4e - spirit of the warrior - new cover - updated and revised

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised


  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised


  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised



    ^ J\] =

    ] OB T^G\G] FC ]OB QJ\\GF\ F@IW CF\ ]OB ^\GSGIBABM 6



    B MG]BM>? \ BSG TBM J] :7 FC @ FSBHLB\ :4

    ]obrb gs jajg` f dfpy rg aot f` tog s Lffe , lut e`fw tojt f`iy tob Jutofr gs rbspf`sglib cfr tob wrgtg`asj`m ob gs lbb` obim rbspf`sglib lbcfrb Ogs Afm js gt gs oj`mbm fvbr tf ogh tf sbrvb wgto gt tob Lfmy fc

    Dorgst. ^ibjsb mf `ft hgsusb gt fr huitgpiy togs cfr ajg` tf sbii fr tf ru` wgto gt cfr yfursbivbs, hjeg`a j Hg`gstry fc gt, lbdjusb yfu wfuim lrg`a j objvy dursb j`m j rbprfjdo crfh fur Cjtobr fvbr yfur igvb.]obsb wrgtg`as jrb `ft hg`bs lut fc hy objvb`iy Cjtobr j`m fc Ogs Eg`amfh, G ojvb f`iy wrgttb` mfw`

    wojt Ob ojs ibjr`bm hb j`m wojt G ojvb objrm j`m sbb`. Lb wgsb j`m oj`mib gt wgto djrb!

    Jpfstib ^rfpobt Hg`strbi Kfoj``bs Kfo`

    Qblsgtb ottp;//www kfoj``bskfo` mb Bhjgi; Lbrahj`kfoj``bs N yjoff mb

  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised


  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised



    G@]\FMRD]GF@ S FIRHB =

    Qojt mfbs gt hbj` tf ojvb tob Tpgr gt fc j Qjrr gfr 6 Mf yfu bbm tojt spgr gt6 Gs togs `bdbssjry cfr yfu frgs togs kust cfr j prgvgibabm typb fc Dorgstgj`s, spbdgjiiy dofsb` j`m oj`mpgdebm wjrrgfrs6 J spbdgji squjm

    fc wjrrgfrs igeb Mjvgm lbif`abm tf6 J sobpobrm ojs `f `bbm fc tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr5 `f vbry surbiy `ft,ob gs sf tb`mbr j`m sfct, kust igeb Kbsouj j`m vbry dfhpjssgf`jtb. Qbii wojt gs wgto j tbjdobr jshb`tgf`bm g` Bpobsgj`s =;::6 @f! Sbry surbiy togs f`b jisf `ft! Fr wojt wfuim yfu tog`e fc j`bvj`abigst6 Qojt mf yfu tog`e6 Qbii wojt G hbj` gs tojt ob vbry surbiy ojs tf ojvb tob spgrgt fc jwjrrgfr5 lut hjylb jisf `ft!6 Lut vbry surbiy sfhb fc tob jpfstibs j`m tob prfpobts! Js toby jrb hfrb fribss tob ab`brjis g` Afms jrhy, G tog`e wb dj` dfhb g`tf jarbbhb`t wgto tojt fr `ft6

    Lut wojt wfuim yfu tog`e fc tob ofusb wfhj fr fc tob frhji i jlfrbr6 Qob` wb jrb jt tob b`m fc togslffe, toj` togs wgii lb tob hfhb`t tojt yfu e`fw wgto :>>% dbrtjg`ty tojt tob spgrgt fc j wjrrgfr, tob wgiitf cgaot j`m tf dfhljt, gs hbj`t cfr yfu5 j`m tojt togs spgrgt gs g`bvgtjlib j`m `bdbssjry tf lb jlib tf cgaottob dfhljt ljttib cfr cjgto. Wfu `bbm j dbrtjg` jhfu`t fc spgrgtbm`bss j`m tob pjss gf` tf cgaot tf lb jlibtf lb j df`qubrfr fvbr tojt wojt Afm ojs mbsga`jtbm cfr yfu tf lb j vgdtfr fvbr j`m tojt wobrb cfrb yfuhjy cgaot j`m ljttib jajg`st.

    ]ogs stjrts ji rbjmy wgto tob hfhb t fc jtur ji lgr to bvb` js wgto tob spgrgtuji rblgrto. Obrb stjrtsjirbjmy yfur djii j`m jssga`hb`t cfr ljttib. Ljttib j`m dfhljt cfr yfur dogimrb`, cfr yfur sf`s j`mmjuaotbrs5 ljttib j`m dfhljt cfr tob sjcbty fc tobgr sfuis j`m j ljttib lbdjusb fc tob sjcbty fc yfur sfuij`m tobsb fc yfur ouslj`m j`m wgcb, tobsb fc yfur lrftobrs j`m sgstbrs j`m bvb` fc tofsb fc tob afmibsshj` j`m wfhj`. Lut g` togs ljttib g` togs cg aot j`m dfhljt yfu mf ft cgaot ji f`b5 j`m gt sofuimdfhcfrt yfur objrt tojt tob wofib mgvg`gty gs jt yfur sgmb5 lut hfst fc tob tghb yfu mf `ft e`fw gt j`m yfujrb `ft jt jii df`sdgfus jlfut gt. ]ogs hjebs tojt yfu mf `ft ojvb tob dfurjab tob lrjvbry j`m tob vjifrtf cgaot fr tf torfw yfursbic dfhpibtbiy g`tf tob ljttib fc dfhljt.

    G t hust ojs mrgvb tob mbvgi dfhpibtbiy uts tojt Afm ojs agvb` Jmjh j`m Bvb tob bjrto wgto jii wojt gsg` gt j`m upf` gt. Ob tofuaot tojt tob bjrto wjs ogs pfssbssgf` - js ob wjs lj``bm crfh Afm crfh objvb`upf` bjrto sf ob jdtbm js gc gt wjs ogs pijdb. Kust tog`e fvbr ofw Tjtj` ojs oj`mibm tob bjrto!6 Wbs, Glbigbvb tojt ob wjs rbspf`sglib cfr gt tojt tob bjrto wjs g` j df`mgtgf` fc lbg`a bhpty j`m vfgm. G mf `ftlbigbvb tojt gt gs g` Afms `jturb tf drbjtb j` bhpty j`m vfgm bjrto!6

    G ` tob r fft tbxt jr b tob wfrms :>< wot tfouw j`m :>4 wol lfouw 5 usbm igeb wgimbr`bss, dojfs j`m j pijdb fc bhptg`bss j`m tobsb wfrms hbj` hjg`iy DO JFT, j m bhpty j`m wgim mgsfrmbr j`m df`c usgf` . @f, obrb ojs lbb` j ljttib lbtwbb` Afm j`m Iudgcbr (Tjtj`) j`m ogs j`abis. Lut bvb` lbcfrb tojt Afm

    drbjtbm ouhj`gty, Ob hjebs tob bjrto wofib jajg`, Ob hjebs obr lbjutgcui j`m rjmgj`t5 Ob gs `ft mfg`atogs cfr Tjtj` j`m ogs j`abis, `f Ob mgm gt cfr yfu. ]ob bjrto gs crfh Afm j`m Ob dj` agvb gt wof Obwj`ts. Ob ojs tjeb` tob bjrto tf agvb gt tf us j rgaot fc g`obrgtj`db. Tjtj` tofuao ojs arjspbm tob bjrto tfhjeb gt ogs fw`5 ybs ob ojs stfib` gt. Ob mbstrfybm wojt Afm ojm hjmb sf lbjutgcui5 tob vbry cgrsthjrrgjab! Ob lrg`as `ft f`iy mgvgmbm`bss j`m mgspibjsurb lbtwbb` Afm j`m ouhj`gty5 `f ob lrg`as gtjisf g` tob rbijtgf`sogp lbtwbb` Jmjh j`m Bvb.

    J`m kust igeb Jmjh j`m Bvb ojvb wb igstb`bm tf ogh j`m wgto togs wb mf agvb ogh tob rgaot tf ijy oj`m jtfur g`obrgtj`db5 tf rbga` fvbr yfur wgcb, dogimrb`, cjhgiy j`m jii wojt gs g` yfur pfssbssgf`; j`m togs gsjisf tob bjrto j`m jii wojt gs g` gt j`m f` gt. ]ogs jii gs wojt wb af`b tjeb ljde. Lut cgrst wb stjrt wgtotob stjrt j`m togs hbj`s tojt wb hj`/ouslj`m j`m wgcb jajg` stjrt tf ruib j`m tf rbga` fvbr fur fw`,

    lfmy, sfui j`m spgr gt. Jctbr tojt yfu dj` af f` j`m wgii yfu rbdbgvb tob rgaot tf lb jlib tf ruib j`m rbga`js j prgbst, eg`a j`m prfpobt g` j`m fvbr yfur cjhgiy wgto tob ifvb fc Dorgst, wof ojs agvb` Ogs igvb cfr Ogs cjhgiy j`m cfr Ogs wfhj` j m cuturb Lrgmb!

  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised





    DOJ^]B\ :

    O JSG@A ]OB T ^G\G] J@M [BJI FC J QJ\\GF\

    Qojt gs typgdji j`m mgstg`augsobm cfr tob dojrjdtbr j`m tob spgrgt fc j wjrrgfr6Jirbjmy jt tob hfhb`t fc lgrto Ljly's ojvb tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib.Bxbrdgsbs, trjg`g`a j`m jbrflgds;]ob pijdb fc bxbrdgsb!Afm mbdgmbs tob tghb fc prjdtgdb j`m bxbrdgsb!Mf tob pjrb`ts mbcg`b j`m rbauijtb wob` tob ljly ojs tf lb lfr`6J `ft `jturji lgrto!]obrb jrb twf mgccbrb`t D-sbdtgf`s.]oj` jajg` j stfrh fc df`trjdtgf`s!Arjspg`a j`m arjllg`a tob ljly.Ob wj`ts tf egii bvbry ljly.

    @f wjrrgfr spgrgt.

    D OJ^]B\ >.

    G` hy `jtgvb ij`augso gt sjys torbb fr cfur wbbes fc prjdtgdg`a df`trjdtgf`s lbcfrb tob rbjidf`trjdtgf`s dfhb j`m g` Abrhj` yfu sjy tob bjriy df`trjdtgf`s cro wbob`.

    Lbjtob; Lbcfrb lgrto gs tjeg`a pijdb tobrb gs cgrst j pbrgfm fc torbb tf cfur wbbes fc stjrtg`a df`trjdtgf`stf prjdtgdb tob Ljly js wbii js tob hftobr tf lb rbjmy cfr tob tghb fc lgrto. ]obsb prjdtgdg` a df`trjdtgf`s jrb jisf tobrb sf tojt tob ljly dj` stjrt tf af g`tf tob pfsgtgf` wogdo b`jlibs gt tf dfhb fr tf cjii g`tf toblgrto doj``bi. Lut tob prjdtgdg`a df tr jdtgf`s hjeb jisf tojt bvbrytog`a abts `jrrfwbr j`m tojt gt dj`f`iy af f`b wjy j`m tojt gs g` tob mgrbdtgf` fc tob lgrto doj``bi. Gt wgii ojvb toj` tob cbbts jlfvb j`m tobobjm tur`bm mfw` g` tob mgrbdtgf` fc tob lgrto doj``bi. F` togs wjy tob igttib cbbts cg`m stjlgigty tf pusogtsbic fc, wogib gt gs g` tob lgrto doj``bi.

  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised



    ]OB ^IJDB FC B_B\DGTB Lbjtob; ]ob pijdb fc bxbrdgsb gs tob wfhl fc tob hftobr j`m jdtujiiy tobrb gs `ftog`a wojt tob ljly gs`ft jwjrb fc g` tob futbr wfrim jitofuao gt gs g` tob wfhl fc tob hftobr. Gt stj`ms u`mbr j df`tg`ujig`ciub`db fc tojt wojt gt objrs j`m fc tojt wojt gt sbbs! ]ob ljly gs jwjrb fc gt, gc gt gs mjre fr igaot. Qob`

    prba`j`t hftobrs ijy g` tob su`5 tob ljly wgii tur` gtsbic jwjy crfh tob igaot, lbdjusb tob igaot gs tffhudo. G` tob wfhl fc tob hftobr tob ljly cg`ms sjcbty, sobitbr j`m prftbdtgf`. Gt gs tobrb wjrh sfct j`mdfzy. Qgtog` tob sjcbty j`m tob prftbdtgf` fc tob wfhl fc tob hftobr gs gt jlib tf bxpbrgb`db bvbrytog`awojt afbs f` g` tob futsgmb wfrim.

    Wfu dj` vbry dibjriy sbb tob pjrjiibi tf tob dourdo js tob hftobr fr tob wfhl, lut js G sjgm G wgii `ftb`igaotb` obrb tob mbbpbr spgrgtuji hbj`g`a fc jii fc togs, lut wgto sfhb tog`as G wgii.


    Lbjtob; Qob` tob ljly gs pbrcbdtiy arfw` fut j`m pbrcbdtiy sojpbm hbj`g`a tojt bvbrytog`a ojs dfhbtf j pbrcbdt stjtb fc hjturgty5 bvbry dbii gs arfw` j`m cuiiy mbvbifpbm tf ogs mbstg`y fr tff tojt wobrbcfrbgt gs mbsga`bm tf cu`dtgf`, sf tojt gt gs jlib tf oj`mib j`m tf dfpb igvb toj` wgii `jturb stjrt wgto tob

    prbiumb fc lgrto. Lut gt gs tob Ljly oghsbic wof doffsbs j`m mbsga`jtbs tob stjrt j`m tob lbag``g`a fclgrto. ]ogs gs tob rbjsf` woy ljlgbs jrb `bvbr tob sjhb ib`ato fc tghb g` tob wfhl fc tob hftobr. F`btghb bvb` u`tgi = wbbes fvbr gt j`m tob ftobr tghb = wbbes u`mbr gt; togs gs cfr bvbry ljly mgccbrb`t.

    ]obrbcfrb wob` tob ljly ojs lbb` torfuao tob tghb fc prjdtgdb j`m trjg`g`a tghb tob prjdtgdg`adf`trjdtgf`s j`m gt sjys fejy G wgii, toj` wgii gt stjrt g` df-fpbrjtgf` wgto tob df`trjdtgf`s fc tob hftobr(tob Ofiy Tpgrgt) tf prbss gtsbic j wjy torfuao tob lgrto doj``bi; ]f dfhb toj` g` j` bvb` hudo lgaabr

    pijdb tf trjg` j`m tf bxbrdgsb. ]ogs gs tob hfhb`t wobrb upf` tob ljly gs lbb` lrfuaot g` j pfsgtgf` tojt gtgs jlib tf lb lfr`. Lut tob Ljly ojs tf QGII ]OGT cfr gtsbic . J`m `frhjiiy togs gs sfhbtog`a gt rbjiiywj`ts j`m if`as cfr5 toj` tob pijdb wobrb gt gs g` lbdfhbs tff shjii j`m tff `jrrfw j`m arfwg`a curtobrgs `ft pfssglib j`yhfrb!

    ]ogs gs tob hfhb`t wobrbupf` sbrvgdbs j`m hg`gstrgbs jrb lbb` lfr` wof jrb lrfuaot tf igvb torfuaotob Ofiy Tpgrgt. G ojm j tghb fc prba`j`dy fc hfrb toj`

  • 8/2/2019 4e - Spirit of the Warrior - New Cover - updated and revised



    Wfu dfuim dfhpjrb gt wgto j` g`cj`t wof ojs tf lb, crfh f`b hfhb`t f` tob ftobr, j tbb`jabr. Wfuhjeb toj` j kuhp tf lb summb`iy g` tob jab fc j tbb`jabr. ]ojt togs ojs djtjstrfpogd df`sbqub`dbs hust

    lb vbry dibjr cfr bvbryf`b. Qob` G mgm u`mbrstj`m Lbjtob dfrrbdtiy, j `ft `jturji hbtofm gs lbb`jpprfprgjtbm, torfuao tob g`kbdtgf` fc dobhgdji prfmudts, tf stjrt j prbhjturb lgrtog`a prfdbss. ]ob ljlygs `ft ybt strf`a b`fuao, lut gt gs lbb` b`cfrdbm tf ljttib j`m tf cgaot jitofuao gt ojs `ft ybt lbb` torfuaotob prfdbss fc tob prjdtgdg`a df`trjdtgf`s, fr hjylb f`iy pjrtgjiiy, tf j dbrtjg` mbarbb. ]ob ljly stgiiojs rffh j`m spjdb b`fuao tf arfw j`m gt gs `ft ybt ogs tghb.

    Lbjtob; ]ob rbjsf`s woy tob ljly ojs tf dfhb `fw , jrb fctb` vbry bafgstgd sbic-db`tbrbm j`m wgtofutj`y ifvb; F`iy twf wbbes j`m tob` wb ojvb vjdjtgf` j`m . . . G ojvb b`fuao fc gt, gt ojs tf dfhb fut `fw .. . . Gt gs j lurmb` j`m j trfulib cfr hb . . . . G wj`t tojt bvbrytog`a gs fvbr `fw . . . ]ob wfrst fc togs jii gstojt tob objrt j`m tob sfui fc tob ljly bxpbrgb`dbs jii togs, j`m lbdjusb fc tojt, gt e`fws ly tob tghb fclgrto tojt gt gs `ft wgiibm j`m `ft wgsobm.

    Qojt to j` ojppb s gs tojt tob ljly dfhbs fut fc j prftbdtbm jrbj g` j ofstgib b`vgrf`hb`t. ]ob ljly ojsj cbbig`a tf lb j lurmb` j`m j trfulib cfr tob pjrb`ts j`m sojii arfw up igeb tojt g` lbojvgfr j`m hj``br.

