35918828 rocket propulsion flight performance

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance



  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance


  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance





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    It deals with the performance ofrocket-propelled vehicles such as

    ,missiles, spacecraft, space launch

    vehicles, or projectiles.Rocket propulsion systems

    provide forces to a flight vehicle andcause it to accelerate (or decelerate),

    overcome drag forces, or change

    flight direction.

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    They are usually applied to

    several different flight regimes:

    (1)Flight within the atmosphere

    (air to surface missiles or

    sounding rockets)(2)Near-space environment (earth

    satellites)(3)Lunar and planetary flights

    (4)Sun escape

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    M is the instantaneous mass of therocket, u is the velocity of therocket, v is the velocity of the

    exhaust from the rocket, A is thearea of the exhaust nozzle, p is theexhaust pressure and p0 is theatmospheric pressure. During a

    small amount of time dt a smallamount of mass dm is exhaustedfrom the rocket. This changes the

    mass of the rocket and the velocity

    of the rocket and we can evaluatethe change in momentum of the

    rocket as

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    change in rocket

    momentum =M (u + du) - M u = M du

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    We can also determine the change

    in momentum of the smallmass dm that is exhausted at

    velocity v as

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    change in exhaustmomentum =

    dm (u - v) - dm u = - dm v

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    So the total change in momentum

    of the system (rocket + exhaust) is

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    change in system momentum

    =M du - dm v

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    ON A


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    I fli ht k t i bj t d t fo r

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    In flight, a rocket is subjected to fourforces; weight, thrust, and the aerodynamicforces,lift and drag.

    The magnitude of the WEIGHT depends on themass of all of the parts of the rocket. The weight forceis always directed towards the center of the earth andacts through the center of gravity.

    The magnitude of the THRUST depends on themass flow rate through the engine and the velocity andpressure at the exit of the nozzle. The thrust forcenormally acts along the longitudinal axis of the rocket

    and therefore acts through the center of gravity. Somefull scale rockets can move, or gimbal, their nozzles toproduce a force which is not aligned with the center ofgravity.

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    animation of the motion of the rocketas the nozzle is gimbaled:

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    The resulting torque about the center of

    gravity can be used to maneuver the rocket. Themagnitude of the AERODYNAMICFORCES depends on the shape, size, andvelocity of the rocket and on properties of the

    atmosphere. The aerodynamic forces actthrough the center of pressure.

    Alth h th f f t k t

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    Although the same four forces act on a rocket as on

    an airplane, there are some important differences in the

    application of the forces:

    1. On an airplane, the lift force (the aerodynamic forceperpendicular to the flight direction) is used to overcome

    the weight. On a rocket, thrust is used in opposition toweight. On many rockets, lift is used to stabilize and

    control the direction of flight2. On an airplane, most of the aerodynamic forces are

    generated by the wings and the tail surfaces. For a

    rocket, the aerodynamic forces are generated by the fins,

    nose cone, and body tube. For both airplane and rocket,the aerodynamic forces act through the center of

    pressure while the weight acts through the center of


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    3. While most airplanes have a high lift to

    drag ratio, the drag of a rocket is usually

    much greater than the lift.

    4. While the magnitude and direction of the

    forces remain fairly constant for an airplane,

    the magnitude and direction of the forcesacting on a rocket change dramatically during

    a typical flight.

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  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance


    Thrustis the force which moves the rocketthrough the air, and through space. Thrust is generated

    by the propulsion system of the rocket through theapplication of Newton's third law of motion; For everyaction there is an equal and opposite re-action. In thepropulsion system, an engine does work on a gas or

    liquid, called a WORKING FLUID and accelerates theworking fluid through the propulsion system. The re-

    action to the acceleration of the working fluid produces

    the thrust force on the engine. The working fluid isexpelled from the engine in one direction and the thrust

    force is applied to the engine in the opposite direction.

