5 modular complexity of area v2 in the macaque monkey · 2007. 2. 14. · understanding of v2, and...

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5 Modular Complexity of Area V2 in the Macaque Monkey

Anna W. Roe


5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................1095.1.1 Optical Imaging of V2 .....................................................................110

5.2 Redefining Relationships with V1 ...............................................................1125.2.1 Revision of Anatomical Connectivity..............................................1125.2.2 Functional V1–V2 Interactions Revealed by Cross-Correlation.....1165.2.3 Blobs-to-Thin Stripes: Three Classes of Color Interactions ...........1175.2.4 Interblobs-to-Thick/Pale Stripes: Two Classes of Oriented

Interactions .......................................................................................1175.3 Modular Complexity within V2 Stripes ......................................................118

5.3.1 Thin Stripes: Modular Representation of Surface Color andBrightness.........................................................................................119

5.3.2 Thick/Pale Stripes: Modular Representation of ComplexContours ...........................................................................................1215.3.2.1 Diversity of Higher-Order Contour Cells in V2 ..............1215.3.2.2 Localization: Evidence for Complex Orientation

Domains in V2..................................................................1235.3.2.3 Feedback: Changing Balance between Two Orientation

Networks ...........................................................................1235.3.3 Thick Stripes: Modular Representation of Relative Disparity........126

5.4 Border and Surface Capture: Foundation for Figure Integration................1275.5 Summary and Proposal ................................................................................130Acknowledgments..................................................................................................132References..............................................................................................................132


Area V2 has traditionally been thought of as the second stage of visual corticalprocessing in the primate. In addition to receiving ascending feedforward inputs

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from primary visual cortex (V1), V2 also receives thalamic input from the pulvinaras well as significant feedback from visual areas in both the ventral and dorsalstreams. Thus, as a distribution center for ascending magnocellular, parvocellular,and koniocellular derived inputs from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), V2 isstrategically positioned as both an integrator and feedback control point of what andwhere information.

In both Old World and New World monkeys, when stained for cytochromeoxidase,1 V2 is characterized by a pattern of alternating dark and light cytochromeoxidase stripes.2,3 In general, these stripes run perpendicular to the V1/V2 borderand alternate in a thin/pale/thick/pale manner from the central (lateral cortex) toperipheral (medial cortex) visual field representations in V2. In the macaque monkeythere are approximately 14 sets of thin/pale/thick/pale stripes in dorsal V2, with eachset spanning on average 4 mm across. This pattern has also been confirmed by otheranatomical staining methods such as Cat-301 staining, which reveals the thickstripes,4,5 and staining for NOS/NADPH.6 These stripe organizations are establishedearly in development and, at least from studies thus far, remain in the face ofmanipulations in visual experience.7,8 Thus, V2 stripes can be viewed as develop-mental,9 evolutionary10 (cf. Reference 11), and/or functional12,13 entities.

The long-standing view that the thin, pale, and thick stripes subserve a tripartitedivision of color, form, and depth information processing in the early visual pathwayhas been supported by electrophysiological,12–16 2-deoxyglucose,17,18 and opticalimaging studies.13,19–21 This functional segregation in V2 has found compellingparallels in psychophysics of orientation, color, and depth perception.22,23 However,these broad descriptions by no means suggest uniformity of any single stripe. Infact, it is clear that each stripe contains a mixture of response types,16,21,24,25 thatneuronal responses are multimodal in nature (e.g., Reference 26), and that there isa significant and important degree of form, color, and disparity integration in V2.Unraveling how functional segregation and multimodal integration are incorporatedis the key to understanding V2 function.

It is also important to note that, in addition to their uneven and blobby appear-ance, V2 cytochrome stripes exhibit variations in patterning. At times, dark cyto-chrome stripes are seen merging with one another or failing to follow the classicthin/thick alternation. Furthermore, given the variability in the widths of dark cyto-chrome stripes, the relationship of “thick” cytochrome stripes with “disparity” and“thin” cytochrome stripes with “color” is a fickle one (for review, see Reference27). Despite this, the terms “thin” and “thick” have become strongly associated withthe functional terms “color” and “disparity.” Following this usage, in this chapter,the terms “thin” and “thick” are based on the conceptual functional view of whatthin and thick stripes are (i.e., “color” or “disparity,” respectively) and not thethickness of stripe as seen in cytochrome oxidase staining.


Perhaps one of the most compelling views of functional division in V2 is visual-ization of stripe compartments by optical imaging methods. Intrinsic signal opticalimaging is a functional mapping method that measures changes in cortical

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reflectance derived from changes in hemodynamic signals (for review, see Refer-ences 28 and 29). The primary advantage of this method is its high spatial resolution(tens of microns), which permits the visualization of 50 to 200

mm size functionaldomains. Because of the limitations of optical penetration and light scatter, detec-tion is thus far limited to the superficial cortical layers (although cf. Reference30). By definition, optical imaging reveals a representation of the local populationresponse; that is, the predominant response summed over many cells. Therefore,(1) imaged response is still consistent with a diversity of single unit responses ata single locale and does not indicate unitary function at any single location, (2) itis useful for revealing local biases in representation that may not be evident fromsingle unit studies, and (3) in combination with single unit studies, it can providea joint single unit/local population view of the local neuronal response. Despiteits limitations (superficial layers only, slow temporal resolution, limited to exposedcortex), intrinsic signal imaging has proved useful for mapping well-establishedfunctional organizations, for revealing novel organizations (e.g., References 31 and32), and promises to be a useful tool for studying cortical activation in the awake-behaving monkey.33–38

In the macaque monkey, most of dorsal V2 is buried within the lunate sulcus,leaving a 0.5- to 2-mm-wide strip just posterior to the lunate available on the surfacefor imaging (Figure 5.1A). Because cells in V2 are predominantly binocular, the V2border with V1 is clearly demarcated by the lack of ocular dominance columns(Figure 5.1B, upper panel). Functional maps are obtained by imaging the cortexduring visual stimulation with stimuli such as achromatic sinusoidal gratings andisoluminant color gratings presented at different orientations. Stimulus-induced acti-vation (usually seen as darkening or decrease in tissue reflectance) of cortical activityreveals functional organizations such as ocular dominance columns, orientationdomains, blobs, and interblobs in V1, and stripe structures in V2. As shown in Figure5.1, the thick/pale stripe location is clearly revealed by mapping for orientation(Figure 5.1B, lower panel). Dark cytochrome oxidase stripes can also be determinedby mapping for general activation (Figure 5.1C, middle panel). Together with cyto-chrome oxidase histology (Figure 5.1C, top panel), which alone often leaves stripeidentity uncertain, thick, pale, and thin stripes can be determined with reasonableconfidence (Figure 5.1C). Other methods for mapping stripes, such as color or colorvs. luminance response (see Figure 5.4 below), monocularity vs. binocularity (seeFigure 5.6 below), and disparity response, will be discussed later in this chapter.

