4u hsc questions by topics 1990 to 2006 and summary

Post on 11-Dec-2015






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Extension 2 Mathematics HSC questions



By : Khiet Hoang – World’s craziest teacher


This book may be considered by some as offensive, insensitive and politically incorrect ……..and if you do then go and tell someone who cares!

……..uhh and it also contains lots of speling and grematical erors……and the odd maths error!

Footnote: (should really be at the bottom of the page but who cares…….) The author of this book has about 500808 different split personalities so sometimes he (she/it/they/we) uses the first person (often “I”) to refer to himself. Other times he uses third person such as “the author”. I believe he uses perpendicular pronouns too…..so if you are confused already before you even read the rest of this book then he has succeeded! I can tell you that one of the author’s favourite sayings to his students is “are you scarred for life yet?” and then laugh very loudly in an infectious manner! You’d have to be one of my students to understand the joke! The man is crazy!!!!


I would like to thank my Mum, my Dad for bringing me into this world, my wife, my kids, my dog……

No seriously, I’d like to thank all of my students and ex-students at Kellyville High and at the various coaching institutions in Sydney. By teaching you I have learnt a great deal about how the NSW 4U syllabus should be taught. Thank you for putting up with me and my eccentricities.

I’d also like to thank my colleagues and friends who have read this and have given feed back and support. This humble grass hopper owes you.

Most of all I must thank my wife, Vanessa for being so understanding about me writing this during the wee hours of the mornings in my “spare” time……….

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Why I wrote this book ----------------------- 4

Most Important Procedure for HSC ----------------------- 7

4U course overview ----------------------- 8

4U syllabus content ----------------------- 9

Chapter 1 – GRAPHS :Sketch a curve ----------------------- 35

Chapter 2 – GRAPHS :Do something to a curve ----------------------- 39

Chapter 3 – COMPLEX NO: locus ----------------------- 50

Chapter 4 - COMPLEX NO: Geometry ----------------------- 55

Chapter 5 - COMPLEX NO: nth Roots and proofs ----------------------- 65

Chapter 6 – CONICS - Rectangular Hyperbolas ----------------------- 86

Chapter 7 – CONICS - Ellipse ----------------------- 92

Chapter 6 – CONICS - Hyperbolas ----------------------- 100

Chapter 6 – INTEGRATION - Special properties ----------------------- 107

Chapter 14 – INTEGRATION - partial fractions ----------------------- 113

Chapter 8 – INTEGRATION - reduction/recurrence formulas -------------------- 117

Chapter 9 – INTEGRATION - By Parts ----------------------- 124

Chapter 10 – INTEGRATION -subs, complete sq and integration table ------- 126

Chapter 11 – VOLUMES - Slice ----------------------- 133

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Chapter 12 – VOLUMES - cross-section ----------------------- 137

Chapter 13 – VOLUMES - shell ----------------------- 148

Chapter 15 – MECHANICS – Projectile and SHM ----------------------- 154

Chapter 15 – MECHANICS – Resisted Motion ----------------------- 159

Chapter 15 – MECHANICS – Circular Motion ----------------------- 166

Chapter 16 – POLYNOMIALS – transformation + roots and coeffs ------------ 180

Chapter 16 – POLYNOMIALS – Solve and factorise ----------------------- 185

Chapter 16 – POLYNOMIALS – Multiple Roots ----------------------- 188

Chapter 18 – HARDER 3U – Permutation and Combination ---------------------- 191

Chapter 18 – HARDER 3U – Inequality ---------------------- 202

Chapter 18 – HARDER 3U – Circle Geometry ---------------------- 210

Chapter 18 – HARDER 3U – Induction ---------------------- 227

Chapter 18 – HARDER 3U – Other ---------------------- 235

Chapter 23 – Integration Table ----------------------- 253

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Why I wrote this book.

This book was compiled by an experienced teacher who has taught this course from as early as 1989. He was NOT a terribly good student at 2U/3U/4U maths (….who also refuses to recognise the new course names as the names are the only things that changed. The syllabus content has NOT) and had to teach himself these courses again during 1990-1991 using this book below. This book was written with the 1982 syllabus in mind and is only good until 2010 because the syllabus is due to be changed then and who knows what will become of the new syllabus. If there are only cosmetic changes then this book will still be useful. Else, if you’re ever short on toilet paper then……….

