2010 11 rd newsletter - asqrube.asq.org/reliability/2011/01/reliability/the... · the rd will now...

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WELCOMEThe ASQ Reliability Division is the largest group in the world promoting reliability training and education. This newsletter covers professional development opportunities plus division activities information and news.

The Launch of theReliability Calendar

Find a wide array of seminars, conferences, classes, webinars and more for your professional development from as many sources around the world as we can find. Visit www.reliabilitycalendar.com

ASQ RD LinkedIn Group

There is a ASQ RD Group within LinkedIn. Another forum to network, stay in touch and engage in professional discussions with your peers. Click here to link

The Reliability Division is a sponsor of the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium and we encourage you to attend this premier event for reliability professionals. This is the conference that brings together the world of reliability engineering professionals for tutorials, technical sessions, panels, vendor show and networking. Oh, and it's in Disneyworld this year.

Visit www.rams.org for more information and to register. We will have a meeting a the conference, Sunday afternoon before the conference where we discuss the current status of our many projects, plus plans for the coming year. We will have a booth, so come by and meet your leadership team. And, the CRE exam will be given on Thursday, which may be convenient for you.

And, as always, if you want to get involved with RAMS and/or the Reliability Division, please just let me know.

Chair’s Note

Division Activities

Upgrade your membershipLeadership and professional achievement do not go unrecognized by ASQ. The Society offers Senior membership to members with a continuing commitment to quality, who are rewarded with enhanced benefit selections. Learn more here.

NewsletterDecember 2010 Volume 2, Issue 2

Fred Schenkelberg Chair, Reliability Division of ASQ (408) 710-8248 fms@garlic.com

Volunteer Positionswww.reliabilitycalendar.com Maintenance team members needed.

ASQ Event and Meetings publicist needed.

Contact Fred Schenkelberg, fms@garlic.com for more information.

In this editionReliability Divisionʼs strong financial position" " " Page 2 " " "Reliability Review is moving to Quality Engineering"" Page 3

Get your rebate voucher now!" " " " Page 4

Challenge your mind - RD Book Review, Puzzle" " Page 5

RD Councilorʼs program is growing" " " " Page 6ASQ Reliability webinar series in Chinese" " " Page 7

Visit the Reliability Store " Page 9


Budget The division has a strong financial position with over $130,000 in its checking accounts, investment accounts, and CDs. In fact our reserves are over the amount recommended by ASQ and the Section will be investing some of these reserves in member benefits such as the new webinar series of educational offerings.

Update provided by RD Treasurer Alfred Stevens.

Division Budget Update

      ActualsACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Budget 11/30/10


4000 Dues $20,000 $9,711 4100 Retail Sales $250 $885 4200 Advertising $7,500 $5,239 4300 Conference $5,500 04870 Investments $1,000 $2,532 4990 Other $0 0   TOTAL REVENUE $34,250 $18,367          EXPENSES    

5100 Printing & Production $5,000 $5839 5280 Promotional Giveaways $500 $0 5675 Equipment Rentals $0 $0 5400 Postage & Shipping $1,000 $1437 5500 Contract & Professional $1,000 $2,666 5573 Advertising $150 $1255800 Meetings & Banquets $6,000 $0 5900 Travel $14,750 $6,506 6000 Supplies $500 $235 6100 Telephone $500 $186 6200 Partner Payment $3,500 $0 6310 Awards & Gifts $1,250 $0 6328 Donations/Scholarships $0 $0 6390 Other $100  

  TOTAL EXPENSES $34,250 $14,328        

Volunteer Opportunities for CRE Exam Review:Requirements: Must currently be a CRE and a current ASQ memberDates: April 15th and 16th, 2011Location: ASQ headquarters, Milwaukee, WIActivity: Assist a team on the upcoming CRE exam and receive 2 RUs towards recertification. Some pre-work is required and participants must sign a nondisclosure agreement which limits CRE exam preparation training for a period of two years. ASQ refunds expenses. Workshops are twice a year, so if interested in a future workshop please respond as well.If interested please email: Paul.Burte@Goodrich.com by 5 Feb 2011.

