2015 portfolio mp beemsterboer

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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- OLYMPIC GAMES 2028 12 - 17



Welcome to my portfolio. This is a selection from my work at the Academie Van Bouwkunst, Hogeschool INholland, and a short overview of what I have done besides the study. Since 2011 when I graduated for the Bachelor title, I started my own office for building engineering and technical drawings, named TED Techniek En Designbureau. I run this now for 3 years and the work I have for this office is mostly about technical drawings. In September I started my Master-study at the Academie Van Bouwkunst Amsterdam. During this study, we have to work at least 20 hours per week at an architectural office. This is why I made this portfolio and showing only projects that are relevant for architecture and design.

On my 6th year, I started with drawing, sketching, painting and I never stopped doing this. Besides this I was always busy with LEGO and fiddling etc, to improve myself constantly. Since I was 13, I actually already knew it for sure that I wanted to become an Architect. On the “VMBO” high school I chose for the technical study-direction. After I graduated from this school, I have done the MBO and HBO building engineering (bouwkunde). During this study, I chose for the design-direction every time I had to choose. On the HBO I chose for Architecture and Urban Planning for the differentiation minors as well. During this period, I gained a lot of technical knowledge, and not only at my study but also in my parttime jobs I had in different sectors. In every choice I had to make, it always was pointed towards architecture.

(workshop folding architecture)

(P1b Museum for Readymade art)

(P1a Garden of Teyler’s museum)

(Bachelor graduation project)

(Minor urban planning) (Minor architecture)

(Projects 2011-2014)

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The location we had to use was the open empty space at Station Lelylaan Amsterdam. The assignment was to make a museum on this place, for “readymade” art. At first we had to study the works of readymade artists like Marcel Duchamp, and Man Ray. After that, we had to find a way to generate random floorplans. In this stage, I chose for OSB chipwood panels. I made pictures of different panels, and drawed lines over the different wooden pieces, so that every picture had another floorplan.

After finding some of these shapes I made models of them, and placed them in a big situation-model, to see how it works with the surroundings. I printed out google maps, cut the site out of it, and placed the paper on the wooden panels. I searched until I had a shape that actually fitted the location nicely.

I chose one shape, and “sawed some of the shape off (in concept it is wood so it could be done). The choice for the sawed off shape I made is because with this shape I can close off the existing building block nicely, as you can see in the lower right picture on this page. I didn’t want to bring the museum to close to the station, because then I should block the existing open structure on the ground floor that goes from west, all the way to the buildings in the east. I didn’t want to destroy this transparent layout of the station area.

I wanted to use this open space for making a fascinating scenery and view towards the museum, especially from the railway heights and tall buildings wich surrounds the site, as the museum has its own sculptural form and like an artwork itself. Also this shape is chosen because it is long compared to the other shapes, and “reflects the long and small structure of the railwaystation and railway more than the other shapes do. On the east facade, due to the sawed off shape, it is straight and flat, and the westside of the building has more interesting joyable and fascinating complex shapes in the direction of the people, what invites the people more to come and take a look.

The complex facade is also a reflection of the busy daily life of the people working and travel-ling by public transport. Also now the for now almost useless street, is now a place where visi-tors by car can acces the museum, since there isn’t much parking space in the area, it could be useful. I followed the principle of the production process of a chipwood panel. The chips are layered and glued together. So had to be my museum. Every chip is a different room, glued together with a medium. This medium exists actually out of the big slopes you will find in the floorplans, that connect every single wooden chip. It is also an opportunity for disabled people to go where ever they want. From the entrance, you can go along the ticket desk to the museum, but also directly in to the restaurant. If you follow the route through the museum, you will end in the restaurant also. The east, south and west facades are more closed than the north facade due to sunlight blocking for the artwork. The north face is per wood chip actually open, as you can see in the model, for indirect light. The facades that are blocking the sun-light for the artwork are open from the floor till 1 metre up, for keeping the connection with the plaza, as you can see in the schemes. Within the building, transparency is a is an important thing. From every wood chip you can see in to the neighbouring chips, this is for keeping the open structure that is used outside also.

