3 x 3 for global creative in 2014

Post on 09-May-2015






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Imperatives in Business, Design & Technology for everyone in the creative business in 2014 – with book references and cases By Sami Viitamäki, TBWA\ www.samiviitamaki.com www.tbwa.fi


3 X 3 For Global Creative in 2014

!Imperatives in Business, Design &

Technology for everyone in the creative business in 2014.!

!With book references and cases!

!Sami Viitamäki, TBWA\!www.samiviitamaki.com!



1.  Get to Your REAL Business 2.  Have a System 3.  Use Your (Global) Brain

1. Get To Your REAL Business

•  Ads and websites are already commoditized; building brand equity is always at a premium.

•  You need to clearly differentiate creative vs. routine business models. Learn from consultancies.

•  To be more relevant and truly creative, you need to understand also your client’s business in-depth.

•  Instead of memorizing market share and SOV data, understand their business ecosystem & dynamics.

Further Reading: Business Model Generation

2. Have a System

•  Contrary to the ‘perfect brief’ dream, creativity flourishes under strict constraints and the right system.

•  If DARPA can use a system to create microwaves, GPS and the internet, why couldn't you formulate success?

•  We’ve been in transition and flux since 2008, but now’s the time to lay down the rules for your business.

•  A system enables you focus on better and more profitable work, with happier employees to boot.

Further Reading: Lateral Thinking

3. Use Your (Global) Brain

•  Advertising is traditionally cultural and local. As a result, creative networks are fragmented and rigid by default.

•  However, greatness in marketing is now defined by global interests, audiences and standards.

•  Harness the brainpower of your people. Encourage and reward sharing, and build global practices.

•  Have less fixed job descriptions. Utilize flexible, skill-based resourcing to move brainpower where needed.

Further Reading: The Future of Management

Our Success Case

McDonald’s x Angry Birds


1.  Balance Help vs. Hype 2.  Revive the Power of Story 3.  Drive Everything with Data

1. Balance Help vs. Hype

•  Big Ideas are more and more about ongoing services or content that help and inform the audience.

•  Explosive Top-of-Mind is useless if exploration and decisions are better supported by competitors.

•  Proactive and innovative services cut through the clutter, even as audiences grow ever more demanding.

•  Hype is necessary to get the traffic. But hype is easier to build when you’re being genuinely useful.

Further Reading: Youtility

2. Revive The Power of Story

•  In the chase of the next big thing, basic storytelling and storytellers have been left undervalued.

•  Stories are an essential part of being human. We crave them, seek them – and invent them if we can't find them.

•  Get back to writing a powerful brand story and delivering meaning, both in content creation and service design.

•  Build on your greatest, differentiating strength instead of downplaying it. Also clients need stories to believe in.

Further Reading: The Storytelling Animal

2. Drive Everything with Data

•  With SaaS & API's, collecting data on people’s behavior is now easier, faster and more affordable than ever.

•  Focus your resources to better analysis. Feed everything from Big Ideas to micro-targeting with data.

•  Use data to also prove your impact beyond direct sales, from reach to loyalty and Word-of-Mouth.

•  Be curious and get better at asking the right questions. Tools will only get you numbers, thinking gets you insights.

Further Reading: Data-Driven Marketing &

How to Measure Everything

Our Success Case

Adidas WindowShopping


1.  Know Your Platforms 2.  Get from Digital to Technology 3.  Work and Test in Real Time

1. Know Your Platforms

•  As people, things, places and data become connected, it’s platforms that get them talking and interacting.

•  Platforms are resisted (NYC Hotels vs. Airbnb; French Taxis vs. Uber), but they will win for they bring the value.

•  Unlock this value by knowing the right platform to use for the job, and also the quirks within platforms.

•  Mobile use already exceeded TV use. Know your mobile platforms well, or your content won’t exist in 2014.

Further Reading: The Age of the Platform

2. Get from ‘Digital’ to ‘Technology’

•  While moving beyond advertising and communications, you need to update your skillset.

•  Bring in technologists, engineers and inventors. Empower them already in the research & creative phases.

•  Wearable tech, accessories, connected products, etc. require technology and engineering skills.

•  Just having tech gear and people around sparks new creative ideas, also within your existing staff.

Further Reading: What Technology Wants

3. Work and Test in Real Time

•  Today’s market is a 24/7, always-on experiment. Check your goals, milestones, test methods and criteria.

•  Think about your work as an infinite process loop instead of a project. Value and sell it accordingly.

•  Be curious about your content, the response in the audience, and especially the change in behavior.

•  Insist on agile building and testing instead of months-long boardroom rounds and subjective guesswork.

Further Reading: Growth Hacker Marketing

Our Success Case

Nissan NISMO Watch


Innovate Or Die

•  Without radical innovation and disruptive work, you won’t be a creative agency in 2014.

•  Storytellers need to get together with designers, entrepreneurs and inventors to unlock unprecedented value.

•  As devices and people at the fringes become ever smarter, innovation happens at the edges.

•  Encourage and motivate your people to innovate continuously, or lose their power and momentum.

Further Reading: Lean Startup, UX & Analytics

52 Tools to Innovate like a Startup

@ Slideshare

Thanks for#Your Time!


sami.viitamaki@tbwa.fi +358 (0)44 906 6650


www.samiviitamaki.com www.tbwa.fi

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