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Michael Batty alia a Teoria da Complexidade aos estudos urbanos.



    Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis University College London 1 - 19 Torrington Place Gower St London WC1E 7HBTel: +44 (0)20 7679 1782 casa@ucl.ac.uk www.casa.ucl.ac.uk

    WORKINGPAPERSSERIESPaper 36 - Oct 01Modeling Complexity: The Limits to PredictionISSN 1467-1298

  • Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis University College London 1-19 Torrington Place Gower Street London WC1E 6BT [t] +44 (0) 20 7679 1782 [f] +44 (0) 20 7813 2843 [e] casa@ucl.ac.uk [w] www.casa.ucl.ac.uk MODELING COMPLEXITY: THE LIMITS TO PREDICTION Michael Batty & Paul M. Torrens http//www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/paper36.pdf Date: October 2001 ISSN: 1467-1298 Copyright CASA, UCL.

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    A working definition of a complex system is of an entity which is coherent in some recognizable way but whose elements, interactions, and dynamics generate structures admitting surprise and novelty which cannot be defined a priori. Complex systems are therefore more than the sum of their parts, and a consequence of this is that any model of their structure is necessarily incomplete and partial. Models represent simplifications of a system in which salient parts and processes are simulated and given this definition, many models will exist of any particular complex system. In this paper, we explore the impact of complexity in validating models of such systems. We begin with definitions of complexity, complex systems, and models thereof. We identify the key issues as being concerned with the characterization of system equilibrium, system environment, and the way systems and their elements extend and scale. As our perspective on these issues changes, then so do our models and this has implications for their testing and validation. We develop these, introducing changes in the meaning of validity posed by the use to which such models are to be put in terms of their users. We draw these ideas together as conclusions about the limits posed to prediction in complex systems. We illustrate our arguments using various examples from the field of urban systems theory and urban science.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research has been partly financed by the ESRC NEXSUS Project: Network for Complexity and Sustainability (L326253048). Early versions of this paper have been presented at the Colloquium on Living with Limits to Knowledge at the Central European University, Budapest 22-23 June 2001, and at the XXth European Colloquium on Theoretical Geography at St Valery en Caux, France, 7-11 September 2001.

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    1 Defining Complexity, Modeling Complexity

    This inquiry is motivated by a long standing concern for the most appropriate ways of testing and

    validating large scale models of urban development. These types of model have always been

    characterized by their extensiveness but since their early development over 40 years ago, there has

    been a slow but inexorable rise in their complexity. This has been hastened by a sea change in the

    relation of science to knowledge, and the way we are able to use science in society. In many senses,

    our growing need for ever more complex models and the increasing difficulties in their validation

    mirrors the longer term shift from a certain to an uncertain world. The first 50 years of the last

    century, perhaps even the previous 200 years, was dominated by the notion that science would yield

    answers of the simplest kind to a wide range of applicable problems but this certainty has gradually

    dissolved. The reasons for this are diverse. At one level, this may be no more than one of those

    unfathomable psychological shifts in our awareness of the limits to our knowledge which occur

    periodically; at another level, it may be due to an increasing body of experiential knowledge of

    using science in the quest for exact answers to important problems and the growing realization that

    such certainty is illusory. The recent history of social forecasting in this regard has been salutary;

    both macro and micro events, from predictions of the stock market and the general performance of

    the economy to more local issues such as demographic change and traffic movements in cities seem

    beyond our understanding as well as control in that extraneous events now seem to dominate their

    behavior. Although this may always have been the case, the models that were fashioned a

    generation or more ago now seem wholly inadequate.

    None of this has daunted our curiosity in using science to explain and predict but it has changed it.

    50 years ago, the quest to build useful theories and models was dominated by the view that we

    could simplify and distill the essence of things so that we might capture enough of the social reality

    sufficient for comprehension and decision. Despite recognition that the world was complex, it

    appeared simple enough to produce some absolutism to the theory and models that might be

    employed in applications. With this growth in uncertainty and the increasing perception that the

    systems that we deal with are intrinsically complex, simplicity no longer seems the watchword in

    the development of techniques and models. Prediction is couched in qualification, and our science

    has become less orientated to prediction but more an aid to understanding, to structure debate. This

    is seen nowhere more clearly than in the shift to constructing what if scenarios which now

    dominate all model-building.

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    The systems approach (Churchman, 1968) that was the foundation on which most operational urban

    development models were predicated, was strident in its advocation of three key principles of

    model-building. The first involves defining the system in its wider environment in such a way that

    the system has a crisp boundary with the outside world; in short, interactions of interest must be

    much denser within the system than outside. The second has become more controversial and this

    revolves around the idea that the system must manifest some equilibrium, that processes of change

    within it must imply some equilibrium and, if such processes are well behaved, that the equilibrium

    itself might be the focus of prediction. The third principle involves the elements of the system that

    must be uniform or homogeneous in some sense, with the focus on explaining the order and

    regularity that such homogeneity implies. These principles did once appear to be implementable for

    urban systems but it is now easy to argue that none of these apply to even the simplest system of

    interest to policy-makers. Systems of any interest are impossible to close, their usual state is far-

    from-equilibrium; often no such equilibrium ever exists They are composed of heterogeneous

    agents and objects, indeed their very richness comes from such heterogeneity. The quest of science,

    it is now argued, should be to grapple with explanation and frameworks that attempt to contain, if

    not explain, such diversity. None of this bodes well for models in which traditional prediction is the


    Complexity theory has gradually overwhelmed systems theory, some would say enriched it, but few

    are bold enough to define its scope (Gell-Mann, 1994). Most commentators, in fact, define

    complexity implicitly through its various attributes and dimensions, and this is the path we will

    follow here. The very best way to characterize a complex system is by the states or conditions it can

    take on. If there are n elements describing a particular state, and each state is described by the

    (binary) existence or otherwise of a particular condition for each element, then there are n2 distinct

    states. For example, there is a whole class of urban models built around cellular automata where the

    state of the system might be described by n cells with each cell being developed or not developed.

    In a system with say 10000 cells or zones, then the number of possible states defies description.

    Add to this different ways or rules of generating these states, then the problem begins to scale in a

    manner that cannot be handled by conventional theorizing. Of courses, none of this is very new and

    this kind of characterization of complexity has been known for a long time. However the change in

    worldview has transferred attention away from the more restrictive aspects of such models to their

    existence properties, with the consequence that the systems we deal with appear to have boundless


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    Most would agree that complex systems have an extensiveness in their elements or objects that

    make any fixed description incomplete. This immediately translates into the fact that all possible

    forms of the system are unrealizable, and their representation is rarely stable. In short, complex

    systems generate a dynamic which enables their elements to transform in ways that are surprising,

    through adaptation, mutation, transformation, and so on. This is sometimes described in terms of a

    system enabling the design of new forms. In any event, the hallmark of this kind of complexity is

    novelty and surprise which cannot be anticipated through any prior characterization. All that can be

    said is that such systems have the potential for generating new behaviors. Holland (1995), for

    example, describes complex (adaptive) systems as being systems that maintain their structure and

    coherence under all imaginable changes, in short through adaptation. Allen (2001) goes much

    further and defines complexity in terms of the sources of unexpected change or unpredictability.

    He says: The simplest definition of a complex system is one that can respond in more than one

    way to its environment. The choice in response arises from the fact that non-linear processes

    within the system can potentially amplify microscopic heterogeneity hidden within it. This, he

    argues, is the origin of that overworked term emergence, another way of describing behavior that

    cannot be anticipated.