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Inspiration for construction, as the museum is actually an artwork/sculpture itself, so I found readymade art that is supported by display stands made of thin metal pins. These thin pins support the artwork/sculpture, and coöperates with the idea of transparency on the ground floor in connection with the plaza. With these thin metal pin-like column construction under-neath the museum, the attention for the shape of the museum does not go away, because it will not overrule the experience of the multiple angled building. I wanted to use the construc-tion to emphasise the museum as an artpiece.







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With the routing sorted out, with the natural processes and with the grid, I planned the garden.The natural process of drying is visible as a pond in the middle of the 1000x1000 squared pavement. As you can see in the drawing, the darkness represents the depth of the tiles. Some tiles are layed deeper than others, so when it has rained, the pond will fill up and when it is drying, the waterlevel goes down and sometimes extra paths are usable. In winter the pond can be full, and in summer it could be dry. When there is no rain on the radar, in sum-mer there could be outside exhibitions. The edges of the water that is in the pond, will be of organic shape, on the straight grid, allows it to show the effect of the experiment of drying up and waterpools. Between the squared tiles there will be a black-greyish stone split fill. The next experiment is visible when it has rained. For the tiles in the plan I used “Schellevis concrete tiling”. These tiles have an open cellular (rough) texture on one side, while the other side is completely smooth, as you can see on the pictures. With these tiles I played in com-position. I have turned some tiles in the plan upsidedown, so that some tiles will be dry much more quicker than others, to create a pattern as in the experiment, because these tiles are the same color on both sides, but when it’s wet, both sides dry differently. This allows us to actually “draw” a path throughout the garden with this effect. This path will only be visible after a rainfall, when the pavement is drying for approximately 30 minutes. After this time, the path will disappear, leaving a one-tone grey color behind. This path will lead directly to the quiet spot. If the rain doesn’t come, no problem, this part will be accessible throughout the whole year, but with this extra “secret” path it would be reached more quicker.

“Rain is often a negative thing in public space, in this garden, it will help you find the way to the quietness of Teyler’s museums garden”


The location was the garden of Teyler’s museum in Haarlem. The main goal was to let the visitors of the museum experience a natural process within the garden. In the first weeks we did research in natural processes around your own living area. I was inspired by rain and the drying of materials after the rain. On the right, you see a aquarel/waterpaint drawing I made of pavement in my own backyard after rainfall. Good to see are the darker spots that represents the parts of the concrete colored stones that are still wet. the parts in the middle of the stones dried quicker than the outer ring. Also parts of pavement that are lower than the rest, had more moisture and sometimes a pool was created.

My hypothesis was “You can make patterns and color differences thanks to rain and drying materials by using different materials and surfaces (angled and horizontal, smooth and rough, waterproof and absorbing surfaces)”. To prove this hypothesis, we did experiments. As an experiment, I made every 5 minutes a picture of the same drying spots to see what actually happens with color and pattern. I did this with de colored concrete pavement, but also in my frontyard, the greyish white concrete pavement you see on the right. When it’s dry, the stones have the same color, also when it’s raining, then the stones turn into a dark color. But, when the rainfall is over, the stones will dry. As you can see in the pictures, the top of the stones will dry much more quicker than the bottom of the stones. This is possible due to the roughness of the surfaces. In this pavement, the stones where not always placed correctly, so we see some patterns appear. I thought this was a nice thing to use in the project.

The quiet garden

The garden was as in its origin meant to be a “quiet garden”. A place to rest outside of the noisy citycentre, a place for a break. When I visited the garden, It did not had much to do with quietness. Reason for this was that the garden itself was inaccessible, and the terrace was situated directly against the building and in front of the big doors. Also the bar was situated near this door, so there were always noises like talking, moving chairs and the sounds of ex-presso machine, things you don’t want to experience in a “quiet garden”.

To deal with this, I made some schemes and concluded that there was a spot in the garden that was much more quiet than the existing terrace, as you can see in the model where I marked it orange. This place was also a place to “look back” after a nice period of visiting the museum. From this place, every tree is much more visible than the existing place, and now the nice facades of the musuem are visible. I also learned that the garden has 4 very impor-tant trees, some were actually half-fossil. There was also a tree growed by an artist, with 5 branches to symbolise the 5 directors of Teyler’s museum. As you can see in the schemes, I wanted to make a routing along these trees to actually experience them more when u could get closer. Also there are typical planting for the visitor to explore within the “gaps” of the grid. Together with the quiet spot, I had made a plan for a route throughout the garden.

