5 ways to add shading and lighting in gimp (1)

Post on 21-Feb-2018






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7/24/2019 5 Ways to Add Shading and Lighting in GIMP (1)

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 1. Using Black and White

2. Using Overlay 

 3. Using Brush Modes

4. Using The Same olor With Multi!ly On " #e$ %ayer 

 &. Using a 'radient

This is a tutorial su!!lied (y )The *actoid *ire+ly, - "ll ights eserved / 021213 / *ree usage as long as m credited +or all

in+ormation and images.

7/24/2019 5 Ways to Add Shading and Lighting in GIMP (1)

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Using Black and White

%ayer Modes5

 When m coloring a !icture m doing one o+ these t$o things5 m either coloring via a selection or m coloring something on a

trans!arent layer $ith no (ackground underneath6 7o$ m doing this e++ects the )e8act, $ay use (lack and $hite.

9ia Selection5

+ m coloring something that have selected :like a line art or a solid (ase to an o(;ect < $ill use normal +or (oth (lack and $hite  :$hen not using

overlay / ll get in to that later< 6 The reason +or this= is (ecause $ith (lack and $hite the layer modes )Screen, and )Multi!ly, dont do anything 

di++erent i+ an image is selected than +rom the )#ormal, layer mode.


+ am coloring something +reestyle :no selections< then $ill use )Multi!ly, and )Screen,  :$hen not using overlay<6 The reason use these t$o

layer modes is (ecause $hen m coloring +ree style the color $ill not a!!ear (eyond $here $ant.

7ere4s an >8am!le5

7/24/2019 5 Ways to Add Shading and Lighting in GIMP (1)

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The %ine $here the (lack cuts o++ = used a layer over it and did multi!ly layer mode6 The line $ith the (lack lines not sto!!ing did a

layer over it $ith normal. The same a!!lies to Screen5

+ these $ere selected= +or the colors (lack and $hite the t$o layer modes are !ointless= normal $orks ;ust the same. ? "nd i+ this had a

(ackground image o+ any kind it $ould a!!ly (ehind it= thats $hy use a trans!arent layer.

Okay= no$ that ve said the layer modes= lets move on to make these look like shado$s and lights@

"dding %ighting5

*irst you !ick out $hich method you $ant to use $ith layer modes m going to go $ith Multi!ly?Screen Method.

 5 'o to the image that needs shading= i+ its on a trans!arent layer make sure only $hat you $ant shaded is visi(le6 m going to use this

little cater!illar +or this= shall name him arlos ater!illar5

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25 Make a ne$ trans!arent layer over your image and make the layer mode )Multi!ly,= get (lack and !ick out $here you $ant your

shado$s and add them.

35 This doesnt look much like shading at this stage6 To make it look like shading go over to the trans!arency (ar +or layers and turn it

do$n until its the desired de!th you like.

Ae!ending on the style and de!th youre aiming +or you can re!eat this ste! on more layers.

re!eated $ith one more layer ;ust to sho$ you.

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#e8t ll move on to adding lighting5

 "ll ste!s are the same e8ce!t use Screen %ayer Mode.

 5 'o to the image that needs shading= i+ its on a trans!arent layer make sure only $hat you $ant shaded is visi(le.

25 Make a ne$ trans!arent layer over your image and make the layer mode )Screen,= get $hite and !ick out $here you $ant your

lighting to go and add it.

35 %ike $ith the (lack the $hite doesnt look much like lighting at this stage= to turn do$n trans!arency again@

7/24/2019 5 Ways to Add Shading and Lighting in GIMP (1)

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 "nd $ith this method youre done@ ou can add more layers o+ either color $ith the method until you get the de!th you $ant.

Using Overlay

 When shading very o+ten use overlay to make shado$s or te8ture= ll sho$ you ho$ to add more de!th to arlos the ater!illar using

overlay@ ? #ote5 The colors ed and Cur!le are actually the $orse colors +or overlay that ve noticed. ? ronically arlos is !ur!le...es m


 15 'et your o(;ect you $ant to shade= see that its on a trans!arent layer and the only layers that you $ant to shade are selected :;ust so $e

dont shade the $rong things@<= and make the layer?mode )Overlay,.

25 #e8t= select $hite +or the lighting and add lighting $here you $ant= and !lay $ith trans!arency until you like it.

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 ou can add other colors and as many layers as you $ant.

added a golden color on a ne$ layer using overlay to sho$ you@

#e8t Shado$s. ? Same ste!s only youre aiming +or Shado$s not %ight.

 5 'et your o(;ect you $ant to shade= see that its on a trans!arent layer and the only layers that you $ant to shade are selected:;ust so $e

dont shade the $rong things@<= and make the layer?mode )Overlay,.

25 #e8t= select a color you $ant to shade $ith and add shado$s $here you $ant= and !lay $ith trans!arency until you like it.

!ut the color and 7TM% notation to name it since m not sure $hat color that is to (e honest...

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 ou can do this as many times as you $ant until you like it.

 "nd theres arlos@ 7i arlos@

Using Brush Modes

Using Brush Modes is a good $ay to use less layers (ut still get good shading de!th.