    From this rather casual introduction, we can identify two key elements that define our view of

    complexity and complex systems models. The first is system extensiveness along any spatial or

    temporal or topical dimension. Such systems cannot be simplified in the conventional way by

    reduction or aggregation, for in doing so, the richness of their structure would be lost. This, of

    course, is directly counter to the usual strategy in science, which involves distilling the essence of a

    phenomena, the essence being defined in relation to some purpose, and thence using that essence as

    the basis for theorizing and modeling. The second issue involves process. This can often be

    portrayed as the systems dynamics in space and time in which unexpected change takes place, new

    objects emerge, and existing objects transform. There are some logical difficulties in all of this, for

    once objects have emerged and once one has considered the logical limits to a system and its

    possible boundaries, to make any progress in terms of crisp and clear representations, then the

    system has to be bounded in space and time (Epstein, 1999). Much of complexity theory so far has,

    in fact, been concerned with demonstrating models of systems that were initially deemed

    inexplicable because they demonstrated surprising behavior. Once understood, this behavior is no

    longer surprising, but invariably it can only be explained by processes that exist at a micro level

    giving rise to phenomena at a macro level which, in turn, cannot be explained in traditional macro

    terms. In short, much of complexity theory and its modeling is rooted in explaining behaviors that

    have already been observed and in some sense, can thus be said to be no longer complex.

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    We will put these wider issues aside in this discussion. We are more concerned with demonstrating

    that a new generation of models alluding to complexity theory often, indeed usually, fall back on

    traditional strategies which have been conceived for a more certain, simpler world where the kind of

    ambiguity characteristic of complexity is absent, or at least not to the fore. Our discussion therefore

    will focus on how we might model complexity in the face of infinite variety; or rather not about

    how to model it per se, but how to face it in terms of traditional ideas based on the validation of

    some structure against a well defined representation encoded in data. This presupposes that even if

    a system is infinitely complex, then some simplification must take place. But how much? And more

    importantly, how do we deal with knowing that our models will always be inadequate in a

    predictive sense? The issue of parsimony is under fire here, and there is little doubt that our own

    field has barely broached these issues. We persist in developing models that are intrinsically

    complex but which we attempt to validate against some reality which we represent as intrinsically

    simple. We do not seek to provide answers to this dilemma although we will identify strategies for

    dealing with it, which will invariably broaden the context.

    We begin by exploring the traditional role of validation in modeling, in confronting models with

    data, and with replicating the traditional role of experiment in a social context. We will then discuss

    the problem of system definition of bounding the system from its wider environment in time and

    space. This problem has been relaxed in various ways as we have learnt more about models and

    modeling and this has translated itself into ideas about simulation. Simulation differs from

    modeling in that simulations are dynamic and open-ended. We will chart this road to simulation

    which contains the essence of what Epstein (1999) calls generative modeling, and we will discuss

    how this style of modeling has come to replace more traditional parsimonious approaches. We then

    broaden the context, examining the role of the model, the modeled, and the model user. It is in this

    context that changes in the emphasis given to the role of validation of a traditional kind, can be

    legitimized. Finally we discuss some examples from urban science, showing that models built

    around cellular automata, agents, and network relations need to be validated somewhat differently

    from the way they have been previously if they are to realize their promise in helping us to

    understand how cities develop. We conclude by suggesting that this debate should become central

    to simulation and to the decisions used in constructing, testing, and using any kind of social systems


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    2 Traditional Conceptions of Theorizing and Modeling

    The conventional process of model-building involves generating and testing theory through a cycle

    of induction and deduction. In this we follow Popper (1959) who argues that science proceeds

    through a process of conjecture, thence refutation which is accomplished through a mixed process

    of induction and deduction. Models are theorized as hypotheses inductively with respect to data or

    prior ideas and are then tested and refined through confronting their predictions with new data

    both deductively and inductively. The process is confounded. Theories may come out of the blue

    insofar as they are the product of insights but they can usually be traced to assembling data,

    deriving relations, constructing hypotheses, testing these on new data, falsifying them, maybe

    refining or modifying them to make them more or less bolder, as the data and context suggests. In

    essence, the process is one in which testing and validation involves both theory and data with no

    privilege given to one or the other.

    There are two rules which have been taken as central to the process of developing good models. The

    first is the rule of parsimony Occam's razor which suggests that a better model is one which can

    explain the same phenomena with a lesser number of intellectual constructs. This is often translated

    as lesser data or only as much data as is needed, and it is in this sense that theories and models

    simplify the real world. The second principle relates to independence in verification. A theory

    which is induced using one set of data needs to be validated against another independent set. In

    short, if a model is driven by data from one situation, being fine tuned or calibrated to that situation,

    the only valid test of the model is to then apply it to another situation independent of the first. As

    we shall see, parsimony and independence in validation are criteria that are rarely fulfilled in

    traditional modeling. In general, the essential difference between traditional systems and complex

    systems models is one where it is possible, in principle, to meet the criteria of parsimony and

    independence for the first set but not for the second.

    We will illustrate the principle of parsimony first for its serves to show how data and model

    structure determine verification. The simplest model is one in which an independent variable y

    measured over some range of values is explained in terms of some independent variable x measured

    over the same range. Often more than a single independent variable nxxx ...,, 21 is used to explain

    variation in a single variable y with the implication that each independent variable accounts for

    some independent component of the variation in y. It could be argued that the more independent

    variables used in this way, the less parsimonious the model becomes and there is a natural tendency

    to think of these less parsimonious models as being over-determined. The simple graphical

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    illustration in Figure 1 makes the point when we compare (a) with (b). If we were to try to explain

    more dependent variables myyy ...,, 21 with less independent ones as we show in diagram (c), then

    there is a clear problem in that there can be no unique solution. Sometimes it is convenient to think

    of this kind of problem in terms of balanced equations which to be solvable, simultaneously say,

    must imply as many unknowns as knowns, as many dependent as independent variables. In fact,

    econometric models which replicate systems of equations sometimes partitioned into exogenous

    and endogenous variables invariably invoke such conditions of balance or simultaneity in effecting

    robust solutions. This is illustrated in model structure (d).

    y x y1x

    3x2x x







    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    Figure 1: Model Structures Linking Dependent to Independent Variables

    All the model structures illustrated above imply some process of linking independent to dependent

    variables. This process in models which are statistically robust is usually simple: it is additive as in

    a linear model or at best non-linear but in a tractable mathematical way. Complications begin to

    arise when the processes involve rule-based systems which in practice cannot be reduced to

    tractable mathematical operations. Each of these model structures may best be thought of as one in

    which distinct processes determine the outcomes or predictions. For example in (a), there is one and

    only one process determining y. In (b), there are three processes determining one output. In (c),

    there are three processes determining three outputs but the concern is that these three processes are

    determined as variants of only a single input. In (d), seven processes determine three outputs but

    these seven processes are determined by three inputs and thus the system is in a sense balanced.

    Strictly where there are more dependent than independent variables, then the processes involved

    must be further specified with independent data so that there is as much information to determine

    the outputs as there is input to the model.

