2018 district-wide retreat...news from the lwml montana district vol 43 issue 2 summer 2018 2018...

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News from the LWML Montana District

Vol 43 Issue 2 Summer 2018


2018 District-Wide Retreat

September 21-23, 2018 Trinity Lutheran Camp

(on Flathead Lake near Bigfork)

What a joy it will be to have women from all corners of our state come together for this year’s retreat! We are looking forward to spending time

together. There will be Bible study, servant activities, music, fun, fellowship, and of course, wonderful food.

See the Spring 2018 Missive for a registration form

or visit the LWML Montana District website at www.mtdistrictlwml.org under the “Resources” tab to download a copy.

Send it in today!

We, the church, have entered the Season of Pentecost, often called “The Green Meadow” or the season of green: green altar, lectern, and pulpit coverings (paraments). “The Green Meadow” can appear tranquil after the bustle of the Christmas and Easter Seasons. However, life abounds in the meadow. Plants are brought from seed to flower and back to seed. The fields are filled with the music of bees gathering nourishment for the

hive and the birds singing the songs that mark the cycle of life. The meadow is a place of countless dramas of life and death. The fawn must escape the predator and reach maturity before the testing time of winter comes. So “The Green Meadow” of the church year is a time of life when we seek out the Spirit whose life fills us through Word and Sacrament. Seed is sown, plants flower, and the harvest is sought. Those newly born at the font are nourished with the milk of God’s Word, while the mature in Christ feed on the strong meat of Christ. This is a time when danger is acknowledged; the old enemy still seeks his prey. 1 Peter 5:8 says, Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. This is a time to escape the predator and reach maturity before the testing time of winter comes.

Are you staying fed by the Word of God and His Sacraments these Sundays after Pentecost (the summer season), or are you wondering and starving, becoming easy prey for the lion, the adversary Satan?

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Counselor’s Corner

by Rev. Blake Marshall, Junior Counselor

The Kitchen Prayer

Lord of all pots and pans and things, since I’ve not time to be

A saint by doing lovely things or watching late with Thee

Or dreaming in the dawn’s light or storming heaven’s gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha’s hands, I have a Mary mind.

And when I black the boots and shoes, Thy sandals, Lord, I find.

I think how they trod the earth, each time I scrub the floor.

Accept this meditation, Lord, I haven’t time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love, and light it with Thy peace

Forgive me all my worrying and make my grumbling cease.

Thou who didst love to give men food, in room, or by the sea

Accept this service that I do, I do it unto Thee.

Klara Munkres in The Missionary Leaguer, January 1951

District President

Shari Miller

The LWML celebrates 75 years and beyond of faithful service to the Lord. The group was officially founded on July 7-8, 1942, and the first convention followed the next year in Fort Wayne, Indiana with 77 delegates attending. The theme of that first convention was Psalm 100:2: “Serve the Lord with Gladness!” and the delegates quickly approved this verse as the official motto of the LWML. It was also the theme of a poem written by Professor

Ernest Lewerenz of Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana, that he dedicated to the LWML. We sing this poem to the tune of “Onward Christian Soldiers.”

Onward, then, for Jesus! Let this be our aim: “Serve the Lord with gladness!” Glorify His name!

This poem set to the music of Onward Christian Soldiers becomes our marching song! God equips us with His gifts and talents to serve Him with joy. He gives us His Spirit to strengthen us and give us a purpose.

How does service to the Lord look in your life? Any w ork that we do can be in service to God. We serve God in the LWML and our congregations, in caring for our families, and in the work we do both inside and outside the home. Thank God as you continue to serve Him with gladness and glorify His name!

