2021 f d c...extraordinary stress and strain, lingering in the shadows of a disillusioned and...

Post on 28-Mar-2021






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Conference Year Theme:

“Re-Imagining Ministry – “Re-Imagining Ministry – To Serve This Present Age”To Serve This Present Age”

“Therefore, seeing we have this ministry…” “…and He gave gifts unto His people...” “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”

~II Corinthians 4:1a (KJV), Ephesians 4:8d (NLT), Ephesians 4:12 (KJV)

venue:First District Virtual Platform

Bishop Gregory G. M. Ingram Presiding Prelate

Reverend Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram Episcopal Supervisor

Reverend Dr. Natalie P. Alford Host Presiding Elder

Reverend Mark Kelly Tyler, Ph.D. Host Pastor

2021 Founder’s Day CelebrationThursday, February 11, 2021


The Bishop’s Word

“Re-Imagining Ministry – “Re-Imagining Ministry – To Serve This Present Age”To Serve This Present Age”

“Therefore, seeing we have this ministry…” “…and He gave gifts unto His people...” “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry

~II Corinthians 4:1a, Ephesians 4:8d, Ephesians 4:12

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:

Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God the Father and our Lord JESUS Christ who indeed is the Great Head of the Church, and by His power has afforded us the privilege to come together for another Founder’s Day.

Two hundred and thirty-four years ago Richard Allen, the founder and first elected and consecrated Bishop, planted a seed that grew to be the first church in America established by blacks, the jewel we call The African Methodist Episcopal Church.

In 1787 Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, and a band of followers sparked the first “Black Lives Matter Movement” when they courageously withdrew from St. George’s Methodist Episcopal Church, in Philadelphia, and refused to tolerate unkind treatment and racial discrimination. From that time, until now, the AME Church has been a church of a compelling compassion to be different.

At such a time as this it is very challenging that we find ourselves having a Founder’s Day observance and celebration. It is challenging because we find ourselves living in a peculiar and perilous time of extraordinary stress and strain, lingering in the shadows of a disillusioned and distracted world. The perils that face the nation, particularly as we witnessed last month when some insurrectionists descended upon the Capital wanting to overthrow our established democracies, let us know that things are out of order and out of control. Thanks be unto God the growing


secularism on the one hand that profaned things sacred, and the end of a despotic individual and his capricious will of trying to be a dictator is now over

This year’s election after four years of horrific, disastrous, flawed, divisive, and inept leadership, has brought to Washington a Commander-in-Chief who cares about people and putting the country back on the right course. We thank God for a new administration that is positive and reflects the kind of image we want to be known for, not just in America, but around the world.

Today, the church has been summoned by God “for a time such as this” to address the ills, hurts, and pain people are living with. I need not tell you, our work is cut out for us. Times are changing and as it moves on, the church must be about our Father’s business to fulfill the Great Commission and to make our calling and election sure.

We know the religious landscape is changing. Dr. Walter E. Fluker talks about it in his book, “The Ground Has Shifted: The Future of The Black Church in Post-Racial America.” Not only must the church speak to social issues, but one of the realities we must come to grips with is the fact that more and more people are identifying themselves as spiritual, rather than religious, and as a result many of them are not connected and claim

no membership with the church. What an indictment! Dr. Martin Luther King made the observation that “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” If nothing else, we must make the church a place where people want to belong and that is a place for them to make a difference in other people’s lives. There are many reasons I can cite for the pivotal role the church must have in people’s lives. But succinctly let me make this one statement: We must create a church that makes people feel that there is a place for them. If we want our church to be like The New Testament Church then we’ve got to get up and get going. As we poise ourselves for the future, we must have a relevant ministry that reaches out to people that speaks to them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, and respectfully.

We do not live in the time of Jesus. We live in our own day and age, in our own place and with our own problems. The contemporary church is


confronted with people who live on a treadmill of hurry, scurry, and worry. Most of the time the things that are so demanding in our lives are really minor: we have meetings without meaning, social events without significance, and just “much ado about nothing” The current crises of inadequate healthcare, hunger, unemployment, the growth of an underclass, environmental injustice, massive economic change, poor housing, slum landlords, garbage accumulation, HIV/AIDS, crime, and substandard education all add to the problems that the church must confront and point to the blueprint of our mission of true service laid out for us over 200 years ago.