Because it is a museum for natural sciences and observation equipment, I wanted to extend the lines of the museum’s facades, that are going from east to west and south to north in to the garden as a parallel, and cross them as a grid throughout the garden to symbolise the human hand into nature, also visible in the scheme.

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National level

My vision for the Olympic Games 2028 was to organise the competitions and events along the dutch shoreline, because this shoreline is one of the beautiful things Holland has to offer . After reading the original plans, the document “Schetsboek Ruimte voor Olympische plan-nen”, it appeared that the prototypic concept “Hollands Relief” suited best with my own ideas. But, I thought that this model pointed to much on the southern coastline and with transport over land. When we move planned facilities and accomodation plans more to the north, there will be an active coastline from Scheveningen till “IJmuiden aan zee” and then Amsterdam and surroundings will be involved more. To maximise the amount of visitors during OS028, Amster-dam must be in this picture, very often The Netherlands is only recognized due to Amsterdam.

Urban level

The Netherlands has a beautiful coastline. There are already intensive coastal villages like Egmond, Bloemendaal, Zandvoort, and Scheveningen. IJmuiden at the south pier is nothing compared to the others and it would be wonderful to give that piece of nomansland a new boost to become a rich touristic coastal town (beachcity). The idea is an Olympic village at the beach what in the future replaces the beach/vacation houses. Who does not want a beach/vacation house or an office/comany at sea with a good water connection to Amsterdam or Scheveningen? After the Olympic games the building has to be re-usable for new functions. In this concept, there is much flexibility in terms of new programme. The expectation is that the new part becomes IJmuiden’s new epicentre, the starting blocks for a renewed, sparkling IJmuiden aan zee what, like the concurrents Scheveningen and Zandvoort, transforms in a tourist-attraction. IJmuiden will be more attractive for tourism, tourism-related commerce, but also hospitality like party- and festival organisations, hotels, bars, cafés & restaurants.

Architectural level

I have chosen the building from the masterplan that I think it is the most interesting one, the Olym-pic swimming-complex/stadium. In the concept there must be space for competion swimming, synchronized swimming, waterpolo and highdiving. The total of visitors per sport, is for swim-ming: 12.000 visitors, for sync.swimming: 10.000 visitors, highdiving: 5.000 visitors and for wa-terpolo: 5.000 visitors. As secundary accommodations the complex has to have a training facility, and a recreative facility. After the games, the complex has to offer hotel accomodation and vaca-tion appartments. During the games, the training facility will be used by Athletes and team only.

After the games the training- facility will be used by sport organizations with the possibility to re-build stages and tribunes for visitors. Besides that the pool, must have a possibility to be dried completely for playing other sports. The recreation area is meant for temporary occupants of the Olympic Village and visitors with a ticket, existing out of an active zone, as a subtropical swimmingpool with a target audience of 30 years and younger.There is also a part of the area that is meant for all ages. There is also a more relaxed zone, as a wellnesscentre with a target audience of 25 years and older. There will be a problem after the games, when 75% of the realised tribunes will be useless. How to deal with the overdimensioned space in the whole complex?

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Olympic village IJmuiden aan Zee during Olympic Games 2028

It exists out of 2 parts. The torch with the olympic fire (the plaza with the flame-shaped appartment blocks) and the medals at the beach (the olympic swimcom-plex with the bronze, silver and goldish colored zones). This typical symbolism is used for giving the village an extra dimension and is good to see from air. The surround-ing buildings will be made in terraceform, so everybody have an overview on the plaza. The plan is distributed with viewlines, parallel on the wind directions. From the center of these, you can see through everything. From the plaza, people could see the sea, the harbor and dunes.

This is done for more transparency and structure. With these viewlines, districts appear wich are usable for program, like west, east,etc. Besides the aerial qualities and viewlines, there is played with the tides.Throughout the flame and torch, there is a canalsystem with different levels, wich is conncected to the North sea.This will create a interesting show. Some olympic rings are higher than others, with flood they are filled up, and with low tide you could be walk-ing there. The whole plan will be ceiled off in during the games and is only accessible for reg-istered individuals such as athletes, officials, media, volunteers and visitors with tickets. The flame and surrounding buildings will be used by the athletes, family and supporting teams.