Want to earn RUs toward recertification?


Note from Reliability Review RD Members,

In case you have forgotten, the upcoming December issue of Reliability Review (RR) is the last issue to be published after a run of 30 years. As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we have found a better way to publish reliability oriented papers to our members and the wider community. The focus for publication of reliability focused papers from the RD will now be the ASQ journal Quality Engineering (QE). While QE will not come free to RD members as RR has in the past, the RD is offering a $10 rebate to all of its members to receive QE at a discounted rate. Look for the voucher on next page

Also with our transition to QE being our new reliability journal of focus, we want to encourage authors with ideas, case studies and research in reliability topics to submit their paper for publication in QE. Additional information on a call for papers to QE appears elsewhere in this newsletter. Note that it mentions a new $1000 annual best paper award for best reliability paper. Only RD members are eligible for this award.

Trevor CraneyChief Editor, Reliability Review Trevor.A.Craney@shell.com

Quality Engineering is a technical journal of ASQ published by Taylor & Francis. It is directed to professionals in all engineering and management fields interested in quality improvement and reliability.

Quality Engineering is published January, April, July, and October.

Beginning in 2011, the ASQ Reliability Division will administer a $1000 annual award for the best Reliability focused paper published in Quality Engineering. Published papers will be evaluated for the four issues of the calendar year and the winner will be notified in January of the following year. The first award will be granted in January, 2012.

Note – to be eligible for the award, at least one of the authors for a paper must be a member of the ASQ Reliability Division when their paper is published.

For more information: Trevor.A.Craney@shell.com

To submit papers for publication: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/lqen edback on RR


ASQ Reliability webinars Complex Conjugate History of Reliability by Larry GeorgeJan 13, Noon - 1 pm EDT

When you adopt a Non-Conventional Reliability Metric by Wendai WangFebruary 10, Noon - 1 pm EDT

Manufacturability and Reliability challenges with QFN by Cheryl TurkoffMarch 10, Noon - 1 pm EDT

To register for a webinar, see the listing under Events on the RD homepage http://asq.org/reliability/

JMP Live Webcast Getting Started with JMP (Jan 7, 14, 21, Feb 4, 18, 25 Mar 11, 18, 25)

Mastering JMP (Jan 20, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24)

More information at http://www.jmp.com/about/events/webcasts/


RAMS 2011 - The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USAJanuary 24-27 2011http://rams.org/

International Applied Reliability Symposium - North America in San Diego, California, USAJune 7-9 2011http://www.arsymposium.org/northamerica/

55th Annual Fall Technical Conference in Kansas City, MO, USAOctober 13-14, 2011http://www.asqstatdiv.org/ftc.htm

Call for Papers

Professional Development Opportunities around the world


$10 Rebate Voucher for Quality Engineering SubscriptionThe December, 2010 issue of Reliability Review is the final printing of the journal that has been brought to you by the ASQ Reliability Division for 30 years. As of 2011, we have merged our publication efforts into the ASQ journal Quality Engineering.

Quality Engineering is available to members of ASQ for an annual subscription cost of $34.75. Beginning in mid-2011, you will see an increase in the number of reliability related articles appearing in Quality Engineering. The goal is not only to make this a replacement location for papers that would have appeared in Reliability Review, but to increase the number of high quality papers on reliability published.

As a member of the ASQ Reliability Division, you can receive a one-time rebate for $10.00 for subscribing to Quality Engineering. This one-time rebate is valid from Jan. 1, 2011 – Dec. 31, 2012. To receive the rebate, you must…

A. Fill in the information below, then scan and email this voucher to the RD Treasurer Alfred Stevens.Email: asteve5@bellsouth.net

B. Provide proof of your subscription to Quality Engineering via a copy of your paid subscription. (This is printed on your receipt for membership or membership renewal when you subscribe to Quality Engineering.)

