--4- eabl illation 5^fto - hagaman library€¦ · ing : for' liohtlnue d caution during icy...

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East Haven Hagaiaun Library East Haven, ^ Conn. fi„3

Our Telephone Numbers Business: ATwaler 8-1661 Editorial: llOharl 7-5811

VOli. VII _ N,,. :i:i

EaBl Illation 5^ftos An Iiidcpcntlent

Weekly Newspaper

"""'"- ^ i!i/L ;„r's?: ;""°- ""• i;AS'r I I . W H N , CDNNKC' l ' lCrT. TIl lMiSDAV, DHCKMIUOl! 1, ID.Va (•> Cents A Copy — $2.00 A Yciif '

Open Official X-mas Season; Plans Set Fior Annual Festival

The Christmas season was iiponi'il ofricially here last niglil hy First Selectman Frank A. Barker, who closed the switch lighting the town's entire down-town district witli the holiday lights strung aloi,^ Main St. from Pardee PI. to Hem­ingway Ave.

In addition the opening of tlic annual dhristmns festival with a huge parade Friday cveninB, ne.tt •week, was announced last niglil by John Mclzo, chairman of the Icbtival program.

Elwood Scoblo and Robert Schir-Tiior, of the Christmas lighting committee, opened the lighting cer­emony which llluminiJtcd the lights along Main St. and a special dis­play on the town hall. The build­ing front is decorated with a "pealing bell" actuated by a switch .which lends the illusion of a giant rod bell swinging to and (ro aiid/two largo lanterns'on cither

.side. :'"In addition, two evergreens planted in front of the town hall have been dressed with colored lights. On the block of buildings lo the east, long streamers of laurel decorate the store fronts.

Tlie present lights, consisting of more than two dozen cross arrays, are p a n of a permanent stock of holiday equipment being built up by the local Chamber of Commerce. The decorations will be supplc-monted, with new material each year.

Christmas FcKlivul On Friday, next week, the

Christmas festival will open at six p. m. wltli a giant parade of local, civic, Inisiness. scliool and church group participants, led by the Bradford Manor Drum Corps. The East Haven Exchange club is sponsoring tlio entry pt a flPSti and Santa Claus will also'pas^'jn review down Main St. from Pardee PI. to the town center. ''^-w :

The opening of the festival will .-also mark new ^Jtopplng hours for

local merchants who will remain open until nine p. m.'every nigiit until Christmas. •

For several days preceding Christmas Santa Claus will bb on hand at the town hall at a phrTst-nias party held fot children vof the town and will present thein with free gifts from the local Cliamljer of Commerce.

A letter inviting all local or­ganizations and business establish­ments to lake part in the parade by sending delegates or entering a float has been mailed,out by the Chamber festival committee.. In­terested persons are ' requested to contact Domenic Ferrara, parade marshal, at HO 7-3735.

Members of the committee in cliarge of the Christmas Festival include: John Metzo, commit-lee chairman; Mr. Ferrara; John Zyck, publicity; Brent Barker, church activities; Gene SkrianskI, husinossmon's chairman; Thomas McMann, Fo.xon activities; and Herman Scharf, Momauguin ac­tivities.

Local Man Mil By Car Last INiglil In Fair Condilioii

Josepli Papugn, 'IS, of 87 Tyler St., was reported "resting ctjmfort-nbly" in New Haven hospilnl this morning after he was struck hy a car; at the Tbonipson Ave. - Ty­ler St. intersection at 9:45 last niglit. Attendants said his condi­tion was not 'Serious.

Papugn received compound frac­tures of the right log and riclit arm when he Was struck by a car driven by Ferdinand N. Ahiberg, 16, of 83 Kensington St., New Ha­ven. Young Ahilicrg, who was driv­ing a. car owned l)y his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Alilborg, was charged with violation of motor vehicle laws, and reiearicd without bond.

Ahiberg told Officer Walter Marlus that Papugn suddenly crossed the street before his car, which was moving south on Thompson St. just as a bus began pulling away from tlie curb at that point.

Patrolman William Mahuiiey re­ported llial Alilherg had swerved the car In nn attempt to avoid the victim but had struck liim with the car fender.

Dayton's Presents "Mens Night" For -Shy Male Shoppers

East Haven men who prefer to do their Clu'lslmas shopping for tliat tlicre uh sheer stuff for the wife or sweetheart away from the curious stares of otiicr females have been invited lo a Men's Night parly tonight from seven until 10:30 at Dayton's slorQ, 301 Main Street. " •

Priiltcd invitations, together with sni.ill cards printed \vitli"Hcr Size Chart" have been mailed to Day-Ion's regular clientele, while a gen­eral Invitation has been I.ssucd lo llie male public. All purchases are confidential, the store managers advise, and in tills case mum is tlic word (and not a deodorant).

Male customers will be treated lo various rctrcshhients and pre­sented with complimentary gifts for the "one and onlS'."

This is Dayton's third year in presenting this special shopping night, and it is expected to be as Croat a.success as it has been tlie two times previous.

Speeding Motorists Add .$100 To Local Court Coffers

Bonds of $25 each, posted liy four errant out-of-town motorists aiiesied for speeding on the Salt-(Oistali Parkway over Ihe holiday week-end were forfeited In Town Court Monday before Deputy Judge Clifford B. Sturges.

The motorists, arrested by Offi­cer Walter Marios, were: John C. Rogers, of Philadelphia, Pa; Wil­liam J. Knox, of Easton, Md.; Jack

(Continued On Page Fniir)

Winter Pays Early Visit Here With Three Inch Snow*,

Winter i)aid an early visit to East Haven, Tuesday morning and blanketed the town with exactly •three inches of snow l)y. Tuesday morning, according to weather of­ficials at the Now Haven airport.

On Monday the mercury dl'opppd to,i21,degr,ees, to Jilt ti,low for th(> season, (tnd turning the snow cover into ice • so that travel Tuesday evening- and Monday morning was extremely hazardous.

The -local street deparlnienl trucks were out early .sanding, and ho, accidents were reported for the town,' allhough. Police Chief Ed­ward. B. Priest spunded; a warn­ing : for' liohtlnued caution during icy weather.

Flret Selectman F.rtinlt Barker also, requested residents not to park on sti'oets during snow storms in order not to hinder the work of street department plows.

The weatherman predicts cold weather for the rest of the month, with . "moderate precipitation" meaning that poor driving condi­tions may bo expected generally for December.

First Selectman Frank A. Bar­ker issued an appeal to motorists this week not to parit cars on the streets during storms so as not to block operation of snow i)iow.*(.

Cars Blockiii" Hydrants Arc To Be Tagged > rarkin^ of cms nonr flri' hy­drants litis lii'en a gmwlng rxm-ocrn with town safety honds .so thai Police Chief Edwin Priosi yostcrdny warned local niulorlst.-; thai motor vehicles will be ta^Kt'd for fnlllttg lo ohsin-ve vhc ton-foet clonrancc required hy stnte law.

The Avnrnlng was issued after a conference helween Chief Prie.st and Fire Chief Thomas J, llaye.s following Monday's fire on Mai i St. Hayes Issued a .MatemeiU point­ing out the importanc-o nf liaving clear access lo hydrants in oidor Umt firemen ^luxy not he delayed In oonnccUng hoses during fires.

"Kvery second Is -precious when wo have a flro t.n fight," said Hayes. "Wo wnnl to bo fair with the public, Inil wo also want them lo bo fair with UA," he said.

The fire chief also asked Uial residents keep from covering hy­drants when clearing walks of snow. Valuable time may bo losl in searching for. and clearing, snow-covered hydranU, ho said, adding that each home-ownor ought to rGmomher he may, hlm-solf, bo the victim of fire.

Stale regulations • require that motor vehicles park no closer than 10 feet on either side of a hydrant in order lo leave sufficient space in wlilcJi flromcn may work. CIdcf Priosl said that mombors of the police force have boon In­structed lo put a violation lag on every cor improperly parked.

Dedication Highlights

Pete's Diner Now Open Under New Managament Here

Ucoponing of Polo'.s Diner on the Sallonstall Parkway under now managomenl was announcod this wook by Albert D'Andrea, of Ham-den, who purchased Iho diner building ami accossorios from Peter Konlcczny on Nov. 24.

The iand on which tlte diner Is located-.has been brought up by the SUie Higliway Department In proparatlbn for tbo- rdlocailon ot Route" One. The state 'is renting the land to the proprietors of the diner on a monih-lo-monlh basis. However, the new owners expect to operate In their present loca­tion for about two more years be­cause delay in tlie progress on the road.. ,

Albert D'Andrea and his broth­ers,' Edward and Gene also operate the D'Androa's Drive In on Dix-well Ave. In Hamden and another restaurant in Woodbridge.

The East Haven diner has been transferred to the name of Assunla D'Andrea, mother of the restaur­ant operators. It will be operated on an around -the-clock schedule.

Chamber of Commerce Meets Tuesday Nile

'i'lie East Haven Cimmbcr nf Commerce will hold a I'ogular and director's meeting Tuesday eve­ning, beginning with dinner at 6:45 In the Annex House, Herman Scharf, soorelary, announced.^

'Drusilla Taylor'

— Doten's Studio

Uidl O'Honncll. of »•: Ilolchliiss Kd. rvtinnioii. plays the lead rolf of Orus^la Taylor in the East llavcn Player's production of "Four Flights Up" lo III' pri'sciitc'd nn Friday and Saturday cvenin!; of next week. Proceeds of the play, to he prrscnttd In the high school auditorium, will go to the .loseph E. Mayu Memorial Scholarship fund. ^

Shoe Store Gutted By East Haven's Worst Fire In More Tlian 20 Montlis

' -^ , . - - • ,'): r ; . ." ' j ~"^'Tf ' l-.ur.HS .StmUo •

Some highlights of llir ofrieial dtMlicatlnn ceremonies last SitnOuv arieriioDn at the \w-\^ Williiiiii V). Glllis school on Tulnmdgr Avr. are shown here. TOP—.Urs. \V. Oren Parker, (dmirnuin of tht Uourd (if Education, presonls tin- ceremonial hey to the school to Sup<'rlnt<'ndenl William IC. (iilll.s, hi whose honor the structure was named. Architect Harold Davis (r.-vtrcmi; left) and Andrew Uurdiigonc, of tlie P. rranclni company, look on. UlChOW—aiemhers of the School Building Comnil tiee pOHe with Mr. (illHs and John Corhelt, Kcore-tary of the school board. Left to right nro: (sciitcd) .lames Enmtrudo, Lawrence Madison, Vincotit Ve-Irone, chairman, Henry J)o Lucia, and Mr. Corhott; and (standing) Joseph Uodenski, Hugh it. Uhikclcy, Martin Olson, Kohort H. DceUer, GhiLrlos II. Copelaiid and Mr. OUlis.

Forget Jetty I^roposal In Concern Of Other Issues

Almost forgotlcri In the excite­ment of the recent political cam­paign and election and now sub­merged in tlie debate over the town's scliool plans is a resolution auihurizinK the town lo build' a jetly prtitccling a iiunilier of slioro dwellers. . . . ^

'J'ho resoluUon, passed nlikmect-ini! last October 21, Instruets the Board of Selectmen to Inve.sti|;alc the icKalily and po.ssibilily of cbn-strucllnK a .icily near the Brod-ford Cove out lei to protect a aroup of houses hi.'ing undermined Iiy tlie lides. ,

.Submitted liy AtloJney 'I'homas Kcilly, who acted as spokesnuin for the liomn-owncrs maliini; tlie I'c-tjucsl. 111'.' pclilion lias ht;en re-fernMl for study lo Town Counsel Vincent .1. l-'asanri. An' infornud survey of Ihe Mn wi\H made hy the Hoairi of .Selirlnien in the coin-]iany of the town engineer, Charles Miller, and .ludge I''asano,. How­ever, no actUMi has been taken to dale, piMidlnj; llic securing of in-fornialUiM fi-oni Ihe Army Engin­eers v.'ho made a .survey of the cn-tii-i.' coasl-line.

Town fjfficialj; are agreed that the Jionies in tin.' area cast of Cambridge Couit are in very .seri­ous dangi'i'.

A "News" n-*porter visited one of Ihe homes during a recent sUjrm when Iho high tide waters laslicd at the romain;j of a cement and sloii'.' wall hiiilt at the .ha.se of one of Ihe homes. Large swells of water. lolling in fi'oin Ihe .lound swepl against tlie abutment to tiri'Mlt inio a curtain spray and (le-higed llie expo.sed side of the liouM!, tlndernealli, Iho liaclt and forili nioviMiienl of Ihe water could lie seen sv/eeping aw;iy the bouch sand fruiu under the foundation.

r'our titimes are affected by the seriijus I'i'orilon which h.is been wearing away the beach in that seel ion at a phenomenal rate. The raplilly erosive action I.H believed due lo Ihe collapse of a Jelly at Ihe east<'rn end of the .section, and also to a switch in the course of the neighboring tidal creek.

Shore erosion has been a serious problem affecting most of the Connecticut shoreline, and the Federal government has a pro­gram of aid to towns which un­dertake corrective action of pub­lic heachps, Under this program

Ihe national, .state and local governments ^ sliare mo cost of constructing improvements lo pro­tect , the beaches. Howevei', the federal program applies only to public iicnch nreas.

The principal faclor responsible foj* beach erosion Is tlie lilloral current whl(;b flows along the shore picking up sand wlu.'re It flows rapidly and depositing it wiicro It is siowcib To clieck lliLi, groins are constructed consisting of creosotc-soultcti piles driven" Into the sand side liy side, and cxUrad-ing out lo sea, at rigid, angles to the beach. /These .serve lo slow Ihe shore currcnIs causing Ihern to deposit sund in desirtMl places.

Such a structure has been pi'o-posed by the Momauguin uliure-dweiiei's at their estimated cost ol four,to six thoii.sahd dollni:.s;

One of the ohjecllons i-aiiiod nl the recent^ town meeting was thai the construction 'would pot' bi pj-opcr because it was lo llie bene fit of only a.few residnnt.H. If such a ji.'tly were hulll. It was said, Other ov/ners of pro|iiM-l,y could claim slitillar protection oi rcc|U<.'St for rennburseinent foi similar Improveiiients underlalten privately.

In ansv^er, it was asserled Ihal the lov/n would lose valuable, tax­able properly if it failed to act ALSO, It was implied that the prop­erty owners would give up theii righs,lo the shore property so llial it would beconie a publi' licaeh. However, cession of slioii riglits to Iho town was not pro' vided foi- in the lesoiuliim voted All four property ovvhcra liav( riparian (slioi'e) rights.

Talk of budgel-cutting undei' I hi coming Kepubllcan ailniiilislraiion of General Eiscnliov/er has cast u gloom over the local Itedevclop. nient Agency which has lieen awaiting oppioval of a plan foi Ihe redevelopmcnl of a large part of the Momauguin aiea. The plan has provision foi* construction to protect the stretch of beach which would extend from the present por­tion owned by the coui-t to about Second Avenue. •

Economy measures by a P.cpub-lican-conirolled Congress may also trim funds available for control of beach erosion, so that funds may be difficult if not Impossible to obtain for local protection,

Slale Board To Review Sites For iNew Schools Here

'I'hr Stiiic Ilumil of I'Muratimi will loniiiirl an Inspection lour Mniiflay anil Tuesday ot proposed new si'liimi silos, CJeorgc Lolls, cli;ilniuin of Ihe School Sites Coin-iiiilliM", annouiU'ed last niBbl.

Let is' announcement followed Ihe disfiosure that options, have been obtained on three pieces of property as possible future loca' lions for new school hiilldliiK. The latter announceinout .followcdn nu'etlng Monday nlRht between llio committee and the Hoard of Edu-oaliun, with Firsl Scledlinnn Frank A. liarker and Selectman Ernest. Anilionis In atlcndnnco.

Options hn\'o liccn taken on the Caprlo property In the Gorrlsh Av­enue seel Ion, on land owned by llio Connecllcut Ccmpuny nl Moninu-gulii and on promises known ns the' Zuclierman place on lloulo 80 In Koxon.

'I'lu! Hoard o( Education and the School nuiiding Commlttoo have iiri'ungcd an Inspection lour -next Sunday .of tlio properties con--ceriied, and a vote on the report Is to Im taken at a mcellngof the scliool board on Friday next wc6k.

Hope Is expressed by commltlco mi'inbers lliat the whole matter may be ready t^r a towii mcclinR, which It Is expected may bo called before Cbristma.s, pnsslblj^ on Mon­day. Dee. 22.

It was also announced this week llial the Board of Educnlluh will incct tomorrow with Ho|;cr T. Thompson of the Stale Department ot Education, when bo will, go fiv­er with the board iitomhcrs 'and ndvisu v/llh Ibem concerning the problem of-selce,t.ing^la;iiOi!{rSt'DPf-i iiitendent to succeed Supl. •WlDlnni K. tllilis, who rdllrcK at the end ot Ihe current school year.

Proclamation Urges Support Of Freedom Crusade

'Monday marked tlie opening' of a eanipaign lo^ralse funds for tlie Crusade For Fi'eedom, -a privately endowed program for penetrating Iht; Iron Curtain with information friiin Ihe free outside world.-

Firsl'Selcclnian Frank A, Bark­er issued llie following prodarnn-lion eaiiing upon the cltI/.en.s^of East Haven lo supporl the Ci'iisnde For Freedom and liesignallng fire I thiough l l . i s ' Ci usatlc Foi I j ( i -ilom Ijays


Utc 1-in, V)Tii I 111 llonoiablo lohn Davi^ I udgc,

Cioviinoi ll(jno)aty Cliahman 111 iinnn W Sli inkiaus

^Uilf Chainnan Lewi, A Sill a SI 111 'iK.nUiel Will KLAS 'J hi iKuple of Ihe

linikil Stalls by ionslllulional iij,lil, have boon ^ivtn evtiy op-pojiunily lo lonsiiki Connnuii-Inn a> a w,iy of lifi and have ill finitely ji Jeclcil It, and

Will KLAS Ihe luliis of till Kiiiiilin lontinui tlieli UIIMUS-In, I xpl ill.ition of till' niaites by (oituiiling flu moials and splilf of mankind Ihiougli pulilital tiiikciy and piopigtnd.i fdtc-lioiids, and

WlILIll AS, llK o/Liwhelming majiiily of Ani'ikans leguid-lis, of pally irflilatlon and dif-feiiiiMs ovi I -doni'sllc politlt.il hsuc { fiiL umlid. in iliiii op­position to Cotnniunisni and li.tvi no ill site loi'Xdiinge llieli hiiitagi of fieidom for the 'ilianghng iffeils of Commun-i,ni iind Ihe unuiialniKS of tot.ililaiian dli talmship, and

WlllItLAS Mine than ,!U million Amuicini. of all i i u e , needs and coloib ha%c voluniailly i n-rollcd In the Ci usade fot Fiec-dom wUhin the past two years, and have pledgi d thclt moral and financial support lo bait the spread of Communism thiough-out the world and have en-doised the tffoils of the Cru­sade foi Fi'eedom to use every legitimate means lo help the piUoner peoples behind the lion Cuitain to regain the blessings

ICoiiliniied On I'ai;r Four)


English Living Conditions Better SaysFoxon Woman

Ily IMildrcd Lells English living conililions have

impi'ovod noticeably since tlie war,' according to Mi's. .fames Berridgc, ot l^oxon I{oad, who returned re-ccnliy from a trip abroad aftcl' visiting her family in Mortllnglmni.

She rcporiH that general; condi­tions have Improved since,her last vIslP during \ynr-tlme and that worl( Is plentiful. The English liavo :morc things to buy and the people ai'C hopeful of continued Impriivciiiuntu under the Church-Ill governinonl. i

Mr.s. lierrldgc snys Hint the peo-|iiu are now In u state of cheerful, excllement in anticipation of the coronation

Nottlngh.iin K ihe leiitei of tin lace indUiliy and Is localid in the hluMwood Foi est sLctlon of Ihi I Midlands' Mancheslei and Sheffield ale the neatest liirge cll-lis to Nolllnghiun Mis Beiildge .ays that Picsidcnt-Llei t J3v igllt Elsenhowoi Is veiy populai with tile people In tills area

She lepoits that lalloning is still III effect. Some of the allot­ments pel pi i son each week aio IliiCL 0/ of butlci and two of rooking fat, 25i woitli of meat and two'oi bacon, one oi Iwy eggs, arcoidlng lo pioductlon Only light <u of sugai is now allowed, hut sweets a ie expeuled to be lo-nioveil fioin the ialien list hi lime fot the coiojtallon i'ea cuine off Ihe list while iilie was Iheie 'fills Is i|Uitc a (omfuit to the Lngllsh people who love their tea Fish, tilpe and ilvei ale unrationed but allocated by ul])liabcl to aid in fall distiibution rresh fiult is not too plentiful, but a good supply of di l( d fi uit Is cxpicled for tlio holi­days

Telt vision is (|ulte common and Ihe piogianis nie veiy good I here aie no commciciuls, howcvci, ev-eiy owner of television oi ladio has Ut have a license Fees are ^b yenily foi TV and J") foi radio

When Mr. and Mis Bcrrldge last visited £:ii;;land he was di-talnol fui the duration of the wai and had to woik In the Rolls Iloycc factory In Crewe which Is about 125 miles from I..ondon Mi Bei­ildge, who Is waiting for his American citl/enship papcis, did not make the trip this time, he says, because he did nut caic to risk the possibility of anothct dc-Icntlon Mrs Derildiie went buck to visit old friends In Crowe had a good lime recalling the Wat days and experiences In the bomb shcl-teis which are now entirely re-

(Ooiittnucd On Pago Four)

The first- serious fire , lo, occur In l!asl Haven's business district In Ihe past ;!() months broke out sud-lienly In a small shoe repair shop ai '270 Main Street, early Monday evening causing dnmago Onoftl-riaily set nl several thousand" dollars. •'',•.

Engines one and six and Truttk one i-n-ipi.tidoii i>iii,.e''ittt''iy'nl 6:30 on the til si nlnim which win fc-coked ft urn the cashier at the Capi­tol Thcntci, n few doors away fi'oin the flic, whlrh was biouglil under bontiul bcfnie it could sprdifd to other shops ' Sevcial poisons spultod tlto smoke pouiing out ot thd building and tan to telephones to sound thi! alarm, One of the fitst to HOC tlic smoke was OOP Town Clinirmon Matthew Anastoslo, who rolnydd the news to the Capitol clislilcr.

Offlcei Louis 1 orcUo spottod llio excited activity ot several uthor witnosscs and sounded nnolhci' ' nlnim fioin the desk \\\ licnd-qunilcis

As the flic nppaialus pulled up at Ihc store fioni and tlrtmcn* be­gan laying down hose lo connect at the hydianl on Klikham Ave­nue the plate glass window of tha stole blow out and tlm Interior buist Into ftniucs

The legulai fltcmen, aided by ni-rlvlng volunlecii, fought thb bla/e foi soveial minutes f^forc gaining oonliol so that tlioy could reach lite souicc of the conflngra-tlon - nn overturned oil space-heater which had appaionll)' over­flowed

Accoiding lo r i i o Chief Thomas .1. Hayes, the flic stalled at llin heat CI, sproading flist to tin; tluoc nivl tlicii In suirounillng walls.' Flicmen wpfkod furiously lo got ai flames ^litqli ))j)^ crept Into tlio wall Boparmlflg fho ihoc utorq fi'oin

I t,ho adjoining Wol-Worth'vafl^ly I stoic. , In addition tu the dantagc to the , ifltoUbr'Of thb''lsti'a6 rolioir ahoii,.? the Wel^Wotllt stbiO rccljlvcd some smoke dAniagc and waiel' cfamago to goods stoied In the bancmcnt.