This book explains the whole 4U course in easy to understand language and it is intended to be used as a self help guide for students as well as teachers.

90% of 2U/3U and especially 4U is about following certain procedures to obtain the answers. This book is just that. You can easily get over 90% for 2, 3 and 4U maths just by following the procedures in this book alone.

Students often find 3U/4U (and even 2U) hard. This is the case NOT because the content is hard. I can teach my 10 year old son (in 2007) some 4U maths concepts! Will he be able to remember it is another story?!!! Will he want to learn?!!!!

Maths IS hard though for the following reasons:

1) There is TOO MUCH to REMEMBER.

From the formula perspective alone, can you REMEMBER about 15 pages of typed up formulas, let alone know which one to use? If you cannot remember, then do General maths because 90% of the formulas are given to you. Somewhere in this book you’ll find all the formulas you’ll need to know.

2) People fear and RESIST any CHANGE in their lives

………..and hence they do NOT REMEMBER new definitions or concepts given to them.

When a new theory or formula is given to students the first thing they often ask is why? Or say “That’s too hard. How am I going to remember that” (cast your mind back to the quadratic formula…..Oh sorry you don’t remember that one? ………my point exactly. For those who do remember, that’s the one with a, b and c in it. How about the distance formula from a point to a line……..what you didn’t know there was such a formula? ......... Uhh yeah there is and that one is not even 3U maths. It is 2U maths !!!!!).


……..and hence do NOT REMEMBER them.

Unfortunately maths is often typically taught by teachers putting a few QUESTIONS on the board, showing how the QUESTIONS ARE TO BE SOLVED. They then ask the students to do a million (or thereabout) questions for homework which the students, of course, find difficult to

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do because they didn’t understand the CONCEPTS of the topic. Then the teacher puts some more questions on the board the next day, again showing the students how to solve those questions and again ask the students to do another million (or more) questions for homework ………..and the vicious cycle goes on…………meanwhile the students fall behind.

And the text book also “teaches” the same way. They show how two or three questions are done and hardly show the concepts behind it, or if they do it is not explicitly shown. One of the text books I’ve seen shows a couple of questions with solutions in one chapter and then the concepts are shown in the NEXT chapter. I think the rationale there was to show “Oh do you see how hard it is for you to do the question this way but with this formula it is so much easier!!!”

Well, why wasn’t it shown in the same chapter at the beginning of the chapter in the first place?

4) Students PONDER upon the beauty of THE QUESTION.

This is the biggest problem of all. This happens in not only maths but in all subjects. This is the main reason why HSC students do not do as well as they should in the HSC.

What is the problem? Simply put, students, when sitting an exam, spend far too much time on questions they CAN’T do and very little or no time on questions they CAN do and hence run out of time. Many of my students often say “Oh, I didn’t have time to do the last question and it was the easiest question of the exam!!!”

My response is always: “Well then why didn’t you do that question first?” which is often met with another of the student’s question: “Oh can you do that?”

“Uhh……yeah you can….”

I often say to my 4U maths students that you can suck at 4U maths but the idea is to make others suck at it worse than you. That is unfortunately how the UAI works. It simply ranks you in order from highest to lowest. The aim of any HSC exam is NOT to finish the paper but to finish AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. So if you ponder upon the beauty of the questions that you could not do and “accidentally” ignore questions that you can do, than you will suck worse then your HSC peers.

The rule of thumb is if you read the question and you do not understand or have a mental blank you count to 3 and if you still do not know then go onto the next question. Don’t sit there and ponder upon its beauty. That is the real secret behind the HSC!!! There is an actual procedure on how to attack an HSC paper also somewhere in this book……

I’ll give you two actual real life everyday situations and one of my personal experiences where people ponder upon the beauty of the questions:

Situation 12 DAY FM (and other radio stations) often has a contest where they ask the contestants 10 questions in a minute. You answer all 10 correctly you get $1000 otherwise you get $10 (or $100 depending on the radio station) per question. If the contestant does not know the answer they are allowed to say “pass” and the next question is asked. All questions are always asked until they answer all the questions correctly or run out of time.

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Not many contestants get $1000!!!

Most often get $50 or even $60. A lot get $30 - $40. Some even get $10 or nothing!!!This is NOT because they do not know a lot of the answers. It’s simply because they ponder upon the beauty of one or two questions and before you know it, the minute is up.