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    W i ht

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    Weightis the force generated by thegravitational attraction on the rocket. We are more

    familiar with weight than with the other forces acting ona rocket, because each of us have our own weightwhich we can measure every morning on the bathroomscale. We know when one thing is heavy and whenanother thing is light. But weight, the gravitationalforce, is fundamentally different from the other forcesacting on a rocket in flight. The aerodynamic forces,lift and drag, and the thrust force are mechanicalforces. The rocket must be in physical contact with thegases which generates these forces. The gravitationalforce is a field force and the rocket does not have tobe in contact with the source of this force.

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    A d i f

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    Aerodynamic forcesaregenerated and act on a rocket as it flies through the

    air. Forces are vector quantities having both amagnitude and a direction. The magnitude of the

    aerodynamic forces depends on the shape, size

    and velocity of the rocket and some properties of the

    air through which it flies. By convention, the

    single aerodynamic force is broken into two

    components: the drag force which is opposed to the

    direction of motion, and the lift force which actsperpendicular to the direction of motion. The lift and

    drag act through the center of pressure which is the

    average location of the aerodynamic forces on an


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  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance


    A two-stage rocket carries a

    propellant and one or more

    rocket engines in each stage.The first stage launches the

    rocket. After burning its supply

    of propellant, the first stage

    falls away from the rest of the

    rocket. The second stage then

    ignites and carries the payload

    into earth orbit or even farther

    into space. A balloon and a

    rocket work in much the sameway. Gas flowing from the

    nozzle creates unequal pressure

    that lifts the balloon or the

    rocket off the ground. Image

    credit: World Book diagram

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    Launch vehicles used byEuropean nations include the

    European Space Agency'sAriane 5 rocket and Russia'sA class and Proton rockets.

    These vehicles carry spaceprobes and artificial

    satellites into outer space.The A Class rocket has also

    carried people into space,and the Proton rocket has

    carried International SpaceStation modules. Image

    credit: World Bookillustrations by Oxford

    Illustrators Limited

  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance


    Launch vehicles used byEuropean nations include

    the European SpaceAgency's Ariane 5 rocketand Russia's A class and

    Proton rockets. Thesevehicles carry space probes

    and artificial satellites intoouter space. The A Class

    rocket has also carriedpeople into space, and the

    Proton rocket has carriedInternational Space Stationmodules. Image credit:

    World Book illustrations by

    Oxford Illustrators Limited

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    The vehicles shown here helped the

    United States and the Soviet Unionachieve milestones in theexploration of space. The United

    States no longer builds theserockets, but Russia continues to

    use the Soviet A Class design in the

    Soyuz rocket. A Class (Vostok), Soviet. Carried

    Yuri Gagarin, the first person toorbit the earth, in 1961. 126 feet

    (38 meters)

    Saturn 5, U.S. Launched NeilArmstrong, the first person to set

    foot on the moon, in 1969. 363 feet(111 meters) Image credit: WORLD

    BOOK illustrations by Oxford

    Illustrators Limited

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    People use rockets for high-speed, high-power transportation both within Earth's

    atmosphere and in space. Rockets are

    especially valuable for

    (1) military use,

    (2) atmospheric research,

    (3) launching probes and satellites, and

    (4) space travel.


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    R k t

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    Rockets used by the military vary insize from small rockets used on the battlefield to giant

    guided missiles that can fly across oceans. Thebazooka is a small rocket launcher carried by soldiers

    for use against armored vehicles. A person using a

    bazooka has as much striking power as a small tank.

    Armies use larger rockets to fire explosives far behind

    enemy lines and to shoot down enemy aircraft. Fighter

    airplanes carry rocket-powered guided missiles to

    attack other planes and ground targets. Navy ships useguided missiles to attack other ships, land targets, and


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    S i ti t

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    Scientists use rockets to explore Earth'satmosphere. Sounding rockets, also called

    meteorological rockets, carry such equipment asbarometers, cameras, and thermometers high into the

    atmosphere. These instruments collect information

    about the atmosphere and send it by radio to receiving

    equipment on the ground.

    Rockets also provide the power for experimental

    research airplanes. Engineers use these planes in the

    development of spacecraft. By studying the flights ofsuch planes as the rocket-powered X-1 and X-15,

    engineers learned how to control vehicles flying many

    times as fast as the speed of sound.