Piopiletor of the stoic, Ap-lliony Zampano, of <157 Paradlso A \ c , Jlamdcn, told firemen lie had remodeled the litorc adci ).aklng ovei from a picvlous owner ilnd had icstitncd business about two weeks ago t \

It was lepurlcd that Zumpaiio, who was unuviillablc for an esti­mate on damage, was pot covered: by Insurance. Howovei'iHic build­ing containing :bbth storoa tiCIeotcd by the flro alld owried by Mrs.. Wllllom - Flsdhct, of 23 : Maltby. Place, Now Havort, wos protected.

It was the second building flro for this area In the past wock.'Pn Friday at 5l45 p. m, Companlosono and six wore colled to the homo-or Joseph Oswald, Od Chtti'lcr Oak-Ave., where a lire bad broken-oiit

(Ciiiitlnucd On I'ago Four)


Appeal Issued • For Gifts To Mental Hospitals

Middlelov n Sixteen wqmcu roinintinity leadets of Middlesex and New Haven Counties woik-Ing thiough the MIddlesox and New IIa\en County Medical Aux-lliailis appealed today to ihcli fellow till/ens fui an odtpourlpg of gifts to "clioci llio hearts ot the patients of Connecllcut Stato Hospital on Cliilstmas Day."

'Ihe women arc tlio chalrpion In tltcii communlllcs of llio Christ­mas Gift Piograin of the Joint Committee ot Stato Mental Hos­pital i

MIS Waltoi Mclson ot Croin-well. County clnlliman of Iho an­nual gift campaign, said:

'"Ihc State Hospital at Middle-town bus nearly 3,000 patlentii. A laipo numboi of llioso hayc no kin, at least In piactlcal terms, and a ic without filonds Thoy ilfllt go without a gift unless completo strangcib, t|ioU follow clil^ens, make a small sacilfica (oi the Christmas holiday.

"To the mental patient, a gift on Chilstmas will have a value fai beyond lis modest intrinsic worth It will have the moiinlng that the world outside the hospital Is not a huifch, friendless plueo, bul a place Of friendship and warmth

"Wo urge oui' follow cllUons of Middlesex and New Haven Coun­ties to open thtilr hcartu and pur­chase soma Usable object foe the patients at Mlddletown or write a check with which such Items could bo > purchased Such check should bo inado out to 'Pallepts' ~ Activity Fund.' .

Mrs Nelson .said that deposit stations are being established in the various communities >o( the

(Cantlin)ipd On Page Foul;)



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• 4

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T H E E A S T IIAATCN NEAA'3 Tliurmliiy, Dec. I, IPK l'ay,p

Pat McGouldricIv Wed Saturday To James Bancrosl • SnliM'ilny noon In Chi'liil Eplsci)-

pnllnn Church, Miss Pnt i lc in Mnr-I'ovv McOoulriilnk, nniiKliIci' nf Mi's. .Innios Mci r l l l DnncroKl, nf 9 Cloni'-vlow Avemifi, bcnomo llio bi ldp nf Ray Dennis LoonI, son of Mrs. Angelo N. I.aonl or 22 , Bnfilpy Avenue, Hnnulon, nnd the Inio Mr. Loonl. Tho Rov. AUind W. CInrk porformod tho cci 'oniony In n .sel­l ing or whi te chryBnnthcmunis nntl pohipohs; ; . ..^.-'.-^ ,/ . ," ,',• '. • ,;.

Kscorlod lo | t io n l inr nmlVftivoii In indrr lngo by s l i e r rhvhei' Ihe

' br ido wns ntlcnrtcd by Miss Vnlcdn M. Robinson o f ' . E n s l I I n v e r t ns mnid of honor, DridcsmnUls w e r e Mrs., .Tnmea J. ' ,McGouldi ' lelc of Hnmdcn, sister-ln-lnw of t h e bridu, nnd Mls.s Pntrlcin A. McOowan, n cousin of Iho brldcRrnom.

n i cho rd P. Cnrrol l ."iorved a s b t s l

ninii. I lprrs wore l.niiUi P . Cot-ve.^(r

of Providence, U. I.,^ n cnuiiti of

llie brldoRrooni, and .Iniiios .f.

M<Ooil!drl(.'l!, b r o t h e r of Ihe hrldo.

'I'lie bj'Idc w o r e u iiailerln-i

ienRih Ko'.vn eornijlnlni! n wliin.

Clihnlilly Inco bodice nnd nn n t -

i^):'dlon pleated nylmi tu l le skir t ,

i l c r rinBor l ip Icniilh veil fell froiti

a Quoiin Anno cap and she ca i i i cn

a Cl'ef'cont slmped boiupiet of slop-

hnnnlls cen te red wi th a wliile

orchid, 'I'lio honor n l t e n d a n t w o r e a

•nnuve Ir idescent laffoln bal ler ina Idngth govvn; a ba l rbnnd nnd and pule pink ea rha t lons com-jiloted h e r ensoniblc . Tlie l)ride.s-nlnlds'. onscmiiloH comprised apple gropn. lridd.^cont Inffela gowns, hnirbnridsin'rtd g n r n e t I'oscs.

PolloWlng the coremrtny a recep­tion wds htilrt: In Weeping Wiliow.^. Assisting In receiving gues t s were the br ide 's mo the r , w h o w o r e a per iwinkle hliie crcpo . drc-ss, and ilie l i r ldegroom's moti ier , vvbo was '1ror.sed in a w i n t e r pink lace dress. Ilolh wore Willie orciiid corsages.

Mr. ami Mrs. Rini Lcoiii

For Bcllcr Cnlci'laininciil ff[_^{

SclYour Radio Dial

al ,

WNHC RADIO New England's First Complete

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Aims Klinlifi

IMr. iitiil IMTH. liny I.rniil nnitM' Tur t l i r i r pirliirt* boforo HUrlliit; thr- (•(•ri'MuiniuI ciillliit; (if thi ' i r wfihliiiK iMiUr i i f t r r IirliiR tniirrlpil Siidirtltiy III (Jlirisl KpiscMipiil Cliiirch, ,Shc IK l l io former MISH

r a l H r t a M o r n i w .MffioiiUlrirU.

Legion Fo.sl Will I Sold X-nias Parly On Thursday, 18lii

Ti l l ' rcKuiar nieelinK of I l n r r y U. l i a r l l i ' l l i'osi No. W. Aniurican Le­gion wvili iioid l is annual Ctir islnias patiy on 'I ' l i i irsdny, IJec. 18th al

>«#*»•: »<><'•»»»> 0•^N*^*. •..••O-»V''»'>,'>O0-«>sV'V'v'>O^O»'>^»,^»'>O>S »''*''.«s'r,'>*.'>i>*S«.'r. ,i^^^^

ViSIT TSIE ELGENE SHOP... For Your Clin'stmas Gift Buying!!!






OUR GIFT SUGGESTIONS Faints, Brushes & Water Colors »Oil Painting Sets

•Drawing Paper & Board •Modeling Clay Kits

•Easels & Canvas's •Art Books

•Finger Paints Many, Many Art Gifta, Too Nunioioiis

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THE ELGENE SHOP 242 Main St. East Haven Tel HO 7-344C

•i>*>.fc*.*'»i.>*'ri>. ^<,-vv.-r»'o»'. •»'•^'•^•-O^'•»'»'>O^^^••»'•0^^••0,'>.'•»'>.>^••^'•»'•^'•V•^•<•s'•^N•*«•^^•>•^^i,>^'•»'•»V

ooM up -to „ (Vhen cfour d e l

\g dram 0^


-^^t, G'li^i-iieTf'ioiUxZ/trHf: . . Mam Ollico • Broodway Offico • East and WosI Hoven Brandies

WIMOIK f [OE«* l HCSUVi S r 5 I t « . H I M I H I t O E I A l O l fOSi l INSUSANCt COnrOSMlOM

^ M » » M M « i M i m M « . M M M . « « M M « i » « « i « - i « . - « i .


8:30 p. 111. ,lolin Mo.ssina and the cy tnmi t leo have u r r a n g c d an enjoy­able cveninR l o r those a l l end ing . Member s a r c reques ted to briuK a toy o r Rnnio not ie.ss than 2.5 cen t s in va lue . A coinni i t tce will del iver all nf Ihe.so toys In the Crippiud Cbl idron ' s H o m e a l NewlnRlon be­fore Chr i s tmas , ^an ln Clans will alsrj be p resen t to dis l r lbule s i f l s for those m e m b e r s iitlendlnR. in addi t ion, Al Mi l l e r will provide cn-l e r l a i n l n g nuisie, while J o h n Cra ig will lend In old-fnshloneo carol s inging.

All m e m h c r a a r e retjtiesled to a t ­tend.

'I'lio roKulnr aomi-monl i iV inc^el-Ing will be lield tonight following nn execu t ive moel lng at H:3n.i). m. Hofroshinents will ije served tol-lowing t he ineetinR.


T h e Ladles ' Guild of Our i.,!idy of Pompf l l ,CI|Urcli Is spon,sorlne a Cl i r i s tmas k i lc on Sumlny tporn? ing.. Tl io sale wil l be conducted! in Ihe c h u r c h ' h a l l foiiciwlng llve( 8 ami lOi.'in nin.sses. Mrs, F r n n i t Onofrlo heads t h e commlt lee . 1

, ^A».*i- .=,^;*^-J. ^

Himclrcfh /l/i?f:f/ Sunday

Drdicatmn Of Gillis School Scvpia l Iuini]ir>il Kast l lnvriun 'Sj

nttciulcrl t ho nffirlal tlcilicalinn coronionins Siuinny nriornoon fnr t he Wil l iam E. Gillis Sriuinl (Hi Ta'iinnilKo Ave., wiiidi \v;i i ci>ni-plctcrl this fall nflcr sovcrnl years of planniiiR and construct ion.

T h e (lortlcntion was opcnod by a corcmoninl flat^-ralsiny by a color gunrc) composed nf nicinbor.s cI i h r j H a r r y U. Bar t lc l l Post 80, Amori-1 can LcRlon antl AMVETS Post U.\ Thu riaR was presoiitPti by Second ; Solec lmnn Ernos i M. Anlhnnls , as • official represen ta t ive of \ho town.

Indoors in Ihe InilldinR's Rcnora l : purpose I'ooin antl before an ovcr-

lUnv crowd, a symbolic c e r e m o n y was conducted and a key w a s pro-sentr'd to Supl . of Schonls Wil l iam K. Cilli.s, in whost ' honor Ihe new "mildinR was naniod,

Mr.^. i iavniond F reed , pres ident iif t he Wllllant E. Gillis PTA , ervcd as niiiiiress t f re ren ionle ; and in t roduc id t h e honored par l l -'•liianl,s in the eerrni . in ;

Haro ld F . Davis, t \ew l lnvon archiScrt wlm designed the build­ing, presented {he cerenittninl key to the school to Andrew IBnrdu-Rune, prcsidenl of the P. F rane ln i Cnmpany of Derby , t h e c o n t r a c t o r s whu consl rucled tlie bui lding. Sa-

©1945 w^ ST

FROM THE H OF 1MB on deposits between the 1st and the lOlb

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Your ONE BANKBOOK is good for withdrawals or deposits at any of our five

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250Whaliey Ponliac Dealers, Est. 1908 F, Stanley Peterson, Pres.

Electric Coffee Porcolatcrs, & coffc niakci'i, Eloctric Waffle Irons, Sandwich Grills. Prcs-auro Cookers, FEYRYTE deep fryers. RE­VERE Ware, CAN-0-MAT can opener. Child­ren's Phonographs/Table Radios, SUNBEAM Shavcmapter, Irons, Bathroom Scales, RE-GINA Floor Polishers, Heating Pads.

Come, look and choose from our wide selection of work-saving, time-saving gifts at money-saving prices I

2r.O MAIN ST. TEL. HO 7-3130

t u r n o F r a n d n l , a m e m b e r of t he oanlrac!inp. r irm, nnd n iufiilVi' impil al Derby \\\rM \\\\v\\ ^u^ r.illls Wiis i>i'itioip»l th^iii^ mt in^ l imn JO yonr.-i ago, wns 'nlso nn ho» -ofcd riuesl.

Mr . Bni'iUinono -.irospnlpti llip lu*y in Vhicciil Voirnno, ohnirnmn nf tho sch;>oI iHitldinR oommlttoo, w h o K'lnywl it to Mi-ii. \V. O r m Pnrkor , c h n l r m a n of the Bonrti itf Kduen-tlnn. • ,

Mrs . Pn rkor prc^cnlcd the Uoy lo Mi \ GllHs a f te r s t iu lng Umt she arccptcr t t he key " a s a pymhoU7.a-• ion o f ' n i n r o schools nnrt b e t t e r scliools for o u r chi ldren."

In U\s r e m a r k s of accep tance the supe r in t enden t said lie w a s •'very phN\sod'' t luit tlie town lind decided to s t a r t a i>oHcy of nanilnR indldlngs af ter local persons whi le Ihoy a r e alive. " T h e r o a r e m a n y ol l icrs here to ho honored," ho said, nanilnR .1. Woodward Thompson , wlu) con t r ibu ted a larj^c svtm of money lo tho Union School, nnd Miss Mary I rwin , a t eacher a t Foxim for m a n y y e a r s .

*1 apprec ia te tho ract tha t this sfhooi is named in my honor ," he sriid, "bu t 1 would l ike to point out that any work be ing done is tho produc t nf m a n y work ing toge the r . I t h ink this school Is a m o n u m e n t tn t he se many persons who a r e or-f^anized to work toRother."

Mr. Davis and Mr. Ve t ronc prai.sod tho con t r ac to r s for t he ox-cel lcnce of the i r services; and tho bui lding conmil t too cha i rman al.so |)ralsod tho m e m b e r s of his com-ni i t lee for contr i l iut lon of thei r l lmo and effort lo m a k e the scliool po'jsiblo.

In t he closing r e m a r k s before r e a d i n g the benedict ion, the Uev. Virgil Wolfenberge , pas tor of t he F6xon Congregat iona l Church, said he concurred l iearledly with Mr. Gillis ' sugges t ions on naming schools . Tho Hov. T h o m a s Fu roy , of St . Clare 's Church , Momaiiguin, ronri tho Invocation a t the s t a r t of Ihe ceremony.

Dur ing the f lag-raising ce remony the East I laven High School Band p layed-under the direclion of Mrs. Wllheln\ lnn S t r a n d b e r g . As part of t he dedication program, the sevqnth and e igh th g rade pupils a! (he school sang a choral nundJer u n d e r the direct ion of Miss l l l lr iur Svonson of iho teaching staff. In addi t ion, Mario Piscltolli, seventh g r a d e s tudent , per formed on the i p iano and SaWatore Callognri. of i the fifth grade , played a medley of songs on his accordion.

Pupll.s of the school conducted p a r e n t s ' ' a n d o lhor guests on a guided tour of the school's ctass-r o o m s and o t h e r faclUttos,

T h e s t ruc tu re , which cost aii-pi-oximatoly fl;3(i0,000 to build, seats 2'.)0 pupils and conta ins eight ciass-room.s, a k inde rga r t en and a gen­e ra l purpo.so room. The building is equipped with a medical room, a kilchori, rece iv ing room and o the r accessory facilities.

Those assist ing Mr. Vet rono on the BulUllng Commit tee Include:

H u g h .1. Blnkeley , Cha r l e s M. Copeland, Rober t II . Decker, Henry Do Lucia, .Tames E m n t r u d o , Law-renco Madison, Mar t in Olsen and Jo.soph Rodenskl . Also act ive In tho p lanning and complet ion of the bui ld ing Wore J o h n II. Corlielt , s e c r e t a r y to t h e Board of Educa­t ion ; i l e n r y A, Pf ls terer , s t r uc tu r a l eng inee r and tho firm of Hubbard , Lawless and Blakoley, mechanical engineers .

Ref reshments were served by tho Gillis School PTA members . T h e c o m m i t t e e assist ing Mrs . Freed w e r o ' M r . s . Sigurd Anderson, Mrs. S t a n l e y Sandciuisl, Mr.s. Alber t Tor ino , Mrs. Alvln Thomp.son and M r s . F red Read ing .

Pr.siniasler Sees Kccord MiiilmjTp f Says: Mail Early :

ViwImnsliT Winiani .1. IUBKIUS ror-icos a rornrd .iolj for tho U. S.; Pos ta l Snivlco |l\ls scnson «ml hns urt;od Ihn puhUc to hiHll cnrds ntut Rift liin'knKCs pni'ly.

TImo » t mnl l lnc Is rslicolnlly Im-poftnnt . nitrt tho cnrl ior tlio bot lcr . T h o PoKtninsliM" oiuphustzod 11 Is "cvpryhody 's Imslni^ss" to follow

lUils t imc-tnli lc (ov nil CluistninR ninlilniis:

Mal i PrtPrcl l*ost By Dec. 1 rof .Ovpiscns . By Dec,

5 foi- Otit-or-Sliito. By D t t \ 10 for I-ocal Dollvoi'y.

Mnll Clirlstoiiis C^nrils By lico. 1 loi' Ovcfsoiis. By Dee,

i n for Ont-Mr-Slnln. By Di-c. IS for Loonl Dollvcry. '

yulollric mnll t o r ovcrsons lins boon Kol»K out In n s teady flow for scveni l w e e k s now. Moreover , Ihci'o's still t ime for del ivery In i^iost forelKU ooui^lries. But nftcr Doc. 1. nil gifts Rolng nbrontl slion''t he .soni by air pnrcel post nnd nil Chr ls ln ins cniils by nir mnll .

".TtiRl keeping one eyo oit Ihe cnlendnr. liovvcver, Isn't enough," continnetl Pos lmns te r l l lgglns. "Here ' s how to avoid,(lisniipnlntliiR your frlpiuls nnd loved ones . 1 th ink It m a k e s good M-'iiae.

"Visit t h e Post Office this week , While t h e crowds nre still sm'ill , Buy nil those ex t ru s t n m p s you'll tie needing, and ask nny ques t ions

ys'.i nioy hnve n b - u t v s ^ h t s r e d

mnll o r Insur.'il pveknges . '

;".S|.n'); uii o« suiiiilirs of Bturdy

i',Tr<ll<iard. .sirring oord, ' wrnpidi u

pni'or, ninl (wt'col post lahel,^. 'I'hoii

ittnll j -our gift iJao.kages ' .vo oi

t h r e e at n t ime " v u w.(lt to

nt'nll t l e n i nil a t onv:i», congestion

Incrense.H. / ,

"Check nnd revise .vour Chr i s t ­ians card list cnrofully. Select y o u r C h l i s t m n s enrds i n w . i\nd .i<l-dross oivch envelope iilnlnly anil oomplctqly, Olve Ihe full n a m e , liou.se ni imher, city, /.one, and s tn te . Show your r e t u r n nddress nl.io In the up'inr left hand c e n t e r of t h e envelope."

23 Permlls Show Seasonal D.rop in Building Here

A soBsonnl d r o p Hi const ruct ion was rot lecied by llio sninll tolnl .11 ail bullciinit iii^rmits Issued du r ­ing Nov. by t!:e Jtnlldlng Inspec­tor 's office for lee« to in l lng Jtr>3. ' t h e permits , w ' i . i Included M H e n cUvellllig..i vaUie . i I l t n tolnl of Kiil,-0110, Wi're down front the 80 ls.sued la Oc t .

O t h e r pe rmi t s Issued by Ihe of-Ilce Included Ihe following: one plumliing poriult , $1 ; 21 six-dollar p lumbing iiormlts, l e ln l lng J I M ; 1.1

sepl le tnnk r c r m l l s for Instal lat ion,

$l'tt, two i>owei puniii p e t m l t s for

c lea imnta )?2; atUl seven s treet

e v a v a l l o n pe in i lK ST

Also 02 oil b u r n e r pe rmi t s for

Inslnllnllon, $124, .W electilcltl per-

mi l s for Instnllnilon, .$UB; two

licenses 1ft Instnll oil b u r n e r s , $10;

s l \ l icenses to o l e d i l e a l enn t ine -

tors . $:tO; a n d th ree r ange oil

slot age liotmll'i, $150 T h i e e ex-

l i a elect Ileal InsiiecUons foi code

violntlima w e r e m a d e a l n lotnl

tee cost of SB nnd Ihe sale ut one

electr ic code boi.k, b r o u g h t Ihe

to l a ! of tee recel,>ts to $017.05.

1 T H E E A S T H A ^ I S N N E W S TIniri,^1n.i( t ) i«t I, XQ'i • TaRC 8 1 ••— it.t •iMiiii I im ii< !• tatmmmmtmmMimrm

I Davis - B.adle/ Ml, and n\ l l n in ld t t D . i \ h

of 001 'l 'homp'.on Avcnile, a|)n»uii(.o

llitj c n r a g ' n i v <tl of iheli dnt tghtcr ,

Aim T n l e o t t , to Alnil Rydnr I lrnd-

ley ••'in of Mm C l T i e n c B ind ley

and Ibo lalb Ml nindlc,v.

' MK' r>mis wns g indi ln led f iom Iho r i n l e w a y School n n d . Is a SO"'"'- 'I r.nilth Cnlll?Be,

Mt'. Brhdldy wnlB Rrnduntcd fronl S|)i'i.,i;,,e..i oOllegc af ter aorvlng

> with the . Navy In World W n r If and Is nt , p resen t nssoclaled wi th .Snigeni and Cnmpnny, New Haven.

A T I I O U t i U T Ueasnn and exper ience

hid us tn exp>;cl that mora l i t y can prevai l in of religious pr inciple .

Wasli ington

lioth fnr-natlonal


TeL UN 5-2151

AMi^ZING 3 DBMENSIONSl Cliildrcn and adults alike delight to BCC favorite stories and far nwoy scenic wonderlands "come to y ^ life" in Uie fascinating realism of 3 dimension

I color View-Master pictures. Seven exciting stereo Kdda-

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a t Christmas and the whole year through in View-Master I Stereoscopes and Projectors 1


CHILDREN & ADULTS Alice in Wondedand (3 Recli) Night Seloie Christmas A Dn/ ot thn Circui

U. S. Notionol Pofh Fomous Cities V/odd-Wid* "Trove!" )!eelt Chriilmat Story |3 Reelij

Rudolph, Red-Nosed Reindesr Mother Goose Rhymes Foity Tales Cowboys

Arobian Nights (3 Realsl Som Sowyer Adventures Animols

J. REELS 3Se each ^ 3 for $1.00

Small Deposit Will Hold Any

Toy Til Cbrictoas

Games Ail kinds



pnoJtcroit $10.95 7 |



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& Browse Around!

TRJOYCLES Largo;;t Selection Anywhere




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Slltt lEtiBt Unveil '^tmi P U ^ L I S I I K U E V E R Y T I l U n s n A Y


•; • t N C O R P O K A T E D ' ' 8018 DIxu'cll Avnnuc, l lainilcn, C7oiin.