Recent studies have furthered our understanding of both the internal organizationof V2 and its relationship to V1. These new developments, deriving from studiesusing anatomical tract tracing, optical imaging, and electrophysiological methods,have led to further modifications and refinement of the long-standing views of V1–V2connectivity. These new views have developed hand-in-hand with new understand-ings of V2 architecture and hypotheses regarding its relationship to visual perception.The goal of this chapter is to review and integrate these recent developments in ourunderstanding of V2, and propose a conceptual framework for the role of V2 invisual processing. The studies described center on studies in Old World monkeys(macaque monkey). As there are other excellent reviews describing V2 function andorganization (e.g., References 10, 39, and 40), this chapter is not comprehensive,

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but rather is intended to update by summarizing recent developments on V2 func-tional organization.



Early visual processing comprises the magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellu-lar pathways. In broad strokes, the magnocellular pathway carries low-spatial-fre-quency information, has the fastest conduction velocities, feeds primarily into thedorsal stream, and is concerned with spatial information (where pathway). Theparvocellular pathway carries higher-spatial-frequency information and is thoughtto contribute to fine form vision in the ventral stream (what pathway). The konio-cellular pathway, which is least understood, carries color (blue) and low-spatial-frequency information into the ventral stream.41

A cornerstone of this framework has been the tripartite division of connectivitybetween V1 and V2. The landmark studies by Livingstone and Hubel42,43 demon-strated that the blobs in V1 are connected to the thin stripes in V2, the interblobs inV1 to the pale stripes of V2, and layer 4B in V1 to the thick stripes of V2. However,recent anatomical studies have led to a revision of this model.

FIGURE 5.1 (Color figure follows p. 126.) Macaque area V2. (A) Top, Macaque brain.Yellow box indicates location of imaged V1/V2 area just posterior to lunate sulcus (arrow);bottom, cytochrome oxidase–stained section through superficial layers of V1 and V2. Blobsare apparent in V1 and thin, pale, and thick stripes in V2 (arrows). A break in this sectionwas caused by unfolding of the tissue at the lunate. Yellow box indicates field of view shownin B. Yellow diagonal line indicates V1/V2 border in all panels. Scale bar: 2 mm. (B) Opticalimages of V1 and V2. Top, Ocular dominance map. Bottom, Color-coded orientation map.Scale bar: 1 mm. (C) Enlarged views of V2 (indicated by green box in B) show alignmentcytochrome oxidase–stained tissue (top) and optical images. Middle, General activation mapreveals thin and thick stripe locations. Bottom, Orientation magnitude map (strength ofresponse indicated by saturation level) reveals orientation domains in pale and thick stripesand weak orientation selectivity in thin stripes.

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Previous studies reported that injections of WGA-HRP into one V2 thick stripein the macaque monkey and 7 thick stripes in squirrel monkey resulted in layer 4Bof V1.42,43 Thus, the third leg of the tripartite view is primarily based on data fromNew World monkeys and a single thick stripe injection in the macaque monkey.This has now been reexamined with a greater number of injections and with otherretrograde tracers (such as cholera toxin B and fluorescent latex beads), whichproduce more focal injections and can therefore be more confidently localized tosingle stripes. The results of such injections have revealed a prominent projectionfrom V1 interblobs to the thick stripes in V2 of the macaque.

The prevalence of this pattern has been convincingly demonstrated by Sincichand Horton44 who examined label resulting from many well-localized focal stripeinjections in Old World monkeys (Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis, thin n = 17,pale n = 33, thick n = 27). This preferential interblob–thick stripe connection in themacaque monkey was also reported by Ts’o et al.21 In this study, green latex beadswere injected into a V2 “thick” (disparity) stripe as determined with optical imagingand electrophysiology. This resulted in retrograde transport of label preferentiallyto interblobs in layers 2/3 of V1 (Figure 5.2A). These data suggest that interblobconnectivity is not dominated solely by the pale stripes, but is shared between thethick and the pale stripes.

Given that interblobs project to both thick and pale stripes, the possibilityremains that further interblob specialization may exist. The total area occupied byblobs is relatively small (estimated to be 15 to 30%, e.g., Reference 45), leavingopen a wide territory to be claimed by competing interests. In fact, uneven labelingof interblob regions from pale stripe injections has been observed in two studies42,44

and in some instances pale and thick stripe injections exhibit complementary labelingin the interblobs (see Reference 44 and Figure 5.3). Consistent with this idea, Sincichand Horton44 report that roughly a third of interblob cells project to both pale andthick stripes, while the remainder projects to either pale or thick stripes. The possi-bility that differential connectivity of interblob regions relates to fluctuation ofdisparity representation with respect to the ocular dominance map (cf. Reference46) is an important topic for future study.

A second important revision of V1–V2 connectivity is suggested by Sincich andHorton.44 In contrast to the layer 2/3-to-thin/pale and layer 4B-to-thick stripemodel,42 they find that each of the three stripe types receives inputs from both layers2/3 and layer 4B as well as from layer 4A. These inputs from layers 2/3, 4A, and4B overlie one another in a vertically aligned “columnar” fashion (that is, a columnthrough the superficial and middle layers). Thus, current data from the macaquemonkey more strongly support a columnar view of V1–V2 connectivity (cf. Refer-ence 47), one where the “blob column” and “interblob column” project to the thinstripes and thick/pale stripes, respectively.

A third development regards the relative prominence of V1 inputs into the V2stripes. Sincich and Horton48 made large injections (spanning multiple blob andinterblob regions) of the anterograde tracer proline into V1. In two thirds of theirinjections (21/29) they found that the heaviest projections from V1 terminate in thepale stripes. Although it is difficult to relate anatomical robustness directly to func-tional influence, this finding places a slightly different emphasis on V1–V2

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FIGURE 5.2 (Color figure follows p. 126.)Anatomical connectivity of V2. (A) FeedforwardV1–V2 connections and intrinsic connections within V2. Cytochrome oxidase histology of aportion of V2, showing several color and disparity stripes and the blobs of V1. Disparity stripeinjection (big green dot, green fluorescent latex spheres) results in preferential label in V1interblobs (small green dots) and extensive label in other V2 stripes (green dots). Color stripeinjection (big red dot, red fluorescent latex spheres) also shows extensive V2 labeling butfailed to transport toV1. Brackets indicate location of optical imaging. Scale bar: 1 mm. (FromTs’o, D.Y. et al., Vision Res., 41, 1333, 2001. With permission.) (B) Schematic of V2 con-nectivity. (Based on Reference 44.) Bipartite division of V1–V2 connections: blobs project tothin stripes (red arrow) and interblobs project to both thick and pale stripes (blue arrows).Both projections are columnar in layers 2/3, 4A, and 4B. Pale stripes receive heaviest V1 input(heavy blue arrow). Pulvinar inputs target thin and thick stripes, dividing V2 into pulvinar-(dark stripes) vs. V1-dominated (pale stripes) regions. Lgn, lateral geniculate nucleus.

