2020 workforce skills

Post on 06-May-2015






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A Pechakucha to be presented at the TeachMeet Hills in Sydney, NSW on 20th February, 2012.


Future Work Skills 2020Another reason to re-think learning

University of Phoenix, Arizona

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Brett Jordan: http://flickr.com/photos/x1brett/5282604696/

Sunday, 19 February 12

interconnected skills6 Drivers10 Skills

Sunday, 19 February 12

Extreme LongevityIncreasing global lifespans change the nature of careers and learning

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Mitch2742: http://flickr.com


@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

Rise of smart machines and systemscc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Johan Larsson: http://flickr.com


Workplace automation nudges human workers out of rote, repetitive tasks

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

new media ecologycc licensed ( BY SD

) flickr photo by Mijndert Stuij: http://flickr.com


New communication tools require new media literacies beyond text

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

computational worldcc licensed ( BY N


D ) flickr photo by splorp: http://flickr.com


Massive increases in sensors and processing power make the world a programmable system

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

structured organisations

cc licensed ( BY NC

SD ) flickr photo by Éole: http://flickr.com


Social technologies drive new forms of production and value creation

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

globally connected world

cc licensed ( BY NC

SD ) flickr photo by bikeracer: http://flickr.com


Increased global interconnectivity puts diversity and adaptability at the centre of organisational operations

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

10 skillscc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by yoppy: http://flickr.com


extreme longevity

rise of smart machines

new media ecology

computational world

superstructured organisations

globally connected world

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

1. sense making

cc licensed ( BY NC

) flickr photo by Wi2_Photography: http://flickr.com


@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

2. social intelligence

cc licensed ( BY NC

SD ) flickr photo by clasesdeperiodism

o: http://flickr.com/photos/esthervargasc/4879334150/

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

3. novel and adaptive thinking

cc licensed ( BY NC

SD ) flickr photo by w

economy book: http://flickr.com



@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

4. cross cultural communications

cc licensed ( BY NC


) flickr photo by L.e.e: http://flickr.com/photos/l-e-e/2919561589/

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

5. Computational Thinkingcc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by M

arc_Smith: http://flickr.com



@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

6. New Media Literacy

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Henriksent: http://flickr.com


@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

7. Transdisciplinary

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Elsie esq.: http://flickr.com/photos/elsie/126502367/

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

8. Design Mindset





@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

9. cognitive load managementcc licensed ( BY N


D ) flickr photo by Luke P. W

oods: http://flickr.com/photos/w


@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

cc licensed ( BY NC

SD ) flickr photo by teachandlearn: http://flickr.com


10. virtual collaboration

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by opensourcew

ay: http://flickr.com/photos/opensourcew


implications for schools

@pipcleavesSunday, 19 February 12

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