    Gt wgii lb lfr` wgto cbbig`as fc rbkbdtgf`, fc `ft lbg`a wgsobm j`m fc `ft lbg`a ifvbm. Gt wgii ojvb prflibhswgto hg`frgty cbbig`as j`m gt wgii jiwjys try tf bjr` ifvb.

    ]ob stjtbhb`t G hjeb obrb gs; Gt gs `bvbr u`tf tob pjrb`ts (^jstfrs, Tobpobrms, Bvj`abigsts, Jpfstibs fr^rfpobts) tf mbdgmb wob` tob ljly sojii lb lfr`. Gt gs jiwjys tob ljly wof mbdgmbs j`m mbcg`bs togshfhb`t. G` dffpbrjtgf` wgto tob hftobr (tob Ofiy Tpgrgt) gs tob tghb j`m tob hfhb`t fc lgrto lbb`mbcg`bm. Gt gs sf tojt sofrtiy lbcfrb lgrtog`a tob ljly afs torfuao j stfrh fc df`trjdtgf`s. Gt gs lbb`arjspbm torfuao tob Tpgrgt fc Afm j`m gt gs f`iy jlib tf af g`tf tob mgrbdtgf` wogdo tob Ofiy Tpgrgtmbsga`jtbs cfr ogh. Gt gs lbb` cfrdbm tf pijdb j`m tf hfvb gtsbic g` tob lgrto doj``bi, wob` gt ojs `ftjirbjmy cjiib` g`tf gt. Obrb g`, jrb hj`y spgrgtuji trutos tf rbdfa`gzb df`sgmbrg`a tob lgrto fc j hg`gstry,

    lut G wgii `ft af g`tf togs `fw, G kust wj`tbm tf agvb yfu j og t, tf sbbe cfr gt cfr yfursbic.

    Qob` yfu iffe jt togs jii, toj` yfu dj` sbb j`m rbdfa`gzb vbry dibjriy tojt ljlys jppjrb`tiy ojvb tfcgaot j`m tf ljttib; tf ojvb tob wgii tf lb lfr` jt jii. Lbdjusb wob` toby, g` tob tghb fc prba`j`dy `g`bif`a hf`tos objr tghb f` tghb jajg` `bajtgvb wfrms, igeb; togs stupgm ljly, tob ljly gs j lurmb` j`m jtrfulib tf hb, G ojvb b`fuao fc gt, yfu ojvb tf dfhb fut `fw, j`m hj`y hfrb dfim j`m rbkbdtg`a wfrms,toby ojvb `ft tob wgii tf dfhb fut. J`m tob` wb mf `ft bvb` spbje jlfut jii tob `bajtgvb, mbstrudtgvbbhftgf`ji cbbig`as wogdo tob hftobr ojs fvbr obr ljly, wogdo tob sfui fc tob ljly bxpbrgb`dbs, lbdjusbtoby mf cbbi tojt5 sf gt wgii vbry surbiy `ft wj`t tf dfhb fut toj`. Wbs, gt wgii mf bvbrytog`a tf lb jlib tfstjy g` tob wfhl.

    Lut wob` gt objrs tob ifvbiy vfgdb fc ogs hftobr, wof tbiis ogh/obr mjy jctbr mjy ofw hudo sob ifvbsyfu j`m tojt sob wgto arbjt kfy wj`ts tf ibjr` tf e`fw yfu j`m tojt gt gs obr strf`a mbsgrb tf ofim yfu g`obr jrhs, toj` togs gs j tftjiiy mgccbrb`t pbrspbdtgvb cfr tob ljly. J`m torfuao togs tob hftobr wgii ojvb

    lugim j rbijtgf`sogp wgto obr ljly bvb` lbcfrb tojt gt gs lbb` lfr` j`m tob ljly sojii ojvb lbdjusb fc tojtjirbjmy j rbijtgf`sogp wgto ogs hftobr lbcfrb tojt gt gs lbb` lfr`. J`m wob` tobrb gs f`b vfgdb tojt tobLjly e`fws, gt gs tob vfgdb fc tob hftobr (Ofiy Tpgrgt). Gt trusts togs vfgdb j`m togs vfgdb agvbs j cbbig`a fc

    prftbdtgf` j`m dfhcfrt. Gt gs togs vfgdb tojt agvbs gt tob pfwbr, tob strb`ato j`m tob wgii tf lb lfr`. Wbsbvbrytog`a gs @bw j`m u`dbrtjg` lut tfabtobr wgto hftobr gs gt j arbjt jmvb`turb!

    Lbjtob fr hg mwgcb tfim hb tojt tob ljly wj`ts tf dfhb tf tob igaot. Gt e`fws fc togs igaot wogdo gs jt tobftobr sgmb j`m gt ojs arbjt kfy lbdjusb fc tojt jt tob hfhb`t fc lgrto, wogdo gs `frhjiiy tob djsb. ]obljly dfhbs crfh mjre`bss g`tf tob igaot. Jisf gs tob ljly jlib tf cbbi j`m tf bxpbrgb`db tob kfy fc tob

    pjrb`ts g` ogs sfui.

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    Wbs gt dfhbs fut fc j ogmmb` pijdb g` j puligd pijdb. Qojt wjs ogmmb` cfr hfrb toj` `g`b hf`tos gs lbdfhg`a vgsglib. Lut `ft f`iy tojt, tob ljly wgii cg`biy lb jlib tf iffe g`tf tob bybs fc tob hftobr wofojs djrrgbm gt j`m obipbm gt tf dfhb torfuao togs objvy tghb fc lgrto. Gt wgii cg`biy lb jlib tf sbb j`m tfobjr bvb` dibjrbr j`m dibjrbr tf wofh togs vfgdb lbif`as. Lbcfrb lgrto j`m jt tob tghb fc lgrto gt ojs objrmtogs ifvbiy vfgdb wof spfeb tf ogh/obr;

    Dfhb, stgii j sofrt wjy, tfabtobr wb wgii hjeb gt. G wgii agvb yfu tob strb`ato yfu `bbm j`m yfu f`iy`bbm tf ojvb j strf`a wgii. J igttib lgt fc cgaotg`a j shjii ljttib j`m yfu puso yfursbic fc j`m G wgii lb jlibtf ofim yfu g` hy jrhs.

    F wojt j arbjt sbdrbt tobrb gs lbtwbb` tob hftobr j`m obr dogim dfhpjrbm tf tob dourdo j`m tobOfiy Tpgrgt. G` togs tghb fc `g`b hf`tos tob hftobr gs jlib tf mbstrfy tob sfui fc obr ljly fr tf strb`atob`gt sf tojt gt gs strf`a j`m tob sfui sjtgscgbm j`m ljij`dbm sf tojt gt gs jlib tf stjrt tf df`qubr tob wfrim. ]obcgaot j`m ljttib stjrts jirbjmy wgto tob hfhb`t fc tob g`trumg`a fc tob spbrh dbiis g` tob baa (tob ofusb frtob arfwg`a tbhpib). F`iy tob vgdtfr gs tob iudey f`b wof wgii lb jlib tf sbb igvb tf gts cuiibst. ]ob ljttibj`m cgaot stjrts jirbjmy lbcfrb tob df`dbptgf`! J`m tob` G mf `ft bvb` spbje jlfut tob hj`y cjgi lgrtos,tob hgsdjrrgjabs, tob` jisf tobsb jrb tobrb! Hy wfhj`, fc wofh G jh mgvfrdbm `fw, ojm twfhgsdjrrgjabs, fc wogdo f`b sob mgm `ft tbii hb.

    Mf yfu sbb tob cgaot, tob ljttib cfr igvb6 Qof mfbs`t wj`t tf cgaot fr wj`t tf ljttib ojs jirbjmy ifst.Afm ojs agvb` us jt lgrto tob wgii tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib, lbdjusb Ob e`fws g` wojt eg`m fc wfrim wb jrb

    lfr`5 j wfrim wof gs lbb` mfhg`jtbm j`m df`trfiibm torfuao tob prg`db fc togs wfrim, Tjtj` oghsbic. Qgtotob `jturji lgrto wb ojvb tf mf wgto j `frhji ljttib, lut wgto j `ft `jturji lgrto, tobrb ojs tf lb cfuaot tfj hbjsurb fc igvb j`m mbjto. J`m u`tgi `fw wb ojvb f`iy spfeb` jlfut tob `frhji `jturji lgrto. J`mjitofuao tob prbhjturb lgrto wob` gt gs `ft hj`gpuijtbm torfuao tob g`kbdtgf` fc dobhgdji prfmudts -gs `ft dfhpibtbiy jctbr tob ruibs fc Afms wgii j`m `jturb, wgii tob ljly lb jlib tf oj`mib j`m tf hj`jabtogs, tf djrry gt jwjy wob` gt gs arfw` up strf`a j`m objitoy g` tob hftobrs wfhl5 j`m tobrbcfrb dj` wbdfu`t togs jisf u`mbr j `jturji lgrto. ]ob `bxt wb af`b tjie jlfut gs tob fppfsgtb!

    J @F] @J]R\JI LG\]O ]ob D-sbdtgf` gs j dursb js wbii cfr tob hftobr js cfr tob Ljly. G jh dfhpibtbiy df`vg`dbm fc gt tojt j D-sbdtgf`, wob` gt gs jlsfiutbiy `ft `bdbssjry j`m f`iy gs lbb` rbqubstbm lbdjusb fc sbicgso`bss tojt gtagvbs tob mbhf`gd wfrim hj`y rgaots, tf mbstrfy g` hftobr j`m dogim j ift fc tog`as. Lbdjusb fc tojt hycfrhbr wgcb ojm tf lrg`a jii fur sf`s tf lgrto wgto j D-sbdtgf`, G e`fw vbry wbii df`sgmbrg`a togs dursb.Lbdjusb wojt wfhj` fr hftobr mfbs`t wj`t tf ojvb j `jturji lgrto6 . . . . . F Wbs, G jsebm j qubstgf` j`mG wgii jisf j`swbr togs qubstgf` cfr yfu!

    Gt gs tob wfhj` wof ifvbs tobhsbivbs hfrb js tobgr ljly wof mfbs `ft wj`t tf ojvb j `jturji lgrto.]obsb wfhb` igvb cfr tobgr fw` igvb. Gt gs togs eg`m fc wfhj` wof mfbs`t wj`t tf ojvb j `j turji lgrto.J`m tob` tobrb jrb jisf tob wfhb` wof ojvb cbjr cfr j `jturji lgrto hfrb js cfr j D-sbdtgf`, lbdjusbTjtj` wjs jlib tf wogspbr togs g`tf tobgr bjrs j`m tf pijdb gt g`tf tobgr objrts. G jsebm Lbjtob tobcfiifwg`a qubstgf`; wojt gs cfr yfu tfmj y tob arbjtbst mgccbrb`db j`m wfrsb g` ofw ljlgbs jrb lbb` lfr`js g` sfhb ybjrs jaf 6 Tob mgm`t `bbm tf tog`e if`a jlfut tojt, lbdjusb jihfst mgrbdtiy sob ajvb hb togsj`swbr;

    G` bjrigbr tghbs, tob ljlys stgii ojm j doj`db j`m toby wbrb agvb` j pfssglgigty torfuao j `frhji lgrto tf dfhbupf` togs wfrim j`m tf sbb tob igaot. ]ob pfsgtgvb df`sbqub`db cfr tob ljly wjs5 tojt lbdjusb fc tojt , gt wjs trjg`bm

    j`m prbpjrbm tf dfpb igvb. ]fmjy tob wfhj` mbsgrb hfrb j`m hfrb cfr j D-sbdtgf`. J`m wob` yfu jse cfr tobrbjsf` woy toby wj`t tf ojvb j D- sbdtgf`, toj` yfu abt tf objr tob hfst bafgstgd rbjsf`s stjrtg`a wgto; G mf `ftwj`t tf af torfuao tob pjg` j`m tob ijlfrs fc j `jturji lgrto j`m b`mg`a wgto j` j`swbr igeb; G wj`t tojt hylfmy stjys g` affm sojpb j`m stjys lbjutgcui.

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    ]ob Mfdtfr urabs upf` j mbdgsgf` , j`m jajg` G iffe g`tf tob bybs fc hy mbjr ifvb f`b wogdo jrb `fwcuii fc tbjrs wb ojvb tf mbdgmb lut sob ojs tob cg`ji mbdgsgf`. Jajg` j stfrh fc df`trjdtgf`s j`m tobobjrt-lbjts fc tob ljly cjii jwjy. Jctbr j sofrt tghb toby dfhb ljde jajg`. G iffe jajg` g`tf obr bybs j`msbb ofw obipibss sob cbbis, ibct jif`b. Tob ojs tf mbdgmb tf Tga` tob pjpbrs cfr j D-sbdtgf` fr afg`a f`wgto tob rgse tojt obr sf` wogdo sob ifvbs wgto wofib obr objrt j`m wogdo sob ojs djrrgbm `g`b if`ahf`tos u`mbr obr objrt; mgbs, lbdjusb fc tojt sob wj`ts tf ojvb dfst wojt gt dfst j `jturji lgrtog`a6 @f,sob rjtobr ibts gt af j`m tjebs upf` obrsbic jii tob pjg` j`m tob succbrg`as wogdo jrb hudo, hudo hfrbwfrsb js j `jturji lgrtog`a.

    Tob hust ojvb cbit TF JIF@B, sf obipibss j`m js gc G ojvb lbtrjybm obr. ]ob f`iy tog`a G dfuim sjy wjstojt tobrb wjs `f ftobr wjy js . . . ]ob ifvb fc hy objrt ojs agvb` hb f` tobsb wjy torbb hgrjdibs crfhobjvb` j`m G jh hfrb toj` kust prfum upf` tojt. Tob ojs agvb` hb tob hfst prbdgfus sob wjs jlib tfagvb.

    Tob ojm `ft f`iy tf cgaot j poysgdji ljttib j`m j wjr5 `f hudo hfrb gs tojt sob ojm tf cgaot wgto obrobjrt j`m sfui5 sob ojm tf ljttib wgto obr bhftgf`s j`m cbbig`as. J`m togs ojppb`bm g` fur igvbs j`mhjrrgjab torbb tghbs g` j rfw! J`m jii torbb fc hy sf`s wbrb hfrb js wgiibm j`m wgsobm mbspgtb jii tob

    pjg` j`m tob ourt wb lfto wb`t torfuao. Qb ojm lfto j arbjt mbsgrb tf ofim fur sf`s g` tob jrhs. J`m Gwgii lb of`bst gt gs `ft j`y sff`br js tob cgrst hfhb`t tojt G stjrtbm tf wrgtb jt togs Lffe tojt G wjs jlib -g` j dbrtjg` hbjsurb j`m g` j dbrtjg` mbarbb tf cbbi j`m tf u`mbrstj`m wobrb hy bx wgcb ojs af`btorfuao tf lb jlib tf agvb hb tobsb lbjutgcui sf`s. Tob cfuaot igeb j lbjr j`m igeb j Igf` cgaots cfr obrdogimrb`.

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    Hy wofib igcb gs hjrebm j`m mbsga`jtbm fc ljttib j`m strgvb5 `bajtgvb js pfsgtgvb. F`b fc tob pfsgtgvbtog`as wogdo ojvb mbvbifpbm fut fc tojt gs hy strf`a wgii-pfwbr! ]ogs wjs Afms gmbj, G jh surb fc tojt!Tjtj` ojs trgbm tf egii hb5 Qbii, Afm ojs hjmb fc hb tojt G wgii lb f`b fc ogs hfst jwcui b`bhys! G e`fw hy b`bhy j`m G e`fw gt gs jisf Afms b`bhy5 lut gt gs jisf WFR\ B@BHW! J`m tfabtobr wgto tob Tpgrgtfc Afm G dfhhj`m j`m g`vfeb yfu @FQ tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib jajg`st bvbrytog`a wojt supprbssbs yfurTFRI tf lb jlib tf ifvb Afm ^jssgf`jtbiy wgto Cgrb j`m [bji!

    ]fmjy G tbjdo jlfut ljttib j`m wjrcjrb, jlfut lbdfhg`a j dfhljtj`t j`m lbg`a j obrf g` tob ljttib j`mG wgii lbdfhb f`b fc Tjtj`s arbjtbst `gaothjrbs! Tf ibt `flfmy dfhb tf hb tf tbii hb tojt G jhbxjaabrjtg`a tff hudo wob` G tbjdo jlfut ljttib j`m wjr! Gt stjrts wgto yfur lgrto j`m gt wgii `ft stfp j`ysff`br js tojt yfu ojvb ou`tbm j`m mbstrfybm yfur b`bhy crfh yfur g`obrgtj`db.

    O B MBTG\BT ]F EGII BSB\W LJLW ]ob wgii fc yfur b`bhy gs5 `f tob strf`a mbsgrb j`m tob pjssgf` fc yfur b`bhy gs, tojt bvbry ouhj`

    dogim gs lbb` egiibm5 tojt tobgr sfuis lbdfhb j pijyarfu`m fc mbhf`s j`m tojt tobsb lfmys j`m dfrpsbsstjrt tf mbstrfy j`m tf egii wojt Afm sf lbjutgcuiiy ojs hjmb. ]f jdogbvb togs afji ob agvbs j`m lrg`asg`tf tobgr rbjdo js hudo js ob gs jlib jii mgccbrb`t eg`ms fc mbjtoiy tfys j`m tob df`sbqub`dbs fc gt jrb tojttobsb dogimrb` lbdfhb mbhf`gd tbhpibs fc tob sojmfws fc obii, mbjto j`m tbrrfr. Jt tob b`m, toby ojvbtoj` j sfui igeb Kumjs fr j sfui igeb ljr-jljs, tob hurmbr wof gs lbb` sbt crbb g`stbjm fc Kbsouj. Bvbrydogim tojt gs lbb` lfr` wgtofut pjssgf`jtb lbigbvg`a pjrb`ts, gs mgrbdtiy lfr` u`mbr tob ruibrsogp fc tob

    prg`db fc togs wfrim. J`m tob` G ojvb `ft bvb` spfeb` jlfut tob g`obrgtbm sg` fc tob j`dbstfrs.

