4919396 apparatus for smelting meltable substances, particularly ore concentrates

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Minerals Engineering, Vol. 4. No. I, pp. 99-102, 1991 0892-6875/91 $3.00 + 00 Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc


Key: i. Comminution & liberation; 2. Sizing & classification; 3. Gravity concentration; 4. Magnetic & electrostatic separation; 5. Flotation theory & reagents; 6. Sulphide flotation; 7. Non-sulphide mineral flotation; 8. Coal flotation; 9. Flotat ion practice & machines; 10. Flota t ion control; 11. Other separation methods; 12. Dewatering, materials handl ing & products disposal; 13. Analytical techniques; 14. Computer control; 15. Computer simulation; 16. Other computer methods; 17. Base metal ores; 18. Iron ores; 19. Precious metal ores; 20. Other metallic ores; 21. Non-metal l ics & industrial minerals; 22. Coal preparat ion; 23. Miscellaneous


Anon, Modern tube mill design for the mineral indus t ry- Par t 1. Mininlt Malt. 163 July 1990, pps. 20-27

Baker, M.D., Malicsi, A.S., and Iwasaki, I., Effect of coal on the corrosive wear of g r i n d i n g med ia . M i n e r a l s & M e t a l l u r g i c a l Processinlt 7 May 1990, pps. 110-113

Casali, A., Primary crusher optimal feed commanding the blast patterns in a quarry. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 517-523

Farkas, G., Katona, M., and Fodor, J., Modification of calcite & quartz grindabili ty by su r fac tan t s . Indus t r i a l Minera ls Augus t 1990, pps. 47-55

Kelly, E.G., and Spottiswood, D .J., The breakage function; what is it really? Minerals Enltnlt. $ (5) 1990, pps. 405-414

Lukasiewicz, S.A., Swisterski, W., and Romaniszyn, G., Supercritical revolutions of t u m b l i n g mil ls . M i n e r a l s & M e t a l l u r g i c a l Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 100-106

Marchant, B., et al, Ultra fine milling- biooxidation processing of refractory gold concentrates. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 474-484

McIvor, R., Lavallee, M., Wood, K., and Blythe, P., Functional performance characteristics of ball milling. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 100-125

Parks, J.L., and Kjos, D.M., Longer liner life. Enltnlt. & Min. J. 191 May 1990, pps. 44- 49


Jirun, X., Qian, L., and Jicun, Q., Studying the flow field in a hydrocyclone with no forced vortex. Part i: average velocity. Fil t ra t ion & Separation, 2'I July/Aug. 1990, pps. 276-278

Plitt, L.R., Conil, P., and Broussaud, A., An improved method of calculating the water- split in hydrocyclones. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 533-535

Subasinghe, G.K.N.S., Schaap, W., and Kelly, E.G., Modelling screening as a conjugate rate process. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 289-300

Sureshj N., Vanangamudi , M., and Rao, T.C., Wa te r d i s t r i bu t ion in w a t e r - o n l y cyclones. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 537-541


Armstrong, K.A., Cron, A.B., and Melis, L., Troubleshooting and operation of the Johnny Mountain gold mine. proc: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 429-460

Clarkson, R., Gold losses at Klondike Placer Mines. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 414-428

Kazakoff, J., Low cost gold recovery configuration Jolu gold mine. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 379-396

Laplante, A., Liu, L., and Cauchon, A., Gold gravity recovery at the Lea Mines Camchib, Chibougamau , Quebec. Proc. 22nd Annua l Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 397-413

Suresh, N., Vanangamudi, M., and Rao, T.C., Water distribution in water-only cyclones. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 537-541

Wyslouzil , H., Eva lua t ion of the Kelsey centrifugal jig at Rio Kemptville Tin. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 461-472



Maurya, C.B., and Dixit, S.G., Effect of pH on the h i g h - g r a d i e n t m a g n e t i c s e p a r a t i o n of kaolin clays. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 199-207

Shen, G., and F i n c h , J .A. , T h e o r e t i c a l analysis of multipole magnetic hydrocyclones. Can. Met. Quarterly 29 July-Sept . 1990, pps. 171-176

100 Recent Mineral Engineering Publications


Buckley, A.N., and Woods, R., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of the interaction of xanthate with galena in relation to the mechanism proposed by Page and Hazell. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3]4) May 1990, pps. 301-311

Cases, J.M., Kongolo, M., de Donato, P., Michot, L., and Erre, R., Interaction of f i n e l y g r o u n d g a l e n a a n d p o t a s s i u m amylxanthate in flotation, 1. Influence of alkaline grinding. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 313-337

Hanna , J . , and Anazia , I., F a t t y acid separation of siliceous carbonate phosphates. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 84-89

K r i v e l e v a , E . D . , a n d K o n e v , V . A . , Quantitative evaluation of forms of potassium butyl xanthate adsorption on galena from IR spectra. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (314) May 1990, pps. 189-197

Labonte, G., and Finch, J.A., Behavior of r e d o x e l e c t r o d e s d u r i n g f l o t a t i o n and r e l a t i o n s h i p to m i n e r a l f l o a t a b i l i t i e s . Minerals & Metallurgica! Processil)g 7 May 1990, pps. 106-109