    Most models of urban development that were constructed for policy purposes from the 1960s on

    paid some homage to these principles. The best examples were those which mirrored the structures

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    of linear econometrics, the EMPIRIC model for Boston being the example par excellence (see

    Lowry, 1967). The models built in the spatial interaction tradition (see Wilson, 2000) also tended to

    meet these conditions, with distance playing a key determining role in predicting trip distributions

    and enough independent data on location and trip distribution being assembled to provide robust

    calibrations. There is a sense in these models that you are not getting something for nothing,

    although they suffer enormously from limits posed by the way the systems to which they have been

    applied were articulated and the inadequacies of theories that were assumed to be at work. Perhaps

    the clearest model which broke from this tradition and which illustrated distinctly the problems

    posed by the current generation of models based on complexity was Forresters (1969) Urban

    Dynamics model. Apart from the fact that the model entirely defined away spatial variation by

    treating a hypothetical inner city disconnected from its wider environment, the model was not

    calibrated to data in any way. The model hypothesized countless dynamic relations involving the

    stocks and flows determining employment and residential activity volumes in the city which were

    culled from casual knowledge and observation. What validation there was involved superficial

    observations that the simulation appeared consistent with the characteristic features of US inner city

    areas at the time. More controversial were the longer term dynamics of the model which mirrored

    logistic growth and a vicious spiral of decline from which the city area could not break free. It

    might be, as was argued at the time, that the purpose of this model was to raise the level of debate

    about the inner city. It was not to provide an operational simulation. It was to foster discussion

    about possible policy issues. This is an argument we will return to as it is usually used to legitimate

    complex systems models which cannot be validated in the traditional sense, and it is worth noting

    that Forresters model was one of the first to polarize the debate.

    The second principle of good model-building involves testing the model in such a way that it can be

    validated in a context that is independent from that for which it has been initially developed. This is

    no more or less than the simple requirement in laboratory science that setting up an experiment,

    then validating the theory once is not a sufficient test; so much fine-tuning goes into setting up the

    experiment, that it is necessary to see how this transfers generalizes to another situation. In

    terms of urban models, this is a strong requirement; it implies that the first true test of a model is not

    on the place where it is first developed and fine-tuned but in a second or subsequent place where it

    performs equally well or badly. Such dual applications have rarely been the case for reasons of

    happenstance rather than unwitting poor scientific practice. What usually happens is that some

    model structure is successively refined on different places and at different times, and in this way,

    some confidence is built up in the models validity. The problem is often that the model is

    sufficiently different in each time and place to limit its generality. A formal study of different cross-

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    sectional land use-transport models in the Lowry vintage which was designed to test the same

    model variants on different places was mired in data and computer software incompatibilities

    between these different places and despite the heroic sentiments on which this project was

    established, the analysis was inconclusive (Webster, et al., 1989).

    There is, however, a rather special case where data-rich models containing homogeneous

    undifferentiated processes linking inputs to outputs does meet this requirement of independence. In

    situations where the observations are very extensive and homogenous, and where the system can be

    partitioned into distinct sets or regions without doing gross violence to its structure, then it is

    possible to develop the model on a sample of the data and validate it on the remaining full data set.

    This is a little like fitting a model to one part of a city and then validating it on the rest. Invariably

    this is not possible in cities because spatial variation is such that one would not expect a model of,

    say, the inner city to apply in quite the same way to a model of the suburbs. Nevertheless, where

    data sets are extensive and where the relations between inputs and outputs are assumed to be

    ubiquitous, then model fitting on a sample of the data followed by validation on the full set, less the

    sample, is quite widely practiced. The best examples involve extracting pattern as in remote sensing

    data and in neural nets where the assumption is that everything influences everything else. However

    although this is not usually possible for urban models, it is still possible to build structures which

    meet the conditions of parsimony and data balance and to validate these types of models in two

    places rather than one, which the principle of independence suggests. Such tight conditions require

    the model to be developed in more than one place by the same modeler working under the same

    conditions, and for practical reasons, this is usually not possible.

    So far, we have characterized models as being structures in which inputs are related to outputs in a

    simple causal manner; that is where the relations between inputs and outputs are not usually the

    focus of inquiry, with assumptions being made that the way these relations are represented is robust.

    In the models sketched in the diagrams above, the focus is not on the nature of these relations but on

    whether or not the outputs are explicable in terms of the input data. If they are not, then the usual

    strategy is to change the inputs, not the nature of the relations. In so far as the relations embody

    structure, these are determined from prior theory as to what seems to make sense in common sense

    terms. It is a straightforward matter to illustrate how these relations become ever more complex by

    simply adding intermediate outputs and stringing the relations together in the kind of chain that is

    illustrated in Figure 2 below:

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    Figure 2: A Model Structure Incorporating Multiple Processes

    Here we show successive relations which convolute the original data series in such a way that there

    is little doubt that the causal processes invoked must be subject to detailed assessment and

    validation if the structure is to be meaningful. In fact, this strategy is often used in pragmatic model-

    building where the emphasis is on simply extracting some pattern in the initial data series

    321 ,, xxx . Neural net models are of this nature but it is unlikely that they have any real meaning for

    the kinds of models that are now considered to be appropriate frameworks for understanding

    complex systems.

    As we have implied, one focus of complexity theory is on ways in which processes generate

    patterns. In terms of the structure illustrated above, a typical model in the urban domain might be

    illustrated as follows. Imagine that each independent variable involves an attribute or attributes of

    some location represented by a cell or agent. This cell has some state which might be land use.

    The process of changing land use which is the dynamic that the model needs to capture, might thus

    be construed as following a number of stages. This might be the process of land conversion. It will

    depend of course on other locations or cells in the system and land might go through several

    processes of change before it becomes fully developed: it might be purchased, assembled, remain

    idle, be used for temporary facilities and so on. The causal chain above might represent this process.

    In principle, each element of this process should be explicit and should be capable of being

    validated with observed data. In practice, this is rarely if ever the case. The data set would be too

    large, it would be impossible to collect in its entirety, it may be impossible to even observe and

    measure. Yet the processes are known to be important. Other criteria must thus be used. If the

    model is broadened and the input elements are no longer confined simply to cells but become

    heterogeneous with respect to type 1x might be cells, 2x agents, 3x institutional constraints and

    so on then the processes implied by the chain are even more complex and the system diagram

    above simply shows what might be related to what without any implication that there is a standard

    way of fitting independent variables to the dependent. Add to this sets of parameters, themselves

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    unknown in strength and value, then the problem begins to explode and very soon, there is no way

    that all elements of the model can validated. This is even before any consideration that the model

    structure might contain processes that generate unknown or emergent objects or patterns. In such

    cases, it is impossible to sweep across the parameter space in an effort to calibrate the structure,

    even though this time honored method is the usual strategy for confronting the model with data.

    In the face of these difficulties, the model-builder often resorts to what we will call here the

    Forrester strategy not testing the implied causal structure at all, relying on a simple

    correspondence between inputs and outputs, but also working up the model from discussions with

    politicians and decision-makers who do not evaluate their system of interest in the reflective,

    somewhat detached manner of science. We do not mean to denigrate this strategy because it is often

    useful and in certain circumstances inevitable. Forrester (1969) himself, in developing his model,

    said: I approached these discussions knowing the conceptual nature of the structure being sought,

    but not the specific details of the structure or the institutional components and behavior to be fitted

    into it. The others brought the knowledge of the pressures, motivations, relationships, reactions, and

    historical incidents need to shape the theory (page ix). And he continued by saying: Actually

    the book comes from a different body of knowledge, from the insights of those who know the urban

    scene first hand (page x).

    Moreover in very complex systems, the notion of seeing if a model produces plausible patterns

    which look right in a superficial way has been lauded as a much more appropriate way than the

    mindless statistical testing that has taken place with many modeling ventures in the past. It was

    Mandelbrot (1983, page 21) who said in the context of fractal geometry: to see is to believe

    . The critical issue in complex systems models is that this is not the only strategy. There are

    many qualitative tests that are possible with respect to how plausible structures are which generate

    believable predictions, and these should be mapped out. In fact, there has been hardly any work

    whatsoever on strategies for validating models which deal with intrinsically complex systems, and

    one purpose of this paper is to raise awareness and encourage debate in this domain.