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FIGURE 5.3 (Color figure follows p. 126.) Functional interactions between V1 and V2. (A)Three types of color interactions. Left, Three types of functional interactions exhibit differentrequirements for receptive field overlap. 1, Non-oriented cell pairs do not require receptivefield overlap. 2, Non-oriented V1 cells and oriented V2 cells interact only if receptive fieldsoverlap (indicated by overlapped boxes). 3, Oriented V1 cells and non-oriented V2 cellsinteract only if receptive fields do not overlap (indicated by non-overlapped boxes). Right,Schematic of anatomical connections implied by functional interactions. Gray regions depictthick/pale stripes and white regions thin stripes in V2. Three V1 blob cells (1 to 3) correspondto interactions shown at left (1 to 3). 1, A large surface color network from V1 non-orientedblob cells to nearby and distant V2 thin stripes (via horizontal V2 connections, curved arrows).2, A small network between non-oriented V1 blob cells gives rise to a small contour buildingnetwork in nearby V2 thin stripes (red bar). 3, Oriented color cells in V1 blobs contact onlydistant V2 thin stripes (indicated by dotted arrow). See text. (B) Two types of orientedinteractions. (Based on Reference 21.) Left, Two types of functional interactions exhibitdifferent requirements for receptive field overlap. 1, Orientation-matched cell pairs interactonly if receptive fields overlap. 2, Orientation-mismatched cell pairs tend to interact whenreceptive fields do not overlap. Right, Schematic of anatomical connections. 1, Orientation-matched network between V1 interblob cells (dark blue bar) and nearby V2 thick/pale stripes.2, Orientation-mismatched network between V1 interblob cells (light blue bar) gives rise toorientation-diverse networks reaching distant V2 thick/pale stripes (dotted line). Arrows indi-cate bidirectional interactions reflecting correlograms centered on zero. (Based on References79 and 80.)

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connectivity, one in which V1-derived input to V2 is dominated by oriented, high-spatial-frequency inputs (e.g., Reference 49).

These data place V1–V2 connectivity in a significantly different light. Two newviews emerge (Figure 5.2B). First, the V1 blob vs. interblob dichotomy segregatesV2 into thin vs. thick/pale stripes in V2 (rather than thin vs. pale stripes), a divisionthat is also evident from V2 orientation maps (e.g., Figure 5.1; cf. References 21,50, and 51). Such thick/pale coupling may be important for disparity boundarycomputations (see below) and indicates an inherent segregation of contour(thick/pale) vs. surface (thin) feature processing in V2. Although this division is“bipartite” in nature, the suggestion of further distinctions within interblob regionsforeshadows a possible return to a “tripartite” view. The second view of V1–V2connectivity emphasizes a V1-based vs. a thalamically based division of stripes. Thecomplementarity of the pulvinar-associated dark stripes52,53 and the heavily V1-driven pale stripes may indicate respective influences of thalamic and tectal pathways(cf. Reference 41). In sum, the confluence of these two sets of complementaryconnectivities in V2 gives rise to three separate thin, pale, and thick integrationzones. Given the connectivities of thin and pale stripes with V454 and thick stripeswith MT (e.g., References 14, 15, and 55), these new data suggest a more prominentinterblob-derived contribution to MT.



Anatomical methods directly reveal the “hard wiring” of a network from whichfunctional processing streams can be inferred. Another view of functional connec-tivity can be provided by cross-correlation analysis of electrophysiological record-ings. Based on the distribution of spike timing coincidences between two neuronalspike trains, it is possible to infer whether or not two neurons are statistically likelyto share functional interactions.56,57 Although functional interactions can result fromdirect connections, other connectivities such as polysynaptic relationships and com-mon input can also result in increased spike firing coincidence. Cell pairs with highlycoincident spikes have strong cross-correlation peaks, whereas those exhibitingbaseline levels of coincidence produce flat correlograms. In practice, in the cerebralcortex, where networks are highly interconnected, it is not possible to determinespecific circuitries between two recorded neurons. However, it is possible to detectpresence or absence of interaction and to determine, given a population of recordings,the prevalence of interaction between two cell types compared to other cell types.

These functional interactions can be directly related to known anatomical struc-tures by combining optical imaging and electrophysiology. Functional maps ofcortical activity reveal locations of blobs, interblobs, and stripe structures, whichare then targeted with microelectrodes. Functional interactions between isolatedV1–V2 cell pairs can then be assessed by cross-correlation methods. The prevalenceof interaction types can then be discerned by recording many such pairs. Thisapproach achieves a view of functional interactions between single neurons in V1and V2 as well as their resident structures, thereby providing a bridge between knownanatomical circuits and the functional activation of those circuits by specific stimuli.

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Based on anatomical connectivity, blobs in V1 are expected to have prevalentfunctional interactions with thin stripes in V2. Indeed, cross-correlation of V1–V2non-oriented color cell pairs reveals that more than 80% of these interactions arelocalized to blobs and thin stripes.20 Within blobs and thin stripes, both oriented andnon-oriented color cells are recorded, although oriented color response is morecommonly seen at thin/pale stripe borders.13 Not surprisingly, interactions are prev-alent between color-matched cell pairs (e.g., red-green to red-green) and not betweencolor-nonmatched (e.g., red-green to blue-yellow) cell pairs.20 Thus, in parallel withcolor-specific interactions within V1,58 V1–V2 interactions also tend to preservecolor specificity.

Another advantage of using targeted cross-correlation methods is that interac-tions can be related to receptive field type and spatial location. Based on colorcell type and receptive field separation, three classes of V1–V2 color interactionshave been described.20 Non-oriented color cells have wide-ranging spatial inter-actions, exhibiting strong peaks even when receptive fields are far apart and evenwhen cells are located several millimeters apart in cortex (Figure 5.3A, left top).Because anatomical V1–V2 connections have fairly localized connection patternsreflected directly across the V1/V2 border,21,42,44 it is likely that large spatial spreadspanning more than a single stripe cycle is mediated by the extensive network ofhorizontal connections in V2 (Figure 5.3A, right, cell 1, curved arrows in V2; cf.References 21, 50, and 59), as well as by feedback projections from other corticalareas.60–62 Such spatially extensive interactions are consistent with filling in ofsurface color properties.

In contrast, interactions between non-oriented V1 color cells and V2-orientedcolor cells occur only between cells with overlapping receptive fields (Figure 5.3A,left middle and right cell 2), consistent with the building of color contours in aHubel–Wiesel-type fashion.63 Finally, oriented V1 cells and non-oriented V2 colorcells exhibit interactions only when receptive fields do not overlap (Figure 5.3A,left bottom and right cell 3), which has been related to the influence of bordercontrast on surface color and brightness perception (e.g., References 64 and 65).Thus, three fundamental aspects of color processing: surface color perception, colorcontour perception, and border-induced color percepts may be initiated in parallelV1–V2 pathways (Figure 5.3A).



