4 ways how you can use fe mechanical practice exams to improve your score

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Get some confidence with handling Computer Based Tests (CBT)

Make sure you solve a couple of practice exams before the actual test. It is vital if you have not had any prior experience with handling CBTs. A CBT requires you to use computers fully to read the question, refer the electronic reference and mark the right answer. For people who are used to a pen and paper, this could be a challenge.

A mock examination offers the ease to make all mistakes. It helps you learn the whole process. It prepares you for the real exam. It leaves no scope for a surprise during the exam.

Manage timing the best way

Understand how much time it takes for you to attempt each question. See if you are able to answer all of them within the allotted 5 hours and 20 minutes. Practice exams are a great way to get an idea of time management during the exam.

Imagine going to the final exam and being unable to complete all questions on time! Only practice can help you succeed. Taking up an FE mechanical practice exam will give you an idea about prioritization and effective time management.

Get used to referring the electronic handbook faster

Get some practice on referring to the electronic handbook online. You can do it while solving the practice test. Many students report finding this difficult, especially if they are used to preparing with a hard copy of the same.

Take a computer based practice test for over five hours. This give you an idea on how to effectively search through the reference. The next time you take the main exam, you will definitely win the race.

Know where you stand with respect to scores

Know your current score in the practice exam and analyze it. All such exams evaluate your performance immediately and give you a detailed report and score. This is such a useful tool.

Get the report and find out where you have lost marks. Evaluate whether you failed to score due to lack of knowledge or lack of time. When you start looking back at your performance, you can find areas for improvement and understand if you could have deployed a different strategy.

Use this practice to reduce mistakes, to help manage time, and to solve all the questions within the given time.

To summarize, FE Mechanical practice exams are a great way to get some hands-on experience and better your current performance before the examination. Take it only after you are completely prepared and use it to push your scores higher.

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