Labont~, G., Leroux, M., Rao, S.R., Finch, J.A., Lacombe, P., Ounpuu, M., Kim, J., and MacMinn, N., Selectivity in the collectorless flotation of two complex sulphide ores. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 126-159

Mingione, P.A., Use of Aerophine 3418A p romote r for su lphide minera ls f lo ta t ion . Proc.. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian .Mineral Processor.s, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 485-508

O'Connor, C.T., Bradshaw, D.J., and Upton, A.E., The use of dithiophosphates and dithiocarbamates for the flotation of arsenopyrite. Minerals. En~n~. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 447-459

Plaumann, D.F.M., et al, The development of a novel zinc collector using both lab and scale trials. Proc. 22nd Annu M Meeting of the Canadia.n Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 509-541

Qun, W., and Heiskanen, K., Batch flotation tests by fatty acid on a phosphate-iron oxide- s i l icate regol i th ore sample from Sokli, Finland. Minerals En~:ng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 473- 481

Roos, J.R., Celis, J.P., and Sudarsono, A.S., Electrochemical control of metallic copper and chalcopyrite-xanthat e flotation. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (314) May 1990, pps. 231-245


Ameluxen, R., Moly upgrading profiles with flotation columns. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of t.he Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 258-275

Buckley, A.N., and Woods, R., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of the interaction of xanthate with galena in relation to the mechanism proposed by Page and Hazell. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 301-311

Cases, J.M., Kongolo, M., de Donato, P., Michot, L., and Erre, R., Interaction of f i n e l y g r o u n d g a l e n a a n d p o t a s s i u m amylxanthate in flotation, 1. Influence of alkaline grinding. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 313-337

Labont~, G., Leroux, M., Rao, S.R., Finch, J.A., Lacombe, P., Ounpuu, M., Kim, J., and MacMinn, N., Selectivity in the collectorless flotation of two complex sulphide ores. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 126-159

Mingione, P.A., Use of Aerophine 3418A p romote r for su lphide minera ls f lo ta t ion . Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 485-508

O'Connor, C.T., Bradshaw, D.J., and Upton, A.E., The use of dithiophosphates and dithiocarbamates for the flotation of arsenopyrite. Minerals Engng. $ (5) 1990, pps. 447-459

Plaumann, D.F .M, et al, The development of a novel zinc collector using both lab and scale trials. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 509-541

Roos, J.R., Cells, J.P., and Sudarsono, A.S., Electrochemical control of metall ic copper and chalcopyrit e-xanthate flotation. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (314) May 1990, pps. 231-245


Andrews, P .R.A, Anionic activation in the flotation of chromite from a low-grade ore. CIM Bulletin 83 June 1990, pps. 67-69

Furey, J.T., Rougher column flotation of gold tellurides. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 242-257

Hanna, J . , and Anazia , I., F a t t y acid separation of siliceous carbonate phosphates. Minerals & Metal!urgieal Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 84-89

Qun, W., and Heiskanen, K., Batch flotation tests by fatty acid on a phosphate-iron oxide- s i l icate regol i th ore sample f rom Sokli, Finland. Minerals En~ng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 473- 481

Recent Mineral Engineering Publications I01


Ameluxen, R., Moly upgrading profiles with flotation columns. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 258-275

Chudacek, M.W., A new quantitative test-tube flotability test. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 461-472

Dobby, G.S., Kosick, G.A., and Matwijenko, O., Pilot plant testing for column flotation circuit design. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 198-217

Furey, J.T., Rougher column flotation of gold tellurides. Proc. 22nd Annua.1 Meeting of th.e Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 242-257

Jordan, C.E., and Spears, D.R., Evaluation of a turbulent flow model for fine-bubble and f i n e - p a r t i c l e f l o t a t i o n . M i n e r a l s & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 65- 73

Kaya, M., et al, Plant applications of froth washing in mechanical flotation cells. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 160-197

Kosick, G.A., and Dobby, G.S., Advanced control for column flotation. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 542-561

Nieuwoudt, D.J., van Deventer, J.S.J., Reuter, M.A., and Ross, V.E., The influence of design variables on the flotation of pyrite in an air-sparged hydrocyclone. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 483-499

Ross, V.E., Interpretation of froth data to study the detachment of floating particles in flotation froths. Minerals Engng. 3 (5) 1990, pps. 525-531

Wilson, S.W., Kolcz, H., Stratton-Crawley, R., and Dobby, G.S., Flotation column scale up at Inco's Matte separation plant. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 218-241


Gomez, C.O., Uribe-Salas, A., Finch, J.A., and Huls, B.J., A calibration probe for level detection systems in flotation columns. CIM Bulletin 83 March 1990, pps. 118-121

Kosick, G.A., and Dobby, G .S., Advanced control for column flotation. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 542-561

11. O T H E R S E P A R A T I O N M E T H O D S

Charan, T.G., and Rao, G.V., Recovery of low grade scheelite by spherical agglomeration. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 79-93