Orientation networks within V1 tend to involve cells that share similar orientationselectivity.66–69 However, emergent properties in area V2 require the integration ofmultiple orientations. These properties include the recognition of inferred contourssuch as occluded contours, illusory contours, and perceived contours due to disparitycapture,70–73 and of curvature or complex shapes.74–76 Cells with such emergentproperties are reported to be prevalent in the pale and thick stripes of V2.51,73,77 The

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complexity of oriented properties in V2 therefore predicts a diversity of orientationinteractions between V1 and V2.

Cross-correlation studies of cell pairs recorded from interblobs of V1 andthick/pale stripes of V2 do, in fact, reveal strong V1–V2 interactions between cell pairsof both matching and nonmatching orientation selectivity.78,79 Similar to color inter-actions, oriented V1–V2 interactions also exhibit different extents of spatial integra-tion.79 Orientation-preserving interactions (between cells with matching orientationselectivities) tend to occur between cells with overlapping receptive fields (Figure5.3B, left top), whereas orientation-diverse interactions (i.e., those with nonmatchingorientation selectivity) tend to occur between cells with distant receptive fields (Figure5.3B, left bottom). Furthermore, correlograms between orientation-mismatched pairstend to be broader than matched pairs, consistent with greater temporal dispersion ofrelative spike firings and larger network size. Thus, smaller orientation-specific net-works are spatially localized (Figure 5.3B, right, cell 1), whereas larger orientation-diverse networks integrate across visual space (Figure 5.3B, right, cell 2).

The computations required for local vs. global contour computations in V2 arelikely to require such diversity of interaction. Computation of local contour orien-tation requires location specificity, whereas processing of global shape may involveintegration of distant and differently oriented points on a curve. Furthermore, as oneof the earliest stages of contour generalization, orientation interactions between V1and V2 must lead to both specific integration (e.g., how to obtain illusory contourpercept from orthogonally oriented inducers) and generalized outcome (e.g., how toachieve recognition of horizontal orientation regardless of the nature of cues). Suchcomplex computations are likely to involve integration of diverse orientation net-works. Whether there is any preferential relationship to pale or thick stripes remainsto be examined.


The association of the thin, pale, and thick stripes with color, form, and depth/dis-parity information processing, respectively, has been challenged in a number ofstudies as overly simplistic. Admittedly, simple characterization is often as muchfor convenience and brevity as for conceptual organization. For example, color cellsare found in disparity stripes and oriented color cells within pale stripes. Quantita-tively characterized responses to luminance and isoluminant gratings indicate a clearpresence of color-responsive cells in each stripe type.24,25,80 However, these studiesindicate a prevalence of unoriented cells in upper and middle layers of the thinstripes and color-selective cells in the upper layers of the thin and pale stripes.Clearly, color-selective cells are present throughout the V2 stripes but unorientedcolor cells are preferentially found in superficial layers of the thin stripes.

At the root of the controversy is the fact that V2 is a very complex region. Amyriad of receptive field types and single unit responses have been described in V2(for review, see Reference 27). The real challenge is to answer the question: Whydo such functionally diverse cells fall into single stripes? What common computationis being achieved? How do these computations differ from those in V1? One pos-sibility is that V2 is a staging platform for organizing incoming ascending inputs

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from V1 and from the pulvinar. Subsequent integration and transformations maythen be computed before being shuttled to other areas. An alternative characterizationmay be that all three stripe types perform a common functional transformation, albeitin different modal domains. Finding this commonality may be the key to under-standing V2 function.

One organizational feature of V2 that may provide some clues is that singlestripes are not uniform structures, but rather are comprised of a collection of func-tionally distinct subcompartments. V2 stripes have often been described as inhomo-geneous or blobby in appearance, following either cytochrome staining2,3 or 2-deoxyglucose staining.17,18 Electrophysiological studies have described clustering ofcells with similar functional properties, suggestive of some substructure withinstripes. Recent studies have strengthened the evidence for the existence of thesesubcompartments and have further defined their role in visual processing. Thefollowing section summarizes studies on these stripe-specific modules. Becausesome of the strongest evidence demonstrating modular functional organizationwithin thin stripes derives from optical imaging, these studies are the focus.



Preferential thin stripe activation detectable by optical imaging has been demon-strated in several ways. Consistent with their higher basal metabolic demands (asindicated by dark cytochrome oxidase staining), both thin and thick stripes exhibitgreater general activation during visual stimulation. This permits the dark cyto-chrome stripes to be mapped by imaging general activation, which is achieved bysumming response to all visual conditions (Figure 5.4B). Because of the preferentiallocalization of non-oriented color cells in thin stripes, thin stripes can be mappedwith low-spatial-frequency isoluminant red/green or blue/yellow sinusoidal gratingsor color + luminance square wave gratings. Their location can also be revealed bylack of orientation-selective response (see Figure 5.1, desaturated areas in orientationmap) or by response to monocular stimulation (see Figure 5.6, below). In contrastto V1 blobs, which are best mapped with monocular stimulation, V2 thin stripes canbe mapped with either monocular or binocular color stimulation.

Substructure within thin stripes has been shown by imaging for isoluminancevs. luminance gratings.13,20,21 As shown in Figure 5.4B, general activation reveals adark 1-mm-wide stripe within V2. Within this stripe are subcompartments prefer-entially responsive to color (dark) vs. achromatic luminance (light) (Figure 5.4A).These preferences are consistent with neuronal responses recorded from each sub-compartment (Figure 5.4D and 5.4E). Cells recorded in the color subcompartment(dark) are modulated by isoluminant color gratings, whereas those in the luminancesubcompartment (light) are responsive to achromatic gratings. To examine represen-tation of hue, Felleman and colleagues81 have used full-field standing isoluminantcolor/gray gratings to demonstrate a systematic representation of chromaticallydefined domains across single thin stripes in V2. Hand in hand with this color map,they find a clustering of luminance increment (“ON”) and luminance decrement(“OFF”) responses in thin stripes82 (see also Reference 13).

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Taken together, these studies suggest that thin stripes are composed of a collectionof surface-processing “modules.” As depicted in Figure 5.4F, color-responsive sub-compartments (shaded regions) represent surface color with a systematic progressionof hue. In achromatic subcompartments of thin stripes (unshaded regions), surfacebrightness or achromatic contrast is represented in “ON” (light increment) and “OFF”(light decrement) modules. The fact that such ON/OFF segregation is not seen inpale stripes82 suggests a segregated representation of contour and its associatedcontrast. Thus, the association of contour and surface may occur subsequent toindependent encoding of contour and surface properties (cf. Figure 5.10, below).Because evidence suggests that V2 is involved in encoding of figure/ground,83–85 theassociation of contour and surface is likely to occur in V2 and may be mediated viainterstripe connections within V2. These studies further support the idea that surfacefeatures such as color and brightness are represented within thin stripes.