Instead of saying “pass” STRAIGHT AWAY when they do not know the answer, typical contestants say “Uhh can you read the question again?” or “Uhhh…… I read that in Cosmopolitan the other day…..what was his name again?......Uhh, what was the question again?” Of course I am exaggerating here a little but you get the idea.

Situation 2Students often claim that they study 3-4 hours some say even 6 hours a day after school and still their marks do not reflect their efforts!!! Why is this so? It’s because they ponder upon the beauty of the questions!!! This happens for ALL subjects not just for maths.

When students come across a difficult question or concept or theme or theory or a certain place in their essay etc they often sit and ponder sometimes for hours (sometimes on just one question - I know because I myself have done it!!!!) because if they leave the question then it means in their mind that they have failed and so they must do that particular question before they can do the next one. It’s quite a funny psychological thing! The right thing to do is of course to move onto something else or ask your teacher or friend or tutor etc the next day so that you can carry on your study in a productive and effective manner.

If you ponder upon the beauty of one or two questions then you will never finish the million or so question for maths that were set for homework.

Remember the teacher asked you to do the million questions but they did not say that you have to do them in any order. That means that you finish as many as you can in the time set.

This approach of “skipping” questions should be done not just for homework but for class work and particularly for exams (especially HSC exams). Make sure you come back to the ones you skipped and attempt them when you have done all the others that you can do.

One of my own personal experiences.

In writing this book the author pondered upon the beauty of this section alone ……..sitting there thinking and thinking some more and so far for the last 2 pages spent 3 hours pondering what to write. What he should have done is he should have stood up. Go and make a cup of coffee and write it the next day……But no, he must finish this section otherwise he cannot write the next section……..that funny psychological bs…remember?

………Sorry got to go….got other things I must write for this book…..the pages of formulas for example which is much easier to write then the pages above…....


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Most Important Procedure for HSC.Out of all of the procedures in this book this is by far the most important one. Here it is:

0) Take a few (10) deep breaths so you can relax and also get some brain food (oxygen) into the brain. 1) Read the whole paper in 2 minutes (you WILL be given at least 5 minutes reading time in the HSC regardless of how crappy your school is in NOT giving you reading time in the trials or in any test. I give reading time for EVERY single exam I give to my students from year 7 to year 12 even if it’s just for a minute or 10 seconds – for my one minute exam!). Of course you are not to read word for word question for question in the 2 minutes (you just don’t have time for that unless you are a very good speed reader). Instead you glance at the whole paper to see what you can do and plan to do those first. Trust me, this is the most productive 2 minutes of the exam.

2) Write down the formulas next to each question when you are asked to start writing since your mind is still fresh at the start of the exam. There’s nothing worse then you not remembering the formulas mid-way through the exam even though you know the topic. And don’t stress if you don’t remember at the start. You’ll dig it out later out of that brain of yours during the exam. The idea is not to stress your self but to remain calm…easier said then done. Remember it’s just a STUPID test (all tests are stupid believe me and you’ll unfortunately go through a lot of tests in your lifetime). It does not change the fact that you are a wonderful person! (pay me later for that one later!!!)

3) Do the exam in the order that you can skipping the ones that you can’t. If question 1 is the hardest question for you then skip it straight away and go to question 2. If question 2 is also not obvious to you then go to Q3. I often deliberately put question 1 as the hardest question in my exams to train my students to skip. Remember if you have read the question and for some reason it’s not obvious to you then don’t sit there and ponder upon its beauty. Go onto the next question straight away. Don’t be afraid to do this because even though you consciously leave the question your mind subconsciously works at the solution to try and find the answer.

Your mind is a wonderful machine for that very reason. And I can prove it to you.

All of us have problems of our own. But how often do we CONSCIOUSLY think about our problems during the course of the day. We still carry on with our busy lives but our brain continues to work on the problem and then somehow the solution presents itself!!!

Just make sure though that you make a marking on the questions that you skipped so you can come back to do them later.

4) When you get to the end of the paper go back to the beginning of the exam and repeat steps 2 to 4 until you finish every question in the exam or when time is up, whichever is sooner.

5) Check the exam for silly mistakes or check whether you have answered what they asked for. They may have asked you to factorise for example and you gave them the roots instead! If you do finish the whole paper then don’t just sit there and show off “oh look at me I’m a smart ar…I finished the paper first before yous all!!!”