These people have to shine and to be “fired up and burning”, or as the dutch say: “ze moeten vlammen”. That’s why the name “The Flame”. Also these people can overview everything from their terraces. In the east of these blocks, there is a mediazone. In the east of the Torch (plaza), there is a commercial zone in the shape of a second extin-guished flame, with shops, restaurants and officespace. This area is divided in a se-ries of boulevards. Their origin is directly on the plaza. In the south there is a southern entrance with a meeting/infocentre and also space for an Olympic museum. In the west there is the swimstadium/complex, with as a shape of the different medals wich can be earned within the complex. The Ribbon-like square is woven with the bouquet-shaped delta, with aa beach entrance, a terrace stairs, shaped as flowers of this bouquet.

This way of thinking and shaping is born due to that at first people will occupy the plaza (Olympic fire arrives), after this the athletes have bring fire within for the medals, (in the stadium) and after this is done, they could recreate on the beach as a reward (to get the medal and the bouquet). The southern pier has to be widen more and serves as the temporary dock/transport hub for the highspeed water-services. On the whole length of this pier there will be also large temporary tribunes for the Olympic sailing competitions so that there is a nice overview.

Why IJmuiden aan Zee? Widen the accessroads and renovating the old railwaytrack would stabilize the existing infra-structure. Also there could be more “airfoil-ferries” from IJmuiden to Amsterdam, to enlarge the capacity. IJmuiden is close to the A9 highway and 15 minutes away from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, so IJmuiden is also good to reach by road- and airtraffic. IJmuiden also offers a unique chance for watersports (in particular sailing) and is for recreative possibilities a toplocation. The new “beachcity “ lies directly along the activity beach of IJmuiden, with in the middle, the Sea-port Marina (sailingport during the games). The main traffic will be take place on water, along the shoreline and canals/rivers, for letting them experience the quality of The Netherlands.

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You choose them, because of the price or the knowledge they have. It doesn’t mat-ter if it’s situated in another area, because most of the time you communicate with them with emails, letters and phone calls. Maybe 2 or 3 times they invite you to their office, and you see them at the tribunal. The internet and the high-tech developments have eased the communication. Thanks to that you have the opportunity to create a com-plete infrastructure for these enterprises, with simple and cheap solutions. With an eye on the location, I think these enterprises are suitable for a settlement within the concept. Here you see an analysis of the business infrastructure we can create here in this area.


There is appr. 8030 square metres of office space in buildings 1, 12, 13 and 11. In building 1 there is room for a sportscentre, wich is also available for public. Building 2 will be splitted, with in the west-wing a conference hall, suited to building 1. On the first floor of the west-wing, there is a parking garage. In the east-wing, there is a cultural centre planned. This will be used for cultural events such as dance/theatre/movies, but can also be hired for business parties, weddings etc. Building 3 and 4 will function as a business hotel with a parking garage on the first floor of building 3 and will have room for about appr. 62 hotel rooms. Together with the parking garage of building 2 there will be 119 parking spaces indoor in the concept. Building 13 will function as a business-centerpiece/mainframe. In this building, there will be functions like a banking office, a real estate broker, a university institute for internships etc, to make doing business a lot easier when these things are in the same block. Building 11 is for starting entrepreneurs, with workshops on the first floor and offices on the second floor. There are also recreational functions in this concept, like a bar/bistro (building 11 west-cube), a restaurant in building 9 and last but not least, the amazing historical garden of ruins. With in the smokestack, an elevator that will function as a viewpoint to have an overview of the city.

The area’s surroundings

In the surroundings of the site, there are residential buildings everywhere. The S-bahn is located on the south side. The public transport in this area is very good, because it’s close to the S-bahn station, wich is just 1 station away from the hauptbahnhof. On the left side of the location, there is a tram and busstation. Leipzig has also an airport. It’s about 16 minutes away from the location. This means that people who travel by public transport, can reach the location easily. It’s also a benefit for the amount of parking places, we can stimulate people to take the train, bus or tram.


We were given a somewhat decayed location in the East-German city of Leipzig, in the Goh-lis-district. We had to find a solution for this area In terms of urban planning. The location, a ruinously industry zone along a railway-track, was used to be the Bleichert werken/trans-portanlagen. A factory for producing cablecranes and industrial transport-tools and devices. The assignment was to come up with a new idea for this part of the city, and to help it with the struggle of keeping the people in the city instead of losing them. My target-audiences were Young Urban Professionals, graduated jobseekers and young entrepreneurs. I wanted to give these people a businesscentre, with a variety of businessfacilities and opportunities like a business hotel, a bank, a stockbroker, a post-office and leisure. Because the budget for this project was limited, I wanted to use as many existing buildings as possible for the distribution of function.