In Christ’s joyful service,

Let’s consider the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers written by Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould in 1865. * Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould was born in 1834, the son of an officer with the East India Company. After a disabling carriage accident, his father decided that if he couldn’t find work, he could at least travel. Little Sabine was dragged from one end of Europe to the other, attending many different schools when convenient. He is remembered as a brilliant, self-taught scholar. Perhaps that’s why he developed certain odd habits. For example, when he taught school, he kept a pet bat on his shoulder! From his busy mind came many books, poems, hymns, and tracts. The hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers, was written on a Whitsunday’s evening in the mid-1860’s.

Whitsunday is better known as Pentecost Sunday. The “nickname” formed because this was a popular day for new

Christians to be baptized. The baptismal candidates marched to the r ivers or fonts w ear ing robes of white. Thus it came to be called “White Sunday” or Whitsunday. On Whitsunday in 1865 in the little town of Horbury, England, Sabine, late into the night, looked through hymnbooks for a martial-type hymn for children without success. The next morning, Monday, all the village children were marching to the neighboring town for a Sunday school rally. Wanting to give them a “marching song” for the trip, he began scribbling words on a piece of paper as they came to his mind.

Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before.

Rev. Baring-Gould later wrote, “It was written in great haste, and I am afraid some of the rhymes are faulty. Certainly nothing has surprised me more than its popularity.” [Maybe you can] … visualize this eccentric preacher, singing in step, marching alongside the children—perhaps with a pet bat on his shoulder! *

* Taken from Then Sings My Soul

By Robert J. Morgan 2003 (Thomas Nelson, Inc.)

Montana Missive is published quarterly by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, MONTANA

District. Periodicals Postage Paid at Great Falls, Montana. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

Montana Missive, Brook Gerard, Editor, 256 Ulm Vaughn Road, Great Falls, MT 59404.

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift with world cannot give.

So don’t be troubled or afraid. (John 14:27 TLB)

My knees were shaking and my palms were sweaty as I was being installed as Treasurer of the LWML Montana District, a job filled with responsibility and an array of reports due each month. But the Lord has given me and each of us a gift—the gift of peace and joy in doing His work. Thank you, Ruth Denning, for the faithful work throughout the past four years as District Treasurer. May you enjoy God’s joy, peace, and rest as you continue to serve the Lord in other capacities. I am pleased to announce that we are on target for our Mission Goal for the past two months. The delegates at the LWML Montana District Convention chose many worthy grants to be funded through our mites. These grants will enhance the Word of God in Montana and around the world.

Treasurer’s Notes

By Carol Holste, Treasurer

As your newly elected Vice President of Servant Resources, I look forward to serving you, my fellow Lutheran Women in Mission, but most importantly my Lord and Savior. Psalm 90:12 tells us: So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.

I pray for God’s guidance and wisdom; anticipate meeting new friends and fellow Christians; and continue to serve my Lord with gladness. Let us all go forth and teach all nations about the glory of our God.

Servant Resources

By Linda Reilly, Vice President of Servant Resources

The Mite Box collections began in 1928, and by 1930, 92 Ladies Aid Societies had collected $6,651.31, mostly from leftover change. In 1942, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod formally recognized the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League as its official women’s organization. Over the decades, LWML has distributed more than $100 million in mission grants to thousands of worthy efforts and causes to help spread the Gospel message and address human care needs both domestically and around the world—all through mites!

Don’t take the summer off ~ Keep your Mite Box full!

Young Women

by Emy Stueve, Young Woman Chairman

YOU can make a difference in a young woman’s life! Please consider names of young women who might apply to be a Young Woman Representative (YWR) for the LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama, June 20-23, 2019. The theme for the convention will be “In Praise to the LMNO.”

What can you do? Identify a young woman ages 22 to 35 years old.

Find information on the YWR program in Montana on the District website: mtdistrictlwml.org. Download the application information and print it out for her.

Encourage and mentor her.

Help her fill out the form and have it submitted to Young Woman Chairman Emy Stueve (information on the back of this Missive) by October 31, 2018.

Pray for her!

Special activities for young women will be planned at the convention. It will be an event your young sister in Christ will not want to miss!