Remember the idea of any HSC paper is NOT to finish the whole paper but to FINISH CORRECTLY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.

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Graphs: sketch a curve usual do something to a curve including composite curves

Complex: Roots and proofs geometry locus

Integration: By parts reduction/recurrence partial fractions substitution special property

Volumes: slice shell cross section

Conics: Ellipse tangents and normals etc and the 4 proofs

Hyperbola tangents and normals etc and the 4 proofs

Rectangular Hyperbola tangents and normals etc locus and the 2 proofs

Mechanics: Projectile and SHMotion Resisted motion circular motion

Polynimials: multiple roots transformation of roots solve + factorise

Harder 3 U: perm and comb inequality circle geo induction other

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Topic1 GRAPHS – sketch a curveYear question marks comment1990 Q1/Q1

1991 Q2

1992 Q4/Q3

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GRAPHS – sketch a curve1992 Q4

1993 Q5

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GRAPHS – sketch a curve1994 Q6

19951996 Q4/Q7


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GRAPHS – sketch a curve1997 Q3/Q9

19981999 Q4/Q10

200020032004 Q3/Q11

2005 Q3/Q12


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Topic1 GRAPHS- do something to a curve including compositeYear question marks comment19901991 Q13

1992199319941995 Q3/Q14

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite1996 Q3/Q15

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1997 GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite1998 Q3/Q16

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite1999 Q3/Q17

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2000 Q3/Q18

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2001 Q4/Q19

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2002 Q3/Q20

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2003 Q3/Q21

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2004 Q3/Q22

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2005 Q3/Q23

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GRAPHS- do something to a curve including composite2006 Q3/Q24


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Topic2 COMPLEX NUMBERS – locusYear question marks comment199019911992 Q2/Q25

1993 Q26

1994 Q2/Q27

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – locus1995 5 Q2/Q28

1996 Q2/Q29

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – locus1996 Q2/Q30

1997 Q2/Q31

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – locus1998 Q2/Q32

1999 Q2/Q33

2000 Q2/Q34

2001 Q2/Q35

2002 Q2/Q36

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – locus2003 Q2/Q37

2004 Q2/Q38

2005 Q2/Q39

2006 Q2/Q40


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Topic2 COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etcYear question marks Comment1990 Q1/Q41

1991 Q2/Q42

1992 Q43

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc1993 Q2/Q44



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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc1995 Q46


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc1997 Q8/Q47

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc1998 Q2/Q48

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc1999 Q2/Q49

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc2000 Q2/Q5

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc2001 Q2/Q51


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc2004 Q2/Q52

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – geometry rotate vectors etc2005 Q2/Q53


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Topic2 COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs Year question marks comment199019911992 Q7/Q54

1993 Q55

1994 Q56

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs1995 Q4/Q57

1996 Q8/Q58

19971998 Q2/Q59

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs1999 Q8/Q60

2000 Q2/Q61

2001 Q2/Q62

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs2002 Q7/Q63

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs2003 Q8/Q64


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – nth roots of unity and their proofs2005 Q6/Q65

2006 2 Q2/Q66


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Topic2 COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots Year question marks comment1990 Q67

1991 Q68

1992 Q2/Q69

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots1993 Q2/Q70

1994 Q71 a






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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots1996 2 Q2/Q74

1997 Q2/Q75

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots1998 Q2/Q76

1999 Q2/Q77

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2000 Q2/Q78


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2001 Q2/Q80


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2002 Q2/Q82

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2002 Q8/Q83

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2003 Q2/Q84

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2004 Q2/Q85

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots

2004 Q7/Q86

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2005 Q2/Q87

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COMPLEX NUMBERS – algebra including square roots2006 Q2/Q88


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Topic2 COMPLEX NUMBERS – complex conjugate root theorem and proofsYear question marks comment199019911992 Q89

1993199419951996 Q90


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COMPLEX NUMBERS – complex conjugate root theorem and proofs1999 Q2/Q91

200020012002 Q2/Q92

20032006 Q3/Q93


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Topic3 CONICS- rectangular hyperbolaYear question marks comment19901991 Q94

19921993 Q95

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1994 CONICS- rectangular hyperbola19951996 Q5/Q96


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CONICS- rectangular hyperbola2000 Q4/Q97