    To summarize before we begin to sketch out the key elements of intrinsically complex systems and

    their models, it is clear that the difference between traditional models and the new generation that

    we are appealing to here, is one which relates to how causal structures are treated. In traditional

    urban models, the focus is on simple causes. Insofar as these are convoluted in any way, it is

    through making the system extensive, through repeating these simple causes over many categories

    but not by elaborating the causal chains that link inputs to outputs. The most extreme variants of

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    this style simply assume that the causal structure is a homogeneous nexus of additive factors as in

    multiple regression or in neural nets. The emphasis is largely on validating these kinds of models

    using data which drives these simple causes. In contrast, complex systems models have multiple

    causes which display a heterogeneity of processes that are impossible to observe in their entirety.

    The focus is on more qualitative evaluation of a models plausibility in ways that relate to prior

    analysis of the models structure. In both styles of model, the wider context is important in

    validating the model too. What the model is to be used for its purpose is all important,

    particularly so where a degree of belief in its predictions may be suspended because of its

    complexity. Criteria for developing such models are not well-worked out and in urban systems this

    has become an important challenge.

    3 The Problem of Closure

    A key concept in general system theory involves the notion of the system and its environment.

    Systems are usually defined as existing in a wider environment with the system containing all the

    quantities and qualities of direct interest but with a recognition that for the system to function, it

    must import and export energy into and from its wider environment. Good system design assumes

    that the interactions within the system are much denser and connected that those between the

    system or its environment and in this way, a system is assumed to be relatively independent of its

    environment. In short, although it may not be possible for a system to function without considering

    the relations to its environment, the central focus of interest is on the interactions within the system.

    Whether or not such criteria can be applied to the systems of interest here is a moot question. Much

    work has assumed that systems can be defined in this way but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence

    that suggests that only the most trivial systems strictly meet these requirements. Indeed some of the

    most powerful critiques of contemporary urban modeling have been based on the artificiality of

    closure as for example in the Forrester (1969) model of the inner city, which entirely ignored the

    dependence of the inner on the outer city and vice versa, though obvious links such as the journey

    to work and industrial dependence.

    Complexity theory relaxes this criterion somewhat. In particular, the focus is on systems that scale

    from the local to the global. Cities and economies are structured in this fashion as all studies of

    world cities in the modern economy demonstrate. One of the most intriguing features of complex

    systems is their ability to simulate the way local action generates some global order, and this in

    itself is often taken as the very definition of complexity. The ability of systems to handle local

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    action that generates global pattern implies emergence in that there is nothing in the local actions

    that implies the global pattern. Usually it is the interactions that take place locally that generate the

    higher order pattern, and it follows that for such systems to be simulated, this kind of link cannot be

    broken through artificial closure. The archetypal example of local action leading to global order is

    in the phenomenon of segregation in residential neighborhoods due originally to Schelling (1969),

    in which a mild preference for living adjacent to ones own group leads to very strict homogeneous

    spatial segregation. In such cases, it is clearly impossible to simulate neighborhood dynamics

    without recourse to the entire city as the effect would not be captured without considering all

    neighborhoods. In a wider context, it is hard to know how to simulate the development of the

    financial core in a world city, for example, without some dynamics of the more global economy of

    cities being present within the model, and it is easy to see how this argument might ultimately

    imply that all cities everywhere need to be modeled simultaneously for the essential features of

    interest to be captured. This problem also appears to have become more intense as cities have

    become more interconnected through the development of technologies that aid interaction.

    Moreover, the very notion of a system of interest being one that is a cluster within a wider system is

    questionable. Systems function because of local and global connectivity as for example in social

    networks which are held together by weak ties, rather than strong clusters. In short, the idea of

    partitioning a system and fixing a level of inquiry at a particular layer in the hierarchy of

    connections can be problematic. Recent research into the phenomena of small worlds reveals this

    where the very notion of a small world implies a local-global linkage (Watts, 1999).

    Closure is a generic issue in defining systems although we can distinguish between temporal and

    spatial ways of separating the system from its wider environment. In terms of modeling time, many

    systems have been closed entirely in that time is defined away and the system studied as though it

    were in equilibrium. In most systems, equilibrium is an assumption based on convenience. For

    living systems, there can be no intrinsic equilibrium although there may be steady state activity in

    which the system renews itself in a balanced manner. For a time in the middle of the 20th century, it

    did seem as though cities and economies were in some sense stable but with the passing of the

    industrial era, it is all too clear that cities cannot be explained from their structure at point in time.

    Equilibrium is a concept that is also inconsistent with interactions between the local and the global.

    Systems become ever more volatile as we disaggregate to basic units, or rather, systems become

    ever more homogeneous as we scale them up by averaging activities. In one sense, what is to be

    explained is how this scaling and averaging takes place how cities appear stable and equilibrium-

    like at higher spatial and temporal scales than at the finer scale. Moreover were we to separate their

    dynamics into coarse and finer spatial scales, then we would miss the fact that policies designed for

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    one scale often have an impact at a different scale; in dealing with one level of the hierarchy only,

    true consequences are missed.

    In fact, if the focus is broadened a little, cities must be seen as being far-from-equilibrium in that

    their order is a consequence of continual change. What this implies is that the dynamics of cities is

    unlikely to be very smooth. Although volatile bubbling change at the low level gets averaged out as

    we aggregate, this does not appear to lead to radical changes in the trajectories of systems such as

    those formed through phase transitions and similar discontinuities. Much of course depends on how

    the system is articulated but the message of complexity theory is that to understand significant

    urban change, then the system must not be closed in such a way that its dynamics are reduced to

    only one variety when several different varieties are clearly present. This is not simply an issue of

    spatial closure for it also relates to the time interval over which the dynamics are captured.

    Averaging time intervals also reduces variation but an equally significant issue involves the position

    at which the dynamics are first recorded. Inevitably there has to be some closure in time in that the

    system must be started at some point in time. This is equivalent to choosing initial conditions and if

    these are selected in such as way as to destroy critical processes, then the entire dynamics can be


    In urban systems, closure with respect to the range of activities, land uses, agents, or objects which

    represent the focus of inquiry, is similarly problematic. However it is when classes or attributes

    interact with dynamic and/or spatial patterns that significant concerns arise. For example, by

    aggregating two or more activities together, critical dynamics might be collapsed or spatial variation

    canceled out. In one sense, this kind of issue is related to scaling which in turn relates to how

    different levels of hierarchy relate to one another. Effects that occur similarly between levels can

    sometimes act as the basis for partition but in a different vein, might require explicit representation,

    thus mitigating against any partition. We could continue our discussion of system closure almost

    indefinitely but the key point that we have made several times is that complex systems are difficult

    to close from external influences. Indeed the very definition of complexity presupposes that systems

    have infinite extent and variety and that their unique and novel behavior comes from the interaction

    of diverse effects that must somehow be accounted for within the system definition and

    representation. This implies a contradiction in that systems that cannot be bounded and separated

    from their wider environment must be inherently unpredictable.

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    4 The Road to Simulation: Artificial Systems as Virtual Laboratories

    Models are, by definition, a simplification of some reality which involves distilling the essence of

    that reality to some lesser representation. Such simplification is usually for some purpose although

    in science, that purpose may be entirely justified in terms of satisfying our intellectual curiosity.

    Usually it is more than this although intellectual inquiry is generally a prerequisite. Nevertheless,

    any model will always contain more assumptions about the reality than are testable in that the very

    act of defining the system of interest involves contextual assumptions that remain implicit, hence

    not testable without a radical change in perspective. The difference between complex systems

    models and those that appeal to the principles of strict parsimony those that we have been

    referring to here as traditional models is one that revolves around the explicitness of assumptions.