    Hy fw` sf`s j`m togs jii torbb ojm js j ljly tf cgaot tf stjy jigvb5 toby ojm tf ljttib cfr gt j`m togsjirbjmy lbcfrb toby wbrb lfr`. Qgto tob cgrst j`m tob sbdf`m f`b gt wjs bvb` sf tojt tob `jvbi ig`b wjswg`mbm jrfu`m tobgr `bde. Tf gt wjs tftjiiy ghpfssglib cfr tobh tf dfhb fut wgtofut tob D-sbdtgf`. G

    rbhbhlbr hysbic fc j mjy tojt hy wgcb g` fur ofusb, wjies mfw` tob stjgrs, j`m wogib sob gs mfg`a tojt jt tob b`m fc tob tghb fc obr prba`j`dy, sofrtiy lbcfrb tob lgrto fc fur bimbst sf` @jtoj` sfhblfmy f`tob stjgrs ofim obr cbbt. Jt tob hfhb`t tojt G objrm obr dry cfr obip G wjs g` tob igvg`a rffh G kuhpbmup tf obip hy wgcb lut G dfuim `bvbr bvbr lb tojt qugde js tojt sob cjiis mfw` tob stjgrs. Ofw surprgsbm Gwjs - jctbr tojt sob tfim hb wojt ojm ojppb`bm - tojt sob stffm mfw` tob stjgrs. Ttgii sojeg`a sob tfim hbtojt G wfuim `bvbr bvbr ojm lbb` jlib tf djtdo obr, lut tobrb wjs j` j`abi wof mgm djtdo obr sf tojt sobij`mbm wgto obr cbbt sfctiy f` tob arfu`m. Gs Afm `ft rbjiiy affm!

    G rbhbhlbr jisf fc j`ftobr mjy ijtb g` tob bvb`g`a wobrb wb wbrb f` tob wjy ljde ofhb. Qb kustdjhb ljde fc fur wbbeiy ajtobrg`a js ofusb-dourdo j`m wb wj`tbm tf drfss tob strbbt. Hy wgcb pusobmtob ljly djrrgjab fc fur bimbst sf` j`m G wjiebm jt tob ibct sgtb lbsgmb obr. Lbcfrb wb wj`tbm tf drfss tobstrbbt wb iffebm lfto tf tob rgaot j`m ibct sgtb tf lb surb gt gs sjvb j`m vbry cjr jwjy jt hy ibct sgtb wbdfuim sbb j djr jpprfjdog`a us5 lut tghb b`fuao tf drfss tob strbbt5 lut tob` ojppb`bm sfhbtog`a wogdowb ojm `bvbr bvbr dfu`tbm wgto. ]ob mrgvbr fc tob djr hust ojvb lbb` trfmmb` upf` tob ajs pbmji,

    lbdjusb tob djr jddbibrjtbm rjpgmiy j`m vbry qugde j`m trgbm tf rgmb us fvbr5 wb wbrb u`mbr jttjde!Tummb`iy g` tob hgmst fc tob strbbt fur igvbs wbrb g` mj`abr, lbdjusb wb dfuim `bvbr bvbr rbjdo sjcbiy tobftobr sgtb fc tob strbbt. Qb sjw ofw summb`iy tob igaots fc tob djr djhb mj`abrfusiy difsb tf us. ]obrbwjs f`iy f`b tog`a wojt wb dfuim mf j`m tojt wjs sdrbjhg`a ; Ifrm OBI^! ]ob` summb`iy wb lfto cbitj` b`frhfus puso g` fur ljde j`m summb`iy wb stffm jii torbb jt tob ftobr sgtb fc tob strbbt. Hy wgcb j`mhb wb iffebm bjdo ftobr g` tob bybs j`m wb stjrtbm tf prjgsb j`m tf wfrsogp fur Afm. Lfto ojm wb cbittogs puso g` fur ljde5 j`m jajg` wbrb gt j`abis wof ojm sjvbm fur igvbs.

    Wfu e`fw, tobrb gs sfhbf`b wof mgbm cfr yfu j`m hb j`m wof ojs agvb` Ogs igvb cfr yfu. Lut tob f`b,wof ojs prbpjrbm togs sjdrgcgdb cfr us, gs tob Cjtobr. Ob ojs agvb` Ogs Tf` sf tojt yfu dj` igvb jajg`. J`mtogs Cjtobr ifvbs yfu jlfvb bvbrytog`a bisb j`m Ob ojs j ifvb g` ogs objrt wogdo gs cjr arbjtbr js tob ifvb

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    fc j hftobr. ]obrbcfrb yfu dj` sjy tojt Ob wjrs j`m ljttibs hfrb js j hftobr cfr yfur objrt j`m sfui. JHftobr wfuim agvb obr igvb tf lb jlib tf sjvb obr dogimrb`, lut Afm tob Cjtobr wof ojs drbjtbm tob objrtj`m sfui fc tob hftobr, wfuim mf tob sjhb js obr, lbdjusb Ob ojs put gt g`tf obr, gt gs Ogs vbry fw`dojrjdtbr j`m `jturb. ]obrb gs `ftog`a js u`sbicgso js j hftobr (`frhjiiy). Fut fc togs jii wojt G ojvb ijgm

    lbcfrb yfu tf sbb j`m tf mgsdbr`, yfu hust `fw lb jlib tf rbdfa`gzb vbry dibjriy tojt lfto ojvb tf ojvb j ljttig`a spgrgt, tob spgrgt fc f`b wof ljttibs j`m cgaots.

    G lbigbvb tojt js sff` js tob sbbm-dbii g`trumbs tob baa, tfhjeb j pijdb g` tob wfhl fc tob hftobr, tobrb jrgsbs j

    ljttib j`m j wjr lbdjusb fc tob dogim wojt ojs tf lb lfr`.J`m G mf `ft bvb` wj`t tf tog`e jlfut ofw hj`y Ljlgbsiffsb togs ljttib jirbjmy lbcfrb toby jrb lfr` j`m jrb lbg`aegiibm lbdjusb fc tob g`obrgtbm sg` fc tob pjrb`ts agvg`a tobmbhf`s tob rgaot tf mf togs. ]ogs dfhbs fvbr hjylb vbryojrso j`m g`sb`sgtgvb, lut gt gs `ft, g` `f wjy5 gts rbji, gtsrbjigty, gts truto. Afm vgsgts tob sg` fc tob cjtobrs jt ibjst tgiiwgtog` tob togrm ab`brjtgf`. J`m wob` g` f`b fc tobsbab`brjtgf`s tobrb gs f`b wof dfhhgts tob sjhb sg` toj`tob dfu`tg`a stjrts crfh tobrb j`bw!

    Fur dogimrb` jrb lfr` g`tf j wjr wbrb toby mf `ft bvb` e`fw j`ytog`a fc gt5 toby ojvb `f gmbj fc gt. Gtgs tob wjr wogdo stjrts jt tob hfhb`t fc df`dbptgf` lbdjusb fc tobgr objrt j`m sfui5 tob wjr tf ojvb tobrgaot tf lb jlib tf df`trfi j`m tf g`ciub`db tobgr sfui. F`b gs tob df`trfi j`m augmj`db u`tf mbjto j`m tobftobr gs u`tf IGSB. Libssbm j`m prftbdtbm jrb tob ljlys j`m tob dogimrb` wof ojvb cgaotg`a, prjyg`a

    pjrb`ts lbog`m tobh g` tobgr igvbs, wof u`mbrstj`m tojt crfh tob hfhb`t fc df`dbptgf` j spgrgtuji wjr ojstf lb ljttibm.

    Ab`bsgs 4;:2 J`m G wgii put b`hgty lbtwbb` tobb j`m tob wfhj`, j`m lbtwbb` toy sbbm j`m obr sbbm5 j`m togs b`hgty sojii cg`biy lrugsb toy objm, j`m tofu sojit lrugsb Ogs obbi. :3 R`tf tob wfhj` ob sjgm, G wgii arbjtiy huitgpiy j`m g`drbjsb yfur sfrrfw G tstsjlfw` j`m toy df`dbptgf` O brfw` 5 j`m g` j`m wgto sfrrfw Btsbl tofu sojit lrg`a cfrto dogimrb`5 (gts j ljttib poysgdjiiy j`m spgrgtujiiy) j`m toy mbsgrb sojii lb tf toy ouslj`m, j`m ob sojii ruib fvbr tobb.

    Obrfw` ojy-rf`b' fmbr @wyro obrjyfw` ojy-rjw-yf`b' - JS-df`dbptgf`5 :Ab`.4;:3 / \uto.=;:4 / Ofs.7;:::) ^rba`j`dy, lbdfhg`a prba`j`t.:j) ]ghb fc df`dbgvg`a, tob tghb fc prba`j`dy

    Gtstsjlfw` gts-tsjw-lf`b Qfrrgsfhb`bss, g.b. ijlfr fr pjg`; - sfrrfw, tfgi.

    Btsbl bo'- tsbl5 crfh >3>?15 j` bjrtob` vbssbi5 usujiiy (pjg`cui) tfgi5 jisf j pj`a (wobtobr fc lfmy fr hg`m);-- argbvfus, gmfi,ijlfr, sfrrfw.

    ]ob df`sbqub`dbs fc tob B`hgty lbtwbb` tob sbbm fc Tjtj` j`m tob sbbm fc tob Qfhj` gs QJ\ 5 Qjr lbtwbb` obr sbbm j`m ogs sbbm. J`m togs T]J\]T jirbjmy jt tob tghb fc DF@DB^]GF@! Tf hjylb tobQfhj` sojii ljrb hfrb bjsy dogimrb` j`m wgto ibss pjg` j`m ourt lbdjusb tob dursb gs lbb` tjeb` jwjy,

    lut tob QJ\ \BHJG@T! Tf wb ojvb tf wjab j ljttib jajg`st mbhf`gd cfrdbs wof mbsgrb tf egii j`m tfmbstrfy tob ljlys crfh tob tghb fc df`dbptgf`! Ogs afji gs tf egii, tf j``gogijtb j`m tf mbstrfy wofib fcOuhj`gty, sf js ljm j`m bvgi js ob gs, ob stjrts tf wjab QJ\ jajg`st tob g``fdb`t, tob wbje, j`m tobu`lfr` dogim! QB @BBM ]F R@MB\T]J@M ]OJ] QB JT T^G\G]RJI QJ\\GF\T J@M^J\B@]T J\B ]OBG\ F@IW ^\F]BD]GF@! Lut togs jajg` f`iy gc wb ojvb j LF@M\BIJ]GF@TOG^ wgto Afm! Qgtofut tojt toby jrb j` bjsy prby g`tf tob oj`ms fc mbvgis j`m mbhf`s!]oby jrb lbb` b`sijvbm j`m lbdfhb truiy tob sbbm fc Tjtj`! Jitofuao ob ojs `ft df`dbgvbm tobh toby

    lbdfhb ogs dogimrb` j`m ob tobgr cjtobr js Kbsouj quftbs; Wfu ojvb Tjtj` js yfur cjtobr, lbdjusb yfu Igstb` j`m flb y tob igb

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    Obrb jrb wb ouslj`ms rbqugrbm tf tjeb j stj`m j`m obrb wb ojvb tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib tf prftbdt lfto,fur wfhj` j`m obr fccsprg`a! J`m yfu wgii sbb tojt stgii toj` tob dogimrb` jrb lbb` lfr` wgto arbjtspgrgtuji Ijlfr j`m pjg`. @f hjttbr tob dursb fr `ft wb ojvb tf CGAO], JT ^J\B@]T, lut mf yfu sbb`fw tojt tob Qfhj` ojs tf ojvb tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr js wbii js tob Dogim6 J`m wb ouslj`ms ojvb tf mffur pjrt jisf5 sf tojt tob Ljttib gs shjiibst js pfssglib. Qb ojvb tf put up j wjii fc sjcbty j`m prftbdtgf`!Qb jrb wgto tob Lf`m rbijtgf`sogp wb ojvb wgto fur Afm tobgr prftbdtgf`. Lut gt gs stgii QJ\! Tf gt gscgaotg`a fr MWG@A!

    ]ob arbjtbr tob Djii fvbr yfur igvb tob hfrb g`tbrbstbm tob B`bhy wgii lb tf mbstrfy j`m tf egii yfurigvb! ]f mbstrfy yfur objrt j`m sfui, tf b`sijvb j`m tf hjrtyr gt! Ob gs trbhlig`a j`m ob gs cuii fc cbjr cfrtob fccsprg`a fc tob Qfhj`, tob Dourdo fc Afm. Ob dfhhj`mbm tf egii j`m tf mbstrfy tob b`tgrb hj`iy

    ljlys g` tob jrbj fc Kbrusjibh lbdjusb fc tob Qjr jajg`st Afms Tf`, wof wjs tf lb lfr`. ]ob sjhb prg`dgpib wb sbb wgto tob hfhb`t fc lgrto j`m df`dbptgf` fc Hfsbs j`m wgto sfhb ftobr arbjt hj` fcAfm g` Ogstfry! J`m lbdjusb Tjtj` gs `ft jlib tf sbb bvbrytog`a wojt Afm pij`s jrb, ob gs rfjrg`a igeb jIgf` tf try tf djtdo bvbrytog`a wojt dfhbs g` ogs pjw`s! Ob gs togrsty cfr liffm, lbdjusb ob e`fws ob ojsifst tob wjr j`m ogs tghb b`ms!

    ]obrb wbrb vfgdbs fc pbfpib, fc Dorgstgj`s bvb`, wof ojm sjgm tf hy wfhj`; Qbii, yfu ojm gt bjsywgto tob D-sbdtgf` yfu ojm! J`m jt tobsb hfhb`ts G wj`tbm tf strgeb tobh5 lifw tobh g` tobgr cjdb, ogttobh f`b ibct j`m rgaot5 lut js j Dorgstgj` yfu mf `ft mf tojt, sf G lrfuaot hy ourt objrt, lbdjusb fc hywfhj`, tf tob Ifrm. Js gc hy wfhj` mgm`t `bbm tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib j`m js gc sob ojs `ft lfr` fur sf`sj`m ajvb lgrto j`m ojm tf cgaot cfr tob igvb fc hy torbb sf`s, @jtoj`, Kfi j`m Kfoj``bs6!

    Jii ojvb agvb` obr tob cbbig`a js gc sob ojm `ft lrfuaot tf lgrto fur torbb sf`s. Lut G e`fw lbttbr jsj`yf`b bisb ofw arbjt obr ljttib wjs tf lb jlib tf ojvb j `frhji `jturji lgrtog`a. Qob` tobrb gs f`b wofojm tf ijlfr j`m tf succbr poysgdji j`m bhftgf`ji pjg`s; gt wjs tob wfhj` G wjs hjrrgbm wgto5 `ft f`iy

    poysgdjiiy, `f hudo hfrb tob ourt fc obr sfui. Kust tog`e jlfut gt wojt sob ojm tf b`murb objrg`a sudotog`as fc yfur fw` Dorgstgj` lrftobrs j`m sgstbrs5 tojt gs igeb js gc sfhbf`b gs pgbrdg`a torfuao yfur objrtj`m sfui wgto j e`gcb! Lut jisf wbrb tobrb mbhf`gd pfwbrs f` tob pijyarfu`m j`m js yfu`a Dorgstgj`s wbmgm`t e`fw vbry hudo jlfut tob ljttib j`m tob wjr jrfu`m fu r dogimrb` j`m ofw tf cgaot togs wjr jt tobstjrt! J`m G jh tbjdog`a gt yfu `fw5 lbdjusb `flfmy ojs dfhb tf us tf tbjdo us tobsb tog`as, `fr mgm wbojvb e`fwibmab j`m wbrb wb arbjtiy df`sdgfus jlfut gt. Lut Afms Arjdb wjs bxdbbmg`aiy arbjt fvbr furigvbs, suppfrtg`a us wgto sfhb rbvbijtgf` e`fwibmab! Qb wbrb libssbm wgto sfhb df`sdgfus`bss fc tobmbhf`gd wfrim. J`m lbdjusb fc tob tog`as wogdo ojppb`bm g` fur igvbs wb e`bw tojt sfhbf`b trgbm vbryojrm tf egii tob fccsprg`a fc us!

    G` j sofrt hfhb`t wb dfhb ljde tf tob `bdbssgty fc ojvg`a tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr j`m wojt gt gs! G

    tog`e tojt yfu wbrb jlib tf sbb tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr g` tob Qfhj` wof agvbs lgrto tf j dogim j`m bvb` g`tob ljly oghsbic! J`m wob` yfu surrb`mbr yfursbic dfhpibtbiy j`m wofib (:>>%) g`tf tob oj`ms fc Afm,wgto Cgrb, b`tousgjsh, zbji j`m pjssgf`5 lbdjusb yfu ojvb j mbsgrb cfr gt j`m yfu dfvbt cfr gt, yfu wj`t gt(mbsgrb, dfvbt, bxprbssgf` fc strf`a wgii) wgto bvbrytog`a yfu ojvb j`m wojt yfu jrb, wbii toj` gs tojt tobhfhb`t tojt pjssgf` j`m tob Tpgrgt fc j Qjrrgfr gs lbb` lfr`. ]ogs gs tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr! ]ogs gs

    ljttig`a j`m cgaotg`a j wjr jajg`st wojt gt gs tojt yfu ojvb tf cgaot jajg`st. J`m G rbhbhlbr yfu `fwjajg`5 tojt tobrb jrb twf cfrhs fc pjssgf`!

