2012 slds p-20w best practice conference 1 i nstructional i mprovement s ystems monday, october 29,...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 I NSTRUCTIONAL I MPROVEMENT S YSTEMS Monday, October 29, 2012 Suzan Kinaci, MA Department of Education DeDe Conner, KY Department of Education Joyce Popp, ID Department of Education
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Massachusetts: Edwin, Progress and Challenges, Procurement Kentucky: Background, Common Core Standards, Assessment and Lessons Learned Idaho: Standards and Assessment, Instructional Improvement System and its Integration with SLDS O VERVIEW 2
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference M ASSACHUSETTS 3
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Initial Proposed Visions Massachusetts Teaching and Learning - RTTT o Curriculum Model Curriculum Units o Assessment Assessment Bank o Digital Library SIF & P-20 - SLDS Evolution as of Summer 2011 Edwin o Edwin Analytics o Edwin Teaching & Learning M ASSACHUSETTS 4
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Edwin - Analytics (Build) Student Profiles Analytic tools, Reporting, Dashboards EWIS Edwin Teaching and Learning (Procure) Joint procurement with Ohio Comprehensive, integrated, standards-based single-sign-on o Curriculum Tools MCUs, Lesson Plans, Curr. Maps o Assessment Tools Formative, Interim Assessments, Public & Secure item banks, ability to create/deliver online, paper-based and performance-based assessments M ASSACHUSETTS, CONT. 5
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Edwin Teaching and Learning (cont.) o Assessment Reporting & Dashboards o Digital Resources high quality, vetted resources available through federated searches PBS Learning Media & other publishers o Career/Vocational Technical Education Parallel efforts o IDM o Portal o SLC o LRMI/LR o ETDU Timeline o 20% of RTTT ET&L LEAs by end of SY2012-13 o 90% by end of grant Summer 2014 M ASSACHUSETTS, CONT. 6
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Areas of Progress Joint Procurement requirements thru RFP Collaboration with other IIS states o Sharing resources o Sharing best practices Sustainability planning Marketing Ongoing Challenges Joint Procurement SIF implementation Data Quality Multiple Competing initiatives Content tagging M ASSACHUSETTS, CONT. 7
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference How about that joint procurement? Why? o RTTT CIO/IIS meetings o Build or Buy Buy! o Lead state T&Cs Similar requirements How? o Agreed-upon priorities o Economies of scale o Shared resources Would we do it again? YES M ASSACHUSETTS, CONT. 8 Benefits? o Credibility o Broader district input o Two sets of reviews o Sharing strengths o Requirements validation o Best practices Challenges o Different procurement processes o More schedules to juggle o More consensus to reach
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference K ENTUCKY 9
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Scope of IMS defined by: Senate Bill 1 (2009) laid out an aggressive plan to transform education in Kentucky Unbridled Learning o new, more rigorous standards o new assessments o assessment literacy for educators o a new accountability system Designed with the following goals in mind: o Better prepare students for life after high school and to compete globally o College/career-readiness for ALL K ENTUCKY 10
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference large images 11 Continuous Improvement
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference IMS Data: Utilize statewide SIS/LDS to populate- data refreshed weekly o Student level data includes demographics, programs, courses, grades and assessments. o Teacher-level data includes teacher demographics, classroom rosters Materials Available Pearson, State-created, District/School- created, PD360 & Common Core 360, Model Curriculum framework, Hippo Campus, KET Encyclopedia; Kentucky Learning Depot, KY Virtual Library, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, SAS, Thinkfinity, Kentucky iTunes U. Standards English/Language Arts & Mathematics K ENTUCKY, CONT. 12
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Common Core Standards Use: Kentucky academic standards and aligned instructional resources available. Classroom standards mastery and item analysis reports help guide instruction K ENTUCKY, CONT. 13 Includes a drag-and-drop lesson planner with the characteristics of highly effective teaching and learning
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Assess Admin Module K ENTUCKY, CONT. 14 Includes a test item bank with more than 11,000 questions aligned to E/LA and mathematics standards Create express tests or design a test using your own questions Supports assessment FOR learning VIDEO LINK
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Rollout Pilot districts Spring 2011; full rollout to all 174 districts November 2011. o Webinar training for teachers/administrators o Face-to-Face for train the trainer. o On-demand training o Summer 2012 Capacity Building Training Regionally through Co-ops K ENTUCKY, CONT. 15
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Lessons Learned Communication is key o Information isnt always shared o Peer pressure works. Share successes. Monitor and report on use Use drives data quality o Data being used in a different way can bring issues to light. Help Desk(s) play critical role o Training resource Boots on the ground gather intelligence K ENTUCKY 16
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference I DAHO 17
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Define Ultimate Goal Foundational Tools to improve student achievement o Ease of use Relevant data to the classroom Excellent resources for teachers & administrators Classroom assessment formative data Assessment Standards Curriculum Assessments to show progress on constant & predictive level. o Individualized instruction based on standards mastery o Lesson plans design Expedient feedback on students progress and understanding Specific Concepts and Theories I DAHO 18
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Digital Content Standards aligned videos 24 X 7 Learning environment for students & teachers o Flipped classroom o Student Engagement State approved item repository Ease of creation for relevant assessments o Items aligned to common core standards District Management of Assessments o End of Course o Benchmark I DAHO, CONT. 19
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference U SING S TATEWIDE L ONGITUDINAL D ATA School Calendar Student Demographics Student Course Enrollment Student Daily Attendance Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Teacher Attendance Special Ed Details Gifted Student Details Student Test Results Student Discipline Tracking SLDS File Set Transmit Data from District to State Data Quality Checked ISDE Students Come First System (CORE) SchoolNet (IIS) Portal
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference I NSTRUCTIONAL I MPROVEMENT S YSTEM V IEWS 21
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 22 small images Mastery reporting, differentiation, and item analysis 22 Representative data only not actual student data used in presentation
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  • 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Suzan Kinaci, SKinaci@doe.mass.eduSKinaci@doe.mass.edu Dede Conner, Dede.Conner@education.ky.govDede.Conner@education.ky.gov Joyce Popp, jpopp@sde.idaho.govjpopp@sde.idaho.gov Corey Chatis, corey.chatis@sst-slds.orgcorey.chatis@sst-slds.org For more information on Instructional Improvement Systems: Traveling Through Time: Forum Guide to LDSs, Book IV: Advanced LDS Usage C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 23

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