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    and satellites

    R k t

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    Rockets carry crewless spacecraft calledspace probes on long voyages to explore the solar

    system. Probes have explored the sun, the moon, andall the planets in our solar system except Pluto. They

    carry scientific instruments that gather information

    about the planets and transmit data back to Earth.

    Probes have landed on the surface of the moon,

    Venus, and Mars.

    Rockets that launch satellites and probes are

    called launch vehicles. Most of these rockets have fromtwo to four stages. The stages lift the satellite to its

    proper altitude and give it enough speed -- about

    17,000 miles (27,000 kilometers) per hour -- to stay in


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    A space probe's speed must reach about 25,000

    miles (40,000 kilometers) per hour to escape Earth's

    gravity and continue on its voyage.

    Engineers created the first launch vehicles by

    altering military rockets or sounding rockets to carry

    spacecraft. For example, they added stages to some ofthese rockets to increase their speed. Today, engineers

    sometimes attach smaller rockets to a launch vehicle.

    These rockets, called boosters, provide additional

    thrust to launch heavier spacecraft.

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    R k t

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    Rockets launch spacecraft carryingastronauts that orbit Earth and travel into space. These

    rockets, like the ones used to launch probes andsatellites, are called launch vehicles.

    The Saturn 5 rocket, which carried astronauts to

    the moon, was the most powerful launch vehicle everbuilt by the United States. Before launch, it weighed

    more than 6 million pounds (2.7 million kilograms). It

    could send a spacecraft weighing more than 100,000

    pounds (45,000 kilograms) to the moon. The Saturn 5used 11 rocket engines to propel three stages.

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    Launch: technically, this is thetime that the rocket is travelling up thelaunch rod. It is not yet moving fast enough

    for the fins to stabilize the flightaerodynamically. The engine ramps up tofull thrust, briefly exceeding the average

    thrust in order to get the rocket up to speed(about 30 mph) before it reaches the end ofthe launch rod.

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    Powered Flight: flighttime after the rocket has left the launchrod, while the engine is still burning.During this time the rocket is a "free

    body", with three forces acting on it: thethrust of the rocket, gravity (the weight ofthe rocket), and wind resistance. Of the

    three forces, though, the rocket thrust isby far the dominant one.

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    Burn-out: the engine runs outof propellant and the rocket is no longerunder thrust. Since it has just gotten theentire "push" from the engine, though, therocket is now moving at its highest speed- as much as 300 miles per hour. It's

    going to keep going up for a while.

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    Coasting Flight: the flighttime of the rocket after the motor has burnedout. During this time the rocket remains a"free body" with two forces acting on it: gravity

    and wind resistance. Because the rocket is,by design, very light, the wind resistance islarge in comparison to the weight (it caneasily be three times the weight of the rocketat peak velocity) and plays a major role in theperformance of the rocket.

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    Recovery: with the parachutedeployed, the rocket is returned gently tothe ground so it can be recovered intact

    and flown again.

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  • 7/30/2019 35918828 Rocket Propulsion Flight Performance


    We live in a world that is defined by three

    spatial dimensions and one time dimension.

    Objects move within this domain in two ways. Anobject translates, or changes location, from onepoint to another. And an object rotates, or

    changes its attitude. In general, the motion ofany object involves both translation and rotation.

    The translations are in direct response to

    external forces. The rotations are in directresponse to external torques or moments

    (twisting forces).

    The motion of a rocket is particularly complex

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    The motion of a rocket is particularly complex

    because the rotations and translations are coupled

    together; a rotation affects the magnitude and direction

    of the forces which affect translations. To understandand describe the motion of a rocket, we usually try to

    break down the complex problem into a series of easier

    problems. We can, for instance, assume that the rocket

    translates from one point to another as if all the mass

    of the rocket were collected into a single point called

    the center of gravity. We can describe the motion of the

    center of gravity by using Newton's laws of motion. Ingeneral, there are fourforces acting on the rocket; the

    weight, thrust, drag and lift.

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