind words!


TJ at 2:43 am

Failure to prepare is like preparing to fail.


Ron Tocknell at 7:58 am

Actually, I love Yip Man’s quote (is it just me or does “Yip Man” sound like a name for a bizarre kind of superhero?). We tend to eat and drink,taking the sustenance for granted. Half the time, we are not even fully aware that we are eating or drinking, absorbed in the TV instead. Yip Man issaying “This is important. Pay attention. The water does not have to be here yet here it is.” He is making us aware in order to fully experiencedrinking.

My addition was a joke –– albeit with an element of truth )


Kevin at 10:47 am

Wayne Dyer’s name is spelled incorrectly, I think.


Ellesse at 11:17 am

@TJ, cool one!

@Ron, Yip Man sounds like some cantonese gongfu hero. I’m not sure if Yip Man’s referring to a chinese proverb, which is also talking about beinggrateful for what one possess. Very very important, in my opinion.

@Kevin, thanks for the heads up! I’ve corrected it


Nick at 11:42 pm

I love this list! Thanks Ellesse for compiling it and thanks to StumbleUpon for helping me find it!

I really like this quote that I read in a book by Melenie Rawn:

“Nothing is set in stone, and if so stone can be broken.”– Lady Andreda


AM at 5:27 am

Wow….very motivating. Thanks very much for compiling. Below are a couple that have kept me sane:

Fear is like fire. Control it, master it, and it will warm your home, and cook your food. Uncontrolled, and it will burn your house down.

The further you look the less you will see.


Ron Tocknell at 11:19 am

Er… AM, can you please elaborate:

“Fear is like fire. Control it, master it and it will warm your home and cook your food….”

WILL IT????????????????

God God!! I never knew that!


Ellesse at 2:17 pm

@Nick, I really have to thank Stumbleupon too for bringing so many of you here! I really like your quote.

@AM, let me make a guess. Your first quote seems to imply that fear, when controlled, keeps you on your toes, continuously improving yourself sothat you’ll be self sufficient (and earn enough to bring food onto the table). It also “scares” you into advance preparation for winter too?

@Ron, haha. try guessing too.


annoyed at 11:32 pm

good but i’ve seen better, hated the inclusion of opera who i believe should stop running round talking crap about insparational books, she should


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

11 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

get off her ass and get in the gym

etavitom at 2:57 am

truly profound! thanks and all the best in 2008.


Ellesse at 4:41 am

@annoyed, I’m sorry if you didn’t like Oprah Winfrey’s quote. Maybe you can share with us some of the better quotes you’ve seen?

@Etavitom, thanks!


Cipher at 2:05 pm

Great stuff to read… got a few of mine too,

Life, like all games becomes more fun, when you realize that it is just a game!

The first hurdle in success is ” you can’t do it ” and the last one is ” I can’t do it “.

Think about it…


Sergio Ceccherini at 4:42 pm

“Of all the creatures on Earth, only man has the intelligence to be stupid†Sergio Ceccherini


Ellesse at 1:40 pm

@Cipher, haha… Iife is indeed a game. That day my dad was just telling me I’m not treating certain things in life seriously. Am I?

@Sergio, another funny one. But quite true. See this


urban buddha at 7:31 am

Two Quotes:“Everyone is a genius, we just need to embrace our inner child to see it.”By Dean C Whyte.Life is not about what you can get, but what you can give.By Dean C Whyte


Hannele at 10:32 am

Thanks for an excellent list of inspiration! There’s one mistake though: the quote by Confucius “Our greatest glory is never in failure, but in risingevery time we fall.” should actually be “Our greatest glory is _not in never falling_, but in rising every time we fall.”


Ellesse at 2:14 am

Thanks Hannele, I’m so sorry about that. I’ve corrected the quote! Thanks for letting me know. Really appreciate it!


JP at 10:56 am

Great site. We need a bit of cheering up here in wintery London.Here’s one for you, though I can’t remember who said it.

Tell me, and I’ll forgetShow me, and I’ll rememberInvolve me, and I’ll understand.


Ellesse at 12:52 pm

Absolutely brilliant addition! Thanks JP


howard alford at 11:54 pm

peaceful reading thanks!


Ellesse at 2:46 am

Thanks Howard, for your kind words!


Rassendyl at 6:12 am

Simply GREAT.


francisco at 9:08 am91.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

12 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

what about Einstein’s, they are great too.thanks though for this ones.

Ellesse at 12:02 pm

Yes, Francisco. I do like some from him as well :

“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted”

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Maybe you can let us know the quotes you like from Einstein


PD at 7:42 am



Inspired at 3:27 am

Great quotes! There’s a website with countless quotes that are all about inspiration and happiness: http://www.airequation.org


Ellesse at 6:24 am

PD, thanks!

Inspired, thanks for sharing the link. I’m sure we can do with more good quotes!


Matthew McKeighan at 7:24 pm

Thanks! I’ve been starting to get depressed again and some of the quotes really made me rethink This is a great site.


Ellesse at 11:59 pm

Matthew, thanks for your kind words! I really appreciate that!


Denise Voll at 9:25 am

“Ask not what your country can do for you…ask what YOU can do for your country!”John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Give a man a fish and he eats a meal. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” (Author unknown)


Chris at 10:26 pm

Have you heard of Shirley Cheng? She has a quote that is right up your alley:

“Although I’m blind, I can see far and wide; even though I’m disabled, I can climb high mountains. Let the ropes of hope haul you high!”

Her website is http://www.shirleycheng.com in case anybody else feels compelled to check her out. I recently signed up for Shirley’s mailing list andhave thoroughly enjoyed her occasional letters.


Ellesse at 4:49 am

@Denise, thanks for your contributions! These are some really popular quotes you’ve added!

@Chris, thanks for introducing Shirley Cheng. I’ve checked out her website and her story’s absolutely inspirational. Indeed, she’s really the modernday Helen Keller!


Ahmed Abbas at 6:39 pm

Hello everyone, Ahmed from Sudan

Ellese thank you for the amazing and really inspiring list of quotes!hehe im going to turn to this list whenever i’m feeling down!A few quotes from Confucius

“If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people. ”

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ”

“It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.”

Love this one “When anger rises, think of the consequences”

“We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression. “


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

13 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Ellesse at 2:23 am

Ahmed, thanks for your additions! I particularly loved the 2nd one “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. â€

It’s very very true. In the world that we live in now, we literally strive on instant gratification. Hence when something doesn’t show quick results,we give up. Little do we know that as long as we keep doing it, even the tortoise can win the race.

Thanks for your insight!


blogrdoc at 1:48 pm

Let me start by saying this this is probably the only list of quotes (other than mine, ofcourse) that I find value in every single one. Good job!

Here’s some of my faves:

An eye for an eye will leave the world blind. – Ghandi

To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. – Euripedes


Ellesse at 2:44 am

I’m really flattered by your comments, Blogrdoc! Thanks you so much!

I love that Gandhi’s quote you mentioned. So much of the world’s turmoil we see now is out of hatred and vengence. It’s so real. And so regretful.


sylph at 3:12 am

inspiring quotes to live by


instant degrees at 11:16 am

very inspiring. thanks


Ellesse at 9:28 am

Sylph & Instant Degrees, thanks for your kind words!


Mitch Moore at 5:17 am

‘Would you rather tell stories of quiting after the first fall in life, or tell stories of how you kept falling but got up every time.’


sylvia at 10:03 pm

Hello there.. Stumbled upon this page.. Liked it a lot. Copied several of them to my “Favourite Quotes” in Facebook.. Hehehe..

I have one favourite:

“Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature wouldn’t incite us to have them.”