FIGURE 5.4 Modularity of color and brightness representation in thin stripes. (A–C) Opticalimages of a 4-mm area of V2. Scale bar: 1 mm. (A) Thin stripe substructure. Optical imageof V2 thin stripe using sinusoidally modulated isoluminant red–green (dark pixels) vs. achro-matic luminance (light pixels) gratings. (B) General activation (sum of all conditions) elicitsactivation in thin stripe (dark tilted band). (C) Ocular dominance map reveals V1/V2 border.(D) Poststimulus time histograms of single unit recorded from a luminance-preferring sub-compartment of thin stripe shown in A. This unit is well modulated by achromatic luminancegratings (Lum, top), but poorly modulated by either red–green gratings (R/G, middle) orblue–yellow gratings (B/Y, bottom). (E) Unit recorded from a color-preferring subcompartmentof thin stripe shown inA. This unit is well modulated by isoluminant red–green gratings (R/G,middle), but poorly modulated by either achromatic luminance gratings (Lum, top) or blue–yel-low gratings (B/Y, bottom). Scale bar: 1 s. (Parts A through E from Livingstone, M.S. andHubel, D.H., J. Neurosci., 7, 3416, 1987. With permission.) (F) Schematic depiction ofmodular organization within thin stripes. Shaded regions represent red–green responsive zone.Thin stripes are composed of a collection of color and brightness modules (each representedby a colored or black/white disk). Hue is systematically represented. Brightness modules (ONor luminance increment, white; OFF or luminance decrement, black) are also representedadjacent to color modules (cf. References 82 and 83).

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The similarity of physiological responses in V2 and V1 is never more evident thanresponse to oriented contours. The same orientation tuning and end-stopping prop-erties can be found in V2 as in V1. Orientation domains in V2, prominent in thickand pale stripes, are larger in size (~500 mm) and appear to be organized in aseemingly continuous manner. As in V1, pinwheels can be found in orientation mapsof V2 (see Figure 5.6C, indicated by color wheel). What then differentiates contourrepresentation in V1 from that in V2? Diversity of Higher-Order Contour Cells in V2

Perhaps the most striking hallmark of V2 contour processing is that a proportion,about one third to one half, of neurons in V2 are responsive to the orientation of acontour, whether it is defined by a real line or an inferred contour70,86 (cf. References73 and 87; in cat, References 88 through 90). Inferred contours are not defined byluminance contrast but rather by more global features that are perceived only bygrouping multiple cues across space. They include occluded contours, abutting linecontours, motion discontinuity contours, texture element borders, and have beenreferred to as higher-order contours, illusory contours, cognitive contours, and anom-alous contours.91 Thus, V2 cells that are responsive to such contours are consideredhigher order in the sense that they generalize the notion of “orientation” regardlessof specific features that cue that orientation. These higher-order contour cells havebeen hypothesized to underlie figure/ground segregation and to form the basis ofcontour grouping.

Responses to such illusory contours, of either the abutting grating or occludedcontour type, are either absent or extremely sparse in V1.70,73,84,86 The few reportsof illusory contour response in V1 have been found either in the cat where visualcortical organization is significantly different89 or in studies where offset abuttinggratings were incorrectly termed “illusory.”92

To help provide some structure to the array of contour cell responses in V2, oneview of V2 contour response describes a hierarchy of contour representation. Asdescribed by Ramsden et al.,93 when contour cells are characterized using real lineand abutting line stimuli (Figure 5.5A), three types of responses can be classified(Figure 5.5B): “real only” (Type 1, oriented cells responsive only to real contours),“inducer-dependent” illusory (Type 2, tuned to illusory contours but only with aspecific inducer orientation), and “inducer-independent” illusory (Type 3, thosetuned for illusory contours regardless of inducer orientation). Thus, the level ofcontour generalization increases from Type 1 to Type 3. The circuitry required forbuilding Type 2 or Type 3 responses from Type 1 has been proposed and remainsto be investigated (cf. References 94 and 95). Although the existence of these andother response types (e.g., cells with nonmatching real and illusory orientationpreference) has been demonstrated, the prevalence of each of these cells types is asyet unknown.

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FIGURE 5.5 (Color figure follows p. 126.) Contour representation in thick/pale stripes. (A)Methods of tuning real and illusory contour cells inV2. Top, Real line stimuli. Middle, Illusorycontour stimuli with orthogonal inducers. Bottom, Illusory contour stimuli with static induc-ers. In all illusory contour stimuli, real lines are fixed while illusory contour sweeps backand forth. (B) Hierarchy of illusory contour response. Schematized orientation tuning curves(from –90 to +90 orientation) obtained in response to real and illusory contour stimulishown at left. Type 1 cells (left) are tuned only to real contour orientation. Type 2 cells(middle) exhibit orientation tuning to real and illusory contours but respond only to contourswith either acute (example shown) or obtuse inducers. Type 3 cells (right) are tuned to contourorientation regardless of composition. (C) Proposed organization of orientation domain hier-archy. Each orientation domain (e.g., yellow domain) contains zones of “real only” response(Type 1 response zone, yellow only zone), “inducer dependent” response (Type 2 responsezone, region of red and yellow overlap and region of purple and yellow overlap), and “inducerindependent” response (Type 3 response zone, region of red, purple, and yellow overlap).Thus, horizontal illusory contours (composed of either acute red or obtuse purple inducers)activate both the domain representing inducer orientation (either acute green or obtuse purple,respectively) and part of the horizontal domain (yellow). Region of red, purple, and yellowoverlap delimits most generalized illusory contour response region (Type 3 zone).

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Modular Complexity of Area V2 in the Macaque Monkey 123 Localization: Evidence for Complex Orientation Domains in V2

In V2, responses to illusory contours have been reported to be most prominent inV2 pale and thick stripes and rare in the thin stripes.77,84 End-stopped cells (as definedby responsiveness to line ends and corners), which are proposed to contribute toillusory contour response,86 are reported to be either evenly distributed throughoutthe stripes in V284 or concentrated in the pale stripes12,25 or the thin stripes.16 Opticalimaging studies of real and illusory contour response in V2 report the presence of“higher-order” orientation domains, domains that are activated by both real andillusory contour51 (see upper images in Figure 5.6A). These orientation domains arepreferentially located in the thick and pale stripes although occasionally also evidentin thin stripes. However, there are also zones activated by real contours withoutillusory contour activation and zones with nonmatching real and illusory orientationresponse.51 How are these complex contour responses organized?