Human Care

by Susan Sweatman, Vice President of Human Care

Just a few weeks before the call came about considering the Vice President of Human Care position on the LWML Montana District Board of Directors, I had begun praying that God would expand my ministry opportunities beyond my current involvement and leadership in bringing hope and healing to women suffering the after affects of abortion.

So, when the call came I was ready with my answer to serve in that capacity. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the BOD in encouraging LWML involvement throughout our Montana District. As a Montana native, born in Conrad, I am proud of how our churches have embraced LWML as the official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and as a tool, affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. I commit to serving the Lord with gladness, as I learn my responsibilities, contribute to BOD decisions, and support our ever faithful president, Shari Miller.

Thank you, sisters in Christ, for all of your work during the past year to make the 2018 LWR Drive another successful event.

Blessings! Blessings to all! Wow ... has time flown by! Seemed a short time ago I was learning about the Lutheran World Relief Drive and what to do, who to contact, all sorts of things. Now I am passing the "baton" on to a newly elected BOD member Vice President of Human Care Susan Sweatman. I know she will be a welcome addition with her vitality and love of Jesus. Thank you for the honor and privilege of planning and working on the Montana LWML Board. It is hard to express in words, all the joys and love working with all of you. I will continue to assist whenever and wherever asked to help. God Bless+++.

Here is the breakdown of our 2018 gifts: Baby Care—872 Blankets—81 Fabric—137 Quilts—7,038 Soap—226 pounds Personal Care—2,214 School—2,204

We filled two semi-trucks for the LWR 2018 Drive. We collected 44,226 pounds this year which was 2,859 pounds over our amount in 2017 (41,367 pounds). Yeah! Another milestone. Thank you for your time and God-given talent for this annual event. Many hands and prayers made it all possible. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).

Deb Knudsen Vice President of Human Care, 2014-2018

Christian Life

by Sonja Reeves, Vice President of Christian Life

Hurricane Harvey was a Category 4 storm that hit Texas on August 25, 2017. It caused $125 billion in damage according to the National Hurricane Center. That’s more than any other natural disaster in U.S. history except Hurricane Katrina. It affected 13 million people from Texas through Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. As of October 13, 2017, at least 88 people died from the storm.

Harvey made landfall three times in six days. At its peak on September 1, 2017, one-third of Houston was underwater. Two feet of rain fell in the first 24 hours. Flooding forced 39,000 people out of their homes and into shelters. “There were a lot of people right away, and now they are gone. But we still have needs,” said one Texas resident.

Julie Tucker, director of Disaster Response for the LCMS Texas District, reported that this is the common sentiment among many in Texas. They are grateful for all that has been done following Hurricane Harvey, but they are still at a loss. Many still clamor for daily necessities. “It has been estimated that over 250,000 homes were flooded during Harvey and over 15,000 homes have been irrecoverably destroyed,” she said. “Families continue to live in tents in their yards in affected areas of the state.” Please pass on the word to anyone you might know that we are putting

together a mission team to go down to Texas to help with the rebuilding going on there after Hurricane Harvey. This will take place in the spring of 2019. All ages are welcome and there are $500 scholarships available through our Jo Young gift annuity. Watch for more information in the LCMS Montana District Reflections newsletter in the coming months. Let me know if you are interested—make plans to join us!

What is going on in LWML?

www.mtdistrictlwml.org is the place to visit for the latest news and updates. The home page contains seasonal devotional articles, updates

on our district mission grants, and a calendar of upcoming events.

There is a link that takes you directly to the LWML website (www.lwml.org) where you can find out even more about the resources that LWML has to

offer, as well as the most up-to-date information.

The LWML Montana District website is truly the “one-stop” place to go!


Is someone in your congregation planning full time work as a Pastor, Director of Christian Education, Deaconess, or Teacher? Are they attending an LCMS school?

Get them the LWML application from the website, or contact District Scholarship Chairman Edee Anderson for information. Mail the application to Edee (address on back of this Missive).

