2_afolu leds proposal - lam dong

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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AFOLU Low Emission Development StrategiesLam Dong Province, VietnamProvincial REDD+ Action Plan

Location, area covered and start date

1. Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam Total Land Area: 977,354 hectares Total Forest Land: 598,192 hectares Forest ownership: Secured through Government

mandated forest ownership structures

2. Crediting Year: 2010

3. ER target: 27%

Main Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation

1. Conversion to commercial agriculture crops (coffee)

2. Conversion to plantations3. Infrastructure and hydropower

development 4. Logging and timber extraction5. Forest Fire and non-timber product


Historical emissions and removals

1. Deforestation + Degradation, 1990-2010 – ANNUAL EMISSIONS = 3,475,186 tCO2/annum

2. Forest Enhancement (plantation development + forest regrowth), 1990-2010 – ANNUAL REMOVALS = 450,876 tCO2/annum

Projected emission reductions and removals

Cumulative Avoided Emissions 2020 = 9.4 million tCO2

2030 = 18.7 million tCO2

Cumulative Removals 2020 = 1.2 million tCO2

2030 = 2.4 million tCO2

Policies and Measures (PAMs)

Government Endorsed Provincial REDD+ Action Plan, 2010-2020 that dictates policies and field measures to meet emission reduction target of 27%: Improved land use planning Enhanced forest measuring and monitoring Law enforcement FSC certification Restoration and planting Commercial agricultural livelihood support Reduction in government sanctioned conversion of ‘poor forest’ to

commercial agricultural crops

Investment Opportunities

In partnership with top Organizations Wide range of PaMs for selection Multiples Benefits Achievements – Biodiversity, Poverty

reductions, etc Marketing opportunities for Businesses – locations of

Poor and Ethnic Minorities

Implementation Risks

1. Not taking consideration of Provincial RL into national RL

2. Leakages3. Unavoid conversions4. Not effective PaMs5. Not enough funding6. High opportunities Costs

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