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2001 CONICS- rectangular hyperbola2002 Q3/Q98


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2004 CONICS- rectangular hyperbola2005 Q8/Q99

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CONICS- rectangular hyperbola2006 Q4/Q100


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Topic3 CONICS EllipseYear question marks comment19901991 Q3/Q101

1992 Q102


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CONICS Ellipse1995 Q8/Q103

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1996 CONICS Ellipse199719981999 Q3/Q104

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CONICS Ellipse2000 Q7/Q105

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CONICS Ellipse2001 Q5/Q106

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CONICS Ellipse2002 Q5/Q107

2003 Q3/Q108

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CONICS Ellipse2004 Q4/Q109

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CONICS Ellipse2005 Q4/Q110


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Topic3 CONICS HyperbolaYear question marks Comment1990 Q111

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Topic3 CONICS - Hyperbola1991199219931994 Q112


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CONICS Hyperbola1997 Q4/Q113

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CONICS Hyperbola1998 Q6/Q114


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2000 CONICS Hyperbola2001 Q3/Q115

2002 Q4/Q116

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CONICS Hyperbola2003 Q8/Q117

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2004 CONICS Hyperbola20052006 Q118


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Topic4 INTEGRATION – special propertiesYear question marks comment1990

19911992 Q119

19931994 Q120

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INTEGRATION – special properties1995 7 Q4/Q121

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INTEGRATION – special properties1996 Q3/Q122


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1997 INTEGRATION – special properties1998 Q7/Q124

1999 Q7/Q125

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INTEGRATION – special properties2000 6 Q6/Q126

200120022003 Q6/Q127

2004 Q6/Q128

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INTEGRATION – special properties2005 Q5/Q129


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Topic4 INTEGRATION – partial fractionsYear question marks Comment1990


1991 Q1/Q131

1992 Q1/Q132

1993 Q1/Q133

1994 Q1/Q134

1995 4 Q1/Q135

1996 3 Q1/Q136

1997 4 Q1/Q137

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INTEGRATION – partial fractions1998 Q1/Q138

1999 4 Q1/Q139

2000 Q1/Q140

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INTEGRATION – partial fractions2001 Q1/Q141

2002 3 Q1/Q142

2003 Q1/Q143

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INTEGRATION – partial fractions2004 Q1/Q144

2005 Q1/Q145

2006 Q1/Q146


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Topic4 INTEGRATION – reduction formulaYear question marks comment1990 Q2/Q147



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INTEGRATION – reduction formula1995 Q7/Q149

199619971998 Q3/Q150


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2000 INTEGRATION – reduction formula20012002 Q6/Q151

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INTEGRATION – reduction formula2003 Q8/Q152

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INTEGRATION – reduction formula2004 Q8/Q153

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INTEGRATION – reduction formula2005 Q6/Q154

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INTEGRATION – reduction formula2006 Q7/Q155


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Topic4 INTEGRATION – by partsYear question marks comment1990

19911992 Q1/Q156

1993 Q1/Q157

1994 Q1/Q158

1995 2 Q1/Q159

1996 3 Q1/Q160

1997 4 Q1/Q161

1998 3 Q1/Q162

1999 4 Q1/Q163

2000 3 Q1/Q164

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INTEGRATION – by parts2001 3 Q1/Q165

2002 4 Q1/Q166

2003 3 Q1/Q167

2004 2 Q1/Q168

2005 3 Q1/Q169

2006 3 Q1/Q170


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Topic4 INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration tableYear question marks comment1990 Q2a/Q171




1992 Q175

1993 Q176



1995 2 Q1/Q178

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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table1995 3 Q1/Q179








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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table1998 2 Q1/Q182

1999 Q1/Q183

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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table2000









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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table2002





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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table2003 2









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INTEGRATION – substitution, complete the square or using integration table2005




2006 2





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Topic5 VOLUMES - sliceYear question marks comment199019911992199319941995 Q3/Q191

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VOLUMES - slice1996 Q3/Q192

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VOLUMES - slice1997 Q3/Q193


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VOLUMES - slice2003 Q3/Q194


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Topic5 VOLUMES – cross-sectionYear question marks comment19901991 Q5/Q195

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VOLUMES – cross-section1991 Q5


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VOLUMES – cross-section1992 Q196

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VOLUMES – cross-section1993 Q197