Note to Senior and Fellow members – your receipt must show a specific charge for Quality Engineering, i.e. if you are receiving it as your free item for your attained status in ASQ, it will not be reimbursed.

ASQ Reliability Division voucher for $10 rebate for subscription to Quality Engineering

1. ASQ #: _________________________

2. Date: _________________________

3. Name: ___________________________________

4. Address (to send check): ___________________________________

Address (to send check): ___________________________________

Address (to send check): ___________________________________


Quote “You know you have designed a reliable product when you hear nothing about it - from the factory, from the customers. That is pure bliss.” Anonymous Reliability Engineer

Division Activities

The Drunkard’s Walk - How Randomness Rules Our Lives

Author: Mlodinow, Leonard

In this quarter’s newsletter, let me review a book that is not exactly a Reliability book. Nonetheless, reliability engineers will find it very interesting. I came across Prof Mlodinow when he co-authored “A Briefer History of Time” with Stephen Hawkings. In The Drunkard’s Walk, Professor Mlodinow discusses how much randomness there is in the world around us, how we mistakenly see patterns in it and make decisions based on our “interpretations”. He explains the statistical techniques to separate randomness from patterns. To our statistically trained readers the techniques should be well-known but the history behind these techniques is quite enlightening.

RR Bookshelf

Puzzle corner A prison has 100 prisoners. The sadistic warden tells them that the next morning, all 100 of them will be lined up one behind the other. Each will be given a cap to wear - either red or blue. A prisoner can see all the caps in front of him but not his own (or the ones behind him). The warden would start from the last prisoner in line and ask him to guess the color of his cap. If he got it right, he would survive. Else, he would lose his head. The warden would then ask the next to last prisoner and so on. Can you come up with a strategy for the prisoners that will maximize the survival rate?

Got an answer? Need a hint? Confused? Email to Maheendra Kasmalkar at mkasmalkar@gmail.com

Paperback: 252 pagesDimensions: 7.8x5.1x.9 inShipping wt : 8 ounces

The ASQ Reliability Discussion Board continues to address member questions and provides a great way to network and discuss a wide range of reliability topics.

Visit http://www.asq.org/discussionBoards/forum.jspa?forumID=32 to join the discussion.

Web Workshops Series

Explorers Webcasts SeriesGetting Your Data Ready for Analysis by Laura Higgins

In this Webcast, Laura discusses types of data, which chart or graph is best, formula editors etc. This webcast is free

January 20, 2 pm EST

Register and view at http://www.jmp.com/about/events/webcasts/jmpwebcast_detail.shtml?reglink=70130000000TGFm

Statistics and Reliability Discussion Group

Jan 12 - New Reliability Tools in JMP 9 - Dr Laura Higgins

Mar 9 - Median Planes in Hyperspace - Ed Russell

Apr 13 - DOE Panel Discussion

May 11 - Estimating field failure rate from HALT - Mike Silverman


RD Councilors Program

To: RD members and friends,

We are still actively seeking Regional Councilors (RCs) to position themselves as leaders in the regions where they reside. We have developed a set of action items to assist the RC in getting started, and have had many successes to date. We have begun a campaign to establish Enterprise Councilors (ECs) so that we can better serve those members who come under the umbrella of an enterprise ASQ account. If you are under such a contract with the ASQ and would like to take a leadership role in furthering the tools and methodologies that are related to the Reliability Body of Knowledge, please contact me directly to discuss this opportunity.

Join with us in this global expansion of the Reliability toolset, and contribute your skills, experience and wisdom. Contact us at RD_Regional@gmail.com to get involved.