J O N A T H A N CZAll, KUITOR ilohn Zyp.k, AitvcrtlNtni; iManrtKtr

Mrs , Alvin ThonipHoii, AKnnclaln Kilitor

' H t R E A S T IIAVKN N E W S SSO M a i n H i r e d . Tel , 110 7-IiBII Rox 215 E a s t I lnven

A t ) V E R T I S I > 0 R A T E S ON A r i ' l J O A T I O N nunlncM Tr.lrpllnno ATwntnr 8-1(101

S U B S C R I P T I O N : $2.r>n per y r a r , pa.valiln.lii ailvanco

E n t e r a l kn Hnconil-claKu ii iat lnr iit t he Paul Office At New Haven , Coniu'etleii t

TRIBLTE TO THE LIVING Till! licv. Virgil WoH'milipi'i,'!', piislor (if l[n:

Foxnii C'oiigroynlicmal Cliiireli, put, il very ii|)l-ly wlieii li(! uiinoumiMl he was in miuonl with Supei'liitciuloiU ClilliH' slalud approval to iiniiiiiiB now liuildiiiKK in tlio lunior of living; pci'rfolis. Mr. WoU'cnbergc said, lip Ion, bi;-liqvcd in.!,'liiiiuliiiK tlic boiKiiiels to living pntv sollH — wilili! tlicy can still Bnioll llidni." '. • One ol' the main c(iin|)en.siilioiw ol' UMJSO wlib dedicated tlieiimi'lvPH t(i iiiiblie nei'vioei as salurioil ot'l'ieiHls or as coiiiniitieeniciMliert), without pay, has been tile personal satisl'aiitipii-((£ briuBing into lieiiig "some eonerete beneril to the c'oiiiimniity in wlilch tlicy live uiid worlc ' vA man who lias given most of liis tiinc;'per-hnps liioHt oE his. life-time,,to thc;Hcciiritig,or those tilings he believes essential to the growth' mid progress of his eonitnunity, looks forward 1(1 the prWe of pnblie iioeomplisliineiit. The conscientious striving of a piiblie official Vvho binds hltiisqlf'lienrt and soul to therealizatioii of what; li(j feels is neecssary for the good of those tirouiid hi iaean never be boOght by, a Biliary. And Qod.killws a good mnnin public offiou is iiovcr ov,o/puycdl . "Vyiiy not, then, lend to such a man the sat-

isl'a(!lioii of knowing that what he liiis worked to br|i)g (ibiiiit is a gjod thing,, lui iniportunt thing} appreciated by his fellow, eilizeiisl het hini eii.joy the honor and respeel thai is.pro­perly his. . ' • • , ' ' , . ,., •

It is singularly approjiriate tliat the Town of Bast Haven refrained froiii Ilicv.iraditibiial (mid wp. think lai-.y)" policy of''niimiiig our

' schools after historical ,figur(:H of natibiiiU'aiid statu'fume t(i lunior Williui)! 15..GiUls-by con- ,

• ferring liis name iipoii our, latest additiiJiV.i The Huperiiitoiident lias-spent .iiiiire than

V) years (if his life hero,, guiding pur sehutil' ysteiii in its growth t\( .'keb|! up with the ex-indiiig needs of iUiisl naven. In tlje piirsuV ',ec nf his duties, he has worked conseiehii-, I'.y t(i aeeommodale our .school eliildreu in

^ ".§ best niiinuer possible.-';.,: •• , , ' ' ..;;.•,,,•' ?ii,o "News" feels tlmt jl speaUs tor tiie eii-

•«-_.>&.To\vn of East MaVeii','in extendiiig hoiirti-cst (ibngratiilatioiis to Mr. OiUis upon this JKIII-orable occusion. , , '

DECEMBER SEVENTH Sunday will mark llic elevenlb anuiver.'iHry

of the infiinious attack upon Pearl Harbor, up­on which day the United Slates was torn from its lingering hopes of hciug spared the horrors

ol a war already raglrfg thtougliont most of the world. .

Memories, of tbpsi! who died on December 1, IMl nniroii the. many dark days that ful-lowe(i,, secln .to fade ililli.cprcsenee of n new lUiiJevon.ifrciitcr tlircftl iouUr Christian wiiy M .i'ifp. NoVcrthcie.Hs', it would bo most tragic anddislionoriible It, We,(iid not; pause to iiay tii!)nt(! to tli()se who ,'lied; jiilid are still dying, that freedom might live.. ^

A N O T E W I K E (From The Hamdoh Ohroniolo)

'•; ;Clrnstor lioWies has bpeii a great ambassii-(liirio India and has woli this country eoiuit-Icss friends in the heart of Asia wliei'i; we need I hem iiiosl. ' This lias beini the ci)iiseiisnt< of every report ilial we hitvc! read on the former Comiijcticilt goVenidr's HerToriimiiee siiitc'lie was named ambassador to Jndia by President Triiiuan. lii-doeil,- Mr. Howies lias set iii motion'iiniuch ncecii-'d levoliition in the duties'lindcoiidnct of pur dijiloiaatlc corps by sblidiiig his ^chiUlreli to liulimi scliu()ls and by tiiixiiig vvith the iieo-plp of fiidia rather thanclotfeling himself ill the ('•mbassoy au'd seeing (jiily the high mucky miiiiks'in the riidian goVeriiinent and Aineri-eait'yisitpi's., •, \i» ' '•' I l l s difficult l"o place u value on tlie iiin-

.ijassadpr's service. It coiild DeVer he estimated ill'terms of-dollars. lJuti|.>is safe to say that lip lias'couti'ibuteil, IIS much as apy niaii in ov-ereojiiiiig pre,iiidi(je iiiiil fjprr'pdlng, good will

',l'6r Uns country, (luring, tjip .tiliii! that he has 'bijeniin pffljie, . !.';;. .', ',*:•• .y'v.'lri .aijcord' with truditi.oii, however, it ap-

'poiirsilikely that his seryiPc in til Is. capacity is iibotit to end. i t is custtilmlry for all aiii-hilssadors t() siiiiinit their resignations when a iiow administration tiikes Office, and preee-deiit deci'ees that rcsigiiuli()im of all those but career diplomats are aconptod, Hecau.se Mr. Wowlcs' appointment was a political one he doijptiess will be replaced. •'. .

;l'resident-elect iSisculiowor is not in iiiT enviable position in having to name someone else to fill the shoes of a man who iias niiuli! sii'ch. aii.outi>tandiug reputation for liiiiuielf, In the event that Mr. Eiseiiliowci' elects to con­form to tradition and replace'Mr. Howies we humbly suggesl.tliat he has an opportunity fur siilviiging a' situation which otherwise caUjac-e.imiplish little. . ,••;";,'.;:.•;•;••' ^ . .;, It 'is (iur considered ppiuion tluitdue to the Btimtcgic-and political iifippi'tancuof india in Ihe Cold Warbetwccn HiWt 'iii'id 'Wcst'thnt boMl •Stepfj'are reipiired to iiii'prgVe this'couiitry',s |)ph'llr(in ill the eyes of Ihplri'liiius lus well as

,iitricr; Asians. At' the saulp' lime;it|iilist he rec-pgnized, thill.;one.of the .inu.'il'vulneriilile points iil.."Alilcri_ea's armor isS-'Miui''; tti.serlmiiiiitioii i,igi(i.hst,' tjuv.uegi'o. 'l'lic';...C/pfPmuiiis£s,.are cx-

•iiloiting this Weakness o'l''('plrs,t(>'lhc,iiilt piir-licularty-in: Asia, Where ;iy;huV,tlifl;n;iost telling priuiil;;,-,'!, " _ ' . / .,,' iV'lCjii ' ; ' ' . '" ' , . ;. •

'....AVitU' this ill,view, iis.w'eli.'ii's'illip' "Iber nioro .appareut' 'reasons, we'' lii'|;«.:-',"I''i'Pfi<lent-eleet IjliscP.hpWor to name a qtiiiljJ'ipi,!'negro as iini-uuibastiailor to Indian in thel'eycntthat he sees I'it.tii 'replace Mr. Uowlesi'Stioh li'inove should go, li';long .way in eonvhi'clngVAsinns that we liiivc come a long way in bur efforts to elevate tho'iiegrb to eipiiil status AVitll whiles • - even though iidmittedly we stillliave il long way to K " . ; . ; ; ^ • " • • , , ' • ' , , • ' . / ; • ' ' . , ' • • ;

FOXON NEWS Iiy Mililn-d Letts

TrI . IK) 7-7005 Foxon WON Wf.'ll ropif.s<;nl*'fl in

iho chcpflnK soclion al. Ilio 'rimnk.s-Klvinf{ Kfinin by HovL-rly Waiif.-IcnfliiiR Iho l)Ul.nn iwitloiM nnrl by CJIondn; Wilfion v/ilh IUT infij^a-pliont; on Ihc (.'licerU-'adcr sriuml.

3h: and Mm. Pnii! Kaznun

Had lo m a k e n t r ip l.u n(-.i({h-liorlnK Guilford lo bxehanK'.. scinic entulcjahrn. After complotiiif; Ihis e r r and wo wont for ii finimus chcckerbor ry widn. Th(..n? w(?ri! some BrbwUifj chcckcrbni-rlos cm dtsplay. W e r e we HUrprtseil lo KIT.. i h a l tlioy wore w h a t we (ilv/ny.s cnMod win te r areen. ThI.s Is ii low Rrowln)! cvci'i^i'ceii l ioio, lu.l. us li'nIIIng (is t he piirll 'ld|;e b o n y .

' » « « « ly

Wish everyone In Foxon wnuld vlalt Iho now Glllla .Sehool, Thiiy'd KOt u Rood Idea nf w h a t wo i!iin look forward to In the wi iy .o t a school f(H' this area . Mr. Marzul lo one of the former irnlnlnK tuiinh ci's ut I''oxon, now has one of tin rooms. , Miss -McKoc , w h o t a u g h t Romo of our chi ldren n t l^nurel, IH the principal . MIKH IJOKBO, also

famlilar lo Foxon parontN, tench(?.s first g rade .

• * * < • "

Billy Torolh), our nelKhborlmod l lopa long Cassldy, oclobrrilr...s his fourth b i r thday on Dee . 7,

Mr, and Mrs. ISdwin Cox, loni; t ime roHldonts, hiivi! sold thei r homo and a r e niovlni; lo Florida,

«• 4. 4. « «

P r o f . - M u c h l will cont inue his "Ar t of CJovornniool" ser ies with a Iccluro on Pnr i ln ion tnry Procerl-uro. Th is nioiitini! will he lield a s usual In the church a t 7:30 on 'I'liursduy, I3ee. *!.

• • * * »

Foxon ConjireKOllonal Cliureh lielivitlos: A spocini nioclinK of the Church Commi t t ee a t the liome of chnlr tnan Dwight Keolor on F r i d a y evening. A Chr i s tmas pa r ty on Ihe noxl r egu la r m e e t i n g da te of tho Ladies Aid, Doe. 10. Hcliearsuls for a Chr i s tmas p a s o a n t unde r t he lilroclloli of IVIrsi j^Iurdei' , to lie presented d u r i n g ' C h r i s t m a s weelt.

• * t * * Mr.s. ir.thei Cordon and Mrs. Olli-

dtno Keoler gave a Ciirislnias cookio-buking demons t ra t ion to the Now Haven W o m a n ' s Club. Thoy niiido sniupic bntchos of 12 var i -tioH of cooides, expla ined where to obtain special Ingredients , tho de­rivat ion of cer ta in types cookies and roconinionded n u m y shor t cu ts . Wo Imvo tasted some of the cookies tu rned out by these ladies and know Miey nrO well <|uallflud toaeii our city cousins a trick tW(). • ; .

AlKs l.orniitii . ItiKhvaiisUl, iliiiighler of Mr. iliiil Mrs. I... ;A. Uiul-wiiiishl, of 7.1 Clifton St.. hceaiiio t he briite of Paul Ku7.morc'/,ylt, nf Ml I'^.hiliii! Koiid, iMilfnrd, in lui a l t a r c e r e m o n y a t St . Stiiiiislaus Clilireli, Now lliiven, on 'J 'hanksgiving m o r n i n g .

Momauguin . T h e Bradford Manor D r u m

Corps will hold a Chr i s tmas pni-ty on Tliursduy, Dcccmbor 18lh In tho firchousc.

T h e annua l Chr is t iuas par ty g iven by t he Bradford Manor Ho.so Company for tho children in t h i s a rea will be held Sunday, Docember 21 a l 1:30 P . M. This a s been on annup l affplr for sev­e r a l years . Mr. U c u r y C r e a m e r will servo as eha l r iuon and will bo as ­sis ted by Mrs . Alvhi ' Thomiison, w h o will p resen t c n t e r l a l n m o n l provided by t he chi ldren.

Congra tu l a t i ons to Officer and M i s . W a l t e r Hook of Stevens S t r e e t , who eolcbrntcd tholr wed­d i n g ann ive r sa ry F r iday . ;

• .»**»..... ' A n n o u n c e m e n t Is nmdc p t - t he

b i r th of a d a u g h l e r on Nov.,'21 to Mr . and Mrs . Aiilliony Ca'siilc o t Second Avenue .

. . . • . * * * . , • . • ) . , ' • . , ,_; , , ...

Qur .^iiy|1l(^^iliy•.;>^Q. tiip:|c' 'ilioriii (unilly on lli(3 dciitli of thoii | m o t h e r l a s t week . ' . , .\ ' ' , .;,. ;; '

. . lii * . * Ill * ; ' , ' *'

O u r coi ig io tu la t ion to .Tint and Lit C u n n i n g h a m of y o u n d ; View Avenue , on t h e i r l 9 t l i wedding an ­n iversa ry celebrotod Sundiiy. Also to (3111 and Gladys B r o w n of Steven S t r e e t , who ce lebra ted Iheli- fifth ann ive r sa ry S a t u r d a y .

Iloy Langlols Is co-ehalr inan ol tiio P r i n t i n g House Craf t sman Chr i s tmas Pa r ly , to be hold a t tho Colonnado S a t u r d a y , Doeembor l a t h . Tom Malo Is chai rman-

Mr. and Mrs . Char les M a r t e n s of Cathpr lno S t r e e t had aii tholr gues t s over tho Thanksg iv ing holi­days . tjiQlr d a u g h t e r and son-ln law, Mr. and Mrs . W a y n e EIrlck.

Pv t . Rober t O'Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. .loscph O'Connor of Coscy Beach Avenue, spent the holidays w i t h Ills pa ren t s . Dob is stat ioned a t Aberileen P r o v i n g ; Grounds, Mary land .

Ba rba ra P a n t a l o n e . d a u g h t e r of Mr . and Mrs . Ell iot Pan ta lone ' of Bradford Avenue , Is a m e m b e r ot t h o commi t t ee for St . Mary ' s High School Junior prom, which wlU bo held In the N o w Havon L a w n Club, DeccmUor 29th .

J u n l e Orifice, . the r e t i r ing cap-tt«ln of Hopkins G r a m m a r School football t e a m p r o m i n e n t In t he n o w s this w e e k . P i c tu red a l the r e ­c e n t annua l football a w a r d dinner . J u n l e was a lso cap ta in of t he Eas t H a v e n i l l g h School t e a m while a t ­t e n d i n g t he Incal h igh school.

Mrs. Bea t r ice Dopll l t le l.s iiow in c h a r g e of I h p M o n m u g u l h B r a n c h L i b r a r y rcpl( lclng' ; lylrs . B a r b a r a Iplliot, who has r e s i g n e d . . ' '

Dun M a u t t e , Butch Orifice, J o h n EspOslto and Pai i l Mpi:mnn, Mbm-a u g i u n bpy^ s t a r r e d on tliC; local h igh school t e am, this y e a r . M o m -nilguln has a long list of boys w h o proved thonii^olvos popu la r In t h e nthlol lc cirqica. , '

S t . , C i o r o > ; G u i l ( t , W l l l iioid i ts m o n t h l y inooling Moiuliiy „ovcnlnB in t he churoh hiill. ^ i r s , E u g e n e Danipis will, prosido.' "Each m o m b p r I s r eminded loi hriiiE'- a griib bag g i l t . ; A C;hrlslmi>.s . c j i l o r l a lnn i cn t w i l t be presented . ' '

Chr i s t C h u r c h • Guild will hold Its n ipnlh iy c a r d ; p a r l y t o m o r r o w n i g h t In liio f l rehousc. l lcfrosh-l i iont i Will 1)0 served anil prl-ios nwar(led. T h e public is invited.

• Mr.' and Mrs . I rv ing: Knppeior ,of IIoHson .Street ontor la lnod the i r d a u g h l e r and son-in«Uiw 'lihd dliil-

,dfpn; Mr:,'an'd'' MfSj ' i tJoflbn Gpss, andA',Katliy.;"and.>No.i:lgn, of , 'New Loniipn ovor the.,liljlUiays, '•

Mrs., ,Mary, MctlllO;",o,if Ccsoy Boijclt,' Avchue , became . ii'; g ron l -g r a n d m o l h o r 'fcOcntly when h e r g r a n d d a u g h t e r gaVoii ir t l i to a .son.

Mr . a n d Mrs . Joseph 'I ' lerney wore gues ts of Mrs. Alvin T h o m p ­son over t he holidays.

Elwood F . Hoopnor Jr . . son ol Elwood I loopne r of 39 P a l m e t t o Tra i l , w h o w a s recen t ly p romoted to tho g r a d e of corpora l , Is ex-jiecled lo r e t u r n from Korea this m o n t h , Co rp . Hocpner ontorod the .service In March , 1951, look his basjc t r a in ing a l F o r t I^loado, Mtl., and w a s shipped to K o r e a in J a n u a r y of tills year . Ho h a s been se rv ing wi th tho 019th Eng inee r Aviation, M a i n t e n a n c e Company . Corp. I loopner is a g r a d u a t e ot E a s t Havon High School,

Mrs. F l o r a Barney o t Wlikondo Avenue Is leaving for Daytona Beach, F lor ida , , for the w i n t e r m o n t h s on Sunday .

Mr. and Mrs . . John Hadinll of Arch S t r ee t , announce t he blr lh of a son, J o h n Richard , on Novem­b e r 22. Mrs . Hadlai l Is tho former N a n c y Wyllio, dnugi i t e r of Mr, and Mrs. W a l t e r Wyllio of H e n r y S t r ee t . Congra tu l a t iuns to Bill Bowden . of .Coe .Avenue , w h o is now a g r e a t - g r a n d m o t h e r .

Education Assoc. Meets Mphday Nite • --

Tho regu la r month ly m e e t n g of tlio Eas t H a v e n Educa t ion Associ­a t ion , fornier iy the E a s t Haven T e a c h e r s ' League , will t a k e place on Monday ovemngi a t t he Wil l iam E. Giliiij^Sclipt)!.. ; ,

.This nicpllrig.;w'ii 00 n . c o m h l n -"ation Chrl-stiiias (tad Annive r sa ry g e l together . . ' ' I ' l io assoelal lon Is, th is yea r , -bbsc rv ing tho ;iOlh an-rilvensniy of Its •organl-/.ation. Guests will , inciudo all teaciiors, t h e i r hu.simnds pud wlv(.'.s, super ­visors, hoart) iiibmbors and ' o the r scliool personnel .

Girl 3cout L'saders In Training Course

Another ' sos , s lon . In the Girl ScoUt -Lenders ' I r a in ing course was hold yost 'erday morn ing from 9:30 to 11:30 In tho . Amcr icen IM-glon' rooms, Thompson Ave. Any louder interoslpd ''in visit ing the t r a in ing cour.se Is welcome.

L a s t week n movie on Scout ing was shown and o the r films a r c be­ing a r r a n g e d for. Member s of the class a r e also l ea rn ing the scout ing g a m e s and dances for use in the Brownie and Girl Seou l troops.

T h e Doeembor m e e t i n g of the Lenders ' Club Is being omit ted, and tho J a n . mooting will be the a n h u a i Girl Scout d inner on J a n . 15.

Schools Conducting \ Clolhing Crusade For Needy Children

Children i n ^ the Eas t Haven schools a r e pai ' t lclpallng tills week la the olovcnlh a n n u a l Chiidrt .n 's Clotli ing Crusade wliicii opened yestei 'dny. - According to Supt . Wil­liam E. Gilils this dr ive is con-riuctod by Iho Chi ldren ' s Fedpra -tion t h r o u g h o u t Iho United S t a t e s unde r t he foriorations' Nat ional Advlscu'y Coniinitl(?c of School SUp-(.•rinteiulonts.

T h e goal is to oliluln '2,5(10 pciunds of s tu rdy , wai'ui, , c lean c lothing for noody children 'of Amei' lcu and of count r ies overseas .

, 'i;ho clothlnj!; will g o t o children and f a m i l i e s ' i n ' K o r e a , , ; six ,war-slrlpkeii coun t r i e s ' in i5urope, to I-^pbPnon antl -to Iho unriprprivii ; cfeed in r u r a l a r ea s of t he United S l a t e s including the Nuvnjo and P a p a g o Ind ian reservat ions .

Public Hearing On In(iustrial Site Dec. 17

C h a i r m a n Char les II. ivllllor of tho Eas t H a v e n Ph inn ing and 5!on-iag Commission has called n public mool ing for Wednesday , Dec. 17 al 8 p. 111. in tho town hall. Al. Ihal l ime the appl icat ion of F r a n k P Sull ivan, Inc. , r eques t ing a c h a n g e of zone from Ilesidon'io to I n d u s I rial on land on Kiniberiy Avenut south of tile Route 1 cut-off and it tlic vieini ly of the former, iuyoul of Brad ley Sl.i, abandoned by thi tfiwn severa l yours ago. ' P r e m i s e s in tills general ^arof iiavo a l r e a d y been - zoned .for In­d u s t r y , since Iho building of H H cut-off.

Didi O'Donnell & jim Rogan Cast !n Leading Roles

Iiirii (J'DiiniK-'ll and .lini Iloj^an iMVc been named to lead roles in h... i':isl of chnrac t e r s for the com-iiH l-:asl Haven Player ' s product ion .f " F o u r Fllghl-s U|)," n m u r d e r iivMi'iy iilay by Ken I ' a rke r , in he hijjh ..^cliool audi tor ium, F r iday

mil .Saliirday, Dec. 12 and 1.3.

'I'lir. Ii,it of players and their •nil's was released this week by he players . Miss O'Donncli will il.-iy the pa r t of Drusll ln Taylor ; -vlilli' Uogiin will piny Kim Taylor . ) iher ac to rs will be Bet ty Daniel-on us C.'ilherino H u r t o n ; Cynthia

ivai'i-bcr as Ro-sallndo; Anne 1MI-,;I1II.. a.i Mrs. Oscar Mcrrygold ;

'A'olyii I-niertli as Mrs. Biddle; •;<l.vthe H a n i m e r t o a ns Mrs . Hen-ii ' l ta . loi 'dnn-Smytlic; Grog Hiio-nun as Stevo Haywood; Andy Kinel'/.o ns Mull igan; and Art -luesclio as Inspector O'Reilly.

This year ' s product ion, which mnrks tho seventh season for the Players , is under tho direct ion of Jcle Kmclzo. svho studied d r ama

nt t he Universi ty of Syracu.se. Del Uovor is in -hnrgo of s t ag ing the play. O t h e r product ions by tho j r a i n a g roup nave included ' 'Dour . iL th" and "Claudja."

'I'he m u r d e r mys te ry was tho .vinner of a nat ion-wide compoti-•-ion with riiore than 310 o ther sc r ip t -wr i te r s .

P roceeds of the product ion will bo con t r ibu ted ' lo the Joseph F . Mayo Memor ia l Scho la r sh ip Fund, iot up in m e m o r y of t he Inlc, be­loved high school social-science tcncher .

Admission will bo ?1.00 and tick­ets may be obtai.iod from any m e m b e r of tho cast or f rom mom-,)ors of the high school l acu l ty or o tudenl body.

Tho play will s t a r t p rompt ly a^ -i p. m.

T H E EAST H A V E N N E W S l l u i r s d n y , Dec. 1, in.'i'.! P a g o 4

Town Topics

Unbeaten Easties Defeat Branford 14 To 7

SCOUTING NEWS The nex t Easl. Haven Hoy Scuul.