Whatever the issues of the present strife may be, as the church, we must refuse to retreat or to lose faith in Him who gives us the assurance that we are not alone in what He has called us to do.

As the church looks forward to the future, a great deal is being said, opinions tossed about and people are seeking answers to a plethora problems and issues they are dealing with. This could be the church’s finest hour. Therefore, this is not a time to take council of our fears or to assume an apologetic attitude. The most vital and fruitful periods in the life and history of the church have always been those times when we were engaged in the struggles and served as a place where people came to for help and hope.

This is a time of urgency and when we can no longer do business as usual. Change is the order of the day. Most of us do not much care for urgency. It suggests change when we are more comfortable with what is familiar. It makes us anxious, recalcitrant, and desiring nothing more than to dig in our heels believing change is not necessary. We argue against it and resist.

As you know, our theme this year is “Reimagining Ministry.” The word imagination comes from the root word meaning “to image.” Every person has the ability to imagine. It is the mark of the image of God within us. God has created us not as machines, but men and women. He has made us in His own image, and has given us gifts and skills and talents to make a difference in this world. We are being stretched to expand our minds and imaginations beyond the traditional way of doing things and to dream new dreams. Since it does not cost a dime to dream you’ll never shortchange yourself when you


stretch your imagination.

There is an old saying that, “If ever the church was needed it sure is needed now.” The weight and responsibility of ministering in this climate is compelling, challenging and demanding. We celebrate those of you who are doing a great work for the Lord. While many churches are functioning in a limited capacity, and in some cases with limited resources, many of you have expanded your outreach ministries; are fighting and challenging oppressive systems; marching and having prayer vigils; and protesting against systemic racism, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

In this season of unprecedented pain and uncertainty, conflict and chaos, we call upon our clergy and members, churches and the entire district to be a praying community for peace and healing in God’s beloved world. We need to especially pray for a lot of people who demonstrate their love and loyalty in sparing themselves while helping others, tending to the sick with little thought of danger and departing this life after becoming infected with their disease. Many who nurse others to health have died themselves. We are aware that the certainty of God’s goodness and faithfulness can never be shaken. In a time of great peril we, as Christians and members of the body of Christ, are not to acquiesce to fear. We are determined to go forward because we believe the

assurance of our Lord’s merciful presence and providence is with us in the midst of this crisis. In all times and circumstances, our faith must remain secure and is set upon the firm foundation of the love of God in Christ. We must reaffirm our confidence that “neither death nor life.....nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

As we continue to make the case of Re-Imagining Ministry: To Serve This Present Age, Reverend Jessica and I want each of you to keep the faith, be encouraged, and believe as we collectively work to make this a better church that God is going to do a new thing in our midst.

So, why have we assembled to have and observed this year’s Founders Day? We do so because we owe a debt of gratitude to the leaders of the past who bequeathed us this great church and on whose shoulders we stand. We thank them for in some way, small or great, we are


products of what we have gained from them. We stretch out our hands to our youth, young adults, and leaders of the next generation who have new methods, energetic zeal, and inquisitive minds about how the church ought to operate. We challenge and dare you to make a difference. We pray for the emerging leaders whose time has come. The quality and future of our church and this nation now rest upon you.

It is our prayer that we will emerge from this quadruple pandemic of COVID-19, nationwide social and political unrest, an unprecedented economic crisis and the Church having to reimagine ministry, in a different context. We shall remain more committed to Christ, more connected to one another and more determined than ever to use our gifts and our resources to the fullest. All to the glory of God.

Reverend Jessica and I hope and pray that you will find a seamless thread running throughout the entire Founder’s

Day experience. Surely, we come to learn, but not for that reason alone. We also have come to be inspired by the uplifting words of our Founder’s Day Celebration preachers and presenters: Bishop Ingram, Rev. Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq. and designated preachers from the various Presiding Elder districts who will share with us about pastoring in a pandemic.

