#21modernday strategies for shortening the b2b sales cycle

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Presentation speech made on Tuesday, October 29, 2013- 5:30pm to 8:30pm Capital One Bank, Corporate Office Dining, 275 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747, by our firm's CEO- JC Maldonado, III, JD BizGro Partners, along with Capital One Bank hosted a workshop for the purposes of sharing with our audience the number one responsibility of entrepreneurs and their advisors- to keep cash coming into their companies. In late 2008, the world changed when it came to raising money for privately held businesses. Banks stopped lending. Private Equity dried up. Venture Capital vanished. And Angel Investors lost confidence. During this time, a new paradigm developed for raising money. Here is our workshop on learning modern day 2013 strategies for raising money so that your company can prosper, grow, and develop momentum. Visit us at http://www.bizgropartners.com or connect with us on LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/2761694




Panel:We will be Joined Today By Our All Star Panel:

Samuel A. Maldonado (“Web Sales/Corporate Image”)

Arnie Silver (“Connecting with High Level People”)

Ramon Ray(“Email Marketing/CRM”)

Martin Hoffenberg(“The Human Element”)

Interesting Facts: 1. The number 1 reason why small businesses go out of business: “Lack of Sales.”2. Only 3% of all businesses in the US reach $1MM in sales.3. Only .06% of all the businesses in the US reach $5MM+ in sales.4. It takes on average 5 to 7 face to face sales meetings to close a sale.

How Do We Close More Sales in A Shorter Period of Time in Today’s Modern World?

Potential Threats that Make it Tough:a.) Poor Marketing Creativity and Innovation.b.) Technology Deficiencies. Bad Exposure.c.) Increased Competition both Domestically & Globally.d.) An Environment of Mistrust.

3 Step Process to Shortening the B2B Sales Cycle and Fighting all Sales Threats:

Built within the Process are 21 Concepts that you can put into practice.

a.) Develop a Formidable, Organized Brand.

b.) Establish World Class Lead Management & Follow Up Methodology.

c.) Implement an Ancient Greek Formula for Persuasion in your Selling Process: “Ethos, Pathos, Logos.”

It Starts with Your Brand:

Promise + Delivery + Awareness

Concept # 1: Develop a Unique Value Proposition.Concept # 2: Make sure you deliver what you Promise.Concept # 3: Let the world know that you deliver the Unique Promise.

Establish World Class Lead Management & Follow Up Methodology.

Concept# 4: Follow up with all Sales Prospects via telephone on a timed schedule.

Concept # 5: Use a CRM System.

Concept # 6: Use Social Media Venues Regularly. Concept # 7: Take Advantage of Automated Email Marketing.

Ancient Greek Formula for Persuasion. “Ethos, Pathos, Logos.”

One of the reasons why the Sales Cycle is so long is because many salespeople, business people, and executives lack “World Class” persuasive communication skills. There are 3 elements of the persuasion process:Ethos: Credibility: “Does the Buyer Believe You.”Pathos: “Does the Buyer feel good about You.”Logos: “Does the Buyer think your solution makes sense for his/her situation.”

Ethos “Credibility”Concept # 8: Never Assume the Buyer Believes You. (Only Tell the buyer as much as he would believe)Concept # 9: Tell the Truth, even if it hurts. (Point Out Disadvantages) Concept # 10: Use Precise Numbers. Concept # 11: Admit to receiving benefit or Commission. (Downplay benefits to you)Concept # 12: Pay attention to your image.Concept# 13: Confront problems head on. Concept # 14: Use Testimonials/Case Studies.

Pathos “Emotional Appeal”Concept# 15: Always Do What You Say (Trust)Concept # 16: Show Gratitude.Concept # 17: Get the other side to speak about themselves and their challenges and give sincere compliments.Concept# 18: Become an Active Listener (Engage in Dialogue & Push Out Empathy).Concept# 19: Speak to the Personality Type.

Logos “Does Your Product or Service Make Sense.”Concept # 20: Dollarize Your Value Proposition: Your Real product is Money in the world of B2B. (This is different from reducing price) This is expressed in terms of money and time. Concept# 21: You have 3 Competitors to measure your proposition against: a.) The Prospect Himself. b.) Status Quo c.) Direct Competitors (Other Companies)

How it Ties Together:1. Organized Brand2. World Class Follow Up3. Ethos/Pathos/Logos

The ability to implement these components into action will shorten the B2B Sales Cycle.

21 Strategies Recapped: 1. Develop a Unique Value Proposition.2. Make sure you deliver what you Promise.3. Let the world know that you deliver the Unique Promise. 4. Follow up with all Sales Prospects via telephone on a timed schedule.5. Use a CRM System. 6. Use Social Media Venues Regularly. 7. Take Advantage of Automated Email Marketing. 8. Never Assume the Buyer Believes You. (Only Tell the buyer as much as he would believe)9. Tell the Truth, even if it hurts. (Point Out Disadvantages) 10. Use Precise Numbers. 11. Admit to receiving benefit or commission. (Downplay benefits to you)12. Pay attention to your image.13. Confront problems head on. 14. Use Testimonials/Case Studies

15. Always Do What You Say (Trust)16. Show Gratitude.17. Get the other side to speak about themselves and their challenges and give sincere compliments.18. Become an Active Listener (Engage in Dialogue & Push Out Empathy) 19. Speak to the Personality Type20. Dollarize Your Value Proposition: Your Real product is Money in the world of B2B. (This is different from reducing price) This is expressed in terms of money and time. 21. You have 3 Competitors to measure your proposition against: (Prospect, Status Quo, Direct Competitors).


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