Don’t delay! The application is due by September 30, 2018!

Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations (1 Chronicles 16:23-24a).

Lutheran Women in Mission

of the Florida-Georgia, Gulf States, and Louisiana-Mississippi Districts

Invite YOU to the 38th Biennial Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention

June 20–23, 2019

Mobile, Alabama

Led by God’s power, we praise and proclaim the Lord among all the nations.

• Sing and rejoice in celebration of His Word.

• Tell of His salvation for all.

• Declare His glory among the nations.

• Go forth in His joy!

Plan a family vacation and enjoy the sights of the South!

Experience southern hospitality the LWML way!


Ya’ll Come!

• 5 Rivers Delta Center • Bellingrath Gardens & Home • Mobile Museum of Art • Fort of Colonial Mobile • Mobile Botanical Gardens

• USS Alabama Battleship • Dauphin Island Park & Beach • History Museum of Mobile • Mobile Segways • Condé-Charlotte Museum House

Lasting Legacies The LWML Montana District celebrated 75 years of work in the mission field at the

Missoula District Convention this spring. It was an honor to visit with and hear our Past

Presidents speak about their tenure of guiding the LWML Montana District in mission

work. We would like to dedicate some space in the next few Missives to share their stories!

~ Brook ~


From: Louise Eayrs, LWML Montana District President, 1978-1982 Dear LWML Montana District, Hello from Kalispell, Montana! I received the invitation to the LWML Convention in Missoula in April. I would very much like to attend, but I’ll have to say “no, I can’t attend.” I don’t like to admit that I am unable to do all of these things now. Two conventions were held during my term: The first was held in Havre, April 27-29, 1980, under the theme, “Sowing and Growing.” The second was held in Hamilton, April 25-27, 1982, with the theme “Showers of Blessings.” We talked a lot about growing in God’s grace during those years, both individually and as the LWML. I can’t remember anything special that took place during my District President days. I know that we continued to fund mission grants: 11 from 1978 – 1980 and 6 from 1980 – 1982. I will pray for God’s blessings upon the District Convention for good attendance and good Christian fellowship. In Christ’s service,

Past President Louise Eayrs


(continued on Page 10)

LWML Logos through the Years

Lasting Legacies (continued from Page 9)


Barbara Going, MT District President 1982-1988

The 14 years I, Barbara Going, served on the Montana District Board were noted for change. When elected to a two year LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) position, I had the choice to be editor of an LWML column in the LCMS Montana District Reflections or be the LWML District Mission Projects Chairman. I chose editor and soon determined this should not be an appointed position. Many changes began at the end of my first biennium as editor. I was then

appointed as the editor and served six additional years as creator of our new LWML paper titled, the Montana Missive. That was the second change as we originally had just published a quarterly column in the LCMS Montana District Reflections. It was during these years we started the daily convention newsletter. The beginning of many changes.

Elected to the presidency in 1982 for a two year term, the BOD determined officers should not have to be elected every two years, but serve four years as was the pattern of International and most other districts. In 1984 there was a bylaw change to that effect preceding the election and three of the officers were elected to a four year term for the first time. The President was one of those chosen to fill the extended

term “if” elected. Thus the story behind serving for six consecutive years. This four year election of officers was also carried into the zone positions. Also during the first biennium, we divided the Western Zone into two zones, Flathead and Western. This was due to the travel distance and to match the six district pastoral circuits. This involved a whole new set of officers and committee people in adding a sixth zone. By the time we had finished the second biennium, the Zone Presidents had been added as voting members of the BOD following the pattern of the International LWML. This change made them the automatic delegate to the LWML convention the year following their election. These changes made them more aware of what was happening in the district and nationally. Prior to this new policy, delegates to the LWML convention rotated between societies in each zone. The societies still send a delegate during the second LWML convention of the President's four year term. To help with continuity, three of the presidents were elected in one biennium and the other three the next biennium so that all the presidents were not new to the BOD at the same time.. The scholarship program, the Leadership Training Manual, Lutheran World Relief Drives, a district retreat, and the convention banner standards were all started during these years. The BOD planned all the rallies. Each zone rally had the same theme and program. As District President, I

attended all the rallies and knew the women in all the zones, often transporting the speaker around the district. During the last two year term, I video-taped my message to the societies following the LWML Board Meeting in January and then prior to the fall rallies. My husband did the taping and the multitude of copies that were mailed out and returned. This happened only one year.