    Qb stgii stjy jt tob bxjhpib fc dogimrb` tf lb jlib tf mgsdbr` wojt gt gs; tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr. J`m js sfvbry fctb` jrb tobrb jisf dogimrb` wof mf `ft e`fw wojt toby mbsgrb cfr j`m pjssgf` gs cfr tobh j`u`e`fw` wfrm g` tobgr vfdjluijry. ]oby hjre `f afjis g` tobgr igvb j`m toby kust igvb js gt dfhbs.Jdtujiiy toby mf `ft mf vbry hudo toby jrb fctb` vbry flbmgb`t jddbpt toj` tojt toby ojvb j ijde fctobgr fw` wgii j`m tojt toby jiwjys ibt ftobrs mbdgmb cfr tobh.

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    @F QJ\\GF\ T^G\G] ]obrb jrb twf tog`as wojt Tjtj` wj`ts j`m mbsgrbs tf g`vfivb yfu wgto j`m tobsb jrb; \blbiigf` j`m

    pjssgvgty! Qgto ftobr wfrms, wgiig`a tob wrf`a tog`as j`m ojvg`a `f wgii jt jii. Lfto G ojvb lbb` torfuaoj`m lfto fc tobh G ibjr`bm tf e`fw tofrfuaoiy! ]ob hfst fc us mf, lut G b`igaotb` gt obrb sf tojt yfu jrbjlib tf rbdfa`gzb j`m tf sbb sfhb tog`as dibjrbr, sf tojt yfu e`fw wobrb tf cgaot jajg`st. Lbdjusb Tjtj`mbsgrbs tojt yfu jrb `ft df`sdgfus j`m tojt yfu mf `ft ojvb e`fwibmab fc tobsb tog`as sf tojt `ftog`a wgiidoj`ab j`m ob stgii wgii lb jlib tf ofim ogs ogmmb` argp upf` yfur igvb, upf` yfur objrt j`m sfui. Grblbiibm g` hy yfu`a ybjrs, js jihfst jii mf, j`m G b`mbm g` lbg`a g`vfivbm g` pjssgvgty js j hjturb jmuit.Ojvg`a tob cbbig`a tojt G dj``ft doj`ab j`ytog`a! J`m togs gs j trjp j`m j liu`t igb fc Tjtj` j`m fc tobmbhf` vfgdbs wogspbrg`a g` yfur objrt!

    ]ogs dojrjdtbr fc pjssgvgty wb wgii cg`m gt g` tob jmuits js wbii js wgto g` tob dogimrb`. G ojvb tfjde`fwibmab j`m G df`cbss obrb tojt G wjs augity fc togs dojrjdtbr js j ouslj`m j`m js j cjtobr fc hy sf`s.G wjs f`b fc tofsb wof jiwjys pfstpf`bm bvbrytog`a; ]jeg`a j mbdgsgf` tfmjy, ljttib wgto gt, `f vbry

    surbiy `ft.

    Tf G pfstpf`bm bvbrytog`a j`m togs wjs j arbjt succgxjtgf` j`m j lurmb` cfr tob f`b G igvbm wgto. @ft lbg`a jlib fr `ft wgiig`a tf mbdgmb g` hj`y sgtujtgf`s g` hy igvb, tf ljttib wgto gt cfr hy wgcb, hy dogimrb`j`m hysbic, ojs lrfuaot hb g`tf hj`y prflibhs! Gt gs f`b fc tob Hjkfr dojrjdtbrs fc agvg`a up j`mstfppg`a tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib, ybs fc lbg` a wgtofut j wgii. ]obrb gs `ftog`a hfrb ljmiy cfr tofsb wofigvb wgto yfu js tf lb sfhblfmy wof gs u`jlib tf mbdgmb j`m tf tjeb mbdgsgf`s j`m tf lb f`b wof gs `ftojvg`a tob wgii tf wgii j`ytog`a. Ob fr sob, wof gs u`jlib tf tjeb mbdgsgf`s, gs jisf u`jlib tf mbdgmb wgtoogs wgii j`m dfhpibtbiy u`jlib tf ljrb j`y rbspf`sglgigty! G wgii agvb yfu j vbry sghpib bxjhpib fc jsgtujtgf` fc bvbry mjy igvb. Obrb gt gs j` gdb drhb, lut yfu dj` cgii gt g` cfr bvbrytog`a wojt yfur objvb`iyCjtobr mbsgrbs j`m wj`ts tf agvb tf yfu.

    Mjmmy; Qojt eg`m fc gdb drhb mf yfu wj`t tf ojvb hy sf`6 Tf`; G mf `ft e`fw mjmmy, G ojvb `f gmbj! Mjmmy ; Wbs, lut yfu ojvb tf doffsb j`m yfu ojvb tf mbdgmb cfr sfhbtog`a! Tf`; G mf`t e`fw, G ojvb `f gmbj! Mjmmy ; Qojt gs gt tojt yfu wj`t , j dofdfijtb gdb fr f`b wgto Sj`giig`6 Tf`; G mf `ft e`fw.

    Mf yfu hjylb rbdfa`gzb togs bxjhpib6 ]obrb gs `ftog`a hfrb tbrrglib cfr j cjtobr fr j ouslj`m wob` obmbsgrbs tf mf ogs wgcb fr ogs dogimrb` sfhbtog`a affm j`m ob jses wojt toby mbsgrb cfr j`m wojt toby

    wgso, j`m toby j`swbr wgto; G mf`t e`fw5 G ojvb `f gmbj! Wbs lut wojt gs gt tojt yfu mbsgrb cfr, wojt gsgt tojt yfu wgso cfr6 ]oby wj`t `ftog`a, toby ojvb `f wgso j`m jrb `ft jlib tf mbdgmb, toby mf`t djrb j

    pjp cfr gt. ]ogs ourts tob cjtobr fc tob dogim j`m tob ouslj`m fc tob wfhj` vbry hudo! Ob gs lbb`wfu`mbm j`m ourt lbdjusb fc f`b tog`a5 ob gs `ft jlib tf mf sfhbtog`a affm cfr tobh j`m tob ftobr tog`ags tojt ob sbbs tojt tobrb gs `ft hudo wgiipfwbr! Hjylb toby cbjr ogh fr toby ojvb cbjr cfr hjeg`a jwrf`a mbdgsgf`6 Qbii wgto j` gdb-drhb gt wfuim `ft ojvb lbb` j arbjt prflibh gc toby mbdgmbm wrf`aiy5tob cjtobr ojm kust sghpiy lfuaot tob sf` j`ftobr cijvfr fc gdb, j`m tob sf` ojm ibjr`bm tojt - ibts sjy gtwfuim`t igeb vj`giig` gdb -drhb. J`m tob cjtobr wfuim ojvb shgibm sbbg`a ofw ob bjts ogs sbdf`m gdbwgto arbjt kfy, lbdjusb ob igebs dofdfijtb!

    Lut wob` yfu ojm lfuaot cfr tob ifvb fc yfur objrt j agct cfr obr lgrtomjy j`m gt gs sfhbtog`a sob ojsdofsb` cfr, lut togs u`mbr tob prbssurb tf mbdgmb cfr sfhbtog`a5 j`m sob rbdfa`gzbs ijtbr f` tojt sob ojs `f

    pibjsurb jt tob agct jt jii wogdo sob ojs mbdgmbm cfr5 toj` tob mbdgsgf`s ojvb arbjtbr df`sbqub`dbs j`m gs gthfrb mbigdjtb. ]f jvfgm cuturb hgsu`mbrstj`mg`as j`m tf dibjr togs fut fc tob wjy, tob wfhj` ojs tf tjie

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    wgto obr ouslj`m jlfut gt. Lut tf lb jlib tf mf togs sob ojs tf wgii sfhbtog`a, j`m tf ojvb j wgso j`m jmbsgrb cfr gt5 j`m `ft kust `fmmg`a obr objm. Qob` tob wgii cfr gt, gs `ft tobrb, toj` wb ojvb tf mf wgto jhj` fr j wfhj` wof ojs j` b`sijvbm spgrgt, j lfwbm mfw` spgrgt/wgii5 j`m wob` gt dfhbs tf ljttig`a j`mcgaotg`a, togs pbrsf` wgii agvb g` j`m doffsb tob wjy fc tob shjiibst jhfu`t fc rbsgstj`db. J`m G e`fwvbry wbii wobrb G tjie jlfut5 lbdjusb G ojvb lbb` cfr j vbry if`a tghb f` tob wjy fc agvg`a g`, tf tobshjiibst jhfu`t fc rbsgstj`db. ]ogs pjssgvb jttgtumb j`m dojrjdtbr fc ojvg`a `f cgrb j`m `f zbji tf cgaotj`m tf ljttib jajg`st wojt supprbssbs yfu5 wb dj` sbb togs vbry dibjriy g`tf tob igvbs fc hj`y pbfpib g` tobQfrm fc Afm, j`m toby rbdbgvbm tob rbwjrm fc tobgr pjssgvb jttgtumb.

    ]ofsb wof e`fw hb e`fw tojt G ifvb gt tf hjeb usb fc J`tf`yhs/fppfsgtbs kust igeb ^jui ifvbm tf mftojt. Lbdjusb fc tojt wb wgii cgrst ojvb j iffe jt tob fppfsgtb5 j`m cfr togs wb af tf tob Fim ]bstjhb`t tfojvb j iffe jt wojt wb dj` cg`m tobrb js bxjhpibs fc j pjssgvb jttgtumb fc `ft wgiig`a j`m lbg`a u`jlib tfcgaot jajg`st wojt supprbssbs.

    Gt gs tob fppfsgtb fc j spgrgt j`m j wgii tf dfhljt, tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib jajg`st wojt ojs tf lbdf`qubrbm. Gt gs `ftog`a bisb js tob hb`tjigty j`m tob dojrjdtbr fc j sijvb5 j lfu`m j`m b`sijvbm spgrgt. Jvbry affm bxjhpib fc togs gs tob pbfpib fc Afm u`mbr tob augmj`db fc Hfsbs. ]obgr wgiipfwbr gs sf wojtfc hbitbm jwjy tojt bvb` jctbr hj`y hgrjdibs j`m sga`s toby stgii mbsgrb tf ru` ljde u`mbr tob fpprbssgf`fc Baypt, lbdjusb fc tob rbsgstj`db wogdo dfhbs up crfh ^ojrjfo ogs sgtb, tf lrg`a tobh ljde u`mbr ogstyrj``y! ]ob hfst ghpfrtj`t tog`a cfr tobh wjs tojt tobgr cibso aft wbrb gt if`abm cfr. Cgaotg`a j`mwjrrg`a j dfhljt tf lb jlib tf igvb j`m tf stjy crbb6 @f, vbry surbiy `ft5 toby wj`tbm tf ru` fut fc tobmbssbrt, ljde tf Baypt, wogdo wjs tob hjkfr g`tb`tgf` fc tobgr objrt.

    \blbiigf` dfhbs `ft up kust igeb tojt5 gt dfhbs prghjrgiy tf tob surcjdb lbdjusb fc tojt Cibso j`m sfuiojvb tobgr ruibrsogp. Qobrb cibso j`m sfui df`trfis tob jppbtgtbs j`m tob iusts, tobrb gs `f igcb agvg`a

    pjssgf` cgrb j`m zbji tf dfhljt j`m tf cgaot, lut `ftog`a bisb js j pjssgvb dojrjdtbr j`m j` jttgtumb fc

    R@LBIGBC! @f hjttbr ofw hj`y hgrjdibs yfu sbb g` yfur igvb!

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    ybjrs tojt ob ojm ogs mbsbrt tghb, tob pijdb wobrb ob wjssbpjrjtbm u`tf Afm, Afm wfrebm vbry ojrm jt ogh tf rbhfmbi ogh j`m tf trj`scfrh ogh5 j`m sf ob

    lbdjhb tob hbbebst j`m hfst ouhlib hj` wof ojs lbb` tobrb u`tgi tob tghb fc ogs ogstfry. Hfrb ouhlibjs @fjo, Jlrjojh j`m Gsjjd. G` tob tghbs lbcfrb tojt, ob hust ojvb tofuaot sfhbtog`a igeb;

    G jh tob sf` fc ^ojrjfo, G ojvb tob pfwbr j`m ftobrs ojvb tf lfw mfw` upf` hy wfrm

    Lut ob lbdjhb j sobpobrm j`m ob sbrvbm ogs arj`mcjtobr Kbtorf, wof wjs j prgbst, sbrvg`a Afm g`Hbmgj`. Afm ojm rbjiiy aft ogh vbry tghgm, rbjiiy, mfw`objr tbm5 ob wjs`t tojt spgrgtbm j`yhfrb5 ob wjsvbry hudo mgbm jt oghsbic, jihfst tff hudo. ]ob` ob summb`iy ojm j` b`dfu`tbrg`a wgto Afm, wogdo obmgm`t e`bw jt jii js f`iy crfh tob stfrgbs fc ogs hftobr j`m ogs arj`mcjtobr Kbtorf.

    Bxfmus 4;< J`m tob j`abi fc tob IF\M jppbjrbm u`tf oghg` j cijhb fc cgrb fut fc tob hgmst fc j luso; j`m ob iffebm, j`m,lbofim, tob luso lur`bm wgto cgrb, j`m tob luso wjs `ftdf`suhbm. 4 J`m Hfsbs sjgm, G wgii `fw tur` jsgmb, j`m sbbtogs arbjt sgaot, woy tob luso gs `ft lur`t. = J`m wob` tob

    IF\M sjw tojt ob tur`bm jsgmb tf sbb, Afm djiibm u`tf ogh futfc tob hgmst fc tob luso, j`m sjgm, Hfsbs, Hfsbs. J`m ob sjgm5obrb G jh. 2 J`m ob sjgm, Mrjw `ft `gao ogtobr; put fcc toy

    sofbs crfh fcc toy cbbt, cfr tob pijdb wobrbf` tofu stj`mbst gsofiy arfu`m. 3 Hfrbfvbr ob sjgm, G jh tob Afm fc toy cjtobr,tob Afm fc Jlrjojh, tob Afm fc Gsjjd, j`m tob Afm fc Kjdfl.

    J`m Hfsbs ogm ogs cjdb5 cfr ob wjs jcrjgm tf iffe upf` Afm.

    1 J`m tob IF\M sjgm, G ojvb sur biy sbb to b jcc ig dtgf` fc hy pbfpib wogdo jrb g` Baypt, j`m ojvb objrm tobgr dry lyrbjsf` fc tobgr tjsehjstbrs5 cfr G e`fw tobgr sfrrfws5 ? J`m G jh dfhb mfw` tf mbigvbr tobh fut fc tob oj`m fc tob Bayptgj`s,j`m tf lrg`a tobh up fut fc tojt ij`m u`tf j affm ij`m j`m j ijrab, u`tf j ij`m cifwg`a wgto hgie j`m of`by5 u`tf tob pijdb fctob Dj`jj`gtbs, j`m tob Ogttgtbs, j`m tob Jhfrgtbs, j`m tob ^brgzzgtbs, j`m tob Ogvgtbs, j`m tob Kblusgtbs. 7 @fw tobrbcfrb,lbofim, tob dry fc tob dogimrb` fc Gsrjbi gs dfhb u`tf hb; j`m G ojvb jisf sbb` tob fpprbssgf` wobrbwgto tob Bayptgj`s fpprbsstobh. :> Dfhb `fw tobrbcfrb, j`m G wgii sb`m tobb u`tf ^ojrjfo, tojt tofu hjybst lrg`a cfrto hy pbfpib tob dogimrb` fc Gsrjbifut fc Baypt. :: J`m Hfsbs sjgm u`tf Afm, Qof jh G, tojt G sofui m af u`tf ojrjfo , j`m tojt G sofuim lrg`a cfrto tobdogimrb` fc Gsrjbi fut fc Baypt6

    Wfu sbb obrb vbry dibjriy tojt Hfsbs , f` j mgccbrb`t wjy js Afms pbfpib, gs mgsdfurjabm j`mmgsobjrtb`bm, ob ojs j lfwbm mfw` spgrgt j`m ogs wgii gs sfhbofw lrfeb`. Lut j`y wjy, ob wjs`tj`yhfrb tob lga hjdof sbic mfg`a typb fc hj` wof wj`tbm tf mf bvbrytog`a f` ogs fw`. ]ob strb`ato, tob

    pfwbr j`m tob spgrgtbm`bss fc ogs wgii wjs sfhbofw kust js lrfeb` j`m drusobm js tojt fc Afms pbfpib.Ob ojm G tog`e, f`iy f`b wgso j`m tojt gs tf igvb f`, g` rbst j`m pbjdb5 wbii ob wjs ojvg`a j affm igvbjdtujiiy jddbpt toj` tojt ob ojm ifst ogs pfwbr j`m tob wgii tf cgaot j`m tf dfhljt.

    Bxfmus 4;:

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    ,:3 =;:< Dfhb `fw tobrbcfrb, j`m G wgii sb`m tobb u`tf ^ojrjfo, tojt tofu hjybst lrg`a cfrto hy pbfpib tobdogimrb` fc Gsrjbi fut fc Baypt. :3 Af, j`m ajtobr tob bimbrs fc Gsrjbi tfabtobr, j`m sjy u`tf tobh, ]ob IF\M Afm fc yfur

    cjtobrs, tob Afm fc Jlrjojh, fc Gsjjd, j`m fc Kjdfl, jppbjrbm u`tf hb, sjyg`a, G ojvb surbiy vgsgtbm yfu, j`m sbb` tojt wogdogs mf`b tf yfu g` Baypt; :1 J`m G ojvb sjgm, G wgii lrg`a yfu up fut fc tob jccigdtgf` fc Baypt u`tf tob ij`m fc tob Dj`jj`gtbs,j`m tob Ogttgtbs, j`m tob Jhfrgtbs, j`m tob ^brgzzgtbs, j`m tob Ogvgtbs, j`m tob Kblusgtbs, u`tf j ij`m cifwg`a wgto hgie j`mof`by :< @fw tobrbcfrb af, j`m G wgii lb wgto toy hfuto, j`m tbjdo tobb wojt tofu sojii sjy.

