3, 2020 · 2005-03-20 · 3, 2020 s . joseph the w orker mission in empire nevada. from father...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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Father Chuck Durante Rector, Ext. 106


Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101


Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Deacons

P O E- : Office@STACathedral.com

P O H Monday: 11:00-5:00 PM

Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00-5:00 PM Rocío Paz

Office Administrator Ext. 100 Rociog@STACathedral.com

Mary Ann Dangel Bookkeeping Ext. 108

Tammie Sheely Religious Education Ext. 110

AquinasCCD@STACathedral.com Anne Buja-Liturgy Coordinator

AnneB@STACathedral.com James Rizza-RCIA Director


B & G S Jack Hallsted Mgr. Ext. 112 CLOSED MONDAY THRU FRIDAY

Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00-1:00PM & 3:30-6:00PM

S A I N T T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C A T H E D R A L 3 1 0 W E S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , R E N O , N V 8 9 5 0 3

Most Rev. Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011 WEB: stacathedral.com Religious Ed: aquinasccd@stacathedral.com WSTA: WSTA@stacathedral.com


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Happy May! It has been well over a month now since we have been together. I know many of us are missing our parish family and gathering for Word, Eucharist & song – not to mention the donuts you might have been having today!

Last Wednesday Bishop Calvo issued a plan for resuming parish life to all of the priests of the diocese and has set up meetings with the priests by deanery (region within the diocese) to dis-cuss its implementation. We will be following the lead of the state in returning to Mass and parish activities in phases. Once we begin Phase One as a state, we will do so as a diocese and parish. The governor’s message on Thursday night excludes large venues in Phase One, so we’ll still be unable to host regular Mass. Phase Two will include, most importantly, the opportunity to return to Mass, but with proper social distancing, which means at least a six-foot radius in all directions for each person attending (or those living in the same home). This will severely limit the number of people we can have in the church for every Mass. Phase Two also will entail wearing face masks & identifying who is at each Mass in case someone later learns he/she has tested positive for the Coronavirus. The health department has specific guidelines of what to do if that were to happen. We also will need to take precautions to clean hands when entering the church and to clean pews and all surfaces after each Mass. We’re working on getting the materials needed by way of masks, gloves and proper cleaning supplies to do this. There’re lots of details to consider so more information will be forthcoming.

This weekend we pray for the people of Saint Joseph the Worker Mission in Empire, NV. May 1 is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker in the universal Church. The faith community by that name in our diocese is in the small town of Empire, Nevada, and it is a mission to Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church in Fernley. It serves both Empire & Gerlach. The Catholic community has a little church which was built in 1959; its first Mass was celebrated that year on its feast day by Father Caesar Caviglia. Prior to having their own church, the Catholic, Mormon and Protestant communities all shared the local community hall. After the church was built, catechism was able to be offered more readily. The Holy Family Sisters and, later, the Sacred Heart Sisters would travel there from Reno for Catholic formation of the children. Saint Joseph the Worker is called a “mission” because it is too small to have a priest assigned and doesn’t have many of the usual amenities of a parish. However, Father Justin, from St. Robert Bellarmine, does travel the 70+ miles to Empire periodically for the celebration of Mass. Some from Saint Joseph also travel to Fernley, of course, where children generally receive their first sacraments. It takes a special com-mitment of faith for Catholics in the tiny towns of Empire & Gerlach to maintain their church and live out their faith. Congratulations on your feast day to all the good folks at Saint Joseph the Worker and to your pastor, Fr. Justin!


A special commitment I am witnessing in our parish is the financial support coming from many of you. We have been receiving weekly collection envelopes in the mail from some of you, others have been grouping their envelopes together and sending periodically and still others have signed up for on-line giving. This is such a help. We had one family who made their entire annual contri-bution last week, which also is a great help right now. Generally, our donations have been about a third of what we might normally receive, but that special, annual donation bumps that up a lot for last week, as you might notice later in the bulletin. Whatever parishioners can do is a great help, especially now when we also are missing our visitors’ donations. So far we have been able to keep our commitment not to lay off any staff. We also have applied for the small business loan for payroll purposes from the federal government. I am hopeful that this will come through.