    In essence, traditional models are those in which all relations defining the model are testable while

    complex systems models have chains of relations that are explicit but untestable in principle and/or

    untestable because data and observations of their processes are not available.

    We appreciate that some might argue with the fact that we are suggesting that complex systems

    models are not parsimonious. There are clearly examples of models of complex systems, such as the

    Schelling (1969) models of spatial segregation, which articulate local action that leads to global

    pattern in the simplest terms. However, even in that case, although the model is simple in its rules,

    observations of how individuals exercise their preferences to segregate are rarely available and the

    data to test such models is never complete. A clearer way of signifying the difference between

    traditional and complex models involves the way they are parameterized. Traditional models are

    those in which all processes linking their inputs to their outputs can be fine tuned by parameters that

    enable their outputs to be matched to data. In contrast, although all the processes within a complex

    system model might be capable of parameterization, many of these are not parameterized; there is

    no intention of fine tuning these values to match observations for such observation are not likely to

    be available. A good example of the difference between these two types of model can be elaborated

    through traffic models of local pedestrian movement. A spatial interaction model based on

    principles of gravitation would assume that travel densities would vary according to some function

    of travel time or distance or cost between any origin and destination. That function could be

    parameterized in such a way that the predicted traffic densities would be matched against observed

    volumes. It may be that if the functional form could be varied but within the overall bounds of the

    problem, finding the best fit of some relevant function to data would be possible. However, if the

    model were conceived of as one in which the actual paths of the pedestrians according to the local

    geometry of the system were to be modeled and it might be assumed that for a good prediction of

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    traffic densities of pedestrians the local geometry were important then various processes to link

    pedestrians to local geometries through their cognitive and visual abilities could then be linked to

    their broader origin and destination behavior. The number of degrees of freedom of the problem

    thus explodes enormously in that various algorithms for obstacle avoidance and congestion would

    have to feature. Usually only very general data is available for such obstacle avoidance and it is

    unlikely in this latter case that the model could be fitted to data in its entirety. Moreover the number

    of different causal structures which might be equally plausible to enable the agents to proceed

    through the local environment make testing all model types against data quite impossible.

    To summarize, in traditional models we can divide the set of assumptions into those that are

    explicit, hence testable, and those that are implicit. The parsimony of these models resides in the

    fact that all the explicit assumptions must be testable. In complex models, explicit assumptions can

    be divided into those that are testable and those that are not. This immediately presents a dilemma

    in that these two sets of assumptions often interfere with one another, and it is usually impossible to

    test one set and not the other. In short, the fact that such models can be only tested partially means

    that they cannot be validated at all, and even though it is possible to associate some data within

    some subset of these models outputs, this is rarely done as such a test is regarded as being

    arbitrary. Complex systems models are, however, constructed in the full knowledge of these

    difficulties. Difficulties arise however only when their assumptions are not laid bare and remain

    hidden. Such models are usually justified on the following premise: that the processes that underpin

    the model are too important to leave out and that it is preferable to include such processes even

    though it is not possible to validate them against data. The trouble with this view is that it is

    difficult to justify and its rational usually depends on intuition. Moreover, the choice of whether to

    develop a complex systems approach or its simpler antecedent often depends on wider issues

    involving the purpose of the model, the policy-user context in which it resides, and sometimes the

    context in which we find ourselves which implies different degrees of acceptance of the problems


    Although there is no a one-to-one correspondence between complex systems and simulation

    models, we will loosely refer to the methods of complex systems models as simulation. Simulation

    usually implies some form of computational process which in urban systems is often mapped onto a

    temporal dynamics in some explicit way. Simulation in time involves recursion if only because the

    same model structures are repeated through time (with one set of outputs becoming the next time

    periods inputs). Such models often generate more than one outcome. Indeed the possibilities for

    generating an entire range of scenarios always exists in time for slight changes from time period to

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    time period might be amplified or damped or both. Moreover, different model structures might

    converge on the same type of prediction, implying some kind of equifinality that is yet another

    hallmark of complexity. In talking of simulation however, we must digress slightly and note that

    microsimulation models of the kind developed originally by Orcutt et al. (1961), and in an urban

    context by the Leeds group (Clarke, 1996) are not really in the tradition of complexity theory but

    rather in the spirit of traditional models where simulation refers to the sampling of events from

    known distributions and thence scaling up to entire populations for predictive purposes.

    Prediction involves generating unknown events and in traditional models, such events usually

    pertain to the future. The ability to calibrate the model by fine-tuning the parameter values in such a

    way as to replicate a known present or past situation provides some confidence in using the

    model to predict the future. If the model is replicated in a different known situation and performs

    well in that it survives such a test, there is even greater confidence in its ability to predict the future.

    Traditional models thus get the present right and are then used to predict the future. In contrast,

    complex systems model can never predict the present definitively and thus the focus changes on

    exploring a variety of presents where the actual present and its variants are just different versions

    of some unknown future. Simulation enables such models to generate different outcomes, which

    under some circumstances might appear to be different futures but really define a space of different

    model outcomes. The way this space is generated is not simply through systematic variations in

    parameter values, which is the time honored methods of model calibration in the case of traditional

    models, but through varying the model structures within some limits, that is usually varying the

    rules that encode different processes into the model, thus simulating different experiments within a

    kind of virtual laboratory.

    This notion of exploring the space of all model outcomes and all model types is central to the

    simulation of complex systems in that it has become the main way of model testing. This is hardly

    model validation although it could be regarded as a way to check plausibility and to test the

    robustness of model structures to changes in causal structures. This space of model structures might

    be likened to a phase space which defines various model outcomes in terms of model variables. In

    calibration, the phase space is defined by dimensions associated with the models parameters and

    their range of values. In complex systems modeling, the phase space is more qualitative in form,

    consisting of some mapping of different causal structures onto various dimensions and then some

    measurement of the models outcomes under these different structures. Sometimes the various rule

    sets which mirror these causal structures are parameterized so that the model can be evaluated

    quantitatively in terms of its performance against standard measures. This is a little like setting up

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    different experiments within the virtual laboratory where not only the variables defining the

    experiments are varied but the experimental apparatus is modified from experiment to experiment.

    In a sense, what constitutes the phase space depends upon how rich the model is. In parsimonious,

    traditional models such as the spatial interaction type we noted above, it is the space defined by the

    parameters and their values (associated with the distance functions); in complex models, it might

    consist of several different spaces relating to different rules and structures, in a wider hierarchy of

    types. This broadens the problem as it is possible to produce different types and levels of

    assumption which are capable of being varied although are not capable of being parameterized. In

    fact, it is even possible to begin to change the very object of study and its representation in this way

    although in practice such experiments and explorations have rarely been developed.

