2015 10-30 面試心得分享

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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About me ( 呂鴻 @neal)

成大資工所宅宅 成績 : 普 實驗室研究領域 : data mining / processing (social


Before Interview

I want …

[ 研發替代役 ] 聯發科 Android/ 手機 Embedded Software Engineer

【工作內容】 1, Android/Linux Kernel Porting and System Performance

Optimization. 2, Multi-Core/Architecture/Scheduler design/refine. (such as big-

Little, True Octa-Core) 3, Smart-Phone Kernel/System Level debug support and

tool/mechanism design 4, ARMv7/v8 32/64bits Platform Verification and SoC Bring-Up 5, Kernel Driver Development

[ 研發替代役 ] ARM CPU IC Design Engineer

Desirable Skills and Experience 

• Understanding of the fundamentals of computer architecture • Proficiency in HDL and scripting languages, e.g. Verilog / VHDL, System Verilog, Perl, TCL, Python • Practical experience of working on microprocessor designs • Some experience of the IP design cycle from initial concept to delivery • Experience in designing from specifications and documentation describing complex designs • Knowledge of assembly language (preferably ARM), and/or C/C++ • Test plan creation and VLSI functional test execution • Knowledge on emulator, FPGA platforms 

What I have ?

對症下藥 ! - 秀出與工作需求相關的經歷

Smart-Phone Kernel/System Level debug support and tool/mechanism design

之前作業有用 GDB debug , 也有作業用 GDB 來解密 !

ARMv7/v8 32/64bits Platform Verification and SoC Bring-Up

期中 project 有把 Xenomai 跑在 Rpi / Beaglebone Black 上 !

Kernel Driver Development

期末 demo 有用 RTDM 寫 driver 來驅動伺服馬達 ,並測試 Xenomai 的 real time 能力 !

Multi-Core/Architecture/Scheduler design/refine. (such as big-Little, True Octa-Core)

嘗試對 AOSP libc 效能做改善 . 硬體支援 : Nexus 10 (cortex-A15)

Android/Linux Kernel Porting and System Performance Optimization

怒買 !

免費的模擬面試 !

Data structure C/C++ Computer Organization Operating System

Data structure & C/C++

Red-black tree linked-list vs. array Sort

Merge sort , quick sort , bubble sort , heap sort … Struct vs. union Bit operation Overloading vs. overriding Volatile

Computer Organization

TLB Set associative Pipeline / hazard DMA Cache coherence / snooping protocol MMU

Operating System

Interrupt Semaphore vs. mutex vs. spinlock Page fault Atomic instructions Cache invalidate / cache flush Stack vs. heap Race condition

基礎學科強就好 ?

不容忽視的 :

自我介紹 ! 做過的專案 & 計畫 碩論

上戰場 !

如何幫公司賺錢 ?


如何幫公司賺錢 ?

誠實面對自己 對工作內容了解 & 有熱忱

如何幫公司賺錢 ?

誠實面對自己 對工作內容了解 & 有熱忱 學習能力快

如何幫公司賺錢 ?

誠實面對自己 對工作內容了解 & 有熱忱 學習能力快 新鮮的肝

選擇自己“想”過的生活,而不是“應該”過的生活。 - Neal

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