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1996 VOLUMES – cross-section19971998 Q5/Q198


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VOLUMES – cross-section2000 Q3/Q199

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VOLUMES – cross-section2001 Q4/Q200

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VOLUMES – cross-section2002 Q8/Q201

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2003 VOLUMES – cross-section2004 Q3/Q202

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VOLUMES – cross-section2005 Q5/Q203

document.doc - 146 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES – cross-section2006 Q4/Q204


document.doc - 147 - K Hoang 2007

Topic5 VOLUMES - shellYear question marks Comment1990 Q205


document.doc - 148 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES - shell1994 Q3/Q206

199519961997 Q5/Q207


document.doc - 149 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES - shell1999 Q4/Q208

20002001 Q3/Q209

document.doc - 150 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES - shell2002 Q4/Q210

document.doc - 151 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES - shell2003 Q7/Q211

2004 Q5/Q212

document.doc - 152 - K Hoang 2007

VOLUMES - shell2005 Q4/Q213

2006 Q5/Q214


document.doc - 153 - K Hoang 2007

Topic6 MECHANICS – Motion including projectile and SHMYear question marks Comment199019911992 Q5/Q215


document.doc - 154 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Motion including projectile and SHM1996 Q7/Q216


document.doc - 155 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Motion including projectile and SHM1998 Q7/Q217


document.doc - 156 - K Hoang 2007

2001 MECHANICS – Motion including projectile and SHM2002200320042005 Q7/Q218

document.doc - 157 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Motion including projectile and SHM2006 Q6/Q219


document.doc - 158 - K Hoang 2007

Topic6 MECHANICS – Resisted motionYear question marks comment1990 Q220

1991 Q6/Q221


document.doc - 159 - K Hoang 2007

1993 MECHANICS – Resisted motion1994 Q4/Q222


document.doc - 160 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Resisted motion1997 Q6/Q223


document.doc - 161 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Resisted motion1999 Q6/Q224


document.doc - 162 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Resisted motion2001 Q5/Q225


document.doc - 163 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Resisted motion2003 Q5/Q226

document.doc - 164 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – Resisted motion2004



document.doc - 165 - K Hoang 2007

Topic6 MECHANICS – circular motionYear question marks comment199019911992 Q228

document.doc - 166 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1993 Q229


document.doc - 167 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1995 Q8/Q230

document.doc - 168 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1996 Q6/Q231

document.doc - 169 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1997 Q5/Q232

document.doc - 170 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1998 Q4/Q233

document.doc - 171 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion1999 Q5/Q234

document.doc - 172 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2000 Q5/Q235

document.doc - 173 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2001 Q6/Q236

document.doc - 174 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2002 Q6/Q237

document.doc - 175 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2003 Q4/Q238

document.doc - 176 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2004 Q5/Q239

document.doc - 177 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2005 Q3/Q240

document.doc - 178 - K Hoang 2007

MECHANICS – circular motion2006 Q5/Q241


document.doc - 179 - K Hoang 2007

Topic7 POLYNOMIALS – transformation + relationship bwt roots and coefficients +othersYear question marks Comment1990 Q242

19911992199319941995 Q5/Q243


document.doc - 180 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – transformation + relationship bwt roots and coefficients +others1998 Q6/Q244

1999 Q5/Q245


document.doc - 181 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – transformation + relationship bwt roots and coefficients +others2001 Q3/Q246

2002 Q5/Q247

document.doc - 182 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – transformation + relationship bwt roots and coefficients +others2003 Q5/Q248

2004 Q4/Q249

document.doc - 183 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – transformation + relationship bwt roots and coefficients +others2005 Q4/Q250


document.doc - 184 - K Hoang 2007

Topic7 POLYNOMIALS – solve and factorise Year question marks comment19901991 Q251

199219931994 Q8/Q252

document.doc - 185 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – solve and factorise1995199619971998 Q7/Q253

19992000 Q5/Q254

document.doc - 186 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – solve and factorise2001 Q7/Q255


document.doc - 187 - K Hoang 2007

Topic7 POLYNOMIALS – multiple rootsYear question marks comment19901991


19921993 Q257

1994 Q258


document.doc - 188 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – multiple roots1997 Q5/Q259

document.doc - 189 - K Hoang 2007

POLYNOMIALS – multiple roots1998 Q4/Q260

1999 Q4/Q261

200020012002 Q5/Q262

2003200420052006 Q4/Q263


document.doc - 190 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probabilityYear Question marks comment1990 Q5/Q264