Another wonderful commitment I’m seeing is the response to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). In pledges we are over $60,000, which is better than halfway to our goal for the parish. Almost $40,000 of those pledges has been paid. Considering everything going on and the inabil-ity to highlight this appeal and take donations at Mass, I’m impressed with how we are doing. If you have not yet made a pledge, you can do so by going on line to renodiocese.org or calling our parish office. MaryAnn or Rocio would be happy to put a pledge form in the mail to you if you don’t have one and to send you a brochure for more information. The CSA funds the ministries of the diocese, including oversight for adult and children faith formation, hospital and prison ministry, protecting God’s children, diaconate and lay leadership formation, seminarian formation, ongoing clergy education, respect life, liturgy and worship, TV Mass and youth and young adult ministries. In addition, CSA is helping fund our sanctuary renovation because all donations we receive over our parish goal come back to us. CSA 2019 brought back about $10,000 to the parish. Thank you to all who have been able to pledge and give. For those who haven’t yet, please do consider what you can do.

This Sunday is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In a special way we pray for our semi-narians, Kyler and Rene, and for all those who are currently discerning ordained ministry in the Church. We also pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for all young people who are considering what they want to do with their lives and, in particular, what God may be calling them to do. The influence of my parents, brothers, extended family and especially other adults in the parish, was huge in my life when discerning whether I should or could become a priest. I could not have im-agined the abundant life it would bring. So never underestimate how your words might impact a young person in reflection. Sometimes God uses us to speak to one another in very focused ways. Let us all stay attentive to that voice of the Shepherd and be open to his call.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Struggle to receive basic pastoral care and catechesis is faced by thousands of faithful living in home mission dioceses here in the United States. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps ease that struggle through grants that support priestly and religious voca ons, faith forma on, and educa on for leaders to a end to the unique needs of their faith communi es. A mission diocese must o en contend with high rates of poverty and a lack of educated pastoral and lay leadership. With your support, the Catholic Home Mis-sions Appeal can con nue to provide essen al pastoral outreach in home mission dioceses. Please be generous in the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your support will truly make a difference. Thank you. God bless you.

Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Randolph R. Calvo Bishop of Reno

[Scheduled date for this collec on in our parish if next weekend, May 9-10]



¡Feliz Mayo! Ha pasado más de un mes desde que hemos estado juntos. Sé que a muchos de nosotros nos faltan nuestra familia parroquial y el reunirnos para celebrar la Palabra, Eucaris-tía y el canto, ¡sin mencionar las donas que podrían haber tenido hoy!

El Miércoles pasado, el Señor Obispo Calvo emitió un plan para reanudar la vida parroquial a todos los sacerdotes de la diócesis y ha establecido reuniones con los sacerdotes por decanatos (secciones dentro de la diócesis) para discutir su implementación. Una vez que comencemos la Fase Uno a nivel estatal, lo haremos como diócesis y parroquia. Seguiremos las direcciones es-tatales al regresar a Misa y a las actividades parroquiales en fases. El mensaje del gobernador del Jueves por la noche excluyo a entidades grandes en la Fase Uno, por lo cual no podremos reanudar las Misas públicas. La Fase Dos incluirá, lo más importante, la oportunidad de regresar a Misa, pero con el distanciamiento social adecuado, lo que significa al menos un radio de 2 me-tros en todas las direcciones de cada persona que asiste (o aquellos que viven en el mismo ho-gar). Esto limitará severamente el número de personas que podrán estar dentro de la iglesia en cada Misa. La Fase Dos también implicará el uso de máscaras faciales e identificar quién está en cada Misa, en caso de que alguien más adelante resulte positivo al Coronavirus. El departa-mento de salud tiene pautas específicas sobre qué hacer si eso sucediera. También tendremos que tomar precauciones para limpiarnos las manos al entrar en la iglesia y limpiar las bancas y todas las superficies después de cada Misa. Estamos trabajando en conseguir los materiales necesarios como máscaras, guantes y otros artículos de limpieza adecuados para hacer esto. Hay un sin fin de detalles a considerar, tendremos más información más adelante.

Este fin de semana oramos por la comunidad de la Misión de San José Obrero en Empire, NV. El 1 de Mayo es la fiesta de San José Obrero en la Iglesia Universal. Esta comunidad de fe está en la pequeña ciudad de Empire, Nevada, y es una misión de la parroquia St. Robert Bellar-mine en Fernley. Sirve tanto a Empire como a Gerlach. La comunidad católica tiene una peque-ña iglesia que fue construida en 1959; su primer Misa fue celebrada ese año, en su día de fiesta patronal por el Padre César Caviglia. Antes de tener su propia iglesia, las comunidades católica, mormona y protestante compartían el salón comunitario local. Después de la construcción de la iglesia, el catecismo se pudo ofrecer más fácilmente. Las Hermanas de la Sagrada Familia y más tarde, las Hermanas del Sagrado Corazón viajaban allí desde Reno para la formación católi-ca de los niños. San José Obrero es una "misión" porque es demasiado pequeña para tener un sacerdote asignado y no tiene muchas de las comodidades habituales de una parroquia. Sin embargo, el Padre Justin, periódicamente viaja más de 70 millas a Empire para celebrar la Misa. Algunos feligreses de San José Obrero viajan a Fernley, por supuesto, donde los niños general-mente reciben sus sacramentos. Se necesita un compromiso especial de fe para los católicos en las pequeñas ciudades de Empire y Gerlach para mantener su iglesia y fe vivas. ¡Felicidades en su día patronal a toda la gente buena en San José Obrero y a su pastor, Padre Justin!