. l oundUblc will be held a t Ua- Old Stone Church , on Monday, a l S J, m. All Scouters , Cub Icadei'.s and Den M o t h e r s a r e u r g e d Lo be .)ix'sent,.

Patrol Of Foxon Park Intensified

Thef t of n n u m b e r of ba t lc r los from ca r s s tored n t tho M and G G a r a g e on Foxon Rd. has resul ted In an intonslficatinn of the police pntroj In t ha t a r ea , F i r s t Seloct-man^ 'F rnnk A. B a r k e r announced this week.

T h e propr ie tors claimed t ha t tho bal tur los have been t a k e n from the cars dur ing Hie past several weeks and re<iuested police protect ion.

Male Chosen For Library Director

' No, a precedent wasn ' t set. John Male of 53 E d w a r d s SI., was elect- j ed n d i rec tor of t he H u g a n i a n ; Memor ia l L ib ra ry a t the recen t mon th ly mccMnu of t h e . b o a r d of d i rec tors . He f i l l s t h e , vacancy c rea ted by the res ignat ion of Carl Rosenquls t , now a res ident of Guilford.

Male h a s lieen a rosldont he re for m a n y yea r s and is an audi tor for the F i r s t Nat ional Bank in New i l a v o n .

A n n o u n c e m e n t of tho appoint­m e n t of Mrs . Bea t r i ce M. Doollt t le a.'j l ib rar ian at. t he Momaugu in b ranch to • i-eplaee Mr.s, B a r b a r a KUlot, wlio resigned recent ly , was nnnouneod this week by Miss Beth, ' l>" lo r . l ib rnr ian .

T h e boa rd of d i rec tors will mee t b e e . 30 ins tead of on the original ly seheduled da t e of IXH;. 23.

Tax-Delinquent Lots Go O n The Block

A list of p roper t i e s t aken by l i i o Town for non-puyinent of l.a.\us and ava i lab le for sale to Ihe public w a s released this week by t he of­fice of Fir.-il .Soiectnuui F r a n k A. ISarkor.

P r o p e r t i e s and acreages were itoniizod in a long list published in tlie ICast Haven News for public infornintion. In te res ted persons a r e ins t ruc ted to imiuiro a l t he Town Iliili for addit ional in forma­tion.

Volunteers Stamp Drive Ends Monday-

Bill Brown , c h a i r m a n of tlio Vol-u n l e e r F i r e m e n ' s s t a m p dr ive said tills week he "wan ted to t h a n k the public for con t r ibu t ing to tho suc­cess of the drive." l lo said t h a t tho campa ign opone(l in October to raise funds for tlie vo lun teers , would lie closed on Monday. Pe r ­sons in te res ted in con t r i bu t i ng m a y send the i r donat ions lo Alfred Bowden, at the Firs t • Nal ioi ial Bank B r a n c h on Main St . in E a s t Haven .

The nex t IDistrict C o u r t of Honor for Boy Scou t s has boon scheduled for F e b r u a r y 10th, and will bo .leld a t Momauguin. , Any Scout -^.xpectlng lo bo awarded his Eagle Badge is romiadou t h a t - h o mus t .Irsl ai ipoar before a ISoard of Re­view on Dec. 17th. Appl ica t ions .or a p p o i n t m e n t for tlie Board of .Review should bo-mado to Wil l iam .Wontgonicry. IIO 7-3158.'

I n to rmod la lo Girl Seou l Troops

in T u l l i e a a d In Union Schools a r e not meet ing, due to lack of leader­ship. If a n y mot i ier wou ld come to the rescue and help \ylth tiieso troops, h e r efforts would bo mucli apprec ia ted . I t is not necessary to know m u c h about Scou t ing - t h a t can be t a u g h t to you in our Lead­ers T r a i n i n g Courses.

I I is a i so j ioped t ha t t h e troop in Foxon can be re-ac t iva ted , as well as a Brownie Troop b e g u n the re . Isn ' t I hc re a mothe r in t h a t a r ea who would tii;o to m e e t Willi a group of g i r l s once a w e e k ?

T h e th roe Girl Scout Troops a l tho Old S t o n e Church , unde r t he able l eadersh ip of Mrs . De lma i Dover, ' h e l p e d wi th t he recent Church F a i r .

'I'owii lakes on n festive a i r : approach to Main S t r e e t from New l lnvcn is a colorful sight.

I^argosl crowd in yea r s wi tnessed the annual football cias-sic on Thanksg iv ing *Dny a l Memor ia l Field.

A nominal lng eommi t lco will be appointed Tuesday evening a l tlio Easl Haven Rod and Gun Club a t the i r annual p i ce t ing to b r ing In a s ia lo of officers.

* « « « # Rota ry Club m e e t i n g this noon at

the Annex House wit l i Er ic C u r r y p r e s id ing . Dave Miller is in c h a r g e of t he p rogram.

,lohn Male of 33 Edwnrd S t r ee t , HUdllor of t he F i r s t Nat ional Bank in Now Haven, eieclod as a direc­to r of tho H a g a m a n Morriorinl L ib ra ry recent ly lo succeed Carl Rosenqulst , w h o resigned because ot having moved to Guilford.

P lans are now being m a d e iiy the Exchange Club for tho a n n u a l Clir is tmns P a r t y and Ladies' Night to bo hold Wednesday, Dcccmbor 17th. Al tho las t mooting of the club, Mathow Anastasio and Ar­t h u r Rlcco w e r e named co-chair­m e n for tho Annual A m a t e u r Nigh t p rog ram scheduled for Feb ­r u a r y 17tli In t he high scliool.

• • * * * Grove .1. T u l l i e School holding

i ts first annua l Chr is tmas F a i r in the school audi tor ium Tuesday from 11 lo 3;30.

Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Li B r e w e r of 22 Ta imadge Street , announce t h e engagemen t of their daughter ; B a r b a r a J a n e , to Mr. J a m e s D. V a n Dor Maelcn, son of Mrs. E s t h e r Von De r Maeion of 2 Cedar Hil l Avenue.

Mr . and Mrs. Wayne Elrick, fo rmer ly of Now Havon. liave moved into thei r now Iiome on Green Glon .'I'orraco.

* « • * *

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins of Sal tonsla l i P a r k w a y were surprised l)y ' fr iends recent ly on the i r 15th wedd ing nnniversary.

F r a n k Malsona. son of Mr. and Mr. Benjamin Goodman of 385' S h o r t Beach Road, was graduated f r3m Bainbridge, Maryland Train­ing Stat ion reoonlly and has ar­r ived to spend two weeks a l his l iome here . ' •

Mrs . Joha Stempick and , .Mrs . E d w a r d Lcwandowski a r e co-c h a i r m e n for the annual Christ­m a s par ty ot Iho Ladies' Guild of S t . Vincent do Pau l ' s Church in Tuesday . The affair will he held a l the S u m m i t House a t 7:30 5 . . M..

Reserva t ions m u s t be m a d e liy December 4 by eonlacting e i ther Mrs . S lcmplck a t HO 7 - ] 0 « or Mrs . Lowandoski a t HO 7-5458.

Ano the r Chr i s tmas party will bo given by tlio members of Navajo Council No. 54; D. of P. on Decem­ber 13 from 2 to 4 P . M. in the t o w n hall for the children of- the m e m b e r s .

A T H O U G H T Men a r e not m a d e rel igious by

lierforming cer ta in ac t ions whieh ore oxt roinely good, bu t thoy mus t first h a v e r igh teous prineipios, and then they will not fail lo perform virluouii notions.

L u t h e r


Gerrisli School Xiiias Fair Commillee

• o * * * zThe Mother ' s Circle of O u r Lady of F a l i m a of St. C la r e ' s C h u r c h will m e e t T h u r s d a y in t he home of Mrs. J a m e s Reynolds , Cospy Beach Avenue .

Congra tu la t ions lo Mr. and Mrs. W h i t n e y R. Jnckson of 16 River Road on Ihe blr lh of a son, Ed­w a r d Whi tney , on Novotnbcr lOtli. Mrs . Jackson is the former Phyl l is Whi t ehead .

Also to Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s A. Messina o t 1.'.'4 French Avenue, w h o have a n e w son, Will iam Ron-aid, born on November 14th. Mrs., Mossliia Is the former Rita Ahearn .

* * t • • Miss M a r g a r e t Ann Tiernoy,

d a u g h l e r of Mr. and Mrs. Maltli 'ow Tie rnoy of. F r a n c i s S t ree t , is a . m e m b e r of t he Jun io r P r o m Com-ml i teo of St . Mary ' s High Scliool, which will be held Sa tu rday . December 2Dlh.

Miss Lucy Small of Har t fo rd and Doer Isle, Maine, w a s the Thanksg iv ing day g u o s l o f Miss, ' Goorgeaiirt t^ygard of Tlat l S l rcc i . . Congra lu la l ions a r e in o l d e r to Mr. and Mrs . Milton Anderson of 23 High S t r e e t on the b l r lh of a daughte r , Susan Joan, on Noyom-. iier 13. Mrs. Anderson is tlio former Elizabeth Tansey .

Also to Mr. and Mr.s. S tephen Cestaro of (iSG Main S t ree t , on a new daughte r , Pamela • Rose , on November 28th. Mrs. Ces ta ro is the former Jacque l ine Higham., .' • •

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P r o t o of 112 Hommingway Avonue celebra ted thei r lo th wedding ann ive r sa ry November 2Gtl> with ga t l ie r iag and dinner .

a family

T h e umtual Xiiuis fulr Hpoll^o^ctl by the l i c r r l sh Ave, Sc-huul 1*. T. .-V is tnktiig place today frmn H a. n\. lo -1 p. in. in t h e school l ib rary . M-cmbcrs of t he fair a re piiitured iiliove as they m e t rrceii t ly a t t he homo of ISIrs. Abe Cro^s. Cliiirler Oali Ave., to p re imre ar t ic les for t he fair. S e a t e d

t he iMrs. Antl iony l loodmas te r . I ' asquale Sl roeto , Abi' Cross, Kdward I'ito, ami F r a n k C e l e n l a n o : second row, tlie Mrs- W., L. Fran lc Amatr iu in , Dav id IMagim, Uurde t t a Cothtirn, K. Conic , F r a n k Dion, Louis Te to , H a r r y Sui idacata ,

coininitter- for llie left to r ight a r e : front row Sllvcstro , Sa lva to rc Sealia, el iuirninii ; WilUain Capelli, F r a n k Lyon a n d Freder ick Monulma. ' I n t h e third r ow a r e t he IMrs. Alphoitse Latigoilii, AntUoay Fui iuro, I taymoiul Vasqualu MoUllo, .Vnthuny Milaiio, Edi iuind Henry , Alieluiel Ksposlto and ,'Mich not Fr isz . O the r lucir.bors of t he coriuiii t tre ini( :iho"'ii Inrliide tl ir Mys. >Vuit- *" ' ' » • • - - . ••.-^•il•.05!•:i, A l b c

'"arhia, A r m a n d .-Vmendola, (Jeorge ISerky, Nicholas Liso, Lloyd JL Overfield,

^!olltl•^ullto, C'iiuries Kuotolo, Erwii i Saniuelsoit aatd Alber t Vanucore .

Half-Hour Reading . Club Meets Today

T h e Half H o u r Reading Club of Eas t I lavon will hold ils ChVistinos mootinK this af ternoon a t ? p. m. in the H a g a m a n Memoria l Library . An invi ta t ion has boon extended to Ihe Half H o u r Reading Club of' Branford to a t t end . A Chr i s tmas p rogram and lea will follow the regu la r business mocl ing.

Mrs. E m e r s o n Munson will give tho appropr ia te Ciir is tmas readings and Mrs. J a m e s Wnery will have charge of ti le Chr i s tmas music.

Club m e m b e r s a r e reminded lo '•iring in the i r gifts for t h e Mental Hospitals . T h e gifts should be wrapped a n d m a r k e d to indicate contents . I n addition, used books will be solicited for a L i b r a r y in Sou th Amer ica . Con t rbu lo r s of these booits' a r e asked t o include five cents t o cover cost of shipping each book.

Mr^. J u l i u s K o r n will b e hostess. She will be assisted by M r s . K?n- • ne th Mansfield, Mrs . M y r o n Leigh-ton , Mrs. P a u l Gross, Mrs . Donald Beckwith a n d Mrs . E d w a r d Boyer .

T h r e e dr ives to victory aga ins t Branford w e r e fruslrntod in t he first half before Ea.sl Haven High uncovered a secrc l weapon In t he form of fullback Dan Maul to lasl T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g . T h e 170-pound jun io r r ammed Ills way t h r o u g h Branford ' s defenses twice in t he next t w o periods to put i h e Eas t i e s safely ahead for a 11 lo 7 vic tory over their Ti ianksglving D a y rivals.

A p p r o x i m a t e l y 6,'OOU spec ta tors crowded a r o u n d Iho gridiron a t Memor ia l F ie ld to watch Coach F r a n k Crjsafi 's eleven defend thei r top place in the Housntonic L e a g u e and the i r unhca len record in llie c u s t o m a r y closing g a m e of tho season aga ins t Branford Iligli.

Klautlo, whose n a m e calls u p re ­cen t memor i e s of his cousin,

, Bubby Moul t e , former s t a r for tlie East ies , cnmo th rough with a couple of 12-yard w inn ing dashes in t he third a n d fourth periods. ^11 was a h a r d earned vic tory for

the Crisaf lmon who seem to liavo t rouble on muddy ' f i e ld s and t h r e e l imes saw a inarch lo vic tory f rus t r a t ed by bad iuok. Custom­ari ly slow openers , l iowever, they opened up in the second half lo clinch the g a m e , despi te a belated comeback liy Branford which ne l -ied a touchdown on a pass from Russoli Gordon, Branford q u a r l e r -back, to, big coder J o e y Pau l .

Co-captain Mario Moz-/.ilio, Eas l I l avon lacklo , elected to rccoive and t h e Eas t i e s took tullbaelt Wii Ham Genera l ' s punl on the i r own 30-yard line. Unable to, m a k e more t h a n six yards , the Eas t i es punted back lo Branford wiiich had diffi­cul ty d e p a r t i n g troni t he vicinity of i ts own 30-yard l ine In t he face of s t ou t opposition by E a s l Havon .

A quick k i c k by General from his own 32 to the Eas t i es 35 was grabbed up, by Hank Luz-/.i, half­back, who raced th rough Branford men to the i r 29-yard lino before be ing downed by Jol in Dro la r , Branford back . The ball was ad­vanced lo t h e Branford 11 w h e r e Il w a s lost by Vin Gagl iardl who

• tumbled il on on a t t e m p t e d q u a r -tcrbaclc sneak .

'Tackle D a v e Witcomb recovered tlio ball , and Branford began a s t eady drive from its own 11 to the Eas t i es 49 wil l) Gordon, J o h n Dcr-backcr , and D r o l a r t ak ing tu rns . J u s l inside Ihc second qua r t e r , however , - B ran fo rd fumbled and t h e Eas t ies look over . Halfback Dom Pel t in icchi , Lu-/-/.i, and Gagii-nrdi look t u r n s to c a r r y t he ball d o w n lo t h e 17-yard line. On a second pass t ry, s t a r endor Paul M o r m a n snagged a pass on the 12. However , ; ^Branford's goal- l ine s t a n d was- , loo much to | ienet,ratc and tl ' ic"Ea.si[os.ibst 'Hiic bail by fal l ing to m a k e a first down.

Ha rd ly liad Branford got ten un­d e r w a y and up to t he 30 w h e n Gagl ia rd i in te rcep ted a pass from D r o l a r Intended for Joey Paul and ca r r i ed it b a c k down to tlie 30. Pet i in lcchi , Gagliardi and . Lu-zzi look over, a n d despite two 5-yard pena l t i e s for backfleld in motion,

• advanced t h e bail to the 9-yard l ine.

H a n k Luzzi wont t h rough on a c e n t e r p lunge and a big piloup oc­c u r r e d out of which emerged Bob I 'Iscaleli i , b ig Branford center , w i t h t he ba l l in his a r m s ns he ad­v a n c e d to t h e 15. T h e ha l t s ignal sounded a t e w plays la te r .

I n the second half Branford took t h e bail b u t Gordon and Derbacher v o r e unab le to move outside of t h e i r own .22, so Joey Paul punted f rom his own 35 t o . t h e Eas t I lavon 40, and Gagliardi ran Ihe bail back

up lo Ihe 45. Two plays in te r Gag­liardi handed ihe liali lo r o t l i n i c c h i who look off on what looked for a moment like ano the r o t his spec­tacu la r .sprints lo victory. He was run out of bounds on Ihe Branford 18; and af ter Gagliardi advanced the bail to the 12, Mau t t e took over to hit left t ack le for no gain and then zipped th rough r ight tackle tor the first score.

I 'nui M o r m a n ' s kick w,ns good and East I lavon led 7 lo 0.

Branford look Richard Or lando ' s kickoft on tlie 25 with Gordon r u n ­ning it u p to t h e 35. Aided by a fjve-yard penal ly aga ins t the East ies , Gordon quickly advanced the ball down to the Eas l ies 30. On the next play he threw a long pass which was in tercepted by Pe l t i n i c ­chi on the Eas t Haven 10.

The East ies moved t h r o u g h two first downs and nine plays to the i r own 41 before puut ing lo t h e Bran ­ford 33. ,

Coach George Grundinot lo 's men, led by Gordon, advanced to the 50 where a pass by General in tended for Paul was Intercepted by Pet -liiilcchi on his own 25 to s l a i t a 75-yard niarcii lo ano the r tally.

Now warmed up aad wi th Iheir tonscilcss gone, tiiO E a s l l lnvcn bnckfloid worked sys temat ica l ly , Gagliardi car r ied lo the 30 only lo have tlio Ensi les receive a 15-yard penally tor Illegal use of hands . This wns m a d e up however when Pellinlcelii car r ied up lo tho 2t) and on the n e x t play M a u t i o l a l -eralcd to LuzzI who nrr lved a t his own 45 for a first down. Luz-zl, Pel t inicchi and Maul to advanced down lo tho 11 yard lino. The East ies were t h rown tor a five ya rd loss, bu t M a u t t e cnmo t i i rough again with a dr ive lo t he 12 nnd then over for t he cl inching tnlly. Morman ' s kick was good. and t he Ensiles led 14-0.

Overjoyed by their two TI5s, the East ies became somewha t careless and a ser ies of pa.ssc5 from Billy Gonernl lo B u t c h Gordon a d v a n c e d , the ball from Iheir own .30 down lo tlie East ies 20. ii"roiri the re , Gordon heaved a shor t one lo Joey Paul on a sleeper which caugh t the Easl ies off guard and gave Branford ils only tally. Genera l ' s boot was ' c lear and the game ' s scdro was ti iore, 14 to 7.

A few plays la ter tho contes t was over , as pvorjoyed E a s t I lavcn fans rushed ou t on tlio fielil to congrn tu ln te t he home Icuni, a l ­ready being pumellod by not very unhappy Branford men.

Eas t H a v e n racked up 12 first downs to Branford ' s oiglit. How­ever, t ho .v i s i t ing t eam never g o t wi th in t he B lue and Gold's 30-yard llrio un t i l t he final q u a r t e r . ,,

T h e Eas l ies seem to have t rouble on soggy fields. Two w e e k s ago they wore hold to a 7-0 victory over Mliford and while t he w e a t h e r was c lea r Thanksg iv ing morning , rain du r ing t he night had made the field soft so t h a t shoe c lea ts had to be c leared of sticky c lay and sod every so often.

T h e s u m m a r y : BRANFORD (7)

E N D S — P a u l , S tan ton . ' I 'ACKLES—Kuslro, T r a m a n -

tann, Whl lcomh, Clark . GUARDS—Arr ington , Casanova,

Eng lcba r t , Dambcrg . CENTER—Pisca te i l i . BACKS—Gordon, Fa i r . Derbac­

her, Genera l , Dro la r , Aus t in . EAST HAVEN (1«)

E N D S—M o r m n n , Orlando, O'Mara.

TACKLES—Mo-z-ziUo, Orifice, Es-posilo, Cianclii , Ciougli.

iMautlc III AcUori

l lonal p rog ram offer ings beyo r t a " |VV ' f ' . ^ , -S . c , ; ?^ • ' ; • _ , „ _ , - , ; „ Ihose usltallv provided in the KS-4 ^ ' ^ I I K T ^ A . S T - l l A A l ! N N B W a plan lit organiznl ion. - i| -Thilr.'^ilnyi-noc. 4.10112. I ' agc B

l.ilnis Stiullii

Dan iMaiitte soelis lo avoid ii swariii ot o n r n s h i n g Branford IHKII pla.^^rs us he rolls up ii ivw .Mirtls tor I h r ICtisllcs d u r i n g I lie Thi inks-Ijlvlng morn ing giime al Alonioriiil Mold. T h e 170-poiiiid fiillbiu'U, ratiiiiH'iI Ihroiigli for lu'o loiii'lidoivns, KIVIHK l')iist. i lnvoii a II lo 7 victory over tholr r ivals. N e a r e s t lo the c a m o r a is ISranford's J o h n Dro l a r {'i'i).

GUARDS—Walker , Bruno , R a n -fono, Born iann .

CENTER—Vl ta l c . BACKS—Gagl iard i , Luzzl, P e l -

tinicchi, Maul to , Montesan to . Score by per iods:

I jranford 0 0 0 7—7 E a s t Haven 0 0 7 7—14

T O U C H D O W N S — M a u l t o 'A P a u l . P O I N T S A F T E R T O U C H D O W N :

Morman 2 (p l acemen t ) , i^crlincher (p iuccmont ) .

O F F I C I A L S — Ghlrnrdini , ref-oroc; Dielle, ump i r e ; Mnhcr . head l inesmuh; p 'C imner , field judge .

Appeal Issued " (Conllnilcd F r o m Page One.)

County b u t gifla niuy lie sen t d i -rocl iy to the Ctmncct lcut S t a t e Hosiiitnl nt Middlolown.

A gift box to r Ihe collection of sucii gifts from Eas t H n v e n e r s h a s been placed in llic town hall lobby - by the Eas t Hnven W o m a n ' s Club. Colloclions s t a r t t o m o r r o w nnd gifls may be plnced in liie box between 9 and 5 o'clock dai ly u n ­til Tuesday, Dec. 15.

English Living -• (Cont inued F r o m Pago One)

moved. Tliis lown because of its au tomot ive factories, had been lieavily bombed. Slie also spen t n bit of t ime w'ilh Mr. Bor r idgc ' s family.

Al though her motl ier is now 80 yea r s old, she is slill ac t ive nnd wa^i^ able to m a k e the 400 mile round t r ip iiy t ra in to Sou th H a m p t o n to sec he r daugli lei ' oft for America .

Unlike tho pleasant ocean cross­ing in mid August , tho r e t u r n t r ip was a difficult one . After five days o t rougli w a t e r and gal(> winds , Mrs . Berr idgo said slio was glad to get back to Foxon, USA-

Slioc Store " (Contlauoil F ron i Pago One)

on the first floor of the double s tory s t r u c t u r e and burned t i i rough to the basemen t .

The fire w a s dLscoverod by m e m -bcr.s* of the family who had r e ­turned liomo to find smoltc bil-towlng inside and called l i re l ieadquar tors .

F i re Chief H a y e s repor ted he be­lieved fire was set lo tlio end of a sofa liy a c i g a r e t t e and t h a i Ihc riro burned t h r o u g h t l ie .f loor into tlie cel lar . S m o k e d a m a g e was iieavy, ho said, iiul tlie tiro was confined to a small a r e a bocaiiso of inck ot oxygon.

