4168 feb flyer 2014 (f) lowres

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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“In terms of how older people are treated here in Moldova, nobody does anything for us. We receive nothing from the government. Nobody cares about us. Nobody needs us.

The people at the community centre are those who I love. To come and have a meal here every day, they keep me as God keeps me. The cook here is my best friend! I come here with a big joy in my heart every day. When I come here I feel free, so happy. I come here to rest. Sometimes I watch the TV here. They always give me something very nice to eat. Sometimes I help them to peel potatoes, but the people from the centre love me and ask me to rest.

I pray for you all every day. I like the Bible studies here at the centre, because I love God. Sometimes it takes me one hour to walk here because I have sore feet.

My message to supporters is to say a big, big, big Thank You for everything you do here and God bless you.”

Alexandra, 90-years-old

ELDER CARE March 2014



"people think we are useless and old, but you bring usThe elderly are one of Eastern Europe’s most neglected groups. Alexandra is 90. She lives in Moldova now, but comes from Kazakhstan originally. She comes along to the Mission’s community centre for meals and fellowship. We visited her in her home and she told us:

Helping to Change Lives in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERS PO Box 56264, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446 Phone 09 309 6969 / 0800 469269 | Fax 09 309 6968 Email nzadmin@mwbi.org | Website www.mwb.org.nz | Reg. Charity No. CC37218

Mr and Mrs Meta show off their new teeth – Albania

New jeans – Bulgaria

Computer class in Bulgaria

First time ever in a hotel – Romania

Enjoying a day excursion – Transylvania, Romania

Home delivery of linen and toiletries – Albania

Spring camp – excursion to Durres, Albania

“People think we are useless and old, but you bring us hope; you take the loneliness from us and wrap us in love and tenderness. You make us feel important and relevant again.” Elderly person, Moldova

“The counselling I received helped me understand that I am not alone

because God is always beside me and that being 90 years old is not a curse but a blessing!” Ana, Romania

“You made my day so special that you brought tears to my eyes! I lost contact with my family, they don’t even visit me once a year, so I thought I had no reason to celebrate

my birthday. Every year was a burden and I only wanted to die… the sooner, the better. I completely changed my perspective and I am grateful for this. Now, I thank God for every day He gives me! Thank you so much for the presents, but your presence is even more important!” Gheorghe, 82 years, Romania

A MWB Romania colleague reports, “The elderly are totally forgotten by central government, but the sadder news is that many of them are forgotten by their own families. Sometimes the children consider them as a burden and simply throw out their parents and leave them on the street with nothing. They fail to see that they have an obligation to care for and honour them. With high levels of emigration as well as poverty-stricken new families, many elderly live alone reduced to complete destitution.”

One of our MWB Coordinators in Albania writes, “Many live alone in deplorable conditions and due to lack of a ‘decent’ pension they have to have the heating disconnected because they simply cannot afford it and as a consequence some freeze to death. The old age pension they are given is so little that it is impossible for them to survive on their own – they can’t even afford basic needs for food, clothing, medicine etc.

The health system often favours treating young people and children rather than the older ones as their reasoning is “The young ones are our future and still have their life to live, whereas the elderly have already lived their life” and see it as a waste to use up the little medical supplies they have. Mostly, the elderly live at the mercy of other people and are living without any hope of what tomorrow will bring. Truly they are society’s most vulnerable group.”

Now for the good news – The Mission provides: •Visitstotheelderlyhomes–singingandprayingmakestheirday.•TopicaldiscussionsandBiblestudiesattheMWBcommunitycentresandsoupkitchensoftenleadolderonestore-evaluatetheirpastatheist/Communistbeliefs.•TransporttoandfromChurch.•Warmclothing,blankets,firewood,Bibles.


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