Un compromiso especial que estoy presenciando en nuestra parroquia es el apoyo financiero que proviene de muchos de ustedes. Hemos estado recibiendo semanalmente por correo so-bres con sus donaciones, algunos han estado agrupando sus sobres y los envían periódicamen-te, otros se han registrado para dar su donación en línea. Todo esto es de gran ayuda. La se-mana pasada tuvimos una familia que hizo su contribución de todo el año, que también es una gran ayuda en este momento. Generalmente, nuestras donaciones han sido de aproximada-mente un tercio de lo que normalmente recibimos, pero esta donación especial aumento mucho el promedio la semana pasada. Lo que los feligreses pueden dar es de gran ayuda, especial-mente ahora que estamos perdiendo las donaciones de nuestros visitantes. Hasta ahora hemos logrado mantener nuestro compromiso de no descansar a ningún empleado. También hemos solicitado un préstamo del gobierno federal para pequeñas empresas para fines de nómina. Es-pero que lo obtengamos.

Otro compromiso maravilloso que estoy viendo es la respuesta a CSA. Hemos recibido más de $60,000, en promesas, esto es un poco más de la mitad de nuestra meta parroquial. Se han pagado casi $40,000 de esas promesas. Estoy impresionado con lo que hemos logrado, tenien-do en cuenta todo lo que está pasando y el no poder advocar sobre la campaña y tomar donacio-nes en las Misas. Si aún no ha hecho una promesa, puede hacerlo en linea: renodiocese.org o llamando a nuestra oficina parroquial. Mary Ann o Rocío con gusto le enviaran una tarjeta de compromiso y folleto de información sobre CSA por correo para que haga su promesa. CSA fi-nancia los ministerios de la diócesis, incluyendo la supervisión de la formación de la fe de adul-tos y niños, el ministerio en los hospitales y prisiones, el programa de Protegiendo los hijos de Dios, la formación de diáconos, seminaristas, líderes y laicos, la educación continua del clero, el respeto de la vida, la liturgia y adoracion, la Misa por TV, los ministerios de jóvenes y adultos jó-venes. Además, CSA está ayudando a financiar nuestra renovación del santuario, ya que todas las donaciones que recibimos sobre nuestro objetivo parroquial vuelven a nosotros. CSA 2019 trajo alrededor de $10,000 a la parroquia. Gracias a todos los que ayudaron. Para aquellos que aún no lo han hecho, por favor considere si puede ayudar.

Este Domingo es el Día Mundial de la Oración por las Vocaciones. De manera especial oramos por nuestros seminaristas, Kyler y René, y por todos aquellos que actualmente están dis-cerniendo una vocación en la Iglesia. También oramos por la guía del Espíritu Santo para todos los jóvenes que están considerando lo que quieren hacer con sus vidas, en particular, lo que Dios puede estar llamándolos a hacer. La influencia de mis padres, hermanos, familia y espe-cialmente de otros adultos en la parroquia, fue enorme en mi vida al discernir si debía ser sacer-dote. Nunca imagine la vida abundante que mi vocación traería. Así que nunca subestime cómo sus palabras pudieran impactar a un joven discerniendo una vocación. A veces Dios nos usa pa-ra hablarnos unos a otros de maneras muy específicas. Permanezcamos todos atentos a la voz del Pastor y mantengámonos abiertos a su llamada. ¡BENDICIONES A TODOS ESTA CUARTA SEMANA DE PASCUA!