Hayes said t h a i in tlie case of tiolli fires, a quick response and officienl • porfornionco by volun­teers helped lo keci) oitlier blaze from ge l l i ng o u t o t control . Some 35 vo lun t ee r s t u rned ou t to help on t he Main Sli 'oet . fire, *he revealed. : .

Monday 's blaze was the firsl in-: voivlng d a m a g e of several thous- ' ands of do i ia r s - s ince ' lhc 'Congrega- -llonal C h u r c h pa r sonage in I^oxon wns r avaged by fire F e b r u a r y 12, 1951. Under Iho dl iec l inn of i3at-lalion Chic t Wil l iam Dion, who recognized t he ser iousness of tiro in tlie business distr ict , calls wore plnced to A.sslstant Chief H. II. Andrews and Balnl l ion Chief B. Scot W a l r o u s , and o ther r egu la r firemen, oft d u t y a l tlio t ime.

call upon aii ci t izens of EA.S'i' HAVEN to rcnt f i rm thei r failh In the Amer i can w a y of life by enrol l ing again Ihe thp 1952 Cru­sade for I'^reodom, and contr ib­ut ing to Its financial suppor t , AND tlioroby serv ing notice up­on tlie wor ld t h a t ns free Amorl-cnns, proud of tlio he r i t age whlcii has b e e n . i m n d e d to us, w e are

. will ing lo s tand up and be coualed aga ins t Communism and lo pledge a n e w our faith In God and o u r devotion lo the pr in­ciples ot Depiocrncy.

Given u n d e r my iiami seal al Eas t Haven this first .day of Deeomber in tlio y e a r o t b u r Lord oni! thou-.srind n ine teen hundred anil fifty two.

Youth Services Bureau Presents Junior High Brief

(I';dltor's No lo : The News Is p r in t ing llie lol iowing ar l lc ie In Iho public Inlerosl . Il hopes, also, to be able to prescnl ma le r i a i in favor of the rival olghl-four s.vs-tom. I ,oi lers of opinion and coiu-niertt on iiotli sides a r e Invlleii-I

111 A sni is tactory educa t iona l p r o ­

g r a m is most in ipor lnn l ami -can 'bp provided under a p p r o p r i a t e c l r -fi i inslnnccs in eit l ior o t tiie com-nuiii p lans of o rgan iza t ion .

In tlio Kfi-3.3 p l an ot organlzn-lioii. the .sevenlh a n d clghtii g r a d e pupils continue to rece ive t he cri-ui 'ntionai values found In social s ludies, I^ngiisii, mnlhomnl ica and ' science, l lowevo^, a p p r o p r i a t e to liioir mntur l ly and developmenta l IU'IMIS, they receive addll iohhl ad-, vnnlagos . Ilirough ino ro l ime, hol­ler rncllltlos. apii bu t lo r , -p repared : U'lichers provided In I lomoniaking , Industr ia l Arls, A r t , Music, I'iiyal-cnl lOducntion ami I l ea l lh . ,i

T h e pupils also receive bo l t e r dovoiopcil, iieodod services In:/, 1; Giildanco and counsoli ing. 2i A'wbli oilidjipcd iibi'ary; 3 . l i ea l t l i .

I'iviMi It a school syslohi is largo oiiough to provide ocontimlcally all needed program o lemcnts , services and facilities In iUs buildings on Ihe KH-I plan, t i ioro remain two disadvaatagijs-.which canno t bo mot III llic K,S-i plan of orguaiza t lnn . ' .

Tii<^ first concerns liolding pow­er- 11 ims boon proved t h a i liold-iii); |iu«-er Increases from 8 to 12 per colli ill tile l<(i-3-3 plan o t or-i;iiniz:illoii It - hhs been- fur ther pi-nveil that lioliilnK'power Is hlgh-I'sl when grades 7-12 a r e housed In one huiidliig.

' i ho Kocond .concerns lite oppor -lui i i ly of pupils below t he sevontli graiie lo accopl responsibi l i ty , t o r -seif-gnviU'imionl a n d . leadersh ip . I'liplls below the .scvonlli grade In an e ight -year e lonumtary school do nol, al pre.soni, usual ly have op-por luni l les - commensura le , witli Iheir iiklor, nioro malin-t! b ro thers and si.slei's lo pa r t l c lpa le in .stiid-

onl g o v e m m c n t and develop lond-cisliili

\T1ien Rindo i 7-13 a i e housed in one bui lding these snmo p i o b l c m s would osisi unless g indes 7-"} nnd 10-12 woiOj In igc ly organized os dis l lnel un i t s , o p c i n l i n g t oge the r onlv wlien mu lun l liencfiW nnd nd-van lagos nii ; assu icd

AiUnnlngeH: Frtilowlng niD some of Iho ad-

v a n i a g e s for pupils In g i n d e s 7-!l, when Iho KB-,')-,! plan o t o l g n n i / n -llon is followed.

1 Tnstiuel lon in sucii nrcn"! n i home eionomlLS, n i l , music , Intlus-l i lAl 'mt ' ? nnd physical educa i lon can be piovidod a l m o t e lonson-ablo rosi and n t g i e a t o r convoni-

J fi iro lo boys nnrf g l i l l ' , ' 2 Conlonis or c u i i l c u l u m n i e a s

l a n bo g ionl ly impinved because of bollei p i cpn i ed toacho i s and llio gradua l Inirotiuctlon ot de-pnrlmenlnl iznl lAn.

.1. Dcs l iablo c u i i l c u l u m changes may be m o i c i t a d l l v in l iodUred b i i a u s c of f u i d o n i f iom p t c c c d o n l nml i rndlUpn. , found In t he older K8r4 orgnijl-zallon. - •

.4. I l l s eas ier to develop pro-grnm.s,: tniloriSd to :tlie individual pupils ' , needs because of an ex­panded o t t e r ing . ; '

."S. Bell cr . gu idance servicqs a r e nvailabio for mccf ing ncetis a n d solving liidl\jiduai problems of pu-p i i s . . • ' : . ^ > • • , , : . • ^ , . : • , - •

8. Esceplirinhi chi ldren, Mio gifted, . r c l n r e d , and physical ly iiandicappod, can have • b e l t e r ed­ucat ional i'lroyisio'ns uiiJUstcd to their hoods. "' 7. Spooiaiisl.s in 'such a r e a s a s reading and slieoeii can be' provld-: oil inore economicaliy for a l a rge r school.



Proclamation --(Contint icd F r o m VUKV> OIH;)

p r f reedom and l iber ty whloli have been U k c n from them by Iheir C o m m u n i s t ru le rs .

NOW, T H K R E F O R E , I. FRANK A. BARKER, F I R S T SELECTMAN OF T H E T o w n of EasL Haven do

hereby procla im t he period of Dec. 1, t o Dec. 15. 1952, as CRU­SADE F O R F R E E D O M DAYS and Chrls lmiis si/.e.

Speckling Motorist -(Conth ined F r o m I'anu Onr )

Romano , of N e w y o r k / C l t y ; and

E d w a r d ' Sandel lo , of New" York

C i t y . , -. ^ / '•</••'• "

' ' Edward .1. Amati 'Udo, of Foxon Hit.,' Noi l l i Brivt i fpi 'd , 'arres ted, by 'drVi'cer 'Frimk"'K6ticHlc.y,' rccoYv'ed u' nftllo on a rccklo.sfi tlriviiiK cha rge ,b'ut was fined ..fi) for vlolaUn^rrules of roadi

F ines to ta l ing $35 on cIiarKos o'f breach of poaco and Intoxication aga ins t Louis Moseley, of Nor lh I-iaven, a r r e s t ed . two weeks ago, were regis tered a s paid,

TIH) Aiiierlcun AfiHoclutloii of NiirscryniRn putnts out t lmt m a n y folltH wilt .wait in tho las t mimilo, and 1)11 forcod to buy scrafjKly IrocH for, .CIirlstniHs. . T h e r e . a r e . two wiiyM lo avoid Kucli i rnuhht suyft i ho AKNOciallon, FirKi, purulnise yoiiut; . . t ranNplunlod , .coiilforouK eve rg reens w i t h developed root KysteniH and p lan t t l iem on your p rope r ly (ii he cut when duNlri-d. Only I rouhlo wIUi UIIN HUK:K<'»tlon is t h a i il takeK six to seven yea r s lo g row Ihe IrecH to (he oustonntry

Fol lowing a r e excnrpls fioni lux nrtlcli! I»y the C o n n e d l c u l S l n l c Depa r tmen t of Kdiicatiim, l lurf iui of Youth Sorvices, and lllled '"I'hi-K(i-3-a Plan of OrRanl/.allnn." Tlic ui'llcle advances a r g u m e n t s In fav­o r of tho Junior-high plan, now pi-ofbrrod by m o s t ' e d u c a t o r s ovei-t he t r ad i t iona l "eight-four,'* or g r a m m a r , school - high school, sys­t e m . (The , "K" refers to kiiuU-i/-gact^n.) ' J

*'Tliu Kd-S-lt IMan nf Org;aniwitlon"

T h e organiza t ion of a .school sy.s-tom sliould mee t the needs in each comnuin l ly and \n* designed lo jiro-vido the host possible ethical Ion lor ohilfi and y o u t h . Among Ihe factors which inflenco school fjiYinniznllon a r e 1. t h e n u m b e r of pulpis, 2. t he i r Rrado nnd geographical dl.sti'lbu-tion, (3) presen t and antlclpatcr i

'School facllilios and (4) tlie edu­ca t ional p r o g r a m which is lo hv offered. Signif icant dlffei-ences in costs of a l t e r n a t e tyi)es of scliool organiza t ion m a y he a fai-lor of conslderablo influence. Therefoi-e It is necessary to considtM' ca re fu l ­ly all of these faetoi's before the best typo of school organizat ion for a town can bo determined.

ExpeHonce seems to indicate r a t h e r c lear ly t ha t the organ iza ­tion for the e l emen ta ry school should he K(i. The ago, m a t u r i t y and needs of tho seventli nnd e ighth g rade pupils caU for add i -

ucas .Studio

INIiss Topsy Si-i>M!gran, daught<!r of IMrs, Venni ica Scnn^grant or IIH SlevtniH St., was elc(!tett (pieea of the Annual l^'oolball 8 e n n -I'^irnntl held I>>lday in the high sehoal aud l to rhn i i . MlsH Senu^graii Is Nliown eehthralli i t ; I'inst IIUVUII'N recent- vlplury over B ran fo rd JJiK'li will) Coach F r a n k Critnifi (left) and ImjilcfJehl Coach F r l l z MlgdalKki. ., , ,

^ - * ^ - ? 4 ? « ^ 5 * S ^ * ^ ^ * ^ * * ^ r4>;^^«s^^i^vw^»^?^^«^>*^^i^*^^*^^'^^ Kit;scs.*i^>*««^>«*?^?«i>^;>^'<^*'^w>«'-^^^^?^ -

East Haven "Preview" of the NEW 1 9 5 3 RAISER

I VISIT OUR MODERN SHOWROOMS & SEE THE 1953 KAISER TODAY ! ! ! • See it for yourself, in East Haven . . . . the beautiful • new 1953 Kaiser, "America's" Dream Car m all it

® It wSlndeed fitting that the Great Kaiser - Fraser « Comrany should select "Tony" Esposito as their • tonchised dealer in this area. For just as Kaiser- ' • Fraser stands for quality and value in the automotive • rmlustrv "Tony" Esposito's reputation & integrity as a - an automotive representative is unsurpassed m his

dealings with his customers. A For the biggest dollar value in new cars see the 1953 • Ti:«i<?fir at "Tony" Esposito's, East Haven Kaiser-• Fraser Showroom. Highest trade-in aUowance on

your present car is assured. Immediate Delivery Easiest Credit Terms

•»'^''•.**V^^V'•^'^,X;*'•^'•O<•**'•,'•0^.^J>.'s•^,••*'>.^•>.^,••*'>*''^'>O•^"-^^^^^ 0^.*<-s'»*^'S.'Kfr*'»»'»*S*iSjo5?*.*»*i»*<-V-,

raser, iiic. SEE THE BEAUTIFUL


Wine-Glass Building • ANT

TEL HO 7-6325



HONY J ESPOSITO, Mgr. B©as>oe«*e»Cij»e«c<>0«ee©e«*»i>ssMSSsS!»S4!«5^^




aaaiNvvvno S O N I A V S UHOA JO t i v i i o a J D I I A I

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sa3jj|o pa|030| XiiuajuaAUOS sAj) jno jo

XuD (o (uno33D jnoX uado UDS noj^

•UUOO 'UOABII ASON n o s J i s MaJOMO 505 ' .ssojppv

o v a ' jo iBJ is iu iu ipv piouoaaBW 'S w a q i a i l

01 lUOUI •Xad siBipauiuii ajtniu oi paisonb -a j 04B o^BiRO, Sim 01 pam^puj SUOSJOd IIV 'iCjOAODOJ B pOJJBqop aq i||M '3Ul|i PIBS umilM ' p o i s o n s XiJodojd siunooDB J | o m luaso jd o i laol^ou o i i« osoqx ' luou ion ios .loj s iu |Bp J | o m iiqiqxo o i . a iB i so p|ES JO s.ioiipoj;) oqi J 0 | ' joojoq o i s p Om UIOJJ yqlUOLU X{K pOMOIIR pUB poiituii m s q ' p j o j u o j a JO l a i J I ' l a 0111 Jo j oiBqoJd JO I J n o o oq j ,

•posBoaop •pjojUBjg ut Xpotlojd 3u]UMo 'upi -^oiji 'qoBOa XtiJ\oa JO oiBi ' x j , a N ,-Naa AVHD SVWOIIJ, JO 01BIS3 • 'ZQei 'PS joquioAON •j.unoD a i v a o u c i •8s ' a y o j N V H a j o x o r a x s i a

IMiONONIAVs mvis noji dii**'9Vfl wi NI luv


HO ouoiu 'onus joqioini oi aui -Aoul JOUMQ 'oSBjaa A\ON 'otx )c OS 101 'IS oiiBT SB 'osnoq uioo.i X|s 'diiiAitouimiyi ui—a'lVS IIOJ

0—K a a v s MOJI sxori

•uuog .'pjuiiojo ou|d "jj.' 'ujos op uoijdois 'pai|s|iian] luauii.iBdn luooj 03JCI1 JO OA\j,—aa,I,NVA\

at—Tt aaxKVA\ xNiau

BVSV-Z JoiBAXtV oiioiidoioi 'OAV -tpuilMAV OIZZ

aoNVHOxa a a u , AaNJJHM ' sao | jd

IIBM H ^ W u » i n JOMoi iu e i u p o d g UBM ai | l |M )b PBOIJBO U pOAiaODJ isnf soil Nvw aaix s.naawvii

wvs Tvioajs iJaans uajns


'aaCV-i oiUiLS ouoiid '111103 'UOABII A\0N ' ' IS oiuuqooN 8S " l l s a ' S UllOJ' 'BlSUq 110|SS|111U|00 u o pios .10 iisuD .loj i i | i inoi | soiuoi) JO s ]uo iuoo 'poi.iod Miv JO 0.1111 - | i u n j puu suiBioo.iod 'oiibsiq ' s i |op 's>[oo[o '0.niA\ssBt8 'uu|i{;) ' « j n b j j u v •uoniP"oa s)i JO ssoip.iuao.i pio sj

luin su|i|i,<uv—Ana o.i, UDI.LNVM t » — I I Anu o x aaxNVAV

•fiOtO-9 osnjas IIMO •aHJna pjBUjoQ 'aaiAjo^ iduioj j -auiJiiKi -01 puB oNiNni oNVtd x a a d x a


•iTV8-fl 'tllsJOAInn • IIBO 'uopuiuil ' IS JOuaoAV OU •oaiAjas /tup QUO "A au o| (Biibo— —pojoAOUOJl V MOU 'SIJBJ JOPIIO "saugjds xod 'SAVOiiu 'eaBsajiiBH

— o o BsaMixvw --ivsMaAiNn zta-e oinpuiKio '(OX

pjojiinp I S uojsoa zp' •ONI 'bI^lioa^a Noo-jrav

lUDiudi iMja iCipunuT ^ iiojiBaoSiajoy u o aatA<i38 )uopijj|!i piin id iuoj j

pasiJdl jCiquuosBOH SJOIISBM BnwuoinVr-sa3iinH Ppiaaia

saNmbvw OMIIISVM ^

euoxvuaoiuaau aasn

UOABII MON •IS 03.1000 181

s—i—u—a—a-a—V. ZOZi-Z IsnoQri 'w ' j 9 aoijv

ZSVL-S 'Slls.iaAiNn "OABH M O ^ xuaa' ' iv 'HW aMOiw

iiiDiN-ox u o Ava-ox XI a a s 1SWU3X AaaNaia^ M O T

'pooiuBjuna puB oduiiB pooa ui inq 'posii oao osom 'BOA

ozei , AINO UOJT

, aoNvu i.axn'iaa.. ^lojvtiaoiujiau oi-uxoaaa


'sBnii 'lag. onou|a '°)\^S luooii auiAn 'onus "'oou poQ

auauNunj i swobu c •lu 'd e JOU" EaTO-8

inui80iio iiBO 'aiqBUbsuou 'Uoil

•iPuoD ppoo 'Baoi miM qniii)Bq uoj| iSBO looj iKv V—a'IVS..llO^

•i8S0-8 i nu i sono ' 'OH ^(uo .loj saiioA '.lop.io 3U|>I.IOA\ poo3 ui •fi.iBait i; po^n 'oiiiiia

•vw auiqsBM i ia iua-Ntas Asva •«a8s-8 iiD ouoqii

asuoij ,'UO|iipuoa luonoDxa ui 'iiiQ •i|3no.U|i uaipiviisuOQ jqo.ul ixnp pUB K.I0A\«.ip MUO piJOS qilAV M|oa '.losKOJp qam Olio '.lasso.ip Aibi'ouo '.10.1.1(111 oa.iui ouo 'sMu|.ids i|i|A\ poq ojcinup ouo ]0 3u\|S|Suoa 'IOB iuou.i

•poq xiiuaoqBui piios aor i i j y n o a 08—11 saoou u'loiiaeiiou

'UUOO uopwBn "OAV llOittxia 0V8 WOV-l 01«XS JUQiidbioj,

SUU|SU3S0 liv Joa BULioa imipiAipui jCautt ^

sauippnd puB Bossnoiv BoiiBD uiiwjo ODj Bnopiiaa

uiBa.13 oai XouBj JO o"!"!! ""MX


•OfiOi-8 t n u i s o i i o s3u | • luou i i iBo 'popunja.1 Aauoui ao pao)u«.luiia U0110UJS11BS 'Ozis 'qi e ab j f i 'o-iis 'qi T JOJ OB'li •''•^XP -|10q .loj Avoir aop.io sinii puB SII'UJ JO llllj ^100113 iO^BO llll.lj paipiiBjci apBuioiimii s i l O I O l ' i a t l

flMSN NaAVH x s v k a i ix

2.000-8 inuisaiio 'lO.I. onuoAV ;taui|qAv fOEE

lawuvo 'xw •SCHH IIDXia

Tv/o 110 nana «od SI aoiAuas uno xnn

uax>i,an ON SI IIO aiix

t!:—11 ' i io "ivoo "aooAt

'uubo 'lauMBO 'iw 'at xofi ' p 'il 'suo|i«3|iqnd Bso.ia 00.1 J 01 iiaoqa puB auiou uww .iHoX .lod oa'ZS SA\0N iiaABii ISBa JBO^ .lod oszS A\oiAOH p.iojUBaa

' '.lOdBd UAVOI o u i o q , l | a i | i 01 u o i i d | . | 3 s q n 8 S,.1U0/C U JO 1J |3 SllUlJC B ODIA.IO8 oi|i u| '•lyio UO Aoa unoA aNas


•SIBV-S VnooT 'lo.L 'IS 08UBJO iOZ 'UlBinoqauo-i BUBOT moil' 'SapuBuijoii 'suBo-i 'pios puB mSnoq «IOVD.1.UON XSUia

, 'oajA -jas .inoq iz 'BKI;O-9 03">dS ll»p 'luiiuopijuoo puu isu^( soauanoui iSnq osiv 'iiaauS|.iout puj puB ist oiiuui lii.w AXUVil aXVAXJlJ

s—a AMNow aovoxaoV •BaEO-8 JO)«A\XV

•i tpnj; BSHM '.lOlpBOl IBUOJSSOJOacI 'luouiiio.iua oiBipauiiui 'poouBApu puB Bjauu|ilaa '!.-|OiiB|sB.> Mot •oBaBqa 'oiiuqcioB 'dBi '001 'I0||«a 'oipms ouioii oiUAiJj—oHIONVQ


l8QQ-e IsnaoT 'OAV U»''> ''ia 8<Jlt «ianxs oisni^ l a a naviioiw


'xaawnuii 'swniia 'uvxmo 'xaNivvao 'aNoiiavxvsi

UI Bi i iupms oaauBApv puu s.iauu|aaa auiqauox

Dianxs oisnvM N>iaaoi\t V Naawvi i NI •

s—ji BNoixonnxsNi 'IVDISHIM

•p.iojuu.iti '(ion ' "11 'o \l 'u.iog iioqtloi^ •s.uioq OAU .loj au|U.iAa oqi aui.llip qoi '-ci; 'Ul.NVA\

«s—II x v a OX ^'uNiiix iiooi) ua.i.\:vAV Jior

'UUOO 'pjojuB.ia " IS upiW 'JIS '10j|.iBiM ci^pv 10 'lU •<! 9 -'ui 'O 08^8 uaoAMoq ^iiBp oaois o i | i U| SUODU.IOIJU .10 sauiUJOlU lt.lOA\ 01 sopioi uio.ij paidaaoB s u o n o a u d d v

X B J MUM uoilBDBA oauB.insui d n c i o

uoil««| lui idsoi i UBiti uo\suaci

Bi i jauoa H31S oaUjVi 9 u | | . i u | s pooo

HaoM AuQ OAU s M p u o i i p i B j

Biijouaa i?UBn

S|sBq ouin-U"J "O 'UUOO p . io juoJa iq sil'i^lO aanpo . i j puu

it.iaao.lo loj paidoaaB suonBOiiddy

3TiT-8 n o a u o q j 'U0|D a u j j d s JO Aipip iA '>iaoA\ u Bau|U.ioui OAM

.ioii.ioA\ pioi|osnoi| a> in annoM •38at-8 HO 11"0 'i[oo/A u si«Bp OA\I .10 DUQ •BO.IB lOOlpS PMUII 0 3 p i l l —aaXNVAV NVNOM ONINVaiO

'uuiw 'S|ioilBouun\[''"aAv isi VOOE '•00 ,u8|B lUOiiuuLioj 'llJino saius aidmus aa.ij 'PPU P^lluqi -un !siijb.id aia 'oi|U IB W|m3l.iq aupis i«qi soxoq UBiu luan.i doi jdj soiBid auiBU a)|i-qaioaS .loj s.iap -.10 auiHOoq—aiu|i ojudg—Xauoui I13|iib u.iua NaVMOAV V NaW