It’s from John Updike. I have a special bond with this quote. Long story. Short version, this quote was the one that motivated me to keep on chasingmy dream, even when it’s already shattered in front of my eye. =)


Ellesse at 7:04 am

@Mitch Thank you for your contribution! Nice one…

@Sylvia I’m glad you liked the list! Btw, I really liked your quote. Though it’s simple, it exudes a lot of hope and passion. So very true.

I’m sorry to hear your dream’s being shattered. Even though I don’t know the details, all I can tell you, please don’t give up. Analyze what didn’twork out and what did, and learn from the experience. Remember this quote from Helen Keller

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been openedup for usâ€


venkat at 11:06 am

Here is one for our times:live simply so that others can simply live – Mahatma Gandhi

A couple of vedic gems:

Let noble thoughts come to me from all directionsRig Veda

–Lead me from the unreal to the Real;


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

14 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Lead me from darkness to Light;Lead me from death to Immortality.-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad-

Dale at 4:47 pm

I really enjoyed your quotes! Some of them really make you think. I have some on my blog that you might enjoy. There is a different one every timeyou visit. Check out http://www.launchyourgoals.com/blog


Tim McGraw at 11:51 am

the only one to say would be Awesome!!


Ellesse at 1:08 am

@VenKat Thanks for sharing!

@Dale & Tim Thank you for your kind words!


JRE at 4:40 am

Thanks for those great quotes. They are very inspirational.


Martin Muehl at 6:42 pm

Some sports related:

“God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, the triathlon must have taken Him completely by surprise.” - P.Z. Pearce

“A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at theend, punish himself even more.”- Steve Prefontaine

“Some people consider the marathon the ultimate endurance event. We consider it a cool down.”- SBR MultiSports Advertising

“You can quit and no one will really care….but you will always know.”- John Colins

“bstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”- Michael Jordan

“When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in moreways than physical. Is it raining or are you tired? That doesn’t matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem.”- Emil Zatopek

“If it’s hurting me, it’s killing them.”- Desire’s Ficker

“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”- Will Rogers


Ellesse at 12:16 am

@JRE, you’re welcomed! Glad you liked them…

@Martin you’ve no idea how timely your quotes are! I’ve just signed up for a 10km run and I absolutely love Michael Jordan’s one on your list,which is totally relevant now, especially during my training.


Paul Ingersole at 12:05 pm

Very inspiring and well written.No petty spelling comments from me,they always make me laugh.Some of the most successful people online that I know do not spellvery well.




Ellesse at 11:36 pm

@Paul Glad you like it! I would love to take credit for “writing” these quotes but it’s these remarkable people we’ve really got to thank for!


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

15 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Ash at 1:28 pm

Thank you for sharing the inspirational quote. It really helps me stay positive in times of uncertainty.


Brad at 1:10 am

Try this one..“Good is not good, If you’re doing good you can’t be great. Good is the enemy of great….If I want to be great, I have to think differentthan the normal people, the good people.” – Dave Hopla, 98% free throw shooter(World’s best).


K.K.JAIN at 8:42 am

Excellent quotes, really inspiring and give instant motivation. Thanks


Crystal C at 6:19 pm

ellesse, thanks for the qoutes and thanks for inspiring people to place some of their favorite qoutes up. they have all been truly insiring for me. thisyear has been a bit tough for me, im just not sure which direction i want to take my life.and then last month,something amazing happend, my workasked me if i could place inspirational quotes up at the front desk since i usally have one or two in my office. after reading hundreds of qoutes irealized that i wasn’t truly happy where i was, then i stummbled upon your page from the first quote i was hooked.i wanted to say thank you.i not sosure were my life is going to go but im sure it’ll be for the better =)..

ps heres a few to add to the collection……

“he who has a why to live can over come almost any how”-fredrich nietzsche

“success is the ability to go from failure to failure without ever losing your enthusiams”-winston churchhill

“out of clutter find simplicity,from discord find harmony, in the middle of diffculty lies opportunity”- albert einstien


Ellesse at 5:03 am

@Ash, KK Thanks for your kind comments!

@Brad Excellent quote. Always go for the very best. Isn’t it apt now that we’ve got the Olympics now? To all athletes!

@Crystal I’m really glad these quotes made a difference to you! And I certainly know where you’re coming from with regards to getting readymotivation. Sometimes when we’re down, a dash of that could mean giving up or going on! Feel free to print this list and put it somewhere nearyou… whenever you need an instant perk, this will definitely do the job!


Yavor at 7:09 pm

I would like to add a quote that has always motivated me to ACT.‘Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.”I hope it works for all of you too.


Stan Dubin at 3:54 am

Truly great set of quotes!

I’d like to add one from L. Ron Hubbard:

“Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend tohimself.??”


Kyle at 2:44 am

Thanks a lot for these!! Been going through some hard times lately, and these helped me out a lot. This is one I like a lot. Not so much inspirational,but a good one I like to live by.

“Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble.”-John Treacy

Thanks again!! -Kyle


Carla Jefferson at 5:05 pm

I LOVE quotes and stubbling on this website gave me the chance to read some I had never heard of. But after going through Hurricane IKE twoweeks ago the quotes I have lived by is:

“In order to see the rainbow you have to first go through the storm”

I told myself that over and over again when I was without out power for two weeks and I saw my rainbow this morning when my power wasrestored.


The Fitness Diva at 1:36 pm129.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

16 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Great list of quotes. Awesome!

joanne at 9:33 am

wow….its amazing…thank you…very inspiring..:)

God Bless You…:)


Chuck Norris at 4:43 pm

i think these quotes are good


Chuck Norris at 4:44 pm



Sara Seshadri at 5:10 pm

These are some thought provoking quotes you got there

here’s one i heard but don’t actually remember where from:


nice huh?


Ellesse at 1:34 am

@Yavor Thanks for your quote! Totally agree with that.. action is the key

@Stan Being able to listen and be a confidante to oneself is very important. Many a times, we have the mentality that others probably know usbetter than ourselves. But actually, the contrary is true. No one understands himself better than himself. It’s a matter of being aware of your feelingsthat can set the difference…

@Kyle I’m really glad these quotes helped you! Self belief is very important… as you soon realized, that is part of the “formulae” that makes thedifference between failure and success!

@Carla I’m so sorry about Hurricane Ike… and what you and your family went through. Your quote is very meaningful and really thanks forsharing it!

@The Fitness Diva, Joanne, Chuck Thank you so much for the kind words!

@Sara Interesting. LOA advocators will probably tell you if you focused on your wishes long enough, it’ll stick in your mind to encourage someaction. I’m certainly one of those people…


Jay at 10:30 pm


My heartfelt thank you.I am going to practice what Mr Steven J Ross said.


Nardyello at 4:26 am

Let me add one of my favorites to here also:

“Never Let the Fear of Striking Out Keep You from Playing the Game” – Babe Ruth

There is an incredible amount of wisdom in this post. I am glad I came across it.

Hope this helps many people out there, because “man’s intelligence has developed faster than his wisdom”. Not sure from where I got this, but it isa fact non-the-less.



praveen at 5:54 pm



Ellesse at 3:25 pm

@Jay you’re welcome! I’ve been following Mr Ross words too and it’s absolutely true…

@Nardyello Thanks for your kind words. I certainly hope everyone who’ve read these quotes will be inspired to take action in kickstarting theirgoals. I believe that’s the intention of all these wise men and women as well…


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

17 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

@Praveen Thanks for the quote!

MJ DeMarco at 8:52 pm

“Your choices are made in an instant yet their consequences transcend a lifetime”Author? Me!


Aware Arob at 3:47 am

good inspirational Quotes, here is another one

Not all people are People, there are people who walk with People,people who look as People, people who follow People, and people who are People


Reika at 2:21 pm

Thanks Ellesse for the hard work you put to collect these.