We thank God for the Presiding Elders, Pastors, members of the Women’s Missionary Society, laity and youth for helping us to be all we can be. We also wish to thank Rev. Dr. Mark Kelly Tyler, our Host Pastor, and his wife Mrs. Leslie Tyler; along with the Mother Bethel Church Family for their cooperation and support in making this year’s Founder’s Day experience memorable, life-altering and very special. We are also grateful to our tech team and outstanding office staff for their labors of love and willingness to go beyond the norm. Keep Making A Difference!

Yours In His Service,

Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram 118th Bishop African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram Episcopal Supervisor


First Episcopal District Founder’s Day 2021 Schedule

Thursday, February 11, 2021 8:26 AM Five-Minute Countdown Video

8:31 AM Opening Worship Service Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram Preaching

9:46 AM Break

10:01 AM Re-Imagining Your Prayer Life Conversation with Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram

10:31 AM Vaccine Yes? Vaccine No?: Update on COVID-19 Rev. Miriam J. Burnett, M.D., M.DIV., MPH

11:01 AM Planning for Ingram Retirement Rev. Dr. Gregory G. Groover, Sr. Rev. Orsella R. Hughes Chairpersons

11:31 AM When Moments Turn into Months What Shall We Do? Panel Discussion on Pastors and Members Navigating Through This Pandemic

12:31 PM Lunch Break

1:31 PM Elders Who Re-Imagine Three-four-minute presentation from each Presiding Elder sharing how their districts have navigated through this pandemic

New England Annual Conference Rev. Jocelyn K. Hart Lovelace

New Jersey Annual Conference Rev. Dr. Robert C. Wade Rev. Vernard R. Leak Rev. Winton M. Hill III Rev. Lynda T. Rassmann


First Episcopal District Founder’s Day 2021 Schedule

Bermuda Annual Conference Rev. Dr. Larry E. Dixon Rev. Howard H. L. Dill

Delaware Annual Conference Rev. Richard. H. Worthy Rev. Ellis B. Louden

2:31 PM Break

2:46 PM New York Annual Conference Rev. Ron McCune Rev. Dr. Lanel D. Guyton Rev. Jo-An L. Owings

Western New York Annual Conference Rev. Richard A. Stenhouse Rev. Dr. Faye Banks Taylor

Philadelphia Annual Conference Rev. Dr. Charles H. Lett, Sr. Rev. Lawrence C. Henryhand Rev. Dr. Janet J. Sturdivant Rev. Dr. Natalie P. Alford

3:31 PM General Conference 2021 Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

4:01 PM Annual Conference Virtual Experience Logistics District Tech Team

4:46 PM Break

7:01 PM Closing Worship Service Rev. Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq. Senior Pastor Saint Matthew AME Church Philadelphia, PA Preaching


About Our Closing Worship Service Preacher Reverend Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq.

Reverend Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq. was elected to the Judicial Council at the 49th Session of the General Conference. He is the son of the late Bishop Vernon R. Byrd, Sr. and retired Episcopal Supervisor Theora Byrd. He earned a B.A. degree in Economics and Sociology from Harvard University; a J.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law; and he earned a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary.

Professionally, Rev. Byrd has served as Assistant General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Education at Johnson & Johnson where he counseled and lectured on corporate ethics and conflicts of interest. Prior to that he served as Senior Counsel for the New York Times. He is a skillful attorney, gifted orator and is a member of the Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey Bar Associations.

After much resistance, Vernon R. Byrd, Jr. answered the call to preach while attending Hemmingway Memorial AME Church in Maryland led by the late Rev. Dr. William R. Porter. His pastorates include Saint Paul South Bound Brook, Grant Chapel, Trenton in New Jersey, and currently Saint Matthew AME Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Rev. Byrd is married to the Rev. Dr. Melinda Contreras-Byrd, an itinerant elder and clinical psychologist. They are blessed to have two daughters, Kamaria and Alexa.


Founder’s Day 2021

OPENING WORSHIP SERVICEThursday February 11, 2021

8:31 a.m.

Reverend Mark Kelly Tyler, Ph.D.Worship Leader


“Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow”

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

THE CALL TO WORSHIP ....................................................... Rev. Mark Kelly Tyler, Ph.D.