Ramsden et al.51,96 have proposed a structural layout for real and illusory contourresponse in V2 consistent with optical imaging and single unit data (Figure 5.5C).In this scheme, each orientation domain in V2 is in essence an “orientation abstrac-tion” region; this region contains all possible combinations of orientations producinga particular oriented percept. Thus, it would contain “real only,” “illusory context-dependent,” and “illusory context-independent” zones. As schematized in Figure5.5C, for example, the response to a horizontal illusory contour composed of acuteinducers (dotted red line) activates the acute orientation domain (green line) as wellas the context-dependent portion of the horizontal domain (yellow line). If inducersare obtuse, then activation (purple dotted line) will include both the obtuse orienta-tion domain (gray line) and a slightly different context-dependent portion of thehorizontal domain (yellow). Illusory stimulation would activate orientation domainsselective for the orientation of the illusory contour as well as real domains selectivefor the orientation of the inducers. This results in an apparent extension of the realorientation response domain into the adjacent domain representing the orientationof the illusory contour. Each V2 orientation domain may contain subregions withdiffering degrees of response to lower (Type 1 response) and higher-order (Type 2and Type 3 response) contour features, thereby achieving a continuum of alignmentsof illusory contour response and the real orientation map. Feedback: Changing Balance between Two Orientation Networks

We have seen that the relationship of oriented V1 cells and oriented V2 cells, andby inference their respective orientation domains, falls into two classes: smallerorientation-preserving networks and more extensive orientation-diverse networks(see Figure 5.3). As shown by cross-correlation data, these relationships are equallyprevalent in the feedforward as feedback directions between V1 and V2.78,79,97 Thissuggests that feedback influences from V2 may also fall into two separate networks.Consistent with these physiological findings, Shmuel et al.98 and Stettler et al.99 haveelegantly demonstrated, by labeling feedback projections from orientation domains

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FIGURE 5.6 (Color figure follows p. 126.) Orientation-specific feedback influences fromV2 to V1. (A) Optical imaging of real and illusory contour response in V1 and V2. Stimuliare depicted above. Illusory stimuli were designed with identical inducer orientation; hori-zontal minus vertical illusory contour subtraction removes inducer component of response,leaving illusory specific response. Real and illusory contours have identical spacings. Com-parison of real and illusory response reveals very similar maps in V2 (images above), sug-gesting presence of higher-order contour domains. Horizontal response is circled in yellowand vertical response circled in blue. The same stimulation produces inverted maps in V1 ⎛images below, e.g., yellow (blue) encircles dark (light) pixels with real contour stimulationand light (dark) pixels with illusory contour stimulation. Scale bar: 1 mm. (From Gallant,J.L. et al., Science, 259, 100, 1993. With permission.) (B) Summary of V1/V2 response. Realcontours produce like activation in V1 and V2. Illusory contours produce activation in V2and relative suppression in V1. (C) Potential source of V1 map inversion. Color-codedorientation image in V1 and V2 (see color code below). V1/V2 border determined by oculardominance imaging (solid line). Dotted lines demarcate borders between thin and thick/palestripes in V2. Pinwheel in V2 lies just below color wheel and arrow. Arrows depict dualfeedback projections from V2 to V1, one that is orientation-specific and spatially localized(solid arrow) and one that is orientation-diverse and spatially extensive (dotted arrow). Realcontour stimulus preferentially activates orientation-specific feedback. Illusory contour stim-ulation preferentially activates orientation-diverse feedback. Scale bar: 1 mm. (D) Perceptualeffect of real vs. illusory push–pull. Top left, Percept of illusory triangle occluding dark disksaround another outlined triangle. Top right, Same except triangle has curved outline. Bottom,Adding real contours diminishes the illusory percept and produces percept of cluttered col-lection of small triangles and pacmen.

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Modular Complexity of Area V2 in the Macaque Monkey 125

identified by optical imaging, that single V2 orientation domains target a broad rangeof orientation domains in V1. Thus, feedback projections influence orientationdomains of both matching and nonmatching orientation in V1 (schematized in Figure5.6C, solid and dotted arrows).

What role do these two proposed feedback projections play? Feedback connec-tions have been strongly implicated in context-dependent processing, producing acomplex mixture of influences that depend on parameters such as stimulus context,center vs. surround stimulation, and attentional state100–102 (for review, see References103 through 106).

The suggestion that feedback projections play a role in orientation-specificmodulation of V1 response comes from a comparison of V1 and V2 responses toreal vs. illusory contours.73 The rationale of this study was that, because illusorycontour responses are V2-like and not V1-like, any illusory-specific response in V1likely derives from area V2 or higher. This study reported that, in contrast to realline stimulation, illusory (abutting line) contour stimulation in V1 resulted in a“response inversion.” That is, single oriented neurons in V1 are relatively suppressedat the orientation of the illusory contour and relatively activated at the orthogonalorientation, resulting in an illusory contour orientation map that is the exact inversionof the real contour orientation map (Figure 5.6A, lower images). Control studiesindicated that this response reversal is not a product of inducer orientation or spatiallyspecific aspects of the stimulus, but rather is due only to the illusory aspects of thisstimulus. Thus, real line stimuli produced like-to-like activation of V1 and V2,whereas illusory contour stimuli produced response activation in V2 and relativesuppression in V1 (Figure 5.6B). Importantly, this demonstrates a change in thebalance of activation between V1 and V2 at the scale of single functional domains.

How does such response inversion in V1 occur? Because the V1 response isspecific to the orientation of the illusory contour, it is likely that feedback from V2(or higher) played a crucial role. Based on response latency analyses, feedbackinfluences have also been demonstrated using flashed Kaniza-like illusory contourstimuli87 (although cf. Reference 101). this author proposes that this response inver-sion results from a change in the balance between “real only” (prominent duringreal line stimulation) domains and “illusory contour” (prominent during illusorycontour stimulation) zones in V2. Thus, activating “illusory contour” zones in V2results in tipping the balance from orientation-preserving to orientation-diversefeedback networks (from solid to dotted arrows in Figure 5.6C), thereby resultingin an inverted orientation map in V1. In sum, V2 can have robust, orientation-specificinfluences on V1. These influences may be mediated by changing the balancebetween orientation-preserving and orientation-diverse feedback networks.

A potential role of “changing the balance” on contour perception is illustratedin Figure 5.6D. The illusory contours in the top panel evoke a strong percept of awhite triangle (left, straight borders; right, curved borders) occluding three darkdisks surrounding another outlined triangle. Adding real lines along the border ofthe illusory contours (bottom panel) degrades the salience of the occluding whitetriangle and produces a disjointed percept of multiple objects (three pacmen andthree small triangles). This example demonstrates the competitive push–pull betweenillusory contour and real line percepts, one which may be mediated by the changing

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balance of “real only” and “illusory contour” domains in V2 and their associatedfeedback influences on V1. These studies further specify the role of V2 feedback incontext-dependent processing and figure/ground segregation.