Two quotes which I hope may be of use to others (It’s from my little experience)

“Life isn’t made of things and people, but it is composed of what you can think, imagine, want and desire.”

“Reality is just a concept. The way you perceive what goes on around you, and the manner in which you re-act to it, that would be your reality, allelse is just imagination.”


hka at 5:39 pm

I believe this should read: “Most of the important things in the world have been accompLISHed by people who have kept on trying when thereseemed to be no hope at all.†- Dale Carnegie


Ellesse at 8:08 am

@MJ Wow, kudos to your creativity! Good one.

@Aware Hmm… not sure if I got the gist of the quote though. Thanks for your contribution in any case!

@Reika You’re most welcomed… It’s all worth it, especially knowing that many people are inspired by this compilation. Thanks for yourcontribution too! Loved them!

@hka Hey, you’re right! I must have overlooked it!


BlueNguyen at 10:27 am

Thanks 4 sharing ! It is realy useful ;-]


ARE at 10:24 pm

Wow…these are the best of the best..Thanks!!!


Ellesse at 7:47 am

@BlueNguyen I’m glad you find it useful!

@ARE Thanks for your kind words! Really appreciate that!


Triple A at 7:23 pm

You can pay for school but you can never buy class.


Sujudran at 3:55 am

Great words uttered. Thanks


Khuzema at 4:50 am

Thanks. Allow me to use some of these quotes in my next Sunday’s PD classes.Thanks again.


Ellesse at 1:52 am

@Triple A Very good one!

@Sujudan Glad you loved them…

@Khuzema You’re most welcomed! Please go ahead and share these…


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

18 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

DailyJobAlert at 7:22 am

Found: a platform to find inspiration. Great stuff. Thanks.


yong at 2:52 pm

great! been lonely and down for the past days.. opened too many sites that will help me ease my grief.. you made my day.. thanks a lot!! morepower!


Krista Finlayson at 1:41 pm

“Be smarter than the problem” Krista Finlayosn

“Accidents happen, what you do after an accident defines who you are.”Krista Finlayson


Caracal Keithrafferty at 2:40 am

All I can say is thank you for these. They shall help me.

Thank you.


Mohammed at 3:57 am

Great words, many thanks for sharing it. Awesome, I am Mohammed.


ERIC at 9:44 am

thank you so much.your collection has inspired me alot.God bless you.


Marilyn at 11:25 am

“if your not weird you don’t exist” — marilyn marinkov


-28- at 5:39 am

i love it! it makes me cry.


Suzan at 5:34 am

Its really really inspired me.Its fantastic


Rubina Arunagiri at 7:16 am

Thanks for all these lovely quotes these quotes guard my positive thinkingvery inspirational when read before starting the day.


josh raven at 8:25 am

they wre all right i guess but you missed out the best of all time it isnt easy being cheesy by kool kat


VICTORY at 10:47 am

Great & motivational Site…..

Adding into a punjabi Quote,Dehi Shiva Bar Mohe Ihe

Shubh Karman Se Kabhun Na TaronNa Daron Ari Son Jab Jai LaronNischey Kar Apni Jeet Karon

TRanslation…O God, give me these boonsNever shall I shirk from doing good deedsNever shall I fear when I go to fight the enemy(my inner conflicts,fear,greed)And with surety I shall attain victory


mark smith at 2:28 pm

“Some people walk in the rain…..others just get wet.” Not sure


Ellesse at 2:56 am

@DailyJobAlert, Yong, Caracal, Mohammed, Eric, -28-, Suzan, Rubina I’m very glad that it helped you! Would be great if you can pass it alongto your friends and family who might need an inspiration or two


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

19 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

@Krista I love the 2nd one. It’s very true, what you do after the accidents really shows your grit and wisdom!

@Josh Sorry, I didn’t get you. Can you clarify?

@Victory Yes, victory awaits all who dares to challenge the odds. More often than not, the odds comes from the inner, which this quote has soeloquently revealed! Thanks for sharing!

@Mark That’s interesting. But I think I’m really getting dense and didn’t really understand this quote that well. Would you like to elaborate thedeep meaning of this quote?

Andrew James Leonard at 1:54 pm

These are great quotes form wise people, i have started to think of inspiring quotes, here are some

You need to stand firm to remain standing,

Sometimes to become bigger You need to be broken to pieces,

With every step we take we grow,so why are we constanly trailing our feet behind us?


Emma Haag at 5:16 pm

Here’s something I thought of when my boyfriend asked me, “Why can’t I do this” :

“If you ask why you can’t, it’s because you’re not saying you can.”


seema at 12:46 pm

This were really good! thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ellesse at 4:06 pm

@Andrew Ahhh…. insightful! Especially the second one.

@Emma Thanks! You’re so right…

@Seema Glad you liked them. Please help spread this around Really appreciate it!


MOHAMED at 6:58 am



Bikash at 8:05 pm

Simply awesome. A great collectionIt reminds of the huge power stored in us and that life is so beautiful. If we just realize how lucky we are and learn to be happy and spread thehappiness around the world would be a much better place.

And these quotes convey such a strong message with such less effortsThanks for sharing it


lily at 6:13 am

thanks so much i read quotes all day and never stop but these are the best ones. i coulod sit here for years reading them your a gem mwa mwa. xx lil


dhang at 12:01 pm

these qoutes are very inspiring. i love to read them again and again.. may godbless everyone.


Delaney at 7:33 pm

“I like helping people because i feel like no one can help me”“If you wait for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will pass you by”


Sharon at 1:47 am


I got this from one of my bookmarks and please find below :

“many people have a good aim in life, but most of them don’t know when to pull the trigger”


jmac at 6:45 am175.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

20 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

thanks. You will inspire lots of people

Tanya from College Classes at 5:04 pm

Excellent quotes! I love quotes because they are so motivational and can boost your confidence.


Ellesse at 9:41 am

@Mohamed, Bikash, Lily, Dhang, Jmac, Tanya Thanks for your kind words. Please spread the word and share this list of quotes with your friendsor family. It’s a great inspiration for all.

@Delaney Very true! Thanks for adding to the collection

@Sharon Very very good quote. It’s one of those that I should’ve included in this list! Thanks for adding to the collection too!


Erin at 7:37 am

Hey these quotes are so awesome, i am currently compiling some for when i am feeling down. Here is one I made up

“Rules are there to be obeyed, but sometimes, just sometimes, they are there to see who is daring enough to break them”


jesus at 3:07 pm

man this is great!!!!!!!


David at 9:59 am

Wow excellent list and thanks to the people who contribute by adding more inspirational quotes on the comment list.nice job Elisse!!!!


BlackStar at 1:34 am

Thank you for these lovely quotes I love them all.


Priyanka at 2:05 pm

quotes are very good, simple and small and you will feel motivated after reading it..


Arun Thakkar at 3:58 am

Really all are Excellence and Mind Blowing too.


swetha at 5:01 pm

Really superb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the blessing of god make you a unique person. There are no words to praise u…………………..


Sol Danmeri at 8:26 pm

One of my favorite quotes is: “I LIKE MYSELF” Its great to value who you are.


kai at 12:30 pm

way to go keep up the good work


ahmed usama at 12:55 pm

1st thank you all for adding all this quotes. especially Ellesse.2nd i want to add one more but please read it and think.

You are in the driver’s seat of your life and can point your life down any road you want to travel. You can go as fast or as slow as you want to go …and you can change the road you’re on at any time….but try to be lucky .


Prashant Tiwari at 12:29 pm

DearNice collection

realy motivate ….!

“No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself .”

“Either you run the day or the day runs you. ”

“Oue work is the presentation of our capabilities.”