Hucko, R.E., Killmeyer, R.P., and Jacobsen, P . S . , S e l e c t i v e a g g l o m e r a t i o n : an inter laboratory test program. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 74- 78

Sivamohan, R., and Cases, J.M., Dependence of shear-flocculation on surface coverage and zeta potential. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 161-172

Tong, D., and Jiayong, C., Application of p h a s e t r a n s f e r c a t a l y s i s to t r e a t i n g refractory oxidized copper ores. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4) May 1990, pps. 221-230


Acar, S., and Somasundaran, P., Study of the role of surface chemical composition of sulfide minerals in flocculation by ESCA. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 94-99

Dellow, M.G., and Hendriks, D.W., Noranda Minerals Inc. GECO Division, mill pressure f i l te r p ro jec t se lect ion, i n s t a l l a t i on and start-up. Proc~ 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 343-369

J a c k s o n , J . F . , P r e s s u r e f i l t r a t i o n at Falconbridge Limited Strathcona. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 343-369

Stanley, D.A., Scheiner, B.J., and Brown, P . M . , P o l y m e r c o n f i g u r a t i o n and i t s importance during the flocculation sequence. .Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 114-117

Williams, K.P., Fletcher, R.M., and Strydom, P.J., Pilot scale belt press filtration of coa l r e f u s e - t he e f f e c t of p o l y m e r i c flocculants. Mine & Quarry 19 June 1990, pps. 26-29


Flintoff, B.C., Neale, A.J., and Hochstein, .F., The justification of control syaterr~ in mineral and coal processing aplications. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral, Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 71-99


Gron, P.J., Mineralization and metallurgy of the Samatomsum project. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. MetaU., 1990, pps. 28-53

102 Recent Mineral Engineering Publications

Labarre, G., Hoover, K., and Rantanen, S., Namew Lake mill project. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 15-27


Anon, Kiruna Mine today. Mining Mag, 162 June 1990, pps. 422-426

Shaw, A., CVRD's Carajas Project. Mining Mag., 163 August 1990, pps. 90-97


Armstrong, K.A., Cron, A.B., and Melis, L., Troubleshooting and operation of the Johnny Mountain gold mine. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 429-460

Bryant, V.N., The Colomac project. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian. Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 54-70

Clarkson, R., Gold losses at Klondike Placer Mines. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Minl Metall., 1990, pps. 414-428

Gron, P.J., Mineralization and metallurgy of the Samatomsum project. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 28-53

K a z a k o f f , J . , Low cos t go ld r e c o v e r y configuration Jolu gold mine. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 379-396

Laplante, A., Liu, L., and Cauchon, A., Gold gravity recovery at the Les Mines Camchib, Chibougamau, Quebec. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 397-413

Marchant, B., et al, Ultra fine milling- biooxidat ion processing of refractory gold concentrates. Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990, pps. 474-484

Suttill, K.R., Sao Bento plans biox. Engng. & Min. J. 191 June 1990, pps. 30-34

Suttill, K.R., Morro de Ouro- Brazil's hill of gold. Engn~. & Min. J. 191 June 1990, pps. 25- 28


Charan, T.G., and Rao, G.V., Recovery of low grade scheelite by spherical agglomeration. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 79-93


Farkas, G., Katona, M., and Fodor, J., Modification of calcite & quartz grindability by surfactants. Industr ial Minerals August 1990, pps. 47-55

Maurya, C.B., and Dixit, S.G., Effect of pH on the h i g h - g r a d i e n t magne t i c s epa ra t i on of kaolin clays. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (314) May 1990, pps. 199-207


Baker, M.D., Malicsi, A.S., and Iwasaki, I., Effect of coal on the corrosive wear of gr ind ing media . Minera ls & Meta l lu rg i ca l Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 110-113

Hucko, R.E., Killmeyer, R.P., and Jacobsen, P . S . , S e l e c t i v e a g g l o m e r a t i o n : a n i n t e r l a b o r a t o r y tes t p rogram. Minera ls & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 74- 78


Acar, S., and Somasundaran, P., Study of the role of surface chemical composition of sulfide minerals in flocculation by ESCA. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 7 May 1990, pps. 94-99

Sivamohan, R., The problem of recovering very fine part icles in mineral processing a review. Int. J. Mineral Proc. 28 (3/4} May 1990, pps. 247-288

The following Journals are perused in this survey:

AusIMM Bulletin and Proceedings; Camborne School of Mines Journal; Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly; Canadian Mining Journal; Chemical Engineering; CIM Bulletin; Coal Preparation; Colliery Guardian; Engineering and Mining Journal; Filtration and Separation; Industrial Minerals; International Journal of Mineral Processing; Journal of Metals (JOM); Journal of the South African Institution of Mining and Metallurgy; Mine & Quarry; Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review; Minerals and Metallurgical Processing; Minerals Engineering; Minerals Industry International (IMM Bulletin); Mining Engineering; Mining Journal; Mining Magazine; Pit & Quarry; South African Mining, Coal, Gold and Base Metals; The Chemical Engineer; Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section C

The following books, proceedings etc. have been surveyed in this issue: Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, Can. Inst. Min. Metall., 1990

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