How feedforward-to-feedback activations work together to produce real or illu-sory percepts is not fully understood. However, many studies have dispelled theview that “V2 follows V1.” Although the shortest latencies in V1 may be shorterthan the shortest latencies in V2107–110 (cf. Reference 111), functional studies showthat the predominant interaction, on average, is coactivation (e.g., References 20,78, 79, 97, 105, and 112). It is thus important to view V1 and V2 as coprocessorsrather than serial processors (for review, see References 27, 103, and 113; seeReference 105 for discussion).



During natural vision as we move in relation to our surroundings, the spatial locationof a stimulus on one retina vs. the other retina (absolute disparity) is constantlychanging. However, typically the relative depth relationship between two locationsin space (relative disparity) remains fairly constant. It is well known that V1 neurons,which have been classified as “tuned excitatory,” “near,” “far,” and “tuned inhibitory,”signal retinal disparity.114 However, the role of these V1 disparity tuned cells instereoscopic vision is as yet unclear. That is, these local detectors can encode theoffset in spatial location of a stimulus on one retina vs. the other (absolute disparity).But do they encode relative disparity? Recent evidence suggests that V1 and V2play different roles in visual depth perception.

Using cleverly designed stimuli (in which the random dot stereogram presentedto one eye is reversed in contrast to that presented to the other eye), Cumming andParker115–117 suggest that V1 cells respond only to local disparity cues and that globaldisparity computations are likely to reside outside V1. In contrast, in response tosystematic shifts in the relative disparity of center and surround areas of a randomdot stimulus (e.g., center patch always appears in front of surround despite changesin absolute perceived depth), some V2 neurons exhibit parallel shifts of their absolutedisparity tuning curves, consistent with the encoding of relative disparity.118,119 Thus,relative disparity encoding appears to be prominent in V2 and nearly absent in V1.

By comparing responses of V1 and V2 cells to contrast-defined vs. random dotstereogram defined square patches, von der Heydt118 demonstrated that V2 cells(much more so than V1 cells) respond to edges defined by disparity cues (see Figure5.8B below). As another demonstration of contour generalization in V2, disparityselective V2 cells exhibited similar orientation tuning preferences for contrast-defined vs. disparity-defined borders. (Directionally selective cells do not have astrong presence in V2 but when present tend to be found in the thick stripes ofV2.12,16 A proportion of these are reported to exhibit oriented response to bordersproduced by differential motion fields, i.e., motion kinetic cells.120)

Disparity selective cells, especially those termed “obligatory binocular”121 arepreferentially localized in the thick stripes of V2.12,21,72 Although their functionalorganization is still poorly understood, optical imaging studies suggest that disparity,

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Modular Complexity of Area V2 in the Macaque Monkey 127

like color and contour, is represented in a modular fashion.21 The orientation ofobligatory binocular cells in vertical penetrations tends to be similar, although theirdisparity tuning shifts slightly with depth (Figure 5.7A). Because disparity repre-sentation in V2 is characterized by obligatory binocular cells, thick stripes are lessresponsive to monocular stimulation than thin stripes, permitting thick stripes to bemapped by monocular vs. binocular interaction (Figure 5.7B). The relationship ofthe disparity map with the orientation map is not yet clear. However, imaging resultsindicate that patches of uniform disparity tuning overlie regions of changing orien-tation preference, resulting in a roughly orthogonal relationship between isodisparitycontours and iso-orientation contours.122 Near disparity patches are observed nextto far disparity patches and not adjacent to zero disparity patches. Disparity patchesare also observed near color patches, consistent with a close association betweensurface feature processing and disparity capture (see below). A proposed organiza-tion of disparity selectivity is depicted in Figure 5.7C but remains to be exploredin detail. Whether the different types of contour cells (disparity defined, motiondefined, and illusory contour defined) are located in the same domains in V2 andwhether there are contour cells in V2 with true cue invariant responses are topicsfor future investigation.


Part of the challenge of object identification lies in determining object boundariesand object surfaces regardless of the cues that define them. A second major challengeis to determine how boundaries and surfaces relate to each other, thereby formingthe initial stage of figure/ground segregation.

Deciding on “border ownership”85 is central to determining ambiguous objectcontour cues. A classic example is that of Rubin’s vase, which can be seen as eithera Greek vase or the profiles of two faces depending on how the border is interpreted.As illustrated in Figure 5.8A (receptive field indicated by oval on border), both V1and V2 neurons respond well to oriented contrast borders. However, V2 neuronsrespond to the border as it relates to its position in figure relative to ground85,123

(e.g., only when figure is on the left of border). Over half of cells in V2 exhibitsignificant border ownership preference vs. less than a fifth of cells in V1.85 Simpleline segments placed within receptive field borders failed to elicit responses butwhen placed in the context of figure/ground produced robust responses, demonstrat-ing that V2 responses were contextually modulated beyond the classical receptivefield boundaries. Thus, the “assignment” of the border response to figure is not alocal computation but is likely mediated by long-range horizontal connections withinV2 æ presumably between thin (surface) and thick/pale (border) stripes æ or byfeedback from higher areas.

V2 is also involved in “surface ownership.” In one of the most revealing studiesabout V2 function, Bakin et al.72 demonstrated that V2 cells exhibit disparity captureresponse, a phenomenon in which the border captures the surface. In this study,stimuli consisted of a field of oriented elements presented independently to each

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eye (Figure 5.8B, below). The ocular disparity of each element could be adjustedto achieve the percept of a square area located in front of or behind the surroundingbackground. Cells inV2 are known to be tuned for a specific range of such disparities.However, for some cells in V2, even when there was no real disparity for elementsin the square region (e.g., small oval receptive field), the square region could appearin front of or behind the background when elements near the border were spatiallydisparate. That is, the disparity existing at the borders “captured” the elements in

FIGURE 5.7 Modularity of disparity representation in thick stripes. (A) Columnar organi-zation of orientation selectivity and disparity. Disparity representation is similar in superficiallayers but shifts with penetration depth. (B) Disparity map in V2. Monocular (dark pixels)minus binocular (light pixels) subtraction. Blue arrows indicate binocular (disparity) zonesin V2. Yellow arrows indicate monocular (blobs) in V1. (Parts A and B from Livingstone,M.S. and Hubel, D.H., J. Neurosci., 7, 3416, 1987. With permission.) (C) Model of disparityand orientation response in V2 thick stripe. See text.

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Modular Complexity of Area V2 in the Macaque Monkey 129

the center and in essence “assigned” to them the global perceived disparity. Thisemphasizes the importance of border information in unifying surface information,which in this case resided in oriented line or texture elements.