“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination , if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. ”


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

21 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

” Never be afraid to do something new, Remember amateurs built the ark ; professional built the titanic. ”

“Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey”

“Action will destory your procrastination”

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal , the tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. ”

“Intelligent people can always come up with intelligent reasons to do nothing”

” God always has a better plan . If something bad has happened , it is surely a sign that something good will come out of it in the future. ”

“When in doubt , do it. ”

For more and more motivational and inspiring quotes , i would like to invite you to my blog : http://maarvi07.blogspot.com

MacDonald at 12:39 pm

Dat was beautiful here is two for you

RIGHTEOUSNESS: You dont work for it, is a gift, you acquire.Just believe in Him on whom He sent and its all yours.

Not all our past that we should be proud of … It creates room for improvement into the future.


Pratibha at 9:45 am

I love all these quotes ………they are very inspiring


amit at 5:21 pm

hi frnds, great stuff from all u guys here is something from me:

“there is a large crowd on the road, u just go above it,it’s really vast empty space!!!”

“whole world tried to pull me down until i realized i have reached the stars from other side!!!!!”


Baoki at 9:53 am

These are the best eva guys,thank u all 4 givin me a great day


Maxine at 4:39 am

Loved the quotes…..i shared them with some people on my facebook……do you know who said…….”Don’t do something you may have toapologize for, it can’t be undone, and don’t say anything that you won’t be able to take back….” maxine


Jordan H at 11:03 pm

I really enjoyed reading these:)


Ellesse at 1:12 am

@All Thanks everyone! I’m glad you all liked these quotes and they made a difference in your lives!

@Maxine Thanks for sharing these quotes with your friends on facebook! Really appreciate that. I tried to google that quote you mentioned.Couldn’t find the source. I’ve to admit it’s a good quote though


Reggie at 1:24 am

These were some great quotes. Thanks for sharing. One of my favorites is by Greg Anderson “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy isfound not in finishing an activity, but in doing it.”


Lea at 5:21 am

I’m inspired with this quotes.


Don Jacks at 2:59 pm

Thanks for the list! Awesome thoughts ideas and reminders for us all!Merry ChristmasThank you for sharing!


Billy at 8:50 am199.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

22 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Hey i’ve been reading alot of quotes and i came up with one of my own,“When you take a look at yourself, your either happy with who you are, or sad with who you are, but why cant we every be happy with who we arenot?”if this is already a quote, please let me know….

Ellesse at 2:49 pm

@All Thanks everyone! And merry christmas & a happy new year!


farah jalili at 10:02 am

you give me soo much motivation, thank you, i feel like you see inside me and just make it vocal…i love this and love you guys, keep up the greatwork guys!!!!!!!!!!


farah jalili at 10:06 am

i love what you put up here damn it!!!! keep it coming baba!!


Vasanthan at 2:10 pm

Fantastic collection, I like the most


Norman Powell at 11:43 pm

You’ll never know how Strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left”


john hoffman at 5:51 am

Hello,we all need to be inspired by others and reach blissful thinking.The most possitive of being are in the mirror if you allow yourself to see thatperson.You on earth have the applied abilities to love each other,meet people,seek out truth.I loved the amount of possitive reinforcement in thesite.The golden rule is to do to others as you want done to yourself.Please people be passionate about your lives and be able to give to others asneeded.Thank you J.J.H.


kaka at 12:35 pm

- – aww! im so speechless.. very nice:)


Itoro Thomas at 1:50 pm

“…A man that knows nothing to do is less miserable than a man that does nothing he knows.”Itoro-Obong Thomas


Dawn at 2:03 pm

wow! very well said…thank a lot! God bless

-if you can’t stand the hit then get out from the kitchenand go to the Garden where there so much fresh air…Dawn


Love_Always at 10:22 pm

I love this. Pure Genius. Thank You for writing down these wonderful quotes. It has made me week. =]


M. Catherine Williams at 4:19 pm

I love the list of quotes. I have a quote of my own and I have shared it with many that liked it. Thought you might like this one too…….

If I take care of my customers needs, their needs will take care of me.

M. Catherine Williams


healthy society at 2:17 am

it’s great post. I love it: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life’s about creating yourself.” this article enlightened me. thanks


Blubelu at 9:40 pm

Nice =)

Really motivating!


Pete Munko at 10:12 am

Thanks for the inspiration, I will use a lot of these in my day to day life.


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

23 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

cody at 4:13 am

nothing will change if everything stays the same


jule at 2:24 am

“If you want to reach the top of the mountain, you need to climb it first”Me… Jamison Freedman


Lavie at 5:53 am

these quotes r awesome! i really enjoyed them. and honestly, i really needed that. I kind of found myself in these quotes. Awesome.


aria at 2:11 am

I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.– HellenKellervery good idea..I absolutely agree with this statement, give me more spirit to do my daily activities.thanks for sharing


Stephanie at 8:21 am

Thanks for these uplifting thoughts. I really needed them right now.


ysabella at 12:06 pm

this qoutes are awesome


chelcie -rae at 10:14 pm

all eyes are unique because not every eye has seen the same thing or been through the same thing – chelcie


Bob at 12:49 am

Wow this was very inspiring the quote i like most was “Pessimist: A person who says that O is the last letter of Zero, instead of the first letter inopportunity”

That is very true.


Gaurav at 4:37 am

Fantastic, Fabulous, Awesome,Very Very Nice, motivating.

Keep it up, dear.


Jeremy at 11:40 am

Wow what a long list of great quotes! Thanks so much for this post, I love inspirational stuff like this : )


Jeremy at 11:43 am

I particularly like the quotes by Helen Keller… they are so awesome!


ramon at 12:26 am

haizt amf wow thats great!!!!


ramon at 12:28 am

i like to inspire before i aspire!! @_@


saritha at 8:20 am

this quotes are simply superb excellent job .i really very happy.i am telling this words daily one and its meaning to my childrens thanking you.


siddu avinash kasthuri at 6:53 am

Persn who try to practice atleast one among them ,its more dan enough to make an entry as a 51 person

lemme contribute one out of my collection

“I quote others only to better express myself.”

Michel Montaigne


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

24 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Betrichie at 8:34 am

They are so true,thnk you.


Chris E. at 1:38 am

“When your thinking your giving up, You know your ready losing”


Paige H at 6:33 am

Something my sister’s boyfriend thought of.

“Failure is like furtilizer. It may stink, but it’s necessary for proper growth.”-Chris Henderson



junebeth at 2:06 pm

fantastic!!excellent list!!!!it inspires me a lot!!


Ashely at 3:32 am

I absolutely love this quote. It’s something very unique. “If you want to Shine like the sun, first you will have to Burn like it.”


Blossom at 12:10 am

this is amazign, so glad i read it! :) thanks a lot!


william at 7:10 pm

read this a few months back and it has stuck with me~ “if you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap, happy for a day, go fishing, happy for amonth, get married, happy for a year, inherit a fortune, happy for a lifetime, help others, happy for eternity, know yourself.”


Brittany at 3:46 pm

i love every single one of these quotes….they are inspireing and will e useful in my life. i am only 14 so i have some thigs to learn (: ..lol


Clare at 10:46 pm

The best type of feeling is one that cannot be expressed with words.


chichi at 7:59 am

thanks for the inspirational quotes……they are really inspiring especially this”our greatest glory is not i never fallin but in rising each time we fall”conficious


Zubi at 1:45 pm

ITS FANTASTIC!!! i really like it.


Ernesta at 4:41 pm

Inspirational indeed. I’m a 17-year-old student and struggling through my final exams that will determine whether or not I get into university. All thequotes are helpful, it gives one hope when hope is perched at the window about to leave. I made a lot of mistakes with regards to studying, but havecome to the realization that none of that matters, all that does matter is the present moment and whether we to choose to say yes or no, everymoment is an opportunity. Here are a few quotes to add to this collection:

‘All of us are lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars’- Oscar Wilde.

‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results’- Albert Einstein

‘ “There is no use trying,” said Alice; “One can’t believe impossible things.”“I dare say you haven’t had much practise,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ vebelieved as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ‘- Lewis Carroll

‘Everything will be OK in the end. And if it’s not OK, then it’s not the end’.-unknown

‘I want to kiss the bottom of the ocean before I burst through its surface into the sunlight, otherwise I will always be wondering about what was leftunseen at the bottom’.- unknown

Let positivity prevail upon us and allow us to find our destiny. There is only one of us that has and ever will be, why should we try to be someoneelse?


chase at 6:43 pm241.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

25 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

I thought of this one about a month ago and I havent found it any where so I claim it as my own quote “War is never an answer but often asolution.”

Jesusa Reyes at 4:44 pm

“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.” NICE )


khushi at 1:21 pm

I am very happy, content & satisfied.with every breath i am filling myself with happiness,My work fills me with satisfaction.


xyz at 10:54 am

I have a FEW quotes for you:responsibility= the ability to respond to the needs of a job/situationi.e. show your talent by showing your ability to respond to one’s needs or your own

PERSEVERANCE is a great element of success.If you only knock long and loud enough at the gate,you are sure to wake up somebody.

thankyou though for these wonderful quotations.It was a pleasure to read them


Joshua L. at 8:24 pm

Good times never last, but time itself never ends. So make yourself worth time.


lucy cepeda at 12:06 pm

There is a positive in every negative IF you take the time to look for it.

are you trying to follow God or trying o get God to follow you.


mekala madhu sudhan at 1:49 pm

If you can’t fly,run. If you can’t run, walk. If u can’t walk, crawl But what ever you doKeep moving. The words of above quotes fill confidence and cheerfulness in my heart.thank you-MAHARSHI


Zoe at 6:52 am

Wonderful I really enjoyed it.Heres some morer:A strong positive attitude will createmore miracles than any wonder drug.”Patricia Neal“Our attitude toward life determineslife’s attitude towards us.”John N. Mitchell“The only disability in life isa bad attitude.”Scott Hamilton“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”Winston Churchill“I can’t change the direction of the wind,but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”Jimmy Dean


Tova Markowitz at 12:46 am

so inspiring and motivating , thanks for sharing


axel g at 11:30 am

That’s an inspiring list!

Here’s my favorite:

“Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.”


Sweetness at 4:53 am

“The moment you settle for less than you deserve you get less, then what you settled for”


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

26 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

MD at 7:08 pm

Thanks for your list. I was feeling low and searched for inspirational quotes about moving forward. I’m glad I read yours.


suresh at 7:52 pm

took top 10 i liked and printed it to stick at my cubicle.Thanks for those


Susan Graham at 2:54 pm

I just found this site today and I’ve got to say….absolutely fantastic!!

Thanks for such an inspirational site!


joseph drew at 1:28 pm

wow this is amazing, honestly, these quotes are really inspiring, it’s like a friend guiding you on how you can motivate yourself to succeed or onhow to be happy. by just reading these quotes really inspires and puts a big smile to faces who always thinks of losing hope and thinks that theydon’t have the chances to become who they want to be..which I, myself also thinks about it sometimes… thanks for these quotes, its very helpful..


Alex at 10:57 pm

Nothing new here.How come todays sayings are not being invented and don’t have the same impact if they do?


Valentine Belonwu at 5:41 pm

Thanks for sharing this and we have the same minds and this is my first time of stoping by and will be checking on you!..


Paramjit at 4:16 am

Absolutely awesome. I enjoyed that collection of quotes!


philip wood at 4:36 pm

Allmen dream but not equally. Those who dream bynightin the dusty recesses of their minds wake inthe day… to find that it was vanity; but the dreamersof theday are dangerous men, for they may act theirdreamwith open eyes to make it possible.

great page a good quote now and then brightens my mind and thoughts thank you


MIMI at 8:39 pm

What a great website; just what I have been searching for.As a volunteer I’m using some of these inspiring & motivational quotes to make greeting cards to send to an institution serving the homeless andmentally ill. They need support , encourgment & praise for their efforts & success.


Danielle Perry at 4:32 am

I LOVE these quotes! This is the best compilation I have ever found! I would love to add a few to your amazing collection..

“If you harbor hatred, love will dock elsewhere.”

The new serenity prayer:“God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it’s me”


mll at 1:58 pm

This is what i like most ““Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for lesschallenges, wish for more wisdom.” thanks for sharing this quotes it really motivates and inspires me. Problems make us strong and strengthen ourfaith!!!!!


Rose Smith at 11:50 pm

This is wonderfull thank you so much.Here’s another one:Sometimes there is happiness and sometimes there is none, but let all that anger out because you never know when the last day comes. So always


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

27 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

stay happy for your last day may end with nonhappiness -Anonymos

gerlie bonghanoy at 11:54 am

its totally wonderfulhope there will be more!!!!it helps me to see life in positive way!


mll at 11:21 am

lot of my friends like the quotes i posted on my accnt,,, it really happens in real life and we appreciated it too much coz it helps a lot,,,, thank you somuch for sharing this inspirational quotes it inspire many of us,,,


Oliver Martin at 5:43 pm

Great collection of quotes, thank you.

Here’s one:“Life’s not measured by the amount of breaths we take. Life is measured by the moments that take our breath away”.


deepa at 10:21 am

hey thanku so much…before reading this i was in depressed state..thanku u so much now i am feeling more better…thanku


Terry Power at 1:15 am

One I once heard and have since tried to follow:If you can’t change the people around you, change the people around you.Its quite a truism

Thank you for compiling these..


Shirley Bradley at 4:46 pm

Some great quotes here!

Here are a couple of my favourites:

The night is darkest just before the dawn

It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness

If you think you can you can, if you think you can’t then you are probably right

Amateurs built the arc, Pros built the Titanic.

A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did will under pressure

A kite flies against the wind not with it


Marvin Barrett at 2:54 pm

Excellent compilation of quotes…very inspirational.

Thanks for sharing.


Asif Rashid Chowdhury at 2:48 pm

wow!!!!!!! those was very cooooooool. I liked it


preeti arya at 10:13 pm

every word s jst touching ma mind …nd the one word defination s jss fab


susmita at 12:17 pm

very encouraging qoutes,


Joanna at 9:10 am

These are beautiful, really made me feel better after a shit day./Reading this makes me feel more postive about life.i think i might start using quotes to help me back up on the ladder.thanks .xx ?


Maricella Venegas at 4:02 pm275.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

28 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

all these quotes were awesome & so so so TRUE

“After The Game, The King & The Pawn Go Into The Same Box”~Italian Proverb~.

thanks for sharing God bless you,


Shriya at 11:13 pm

Ellesse, thank you! Today I’ve discovered what a list of quotes can do!These quotes have motivated and inspired me.

Below is a funny but inspiring quote I want to share with you:

“”People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”Zig Zaglar


kortex at 5:00 pm

you woke me up.that is great


Ray at 2:34 am

I read quickly, but I think another Ghandi quote would fit:

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in service of others.”

Great web page and string of comments, links, and additional quotes.


Roger at 3:13 pm

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”


nate at 2:21 pm

I LOVE this page! Isn’t it a great feeling to read so many positve thoughts from so many positive people?? I read a quote from Harriet Tubman thatmade me REALLY stop and think:

“I freed thousands of slaves.I could have freed thousands moreif they had known they were slaves.”


mandeep at 4:11 am

excellent collection….Learnt many things …


mogeff at 1:34 pm

am insired..


sharm -aubrey robles at 12:02 pm

Thanks Ellesse, its cool, hope to see more of inspiring quotes.


new yorker at 3:27 pm


The quotes are great, thanks for sharing them with all of us… they are full of energy and encouragment for life…

I just wanted to add that for those that needed a special streinght whether in life or spiritual, please refer to the DESIDERATA POEM..