During each biennium we had a district wide retreat and or a workshop. Two workshops were held in Great Falls and one retreat in Lewistown. For convention speakers, we had Dr. Oswald Hoffman and Rev. Wallace Schultz, Lutheran Hour speakers. Two national LWML Counselors came to do retreats. LWML Vice President Betty Duda spoke to us in Billings in 1984 and again as LWML President in 1988 at Kalispell. It was in Kalispell we held the first and only LLL/LWML combined conventions.

(continued on Page 11)

Lasting Legacies (continued from Page 10)

The convention in 1986 was in Helena at The Colonial Inn, the only time we used a big hotel. The theme was “To God Be the Glory” and we used the then “unconventional” song of the same title. In this time period, it wasn't sung in Lutheran services. The banner standards were created for this convention. During the last biennium, 1986-1988, Montana was selected as one of the states for an LWML member from South Korea, Bon Ja Han, to experience what it was like to be in the LWML in America. She visited the New England District before coming to Montana. This was the beginning of the LWML Discipling Woman to Woman program. My husband, Jim, and the District Treasurer, Lola Vulles, drove Bon Ja around the state for ten days to every zone visiting societies and key landmarks. Jim did a video of the whole trip. I had organized their itinerary, but stayed in Great Falls to work in our office as well as preparing for departure to the convention where I was still District President, on the LWML Mission Projects Committee, and responsible for a foreign guest. In the years I served, everything was cut and paste, no cell phones or computers. Videos were the new means of recording everything. Laptop computers were just coming onto the scene. Pastors regularly attended rallies and there were two people willing to serve for each elected position. Conventions and rallies were great gathering places to get energized for the task of sharing the Gospel. These were exciting times. During the time I was District President, I was also chosen to be on the LWML Mission Projects Committee, so I was doing double duty. I was elected as LWML Vice President of Mission Projects in 1989. I had the extra opportunity of serving on the Synod Mission Committee, as well as choosing and supervising two teams of LWML women under the Discipling Woman to Woman program. One team traveled to Panama and the other to Ghana, West Africa. An evangelism mission grant also gave me opportunity to work with Synod's Evangelism Board organizing and presenting “Living the Mission” workshops in several districts. For the 50th Anniversary LWML Convention our son, Steven, composed the music for the mission projects presentation and the closing ceremony video of the anniversary convention. Through my involvement with the LWML, my family and I experienced more than most people do in a lifetime and I am very thankful to have been able to serve.


From: Marlene Koenig, LWML MT District President, 1988-1992 Greetings in the name of Jesus from New Salem, North Dakota! Thank you for the invitation to attend the LWML Montana District Convention, April 20-22, in Missoula. I would dearly love to be there to renew old friendships, meet new LWML’ers, and especially be renewed through worship and Bible Study. However, travel logistics keep me from attending. 75 YEARS! To God be the glory! Such a transition in communication: from 3 cent snail mail, to costly long distance phone calls, to the Word Processor (my era thought we were really “in the know” with that new mode of communication in the 80’s and I still have mine—gathering dust under the bed!), to the modern-day computer, email, and texting. Praise God, that we can use these new technologies to His glory. May that privilege continue to be used only for good. I pray for continued blessings upon the LWML Montana District, your convention, and the implementation of your mission projects in the years to come. In His Name,