A third example of surface capture in V2 is illustrated by the Craik–O’Brien–Cornsweet illusion.64 In this illusion, two equiluminant surfaces appear to differ inbrightness because of an intervening border contrast (Figure 5.9A and 5.9B, leftcolumn; compare Cornsweet and Real, actual luminance profile below, perceivedbrightness at far right). Unlike simultaneous contrast stimuli (cf. Reference 124),the Cornsweet is a stimulus that induces a brightness percept purely by virtue ofborder contrast without accompanying surface luminance contrast. Whereas cellsresponsive to real brightness contrast are prevalent in both V1 and V2,125 thoseresponsive to illusory brightness contrast are preferentially located in V2 thin stripes(Figure 5.8 images125). These “Cornsweet” cells exhibit modulation of response toperceived brightness modulation induced by border contrast reversal, even thoughthe receptive fields are quite distant from the contrast border (e.g., 3∞ to 15∞ away).Thus, the V2 response to “Cornsweet” modulation parallels its response to “Real”brightness modulation (compare Figure 5.9A and 5.9B images), suggesting that V2thin stripes may encode the percept of brightness contrast regardless of true lumi-nance values (cf. Reference 65). In this case, the border contrast captures the adjacentsurfaces by assigning the perceived brightness, thereby unifying the surface percept

FIGURE 5.8 Association of borders and surfaces. (A) V2 cells exhibit border ownership.(From Peterhans, E. and von der Heydt, R., J. Neurosci., 9, 1749, 1989. With permission.)Single V1 cells respond to presence of contrast border (e.g., both top left and bottom left).Single V2 cells respond to border that belongs to the figure (e.g., both top left and right butnot top left and bottom left). (B) V2 cells exhibit disparity capture. (From Ramsden, B.M. etal., Cereb. Cortex, 11, 648, 2001. With permission.) Top middle, When bar ends appear infront of surface, V2 cell (receptive field indicated by small oval) exhibits response to illusorydisparity-induced border. Top right, V2 cells respond to borders defined by disparity. Bottom,Disparity of oriented elements near borders of illusory rectangle produces strong perceptionof rectangle in front of four dark circles. V2 cells within rectangle do not have true disparitybut respond to illusory disparity induced by surface capture. When rectangle appears behindfour circular apertures V2 cell exhibits no disparity response (is not captured).


Border ownership

Disparity captureof illusory contour

Stereoscopic edgesrelative disparity tuned

Disparity capture of surface

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(cf. Reference 126). Long-range horizontal connections within V2, which tend toconnect different stripe types, are ideally suited for lateral propagation of borderinformation (cf. Reference 127).


This chapter has focused on functional domains in V2 and their interactions withV1. The value of identifying functional compartments within V2 lies in decodingwhat computations might be important in V2. Understanding the relationship of V2with V1 can help break down visual processing into specific stages. The studiessummarized here suggest two stages of form perception, a “border and surfaceidentification” stage and a “border/surface capture” stage. This two-stage frameworkattempts to incorporate the many pieces of information about V2 organization. It ispresented here as a summary and a proposal.

The first stage — border and surface identification — is proposed to begin inV1 and continue into V2 (mediated via feedforward connections). Elemental featuresof borders and surfaces (including color, orientation, disparity, and other local cuessuch as texture, motion) are identified by V1 (Figure 5.10). These elements aresubsequently integrated by V1–V2 or intra-V2 convergence (Figure 5.10, largecurved arrow) to achieve, for example, generalized contour (e.g., real or illusorycontour) or generalized surface (e.g., texture field) identification. Thus, the transfor-

FIGURE 5.9 Similar V2 response to real and illusory brightness (Cornsweet). (A–C) Stimuliare shown in left column with luminance profiles below, optical images shown in middle column,and induced visual percept in right column. Boxed areas in visual stimuli (left column) indicatevisual region presented to optically imaged field of view. (A) The Cornsweet stimulus. Sinusoidal(0.5 Hz) alternation of the border contrast produces percept of alternating left-light/right-darkfields. Border contrast selected to evoke same percept as real contrast stimulus. (B) Real lumi-nance contrast stimulus. Sinusoidal (0.5 Hz) alternation of contrast is seen as alternating left-light/right-dark fields. (C) Blank condition. All stimuli have same average luminance. Imagesshow preferential activation of V2 thin stripes by both real and illusory brightness (thin stripesindicated by dark and thick/pale stripes indicated by white triangles at top). Scale bar: 1 mm.




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M odular C omplexity of Area V 2 in the M acaque M onkey 131

mations between V1 and V2 require not only organized modality-specific feedfor-ward transmission of information, but also specific featural and spatial integra-tion.20,44,79 TheV1–V2 connectivities described in this chapter satisfy these demands.They exhibit exquisite anatomical and functional organization and are sufficientlyextensive (both spatially and featurally) to underlie higher-order transformations ofborder and surface identification.

A second stage proposed is that of assigning border and surface ownership(mediated via horizontal connections within V2). This assignment is likely to be

FIGURE 5.10 (Color figure follows p. 126.) Two-stage model ofV2 function. Bottom, Stage1 (border and surface identification): Elemental features of borders and surfaces (includingcolor, orientation, disparity, and other local cues such as texture, motion) are identified byV1. These elements are subsequently integrated byV1–V2 or intra-V2 convergence (big blackcurved arrow, white arrow on cytochrome oxidase section below) to achieve generalizedcontour or generalized surface identification. Top, Stage 2 (border and surface capture):Borders and surfaces are associated by horizontal V2 connections (bidirectional arrow, whitearrows on cytochrome section of V2) as well as feedback from higher areas. This achievesperceptual unification of the “figure” (e.g., figure/ground, disparity capture, Cornsweet shownat right). Finally, V2–V1 feedback is proposed to modulate weights between competingparallel networks (big curved downward-projecting arrow).[Note that white arrows on cyto-chrome sections are meant to indicate feedforward (lower panel) and horizontal (upper panel)connections and are not meant to point from or to specific structures.]

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carried out by the horizontal connections (typically between different stripetypes21,50,59) within V2 or via feedback from higher cortical areas. Examples of bothborder capture and surface capture in V2 have been described.72,85,125 It is apparentthat the global percept captures and, in a sense, overrides local features to unifyadjacent surfaces. Global border-defined shape can override the local features sig-naled by the surface. Similarly, surface features can help unify borders into aconceptual whole. In both cases, accuracy of local detail is often sacrificed at theexpense of global coherence.

Feedback connections are likely to play an important role as well. Althoughthis two-stage scheme as described is largely “bottom-up,” feedback from V2 isalso a key component in achieving appropriate balance between competing parallelcircuits. Undoubtedly, perception of figure/ground (e.g., by stimulus specifics, byattentional state) is also effectively modulated by feedback from higher areas (e.g.,Reference 128).


The author thanks Francine Healy for assistance with formatting of manuscript andHaidong Lu and Limin Chen for proofreading. The work for this chapter wassupported by Grant EY11744, Packard Foundation.


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