3 office holiday celebrations they won’t forget

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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3 Office Holiday Celebrations They Won’t Forget

Office parties can get boring—or they can get out of hand. Every boss knows the importance of a good holiday party, but how do you plan one that will be fun and memorable without going over the line? Here are three great ideas for office holiday party themes that are workplace-appropriate, yet completely unforgettable.

1. Saturnalia. Saturnalia was the major December holiday of ancient Rome, and it makes a great theme for a holiday party. The most important tradition of Saturnalia is the reversal of roles: supervisors could sit at assistant’s desks, interns could be put in charge of the festivities and managers can offer to serve the food. If your office is so inclined, you could encourage people to wear togas over their normal clothing. The main Saturnalia customs are a large shared meal, giving small or gag gifts, and decorating with lots of candles (we recommend LED candles for an office space). It’s a time of festivity that doesn’t have any modern religious associations.

2. Festival of Lights. Across all cultures and religions, most winter holidays have one thing in common: a love of light. The short December days can be exhausting, and lots of twinkling lights help cheer people up and remind us of what’s important. There’s no better way to set the stage for an office holiday party than to encourage employees to decorate their work areas with lights, and even hold a contest to vote on the best light display. The creativity of your staff will also help transform the setting more than any normal office holiday decorations can ever do. Of course, cakes with candles and an LED charm necklace for the contest winner make the perfect finishing touch. If not distracting, the lights can stay up through New Year’s.

3. Island of Misfit Toys. Who doesn’t like a costume party? We all grew up with the classic movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and everyone remembers the island where “misfit toys” were sent by Santa. Invite your staff to dress as their favorite toy that doesn’t quite work, and hold a costume contest where staff can vote for their favorites. A nutcracker makes a great giveaway prize, and sweets and confections go great with a toy-themed party.

Want to make your party even better? Offer succulent hors d’oeuvres or mouth-watering sweets prepared by Saint Germain Catering, your best business and event caterer. We are among the most experienced corporate caterers in the Washington, DC area, and we know how to make your holiday party a merry one. Call Saint Germain today!

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