Business-planning and Attract

We want to attract young initiative people, the higher educated and young urban profes-sionals. We want to tie and keep them to Leipzig. A city is a place where young people go to their school or university. It’s the place where they going to live on their own for the first time, and often get their first salary. These young people witha good future perspec-tive, will supply with their creativity, their focus, and their entrepreneurial, an important input on the economical power and success of the city and the region. These people will stay only in the city if this place has a higher value for their lifestyle. It could be made possi-ble with good education, jobs, facilities, and a reasonable housing offer. Cities with many jobs, cultural and recreational facilities and housing with reasonable prices have the pref-erence for these people. A historical character of the city, the natural environment, and safety are also important points. I think the housing offer in Leipzig is high enough. There are many empty buildings and suitable for starters. I don’t think education is a problem also, because now they even build a new university building in the centre, there are plenty of professions to study, and a big diversity of educations within the university of Leipzig.So the best thing to do is to create jobs, a place to start their career, to give them more opportunities in growing, to have a perspective future. A business environment with the complete image. This business environment must have a sense of safety and a piece of nature and history. There must be a recreational place also. The site, the Gohlis-er Höfe, isn’t a site that’s situated in a high-tech industrial environment. Most of the blocks around this site are residential areas and there is no well-shaped industrial in-frastructure. What Leipzig can use in this area, are young urban professionals, start-ing entrepreneurs and enterprises, who aren’t restricted to a geographical location.

The main idea of my concept, is to make a business centre, with modern offices com-bined with a classic flavor, for an attractive price. I have also a plan for a business hotel, space for starting entrepreneurs, and recreation facilities. Enterprises like a stockbro-ker, lawyers accountants, notaries, mediators and IT companies are enterprises that don’t have to be on a special location. Most of the business they do, stays in the office. Mostly, for about 90% of the time, these people use the internet for their work and com-munication. That’s why they don’t need a specific place or city to settle. For example, you don’t choose a lawyer or mediator because they are situated close to your home.

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The Ruin garden

This is now a ruin of the factory, but it will be a historical garden. Some of the walls stay original. The garden functions as a Recreational area. You can learn here about the old Bleichert werke. The smokestack becomes a viewing point with elevator for 1 person. “Just walk through the old walls of a mighty and honest factory of the past, and feel the combination between nature and culture”.

Building 1 OFFICE SPACE (accountancy etc) 1350 sq. metres

Building 2A CONFERENCE HALL (west-wing) 1140 sq. metres

Building 2B CULTURAL CENTRE (east-wing) 1140 sq. metres

Building 3 & 4 BUSINESS HOTEL (with parking)

Building 9 RESTAURANT 580 sq. metres

Building 11A BAR/BISTRO (east-cube) 375 sq. metres

Building 11B OFFICE/WORKSPACE 2190 sq. metres


Building 13 LUXE OFFICE BUILDING 990 sq. metres

3 & 4

1 2A




9 11A 12

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After the differentation minor we had to choose a building from the plan, for the minor archi-tecture. I have chosen the hotelbuilding , this is building 3 and 4, because I thought it was the most interesting part of the masterplan. Also for me it was a challenge to actually work on a hotel instead of offices.

Project details

As a true business hotel, this place is an ideal setting for private or business meet-ings in the hotel’s various multifunctional areas, well-equipped with the latest tech-nological instruments. A traditional German castle style based exterior and interior inspired by the german love of art, culture, gastronomical tradition and well-being. A con-stant atmosphere of harmony, is found in the various hotel facilities Schloss Himmel-sicht offers. These facilities within hand reach, in an efficient way, on the highest level.

For the renewal of the roof, there is chosen for a strong material, with a powerful indus-trial but also classy look; Cor Ten steel. This “urban rust” will give the building a new ex-perience, and it will keep the harmony between the old industrial building and the modern, “castle-based” concept. The shape of this new roof is realised with the in-spiration from the typical shoulder-shaped roofs of different kinds of German castles.n the basement floor, there is a parking garage, suitable for 48 parking spaces. On the ground floor the entrance will be available from both sides and there is a big restaurant, for filling every breakfast, lunch, brunch and diner wishes. The kitchen has also access to a wine cellar. For giving the optimal service, there is situated on every floor, a service room, for the cleaner and laundry, but also for storing extra beds. There can be made use of 3 elevators and 4 staircases.

