5 languages of muslim love

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Takes the book Five languages of love and applies the principles to Muslims




Based on the book by Gary Chapman, “The Five Languages of Love”

“The minute I heard my first

love story, I started looking

for you, not knowing how

blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet


They're in each other all


― Rumi, The Illuminated Rumi

Photo by nono Farah on Flickr available under a Creative

Commons Attribution License

There is no one definition. It is organic, a

process, where just like a garden if nurtured

and looked after it grows into a beautiful

relationship full of intimacy and love.

Just like a bank account, you have to make

deposits before you make withdrawls. Every

day, multiple times a day, you have to make

a deposit. A kind word, a look, a touch, a

gesture, a call,…

Married life is about

Mawada and Rahma



Photo by Tela Chhe on Flickr available under a Creative Commons Attribution License


محبوبة, محبوب, مودة, عشق, محبة, حب friendship

زمالة, مودة, صداقة cordiality

شعور ودي, حرارة, مودة intimacy

عالقة جنسية, صداقة حميمة, مودة, ألفة bonhomie

مودة, إنس fellowship

طائفة, مودة, رفقة, منحة جامعية, صحبة, زمالة attachment

مودة, رابط, ربط, حجز, ارتباط, التعلق nearness

دقيق, صداقة حميمة, جوار, مودة, إلف, قرب


بركة, شفقة, نعمة, رأفة, رحمة clemency

منح العفو, هوادة, لين, حلم, رحمة, رأفة grace

كياسة, جمال, رحمة, مهلة, فضل, نعمة pity

حنو, رأفة, رحمة, رثاء, أسف, شفقة ruth


رحمة, ربع دوالر, ربع ساعة, جانب, حي, ربع

“Speak a good word or remain silent” Hadith

Photo by srizki on Flickr available under a Creative Commons Attribution License

Say good things to your spouse and about

your spouse, eg “ I love you, appreciate

you,…”: Who did the Prophet (SAW) love the


“O Messenger of Allah, who do you love most?” Prophet Muhammad replied

“Aisha….” (Bukhari)

Photo by Chris Kamal Zarif on Flickr available under a Creative Commons Attribution License

“When I am with you, we

stay up all night.

When you're not here, I can't

go to sleep.

Praise God for those two


And the difference between



“I can live for two months

on a good compliment.”

- Mark Twain

This is amongst other things about being in

the present. When the Prophet (SAW) was at home he focused on the family. Whoever

he met he gave his full and undivided attention. 110%. Togetherness has

to do with focused attention not just physical proximity.

Photo by am & Faiz available under a Creative Commons Attribution License

“Your task is not to

seek for love, but

merely to seek and

find all the barriers

within yourself that

you have built against

it.” Rumi

Gift giving is universal. It is an expression of

appreciation, love, and more. The Prophet (SAW) was the most generous and there are many examples

of him both giving and receiving gifts. Gifts may or may not have

monetary value. Make it personal, thoughtful, based on on an occasion or


Photo by Salim Fadley available under a Creative Commons Attribution License

“In your light I learn

how to love. In your

beauty, how to make

poems. You dance inside

my chest where no-one

sees you, but sometimes

I do, and that sight

becomes this art.”

― Rumi

Show Your Love Through Actions. Find out the likes and dislikes of your spouse. Read his or her body language,

not everything is explicitly said. What can you do around the house to

help? How can you take care of your self, hygiene, beautify yourself,

fitness, and other ways to show your spouse, you care?

The Prophet was described by his wife that ‘he was in the service of his

family’ (Bukhari)

“I want to see you. Know your voice.

Recognize you when you first come 'round

the corner.

Sense your scent when I come into a room

you've just left.

Know the lift of your heel, the glide of

your foot.

Become familiar with the way you purse

your lips

then let them part, just the slightest bit,

when I lean in to your space and kiss you.

I want to know the joy of how you



― Rumi

Intimacy is built on all the senses. Kissing, flirting, embracing, holding hands, cuddling as well as making love

are all parts of physical intimacy.

The Prophet (SAW) would passionately kiss his wife, and then leave for

prayer without performing wudu accord to Aisha (RA)

Photo by dMap Travel Guide on Flickr available

under a Creative Commons Attribution License

What do you appreciate most about your


What makes you feel most loved?

What do they say or do that hurts most?

What do you wish your spouse knew about

what you desire above all else?

How do you express your love to your spouse?

Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch

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