I tell you for sure that you apply those simples teachings to your life, it will change for better,

Thank you..



praveen at 5:14 pm

a few quotes….Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

29 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.- Napoleon BonaparteHeroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.- Tom BrokawHonesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.- Thomas JeffersonLife can only be understood backward. It must be lived forward.- Soren KierkegaardNo army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.- Victor Hugo

enjoy reading!

sreelakshmi at 4:54 pm



Bella Swan at 5:00 pm


i loved dese *QUOTES* thank u so much……….

u helpd me a lot..!!!!!!!


Gabriel Mendoza at 8:03 pm

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”- Zig Ziglar

heh thanks for sharing this one. It rings true to me because I think a lot of where we end up in life has to do with the attitude we have.


Kristen O at 2:30 am

“god only takes away to leave room for something better!”

nice collection, really enjoyed it.


Shirley Bradley at 2:26 pm

Here are some more I recently came across…

Life is like a book with many chapters. Some are hard to get through, while some are easy. But you have to keep turning the page to get to the nextadventure.

Worry often gives something small a big shadow.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade!

If your problems are dragging you down, think of a bow and arrow. the Bow is your problems and the arrow is your life. The bow is dragging youfurther and further back, but the further back it pulls you, the higher the arrow will fly. So the further you are being dragged back by your problems,the higher you’ll reach in your life when the problems are over and let go.

Rise above the storm and then you’ll find the sunshine.

Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.

Breakdowns can cause breakthroughs, sometimes things need to fall apart so they can fall together.

You can’t see the rainbow without any rain.

When your life is in turmoil, think of a waterfall. The water (your life) is flowing along normally at a steady pace when suddenly, there is a dip(event in your life or a problem) which results in the water going into a state of turmoil as it falls deeper and deeper with no sign of an end to theturmoil. Then the water hits the bottom and splashes into a larger state of turmoil (this is the peak before things start to get better) before graduallyblending into calm stream again (normality).

Hope you like them. They helped lift my spirits.x


SHawn Finnegan at 5:28 am

Karma: you can have a possitive attitude and enjoy the fruits of it, or….you can have a negitive attitude and bitch and complain……the choice is


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

30 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM


kayla at 4:56 pm



Elly Brauer at 5:27 pm

Great list Ellesse! I work at this place called Monalle: The Positive Thinking playground, and they have this massive collection of quotes (everypage serves a fresh quote randomly)… Part of my job is to maintain and update the database that serves up the quotes so I’m always on thelook-out for good collections…You can check it out here if you want to: http://www.monalle.com/1001-positive-quotes/

Anyways, I really appreciate the wonderful collection you’ve shared and hope to add many of them to the database where they will continue todelight and inspire 1000′s of people from all over the world!

Thanks again!


AC at 11:34 am

Hey,Superb collection of Quotes. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR SHARING.Keep going strong, GOD BLESS YOU ALL YOUR LIFE.

One Quote from me:

“You just have one life to live, and if you live it right ,once is enough”


Barbara S. Reall at 4:20 pm

Thank you for presenting us with these wonderful quotations that will be perfectly accepted by my students here at my college. They will be able tothink inferentially and apply their thoughts to life! Thank you, once again.Prof. Barbara


Curtis at 11:57 pm

I like a quote attibuted to Les Brown:You don’t have to be great to get started but you do have to get started to be great.

Thanks for the list, so I am familiar with and others are new.


Tanya at 8:16 am

Dear, Author!Thank You so much for such a pleasunt selection!I’ve added the page to my faworities and will be comming back here each time I will need the support word again!Take care!And God bless You!


sahil patel at 10:18 am



d.narasimha at 3:16 pm

superb quotations which are most inspirational


Marie Burse at 12:47 am

Most people are jack of alltrades ,but master of not a one.


Linda at 12:50 am

” There is no time to leave important words unsaid or a kindness undone “


Afreen at 3:00 pm

These All proverbs and sayings were really fabulous but want some more inspirational quotes on life!!!!……………pleeez


kaya at 3:41 pm

“smile it makes your butt tingle”Kaya Lyle (:


Jabeen at 9:33 pm304.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

31 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

I loved reading each one thank u everyone I am more determined that everJust another little one“there is nothing that Cant be done if we raise our voice as one” Michael JacksonIt is true if everyone worked as one no problems and no conflicts would be about a peaceful world it would beXxxx

Kulpreet at 8:38 am

Decent collection :Helped me in cracking my CA Exams.


Faisal Abdullah at 4:18 pm

The quotes are amazing, I think its important to have a strong push factor in order to do anything in life! Ofcourse this web-site is for anyone who isabove average and I think its fantastic!

Thank You,

Faisal Abdullah


Faisal Abdullah at 4:23 pm

“Science without religion is lame,religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein


Dalzellkhyri at 1:02 am

Thank you so much for taking the time to list those inspiring quotes! I printed them out and I plan to e-blast one everyday to my daughters & theirfriends! We live in Camden, NJ which has been named one of the most dangerous cities in America our kids need to these positive quotes tocounteract the negativity in their lives! Could you suggest a book where I may get more?

I have one to contribute: Positive thoughts become positive words and positive words lead to positive actions!


Ann-Marie at 1:47 pm

There is thinking inside the box and thinking outside the box. In life we learn to think inside the box, building on what we have learnt from others,yet some start by thinking outside the box and achieve more in doing so. All thoughts inside that box were started by those thinking outside the box.


Kaushik at 1:12 am

Great list….i want to add two more…… )))

“A man is poor not by his money but by his dreams” – Nancy dornan

“You can’t soar with the eagles if you keep scratching with the chickens”- Nancy Dornan


Aneisha at 6:10 pm

I love these. I am glad to find so many good words on onw site. Some I am going to use in my daily life. Thanks for helping and sharing and I amgoing to do the same.


nura at 10:21 am

I usually need some inspiration to get me moving when i am lost in useless…things…These quotes have helped me many times to get on track….Thank u…


Sarvesh at 12:50 pm

Good Work !!!God bless you


Anita Salmeron at 7:39 pm

A friend is someone who yuo keep in mind a friend that you can talk to a friend that you are close to.


Julia Senick at 11:47 pm

beautiful(:im 15 things like this are important.


H.S. KUKREJA at 3:09 pm

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ::: John Quincy Adams

“When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

32 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” ::: Patrick Overton

“If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary thingsbegin to happen.” ::: Loretta Girzartis

Lucille at 12:03 am

Thank you so much for this site, I’m happy I found it I really needed <3


Anita at 7:28 pm

A friend is a Frien d to speak to someone that you can tell your secrets to.


Sady at 11:35 pm

I was really needing something like it…Thanks for this site…now I know where to go when I feel low…and also I can use it as a FB post…Thanksagain. ;p..


H.S. KUKREJA at 12:51 pm

“Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-firstblow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” ::: Jacob A. Riis


Vince Burns at 7:31 pm

Great selection of quotes. Many of these are new too me. It’s nice to have some inspirational quotes to pull out when things aren’t going our way.


Nicole at 12:27 am

“To forgive sets a prisoner free, it’s then that you realize the prisoner was you.”


kae at 1:20 pm

thank’s for this site.. i really love to read quotes… im from the Phillpines… proud Filipino…:)


robert michael at 4:31 pm

“You can’t Stop a man or woman who will not quit” michael humes


Ebad at 1:50 pm

Owful quotes


alan at 2:15 am

i have another quote tell me what u think

a loss is a lesson and a win is when you take that los and you grow from it


Najwa Al-Harthi at 3:09 pm

LOVE IT …It raised up my spirit ….i got this new well of not giving up ..and i have to say that i will not fail any more in any of my college courseslol


aditya at 10:17 am

good to read these cool words i too liked it (its insiprational).