    There are many examples we can review which illustrate these points and we will examine some of

    these in more detail below. Suffice it to say that the most instructive in the urban domain are those

    which allude to complexity and the generation of emergence such as those based around ideas of

    cellular automata (CA). For example, CA models tend to base their mechanism on processes of

    change in local neighborhoods where action-at-a-distance is espoused. Physical change in cities

    clearly depends on some local function as is the case of the growth of any structure which must

    remain connected for its existence, but it is also clear that activities and people do not locate

    according to local actions restricted to a limited neighborhood space. The rules sets which are used

    to condition development are also rich and immediately the prospect of testing such models is

    problematic. For example, there are many neighborhood configurations and many rules sets and the

    space which is set up by this range of possibilities is enormous. It is not possible to chart such a

    space and strategies for doing so are quite limited. This problem is best seen in the basic theory of

    cellular automata as promulgated by Wolfram (1994). Although Wolfram (1994) is able to

    exhaustively illustrate the possible system outcomes for systems such as the two state (a cell is on

    or off, developed or not developed), 3 cell regular neighborhood in one-dimensional form where the

    all possible rules for switching the cells on or off are enumerated, this breaks down for 9 cell

    neighborhoods in 2 dimensions and all higher orders. Even with these limited possibilities, a

    bewildering range of behavior is possible and one is forced to conclude that most models that we

    are working with are arbitrary in this respect, based on a loose consensus of what seems plausible

    but not on any definitive evaluation of the appropriateness of model structures. Until we are able to

    move beyond this, then all complex systems model will remain contestable and inconclusive.

    Finally it is worth noting that Epstein (1999), amongst others, has argued that complex systems

    modeling is generative by definition, more a strategy for generating possible model structures and

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    showing their consequences than a technique for developing fully-fledged definitive models with

    strong predictive capability. It is arguable whether strong predictive capability is what is required in

    social systems (because it is probably not attainable anyway) but generative modeling can be

    equally problematic. In essence, exploring different model types in the absence of data might be

    useful if equally, but very different, plausible structures are possible, but this is not likely. More

    likely is the case where there is some agreement about the main elements that can condition or

    determine some sequence of events but where the operation of these elements is unknown and

    where different sequences of these can generate very different consequences. In these situations,

    there is really no alternative but better data and observations so that it is possible to discriminate

    between these model types. In turn, this pushes the argument back towards traditional modeling

    where calibration against unique data is the only option.

    5 Modelers, the Modeled, and Users: Purposes and Roles

    Our entire discussion so far has been without reference to any purpose for studying complex

    systems or for building appropriate models thereof. Purpose is clearly important, some would say

    central to what is done, for this conditions how we think about what is modeled and how the system

    of interest is to be modeled. In a sense, everything follows from this. But in principle, every kind of

    model can be used for every purpose. Whether this is so will depend on users not on the models per

    se although there is a tendency for certain types of models to be used for certain groups of users.

    We can structure models along many different continuums but one which is central to usage

    depends on the degree to which their predictions, whether or not they pertain to the past or the

    future, are believable. Many models may be useful even though their outputs might not be

    believable in that the way they point up and focus events and issues serves a much more important

    purpose than the generation of hard predictions. We will refer to this spectrum of believability as

    one which begins with discursive models whose predictions can only be treated in qualitative terms,

    through to models which generate hard numbers which are as believable as any model might be.

    There is a strong sense in which complex systems models are less believable than traditional models

    as we have implicitly argued in the preceding discussion and although such models were rarely used

    in policy contexts in the past, their use is changing. It is no longer possible to relegate complex

    systems models to non-policy contexts. In fact as our contemporary view of the usefulness of

    science has become more uncertain and confused, groups of users have emerged enlightened one

    might argue who are comfortable with engaging in policy discussions using qualitative forms of

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    modeling, or models whose believability rests on their plausibility and not their ability to replicate

    known situation.

    We need to unpack this spectrum in much more detail but it is usually only fruitful with particular

    applications in mind and these we will introduce briefly in the next section. A particularly useful

    way of defusing the role of modeling is to consider the process of use as one of story telling. The

    extent to which the story told is believable of course is always at issue but no matter what the model

    says about the past or the future, it tells a story (Guhathakurta, 2001). The story may not be very

    good, just as the model may not be good either but the notion that models provide just another way

    of examining a situation, is a good starting point in any application. In fact, this is always the case

    anyway as the notion of learning about any problem involves different and contrasting viewpoints,

    some of which may be dismissed, others which will gain ground, and in this, quantitative systems

    model play a central role. In short, there is always an educational role for modeling and if this role

    is construed as broadly as possible, then it is clear that any models can in principle be used for any

    purpose. Pedagogy is important in all contexts for in solving problems directly or indirectly,

    individually or in group discussion, models which polarize and focus on the key issues are essential.

    Most models are designed to do this through their role in simplification.

    Perhaps the most obvious use of complex systems models which generate unexpected change is for

    learning, education, and in the broadest sense for entertainment. Models for these purposes do not

    have to meet strict requirements of validation, unless the purpose is to educate and learn about those

    specific types of models. More usually such models are designed to stress specific issues, to

    highlight and to focus, rather than to predict for purposes of problem solving and policy. In fact,

    models with emergent properties based on evolutionary principles such as those which have been

    developed in artificial intelligence and artificial life, are increasingly being adopted in game

    simulations, in web site design, and in digital transactions processing. These kinds of system are

    strongly influenced by the design of new methods for automated reasoning, rather than any concern

    for testing how such models might replicate the past or the present. However it is now clear that the

    considerable effort which has already gone into the development of computer games at all levels

    from pure entertainment to formalized education, has already had a major impact on simulation.

    There is evidence that what is state-of-the-art game design today is often incorporated into the e-

    science of tomorrow. Computer graphics interfaces are a classic example but so is algorithm design

    and perhaps more importantly, the ability of game designers to think out of the box, reveals

    possibilities for scientific modeling that ordinarily would not be attempted in normal science

    (Johnson, 2001).

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    In one sense, thinking about complexity in the way we have been sketching is so new in terms of a

    science of cities, that it is not surprising that the traditional norms of theory development and

    hypothesis testing have been relegated to the background. For example, most urban models based

    on analogies to cellular automata have been more concerned with simply getting such models

    constructed and demonstrating that a rich dynamics can be generated, rather than with any strict

    methods for their validation. This was perhaps the case thirty years or more ago with Forresters

    (1969) Urban Dynamics model which was one of the first attempts to demonstrate the kind of

    digital richness that was possible with modern computer systems. Although we clearly need much

    more explicit principles for complex systems model development which broach directly the

    question of validation from all perspectives, there is a parallel problem which has become

    significant. The systems of interest in our case cities have themselves changed during this

    period when digital science has become possible. The traditional attempts to classify and describe

    cities in coherent terms, which have dominated urban science for the last 100 years or more, have

    increasingly come under scrutiny. The very systems that we have been concerned with have become

    more complex as much through the development of digital technologies as through changing life

    styles and economic conditions of the urban population. In other words, there is now a strong debate

    about how we should classify cities how we should describe them that takes us back to an

    earlier stage of science. The difficulties in validating complex systems models may be as much to

    do with the fact that the categories and classes, the objects and elements that we consider

    significant, have also changed. These new models are as much for engendering the debate about

    classification as for developing new robust theory which can be validated in the traditional way.

    Let it be clear that in this paper we are not arguing at all that complex systems models should be

    abandoned and that we should return to more traditional strategies of developing parsimonious

    models. Nor are we arguing that parsimony is not relevant to complex systems models for some of

    the best models are parsimonious in a way that illustrates the principles of emergence and surprise.

    What we are calling for is a new strategy for dealing with complex systems models. We need to be

    explicit about the purpose for modeling and we need to consider the extent to which a complex

    systems model contains hypotheses that should be validated numerically against observable data.

    We need to be clear about the line between explicit and implicit assumptions, about the role of

    prediction and exploration. In fact, a tentative suggestion would be that all models traditional or

    complex should mix calibration with exploration. In the last analysis, it is hard to see the value of

    a model that does not touch reality at some point in which that reality can be replicated

    unambiguously. In this way, we consider exploration of model structures as well as more detailed

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    methods for calibration to be essential in any process of model validation. It is in those models

    and there are currently many of them where such validation is not invoked whatsoever except

    perhaps at the most casual level, that we feel that a much more explicit process of modeling should

    be invoked. We also feel that all modeling should be paralleled with extensive debate, with the

    construction of alternative models through counter modeling as in the debate over national

    economic futures in some western countries and with alternative conceptions of data and

    observations which are drawn from the same basic set. Where these ambiguities remain, there

    should be extensive questioning of model structures and purposes.