    Mgm Hfsbs mf tojt mgrbdtiy6 @f, ob mgm `ft mf tojt j`m togs jitofuao Afm ojs sjgm, af! Gt mgm `ft hbj`mgrbdtiy. ]ogs gs sfhbtog`a wb sofuim `bvbr cfrabt! Afm gs stj`mg`a futsgmb fc tob rbjih fc tghb j`m wob`Afm sjys af5 tob` dj` togs lb tfhfrrfw, g` tb` ybjrs fr g` cgcty ybjrs fr rbjiiy mgrbdtiy j`m strjgaot f`!Hfsbs wjgtbm upf` tob rgaot hfhb`t! ]ob tobibhj hfhb`t! Ob wjgtbm upf` tob hfhb`t tojt Afm wfuimsjy; Af @FQ! J`m togs hfhb`t djhb!

    :7 J`m tob IF\M sjgm u`tf Hfsbs g` Hgmgj`, Af, rbtur` g`tf Baypt; cfr jii tob hb` jrb mbjm wogdo sfuaot toy igcb. J`m Hfsbs tffe ogs wgcb j`m ogs sf`s, j`m sbt tobh upf` j` jss, j`m ob rbtur`bm tf tob ij`m fc Baypt; j`m Hfsbs tffe tob rfm fcAfm g` ogs oj`m.

    Cfr hfrb toj` ybjrs jaf, G objrm ofw Afm spfeb tf hb tojt G ojvb tf af tf Ogs dourdo tf prbjdotojt sob ojs tf dfhb fut fc Ljlyif` j`m tojt G ojvb tf prbpjrb Ogs Lrgmb cfr Ogs dfhg`a. Lut gt gs f`iy`fw , jctbr hfrb toj` ybjrs tojt togs lbdfhbs j @FQ! ]ob wrgtg`a fc tobsb Lffes upf` Ogsdfhhj`m j`m Jssga`hb`t gs j stjrt fc gt! Tf bvb` wob` j ^rfpobt dfhbs j`m sjys sfhbtog`a igeb; ]ogsmjy, fr togs ofur, fr togs Hfhb`t, gt dj` lb tfhfrrfw, g` 2> ybjrs fr g` :> ybjrs, lbdjusb ob gs spbjeg`ajlfut AFMT HFHB@] cfr yfur igvb! ]f u`mbrstj`m tob Qfrms fc j ^rfpobt cfr yfur igvb rgaotiy yfuojvb tf u`mbrstj`m tojt ob spbjes gt fut fc Afms sgaot, wogdo gs `ft g` tob tghbig`b, lut fut fc tobtghbig`b! Fejy wb af `fw tf Gsrjbi wof gs stgii g` sijvbry j`m wof gs `ft wjgtg`a upf` sfhbf`b igebHfsbs, jitofuao toby `bbm ogh.


    Bxfmus 3;7 :4;:1 Tf Hfsbs tfim tob pbfpib fc Gsrjbi wojt tob Ifrm ojm sjgm, lut toby wfuim`t igstb` j` yhfrb u`tf Hfsbs cfr j`augso, fc spgrgt, ghpjtgb`db j`m tobgr mgsobjrtb`bm objrt, toby ojm lbdfhb tf mgsdfurjabm j`m mbprbssbm j`m tobgr objrtsojm tf hudo cbjr ly tob g`drbjsg`a lurmb` fc tob drubi lf`mjab fc tobgr sijvbry. Hja`gcgbm

    :1,:? J`m gt djhb tf pjss, wob` ^ojrjfo ojm ibt tob pbfpib af, tojt Afm ibm tobh `ft torfuao tob wjy fc tob ij`m fc tob ^ogigstg`bs, jitofuao tojt wjs `bjr5 cfr Afm sjgm, Ibst pbrjmvb`turb tob pbfpib rbpb`t wob` toby sbb wjr, j`m toby rbtur` tf Baypt; :? Lut Afm ibm tob pbfpib jlfut, torfuao tob wjy fc tob wgimbr`bss fc tob \bm sbj; j`m tob dogimrb` fc Gsrjbi wb`t upojr`bssbm fut fc tob ij`m fc Baypt.

    Afm sb`ms yfu `ft mgrbdtiy j`m strjgaotjwjy g` j ljttib j`m wjr5 @f cgrst yfu ojvb tf af torfuao tob\bm Tbb wogdo gs j pjtt br` fc wjtbr ljptgsh! Ob mfbs`t wj`t yfu tf ojvb cbjr cfr tob ljttib j`m tob Qjr5sf tojt yfu wfuim ojvb tob mbsgrb tf rbtur` ljde tf Baypt ij`m. Tf iffeg`a jt tob pbfpib fc Afm u`mbr tobaugmj`db fc Hfsbs, yfu sbb vbry dibjriy tojt toby jrb stgii wbje, cbjrcui, j`m mgsdfurjabm j`m toby ojvbvbry dibjriy stgii tob hb`tjigty fc j sijvb, wgto j dojg`bm wgii j`m j lrfeb` spgrgt (wgii).

    L IG@M J@M CBJ\CRI Bxfmus :=;:> J`m wob` ^ojrjfo mrbw `gao, tob dogimrb` fc Gsrjbi igctbm up tobgr bybs, j`m, lbofim, tob Bayptgj`s hjrdobm

    jctbr tobh5 j`m toby wbrb sfrb jcrjgm; j`m tob dogimrb` fc Gsrjbi drgbm fut u`tf tob IF\M.

    Qojt wjs jdtujiiy hfrb ghprbssgvb cfr tob pbfpib fc Afm, tob ^giijr fc difum fr tob jrhy fc Baypt, tobdifum cuii fc Cgrb fr pojrjfo j`m ogs jrhbm cfrdbs6 Qjs Afm `ft vgsglib wgto tobh5 wjs tobrb j`y rbjsf`tf lb g` cbjr, sofuim toby tob` stgii `bbm tf lb g` j stjtb fc cbjr, js Afm ojm bvb` egiibm jii cgrstlfr` g`Baypt Ij`m j`m ojm spjrbm jii tobgr dogimrb`6 Ojm Afm `ft prfvb` tojt Ob wfuim cgaot cfr tobh5 Afm

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    Afm gs rbqugrg`a obrb crfh Gsrjbi tojt sob mbstrfys jii tob Gmfis, tob mbhf`gd tbhpibs, tob sbdrbttbhpibs j`m togs sf tofrfuaoiy tojt `ftog`a bisb rbhjg`s fc gt, js f`iy must5 j`m togs hbj`s tojt Afmrbqugrbs fc tobh j` jttgtumb fc j spgrgtbm wjrrgfr, tojt toby cgaot jajg`st tob Jhfrgtbs, tob Ogttgtbs, j`m tob^brgzzgtbs, tob Dj`jj`gtbs, tob Ogvgtbs, j`m tob Kblusgtbs wgto tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr. ]oby jrb `ft jiifwbmtf ibt bvb` f`b gmfi rbhjg` g`tjdt, bvbrytog`a ojs tf lb mbstrfybm. Qojt G hbj` gs tojt yfu mf `ft mf tojtwgto tob sfct`bss j`m tob hbbe`bss fc j ijh, fr wgto tob jttgtumb j`m tob dojrjdtbr fc j sijvb5 `f yfu mftojt wgto tob pfwbr, wgto tob pjssgf`, tob spgrgtbm`bss, tob cgrb j`m tob zbji fc tob Tpgrgt fc j Qjrrgfr. Wfudj``ft mf tojt wgto cbjrcui`bss, j`xgbty fr wgto tob dojrjdtbr fc j` b`sijvbm spgrgt!

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    4 spys, tob tb` prg`dbs fr tob bimbrs fc tob ftobr :> trglbs, Gsrjbi stjrtbm tf cgaot j`m tf

    ljttib tf lb jlib tf rbtur` ljde tf Baypt wgto j`ftobr ibjmbrsogp js Hfsbs j`m Kfsouj. ]oby wbrb wjag`awjr jajg`st Afm j`m tob pu`gsohb`t fc tobgr rblbiigf` wogdo wjs tf wjie jrfu`m g` tob mbssbrt cfr =>ybjrs u`tgi JII ojm mgbm wof ojm rblbiibm jajg`st Afms wjy j`m wgii.

    Lut bvb` jctbr tojt toby ojvb rbdbgvbm tob prfdijhjtgf` fc Afms rbprffc, toby wj`tbm tf ru` jwjy cfrtob df`sbqub`dbs cfr tobgr R@DOJ@ABM \BLBIIBM lbojvgfr j`m togs gs `ft pfssglib. Tf tob `bxt mjyjajg` toby mgm `ft mf @F] AFMT wgii5 jitofuao gc yfu wfuim `ft e`fw AFMT ^B\CBD] QGIIdf`dbr`g`a togs sgtujtgf`, gt wfuim iffe igeb js gc toby mf Afms wgii. Lut Afms prbsb`db gs `ft wgto tobhj`m toby jrb lbb` lbjtb` j`m mbcbjtbm. ]obgr wrf`a pjssgf` j`m wgii wjs obrb `ftog`a bisb jsMGTFLBMGB@DB j`m \BLBIIGF@!

    Ibt hb agvb yfu j`ftobr bxjhpib fc \BIGAGFRT T]\GSG@A! Ibt us tjeb j iffe jt Eg`a Mjvgm! Afmspfeb tf Mjvgm; Wfurb sf`, wogdo gs tob crugt fc yfur prfstgtutgf` wgii lb lfr` mbjto. Obrb gs Afm

    kumag`a tob wrf`a pjssgf`s j`m iusts fc Mjvgm j`m Ljtosoblj. Jajg` Eg`a Mjvgm b`ms up g` j wrf`a pjssgf` lbdjusb ob tog`es tojt ob dj` doj`ab tob df`sbqub`dbs fc ogs jmuitbrbss lbojvgfr. J`m sf obstjrts tf lb \BIGAGFRT, prjyg`a j`m cjstg`a u`tgi tojt gt gs surb cfr ogh gc ogs sf` igvbs fr mgbs. Qojt j`b`frhfus jlu`mj`tiy QJT]B FC B@B\AW! Qrf`a pjssgf`s, B`tousgjsh, cgrb, zbji j`m iust, jrbJIQJWT j QJT]B fc yfur IGSB ^FQB\. J`m yfu sofuim lbttbr ojvb sbrvbm Afm j`m ifvbm Afmwgto jii tobsb QJT]BM B@B\AW fc IGSB ^FQB\; Js tob Qfrm fc Afm tbiis us;

    Mbutbrf`fhy 3;2 j`m yfu sojii ifvb tob IF\M yfur Afm wgto jii yfur objrt >>: ibljl, j`m wgto jii yfur sfui >>4 jpjr' `bfhjg ,

    yfu ojvb tf mb`y yfursbic, sofuimbr yfur drfss, j`m cfiifw hb. >= psudob , yfu wgii hjeb tojt yfu ifsb >>2jp-fiiuhg gt, tojt gt pbrgsobs, tojt gt wgii lb mbstrfybm tojt gt wgii lb rug`bm, tojtgt wgii lb fc `f usb j`yhfrb j`m tojt yfu cg`biy wgii lrg`a gt tf mbjto. Lut gc yfuhjeb (lrg`a yfur sfui g` tob rgaot pfsgtgf`) tojt yfur igvb/sfui >>= psudob wgii,>>2 jp-fiiuhg pbrgso, tojt gt wgii lb mbstrfybm, tojt gt wgii lb rug`bm, j`m tojt gt

    cg`biy dfhbs tf j mbjto cfr hb, yfu sojii cg`m >>3 oburgsef j`m abt tf e`fwtrub igvb. >= psudob sojii ifsb >>2 jp-fiiuhg gt5 j`m wofsfbvbr sojii ifsb>>2 jp-fiiuhg ogs igcb/TFRI >>= psudob sojii prbsbrvb gt.

    I ueb 7;4 jpjr' `bfhjg oghsbic j`m tjeb upogs drfss mjgiy j`m cfiifw Hb. >= psudob sojii ifsb >>2 jp-fiiuhg gt, lut wofbvbr wgii

    ifsb >>2 jp-fiiuhg ogs igcb>>= psudob cfr Hy sjeb, ob sojii sjvb gt. 2 jp-fiiu hg gt5 j`m ob tojt pursubs wgto ojtb>>1 hg sbf ogs sfui g` togs wfrim, sojii lb jlib tf ebbp, aujrm, prftbdt j`m wjtdo >>? poui jssf fvbr gt u`tf btbr`ji igvb.Hja`gcgbm

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    Ibt hb agvb yfu j` bxjhpib fut fc hy fw` igvb; G dj` rbhbhlbr vbry wbii tojt js j yfu`a hj` G ojvb prjdtgdbm hftfdrfss. J`m lbdjusb fc tojt G wjs j vbry pjssgf`jtb yfu`a hj` gt mgm`t tjeb jii tojt if`atojt G stjrtbm tf lb b`tj`aibm g`tf vbry strj`ab wbgrm tofuaots. Hy pjssgf` wjs hftfdrfss j`m G dfuim `ftghjag`b ojvg`a j hfrb lbjutgcui mbjto js upf` hy hjdog`b g` j rjdb. Qbii, kust tog`e jt tob luii j`m tobrbm difto!

    Fo ybs, G ojm j vbry strf`a,zbjifus cgaotg`a spgrgt (wgii),

    lut gt wjs dfhpibtbiy wrf`ausbm, jdtgvjtbm j`m lrfuaot g`tfjdtgf`, G hjmb j dfhpibtbiywrf`a usb fc tob igvb-pfwbr, tobb`bray j`m tob T]\F@A wgii

    Afm ojm agvb` hb. J`m togs lrfuaot hb vbry fctb` g`tf rblbiigf` j`m g`tf pusog`a torfuao wgto hy wgii,wojt G wj`tbm, wojt G mbsgrbm cfr hb j`m hy cibso. Qob` G ojm j tjrabt lbcfrb hy bybs; tobrb wjs `ftog`atojt dfuim stfp hb j`yhfrb js f`iy mbjto. G wgii wojt G wgii j`m tojt gs wojt G wgii!

    ]ojt gs ^jssgf` Cgrb j`m [bji bxprbssbm, usbm, jdtgvjtbm j`m lrfuaot g`tf jdtgf` torfuao cgaotg`a j`m ljttig`a, jaarbssgvb`bss j`m wjag`a wjr jajg`st wojt sf bvbr fr cfr wojt sf bvbr. Afms tjrabt gs tojt yfurstrf`a wgii, wgii lb mbigvbrbm j`m dfhbs g`tf j dfhpibtb sulhgssgf`, sf tojt Cjtobr Afm gs jlib tf usbyfur wgii, yfur Cgrb, yfur ^jssgf` j`m [bji cfr Ogs tjrabts j`m Ogs pij`s, cfr WFR, WFR\ CJHGIW

    J@M ]OB QF\IM. ]og`e cfr j sofrt hfhb`t ljde jt tob igcb fc Hfsbs! Ttrf`a wgii, pjssgf`jtb, lut `ftdf`trfiibm j`m gt prfmudbs mbjto. Jctbr ogs MBTB\] ]GHB, ogs wgii wjs lrfeb` j`m lrfuaot tf j pfg`ttojt ob wjs rbjmy tf lb RTBM ly Afm!

    Gt jrb tobsb typbs fc hj` j`m wfhj` wobrb Afm ojs tf tbjr mfw` j ift fc tog`as sf tojt Ob dj` usbtobh js j` g`struhb`t g` Ogs oj`ms sf tojt pjssgf`, cgrb j`m zbji dj` lb jdtgvjtbm, usbm j`m lrfuaot g`tfjdtgf` tf lrg`a cfrto igvb. ]ogs typb fc hj` fr wfhj` dj` lbdfhb tob arbjtbst Tpgrgtuji Qjrrgfrs cfr tobEg`amfh fc Afm. Qb ojvb dfhb `fw tf tob b`m fc togs dojptbr lut f`b igttib bxjhpib G wj`t tf agvb yfuofw Afm lrg`as yfu crfh mbjtoiy, mbstrudtgvb pjssgf`s tf j hj` fc Afm cuii fc Cgrb, [bji j`m ^jssgf` cfrtob Eg`amfh fc Afm. Kust sfhbtog`a cfr yfu tf tog`e jlfut! J vbry affm bxjhpib g` togs gs tob jpfstib^jui crfh tjrsus, wof wgto j ift fc ^jssgf`, Cgrb [bji j`m b`tousgjsh wfres j`m jdts wgto arbjt

    jaarbssgvb`bss tf upofim j`m tf prftbdt Afms ijw j`m tob tbhpib fc Afm. Lut gt gs j ^jssgf` wogdofrgag`jtbs fut fc ogs fw` ouhj` sfui j`m tobrbcfrb gt lrg`as ogh g`tf wrf`a pjssgf`s, ybs bvb` g` hurmbrj`m sijuaotbr kust igeb tob Husighs tfmjy! Qb sbb tojt ^jui wgto arbjt pjssgf` j`m cgrb; ou`ts, pursubsj`m trjdes mfw` tob @bwlfr` Dorgstgj`s j`m egiis j`m mbstrfys tobh. Ob tog`es j`m ob gs dfhpibtbiydf`vg`dbm fc gt tojt ob gs cgaotg`a cfr j kust djusb cfr tob rgaot tjrabt j`m tojt ob gs cuicgiig`a Afms wgii.Qbii, togs gs tob Cjdb fc tob ogaobst cfrh fc \BIGAGF@, lbdjusb rbigagf` lrg`as us jiwjys tf j wrf`a

    pjssgf`, zbji j`m g`tf wrf`a ljttibs j`m g`tf uttbrhfst strj`abst wjrcjrbs. Lut jctbr j` b`dfu`tbrg`a wgtoKbsouj gt gs `ft f`iy tojt jii wojt ob mgm summb`iy stj`ms g` j tftjiiy mgccbrb`t igaot, `f bvbrytog`a


    ]ogs gs hb g` j tghb fc hy igvb, wbii jvbry stupgm tghb fc hy igvb!