Respectfully,The RD leadership team

David Auda is spearheading the RD Councilors Program. He can be reached at davidauda@yahoo.com

Region 1 Mohammed PourgolMohammadMohammad.PourgolMohammad@fmglobal.com

Region 2 David Auda (716) 686-1548 davideauda@yahoo.com

Region 6 Fred Schenkelberg (408) 710-8248fms@garlic.com

Region 7 Glenn Geeglenn.gee@nasa.gov

Region 10 Guangbin Yanggyang1@ford.com

Region 11 Jason Overstreet jason.l.overstreet@gmail.com

Region 13 Mitchell Rauschmitchell.rausch@gmail.com

China: Fred Smithfred.smith@tycoelectronics.com

United Kingdom: Sibson Dalgo Edakarasibsondalgo@gmail.com

India: Anand Keerthikeerthi.anand@ge.com

Regional Councilors

Membership updateFriends,

Difficult economic environment across the globe has affected membership numbers across all ASQ divisions including Reliability division. But there are signs of a turnaround.

After losing 5.4% membership from 2008 to 2009, we lost only 1.5% from 2009 to 2010. Besides, the average across all divisions of ASQ was a 2.4% decline. Reliability Division is doing better than most other divisions of ASQ.

Andre Kleyner is the Vice Chair, Measures and Reporting.


ASQ Reliability Webinar series - ChineseDate & Time: Beijing Time: January 19, 2011; 11:00AM – 12:00PM

US Pacific Time: January 18, 2011; 7:00PM – 8:00PMSpeaker Name: Dr. Tongdan JinSpeaker Title: Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Texas State University Presentation Title: Planning for System Reliability Demonstration Tests under Zero

Component Failures Registration: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/390701120 Presentation Abstract: It is difficult to estimate the confidence interval of a system’s reliability with zero failures experienced. We approach this problem by proposing a hybrid model that integrates the Bayesian model with the variance propagation technique. The Bayesian model will compute the moments of component reliability estimates, and the variance propagation technique is used to estimate the system reliability variance. The confidence interval for the system reliability is then derived by matching the moments with a beta distribution. As a major contribution, the distribution for reliability estimates with zero failures is explicitly derived. The performance of the new model is compared with existing methods, and further validated by simulation data. The results show that the hybrid model generally outperforms existing methods in terms of estimation accuracy. Because the new model does not require multiple integral calculations, it can be applied to design complex systems configured in mixed series-parallel or networked components.

Date & Time: Beijing Time: March 9, 2011; 11:00AM – 12:00PMUS Pacific Time: March 8, 2011; 7:00PM – 8:00PM

Speaker Name: Dr. Wendai Wang Speaker Title: Senior Reliability Engineering Manager Presentation Title: When You Adopt a Non-convention Reliability Metric … Registration Link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/390701120Presentation Abstract: Most commercial enterprises want some meaningful but simple metrics to measure, track and report their part and/or product reliability, which link well to their business and/or engineering processes. An internal reliability measurement may sometimes be "defined" for that purposes. However, without careful consideration initially, the adopted non-conventional reliability metric may be lack of scientific sense, causing a lot of confusion and misunderstanding in calculation, reporting and communication. This talk presents you a real case study, which turns out to be a good example of lesson learned.


Call for Papers

55th Annual Fall Technical ConferenceOctober 13-14, 2011

Kansas City, MO

Forwarding you an invitation to submit papers for presentation to the 55th Fall Technical Conference to be held October 13-14, 2011, in Kansas City, MO. The Fall Technical Conference has long been a forum for both statistics and quality and is co-sponsored by the American Society for Quality (Chemical and Process Industries Division and Statistics Division) and the American Statistical Association (Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences and Section on Quality and Productivity). The goal of this conference is to engage researchers and practitioners in a dialogue that leads to more effective use of statistics to improve quality.

Abstract Submission Deadline is February 28, 2011

Abstract FormatPlease follow the provided abstract format. Papers are selected based on subject matter, technical correctness, usefulness, interest, clarity, and readability. Use one page only.