Past President Marlene (Koenig) Toepke

CENTRAL ZONE PRESIDENT: Valerie Mar�n (Mitchell),

420 27th Avenue NE, Great Falls, MT 59404

(406) 761.0499 (h), (406) 231.0341 (c)



290 Barney Street, Unit B, Helena, MT 59602

(406) 422.2609 mjorourke9@gmail.com

EASTERN ZONE PRESIDENT: Claudia Kransky (Richard),

2405 Palmer, Miles City, MT 59301

(406) 853-0036 ckransky1@gmail.com


45537 Ma; Lane, Ronan, MT 59864

(406) 360.8995 kms@ronan.net


18 31st St W, Billings, MT 59102

(406) 969.2420 shirleyzell@icloud.com


108 Daly Avenue, Hamilton, MT 59840

(406) 363.5482 (h), (406) 360.0320 (c)



290 Barney Street, Unit B, Helena, MT 59602

(406) 422.2609 mjorourke9@gmail.com


PO Box 1185, Ennis, MT 59729

(406) 682.7054 bjinmt@3rivers.net


PO Box 837, Hamilton, MT 59840

(406) 581.9188 kohsz23@gmail.com

*MISSIVE EDITOR: Brook Gerard (Jason),

256 Ulm Vaughn Rd., Great Falls, MT 59404

(406) 750.1838 (c) montanamissive@gmail.com


310 Washington Street, Deer Lodge, MT 59722

(406) 846.2589 edeeanderson@hotmail.com


Myrt White, 1144 Matador Ave, Billings, MT 59105

(406) 459.3500 rowdymyrt@hotmail.com

*YOUNG WOMAN CHAIRMAN: Emy Stueve (Bryan),

5267 Mud Springs Loop, East Helena, MT 59635

(406) 459.1486 emy.stueve@gmail.com

*Appointed Officers

WEBMASTER: Stephanie Edgar (Aaron),

13036 Nandina Lane Jacksonville, Fl 32246

(314) 640.8601 kumbawa$a@gmail.com

Montana District website: www.mtdistrictlwml.org

PRESIDENT: Shari Miller (Larry),

3827 Chokecherry, East Helena, MT 59635

(406) 227.5207 (h), (406) 459.7888 (c)



5751 Fox Trail, Florence, MT 59833

(406) 542.8838 deaconesssonja@gmail.com


Kathleen Sco; (Mark), 45537 Ma; Lane, Ronan, MT 59864

(406) 360.8995 kms@ronan.net

VICE PRESIDENT OF HUMAN CARE: Susan Sweatman (Roland),

255 Swamp Creek Loop Road, Trout Creek, MT 59874

(406) 827.8787 susan@montana.com


Linda Reilly (Brian), PO Box 59, Hamilton, MT 59840

(406) 375-5220 (h), (406) 274-7539 (c) blr4852@live.com


3981 Avenue D #7, Billings, MT 59102

(406) 696.4981 sherrie.skm@bresnan.net

TREASURER: Carol Holste (Ken),

375 Third Avenue WN, Kalispell, MT 59901

(406) 257.4374 (h) ckholste@bresnan.net


Pam Kercher (Paul), 530 Pyramid, Billings, MT 59105

(406) 259.1820 (h), (406) 861.2639 (c) pamkerch@msn.com


1609 2nd St W, Polson, MT 59860

(406) 883.4041 pastor.whaleyk@gmail.com


Rev. Blake Marshall (Brenda), PO Box 843, Forsyth, MT 59337

(406) 661.3045 blakemarshallrollf@gmail.com

LWML Montana District Directory

As a reminder …

I would like each of you and/or your groups to consider the following questions and if you get a chance, share the answer with me for publishing in future issues.

♦ Who inspired/inspires your journey in LWML? Why? ♦ Share a brief history of your society and a tradition. ♦ Share a favorite memory of LWML in action. I would like to highlight each society/zone at some point in time, so please send me a brief description of your society/zone. Thanks so much!

~ Brook ~

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