Minister: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord, our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.

People: For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Minister: Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good.

People: Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God.

Minister: Blessed are they that dwell in thy house. Lord I have loved thy habitation, the place where thy honor dwelleth.

People: For the Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.

Minister: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

All: O sing unto the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth, sing praises.



“Lift Every Voice and Sing” James Weldon Johnson

Lift every voice and sing, till earth and Heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty;

Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;

Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered;

Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;

Thou who hast by Thy might, led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee.

Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land.

Founder’s Day 2021



THE INVOCATION ...................................................................... Rev. Dr. Stanley Hearst, Sr.


THE SCRIPTURE LESSON .........Romans 8:31-39 ............................Rev. Jay B. Broadnax

THE DECALOGUE ............................................................... First District AME Mass Choir

THE PRESENTATION OF THE BISHOP ......................................... Rev. Francena F. Orr

THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC .........................................................First District Praise Team

THE PROCLAIMER OF GOD’S WORD .......................... Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram Presiding Prelate

First Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church

THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP ................................................ Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

THE WORSHIP IN STEWARDSHIP AND SACRIFICIAL GIVING ................................................... Rev. Dr. Silvester S. Beaman

THE MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS ...................................... Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram

THE BENEDICTION ............................................................... Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

Founder’s Day 2021



Founder’s Day 2021

CLOSING WORSHIP SERVICEThursday February 11, 2021

7:01 PM

Reverend Alicia BaileyWorship Leader


“Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow”

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

THE LITANY OF EMPOWERMENT .......................................................Rev. Alicia Bailey

Leader: I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Ghost Power. The die has been cast; I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made: I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back up or be still.

People: My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, colorless-dreaming, mundane talking, cheap living, cloudy visions and dwarfed goals.

Leader: I no longer need preeminence, position, promotions, plaudits or popularity. I do not have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on the Lord, run with patience, lift by prayer and labor by Holy Ghost power.

People: My face is set. My focus is fixed. My goal is heaven. My road is narrow. My way is rough. My guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, lured, tempted, ignored, detoured, deluded or delayed.

Leader: I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.


All: I won’t give up, shut up or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up and worked up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, teach till all know and work till the end. And when Jesus comes, He will have no problem recognizing me, because He will remember that I was the one He empowered to make a difference.

THE CHURCH SINGS ........ “God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Man Our Brother” Rev. Gabriel S. Hardeman, Jr.

THE INVOCATION ..................................................................... Rev. Dr. Richard W. Clarke


THE SCRIPTURE ................................Joshua 1:1-6 ....................Rev. Dr. Kim W. Anderson

THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC .........................................................First District Praise Team

THE PRESENTATION OF THE BISHOP ........................................ Rev. Robert R. Lowe

THE PRESENTATION OF THE PREACHER ................ Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC .........................................................First District Praise Team

THE PROCLAIMER OF GOD’S WORD ............................Rev. Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq. Senior Pastor

Saint Matthew AME Church Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP ..................................................Rev. Vernon R. Byrd, Jr., Esq.

THE WORSHIP IN STEWARDSHIP AND SACRIFICIAL GIVING ................................................... Rev. Dr. Silvester S. Beaman

THE MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS ...................................... Rev. Dr. Jessica Kendall Ingram

BENEDICTION .......................................................................... Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

Founder’s Day 2021


First Episcopal District 2020-2021 Calendar of Events

Virtual Founder’s Day February 11, 2021, 8:31 a.m.

First District Lay Mid-Year Meeting February 26-27, 2021


Bermuda Annual Conference March 4-7, 2021

Delaware Annual Conference March 18-21, 2021

New Jersey Annual Conference April 8-11, 2021

New England Annual Conference April 15-18, 2021

New York Annual Conference April 29-May 2, 2021

Western New York Annual Conference May 13-16, 2021

Philadelphia Annual Conference May 20-23, 2021

Planning Meeting 2021 Ingram Retirement Celebration

June 17- 19, 2021 Venue: Greater Allen Cathedral

Jamaica Queens, New York

July 6, 2021 51st Quadrennial Session of the General Conference

Orlando, Florida

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