•uuiiM 'siioduauuiM ' 's "OAV Wt lOUt "00 uais lUOiiBui.iod ai|.iA\ 'Soxoq l|Bui uo aiuuii sa.qi\Ua.t au|in.i 'Q 'tl •po.qnbo.i oouoijodxa ot>i 'qop .Spuais '.Sliup oiS -'iqaiu m oujqs )Ui|i Boiuid ouiuu o|| |-ip|oas m|.\v luoqi ilinba puu soxOq liuui i«.ii\.i luiuil o| ci:.l.l.NVA\ MVIM

x—a uaxNVAV anai i

saiiiuiBj 000*9

spy paiiisseio osaqX

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•no jp B SuiABq puB X i u n o o UOABJI MOM uj paqsiiqnd .lodBdsmau ouios u| aui i i auo j o p j o s |q i Sufqsiiqnd Ki\ aaB[d puB a u t p piBs IB .iBoddB 01 u p j o q i paisojoiu) suosjod I |B o i p 0} q i iu i sp ioo 'H I JOIJ s p o j i p I J n o o S|qi pun 'aiBiso p|Bs qi(M


-MOiiB oqi UO aupBoq B .loj pau3|S -SB SI ouiBs 01)1 puB aq 'pjojuB.ra U| aqijjo aiBqojj aqi IH uooujaiju ain u) liaop.o z IB ZGGT 'Joquiaaaci

JO Av\) qiB aqi loq i—aauaauo Sj II 'aauBMoiiB JOj i J n o o sjqi

01 aiBiso p|BS qi]A\ lunoDOB'joq po -liqiqxo auiABq XI.11BA.10SUOO aq.i^

'UUOO 'p.iojuB.ia JO uos.tod aiqodBou) UH 'Ama>is H x a a v z n a JO aiBisji

•ZSBt '9Z .loqiuaAOM '.i,ijnoD axvaoi ia •ss ' auo jNvna a o .i.oiu.i.sia

'inaiiDauuoo 'UOABH

Moa ''IS qsjuqo soz "MW 'uaiiOBJa sauiioji *x o/o issajppv riinaaxa oujoqiMBii 'o piBUoci

01 luauiiCBd aiBjp j-amui] a>tBUi oi poisanbaj ajB oiBi

sa p|Bs 01 poiqapu) suosjod HV 'pojJBqap oq \utA aui|i pjBS U|mi«

sujiBp j p q i liqiqxa bi ia3[3ou oqM asoqi, 'oiBisa p|BS isupaB stU|Bp j p q i UI Supq 01 pasBoaop pjBS aqi JO sjoitpaja oqi Joj jooJoq_ ojBp oqi uiojj sqiuoui xjs poiujoddB puB paiiuiii qiBq ijnoo piBs laqi uaAja ^qojaq sj aapou 'UOABU MaM JO lapisia oqi JOJ oisqojj jo u n o o aqi JO o3pnr 'XajuBqs 'v souiBf •uoi-i JO Jopjo UB JO aaUBnsjnd uj

'posBoaap ' lapisia PIBS u | 'uaAOH isaa jo aiBi 'UIVTO 'XS MNVHa JO oiBisa

•ZS6T 'vz JoqoiDo 'xvinoo a.i,vaoaa 'SS 'N3AVII MSN a o xoiuxsia


nn-B inuisaiio 'OAV ^OUIHIM 9TSZ •00 a o N v n a a v Nvdraawv

auiqoBK auiqruAV jCUV 11a 01 SlJBd BABH OM

SJiBdOH iBDiJiaaia puu siiivaau, •^NIIIOVW ONIHSVM

s«—o DNiiiivaau 'eEEP-8 P J n q q a i l -JlBday

0 | J ioa ia s.^iOBf ' q a u | j a d SZ'TS aoiUBJBnS jBoX ouo saqn i a j n p u '8JOlaJ03|JJ0J puB 0|pBJ 'UOISfA

-0101 uo saivaaH QNV aoiAaas

WZS-S inuisoHO la.T, XX a o u a a s QNV a n a s

3/A 'ssvHO sxno XI a i onuoAV IP 'Wia VOiZ

' aoHS uaMOW NA\VT s.axxaNaH,it

•it80-i oanjds 'lax uapuiBH "OAV I P ^ x i a 198

suioojiiJOM 5 saiBS uaAio iClPBiD saiDuiiisa

a'oiis AHaxsTonan Kaawvii

•vms-s p->nqqnn ' p jo jUBjg ' I S U|BIM 'M " 0 0 Joq - u i i ^ l l j o j j o v i ' Jbp io 01 i n o pooM ' -Xl j 'OjBnbs Jocl B8'9$ 'soiBupis T-a i i a q d s v . ' aa iM 3l ls»id-ozuoja 'jbpjo 01 opBiu s N a a H o s a o o M

saop-8 pjuqqnii ouoqj •UUOO'pjojuBJa 'IS UPW filS

NVHiNaT 'w i i a a so r poiJiJiaaia puB pojiuday sajjojM nv fe'aNIHOVW DKIMaS ajMOH


Moa Msv a n v 1991-8 I V •

ov namssvio V aovaa ox

VOIO qipuspiOD 'M B j o i j

n J n o o s q i Xg 'liaA\p ISBJ pasBaoop

aq i ajoqM pjojUBJa Jo UMOX aq i u( isod-u3is anqnd aqi ub Xdoa B aui isod Xq puu ' p i J i s j p PIBS u\ uoji - B i n o j p B a u i A B q pUB X l U n o p UOA -Bii MaM uj paqsqqnd jadBdsA\au oiuos u | j a p j o s | q i 3u| t |s | |qnd Xq 'aoBid puB ou tn p(BS IB jBaddB oj U] -o jaq i paisajaiUj .suos.iad UB a i p oi q i lu i sp ioo M Bj0i.a siDOjip i j n o o sjqi puB 'ojBisa piBS qijM lunoooB UOnBJlSIU)UipB PIBS JO aaUBMOIlB o in uo 3u]jBaq B JOJ pau3tss8 si aiuBS aq i pUB oq 'p jojuBJa UJ aoij -JO o i E q o j j oqi I B 'UOOUJOIJB aq i ui i |oop,o z IB z e 0 I , " a 'V Joqmoaoa

jo XBp isi oqi iBux—aaaaaHO SI i{ ' o a u B

-MoiiB JOJ IJnoo s]qi oi oiBisa pps qilA^ lunoooB uo|iBJis|u|UipB Joq poiiqiqxa SugABq xuinaoxa aqx •posBoaap 'lopisip pps ui Xijodojd

BujuMO 'Xas.iai' MBM 'oSpi^i ua[o Jo »1B[ 'XHOa 'S AHHVH Jo oiBisg

•ZQGi '(!i jaqujaAON .iHooo axvaoHa 'SS 'auoaNVua ao xomxSia


• " S p o o j UU'/OJd UOA

-uii A\oH 'OEie-i na ii"o -"100.10 oai puB 'saaa 'joima 'Xaiinoj OAJIBN 'spooji UOZOJJI o.<a.iipj|a JO /CJOAIPP A i p a 'uaABii qiJOM puB uapiuBji UJ aajAjos A\au v

isaAiMasnoH NoixNaxxv

i - o gaoiAuas ssMfusna TZIt-8 HO—aZf'G-a inuisaiio ' p x

puijBO 'IW 'aAV Xauip(A\ Z86Z sapXaia JaquinH

qs|i3ua puB llina BRiunioo saiiddns puy BIJBCI

oajAja^ puv saiBS oiaXom j o j BJoijBnbpuaii s,uopuiBH

aoi is aioAOia aawavo 'xw

11—11 saaoAoaoxoK 'saaoAoia

ZZH--8 HO 'OAV lPA\xici CIGI IMVNaVa V NOHNVOS luoj^ osooiio 0.1. ojoqio

'11*11 pas MO-l- HXnOlMATJ SWI 'o3Ba[)iu A\oi 'qspiij uoaj3

xsUxo "pos .la-i' aoQoa osoi H ^ H 'ozuojq

uapioo -pas 'JCl-l' aOQOa ISBI 'AoJ3 puu aniq 'suu.ix a|iuai

-0.1x0 wsn lumoidia a a a o a zsei *ajaq B,iua pasn Xuq oqA'.

asoiii 01 on|BA posBajaui ojiisiq U| a|t aA\ iuq.« ujuai puu U) ouioo

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'Aouolu OABs 01 'ojii Xofuo 01

'inoqB laa 01 jvo posn B Xnq noA siivo aasn

HxnoiMA'ia * aoaoa t080-B •'nsJOAiM'n

•UUOO 'uapiuBii 'OAV lIOAVxia isoi

SII0J.0K N o s v n a UIOJJ asooqa oi ajoui Xuuw 'Xuuw

oo oa • • • "upos •->a-i' •anxs acoi oosG •• uupas -ja-i- ' s a a o ii-oi OQ-gj. • • • • u o j d u i u q o ' C i n X S OI-GI oo'aa i'<o 9 Nosahii OI'GI OO'sB • • aopussuqmv HSVN ll-Gl ou'o.i "upas a o a o a ii-ei oo'oai '• ""P'ls aoaoci ziG!

.woM ao|jd jnoA IV s-iBO osoq.i, .<na "U3

noA "oilBlJodsuuJX l^'O .wo'i .lOji

•UUOO 'uapuiBii zeei-8 XV 'PX onuaAv liaMXia a^BI

aoiAuas 9 saavs soxvaa •u] omoo •jpsjnoX

aauiAuob •sjBipp jo spa.ipunq OABS puu oiBU luojj jua u Xna

XiSuipjoaov pooiJcI sjoqio XuUl I

SC91' • • • • noA 01 oof.id D|BsaioqAi jnQ 'auo spii uo QSZJ. .laAO. OABS •poos A-iOA "SUBJI aoj. d|x 'II ^ H

"jQ-v " p a uioisno oxosaa gi'BT soiBid IV Aauoi^i aABS

Bi8 i noX 01 03| jd apsopqA\ J n o •auo s |q i uo_, OOZS OAHS ' W o p AjaA sjoAoa 'saj]X ' M ' M "IX ' odnoo q n i o iqSl lJUis ' a n X S iVGT

saoi.icI JUQ ojuduioo

EGGS 1" '^ 01 o^ijd oiBS - a p q M J n o 'OUO s u n uo 095$ JaAo OABg ' l u p d ouoi-5 '•pAH 'M * H ' a i i auupag 'lAo-g 0VI,I .NOa 8P6I

saajJd j n o ajBdoioo

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SOlBld l y Aauol^ OABg

aiiBlS noA 01 aa | jd BIBS -aioqAV JOQ 'OUO sjqi Uo oof's ' '*' o o.vug 'JBO pasn j a i i a q u Anq l.uBa noA so j i x ' M 'A\ "P-^II ' II * U

'oiquiJoAuoo ai lopoui s a a o BKX SJBO j n o ojBdtuoo

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-aiiui A\oi AJOA ''ja-z a a a o a OSGI s.iuo i no ajBdiuoo ^

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'II * a ''Ja-i' '8G.iopuui s ano oaoi saoiJcI j n o ojBduioo

aiStS noA oi 03;ad a|Bso|oq.v\ JUQ •ouo s|qi uo oaei -"OAO DABS •H V

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BiSiS nOA 0) a3|jd a p s -a|oi|A\ j n o ' lupd auoi-j 'sJOAoa injlinuaq 'sojix 'AV AV "ouAa '11 * U (UIJOAIH Jodns MOinS OBOI

SJBO ano ajBduioo

BGGS "0-5 °\ oaiJd opso"ioq,\\ Jno •auo s|qi uo siEJ OAUs 'AVOU anil SI JB3 spix 'sbJix "M 'A\

"luoii 'lAo 9 '-la-z'!• AaNaH taoi Ba3\jti J n o ajuduioo

Sl-axS • n'oA bi aoiJd oiBsapiq.tt JUQ 'OUO spn ui» OBIS OABS 'A\au anil sunj 'suji -xo .SUBW 'JQ-? 'ion AailO XK6X

• w i o a a s AvqnoH

n-iaiD qiluispioo •>! ujoij

ilJnoo aqi Aa •}ia«p iSBi

pasuaaap o q i ojaqA\ p jo jUBJa }b UMOX aq i u i isod-uSis s n q n d aq i uo Adoa B Suiisod Aq p u s 'lOiJisip pjBS U| uoiiBinajjo B auiAsq pUB A i u n o o uo.\BH MON u | poqsiiqnd jodadsMOU auios u i j a p j o s |q i Su |qsnqnd Aq 'aoBid puB aui | i p p s iB jBoddB.oi ui - a j a q i paisajoiu) suos jod UB a i p o i q i i u i s p p o 'H o j o i a siooJip u n o o s iq i puB 'aiBisa p p s qiIA\ lunoaoB U0|lUJlS|U|UipB p|BS JO aaUBMOIIB a q i uo SuiJBOq B J O ; pauSissB sj auiBS aq i pUB aq ' p j o j u B j a ut aa i j -JO P i u q o j d oqi IB 'uooujoijB a q i U| >|aoi3,o z iu ZSGI 'O 'V J a q u i a o a g

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JOJ u n o o s p i 01 oiBisa pps qnA\ lunoaau uonBJ|S|U|iupB siq ponqm -xa SuiABq JOiBJisp|Ulpv oqx

'poseaoop 'iDpisip p p s UI "aazvaa 'v VNNV JO oioisa

'zaet • 'H joquioAON xanoo axvaoua •SS 'aaoanvaa ao xoiaxsia

I—11 aavs aoa saiinoiv'oxnv •)iuuq oj ujniay

•paiUlois lUo'UABj 'Stit 'ON Mooq >iuuii sau|.\us inJiUJUuoQ—XSOT

01—V u.vi ioa uMV XS01

8ZZ 01 VZZ S10T EZZ 01 TZZ sioq

xaaaxs wvmiM -,0S-6E S101

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- •• . • • / ' x g a 1 0 ^ x a a a x s ssiMX • :

599 01 Z99 SIOT anN3AV NOsawoH.i.


avoa Hovaa xaoHS .0X76 S10T OZ-GX s ioq 8 X - i t SIOT 9X-3T,siOT

/(•T 101 EX-XX SIOT

9:B 6101 . V - E S I P T

xaaaxs ONOoas, '.. 9 i 0 i e i s i o n

zi-xi sion BZ-8Z SIOT;. EZ-ZZ SIOT

anNaAV ONaaavs ," sex 'LEX SIOT

anNBAV MaaaNV 'xg



•s S 'S S

'S ,'S •,s

•a •a • 3



. , i Z 1 0 T .XV-OT SIOT

xaaaxs asoa EOX' ZOX s i p i V9 01 09 sioq

VZX 01 ZZX sjo.ri XZX 01 ox'x.SlPT

iOX-90X SIOT I'ax-Esx' iP'l' •

avoa A\aiAM6da: ,

'3 'a

.•3 . '3 •3 :M w

XEX 01 OBI sion CZX 01 Tzi sio'i

za-6|! SIOT ZZ 'XZ SIOT St' ' i t SIOT SB 'iB sioT

anNaAV x s a a o ozx ion

(, 01 I s ioT

Xi lOT anNaAV u o v a a Aasoo

zo 'xo stoT G6 '80 SIOT

Si. 10T

ax-n s>on jBa j XXX SIOT IS 01 6P s ioT

anNaAV aoo 8XX-aXX SIOT

x a a a x s Hoanno OVZ 01 8ez SIOT

aovTa a a x s a u o

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j01BJiS|uimpv jaoiJJO isnjx 1UBiS|ssv uiioqpun •a 3u|AJt HUBa iBuoiiBM Biuosuy aqx

01 luauiABd oiBipauiuii a>|Biu oi po -issnbaj ajB oisisg pjBS oi paiqapuj suosjad iiv "AjaAOOaj B pojjBqap aq iilM 'auiii PIBS u|m|M 'paisaiiB A|jodojd BiunooBB j p q i luasojd oi iaa|3au oqAV asoqx 'luauianios joj sm|B|3 j pq i liqiqxa oi aiBisa pps JO sjoiipoja aqi joj 'joajoq aiBp aqi uioJj sqiuoui xjs paAXOip pub paiiuiii qiaq 'pjojuBja jo ipiJisia aqi JOJ aiBqoJj jo unoo oqx

•pasBooop 'lajJisia

pps ui 'pjojuBja JO aiBi ' x N m a sMaaaNV i«jvmiA\ JO aiBisa

•ZSGX 'XZ joqujoAON 'xanoo a x v a o n a 'SS ' a u o a N v a a a o xo iaxs i a





ESX 10,T zax-xBX.sipT

anNaAV b x N a a a o s 081- 01 82, SIOT

x a a a x s s N a A a x s . • BOX 01 96X SIOT

g- i SIOT BX 10T t'Z JOT

a v o a SONvs -aaATis: BZX 01 3ZX SIOT

9BX 01 OEX SIOT * a v o a x a o H S

•a •M •A\ •a •a •a •a


•N • s •s

•s . •N

69X 01 l-gx SIOT 09X-6SX SIOT

x a a a x s aNVTMOoa XI-IOT 'S

aoNaAv anaiaaaa ZG-XG SIOT

NoisNaxxa advia ' -xoaasoaa . saz 01 9az SIOT 'M

. aNVT xoaasoaa • ' EW-XI-X SIOT -M

' : on-SExsioT •NI BEX-f-EX SIOT • -N

anNaAV x x v a a X 10T ' 3

x a a a x s Ji'ava XG 01 88 SIOT 'S

, . • 03Z-8SZS1OT •N an'NaAV N o o a a o

89 01 OB SIOT 'S anNaAV v a o


>iava s x n N MVO

. iX'PI EI ..S1PT 'N anNaAV a o a i i X T n o w ,

ox. 01 s s idT 'N ax-n SIOT 's

annaAV a'ixaXw ;' ' • •• : :' az ! ioT - M

a v o u aoNiw: •'•:r S8 01 i i SIOT -N

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iZX I O T -M anwaAV a N n i a a w - ;,

; ,A l O T •M Zi-Xl. SIOT -M

a v o a 3Aoao aTaiasNvw •, XOZ 'OOS sioT •S

aovna aavAoaT, . 0Z-8X SIOT '3


x a a a x s TaanvT . s o j o y oox/ZB Puu z f 1PT '/A

BE 01 GZ SJOT . . Z-X SIOT •a


ZSe-XBB SIOT 'N xaaa . i , s HoiMiiVH

ZE9-XE9 SIOT "M xaaaxs aavao

* . OS, lOT -S 81' 10T 'S

, •it' loT 'S x a a a x s Nodaoo

8IX 01 f>XX SIOT 'N a v o a A.Lxao

- ' ZX-XX S P T , ' 3 iOX '9GX SIOT •AV

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a v o a Noxoa CJTOV ' SX-l-X SIOT


xaaaxs xsaia .


xarioo voiviAivf l-i-Ei SIOT iS-9S SIOT

' . BS-l'S SIOT

xaaaxs saiionH"' •• ice loT

xaaaxs T T I H : St-X-StX SIOT

1,8 10T i9 iOT


OiT-SiX SIOT • a n N a A V a N v a i i o i H

, Z IOT x a a a x s H O I H

• i -gs ioT 'iX-9X SIOT



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• • • A\iX IOT '/A MXX-MOX SIOT •M

361 IOT a anN3AV AvaiAaiva

, XOX IOT •N a v o a aaaiMaoaa

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xaaaxs aTva .


xaaaxs aNiaaiixvo OOX IOT ' M

xaaaxs Noxxaaa t'Z IOT •AV

xaaaxs NVNNaaa EEl' 'ZEt' OiE '69B stoi JO UBj 'N

anNaAV a a o a a v a a 9EB IOT 'S

xsaaxs aaoaxoa EE9 01 8Z9 SIOT 'AV

xaaaxs aaxvAvxv EZX 'SZX SIOT 'S

xaaaxs aaAoaNV tS 'S8 83 ' ta . BX 'iX SIOT •S


x a a a x s Tvaiivav

ZSGX a a n s n a n a •paisii OS oju

S03B0J3V •3IBS JOJ OJU iuq| sjoqiunu JO joquinu lO] aqi jo luqi si anuaAB JO laojis q3B3 A\opq UOAIS jaqumu aqx 'S)aaj)s .{q paSUBjJB OJB ops JOJ Auadujd jo saaaid j o q p puu BIO| aqi is|i au|A\oiioj aqi ui

•UUOO 'UOABII isua 'iiBii u.'wox oqi IB, 8u|A|ddB Aq puq oq ABUI .ttopq pajsii saiuadqjd aqi 3u|uj03UO3 UOH'BUIJOJU| j a q i j n j

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U9AOH t ^ " 3

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usAUH »«B3 'IS U!»W ESlI 8Z8S-Z OH *"OHd '

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•jiQ 'oisictcuY ABJI •s.ty i



w a a M H

U3ABH »«n3 MS ureiM i 9 t '

pu'B seouBTiddv d O 3 N n HlTIdMIOD


I'sjoJaraiuoo 'ivuqsnpui

•aUJ '03'iAJ3§ pDiaiD3|a • J ' 3 - v

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gg^iQis I lyNOl iVN I j .s^|j

•IS "l<'K OSf 8IS!1-1 O i l ouoiq j

vvv aoiAaas vvv saiia^^'Bg; — soaiji

SU3JJBd9a I'BJ9U9Q jx'Bd9a o'^TXY s , 9 i S n v

uo.VBil I M i a 'OAV - t o s p i q o IT

Ji'W'exisvQ &Yiciovxo'\v.Y 'Spuog — 9ai^


1090-1 O H JOSIJHJI 'V Vl 018 I - i aouopiso'ji '"ijjo

U3AT3H i s u a 'BA V 8.1^ g

eSuJois '2uii^B.io 'iuiAOM

aou'Bisia Suo"! puu iisooi

•OQ Suxsjonxj, aaJ ixBg

LiWL OH "Uoq,l • i s " P N r.r.l

.loAiiod puu a o j ii'uo aoiAJog Sumtioio JUOH-^

lOTiJ UMQ •1110 aw-iodo ajtt. SmuBOio OAtioujisja 30 oiuoH

s.ioXa Mout'oio I'u.i'juao

HMinM NiAVH isva


. . . 1 - . ^

UOUUBQ T Uqoj' lOZZI SOlUHf UIO.IJ liuKKomi ' d U.1IIV ; i iuuuo T so iuur lUOJJ OJOIUBO KOU3v PUO 3JO1UU0 i |UBj j I jnsnuqsioqi 'H qd|opn}i luoj j xn la >|Ji>i T p j o j j q o l u u u n o •f saiuui ' luo.ij uiijauoci Aijuia

spa.ici .CjiMUJitAV •ubou Aupuow lsB|

qSno jq i >iaaA\ a q i SuiJnp j a i | 3 n x lajBSjBiv M-iOiO UMOX" JO 031JJ0 aq i qi|A\ paiij sui |Bi3-i |nb puB spaap AlunjJBM JO 1S|1 B S| 3U|A\01I0J

aav/\iiaAO ouraaHU 'sanHi !? 'aaAV

Hsia aiavxaoaA VNiaaTiva aoavi

aoj Moanoo waaaaa •aaAV J? 'am i saiavi

•AABN a q i !U|A\ sjuoA j n o j JOJ poAjas u ioo j3a3p | Jq a q x

•BpouBo puu Alio H' OA A\a(,i 01 djji B JOJ i j a i oidnoo aq i J B I B T ou ioy UBS u | Auouiajaa oq i Su|A\oi|oj p|oq su.tt u o p d a a a j v

•UI00j3ap|jq a q i JO .laqioiq ' p i v puolu. iv puB 'opiJq oqi JO j a q i o j q ' o u u S a i | 0 d KU|oqD|ivj 'u.iABii i s d 3 JO o u q o p j v u |A|uo 'UOABII qiJON JO l i o j a u u x ooT ojOA\ s j a q s n *UBiu isaq s..ia -q io jq S(q sB paAjas |o iv , o 3 j o a o

api jq oqi JO jO)S|s ' o u u o p j y U |Apo •SJW puB 'uioojSapijq oqi j o ja i s j s ' o iPp juq iuBo a o q v "SJIAI 'OUIJBIAI A n a a ssii«i 'oquiniBci s a u S y ssipy ojoM s p p i u s a p i ' j a *.iouoq j o p p u i KB . o u i j H a i p d Bui i ioa SSIIAI 'jaiKis j oq Aq papuoi lu SBA\ 'aSiilJ.luui u] j a q BABS j o q i u j osoqA\ a p | j q aq,].