    The contrasting focus for urban modeling is policy-making. Traditional models were largely built

    from the middle of the last century with urban problems and policy response in mind. It is worth

    noting that this genre of models were often called operational models in contrast to theoretical

    models, although in urban studies there was a strong correspondence between operationality and

    theory in that operational modelers invariably invoked the macro theory of the city that had been

    crudely fashioned in urban geography and economics during the previous half century. In short, the

    notion that models for policy making must replicate in some measure the past was widely assumed.

    The idea that systems theory and analysis which appeared so useful for military and logistical

    problems at that time could be used for solving social problems also reinforced this assumption. At

    the same time, this suggested that a good model for policy making would be one in which if the key

    variables governing the city could be identified and used to predict the present, that same model

    could be used for managing and controlling the city through some optimization of its structure. The

    concept of a system and its control was central to this consensus.

    Furthermore, the idea that the systems of interest were stable in some way was also essential to this

    quest. The concept that static models could be developed which replicated the situation at a point in

    time assumed to be an equilibrium and that these models could be used to predict a future point

    in time which in turn would be in equilibrium, was to the fore. This, as we have seen, has become

    an untenable assumption and has lead to the unraveling of the basic idea that we are dealing with

    systems that are a simple enough to describe and predict in this way. There has been a loss of faith

    in this style of modeling although the view still persists that for models to be operationally useful

    they should replicate the past and the present in a sufficiently robust way to give confidence in any

    use they may have for prediction. Models which cannot be validated are thus no different from

    qualitative reasoning, from intuition, or even dictat which were the usual schemes used to develop

    policy prior to the computer era.

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    There is a sense in some policy making that models which cannot predict the present and are

    unlikely to be able to predict any kind of future, might still be useful. This forces the argument back

    to education and learning, to modeling as story telling, and to the use of models to engender and

    structure discussion and debate. There is a limit to how far this perspective can be justified. Much

    depends upon the specifics of the situation where such models are found useful, on the nature of the

    problem and the relative values and disposition of the users and decision-makers. In these cases,

    then the use of models to generate what if? scenarios is the main basis for application where such

    scenarios define bounds to the solution space within which possibilities for the future might be

    discussed and debated.

    Before we conclude this section, we should note two related issues. First models are increasingly

    being used to communicate other kinds of idea as vehicles on which other less controversial issues

    might be conveyed. The use of models to help in visualization is a classic example where

    visualization often requires a more specific focus which only predictions from models can enable.

    Scenario building is the classic case in point, as are all kinds of urban design which require

    visualization. Our second digression is no less significant. The lines between the modeler, the

    modeled, and the user are increasingly blurred. This is a question of cognition in that the kinds of

    actions and interaction which form the substance of the new generation of complex systems models

    mirror processes of decision which in turn are those that are employed by model users in policy

    making. This is no more or less than the idea that the user is part of the system to be modeled and is

    often no different in behavior from the rest of the system that is being modeled. In less charitable

    terms, complex problems have been described as those in which the solution is part of the problem

    the plan or planner is part of the problem and this is an issue that is taxing us in how we might

    represent decision processes in the city while using those same models to engage in similar

    decision-making. These are problems for future research but they are nonetheless important.

    6 Applications from Urban Science: Cellular Automata Models of Urban


    We have developed the limits to predictive modeling with general reference to urban models which

    are disaggregate. They treat activities as individual agents or objects at a micro-spatial level, and are

    temporally dynamic, embodying processes which do not imply any equilibrium end state to the

    simulation. In particular, we have alluded to cell space models which have some analogy with the

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    principles of cellular automata in that development is conceived as being based on local rules which

    generate development, one cell at a time, over many time periods. Here we will illustrate the

    problems with this genus of models by presenting a plausible, although hypothetical simulation,

    which suffers from all the limitations we have noted but is constructed with all the advantages that

    complex systems theory brings to urban modeling.

    First however, let us consider four significant applications of CA models which have recently been

    developed to simulate the growth (and decline) of urban systems. These models are typical of those

    which are currently being developed with a loose appeal to ideas from complexity theory, namely

    the notion that local uncoordinated or individualistic actions lead to global patterns with order at

    higher scales. Each of these models is based on the idea that what happens in a restricted

    neighborhood based on cells which are physically contiguous to each other, acts as a generator of

    development. The changes in development which take place in each neighborhood are invariably a

    function of the size, number, and shape of the already developed cells in the neighborhood as well

    as physical constraints on what can and cannot be developed. These models do not consider specific

    interactions or movements between cells, and as such they do not connect land use to the transport

    system. They do not treat the demand for activity (in the form of land use) as being a function of

    supply which is the main prediction from such models and as such they do not invoke any market

    clearing mechanisms which address questions of balance or equilibrium between demand and

    supply. This poses a critical problem in that it is hard in these models to control for total land

    coming onto the market. As cells are developed in response to local rules and constraints, to keep

    the total activities generated in line with what is feasible and observable in terms of growth rates,

    then some arbitrary mechanisms have to be imposed so that realistic totals emerge.

    Another critical problem relates to the fact that the idea of activities influencing development

    locally, with no action-at-a-distance taking place, is at best a gross simplification of how cities

    work. Only in one very restrictive sense is this acceptable and this relates to the physical growth of

    the city which, for it to remain connected in the widest sense of the word, means that development

    takes place closer to existing development than farther from it. Although development can be

    fragmented, if cells are considered large enough, as local spheres of influence for example, the

    growth of cities can be seen as embodying contiguous development. However, new development

    cannot be traced exclusively to single local sources for agents who determine new land uses make

    decisions with information about many spatial scales in mind. In an effort to meet this criticism,

    many modelers have relaxed the local neighborhood criterion, simulating decisions within wider

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    fields where action-at-a-distance can take place, thus moving these models from the strict premise

    of CA to what Albin (1975) has called cell-space models.

    Anas (1986) refers to these kinds of models as physicalist. In fact, what Anas really had in mind

    was the previous generation of land use-transport models which only superficially appealed to

    economic mechanisms, with the implied criticism that such models should incorporate markets and

    their clearing much more explicitly. This has not really happened; the kinds of complexity that have

    come to dominate our thinking, has largely broken with this previous generation of models on the

    premise that static physicalist (or geographical) and economic models could never embrace the

    kinds of dynamics that generate urban complexity. However the new models are even more

    physicalist. Although an argument can be made that, in some situations, such physical-based models

    might be useful in modeling the development process for example, the CA or cell-space type

    models that have been developed to date are considerably less applicable than the operational

    models originally developed a generation or more ago which are still being applied in an urban

    policy-making context. It is in this sense then that CA or CS models applied to urban development

    still largely remain pedagogic vehicles and it is important to note that most of these have not been

    motivated by policy-makers faced with practical problems.