The techniDue $orks (y shading on the same layer as your o(;ect (ut using either5 #ormal= Multi!ly= Screen= or Overlay along $ith

turning the (rush trans!arency do$n to layer the color over itsel+ causing de!th.

7eres ho$ to do this techniDue.

$ill (e using a circle to sho$ ho$ to do a sim!le shadinglighting demonstration.

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Ste! One5 Cick out a color to shade your o(;ect= ll (e using this circle5

m going to use multi!ly to start the shading !rocess= and !icked out a golden color and turn the trans!arency do$n in the (rush

 menu to 42 to give more range o+ de!th $hen re!eat adding shado$s.

Ste! T$o5 "dd shado$s $here you $ant there to (e on your o(;ect= $hen doing it you may re!eat the shadings as $anted andor needed 

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 until you like them. ? did 3 shado$ strokes.

emem(er to (e selected i+ its a (usy layer so you dont shade things other than $hat you $ant to6 i+ its a layer $ith one thing on it :like

 my circle< selection isnt needed ;ust a trans!arent layer.

Okay no$ lets add a little more de!th.

Ste! Three5 'et (lack and change the (rush mode to overlay= and add some more shade on the +ar edge. ? still have my trans!arency


#o$ lets add some lighting.

Ste! *our5 'et a lighter color to add lighting and change the (rush mode to screen. !icked out orange.

#o$ add your lighting= you can go over it multi!le times= $ent over it 3 times.

7/24/2019 5 Ways to Add Shading and Lighting in GIMP (1)

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  ke!t my trans!arency do$n the $hole time so had a (it more range= suggest kee!ing it lo$er +or more range o+ten.

Okay lets ;ust !ut a +inal touch o+ lighting and shade to this...

Ste! *ive5 'et $hite and kee! layer?mode on screen and go over the edge= then get (lack !ut layer mode on multi!ly and go over on (ig

shado$ $here the shade is.

#ot the (est artistic +eat= (ut it gets the !oint across@ This $as all done on one layer= instead o+ ten or more. Ae!ending on $hat youre

doing this isnt +ully ideal (ut its a good techniDue nontheless1

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Using The Same olor With Multi!ly On " #e$ %ayer

 " good $ay to add shading to images like cartoons is to shade $ith the same color as the (ase (ut use multi!ly on a ne$ trans!arent

layer over it. Some colors this doesnt $ork at all= m not sure i+ its a (ug in 'MC or some kind o+ scienti+ic thing.

Some shades o+ Medium Blue= yan= %ight ello$= Standard ed= and %ight 'reens all are (uggy $ith this and dont get darker.

*or these colors youll have to get a color a little (it darker and shade $ith that one.

#ot all (lues are !icky= youll have to !lay $ith it a (it.

ll use this e8am!le o+ a smiley +ace to shade using this techniDue. #otice that hes darker yello$.

Ste! One5 'et your o(;ect you $ant to shade and make a ne$ layer over it and set it to multi!ly.

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Ste! T$o5 'et the (ase color o+ you o(;ect. ? Use the )olor Cicker Tool, i+ you dont have the color in your list o+ recently used colors.

#o$ get the color and go over your o(;ect in the ne$ layer you made thats set on multi!ly. ou $ill notice in most cases the image $ill

 get darker.

#o$ there are 3 $ays to add more de!th +rom here.

 5 ou can kee! making layers set on multi!ly to add de!th 

25 ou can use the (rush mode techniDue $ith the +irst shado$ layer and use a lot less layers and still get de!th.

35 ou can overlay $ith (lack on a ne$ layer and move trans!arency around until you like it.

!ersonally dont have a +avorite $ay go ho$ m ins!ired= (ut think the most e++icient $ay i+ you have a slo$er com!uterla!to!

 $ould (e using 2 most o+ the $ay then going $ith 3. %ess layers means a +aster 'MC.

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Using a 'radient

The +inal $ay to add shade in this and atmos!here )Tutorial%esson, is using a 'radient.

 When m coloring an image like an animemanga image ll add an overlay o+ (lack to $hite over image to add directional lighting to

 +aces and clothes.

shall sho$ this (rie+ly6 %ets say hello to arlos again@

7ere is arlos (e+ore a gradient5

7ere is arlos a+ter overlayed a (lack to $hite gradient going the direction o+ the lighting6 So (lack staring at his )tail, and $hite at his

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#o$ let me give arlos a little (ackground to sho$ atmos!here.

Okay so hes in a little (ackground= no$ let me overlay a (lack to $hite gradient.

overlayed the gradient= no$ there is more o+ a lighting direction indicated.

#o$ look $hat ha!!ens $hen overlay another gradient.

!icked out yello$ and !ur!le and selected )*' to B' :7S9 clock$ise hue<,.

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#o$ there is color and atmos!here= it looks almost like its sunset or sunrise (ecause the overlaying colors give a glo$ to the image.

do this o+ten $ith images at the end to make them come together@

 Eust a little e8tra ti! added a lens +lare (ut erased the )sun, !art and ;ust ke!t the +lare circles and turned o!acity do$n6 Then made a

 ne$ layer !ut $hite and smudged in a radial !attern and turned o!acity do$n.

ho!e this $as hel!+ul and in+ormative +or !eo!le. ? 'od Bless@ F *ire+ly F

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