Hasta La Vista Baby!!!!


H.S. Kukreja at 8:53 am

Never does the human soul appears so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forget an injury.


Hafiz Arman at 4:16 am

I only wanna say thank you very much, you did a great job by compiling all of these wonderful Quotes.


Sandra Rodgers at 12:39 pm

Great list of quotes… good quotes can be so inspiring.. thanks!!


Tom Phillips at 12:41 pm

I love these quotes…. thanks Ellesse


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

33 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Ellesse at 2:53 am

@Tom & Everyone All of you are welcome! Please keep the list of quotes coming. I’m trying to compile a little quote book giveaway so all of yourcontributions help a lot!


Ashley at 6:55 am

Hey all! I didn’t even know this site existed, but while doing a little research for quotes for a new story I’m writing, I stumbled upon it. Really, Iloved all the quotes and quite a few that were in the comments section here. I have a few to add that I’m sure no one has heard before unless theywere in my ninth grade biology class lol.

“Even on your worst days, you are still a miracle.” – Mrs. Ruth Dunivan over the reason behind reproduction and acidic attraction

“I’m not a well known author, but I always write. Therefore I am a writer and author without the critics biting at my heels.” – unknown

“We are like the fuzzy things that live in the locker in Men in Black, the only difference is we don’t care about the time…we worship our goals.” –Michael Bridges

I hope that these quotes help! I found them great when I first heard them.

- Ashley


WAYNE at 6:08 am

TRY??? – Take Responsibility Yourself!!!!!

I have one to add.



Dan at 1:32 am

This is really AMAZING!


Richard at 2:23 pm

i read the other day that being positive helps you live longer, I think I just added another 20 years.. Brilliant


Cathy Wilson at 2:28 am

Good quotes… thanks Ellesse!!


Sarah Ruth at 3:08 am

I am not sure if anyone posted this one already but it has always been one that I love.

“Just when the caterpillar though the world was over…it became a butterfly”

I will have to fish out my notebook of quotes that I have been working on for a while cause I have a ton more


D's Babygurl at 4:13 pm

i think these quotes are very insipational im doing an art contest and the quote “the secret to sucess is to start from scratch and keep scratching”very very needed thanks – Dennis Greenhelped alot i now know what im gonna draw(: thanks alot


D's Babygurl at 4:28 pm

ok so im bak again and i must say Ellesse..you have really helped me out!(: i have read all them and i now have no favorite(: they are all so veryinspirational (: thank you so much!(:


Howard at 7:40 am

Wow thank you AWESOME stuff


Nick Marn at 3:04 am


I used one of your quotes from this article for my blog– you’ve got an excellent site here. I made reference to this site and you in it. Thanks forposting and good luck!





50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

34 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

megastella at 3:30 pm

it was nice i liked the zig zagler quotes A Lot and also mahatma gandhi’s quotes a lot it was nice and inspirational readin this i thank thepeople who have written these quotes for our life .


maggue stelli at 3:33 pm

nice and inspiring!!


maggue stelli at 3:37 pm



Jo at 9:15 am

One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.Diogenes


Aastha at 11:48 am


This is wonderful…

I have never read quotations but when i hav started reading this i found them out standing…

i dont have words after reading this.

Thank You…


kabelo at 8:01 am

wind go all directions,but a person go straight to his/her goal no matter how dark the clouds are.


Model at 5:08 pm

Hi,I like these words very much.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to dothe something that I can do.”

Its a Good quote



gbongz at 3:46 am

hi!!!!!have a good day!!!!!!!

this list of quotes really inspire me!!!!

hope to read more inspirational quotes!!>>>>>>

more power every 1…….


Alee at 3:12 am

these are great, lovee them!


Heidi Walis at 6:41 pm

My quote: “When one wishes for tomorrow, hoping it will feel a bit better, one loses the essence of today…the moments that, when recognized,slow down time a little and make everything a little more memorable.”


Dancius at 4:48 am

Radiant, remarkable, incentive, and exhortative quotes. Thanks!

“Dare to dream. Dare to try. Dare to fail. Dare to succeed. Go ahead. I dare you!”Kingsley Ward


Anonymous at 10:45 pm

Fantastic! Bookmarked! ;D


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

35 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Sushant at 6:05 pm

thanks…. this is a life saver when you are ready to die….. but i will live coz now i regained my will…


Brent at 11:45 am

Excellent compilation here is another one:

“Control, to control is to lose because the only thing you can control is to lose, to win you must risk losing therefore giving up control”Me


randhir at 6:13 pm

it really inspires ……………………………………..thanks ELLESSE


Joe Hamilton at 12:34 pm

”Tend your mind like a garden, plant and nuture positive thoughts; treat negativity like weeds.”~Unknown~


Leigh at 6:06 pm

These will get me through life. Put more!


Tanya at 2:39 pm

That was beautiful Ellesse!Just what i needed to read right now I feel so much better now. Thanks for this post!


Bill Gregory at 5:35 am



buggy at 4:50 pm

THank you for these Quotes they made me feel well when people were being mean to me 6th grade is hard


Jim Walling at 9:10 pm

I really like the 7th one by St Catherine of Siena. I just came off an ordeal mired in bad luck and stumbled onto this. Truer words have not beenspoken. If I may be so bold, I offer an updated version:

Good luck and bad luck are like left and right hands. You must use them both.


Rhonda Neely at 1:31 am

Love it! Thanks for sharing!


ron at 3:25 pm

it really gives me a positive outlook in life specially in trying times… thanks!!!


ron at 3:37 pm

i also has have a lot of unfair things in lihe,, growing without my bo th parents on my side was one of the hardest predicament i have incountered,,and those qoutes helped me a lot to stay on, hold on and go on even if it seems like i wanted to give up..here is my own qoutes i made,,” As i get older, I learned that, no matter how hard and dark your past is, its still up to us if we will to choose to getbetter or stay bitter, we are the driver of our life and no matter how deeply wounded we are by the people sorounds us, to have a better life is s tillup to our dicission.

thanks again and more power.


Sara Khan at 7:07 am

aweeesssooommeeee quotes..i love all of ‘em…reallyy insipiring and fantasticccc…..thnxxx for sharing them


Andrew Donovan at 2:52 am

Very nice, i enjoyed reading themone i wrote myself ”The true challenge in life is to learn to see through the mirror”


Angela Henderson at 4:47 am

Either you will stand and be choosen…..or the one doing choosing…Which one will you be…..??


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

36 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

azreen azlan at 5:53 pm

these are awesome i have one also

urmm here it goes…


hhehe i did this my self! hope it inspires anyone


Doc at 8:08 pm

This is a FANTASTIC web site. I am so glad someone shared this with me. Stay well and take care. Doc


Katy at 10:53 am

‘As long as we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking’. Buddha.


sidney muchnic at 12:01 am

poative thinking leads you to postive life


maxwell at 7:04 am

cannot say how this inspiration words, make my days, let me just add an african qoute that says “a frog in a pool wont scare away the gazzellesfrom drinking water in the pool “


Saad Zafar at 11:23 am

Holla Holla!

Senor, what a superb collection, i noted down some of them and i going to use them while i attend the departmental meeting at work place and i willshare these magical words with my co-workers. i am sure they will enjoy it.

Will waiting for your next posting.

Good Day!

Saad Zafar


cheyanne at 11:25 pm

i have a quote!!Looking back causes you to stumble as you move foward. FOCUS


denisem at 3:18 am

Excellent list- thanks for posting. I am a “quote person” too and this list was one of the best I’ve seen! Definitely a bookmark for me.