Title of presentationFirst author Second author Third authorAffiliation Affiliation AffiliationDaytime phone number Daytime phone number Daytime phone numberPaper mail address Paper mail address Paper mail address Email address Email address Email address

Presenter: name of presenter Keywords: include 3 to 5 key words or phrases Purpose: one sentence. To derive, prove, synthesize, review, present, inform, encourage,motivate, enlighten, exemplify, highlight, etc.AbstractThe abstract should include the following 3 components: 1. Motivation or background 2. Description of work done 3. Significance. Are there improvements, applications, new abilities, new points of view,etc.? How will the status quo be changed?

Session Preference (choose one)____ Statistics ____ Quality Control ____ Tutorial/Case Study

Target Audience (choose one)____ Introductory/Practitioner ____ Intermediate ____ Advanced/Theoretical

Contact: David Edwards (dedwards7@vcu.edu), Scott Grimshaw (grimshaw@byu.edu), Bradley Jones (bradley.jones@jmp.com) or Theresa Utlaut (theresa.l.utlaut@intel.com) for more details. 8

Shipping & Handling: $7.00 first copy, $3.00 each additional copy within U.S.Request quote outside U.S.

Payment by check or money order, payable in U.S. Dollars. Make payable to Reliability Division of ASQ.

Send orders, with payment, to:James McLinn 10644 Ginseng LaneHanover, Minnesota 55341 USA

To place a C.O.D. order or make an inquiry contact James McLinn at JMRel2@aol.com or+1 (763) 498-8814

Division Store

Mechanical Design Reliability - by James A. McLinn, CRE & Fellow, ASQ

Mechanical design reliability has been a sparsely covered topic. This monograph is instructive to practical engineers desiring to understand and test materials and mechanical systems. It first addresses the concepts of stress, strain, tension, shear and material fatigue. The elastic limits and plastic deformation is modeled as well as creep situations. Accelerated life, Miner’s rule and non-normal material strength and variable load distributions are modeled and illustrated in the 80 pages. Available at $25.00 each, plus postage.

Practical Weibull Analysis - 5th edition by James A. McLinn, CRE & Fellow, ASQThis monograph presents practical discussion and examples of essential Weibull topics. Most textbooks on this subject require extensive statistical background. This book was designed to be direct and to the point. In 75 pages it leads the reader quickly through the principles of Weibull. The useful examples and Weibull graphs illustrate applications such as confidence calculations, non-straight lines, optimum replacement costs, maintainability, and analysis of accelerated life tests and multiple stress tests. Just $30.00 each, plus postage.

Credible Reliability Prediction - by Laurence George, Ph.D., ASQ Fellow

This monograph extends MTBF prediction to predict the age-specific reliability of redundant, stand-by, complex, and life-limited systems. The method uses field reliability data and proportional hazards models. Data are from older, comparable products, because product generations have similar reliability functions despite changes. Price is $25.00 each, plus postage. Electronic version available.

Practical Accelerated Life Testing - by James A McLinn, CRE & Fellow ASQA 125 page book that simply and uniquely delineates the key steps and guidelines for setting-up and administrating accelerated life tests. In eight sections it covers a brief history of accelerated methods, applications of the techniques, guidelines for test selecting test environments, common test methods, practical guidelines for test set-up, key parameters to monitor, sample size decisions, models for analysis and examples of analysis of difficult results. Important guidelines and pitfalls to avoid are given. Examples include multiple level tests and step-stress tests. Just $30.00 each, plus postage.

<Space partially used to advertise the idea that you can publish a monograph here, and to note we are in the process to update the monographs for listing and sale directly from the ASQ Store.>

To Order


Shipping & Handling: $7.00 first copy, $3.00 each additional copy within U.S.Request quote outside U.S.

Payment by check or money order, payable in U.S. Dollars. Make payable to Reliability Division of ASQ.