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    D OJ^]B\ 4

    ] OB QJ\\GF\ J@M OGT ]J\AB] J Qjrrgfr, j dfhljtj`t rbauijtbs, cg`b-tu`bs j`m df`trfis ogs strf`a pjssgf`jtb mbsgrb j`m iust,df`trfiibm torfuao ogs wgii j`m lrg`as ogs wgii df`trfiibm g`tf Jdtgf`. Qob` yfu jrb wgiig`a tojt wojt Afmwj`ts wgto j tghgm spgrgt, `ft pjssgf`jtb j`m `ft wgto tob mbsgrb fc j strf`a wgii G jh vbry sfrry cfr yfu -

    lut G ojvb tf sjy tf yfu tojt togs gs g` `f wjy tob Lgligdji spgrgt fc j wjrrgfr tob spgrgt fc j dfhljtj`t. Jttob bxjhpib fc Gsrjbi yfu dfuim rbdfa`gzb vbry dibjriy ofw strf`aiy toby mbsgrbm cfr gt tf mf Afms wgii6Lut Kbsouj gs fur arbjt bxjhpib5 Ob ojm tob Tpgrgt fc j Qjrrgfr! Kbsouj ojm lbb` tbhptbm, tbstbm j`m trgbmj`m Ob mbcbjtbm j`m df`qubrbm fvbr jii tob tbhptjtgf`s. Ob ljttibm j`m wrfuaot u`tgi tob ijst lrbjto fcOgs igvb.

    G` tob hfvgb; ]ob ^jssgf` fc Kbsouj Dorgstwrgttb` j`m mgrbdtbm ly Hbi Aglsf`, G ojvb sbb`ofw tob ifvbr fc hy objrt j`m sfui, ojs lbb`wfu`mbm wgto tob ijsobs fc tob hfst drubiiyg`vb`tbm wgpbs toby ojm g` tojt tghb5 j`m tghb f`tghb jajg` Ob cgaots j`m abts up Ogs cbbt jajg` j`mjajg` j`m togs wgtofut agvg`a j`y sdrbjhg`a sfu`m,wgtofut fpb`g`a up Ogs hfuto, u`tgi Ob ojs `fstrb`ato j`yhfrb j`m gs ijyg`a hftgf`ibss f` tobarfu`m. Bvbrytog`a mgm tob Ifvb fc hy objrt j`msfui agvb, tf crbb hb5 Ob mgm`t ofim j`ytog`a ljde.

    ]ojt gs tob prgdb wogdo hy ifvb f`b pjgm cfr hb5 Obajvb JII, BSB\W]OG@A! ]ogs gs ofw hy Kbsouj ojs cfuaot j`m ljttibm cfr hb j`m yfu! Ob tffe Ogsstrf`a wgii j`m cfuaot j`m ljttibm wgto gt u`tgi Ob wjs `ft jlib j`yhfrb!

    Qojt j Qjrrgfr dojrjdtbrgzbs, gs tob wgiig`a`bss tf agvb JII, BSB\W]OG@A, cfr tob tjrabt wogdoijys g` crf`t fc ogh, ybs bvb` ogs igvb. @ftog`a gs hfrb ghpfrtj`t js tojt ob jdogbvbs ogs afji j`m tobmbstg`jtgf` cfr wogdo ob ojs af`b g`tf tob ljttib. J`m ybs tobrb jrb vbry surbiy `uhbrfus fc affmbxjhpibs fc togs dojrjdtbr tf cg`m g` tob Qfrm fc Afm,tob Lglib5 lut fur bxjhpib obrb gs fur lbifvbm Kbsoujwof g` tob ajrmb` fc Abtosbhj`b, gs swbjtg`a liffm j`mtbjrs, lbdjusb Ob gs cgaotg`a j`m wrbstig`a wgto tob cbjr

    fc mbjto wogdo Ob sbbs lbcfrb Ogs vbry bybs, pgdturbmtorfuao tob Tpgrgt fc Afm. Ob e`fws tob afji, tob tjrabtj`m tob mbstg`jtgf` fc Ogs ljttib5 Ob e`fws wogdo wjyOb ojs tf af. Lut stgii, jitofuao Ob e`fws gt, gt gs stgii jcgaot j`m j ljttib! J`m wojt mfbs Kbsouj sjy6

    H jttobw

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    ] J\AB] CFDRTBM]ob objrt fc j Tpgrgtuji wjrrgfr gs ]jrabt cfdusbm fr wgto ftobr wfrms, ob gs cfdusbm upf` tobmbstg`jtgf` j`m tob tjrabts fc tob afjis fc ogs hgssgf` j`m wgii `ft lb jlib tf lb stfppbm torfuao hg`frtog`as, ob wgii `ft jiifw oghsbic tf lb mgstrjdtbm. Ob ojs cfdusbm oghsbic upf` tob afji j`m tob tjrabtsj`m gs cuiiy df`db`trjtbm upf` ogs Hgssgf` j`m ob wgii `ft jiifwtojt sfhbtog`a mgstrjdts ogh g` jdogbvg`a ogs afji. ]f jdogbvb ogsafji ob wgii mf bvbrytog`a cfr gt tf abt mf`b tob kfl ob gs djiibmcfr tff mf. Ob wgii drjwi torfuao tob hum, succbr pjg` j`m ob wgii

    lbjr hfdebry; sdfr`, ou`abr j`m togrst j`m jii tob ftobr tog`aswogdo jrb `bdbssjry, sf tojt ob gs jlib tf jdogbvb ogsHgssgf`. Mf `ft rbqubst fr jse fc ogh tf mf tog`as wogdodfuim mgstrjdt ogh fc ogs hgssgf`, ogs afji j`m ogs tjrabt. ]ogs gswjstbm tghb j`m j wjstb fc bccfrt, cfr yfu wgii `ft lb jlib tf mf togs`fr wgii yfu suddbbm g` gt. Ob wgii `ft ibt oghsbic lb mgstrjdtbm j`m ob wgii`ft stfp g` lbg`a cfdusbm j`m jghbm upf` ogs tjrabt j`m ogs hgssgf`.

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    jutofrgzjtgf`, wgto tob dfhhgssgf` j`m tob dfhhj`m fc tob f`b wof ojs put ogh fr obr g` dojrab tf ajg`vgdtfry fvbr tojt wobrb ob gs DFHHJ@MBM tf cgaot jajg`st. ]ogs hjebs tojt tob Tpgrgtuji wjrrgfr trustsj`m rbigbs5 ybs ob e`fws tf lb suppfrtbm j`m prftbdtbm torfuao Afm tob Cjtobr j`m Ogs j`abis. Qojthjebs tojt ob wgii lb jlib tf torfw oghsbic g`tf tob ljttib j`m tob wjrcjrb wgto j dfhpibtb j`m cuiisurrb`mbr fc objrt, wgto jii ogs hgaot j`m jii ogs strb`ato5 ybs wgto tob pjssgf`, tob cgrb j`m tob zbji fc ogsstrf`a wgii. Ogs wgii, wogdo gs g` pbrcbdt ojrhf`y, g` f`b jddfrm j`m g` cuii jarbbhb`t wgto tob wgii fc tobf`b wof ajvb ogh tob Jssga`hb`t j`m tob HJ@MJ]B, tf dfhb g`tf jdtgf`! Qgtofut dfhhj`m j`mfrmbrs, ob wgii mf @F]OG@A bisb js wjgt!

    ]f lb jlib tf dfhb tf togs dojrjdtbr fc objrt, wb `bbm tf ojvb sfhbtog`a fc tob j`fg`tg`a fc tob trglbfc Kumjo, tob prfpobtgd hgigtj`t j`fg`tg`a fc tob Igf` fc Kumjo! Qof wgii `fw lb jhjzbm tojt Djibl wjsfc tob trglb fc Kumjo6 G` tob cgrst Lffe, wobrb wb tjiebm jlfut pjssgf`, cgrb j`m zbji; G wjs jiifwbm tftbii yfu j`m tf ibt yfu e`fw tojt tobrb gs cfr JII j prfpobtgd j`fg`tg`a cfr obr fr ogs g`obrgtj`db! J`mwojt gs gt togs spbdgji j`fg`tg`a6

    Gt gs tob objrt fc j spgrgtuji wjrrgfr wof jses cfr Afms ^B\CBD] wgii j`m ^IJ@ cfr ogsG@OB\G]J@DB j`m ofw tf ]JEB G] G@, tf hjeb gt ogs fw`. J`m wob` ob fr sob stjrts tf hfvb j`m tfdfhb g`tf jdtgf`, lbg`a jdtgvjtbm wgto j`m torfuao tob Ofiy Tpgrgt, ob fr sob gs dfhg`a tf j pijdb tf lbjlib tf \BDBGSB j prfpobtgd j`fg`tg`a wogdo gs ijgm jsgmb j`m gs lbb` sjvbm j`m ebpt g` objvb` cfr yfu5sob ojs lbb` wjgtg`a tobrb cfr yfu sf tojt yfu wgii lb jlib j`m wgii lb b`jlibm tf tjeb g`, tf arjsp j`m tfdjptgvjtb yfur pbrsf`ji g`obrgtj`db.

    :^btbr :;4-7 Libssbm lb tob Afm j`m Cjtobr fc fur Ifrm Kbsouj Dorgst, Ob jddfrmg`a tf Ogs arbjt hbrdy ojvg`arbab`brjtbm us tf j igvg`a ofpb torfuao tob rbsurrbdtgf` fc Kbsouj Dorgst crfh tob mbjm, = tf j` g`obrgtj`db g`dfrruptglib j`mu`mbcgibm, j`m u`cjmg`a, ojvg a lbb` ebpt g` Objvb` cfr yfu 2 ly tob pfwbr fc Afm, ojvg`a lbb` aujrmbm (tf lb rbibjsbm)torfuao cjgto tf j sjivjtgf` rbjmy tf lb rbvbjibm g` tob ijst tghb5 3 g` wogdo yfu bxuit5 ybt j igttib wogib, gc gt `bbm tf lb,

    argbvg`a g` hj`gcfim trgjis, 1 sf tojt tob prfvg`a fc yfur cjgto , (]ghb fc ]BT]G@A) hudo hfrb prbdgfus toj` pbrgsog`a afim,lut ojvg`a lbb` prfvbm torfuao cgrb, hjy lb cfu`m tf prjgsb j`m of fr j`m aifry jt tob rbvbijtgf` fc Kbsouj Dorgst5 ? wofhojvg`a `ft sbb`, yfu ifvb5 g` wofh `ft ybt sbbg`a, lut lbigbvg`a, yfu bxuit wgto u`spbjejlib kfy j`m ojvg`a lbb` aifrgcgbm, 7fltjg`g`a tob b m fc yfur cjg to, tob sjivjtgf` fc yfur sfui s .

    G` tob sgxto vfiuhb, j lffe wrgttb` jlfut tob Lffe fc Kfsouj, df`sgstg`a fut fc twf vfiuhbs, wb wgii afhudo mbbpbr g`tf togs! ]ogs prfpobtgd j`fg`tg`a gs j rfyji j`fg`tg`a tf lb jlib tf bxbdutb mgvg`b jutofrgtyj`m tf pbrcfrh strf`a j`m hgaoty mbbms g` tob hgaot j`m tob pfwbr fc tob jutofrgty fc Afms Eg`amfh. Gtgs j` j`fg`tg`a wogdo yfu wgii rbdbgvb wob` yfu stjrt tf ojvb tob objrt j`m tob dojrjdtbr fc j spgrgtujiwjrrgfr wof sbbes j`m jses cfr Afms ^B\CBD] ]OBIBHJ wgii. Gt gs jii g` Afms torf`b rffh, g` Ogs

    prbsb`db, wjgtg`a upf` tob tghb tojt gt dj` lb agvb` tf yfu. Lut cfr togs yfu ojvb tf hjturb, yfu ojvb tf lb trjg`bm5 yfu ojvb tf lb trj`scfrhbm jctbr tob Ghjab j`m igeb`bss fc tob dojrjdtbr fc Kbsouj Dorgst, tobTf` fc tob Igvg`a Afm! Kbsouj e`bw jisf tojt Ob wfuim dfhb fut fc Ogs ljttib j`m wjrcjrb js jSgdtfrgfus df`qubrfr! Kbsouj sjgm;

    G ojvb rbdbgvbm j wfrm j dfhhj`m fc hy Cjtobr tojt G jh jlib tf ijy mfw` hy igvb crbbiy j`m tf tjeb gt up jajg`.

    ]obrb wjs `ft f`b hfhb`t g` tob objrt fc Kbsouj tojt Ob ojm j`y mfult5 Ob ojm cjgto j`m j cuii trusttojt wojt Ogs Cjtobr ojm tfim Ogh wjs tob truto. Ob e`bw wof Ob wjs j`m Ob e`bw tojt tob Cjtobr wjsdfhpibtbiy ljdeg`a Ogh up j`m suppfrtg`a Ogh tf jddfhpigso tob wgii fc tob Cjtobr g` togs wjrcjrb j`m

    ljttib Ob ojm tf cgaot. Gt wjs Ogs Cjtobr wof ojm jssurbm j`m prfhgsbm Ogh cuii vgdtfry. Lut gt wjs jisftob Cjtobr wof ojm sofwbm Ogh wojt crugt togs vgdtfry wfuim lrg`a. J`m lbdjusb fc tojt, jrfsb g` tobobjrt fc Kbsouj j pjssgf`jtb wgii j`m j mbsgrb cfr tob hfhb`t fc myg`a sf tojt Ob wfuim prbss f` torfuao,tf ajg` cuii vgdtfry. ]ruiy j`m lbyf`m j`y rbjsf` fc mfult, Kbsouj ojm CJG]O j`m ]\RT]BM g` tojt

    wojt tob Cjtobr ojm spfeb` tf Ogh j`m Ob ojm `f mfult g` Ogs objrt, tog`eg`a tojt Ob wjs `ft jlib tfajg` vgdtfry fvbr mbjto. Tofuim Ob ojvb ojm gt g` tob Ajrmb` fc Abtosbhj`b, Ob ajg`bm Sgdtfry fvbr gt!

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    A FJI , ]J\AB] J@M OR@]G@A ]ob cgrst afji j`m tjrabt tojt yfu jrb ou`tg`a jctbr gs cgrstiy, Kbsouj Oghsbic! Wfu jrb arjspbm lyOgh, tjeb` ly Ogh j`m `fw g` jii yfur wbje`bss fc objrt j`m sfui yfu jrb strbtdog`a yfursbic fut tfOgh. Wfu ou`t jctbr Ogh5 yfu ou`t jctbr gt tf rbdfa`gzb Ogs wgii, cfr yfursbic, cfr yfur igvb, wgto tobstrb`ato wogdo Ob ojs agvb` yfu torfuao tob g`ojlgtjtgf` fc tob Ofiy Tpgrgt wgtog` yfu. J`m G dj` tbiiyfu tojt yfu vbry surbiy wgii `ft cbbi strf`a, lut js yfu mf `ft igvb j`yhfrb torfuao yfur cbbig`as,torfuao yfur bhftgf`s, lut ]O\FRAO WFR\ CJG]O, togs hjebs tojt yfu rbdbgvb wg`as igeb j` bjaibj`m tojt yfu jrb jlib tf \BTGMB g` Afms jihgaoty trj`scfrhg`a igcb agvg`a ^\BTB@DB, js wb ojvbibjr`bm yfu g` tob lffe, prbssg`a G`tf Ogs prbsb`db .

    O fsbj 3;:-3 Dfhb, j`m ibt us rbtur` u`tf tob IF\M; cfr ob ojto tfr`, j`m ob wgii obji us5 ob ojto shgttb` us j`m ob wgiilg`m us up. < Jctbr twf mjys wgii ob rbvgvb us; g` tob togrm mjy ob wgii rjgsb us up, j`m wb sojii igvb g` ogs sgaot (Ogs prbsb`db).4 ]ob` sojii wb e`fw, gc wb cfiifw f` (ebbp f` ou`tg`a) tf e`fw tob IF\M; ogs afg`a cfrto gs prbpjrbm js tob hfr`g`a5 j`mob sojii dfhb u`tf us js tob rjg`, js tob ijttbr j`m cfrhbr rjg` u`tf tob bjrto. (Fvbr yfur objrt j`m sfui) = F Bporjgh, wojt

    sojii G mf u`tf tobb6 F Kumjo, wojt sojii G mf u`tf tobb6 cfr yfur affm`bss gs js j hfr`g`a difum, j`m js tob bjriy mbw gt afbto jwjy. 2 ]obrbcfrb ojvb G obwbm tobh ly tob prfpobts5 G ojvb sijg` tobh ly tob wfrms fc hy hfuto; j`m toy kumahb`tsjrb js tob igaot tojt afbto cfrto. 3 Cfr G mbsgrbm hbrdy, j`m `ft sjdrgcgdb5 j`m tob e`fwibmab fc Afm hfrb toj` lur`tfccbrg`as.

    O fsbj =;3 Hy pbfpib jrb mbstrfybm cfr ijde fc e`fwibmab (:b, ]ojt G hjy e`fw ogh, j`m tob pfwbr fc ogs rbsurrbdtgf`, j`m tob cbiifwsogp fc ogs succbrg`as , lbg`a hjmb df`cfrhjlib u`tf ogsmbjto5 :: Gc ly j`y hbj`s G hgaot jttjg` u`tf tob rbsurrbdtgf` fc tob mbjm. :< @ft js tofuao G ojm jirbjmy jttjg`bm, bgtobrwbrb jirbjmy pbrcbdt; lut G cfiifw jctbr, gc tojt G hjy djpturb tojt cfr wogdo jisf G jh sbgzbm fc Dorgst Kbsouj. :4 Lrbtorb`, Gdfu`t `ft hysbic tf ojvb sbgzbm gt; lut togs f`b tog`a G mf, cfrabttg`a tofsb tog`as wogdo jrb lbog`m, j`m rbjdog`a cfrto u`tf

    tofsb tog`as wogdo jrb lbcfrb hb, (g` tghb j`m mgstj`db) := G prbss tfwjrm tob hjre, tob afji j`m tob mbstg`y fc tob prgzb fctob ogao djiig`a fc Afm g` Dorgst Kbsouj. Hja`gcgbm!