•Auouio.ioB aqi ui p a i u p i j j o i s o p d s p o ' i 'Ao^i aq.i^ •qa.inqo s . i nu j op luaauiA •IS U| noop .o ox ,iu 'ax, .laqmoA -OM ' S u p j o u i AupjniBs aanid nooi l o o j i s pjODUoo 11,E JO P i v opinli -KU(J 'S.llM pUB •.IlM JO UOS 'lOlV I.IUO 1)1 'UOABII i s u g ' l a o j i s q S m qi.ioN

JO OUuao| |OJ I|UBJJ SJlAl puu 'JW JO j a i q a n u p ' ou i j aon . j j Bui iaauv ssiiAI JO oauijjBUl aq,i.

93a||0Q oj, S900 ozuog iota nSn'Bi : m\i

S33JX UQ SMOjg 11 . — IIH A^oii UI —

jD33iif u-uoQ 'auuna auo-il SAva z - as-Ni 2? anx

I 9 ueiM m iCoaog

nopuoAV 'Baoiu(/A J^onaqg — JoiODiuqoox UI —

j33ueo3ng 93){uej^ iCpuaa «oog 'joipu«i[o Jjof

SAva z • 'Kora s -jjns


•s .Xaipji 0} 3U1O0

-AEij J3i[sajj Jioill puE XiijEnb

j i a m uodn puadap UED noX

"."^'Il^JI 1^ siEoui puE saiq

-EIOSDA '31J11JJ jnoA Xncj noX

"OHM ' S . A S m a J I IB P-'O'Vi

-ipiBM aqi SI S S 3 N H S a a . ^ I

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o i l iu uoiOQ 'JW 3U| I | I ;D Aq apuui Aq apum oq Auiu suoi iuAjasai i

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•aujuaAa Aupsonx ' q o j n q o -'UoiS PIO oqi JO q n i o s .uaw oqi jo Bj;; - laoui Aiuiuoiu u IB o|Aoiu p p a d s B JO aui.woqs aq i au|A\oiioj „ o p -uj i iv u jopuw a q x . . " " >|U."ids M!-'' 'p jo juiuiH JO 's|J.luii iiBqsjujv

43.inn3 auoig PIO JO "=W ssajppv °1

•jnoq du|SAiiliaj pun q.-iuni xnq uoou iio:i^t.:<aauA\

a aaii.i r.'jdl 'i ••'•'(i 'A'"! '"" '*-!.

s.vo.^c "Ciivvii x s v a a i ix

•a souiuf 'Aay Aq p,l| SSUIO iqqia l i n p v 'IM -V OO'-II AupsmniOA«_

•qnio s.uaiM jo a u i p a u i piiu joU -ling ' N •a OE O :Xpnis s.jnisuil u | ao i i imiuoo a j n i i u a i n puB suoiss|i\i JO a u i i a o w •JM •d OE:Z ABpsan.L

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• i p i n q o duoii ; PIO '»qi

lu 5|.u),w Hinuin,) B'li .loj s-aiiiAil

-.)U Ju lUiMlli.ul .all -,! :iii!,\\(,llM,.I

. iSpoii sai . inqo •poo JO iii,« aq i 01 Aip iJo j

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Choral Group To Rehearse Friday '

The Clioral C.IOUD ot "Frinnds of M!uslc" will hold n r(;h(?»rsnl to­morrow (Frldny) ovoiiiriB nl. 7:,W In llic HnBnnir.n Momorinl Llbrnry

111 preparation for tlic Annual Chrslnins Concert which will tnkc lilnco on Sunday aUcrnoon, Decem­ber l i •

The regular ninnthly meeting ot the Friends of Music will tnke plnoe on Mnndny (!vnnlnK at 8 p. m. In I he Ilhrnry. M(.'nihei-H ai'e r«-miniloil to hrlOK their Krah Ims Klfis lit this llmo.

'ROUND THE CLOCK willi I a I est


Mvciyhody'sj Dial

V I I B " tie I n I hi. - 11

WNHC New England's First Complote

Broadcasting Service

E-H Garden Club Meets Wednesday

The regular meeting of the Our-(Icn Club ot East Ilnvon will bo held Wcdnosdny at 1:30 p, m. at tlie Ilngamnn Memorial I^lbrary. JVIra. Thomas Fcnton will preside.

Each momhcr is lo bring some­thing ?lia l.s golns lo use for the Chrlstituts decor'atlons.

The lea (able arranRonienl will ho made hy Mrs. levered C. Clyrk; Mrs. Wllllnni .7a.s|iers Is chnlrmnn of I he ten table aJi-sisteti by Mr.-i,

nudolph Schmidt Br., Mr.i. .To.iepb Betlike and Mr.s, Karl .lamoK. Mrs. Ilussell Frank will pour.

High School Students

Visit United Nations Npxl Tuesday, a group of stu­

dents from the Modern Language anil World History elas^ies at the East Ilavcn High .School will visit I he United Nations headquarters In New York. Miss Doris Houston and Miss ZIta Matthews ofthe fac­ulty will accimipahy the group.


You can' t boat a MunioiiKikor for a dime, Ihal'.s wluil llu-y sii.y iilimit .AlMiiieniiiUer (.'ifrurs, niiiile hy ]'\ 1). ( inive & .Son. (Jive llii'in I'or I'lirisl-IMIIK!


«^i^ WAVZ

III DC .1260


149 MAIN ST. TEL. HO 7-1707

from you..

the personal gift


Gives Years of Pleasure!

It 's a wonderfully heart-warming time of the year . . . . a time when families get together . ^. when homes must look their best. May we sug­gest your visit here, whether you want some-

• thing new for your home, to give it a lift for holiday time, or whether you want to choose FURNITURE . . . the best gift of all, for every name on your list. Just come in and browse to your heart's'content. You will not be urged to

To Delight A Lovely Lady DAINTY BOUDOIR CHAIRS for her leisure uioiucnl.s $10.00

$5.00 EXQUISITE TABLE LAMPS in Moiloni m-

Triuliliiiniil desij^ii, I'roni

f" for Mother and Dad,

for everyone you love.' j

AS LOW AS $795

You give sucli wonderful nights of

refreshing sleep when you give , \

Playtex Pillows.' For Plnytcx Pillows

nrc scicnlificnlly "cuslomizcd"

for every sleeper. All arc made of

llic purcsl whipped fonm latex, allergy-"

nnd-dtiBl-frec. All hear the famous

Colli Seal Guarnnlec of quality.

Beautifully gifl-paokagcd for Christmas/

Come, write, phone today.

MODERN BEDROOM in lili.ude orV'i'i'.v l<> really surprise her :......,. $105,00

MATCHED TABLES in Moilern or IHtli Century sivie, I'roni ,.,..,..$10.05

GRACEFUL MIRRORS lo iiil'lee.t lioi' eliamiuK Mcir, I'riiiii .„; ; .; $14.05

To Please A Very Special Man CHAIR AND OTTOMAN I'lir l'nll-limi,'th

reiiiliiifj; eoinrorl ,.

SMOKING CABINETS willi Iniiui.lur to keeii loliiie.eos I're.sli ....i

HANDSOME DESKS willi spacious work arc a and drawers _

FLOOR LAMPS Willi special features to ^'ive liiai !,'0(HriiKl'liii|? •

MATTRESS lliiu ^'oes easy oii ' tlie bauk

...$14.05 l ' (-hoosB "REGULAR" HEIGHT, "EXTRA-PLUMP,"

•••$20.00 • , . or "KING-SIZE" p l l l ows -

oocVi in soft, modium, firm.

For Youngsters And Oldsters Too DROP LEAF TABLES I hat comlorl ably seal II!

For dinner or luiielieuii : : •• $40.00

RECORD CABINETS lo lake care of iiel albums uiitl reeorils ,....

CEDAR CHESTS for (reusured lovelies of leeuers or grinidiiiiis ,;,:

SCATTER RUGS lo (rive a lift to the room i of tl ieir own ;... :....$4.05

BUNK BEDS for sliip-cabin style oi' twin beds $59.00

Lilliam Orlando & Nicholas Scalia Married At Altar

Mi.SK I-illinn Orlaiulo, dauRhtoi of Mrs. Mary Orlnndn of 72 .lohn Street, wu.s wotl to Mr. Nicholas Scalin, son of Mr, and Mrs. .John Scftllft of 370 Nowliall .St., on Sat­urday mornlnfi, Nov. 15th nl 9 o'clock in Our Lady of Pompeii . Church, En.Ht Ilnvcn, Tho Rev. Ray-1 mond Mulcahy officiated In a sot- [ ling of white chryKonthemums.

The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Peter Orlando, and wns attended by Mrs. Anthony Ppl-IcKrino, matron of honor. John Scnllu, brother of the bridegroom was best man.

A ballerina length gown ot net over while .snlln, with a satin nj)-idlqued bodice was worn by the hrlde, whoso veil wa.s of fingertip Iciiglh. She carried n while orchid on a prayer hook. Mrs.. Pyllegrlno woie a pink not over laffela gown and carried pink carnnllons In a

I colonial bouquet. There was a reception In St.

Hose's Hull, llaniden. Mrs. Orlando, wlio assisted In rocclvlng, wore a hlnck laffela dretis and a corsage of pink roses; the bridegroom's mother, n black flowered print flrcss and a rod rose corsage.

The couple left on a trip which Included-the Mohawk Trail. For going away the bride chose a brown .suit, a lirown and while chocked coal, and gold acccs-sorlos. They will live in 215 Uusso Ave., fiasl Haven.






Appliances of All Kinds




Yawn Club


"TODAY" with Dave Garronay Ya*n Cluh

Victor lindlahr

"TnOAY" with Oa*( Gjrroway

WaVl Up And Smile Willi News


World Ntori Roundup BnaVlait wUh St»r Chaptl 8y Side Of Road Victor Llndtatir

"News; Ding Croiby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brigtiler 0«y

"News Fate Ihi Mu»U Fact the Music

Wmid Newt Roundup BftlVlatl wllh SHr« Chjnel By Side 01 Road Vlttor llndlohr

World Newi Roundug BreaWait wllh Stan Howdy Doody Show

Ted Pattern

Momlng New(

Arltiur Godfrey wmaow iihopptr

Newt: Qing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brlghttr Day

T« l Piltwn

Morning newi Slory Time

Science Re»iew

NewK Fuct the Mutic Ci'iarlei Antell

Window Shoppit Tnni In TnwP -CItnlon'i Keyboard

Space .Patrol

Sky King-

11 Newi Fate the Mum

United Nations

SUlclte ItjRlcTt

Newj Face The Mutle Sink* II <H\tn

To Be Announced

My Secret Stonr

Hollywood.La<re Story

Wild Bill HIckocI

Kidi and Co,


.$11.05 (}. E Rotrigoratovs, 'Wash'ors, Dryers — BENDIX Auto­matic Washers — MAYTAG Automatic 'Washers —- HOT-

$59 00 POINT Washers, Rofrigarators,' Ranges — G, B. Table Radios — LEWYT 'Vaomun Cleaners.

Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, etc. Comploto Lino of Electric Appliances

Musical Reciters, Tricycles, Doll Carriages

12 tit^ World We Live In Newi Blno Croiby love of l l fe^ Blng Crosby Lutttheon Club S».irth For Tomorrow Luncheon Club

Nancy's Kitchen "

tJ#W* Moments ol Comlort Piiika t'aradc

Bio Top-.

, Musk For E«nrone

News—G. HIchf Rolka Parade

Music for Everyone

Ktm—G. Hicks Polka Paraie

Gary Moort

rain: and Home Hftur

Dude Ranch

Gene Autry

ndustry On Parade T. B. A . . ,

2 Picktn'i Party Mer.dlU WllUon

Kuhla Fran

Ertrywheri I Go

Guiding t lgl i l N-ws

PItVin'i P.rty Mitlilllh Wilson

Dnubit Or Nolhing

Guiding LIlM News

Collec Iri W.iltlnglon



Meloily Mat lee Big Payoll

Welcome Tra»eUri

Melody MatJnee Big' Payoll

Welcome. Traiilers

Down llomtrs

U. S. Army Band

News; SMing to 45

Meli'ly Matinee

News, Swing Toys Kate Smith Alternoon ot A Dream


Gifts For Menial Patients Being Collected Here

Residents of the town are re­minded of the Gift Box for the patients In the Slate Hospitals lo­cated In the lobby of the town hall. This drive for glfls begins tomor­row and ends Doc. 12th.

Persons are asked to wrap, each gift separntcly, tag It, with a de­scription of contents, such as size, and dosignnto whether il is for a man or woman.

Thi.s Is one of the projects spon­sored by Iho East Haven Woman's Cluh.

Gift suggestions are for women: perfume, soap, combs, stationery, mittens, scarfs, kerchiefs, playing cards, face tissue, clgnrettos, etc. For ihe men; neckties, pipes, to­bacco, cigarettes, card.s, books, checkers, powder and lotion, also after-shaving, gloves, etc.

5 News: House Party Itoiise Party Lorenzo Jones Doctor's WIte

Boys' Train Club Meet The Stars Howdy Doody

Melody Matinee

Ncv/s: House Parly House Parly LorcniQ Jones Doctor's Wile

All Aboard Meet The Stars Howdy Doody

Mind Your Manners

Camel Scoreboard Ihtermezio

Football Hlghllglils

tiopatong Castldy


6 News World We Live In Bill Stern Variety Cluh Local Spts,; 6, Crosby Snorticope

World News Today

News College Round Table M*wt ( iiiil Stern Earl Goodwin

Local Spts.; B. Crosby Sporlscope N UC iiympuony Supper Serenade World News Today "

Lone Stranocr

You Aiked lor' tt

7 Richard Harkneis Serenade in Dlue Morgan Beatly

' Encore Theatri

TV Screen Test News, Kallenbom Stars For Defense

Sportsmen's Club Morgan Oeatly Camel News Caravan Encore Theater

Sport Spotlight N B C Symphony Vanity Fair Theater _ '" Thote TWO Stars Review Camel NewsCiravan • "

Dangerout Astlgh't

Break the Bank

8 Roy Rogers

Father Knowi Best

Groucho Marx Your Hit Parade To Be Announced Chance of a LIfetimr Name That Tune


Gulf Playhoute

Bob and Ray

Sal. Nite Jamboree

Alt Star Rcdiif

9 VauQli Monroe

Eddie Cantor

The Doctor

4 Star Playhouse

Best Plays

Judy Canova

The Bin Story » Sat. Night Danci Party Show Of Stiovi

The Aldrleh Family v ! !

10 11


Jane Pklcens Motion Kaljtns Conducti

Marcli af Medicine


Hy Gardner Words In Tin NIolit Radio City Previews Pro and con

L'alyacarie ot Sports

Greatest rights

ia i , fllohl Oante Party

Your Hit Panili

News Morgan Beatty

Stilt ol tlie Night

Foreign Intrigue

Robert Montgomery News

Midnight Newi, Sign OllSign Oil

News Sacred Heart Program Marine Corps

Man Against Cime

Movie Tlma.

Midnight News, Sign OlfMystery: Mm sign Oft

News Words In Tlie Night Cugal

News: Sign Oil


News: Sign Oil


Father Regan Council

Exemplification Toni te fill! Falhor "Regan Council.

Kaiglits of Columbus, will hold ex'eniplificallon in the rirst degree tonight nt St. Vincent De Paul's Church. All sponsors and candi­dates are requested to meet at the church hall nt 7 p. in.

Plans are being formulated for the annual Chrl.stmns Party, Sun­day. Dec. 21, in the club rooms for t'hf children of the Knights of Co-lumbu.s.






7 News Yawn Club

"TODAY" wllh . Dave Garrbway

News Sid Jaffc Show

•TODAY" witj) Dave Gamiway

8 News, Church Music Council of Churches Jacli Arthur:

World News Roundup Yawn Club

Victor Lindlahr

World Newt Roundup Yawn Club. Virtor Lindlahr

9 World News Roundup Christian Science Music in the Air

News: Blng Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brlghgt Day Morning flews

News: Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Boh Hopti^ dri j i ter Day Mornlna News

WAVZ Program Schedule

1260 On Your Dial Monday Tlirougli Saturday

5:30 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 5:55 WAVZ News 6:00 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 6:35 News 7:00 Eddie Daker. the Music Maker 7:55 News 8:00 Eddie Baker, tlie Music Maker 8:53 News 9K)0 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 9:55 News

10:00 Tiny Markle's Melody Mirror 10:30 Your Neighborhood Pharmacy 10:55 News 11:00 George LeZotte in The Tiine Inn 11:55 News

Alternoon 12:00 George teZolte's Money For Music 12:55 News

1:00 Gorge LeZotte in The Tune Inn 1:55 News 2:00 Tiny Markle's Jamboree 3:00 Tiny Markle's Dop 'n' Pop Jamboree 3:55 WAVZ News 4:30 Sign Oil

JO 11

News: Music Music In the Air

Frontiers oriFalUi

Mr. Wliard

News: Face the Music Face the Music

Wheel of Fortune Window Shopper

News: Face the Music Fact the Music

The Big Picture Window Shopper

News: Polkas Polka Parade

Songs of Ihe Wild

Super Circus News: Face the Mudc Charles Antell

United Nations

Strike It RIcn

News: Face the MdsU


Dave Garrowsy

United Nations

Slrne (1 Rick


12 News Chans Fiesta The Eternal light

Kit Carson Candy Carnival

News let's Go Lunclieon Club

What .One Person Lovt ot Life ' Search for Tom. Electric Show

News Your Star Time

T. B. A. Love of Life Search for Tom. Italian Cookery

Sunday News Desk

University of Chicago Round Table

Nature ol Things Music for Everyone What's Your Trouhl Cisco News—G. Kicks

" Polka Parade Gary MooK

Music Fnr Everyone

News—G. Hicks Polka Parade

Italian^ Cookery

Gary Uoora

2 The Catholic Houre American Inventory

Concert At The Capital Name's the Same

Plcken's Parly Every Day

Double Or Nolhing

Gutding Light News

Plcken's Party Every Day

Kukia Fran '

Everywhere 1 Go Nevn Guiding Light

3 Elmo Roper' Int^rmc/io Rob Considlne Critics At Large

This Is Your Lite

• stu trwtn


Welcome tavele

4 The Chase KukIa, Fran, Ollle

American Medical Asso, Omnitius

Big Payftll

Welcome Traveller


Holly'd star PLyliousc

Counter Spy

News: House Paily House Party Lorcnio Jones Doctor's, Wile

Short Duma Meet Ttre Stars Howdy OoQdy

News: House Party Hnii«e Party Lorenio Jones Doctor's Wife

Malley's Playtime Joe DiMaggio Howdy Doody


6 N^wi Sutnmat- Fred Waring Nrw» What,One Person The Three Suns " Bllt Stern Musical Moments Sammy Kaye Night Editor Local Spts.: B. Ccostay Sporlscope

Walter Winchel! Supper Serenade World News Today

News - School Days Bill Stern Nature or filings Local Spts.; B. Crosliy Sporlscope

World He vs Today

Meet Your Match Newt, Kaltenborn Here's to Vets Morgan Beatty Encore Theater

Answer Me Tliis

Those Two Catiiel. News Caravan

Newt Guest Star Morgan Beatty Encore

8 Plill Harris

lltealer Guild

Toast of the Town The Railroad Hour

•* lyn Murray '

Lux Video Theater

Voice of FIristoni


Red Skelton

Jewelers' Showcase

Gans-fl Time Camel Newt Ctni»

"Mi l ton Bed i ,

9 TV PlajfhOUH

Scarlet Plmpernd

Telephone- Hour

Steamboat Jamboree

I Loie tucy--

Lile With Luigl

Pioudly We'Hall

Meet Your Match

Meet Ihe Masters


CtpTilfM m t bv lnlMM|ti<iti|1 t i l i i rmpmitMR PiinlH i" U S A.

Gifts & Greetings for You — through

\^ i':i .c:oME WAGON

Ir.iiii \inir F r i e n d l y lliisiiicss Nci i thbor i

and Civic and Suciul VVcUare L e a d e n

Change of Residence Arrivals of New Comers


East Haven

WE 3-2326 _ (N$ n$l tr titlfmHtm) -

10 Forum of The Air News Siimmary

Burns^& Allen

3iiie & Harriet

Americas Music

News Musical Alburn

" Two For The Money Two for the Money

Cttlien Views the News Embassy First Niflhter

11 News: Cillton Ottey Sunday News Soeclil News Royal Playhouse

" Fireside Theater Sacred .Heart Program • , , Meet Yout At The Polls ~ Surprise Serenade Balance Your Budget MIdnighl News, Sign o i l , . , , _ , „ . , ' ! , . '

This Is The Llie News: Music News: sign o i l Sign Ofl 1:00 A. M. News

fj^^j S'te tiol A Secret Sacred Heart Pragram ., ^ " u . . . , . Slan Kenton Where _VYas 1

Midnight Neas, Sign O i l " ' " ' S l l " 0 «



News Reserved For You

News: Sid Jalle Show Sid Jalle Show


"TODAY" «Hh Dare Garrow.y

T. 0. A, LUI. UT U l . Search tor Tom. Nancy's Kltcliin

News Bill Stern Local Sots.;


Adrentures at 10:45 Sportscooe

. Crosby Variety Club News

World News Roundup Breablait wllh Slan Svd Jalle Victor LIndlohr

Polka Pxr.H. News—C. Hicks

' Polka Parade

Nancy'. Kitchen r.

Gary Mooii

9 News Test Pallern Shoppen Bauar Thy Neighbor's Voice Brighter Day Morning News

Plcken's Parly Every Day Andre Kotltlanetz

' KukIa Fran

Double Or Nothing

Guiding Light News

News, Kaltenborn Bob Crosby Morgan Ucatb Encore Thutu

Vaugh Monroe;

Andre Kosteland

Calracade of Am.-

Conn; Spotlight Camel News Caravar

News; Melody Matinee

10 Newt: Face the MutU Charles Antell

Arthur Godfrey Window Chopper

Big Payoff ,

Welcome Traveller

You Bet Vour U l i

dig Mory

Strike J ( Rich


Katt Snltli Blue Ribbon Bouts

11 News: Face the Music Face the Music Dave Garroway SUitr n Riui

Newt: House Party Ho'iie Parly ^

Short Drama Meet The S tv i Hcwdy DoMy

Clllien Views th» N««n Dangerous Assignment Sport 5 ^ 1

Hiwi : Cumedy Hour Sacrtd Heart Pragrani -' Jinmie Doriey »*

Midnight News. SIgr Of lN in : Sign Ofl


ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh L i b r a r y E a a t l f a v e n , Conn* 5~3

Our Telephone Numbers Business: ATwalcr 8-1661 . Editorial: HObarl 7-5811

voi i . ^'II — No. ;i!i

lEaat Hanfti '^tva^ An Independent [

Weekly Newspaper

Pnlillihed WeiHy by Free Press Piihlltalions, lot Yearly Suhscfiptlon $2.50.