Lord, Jesus Christ, we believe that You are in the

Blessed Sacrament. We love You above all things, and we long for You

in our souls. Since we cannot now receive You sacramentally, come

spiritually into our hearts. As though You have already come,

we embrace You and unite ourselves entirely to You; never permit us to be

separated from You. AMEN


Señor Jesús, creemos que Tú estás real y

verdaderamente presente en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar; te amamos sobre todas las cosas y

deseamos recibirte ahora dentro de nuestra alma; ya que no te

podemos recibir sacramentalmente, ven espiritualmente a nuestros

corazones. Y como si ya te hubiése-mos recibido, te abrasamos y nos

unimos completamente a Ti. Señor, no permitas que jamás nos

apartemos de Ti por el pecado. AMÉN


Saturday, May 2— 8:00 AM

5:00 PM Maricruz Navarro—Birthday In honor of the most precious Blood of Jesus

Sunday, May 3—4th Sunday of Easter 12:15 PM

2:00 PM

†Lawrence Reeder & †Domicele Lekaviciene Padre Salvador Carlos Mendoza †Andrea Faulkner

Monday, May 4—Easter Weekday 12:10 PM Sergio Juarez

Tuesday, May 5— Easter Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM Sergio Juarez—Birthday Brother Ben

Wednesday, May 6— Easter Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM Joe Garcia—90th Birthday Oscar Barrera

Thursday, May 7— Easter Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM Fr Lucio Zuñiga Rocha Save the Holy Innocents

Friday, May 8— Easter Weekday 7:00 AM †Deceased Dominicans

Saturday, May 9— 8:00 AM

5:00 PM Katlyn Padilla Gomez Mother’s Day Novena

R W Mon: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tues: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wed: Acts 12:24 — 13:5; Ps 67:2-8; Jn 12:44-50 Thurs: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-27; Jn 13:16-20 Fri: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11; Jn 14:1-6 Sat: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sun: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-5, 18-19; 1Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12

P S J Silent and well-known carpenter in Nazareth, model of works, by the work of your hands you gave your contribu on to the work of the Creator, you earned your living, and you provided for the needs of the Holy Family. Intercede for all workers, in the difficul es of their daily lives especially for the unemployed, in their anxie es for tomorrow, so that through the guidance of God, the great Architect and Builder, they all may use their strength and talents to make visible God’s new crea on, to offer a concrete service to society, and to earn wages wor-thy of their efforts. With confidence and trust we make this prayer thru Jesus Christ. Amen


Loving God, you created the human race and know each one of us by name. Through Christ you have chosen us to be your sons & daughters, and to build up your Kingdom on earth. Give us work so that we may share our talents with others and know the dignity and sa sfac on that you give us through our work. Give us pa ence while you open doors and wisdom to see your will. Keep our families in your care, and provide for all our needs. Never let stress diminish our love for each other nor the desire for material things lessen our love for you. With confidence and trust we make this prayer thru Jesus Christ. Amen

CHURCH IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Masses will be livestreamed on

YouTube DIOCESE OF RENO CHANNEL. S M 12:15 PM English 2:00 PM Spanish W M 12:10PM Monday; 7:00AM & 12:10 Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 AM English & 4:00 PM Spanish Wednesday 7:00AM Friday 8:00AM Saturday P R P -A H M . WWW.HOPEAFTERABORTION.ORG. HELP LINE, NONJUDGMENTAL & CONFIDENTIAL: 775-324-4325.


Date 1st Collection 2nd Collection 2nd Collection To Benefit April 19* April 26* May 3* May 10 May 17

$11,461 $ $ $ $

- $ $ $ -

No 2nd Collection No 2nd Collection Long Term Repairs Catholic Home Missions No 2nd Collection

LET US PRAY FOR… / OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Dan, Jenn, Eva, Rhonda, Tammie Sheely, John Zepeda, Lena Magee,

Tim Bauer, Ed, Maria & Rick Slaughter, Roy Avery, Tillie Pugliesi, Mindy Fisher, Sophia Rae, Patty Tellez, Mario Saucedo, Gary Blount, José E. Almaguer, Celia Guillen, Douglas Todd,

James Czeck, Patrick Coyne, Marty Ocava, Evelyn Andrade, Ed Kolesar, Joe Garcia, Caridad Rafa, John Dearborn, Donald Walls Sr., Jose Hernandez, Barbara Mok, Peter & Patti Beer,

Douglas Dolbow, Rafael & Sayra Gutierrez, Deacon Richard Ramm, Vangie Elordieta, Katrina Strauss, Kristen Monibi, Anna Buchanan, Charlie & Linda Gill, Kriss, Zenaida & Kevin Janoski, Jovita Mendoza.

† Alexander Gousev † Marguerite Ball † Richard Dicianno † Gonzalo Lopez

Received via mail. Thank you!

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