    Teuljif`; Bxdrbhb`t fc j`ghjis, fccsdfurg`as, rullgso, mrbas - :j) fc tog`as wfrtoibss j`m mbtbstjlib

    J`m gc yfu jrb wbje fr strf`a fr gc yfu cbbi wbje fr strf`a tojt gs `ft ghpfrtj`t `fr gs gt mbtbrhg`j`tj`m mbdgsgvb. Mbtbrhb`t, drudgji, sga`gcgdj`t, j`m mbdgsgvb gs tob Qfrm tojt Ob spbjes tf yfu5 tojt wojt Obsjys j`m tf ojvb CJG]O g` tojt Qfrm! J`m tob Qfrm fc Afm sjys; Ibt tob wbje sjy, G jh strf`a. ]ogshbj`s tojt wob` yfu ojvb rbdfa`gzbm tob wgii fc Afm cfr yfur igvb, cfr yfur objrt j`m sfui5 tojt yfu hjye`fw tojt tob wofib objvb`iy jutofrgty gs jt yfur mgspfsji tf lb jlib tf jdogbvb tob hjre, tob afji j`m tftjeb g` tojt wojt Afm sjys wojt yfu ojvb tf tjeb g`.

    : Dfrg `tog j`s :;

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    Qof mfbs`t igeb tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib f` togs wjy6 Qof mfbs`t wj`t tf af g`tf tob ljttib wgto pjssgf`, cgrb, zbji j`m b`tousgjsh, ojvg`a tob hjre j`m tob tjrabt lbcfrb tobgr bybs wogdo Afm ojs agvb`yfu5 f` togs wjy6 Lut5 ob, wof mfbs`t wj`t tf cgaot, afg`a g`tf wjrcjrb, ojs jirbjmy ifst j`m gs jirbjmymbcbjtbm! Qob` yfu mf `ft wj`t tf cgaot j`m tf ljttib wgto Afm jt yfur sgtb tf tjeb g`, yfur g`obrgtj`db,yfu wgii mrbjmcuiiy dfhb tf mbjto!

    Wbs truiy, j`m lbyf`m j`y sojmfw fc j mfult, ojvg`a tob Tpgrgt fc j wjrrgfr gs tf wgii tojt wojt Afmwgiis! Lut `ft tf wgii gt igeb Ijfmgdbj5 lbdjusb tojt gs `ft j pjssgf`jtb surrb`mbr j`m wgiig`a tojt wojtAfm wgiis5 Lbdjusb togs pjssgf`jtb surrb`mbr js j wjrrgfr j`m j ifvbr fc Ogs sfui, gs `ft g`obrb`t wgtog`tob objrt fc tofsb wof lbif`a tf Ijfmgdbj. Lut jisf G lbif`a tf tojt pjrt fc tob Lfmy fc Dorgst - jitofuao Gmf `ft - igeb ^jui sjys G jh j Arbbe tf tob Arbbe j`m j objtob` tf tob objtob` wgtofut lbg`a gt. ]ob mbsgrbj`m tob pjssgf`jtb wgii fc Afm, gs tojt yfu jrb OF] cfr Ogh, ybs bvb` js OF] JT LFGIG@A wjtbr! Gt gsj pgty tojt togs gs `ft jisf trj`sijtbm fut fc tob rfft tbxt, lbdjusb OF] gs tob Arbbe Qfrm [bstfs wogdohbj`s lfgig`a, stbjhg`a oft. Tf yfu ojvb tf lb stbjhg`a lfgig`a oft cfr Afm j`m gs togs `ft lydfg`dgmb`db tob dojrjdtbr j`m tob hjre fc pjssgf`, cgrb, zbji j`m b`tousgjsh6

    \bvbijtgf` 4; :=-:1 J`m tf tob j`abi fc tob dourdo fc Ijfmgdbj, wrgtb; ]obsb tog`as sjys tob Jhb`, tob cjgtocui j`m trubQgt`bss, tob Objm fc tob drbjtgf` fc Afm; :2 G e`fw yfur wfres, yfur ijlfr, j`m bccfrts, lut yfu jrb bgtobr dfim `fr oft >>7zbstfs . G wfuim tojt yfu wbrb dfim, fr oft >>7 zbstfs . :3 Tf, lbdjusb yfu jrb iuebwjrh >:> doig jrfs , (sifw, `ft usbcui tf lbjdtgvb tjeg`a `f mbdgsgf`s - `ft jttb`tgvb, pjssgvb, - mgsg`tbrbstbm ijdy j mrbjhbr, `ft igvg`a g` tob rbjigty cijddgm, igcbibssj`m rfuao bhftgf`ibss, mbtjdobm j`m jlsb`db fc bhftgf`s j`m djrbibss) j`m `bgtobr dfim `fr oft, G jh jlfut tf vfhgt yfufut fc Hy hfuto. :1 Lbdjusb yfu sjy, G jh rgdo, j`m G jh hjmb rgdo, j`m G ojvb `bbm fc `ftog`a, j`m yfu mf `ft e`fw tojt yfujrb wrbtdobm j`m hgsbrjlib j`m pffr wgtofut cbbig`as j`m lig`m j`m `jebm. Hja`gcgbm

    < btbr :;4-7 Js Ogs mgvg`b pfwbr ojs agvb` tf us jii tog`as pbrtjg`g`a tf igcb j`m afmig`bss torfuao tob cuii e`fwibmab fctob F`b djiig`a us torfuao aifry j`m vgrtub, = ly wogdo hbj`s Ob ojs agvb` tf us tob vbry arbjt j`m prbdgfus prfhgsbs, sf toj ttorfuao tobsb yfu hgaot lb pjrtjebrs fc tob mgvg`b `jturb, bsdjpg`a crfh tob dfrruptgf` g` tob wfrim ly iust. 2 Lut jisf g` togsvbry tog`a, lrg`ag`a g` jii mgigab`db, cgiig`a g` yfur cjgto wgto vgrtub, strb`ato, pjssgf` j`m tob wgii tf cgaot5 j`m vgrtub wgtoe`fwibmab5 3 j`m e`fwibmab wgto sbic df`trfi5 j`m sbic df`trfi wgto b`murj`db5 j`m b`murj`db wgto afmig`bss5 1 j`m

    afmig`bss wgto lrftobriy ifvb5 j`m lrftobriy ifvb wgto ifvb. ? Cfr gc tobsb tog`as lbg`a g` yfu, j`m jrb jlfu`mg`a g` yfu, to bywgii hjeb yfu `ft gmib, `fr u`crugtcui g` tob cu ii e `fwibmab fc fur Ifrm Kbsouj Dorgst. 7 Cfr tob f`b g` wofh tobsb tog`as jrb`ft prbsb`t gs lig`m, lbg`a sofrtsgaotbm (igeb Ijfmgdbj), tjeg`a f` cfrabtcui`bss fc tob dibj`sg`a fc ogs sg`s g` tghb pjst.

    \bvbijtgf` 4;:?, :7 G jmvgsb yfu tf luy crfh Hb afim (purgcgbm Qfrm fc Afm) ojvg`a lbb` cgrbm ly cgrb, tojt yfu hjy lbrgdo5 j`m wogtb ajrhb`ts, tojt yfu hjy lb diftobm, j`m yfur sojhb j`m `jebm`bss hjy `ft lb rbvbjibm. J`m j`fg`t yfur bybswgto byb sjivb, tojt yfu hjy sbb. :7 G, js hj`y "js G ifvb, G rblueb j`m G dojstb`." Lb zbjifus , tob`, j`m rbpb`t .

    ^rfvbrls. 4;:< Lbofim, G stj`m futsgmb jt tob mffr j`m e`fde; Gc j`yf`b objrs Hy vfgdb j`m fpb`s tob mffr, G wgiib`tbr tf ogh, j`m G wgii mg`b wgto ogh, j`m ob wgto Hb.

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    =:: g' ejf tob wfrim5 j`m togs gs tob vgdtfry wogdo ojs afttb` tob vgdtfry fvbr tob wfrim, yfur c jgto . 2

    Qof gs ob tojt abts tob vgdtfry fvbr tob wfrim, lut o b tojt lbigbvbs tojt Kbsouj gs tob Tf` fc Afm!

    Hfrb bjsgiy, sghpibr j`m hfrb bccbdtgvb gs `ft pfssglib. Gt gs yfur ljttib j`m tob cgaot cfr tob cjgto wojtwgii hjeb fc yfu j vgdtfr lbdjusb yfu wgii lb j ^J\]JEB\ fc tob vgdtfry fc jii tojt wojt Kbsouj ojsdf`qubrbm j`m wojt Ob ojs mbcbjtbm j`m togs JII torfuao CJG]O. F` togs wjy yfu wgii lb jlib tfrbdbgvb BSB\W]OG@A wojt Cjtobr Afm ojs prbpjrbm cfr yfu G@ KBTORJ DO\GT]. Wfu jrb j pjrtjebrfc BSB\W]OG@A wojt OB gs j`m wojt OB ojs, torfuao yfur Cjgto fc tojt wojt Ob ojs jddfhpigsobmupf` tob drfss. Wfu dj` sbb `fw vbry dibjriy tojt CJG]O gs `ftog`a cfr tob hg`m, LR] CF\ ]OBOBJ\]!

    Kfo` :3;44 G ojvb spfeb` tobsb tog`as tf yfu tojt yfu hjy ojvb pbjdb g` Hb. Wfu wgii ojvb mgstrbss j`m trgluijtgf` g` tob

    wfrim5 lut lb b`dfurjabm5 G ojvb fvbrdfhb >:: g' ejf tob wfrim.

    \fhj`s ::: @g ejf tobh, lbdjusb Ob wof gs g` yfu gs arbjtbr j`mhfrb pfwbrcuii toj` ob wof gs g` tob wfrim.

    ^ogigpgj`s 4;:

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    Afm gs djiig`a yfu tf jrgsb g` j ljttib j`m tf wjab wjr jajg`st Tjtj` j`m jiiogs jrhys , wogdo dfhb jajg`st yfu tfmbdbgvb yfu crfh Afms wgii. Ob wgiicgaot cfr gt tojt yfu wgii cfrabt j`m bvb`bxdoj`ab Afms pbrcbdt wfrm j`m wgiicfr yfur objrt j`m sfui, sf tojt yfu wgii`ft lb vgdtfrgfus. J`m tf jii tobsb yfuojvb tf stj`m cgrh j`m ofim tob arfu`m,e`fwg`a Afms wgii; tob affm,jddbptjlib j`m pbrcbdt wgii fc Afm.

    ]ob wfrm rbsgstg` a hbj`s; \bsgst,rbcusb tf jddbpt, fppfsb, rbcusb tf afjif`a wgto, stj`m cgrh j`m rbcusb tf agvbg`. ]ogs gs tob hfhb`t tojt yfu jrb jiifwbm tf lb j rblbi j rbvfiutgf`jry hgigtj`t wjrrgfr jajg`st jii wojtTjtj` mbsgrbs crfh yfu j`m wojt tob cibso wgiis crfh yfu. @fw yfu jrb jiifwbm tf lb j rbvfiutgf`jryjajg`st bvbrytog`a wgto wojt ob gs fppfsg`a yfu j`m wgto jii tob tog`as ob trgbs tf mbdbgvb yfu, lbdjusbob wgii usb j`m jdtgvjtb jii ogs mbctiy trgdes ob ojs. ]ogs gs tob hfhb`t tojt yfu jrb jiifwbm tf jdtgvjtbyfur pjssgf`jtb wgii, yfur cgrb, yfur zbji j`m b`tousgjsh tf cgaot jajg`st sg` j`m tob wofib jrhy fcmbhf`gd cfrdbs wof dfhb jajg`st yfu tf prjdtgdb j`m tf bxbdutb pfwbr j`m mfhg`gf` fvbr yfur igvb. Wfudj` jirbjmy `fw ojvb j arbjt kfy cfr tob vgdtfry wogdo wgii lb yfurs, lbdjusb tob wbje f`bs wgii mbcbjttob strf`abst pfwbrs fc Tjtj`, lbdjusb Afm gs jt yfur sgtb. Hfrbfvbr Ob gs jt yfur sgtb lbdjusb Ob djiibmyfu cfr togs ljttib igeb Ob mgm wgto Agmbf` j`m wgto Kfsouj!

    Afm Ogs b`bhgbs ojvb lbdfhb `fw jisf yfur b`bhgbs js yfu jrb j Dorgstgj` `fw, j mgsdgpib j`m j

    cfiifwbr fc Kbsouj Ogs tbjdog`as5 tob g`strudtgf`s j`m augmbig`bs wof ibjm tf tob pjto fc igvb. Wbs, yfuojvb `fw tob sjhb b`bhy js Afm ojs. Lbcfrb tob tghbs tojt yfu wbrb j Dorgstgj`, yfu ojm j`m wbrb jcrgb`m fc togs wfrim j`m tob mbhf`s df`trfiig`a yfu j`m tob wfrim b`sijvg`a yfu. @fw mf, yfu jrb f`b fcogs hfst cbjrbm b`bhgbs5 js yfu jrb cgaotg`a j`m wjag`a wjr wgto Afm jt yfur sgtb jajg`st ogh j`m tojt gsj vbry ljm sgtujtgf` cfr Tjtj` j`m ogs mbhf`s. @ft tf sjy jt ibjst j djtjstrfpob cfr Tjtj` j`m ogs eg`amfhj`m cfr tob jrhgbs ob gs fppfsg`a jajg`st yfu. Wfu ojvb surrb`mbrbm yfursbic tf tob jutofrgty fc AfmsEg`amfh j`m yfu jrb u`tf gt tf djpturb ljde bvbrytog`a wojt Tjtj` ojs stfib` crfh yfu g` jii tob ybjrswogdo ijy lbog`m yfu.

    G mf `ft e`fw ofw gt gs wgto yfur igvb, lut g` hy igvb ob ojs stfib` j`m mbstrfybm qugtb j ift. Lut togs gsfvbr `fw j`m tob tghb ojs dfhb tojt g`stbjm tojt ob lg`ms j`m tgbs hb, tojt G wgii stjrt tf ou`t ogh j`m

    tojt G wgii lbdfhb f`b fc ogs hfst cbjrbm b`bhgbs. Afm ojs tfim hb tojt ob ojs agvb` hb jutofrgty tf ou`togh jwjy crfh hy g`obrgtj`db j`m togs gs wojt wb jrb mfg`a `fw ]FAB]OB\ ! Tjtj` j`m ogs mbhf`sojvb `f ibagtghjtb rgaots jt hy igvb j`yhfrb - wogdo G mgm agvb ogh torfuao tob wrf`a mbdgsgf`s g` hyigvb (TG@) cfr Kbsouj ojs mgbm j`m pjgm tob prgdb tf hjeb tobsb rgaots wgtofut j`y pfwbr. ]oby f`iyojvb tob pfwbr fc rgaots wob` wb mf `ft ru` tf tob torf`b fc Arjdb! Tf jajg` mfw` obrb Oblrbws :> hbtbr dfursb j`m < tob rbijy rjdb5 wb ojvb jii : j pbrsf`ji g`obrgtj`dbtf jdogbvb j`m wb ojvb < j` g`obrgtj`db cfr jii tfabtobr j` g`obrgtj`db wogdo wb dj` f`iy jdogbvb j`mjttjg` jii tfabtobr. ]og`e jlfut togs j`m jse gc tob Tpgrgt fc Afm gs wgiig`a tf rbvbji yfu bvb` hfrb. Cfr Gwgii `ft af j`y mbbpbr g`tf togs `fw! Qb wgii dfvbr togs jspbdt g` ijtbr vfiuhbs jlfut tob Lffe fc Kfsoujj`m tob Igf` fc Kumjo. Gt js gt gs, JII gs prbmbstg`jtbm tf lb crfh yfu, j`m jii gs tobrb cfr yfu!

    :Dfrg`to gj`s 4;

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    JJ QQ ff rr mm ff cc tt oo bb CCjj tt oo bbrr jj ` mm tt oo bb TTff `

    ]ob Cjtobr sjys Qob` yfu jrb wgiig`a js G wgii J`m wob` yfu g` yfur wbje`bss fc tob cibso j`m spgrgt

    Tbbe bjr`bstiy j`m rbib`tibssiy jctbr hy wgii5]ob` surbiy G wgii dfhb tf strb`atob` yfu

    J`m tf agvb yfu crfh hy pfwbr j`m strb`ato,Tf tojt yfu igeb upf` wg`as fc j` bjaib dj` dfhb tf hb.

    J`m G wgii sofw yfu jrfu`m g` Hy Eg`amfh J`m tojt wojt gs hg`bs, wgii lb yfurs;Wbs, hy wgii gs tojt yfu g`obrgt bvbrytog`a wojt gs crfh hb;

    Hy strb`ato j`m ^fwbr, hy aifry, hy `jturb,Hy pbrsf`jigty; Hy Eg`amfh.

    Cfr togs rbjsf` hy Tf` mgm agvb ogs igvb,Tf tojt yfu dj` lb wgto Hb j`m tojt yfu sojii lb wgto Hb.

    Kbsouj sjysCfr hy wgii gs tojt yfu jrb jisf tobrb wobrb G jh5

    g` tob ]orf`b fc hy Cjtobr.Tf mf `ft stfp wgto tfudog`a fur objrts.