1991 Q265

document.doc - 191 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability

1992 Q266

1993 Q267

document.doc - 192 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability

1994 Q5/Q268

document.doc - 193 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability1995 Q7/Q269

document.doc - 194 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability1996 Q4/Q270

document.doc - 195 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability1997 Q3/Q271

1998 Q4/Q272

document.doc - 196 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability

1998 Q6/Q273

document.doc - 197 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability1999 Q7/Q274

document.doc - 198 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability2000 Q8/Q275

2001 Q5/Q276

document.doc - 199 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability2002 Q4/Q277

2003 Q4/Q278

2004 Q5/Q279

document.doc - 200 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- permutation and combination and probability2005 Q5/Q280

2006 Q5/Q281


document.doc - 201 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U - inequalitiesYear question marks comment199019911992 Q8/Q282

1993 Q8/Q283

document.doc - 202 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities1994 Q284


document.doc - 203 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities1997 Q6/Q285

document.doc - 204 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities1998 Q8/Q286


document.doc - 205 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities2001 Q8/Q287

20022003 Q6/Q288

document.doc - 206 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities

2003 Q7/Q289


document.doc - 207 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities2005 Q8/Q290

document.doc - 208 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - inequalities2006 Q8/Q291


document.doc - 209 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- circle geometryYear question marks comment1990


1991 Q293

document.doc - 210 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- circle geometry1992 Q3/Q294

1993 Q6/Q295

document.doc - 211 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1994 Q6/Q296

document.doc - 212 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry

1995 Q6/Q297

document.doc - 213 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1996 Q8/Q298

document.doc - 214 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry

1997 Q7/Q299

document.doc - 215 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1997 Q7/Q300

document.doc - 216 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1997 Q8/Q301

document.doc - 217 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1998 Q8/Q302

document.doc - 218 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry1999 Q8/Q303

document.doc - 219 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2000 Q6/Q304

document.doc - 220 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2001 Q6/Q305

document.doc - 221 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2002 Q4/Q306

document.doc - 222 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2003 Q7/Q307

document.doc - 223 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2004 Q4/Q308

document.doc - 224 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2005 Q7/Q309

document.doc - 225 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- circle geometry2006 Q4/Q310


document.doc - 226 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U- inductionYear question marks Comment1990


document.doc - 227 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction1991 Q8/Q312

1992 Q6/Q313

1993 Q7/Q314

document.doc - 228 - K Hoang 2007

document.doc - 229 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction1994 Q7/Q315

document.doc - 230 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction1995 Q4/Q316

1996199719981999 Q6/Q317


document.doc - 231 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction2001 Q8/Q318

2002 Q2/Q319

document.doc - 232 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction2003 Q6/Q320

2004 Q7/Q321


document.doc - 233 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U- induction2006 Q7/Q312


document.doc - 234 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U - otherYear question marks comment1990 Q313

document.doc - 235 - K Hoang 2007

Topic8 HARDER 3U - other1990 Q314


document.doc - 236 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1993 Q3/Q315

19941995 4 Q5/Q316

document.doc - 237 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1995 Q5/Q317

document.doc - 238 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1995 Q6/Q318

1996 Q4/Q319

document.doc - 239 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1996 Q6/Q320

document.doc - 240 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1997 Q4/Q321

1998 Q3/Q322

document.doc - 241 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other

1998 Q5/Q323

document.doc - 242 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other1999 Q5/Q324

document.doc - 243 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2000 Q3/Q325

document.doc - 244 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2000 Q4/Q326

document.doc - 245 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2000 Q7/Q327

2001 Q4/Q328

document.doc - 246 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2002 Q7/Q329

document.doc - 247 - K Hoang 2007

2003 HARDER 3U - other20042005 Q5/Q330

document.doc - 248 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2006 Q5/Q331


document.doc - 249 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other

2006 Q7/Q333

document.doc - 250 - K Hoang 2007

document.doc - 251 - K Hoang 2007

HARDER 3U - other2006 Q8/



document.doc - 252 - K Hoang 2007

document.doc - 253 - K Hoang 2007

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