Tony at 8:43 am

One of my favs: “Only those who dare to fail greatly, will ever achieve greatly.”By Robert F. Kennedy I believe


Inspiring Stories at 10:38 am

Two of my favourites. Short and sharp.

“Who dares wins!” – SAS Motto

“Just do it!” – Nike


Ferhensha at 11:54 am

Just wanted to share a little something I have learnt over time.

“An individual is not as wise as the years they spent on earth but as the positive outcomes they chose to learn from them, own and share of thenumber of experiences they’ve had in whatever time they have spent on earth!”

Ferhensha Gopi


Aaron Barker at 5:56 pm

It is said that when you are number two you try harder but I say, “that would depend on how determined you are to remain number one”.Aaron Barker 2011


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

37 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Aaron Barker at 5:59 pm

“If every child is made to feel that they are the center of the universe, recess is going to get very ugly”Aaron Barker2011


Kruti at 7:51 am

All 50 quotes are amazing

I would like to share one of my favourite quotes here :



melwin at 1:31 pm

life is like a jigsaw puzzle. if you know where to put that effort, it will turned out to be a beautiful life,but if you waste your effort in the wrongplace,then you life will just be a mess


bob at 4:24 pm

just do it, really?


Cardel at 3:46 am

I really enjoyed these, thinking positive and being positive is always positive even if it is negative.


cee at 10:33 pm

great quotes.. they are amazing.my favorite is:“in order to accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe..”

i lovee that one. =]


Giovanni Mendez at 3:36 pm

I made up this quote when my ex-girlfriend took advantage of me and lost everthing. ” Fun is not the answer to everything, it’s a temporarysatisfaction that can ruin a lifetime of happiness “


Prashant Tiwari at 8:25 am

I like very much , always visit this site motivate myself to read it .


All our dreams cannot be translated into reality…But they can act as a foundation stone for a glorious future.



Chris Al at 12:03 am

despair is the enemy of happiness. It is the end of living. Life is filled with excitement and joy. The happy person is the one who has meaning andpurpose in life, and he/she has achieved a real sense of achievement.


Caitlin at 5:04 pm

“If it is good and right to do or say something, then it is even better to be criticized for saying or doing it.” Marcus Aurelius


Hemant at 6:55 am

Amazing quotes…………I liked short and meaningful quotes.


tente at 10:47 pm

have a very nice web site add your site to your favorites


Bruno Garcia at 1:26 am

Your success: It’s up to others to believe it’s possible. It’s up to you to make it happen. – Brent Dmitruk


Emily at 6:26 pm

Wow! There were quite a few amazing quotes, and I’m a sucker for good quotes. I really want to go out and do something now. Thanks for sharingthese with everyone!


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

38 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

Elijah Daniel at 7:54 pm

These are really insipiration word. These one is from me. “For you to gain something you have to lose something.”Elijah Daniel.


jesus roberto moncada at 2:18 pm

GREAT Quotes !!!

I love quotes and all this collection and posted by users are GREAT…

Congrats.from Mexico


Los Angeles Printing at 10:33 am

Ellesse, I want to thank you for this great collection!


Los Angeles Printing at 7:48 pm

Thank you Ellesse for these great quotes, here is one of my favorites

“God has given a great deal to man, but man would like something from man.”- Antonio Porchia


good inspirational quotes at 2:34 am

hey, just wanted to say as well, thank you for the quotes. Indeed a great collection.


James Gedin at 9:13 pm

‘It’s your thinking that decides whether you’re going tosucceed or fail.’ – Henry Ford

‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take youeverywhere.’ – Albert Einstein


Hoangrich at 3:18 pm

Thanks, Great collections. I love it, and love you!

and my own quote: You just see dirt if you still stand there and watch a rubbish!


ariam at 2:33 am

this is really inspirational! i was feeling very very down and now it is like i got more fuel to keep me up and running! thanks! plz post more.


ariam at 3:01 am

this one quote that might be helpful…Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.Aristotle


ariam at 3:05 am

A ship in port is safe but that’s not what ships are made for.

Grace Murray Hopper


Helen at 12:04 pm

The quotes was inspiring mad you think more about your life, Thank you


sunny singh at 1:55 pm

what a nice quetas ! my life totaly change after reading those ! god bless you dear


d-jhay at 2:44 pm

hi! Ellesse… its such a great honor to inspire other’s life…just keep doing that…. i live for people who deserve to spent there time w/me…thank’s alot……

i know that god is always there for us…

here’s mine:


50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

39 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

“put GOD first in everything you do”

Akanksha at 10:13 am

These are just fab thoughts…….. really…… keep it up…… I loved it. and i am also so fond of collecting thoughts………


mohammed Abdul Hafeez quraishi at 11:51 am

“life is short enjoy,lern ,Share it till your last breath”

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez Quraishi

thanks for sharing wonderful information


Hannah at 12:09 am

I may only be 15… young and foolish…BUT THESE ARE AMAZING. (:


Amanda at 7:10 pm

Thank you for these quotes Ellesse. I know it has been quite a while since this was posted but I just stumbled across them and I thought all of thesequotes were inspiring. Unfortunately, I did not get the time to read all of the comments today but I hope to change that soon. I would have severalquotes to tell you but when I started to think of inspirational quotes I could only think of the one that has helped me through some difficult times inlife. I don’t know if it is considered inspirational, but it was to me. In fact, it was so inspirational that my high school graduation present from mymother was a ring engraved with this quote:

“The best way out is always through”

This is actually taken from one of Robert Frost’s poems and I hope you can understand why I find it inspirational.


Sevi at 7:35 am

I love it!!! Great selection of quotes! Well done!


abhishek at 4:19 pm

great minds have purpose others have wishes


abhishek at 4:23 pm

nothing happens until you do …..!


günlük kiral?k daireler at 1:37 am

Could you go into detail about what you’re looking for?


may-neth at 1:41 pm

if there a someone like your bf how love will you gave to him?,,


Maverick at 7:34 am

I totally love this quotes!! THANK YOU for posting, I am inspired…:)


zia madad at 6:49 am

boxing is the game in which we need to use both of powers ( our body & our mind)and boxing is like trafic which need concentration ever ever ever


jane at 10:51 pm

god has made life so good that even if we dont enumerate everything that we needeveryday , we realize that he continously give whats best for us..

Hope my dream to work someday @ the other country hope gods allow me=)


vroo at 2:26 pm

hey thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!


kylesteersbitch. at 1:24 am

this is awesome. i love thiss! like omg i love youuu!!!!!


Alex at 12:53 pm425.

50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think at Goal Setting College http://www.goal-setting-college.com/inspiration/inspirational-quotes/

40 of 42 21-Jan-12 7:02 PM

This is great, thank you very much! I am glad that you shared those and stumble send me to rhs site!

tente at 1:19 am

thanks Ellesse for putting those together..each and every one is a gem. And thanks to stumpleupon yet again


Mary at 9:24 am

i love the quote from Helen Keller. Its so inspiring.


negar at 11:40 pm

I lovee this one:

Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth: “you owe me”…Look what happens with a love like that…; it lights the whole sky… – Hafez, a Persian poet


Young Simba at 1:22 am

Im a person that uses quotes to define my life and i just want to say i’ve read some amazing and uplifting quotes on this website. Im happy i foundthis site by looking for quotes of course lol

“If you dont stand for something you will fall for anything”“It’s better to be exhausted from success than rested from failure”“Life without a friend is death without a witness”

Those are some of my favorite quotes


Neha at 9:19 am

@Young Simba: liked ur quotes as well!!i too m really fond of quotes, be it motivational or love, i too have a list i compiled a year or two, back.. never gave a thought of putting it up on myblog thnx for sharing this list!! I too will introduce such stuffs in my blog, including short paragraphs(small speeches, videos and songs) that canlift ur spirits!!




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