    G wgii dfhb wgto bvbrytog`a cfr jii. J`m yfu ijy mfw` bvbrytog`a lbcfrb hb, sf tojt G dj` tfudo gt.

    Cfr hy wgii gs, tf hjeb bvbrytog`a `bw; Wfur tofuaots, yfur spbjeg`a,yfur cjgto, yfur cjhgigbs, j`m yfur ifvb, kust bvbrytog`a.

    Qob` yfu mf `ft puii yfursbic ljde, toj` G wgii jisf `ft puiiHysbic ljde cfr G ifvb yfu wgto hy Btbr`ji ifvb.

    Jpfstib ^rfpobt Hg`strbi -Kfoj``bs Kfo`

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    DOJ^]B\ =


    :Dfrg`to gj`s 4;

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    Dfifssgj` s :;:>-:: ]ojt yb hgaot wjie wfrtoy fc tob Ifrm u`tf jii pibjsg`a, lbg`a crugtcui g` bvbry affm wfre, j`mg`drbjsg`a g` tob e`fwibmab fc Afm5 :: tojt yfu hgaot lb strb`atob`bm wgto jii ogs hgaot, jddfrmg`a tf ogs aifrgfus pfwbr,u`tf jii pjtgb`db j`m if`asuccbrg`a wgto kfycui`bss5 tf lb jlib tf lbjr jii tog`as wgto kfy tf ofim torfuao j`m tf b`murb jiitog`as wgto pjtgb`db. Hja`gcgbm

    ^og ig ppgj`s =;:

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    \fhj`s 3;::1 jmg' egj . tf sg`, lut prbsb`t yfursbivbs tf Afm js f`bigvg`a crfh tob mbjm, j`m yfur hbhlbrs js g`struhb`ts fc rgaotbfus`bss tf sbrvb Afm. := Cfr yfur sg` sojii (j`m dj`) `ft ruibfvbr yfu j`yhfrb, sob ojs ifsb` obr pfwbr fc bccbdtgvb`bss fvbr yfu sob wgii `ft lb jlib tf ruib fvbr yfu j`yhfrb cfr yfu jrb`ft u`mbr tob ijw j`yhfrb, lut u`mbr tob arjdb. Hja`gcgbm

    Ab`bsgs =;3,1 J`m tob IF\M spfeb j`m jsebm Djg`, Qoy ojvb yfu j aifw fc j`abr6 J`m woy mf yfu ojvb sudo j if`a cjdb, jrb sf mbprbssbm j`m woy gs yfur objm mfw`6 1 Gs gt `ft sf tojt gc yfu mf wbii, (j`m yfur sfui gs affm) j`m wob` yfu jdtrgaot, tojt yfu dj` igct up yfur objm j`m tojt yfur sjdrgcgdb surbiy wgii lb jddbptbm6 J`m gc yfu mf `ft mf wbii j`m yfur sfui gs`ft affm tojt sg` gs ijyg`a jt tob mffr fc yfur objrt, tojt ob gs jctbr yfu j`m tojt ob mbsgrbs tf bxbdutb ruibrsogp fvbr yfu6 Tf

    sofuim gt `ft lb! \uib fvbr gt, df`qubrfr fvbr gt. Wfu jrb jlib tf ruib j`m hjstbr gt j`m yfu ojvb tf df`qubr gt.H ja`gcgbm j`m crbbiy tr j`sijtbm

    O BI^ J@M TR^^F\] G@ ]OB \BTGT]J@DB , ]OBDF@C\F@]J]GF@ J@M ]OB DFHLJ] FC QJ\

    Qob` tob wgii fc sg` wfuim `ft fppfsb yfu `fr agvb yfu j`y rbsgstj`db toj` yfu mgm`t `bbm tf tjiejlfut j ljttib j`m j cgaot jajg`st tob cibso j`m tob` yfu mg m`t `bbm tf cgaot tf ajg` tob df`trfi ljde fvbryfur tbhpib tf hjstbr gt. Lut tob wgii fc sg` trgbs tf bxbdutb obr pfwbr j`m ruibrsogp fvbr yfur igvb j`mtogs lbdjusb yfur spgrgt wjs mbjto jt tob tghb fc yfur lgrto5 wogdo gs tob g`obrgtbm dursb fvbr wofibouhj`gty, lbdjusb fc Jmjh ogs mgsflbmgb`db. ]ob sb`sbs fc yfur lfmy jrb j`m ojvb lbb` cgrstiy u`mbr jmgccbrb`t df`trfi j`m ruibrsogp js yfur spgrgt. Gt gs tob ruibrsogp fc yfur fw` sfui, tob ruibrsogp fc hb5 j`mtogs wgtofut Afms obip u`m wgtofut Afms wgii. ]ogs wgii hjeb fc yfu vbry qugdeiy j sijvb fc yfur sg`cuiwgii, fc tob pjssgf`s j`m iusts df`trfiibm ly togs wgii, wogdo jrb vbry fctb` u`mbr tob df`trfi j`m ruibrsogpfc mbhf`gd pfwbrs j`m tob cfrdbs fc mjre`bss g` tob jgr. Qjs tob strb`ato fc yfur strf`a wgii `ftsfhbtog`a igeb j dfhljtg`a spgrgt6 Qojt gs toj` mjgiy wjag`a wjrcjrb jajg`st Afms wgii6 Gs gt `ft tobsg`cui cibso, wogdo gs `ft jlib tf sulmub gtsbic j`m wogdo ojs `ft tob wgii tf lb sulhgssgvb tf Afms wgii,wojt gs hfrb5 gt gs `ft bvb` jlib tf mf tojt.

    Lut g` togs wjrcjrb, wogdo tob Cjtobr ojs dfhhj`mbm yfu tf af g`, g` togs wjrcjrb jajg`st tob sg`cuiwgii5 Ob mbsgrbs j`m if`as cfr gt tf obip yfu j`m tf suppfrt yfu. ]ogs gs woy Ob ojs sb`t yfu tob OfiyTpgrgt, tf suppfrt yfu, tf strb`atob` yfu tf lb j obip tf lb jlib tf ajg` j DFH^IB]B J@M CRII vgdtfrytfabtobr wgto Ogh fvbr tob wfres fc tob cibso, yfur sg`cui wgii. ]f lb jlib tf ajg` cuii vgdtfry fvbr togs gsgt SG]JI tf lb j df-wfrebr wgto tob Ofiy Tpgrgt. Wfu ojvb tf agvb Ogh jii tob rgaots fvbr yfur igvb, fvbryfur sfui j`m jii wojt yfu jrb j`m cfr togs yfu ojvb tf agvb yfur WBT5 tojt yfu agvb Ogh tob rgaot tfmbstrfy j`m tf egii bvbrytog`a wojt gs `ft jctbr Afms wgii. Jajg` G rbpbjt;

    \fhj`s ?;:4,:= Cfr gc yfu igvb jddfrmg`a tf tob cibso, gc yfu jmkust yfur igvb jddfrmg`a tf tob cibso, yfu sojii mgb. Lut gc yfu torfuao tob Tpgrgt, ly tob obip fc tob Tpgrgt fc Afm hfrtgcy, egii j`m mbstrfy tob mbbms fc tob lfmy, (tob bccbdtgvb mbstrudtgvbmbdbgvg`a wfreg`a wgii fc tob cibso) yfu sojii igvb (j`m ojvb igvb jlu`mj`tiy). := Cfr js hj`y js jrb ibm ly tob Tpgrgt fc Afm,js hj`y js ibt tjeb tobhsbivbs ly tob oj`m tf lb sofw` tob wjy, >

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    Kfo` :3;:< G stgii ojvb hj`y tog`as tf sjy u`tf yfu, lut jt tob hfhb`t yb jrb `ft jlib tf lbjr tobh `fw. :4 lut wob` Ob,tob Tpgrgt fc truto, ojs dfhb, toj` Ob wgii obip yfu tf bhlrjdb, tf arjsp, tf u`mbrstj`m j`m tf dfhprbob`m tob truto, ob wgii

    augmb yfu g`tf tob cuii truto; cfr ob sojii `ft spbje f` Ogs fw` mbhj`m, fr g` Ogs fw` jutofrgty5 lut Ob sojii spbje tf yfuwojt O b ojs objrm, tojt sojii ob spbje; j`m ob wgii rbvbji tf yfu ogmmb` tog`as, (torfuao mrbjhs j`m vgsgf`s j`m ftobrhbj`s) j`m Ob sojii jisf rbvbji j`m prfdijgh, hjeb e`fw`, tog`as wogdo jrb ogmmb` g` tob cuturb, g` tob tghbs tf dfhb. Crbbiyhja`gcgbm

    Jdts :;? Lut yb sojii rbdbgvb pfwbr jc tbr tob O fiy Tpgrgt g s dfhb upf` yfu 5 j`m yb sojii lb wgt`bssbs u`tf Hb lfto g` Kbrusjibh, j`m g` jii Kumbj j`m g` Tjhjrgj, j`m u`tf tob uttbrhfst pjrt fc tob bjrto."

    \fhj`s ?; J`m igebwgsb tob Tpgrgt jisf kfg`s us j`m obips us fut g` fur wbje`bssbs. Cfr wb mf `ft e`fw wojt wb sofuim prjy js wb fuaot tf prjy (jctbr Afms wgii)5 lut tob Tpgrgt Oghsbic pibjms fur djsb cfr us wgto arfj`g`as tojt dj``ft lbuttbrbm.

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    lbg`a rfftbm j`m arfu`mbm g` ifvb JAJ^B , :? Hjy lb jlib tf dfhprbob`m, tf u`mbrstj`m j`m tf arjsp wgto jii tob sjg`tswojt gs tob lrbjmto, j`m ib`ato, j`m mbpto, j`m obgaot5 (fc tob Ifvb fc Dorgst) :7 J`m tf e`fw tob ifvb fc Dorgst, wogdo gs cjrhfrb ogaobr js jii e`fwibmab, tojt yb hgaot lb cgiibm wgto jii tob cuii`bss (JII) fc Afm. (Cjtobr Tf` j`m Ofiy Tpgrgt)

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    Kbrbhgjo 7;1 ]obrbcfrb tous sjgto tob IF\M fc ofsts; "Lbofim, G wgii hbit tobh j`m tr y tobh5 cfr ofw bisb sojii G mflbdjusb fc tob bvgi`bss fc tob mjuaotbr fc Hy pbfpib6 Hja`gcgbm

    G sjgjo :; Lbofim, Gojvb rbcg`bm tobb, lut `ft wgto sgivbr5 G ojvb dofsb` tobb (tf lb tbstbm) g` tob cur`jdb fc jccigdtgf`.

    :^btbr =;:< Lbifvbm, tog`e `ft tojt gt gs j strj`ab tog`a, df`dbr`g`a tob cgbry trgji wogdo gs tf try j`m tf tbst j`m tf prffc yfu, js tofuao sfhb strj`ab tog`a ojppb`bm u`tf yfu; :4 Lut rbkfgdb, cfr sf yfu lbdfhb pjrtjebrs g`jshudo yfu succbr wgtoDorgst's succbrg`as5 tojt, wob` ogs aifry sojii lb rbvbjibm, yb hjy lb aijm jisf wgto bxdbbmg`a kfy.

    :^btbr :; 3,1 Qobrbg` yb bxuit, jitofuao, cfr j igttib wogib yfu af `fw, gc `bdbssjry , torfuao tbsts j`m trjgis j`m torfuao argbc g` hj`gcfim tbhptjtgf`s, 1 J`m wob` yfur cjgto ojs stj`m tob tbsts , lbb` pur gc gbm torfuao tob cg rb js afim , toj` togs wgiiojvb j hudo ogaobr vjiub js tojt fc tob pbrgsojlib afim5 j`m ibt togs cjgto hjy lb cfu`m u`tf prjgsb j`m aifry j`m of`fr g` tobrbvbjig`a fc Kbsouj Dorgst, ? Qofh yfu ojvb `ft sbb`, yfu ifvb, j`m wof yfu jt tob prbsb`t tghb dj` `ft sbb, lut lbigbvg`ag` Ogh, yfu bxuit `fw wgto kfy u`spbjejlib j`m jrb lbb` cgiibm wgto aifry, 7 \bdbgvg`a tob b`m fc yfur cjgto wogdo gs tob

    sjivjtgf` >=? sftb'rgj, , mbigvbrj`db fc yfur sfui >=7 psu' dob.

    [bdojrgjo :4;7 J`m G wgii lrg`a tob togrm pjrt torfuao tob cgrb, j`m wgii rbcg`b tobh js sgivbr gs rbcg`bm, j`m wgii try tobhjs afim gs trgbm. ]oby sojii djii f` Hy `jhb, j`m G wgii objr tobh. G wgii sjy, nGt gs Hy pbfpib'5 j`m toby sojii sjy, n]ob IF\Mgs hy Afm.'"

    ^sjih 33; :> Cfr ]ofu, F Afm, ojst trgbm us5 ]ofu ojst trgbm us js sgivbr gs trgbm. :: ]ofu lrfuaotbst us g`tf tob `bt5 ]ofuijgmst jccigdtgf` upf` fur ifg`s. :< ]ofu ojst djusbm hb` tf rgmb fvbr fur objms5 wb wb`t torfuao cgrb j`m torfuao wjtbr, lut]ofu lrfuaotbst us fut g`tf j crugtcui pijdb .

    ^rfvbrls :1;4 ]ob rbcg`g`a pft gs cfr sgivbr j`m tob cur`jdb cfr afim, lut tob IF\M trgbto tob objrts.


    O blrbw :

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    DOJ^]B\ 2




    :. J @ J]]G]RMB FC CGAO]G@A QG]O CJG]O

    O blrbw ::;4< J` m wojt hfrb sojii G sjy6 Cfr tob tghb wfuim cjgi hb tf tbii fc Agmbf` j`m Ljrje j`m Tjhsf` j`m Kbpotojo5 jisf Mjvgm, j`m Tjhubi j`m tob prfpobts, 44 wof torfuao cjgto sulmubm eg` amfhs , wrfuaot rgaotbfus`bss,fltjg`bm pr fhgsbs , stfppbm tob hfutos fc igf`s, 4= qub`dobm tob vgfib`db fc cgrb, bsdjpbm tob bmab fc tob swfrm, fut fcwbje`bss wbrb hjmb strf`a, lbdjhb vjigj`t g` cgaot, tur`bm tf cigaot tob jrhgbs fc tob strj`abrs.

    Qb wgii `ft af vbry mbbp g` tob bxjhpibs wb cg`m g` tob Qfrm fc Afm fc hj` j`m wfhj` wof cfuaotwgto togs jttgtumb fc cjgto. Lbdjusb g` tob @bxt Ttumy Lffe wb wgii ojvb j iffe g`tf tob igvb fc Kfsouj j`mtogs wgii dfvbr togs tfpgd. G` togs dojptbr G wgii lrg`a g`, j ift fc Lglib sdrgpturbs wogdo yfu dj` stumy j`mrbjm. Qb ojvb bgaot sofrt ]fpgds df`dbr`g`a ofw tf wjrcjrb tob ljttib Afm ojs dfhhj`mbm j`m jssga`bmtf us j`m G wgii b`igaotb` bvbry f`b wgto sfhb Lglib sdrgpturbs. Tfhb jrb rbpbtgtgfus, sfhb jrb `bw.

    \fhj`s =;,

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    3> tghbs strf`abr js ogs, lut mf yfu e`fw gt6 Ob e`fws tojt yfu

    lbif`a tf tob mgvg`b cjhgiy fc Afm, tob MBTGA@J]BM Sgdtfrs. Lut mf yfu lbigbvb tojt6

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    G sjgjo 2=;:1 @f wbjpf` tojt gs cfrhbm jajg`st tobb sojii prfspbr5 j`m bvbry tf`aub tojt sojii rgsb jajg`st tobb g` kumahb`t tofu sojit df`mbh`. ]ogs gs tob obrgtjab fc tob sbrvj`ts fc tob IF\M, j`m tobgr rgaotbfus`bss gs fc Hb," sjgto tob IF\M.

    ;2,3 wgto tob Qfrm fc Afm wb jrb puiig`a mfw` ghjag`jtgf`s j`m bvbry ogao wjii, bvbry ogao tog`a igctg`aup gtsbic wogdo afs jajg`st tob e`fwibmab fc Afm, j`m sf wb lrg`a g`tf djptgvgty bvbry tofuaot g`tf j`m u`mbr tob flbmgb`dbfc Dorgst, 3 j`m ojvg`a fur rbjmg`bss, lbg`a rbjmy j`m jii sbt tf jvb`ab jii mgsflbmgb`db, wob`bvbr yfur flbmgb`db gsdfhpibtbiy cuicgiibm.

    42 bge f` (bhlfmyg`a bxprbssgf` j`m pbrsf`jigty fc Afm oghsbic) fc Afm.

    \bvbijtg f` :

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    \fhj`s :3;:? Cfr sudo f`bs mf `ft sbrvb fur Ifrm Kbsouj Dorgst, lut tobgr fw` lbiiy, j`m ly shffto spbjeg`a j`m cijttbrg`a toby mbdbgvb tob objrts fc tofsb wgtofut augib.

    ]ob b`bhy gs wgtog` yfu j`m bvb` wgtog` tob Lfmy fc Dorgst! F`b tog`a yfu sofuim `bvbr cfrabt j`m tojtgs tojt ob wgii dfhb tf yfu f` j wjy tojt yfu wgii `ft mgrbdtiy rbdfa`gzb ogh! Wfu wgii `ft lb jlib tf sbb

    j`m tf rbdfa`gzb ogh g` yfur lrftobrs j`m sgstbrs, ofw ob gs mbdbgvg`a yfu igeb ob mgm wgto Jmjh usg`aBvb ogs wgcb! Ob wgii dfhb js j affm hg`gstbr, js j rbigagfus prg

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