Send orders, with payment, to:James McLinn 10644 Ginseng LaneHanover, Minnesota 55341 USA

To place a C.O.D. order or make an inquiry contact James McLinn at JMRel2@aol.com or+1 (763) 498-8814

Division Store - continued

Develop Reliable Software at Low Life Cycle Cost: With Upgraded Software Reliability Engineering - by Norman F. Schneidewind, Ph.D. and related articles by Samuel J.Keene, Ph.D. The contents of this monograph present for software engineers, reliability engineers and software quality specialists, and managers practical tools and methods which the authors have perfected and applied in a broad range of enterprises. They include strategy and tactics for improvement of the software engineering process , software reliability models, development of trustworthy code, and reliability assessment throughout the product life cycle. Price is $25.00 each, plus postage. Design For Reliability - by Xijin (Bill) Tian, Ph.D., with added chapters by Drs. L.L. George, S.J. Keene, plus T. Craney and J. McLinnThis new monograph contains the entire series of articles written by Dr. Tian plus much more! The authors clearly describe practical methods they employ in effectively ensuring that high reliability goals are achieved. They integrate reliability improvement practices and methods congruent with project design rules. The additional chapters present relevant material by Drs. Larry George and Sam Keene, plus input from Trevor Craney, and James McLinn. The contents offer a practical Benchmark of resource for reliability and maintainability engineers. Price is $30.00 each, plus postage. Homeland Security And Reliability Airport Model - by Norman F. Schneidewind, IEEE Congressional Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Professor Emeritus: Information Sciences, Naval Postgraduate SchoolDr. Schneidewind’s model presented in this monograph addresses the airport security problem. It facilitated his specific recommendations to the U.S. Congress for legislative or management action to close the security loopholes. Model quantitative results are used to delineate the implications for changes in security policy at the nation’s airports. The work presents solutions which maybe extended to many other security settings. Price is $20.00 each, plus postage.

To Order

Contact James McLinn at JMReL2@Aol.com to purchase a monograph. Make checks payable to the Reliability Division of ASQ. Mail to 10644 Ginseng Lane, Hanover, Minnesota 55341 USA

For International Delivery charges contact us via e-mail with complete order and delivery address. We will quote delivery charges . E-mail: JMReL2@Aol.com


Last NoteThe ASQ Reliability Division is a major professional speciality association within the

framework of the American Society for Quality. Its members have a particular expertise

and interest in reliability and related disciplines. Division activities include professional

development opportunities with reliability, maintainability, quality, safety, and

effectiveness of products, processes and services and with related topics such as product

liability and risk management.

Chair Fred Schenkelberg (408) 710-8248 fms@garlic.com

Chair Elect David Auda (716) 686-1548 davideauda@yahoo.com

Secretary John Bowles, Ph.D. (803) 777-2689 bowles@engr.SC.edu

Treasurer Alfred Stevens (321) 537-3101 astevens@ieee.org

Vice Chair Membership Trevor Craney trevor.a.craney@shell.com

Vice Chair Asia Jimmy Yang

Vice Chair Measures and Reporting Andre Kleyner andre.v.kleyner@delphi.com

Vice Chair Discussion Groups Aron Brall aron.brall-1@nasa.gov

Vice Chair Education Daniel Conrad Daniel_C_Conrad@whirlpool.com Vice Chair Standards John Healy

Division Leadership Audit James (Chris) Deepak (281) 871-7128 chris.deepak@haliburton.com

Nominating & Past Chair James McLinn (763) 498-8814 jmrel2@aol.com

CRE Exam Chair: Leslie Shattes Internet Liaison Yuling Cui

Standards Liaison Harry Wadsworth hwadswor@earthlink.net

RAMS Board Liaisons Alfred Stevens asteve5@bellsouth.net

Thimmiah Gurunatha warrantywarriorsguru@gmail.com

RR Editor Trevor Craney

RR Publisher James McLinn

Newsletter Editor Maheendra Kasmalkar mkasmalkar@gmail.com

Awards Fellow Nomination support James McLinn


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