5 things to know before you adopt a sugar glider

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Adopting a sugar glider is a big step that can be very rewarding for your family for years to come, but there are some questions that you should ask before you make your final decision to adopt. In this short presentation we have provided answers to the five most common questions we get asked by prospective new glider parents. We even threw in a bonus on the last page from the Association of Sugar Glider Veterinarians for you.



Do they REALLY make good pets?... Aren't they “rodents”?...

Sugar Bears are NOT “rodents”. They are marsupials, in the same general family as a Kangaroo or a Koala Bear. As such, they are proven to have several distinct advantages over other household pets such as hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, squirrels, etc..

For example, when cared for properly, their life-span is typically 12-15 years - similar to many dogs or cats. They also have roughly the same intelligence as a dog, in that when trained properly they can learn their name, come when they're called, and even do tricks.



How much TIME do they “really” take?...

As mentioned earlier, one of the most unique things about Sugar Bears as household pets is how strongly they “bond” to their human families. Bonding is a “process” that can take anywhere from a few days - to two or three months - and just like human children, no two Sugar Bears are exactly the same.

For that reason, we provide all our new “moms & dads” with proven, step-by-step instructions (including lots of special “tips & tricks” we've learned over the last 15 years) that DRAMATICALLY enhance the bonding process - and create a deep, lasting relationship of love and trust between you and your new babies.


Will my other pets EAT them?...

Once your baby Sugar Bears have started to bond with you and your family, one of the most rewarding things about watching them grow up is observing “first-hand” how they form lifelong bonds with the OTHER pets in your home.

For many people, even the IDEA of a dog or cat “bonding” to a Sugar Bear (instead of eating it) seems almost unbelievable. However, the simple fact is that almost ALL the babies we sell here at Pocket Pets™ go into homes that already have cats and/or dogs in them - and as long as you follow the step-by-step “pet bonding” instructions we provide - we've never had a single problem.


What do they eat?... Is it expensive?...

Over the years, we've come across sites that claim it costs as much as $2,000 per year to feed a single Sugar Bear - and that “any owner who really cares about their Sugar Bears” will spend several HOURS a day chopping exotic fruits, gathering LIVE insects, and preparing extremely complicated and expensive meals for them.

Well, the FACTS are this. According to the most respected Veterinary studies in the world, the best, most nutritious diet on earth is:

1)Extremely quick & simple2)Costs less than $100 per year… and

we provide you with everything you ever need. It never has to get any more complicated than that.


What about “ALLERGIES”?...

Another important benefit of owning Sugar Bears is that they often make excellent pets for people with “allergies”. In fact, for many of our customers, this is the ONLY pet they've ever been able to have since they are allergic to everything else.

Bringing loving pets into the lives of people who otherwise can't have them is one of the most fulfilling things we do.

If you or anyone in your family is allergic to pets, the best thing to do is just come see us at an event near you - and “put it to the test”. We will be happy to let you handle some of our Gliders to make sure they are the right pet for you. Just be prepared to be PLEASANTLY surprised


When it comes to caring for any animal - it's important to ONLY take advice from the most credible, VETERINARY resources.

Fortunately, the Association of Sugar Glider Veterinarians www.ASGV.org has put together an amazing series of FREE EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS & REPORTS to give new owners all the objective FACTS about having Sugar Bears (also known as Sugar Gliders) as pets in their family.

On their website, you can learn EVERYTHING you'll ever need to know about these little guys; from bonding & nutrition, to avoiding common internet scams and proper healthcare.


Visit our website: www.SugarBears.com

Like our Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/PocketPetsSugarBears

Email Customer Support:customerservice@sugarbears.com

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