KA.s'i' ii,\\-KN',' ('(iN.vKrru'ii'i'.'rui'KKiiAY, I)1':CV;MH1'',1! u.m: G Cents A Copy — '-i-iiO A Year

Giant Parade To Open j Annual X-mas Festival

Here Tomorrow Night S. Claus Makes First Appearance 111 Parade At Six

'News ' To Publish O n

Tuesday , December 2 3

Santa Clous is comliis lo town! At 6 o'clock lomomiw nlgtil, tu bo cxoct, when the Bindtord Manor Drum Corps will lead a piiraae down. Main St. to the town Broen lo open • the official Christmas Fc.sUval. 'More.than a dozen firms and oi-

, fiahizalions will have floats or rep-/rcsdntntives participating in the Vp'aradc; And, of course, Sanitt

Claus will he there marching along with everybody else.. In tact, he'll TiUikc a dual appearance. One of "hfnj WlUbe atop the Tommy's 'Turnitiiio Store float tossing candy . to cliiidren along the route of tho

parade. •, •./

' T h e parade, which will assenibie at Pardee Place, oft Main St., will be escorted,down the street by an official police guard. The Hieh School Band and majorettes will lead a section of tiiG parade. .

Members of the AMVETS Auxil­iary child welfare division will i;:iarch, together with members of tlie East Haven Woman's Club and the East Ilnvcn Exchange Club and tho Rotiiry. '

•'' Clirlsinms Carols Following the parade, the junior

and senior choirs of the Old Stbne Church,will .present a program of Christmas Carols on the steps of Ihp Town Hail.. ,, '

Local firms participating, in the -. parade ' includp, Wolfe's Baltery,

McLay's' Ranch, ;E. G,,Ciirryf Ap­pliances, and Metzo Brothoj;e,vi,'-'

The East'Haven Flre-'ibepaft-i. nient will'entei" one of &|.ri^cks, •which will be especiailyTdecorafeti for the occasion, v..,.- / ; „ . . :. .\

' • "The festival^ sivaiiBC!i-Va' fiyijilio East Haven Chombcr of Conimerce; 1.. s.-i„„ ..ni,.i„ninri wliRtihBf'cdd't)-

BerjiUKis C'liristnm.s Day fnllK on Thursday this year tlif Kiist Ilnvcn News will pnltlish on Tuesday, December 23 Insteail of ItH regular*pul)llslUni; dny.

Advcrlisors and persons with new items are- advised oT the. altered publication dale in nrdrr to plan tJleir copy earlier.

Deadline will bo on the pre-cedini; Monday.

is being cohducted wltii'ih8.''cp()p-^° eratlon ~bf • loca'l • civic, " church, business and school groups.' Activi­ties are to be ILstod in one colondar.

Open Until 0 P. M. i ' The opening of the festival •nlso

marks the start ot the Christhiaa shopping period in East Haven and stores will remain open until 9 p. m. nightly until Christmiis,

Santa Claus Starting Friday, Dec. 19, and

running through . the succeeding Saturday, Monday, Tuesday .iind Wednesday before Christtnas, Santa Claus will be on hand from 2 to 5 p. m. each day at a parly for children to be given in the Town- Hall basement.

The party will be under tho di­rection ot the Woman's Club. Gifts will be presentcti, and all children are invited.

Christmas Activities

ciu'lstmas So.ison nclivitlo.s by various ' organizations in East Haven for the sveek ending Thurs­day, Dec. 18, are listed below in calendar form:

"Old Stone Ciiurch Friday, 6:30 p. in. Christmas car­

ols program by both choirs at tho Town Hall. .Monday, 7:45 p. m. Mission

Social. •Tucsdn'y,' 12 noon. Ever Rondy

Group covered ct'sh supper. Christ Church

Thur.sday, Dec. 18, 8 p. m. .lun-ior Guild annual Chri.stmas meet­ing- . .

Siilnt Clniro Monday, 6:30 p. m. Men's' Club

supper., ' " ' Gxclinngi! Cluh

Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Christ­mas parly"at the.Annex House. ' .'-' ' •.' Lions CUib , -

• Thiursdiiy,'Dec. 18, 6:30 p. ni Meeting at Florio's Restaurant.

•"'Foxon Hoihcsmaidng- Group -Thursday, De-c. ' 18, ' "ll a. m.

Christmas party at the Community Ml •':•' ^ . . . . . - • ' • • . . •

' . ') . Woriicn Democrats ; Tliijrsday; Dec. 18, 7.p..m.. Christ­mas, 'party at Momauguin Col-ioniidcl,, ;;>'.,* '^Womeii llcpublic^ns •1. Wedn'esday, 8 p. ni.' Christmas parly 'at home of Mr.s. Charles ,Miller, Bradley Avenue.

Choral Group Sunday, 3;,30 p. m. Annual

Christmas concert In Hagaman Library.

Redevelopment Group Optimistic On Chances Asserts D.C. Beausoleil

National Funds Tragedy May Prompt Action

To Protect Sinatl Children Action 111 increase safely iirc-

rmitions for children living near the Farm River wns licing con-templntort this week by tlio Hlver-dale Association, following the drowning Snturday of thvce-yenr-old Richard Smith.

Thecliild, son of Mr. and Mrs. Deimbor Smllh, of 34, Boriimim Rd., strayed wlthit. pinyniaie from his homo to the Imnk o f lho rain-swollen river pnrly Saturday nflor-noon, Both l\o and his plnyinoto, i throe-yonr-oid ,I61m SuUo, fell Into tiic rishing stroain, but youiig Sullo managed Id'pull himsoitioul and ran to wnrri'hls mother, Mrs. Edward Sullo, qt 28 Borrman Rd., ot what had hnpponcd,

A search party was formed im­mediately nnri police and firemen joined In the search. Aiiout 30 minutes after Iho apparent time of llio accident, the body of Richard was found ciiughl on a submorKod slump uliuut hnif a mile down

stream IrtHn whore he hail fallen in.

Accoi'diiij; to Uetiry .1. Trenil-Well, president of the RIverdnle Assnolallon.tlic lianU ot the river near the devolopmcnl is sci'cened by a barbed who fence. However, the fence Is not In top repair and needs some mnlntciinncq work.

Vnroiits In the .dbvoloplnenl wci'o roporied shnkcii hy tho iiows of the drowning; and various steps iiovo been suggested to prevent any chance of n rocurrenco of trngedy. Tho association Is sciicduled lo hold Its regular meeting on Monday. '

ScrvlocB For Boy , Services for tho Smith boy took place Tuesday In the First Baptist Church in Now Haven, with tiie Rev. Evoretl Sherwood, pastor, otflciatliiB.' 'niirlnl wns In tlio East Lawn Ceinctcry.

Besides Ills mother and father, niclinnl IK survived by his slstbr, Mntcln. .

Implieatc Three i X-' 'f Seals Drive AT II 1 Ucceipls For Two

New Haveners In Ueeks Total $560 Two^years HKO ti liimch piirty (t(ip)\viis iililr to rn joy thr. almniliiDt sniiilH UIOUK (lie MonniUKiiiii sliorc between CiimbrUlKC C*nirt and Uradford Onvc. A retM iit piitrto (l>«ttoi»i) sh»w*i tin* hiiinc NIMIIIO ]i« It h todny iiftcr erosive currents Inivc! washed ii wny the hhorc .to thriMiteii ))iMich dwelliuKS In tho nretu Proposed re<lc.velo',>tiient pluits tnclttde a pro };rnin oT erosion control Tor the entire IMomnuRUin shore. "• , ;

School Board To Trust FurM Consider Approval Baby Reaches Tola IOJ $950 Of School Sites

Pfc. Salvatore Giovine

-Awarded Combat Badge Pfc. Snlyatore N. Giovlno, son of

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Giovlnc, ot 13 Pardee PI. extension, has been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge for action under enemy fire in Korea. Now assigned to the '10th Infantry Division, Pfc. Giovine has been in the service about two years and has been in Korea for appi'oximately sU month.s now.

Players Make Up

I>oten's Studio

East Haven Pliiyers Ketty I)uni**lsoii (left). Ridi O'Oonnell (lower center) and Dot Co(H.fan have the I'nuil iourhes put on their niahe-up for u dress reheiirsiil of the production "Four Klljfhts U|>" to be presented tomorrow and Saturdi.y nt « p. ni. n the Hluh School auditorium. Applylns the make-up is Edith Hnmmerton. The play is for the benefit of the Joseph K. Mayo Memorial Scholrashlp Fund.

The Board of Education may take another step in the direction of securing Increased school facil-ites when it meets tomorrow night to consider approval of throe pro­posed school sites on which options have been secured by a special comriiltlce. .

To be, considered , are options talteri on the DeCaprlo property in the Gorrlah Av£. section, on land owned by the Connecticut Com­pany .al'Momauguin and on prem­ises known as the Zuckerman place on Route 80 in Foxon,

On 'Monday, George, Dunttel-bergbi', of; the Slate Bdard of Edu-calion, toured the sHes with chair­man Gborge'I-eUs, and Hay Loprle of the School Silos'Cummlttcc, for an Insnoctloh regarding the size and locution of. the .sites. A report Is expected momentarily from the slate board regarding the accept­ability of the locations.

Sunday, Mrs. W. Oron Parker chairman, .Inmes Amalrudo, Char­les Copelnnd, Charles Sizemore, of the local Board of Education; and

I eToiin Corhotl, secrclai-y of the board; loured the sites for a first­hand ucquaintance with iheii clmracleristics. .' 'i'he, options on the school pi-op-erlies will be presented at a town meeting in the ncnr future and il is expected that the meeting will be called,for Monday, Doc. 22.

It was also revealed that a mem ber of the Slate Board of H ealth had toured Iho sites w^th I'''irst Sclect'nmn Frank Barker Monday to take testings of the proposed .silos. A report from his office lb expected In.thenear.fuluro.

School At tendance For

1951-52 Shows^D/op Teachers in East Haven schools

have been instructed to make a list of all pupils who have been ab-.scnl five days or more..since the opening of school. Tho rerjuest l)y the school Superintendent's office wns made along wltlr the release of an allendance rucortl for Iha-i 1951-52 academic year. Figures: showed ihal attendance had dropped about a point below the average for the five years starting with 1947.

Elementary allendance was 01.53 compared with an average of 92.'18 per cent; and high'school attend­ance was 91.96 compared with ;an average 93,28 per cent, A virtual epidemic of virus during the last winter was blamed for the drop,

Thii-requests for a list of children with excessive absences was; re­quested In order to make a study of, the causes. Absences due to 111-nesses or in the kindergarten are not to be included.

Contributions from persons throughout the greater New Ha­ven ard/i have swelled to a tblal of $050 n trust fund lieing .set Up for a nlne-nionlhs-old Easri lavon boy stricken with glaucoma, - The plight of lUUe Bruno Dennis Andreoll, son of Mr. and • Mrs. Bruno Andreoli, of 72 Charier Oak Ave., was fir.' t publicized In llic East Haven NeWs last Nov. 20, At thai time he was recovering from his fifth operation, which was per­formed on his left eye to relieve

In from New Ilavcn, Clinton, Orange and Woodbrldge.

Mrs. Bianchl, who IK in cbar-ge of handling the trust fund, explained that all donations were going Into the trust fund which, it Is hoped, will bo placed on a self-perpclual-Ing basis so as to cover future necessities. Surgical and medical expenses are hotng handled by the child's parents to the best.oC IhcU* financial ability. -^j,;'..

Mrs, BlanQhi announced t h u i r e -queslH for donations will be fnalled to East Haveners. Contributions may bo sent to Mrs, Blnnchl^at 31 Charter Oak Ave., or lo" Mrs,-So-l(!V(i, at 15 Haines St. Mrs. Bian­chl may be reached al HO'7-4308 durinj^ tho day and Mr.s. Solovo al n o 7-5822 after G i). m.

Reports Damage At WeKWorth Store Was 'Only Slight'

Internal pressure. N. w he is be­ing roadiod for a sinntar operation in the very near future

Physicians -are attempting to stave off l)lindness for the young-,Hter, who Is still very nmch in dan­ger of losing most, If nul all, of his sight..

.Sympathetic nelghbor.'j, .working under tho direction of Mrs; .Toseph Bianchi, and Mrs. Tod Solevn, be­gan a campaign of collection to raise a trust fund. The fund is to finance the special training and other needs that Bruno will have as he grows up under his handicap.

East Haveners added to the fund, and as other papers took up the heart-touching story of the baby, contributions began to come In from outside areas. When resi­dents of the Seavlew. Acres devel-

I opmont at Silver Sands collected I $141.50 for the child, thr check was

matched by a contribution from a Morris Cove coniractor. ,; A West Ilavonor.contribuied 520, explaining that he had been deeply loiiched by the news about young

DHMiHge to stored merchandise in th(; Wol-Wortii five and j, ten ccjit store.at 289 Main Sl„ result­ing from a fire In an adjoining shoe repair shop last week was "ordy slight," Bernard Sachs, Btorc ))ruprletor. reported yeslel'diiy.

Sachs, whoso store flrehien had to enter in order lo Insure that fire would not break through a se)>araling woU, said Ihal effects liad been limited lo some smoke and water damage In the base-ment. Ho reported that a survey showed tha t . a major part of his stock had not suffered in any way from the effects of d fire which gutted the adjoining store Mon­day night, pec. 1.

Shop-lifting Here 'I'lu! cases of three New Haven

mon iirre.stcd Saturday ufternoon for "loitering : by known pick pockol, thief or burglar" after bo-ing,watched tor.sovorul weeks by local authorities, were continued until Monday by .Tudgc Ollffora Sturges In Town Court Inst Mon­day. • .,

Assistant Chief Joseph Folio who conducted the arrest Saturday af­ternoon reported that n radio found In Hie suspoct»| car nt llio time of their apprciicnsloh was identified as coming from the IC. G, Curry Appliances store on Main S t . •

'I'hc thi'co men, wlio wore re­leased under lf2no bond each, wore ciiarged ns . follows: Nun'ilp "Lucky" Germo, 40, ot tho IIolol Mllricr, New Haven, violi(llon sec­tion' 8639 of the stale statutes "loitering by known pick-pocket etc."; Joseph De Lucia, 26, of -16 Warren St., violation section 863D; and Dominic Marangolli, 239 Pop­lar St., vlolatiqn section 803fl, pass­ing a stop sign and failure tu carry a driver'SJIcen'so. ,

Local authorities rcvcalprt that the Irjo had been tolled for about two weeks after merchants began complaining about tho,'presence of suspicious looking visitors,-

Continuance of tho cases was re-i|Uestcd by Town Prosecutor floli-crt Taylor to allow time for the preparation of cases against tho accused.. lie reported ' also that counsel for the defendants had re-queslcd a iiostponcmenl.

A total nf $500 has Ijcen received duHng Iho first two weeks ot tho Christhins Seals campnign in East Ilavcn, It wns revealed nt tho ro-conl' rcRvlnr monthly i mooting of the Public llcnitli Nursing Asso

Already Assigned Director Claims

D. Charles nenusoleil, director 61 t he prnposcil project for .tl|o • ro-rtevelopmont ot the Momauguin nrea, today Issued nn omphalic denial of printed reports thnt the local Uodcvolopmont Agency was pervaded with gloom over talks ot bitdget-cuttlOR Ijy tho now Ropilb-llcnn nnllonni ndmlnlsttntlun.

Bcnusolell asset led/JlMLV^fll' was no toundation fo rc l | ^^^ t ) r i | nnrt announced thnt "toderSv^u'iwli bhvc altcndy been cpihtnrkcd tor this particular pioject" Ho Implied tiint regnrdloss of economy struct­ures by tlio nnllonni govoinmont, tho local piojcct would receive tederni funds, II tho town voted to proceed with the piojectoil icilo-vclopmont

No Gloom "There Is no gloom", Jio said

"Tho prospoLts foi the Moinnufiitin rcdcvolpmenl look bettei Ihan ov­er." Wc'to goiting moiu suppoil froni residents In tlio men nnd througliout tlio town," ho ussoilcd

The piojort dlicUoi icDoitcd Hint the Agency had, rocolvcd a number of inlls tiom intoiostpd residenN who wnntid to know "If tho project has boon styinlod '

Boausololl a\M icvealed liial llio local iigency, which had aubmlllid its plans to SyMWuRton nulhorltlcs for appinviil, Wrt loisolVdd n leply requesting additional Intoimallon


the Public ncniin iNursuiB .innu-. .i;i|»v».. „ ._ elation, Port ot tho money rocolved J and asking spccltlrally for data on

fiin'der-tho drive gooB-'tnWard tho |Vllttt.;soWci condltloils Jn the N|om-• •" " riuguln nroiir • ^

lit Ooliiploto Sllldy "As soon ns fltiUlo« aro nvnilabic

tuberculosis detection program dl-) reeled hy tho association. •'

In addition to considering routine bUEhics.s matters, the association nicmbcrs present voted to Have u sign 'placed on the lamp post nt the Thompson Avenue entrance to the lower town hail indicating tho location of the Public Hoallh Nurses' office. • . Dlt octoKs attending the meeting wero Albert Davison, president; Miss ZIta Matthews, Frederick V. kjoln, Mrs. William G. Groves, Mrs. ..lolin I3lonill, Mrs. Dwiglil Koolor, Joseph Adams, Mrs. Eric Dohnn and Mrs. Oliver Johnston, senltir nurse.

Crisafitnen To Be

Feted Saturday Nite ;'i'ho .East Haven High School

football team will bo feted nt tiic nhidford Manor Flreliuuso Sntur-daj' evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orifice with a Issnnga illiincr.,

T h e first, second and third teams wilr bo present along with Conch Frank Crlsafl, a.sHistaiit Coach Frit/. MIgUiilski and Horace iviar-ono, line coach.

Tho members of tho Hopkins Grammar School loam will also he Jionoied at this time. Junie Orldco Is the retiring ca|itnln.

Easties To Open Basketball

Season Vs. Wilcox Tuesday

Local Salesman For Hamdcn Firm Dies Al Si. Raphael's

Services for Marry .1. Lyon, 48, of l-l Frank St., a salesman with i*. liallantlno & Sons, nf Hamdcn, for many years, who died Sunday in St. Raphael's Hospital, took place yesterday aftorni-ion In the W. S. Clancy Funeral Homo, 113 KIrkman Ave,

The riov. Alfred Clark, pnstot of Christ Kplsi-opal Chuich, officiated. Burial was in Bnru Plain Cemetery, North Branford.

Mr. Lyon was a resident of Etu>l liaven tor the past nine years. He was a veteran ot World War H.

•He is survived by his wife, Mario jorgenscn Lyon; a son, Michacli his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon, of North Bran-

Thc East Haven High baskellmll team will open Its 19.'52-r)3 seuson on Tuesday when it Invades Meri-den to seek a win over Wilcox Tech, Coach Frank Crlsafl an­nounced this week.

Vincent Gngliurdl, quarterback fof the Kastlcs' football squad which come through Ihq ,./icason undefeated to sit In top place In the Ilousatonlc circuit, will cap­tain this year's team. He has been assigned to the position of guard.

Paul Morman, six-foot star end-er for the Enstios,'is vicing wllh Harold Lawlor, who measures six feet tlve inches, for the post of center.

jack Norton and Antliony Nii-sarl have been assigned to forward on the first string quintet and Joo O'Mara will lie In guard position. Only Oallnrdl, Norton and Mas-snrl are veterans from Inst year's varsity squad.

In subslltutc place will be Frank Espusilu, Henry Luf-zl, x:d-die Clough, Ted'Bowdon, Ted Sul­livan, Mario PHVIUIO, Joe Narucci, Robert Bqntollnl and Tom Maul-te. /

Other substitutes include D, Davison, A. Nigrin and frcshmeit R. Caslcilon, J. Molillo, B. Heller, R. Pompano, J, Strceto,' H. Vegll

toucnea oy me news OOUM,. / « - . . « , — Andreoll. Contributions haye come I Ji'.

Mrs. William Lyon, of Nortn uran- " • -• . ' ^ custafson, L ,ord;.and a brother. William 1-^0" ?,"„'=• ^ ^ • " V l . ^ l ' t d V w a n d l e

Always rolucKinl to pre,^llcl. Coach Crlsafl says only that he Is "looking forw'iirri to a good sea­son." Most of Ills men nrc on the short side and he Is worried about bcin able to control tho back-boarils.

" W e have some top shoolers on the team," ho said, "but we'll have to play a fast game. Wo need suinc tall men lo eontrol those back-boards," ' . Crlsafl is confldenl that he can

whip up his players Into at' least a fair team so that it will bo a con­tender In the season's somi ilnals. Wilcox Toch Doc. 16 Away ''• Branford Doci"19 Home • Boardman Dee. 23 Awdy Alumni Deo. 26 Hume St; Mary's Jan. 2 Homo

fOpen) Jan. 6 Wallingtord Jan. 9 Awoy Staples Jan, 13 Away Derby Jan. 16 Home Seymoiir Jan. 20 Away Khclton' Jan. 23 Away Wilcox Tech Jan. 27 IlomQ BrOntord Jan, 30 Away ^

(Open) Feb. 3 Waillngford Feb. 6 Homo' Derby .'Fob, 10 Away Seymour Feb. 13 Home Staples Feb. 17 Homo Shelton Fob. 20 Home Boardman Feb. 24 Homo

I St, Mary's Feb. 28 ' Away

for tho tost ot Iho suivoy," liu said, "application will bo nuido to the federal goVol'ninent foi* moio funds to cni'ry out the requostod study nnd to cniiiplotc plans for the entire rqdoVdlopment project"

Contrary to I'oports hinting Ihu dropping of Iho project, ho said, the Iledovolopinonl Agency Is inoro confident than-Over In the success ot.thls rudovol|imenl plan." The l - ' gcncy office will be opened dally, Monday throujli Friday, troii) 0 to 12 noon, to nnswoi' quosllons about tho project, he said. "Wo Invited everybody to'obliio In with any questions they tiiliy have about tho prpjocl."

Tho project director's slatemont today was prompted by a leport, tirbl apjleal'lng In tho Easi Ilavcn News iiist week that "talk of bud-got-ciittlnB uhflor the coming Ro-piibliran administration of General Elsenhower has cast a gloom oyer the local Redevelopment Agency." The'icporl, roprlnlcd In other pa-peis In the area, stated that econ­omy moasuroS'by' Ilcpubllcan-eon-Irolled CongrclB hilght nlso trim funds available tor control ot beach erosion.

However, u plan to protect,the enllre beach front Is incorporalod Into Hie gonot'tti redevelopment program, which, if , approved, would provide the erosion control levciely needed^ along the Mom­auguin sliore,

The proiiokotl project covers an men hounded on Hie south hy Long Island'Sound, atid. on the north by Bradford Avenuo, and ex­tending from, Wcsl ot Coo Avenue to Include Manstjold Grove. I t calls for the extension ot the pro-senUy limited' town beach to a 700-teot long section ot iho shore, nnd would provide foi' a pal'k a-long the boaoh, ,

Numerous sub-standard dwell­ings and comlnorclol buildings In the area would be purchased and razed, whllo ncceptublo * homes would be reldcdled according to a revised streot plan,

,In addition, thO Bradford Covo tidal vrcck outlet would bo r e . channeled to provide a boat basin with extensive dock tacllltlcs south of Mansfield Gruvc.

Cost of, the project would be fin­anced jointly by the Fcdcrol gov­ernment and tho town, the latter paying about onorthird ot the cost, estimated at tippruximatcly a mil­lion dollars.

Also, pcndine Is a town meeting resolution directing tho Town ot East Haven .td Undorthkc tho con-sti'Uctlon of a proloctlve jetty to protect tho eastern end of the Mon-auguln shoro';between Cambridge Court and Bradford Cove whpre shore currents have cuton awpy tlio shore more than 20 feet deep so that at high tide the sound wa­ters are undermining the shore dwellings In thti vicinity.

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