    The four models that illustrate these dilemmas are significant in that they are all serious applications

    which attempt to match model predictions against actual observations. One of the first CA models

    developed by White and Engelen (1993) simulated the development of land use in a hypothetical

    city with the same kinds of dimensions as the medium sized US cities of Cincinnati, Houston,

    Milwaukee and Atlanta in 1966. This model broke directly with the notion that neighborhoods

    should be local. Somewhat arbitrary decisions about the size of neighborhoods were made, arbitrary

    in that there was no sensitivity testing of the models predictions with respect to varying the size of

    these neighborhoods. The standard neighborhood chosen was based on a circular neighborhood of

    radius six cells containing some 113 cells in total and being divided in 19 distinct distance bands. In

    fact, probabilities for development of each cell in this neighborhood varied inversely with respect to

    distance from the central cell, and as such the entire model could be considered as being a cell space

    equivalent of a simple population density model but with as many poles of development as cells in

    the system. A simple hierarchy of land uses was imposed on the simulation and the growth in each

    time period was constrained to match measured values, with the cells for development being chosen

    until the growth limit was reached.

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    In this application, it is hard to see how anything that is not already built into the data of the model

    and its structure can explain the resultant city growth, which is what one might expect. The seeds of

    growth are all important and the model can be regarded as simulating a relatively simple diffusion

    of an existing structure whose future form is strongly conditioned by the shape of the city embodied

    in its initial conditions. Although CA is invoked as a mechanism for growth and representation, this

    model is similar to a land use model of the Hansen (1959) variety in which land use is located

    according to relative accessibility of cells but with the spatial system being rigorously laid out on a

    grid with limited accessibility fields of no more than six cells in radius

    A second model that developed by Clarke and Gaydos (1998) for the simulation of urban growth

    over long historical time periods since the late 18th century for San Francisco and the Washington-

    Baltimore corridor relaxes the neighborhood assumption entirely in that cells are chosen for

    development across the entire space without any constraints imposed by local neighborhoods. In

    fact, this kind of cell space model is based on computing a development potential for each cell

    based on nearness to roads, topographic slope, and constraints on land to be urbanized with already

    developed cells being the seeds for growth which occurs through breeding and local diffusion

    which appears to be based on the fact that cells near to those that breed are more likely to be

    favored for new locations. In this sense then, there is a neighborhood effect but the size of such

    neighborhoods does not seem to be fixed in extent. In fact, the model probably works by

    considering the factors such as nearness to roads, slopes and constraints not as any composite index

    of potential but as stages in the simulation of new development. This model, which is hardly a CA

    in the traditional sense of the term and is more like a land development model, has in fact been

    calibrated to data over the long historical times periods considered. The various mechanisms and

    weights of the factors influencing development roads, slopes, other constraints etc. are fixed by

    an exploration of the solution space within which the model is operated. It is not entirely clear how

    large this space is, nor if the weights produced are time dependent or unique in their convergence

    against some best fitting statistics although the model does produce plausible and well-fitting

    patterns. Again the structure of the model is simplistic and there is no sense that anything surprising

    emerges from its structure although this is not what was intended.

    Wu (1998) has developed a number of idealized CA-like models for land development where the

    focus is on choosing the best transition rules for development within neighborhoods where

    development takes place. In fact, this is what Clarke and Gaydos (1998) do, although they focus on

    simple methods for determining weights empirically through conventional methods of calibration

    using trial and error fitting within the solution space. Wu (1998) invokes more structured methods

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    which are based on considering the importance of different factors, one to another, in influencing

    decisions to develop zones. He suggests that a method, called the analytic hierarchy process, be

    used where a consistent weight set is extracted through pairwise comparisons made by a decision-

    makers in their consideration of each factor against one another. This method is used to develop the

    transition rules for land development in the city of Guanzhou in southern China where the

    neighborhood is based on the nine cell Moore neighborhood. The interest here is that this is an

    example where consistent weights are derived for the transition rules using substantive comparisons

    which can be related to what we know about how land uses are developed. There are also methods

    which we will not review here for generating weights on land development which can be

    incorporated in the simulation through cell transition rules. These take large sets of known

    transitions and extract weights of factors embodying independent data which might explain these

    rules using techniques such as neural nets, and related methods of AI (Papini et al., 1998).

    Our final example also involves a model for regional urban development in southern China in

    Guandong province which has been subject to rapid urbanization in the last 20 years. Xia and Yeh

    (2000) have built several CA-like models of this region and have also recently attempted to fit their

    models using neural net methods as alluded to in the previous paragraph. Here however we will

    focus upon the way in which they handle land constraints in the model. In essence, they define each

    cell as having a land development potential which takes account of the extent to which that land is

    constrained from development. Apart from binding constraints which restrict any land from

    development, the cell size at which they are operating is such that only a proportion of the cell

    might be developed and this needs to be reflected in the way constraints are handled. In fact, this is

    a feature which is not discussed in any of the previous models although it must be important given

    that the cell sizes tend to be rather large in all cases. Only when the cells reach the level of

    resolution of the plot is it possible to design a model in which state transitions are discrete in the

    development sense. Xia and Yehs model handles this issue rather well but the size of the

    neighborhood is fixed at the entirely local level and the problem of action-at-a-distance is defined

    away in their model. For issues of sprawl, this model may be well-suited although it is not very

    different from the kinds of models developed for handling urban growth at the cell level in the

    1950s and 1960s.

    To illustrate the difficulties facing empirical testing of these types of model which we also face in

    our own work, we will extend the standard CA model to incorporate mobile cells agents which

    interact with each other through a layer of cells which represent fixed locations defining the city.

    This model is designed to show how a large metropolitan area with the dimensions of Chicago can

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    be simulated over the last 200 years from the time when it was a small trading post prior to its

    growth as the key market for the mid-Western United States. Here we will assume the local nine

    cell von-Neumann neighborhood and place seven seed sites across the region at Chicago, Madison,

    Milwaukee, Gary, South Bend, Lansing, and Grand Rapids. Each cell in the region can be occupied

    by any number of agents its population and the model is driven by agents reproducing and

    spreading in the search for developable sites around their initial seeds. Cells have five different

    attributes: developed or not, developable or not, and a measure of size based on the number of

    agents located there at any one time. We have defined seven rules which we consider agents can

    invoke when deciding to locate. These rules are plausible and are culled from the literature rather

    than from any considered analysis of the land development process over the last 200 years, although

    there is a good, general literature that has informed our specifications (Cronon, 1991).

    Rule 1: Developable sites: cells develop which meet pre-existing constraints on land


    Rule 2: Compact growth: agents locate on cells as close to the basic seeds or growth

    poles as is possible

    Rule 3: Hub-influenced growth: agents develop cells to maximize agglomeration


    Rule 4: Road-influenced growth: linear routes attract agents, thus


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    Rule 5: Scattered growth: agents develop

    cells by leapfrogging the growing cluster to optimize access

    Rule 6: Bifurcated growth: agents develop new cells which connect and compete with

    the existing cells

    Rule 7: Decline: cells lose their attraction to growth as they age or lose their comparative advantage

    Figure 3: The Seven Rules Used by Agents in their Search for Cells to Develop The seven rules are illustrated graphically in Figure 3. First cells are only developed if there are no

    constraints on their development. This rule has a major influence on structure and in a sense,

    represents the exclusion of sites which we know we cannot simulate. Of course, if we were to

    exclude all sites that have not been developed at the final simulation date we are aiming towards,

    then we might simulate the development exactly, thus restricting the model entirely to a simulation

    of only what had been developed already. Clearly the use of constraints in this way must be a matter

    for good judgment. The second rule assumes that growth is compact, thus optimizing the economies

    of local agglomeration but this is contrasted by the third rule that suggests that local centers might

    attract development disproportionately if they get a head start through random decisions. Rules 2

    and 3 thus balance the forces of centralization against those of decentralization. Rule 4 implies that

    agents locate to maximize their accessibility and thus have a tendency to locate along roads, while

    the sixth rule allows the possibility of growth bi

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