Within this hotel, there are 94 hotel rooms. These are all equipped with a double bed, toilet, closet, television, table with two seats, and a bathroom with a bath/shower com-bination and a sauna. On the top floor, there are the more luxurious rooms, with an own bedroom, lounge corner and some have a jacuzzi. There are also 2 wedding suites, that can also be used and seen as high class penthouse suites, for VIP use. These spe-cial rooms have also a roof terrace, with view on the gardens, and the benefits of an own jacuzzi, a big master bedroom and a big living room. For the active business peo-ple, there are plenty of sports facilities, like a squash court, tennis court and fitness area.

There is also a possibility to play tennis outside, wich is made possible by the mechanical roof of glass, that can be partly opened. There is also an internet/media room and a debate room, for fanatic people who can’t get enough of their work and for giving presentations etc. For the need of relaxation after a hard day of traveling, doing business or congresses, this hotel has a wellness centre, with a swimming pool and other different kinds of wellness and relaxation facilities. Facilities such as massage, hamam, hot stone treatments and special mud- and skin therapies. The wellness centre’s area is constructed with also a special cross-vault con-struction, to keep the atmosphere relaxed and harmonious. On the top floor of the hotel, there is also a big open space that will be used for a transparent lounge area with bar and toilet unit. During summertime the roof can be opened for sunbathing and enjoying the fresh air.

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The following projects are a selection of wat was made during my time as entrepreneur at my own company called TED Techniek En Designbureau VOF. In this time, most of the work existed out of technical drawings and engineering for buildings, but also mechanical instal-lations such as hydrophore installations and reverse osmosis watermakers and mechanical drawings for plants. The clients were private persons and companies as well. Because there was a lot of technical drawings, I summed up the work per Logo in text. On the right side, there is a selection of impressions that was done for some of the projects.The following logos represents the clients (companies) I worked for as an entrepreneur and building engineer.

Technical drawings and measurement of water purification and distri-bution installation plants and piping. Existing situation and new situa-tion. Also made drawings for the Diesel storage depot.

For about 60 locations, made fire/smoke escape plans, NVO and BVO schematic drawings and other building-technical drawingwork.

In a building team with contractors, renovated a building for the elderly, technical drawings and measurement. 3D impressions and photoshop also.

Photoshop impressions, technical drawings for client’s office new building plan and 3D impressions.

Engineering and made model for 12 newly planned houses in Oost-zaan. All the drawingwork.

Technical drawings and engineering for a variety of installations such as hydrophore, reverse osmosis watermakers, sewer installations etc. Also designed the new office for the client, engineered. Also made drawings for installations on huge vessels and tankers.

Made plans for connecting 50 houseboats in Amsterdam to the sewer system, technical drawings and measurements on location.

Made technical drawings for renovating most of Alkmaar’s sewer sys-tem and tunnel sewer systems. Measurements on location and me-chanical engineering in combination with VOS-PSH.

01 Impression of a small hotel room (2,3 m. wide, 5 m. high) Client: Hotel Rembrandt

02 Walk-in closet for 400 pair of shoes (design and engineering), Client: private

03 Model of 1 of the houses of “Houtryck” in Jigsaw layout, Client: Van der Gragt BV

04 Impression of a small Reverse Osmosis watermaker, Client: VOS-SEATEC

05 Impression of a normal Reverse Osmosis watermaker, Client VOS-SEATEC






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06 Impression of a hydrophore installation, Client: VOS SEATEC

07 Impression of a frontdesk, inspiration from chrome airplanes, Client: VOS PSH

08 Fish acclimatisation installation Curacao, Client: Sea Aquarium Curacao

09 Water distribution system for filling fish and shark tanks, Client: Sea Aq. Curacao

10 Impression for the renovation of a retirement home, Client: LPB Bouw

11 Impressions of different hallway schemes for retirement home, Client: LPB Bouw

12 Photoshop edit for a renovation on the Ellermanstraat A’dam, Client: TBP Bouw








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