25 reasons why you (single woman over 40) are god's gift to the world

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Single ladies, if you ever felt badly about yourself just because you are single, welcome! You found the right slideshare-- but really, there are at least 25 Reasons Why You Are God's Gift to the World. Each reason is formatted into poster you can print, download, save, share or use as wallpaper for your laptop or living room. All together, they make a beautiful Poster E-Book for you to give this holiday season to anyone who sometimes thinks she is "one of those things not like the others, one of those things that does not belong." If you are lucky enough to know a single woman over 40, you are lucky enough. The world would fall apart without us.


WHY YOUu Single Woman over 40 t

are God’s Giftto the world

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

2 5 r e a s o n s

If you are lucky enough to have a single woman over 40 in your life, you are lucky enough.

She is God’s Gift to the World.

When God invented the first single woman over 40, she knew what she was doing.

The world would fall apart without us.


With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

Reason #01Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

y x

We are Great Aunts —literally and figuratively—

to children with or without biological ties.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #02Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are even better sisters, who love you like only someone

you shared a room with can.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #03Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are the best besties to several friends.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #04Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We show up. We are there when you need us.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #05Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We take you out. Fighter pilots envy our wingman skills.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #06Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We volunteer.

Tip: Don’t tell us to do charitable works to find or get over a man. That takes all the fun out.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #07Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We can conduct entire conversations that do not involve children.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #08Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We understand when you are busy and when you just want to hunker down. (Us, too.)

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #09Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We do not get lonely; we get bored.

(See #5)

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #10Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are “company.” We are the fun ones.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #11Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

Nothing Shocks Us. Been there, done that and kept his t-shirt.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #12Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We always have a good story . . . about dating, traveling AND last Friday night.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #13Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are good for the economy. We eat out. A lot.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #14Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

No matter how you add it up, we pay more than our fair share.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #15Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We help our families —financially and otherwise—

and are grateful we can.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #16Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are your Danger Pal. We leap to mind in a single bound

when you want an adventure.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #17Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We vote.

We can’t afford not to.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #18Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

You don’t have to worry about us.

So, please stop.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #19Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We bounce, though it’s often disguised

as a ricochet or boomerang.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #20Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We don’t believe in fairy tales. Happily Ever After is already under our control.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #21Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We can keep secrets.

End of story.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #22Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We have GREAT guest rooms and are THE BEST hostesses.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #23Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We would rather pay for help than ask for it.

(So if we ask….)

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #24Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We adopt cats, dogs and OPC*— legally and figuratively.

(*Other people’s children)

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xReason #25Single Women are God’s Gift to the World

We know when you want advice and when you want permission.

We carefully give neither.

With BEth O’DonnEll

Single and theSweet side of 40

y xBonus ReasonSingle Women are God’s Gift to the World

We are the first (fill in the blank), we took you to your first (fill in the blank) and/or we are the first and only person

who knows (fill in the blank).

y xTime to PlaySingle and the sweet side of 40

Single Women on the Sweet Side of 40 have the balls to play with ourselves.

Life waits for no one. Everyone else is waiting for you.


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